tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV December 24, 2024 2:00pm-6:01pm PST
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where entires chan. >> not present. why supervisor dorsey. >> front. >> engardio. >> front. >> supervisor mandelman. >> not present. why supervisor melgar. >> present. >> supervisor peskin. >> present. >> supervisor preston. >> present. >> supervisor ronen. >> not present. why supervisor safai. >> present. >> supervisor walton. >> present. >> mr. president, you have a quorum. >> thank you. the san fran board of supervisors acknowledges. [ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment] colleagues join
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mendoza from sfgovtv for her years of service to the board of supervisors and before we hear from the clerk. is there a motion to excuse supervisor chan? we'll take that without objection. supervisor chan is excused. do you have communications? >> yes. to begin that we received this afternoon. december 17th a communication from the office of the mayor. here by with drawing nomination of james burn to the police commission. and that is the subject matter of item 24 on our agenda. additionally, the board of supervisors away everyone in the chamber and attendance at this meeting you may watch at sfgovtv channel 26 or the live stream you may submit your public comment in wroiting if you use
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the e mail address. or i have atus postal service to the board of supervisors 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california 94102. if you need to make an acamidation under americans with disability actor language assistance contact the clerk's office 2 business day in advance. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you, colleagues i would like to welcome for our special order 2 p.m. and our left meeting together mayor london broed for her final appearance before the san francisco board of supervisors, welcome, mir breed. >> thank you, president pes skin and the board. i see former san francisco mayor art agnus in the audience. great to see you.
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who would have thought president pes king harvey would out left us both temperature is great to see harvey rose and others here at the chamber. i look forward to the opportunity as this is my last meeting to thank the people of the city and county of san francisco for the absolute honor and privilege to be able to not only serve as mayor butt time i have been able to serve as a member of board of supervisors representing district 5. and also the work this we were able to do in this chamber over the years. you know people say that you know we did not get along. yes, we fought like cat and dogs and sometimes brother and sister but we should be so proud of when we have been able to accomplish especially around affordable housing bond. tax reform. the ability every year to
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balance our budget and to deliver the important service that the people of the city and county need. and deserve. at the end of the day, as public servants that is when we come in office to do to serve the public and it fight tooth and nail to get the things whether the policies or the victims we care about delivered for when we care b. and so i'm proud they had the opportunity to do this. and also the opportunity to do it with each one of you. i know for some members this is your left meeting thank you all for your service. and also in many instance for your partnership in the work this we have been able to do to deliver for so many in the city. i also. to say, to the hard work will people especially many of the city employees. there had been a lot of criticism about the number of employees and what is or not happening. but when there are storms and
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drains need to be cleared and bags need to be provide, when are street this is need to be clean and people need service those in recovery or the challenges this exist. those same city employees are at the forefront of delivering the service. and in some case partnering with incredible nonprofits. that really represent the fabric of when makes san francisco special. we are seen incredible turn around in this city. and when you look at where we were a couple years ago after dealing with, who would have thought once in a handled year global pan dem and i can in between we saw anup rising racial wakening after the tragic death of george floyd and the antiall those thing this is happens time and again i'm proud they helped to lead the city stup emto the plate and help turn things around to where we
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are today. crisis after crisis, challenge after challenge, to electric where the city is now one of the lowest crime rates we have seen. in over a decade. one of the lowest homicide rates since the 1960s. there are record numbers of people who are accepting treatment after dealing with a challenge around felony nal and we are seeing the numbers decline we helped 20 thousand exit homelessness and we have set the city up for an incredible future. and i am very proud that i have been able to lead the city to get you to this point. and while i minot be mayor of san francisco, i will still be a san franciscans and i will still be in the city focussed on the things that i love and i care about the most.
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my entire life and has been as an opinion servient. my entire life about uplift and supports communities whether in the community or in city hall it is always been about the people. and so i leave this office proud of what i accomplished i leave this office grateful. i leave this office excited about the future and knowing that the city is worth fighting for and the city, because of folks like you and because of public servants and city employees this city is made better. so i want to thank you all again for the opportunity and the privilege to serve. and i look forward to seeing you out on the streets of san francisco. thank you for all your work and happy holidays. [applause] thank you, mayor breed, thank you for your service! i would like to acknowledge our former supervisor and state senator quinton cop.
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our former supervisor amos brown and former city add administrator naomi kelly >> judge, i did not see you, how you doing? >> thank you for year service mayor breed. >> when are they doing here president pes skin. >> good to see you and again it fwrat to be here and thank you, judge copful ref renldz and formy supervisor brown and naomi. thank you all so much for your work and service and everything you have done for the city and the opportunity to serve appreciate each one. you. >> don't leave, yet, >> supervisor walton. i want to say this, whether or not we agreed on everything i could not be prouder and i look up the word prouder not more proud than to serve on this board of supervisors with the first black woman as mayor of
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san francisco straight from oc straight from the community, and you served for 7 years so you have nothing but joy to our community. brought joy to our people. i want to make sure i say to you i could noted be proud are than to watch serve as our mayor. >> thank you, supervisor walton. supervisor melgar. >> thank you, president. madam mayor, i will try to not cry. i have been your friend you have been my friend. and you have been a great leader. we have not always agreed that would be impossible in a city as diverse as san francisco. little 7 by 7 square miles to share we would agree all the time. i add entiredior elegance and
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your strength despite the things that have come at from directions. and taking us through a pandemic and economic recovery, as well as challenges we always face in san francisco. i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for women. what you have done for childcare. what you have done for well tinos and black folk in this town. i see you and i see all the things you have done. and i thank you. and i know this you will go on to do great things and our city is wonderful things we'll continue to be the amazing magical place we have been. but i wanted to tell you how much i have appreciated you and seen all the things you have done. and thank you. for everything. >> thank you, supervisor melgar. supervisor dorsey >> thank you, and madam mayor i want to say how grateful i am
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for the opportunity to work for you and i think you heard mow say this anymore i want to say it just in these chambers 2-1/2 years ago when i asked to you consider me for a role i never i thought i would want or have when matt heen was elected. on this day i was celebrating 18 months of sobriety. and i asked for to you consider me because i wanted to bring a perspective from the recovery community. there were million reasons you should not given me a chance i did not have enough sobriety to be a treasurer in a 12 step program you took a chance on me. scarce low a day guess by i don't hear from somebody in the recovery community expressing appreciation having a voice and a seat at the table at a time when it is most important. you have my long lifelong
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friendship and appreciation, thank you so much and -- congratulations on your next chapter. >> supervisor engardio. thank you for your service. thank you for being such an inspiration to all san franciscans. as the newest member of the board the past 2 years it has been a privilege to work with you and looked for to our meetings to really learn from you and be inspired fruas well. and history will be kinds to you madam mayor. you have gone through tremendous crews bals and perfectly and professional life coming in the job in transgender deal and lead us through a pandemic and having to at the same time embrace all the good and joy in san francisco and a partner with me in creating joy and being there at our night markets and celebrating all that is good in san francisco and all that will
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is to come and when we blossom, when san francisco roars back it is because of the seeds you planted. so history will be very kind to you madam mayor. >> thank you, supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, mr. president. mayor breed you heard everything i was about to say i will say it againful when you were upon i other than elect in the june of 2018 it was not clear we would work well together or be friends neither of us in support of the other. i had not supported you in a few elections have you not supported mow in a few. and i yet i cannot imagine a better partner for the neighborhoods of district 8 for the lbgtq+ community. it has been a j to work with you and have been you and become a friends i hope we remain upon friends. i going through the list of things we worked together on 15 story queer senior housing building.
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in the cast roast. acquiring property for what will be the prosecute lbgtq+ history museum of the country the world. potentially. foiblely getting funds for harvey milk plaza and queer seniors and queer kids the unprecedented report the trans community. it san amazing record and it hen a joy to be a part television along with you and thank you so much. >> thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor ronen >> thank you. mayor breed my relationship upon with you has been one of the things this taught me the most. during my time in elected service public service t city. we started out clashing with one another so much. and then -- i think it was during the pandemic you did an unbelievable job leading the
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city through the toughest times i was so impress exclude skoal bravely to you for all of that work. and then how it impacted kids in the schools and being on the same page time and time again about what should have been happening. and that allowing us to build trust in one another to work together. were and i think i worked closer with you and your office in my second term than with my colleagues on the board. and we accomplished a lot i will always be grateful to you for peculiar the grownup and for working together with me for putting our past difference aside and disagreeing when we needed puforming a partner ship in getting things done. it taught me a lot and i appreciate it. thank you. why supervisor safai. madam mayor, i want it say that
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i want to respect the fact that a lot of people don't realize this and they see it from i distance to see how when you fight for things when you care about things you get things doneful and when you and i work together, in this chamber over the last 8 years we made magic happen. i realliment to appreciate the fact that when i brought things to you whether safe park, parklets, whethert rp housing. it literally took a 30 second conversation. because i knew what you believed in and knew what would you fight for without your support 91 of that would have happens that is something i will tuck about later today i wanted take the moment to recognize that when we locked arms we did wonderful things and i appreciate the work we d. we sure did fight. and that's okay. but i want to end on a good note
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and really recognize the positive things du for the city and recognize them in a real, real honorable way and want to tell you that you impacted lives. and you set in motion things with housing and safe parking, food empower am market you let this happen and fund third degree and i appreciate the work we did together and thank you for your service as mayor of this city. >> thank you. congratulations mayor breed! [applause] you have a minute rebuttal. >> thank you all so much for your comments and i also. to say, to tom whop was my representative who worked with your office this is is his last meeting you all put him through a lot but he kept a smile and worked hard and i want to congratulate him for his work as well as my entire staff and the
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w this they have done here for san francisco. and to all of the people who served the city againful thank you very much for your work and thank you for the honor and privilege of being the mayor of the city of san francisco and it is somethingil be grateful for and always cherish and will always feel completely honored the people of san francisco chose me and gave neat privilege to serve. that will never, ever, ever go away from my heart, mind and soul. thank you, san francisco. [applause]
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>> could you read the consent agenda? >> items 1-14 on skoenlt they are considered to be routine if a member objects item may be removed and considered separate low >> would a member like an item severed seeing none. roll call >> on items 1-14 supervisor dorsey >> aye >> supervisor engardio. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye >> supervisor preston. >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye yoochl and supervisor walton. >> aye >> there are 9 aye's. >> those ordinance are finally passed next item.
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>> item 15 an ordinance that was referred without recommend agsz from budget and finance this is an ordinance to amend the park code to raise the de feos for various goods and service at the marina small craft harbor and ceqa and appropriate findings. >> sir if you could hold it down or take it outside with the mayor. with that, seeing no names we will take this item same house same call the ordinance is passed next item. >> item 16 regard nonrerule of a historical property contract with michael full and he ordinance of 2209 webster street. they are trustacy of the listen family the ordinance of 2209 webster. notify the recorder's office of nonrenewal and authorize the planning direct to send the notice of nun renewal of the historical property contract to owner and record a record a
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notice of nun renewal combrochl same house same call the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 17 a motion to responded to the civil grand jury's request to provide a status update to recommendation one contain instead 2021 grand jury report, strategic alinement break through a living wage. >> same house same call the motion is approved. next item. >> item 18, this matter require a vote of 2 thirds or 8 votes of all members of the board of supervisors item 18 an ordinance to amend the planning code to revise the definition of lavatoryef biotech nomg and make laboratory use not permit in the urban zoning district and the ceqa and make appropriate findings. >> supervisor walt only.
