tv Public Works Commission SFGTV November 10, 2024 5:00pm-8:00pm PST
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raise your hand icon in the webinar. you may also comment from outsidef= the chamber by dialing (415) 655-0001 and using the meeting id of 26638674780. pound, pound. and to raise your hand to speak, press the star three bu star three and the telephone login infoio also available on pages one and two of for up to three minutes per item, and you'll receive a 32nd notice when your speaking time is about to expire. in the event we have many commenters on an item, the chair may reduce public comment time to less than three minutes per person. unless you are speaking under general public comment. please note you must limit topic of the agenda item being discussed. if commenters do not stay on topic, the chair may interrupt and ask you to limit
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submit comments in writing via our email address of public works commission at sf, dpw, .org or by mail to 49 south van ness, suite 1600, san francisco, california behalf of the commission, we extend our thanks to sfgovtv building management and media services staff for supporting this meeting. chair post, thank you. before calling the next item, i woul like to amend today's agenda as follows i would like to suggest we postpone item six, the public works capital right of way infrastructure projects, coordination efforts to the december 9th meeting. commissioner wolford had requested this presentation and was unable to by8e here today. e does anticipate being able to attend on the ninth. and so i'd like to suggest we move that item to that meeting. are there
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any objections to that? great. thank you, chair post, because that is postponing. we will need a motion here. public comment and have a vote. alrighty. if there's no discussion, i will move to move item six to the december 9th meeting or to a meeting where commissioner wolford is in attendance. second, thank you. please open this item to public comment. on the on the motion to postpone item six to a later commission date made by chair post. the public is welcome to make comments on this motion. if you're commenting from if you were here in person, please line up against the wall for this from the door. and if you're commenting from outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized. and no one has
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approached on this motion and there are no callers have raised their hand on it either. so that concludes public comment. thank you.■■ if there's no discussion, all in favor of the motion, please say aye or yes. i and the motion carries unanimously. thank you very much. if there are no other amendments or changes to today's agenda, we'll move on to the next item, which is announcements by chair, commissioners and secretary. i have just one announcement today. i'd like to call out as i always do, the most recent edition of the department newsletter in the works. this was the october edition. it features several public works projects that director short has scribed to us at prior meetings, including the tenderloin graffiti wipeout project with neighborhood leaders and volunteers participating, along with department staff. the newly titled burnside steps in glen park, and transit improvements in street paving right outside city hall. the newsletter also
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featured a description of a very delicate a r rod installation on the roof of the newly renovated 911all center and the october's love our city neighborhood cleanup in the sunset. finally, it concluded with photos of the public works staff's excellent halloween displays that were crafted by employees for the department's annual in-house pumpkin carving and decorating competition. we have many talents here in the department. that concludes my announcement. do any of my colleagues have an announcement today? if not, secretary fuller, do you have any announcements today? my only announcement is just to highlight the advanced calendar for commissioners and members of the public. and this is a planning document attached to each agenda. and wanting to make sure that folks see this and especially for any presentations that are forthcoming. chair post and i do work date as possible, though
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it is subject to change and some things to think about for the near future is we do have election of officers at our final meeting of the calendar year on december 20th to look at that, as well as a number of capital project updates that are scheduled and other informational items that may be of interest to both commissions and the public. and that concludes my report. thank you. please open this item to public comment■. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item one, announcements by the chair, commissioners and secretary may line up against the wall furthest from the door. and if you are commenting from outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star three on your phone to be recognized. and we do not
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have any speakers in person and noneave raised their hand through our through the telephone either. so that concludes public comment. thank you. please call the next item. item two is the director's report and communications public works director carla shaw is here to present this is an informational item. good morning, commissioners. carla shaw, director. well, you may have heard that there was an election and i wanted to bring to your attention proposition b, it's a $390 million general obligation bond. the measure appears headed to victory with 71% of the vote in the yes column. according to the latest% plus one vote to win@■n. passage would provide funding for projects that will involve public works design, construction management and
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contracting teams, community health centers, zuckerberg san francisco general hospital, laguna honda hospital, public plazas, parks, rec centers, and homeless shelters. the bond also provides up to 63.9 million for street and sidewalk safety projects, and includes some funding for paving and curb ramps. this funding istical to improving and keeping our public infrastructure in good repair and helping advance our efforts as a city to provide public health services and shelter for the unhoused. commissioner blume, you closuref the great highway under the proposition k ballot measure will affect our paving projects? the bottom line we don't expect any major impacts at this time. over the last 15 years, we've resurfaced!d■) close to 600 blos in the sunset district, so most of the streets should be in fairly good condition. after the sunset paving project and the upcoming 19th avenue caltrans paving project, there aren't any other major north south corridors scheduled for paving
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in the near future. the great highway is also the furthest west north south road and is currently closed on the weekends without impact to our current paving projects. that said, we willonitor the condition of the roads in the sunset district, just as we do citywide, to see what, if any, impacts changing traffic patterns have and take appropriate action as needed. the golden gate park gateway on november 1st, the city held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the new landscaped golden gate park gateway at ninth avenue and lincoln way in the inner sunset, one of the main entrances to the park. public works designed and planned the project on behalf of the recreation and parks department. the design offers a new plaza space and 6000ft!s of fresh landscaping. in addition, the redesign of the a for pedess entering and leaving the park. in this very busy high traffic area. i have always thought that entrance was a little crazy, so a big shout out to public works
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landscape architect nicholas ansell for his wonderful design. it's really, really beautiful. speaking of landscape architecture, construction on the major overhaul■; of the peae plaza in japantown is making good progress. if you have a chance to go by, it's very cool looking. public works is providing not just the landscape design, but also architecture and engineering services and managing construction. in addition to giving the plaza a new look, the renovation includes work on the iconic peace pagoda, which the people of japan gifted to the people of the united states more than a half century ago. our structural engineers found that the reinforced concrete structure, built in five tiers and 100ft tall, is seismically vulnerable. to shore it up, the support columns will be wrapped in fiberglass reinforced plastic and forth thick cables will run along the sides of the columns from the pagoda's top tier into the parking garage below. this
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past week, crews erected the construction scaffolding around the pagoda. it's not every day in san francis■=co that you seea pagoda wrapped in scaffolding. it's a very cool looking. so it's a really interesting project and clearly a very challenging one, t extremely important to the community. so we're very proud to be part of this project. we broke ground on the plaza redo in april, and construction is expected to wrap up in 2026. chair post, thank you for mentioning our quick build safety project outside of city hall. as i mentioned previously, the redesign was part of the city's quick build initiative aimed at making city streets safer for people who walk and bike along high injury corridors. cent masons with our bureau of urban forestry provided gutter upgrades and repairs to the street concrete base, as well as building some small concrete triangles. not sure what they're called. then the department's bureau of building and street repair worked on the paving restoration, including grinding out the old asphalt layer and
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adding a n one. public works engineers were also involved in project delivery and then the sfmta we joined mayor breed and representatives from the sfmta at a ceremony 29th to mark the completion of the safety improvementsand finally, i would like to invite you to join us tomorrow at our love our city neighborhood beautification day. it's our last neighborhood beautification day of the year. we will be the district nine to clean and green the portola mission and bernal heights neighborhoods. the kickoff is at 9 a.m. at doctor martin luther king junior academic middle schoo w 300 bacs as mentioned, this is o last work day of the season, and we will recommence in january. and that is it for my report. i'm available questions. thank you. thanks for repng resw
