tv Abatement Appeals Board SFGTV December 20, 2024 6:00am-8:59am PST
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ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures. >> turning on the microphones everyone. >> oh, on the whole time. >> no it was not. >> the mics were off. >> i'm on, i'm on. >> now you're on. >> mic is on now leave it on for roll call. >> okay. >> take it out of
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the best practices. >> how to fix it. >> okay. >> okay. thank you. >> sfgov we're ready to begin. >> okay. >> okay. welcome to the city and county of san francisco abatement appeals board meeting this morning at 10:30 am., wednesday, november 20, 2024. i'd like remind everyone to mute yourself if you're not speaking first agenda is roll call. >> president chavez here. >> vice president neumann here. >> commissioner alexander-tut here. >> commissioner meng. >> commissioner shaddix here and commissioner williams we have quorum and next, we have our land
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our land on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. . thank you. >> um, next for members of the public that are to raise your hand for public comment on a specific agenda item press *3 (star three) when prompted by the meeting moderator. at this time i'll
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moisture the altogether all parties please stand any members on line press tar 3 to unmute if you plan to speak. >> looks like hands raised all right. >> again, if there is someone on line to speak could i please press star 3 to raise your hand? >> yeah. >> hello caller can you steamed or state your name the
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person online state your name? >> i think he's probably confused and okay. >> is thank you for everyone here and hand do you solemnly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth? okay. thank you. >> you may be seated. >> can we figured out i think the view on the screen? >> we're not sure we'll try to
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get someone to fix it. >> okay. >> hold on (rustling of papers.) um, so the next item on the agenda is (discussion and possible action)discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for a meeting held on: october 16, 2024. public comment. motion to approve the minutes? >> do i have a second. >> seconded by - is there public comment on the motion to approve the minutes seeing none, all commissioners in charge. >> any opposed the minutes are approved. um, next, we will have approved. um, next, we will have item c. >> c.1. new appeals: order of
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abatement (discussion and action) case no. 6934: 1 edgar avenue - complaint # 202174577 owners of record & appellant: abib tommy k & akhbiriq imane ros. action requested by appellant: appellants appeal the director's order of abatement no. 202174577-a and assessment of costs, issued on december 27, 2022, following a hearing held on december 6, 2022. >> um, so with the would the staff come forward and also i forgot to set the time for the record. >> each department has 7 minutes to present and then the appellant court and the department has three minutes. rebuttal and the appellant three minutes for rebuttal and i'll set the timer >> thank you sonya. >> good afternoon to everyone
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and building inspections i'm here to have the case no. 6934 for the presentation on today's agenda some of the cases will be to accommodate for accommodate presentation and engaging with the examination i'll remind everyone before i start the presentation now we'll move forward with the first case no. 6934 the property address is 1 edgar avenue route number 6978 the up to the time consists of a two-story our 40 are a residential use in the
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certificate of occupancy and the recommendation many march of 2021 aab inspector have an unauthorized before the building permit were pending at the time of the inspection a significant amount of work was complete 1 edgar avenue do electrical plumbing and concrete foundation. tod after three years as elapsed the building permit identified the stage the finding also identified what is deviating for the 1 edgar avenue this property is subject to multiple violations and
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unauthorized building will perform with the dbi inspection has undermined the safety and rendered the building unsafe to occupy the director was called on september 6, 2022, the hearing officer was meant to have a order of abatement further to object tan and after activists wand permit has been withdrawn and one is in pending due to the appellant nonresponsive to the comment issued from the agency staff recommendations uphold the order of abatement the nova finding and dbi were adequate. i still
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have four minutes go forward. >> let's go to page 5 for the approval of the two-story at the corner highlighting - and owner in july 2020 the violation issued in 2021. and we have in violations photo from page 24 as you can see the condition and the site a lot of work has been done and the electrical work with the picture and los angeles's on the top of the ceiling from page 27 and so also
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on the page 2 of my staff report as you can see on the bottom of page i have a list of exhibits so different exhibits and also on table one and two on the top of page two the listing of permit the permit for 565 for the impeding safety responding for the second permit withdrawn and historic record from the table to and from the permitted property i'm sorry plumbing violation from under the table two that concludes my presentation. for the staff and i'll stands by for the next session. thank
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you. >> okay. and want to announce i forgot to stated earlier that after the appeal case number c-3 the board will take a brief recess. >> estimating 15 minutes. >> okay. now the appellant can come forward. >> all right. my name is tommy. um, i took a oath that gentleman has not been in my building that's one and two i came back if a flight last night, i was not invited by e-mail from this committee time i got a phone call it was
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proposed to be at 920 and it is 10:30 and 14 flights those people are invited can show me an e-mail whatever this has about this going on with those people for years this building cost me a divorce part of the good part about it and they asked - they said i have a violation of electricity a violation of plump i - i don't have electricity at all zero if building. and they said water and plumbing i don't have water and i don't have a meter. they made me pay cost me mr. about telephone thousand dollars for the meter for the water this is a violation. and made me do
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electricity cost me $28,000 wouldn't give me the permit and 3, asked me to do some stuff i didn't and they didn't give me that. and fourth thing 49 thousand a beautiful building the people that work there they're corrupt. and not going to give a penny to any inspector they're corrupt it is fine but center to give me proof of what i did this has been going on since 2020 that was covid not even working. and i went to their office and said go ahead and do the job we are open you can come in that's what i did i do did that and coming up with
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alternatives i was at their office twice i don't know what i'm doing here i don't know this is my opinion why have to do anything i made complaints through the city the city said they don't have no power over those people as 49 thousand so the gentleman was sitting in the corner left he kicked me out of the building. they called the cops on me and called the security on me and calls this gentleman and called their supervisor and another thing not i mean, i would through that. >> they tell me this inspector is not here and all of a sudden i go to the third floor i see the person i walked in and said
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they told me you're not - you have problems they basically do they're to corrupt they move one inspector to another building and from the third floor to the fourth floor just i mean they're working but not working on my case and every time i where an inspector to take care of my case there is an issue i don't know if they're scared we have to do this is now i'm broke i don't have any money they made me spend too much money to water and time 3 and times 4 and it is so ridiculous. you know, they
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say a dream house is nightmare this gentleman to come here and start lying about the challenges and fire i don't have any evictions er electricity show me it go costs me $28. and the house was there since 1925 i came here to taking care of that highway a lot of homework a lot of games and another issue. i take care of that place and make that my dream house it became a nightmare thanksgiving i did i went to them and my lawyer sent them e-mails my architect and no relies they reapply when they
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feel like it and not in any problem and they're getting paid i'm the was o one that is losing money and i come here to pay i scant pay the damn taxes for the highway right now maybe next year are we going to take your house? for a corrupt 49 south van ness people not me saying this is the - this is corrupt i'm not writing phenomenon whatever i'm not writing anyone and this gentleman to say is where you been to my building no. >> came to that no. >> the plumbing person was in my building the only person and this person was not there.
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>> that's all i have to say. it is frustrating but and okay. thank you, sir. >> okay. >> um, next is public comment is there public comment on this item? >> any in-person, remotely? >> um, so no public comment then staff rebuttal. >> right hand to the first comment from the appellant not any about electrical you're electricity is about no permit we can find did photo on page 25 and see the electrical wires
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with the sheetrock and on page 26 on that kind of in the hallway the recess light has been in between the property and the electrical wire is coming from the top. so that's an unauthorized electrical work and over the exhibit have a hefty on exhibits 5 which we can find this on page - (rustling of papers.) permit history i'm sorry page
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exhibit 6 that page 12 or 4 it again exhibits 6 page 12. as you can see that is electrical violation that is issue of fire from the same day with the b.i.d. i'm sorry along with the pi d. >> the plumbing inspection division. >> okay. >> sorry plumbing inspection distinction and it stands for electrical distinction and want you to make reference to the exhibit 8 a 9 property focus on exhibit 8 that is permit report we can find this on page 14. this permit is still under the filing stage and the description is the appellant with the
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construction approved - (rustling of papers.) >> um, we have he's k0u7 for his rebuttal? >> thank you so you concluded your rebuttal thank you and you may come down now. >> thank you. >> and it is also about plumbing but the electricity any wires but i'm not going to say no yes with the building trying to fix the house so no electricity. zero i don't have no electricity inside my house and the second thing a hearing with them why am i here though i have a hearing i don't know why i'm here has this gentleman been
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to my building. >> and second thing the permit is being issued to this house. this is how they are corrupt. so from the previous owner the previous owner from came to the country has a permit and once the problem starting with mow they disappeared it permit i really love for you that is stereotyped issued to the previous owner that's how they are corrupt and the previous owner told me he gave money to get that. thank you. >> i like a clarify those violations for the electrical and plumbing started work without a permit. there is statements about covid being closed we were closed for a week
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and opened up and restriction on non-construction. 2 1/2 months because of covid just to clarify. >> thank you open for boards discussion. >> thank you first staff that's a question i'm sorry, i forgot your name. >> yeah. staff is that the staff? >> joe. >> thank you joe. >> thank you, supervisor. >> rear yard the - didn't have any notification on this site i see one certified letter going to the ninth street apartment is there any other i mean besides. >> i answer this question i forgot to mention this.
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>> um, on the page 41 of my staff report a ab that is the letter we post at the up to the time and on page 42 the last page our inspection team did posted this at the building property i think a proposal we find from - >> that we have opposed they had had with the permit mostly the permit indicates it is permit they opted to move and authorized gate not in the foundation. >> just to be clear, he told us he was out of country so was owe getting the notice if they're posting them on the
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property - if he didn't get them. >> we sent them certified pail and in november we have the records of that and under the page 40 page 40 hold on - >> with the gate. >> we sent the registered letter and please reference to page 23 part of our sheet 4 of 4. under the line item think october 14th, fares our team sent out a certified mail to indicates the notification appearing sent by mail. okay. the last item from the bottom of
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page 23. >> thank you. >> okay. >> any other questions. >> i wanted to clarify the appellant is your request what is your request to deny the or to up hold you're appeal or what is your request. >> i swear to god i don't know why i'm here you know what it is a phone call i got 3 days ago why know why that is a decision has nothing to do with with the 49 thousand so, i mean and then they said a received the letters to clarify did it have any signature on it? does that. >> does that have any signature on it that i resolved anything. >> i didn't get it it you got any e-mails you guys got any
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e-mail the motion logical thing. >> i understand i'm asking what you're request is. >> my question ssi need somebody to guide me because every time i go to 49 south van ness i get the security i know my rights since 2020 and coming to 25 we're dealing with something non-nonsense find but don't play the games i'm fighting nobody. >> that's very good i'm glad to hear that. >> so you're requesting someone guide you tell you what you're next step is to solve the
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problem. >> au not done testing the fees. >> yeah. >> you're here to contest the fees and asking for more time requesting to deny is fees. >> i mean opponents made me paid a lot of opponents because the thing is they tell me to pay and i'm sorry. i'm frustrated. >> submitted an appeal ar hearing your appeal. >> yes. >> so deputy green explain the process to historically we have the option to uphold the appeal
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or - um, but after that in the process for what, you know, in compliance. >> sure. i have one of the supervisors and owe architect to get back for approval. >> we can have - our role today is to uphold the appeal or not uphold the appeal but have someone from the department to reach out to you, you to guide you through the process of getting your permit that's. >> go from the city and- >> (multiple voices). >> so you're in front of of the building inspection commission and the appeals board a citizen oversight body but we are not - we don't work for the city in its capacity so somebody from dbi will reach out to you. >> 49 south van ness. >> not an alternative building
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inspection commission department unfortunately, but welcome to come back to the commission with questions about, you know, your process and have other meetings for public comment and tell us how things are but required to get our permit either way and complete the work in line with the building codes. >> i was kidding. >> we're here to evaluate whether or not the department made a mistake in issuing so if you have any offers for the permit you talked about. >> oh, yeah. for sure and do you have it. >> i bring it yeah, because i have it in my e-mail and my architect has it and my lawyer has it. because the building since 1925. >> if you can produce 3 permit
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will be helpful. >> make that disappear i'm going to look for that. >> during the deliberations please. okay.. thank you. >> to clarify no dispute about the legality of the buildings but without a building permit. >> i agree. i agree with that. >> and from your phone number and you w my e-mail. >> take my e-mail. >> we have no problem the certified issue and thank you. >> [off mic.] >> do you want me to. >> sorry i'll have staff reach out to you.
