tv Homelessness Oversight Commission SFGTV December 25, 2024 12:00am-4:00am PST
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welcome to the upon december fifth homeless oversight commission regular meeting the will homelessness and oversight commission acknowledges we are on the unseedan cest ral home land of the recommend ram who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as stewards of this land and accordance with their traditions the ramaytush ohlone have never seved, lot or forgot their responsibilities at care takers of this place as well for all
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who live in their territory. as guests we recognize we beg your pardon from living and wroshging on their trash home land. we wish to acknowledge then cestors, elders and irrelevant tifs of the community and affirming their rights as first people. good morning and thank you this meeting is both in hybrid and in person in city hall in room 416 and broadcasted live on goff sfgovtv members will have an opportunity to provide public comment specific as well as general public comment. member who is wish to provide remotely will be heard in the order they add to the queue. commenters have up to 3 minutes after each item unless noted by the vice chair.
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to comment remote the number to use is 415-655-0001. that is 26637535855. press pound twice and press star 3 to raise your hand. speak clearly and ensure you are in a quiet location. turn off any tv or computers around you. thank you. commissioners you are on item 2 roll call responds with present. chair butler is excuses and. evans. >> present. >> commissioner albright. >> present. >> commissioner williams. >> present. >> commissioner dufty excused. commissioner gerrero. >> present. >> commissioner laguana. >> i think he is present.
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>> the upon san francisco department of homelessness executive director mcfadden is present. we have a quorum. item 3 announcement of sounds producing device the use of cell phones and electronics are prohibited. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of persons responsible for ringing or use of cell phones. thank you. item 4, announcements. >> could i note that vice chair that commissioner laguana is present. >> check, check, check. i'm here. >> thank you. >> welcome happy to have a good
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and productive meeting today. hope everybody enjoyed the holiday break. i wanted to just share one item this i read over the holidays. i thought was really an extraordinary read. you might also enjoy. the esquire magazine an article, my life as a homeless man in america. extraordinary first hand account. a journalist this became homeless through a number of s including health issues was a remarkable account and i encourage to you take a read on this one. >> let's see, so we want to go ahead and move on from item 4 and announcements to item 5.
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>> adoption. november 7th 2024 meeting minutes. are there comments or questions from the commission. >> i was not present how do i vote? >> commissioner williams asked if she is able to vote on the approval of the minutes if she was not present. >> no. actually if you were not present for the meeting you can't you have to recuse on the vote from the vote. i run into this before. >> in absence of the deputy city attorney i recall that commissioner laguana is correct base on his experience of recusing. thank you. >> so with no upon concerns
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from the commissioners we can open up for public comment for those in the room who wish to comment on the meeting minutes. there are no callers. >> so. for discussion. it seems like three of the 5 of us were abcents at the november meeting. and will so one of the questions we have the deputy city attorney is whether or not we can ash prove the minutes if we have throw people recusing. >> i reached out to him >> why don't we postpone item 5 on and return to it once we
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received confirmation of what is the appropriate procedure here. >> let's go ahead and call item 6. this is communications. are there communications from the commission? other commissioners? >> we would now like to open public comment for those in the room who wish to comment on item 6 for communications are there public comments? do we have remote callers. >> we will close public comment for item 6 and close item 6. let's go ahead and move on to item 7. the employee recognition portion of the day.
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low. frequently about rikita >> rikita is the program manager of senior housing on the supportive housing program's team. she was nominated by darius kayhahn and alley slayinger. rikita embodies all what hsh strifes to stand for in the way she leads her work daily we a client centered trauma reformed antiracist approach the as a program manager worked with providers to understand and support the needs of elders. she is known for the way that she upon supports all cbo's from the front line staff to leadership with hundred's on approach of solution focused, supportive, compassionate and-. if you need to talk for a problem find a resource or
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support staff through new policy changes, call on rikita. in addition to supporting 18 senior cites advocating forelders she lead the enhandled services and ph s model at the kelly colin community. this one project highlighted her ability to bring people together. coordinate stake holders, think creatively get work done and hold us all accountable to our focused work. in addition to all this work makes our department better in many ways. a founding and continuing member of the hsh committee. union leader and also sat on many crucial hiring panels to bring talent to hsh. she is an incredible coworker and teammate and a person who inspires us all of behalf of the department,ment to congratulate you on being our limelight
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awardee for december and want to thank you all that you bring to the departmentful we are really a better department because of you, thank you. [applause] >> so we will have your award but today we have the certificate for you and your award will come to you. it is still coming from the company. so. [applause] >> i want top say i have been
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in working groups with rikita and inspired by your powerful and equal fasilltation. congratulations. >> congratulations, again. >> okay. do we have clarifications on the department city attorney on meeting minutes. although commissioners were absent they are allowed to vote at the minute this is meeting. >> great. >> stand corrected >> do we have a motion on the meeting minutes the approval of the meeting minutes which is item 4? >> i would second the motion but will not make it i was not there. >> do you want to make the motion. >> i can make a motion. >> second. >> upon all right. >> and i believe we opened for public comment previously. and there is no callers in the queue.
