tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV November 28, 2024 6:30am-7:00am PST
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know them and be part of this movement is of creating sea food for 21st century and beyond. 4, 3, 2 , 1 (clapping). >> good morning, everyone thank you for coming we really appreciate it own this cold rainy day edward mentioned i'm the ceo for t n b c with my partner. >> we want to welcome you all to the grand opening of 120 this is a final celebration of the year but we had a really
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impactful year opposed the ferry building a few blocks away from here on the other side of market street we relocated three hundred and this unit with the earthquake to save the building in the community. we also had a groundbreaking for 90 units out in the sunset first off of sunset. so as another grand opening had a 200 and 3 howard i want to mention you'll hear more about that building and i'm going to turn it over to to skating any to introduce her. >> thank you. >> thank you, everyone for being here today all the achievements that has uplifted reflect the dedication of so many people the residents inspire us everyday and give us
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feedback of what works and our community partners and the incredible tjpa gladly to see you here with us today to all you have you, we expend our gratitude in partnership with the community development and department of homelessness and supportive housing and tjpa an combours land dedication to the city for low income residents including many that are formallyly unhoused with supportive housing services community spaces share a courtyard you, you want to check out this addresses side homelessness by providing dig fisted housing and strengthens the community. um, to our friends from the california
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community development who going back traveled from sacramento thank you and welcome. your support of this project and accelerate funds truly, truly helps the start date it is incredible for the success we celebrate today. and my pleasure to introduce tony a friend and advocate more affordable housing and many roles from the kroechlz and the office of tjpa and got to know you and now an assistant deputy director of the division of staff financial systems please welcome and thank you, tony. >> (clapping) thank you, katie and wonderful to be here this morning regardless of weather that is a day one atmosphere and happy to be here and see so many smiling and fun faces out there. one of the things that the state has
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been working on over the last decade of e or so making sure that the project we awarded come to fruition and the was a lot of were not making it over the finish line and moore affordable housing are more competitive so health code had the funds and replaced use them to replace things this is perfect example what come back done point is well-taken so decided the mhp award and a person got this moving to help with the partners we have and from the thank you, first bank coming in and helping i know when they accelerate a
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program it is not easy and a lot of decision about that having the partner what a huge very important to make that happen. also having is developers and having all of you out there to make sure those projects never failed and didn't get moving. that goes handing with the locality san francisco is a great partner and all hands on deck without them wouldn't have gotten do you thing this is a celebration a lot of work to be done and the services that katie mentioned are opening and make sure the projects stays healthy and working. we'll say and keep on moving thank you, thank you for being here. and all the hard work to keep this moving thank
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you. (clapping) thank you. >> hi, good morning i'm sharp i'm the tjpa strategy officer am and projecting and i should go down a couple of octaves thank you for thank you for being here. and elk echoes what was said that is a rainy day we appreciate you. i'm going to introduce the next speaker debbie in a moment but echo and repeat how for the first citibank was in the project and how grateful we are for your support on this. um, i'll be back in a minute and a couple of more speakers coming up and yeah i'm going to turn it over to debbie. >> good morning, everyone. >> (clapping) good morning. >> all right. i like that. >> um, so it is rainy day in
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san francisco but this room is sunshine celebrating now housing this happens and why we're out here today my name is debbie i'm with the community development finance team and we provided $35 million to help to build in project we've been a partner with tjpa for many years a privilege to work together and they center the residents and value the community they work in and truly a place where developers and, you know, fill in the gaps it is an honor to get to work with them and as i said earlier we made this part of the team and happy to report our affordable housing is
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providing under the new ownership i get it loans and investments internationally in year and been around for 1 hundred and 26 years a culture of service but resonated with us and a great place for us. thank you all for the opportunities to partner with you and congratulates to everyone here looking forward to celebrating more. >> (clapping.) great. >> debbie. thank you. >> i'm i said jacob it like bursting baby but congratulations on this building and wanted to again, thank you on behalf of everyone here. >> and public opinion gold stein and so much of this project building jacob
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(clapping). >> thank you, ann may and thank you for joining i'm gold stein the project manager on the team and remarkable to think i started working on 120 in the december of 2019 and over the 4 or 5 years i've seen this community-based through the financing and applications and 20 months of construction. it's been a long journey to get us here today. are a lot of people to thank too much i like to thank you to karen and the pollack team for this tiny support of land and the contractors and also thinking two steps ahead thank you to the