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that would affect public works. the kitchen sink bond is it was affectionately referred to by some. i would like to get an update on the japanese peace plaza capital project. would my colleagues be interested in an update on that or not necessary? yes, yes. yeah. sorry. you you should have mentioned it because i would like to add this to our forward calendar, please, secry fuller, that we haven't heard about this project for a while. it sounds like there's been a lot of progress. i think we did approve a contract for it, that's why. yeah. so i it must have slipped through the cracks on putting it for an annual update after the contract was approved. so if we can if you could work secretary fuller with the pertinent sff pr an update, our our standard capital project update, that would be very helpful. thank you. any questions or comments for director short? all right. please open this item to public comment. members of the public who wish to make three minutes two, the director's report may
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line up against the wall furthest from the door, and if commenting from outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in star three on yoe to be recognized. and no one has approached on this item, and we do not have any callers expressing interest in speaking on it either. so that concludes public comment. thank you. please call the next item item three is general public comment, which is for topics under the commission's mandate but not related to a specific item on today's agenda. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of general public comment in person may again line up against the wall for this from the door. and if you're commenting from outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone.■
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no one has approacto public com, and no one has expressed interest in speaking on it through webex either. so that concludes general public comment. thank you. please call the next item. item four is the consent calendar of routine matters. it includes the draft minutes from the october 28th meeting of the public works commission and one contract award. please note that thedrafn corrected for clarity, and these corrections are reflected in the documents posted on the commission's website. and■
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>> okay, we do not have in person commenters, or those calling de concludes public comment. >> thank you. no further comments all in favor aye, or yes. aye. consent calendar is adopted unanimously and resolution for item 4b will be posted to the commission website. please call the next item. ■ >> turning to the regular calendar, item 5 is capital project update from
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the street resurfacing program regarding the sunset boulevard various locations number 60 and various locations number 61 projects. and project manager paul is here to present this item. it is an informational item. good morning commissioners. director short. city attorney and secretary fuller. paul, a project manager for the public works street resurfacing program and today we'll do a first update on street resurfacing. sunset boulevard. the various location 60 and various location 61. i have 20 a short bac jump into the three projects. the street resurfacing program philosophy is right the right price. our program really took off in
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the early 2000's prior to the 2000's the budget was around 20million a year and that was definitely not enough to maintain our conditions. in 2011, there was a $200 million plus bond that helped boost our need for payment and resurfacing, and since 2011 our annual budget has been approximately 70, $80 million a year for street resurfacing and paving so that is over a billion dollars investment in the fetework. network. we have a score from 0 -100 and that was a d to the early 2000 and are raised it to 75 today. that is only possible with hundreds of city employees and public works staff that made this possible. we have designers, construction magers, operations teams,
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accountants, finance and definitely all the admin staff thatmaible. i'm only one person here today, it is hundreds people that made this possible over the last decadelus. ion criteria for the street program is 6 main criteria. we something called the pavement condition index score or pci score. this is a from 0-100 with 0 a worse street and hundred a brand new street. we consider multimodal routes. is the street used for transit, bicycle, vehicle, small wheeled vehicles and how are these streets planned to be used in the future. project readiness and coordination is a really really big factor when we look into projects for paving. paving is usually the very last
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phase of work. we want to make sure all the utilities under the roadway are okay so when we come and pave it isn't ripped upright away and we have a 5 year moratorium after paving so once it is paved it can't be touched for 5 years without pen al tez. alities. there is exceptions, new service or a emergency. jeo graphic equiy. we want to pave in all 11 districts and neighborhood said throughout the city. we do address inquiries that come in for paving and we have a data base that logs them. we receive currently around hundred to 200 inquiries a year. folks asking when is my block going to be paved and of course funding. we plan for $75 million, $80 million a year just enough to maintain the status quo, but if we get less we have to adjust and more we have to adjust.
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>> this is a very important slide. i have a question on the pci score. who sets that? isthat a state test or city ral that score? >> sure. there are for roads. states have a certain rating system. for cities we like the 0-100. all 110 jurisdictions in the bay area we use this scale, the pci scale and this e developed by the regional mpo, metropolitan transportation commission, the group that tries to get transportation funds to the bay area. we compete with sacramento, l a, san diego, so once the funding comes to the state, then these larger areas compete for the money. once in the bay area the counties compete for the money and we are city county so we get all of it, but ties within the county compete for
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the money. >> great. thank you. it is region s we are always looking against other bay area cities? >> right. >> okay. >> [indiscernible] >> yes, before the region pushed everyone to go to the same scoring system we did have our own scoring system. once they set up the scoring system, it is third party. the are certified coultants and the idea is a street rated in san francisco, the same reads in oakland or san jose and it is all calibrated. i think it is a very useful tool to make sure the bay area can show how we are doing and where the needs are within the bay area. >> thank you. please continue. >> this just to hone on
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coordination for a bit. my colleague a presentation on coordination in early december. just a visual on the left of a typical roadway and you see paving is a very small portion of the roadway. there are lots of utilities under the roadway and those are depicted by the cylinders under the roadway. we have to consider the sidewalks, the medians, traffic lights, we consider the corners. muni frucktd. infrastructure. it seems simple to pave, we want to make sure the investment-we don't pave and cut up the new of the 5 year coordination software. currently it is called dot maps. it is really nice overlay on google maps and there is picture of whether the planned work and work going on in the city right now color coded
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by different agencies. for the street resurfacing program, we maintain approximately 13 thousand blocks within the city. there is approximately 16 thousand blocks within the city, so all most every block it is public works maintained block. certain areas are not maintained by us. state highways and there are state highways at the street level such as van ness, lombard, sloat and 19th. those are caltrans right of ways. the parks are rec park and some areas on the coastline are port roads. and some of the small alley ways are d. the vast majority are maintained by public works. since the early 2000 we resurfaced all most 9 thousand blocks throughout the city and still have 2500 plus to go. we are what we call a evergreen
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program, which means, probably the blocks we pave 15-20years ago are ready for treatment again. it is ongoing cycle and funding is always needed to keep things going. pci is key performance indicator and one number we really like is easy for us to understand. this is the pci scale, 0-100. red is very poor and those are streets with a score between 0-25. poor in orange and picture below to give you a general feeling of how the streets would look and those are 25-50. the at risk, 50-60 is the streets we want to do somethin is more expensive and then we have good and excellent. streets in very poor can cost up to a million dollars to pave one block. whereas, the streets in the at risk are
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around $200 thousand and the streets in the good could be ascheap as 50-hundred thousand. one of the philosophies is right road right treatment right time and maintain what we have as well. we try to resurface as many streets at the risk and good and keep in good and slowly tackle the very poor streets. that is industry wide philosophy best management practice for this asset. here we have a map of san francisco on the left and the current pavement condition index for all the streets. as of 2023, we do the annual survey in december we have updated numbers for 2024. on the far right is the same pci scale. we grouped into buckets like a stoplight. the red is the worst streets, yellow is the medium and green are the since 2014, you could see with our
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philosophy and with our practices we increased the amount of green streets overall throughout the city. that is pretty good. we held about 200 streets at any time, which is less then 1 percent in the very very poor and those 200 streets are all most never the same 200 streets year to year. i move up into the orange or green just because of small paving, sometimes we do full paving to 100, but never are the same 200 streets left there for years and years. we always try to address them within a few years. and then, for the question on condition index, san francisco are at 75. san jose they use pci at 69. the bay area as a whole is at 67. oakland is at 54 right now. we did have a jump start. i do talk to colleagues in san jose and oakland and we did self-help
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measures in 2011. i think san jose did one in early 2020's so they should move their score and oakland is doing some now, we are 10-15 years aheads. the challenge is sustainable reliable and constant funding so even though they get the first years to wit backlog of streets they are in the same challenge looking for 10 year funding source or something more stable. with that, if there is any questions on the background, otherwise i can jump into the first project. >> commissioner blume. >> thank you, this is tremendously informative particularply for me as a newer commissioner to see the holistic view. a question on slide 7 that you showed us. it appears that many of the poor and risk and very poor blocks here are aligned with transit lines.