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there is a caller in the queue. go ahead. >> can you hear me? >> yea. this is erin wilson i have a general comment if this is permitted here. >> it is not permitted until general public comment later on in the agenda. >> all right. please call back during general public comment. this is opportunity for public comment on the meeting minutes so with no public comment on the meeting minutes we have a motion and a second. why don't we go ahead and do a roll call. looks like we do have a public comment. is this for the item 5 november 27 meeting minutes. i'm not that petty but they did give my name wrong.
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we would like to correct that. >> i guess for the record or whatever my name is charles pits. i guess it started at page 8, may be. thank you i appreciate it. >> thank you. that will be corrected. >> could i rmdz we dot motion again with that amendment. >> motion to amend the minutes >> seconded. >> all right. roll call. >> okay. we'll take it by proclamation all in favor of approval of amend minutes. >> aye. >> and the opposition? the minutes pass. thank you very much. as amended. >> all right. no we are on item 8 the director's report. i will hand it off to director mcfadden. >> good morning commissioners.
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so great. thank you. marion. >> so the report i will present today includes data and program updates on key areas of service as well as many of the topics requested by commissioners at last mont's meeting. we got a packed meetingil get through this report as quickly as i comprehend before i get in the regular presentation i want to talk about the mayoral transition under way in san francisco. obviously, everybody knows we are in a transition and our department so mayor elect lori reached out to our department and i met with him a couple weeks ago for half-hour meet and greet and to you know talk very generally about issues facing the department in the city and then last i met with his
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transition team to talk about things he should be aware of in the first few months of his administration. and we will continue having more focused meeting we have one schedule next week to talk about the shelter system and how to look at meeting his goals related to shelter. you know from his promise this is promised 600 new shelter beds in 6 months we will talk about when is in the pipeline and what that plan could be look like. we'll meet next week on that. i think there will be other focused conversations on other topics related directly to home orrance later to homelessness. justmented to let you know this those conversations have started
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and we'll be updating you as we move forward in the new year and administration. yesterday the mayor's office released the budget instructions for fiscal 25-27. budget process and update on the city's general fund deficit. over all the rate of expenditure growth out paces the general fund revenue creating 876 million dollars deficit over the two year period. the growth in exupon pend tour system due to increase salary and fringe costs across the city. because of the deficit mayor instruct to propose on going permanent spending reduction of 15% start nothing 25-26. departments are not allowed use new ref now to off set cuts one time cuts will not count toward this target. this reduction would be a 48
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million dollars cut. we expect to raft amount later this week. this amount is equal to 25% of what hsh spendsos its temporary shelter portfolio. the reduction targets represent a major cut to the core service we perform as a department and plan to work to ensure we are able to gauge impact and it is an essential part of the budget process. in addition to the instructions. mayor's budget office highlighted the new policy a new policy effective 12/1524. air travel is prohibited unless required by an outside funder or third party agreement. mayor will monitor all travel monthly. >> possible to ask you questions now about this part?
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yes. >> or would you prefer to wait. are you afraid you will forget them. >> [laughter] i want to get through and then. >> of course. >> thank you. >> thanks so. commissioner. joy want to move to my updates on the data related each component of the homelessness response system. in programmatic updates. >> in october, san francisco home will team conduct 3, 239 engage ams and distributed 6, 024 resource including food, water and hygiene materials. i'd like to acknowledge the work that sf hot has don during the storms they were incredible. many of us experienced them part of our cold and wet weather policy sf hot out in the storms conducting wellness checks. handing out blankets and panchos and check for symptoms related to hypeer thermia.