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construction managers and to um, system project manager. >> (calling names.) >> and to our artists phil for a beautiful public art on the front of the building and the tjpa departments in corroboration and to first citizen and oewd for a making this possible and recognize the staff the building brad shawn and france and others that are responsible for its daily operations above and beyond to have a supportive and beautiful place to call home. >> san francisco is in the news a lot right now generally not in a positive way that city faces challenges this building is an example of a neighborhood coming together to create a
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benefits agreement that will open affordable housing for example, the state of california creating innovate financing programs to help projects move forward an example of the city agencies and nonprofits working in partnership to provide homes for 35 unhoused individuals and if i may add example of projects on time and on budget [off mic.] >> our homelessness and affordable housing challenges will not be solved overnight. as part of the solution and hope for this solution. thank you very much. >> [off mic.] (clapping.) great neck up have curious at the in our oregon department and the sro land use community ctbc
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bank usa it's. >> hello ctbc bank usa it's the oregon manager for tjpa it is not you can't why i'm here i'm here it is hard to recall started 8 years ago with tjpa and sro collaboratives i got together with staff's support for those organizations to create a group we call the market street climax to no matter with the developer to see the benefits we could get in the neighborhoods and inclusionary kojdz on market street was housing in the tenderloin. so this group of residents worked together and developed a list of asks for the developers nouktd in good faith i was hoping and been almost two years in the maximum we showed up numerous hearings of the planning
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commission and is board of supervisors residents actually coming and speaking directly that resonated with the residents with the supervisors this is actually an initiative and benefit agreement with 18 and a half million dollars for the area (clapping.) the land and started few i understand that took a ton of, you know, staff from tjpa and city folks and funders to make that building happen that is really gratifying to the side work with the residents and all that actively led to people getting housed here so that is good to say work you do and over the period of time it is gratifying and happy for the hard work making this a reality and originally the city said that was too small the footprint
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was too small but thank you, thank you. >> (clapping) okay. thank you. >> the mayor is on her way i'm going to take about 5 minutes of if more you want to share curtis think about that in the meantime, ink to attaining and recognize so many people in the room and let the mayor know she'll do it again but appreciate ben adams more than capable from the mayor's office of housing and community development we're grateful for of the partnership with tjpa over a decade. i want to also thank and appreciate the leader of department of homelessness and supportive housing and also an incredible partner with whom tjpa is deeply intertwined with the missions that about
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supportive housing and putting people who have experienced homelessness with the robust and dignity services we can provide grateful for both of those teams for your partnership and the housing and from our fund development and commissioned team mike wong is anybody of the board is here grateful. and he is the director of tenderloin supportive housing super involved in the district and the planning department isn't here but we've been working with them and oregon the leaders of institutions within the tenderloin and working with csi tis the director is at the related to this effort with the action plan. is really an incredible bringing together of the neighborhoods organizations
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how to work in concert to have a unified message to city hall. to make that the best place it to live and a spectrum to people that live here with including people without homes and people are fortunate to be housed and operating in the area that makes it vibrant this is an incredible neighborhood you experience all the storefronts and bdrs formulating they're not a chance but local businesses came here to the specific community that lives and works in san francisco and is something makes in neighborhoods truly special. um, looking around is there anyone that wants to say and thanks to folks. we have how many minutes. >> 4. >> actually one minute. >> again
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(laughter). >> i'm saying thanks i want to on behalf of the tjpa thank you, roxanne and others (clapping.) you're ceo and cfo for their day jobs and meeting tjpa from co-ceos that's back in february and will share soon about a new ceo but to thank katie and roxanne thank you for all you do for tjpa over the past 9 months it seems longest but again two or three minutes anyone else want to say and word please this is your chance.
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>> (laughter.) >> anyway, i want to say tjpa i i can't say enough how far i came welcome you to the sro to housing and all this took a year, you know, we didn't have the resources that the city offered for housing and part of that with the streets staff and getting housing with the sros and one thing i can't say believe me i had no faith in my of that without seeing this with my own eyes and pple say you have to trust the process trust the people with the openings whenever you go - if you ain't
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got common sense you ain't got nothing my mom said that i got a job and retired now. >> somebody asked me are you loving it here i said are you kidding i love tjpa it is great place to be in san francisco and people were not always like this as a kid i went to bowling alleyways and a great place to come with that, a lot of people want to speak with that, have a great day (clapping.) the best part. >> (multiple voices). >> sure (laughter). >> like open mic night here.