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is that the case? is that just my casual view of the map or is there correlation there? >> buses and heavy vehicles and garbage trucks do contribute to deterioration faster. one pass of a bus is equivalent to 10 to 15 thousand cars driving down the street. if with 5 interval buses or garbage trucks always going through that are very dense and heavy and contribute to the wear and tear of the street more then just a regular vehicle. >> okay, thank you. >> we'll go into the first project. sure. >> [indiscernible] how much of increase to the budget would it take to go to 75 to 80? >> the state of good repair, the optimal spot where you do most
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of the preservation or cheaper treatments, we need the neor 85 and that would take another $1.5 billion investment over 10 years. we wouldn't be able to do it overnoget, night, but $150 million a year from 75 to 85 and that is 10 years in a row. >> now we are at 80? >> 75. >> 75. [indiscernible] >> our budget is around 75 as well. >> to push up to 80 the budget needs to increase [indiscernible] >> yep. >> i do it, but ea >> i second that. [laughter] >> okay. the first project i'll go over one of three with a very similar format, we awarded the sunset pavement renovation project in september of 23and
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started construction in december of 23 with construction duration approximately year and a half and our construction budget around $8.6 million and contractors r & s construction management. sunset boulevard is one stretch along the whole sunset boulard from lake merced to lincoln way and 42 blocks of paving, 18 intersections, 20bus stops and 23 rb ramps. we have before and after pi sunset boulevard. the pictures of sunset boulevard and noriega. the picture on the left and the picture on the right is the condition after our project went through. the gray area on the right is hat we call a bus pad. when buses come in and out of intersections we want them to sit on the bus pad so that they don't
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deteriorate the street as much. the bus pads are meant to hold buses when they stop and sta■rt and the s stop where the orange barricades are will be located there moving forward. here is another picture of sunset boulevard. we have a new curb ramp and this location is sunset and ocean. we have a new curb mp or curb ramps sidewalk rner as well ■" and another bus pad on the side there. u can see the paving on the far right, the new pavement. one thing as project manager we like to look at is scope schedule and budget. we organized this one with i think time, scope and expenditures. the top blue bar is time elapsed from beginning of the projefar left december and have the days elapsed colored
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so 336 days elapsed and 196 days remaining on the contract. on this project we are 70 percent complete which is good. usually the percent complete is a little behind the this we did coordinate with our contractor to see if we can expedite and finish this job before the 19th avenue paving job, so that both corridors are not under construction at the same time. we are on track for sunset to be mostly completed by this year or early next year and then 19th is supposed to start in summer of 2025. our expenditures typically trailed scope completed. once the scope is completed the contractor sends the bill,make payments. i think this number is maybe a month or two old, but they charged $1.4 million for this project and still have another $7 million to charge on the
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job. that's sunset boulevard. no questions eel polk go to the second one. >> i like to say, congratulations on being ahead of schedule. fantastic news. thank you. >> the second project is 60 and sewer relacement. we awarded this project in july 2023, started construction in february 2024. this project is closer to 2 years in construction and the project owes about $11 million and with change for the fl entire project. the location for this project are mostly district 2. we have a few locations in district 3, 4, 5 and 7. spread out throughout the sit city.
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this shows another corner where we upgraded the curb ratches. ramps . you see the two curb ramps on the right with a new concrete gutter and catch basin and pavement on the bottom right there. here is a block paved. this is presidio and jackson street. new pavement. there is new striped cross walk on the left again as the old picture, on the right is new paving. and i think on this one there is new concrete gutter on the far right. for this project we have similar format with the elapsed time. we have 270 days elapsed and 423 days
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remaining. on this one we completed around 50 percent of the scope so 50 percent of the scope remaining and we expeneded little over $2 million ith $9 million to go. any questions on number 60? i'll go to the last one. various location pavement renovation 61. we awarded this contract about a year september 23. we started construction in december 23 and this is only a year long with the contract amount around $6.4 million. this project is mostly in the southeast part of the in district 9, 10 and 11 and has 42 ■blocks of paving
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on this one, we tried to show a picture on the left of what the street looked like before and we were able to grab a picture as we were grinding off the road. the picture on the left was the existing pavement. on the right is what it looks like when they take off the pavement and about to pave. on the very far right of the other picture is what the street looks like after it is paved.e% this is at enderson and hawes. here is another corner in various location project 61 at san bruno and sweeney. sometimes we do upgrade ramps where all is already a ramp. we like two directional ramps. you see the two curb ramps with the yellow domes and new sidewalk and obviously the new pavebment. i have a lot of curb ramp
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pictures as the curb ramps are about a third of the paving budget is spent on curb ramps. we wanted to highlight all the accessibility we have been improving over the years. this project is nearing completion. on the top the project started december 23 and 309 days elapsed and all most done. we completed 90 percent of the work. scope completed bar in the gray and we expended most of the budget at $6.1 million and probably have a few one or two progress payments left for the remaining $250 thousand or so. thank you. i would like to say, the pto is contract a month. we are on various locations number 61 in construction. we already in design through
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various location high 80 and we have corridors coming up, so a lot of the projects may look very similar but we are doing-we do about 40 blocks per project and the goal is to do around 500 a year. that is the goal for the last few years and hope with the budget we can maintain that goal. >> thank you. i thought this presentation was excellent when i took a look at it before the meeting. io the overview and introductory slides to the program i thought were really really helpful so thank you very much for preparing those. wouldn't be bad to have them each year as a quick review for people tuning in for the first time who don't know the backgrounds. congratulations on all the projects. sunset and 60 are probably finished ahead of schedule. you willing to say that in a public meeting? [laughter] >> there is tidbits befo hundred percent.
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>> okay, please extend the commission thanks to the project team delivering the projects on time or possibly ahead of schedule. thank you very much. any questions -íor comments? commissioner blume. >> just reiterate this is a very helpful summary presentation to give a high level overview in a consolidated fashion. the repaving, resurfacing work happening around this area, i appreciate that and appreciate seeing how is able to maintain the work flow, budget and city wide projects. congratulations and very helpful. thank you. >> commissioner zoubi. >> i want to congratulate you on this report. seeing the completion scope and elapsed time and coordination between all this is just-you are doing a great
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job making sure that moving smoothly. just want to congratulate you, thank you. >> thank you. if there are no more questions or comments, please open the item to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item 5, project update for the street resurfacing program for sunset boulevard various locations number 60 ions number 61, may line up against the wall where the tv is and if you are commenting from outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone to zbe recognized. no one approached and we dont have callers for either so that
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concludes public comment. >> thank you. please call the next item on the agenda. >> for the benefit of the public, just to point out that during the agenda changes portion of this meeting, item 6 was postponed to a later meeting so we'll skip over item 6 and it is heard later, likely december 9. and then we'll move on to item 7, which is the public works commission statement of purpose and this is a action item. previously, the commission statement of purpose was adopted as part of the rules of order. it was the at the very top of the rules of order. following input from the june civil grand jury report, it became apparent it is better to adopt a statement of purpose on its own and have it
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be a separate. chair post and i researched the other commissions statements and the drafted attach to today's agenda represents the best practices from our research. happy to take any e about the proposed statement. i do want to note one late minute change to the draft document that has been posted. there is updated language on page 3 of the document to clarify the actual powers of the commission are as listed, but not limited to that list necessarily. i can display that. one moment. if sfgovtv could show the clerk pc.
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the highlighted text previously had discussed the commission's powers and then listed them, but just make these are the significant powers, but not limited to these. happy to take any questions about that correction or the statement in general. >> since i helped draft this, i have no comments or questions on it, and hope you will adopt it. does anyone have questions or comments? commissioner blume. >> to clarify, the change that you made, does that-had that been run through the city attorney office? >> it has. >> [indiscernible] >> it has. >> great. thank you. >> commissioner turner. >> i move that we approve. i'll
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>> thank you. please open the motion to public comment. >> just to clarify, commissioner turner made the motion and vice chair zoubi seconded it, correct? okay, great. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on the motion to approve item 7, the public works commission statement of purpose, may line up against the wall where the tv is.mmenting oticid the chamber press raise your hand or star 3 on your phone to be recognized. no one approached on this item, and we do not have any callers who expressed interest in it either. that concludes public comment. >> thank you. if no questions or discussion
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all in favor say aye or yes. it pass said unanimously and like to thank depy city attorney tom for his help for statement of purpose and it will be posted to the commission website and also i believe sent to the mayor and board of supervisors, isn't that correct secretary fuller? >> that is correct. >> thank you. alright. please call the next item on agenda. >> item 8 is new business initiated by commissioners and this is an opportunity for commissioners to suggest business for a future agenda and it is an informational item. >> thank you. i have one proposal for new business, if it meets approval of colleagues. this provides public works strategic plan. i did read the 4 page brief about the plan posted oen the department website. i found it very informative. this is a very important public document that tells the cipubli are the priorities and plans for executing the priorities. i like to request a
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presentation on the strategic plan three goals and the supporting objectives explaining how each will be met and by when, what is measures of success and how will the department and public know if and when they have these goals and objectives. i will let secretary fuller work with director short for a presentation if that meets with everyone's approval. great. thauj. thank you. any other request for new em to comment. >> members of the public who wish to comment on item 8, new business initiated by commissioners, may line up is and if e wall where the commenting outside the chamber, press the raise the webinar or star 3 on your phone to be recognized.