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in october. the next slide. thanks. in october sf hot made 253 assessments conducted in the field. connected 16 house directly to housing and made 220 placements to shelter inform each metric the hot team is out performing themselves from the time last year. you can see. >> the number ever coordinated entry assessments 1, 162. exceeds by this time last year. 75% of the assessments were for adults. upon 15% for families and 10% for young adults. in terms of prevention in october hsh provide homelessness
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prevention service for 319 households 1. 7 million in financial assistance. this fiscal year 895 houses received homelessness prevention services. our key prevention tool system the san francisco rental assistance program. well is a partnership with hsh and the mayor's office of housing. this mont we served 490 households with an average assistance of 5, 732 per household this . is a 30% increase in the number of families served compared to last mob. 77% of those folks identified as people of color and 67% earned 30% or less of the area median
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income. instead last 3 months resolved homelessness for 319 households through problem solving with 1 million 130,000 in financial assist analysis. the majority of the problem solving resolutions for adults 69%, followed by families 19% and young adults at 12%. hsh funds 13 400 units of housing. including site based supportive housing, scattered sites supportive housing rapid rehousing and housing lad are program. the over all inventory seavailable on our website the link included on our slide here. >> we had a couple of updates pertain to the safer family's plan. first xangdz the rapid rehousing program and engaging in the
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legislative process. to expand agreements with 4 providers to add a total of 130 additional rapid rehousing slots for families. awful which should be available by marijuana 2025. the end of the procure am process for vouchers for youth solicitation applications due november 26 and hsh will put out award announcement this month. with regard to the shallow subsidy program. we take referrals and transfer if the rapid rehousing program. the family system presentation will be coming up later on the agenda. >> in october hsh made 201
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place ams. 147 were adults. 34 were families with children and 20 young adults. so far this fiscal year 811 households moved out of homelessness and into housing. move to housing ladder diswitch the slides? for people who live in supportive housing and no longer need intensive service. this program allows them to transition to an inspect affordable housing seting has a lower level of supportive service. houses pay up to 30% in rent and the rest is subsidized in october 11 place in the the
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ladder program the most in a month this year. throw of the households included children and 8 were adults without children. this program spments house who wish to maximize independence and freeing up supportive housing units for those in higher need of supportive service. manslaughter in november hsh the department joined the tenderloin neighborhood development corporation, california department of housing and community development and san francisco mayor's office of houses and community development celebrating the opening of 180 jones this now affordable housing which was a parking lot and used for save parking brings 70 100% affordable homes 35 for people exiting homelessness. >> as of november 18th 24.
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hsh8.3% vacancy rate in site based supportive housing. of the 719 vacancies 246 move in in process. 359 are off line. 114 are available for referral. units off line for maintenance holds decrease from 193 units to 155 units still make up most of the off line units as we reported last month providers triers bring off line back online by mid december or provide hsh with a unit plan to do so. we anticipate that this requirement paired with the 10 thousand dollars per unit rehash incentive reduce the off line vacancies. >> across the shelter system on november 21st hsh had a 3, 878
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units. of shelter capacity and 93% occupancy rate. we monitor the occupancy rate and it continues to grow. >> the 24/25 interfaith winter chetter shelter program opened on monday november 25 24. and will be rung through sunday march 30 2025. over 3 decades the program has provided additional beds for adults during the winter season. the shelter program is open for self referrals daily 6-7 a.m. the first on november 25 was the senior cent, 70 fight natoma street. a partnership with hsh. the san francisco interfaith council and host churches more
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information is on our website. >> in collaboration with the major's office of innovation and sf311, we have assessed the shelter wait list and made improve am ands. impelements 4 recommendations to improve the rate of beds and the data we have on those beds and status. first our reservation specialist calling down the list. meaning within the daily reservation window we will call folks at the top first but if we get through them before filling every vacancy we will go back down the list until the beds are filled. second reservation specialist will start pulling 4 names to the to which wait list for every one bed available they previously collected 3 names per bed. third issue transitioned out