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i move to send this become to committee >> motion to sends this to committee is there a second for this? seconded by supervisor melgar without objection. next item. >> item 19 an ordinance to amend the planning code and the zoning map the special use district the notice of special restrictions related it inclusionary housing under for sale of real estate. to affirm the ceqa and make promote findings. roll call. >> on item 19 supervisor dorsey >> aye. >> supervisor gardz guard. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye yoochl supervisor preston. >> aye >> supervisor ronen. >> aye.
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>> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> and supervisor walton. >> aye. >> there are 9 aye's >> ordinance is pass on first read. next item. >> item 20, a resolution to approve the portal project implementation mem ranltdum of knowing and the joint powerhouse authority. metro commission. san francisco county transportation authority, peninsula joint powerhouse good. california high speed rail and san francisco the partners regarding phase two of thet jpa transbay program the perral over a term of 10 years and affirm the ceqa determination. >> same house same call. the resolution is adopted. >> next item >> item 21 this is a motion to appoint estellea ortiz to the sheriff's department oversight board term ending march of 25.
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>> same house same call the motion is approved. can you read items 22 and 23 together >> 22 is a motion to reject the nomination for appointment of johana to the board of appeals for a term ending july first of 28 and item 23 it reject the major's nomination the appointment of sailor embarrass to the municipal transportation agency board for a term ending march 1 of 27. supervisor melgar. >> i i'd like to make a motion we continue this until the january meeting. >> and supervisor i'm happy to speak against that combh up so i can speak against it. is there a second to this motion. >> seconded by supervisor mandelman.
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president peskin. >> acting chair walton colleagues i rise to peek against the motion to continue. the committee sent unanimously all 3 of the items to the full board with a recommendation to reject these items. we learned earlier today's meeting one of those candidates has with drawn that recommendation was. based on the desire by the committee not to ram through a number of last minute appointments to very high profile commission this is terms of 4 years. the mt a commission. the judicial body the board of appeals and to leave those to
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the new mayor. upon i think that it is the obligation of this board to put our foot down and reject these and let a new mayor nominate who he chooses. i understand them is a theory and if we continue this the new mayor can decide whether or not he wants to with draw their nominations but i would manager give the new mayor a clean slate so i would urge a no vote on the motion to continue. >> supervisor melgar >> thank you >> so, the appointments for number 24 has been with drawn. i will speak to the appointments of joanne and sarah who i know both personal low. it difficult we continue is difficult to get high quality people. to want top do the work.
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that is required for both appeals at the mt a. required not just technical knowledge but the ability to spend upon long hours in the meetings to get aofficer criticism from the public. to do what it needs and the city requires to make these decision. both of thyself ladies are really qualified technically. joe ana has been an upon upon administrative law judge. done a lot of the work that prepares per her for appeals sarah embarrass was knife appointee to the seat ashe say transportation professional. skilled in proefficient both are young and both are moms. i think that it is really important that we support the leadership of young people young women who want to serve our city and put in the long hours
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required. now i understand, the rules committee recommendation that we want to gift new mayor a clean slatism think putting them forward for the ability of this mayor to with draw the nomination, or not. is giving the new mayor a clean slate and giving him a bit of a head's up. this these are really good nominations they are people this we want to put forward and i will be spmth both of them. >> on the motion to continue a roll call. >> that will be to continue items 22 and 23 to january 14 supervisor dorsey. >> aye >> supervisor engardio. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor pefs kin skin. >> no >> preston no >> supervisor ronen. >> no >> supervisor safai
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>> no. >> and supervisor walton >> no. >> there are 4 aye's and 5 no's with peskin, ronen and walton voting, no. >> motion fails on the items a roll call >> on 22 and 23 supervisor dorsey. >> no >> supervisor engardio. >> no >> supervisor mandelman. >> no >> supervisor melgar. >> no >> supervisor peskin. >> aye yoochl supervisor preston. >> aye j. supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> aye. >> there 5s aye with dorse, engardio, mandelman and melgar cote voting, no the motion will fail and nominees are rejected by operation of law. next item.
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item 24. that would be no long are before the board. >> correct. >> that would take us to commendidations. >> reports. >> for the committee reports we have item 29 was considered by the public safety and neighborhood service committee a regular meeting on thursday december 12 forward as a committee report. 29 is a resolution to determine the issuance of a type 48 on sale general public premesis liquor license to doing business as i havea breastace club at 969 market will serve the public convenience. and request the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conscience on issuance of this license. roll call >> supervisor dorsey. >> aye >> supervisor engardio. >> aye. are supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar.
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>> aye. >> supervisor pes skin. >> aye. >> supervisor preston >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye >> supervisor safai. >> aye. and supervisor walton. >> aye. >> there are 9 aye's. >> the resolution is adopted. let's go to our special order 2:30 recognition of commendations and we will start worry district 5 supervisor dean preston. >> thank you. and for my final commendation in office gives me great pleasure it recognize and commends the mid town park tenability's association. for their long standing struggle. [applause]. and housing justice. mid town park apartment system a
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139 unit complex on divisidero and geary built in the 60's when it was marketed to residents as homes that they would own. >> it was per of the city's response after years of redevelopment that displaced black families and black owned businesses the promises of ownership for mid town never materialized. city officials unveiled a plan to demo the 139 unit apartment complex. it was hard to believe and hard to accept. the mid down residents al ice organize said. and eventually. they convinced the city to abandon plans for demolition.
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after successful low sending off demolition mid down residents took on rent increases. frekted by reason control and shocked get 100%, 200% and some cases upwards of 300% rent increases. attentive's association work to build a coalition. lonnest rent strike in history we worked with the association to pass legislation reversed the unfair rent increases. and thank you to the clothes who were here in 2020 unanimously voted for that. we secured funding for a planning study wrapping up with
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a resident lead plan for repair and transificationing over times to residence den ownership and control of mid town. thank you to the work of the tenant's association and all the residents thifrngs to your hard work mid town is on a better path the mid town association worked to advocate for the families at mid town. many are multigenerational. organized stop demolition to build the citywide coalition of allis to craft the rent ordinance. refused to be bullied or become down they demanded housing justice this takes work, courage and mid town and the community are better off because of their bravery and years of add have kaes. today's commendation honors the
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thank you. [applause]. thanks. dean. we -- would like to say how much we appreciate all you have done prior to you being seated as a supervisor. we appreciate you standing by us. it is not easy and we continue and hopeful low we will reach ownership. with your encourage and want help we come this far. we intend to continue. >> again, thank you, dean for all you have done for yous and
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everything that you have been to us. when i think about actually many, many politicians, legislators -- people that i have been in contact with. people they have sometimes worked with i -- can remember what they did for a specific occasion. and instance and for a group of people. and basically very little in my responsibles. so when i think about what you have done. for mid town, just on going. it is really incredible to me. that you are such a man of integrity. you are a person of your word. so many people siaha they will do and highway they will help but this never happens. not once du say to mid town than i were going to work on something. you would do something not once
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du fail us. and for this i irrelevant do want to applaud you. i really can you. [applause] >> because it is rare. in my experience and i'm assuming in the responsibles of others as well. so, when you say you will do something you do that. when you say you will help someone, you do that. and i don't know if you know how much. that means to a group of people and i don't know that you really realize what you have done for mid town. so, thank you seems too little to say but that's all i got. [applause]. supervisor preston.
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a small token of of our appreciation at mid town park apartments and we would like to have this read it say in recognition and deep appreciation to the dean preston of san francisco for his tireless work in securing rent control for the residents of mid town park apartment and continued support. december 17, 2024. [applause] >> reciprocal commendations.
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at the san francisco public defender's office the past 21 years. he service the misdemeanor manager and office growth and development director. ment oborring new attorneys and rung the program. work extends ynldz the courtroom impacting case across california and within his family. part of a group of san francisco public defenders with kate chatfields exterioring advocate who is helped reformical cal unjust fell lee neil murder rule. the efforted in passage. 1437 a law authored by senator skin are in 2018. sb1437 the sentencing of individuals to life for murdereen when they did in the rsonal low cause the loss of life of did in the have intent
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it kill and were in the major payments. the law redefined account abltd ensure murder charges apply those who committed plannedor involved in the killing. since its passage it has freed 1 thousand unjust low sentenced individuals and saved the state over a billion dollars. one -- [applause] >> one of the reasons that he fought tireless low to reform the murder law was his brother nico. his brother nico wilson spent 9 years in jail bail on death penalty bail for helping to plan a robbery which he was not at the scene but were sad low two people were tragically killed. he was not there, nor could have
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known someone would be killed me he was charged with murder facing the death pen n. 2018 after advocacy sb1437 passed by one vote. after the passage of the sb1437 nico was the first individual it walk out of jail under the new law. he was the first of near row 1,000 people to gain freedom throughout law. however nico's journey to freedom was for from over am despite the release the da challenged the constitutionality of the law prolonging his battle. not until the california sport upheld it constitutional in a separate case that nico won his freedom. even then his ordeal continued. release he was taken to arizona to face a 17 year old marijuana possession charge stemming from
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when he was 21 years olds. he spent additional 15 months in custody in arizona without the judge setting bail. undeterd he fought the case to the arizona supreme court securing his release again. during his years in jail he spent time reading the bible of praying, exercising and taking online courses and earning a pair legal certificate. his commitment to growth and transformation during the years is a test am to the power of resilience. since his release he has been manage his auto business in modesto and connect with his daughter now 19 years old. today, nico is a family focused man committed to contributing positively to society and building a love and instability. final low i'm honoring lance
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wilson the youngest brother in the wilson family story is a powerful example of transformation. second chances and the profound impact of a loving family and supportive community. lance served 8 year in federal prison for a drug conviction term until island became the hardest hit prisons in the pandemic the fear and devastation were unimaginable with 9 incarcerated individuals losing lives a black man with high blood pressure and asthma he was have you nentialable and fierce came true when he contracted the virus. lance refused give up.
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ronen for your love, commitment and support it not only my family but your community and all freedom fighters out there. thank you board of supervisors, public defender tie i wear today. nancy skin are and kate and everyone who support third degree work. i sustained here dopely humbled not for myself but beyond behalf of my family and every person still fighting for freedom. i thank god move mountains and broke down prison walls for us i thifrng my wife. and i thank public defenders love and unwaivering support carried me through the darkest day and years. this belongs to my father who fought for his country and bring his sons home. tomorrow he turns 90 and his
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dream come true liveed see his sons walk free. this for my brother who came out experience strong black men. and together with freedom fighters like hillary ronen tireless add vo vo kaes we reached the mountain top and thank you supervisor ronen and look forward to working with you in the future. thank you. [applause] i want to thank everyone i want to thank hillary ronen the board and the san francisco public defender's office. i especially want to thank mying brother who fought for mow for i decade and thank my fiance casands rawho believed in me when the system did not. and i sustained here today as a
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free upon man because of the sb1347 and advocates who pushes for change heavy birthday to my father. looks like dad thshg is your moment. this acknowledgment is a symbol of hope this provides change possible we account not stop there thank you for everybody believing in us and standing for justice, thank you. >> i want to give credit to god. and thank you everyone and i want to thank supervisor hillary robe sxent board of supervisors of san francisco. and iment to thank the san francisco public dem felonier's
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office to my brother. your fight and love and dedication inspoir me every day you carried us all through you held us on your back and never gave up to my father, his strength and sack fois and faith gave us the foundation to push forward. and i'm happy this he liveed see both his sons come home and the victory belongs to him. i stand here someone whoness pain and struggle of november gaving an unjust system and know what is possible when the commune come together to fight for change this word ask noted about my freedom it coupless others waiting justice and their freedom. we owe it to them to go to my brother and sisters we see you, love you and will never stop fighting for you and last low i want to thank everybody who came to support me. my sister malleen.