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820 to 10 i don't have the papers. >> have you familiar with the notice of violation from november 4th, administrative code section 31.04(h). >> with which one. >> a lot of them. >> no, he said he posted on the building or on the house the house is abandoned nobody goes through. i have not been there now probably i'll say 9 months not been up there and before november 2, 2021, was work performed on the property without a permit. >> yes, sir. >> all right. thank you. >> all right. and but i got the okay. from them because it was covid at this time, i got okay. from them by the person going to sign is papers not there. >> you got the okay. from who
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and from 49 south van ness and the only one working. >> did you receive a letter or permit. >> she said go ahead and work nobody here don't come to the building and working on the existence how to get work from the house at that time. >> yeah. is were not working only one. >> inspector has a comment as
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well can we recognize him. >> sir, have a seat and the board will let you know if they have in any further questions and commissioner meng have further comment. >> i want additional information on the page. >> excuse me - >> just answer the question. >> okay. >> yeah, just answer questions and clarification. >> (multiple voices.) >> inspector. >> my clarifying question is we post nixon is property itself but have mailing address that you confirmed that is; correct? >> we do both and through certified mail send it to the owner and which can be found from the exhibits and the
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address. >> they sent certification mail i'm not there i don't sign it and have what they call them the connoisseur was not signing for it they sends that back in the firmament is happened. and sent it regular mail i do receive it. >> you had a initiation that was sent back are you aware that was not delivered. >> i asked them and they said they had that and once i got into an argument with them and can i have anyone from the department say that was delivered. >> we have redundancy of certified mail a photo posting on the gate that gate has been removed continuation an
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unauthorized gate (multiple voices). >> i'm asking in the certified mail we got the notifications that was delivered and we have. >> under the sheet we indicated that was presented to the owner mailing address. >> we don't have the - >> that was returned on page 29 we have one receipt of serviced mail with signatures i think we're trying to get clarity do we have that for the other notices. >> i think i missed that attachment from the report but after the mailing or can contact the office they can find that from the micro soft team the
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sheet indicates we served the serviced by mail i remember i have confidence about by team if they didn't do it at all answer. >> i think the last certified- >> (multiple voices). >> from 2022. >> (multiple voices.) >> and that is director haney. >> yeah. yeah. i mentioned i missed that attachment (captioning is ending at this point which is on the line item from the bottom to the top from the bottom. the third one from the bottom dated on october 16th, 2024, which indicates rb. notice of hearing certified mail. so. so it's in the database that we received the certified mail receipt back, but we don't have copies of the signed. i missed it from the attachment okay. and
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if we can during the break time maybe i can contact the administration team, see if they can email that to me. i just want to clarify that the return, the receipts you do have is from the original director's hearing. it's not from the correct. i think it sounds like there had been some sort of miscommunication about coming today and about this process. so i'm trying to figure out i understand where that is, but i do see the thanks for the clarification on the 2022. i did not hear, i mean, a request like the request from the appellant is not to you know, push forward the hearing or anything of that nature. i haven't heard anything to dispute the claims that have been asserted. i mean, i've heard a frustration and maybe a lack of understanding, but i
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haven't heard any dispute of the facts, disputes about i haven't heard you given me any information that counters the facts that have been presented. commissioner williams asked, if you did work without permits. you said yes, and then you proceeded to tell us that, well, someone at 49 van ness told you that it was okay, but you can't. you haven't told us who. well, obviously obviously i was not prepared. i mean, i didn't know i was here because i was just a phone call. so obviously i was not prepared. he asked me a question. i asked him honest, honest answer. i mean, i'm not going to say no. i mean, it is what it is. but i mean, the thing is, at 49 south venice, you gotta understand something. those people, are they not? they they have zero communication. you go to second floor. i mean, you gotta understand this. you go to the second floor, which is they work with the fourth floor.
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they have the same computer, but miscommunication, they don't know what the hell is going on. i mean, he can answer that because i've been with him and i ask him, i believe this gentleman too. i believe that gentleman was there too. i mean, believe me, i've been in the second floor, third floor, fourth floor. is that my problem? no, i mean, i'm paying. i mean, i'm paying my taxes. i'm paying my things. i'm doing my dream thing like, are you actively working towards getting a permit to push forward the work? yes. still to this day. okay. and then the thing is, they tell me to do things. i mean, do some stuff, like you're going to go get electricity and then oh, sb9. have you heard, you know, about sb9. sb9 is a new law. i was the first the first guy in san francisco who signed for that. 23 000 something happened. yeah. no no
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no worries. so they tell me to do sb9. sb9 cost me about like 23 or $28,000. and then they're going to give me a permit. guess what i paid that. guess what. they didn't give me no permit. so i mean you see if you guys can just if he can just answer me this question, i'll pay whatever you guys want me to pay the sb9, i give you a permit. i paid for sb9 until this day. they didn't give me my money back because i don't need sb9. no, no longer. and he can answer that the sb9. i don't want to lose. yeah the thread of what we're discussing here, i know that there are a lot of things that we're feeling frustrated about, but we're here to talk about one thing and that's whether or not work was done without a permit being issued,
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which you have said you have done. but if we're going to talk about one thing right here, believe me, i'm going to be here every other day. if you believe me. yeah. okay. thank thank you both of you guys can be seated. thank you. okay. thank you. they'll deliberate now. thank you. i think there's an announcement. oh, yeah. we have a text from staff about the certified letter that was sent because we received this from the us postal service, as your item could not be delivered on november 9th, 2024 at 3:25 p.m. it was held for the required number of days and is being returned to the center. so that was the notification we sent. there we go. okay, so i do thin, sorry to say, he was took the oath. took the oath. so okay. that's a lie. so would you like to if you had more time to come back, would you be able to present us information that would be counter to anything discussed here today? of course i will, of course. okay. so i'll
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bring my lawyer with me and i'll bring all the emails that the conversation i had with them. i want to recognize your frustration, and i apologize that there was this miscommunication about you showing up today. and i know that you had to travel to get here. so my dad passed away, by the way, and i have to come back for this. i'm very sorry to hear that. yeah, i again, am recognizing your frustration. and this is. i'm sorry that you had. i'm sorry. thank you. sorr. we the question on the table. we i think we have two questions on the table right now. the first is the question that we're here today for is whether or not there was work done without a permit. and it sounds like there's a second question as to whether you would like to come back at another time with more time to prepare and be able to provide information that shows that that that first question is that that you had a permit or you were working toward a permit, but is that something that, yes. can you please also
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ask this gentleman or this gentleman to bring the permit that they gave to the previous owner because it disappeared? it was there at the system. it disappeared. okay. we the department can present the evidence that it has. and then we're going to ask you to bring whatever materials you have for this conversation. the conversation is about, again, whether or not work was done without a permit at the time that the notice of violation was issued. sure, there was covid by the way, this it was covid. i understand that. yeah, yeah, that's what i think are the two. it sounds like you're requesting that we postpone this hearing. yes, please. yes. okay. and then i have i have not been receiving any notice. okay. and it sounds like you're providing your contact information and we can get into better touch with you further down the line so we can have more notice for you to arrive. thank you. without having to upend your plans. sure. thank you. yeah. to the
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department. since there can be an issue with certified mail, can we send both certified and uncertified mail? as a general practice like so that we, you know, like certified mail can be a barrier for folks who are not home? but there's two ways to do it. and so that this is a i understand that our notification will only be determinant on whether or not people receive the certified mail. however, i think it's a good practice to unless there's legal objection to also just send it by regular mail or email if it's provided. yeah, right. if you know it's not even really about whether or not you open up the envelope and read it, like, did we send it and did we provide notification? and that to me is the is the burden is the burden is on the department to not whether not determine whether or not you read the read it, but whether or
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not we notified you in a proper way. and that's the only reason we're considering an extension on this. and if. yeah, and so, you know, take it, put it in a drawer, never read it. we've issued our notification. it's the burdens on the department. so i'm sorry you're asking if we could just send us regular mail as well as registered mail. yes i can i can implement that. can we also i mean, just for down the line, if we're calling people prior to coming, can we double check that we have a certification that they received thing like the information because it seems like we have this receipt that they didn't that he did not receive this notification of a hearing. if we have the contact number, we'll start calling. yes. okay. just yeah. this was i apologize. there's obviously a miscommunication on this point. we. yeah. but i mean did they send me about this hearing. they did the certified mail that was
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not. oh they did. and the posting on the property okay. no. because this issue about the mail is been going on for a long time. it's not just this time. okay. thanks for your time, guys. sorry. thank you. i think we have to make a motion or i'm sorry, commissioner williams. mr. mr. yes. so i i'm understanding you want to continue this hearing, but i want you to understand what you'll have to do if you continue the hearing. and i want to make sure you understand that. so we are limited in what we can do and how we can rule on these appeals. so unless you produce evidence showing that there was a factual mistake in by the board in issuing and finding that in november 2021, you didn't have the electrical and plumbing permits before doing the work. we can't do anything to reverse this. so i'm i'm raising this not because i want to deny you the opportunity to be prepared, but i don't know
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if it's worth your time to come back to unless unless you're confident that you can produce some evidence of that. unless you unless you can bring in a permit or you have a name of somebody who told you you had a permit or something. so i just want to make sure that you're clear on what we can do with this because, you know, due process is important. but i also, you know, everybody in here today, we've these can run for a long time and i, i don't want you i, i feel for you. and i don't want you to waste another day here when we can't do very much. you know, we can't do anything in these, in this capacity about your bad experiences at 49 south venice or any issue you had with somebody representing to you that you had a permit, we just can't do anything about that. so just so you know that i want to make sure you understand that. and you're clear with that. you want us to consider moving forward with continuing the hearing. with all that in mind,
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i don't have no problem. let's move forward. yeah. because if i'm going to go through that, i have to request cameras from 49 south venice. look for that lady. i mean, and then it's going to be dragging along. so i'm sorry. i'm confused by what you're saying. you're saying. no, i mean, move forward on on just making the decision today or move forward on. yeah. because he said he's he has a feeling to going to move forward to tonight. so might as well just go forward with it. okay. i mean i'm just going with mr. william. propose probably he doesn't want to see me back her, which is no problem. no. you're charming and funny, so i. hey life is short, bro, but i. you know, it's not. it's not my proposal. i just, you know, in adversarial proceedings, sometimes you get, you know, it's competitive and emotional and you're just like, okay, i want to have i want to have my
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shot. but this is also, i imagine at this point, it's been a huge investment of your time to be here, and you're going to have to make that investment again. and if you're going to do that, then you're certainly welcome to we can we can consider that. but for your own sake, i, i would hope if you're going to do that, then you will present some evidence of, you know, something that we can consider on whether the department made a substantial error, in fact, or law in issuing the notice of violation. well, obviously we can't go by the certified. i haven't received it. that's one. but i mean, we can go on and on and on. so on. the substance of the notice of violation. i mean, i was not prepared. i did not even know why i came in here today for you understand that i might. have you seen my flight? i just landed at 10 p.m. last night. 14 flights, 14 hours flights. right. so you got to take that to the consideration. and my dad just passed away about four days
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ago right now, and i have to come back. sorry to interrupt you, sir. so would you like to still ask that the board go forward with the continuance? just, just just want to know, i don't know. do you want to do you want to come back another time, or would you like them to make a decision today? i'd rather come back with my lawyer. okay. so he has all the papers. okay. thank you sir. so it looks like he would like to do the continuance. so we need a motion on that. and i'm also just finding out. i think we may only have this room until 130. no. okay. motion to continue. okay. second. okay. so there's a motion by commissioner alexander to second by vice president newman to continue do a roll call, vote. to continue to the next meeting. the next meeting of the board. it may be on december 11th. yeah. we can we can just provide notice. we'll
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provide notice of the date. i don't know the date. right now, but we'll provide notice. so is this continued to the next meeting of the of the board. is that what the motion is. yes. okay. and the roll call vote president chavez. yes. vice president newman. yes. commissioner. alexander. yes. commissioner. ming. yes, commissioner. shaddix. yes. and commissioner williams. yes. that motion carries unanimously. okay. the next item is case c two, case number 6935805. vermont street. owner of record and appellant harry alt and roberta alt. action requested by appellant. appellant appeals. the director's order of abatement number 202180046a and assessment of costs issued on march 7th, 2023, following a hearing on february 21st, 2023, staff had come forward. okay. thank you.