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wait list to the one system away from other tracking systems to better track beds and other place am data. and lastly if the reservation team still unable to beds they will be offered through street out reach teams that afternoon and evening. last month the commissioners asked for did thea on people who don't respond to calls from reservation specialists. unfortunately because of the way the data is collected and the fact that people use a pseudonym we cannot drill down further in the data at this time. in terms of adult and family shelter waiting lists, this is the did thea on adult and family waiting list as. november 20. to save time we moved family and adult over time data from the body to the appendix we will continue to do this to provide
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information. and obviously that is available on the website. for families as of november 20 there were 498 families on the shelter wait list. of the families 74 are staying in hsh supported family emergency shelters or hotels while they wait for place am in the shelter with individual rooms. the average length of time that families spend on the waiting list is 48 days. in october, 27 families were moved off into family shelters. the amount the number role out the housing subsidies part of safer family initiative. for adults 316 on the waiting list no change. 569 joined the waiting list in september of 24 the average time was 11 days for people who accepted placement no change from last month. 149 people were place in the
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shelter from the reservation system in september. and at the last meeting we were asked how the department addresses shelter complaints before get nothing data we have about the complaints i'd like to go over the complaint process. complaintings submitted to the monitoring committee who will review and forward the complaints as appropriate to hsh staff and shelter manage misdemeanor. hsh investigates and provides a written response within 7 days. in the client is in the satisfied the shelter machine torg committee will investigate. that investigation shall take no more than 10 days if the shelter is out of compliance hsh works with the shelter come in compliance. >> previously a commissioner requested more information about where complaints are coming from which in the table we have each
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shelter, capacity measured in beds. rooms or families served and complaints reached by the committee. to,a count for shelter size the results are sorted in order of ratio of complaints to capacity. for example being mce south is the largest and the twice as many complaintses. when we control for the size of the pop tlagz is not out of usual compared to other shelters. only 10% of comupon mranltss get escalated to a full investigation. but all are acknowledged and the smc. the monitor commit each clients are satisfied with the shelter's initial responses to their concerns. >> we document the number of allegations. violations of each standards of chairman they are allegations and each complaint include multiple violations total a
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number greater to the number of complaints. the most common is a violation of standard one. treat all equally and with respect. moving on to the candlestick vehicle triage center a temporary this is set to wind down by the spring of 2025. since january 222 they served 132 households living in vehicles. the vast majority have been adult households without children. folks from the streets of the bayview community. 26 of those individuals had a body exit to permanent housing or a shelter. part of our support for guests there we were able to assist 37 guests with vehicle repair. the vehicle triage center is a
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new model for addressing vehicle lawyer homelessness. hshments at candlestick. and we have learned a lot about operational challenges of this model and needs of the community served. given the challenges and cost and limited success we made the decision to winds winds it down or priority is to handle the closure in trauma informed and client centric way which will take months. in november hsh stopped intakes and will spend months working with each guest to identify housing solutions and offer alternative place ams for all guests. no guest be removed from the program without an offer or shelter or housing. hsh developing a strategy for addressing vehicular homelessness that will likely include a level of save parking and not center the strategy. it is in the prudent to be
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impactful as paymented. clients notified. plan on november 25 and will have a community meeting in late december of by march we will turned the site over to the state. we appreciate the partnership of the state and the california department of parks and rec in piloting this unique partnership to use public park land for homelessness services and think there are more opportunity to expandom this collaboration in the future with a different service model. we appreciate the mayor breed and supervisor walton leadership on this. hsh strategy seeks to have an effective framework for address vehicular homelessness and supporting individuals experiencing homelessness in san francisco. specific low hsh is developing a multiprong strategy for address being vehicle lawyer homelessness that will include a level of safe parking not center this strategy as it is not proven to be impactful.