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next up is out going district 11 supervisor safai. thank you, mr. president. you know this is 8 years in. we honored a lot of people in this chamber and i have as well and as supervisor ronen said one of the thing this is makes this job special. combh we have the tupt to recognize people that have done great work. i think it is important this we honor people not when than i have retired or career is over, not when they are unable to get to the mic on their own. when than i are in the middle of their career when they are doing the work in this moment. and they are continuing to make an impact. i'd like to call up today
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someone that the rep that i have with this person. i would not sustained in this chair i would in the sustained in this room without the support. woman that we will honor that is the president of [inaudible]. i could not pass up this opportunity this is my left meeting. i wanted go out with i bang as they say. anyone thisness her knows this she is a woman to watch. and i literally mean to watch. she has been on stage with presidents of counts rews. she has been on stage in audiences addressing 11,000 people at once. i don't fathom giving a speech in front of a crowd like this. she was recently at the inauguration female leader of
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mexico. she is a highest ranking chick anna to assume secretary treasurer in the city and county of san francisco's history. did this in 2009. [applause]. and she is the first female chick an on to lead local 87 union of 5,000 plus members. so, i talked a bit about the roles she has i want to give background how she got to this point expect our relationship started born in las vegas, nevada eighth child of 10. they move to los angeles. she grew up near dodge are stadium she is a dodge are fan don't hold this against her.
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she was raised as 10 siblings strong single mother. and i'm not trying to make you e notional i have to speak about your mother because she was a fierce communal activist. she was the first child in the family born under a union healing plan and her mother said she thought this was things to come. she knew something will be special about ole olga. her mother's fear at the time because the city of beginning to trans form and gent foil the community echo park chick anna community immigrant communicate would be evicted they started to organize at young age she was draged city council meeting fighting against redevelopment when i went in her neighborhood she took me to location this is were management this she stood
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on and went to meetings fighting with hear mother. against president force of gentrification. she wanted make sure that unfair evictions and immigrant communities would not be forgotten. that was the first stage of her life of learning of what it would be and money to be an organizer. when california was under, tax by prop 187, olga was a high school student organized walk outs. organizes fellow students on the issues. and as i said, she was raised by a fight that are knew that the fight was just beginning. that there were many fights to come and she would learn from. and this was neymarissia her mother we want to honor as well along with her. she went on to taken cal state l.a. and became an union supporteder.
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started doing union sumers at that time she started to learn first handled how employers we have local two members here. members obviously from local 87 today. i see the teamster there aresune members here this know what she learned at this time which was employ eshs will do what they did to intimidate workers. she carried that with her and learn burglar union summers. learning about what it meant to be part of a union coming from a large close knit family was easy transition from nainto the union and labor movement. she does come freshman humble beginnings. again, she understood at that time at whether or not someone needed shoes a coat, put food on the table. her mother welcomed people in their home. whether they were documented or
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not. they always made space. they made room. so knowing that up bring and this about her you see how her love and steadfast support for community and yesterdayim guarantee communities. fighting for working people, and having a big heart like her mother did. she moved the bay area in the mid tolet 90's. working with lovely 87 in 1999. she was elected to secretary treasurer of local 87. and then in 200520 years we are doing this commencement rigz elected to president as i told you in 2005 almost 20 years leading the union that can and that will fight the union that may not have, lot of money but has the biggest heart in san francisco.
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>> she demonstrated passion, commitment, negotiation skills every year. that her youns contract come up. she negotiated the best contract for union members and janitors in the entire country in the entire united states. that has set tone for the janitorial service industry. and a little baptist background again the union that could there was a time i decade plus ago that the international was asking for consolidation of every single local union. this is the only union local 87 with a 12,000 dollar budget against a throw million dollars campaign that they fought back, won and maintained independence and yes they continued to be a force in san francisco. [applause] i'm not done.
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i put people in two categories. you can decide what category you fall in. you are either givers or takers. and this woman does nothing but give. every single ounce of her energy her heart, her being to help other people. she is stantlying with her son i met him when he was 18 months old. gave nev. a kiss on the cheek he is such a nice by. i know her husband, president vice president of the union. from the bottom of my heart i know you don't like to be recognize exclude don't like to be honored we have to honor people in this time i know -- in a few weeks that new president will come in and he is going to target immigrant communities.
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he has said it believe him. he will come with full force and there will be no one that will fight strong and harder forrure city's sanctuary status for ourim grant communities and those that need a strong voice here and in dc. more so than olga. i love you sister glad i ended my term 8 years on the board honoring mutt you for everything you have done for san francisco and more to come. thank you. [applause] thank you, and pret
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much said everything but i want to you know there are few people that i admire. and you are one of those people. it is way you represent upon commute the way you represent people. is unmuched by anyone i know. i life watching it. i learn a lot from watching you. a lot from listen to you and work with youing a lot from working around you. and i want to appreciate you for make my birthday special. [laughter]. intrieshz melgar >> thank you.
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seen and heard. i now on the board of supervisors you know come a language way. i watch your videos. every other day olga posts i vo for her members. and watch them all. because i feel like you see people. you know their hearts. and in your fight fierce fights for justice. you understand what your members need. i have never had i conversation with you where you did in the tuck about your member. about had neigh they need export and what their visions and i you
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know, having been per of that one point in my life thank you. thank you so much for your work and being a fierce example of strong female leadership in the labor movement that is not always open to feel lead are ship. i thank you and i'm glat glad to be in the world with you at the same time. thank you. supervisor mandelman. thank you, president peskin you are pierce and formidable and lots of people will say nice things but today i want to thank supervisor safai where you are for giving us the upon opportunity to honor you. i learned so much from you have. from you putting mow to work in the middle of the night working with your members the fierceness for your members the fact you
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are skilled and effective at getting us out at organizing and at demanding that the employers actually give your members when they are owed and deserve. and it is has been a pleasure i am glad i had the tupt to work with you and look forward it continuing to. >> thank you. >> commissioner dorsey. i remember when during the early days of covid when your members were facing challenges and i was in the police department and we had the opportunity to and work together and since then we had disagreements but when i know i have such respect and affection for you when you ask poe to be out there for i picket unless i got a great excuse i'm there and i'm going to be there. when my colleagues supervisor safai handed me something to
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sign i proudly put my signature under his. congratulations. >> thank you. >> before we hear from supervisor ronen olga, thank you for standing up for sanct iary city. supervisor ronen. >> absolutely. >> i just -- all of my clothes have said what i wanted say. which is -- i will repeat it zone when to do fierce, formidable. what i love about the fact there is a male dominated leadership world in labor and yet they are all so. additional to you. you clearly run the show. when it come to the labor council i love this. but most of all what i will say that is so special about watching you working with you and allis with you, is your
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fight for immigrant rights the most powerful, you are one of the most powerful advocate the city you never you are always there. you always stand up. you always move people with your voice and your brilliance and love. and -- i will always, aulgsz respect you so much for that and so much more. but i then and there our paths will cross because i'm never getingly far from you i believe too much in the thing you believe in and want to continue fightingly by your side forever. thank you. >> thank you. [applause] supervisor preston. >> thank you and thank you supervisor safai. for your words and colleagues for your words i wanted to join with my colleague in thanks for
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your service to the labor movement and janitor in the city. your work forim grants and sanctuary policies in the city and recognize as supervisor dorsey eludeed and all of us various times have been out well through what was a tremendously difficult period for work people and all the of central workers in san francisco and jan tors and your members really went through it. in a way that this -- was pretty intense. and -- i just really want to rescue noise and appreciate your leadership during the opinion dem and i can making sure all of us in city hall were out there especially in trying to bring back jobs and back to work and dom when it takes. and -- it was really you know some of my proudest moments are out on picket lines and i will
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before we cheer for you you are not in trouble the d ahas a few things to say. [laughter]. [applause] i will say now there is not a lot that can get me here. we don't always agree in here it is okay. when you invited me i moved heaven and allergy to be here because that is the way i feel about you. and i second everything that has been said you -- are a lead in when it monies to lead. you are a leader when it moneys to advocate. she make us earn her support first dii was introduced to her by josh. i know he is here. i walked up to her and she said we got things to talk b. she did not say hello. i have questions for you.
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i heard the themmings you have been saying and i need to have an understanding. i said okay. that's fine. we can sit down. we had so many conversations since then. you know i have your back you know i have local quench's back any other local needs to you find me they have their back. and -- again i thank you for everything you do for making me do a walk in your shoes. yes, she did. i had to be a janitor, too. for holding public officials accountable because that is when it about making sure that we represent the people. and this we see the people who often are so often unseen that's what you are about and that's why i made sure i showed up today. een i think ahsha got me here outside of my budget twice. she is on a role.
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you are worth it and i love you. >> thank you. [applause]. all right. >> my turn in mr. president. yes. >> okay. so i -- i don't like words i'm the [inaudible] many times to be able to ask to you advocate for different things. and i'm very privileged and that i have the honor and privilege to be able to represent the member of local 87. and this is my home it hen my home for 20 plus years. i got my gray hair i grownup and side ways. i gotten everything at local 87 and i'm proud and privileged and honored.
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i understands and speak and understand and speak chinese i understand -- our members and i'm here to serve and i have been proud and i don't like these accolades. i think ahshamented before he leftmented see me cry ug low. this is how it gets. i want to be able to say that in i am a product of my mother. who was a single mom with 10 kids. and -- i want to thank supervisor safai for this public demonstration of adoration it is on the record and even though he complained people we know my siblings, right. this i never stop behaving like his boss i will tell you supervisor safai i never stopped being your sister. and we keep it real amongst family and people we care about.
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to my siblings and neighbor, i am so proud to call you my sisters and brothers. here is where the ugly gets going. thank you for showing up and taking calls 2 in the morning while i. bargaining or 11 night i'm chasing trucks in the financial district. my sisters you are everything and you keep me up and think i'm keepingly you up but i appreciate your solid darity to nikki come in a little package but sister can punch like no one's business. ip want to thifrng my siblings from local 350. my mentor was bob morales brought me up in a place in labor it it is tough to be a woman in labor and the sisters that grown their gray harris
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there is brothers that are feminists they don't vice president to wear a shirt this they show you what it looks like and bob moralez what that to me i'm proust his grandson and my brother from 350 and brarths like josh and jim from 5 i want to thank all of them. there are many brother and sisters held mow up and this i can be human it i being cry at 2 in the morning dooring the pandemic how i do tell my members we will be already? and to all of you supervisors that i have helped get elect third degree my members walked for you, right? this got dark and sweat in the funky places to get you elected. you know i want to let you know
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thank you for your courage and for your service and please know that we have only yet to see what cells to come in your futures and we at this room and this chamber several you have walked a day in our shoes and the reason we startd that program 20 years ago because we did not want to be a photo opfor any elected i wanted to you the work my members do so those of you that i had you work as a janitor for a night and had the bridge to work along side my member this is was giving you a picture of what it was like doing the w this we do. you can't understand it unless you have been in my shoes with that, the reason i bring up my mother and i reminded of her this all of women of local 87 are on my family and is because my mom was a single mom. and i have a privilege to have health insurance i have glasses. if you go become and look at the pictures from element's and high
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school i had doozies for glasses. funk mast are influential glasses. and so when you are a single mom you get creative. my mom to being me to the best good wells in los angeles. there was a basket if you liked to go second hand shop thering is i basket of glasses in those my mom have mow that was our healing insurance for mow to see clearly. i get the basket of glasses and my mom would sigh if you can read this at the very back of the store put those, side we are taking those with us. and that's my mom's single woman single mom creative way of getting me glass. every year when i get my pair of glasses through my healing insurance, thankings to the union, i remine myself my humble beginnings and there were dead person this left their glasses behind that i got it wear to school to my school dances to
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everything. that i had to do and my high school graduation i never it a now pair of glasses. but my mom taught me never to forget what our begins are and what they can be and stow i am a kid this had to again, there was not a lot of food we dumpster dived a union markless the safe ways and valves of world. we would at night dumpster dive for food. and for every morsel my members get to eat and the enjoy i am grateful. for every din are than i get it celebrate on the union wage. i'm grateful for that. for owl the babies that have grownup in our union and that gone to college and have careers, it it is because of union. and i'm grateful to all of the unions that we aspire to be this we work hard to represent. i am a product of my mother.