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okay. thank you. now i will be ready for the second case for today. and i just want to remind everyone there's some new information for now. this morning after the arb report released last week. so there's some information will not be alive with the report. i will be give you some highlights down the road here. appeal case number 6935. the subject property address is 805 fairmont street. block number 4093. lot number 064c campaign number
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202180046. the subject property consists of a two story wood frame building in taifib. construction for a single famil. residential use in office occupancy. a peeve of my record research in campaign investigation performed three years ago. dbi building inspector reviewed an unauthorized addition of living space on the ground floor of an existing single family residential building. consisted of unauthorized entry, hallway, bathroom vapor, etc. that has been constructed without a building permit and city pending approval. this unauthorized setting could be used as an illegal adu. the unauthorized unit addition poses a risk of fire and life safety to the occupant of the building. until last tuesday, owner filed an
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over-the-counter building permit reference to the last four digits for 810 and attempt to adjust the violation. building plan reviewer issue plan review comment on the same day of the permit application, file owner is required to adjust the plan review, comment, and return the revision plan to continue the plan review with permit center. the outstanding violation has been unattended for over three years from the first nov issue, and it is undermined the fire and life safety of the existing building render the building unsafe to occupy. the director was hosted on february 21st, 2023. the hearing officer decision was to issue an order of abatement with the following condition. firstly, to obtain permit approval and complete all required work, including final inspection site to comply with the no. and pay for all enforcement fee. staff recommendation. uphold the oral abatement, including imposing assessment of costs, the no
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finding and dbi hearing officer decision were precise and accurate, so okay, that concludes my presentation. the appellant like to come forward. my name is bob nelki and i'm working with the owner of the property. and i'm accompanied here with the owner. hi, i'm roberta alt, the owner of the property in response, we are requesting that the order of abatement. be removed and that the case be returned to the to the department. we filed a building permit application and as inspector and had stated, and there is a penalty of assessed to us a nine times penalty on a
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$15,000 estimate of work. we're not asking that we don't pay fees for the permits or for a penalty. our concern is that the that the order of abatement should be removed. it should be noted in mind that the owner bought this property with this work that had been done, a wet bar, a bathroom and a partition wall was installed on the lower level of the of the building. this was done by the prior owner, not the current owner. she is now filing a permit with a set of plans to correct his problems, his mistakes. and we're going to we're we're going to be assessed a penalty. and we'll of course pay that penalty. but we ask that the order be rescinded and that and that the any code enforcement, enforcement fees that go with it
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be removed, it's a it's a very, very small space. i mean, it's only a square building, literally 25 by 25 at the rear of the property line. and it's as i say, the work was done by the prior owner. nothing. nothing was done by this owner. and we're simply asking for your consideration. and the owner is here to answer any questions for you. thank you. yeah, i'm available for any questions. i purchased the property, the person i purchased from is deceased. i bought it from his brother as is. i was living next door. the place was always that way and he was very close to her family and we bought it as is. so i didn't have any idea. i
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thought it was a single family home and so my asking what i'm working on is for it to be a single family home. and. she's been delayed. there have been some issues that have happened, but other than that, she is willing to take out a permit and to correct these violations, which someone else did. okay. thank you. okay. does that conclude your testimony? anything. anything else? did you want to. there'll be a time. i'll just also say that there are i mean, there's a lot of work to get through this. there were no i went to the city to get prior permits and drawings and i pulled everything. and there at that time, hand
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drawings were accepted and so yeah. so there wasn't any background information that we were trying to as we were trying to uncover this whole journey. we now have an architect on board. okay. thank you. is there any public comment on this item? none in person, none remotely. then as a rebuttal staff rebuttal, would you like to come forward? the dpi policy doesn't allow the change of ownership. we set the timeline to compile the noi and the records so that the ownership has been changed. in april 22nd, 2022, and owner has
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attended to the directory in back then. and they did submit the arb appeal form back in march 2023, which is one and a half years ago. and they did not take any action to submit a permit to address the noi until last week. so that's why i want to say thank you. okay. thank you. this the appellant have any rebuttal. do you able to see the information or i can distribute a copy. may i have the permission. you can just you can just give them the copy. i'll give it to them. thank you. in terms of the timing, it did take some time to get an architect and plans and stuff and things through. we've been working on this for many, many months. and that's that's basically the delay. it's a good faith delay. yeah. i did after i received this, i did go down to the department of planning and i would say very similar to the
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prior gentleman. i've just buying a house. i didn't understand any process. i went down and asked questions. i paid a fine. i thought i was done, i was given a case to come in. i then called the number. i'm a mom of working mom of three kids and i called to try to change the hearing date and i didn't get through to anywhere. but i did go down and they told me that i would get another court date and to wait. and so this is the next court date. it has been a very long time. and then through asking around, i found that i could get some help because i couldn't navigate the process. i had no idea what i was supposed to do. thank you. but i didn't leave it. you can go back and see that. shortly after that, it was issued. i was down and i paid. i don't close to $2,000 on a fine. thank you,
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thank you. and commissioners, you have deliberation. oh, i called, i asked for public comment already. yeah. thanks. board members, i have a question for the appellant. can you can you walk us through when you bought the house, when you found out about this violation, what actions did you take? and then and then how long do you think you need to rectify the permit? the what is your strategy for rectifying it? and then how long do you think you need? sure, i got the notice in 2021. was it february? i'm awful with dates february and i bought the place in 2019 and so i found out about it in 2021 when i received the
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violation. and yeah, and so i went down to city hall. that's what i did to figure out what it meant. i called the we can look up the name of the inspector who was on the original, i called him, i have emailed, texted him, we spoke several times. i was trying to figure it out. i then came back down to city hall or not to city hall, to the department of planning on van ness. i wrote a check and then there was the situation with the court date. i tried to change. i went back down again, said, what do i do? and they said, you'll be assigned a court case. and then i spoke with someone and she introduced me to bob, and i've been working with him, and we found an architect. so that's been my process, what i plan to do, and i don't think we need much time because we've already started and the permit process,
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and i don't think we're that far away from getting it done. i'm just looking to not do anything other than for it to be legal. single story dwelling, that's all. i'm not looking. i'm just pulling the permit for it to be with the work that has been done to get signed off, that would legalize the current work. yeah. is that okay? that's that's done. and we've got it reviewed. and do you want to provide that the what we have so far. yeah we have plan review comments i won't go over with it. but they're pretty they're really minor comments on the plans. just clarification primarily it's just to remove a non bearing partition wall that was installed. and of course we do electrical and plumbing work as well to make sure that there's permits, make sure everything's safe. and we could you know if the permit is issued we can do
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the work very quickly. i mean, within within a month or two. and it's a very simple task. i mean, we're talking like 1100 foot for both floors. earthquake cottage. so it's small. commissioner newman, i have a question for the department because i like with the adu stuff, isn't there adu amnesty in the city of san francisco and just kind of i'm looking at this and it's like was that is that is there a reason that was actually there's a state law that says you can request five, five year moratorium on enforcement. we didn't get that request for this. i believe it was just re extended. the owner didn't ask for the moratorium. owner did not ask for it was they are they. yeah. were they made aware that that is a program that exists. i can't i
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can't comment on that. but i would be surprised if they were to be honest. okay. is there any reason to believe she would not have been eligible if she had been notified? if we get the notification that we would go out and do a site visit and verify that there's no life safety issues, just to what i've seen, we probably grant it. we lend on. yeah. yeah. so you may have been eligible for a waiver of this entire thing. yeah. i think covid-19 for denying. okay. thank you. thank you. can come up to the you can come up to the mic, ma'am. i don't i mean you're fine. i'd like to motion to with. what is it. when we agree with the appellant we don't do this very often. no. not to deny the appeal. not to
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deny no to uphold the appeal. oh, sorry. no, we want we want to grant her her position. how do we do this? we don't do this very often. we agree with the appellant. and so you would grant the appeal and the order of abatement would be reversed. i would like to. yeah. based on the what's before us that if this the appellant had been notified that there was a state law to grandfather her adu in that she would have been able to do that, then i just just clarify, i think i have enough i understand i understand that she didn't and she didn't know and maybe she would have. it's speculative, but i think it should go back to the department and, and perhaps she can make that request at this time. anyway, i think that that was that there was information that she should have been provided and so my motion to send this
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back to the department. sorry, can i just clarify one? yes, of course it doesn't. grandfather in the it just puts a five year moratorium. thank you. yes yes yes the moratorium i'm sorry. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. yeah, yeah. i don't want to give false hope. you're right. thank you. that we would have not grandfathered it in because that's kind of a but stopped enforcement and allowed five years to come into compliance. that's been extended. so just for the record so the motion is to grant the appellant's appeal and reverse the order of abatement and assessment of costs. that's correct. sorry if i stole your. oh it's fine. we have some people in the queue. are those comments so that. yeah, there are people that want to speak but should i is there a motion, should i say call for a second first and then have people speak? or what do we do here.
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no, i didn't make a motion. she just made a motion. i will second that motion. okay. so there's a motion in a second. and then there are people that were in the queue to speak. now are you. no. okay. now they're not okay. is that what you both were going in the same direction. fantastic. okay, commissioner williams, so there's a motion and a second to grant the appeal and reverse the order of abatement, including the assessment of costs. do i do public public comment on this? is there any public comment on the motion? there's no public available. do a roll call. vote. president chavez. yes. vice president newman. yes. commissioner. alexander. yes. commissioner. ming. yes. commissioner shaddix. yes. and commissioner williams. yes. thank you. that motion carries unanimously. yeah. and also just sorry about that. 80 use are so complicated. i'm sorry about the difficulty you've had there. okay. well okay. okay. next.
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next item. also just a suggestion. since we only have the room till 130, then we probably shouldn't take a break. yeah. keep moving. okay. so item three is case number 69372678 21st street. owner of record and appellant paul wilkinson. action requested by appellant. appellant appeals. the director's order of abatement number 202183642. a an assessment of costs issued on august 16th, 2023, following a hearing on july 18th, 2023. sonia, can i interrupt really quickly if we what happens when we hit 130? we get kicked out. that session ends. there is another commission that's coming in. if they can, they they may allow us like another few minutes, but they need time to prepare for their meeting because their meeting starts at 2:00. so if we don't get to the rest of the cases, we just have to adjourn. we can, we can. but
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however, the last three cases are related. so if possible, it would be good if we can go through it, if we can, if we can get it done today. so we don't have to continue another time. and also the members are the people are here. yeah. in 22 minutes. but i yeah i, well i mean it's not up to me. that's up to you guys. let's see how much we can get through. but i also just want to preface it, i want to make sure you all have like a sufficient amount of time to make your arguments. so if we get to the time that we're going to try to figure out a way to, to get everything. yeah, okay, okay, okay. thank you. so that staff can come forward quickly. i think this is we're the last three minutes. okay. we'll see. we'll get to that in a moment.