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the plan will include dedicated out reach. resources to support people to move to rv parks. vehicle rehab. traditional shelter. housing assistance and safe park. . and then upon another closure of the cova hsh winding down the cova shelter. opened in 2020 as part of the shelter in place holing program and continued to prit as a shelter for adults the opportunity provide us with 95 shelter rooms it is also a problem in the community due to illegal drugs outside of the property. with the collective efforts by the operator and new deployed al kemp ambassadors we improved conscience the earlier challenges resulted in a lack of trust in the community and political well from the board to continue the program. this year the board of
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supervisors extend the condition transact for the cova the understanding this it would give us time to wind it down and they will nod authorize further extensions of the program. given this we have notified the community services that we will close this program in spring of 2025 and will focus on moving all guest in housing options or alternative shelter depending on their eligibility. the community service notified their staff of the closure on november 22nd. we have anticipate that it will tick a few months winds it down in a client centered manner. all guests assessed for housing and provided the support needed to get document ready. all guests offered housing or shelter and no one will be returned to the streets upon closure without offers of housing or shelter. we continue to strife to expand shelter capacity and shelter closer is i step further. the same time we need to be
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mindsful of the concentration ofness services in neighborhoods. >> moving on to additional b2 so, for the legislative um hsh has board oftroduction of legislati with community services forç adult rapid today's agenda for the piece of nl7 delay in th and heard yesterday wrchlt in amendm program heard by msc sonsitional living compass voucher program for families. 1174 folsom grantgr ground lease and legislation by ruleos november 18 and the full supervisors on december third. amendments to thewú shelter standards of care and monitoring committee. this legislation of mayor scombreed cosponsored bywn supervisors walton ronen.rom the shelter monmittee and 4+j oth this support the focus on7@ shelters out of
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received multiple complaints expand . >> the second piece of legislation heard by rules committee on november 1 ordinance experienced by supervisors peck kin and city policy to provide 5 years rehouse to progr hearing and at homelessness commission onplementation of this rce. general city or homeum care and the state cal works. new funding required proposed dollars fo and human services a depending on eligible households that do up 5 52% of rapid rehousing funded coc dollars with a two year cap this would allow was
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heard by ruleos november 8. >> some updates fromhe local homeless coordinating board a next meetingssre an important mile stone a year ever survivors. they will also review nominations for coordinatedents e shelter monitor com there. . this upon month committee will discuss stop topics clarifying chronotropic mranltss response grievance committee i 5 vacancies as last month. those are for seat one chairs 2 for youth shelter seat 4 fer servic for shelter client report organizations or projectsm client service. >> and update. we have ,8254ft e and 33.65 vacancy 35hn active recruitments includes positions exempt and
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recruitment for permanent role. with that we will move to the question portion o presentation. thank you. >> commissioner albright >> thank u. it is a hear the great work and appreciate the ll the matters. i wanted ask you from the mayor as well a question about the vwñehicle site. in of the questions regarding the budget you mentioned the budget instructionsfilling gaps with new money. and i did not understand -- whanu yr interpretation of this? >> you know i may ask deputy director this means you cannot substitute revenue for budget cuts. we can't we are asked to cut 15% and any extra revenue we may have coming in or that we finds in the next few months used toff set >> okay. so the reverse is planting sort
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of. >> and then [no audio [. you don't know in terms of the cess by which the new administrat 4 might consider the budget? >> that remains right and this is always difficult in a transition time because of the importance ofhe budget process and then there is no way not to launch t in december right. so we don't know exactly what the mayo elect will do with the budget process when we do know is the numbers will not change in deficit and we you know to do something similar. we mayor elect lori like number oneould like to continue to work on and solve. and so you know that look different if when it looks like now. those are the instructions have been begin and that's when we will work on until we anythingke then dollar cut and then did an to temporary shelter
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25% oef th considering that as your qhcut. was in terms of the >> right >> we are not considering that. question around the vehicle d%pecision maedz this is lessnd more in which you made lk using the out come you anticipated. what are the criteria by which you look at programs9qyi generally that one specifically in terms of whether or not it is workingworking? >> i think as i said we learned lot from the process. you know nf problems with that site. and the big of the did not have power for forever. we were][ promise would have it and we just got it. so that was number one. we had a lot of concern from residents there about conscience aboutard on unable to solve all of them at this time.
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weccurrence about from the providers about keeping site supervisors out it has been contentious in many ways. we learned about what theity really wants t m% not people looking using cites. folks that who are in the know we really need to reexamine the model and as in the report will use safe park nothing some way. but need to think about the population and who we we focus t and at this time, we know that we will not have end of leasel be change to the park and the surrounding area. and so we just made the decision to start to winds it down rather than to bring on new folk in a situation that actually is not .tg for anyone there. >> okay. thank you in its is a cost benefit analysisk ativeness and mmunity need with goals.
