tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV December 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:44pm PST
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filtration. not taking up parking and have security system. upon it is general low standard and we are trying to be as nonobnoxious and as responsive as possible to our neighbors. again, if there are complaint the future we love to have you address them. with us. >> and -- we are open to questions and hopeful that this project can move forward with our close neighbors. thank you very much. >> thank you. sir. and before i go to speakers on behalf of the project sponsor i have been informed this there were individuals who did not understand due to language barriers that they had the opportunity to speak on behalf of the appellate. so i would like to if you will
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allow me, colleagues to allow speakers on behalf of the appellate. then go to speakers on behalf of the sponsor. are there speakers on behalf of the appellate. i'm virginia marshall. a long time resident of san francisco educator who work in the bayview hunter's point i'm disappointed this board voted in another inning taoism for bay rue hunter's point. >> this is a ceqa appeal this board has not voted on anything.
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>> that's -- let me translate. my name is mr. show. we oppose bayview operating more marijuana cultivating facility. there are throw dozens and three more in the past 8 months being approve third degree is impactful for environment and our health. we live by the near by senior housing and hundreds of fordable housing in the come plex around the corn are. this is the impactful for our
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lives we can only find 10 people here because of the short notice there are hadn't everhanded wanted to make it here. we meit and we don't like that smell it is not good for our health. this is impeculiaring our neighborhood dramatically. if there is once open 3 dozen we can't say anything we ask you not to approve more future marijuana facility in bayview, thank you. i'm josephine the translator for the seniors i want to congratulate supervisor chan and melgar and i want it thank president peskin, preston, ronen and safai for your service thank you very much is in the general public. those are on the agenda later this is just a ceqa appeal.
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thank you fwen for hearing me and giving me the chance to rebut. i will say from planning department they did in the talk about the exception to the ceqa exemptions. this is of the special circumstance there is are residents near by the possibility of vipiral impact and the cumulative impact i mentioned we are talk over three three00 thousand square feet. from a notice of violation on the office of cannabis and planning and again i'm not the the inspector. i have to trust what government bodies have done and recorded i
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did want it respond it is interesting that it is true like i condition as a residence denial determine the source of the cannabis. we need to look for what it is. the oshg zone the 2. 5 and 10 and then the sulfers the persistent the -- you say that the nuisance odor they have real impacts. and so you know in this case the project experience saying it is not us the guys next door i say that is for the government policy makers here or revving laters to look at that. it is interesting to say now the assessor map shows this lot vacant instead of a warehouse.
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the reason why this is acceptable the experiences proposing filters (inaudible) choosing location this is is not a ceqa exempt project multifatteted odor and strategy a minimum of filleration stages. prefit are capture particles. making sure there is no odors and [inaudible] watering and maintenance and public visibility to the air quality markers around the buildings if you go through the bayview you will smell cannabis. you know you might be driving and you [inaudible] for those of us this live here we live with every diif you are luck tow pass by namight be a news an but air
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quality issue for those of us what live there. i shown evidence scientific evidence that this is not a ceqa exempt for category 13 there are healing impacts for the community and residents. cumulative fact everaffectless are a concern. clear monitor and public data please. >> time concluded. thank you. >> if you can turn off your cell phone. the matter is now been heard and filed and is in the hands of board of supervisors. supervisor walton. >> thank you very much, president peskin the planning department construct conduct a review of the project the project is in the i mirj cannabis if sillity the appeal suggests. the small scale of the project combined with use of clean
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engine and minimal traffic does not have the environmental impacts that ceqa is designed to address the experience dem strited efforts to comply with all city regulations, address sxrns ensure would in the disrupt the community. the prosecute active out reach and commitment it sustain ability and efforts to work with local organizations reflect intent to be a responsible member of the bayview community. given the project's compliance with ceqa i support the planning department's decision i would like to make a motion to affirm the exemption determination item 26 and file items 20 and 20. >> motion med by supervisor wopton and seconded. on this motion made and seconded a roll call, please. >> supervisor dorsey. why aye >> supervisor engardio. >> aye.