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oh, they're not here. okay. which which for which one are you? did you say one of the last three? these two right here. so i'm not sure if this person is actually in the room. is the appellant. oh, there's somebody online. yeah. okay. okay. mr. wilkinson, your hand is raised. you're on. okay. but yeah, i didn't i didn't i didn't hear that. is there a member of the public. no, no that's okay. we just wanted to make sure that you were here and represented s. yeah, actually, while i have you, can you take the oath? i can. can you do that? sure. okay. we'll do that later. okay. when you get ready to talk, go ahead. okay. you can mute yourself again. thank you. okay. confusing. go ahead. okay. thank you. following with the third aabb appeal case for today. appeal case number 6937. the appropriate address is 2678 21st
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street block number 4088. lot number 021. campaign number 202183642. the property consist of a two story wood frame building in type b construction, approved for a four unit multi-family residential use in our two occupancy three years ago. dbi building inspector was deployed in response to a member of the public campaign. he revealed that existing brick foundation of the multi-family residential building has deteriorated. the first noi was issued upon final inspection complete one year ago. the owner obtained approval for a building permit to correct the violation. however, this permit remained idle without any inspection until last friday. today there are two inspection records found from the permit checking system, but all of them were failed due to the owner failed to provide approved permit during on the
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job site. at the time of inspection for the past three year owner, an attempt to repair the failed existing building foundation has rendered the building unsafe to occupy. the director has. hold on. sorry. july 18th, 2023. the hearing officer decided to issue an oral abatement form with the condition 30 days to obtain permit to complete all requirements, including final inspection and pay for all code enforcement fee. staff recommendation uphold the oral abatement, including imposing assessment of costs to know and funding of dbi hearing officer decision will be safe and accurate, and i do have some updated inspection record for the permit they they issue. i just found out this morning they do have two inspection. may i have your permission to distribute this information. thank you. it's showing owner. no physical progress, but just request inspection. not providing a permit. drawing on
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site so we cannot perform inspection. that's conclude my first session. i stand stand by for questions. thank you. now it's time for the appellant presentation. okay, mr. wilkinson, you're now unmuted. i'm going to state the oath. are you do you swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth to the best of your knowledge? yes. i do. okay. thank you. okay. and you have seven minutes so you can go ahead and present. sure. i will try to condense. yeah. so it's. yeah, it's a long story. it's been a lot of work. i live in sweden. i've had i have made two trips out to deal with the issu. it's always been my intention to deal with the issue when i. it
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was very difficult to get somebody to find, to find somebody to take the job on. when i finally got a, a contractor and an engineer to do the work, the engineer surprised me when he reported that the foundation, although it doesn't look pretty, it's actually in relatively good repair and is not a hazard. so i would like to i have a letter, a letter from the engineer to that effect. we've also done the work and have a letter from the engineer stating that he's he has inspected the work and it is the work was done as he intended. unfortunately, unfortunately the we were not able to pass inspection yesterday because for some reason the for some reason the, the permit drawings weren't on site, but the work has been
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done. we are trying to finish the inspection as soon as possible. but the reason for my appeal is that the notice of violation stated that the foundation was a hazard and the engineer report states that the foundation was not a hazard. okay. does that conclude your testimony, sir? yes. thank you. okay. thank you. and now it's time for public comment. is there any public comment on this item? okay. seeing none staff rebuttal okay. there's no staff rebuttal. mr. wilkinson, do you have any rebuttal? oh, just just that it's been. i'm just really hoping that the air can be removed because it's been i've
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been doing my best, but it's been years of expense and travel and stress. so i would love to. i would love, absolutely love to have this, this this some some closure on this issue. okay. thank you. thank you. okay. so board discussion. i have one question. do we have a copy of the engineering report? president chavez that's the letter i gave you earlier. if you want to allow them to submit it, i've got copies for all the commissioners. does the department refute anything in this letter? no, but that's the first time i saw that letter. was last week. so. okay. if you want to just make this easy, it
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sounds like the work is done. you want to just put the order in abeyance for 30 days and get the final inspection. we just want compliance. we're not birx for me. and i make a motion. oh, go ahead. yeah. no. sorry. what were you going to say? let's do the motion. let's just do it. yeah. did you have a alternative? she said 60 days because of the holidays. yeah. let's do that. how do we put that in a motion. motion to put the order of abeyance and assessment of costs in abeyance for 60 days from today? yes. i motion that would. yes. to can you add to allow final inspection for the to allow final inspection. would that mean that. yeah. not sure i
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think you're ready for final inspection, mr. wilkinson. just have your contractor have the plans on site and schedule the inspection. hopefully it's done properly and we'll close the permit and we can close this case. yes. super. that sounds great. thank you very much. thank you. great. thank you. okay, so that's. yes. so. so who's stating the motion? i'm stating the motion okay. so president chavez and the second, second, second vice president newman and roll call vote president chavez. yes. vice president newman. yes, commissioner. alexander. yes, commissioner. ming. yes. commissioner. shaddix. yes. and commissioner williams. yes. okay. that motion carries unanimously. okay. so are we able to call all those three cases at the same time? okay. yes. okay. so the if the board is in agreeance, these all three these cases are related. so we
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would like to call all three at one time. do we have to make a motion for that or can we. do you have to make a motion or no motion. but if there's any objection to them hearing them together then and are all the appellants okay with hearing these cases together? okay. and we can allow more time if as needed and as, as we have available. okay. so i'm going to read all of the cases. the first one is c for case number 6936 28 hill point avenue. owners of record and appellant kurd baber which living trust bethany kurd and brandon baber which action request the appellant appellants appeal the director's order of abatement and assessment of costs issued on september 22nd, 2023. case number 6938336. parnassus avenue. owners of record and appellant noel
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carrasco and stacy lusignan. action requested by appellants. appellants appeal the director's order of abatement and assessment of costs issued on august 24th, 2023. case number 6939338 parnassus avenue, owners of record and appellant noel carrasco and stacy mckinnon. action requested by appellant appellants appeal the director's order of abatement and assessment of costs issued on august 23rd, 2023 and the staff inspector staff presentation first. thank you. so this is the last presentation for today and it will be grouping three arb appeal case together due to all three properties are addressed to the same violation. this arb case number 69366938 and 6939
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following with the appropriate address 28 hill pond avenue, block number 1275. lot number 019. complaint number 202185823. the subject property consist of a three story wood frame building in type b construction for a single family. residential use in rv occupancy. the second and third property are in the in a condo setting address number at v6 and v8 per francis avenue. block number 1275. lot number 088 and 089 respectively. complaint number i just the last four digits five, six, five, five and the other one last four digits is 85825 respectively. to each unit. the subject property consists of a two story wood
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frame building in five b construction approved for two family use in r3 occupancy. the record review refunding in january 2022, dbi building inspector conducted a field investigation and confirmed that a retaining wall over four feet high has failed at the rear yard between 28 hill pond avenue and 56 to 3ft eight parentheses avenue. almost three years, has elapsed, but the violations remain outstanding in the code enforcement stage. the owner of 28 hill pond avenue has filed an over the counter permit with permit center in november 2023. however, this permit is still in the filing state, pending the owner to submit the structural plan to complete the plan, review approval. the last plan review activity was completed by city planning one years ago, approved the owner to continue the structural plan review.
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however, today the owner still has not returned the return. the to continue the structural plan review. it has been almost three years since the first note was issued. the owner of this free property has remained an attempt to repair the failed retaining wall. this retaining wall has rendered the building site at risk of landsliding. the director hearing was hosted on july 18, 2023, together with all three cases, the hearing officer's decision to make issue an order of abatement with the following condition. failure to obtain permit approval and complete all required work, including final inspection, site of and compliance with the no and pay for all code enforcement fee. currently, only the property owner of 28 hill point avenue filed a permit, but but he did not follow up with the last scene. the last pancake review last year. he should bring back the structural plan to complete the review and staff
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recommendation, uphold the order of abatement, including imposing assessment of costs to no funding is accurate and the determination by the hearing officer is also accurate. we can go over a little bit about the contract record from my exhibit seven. which can find from the page 13 that show city planning has approved the plan review back in last year december of today november. but the owner did not bring back the draft because this is the over-the-counter permit. the joint is not in the dbi office. so that's it for now. and i stand by for the next question in the in the next section. thank you. yeah. how does this work when we're or is it two different owners. so are we
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doing the sorry just i mean clarification. well everyone will have an opportunity to speak. we're hearing the cases together, but all parties who want to speak will have an opportunity and we can allow more time if needed. since there's more people is that is that your question? it's. i mean, it could be seven minutes for each, but we're trying to condense it if possible. it should be we should we need to address we need to give the parties the time that they are allotted for address. and if we need to continue it, then we'll continue. it should make that decision. okay okay. but it seems that they want to start. so do we. can we start and then if we don't finish we continue it. is that a possibility or. yeah. yeah. please. please get started. okay. hello. thank you for the opportunity to present my case. i would like to request
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that you remove the order or. i'm sorry. please state your name for the record. no. el carrasco. i currently own 2336 and 338 parnassus avenue. however, when the order of abatement for one of the properties is issued on the previous owner because the complaint was made while she was the owner, i bought the property from her. so there is a question there as well that i'd like to address. sorry. which which address? 336 3838 is in the it's the order is on kathleen dooley but i bought that property later on after the complaint was made. the reason i'm here is what i would like to respectfully request that this order of abatement is removed and the cost associated with it is passed on to 28 hill point avenue, because the retaining wall in question is not between the two properties, it is
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entirely on their side. and i have a surveyor's report to support that. i have no issue with them coming through my property and look at things, and i have been open to let them in only with proper authorization, because they have trespassed a couple of times and they put a claim on us not knowing that that wall was entirely on them, on their side. here is the report. i'll pass it on if you want. i have been through two years of me explaining defending my innocence while they have been claiming their opinions as fact, i can back up that their opinions that they think they are facts are either completely delusional or fabricated. i don't know what their intentions are, but they are wrong and i should not be put through this process for three years on a supposition that the wall is between the two properties. the city did not bother to
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investigate the situation. it was until after the first hearing that it was agreed that a surveyor report should be made. on the second hearing, a surveyor report was presented and it shows the wall is in their side of the property. they bought the property as is. they bought it two months before the fall. the wall failed. they should be. they own it. there's no question about it now. i'm a little upset about that. but i want to stick to the facts. the facts is not our wall. they have to fix it. it should be all on them. and if you think it is my wall, i'll be. i'll be willing to support the case. why? it's not. and this is the most this is the evidence. there is also evidence that the previous owner built these walls for his privacy. the nice side of the fence is facing their property, which means the people we bought this property from were two elderly or retired women. they did not work in their yard at
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all. so this is something that is not ours. i don't even know. i know why i'm here because i asked for an appeal, but i don't know why i have to appeal this. this should be common sense to the city. i mean, i would expect them not to put people through process based on superstitions. so i ask you, please don't let anybody else go through this. we need to make a precedent. and if they don't have proof that a wallet belongs to somebody, if they don't know that the wall belongs to them, they should do their research before putting a claim before putting us through this process. so i ask you to please, please remove this order of abatement and pass the cost to them. thank you. can i just make a couple of comments? so i'm not not yet. not yet. there will be public comment. there will be. okay. is this another present? this is a presentation. the other. okay. yeah. the owner, he wants to give. okay. we would like to submit this. okay. oh this is just for
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everyone to review. and we will give it back to the owner. if in order for well we would need a copy of the anything that the board considers should there should be it should be submitted on the record. can they look at it. oh you you can look at it. but we would need to the party would need to provide copies to the board. made a statement and i did. i didn't know i had to provide this. and i thought the purpose of the hearing was to provide this evidence. this is the information that was due november 13th. well, okay. nope. no problem sir. we will they'll they'll deal with that. thank you, thank you. they'll review it. thank you. okay. you can you can go ahead, sir. yes. my name is brandon beverwyck. i'm one of the owners of 28 hill point. the other property. so first off the bat, mr. carrasco likes to say that, you know, he's not involved. so the entire purpose behind the failure of the
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retaining wall was work that was done in their backyard. and so regardless of who actually owns the retaining wall, there's actually a clearer inclusion of him in this event because of activities that took place in his backyard. so one of the things in not to get into things related to wall failure and things like that, we're obviously here for the order of the abatement. so the we're asking for the order of abatement to be appealed, as well as the assessment of the cost, just because in general, there has not been sufficient time provided for the complexity of this case. so they mentioned that they did a field investigation at the end of or early 2022 that was actually at our ask. so this is not something that the dbi came upon. this was actually asked for us, for them to come out and make sure that the situation was safe. and so we were actually the instigators for them to actually have this on their radar in doing so, there has not been a lot of the sufficient time to actually rectify the issue. there is actually a
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ongoing both liability civil case. originally it was an insurance claim that unfortunately we had to escalate to the court. and because of that, as many of you might know, court cases are not fast things to resolve. and so for us to be able to understand the definition of the ownership, the financial responsibility and the fault associated with the failure of the retaining wall and its reconstruction, we need to have enough time for that civil case to actually play out. you know, the fact that we brought this to the dbi radar, i think is hopefully a signature that we want to rectify this through the proper means, through the permitting process. but we just need sufficient time to be able to do so. and we are not willing to sort of really quickly go through this and remove either evidence. that is needed for our civil case by their destruction of the wall, or also just to rectify the open order of the abatement when we
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have a much more expensive civil case in the works. so the other thing i'd like to point out is he mentioned that he gave us a lot of access. actually, one of the reasons that i think it's really important that these cases are heard together is besides the fact that our properties are abutting and right alongside that wall is actually there's a written email included in my letter that shows that they actually restricted access and refused to provide any access to the property for going on almost a year and a half until the original director's hearing was held, at which point they finally actually provided a statement saying that we could go on the property to rectify the issue. since then, there's actually another a little more implied response to one of our emails to them that similarly points to a reluctance to participate in the process. we have filed the initial permit. our structural engineer was had plans drawn up,