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and i want to thank my son had to sacrifice fun afteringtivities to be to picket lines with our members and holidays we had to spend on strike lines. but and i want to thank him because i was never embarrassed express my son in front of employers who i i was bargain. and activelies just to be able to show the women in my union we don't apologize for packageless we give birth to. we have to be able to cell brit them. and -- i don't take going for granted. i want to tell you this it statute metropolitan for you to u night. to be able to bring in 2025 as a
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city united that is in the about anyone thing but about all of ulc. and it is a city we want to protect sanctuary ability. i will be back but in the so celebrate myselfil be back to ask to you protectim grant workers all of our interests everything we have. top us the union households is as a single mom you buy a home you have been able to build where you are dream here in kennel be don if we don't have folk this is have a conscious like to you vote the right way to protect working families in san francisco. i want to thank you and i am i sum of a sum of everybody in my life. and i thank you and i don't take you for granted and to my
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husband, [laughter] talk about victims, right. 24 years i have been married this guy. and only 13 years ago people saw him like noticeing was my husband. quietly. i just want to thank you and thank you so much for this embarrassing moment and thank you for watching me cry ugly. thank you. . we continue our work with fig and all the gangs i belong to labor was the best one. thank you.
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association. [applause] after 17 long years of upon advocacy, fighting against illegal and unjust tenant eviction prosecute motes safely for immigrants and championing affordable house for examples families and senior in china town but across san francisco. mr. his calling for organiing. he and his neighbors faced with the threat of elis okay eviction. like most of the members in the communities tenant's association, a major of tenants were machineoling walchinese seniors who did not know when
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the letter meant when they received it. despite not speak english he and his neighbors fought back and seek support from the china down community development center. found others push back against evictions and organizing for protections affordable house and better living conscience. throughout the following two years he served as the lead speaker at press conference. picketed landlord's restaurants. educated community about rit and lobbied officials in their fight. in program of 2010 the jasper alley tenants won and prevailed. ordinance rescinded the eviction notice and agreed it keep the tenant in the bell and he continued to be my neighbor. upon recognizing the as a result community organizing, and moved by ct aencourage am he vowed
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continue serving the community and asumd leadership as president of the organization in 2009. under his leadership yt agren from throw00 member organization to today over throw,000 members the learningest tenant add vo indication organization in san francisco i had the humanor in w with him on virtually every torn better lives of resident and seniors in district 3 and across chan than. we fulfilled my first campaign promises improve pedestrian safety in china town. and a complete renovation of broadway >> powell after traffic collisions long this high injury corridor. we worked to pass every
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affordable housing measure and bond the left 8 years 2016 prop c to repurpose 260 mission of unspent seismic safety bond machine tow build housing sick00 million dollars in 2019. throw00 million from prospect ain march. as well as passing of prospect g it further the city's commitment to prosecute void house to extremely low income residence denials left month in november. ct a was one of the major organizations who advocate for senior operating subsidies and passed legislation to require fire sprinkler in sro building after fires in sro started in nonresidential areas threatening lives of residence additional yours of those buildings. he helped push for the 2020 health and refer bond allocated
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54 million dollars to the renovation and lead i year long process to reimagine the square and just if you for prop b the public healing bond. with money to renovate the china town healing center. had is my absolute honor to be retiring with you at the same time it hen a pleasure working with you. supervisor preston. 82 thank you. and thank you for your words commending mr. liock and it has been been a pleasure and honor to fight for tent right and housing justice in san francisco. over the years. and mr. is one of the giants of afford annual housing organizing not just in the city but as a
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model for the statey happened to add to all of the thing president peskin talking about in local accomplishments. some perspective someone when republican i tenant righty organization. a co, ligz of 50 organizations around the state and he hao and he ct a are a state wide model for how to have resident lead tenant advocacy you talked about greg from throw hung huh to throw,000 members. i don't know when you mentioned the biggest tenant association. san francisco.
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>> now the ct a is stronger. a true grass rot heroes in the community. ct association has a history of then years. and i have the privilege to leading the organization for 18 wherever for those. guiding us through a long and challenging time, i had also gained many insight and knowledge for all this journey.
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down, i am a priorize my family and healing condition. the city on a december 15 reside from my position as the president. the saying guess all good thing must come to an end. my understand and alumow to enjoy my retirement. i want to comment my wife to bringing her to trouble it take on the street and join a tea a simple pleasure that resyriaee should have. >>
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>> here i would like to share a word to you all. as much may have faith in this election. please don't be discouraged. there is an old chinese saying victory and defeat are common in the battle field if you are gold you will shine when you are mroeing the community the work you have done is inhave you been
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the community you serve will always remember and appreciate what you have done in effort. and also i want to thank you for the ct amember thank you the board for the work do with me all the times. last but not least i wish you all the very best let us share cherish of the time we taught together no matter when happens i will remain your friend wishing you a merry christmas. thank you, all.
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my apol joe to the appellate of our special order 3 p.m. madam clerk read items 25-28 and if you have in the turned your cell phones us, please, do. 25 through 28 comprise the item it is for public hearing in the determination of exemption from environmental review under the environmental quality act a categorical exemption by planning on october 20 of 24 the project at 1719 wallace avenue establish the allow the
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establishment of know industrial agriculture use for cannabis cultivation went pdr1 d the production light industrial buffer zoning strict and 65j height and bulk district. 26 the motion it aif he were the dwdmation item 27 the motion to conditionally reverse the departmenty determination. and 20 is the megz to director the preparation of findings. >> thank you. we will as we normally do in the appeal matters give 10 machine to the appellate followed by 2 minutes for speakers on behalf of the appellate then we will go to the planning department not to exceed 10 minute and the real
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>> can you hear me. >> yep >> wonderful. good afternoon. president and member of the board i'm barbaras too a resident of the bayview neighborhood and i stand here before you today to appeal the planning departmenty decision to guarantee an exemption to the proposed cannabis cult vision project at 1719 wallace avenue. i believe this decision was a mistake. >> planning department failed to considering the and terrible environmental impacts of the project on the risk of significant and harmful air quality impacts on the
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community. my appeal on the california environmental quality act or ceqa allow designed to protect our environments. ceqa requires an environmental review for projects this could impact our environment. the planning department place it qualifies for an exemption from this review process i believe they are wrong. proposed cannabis if sillity situated next to home in i building that has been sighted for unauthorized cannabis. class one and throw. one for minor alterations of existing facilities and throw, now constructionor changes. the problem is that these exemptions don't apply. . where unusual circumstances that lead to a reasonable possibility of significant environmental harm. in this case, the unusual
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circumstance is the location next to residence everresidential properties on >> empty and lane grand fathereded before zoning changes occurred. fells in the houses. seniors, young children and adid you tell us. children and elder low are considered vulnerable groups especially from an air questions of law perspective. seek with guideline section 153002c states this a categorical exemption cannot be used for activity when well is a reasonable possibility upon of significant environmental affects due to unusual circumstances. within 5 throw 00 tw aan exemption is qualityified by project's location. and insignificant project motorbike significant conditional in a sensitive environment. and 15 throw 002b specifies the
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exemption shall in the be used when the coupe welltive impact of projects the same time and place over time is significant. coupe welltive impacts are two or more individual affects which considered together are considerable or which compound or increase other environmental impacts. in it case the unusual circumstances location and impact is not ceqa exempt the unusual circumstance were residential dwelling this is predated the light industrial zoning the possibility of environmental affects is the air questions of law issues arise from cannabis cultivation.
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i will steak a step back and prosecute viedz context on the topic. i moved bayview in 2015 with my husband. we chose the neighborhood because it was sunny, warm and in the making easy it bicycle to get to downtown. we have two young children. and we are active in the community. the 1719 wallace is the blue warehouse a structure built in 1955.
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we live on >> accept tee in the house behind this we are not alone. so, the the oranges r marks other residentialing dwellings and as you see both on here and lane and the vouning streets there are a number of residential houses. here is the picture of the other side of the warehouses. the street on the south side of wallace we have a number of houses built between 1915 through 1923. and our own was built in 1921. looking across the street there are houses built in 1900 and 1916. people live here many with children, adults and seniors these are houses and houses built for human not warehouses. from a historical and i will say
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that alegality of residence didn'tses this live in the area have signed letter opposing this cultivation for the previous planning commission meeting. now from historical perspective looking at sf planning book the houses were here first. in 1927 the board of supervisors applied a light industrial zoning which was at this time referred to the guarden and orchard tract. in this document there is in the mention of why this change was made. it was being made. now the williamace lot is pd r within b a light stressful wufr and the house around it are zoned america 1. and i want to emphasize it gwen these houses as far as i know
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have been continualy reside in the for residential use. and familiar you look at the sf, seszory report they are dwellings not industrial losts. now, one question i get is you know wham is the big deal. i thought it would issue while to talk about that here is a cannabis cultivation warehouse from an article. the equipment and system used for indoor cultivation include heart attack vehicle, hr components, air handling units dehumidifiers. lighting system. and had they control for is air circulation, humidity level and temperature and light. it produce more crop managing pleasant diseases. this has multiple stamgs cull vagz. prospectgation. flouring, harvesting and post
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harvest this happens a number of times per year. in terms of odor people think is the big thing here. the odor is most strong in the throw flouring harvest and post harvest stages. now the cannabis pleasants natural low havetur pins themselves. from the plant disease management points of vow they suffer from mold, mill i do, viruss, rot and other pathogens which monies you need to active low manage the pleasants with chemical agents. and so when is the concern about cannabis cultivation this is a question i heard. talk about that. from an environmental and health impact point of vow there are 3 main reasons first air kwauchlt second water consumption and
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third the high energy consumption. from know air quality point of view plants have the turneens multiorganic cop pounlts when they react with nitrogen in the environment this creates ground level ozone. the strong odzor if far away. from i water i will focus air quality know there are both water and energy consumption issues. now one of the claims the department med is there are great jobs created. these are also cause significant
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employee exposures and the community impact at the oshg zone and legislation revving later in colorado see this as a huge air quality issue. saying representing half of the e missions of the state in colorado. so it is a big deal. >> thank you are there speakers on behalf of the appellate? if there are if you will line up top my left your right. >> go ahead, sir. not to exceed two minutes >> i'm a member of. 617 [inaudible] e mission's reduction committee. i'm presenting on behalf of several members we sent i letter left night. i'm a 15 yearo resident. immigrant and strikeoth picket listen i represent everyone
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including my residents don't have the privilege to be here. we am like to support the appeal. for this project. we like the appellate do believe that the project does have an affect as well as community impact on the environment propositions of ceqa and should not be exempted the voc is a cancer caution agent. the turnin will affect air quality in and out. with the number of e mission facilities in the bayview many of the new improved ones and 1719 facility there is a 7ament i speak with that leaders apply the public health standards
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toward projects as they valid to other districts. leaders assume bayview careless well environment and agreeable exchanging environmental harm for potential j.w.s the jobs are in the worth temperature entrust the board will review the project and appeal seriousness and legal consistency applies to other public health and environmental protection issues >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello i'm brian johnson i'm barbara's husband. i live at 1718 which is zero feet from the facility. i think that the -- that inform case that is the unusual circumstance here. i'm a father. my number one job in the world i have two young kids a throw and sick year old and our bedroom where we all sleep directly and
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next to where this facility will be put inform currently, this facility is a warehouse. it is holding containing just nonvolatile materials nothing harmful. it is a storage facility. next to the facility there is an legal marijuana growth facility in the come implement to the planning commission they came out and this was written up. and this case we smelled the american. so, we smelled the cannabis and when i starred smelling i was correspond i went out and puris thatsed an industrial grade air monitor erickson i kwshg cost a thousand dollars i have been monitoring the air quality. the smelled cannabis in the air and normally our air quality in
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the area is a 40 or below. on those occasions i checked the air quality the out door worn publicly available shows 153 on both occasions and directly correlates with the smell of cannabis. what i like to ask you is that you recommend there be an environmental review of this so we can ensure we get the proper air quality monitoring and proper facility set up to patrol evercontrol this issue and the best case to move the facility not zero feet from several vulnerable residence additional populations thank you. >> thank you. are there other speakers on behalf of the appellate if not this part of the hear being is closed we will go to ms. gibson and the planning department.