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>> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. supervisor preston. >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> aye. there are 9 aye's the motion is approved and the categorical exemption is affirmed. madam clerk roll call for introductions >> first up to introduce new business supervisor dorsey. submit. where supervisor engardio. >> submit. >> supervisor mandelman. i have a few things. colleagues, today i'm introducing an ordinance to save guard lbgtq+ and reproduct of health organizations from right wing hate groups. city required nonproperty city
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contractors providing service its share an economic statement with the city. the purpose of the codify in the section 10. 1 of the code is to provide transparency in the over site of the operation of nonprofits receiving funds. as conreceived they were required to send the statement to the board after 200 to the administrative services. and since 2011 the reports gone to the, warding departments. in 2023, in response to a litany of of reporting related issues with funds nun profit it is amended sections to raise the threshold to 100 thousand dollars and require additional informing to the requirement and add transparency requiring consolidation and postoth city administrator's website.
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with these amendments now requires every nonprofit receiving more then and there 100 thousand from the city to provide public services to file with the city add administrator and economic statement including the following information. the name of the ceo or employee possessing daily responsibilities and the names of all officer and directors in the names of all other boards which they serve. these new disclosure requirements raised security concerns for reproductive healing and lbgtq+ organizations regardingly impactings to officer and staff. the requirement to make available in one place the names of lead and ares others they are affiliated jeopardizes the privacy of individuals at a time when rights of reproduct of health and lbgtq+ are under attack from far right groups.
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especially at this time san francisco must be vigilant and boshg to protect our vulnerable community from right wing hate groups. section 12 well of the code which establishes a policy for public access to records and meetings of organizations include exception for nonprofits in the prosecute vision of abortion councilingor service domestic violence. shelter or suicide prevennes services. this legislative amendment introduce an exemption to section 10.1 i thifrng planned paraphernalia hood and lbgtq+ organizations and supervisor stefani's office and the city administrator's office and brad reduce in the city attorney's office. [speaking very fast] i also have -- a couple of in memory.
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first i'm asking we closed meet nothing memory of [inaudible] passod november 13 in stockton, california born on february 17, 1942 in cam bode enthusiasm after fleeing the genocide in 75 and spending years in the refugee camp the first in family fo to migrate to the tenderloin district and saved up money to experience her 8 siblings and district everbring them in 89 she and others join moved stockton. her work as a childcare provide are known for love of children and i strong matriarch. weekend everyone in her home and ensured they had a bowl of food in hand. she was known for glamorous style. her family and friends will
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remember her for her gracious nature. active interests in cam bodian politics and joined member its raise funds for charities and oppose authoritarian rule. she is survived by siblings, three children, grandchildren and nieces and nest use including our own calvin ho. rest may your memory be a blessing. president peskin and i are asking we adjourn the meet nothing memory of bob who die in the his sleep in the early morning december 9 he was 85. bob of fwhorn iowa grew up and then deplayed vietnam served three of 25 years and rise to captain. returned in the united states in 68 making san francisco his home. he was a presence in diamond
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heights and in the community association beginning in the 80's served for a decade as president. bob was a strong voice for allowing more housing in the neighborhood. bob was a champion for rights especially in the u.s. military. served on the booshd of service members legal defense network in dem strigzs championing appeal of the [inaudible] and provides support for individuals in the military who had hide their sexuality to avoid dishonorable discharge. active in lobes politics president of the harvey milk democratic club. heave a friends and in support of harvey milk and friends's committee on the board of supervisor and supported race for congress in 1987 and supported america 11 open in all of his races bob served on the boards of theater prescribeos
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race and operation and concern and supporter of horizon foundation. the management advisory council of [reading of names] his enengage was the extensive the san francisco ethics commission. and the vet republican's affair council from 99 to 96. a friend and diamond heights neighbor with his legacy of lobes contributions remember the bob -- [inaudible]. just did when he thought was best for the world. bob we thank you for kwlur service to our country, city and lobes community rest in power may your memory be a blessing the res i submit. >> thank you. commissioner machine man. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you.