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>> (multiple voices.) >> that's right i'm going to sing i've been in the role for 10 months and before i got to the city as a acting director 4 or 5 year ago and one of the challenges i had at that time was this property this vacant parcel every week someone called me to complain or how i use this parcel i'm going to put this and that on it. (laughter). >> so it is wonderful to come here today and see the journey from pain in the ass to this beautiful community i so appreciate the words that residents refrain mentioned what a wonderful community and we have community it will be and what a great asset to the tenderloin. it is i've been
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chatting with tony a little bit walking up here this building has always excited fits spots neighborhood fabric and brand new and spectacular looks like that was meant to be commend for they're amazing work and it is beautiful design and exponentially i thought the mayor would show up right about now. >> (laughter) two minutes out, three minutes out so 30 seconds all right. >> i was born (laughter). >> in this town and in new jersey why new jersey born in princeton, new jersey my dad with congratulate anyway, i
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think why not have a silence of prayer and the mayor will be here any second thank you all again (clapping.) that's okay. >> and the other duties required (laughter). >> so i will take the time to fill up the space to talk about the tenderloin action plan when the mayor arrives i'll thank her about 4 years ago allocated $5 million in 21 community led projects that made advancements in the sincere public space and really am grateful to you and you ctbc bank usa it's showed up it is the planning commission
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hearing celebrating the impacts of first couple of years of that forest made a great impact and positioning the tenderloin to make a consolidate continuance and attaining the planning department that provided backbone support and facilitating numerous meeting and practices it has been an incredible gift to the tenderloin and the people. and now i'm pleased to introduce our mayor london breed. i want to thank you so much firing support you've begin given to the field of affordable housing over your many years of service and thank you, totes administrators i choose to lead the department ben adams an incredible partner and his predecessors and his
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team like. >> (calling names.) >> and jackie and the rest of team and thank you to sherren for your supportive housing an incredible job and incredibly important an incredible team that supports her and us and ports the tenants thinking about the people that live in the affordable housing and grateful for that and finally really thank you for your leadership and rile insuring the expansion of affordable housing opportunities throughout the whole city of san francisco and the number and volume of housing we've been able to pursues in 5 years a huge impact on the city and affordable housing and this organization and is people we serve together. thank you. >> (clapping.) all right. good morning, everyone. every time i come to one of those events all i think
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about a whole bunch of people have a safe available placed to call home from day one one of the most important things to me to build housing all over san francisco. and to remove the obstruction that gets into the way of our ability to do so this is probably one of the most fourth amendment things about san francisco the bureaucracy a city of love i'm glad we're becoming a city of yes, sir. and making things happen to what has happened not past i will say this is always a person for me, i grew up down the street on eddy street and before that 1133 another street i can go on and on i grew up there and my mom and torn down three hundred
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units we're coming back. and those are some the problems that have happened in the past with housing production and what did we think if we didn't bring back those units i was in sunny dale i'm so excited was happening seven hundred units you should to 17 hundred unions and the hub of the guidelines with at the daycare and the seniors with kids in class learning and a couple of other things that sadly so many of my friends lost their kids to gun violence that was thriving and feeling good people worked there now have have they're other place in the neighborhood why is all that important? it is important because we can't, backwards
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could not go back wards in housing production in san francisco we can't say no to opportunities like this and what is so great about that project during the pandemic so it was a safe place and now today after breaking ground too year ago with the funding and with the policies we're here and people are able to move in. this is amazing we're going from taking 10 years to produce affordable housing to doing it in 2 and three years because of state legislation like sb 423 leveling you want housing and see hours but at the end of the day, oftentimes people say wait a minute not across the street where i live don't want it there because of new state laws they can't say no and things will
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start happening. over san francisco. and no-brainier what can't be figure that in trick or treaters are going on in that what will heap for the future of san francisco and will a gamer for people's lives this is why this is so important. and people say all 70 units are a safe affordable place 70 people will have a person who is here 7524/7 to watch over the building that is 70 people have the great access to a social worker when they need the support. that is the work that we are doing in san francisco and that is the work that i'm so proud to have led on and that is why i'm so happy and grateful for the work done by the different agencies to make 3 happen and important
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pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of. one nation under god. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. i would like to take roll, please. commissioner clay. present. commissioner walker. present. commissioner. benedicto. present. commissioner. yanez. present. commissioner yee. here.
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