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but then was told that we needed a geology report and then that we would actually have to start the construction on the wall and all of those things. as i mentioned, actually start to put at risk our civil case. our counsel told us that we needed to have on site engineering inspections of the wall for additional evidence. so unfortunately, it is the state it's at of having to go through the legal means. but we are looking to hopefully complete that in short order. our court date is, i think, mid to end of february. we've already been told by contractors and engineers that no one will really touch the wall during the wet season anyway, and so the best we can hope for is reconstruction of the wall at some point in summer or fall of next year, regardless of what is decided here. so. okay. thank you, thank you sir. is there are there any other presenters? we can't allow you to come back up,
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but we will make sure you get your property back. we'll make sure you get your report back. is there are there any other people presenting? last comment. go ahead on the survey. so what you'll probably see in the survey is just measurements of the mark. it does look like maybe the vast majority of the wall is on our property. the survey was not provided to us until the initial director's hearing, and surveyors, unfortunately, are also not the ones who can fully make a determination on ownership and fault. so the survey too is actually we're going to do public comment. you actually the other owner. oh, okay. you can come on up, take the oath. it's still there. still two minutes and 26 seconds left. so you can go ahead. so there's two things that i just wanted to highlight. one, that 3.38 was actually bought. yes. in the process of this. but they were already owners of 3.36. so they were very well, well well aware of the situation with this building when they chose to buy the other unit in it. i think it was presented that they bought it and weren't aware. the other piece about the survey is we actually went into this and it's
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on the property line. we didn't know whose property it was and when dbi came out, we asked the question, how does this get handled? it's on the property line. all the approach of why these are tied together is because it's unclear. and yes, the other owner did say it's your property. also an opinion. we never saw any official documentation. we didn't get it from our owners that we purchased from. they didn't show that when we pushed for the insurance case, and we were actually given an initial offer from the insurance case to say that there is legal exposure from the work that was done. one of the things that we asked was, whose property is it? do you know? and that's when they initiated the survey. so it's not that the survey was done by our neighbors. this is actually something we've pushed for. they've dragged it out for six months. we found another surveyor who was willing to do it in a month. we've tried to push this along, and we haven't had a lot of cooperation from the other side. okay, you'll have a time to rebut in a bit. okay. are there any more
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presenters? no. okay, so now's the time for public comment. is there any public comment? public comment are for people who are not directly involved in the case remotely. okay, now it's staff rebuttal. okay. in general, when any retaining wall fell in between property line, the department will issue a no for each independent property owner. so that's the case. and it is the owner responsibility to hire their own surveyor to this defend themselves. if the retaining wall is owned by them or not owned by them, the department usually don't involve always not involved. so i believe if they have sufficient evidence that proven the wall is not within their own property, then they may bring the evidence
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to the department we may consider to dismiss that and we otherwise our normal practice will wait until the correction complete before we obey the no. for all party. that's it. thank you. okay. the first person was mr. you have three minutes for rebuttal. yes. i would like to say that this is all hearsay. they say that i did work that damaged their wall. not only they don't know that because they didn't live in the propert, they fault the wall fell two months after they purchased it until they bought it. and the fault was outstanding when they bought it. and i have pictures of that. so that's all hearsay. i'll be happy to litigate that in a civil court over here. the fact is, if we're not going to go by a surveyor report that draws the line, if we're going to start to blur the lines and they're going to start to make superstitions of who's the owner, if it's broken, it's yours. and if it's good, it's mine. we're going to be here for
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a long time. and not just me. there will be many cases after us. so i ask you to please the surveyor was an independent person. we don't know him. we don't know who hired him. the insurance company. they probably. and they came to the conclusion that perhaps 90% of the wall is on their side. the 1% that is in us is because the wall fell. that's what happened. and that's just a number. i'm just an estimate. estimating that. but it was the failure of the wall. what made it crossed into our side of the property. the footing of the wall is on the side of the property. it's tilted from the top. that's why it appears along the line of the surveyor reports that a sliver of it is in my property, that wall was built by the owner of 28. he'll point out the previous owner of 28 hill point avenue, the previous owner of 28 hill point avenue, improved his yard to get a better price on the sale of the property and stacked it with tons and tons. and i'm
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not exaggerating, tons of soil and planters. i have pictures of that, and i apologize for not submitting that with my statement, but it's evidence that you would like to see. now, i ask you, are we going to make the lines of the surveyors blurry? are we going to use the tip of the wall as making it belong to me, so that i have to pay for it? or we just stick to the fact that the wall fell and it fell on my property. i don't know how to argue that, but we can do that in a civil court, and i'm confident that the witness in my back so please, let's stick to the surveyors report. there is no better evidence. and please, let's look at the pictures and you'll see that the wall is tilting and has failed. and has crossed into our property because it failed. it was always in their property. thank you. your rebuttal time. so i guess i would say a couple of things. one, first off, i think it's really imperative
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actually that these three cases stay together. and the reason for that is as evident by the director's hearing, there was zero participation from them to even help us rectify the issue, even permit access to the backyard to have engineers and contractors and etc. look at it without the pressure from the city. and so relieving them of the notice of violation separate from a leaving us of it, i think, would actually do a disservice to being able to rectify the issue. the other thing i would say is pointing back to, once again, the intent behind this, which is going to what is our ask for the committee, which is to appeal the abatement and the assessment of fees to provide us the time that it takes for us to actually reach a resolution. as i mentioned, we are unfortunately, in a court case, you can tell a little bit of the contentiousness because of that. apologies for that. but it takes a lot of time. the insurance to explore. actually, the liability portion took over a year and the, you know, the surveyor
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who's, you know, completely impartial was actually paid for by their behalf. so i would question actually impartiality. there. but all of these steps take an inordinate amount of time. we've actually have started the efforts to address the issue by engaging engineers who then have to engage geotechnical engineers, who then have to, unfortunately, due to city policy, apparently engage geologists, all of these things to be able to rectify the situation and so my ask is basically to appeal the order, provide additional time for us to actually rectify the issue in a permitted way. we're not trying to skirt that issue, but the earliest anything can happen here is both tied to our court case, which is tentatively next spring. as well as also the window of opportunity with the weather. excuse me for next summer or fall. so thank you. one last word, can i? he's lying. so we. you already had your rebuttal time, sir. sorry, sorry, but we can't. we can't dispute that. you can have a
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seat. okay, now it's time for the board to deliberate time. do we have extension of time? okay, okay. commissioner shaddix. yeah. thank you. first question for staff, mr. ng. so i just heard that you had said it's typical that if they get a survey report, they submit that to dbi. and then you guys make the determination as to which property, whose property that's on. did i hear that right? the responsibility of dispute between the responsibility for the retaining wall is upon the owner, not the dbi. so they may choose to decide to consult with the legal counsel, but we department will not involved with the dispute. right. but i thought you had mentioned if they submit a survey report showing it's not their wall, then you take the core dbi takes the novel, goes to the owner. let me let me clarify if let's
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say in this situation there's a third party involved with the retaining wall. if they admit their accuracy on one side and they come to agree to dismiss this guy, then we will do that. otherwise we normally will not dismiss the no until the violation abated. so i'm still not clear. am i the only one? no. okay, so if he's submitting a survey report saying that it's not his wall, then doesn't dbi issue the nov to whomever's wall that's failing that person gets the nov. and if both parties agree? yes that's correct. there's no more dispute. let's say there's no more dispute. okay, i got it no more. so one last just comment is that we had a similar case where there was civil a civil civil court going on and i think didn't we just we pretty much as a board or commission, we stayed it or whatever until the, the civil court was decided. i don't think
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our responsibility. is there civil action against one another. ours is a life safety issue that's happening here. and whatever needs to be worked out between the two groups needs to be worked out between the two groups were making a determination whether or not dbi in any way made a mistake in issuing the violation, and i haven't heard anything that leads me to believe that they've made a mistake in issuing the violation. i do have a question. has anything been done to stabilize the wall to date, like i understand that like to actually do the whole engineering and to build a new wall is a heavy lift. and when it's multiple parties involved that it takes a little bit more time. but has anything been done to mitigate and create a safer circumstance? according to the permit record, we don't see oh, he's going to ask them. sorry, i
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make a comment. sorry. first your comment about life safety. so while it is retaining wall, it is the back of our our backyard and into their backyard. it's not actually directly abutting any of the houses. and so the, the, the landslide risk is actually of, you know, i don't know how many cubic yards of soil, but it is not probably there should be pictures. i think, in the dbi report to kind of show that your comment about stabilizing it. so the, the owner of 3363338 had also built some wooden structure as part of their backyard project that's actually pinning the wall right now and serving as a little bit of a support structure there. we did have our engineer take a look at it and essentially they said that, you know, to kind of not mess with it right now because to do so would actually probably weaken it further. and so until you actually undertake the real
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construction to kind of leave it in its state, we have been through now, i guess, what two, two full winters, maybe even three at this point in which the progress had basically more or less been fixed in terms of the motion of the wall. and so the comment of impact to life and safety, i think, is actually mitigated more than maybe is presumed by the initial story. i would say i'm going to speak on his behalf that presumably they concur because they have various parties in their backyard abutting that yard. so i'm guessing they're not super concerned about that. is this in response to the question? to the question? yes. why? we haven't done anything in the second hearing? no, not why you haven't done anything. she was asking about mitigation, the litigatio, mitigating mitigation. mitigation. no, i haven't done anything because the city explicitly told us that they had to submit plans. the city never
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told me that it was my responsibility to do anything. it was my understanding that after the second hearing, when we presented the reports, we were relieved of responsibility and they were told to submit a permit. is that not evidence? that is on them? i don't understand the city's point of view that the wall is between. they are assuming that it's between and i have an inspection, a surveyor report. you want to question the surveyor? go ahead. i, i don't see why they would do this. they have a surveyor report that proves that it's not between the two. the two properties. so the assumption of the city to put this on two of us. thank you sir. thank you. you have to just answer the questions. thank you commissioner. go ahead. board i mostly agree with commissioner newman and also commissioner sachs to a certain extent about what we do with litigation. and i with this case, it sounds like the department's policy is when there's any wall issue notice of
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violations go out to both owners. somebody has to fix it. and then whenever that gets resolved in court or something, then that's when the true cost will be borne on whomever, whomeveror it. i from what i've heard, that's probably what i'm inclined to continue with, especially because you have a trial date upcoming so soon. there's. i wouldn't feel comfortable deciding in a 20 minute hearing who was right about where, who, who's responsible for the retaining wall failing and who, whether the fence is or is not on the whomever's property. and you know, the report received, i mean, it's stated that that's evidence. but we, that's, you know, that's just something you put on us. we don't know if it's authentic. we don't know who created it. we don't know who prepared it. same with the you know, if there was hearsay assertions. well, you know, what are we supposed to do with that?
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and that's why, you know, you have a you have a tool available to you that you're already employing, which is civil litigation. so this will be resolved either between the parties or in court in a few months. but if it's not resolved until it's but that, that doesn't absolve the parties from correcting the issue before it gets worse. and that's i think that's the staff's position. and from what i've heard today, that's probably going to be where i'm at with it. so thanks, commissioner alexander. can't take further comment, sir. thank you. i think i know the answer, but i just wanted to clarify because i didn't actually hear it and i'm sorry, i don't. i have so many papers in front of me. the owners of 28 hill point avenue. can you just confirm that you if you agree or disagree with the that that the
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retaining wall is only on your property? i think it's to the point of official documents. we haven't we have never actually officially been shared. that document it only was first shown to us in the dbi hearings. okay, but do you do you agree or disagree from a surveyor? and whoever reads the survey officially about the property? he is not a surveyor or someone who reads the survey. so we don't know is our answer at this point. they don't agree. so you don't agree? you don't agree. thank you. i'm good. commissioner newman, i was just going to say i'm inclined to uphold the order. yeah. and yeah, yeah. no, i just want to say this is complicated because of the ownership issue. but the
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question that we have at hand today is whether or not our notice of violation was incorrectly issued. and if there was work done to correct that, it sounds like there's a lot of other things going on. unfortunately, that's not under our jurisdiction. the determination of who's ownership of the wall is not even under our jurisdiction. so i also am inclined to uphold today, i'm going to make a motion to uphold the. since there are three orders of abatement, we should put on the record on your motion and maybe we i recommend separating them out so that it's very clear in case this does get challenged. so should we just do each individual one. yeah. so i'll first make a motion to uphold the order of abatement and the fees. is that what we're making. assessment of costs. an assessment of costs on the case. number 6936. yes 28 hill point
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avenue. yes. second. so that's a motion. who and who did the second commissioner alexander. so i'll do a roll call vote on that motion. president chavez yes. vice president newman. yes. commissioner alexander. yes, commissioner. ming. yes, commissioner. shaddix. yes. and commissioner williams. yes. okay. thank you. the motion carries unanimously. okay. so i'll make a second motion now to uphold the order of abatement and assessment of costs on case number 6938 for 336. parnassus avenue. there a second, second. so there is a motion by president chavez and a second by vice president newman. i'll do a roll call. vote president chavez. yes. vice president newman. yes. commissioner
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alexander. yes, commissioner. ming. yes, commissioner. shaddix. yes. and commissioner williams. yes. the motion carries unanimously. okay. third motion to uphold the order of abatement and assessment of costs for case number 6939 for 338 parnassus avenue, second. okay, so there's a motion by president chavez and a second by commissioner ming. and i will do a roll call vote on this motion. president chavez yes. vice president newman. yes. commissioner alexander. yes. commissioner. ming. yes. and commissioner shaddix. yes. and commissioner williams. yes. the motion carries unanimously. thank you. next item d general public comment. there's no public, so no public comment. general comment is if our item not on this agenda. okay said public comment. so not not even specific to my case, but i would
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just like to make a public comment of essentially what all of this process has shown is that by taking initiative to bring in the department of building inspection actually can penalize you and so the for our case, it's on the backyard. dbi would have never seen anything there. so essentially this process is teaching the public to actually not engage the city. so i do think that kind of calls into question maybe the handling of these matters in the future. but like i said, not supposed to be specific to our case. i would like to thank you for that. i believe the city has been. unfairly, unfairly unbiased. i mean, they they they're supposed to be the experts. they're supposed to know how to read a surveyor report. it has taken three years. it shouldn't take that long. they're waiting for. i don't know what they're waiting for. for things to figure it out on them. on the city has to. i think from the department. it's a very difficult process that should
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not be this long. it can be done, it can be improved and we shouldn't be here. we should be working on, on, on this or they should be working on this. but it's been this. these are unfair impartiality. when there is a public record showing where the line of the property goes, okay. thank you. you're getting back into the case. but thank you i appreciate both of your all of your comments. thank you. item i sorry this took so long. yeah okay. thank you. okay. and item e is adjournments or motion to adjourn. so moved. is there a second second. all in favor. aye. okay. we are now adjourned. it's 1:55 p.m. thank you. thank you. there is also.