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>> good upon afternoon president peskin and board members i'm tonya shane are principal plan with planning. with me today are lisa gibson the environmental review officer and josh the department's air quality subject matter expert. who will help with my slides. the decision before you is whether to adopt a motion to uphold the department's exemption issued for 1719 wallace avenue. the department december 17th appeal response is in the board's packet. our presentation today will highlight our responses to the appeal. i like to point that we very well viewed materials submitted yesterday and the letter submitted today by several members of bayview ab617 committee. and find this they did not
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changer response or conconclusion in any way. slide two. am the project is located on wallace avenue on a wlok by lane street mandelman and williams avenue. the city of bayview. the cites contained a 2500 square foot building and currently vacant. site is within the pdr one zoning the planning code notes is intended credit a buffer with residential neighborhoods and light industrial areas. the project establish anning cultural use for cannabis cult vision with no retail component and accommodate the use install equipment remove 7 sky lights legalize storage space and security gates.
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no eccavagz or the use of generators is prosecute poses. we found that the project qualifies for a categorical exemption odzors and other impacts are addressed through the city's and state's existing process and that bill sick 70 is not applicable. for informing our written appeal addressed other topics raised that are not relevant it ceqa on this slide i will in the go in them today. next slide. ceqa guide lines section 15301 through 153 throw throw throw lists exemptions for classes of projects determined to not have a significant affect on the environment. and that are exempt from further review. the project meets criteria minor
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alterations as this project seeks to dom and also meets criteria for everfor class throw exemptions. three -- make a project eligible for an exemption require additional review. one exemption is whether unusual circumstances exist and if so, if there is a reasonable possible of a significant environmental impact do you to those unusual circumstances. in reviewing the proposal the department determined the project not involve unusual circumstanceings the scope is small. location is present with uses presents in the area and
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permitted by planning. and existing regulations air quality, odors and other imppictures would be avoided. would avoid significant impacts the proposed project not result in project specific or cumulative impacts. based on tht project we find clearly qualified for an exemption. next slide. regarding air quality. that was bruup by the appellate the project will be subject to the city's office of cannabis and state of california department of cannabis control requirements. including odor mitigation plan requires that no oldors escapes to the outside of the building. and the sponsor required to demonstrate compliance can be achieved and would be a condition of permit approval. the odors brought up by the
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speakers were experienced before the applicant filed to legalize this project. it was not receive the benefit of existing regulations. the project would be subject to good neighbor policy the communal exactly request specific commitmented includes and compliance water usage waste, pesticide and similar topicings and the project will be subject it building code. okay. another issue raised is ab617 in 2017 it reduce pollution in community impacted by air pollution. the bayview southeast san francisco community selected as an a b community because of health and equities the
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management district is wing on e mission reduction plan i blueprint for improving air quality in bay vow and southeast san francisco. however the plan has not and been published to date. mel conflict where a document currently exists. the department recognizes the project area to have more are pollution the site is locate on the city's air pollution map and within a healing vulnerable zip code the operation is small in nature and coupled with all of their regulations mentioned would not lead to a significant air quality impact. >> the planning department dprmd the project qualifies for an sxechlgz there are no unusual circumstances associated with establishing i cannabis cult vision facility.
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the planning department recommends tht board of supervisors uphold the determination the will exemption conforms with environments of ceqa and deny the appeal. thank you for your time we are available to answer questions you may have >> thank you for your presently agdz. is there a representative of the real party in interest the experience present, come forward. you have not to exceed 10 minutes. have a usb plug?
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>> good afternoon i'm here on behalf of loungeon inc. the applicant was first introduced to mr.s to during our good neighbor out reach meeting and express the concern busy our security plan and managed follow up with her and i think this is in the an issue at this meeting we laid those concerns to rest. we all indicateed her that if she noticed odors or anything happening in the future she felt
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we might be able to address she is welcome to speak to us and try to help her. figure this out. we have not heard from her since. so i want to respond to her ceqa determination. request. exemption appeal. i think the planning department addressed why this project hits within class one and three. but that i want to emphasize that this project is only about a thousand square feet of cultivation space. and she is saying this will be a major increase but it is only a thousand square feet of the alleged 300,000 square fight. it is small addition.
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with regards to the category 3 exemption. zoning control, it is -- unclear what -- the size prongimity to the location makes the impact significant in her mind. would be insignificant impact. and saying this this is in my backyard is not a good reason to create a whole legal outcome for us. sheave has not objected the other cultivation operations that are projects going forward even others this were at the same bayview meetings we were
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at. it is only our proximity to her house that makes her oshg foezed our project instead of for the good of the bayview it team usa. as far as air quality. health risks we plan to filter all air in the facility with carbon fitters and all exiting the facility they are effective moving chemicals and oldors. trap dpuchlt smoke. o zone and other plowants. on harvest days the applicant will have hv fitation necessary it e eliminate all oldors from all air. all doors and windows are seald and likes and noticeable odor outside will be a series issue. and needs to be corrected lie any other mechanical failure. it is important it note that
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there was she noticed odor in the past our neighbor next door has had significant issues with odor. and have not been regulated the plan are touchod this a bit but that -- some of the complaintses are from our next door neighbor and she has not made an effort to differentiate with the two of us. >> mr. -- no jen rirt in use and no plan to use generators. as far as increase use of power it it is a very water and power it is a small space and there is not we have completed our electrical upgrade there is no excess demand on the power system we accounted for that. and the water usage is minimal and it is drip irrigation with -- potential for water
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we reached out to community organizations they are interesting in pursuing usd agrant for u ban production in agriculture. available to nonprofits and community organizations. and -- have we have been talk with them about designing a system and helping them set up hydro ponices to get the grants to cycle i think will end in june of this coming year. so, we are in the process of
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working through this with them and -- if we can help design them and successful and -- they can like -- create new system this is they are farmed they everwe would like to partner with gardens and farms to help them also design and get the guarantees available. are want to thank you for the approval and for hearing us out. i want it emphasize the size of this it is a thousand square feet of space. it is a very small location from here to many other cultivation projects especially in san francisco. and in her appeal san jose has a residential set become for cannabis cultivation.
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i want to point out nasan francisco does not and oak land has a similar mix of industrial and residential does in the have a setback for residential. and that moving forward we don't we want to be a niche and want to be, wear of impact we have on the community and a benefit to everyone around us we hope that if they notice anything than i can talk to us. that is a serious issue for us. this facility it is a warehouse. there is no retail or public acsisz at this location. this is electric to the left and right of our facility. down the street.
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we are located autopsy main road in general this is our good neighbor policy if you want to look at temperature we do trash and graffiti pick up air filtration. not taking up parking and have security system. upon it is general low standard and we are trying to be as nonobnoxious and as responsive as possible to our neighbors. again, if there are complaint the future we love to have you address them. with us. >> and -- we are open to questions and hopeful that this project can move forward with our close neighbors. thank you very much. >> thank you. sir. and before i go to speakers on behalf of the project sponsor i have been informed this there were individuals who did not
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understand due to language barriers that they had the opportunity to speak on behalf of the appellate. so i would like to if you will allow me, colleagues to allow speakers on behalf of the appellate. then go to speakers on behalf of the sponsor. are there speakers on behalf of the appellate. i'm virginia marshall. a long time resident of san francisco educator who work in the bayview hunter's point i'm
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housing and hundreds of fordable housing in the come plex around the corn are. this is the impactful for our lives we can only find 10 people here because of the short notice there are hadn't everhanded wanted to make it here. we meit and we don't like that smell it is not good for our health. this is impeculiaring our neighborhood dramatically. if there is once open 3 dozen we can't say anything we ask you not to approve more future marijuana facility in bayview, thank you. i'm josephine the translator for the seniors i want to congratulate supervisor chan and melgar and i want it thank president peskin, preston, ronen
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and safai for your service thank you very much is in the general public. those are on the agenda later this is just a ceqa appeal. >> thank you for your service. are well other speakers on behalf of the appellate. you in this part is really closed are there any speakeros behalf of the real party in interest of the sponsor? we will go tot appellate not to exceed three minute rebuttal.
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three 3. thank you fwen for hearing me and giving me the chance to rebut. i will say from planning department they did in the talk about the exception to the ceqa exemptions. this is of the special circumstance there is are residents near by the possibility of vipiral impact and the cumulative impact i mentioned we are talk over three three00 thousand square feet. from a notice of violation on the office of cannabis and
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planning and again i'm not the the inspector. i have to trust what government bodies have done and recorded i did want it respond it is interesting that it is true like i condition as a residence denial determine the source of the cannabis. we need to look for what it is. the oshg zone the 2. 5 and 10 and then the sulfers the persistent the -- you say that the nuisance odor they have real impacts. and so you know in this case the project experience saying it is not us the guys next door i say that is for the government policy makers here or revving laters to look at that.