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colleagues, judge raymond joseph junior passed away last week the judge was a machine had lived as a devoted husband, father, grand father, friends and a true son of san francisco. gray was born in this city in 19 thing the first of three to judge raymond senior. and maria al back a fourth jen raying san franciscans the judge embraced and spends 88 gleers enriching the community he loved deeply. his journey was one of rable achievements. arch bishop high school ray was a lead or the football field, quarter become would go tom play city college and u c berkley. earned law degree from what was then hastings luschool in 1960 and married the love of his life. ray's legal career reflected
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commitment to justice and service. appointed by then governor raying everreagan in 74. served on the superior court for 25 years. of carrying on a family legacy that spanned a half century. touched counselless lives with fairness and unwaivering sense of duty. rilived with a deep commitment to his faith. serving church and community. his work with the janet center along side his wife e lane reflected his desire to give back to the community. he trowel embody when it means to live a life of service, love and legacy. a son of san francisco a pillar of justice a loved patriarch leaves a legacy that will enrich the city and those who knew him my heart goes out to his wife and daughter and sons ray and
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james. services will be on january third at 11 a.m. at st. stevens catholic church. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor peskin. why colleagues i can't get enough legislating in will my final legislative act i'm introducing one more piece of legislation which i will leave to the next board it is a piece of good government policy. i think we are all aware that in the past few years seen an explosion of money in local politic in the in raw dollars but in new creative structures. net ws of foundations 501z three and 4 action committees and packs engage nothing political campaigning in quite problematic ways. issue oriented peculiar received
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the learningest ethic's fund in history for improper low devoting itself t candidate cam pang. sf safe millions from the city and from a large campaign donor a raft of fraud challengers. civic organizations claim civic engagement on behalf hundreds and thus annuals on a mull year plan to attack citizen participation in government and use city resources to legitimize their political operations. the ordinance today is one way to draw pretty clear lines.
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presented city providing funds or resources to 501 c 4 organization and presents 501c three's providing anything of value. as i leave this office, i pledge to devote myself to protecting real lower case d democracy citizen participation government fighting impact of big moncompetence stopping the efforts to harass public resources in further analysis of games that is all i have to submit on my last board meeting >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor preston. >> thank you, in dam clerk. colleagues back in march 2023 in response to the police department's out of control over time end spending i called for an audit and the budget legislative analyst published
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128 page audit. this was if you believe laborod december 12 left week. so today along with cosponsors supervisor walton and president peskin and supervisor ronen i'm introducing a hearing request on the audit findings. i will not be here for the hearing but want to thank my coexperience for their support of this. the bla made several findings and prosecute voided the pd with 30 recommendations. and of the police department agreed with most of them. the bottom line is that the bla found evidence that sfpd broke laws and policies related over time spending. failed to vied over time and approvals and failed to enforce provisions of the city's mou with the popular's association. with 108 million dollars in over time in the fiscal year the lack
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of oversight and abuse will over time require innerthengz evervention as the city face a deficit and service for vulnerable on the chopping block this is in the as simple as under staffing the audit found abuse patterns sick leave use on specific days of week. often for the first or left day of a work week. saturdays and sundays to avoid weekend duties and the use of sick leave coinciding with working voluntary 10 b private security over time on the same day of being sick. some officers regularly call in the sick to work. and the department allowed 51,000 hours of ineligible private security hour in 3 years. some were approving their own
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over timer same supervisor sign twice on over time approval forms that required 2 separate signature others does d not justify why they were working over time they compound each other when officer abused sick time the officer this replace them does so with over time pay and most cases and so on. this is in the what a well managed department looks like. this type of abuse is costly. and it does not make us safer. as i westerned in 2023 when this board approved 25 million dollars more for police over time through a supplemental, despite the tenderloin used as a prop to get more money most fupdzs were directed to the safe shop and are tourism deploy ams not the tenderloin.