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development and violence prevention organization and i'm very happy to be here to talk to rudy and the rest of his staff. so let's introduce ourselves. hi. my name is vanessa. i'm one of the program managers here at united players. hi. my name is brandon jackson. i'm a program coordinator for middle school. hi. my name is maria fabia. i'm a k-2 coordinator and i'm rudy corpus, better known as the gorilla pino, aka rudy valentin. i'm the edd of up. cool, cool. so can you tell us your journey and mission, how you got involved with united players? so originally when i started united players, it wasn't even something that i thought about doing. it was it just all kind of happened organically. i was hired at a nonprofit organization in san francisco called bernal heights neighborhood center, which is in
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district 11. i got hired as a filipino gang prevention counselor, and so my mission was to go find the filipino gang members, right? in that district 11. there's 11 districts in san francisco. and so i knew who they was all at. i'm born and raised in san francisco. i was appointed at lifestyle, so i knew they was all that went to balboa high school, which is in district 11. in 1994, it was off the hook. and so upon being up at balboa, sure enough, they're all there. big fight ensued, right between different ethnicities. and from there, nobody was able to learn because of the violence that was going on. between the big fight between filipinos, blacks, samoans and latinos. so myself and several other people, andre alexander, right, shouts out to andre alexander. he was the coach of the football team at bao. there was a brother named late. you remember late big samoan. excuse my language. around six four. you know what i
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mean? from frisco, north beach, one of my partners. he was a hall guard. and he had, you know, a lot of good credibility with the youngsters that was up there at bao. and so at the time there was a filipino principal, their name was mr. montevergine. she was looking for solutions and the police couldn't stop it. nobody could stop it. so i got what all those dudes, they was able to come in the room they wanted to meet. and from there they wanted to make a club because they came up with all the solutions and the answers to stop the violence. the kids did. the youth. and so they said, hey, we should name this a club. this is our this is in october of 94. and i gave the power to the people. i said, what do you guys want to name the club that we got right here? because everybody was getting along in the room, you know what i mean? and so united players up october 1994 was born. and that's how the name came. and so boom, fast
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forward. we're here in 2024 in october. so they're celebrating 30 years 30 years. yeah yeah. worldwide baby. yeah it is worldwide. you have so many people supporting you like kaepernick and yeah steph curry everybody right. they they they yeah they they they all seen i believe the spirit of what we do and what we're about you know which is based on love. everything that we've been doing from day one way back then. way back then we was at balboa high school. right. so i met that guy at balboa. right. these two sisters right here from the neighborhood that i'm from, you know, i ain't from district 11. i'm from district six. born and raised south of market tenderloin. and so all over the world. and people saw that the love that the youth. right. yeah. who were involved in it, spread it. and you know who don't want to get no love. yeah. so they all part of it i'm thankful. yeah. that's dope. so how did you get involved? well, so i'm born and raised here in
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south of market area. so, you know they had the rec center over there. and so that's where all the youth would come and just gather. just everyone from the hood, you know, would just play basketball, you know, meet up, hang out after school. so i was in the third grade and i joined basketball for the first time. i was garbage, like totally garbage. didn't like i was not the best, but i had this mentor named tim and he. really. yes. and he really motivated me and kept me focused and really kept me in the game and say, like, you know, keep going, keep practicing. you could do this. so by the time i got to fourth or fifth grade, you know, i was balling. yeah. you know, and so without his guidance i wouldn't have made it you know that far in playing basketball. but you know rudy he's like the neighborhood hero. he's at the rec at the rec. you know he chopping it up with everybody. and you know he just made everyone feel welcome. and that
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that was even before there was like a headquarters to even be at, you know. so it was just the rec. that's a public place to be. and so, you know, he just built community there. and, you know, i just felt at home and you've been there ever since, and i've been here ever since. and she's still balling. she's still balling. and yeah, we got to play ball then. so and you started when did you start? i started in sixth grade. i started going to bessie carmichael for the first time. i didn't know anybody except for like my neighbor. and then i got introduced to united players by bqe. he was my mentor. may he rest in peace as well. he really introduced me to this. he pushed me out of my comfort zone because i was very much like a loner. didn't know anybody, i didn't i wasn't very open to being social with other people. but when i came here, he was like, go introduce yourself to everybody. like left me alone to go introduce myself and i did
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exactly that. and i mean the rest is history. it's like super fun. everything's cool. so i love it. and you've been with him since how many years now? i don't know, i think maybe 2009. that's amazing because that's when i went to sixth grade. yeah, she was a participant and now she's a staff. yeah. but just just real quick, thank you for bringing up e. so eric, eric also is one of our staff who worked with us, who passed away, and tim was a mentor of mine. these are all filipino cats that we're talking about, the south of market. we're in here has over 120 year history of filipinos. so as you can see, right, it's filipino too, right there by heart. it's black, filipino, black filipino. you know it's filipino. we was black before we came right. but but but everybody they mentioned is actually been a part of the fabric with the love. tim was love, eric was love. and that's all they did was give out love.
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and look what we got here now. love, love. all right brother, when did you get involved with. i was at bell back in. oh four, and rudy wanted me to be a part of up. but unfortunately, due to, like, the gang culture i was a part of, i couldn't. because basically the people that i really didn't get along with was already in u.p. so it was kind of like i couldn't be a part of up even though i wanted to. but due to stuff that transpired, i was just like, i can't do it, i can't do it. you know? and then how did i end up getting the job here? shout out to my mentor, mike brown. may he rest in peace. i got a call from mike brown. he asked me, was i open to working with kids still? because i was working with kids over there in my neighborhood and i said, yeah. and then he was like, call this man named rudy. and i was like, rudy. i'm like, i only know one. you know, one rudy in the city. so i happened to call rudy and then did an interview, and then i got hired down here, and i've been here for 12 years, and it's a
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blessing. it's a blessing to work with kids. you know? you a blessing, bro. to be a part, to just be a part of a positive environment. yeah. coming from a negative environment, to be a part of a positive environment is a blessing. yeah. you want to talk about that negative environment. negative environment was just growing up being a part of a neighborhood, you know, doing things to feel accepted. you know, not getting the right nurturing love at hom. so you step out your comfort zone to go get it from friends or you know, to when you just want to be loved, bro. it don't matter what environment you're in. it don't matter if it's positive or negative because love can come from either environment. it's about what environment you choose that you feel like you can succeed in. and at the time, me being a negative thinker at the time due to my way of living, due to my environment inside my household, i chose a negative environment. yeah. so how did you what attracted you to want to come to up at that age? because it's hard for teenagers at times. it just seemed like a fun thing to do. like if i could, if i could go back in time, i think i probably would have been a part of up. but it was just like, you know, when you have to go there and then you still have to go
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back to your neighborhood and they're like, oh, you was over there with them. like, what are you doing hanging with them? like, you know, that type of stuff. so it was just more like chose a side as a kid. as a kid, i chose a side. and it was like to where i was from. but when you, if i can take it all back again, be honest with you. my message to the kids, it's okay to be the kid that get along with everybody. yeah. that's right. like, you know, it's okay to be that kid to be different and you can get along with everybody without choosing a side that's real. yeah. hey, i just want to add this right. and it's based on a true story. brandon, when i first met him, didn't really want to be a part of anything but what he was doing. and he was caught up in that negative cycle right of the turf life, that death life, that money back and murder life. it was arrested development. but growing up now, you know his mindset has changed. he really wanted to get with our organization. when he was at bal, i used to try to get at him, but he was hardheaded, you know what i mean? he'd be in the gym shooting three pointers for money, you know what i mean? he was gambling and that's how i would get with him. i'll stand over there with him and chop it up because i come from the same cloth. yeah, but he was one of
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them youngsters, man. if he would not get involved in something, he'd have been dead or in prison. yeah, with that elbow. yeah. and look at him now. yeah. look what you mean. helping out the kids from neighborhoods that he had rivals from? yeah, on my mama and she in heaven. so, you know his his his mindset has changed. and, you know, i'm really proud of all three of them. what they stand for and what they do for the people. yeah. is it because up is very relatable like rudy as opposed to other teen groups? you want to explain? yes. you know, you don't see too many people who look like you, who you know, talk like you, maybe dressed like you that are like walking a positive path. right? sometimes a lot of people are just like, you know, like, who can i look up to? right? and you know, kids, we embrace, encourage kids to take pride in their individuality. right. and sometimes kids are just lost and they don't know. they don't have
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any guidance. they don't have that guidance at home. i was fortunate enough to have two parents, you know what i mean? but not a lot of kids, you know, in this world have that, you know, or they do have two parents. one is just don't have the time or attention to give their kids and so i feel like we fill that void for them. you know what i mean? is it because the community is i mean, it's the parents are too busy workin, so sometimes they kind of not around their children sometimes. so they don't have like, that kind of loving upbringing at times because they're so on that grind and hustle. yeah. my parents were on that grind and hustle. i felt like there was some gaps that i felt like they didn't feel for me. but then growing up, i also understood what they were like hustling for. that's right. and so and so like i've accepted that as i've grown older, but with some kids, you know, some kids, they have parents who, you know, who are like, you know, who are on drugs. you know what i mean? who are absent, who are not there.