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no in person commenters approached and we do have any callers who express interest either so that concludes public comment. >> thank you. i believe we probably do not need item 9, the next item. is that correct? >> item 9 is not necessary because we did not exceed the 15 minute limit on public comment for item 3. >> alright. great. i'm looking when the next meeting i 25. thank you very much. alrighty. our next meeting will be in this room 408 city hall on monday november 25 right before the thanksgiving holiday.k you very much and we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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we do a lot of the big sexy jobs, the stacked towers, transit center, a lot of the note worthy projects. i'm second generation construction. my dad was in it and for me it just felt right. i was about 16 when i first started drafting home plans for people and working my way through college. in college i became a project engineer on the job, replacing others who were there previously and took over for them. the transit center project is about a million square feet. the entire floor is for commuter buses to come in and drop off, there will be five and a half acre city park accessible to everyone. it has an amputheater and water
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marsh that will filter it through to use it for landscaping. bay area council is big here in the area, and they have a gender equity group. i love going to the workshops. it's where i met jessica. >> we hit it off, we were both in the same field and the only two women in the same. >> through that friendship did we discover that our projects are interrelated. >> the projects provide the power from san jose to san francisco and end in the trans bay terminal where amanda was in charge of construction. >> without her project basically i have a fancy bus stop. she has headed up the women's network and i do, too. we have exchanged a lot of ideas on how to get groups to work
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together. it's been a good partnership for us. >> wome play leadership role in this field.■3 >> i tell him thatbehind, his w. he starts dropping f-bombs and i say if you're going to talk to me like that, the meeting is over. so these are the challenges that we face over and over again. the reality, okay, but it is getting better i think. >> it has been great to bond with other women in the field. we lack diversity and so we have to support each other and change the culture a bit so more women see it as a great field that they can succeed in. >> what drew me in, i could use more of my mind than my body to get the work done. >> it's important for women to
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network with each other, especially in the percentage of women and men in construction is so different. it's hard to feel a part of something and you feel alone. >> it's fun to play a leadership role in an important project, this is important for the transportation of the entire >> to have that person -- of women coming into construction, returning to construction from family leave a creating the network of women that can rely on each other. >> women are the main source of income in your household. show of hands. >> people are very charmed with that there's a dad at home instead of a mom. you won't have gender equity in the office until it's at home. >> whatever you do, be the best you can be. don't say i can't do it, you can
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>> my family's starts in mexico in a small town. my parents are from a very, very small town. so small, that my dad's brother is married to one of my mom's sisters. it's that small. a lot of folks from that town are here in the city. like most immigrant families, my parents wanted a better life for us. my dad came out here first. i think i was almost two-years-old when he sent for us. my mom and myself came out here. we moved to san francisco early on. in the mission district and moved out to daily city and bounced back to san francisco. we lived across the street from the ups building. for me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving up and down the street keeping us awake at night. when i was seven-years-old and i'm in charge of making sure we
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get on the bus on time to get to school. have to make sure that o our homework. it's a lot of responsibilfo the weekends were always for family. we used to get together and whether we used to go watch a movie at the new mission theater andhe to kentucky fried chicken. that was big for us. we get kentucky fried chicken on sunday. whoa! go for me, home is having something where you are all together. whether it's just together for dinner it's together for breakfast or sharing a special moment at the holidays. whether it's thanksgiving or chstmas or birthdays. that is home. being so close to berkley and oakland and san francisco, there's a line. here you don't see a line. even though you see someone that's different from you, they're equal. you've always seen that.
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a rainbow of colors, a ryan bow of persolities. when you think about it you are supposed to be protecting the kids. they have dreams. they have aspiratio. they have goals. and you are take that away from them. right now, the price is a hard fight. they're determined. i mean, these kids, you have to applaud them. their heart is in the right place. there's hope. i mean, out here with the things changing everyday, you just hope the next administration makes a change that makes things right. right now there's a lot of changes on a lot of different levels. the oys for the future of these young kids and young folks that are getting into politics to make the right move and for■h■@ the s who can't speak. >> dy mind motion. >> even though we have a lot of fighters, there's a lot of voice less folks and their voiceless because they're scared.■u
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i'm manny i come from the navajo and comanche tribes i'm honored to be the mc for tonight's events. >> i want to read a land acknowledgment put together by the indigenous people of this area. in the ramaytush ohlone language. says we acknowledge we are on the unseed home lands of the ramaytush ohlone. who arehe original inhab tantss of the san francisco
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peninsula. as the stewads accordance with n community never lost nor forgot the responsibilities as care takers of this place. as well people who is reside in the traditional territory. as guests we recognize we nefit from living and working on their traditional home lands. we wish to pay respects acknowledging the irrelevant tifs of the ramaytush ohlone people and thank them for allowing us to be here in their territory. at this time i need a no one if there is a portable or hand will held microphone if -- right on, i got the queue. gi will bring a microphone down and ask an elder tom phillips, to in to th middle here he will offer a traditional blessing.
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and why they are the way they are. folks, i ask to you rise as we offer a prayer as i turn mic over to mr. tom phillips. >> thank you, mann a poignant time to come together here at the celebration the award ceremony. knowing that our mayor will leave us. it is a sad heart she has been the driving force bring us togeer that her successor will continue this effort in our community it is need over the years to be ■1 recognized. >> this is a community in san francisco. we have a beautiful history back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s and 80s. a relocation center for the bureauf affairs to bring our people in the ■community. to find work and opportunity.
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we appreciate all the effort that the mayor london provide for us. through her staff and throrepre. we appreciate that. let's go to our creator, as native people before we begin anything we offer prayer. we don't separate church and state. it is one in the same. i will offer a prayer. creator we call upon you at this time. to be with us we8x we are grateful for the years of service of the mayor. we ask you to bless her road as she journeys forward and be with her. give her what she needs we appreciate all assistance she provide our community for all of the ones that have been honoredllow thibá ceremony. we thank our singers for being here.
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voices forhe songs that we upon rendzer to celebrate this award and honor. we thank you for the singers provide the music for us. thank you for our master of ceremonies for the introduction of the honorees are in the background taking care of the refreshments and food and everything that will be a part available to us. we thank you for this opportunity and more than that we thank you for the individuals on tonight. their service and dedication. for their involvement in our communities as we continue to lift them up to you, creator, that you wod of them in a good way you provide their they serve our communities. we ask to you be with our audience. we receive. the information about the individuals this are here. we ask to you be with our
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dancers that will share their talents and abilities to come and share with us tonight. we thank you for this day. set aside this occasion. we thank you for all that will be celebrated this we ask all the things. amen. >> you can all remain standing. i know you thought i would what we'll do is have what is called our grand ebb rew a procession of powwow dancers accompanied by singing. we have the all nation's singers. x style representing the northern and southern plains.
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as tom mention in the his to bring our traditional communities from our home landses and othernd regions california, what was create in the this aftermath was a beautiful, vibrant intertribal community. which means multiple tribes we come together in the ways and one way we do this is through our participation and powwows and other communities events. so at this time, we gallon on over to the all nation's singers we bring in our dancers. take it away. [♪music♪] carrying eagle staff
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standing as we go over to so x style to render wt we call our flag song. again, in the beginning you saw randy bring out this eagle staff. that staff was used on the lands long before any flags, any loyalties to any nations. it was a way to represent where we in from and who we are as indigenous peoples. so x style. ■g
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>> all right. now for real at this■ time go ahead and remain standing. kidding, go sit down. >> you know you will needy wha everybody to do in a bit is to make noise for the amazing staff and the staff and team over at the american indian cultural center. with much respect i invite executive director of the american indian cultural center ms. april mc gill. put your hands together for april mc gill!