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it is interesting to say now the assessor map shows this lot vacant instead of a warehouse. the reason why this is acceptable the experiences proposing filters (inaudible) choosing location this is is not a ceqa exempt project multifatteted odor and strategy a minimum of filleration stages. prefit are capture particles. making sure there is no odors and [inaudible] watering and maintenance and public visibility to the air quality markers around the buildings if you go through the bayview you will smell cannabis. you know you might be driving
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and you [inaudible] for those of us this live here we live with every diif you are luck tow pass by namight be a news an but air quality issue for those of us what live there. i shown evidence scientific evidence that this is not a ceqa exempt for category 13 there are healing impacts for the community and residents. cumulative fact everaffectless are a concern. clear monitor and public data please. >> time concluded. thank you. >> if you can turn off your cell phone. the matter is now been heard and filed and is in the hands of board of supervisors. supervisor walton. >> thank you very much, president peskin the planning department construct conduct a review of the project the
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project is in the i mirj cannabis if sillity the appeal suggests. the small scale of the project combined with use of clean engine and minimal traffic does not have the environmental impacts that ceqa is designed to address the experience dem strited efforts to comply with all city regulations, address sxrns ensure would in the disrupt the community. the prosecute active out reach and commitment it sustain ability and efforts to work with local organizations reflect intent to be a responsible member of the bayview community. given the project's compliance with ceqa i support the planning department's decision i would like to make a motion to affirm the exemption determination item 26 and file items 20 and 20. >> motion med by supervisor
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wopton and seconded. on this motion made and seconded a roll call, please. >> supervisor dorsey. why aye >> supervisor engardio. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor peskin. >> aye. supervisor preston. >> aye. >> supervisor ronen. >> aye. >> supervisor safai. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> aye. there are 9 aye's the motion is approved and the categorical exemption is affirmed. madam clerk roll call for introductions >> first up to introduce new business supervisor dorsey. submit. where supervisor engardio. >> submit. >> supervisor mandelman. i have a few things. colleagues, today i'm
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introducing an ordinance to save guard lbgtq+ and reproduct of health organizations from right wing hate groups. city required nonproperty city contractors providing service its share an economic statement with the city. the purpose of the codify in the section 10. 1 of the code is to provide transparency in the over site of the operation of nonprofits receiving funds. as conreceived they were required to send the statement to the board after 200 to the administrative services. and since 2011 the reports gone to the, warding departments. in 2023, in response to a litany of of reporting related issues with funds nun profit it is amended sections to raise the threshold to 100 thousand dollars and require additional
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informing to the requirement and add transparency requiring consolidation and postoth city administrator's website. with these amendments now requires every nonprofit receiving more then and there 100 thousand from the city to provide public services to file with the city add administrator and economic statement including the following information. the name of the ceo or employee possessing daily responsibilities and the names of all officer and directors in the names of all other boards which they serve. these new disclosure requirements raised security concerns for reproductive healing and lbgtq+ organizations regardingly impactings to officer and staff. the requirement to make available in one place the names of lead and ares others they are affiliated jeopardizes the privacy of individuals at a time
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when rights of reproduct of health and lbgtq+ are under attack from far right groups. especially at this time san francisco must be vigilant and boshg to protect our vulnerable community from right wing hate groups. section 12 well of the code which establishes a policy for public access to records and meetings of organizations include exception for nonprofits in the prosecute vision of abortion councilingor service domestic violence. shelter or suicide prevennes services. this legislative amendment introduce an exemption to section 10.1 i thifrng planned paraphernalia hood and lbgtq+ organizations and supervisor stefani's office and the city administrator's office and brad reduce in the city attorney's office.
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[speaking very fast] i also have -- a couple of in memory. first i'm asking we closed meet nothing memory of [inaudible] passod november 13 in stockton, california born on february 17, 1942 in cam bode enthusiasm after fleeing the genocide in 75 and spending years in the refugee camp the first in family fo to migrate to the tenderloin district and saved up money to experience her 8 siblings and district everbring them in 89 she and others join moved stockton. her work as a childcare provide are known for love of children and i strong matriarch. weekend everyone in her home and
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ensured they had a bowl of food in hand. she was known for glamorous style. her family and friends will remember her for her gracious nature. active interests in cam bodian politics and joined member its raise funds for charities and oppose authoritarian rule. she is survived by siblings, three children, grandchildren and nieces and nest use including our own calvin ho. rest may your memory be a blessing. president peskin and i are asking we adjourn the meet nothing memory of bob who die in the his sleep in the early morning december 9 he was 85. bob of fwhorn iowa grew up and then deplayed vietnam served
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three of 25 years and rise to captain. returned in the united states in 68 making san francisco his home. he was a presence in diamond heights and in the community association beginning in the 80's served for a decade as president. bob was a strong voice for allowing more housing in the neighborhood. bob was a champion for rights especially in the u.s. military. served on the booshd of service members legal defense network in dem strigzs championing appeal of the [inaudible] and provides support for individuals in the military who had hide their sexuality to avoid dishonorable discharge. active in lobes politics president of the harvey milk democratic club. heave a friends and in support of harvey milk and friends's committee on the board of
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supervisor and supported race for congress in 1987 and supported america 11 open in all of his races bob served on the boards of theater prescribeos race and operation and concern and supporter of horizon foundation. the management advisory council of [reading of names] his enengage was the extensive the san francisco ethics commission. and the vet republican's affair council from 99 to 96. a friend and diamond heights neighbor with his legacy of lobes contributions remember the bob -- [inaudible]. just did when he thought was best for the world. bob we thank you for kwlur service to our country, city and lobes community rest in power may your memory be a blessing
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the rest i submit. >> thank you. commissioner machine man. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you. colleagues, judge raymond joseph junior passed away last week the judge was a machine had lived as a devoted husband, father, grand father, friends and a true son of san francisco. gray was born in this city in 19 thing the first of three to judge raymond senior. and maria al back a fourth jen raying san franciscans the judge embraced and spends 88 gleers enriching the community he loved deeply. his journey was one of rable achievements. arch bishop high school ray was a lead or the football field, quarter become would go tom play city college and u c berkley. earned law degree from what was
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then hastings luschool in 1960 and married the love of his life. ray's legal career reflected commitment to justice and service. appointed by then governor raying everreagan in 74. served on the superior court for 25 years. of carrying on a family legacy that spanned a half century. touched counselless lives with fairness and unwaivering sense of duty. rilived with a deep commitment to his faith. serving church and community. his work with the janet center along side his wife e lane reflected his desire to give back to the community. he trowel embody when it means to live a life of service, love and legacy. a son of san francisco a pillar of justice a loved patriarch
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leaves a legacy that will enrich the city and those who knew him my heart goes out to his wife and daughter and sons ray and james. services will be on january third at 11 a.m. at st. stevens catholic church. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor peskin. why colleagues i can't get enough legislating in will my final legislative act i'm introducing one more piece of legislation which i will leave to the next board it is a piece of good government policy. i think we are all aware that in the past few years seen an explosion of money in local politic in the in raw dollars but in new creative structures. net ws of foundations 501z three and 4 action committees and
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packs engage nothing political campaigning in quite problematic ways. issue oriented peculiar received the learningest ethic's fund in history for improper low devoting itself t candidate cam pang. sf safe millions from the city and from a large campaign donor a raft of fraud challengers. civic organizations claim civic engagement on behalf hundreds and thus annuals on a mull year plan to attack citizen participation in government and use city resources to legitimize their political operations.
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the ordinance today is one way to draw pretty clear lines. presented city providing funds or resources to 501 c 4 organization and presents 501c three's providing anything of value. as i leave this office, i pledge to devote myself to protecting real lower case d democracy citizen participation government fighting impact of big moncompetence stopping the efforts to harass public resources in further analysis of games that is all i have to submit on my last board meeting >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor preston. >> thank you, in dam clerk. colleagues back in march 2023 in response to the police
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department's out of control over time end spending i called for an audit and the budget legislative analyst published 128 page audit. this was if you believe laborod december 12 left week. so today along with cosponsors supervisor walton and president peskin and supervisor ronen i'm introducing a hearing request on the audit findings. i will not be here for the hearing but want to thank my coexperience for their support of this. the bla made several findings and prosecute voided the pd with 30 recommendations. and of the police department agreed with most of them. the bottom line is that the bla found evidence that sfpd broke laws and policies related over time spending. failed to vied over time and approvals and failed to enforce
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provisions of the city's mou with the popular's association. with 108 million dollars in over time in the fiscal year the lack of oversight and abuse will over time require innerthengz evervention as the city face a deficit and service for vulnerable on the chopping block this is in the as simple as under staffing the audit found abuse patterns sick leave use on specific days of week. often for the first or left day of a work week. saturdays and sundays to avoid weekend duties and the use of sick leave coinciding with working voluntary 10 b private security over time on the same day of being sick. some officers regularly call in the sick to work. and the department allowed
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51,000 hours of ineligible private security hour in 3 years. some were approving their own over timer same supervisor sign twice on over time approval forms that required 2 separate signature others does d not justify why they were working over time they compound each other when officer abused sick time the officer this replace them does so with over time pay and most cases and so on. this is in the what a well managed department looks like. this type of abuse is costly. and it does not make us safer. as i westerned in 2023 when this board approved 25 million dollars more for police over time through a supplemental, despite the tenderloin used as a prop to get more money most
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fupdzs were directed to the safe shop and are tourism deploy ams not the tenderloin. with these ecpend tours having little oversight transparency or demonstrated result it is. san francisco police department has a total budget over 800 million dollars now. the high budget the department ever had despite declining calls for service the pedestrian several years the budget increased over 200 million dollars. since joined this board the city can not blindly approve without account act. i want to thank my cosponsors and supervisor walton. who will be here and hope others will join him in making sure there is a hearing and an opportunity for the long over due oversight and transparency
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with police over time. i also colleagues, have we lot two incredible folks from district 5 recently and so i have would like to request in dam clerk we adjourn the meet nothing honor of two individuals from d5. first i like to request adjourn in honor of pia harris. an incredible community leader in the fillmore dieed december third at 46. she survived by 2 daughters jazmin thorn and aria turner. her morgue and her father terry harris. we extend our deepest condolences to fell, friends loved ones. p a harris move to san francisco in 96 and graduated friday george wish wash high school.
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pia well respected. in san francisco in all of her work and active business woman and civic leader an extraordinary mourth evermother, daughter, part anywhere. sister aunt and community leader. pian opened her new restaurant. mia sole at 1345 fillmore street. she wore many hats in addition to opening her restaurant she was also san francisco housing development corporation's chief economic development officer. joined hd c in july of 21. and in the three and a half years she lead the design and build out of hd c's robust economic development team and program in the fillmore. her hard work and ded occasion lead to her per in with west side communal services to be collect shrekked to reopen the
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fillmore heritage center. spearheaded minding my black owned business with a program that graduated 135 blackent preneuros over the course of 5, 12 week cohorts. launched in the black retail store online portal this features products of. 20 black entrepreneurs. championed renovation at the kitch in the 53 cox lounge to train chefrs to provide thousands of free hot meals to seniors and low encome residents. key role in planning of several major festivals the city's juneteenth celebration and the western edition music festival.
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enforce and enforceable in the healthy buildings ordinance itself. to legislation amends it is healthy business buildings ordinance to city a private ratify objection it allow employee of a holing or their employee represent to bring a civil action in i court of jurisdiction against a tourist total violating lid out in the healthy building ordinance temperature creates a civil pen structure for the violations depending on frequency of the violation. i am thankful to supervisor mandelman who will ton work and move this forward in the now year and the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor ronen >> supervisor safai. >> i have five piece of legislation i will introduce. where i'm kidding.