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with these ecpend tours having little oversight transparency or demonstrated result it is. san francisco police department has a total budget over 800 million dollars now. the high budget the department ever had despite declining calls for service the pedestrian several years the budget increased over 200 million dollars. since joined this board the city can not blindly approve without account act. i want to thank my cosponsors and supervisor walton. who will be here and hope others will join him in making sure there is a hearing and an opportunity for the long over due oversight and transparency with police over time. i also colleagues, have we lot two incredible folks from
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district 5 recently and so i have would like to request in dam clerk we adjourn the meet nothing honor of two individuals from d5. first i like to request adjourn in honor of pia harris. an incredible community leader in the fillmore dieed december third at 46. she survived by 2 daughters jazmin thorn and aria turner. her morgue and her father terry harris. we extend our deepest condolences to fell, friends loved ones. p a harris move to san francisco in 96 and graduated friday george wish wash high school. pia well respected. in san francisco in all of her work and active business woman and civic leader an extraordinary mourth evermother,
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daughter, part anywhere. sister aunt and community leader. pian opened her new restaurant. mia sole at 1345 fillmore street. she wore many hats in addition to opening her restaurant she was also san francisco housing development corporation's chief economic development officer. joined hd c in july of 21. and in the three and a half years she lead the design and build out of hd c's robust economic development team and program in the fillmore. her hard work and ded occasion lead to her per in with west side communal services to be collect shrekked to reopen the fillmore heritage center. spearheaded minding my black owned business with a program
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that graduated 135 blackent preneuros over the course of 5, 12 week cohorts. launched in the black retail store online portal this features products of. 20 black entrepreneurs. championed renovation at the kitch in the 53 cox lounge to train chefrs to provide thousands of free hot meals to seniors and low encome residents. key role in planning of several major festivals the city's juneteenth celebration and the western edition music festival.
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ordinance to city a private ratify objection it allow employee of a holing or their employee represent to bring a civil action in i court of jurisdiction against a tourist total violating lid out in the healthy building ordinance temperature creates a civil pen structure for the violations depending on frequency of the violation. i am thankful to supervisor mandelman who will ton work and move this forward in the now year and the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor ronen >> supervisor safai. >> i have five piece of legislation i will introduce. where i'm kidding. i have nothing to introduce on my last day. because i'm leaving the build and level it up to people that will be here to dot work not judging anybody i think you have
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been wing on this for awhile and so have you i was going to bring up a charter amendment term limit for supervisorsil not ask the city attorney i'm not joking. i of course there should be real term lim in this body but i'm not going to do that either i might give that to somebody else as an idea. >> not really. can you do a year and take time off and come back i want it make sure that does not happen again. i will not ask the city attorney to draft this today i could. i'm goings to say the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor safai. supervisor walton. submit >> thank you. >> mr. president seeing no names on the officer are this concludes the introduction of new business. why with those words madam clerk items 32-35 out of order if you have could call those. items.
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items 32-35. introduced for adoption. >> without reference to committee a unanimous vote required resolution on first read today. alternateively a machine mirequire to go to committee items 32-35 comprise resolution to honor the outstanding service of safai supervisor for san francisco d 11 declaring december 17th 24 supervisor safai day in the city and county of san francisco. item 33 the resolution commendses honors supervisor hillary ronen for her service as the district 9 supervisor for the city and county of san frap and declares december 22 issue 24 as supervisor hillary ronen day in the city of san francisco. item 34 the resolution to commend and honor dean pret
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finish for service as a supervisor for the city of san francisco and declare january 7, 2025 supervisor dean preston day in san francisco. and item 35, this a resolution to commends board of supervisors president aaron peskin for distinguished leadership of beloved friendship. valued guidance and council and inkennel tenure from 2001 through 2024 on the occasion of his final board meeting >> thank you, madam clerk. why don't weep have public comment on these and give privilege of the floor if there is no objection we can hear from members but have a number of city department heads here to comment on those items give them privilege of the floor if no objections i note assistant
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chooefr of police well czar is here. chooefr nicholson is here. and a number of city attorneys includingan pierson are here and a number of others we will give you privilege of the floor. supervisor walton >> out of curious hit a supervisor can sends these to committee. without objection. require 8 people to wave this rule and there are 9 of us. but yes, you could and i could declare a special board meeting. chief lazar >> good afternoon. i want to congratulate supervisor ronen, safai, preston for your time on the board and i'm here today president peskin to congratulate you on allure years of service to the city. and i wanted tell that you i
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