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i was going to call them out separately. >> i'm going to turn the mooishg over to april. she will talk about her herself or a lot a bit about her staff or vice verseasm again, folks, please put your hands together for april mc gill. >> yea. we -- we everybody. good evening. it is good to see everon really exciting day for our staff. because this event is special to us. it is a time when we honor our community does. that is -- that's the best thing about this event because there are many things happens in the world this are affecting us and
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a time we come together and celebrate. celebrate our communes, each other so, i don't want to talk too much. i want to hand it over to o■ur team to introduce themselves. i'm executive director of the cultural center. and so i wanted to have my staff introduce themselves. >> i'm garcia and i'm the program manager with the american indian cultural center. [applause] hello i'm michael i'm navajo from san francisco and the program cord narrator for the cultural center. [applause]. >> i think it is important to highlight our young people especially they are new up and coming young leaders in the
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community. american indian cultural center we would noted put on the evaporate in the communities if not for the leadership as our program manager. can we give it up for odd celly? [applause] >> i've known michael since we joke, reallyingly. native american health and indian ed program. we get to hire our youth and -- that come in through programs and now working at our organizations. michael is our program cord narrator and are does the community out reach and a lot of set and up bring our community in because he knows everybody and has family in the community. i'm grateful for michael and i want to give gratitude to him as well. [applause]
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>> i said earlier, there has been a lot going on as we got through n an election here. and there has been some feelings of just i'm trying not to bead because i feel like as native people we have been so resilient through many challengesroughout. our people survived boarding schools, genocide and we are still here. and it is through this municipality here in san francisco, it is through the support of our city and county partners and our native organizations like it is native american health center. can i have leaders of that center stand if you are here in the room. i love to amrud those leaders doing the work for our clients. i see michelle ma. she is a leader our elder.
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>> and aroaral be here later. we have i see michellean ton there as well. [applause] we have friendship house as one. or partners who we again could not do this event with >> a lot of clients volunteer their time at our events we are grateful to have that partnership with friendship house. and friendship house is currently building the village here in the american indian cultural district and an amazing building that is going to house our young women and children. our medical and dental and our youth program. so. we are grateful to be able to support helen's vision of the friendship house. and if there are any of those leaders here can you stands up.
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i see peter brat. >> i see -- [laughter]. >> throughout partnerships we have been able to be able to provide a lot of cultural programming for our community. just reasonabl partnered with the american indian cultural district on the indig niezed project put in two murals in the district. wif our native artists. i shere. i will not point him out. it has been awesome for us to part merwith our local artists, california indian artists to create more visibility for our community here. and so it is through the project this is we are able to just -- ton make sure that we have
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visibility for the american inldzian community. and that there is a space and that we are not pushed out. we are not pushed out by big businesses not pushed out bigentrification happening. and we alsoip want to shout out to baits. i realized my relatives -- bates has a building can i get ed to stand up for bates? has a new space in the cultural district. po vieding programming for two relatives and the greater communities. thank you. for all that so i'm going to ask everybody if you could get up on your feet quick. because like i said, earlier. we have been feeling down lately because of some of the politics happen nothing our community. but it is not a time for us to be sad or upon you know that's
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not how we are as indian people. i feel like i want to give some props and congratulations to our mayor breed. for all the work this she has damage for san francisco. [applause] try not to get emotional. i said tonight -- may be our last party here. with our mayor but you know what? we are she will not go anywhere. i'm going to say it now because, i see her as the enemy governor. in the upon senate. i see her all over california!
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she has done so mum for the upon american indian community. done more than any mayor that is not disrespect to anyone but continues to elevate the american indian community. advocating for the village and for more funding with the health center and fore different art's commissions we provide programming for. and understands what the our needs are and how important it is for us to provide the services we do for the american bee stand with her as our relatives and our partner and our sisters we will elevate her. because she has done so much for us. and we are sad it is like when your best friend move us and get sad and know they will not go you will see them. and so i it is my honor to have worked with you. and my honor to introduce mayor
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london breed. >> all right. have a seat, have a seat. >> first of all, thank you so much april for the love and for today's special celebration. that is -- desperately needed. in light of when we know has been a very challenging year. but what i am excited about is how this community come together not only for this at city hall incredible opportunity that we know will continue to enshe leas of the city, that this community
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is supported protect period upliftd and everything to do with your voices and advocacy. >> when i first became mayor of san francisco,ow, many things i wanted do had a lot to do addressing the desparities because of my own personal experience. id the opportunity to appoint someone who is a part of the community to valley brown joining as well. we have been able to make financial investments to address, around health, issues related to supporting and uplifting young people. the arts and all of the things that were really many of the
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things that you all did every day to ensure that the history and the culture of the community was proctsupported. and we know that is needed now more than ever as we continue to make sure that a home is identified and purchased for the american indian cultural center. as we continue to look at the village as a new hub of inspiration and support. as we continue to make sureha the event on alcatraz is >á recognized and acknowledged and invest in the. we know all of the things play an important role in not just talking about indigenous people. but acknowledging and respecting indigenous people to this land. [applause]
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>> tonight city hall will be lit up in the colors that you have chosen. and recognizing just tonight's celebration of uplifting and spirituality. i want to thank you for all t amazing ceremonies that you allowed mow to participate in. i want to thank you for all the prayers and support that you continue to provide me with as i lead this city. i want to thank you for being a spiritual inspiration to me and to the community for so many years and know that even upo though this is my last year as mayor, i will continue to hold this community near and dear in my heart. i thank you for the honor and the privilege of being a part of it. [applause] so, on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, we are going to
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handed me 4 envelopes i know i'm cool but not 4 envelopes cool. >> all right. our first honoree this evening is roger coon. doctor roger coon a 2 spirit [inaudible] cultural they're 5055. activist and roger's work explores the conctsdecolonizing and focusing on the way culture impacts and informs our body experience. a board member of the bay area american indian 2 spirit powwow
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joey montoya. joey montoya apache a multimedia artist, fashion designer and entrepreneur work aimed at redesigning and designing an inclusive world. he is the founder, creative director of urban native era. a fashion brand built to bring indigenous visibility. designs can be seen on the show reservation dogs and sold at rei. featureod abc's local series unfilterd and mention in the magazines like cosmo and vogue. born and raised in san francisco and holds a degree in advertising from san jose state
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university. san francisco. put your hands together for joey montoia! [laughter] our next is isabellea zz. she is northern cheyenne and a member of the 3 affiliated tribe in north dakota born and live nothing rimo california she is an active community organizer who's passionate about climate justice, food justice, youth empower am. rights of nature and cultural preservation. she is the youngest leading member of the idle no more sf bay anduidance and support from the indigenous
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grand mother advisors. as a signatoriest of america's participates or organizes nonviolent direct actions and teachingos eerice and eastbounding nogs >> a movement's right's organizer works with community on rights of nature and with national coalitions to uplift and end fossil fuels andk toward a just transition for healthy world for the next generations. isabellea zz!
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>> our final this evening is karen harrison. her life a test am to the resilience, strength and community dedicionred by her mother. roselee learned early on the power of activism. growing up in the 50 in civil right's march and liveod alcatraz during the occupation. deeply shaped her commitment to social justice and native american rights. karen's passionate for service continued throughout her career. helped develop a nativerican
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early child education program earning her nursing degree. she joined the native health center worked for 37 starting as aa natal work and then registered nurse. mentored staff and supported accreditation and ensured service would benefit families for generations. now retired helps local youth with powwow. along side her husband of 50 years remains dedicated to supporting her community and future generations. put your hands together for karen harrison! [applause]
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go ahead and stay up there with mir breed we will go to singers and ask to you provide an appropriate honor song. we'll ask to you take photos but nobody come up and shake hands we want to keep this -- before we the honor song we'll ask peter brat if you would like to come up. april, i believe h spoke to you about offering words on behalf of the friendship house. and sentiments toward mayor breed. i'm here representing friendship house american ind iant oldest social service agency in the country by and for american ind.
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my sister april express said we have relatives who are in the prram here upon total. we can't thank you you enough for standing by us and with us. for this vision this we are trying to bring to life. most people don't realize the moirjt of natives live in cities and remain invisibility and under served you put a stake in the ground and stoot stood with us you are our relative and family and our work is not done. used to the village would be part of your legacy you there at the ground break. you are our sister we love and you thank you. >> honor song.
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if you are familiar with when goos in our community, what is happening these monorrees are awarded gifts and the gifts take with them a token they take and remembr and remember how they felt as they were embraced by this community and honored for their work and commitment to being a part of this community. thank you, thank you american indian cultural center. london you can sit down. honorees you will come up here.