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i have nothing to introduce on my last day. because i'm leaving the build and level it up to people that will be here to dot work not judging anybody i think you have been wing on this for awhile and so have you i was going to bring up a charter amendment term limit for supervisorsil not ask the city attorney i'm not joking. i of course there should be real term lim in this body but i'm not going to do that either i might give that to somebody else as an idea. >> not really. can you do a year and take time off and come back i want it make sure that does not happen again. i will not ask the city attorney to draft this today i could. i'm goings to say the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor safai. supervisor walton. submit >> thank you. >> mr. president seeing no names on the officer are this concludes the introduction of new business. why with those words madam clerk
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items 32-35 out of order if you have could call those. items. items 32-35. introduced for adoption. >> without reference to committee a unanimous vote required resolution on first read today. alternateively a machine mirequire to go to committee items 32-35 comprise resolution to honor the outstanding service of safai supervisor for san francisco d 11 declaring december 17th 24 supervisor safai day in the city and county of san francisco. item 33 the resolution commendses honors supervisor hillary ronen for her service as the district 9 supervisor for the city and county of san frap and declares december 22 issue
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24 as supervisor hillary ronen day in the city of san francisco. item 34 the resolution to commend and honor dean pret finish for service as a supervisor for the city of san francisco and declare january 7, 2025 supervisor dean preston day in san francisco. and item 35, this a resolution to commends board of supervisors president aaron peskin for distinguished leadership of beloved friendship. valued guidance and council and inkennel tenure from 2001 through 2024 on the occasion of his final board meeting >> thank you, madam clerk. why don't weep have public comment on these and give privilege of the floor if there is no objection we can hear from members but have a number of
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city department heads here to comment on those items give them privilege of the floor if no objections i note assistant chooefr of police well czar is here. chooefr nicholson is here. and a number of city attorneys includingan pierson are here and a number of others we will give you privilege of the floor. supervisor walton >> out of curious hit a supervisor can sends these to committee. without objection. require 8 people to wave this rule and there are 9 of us. but yes, you could and i could declare a special board meeting. chief lazar >> good afternoon. i want to congratulate supervisor ronen, safai, preston for your time on the board and
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i'm here today president peskin to congratulate you on allure years of service to the city. and i wanted tell that you i typeset thank you for your support of san francisco police department. especially your officers at central station. where you provide an amount of support to them. one thing you have done is you makure you know every officer's name by their first name. whether in china town or north beach you always shown love and support for your cops at central station. i want to conclude by saying i'm grateful as the then the captain of 7 roll station in 2016 to have the privilege to work with you and -- to see how much you cared about the community about public safety. about holing us accountable and meching sure we were responsive and making sure that we modeled
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like you did as a city represent making sure we were taking care of people. for this i'm thankful. you also showed me the importance. having i unified front. captains and supervisors work handled in hand to have this presence to represent the city i'm honored be here to say a few words about our time and expert witness. how much -- i the department and i greatly value you.
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i want to rum and share how valuable we found our working realm to supervisor preston thank you for being fierce advocate for tenant right in the board or as an attorney in your private life i appreciated all of your support for many of neighboring serving programs you are in there with our team making sure our folks knew where we cover to make sure we were representd and served your community i thank you for this level of attention and for this care for your community.
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you knew everybody and this life for san francisco the people of san francisco is something that shown through. i have appreciated this left go around working withow issues that were important whether about getting right municipal waste process rolling back contracting laws wing on things that were mundane like oil feels. real estate loses they were themmings you pay attention to and made sure we got right and you tested us. you asked us hard question and made us do better. i recall working on clone up a piece of legislation that was passed separate the department
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of public ws you were the lead champion to help us repairs when would have been breaking up a department and the connection point in this department. and i remember you tellingly me this you were responsible for wrong to passing something you regret exclude your responsibility make it right. i thought this spoke a lot but as a person willing to understand the operations and willing to say, you know what i got it wrong and i will feks temperature that's spoke a lot and spoke a lot when you were think burglar and considering prospect b you speck about employee morale and did in the forget to uplift the people who dot w. thank you, supervisor peskin for the ways big and simultaneous you helped influence my public serve here. before i go i have a gift. betters be under 25 dollars. [laughter] 18 dollars. to be exact.
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you motive not see this i will tell you i know this i will get this wrong and people will offend the dent tech office offense a pint do you recallian ice chrome if my favorite parlors in the district marco polo we spoke about this place it is delicious. but don't take this the wrong way. dur yen is the flavor i think many people find difficult to tolerate. [laughter] definitely hard on the nose not to everybody's taste and is ban in the commute trains and in holings in country rows. but to others the dur yen is the king of fruits and a true treasure. thank you, supervisor peskin. thank you, carmen. [applause] the foal system
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muteual the city is good hands with and i'm proud of your work neymary ellen carroll. >> swim are extraordinary and surfer, too. why yes, well00 our city add administrator spoke of seeing you the pleasure of seeing you in community not many have had the pleasure of like me of seeing you in the speedo at five in the morning as we jump in the water. so -- more on you in a minute. first, want to congratulate you all i will start with supervisor preston. you know we did not alling agree on everything. but we -- certainly have always had the ability to community and to work together. especially on and for on behalf of the vulnerable community in
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your district. we are i'm very proud of work we have done. on our team and with your team to really try to bring better conditions to your sdrekt and those most vulnerable. i want to say this one of my most indelable experiences was the 11 hour, 12 hour board meeting we had on that went from december 23rd to december 24th i can't remember when year time has no meaning. >> that will forever be in my mind and that was you know from it there, you know we irrelevant were able to find our path and work together. and i do respect how you stand up for what you believe in and -- my kid is a fan of yours. there you go.
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>> second low, supervisors safai, i just you know i i i the biggest thing i have to thank you for is your bringing prop i to fruition and the board. this is the gives the benefits to the dispatchers they have so longmented and in my opinion have deserved. honest low. i told them may be two year ago when we would come up i was able to abling a miracle this is in the my decision. but -- it is huge and it is really automatic00 you -- i'm not sure you know the impact it has to them to have the recognition as public safetied responders this they truly are, so. honest low that is indelable gift and something this will have forever and so i appreciate you seeing them. and moving that forward.
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supervisor ronen, again i want to say having a woman on the board in this position this is a position that is very male dominated. it is hospital to solicit support i felt seen by you from this perspective. fell supported and i also say you are only supervisor that brought home maid cookies to dispatches during covid. and to be seen i really appreciate your passion. and the emotion you bring to this it is okay to feel deeply about the things that are important to us. finally supervisor peskin. i will swim with you any time no problem. >> and -- you know i'm grateful because i tends to go in the
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afternoon but nothing lect a morning swim to wake you up i froesht the times you helped mow to get out there. what i want to say to you and really to the group especially to you supervisor, is what i will never forget is your support and the commitment this you had during covid. you sir issue other reason we have changed our protocols to make a space for supervisors during large events. we changed our plans to make sure that happens. you know that you are an honorary member of d e m you have the t shirt. to show it i don't think anyone else does. but you know i would have never thought 6 envelope years ago appointed this position this all of us would be experiencing what we hope is a lifetime once in a lifetime event of a pandemic.
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it was terrifying for so many people and obviously one of the biggest impacts we all had. you really you -- really helped to lead the way. and be present. and help us to make better decisions because of your connection to community. the biggest lesson we learned during covid is we have to 39 community. we have to let community lead the way. and tell us how to help them and support them. many of you were per of this supervisor robe sxen safai did a spell at covid command center. and i hope of that you irrelevant hold this with pride. and know this you are part of history and supporting us and saveingly lives during that time. i wish you all the best, i said to the in coming folk when is i met them the folks coming behind
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you i'm so deeply grill to them for decide to take this crazy job and serve of the public du it with distinction and i want it thank you for this. it is in the easy. thank you, and i help you are all proud of what you have done. >> thank you. thank you for your incredible staff and leadership. [applause]. chief nicholson good to have you back i think we don't think there are anymore fires we never we think everything is better now. chief. >> welcome back. >> it is. greetings and salutations board of supervisors it is wonder to feel see you all. i am your former fire chief nicholson and i want to congratulate each of you
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supervisor safai, ronen, supervisor preston and the one and only president up there. congratulations. on all the w this you all have done. and i want to thank you for your tutelage and support of me coming in 5 and a half years ago and thank you, near your friendship as well i'm proud of the work we have done. i irrelevant believe this some of the things we have done changed not the trajectory of individual lives but families and i'm speaking of the city emt program and your support of this has been just next to none. and thank you for always supporting the fire department. i appreciate each worn of you
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and wishut best to nice to see all of you. and it is in the bad on the other side. thank you. [applause] chief be careful on that bike ride down to los angeles. she stopped swimming now riding a bicycle as much as she was swimming. carla short head of public works. doing an awesome job. >> naturings for this. president peskin. it is hard to follow all these eloquent speakerers i wanted thank you all your jobs are not easy. and -- on behalf of my department i want to thank you all for really each of you has been a major supporter of my
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department and my colleagues. who have some difficult j.w.s in the city. and so, supervisor ronen thank you for championing our street venning enforcement team and recognizing how challenging that work is. and always supporting their efforts. supervisor safai, thank you for always reminding the westerlied this you worked the public works. we are proud you are a former colleague. and for being i champion for our employees and recognizing all of their hard work. supervisor preston you have always shown up to our events and brought great enthusiasm and support for the team. and the w this we do and really recognizing that keeping the streets clean in parts of the city is a task. but that we are out there and
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doing our best and that it is in the easy. thank you for supporting. and president peskin, i think i met you almost fwenlt years to the day. i had been on the j.w. an among as the city's now urban forester. and i had it get up and meet supervisor peskin at 7 a.m. to talk about treeos telegraph hill. and that should have let mow happened this this job would not necessary low be easy. but never be dull. and thank you for the men years of enter in the w this we do all the february lutz stories i hope we will continue to hear them and for supporting again, my colleagues in the department of public works. i am deeply grateful to you all for your support and i wish you the very best and hope you have a lot of sleep in your future
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>> thank you, thanks for taking the job. kelly deerman i see you >> thank you. >> so, supervisor preston safai and ronen and i'm happy and honored be here and want to thank you all for always standing up for my department. for people with disabilities and for older adults you will any time i come to your office to talk whether you believe mow or not you were always supportive and i ken tell you how much i appreciate that. . on behalf of the over 200,000 folks we serve left year. i appreciate you all recognizing that they are out there that they are working really hard it live with dignity and he thrive in the city and you make that happen and scombrierz ronen i
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want to have this drink so -- let's -- make that happen. to supervisor peskin not only do you show up for my department you have always shown up for me. you have shown up for my family and i can't tell you how much i appreciate that and -- means a lot to me and parents being be here i'm sure they will tell you congratulations my dad would tell you aging is hard, retirement is fun. and this there are men things this you can did this you have in the been able to do during this time exit hope you doll it. and i hope you all do it and recover and figure out when is next we need help in my department i always have jobs so -- just -- give me a call i'm here. seriously. thank you, personal low and professional low and good luck to all of you >> thank you god there a.
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am [inaudible] [inaudible]. inea and john our love. least known most important person in the city. >> good afternoon president peskin this is an unexpected honor. i do want to thank all of you about this those stilling and those of you moving on to bigger and better, for your assistance and support for the real estate team. i especially want typeset thank president peskin who's expertise in the real estate field is parnone and i valuable not only alli but behind the scenes collaborative colleague and make
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structures better for the city. i'm not the most eloquent speaker i work behind the sxeens get the job done and appreciate the help from all of you >> that deal for on mid america we will never forget you. thank you. why all right our former city attorney deputy city attorney who left ussan pierson are you here do you want it say anything, you don't have to, all right. we will stop the privilege of the floor if any member of the public want it make mean spirited comments about the 4 of us the floor is yours we are taking public comment on items 32, three, 34 and 35. >> good afternoon. district 2 resident and former city employee.