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you know, some people are raised off love and some people are raised off survival. right? and so really, they're, you know, it's just kids trying to navigate their own lives. and sometimes they don't have that with their parents or their guardians or, you know. yeah. and that's where you, sharp girl stay sharp. big facts. yeah. and that's where up comes in. you guys bring it out. you guys are the bridge that brings the families together. and you guys are kind of. well, you look at the name we're uniting players, right? and all players is people who are coming together who are doing something positive, productive for their people in the hood. right. you got united players and you got united haters. some people don't want to connect and get together and that's cool too. that's a part of life. yeah. but we choose man to live. we'd rather live than die. see, our whole thing is based on making it fashionable, making peace fashionable. right. and as vanessa was speaking, you know, most of us filipinos, we grow up right. i'm first generation, our parents, the way they show us, they love us is
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they out there grinding? most of them don't tell us they love us. they just do it. and you don't understand that. you know what i mean? till, like you said, you get older, then you realize why they was doing what they was doing. because my mom and dad, you know, they grow up. they ain't never told me to this day. and they both of them, you know, passed away. they didn't say it out loud. right. and so you won't love if you ain't hearing it. you going to find it somewhere. yeah. so i was not i was even on the sidewalk on the porch. i was on the street at an early age. but all that time they was showing it by their actions. and now that they're gone, i understood. and now i know what they love was the way they was giving it to me. that's all filipino people was raised. that's true. my parents, my parents were like that too. but you said it very well, though, and that's why i felt you. that's real talk. thank you. yeah. with that said, how has this program evolved over the years since you started? i'm going to let them answer that. sure. so how has it evolved since you were evolved since you
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were a student and now you're a teacher? it's evolved a lot. like when i was younger, i wasn't, like emotionally, like prepared or like, knew what to do in situations where like, i was like lost or going through some things. i feel like now in the program, like we have us having training with the trauma based intervention or trauma based relational intervention. yes. and a lot of letters on yeah, it's tbri basically in other words, what is that? can you explain like it's like a trauma based where like you, you're like repairing the bond that you have and like learning to like navigate through those emotions instead of like suppressing them or acting out against them. and i just feel like that is very helpful in today's like, age with the kids that we do have. and it's like a life skill that we're teaching
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them to take along the way. so they're not like acting up, acting out anywhere in the world. they can at least do it here with us in a safe space where we know how to, like, help them and give them like resources. and i think that's like the major change that i've seen so far. and, and the community outreach that we do, we i mean, we did community outreach when i was in middle school, but i feel like we've, we've do we've done more now. yeah. and like even during like the pandemic, we were serving like the seniors. we were serving like the senior graduates, like when they couldn't walk the stage. we did a drive by. i think it's changed a lot in like a positive way. yeah. do you want to talk about the mental health part of it? to me, the key of our mission is to help them identify emotions and feelings, because if you can't identify emotions and feelings,
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if you can't identify it, it's like, how could you control something you can't identify? yeah. you know, and the key is that if you can get the kids to identify it, the younger they are, the better off they will be in the future. you know, it's kind of hard when you get when you get a high schooler and try to restore morals, identity, self-respect and stuff of that nature. you know, like it's kind of harder. so to me, what i identify doing this work is if we can get installed in them at an early age, the better off they will be when they become adults. say that, then say that then. and can you explain, like the changes you've seen in the kids you got in the beginning to how they became later adults? yeah. so i just want to go off on what rhia was saying about trust based relational intervention. so that is a trauma informed approach to vulnerable youth that we serve who experience adversity and trauma in their lives. right. and so that consists of three
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main principles. that's empowering. connecting and connecting. so with that, that's our investment into our youth is taking delving in deeper into their lives. right. trying to trying to identify like why they moved, the way they move, why they talk, the way they talk, why, you know, learning about their upbringing. right. and then identifying those factors, like brandon was saying and then being able to nurture those, nurture them where it's needed, you know, meeting them where they're at. and then you know, being able to transform their lives to where they can be better people, you know, into the world. and so i feel like when we instill those factors like risk, respect, you know, integrity and all that, when we see that translate into our kids and they're showing that and they're ending up teaching their siblings and, and showing you
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know, you see, you see something that you teach someone and they're actually, you know, putting it into action that's that's rewarding. like, you know, that you're doing the right thing and you know that you're staring them in the right path like beautiful. and man, i love my staff. i love y'all, you know what i mean? they are frontline soldiers, boots to the ground. and they deal with this every day. yeah, right. you guys articulated it so well. and what y'all just said. you imagine us when we all grow up. we was taught not to cry. we was taught not to express how we feel. right. and when you grow up, you got to express what you feel. and you say, right. and if you do right, you get your ass whooped. you better not cry right. and so if you really think about it, man, our people, our black people, our brown people, way back in the days, we was the ones who cultivated all this, but it was kidnaped from us. and now, you know, you have people who are putting it into
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letters. but this is something our people always been doing from day one. it just got kidnaped. and so this is really natural for us to give out love and to give it back. yeah. and love ain't no soft word, you know what i mean? it's really spelled no. right. and so the things that we're that that we're learning, i'm still learning it and that they're learning, we're learning from getting trained to teach these young kids who are growing up in a world full of hate. yeah. we winning. and you. right. that is what we have to do. install those values again because we ain't got them. and this is raising our kids. that's true. you dig what i'm saying? and whatever they scrolling through and they seeing. right. it's the soundbites. yeah. right. what do they call that when you go through there and it keeps coming back. the ads the algorithm. algorithm. no, the algorithm algorithm. right. if you're watching fights all the time and i like fights, but i know it's entertaining to me. i'm asking the little kid who's getting and he's seen it. that's all he's thinking, right? and as in brandon in your head, it's
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true. it's true. and so it's important that these letters that were taught that's already in our dna from way back in the days in the philippines or in africa, right, or whatever country you come from, or people been having this installed in them. that's why we're receptive to it, you know what i mean? and so when we're learning, we teach this. it's our duty. it takes the hood to say the hood. it takes us to teach our people the truth, right? with the spirit of everything that our people, where we come from, for us to get by. because this world, man is toe up every day. it gets worse and worse. turn on the news. you see it. you know it's full of hate. and so man, i love what y'all do. y'all frontline soldiers. hearing them speak like this, i ain't used to seeing them speak like this. you know what i mean? yeah. now spitting game like that. that's why i talk about making peace fashionable. right? yeah. we making. we really making it happen in real life. and so man. and that's what makes us so, like, genuine and pure. because even us, we're still dealing with our own trauma, still
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trying to heal from it. and, you know, but at the same time, you know, we're helping others. we'll help. we're helping you deal with their own traumas and also helping them heal. and so i feel like that that feeds off of each other. and so, like, you know, heal people, heal people who say that, then what? heal people, heal people, man. healers need healing. man. my brand is coming out soon, y'all. y'all go cop that i ain't lying. you know the crazy part is, yeah, the kids feel like they need us, but they don't know we need them more than they need us. ooh, beautiful. yeah. that's fire right there. true. i'm gonna explain. it's just like we can be having a bad day. but when we come to work, the kids uplift us. the kids, like, you know, take us out of a certain mode and put us in a higher spirit. yeah, spiritually, it don't matter if we play with them, if we laugh with them. play a pick up game of basketball or just crack jokes with them. it's just the interaction you feel me can take our mind off something we have going on outside of work, you know? and then it just put us at a peaceful place. yeah, yeah. kids is medicine true? true. we
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got we got cats who are coming home out of these penitentiaries who've been going 25, 35, even 45 years straight. right. and they're coming back and giving to our community. but what they fail to realize is what brandon just said. the kids is actually bringing life to them. their medicines to these cats. right. and so, yeah, man, you know, shouts out to all them young kids out there, do you want to talk about big kid? do you want to talk about that program you do with visiting the juvie juvenile juvie? and you can speak on that. oh, so, so what's big for us is we have a reentry program, right? and right now we have we connected with the justice department at at juvenile, and we got two we got two caseworkers and both the caseworkers are lifers that came home from doing a lot of time in jail based off of making a rational decision, not being able to control their emotions and their feelings. so i think it's kind of big. when we got lifers coming home to connect with the kids in juvenile, and they don't just connect with the
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kids in juvenile, they come to the they show up at the middle school, they show up at the elementary school. they go to high schools and talk. they go to city college and talk. and it's just like, you got to kill the pipeline, man. the elementary to the penitentiary pipeline has to be killed. and the only way to kill it is people that actually been through it. because the people that been through it know how to kill it, know how to attack it. it's like a tree. you look at the branches and you think, those are the problems? no, it's the root. what is the root of the problem? and that goes back to tbri being able to help people identify and control their feelings and emotions. yeah. so how did you guys start that program where you go this partnership with like the different jails to be able to talk to the inmates and change their lives and stuff like that. how do we start that? yeah. how do you start that was locked up in there with them. right. and so you know, that's our people. you know what i mean. and accountability is very important. you cross that line. and like beretta said back in the days you do the crime, you do the time. i come from that school. and so a lot of guys who
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are stand up cats who come home that we know who we've been incarcerated with, right, or we go back in there and we talk to them. they know about what we do because, you know, the streets is really inside them penitentiaries. so they know what's happening out here on the ground and they see all their people. right. who's out here putting in work? that's why i always take pictures, you know what i mean? with all the homies, when they come together and we're talking about cats. when brandon was mentioning the two dudes, you're talking about a adamu and a kiwi. them dudes, man. when enemies. wow, right. and they're not even from out here. they're from southern california. and so we get all these guys together, north and the southerners, others, right. blacks, whites come together and they take pictures and it spreads everywhere. and so people want to be a part of something that's working. that's winning. yeah. they want to be a part of this player stuff. you know, it's that medicine man. yeah. yep. it's free to shoot. you pay for that. no it's free. come on man, how it's going to be on a shelf in a minute.
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diversify your portfolio man. that's what 40 taught me. how big is up at this point. shoot. tell them about it. how big is up at this point. how big is you p0i mean we have a headquarters here. i mean what do you mean how big. like it's worldwide, right. like you have philippines. you have other places. yeah. one in new york, one in the philippines. am i missing any we in africa? yeah. you know what i mean. hawaii, baltimore. south. south bronx. yeah, yeah. how does that make you? good? god is good. god is good. how does that make you feel to see it? like, start from balboa to 30 years later? yeah, man, it feels really good to know that, you know, what started from the people, from the youth has blossomed and blew up, man, to go everywhere around this world and to touch people. yeah, yeah, it's amazing. that is amazing. and you're doing god's work and like. but why do you or why do youth join gangs
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anyways. i mean it's different now than it was back then, but it's almost the same. like, why hey jo like, gangs? i mean, to be accepted. yeah. to be loved. it's more about acceptance and love. i mean, i can't speak for like as a whole. i can ask you, i can tell you why i did it. it was because i didn't feel loved at home. yeah, my daddy did. 16 in the state. my mama raised four kids by herself, and i had the type of mom that go to work, bust her butt, come home, pay the bills, and it's like, have my house clean. but it wasn't like helping me go over my homework. it wasn't like the nurturing, the nurturing part didn't didn't come. you know, i love her to death, but the nurturing part didn't come. you know? so i ran to the streets and didn't get it there either. yeah, truth be told, didn't get it there. but that's what i was looking for. yeah. acceptance and love. you feel me? yeah. and i think a lot of kids just. it comes from making rational decisions. like, it's like, man, i don't feel the love inside the home. so let me go try to get it out here. and
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the whole time when you're out there, you're getting manipulated. you know, it's like manipulation is heartache. it's losing friends. it's bullet holes. it's doing stupid stuff. it's jail. it's like, you know. yeah. but to piggyback off what you said, i think it's just acceptance and love. when it comes down to it, you want to be a part of something? yeah. no matter if it's positive or negative. just wanting to be a part of something. yeah, yeah, yeah, they definitely just want to have, like a sense of belonging and like feeling like they have some purpose. like if you ask the kids right now, like, you know, where do you see yourself or you know, what's your future like? all of them just want to, like, get money and like, you know and have and like have a good life, good, stable life. they just want a good job, you know, have a house, whatever they had, have food on their table. really. that's all what they really wan. and so we try to strive to, you know, push them to their highest level. you know, some kids will say like, you know, i'm only going to make it to high school.