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this is the time where you have opportunity to address your peers and family and friends. and read the statements or essay you wrote this evening. all of them are up here like i did not prepare anything. and karen is like bring me my phone. so, you all decide how you want to go first temperature looks like karen is ready got her reading glasses already. has her notes open on her phone. give you time to think about w say or drop notes type it in an ai generator or what? karen it is your time.
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here we go we will have joey go first. joey, take it away! >> was not prepared but i remember someone told me you get to talk up there think about what you will say and -- um that's what i have been doing. these last 24 hours think burglar when i would say and -- i want -- look out now reminding how beautiful our community is. and growing up in san francisco it was not always easy. especially growing up and i remember moving through so many emotions and that is frustration or anger and started to
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reflect on -- i remember being myself. and reflecting now i know that i was never alone. i know thousands of years of the people prayed■ on this land. held ceremonies. and that's why people come here. that's why it is so beautiful. we continue that. and continues to hold us here. through difficult times. and through beautiful times like this one. i truliment to thank the community for supporting my work. if not for you all i would not be where i am at.
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to t■m youth that are out there -- remember to dream big. and hold that vision and continue to listen to this vision and push forward this vision. i believe -- our are not random and the visions are here for a reason. ancestors knew that and we know that as well. remember those visions tell move us to the future. in a beautiful future. on thank you. i guess i have to wing it. that's okay temperature is not
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meant to be. i'm -- i think i want us to go back more and talk about alcatraz for a tiny bit, the success of with we did and i'm glad you brought that up. if not for that, none of this would be here. we would■ nohave native america healing center or the library or cultural center. we would not be dancing at powwows remember that was something we had to keep secret because of the termination act. so, alcatraz happen exclude it was a success because of all we see and it is a profitination not just here. you see indian centers and powwows, you see health centers the native american health doi fashion. developing our businesses. we are developing education. we are shining bright out there and it started because of the
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sfrau that stood and up not aphrase. so. i think i want to say, thank you to that i knew i would not going to■ cry. [applause]. >> and going back to what he said being a child and the city and how hard it was you for us . and -- you know when you have nothing to lose you always have something because we learnedo stand on the backs of our upon community special our community held us up. when it was hard. and upon community is there for us have classes we have residence and teach us how to sing and how to dance and how to make moccasins and do bead work and do shawls and dresses. we have that now. how to make broaches. being in the urban residence is not that big it is a good thing we found our community and we are holding each other up.
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just as our ancestors held us up through ceremony and prayers and you think back 7 generations somebody was praying for us to have a good future. thank you. >> goo evening relatives. as the few others i did not prepare. but i am grateful to be able to stand with all of you. and for those who are watching elsewhere. mire heart is foul see beautiful native people. always.
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our existence reflects in so many ways other than our physical bodies it is in the food. in the seeds planted in the ground. the clothing that we wear. in our songs and our voices. when we are able to speak to one another in our last through each one of those -- parts that connects us to mother earth. who care for us so much. i'm grateful to ancestors and mother earth. for holding us. holding us and reminding us that she will always love us. she will take care of us no merit when hard through. no matter the pain we go through
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we can always return to her. and upon lib to her with what guidance that she needs to offer us and to be able to pass that on. i'm humbled as a 30 year old to receive an award like this that means so much i know there are many other elders who walked before me who deserve this. i hold this in honor of them as well. and i hold this in honor of ancestors who brought me here today and in honor for those who are yet to come. when we believe in our when is necessary. i'm grateful for each of you spending time to listen and be here.
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i'm roger coons. doctor roger coon you call■ me rog. i identify as 2 spirit an honor to be here. to represent the two spirit community of the bay area. and i want to thank the alis who stood by the 2 spirit people. thank you very much for[a all y do for our community. tonight is a testament to the native advocates and artists paved the way so we would have an opportunity to live as our ancestors dreamed. who came before -- those who are
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thank you to aicc and to mayor scombreed to all of you here, thank you to the hopperees and mc. good night. thank you. i like to call up joaquin torys of the recorder to also award some of our honorees. >> thank you to the nativ american indian communities. that are manage in celebration tonight. and thank you for such a beautiful honoring of the mayor whoas been a presence and leader in our lives.
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>> the integrity of our voices and the moral authority of our communities is the voice that has been in our mayor's ear. thut her time of leadership, i have seen it, i have felt it serving under her and honored compliment it along side her. to you mayor breed and your service to the diverse communities of san francisco we also as we honor the extraordinary honorees we honorue for your service. i want to thank the american indian cultural center for ensuring that the phrase of th ensure we in san francisco know where our power come from you from you, words, action and advocacy and song. to friendship house to the prosperity and the future of the
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village project ensure we see health and service in our communities. to ensure our common bond brown people latino to the american indian communities in san francisco that bonds remain strong, i want to thank you for this leadership as you, leadership we honor tonight. thank you for the authenticity of your voices. that authenticity is when we need during the changing and challenging times. the future that demandsor presence and voice to all of you as honorees i'm honord and■n honored honor you. thank [applause] our one more round of
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all right. thank you, thank you to our men's fancy bustle dancer. that concludes our dance exhibition. we heard a bunch of beautiful remarks from our honorees and from mayor breed. and our assessor. there is an event that happens throughout indian country the gathering of natives principles teachings. belonging, mastery. generosity and inter~ upon dependent. i heard the like passionate words about those values. that we inherit. not only here in the beautiful urban residence that karen made reference to in our tribe and bring those experiences and that spirit here to the beautiful cities. as we get ready to close the
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evening of courses i'm going to invite a friend, aurora. aurora, if you can make your way -- up to the aurora are you here?etting coff cookies next door. someone go get aurora, please. she's not here! well, in that case, we want to thank you all for coming out this evening again we want to give a round of applause to our honorees. thank april and the american
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celebration in recognizing our partners and incredible group of organizations that have been working for decades literally for decades here atrk treasure island some of them starting in the 1990s with within treasure island (laughter) yeah today is about celebrating. treasure island development authority. >> (clapping) catholic church charities (clapping.) and treasure island development group >> (clapping) they have all been incredible in bringing the vision are treasure island and a vion of economic opportunities inauguration and vibrancy a vision of what can be achieved through partnerships and vision of insuring that long term residence have affordable
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housing and treasure island welcomes new residents. >> yeah. >> ? it is a great vision it is our shared vision and equally important to recognize the city ofan francisco not just instructor taking advantage of the may 25th - june 15, 2018, kin map way back then but for making good and moving forward on that vision of housing for folks experiencing homelessness of fixed income communities and workforce with■8 the aide in mi i want to bring up the first speaker matt dorsey our distric. 6 represent on the board of supervisors. >> standing ovation. >> thank you. andome to district 6 everything welcome to treasure island you, you know, i've been onrvisors for 2 a and
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years and want to tell you why this particular event is special. because that is the event i was this first groundbreaking and nowic the eaf any time on the board of supervisors whenever i went to the ribbon cutting or opening i had to acknowledge my go to line was the recognition any louis fixture that reference rosie one the until they realized she judgment into the last race i felt i was taking advantage but now i feel like i'm seeing the projects come to fruition that is really is the story ofe treasure island that is the promise of extraordinary community means so much to our san francisco government audit & oversight commission housing goals in terms of the promise of
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our housing elements and buildings codes but committed to our goals and nearly 10 percent will be right here on treasure island and every time i come here it is great to see what is happening on the i'd like but you talk about treasure island i want to emphasis had you for this community is to me. when i came to the board of supervisors this wasn't the career plan that i wanted to work on for much of my life it was not in the plan i was inspiring to be an office holder in any recovery from addiction and i was appointed to the board against the backdrop of the drug crises and record shattering level of overdoses and there wasn't a playbook to
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addict and community it didn't go over well and some it communities understood that treasure island was that community i'll tell you as it came in today and gave melanie a hug that is this is a community that of yes where this is a - a community that has such a rich tradition of they entry community and the possibilities of reassemblies means too much ou of the city of st. francis this community means the world to me so i'm grateful to mercy and the catholic cheshtsd one treasure island for everything you're doing for the one hundred and thirty units of mixed-income this is part of great things and an honor to be here and to be