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i want to thank safai ronen, pret know for your service and leadership and with marginalized community. and neglected community thank you for everything you have done to make sur all are represented. i'm here today buzz my friend and meantor supervisor president peskin done an amazing job i want it thank you you have in idea how much you mentored us you gave me hell on the old project. and it was my [inaudible]ing to city government nobody this understandses innersectionality of public service and community like you. and everyone thinks you are a lawyer butture in the and you make us believe you one which forces us to do our home work we are better because of you i want it say thank you so much. typeset having the mind of a general and heart of a soldier
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you have done magnificent work more for asian community and historic preservation and you have done more for small business than any supervisor since i have been around thank you and god bless and you good luck to everything you will do. >> keep being a force of nature. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm elaine i'm from d 5. i'm here to say thank you mr. president. you are amazing beautiful wonderful machine. you walk you talk you do everything possible to help everyone in the neighborhood. and i appreciate you my family appreciate you and please, continue to be who you are because that is what you are made of that stuff. that makes people proud to be human being and thank you. >> [applause].
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thank you. >> mr. president, supervisor brown. member of the board. old saying from mississippi if i task is once gone never leave it tell its done, labor great or small do it well or not at all. those of you who are leaving this board i will not call where you will by name because i don't want to take up my time to get to my punch line. you done well. and we congratulate you the services this you rendered i'm
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83 going on 84 i think i have more years to give you where i see you some many surmons. about this unfinished task -- of liberation for black folk in this town. you did well. by acknowledging our harm i terrific evil done. against our ancestory and in through public policy. the redevelopment agency. did in the bring renewals for african-americans but black removal. from 16% of the population down to 4% you had nothing to to it,
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no. but the collective body pol tech of this still in the has not seen sons and daughter of africa being human. my hope and prayer is that those who are left on this board will join with the new board and make sure that if we really respect the legacy of one harris -- that, that heritage building will come in the hundreds of comprehend 10 qualified, able -- aftercan american business leadership.
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keepers because allegations have been made. by certain persons. that program helped too many and help men more we have a moral obligation of keeping it alive. good bless you. be safer. we are all member of the human family. and that injustice anywhere in every affects all of us every where. thank you. reverend brown. >> um -- good evening or good afternoon. i wanted thank everyone on this board especially dean preston
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for the renaming of the street for my son and everyone this voted for it. i am so happy after 18 years of fighting for justice i got a little something and the people that did the crime to my son will drive by that street and see that name up there. and i still post my picture and is just thank everyone this came out on that day to support me and the community chief scott the da. the new lect mayor and mayor breed everyone that came out it was they were so much love there to show this we can build relationships between patrol and community. this was a great event. and i irrelevant hate to see
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that you are leaving. but you are not gone. you will still with here w with us and i wanted it say dream cope keeper's money that helped me get service for myself for i'm still suffering from my son's murder and services have helped me trust the system. and this dream keeper's money have gotten services for all of us especially me. mental health services and just things for seniors i'm 65 you in. and -- i just want to thank everyone i'm out of words. joan what to say. thank you and especially you dean preston for doing this for me and for us.
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>> thank you. thank you, ms. brown this is public comment for specific items 32-35. >> next speaker, please. >> we will hearing general public comment after the speakers. welcome. >> this is not general public comment for general matters this is for specific to item it is 32-35. why yes. >> this is not going not about policy or government or kindness i want top say to dean, thank you so much. okay this is not a great ms day for me i stayed in the have to be here to say this. one day i'm sitting at the panhandle. sort of by fell and he and his
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daughter were crosses over from oak and saw something was off. and he didn't walk he did not run he bolted across that panhandle. to make it right and see i was okay i will never on either forget that! and everything else dean it is not over you are coming back you are doing stuff. and aaron, one thing about aaron you minot remember this but metropolitan years ago there was a tape of you this is become whent mz's were showing up you said what is this ride share business it is a transactional thing we will split the cost and said sharing is when 2 kids in the school yard one dropped a sandwich and the other kid says
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would you like half. [laughter]. hillary we will see you again and ahsha go union! god bless you all. >> thank you. welcome, next speaker, please. good evening supervisors i'm catherine speaking on behalf neighborings united and supervisor ronen, safai and preston thank you for your service i have learned so much over the groers you. but the afternoon to you board president peskin and gwen on behalf of neighborings u nighted sf our found are lori brock the 64 organizations in our coalition and numerous thousands of individuals we represent we want to express our deepest gratitude and admiration for
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your combroord years of service it san francisco. your tireless advocacy for our city's neighborhoods. your dedication left i mark on our community and leadership will be missed at city hall. your ability to bring opposing sides together and navigate complex challenges set you, part as a true leader time and again you have shown a talent for finding solutions that honor the diverse perspectives of san francisco residents. in the city multifaceted as ours your commitment to collaborate rigz nothing short of inspiring we marvel would your river replaceable to site chapter and verse of city charter planning code with precision. this expert eesz combuoyanted with wellingness to be vocal has
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earned you respect of constate webs. consistent low you bring intelligence to every discussion. as you step away from the board we know san francisco is losing not just i public serve not but i champion for integrity of neighborhoods yet we remain hopeful this you that this is in the good by but a moment of transition your unique style and skills are too vital to remain on the side line. thank you for all you have done for san francisco you lead with passion, principle and heart and look forward to seeing what the next chapter holds for you them. thanks. >> thank you supervisor preston for leading san francisco for 5
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years on the board for your tenure on the board lead the fight to i think make san francisco better for those the least and the most vulnerable. thank you for fighting for rights of tenants house and neighbors with drug and mental health issues. thank you for fighting prevent eviction keeping thousands of neighbors off the streets and to build more affordable housing to keep families under one roof. i want to sthafrng supervisor preston, ronen and peskin for introducing and passing the cease-fire resolution and speaking for all against what is help nothing goesa and arabic and muslim community in san francisco. supervisor preston san francisco deserves more leaders like yourself. i'm thankful for your service
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and leadership on the board. thank you. hello eye would like to thank supervisor preston for your service as a kid growing up in los angeles i uponed to live in san francisco san francisco is a magic place where anything was possible. in my role as an torn at eviction defense i represent people who are the living of the very san francisco spirit this drew me here. people without legal representation would be booted out. artists, musicians,im grnltsselder members of lobes and i'm describing my case load now. naifrngs to your work the special people stay enriching our beautiful city thank you for being an alli and role model to
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me and for fight to protect special mag that i can makes san francisco the best city in the world. >> good afternoon thank you all for your years of service i'm mark san franciscans 20 years. our city is an incredible place i love being a parking lot exclusive love belonging here there is so nouch love about the city it is mostly our diverse culture it is special and you all know this. since founding san francisco had know ug low history of displacement of indigenous people. people of color and the working class. over the years folks forced, way from livelihood and homes and friends and family. mosts low by the forces of racism and greed.
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terrible unjust displacement of san franciscans gone down for many years our diverse spirit found a way to shine through. that is in no small part made possible by lead, like supervisor preston who remained residencellow in standing up for seniors communities of color and working families. san francisco remains more diverse and about how far and more just thanks to supervisor preston's work. supervisor preston's work in this body improved the material conscience of wing class san franciscans allowing thousand its stay in homes. being witness to his struggles makes me proud to be a san francisco. whether you agree or not we are luck tow have this guy on the side of the people of san francisco. thank you dean for continuing
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the fight to keep san francisco an incredible place where we all belong. i'm humana a resident of d 9 for 12 years i'm here to bid fare well to both president peskin and brierz preston two leaders in our city when make me proud to be here. president peskin wish you were leave to be our next mayor i used one of my votes it was for you you the only one i had confidence in thank you for your service. supervisor preston your policies mech wee me feel save i'm not sure how knowledge live in a city i was born without leadership from you. supervisor preston and peskin eshgs etch foil what it means to be a public service thank you
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you will be missed the next 4 years and hope you will run again. thanks hannah. ms. irving. i'm a representative of another species that benefited from supervisor pes king's attention and support. i just got this letter from the [inaudible] flew the in and hand today to me and i will read it. dear supervisor peskin the wild tear everparrots of telegraph hill or i bill time the first fundraiser bee the telegraph hill dwellers for the move that he made us famous. you put up a big sign feeding burdeners present in the ferry park. when doddsens of misinformed people fed us conservatorship. that was in 2007.
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you advocated for us in the san francisco chronicles official animal contest which we won. . defeating the corporate sea lions of pier 39 and standing up for inspect mavericks our flock and yours and you made our reign official enshrining it in law in 2023 you supports humans in the city but the other species as well. the parrots thank you. squawk! [laughter] will e supervisor melgar deserveses thanks, too. >> hello i'm leah and i live in san francisco. i got my master's in [inaudible]. the people who call me radical call you a dangerous radical i
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think of biochemistry. however sometimes orbit tality has 1 electron that is a radical. radicals are reactive to environments and are have a hypo terrible energy. i, am high low reactive to my environment. radicals have the ability to mutate dna and i think and we see the dna of on sight well is something harming people instead of helping. and so -- i take credit in being i radical and mutate that make society better so we don't harm people and just help them.
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thank you for saving america match the program at furthermorery market and stopping municipaly fare hikes, fighting for evidence bills said, diction prevenning treatment in the form of safe consumption site advocacy for homeless. piloting homeless holing. creating the first permanent shelter for families in the city. thank you for filling over three00sro's in the city. thank you for author and passing a 10 not right to council giving everyone right to free lawyer prevent the 20,000 husband holds from fitsing eviction.
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thank you for tax the ultare wealthy to liz millions for emergency rental assistance because of this the biggest rental assist annual in the country. thank you for kwhour work to hold the police accountable calling for audits in the voting for 800 million dollars for [inaudible]. so thank you so much for all your work searching san francisco and thank you for being know amazing brave soul socialist on the board and yea you are an inspiration. thank you. okay. all right. society first time i came to san francisco meeting i witnessed the freak so that is public comment. chris dam and he gavin sitting
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supervisors. my impression of newsome he was out of place and gross. chris daly he was i represent for the tenderloin. y think this you dean preston and chris daly are different people and different pol positions i think you are the most beloved representative of the tenderloin since chris daly. i have taken your opportunity in office to represent attentives disables, immigrants palestinian and working whiches you have been i royal pain in the ass to real and stood up for working people in the face of death threats and wash of lies told about you and about those loyalings you were the best person when it came to housing policy getting units built and affordable and accitizenable for everyone in san francisco and in
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the just those with tech income the only approximately this understood the decommodification is the other thans to homelessness and housing cries. f all the lies prevented evictions and hest open constituent staff in city all you helped me personal low a couple times i will never forget this and i want it thank you i think i can say all the tenderloin community thanks you. stenographs not over i'm looking for to working with you years to criminal thank you. >> good evening chris, lower polk i like to thank robe sxen safai we crossed paths in old
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jobs issue concern jobs and throughout time and thank you for everything. supervisor preston, the left couple years in the tenderloin and the lower per of my day job thank you for your service and dedication and staff. it has been wonderful w with you and thank you. for reasons of geography supervisor peskin and i work the a lot over the years in lower polk and legislated and constituent stuff and i ~esque litted things within gentleman to him and all this stuff hen r believe but when we are really when i will remain forever grateful for to supervisor peskin how he empowered, up liftd and amplified both my voice and the voice of my community and the voice of my neighbors. he was our biggest
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