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but with us being here, like, you can go to college. yeah. you know what i mean? like, you can be bigger than that, but but it's just the simple things that they want, really, is to just be able to, you kno have a good life. yeah. that's true. and how do you explain to the parents or tell them what the signs could be, if that these kids want to never been in a situation where a student would want to join a gang, but if it ever had to come down to that, it would just be a simple. it would be like a check in and like, show them like that. the actions that they're taking where it could possibly lead. and you know, and like tho prevent that type of stuff going down that road is very is very dangerous. you you never know what's at the end of that road. and, and yóour life could be cut short when you, when you do those type of things. and i definitely think it's justst that extra support and the
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extra, like love and showing the instead of having to join like a gang for just a sense of belonging or, you know, i like protection or like, like he said, like no love there. and they find it out there, but it's really not real love. it's just for ty moment. yeah. and i think that's the best way we coul i just set up a plan and maybe take them out and see a different world. other than, you know, the street life. yeah. what other effective strategies do you guys have for to help the youth stay out of trouble? like, maybe it's not gang. maybe it's not gang life. maybe it's like, yeah, go ahead. just helping them identify their self. a lot of kids like when you when you're in middle school, high school like you lost. litity, yo
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interact with them. it's like it's more having a conversation. it's one you being a mentor or you being older. you open up to them and get them to open up. it don't matter if it'r school bringing you lunch, or if it's after school and we're running a boys group, or we run a boys group at at school duri school hours, it's just as far as just checking in, helping them identify their self, you know, and letting them know like you're not alone and you're not the first peon that's going to deal with this issue, nor will the last to deal with this issue. sohen it come up, we help them deal with it. so when they come up and you become in high school and you see a peer dealing with it, you can help them and walk them through the process. yeah. is it and it's not it's like kind of like a 24 hour job, right? oh yeah. we get callst night too. when we're at home i get i get calls, i get like for therapy, like i'm gonna get real for therapy. a lot of kids, y'all gonna laugh, b they call me at nine, 10:00. tell me. jump on the game. let's play madden. let's play twok. like that's therapy. yeah, yeah. that's the fact that they feel
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comfortable even calling you after hours telling you, come on, let's jump on a game. let's play. yeah. you know that. to me that's a form of therapy. you know, it's like. or if they just calling it can be calling like, man, i'm dealing with issue. it's 10:00 and i'm dealing with an issue. or could you uber me here? i'm stuck. i'm jkstuck outse. could you uber me here or. i'm a■n home. i ain't youbome food, like you. could all that is therapy, bro. and it's c■fortability. i want the kids to be comfortable to call me because we're humans. we just don't deal with a 9 to 5. a 9 to 5, okay? it intensify after 9 to 5. i learned that from big dog because after 9 to 5, when the sun go down, that's what it's lights, camera action. yeah. real talk. that's community. big facts. community. righ"f 24 seven 365 baby. yeah. so speaking of community, like how have you worked with like, the city the city to help■# keep up alive or working with the city o help you guysb> i learned doings
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work is it's important in anything you build is relationships. yeah. right. and so important. they can get you t used to hatedoors where you the police and i had a reason why. but i hold them accountable. when we work together because they work for us. just like, you know, our whole thing is about safety and prevention. of course you're going to need them. it's diplomatic to have them at the table with you. right. and some chief is my partner. yeah. yeah, you know what i mean? and so i learned about relationships and having to build in order for us to get what we need toet, especially in the neighborhood and area we're in. it's yeah. y, i'm trying to, not walls.'s city departnts or people who are funders who are not with our moe
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not going to miss them altogether. man. like the hiv virus, bro. yeah. you know f reo sellouts, you know what i mean? were for real. we areer the grou know, we make sure. i make sure as an ed the mayor, the supervisor, whoever everybody's being held accoun people we elect them to w. you m saying? and so i■l want to maket real clear, you know what the city departmentsm who's in action, they're all part of that chess board that that's on the table t all need each other to make things work. yeah, i■ mean, they collab with you. thethey collab with you when you do the gack oo talk about the gun buyback program gun buyback was startedok happened. right. and so y'all know sandy hook people who wanted to figure out how to get rid of■÷ guns without having too
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the first monday that i had was ableo tap■i didn't even come from the city. it came from dispensaries in the neighborhood and district six. we:÷ got the st put their money up.■" and so we got that. but when it started working, we had to build relationships with certain organizations to make it happen. up and give a, i'm an ex-feloni can't even own a gun. anso i ■u■@ to get the right, proper people to do that■%. who was there? it was t gun rge people from sfpd. so they jumped on board. i got the mamas who lost their kids ex-felons who dd life sentences. we got th yout we got all the pieces on the table to make it work. an now we've been■z getting over thousands of gunsreets and dest. yeah, the number one killer right now in america for 19 violence, suicide. right. domestic violence, b oack crimen
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crime. a lot of people y'all was talking about the regulate their emotions and their feelings. ghhey do is go pick up a gun. they don't even kn how to have a conversation with a woman when they argue and they just knock down, you know, and the number one rate of people growing, you know what culture is demographic is asians. is it. yeah. because, you know, getting robbed. that's true. they beat up. so they going to buy guns to protect themselves. get a gun. get a gu. get the man. but no. nobody tell them lock. orng when you get mad how you regulate your emotion, your feelings and guess what? when they get■% go right over and get their pistol man, go kill their wife, or they go to work and kill■dy at their job. yeah. so the higrate man of asians then rose up from gun vien, evugh yoo u're buying the gun to protect you and your family, you actually de your whole family andommunito so that's where the mental health comes in. like y'all doing the social emotional learning how to regulate everybody.■jw
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you going to deal with your el and your etions when somebody makes you mad? yeah. you know howou you mad or your kid get you all day. you upset and go get myistk at road rage, man. people■& goig crazy, man. they f know what i mean? and so? so it's a real onw violence has evolved from. i feel like it was what was different because we're almost e same age, like physical and feel t a tha yeah. so■÷ yeah, i mean, you know, mental healthcause before you w8 ke make fun of each other, then evnel esses up the blying. theife difference bo is back inur day, right? like
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it'sfight four people, this before the phones and stuff. yeah, yeah. only three, four people. then it's word of mouth. yeah. it intensified due to cyberyi but now 50 feel me? then word of mouth spread and then a videogo viral, you, now back, just go back to the t so now, i meam embra beca video of me up2> a pof just one high school seeing it, and spreading through one high school. now, all the high soo the city can see it becauseg, it's a vido posted. right? then that intensified the hurt, the anger. and then it's more like, man, how could i go get en how could i, how could i go get my lick back, you know, opposed to back in our era? hard. we fight, we squabble. word of mouth. who won? he can say he won. i can say i won, but it's no. and it's just. all got
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a■ gun. you got access to guns.u can make them off the computer. now. you got ghost guns, right? yeah. an ain't got just regular clip in it and a switch, and you poro trigr to be real clear, though, jer i againn to bear your arms. if somebody p inour crib■+ harms your family, you got the right to protect you and your familyi'm rid of all guns. ifs! i had a wand arou at one time because america got more guns here t o do that. but the reality ierverywh. you might be sittg on one.yeah e with you for the res and being a
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participant? would of my life, r life lg lessons? i mean a lot a, standing on yourrincles. you know, being true to yourself, you know, noto your toes. you know, standing on your ys like notyt operati and, you know, just spreading awareness and just being mulah how about you? you. i'm a firm. i'm am believf you choose. so by me coming over here, it was more of the family enviroend. i rtain ex. so it's more ofñ$ like the fam, the, the it takesa
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village to save it, to save a child a child like that's real. like, you know, because it's like when you're out there, you you can, like, getold heartedve. you knoi ca h in 2012, it was more like, damn, this love. li■ke this is love. this s where people going to hold you accotable. people going to call you5$ on your stuff, people going, people want what's best for you and people going to push you to do what's best for you. the key to iting you to do what'best for.b■b you as a staff. if y'all pushing each other to for you, it ain't no doub in my brain that we're doing the same thing who control the kids mind, those control the future.t ain't no doubt in that hell. it ain't no doubt in that those who can ntl :f kids mind control the future. kids brains and you see what the kids do. gang u
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know, andype of stuff. so i just feel like as far as here, whats has done to me, familytms helped me gain confidence in myself. not just in the and actually pushed me to actually want better for myself. myió kis come to the program with me. it was beautiful, like, you know, i, i would, i would always want my kids to be a part of something positive. you know? and due to thecisionfsy&q not in high so in hell i'm going to let mdsdo e same mistake i made. fax. that's beautiful. big facts about yourse such points and i agree with that. i, i definitely also want to say like empathy and componi like everyone goes through some thinnd le, and that's okay.
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anjust contito move with the spirit of love through everything. and, and that's rea? and you guys rule? i feel like that religion and lievinsomethin like community always is very strong it don't matter if youyouá prays to go matter what god you prays tose to each his god.l me? it is a god.ymorning. god pl on the s:5ame page and god bring us togher colleively every wednesday to have staff meeting here ■!all comes down to for the somebody's vibeks beingell when
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able to read the room based off, oh, he actingo him. yeahp. youan i help you? i can tell your vibe off. and when you do a staff member ke kids like that, that just let you know you're led. feel me? so when you p spiri■btually, it's justu know? we taut before. everybody want decisions based f of wanting to be accepd and who don't want to be accepted by love. like difficult times. and how doel like it seems like people go through really difficult times become ally@ closer to god. yeah. so to me, religion is a terminology and word that i feel is something i n' relate with because i've been tdifferentt ra catholic ort
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it's about a relationship with a higher power. like you said, there is a lord and savior, strp 100 million. that's who i accep. and to each his know what mn. se moon or the sun or the devil as savior, jes christ, i believe man that's. and i k posh net. and is becausere myed. i'm very uhave direction. yeah. direct. this is my life. saved my job no more.eah. this is my life. all day, every day. you know what i mean? yeah. 365 24 ve■ live it, i breathe it, but i when i wake up and at night
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before i go to sleep. and many times in the middle, you what i'm saying? and thank him and honor himhe good andthe begs transpired, you'll be■t■g■v surd what i have seen god done to evolve the evolution of what up is now, you know the the■■e has an organization. i used to. i used to be the leader of my gang in this neighborhood. we had a littlean colored like this burgundy with skulls on the back.ittle ki■r■! all coming up. but i?m always ri always led wth that spirit. yea. and to this day, even when we started back■d october in 2000,o jesus was with. he was with the thugs. he was with the killers, the robbers, the steelers, the prostitutes. that's what the e bib, the story is. bible basic instructionsaving earth. e
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man. he gave the spirit to the thugs and all thend ty wrote that book the best selling book that's out that is free, that most people don't even not f see, ll two, pay yourtaueo causyou got people walking all around■r, you see it. ey alive, right? but to have some spiritual food in your life because man can't live on bread alone■l. man, y'all ge preache. you know what i mean? but all the wayrom the beginning, have our wednesday meetings? wew ay innd wec! man, it's always b, god, god, the biggest gangster on this planet. becaus jesus christ g. that's why
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we're. twhy u're so blessed, rudy. and you're so blessed to have you. not a pce i'm blessed, you knowlly works.s real. i've. you know, ie prayed. i don't go to church, but bvmy relationship god is what's important to me. like i've sehat faith in god just keeps me going and keep blessed. ain't sitting on a gun. you sn a ble because this is actually what we have. our serveoom. yeae rudy, how much has uncle rudy ? i ain't uncle hold up, man, i ain't that oldaz yet. hold on. i still outrun everybody in this room. i hear people call you
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. yeoñah, i ain't gonna. i'm gonna say he touched more lives thanan imagine.■w andinsed offvp■ just being there for me, giving me opportunity. give me second chance,sñ you know, to workith kids w regrow my heart. so i don't even like adults. i'm a kid. i don'tadults far as kids, i feel like the fo. the kids can be corrected and i feel it's a blessing. he ■rgave and rantook it ■and ran with it. i'm forever blessed and, you know, just just your l, you know, you canou're gonna leave out that room with high spirits. yofeele with high sts off the message he give you. yeah, he helped me a lot.
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he helped me a lot. d grateful. it's beaut. om aciative. far from unappreciative. yeah. it's beau, he's a life into me, into everybody. and i■0 feel like, you know that that reay does take mez#er placn downnd stuff. and i flike u know, you, reinvent themselves and to be able to nen ev that, like you, you don'■■ven of, like, who yoo be or who they used■aood into know, everybody's here for a reason. and you see exaccy why t
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beenn i'm down and outou sometimes, you know it's all■i■? le e time. you got the flip phone flip■7■ i wat that call. yeah, yeah, likeb+■z that. thank you.hank you for your kind words. awesome. beautiful. so, i mean, what would that said? like seeing how many lives yha what is your hope future of unitedla? any other e works coming in like more partnerships with like what do you what's your hopes forhe for up 30 mar to eternity for life by more buildingst&■:,y own recreational center one day so we can have our own creator up high school. oh yeah. you know how to ■ñplay high, higher. that'd be cool. take more global. that's right. yeah. wh takes us, that's
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where we're going and keep leading. so what conversation is that theredefinitely there's a dinituys as the leaders and the of our■á. and you're in good hands with rudy. i had this when i was young. they didn't have that when i was growing u vallejo, hercules. i mean, we had a lot of gang violence, and i: a lot ofriends that were also, like affected by gangs and didn't make it out of their their teenage years. so it would have■d been beautiful to have that.o i'm so for just for life, that we have somethingike up, because we didn. and to kno ing global, it's being recognized byverybody. yeah. and youe saving lives. i mean, th fall through the cracks, but you guys are doingtv
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friends bng me a bench to things. joy want to see. t marbles up here. a, appliance and hose and this is at called a y,s a y. youee it looks it for yellow in fight wese it to take 2 different hoses from one hose. way in a big buildingik and la are able to t■vake two directio put a fire out in■ aloor that is well abovelevel.
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okay. consided strangers.ry 4efighter firefighters are your friends. >> uh-huh. >> you are in need of need to make sure it is okay to go up to the many of the tools we discuss in the a fire engine. such as a fir■a extinguisher >> what's that for. be used to t fires the■w■=ze.nd squirts ter. >> oh , >> tt is cool. >> yea! >> we have other tools us get t many obstacles we encounter while were trialing to put out a fire or save >> that is cool if you see a the firefighters are friends and this firefighter will se your life. it ikao the firefighter.■ >> hum.
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we are ■h natcho ick and casual, something you g want to chef. of it and bring thing special to san francisco so hy i reached out to my anto food and we she a passion fom our be s and and you know, families. for us to have a bu■nness as thring add francisco, such a we are just a speck of the specialnes but you know, any part that is just ■ñ■ta■ please ms. lennear
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