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part of this and to those of you are residents i brought cards talk to me afterwards i was handing them out i'm saying here's my card call and container no hard feelgs don't hear from you i'll assume you are good with everything thank you, everyone (clapping.) all right. thank you. >> supervisor stefani i suspect you'll run out of cards by the time you get out of here treasure island resident are proud and advocates for their community. the city has contribute to treasure island development in many ways treasure island demonstrated authority for china and is currently the board president the ceo of perties experience for developing
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multnomah county it will be helpful positions her to guide this work overseeing the design and he implementation of infrastructure and open ace. >> (clapping). >> one hundred and that 8 brand new apartments you woo. >> this (clapping.) is the second affordable housing project to be pled on treasure island. and mayor may i was the first homeless veteran this is the first to be filled for families and so it is milestone and it is pt treasure island development authority commitment to provide newly housing for long term residents totally living on treasure island and welcome new households and we are building a
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whole new community on treasure island and by the year■ñ of 20 with 25 will have completed 1,000 new apartments 5 hundred and 74 apartments to be exact (clapping.) of the nine hundred and 74 will be affordable and inclusionary this is a remarkable xeeflt achievement and over several decades 8 thousand new homes right now on treasure island we are actually building the most new housing for the city of san francisco right here on treasure ■island (clapping.) so this community by design a mixed-income without our guidance wee luxurious housing would be built but it is and th
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this i'd like is a model for the stunt community development we have already have a dedication and on the climate initiative for constitutional stock market plans we are inon for theagnificent waterfront with the golden gate bridge and it is really an incredible addition and that's going to be finished in late two 25 and inside that park■ have installation by the regional artists that historians the power of widen and a place for widen here an treasure
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island. so we are, now roads in connection to the bay bridge around that transit center so the i'd like residents will have access i'd like to thank first of all, the staff and bed-and-breakfast tida the treasure island development authority is the pubc entity for the vision of treasure island and the director of treasure island development authority bob stand up stand up bob (clapping.) my fellow director linda richardson is here (clapping.) and i don't know if there are other directors here today but this is a hard working mmission. and then a big thank you to a our partners that are
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building the market-rate housing treasure island community development and we are very ateful to you for what you've done today 1,000 units of housing is and chris. thank you. (clapping) >> and to our parer at mercy housing are the expertise to build and finance affordable housing something else is a emergence amount of effort for financing resources and mercy housing. and to our partnerst which have been charities provide this the most vulnerable residents housing alones not enough so thank you, catholic charity. thank you. >> (clapping.) and finally, you know, the arts
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never mentioned this ceremony and i got to say in the by the way a san francisco we are blessed to have really credential dedicated architects who design those beautiful buildings to give dignity to the people who live there and who understand that good design is important not just for the rich but also for the poor and so we thank you, paula palo alto let and the team for designing it incredible complex. thank you. (clapping) and i know that nibbi brothers are here and contractors that built so thank you all (clapping.) but i hope that all of you two live here and work here you will understand how to important that is to be p we grow and count on
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support at the i'd like thank you so much. >> (clapping) thanks faye i want to recognize a few more folks on the tida team natalie and joey and jamie. >> and as tida has been planning for a building out a physical environment on the i'd like catholic chaeshts one treasure island have been planning and supporting the social and economic challenges i wa to bring up the director of the catholic yeah (clapping.) woo. >> i'm going to jaw say a a little bit about catholic charity as ifc comes up layoff been working on the iceland's
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for over two yearsan support 71 of the households those households settle into and thrive int■ao thes and catholic charities we're happy to have you as o team. thank you. (clapping.) well, i did have a - and i said hello. >> everyone here today and appreciate dr. emily wherever she is in the building our executive director and my family at mercy and the catholic charities the board of rectors the leadership of the community and everyone who has a part. >> ■@ 10, 200 i started my catholic charity it
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is to fitting one day we're opening up the doors officially for the catholic charity thank you for coming to my anniversary (laughter) clapping) and when i started here um, i got to walk and talk with manila the conversation was the construction is starting next week next month then three months and 6 months and next year. so been ongoing thing sherri and still not about coming off happening and 56r million meetings we're here how it comes together (clapping.) so making it short and quick. c and want to welcome, everyone
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for this fine presentation and appreciate our participation and look forward to your contributions for years to come. thank you. (clapping.) . okay. even the sun showed up for erics anniversary party i do want to tnk felice and the team at catholic charities really doing amazing work yeah (clapping.) so as you know or, imagine communicate of this scale and beauty require significant investment i want to thank our financial partners some of them you'll hear from shortly thank you to the aide bank for the 8 that million dollars construction loan and permanent loan for the continuum of care and thank you to the san francisco did department of
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homelessness and supportive housing. that provide that continuum of care andauthority d the vouchers to mohcd for their that that million dollars investment that was really catalytic early money and especially for holly from the mohcd that worked tirelessly (clapping.) an dhhs who provided an accelerate loan over■p55 million the housing programs and we're proud to be one of the+v early projects comg out of that. and h cd administered $18 million in affordable housing for the sustainable community funds come from the strategic growth council and!l cap and trade bathroom, and made an impactful
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we're going to hear from■q■ the mohcd next tyrone as the director for legislation t mohcd and a long term housing pro-having impediment at housing california in the sacramento alliance before joining them in 2020. >> tyrone. >> (clapping) all right. >> good morning, everyone thank you for having h cd i feel like connected and i willful have a memory of treasure island my mom was military when i was to warriors bowling alley that is exciting to see that wonderful
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development. again my name is is tyrone the director at mohcd and congratulate mayor london breed, francisco, mercy housing (clapping.) and catholic charity and capital and the treasure island development authority on the departments we have for their work and turning the vision into reality. addressing california affordable housing and homelessness crises cap for governor gavin newsom and the administration. and star■ view courts projects like this address housing champions for initiative partnerships to make sure that even californian has access to affordable housing you see that in the elements■■ of t development. this administration has brought unprecedented resources i can talk about my history and advocates tremendous
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investment in the last few yea including $50 million, $55 million from the california housing accelerate program here at the court. and navigates this project was actually the first development to close withnancin program that is really exciting (clapping.) and the housing accelerate program brought $175 billion in financing that ultimately if you wanted 5 thousand units. those funds don't represent the and a star view are delivering long term services before more than just housing about restoreing and make sure t californian has a place to call home (clapping.) i appreciate your energy in
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partnerships where or agencies including the growth council brought over one hundred million dollars. to create more inclusive community that allow housing her■ée serve future generations builds on this and insures that residents have built treasure island can continue to remain. but here in san francisco and throughout california we kno that much more work remains to be done ci counties partners here and throughout california to continue to master the intensity and meets the challenges before us and lastly, i wan to express my best wishes and hope i enjoy our life and your experiment
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will be a trofrmgs (clapping.) thanks tyrone. >> i want to check is matt read out through÷h somewhere we're hoping that matt will join us for the council today and the council invests the cap and trade dollars into affordable housing and the communities resilience and happy to have sharing support at star view the complexity of the financing for projects like this the number of funders and individuals that take to fund properties like star view is matched not slightly out done by the comblekt and design and construction work and i want to thank our design and construction team paulete and the manager and debbie our
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general man thank you for making this a really and i have to thank the tireles housing housing or at least som um, and a team i'm proud of and evelyn and priscilla and mickey, >> (calling names.) >> thank you for your work. >> (clapping) and before bring up our next speaker i actually time to recognize her permittees and the treasure island stalwart sherri served as executive director of one treasure island for decades and was one of the key vision holders and vision
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replenishments■ please give sherri a round of applause and appreciation (clapping. (laughter). >> and i'm happy to say one treasure island continues under strong leadership and she served san francisco low income families for over 25 years and for 17 of those years she served as a homelessness and housing crocker at catholic charities you see ties at treasure island run deep now the executive director's at one treasure island. >> (clapping) and yeah. and her commitmen i'd like and the residents make her a participate to mercy and the perfect person to come up and say a few words and introduce our rede speakers
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(clapping.) stella. >> good morning i don't think i'd be this emotional a long time coming i'm the executive director for one treasure island i want to shout out to sherri williams under interest ore e c here for a long time to come and one treasure island is celebrating our thirty year anniversary this year and catholic charity and missouri housing are being here since the inception and can't forget barbara a member of board of directors almost■a that long (clapping.) i would i would be remiss if i didn't mention our affordable housing champion natalie (clapping.) and who's been involved with the affordable housing on treasure island since 1999 or like she's
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like to say the last century and truly grateful for the catholic charity and mercy housing to create this amazing housing and for me at as a heard star verify is close to may heart i was hired february first, 200 and been dreaming of this day ever since. >> so speaking of today (clapping.) i was to bring up some of the residents of star view i'd like to talk about is a multidisciplinary artist has founded and co-founded several stovetops from the science and technology and business. he's a long-term resident of treasure island and yerba buena i'd like has served on the treasure island yerba buena i'd like citizens advisory board yes over 15 years and currently at the
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vice chair so everyone. >> (clapping) thank you very much for everything and everyone has done to reality. i'm actually living on the fourth floor right here and appreciate all the beautiful agricultural design and also like to acknowledge the job and great job of the star view management over the years an excellent group of people and we know a tremendous bit of activities for keeping everyone basically to work together and make that space as beautiful and nice as it is here. as i mentioned been here about 2 two
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my wife and i got involved in the activities o i'd like and the first not flea market but the first - we had a poster of that and the advisory committee board to bring some of it. bring some of the new ideas to the group and also got involved witü one of the older businesses on the i'd like3 treasure island@1■y yacht club involved with the treasure island museum and bringing in a number of types of input green all the visitors that live on the i'd like a so. thank you very much. and looking forward to see the next
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you. (clapping.) so prosecute i bring i am the■] next spectator i want to says? a special project i looked at the crowd and see see faces of people that have touched this project in one way or another and vful to have the honor of working with folks from the treasure island development authority to catholic charities to mercy to fleet week residents to the staff this is a beautiful project i want to thank all of you for al the work you've done on this project (clapping.) so, now i'd like to introduce ms. agonize a long-term treasure island resident and recipient of catholic charities supportive housing one of the first residents to treasure island december 28, 1999. >> woo. >> agonize raise two children on the islands a single mom
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anticipate she's a vibrant member and excited could welcome here at star view court (clapping) thank you. >> good morning imagine. >> i'm agreeing agonize i came out here december 28, 1999, still had a lot of bad behavio because i was a drug addict for 25 years. and um, i learned at 50 years old from n from felicia and a lot of other um, a
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big turn around of catholic charities by learned most■ú of l my um, print counselor ms. laverne vaughn i can call her any time i'm 71 now and still up for learning. because you never get to old to learn (clapping.) so i would like to thank those that i me >> okay. my history on treasure island i was honored when agonize i would on treasure island i think that was the family center then some kind way i got connected with the rities an honor i
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don't i was just came down to cool two houston texas where i was born and had none of that down there don't help you here like in california. so i when they showed me my apartment over on 140 that thirds part time hey that was nice (laughter). >> really i say oh on the str francisco and slept in driveways up offer ellis in the tenderloin and i had two adult daughters but i turned around and had two minor daughters i was dragging around the streets of san francisco and sleeping until one day a lady said you better get
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those kids off the streets before they take them from you. >> well show showed me a shelter over in the fillmore i went there but i didn't stay long because them girls was calling me and i went back out with the girls that are adults now here on treasure island. >> um, that is peaceful here. just a place where you can just relax and enjoy life. you know, this is my here. star view
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court this is my dedication before go up to the i'd like (laughter.) [off mic.] >> (laughter) however, (laughter) [off mic.] >> um, yea. i have a lot of - like i said hi came out here i had been old drug behavior and i just was a mess. but i appreciate the counselors that stuck by me and held it wasn't any children one of my daughters would get both fights up and coming they could have said. okay. you're a worstless crowd we don't want you out here, however, they didn't not
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they held me and kept mow i'm here with knowledge how to live when you live better you do better. and what i been saying for the residents here and myself is simply to live your life and mind your own business (laughter.) >> thank you. (clapping). >> (laughter). >> all right. >> thank you and agonize for sharing■ your stories and bringing rail life to the i'd
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like and start star view court need an introduction but to express our appreciation mayor london breed knows i'd like you life first hand. and she has to of k34i6k integration of inclusion, of true public/private partnerships here an is i'd like thank you, mayor london ■hbreed. >> (clapping) (laughter). >> how's everyone doing today? >> i got to say this has been a long time coming i want to appreciate ms. agonize for sharing her story and i love that
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love that. we are gathered here today in treasure island after such a long time. and i got to say as someone who started work out of college back in 9097 or 98 i had one of my first jobs on treasure island at building one working for the treasure island development authority i sunshine had several jobs working as the um, administrative assistant office manager, the development specialist and on occasion a janitor a facility manager and everything at a time before the i'd like was even populated and i go back to the days of w with sherri so many years ago. before treasure island one treasure island was one treasure island it was tida. and when i think about all the things we talked about and what we wanted
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to see happen here had housing was underutilized and said to make that available. to people who needed it it most i remember john stud went above and beyond to make sure that when families moved into treasure island "many resources and access to were to some things we struggled with but at the end of the day, a vision as an i'd like and stayed steady and took 0 many folks joining us here to help us chief that vision of providing housing and amenities and access to good ramps off 6sdz freeway i name that was i was in the midst of to treasure island to open up new affordable housing for low
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income veterans at mercy and on the panoramic park at the top of john reuben i'd like and more and more amenities come and decide where they're training facility and offense will be and the first national woman's soccerm bay area and on treasure island. >> (clapping) to see all of this come to life as the i'd like continues it grow as 2 evaporated be a dedication whether a flea market or concerts and successor games you name 2 it happens at treasure island but at the end of the day, a community that here. and that is an important thing all roads lead to housing and which this project is completed it will have 8 thousand units with 2200
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units of affordable housing targeting people who need housing the most from one treasure island catholic cheshth and mercy housing we've worked with two commitment to make sure people have an affordable placee. to cl home (clapping.) so i want to thank all of you for thank you for being here today and i want to ask tyrone to send a message to tomecka and the governor gavin newsom thank you, we've been the beneficiaries of so many state resources and the bickers the accelerator fund a game-changer and the beneficiaries of state legislation we can pass laws that allows are us to borrow the money on the front phobia infrastructure so we don't stop
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those projects from metropolitan transit authority moving finding and the voters of san francisco gone above and beyond for the approval of an affordable housing bonds if a 2019 affordable housing bond one of the first, i put on the ballot as mayor and yielding remarkable results (clapping.) i can go on and on and on. but i got to say i'm so happy i'm so proud and excited about the future of treasure island and what it will be as a new community of san francisco. new to some but old to some of the people who have lived here and suered through the infrastructure is issue the ou problems i'm so excited is this one of the best neighborhood in san francisco because of we mad of projects like the one today.
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>> who doesn't love cable cars? charging emissions and we're free which we're proud of you know, it's not much free l the world anymore so we managed to do that through donations and through our gift shops. you got a real look and real appreciation of what early transit systems are like. this was the transit of the day from about 1875 to about 1893 or later, you know. cable car museum is free, come on in. take a day. come down. rediscover the city. you can spend as time you want and you don't have to make reservations and it's important to be free because we want them to develop a love for cable cars so they do continue to% support whether thy live here or other places and people come in and say, yes, i have passed by and heard of this and never come in and they always enjoy themselves. people love cable cars and there's none left in the world so if you want to ride a cable car, you've got
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to come to san francisco. that what makes the city. without the cable cars, you lose part of that, you ow because people who come here and they love it and they love the history ask th can ride a cable car that has been running since 1888 or 1889. wow! that's something. can't do that with other historical museums. rarely, have i run into anybody from outside who didn't come in and didn't feel better from knowing something about the city. it's a true experience you'll remember. i hope they walk away with a greater appreciation for the history, with the mechanics with people are fascinated by the winding machine and i hope the appreciation, which is a part of our will appreciate cable cars and the ones who live here and other places, they can make sure there will always be cable cars in san francisco because once they are gone, they are gone. it's the heartbeat of san francisco that
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founded the cable and the slot and without the cable cars, wen san francisco. we woul heart an wouldn't be san francisco without cable cars. [bell ringing] >> last time but i look forward to a productive and efficient meeting. as is our customer we like to read the acknowledgment and then we will proceed with our meeting. san francisco acknowledges that we are on the ramaytush ohlone. as the indigenous steward the land, they have never seeded lost nor forgotten their responsibility as the care takers of this place as well as for all people wh
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