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commissioner gerrero. >> thank you for the report. appreciate it. so feel passionately b. in last a about people refusing housing. because of safety issues. which was very i in the 3 different major and many of the hotels i was like that is ridiculous.5yway. you know what i mean. data i think is very helpful. because number two is a complaint about the environment safe. and number one is know and i want to not like this. because weather one of the reasons i got on this commissionat was homelessness is a issue. not a data issue. we need data andtems to solve it and i believe this we can.
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but i think we get discouraged from the possibility of doing that because we are not putting enough time and attention on the human issue. why is this what is the cause of the complaints s what the cause is. and some of the programs are set up very poorly. in the best intention but actually pred tory of people that are supposed to be helping including staff. i want to highlight this point like ino data point i will talk about in the report but know, i need to be here to say that like i want to see the department really valuingess people. we say that we say that we are valuing prioritizing people with lived experience. how are we doing that? because i hear the same people with lived experience come up he same stories and i sit here and talk aboutág numb day.yea, i want to make sure
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we are not devaluing homeless group that works with the executive team? because what i will say how this affects data dynamic which th pro for everything. whether the department is making movements or making decision that are politicized or not. at the end of the day the people that need to create the numbers and data points other staff. and the providers. witho having and the way they are engaging their clients. we don't have any data. >> funny i have to break it down in this way but this is very poignant to somebody who has worked froe bottom up in the system. so i want to s that and the rest of the report looks i really appreciate the leadership of the department t. is methodical are making strides and improvements i full
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trust in the way that the system are being candlestick, i understand this like sometimes we try things and we are responding to the needs of community at the moment and in reality i situation because it is unsafebç environmentally dangerous. so i support the decisions the department in this i want to say like, it to make sure points holds value. . and this is one that then -- i will save other comments for commission matters but with the changes that are happening to prioritization on the wait list, which looks great like i ratio of moving people to the top seems like a good system's i'm hopeful for what this will i see we have hot has from left year. so there is prress within i really appreciate that. great strides made by experts. and sovh in the changes i had
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folks from the community roach out about people falling through the cracks. specific low cents an e mail bell mother sick mont old baby would be perinatal. being told that she will be put back on the street with her bab on friday. so they wil make it today i don't think they will make at this time baby. but so -- may be we can talk later that. as far as like with the changes people falling through cracks because i don't have enough information issue is but it could be reality the staff may be giving false information because they don't comprehends they think the changes are made so you know, you are all your vouchers are out on friday mei they may not have the training to well we hav tirnlize what it means to say thes timed out versus these people are prioriust yea. let's circle back meet burglar how
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we can address people falling cracks as some changes take place. joy than we are going have a conversation during if the family response presentation from deputy dirnders i wanted give director mcfadden an opportunity responded to the occurrence that commissioner gerrero raised now. >> i sunlight a text about that. i did sends e mail we can't control people outside of our system. no. and so i don't want to get in a conversation about a client. my understanding thi was work through compass i don't have enough information like i said. >> not cording to our records. this is worn thing. and i agree with you about folks with lived experience we try very hard to find multiple ways;ú to involve people with lived experience we are in the community all the time hearing
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from people. we have advisors so we do thoseu that data is not the way to look at things and i think i hope we do a the ways that we go/j ynldz data and really involve both providers and communities. i appreciate that find everpoint th ways to do that. >> and sorry if like o like i'm not trying to critique emotionally subjektd for me i live with the ause had to rapists at a time to address this. especially because i have lived experience. so, um it is just to say that yes, there are steps that are taken but i want to continue to dig deeper into some of this. that dy issues. went department because the same safe issue turn over. and we can't continue t
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people if we don't have staff. or if people don't want to come in. how are we going to address that. the future conversation i because that point came up i'm going to you know prioritize. >> commissioner . i will rex niez commissioner williams. >> thank you. >> quickly thank you for your report. as always. questions what will happen to cove at building itself? >> we don't have control over what happens we are not the own were the there is an individual owner. >> private. >> they can do anything >> what was specific around cova that is experienced in other housing in the tenderloin. cova is on the end of the tenderloin. >> so there were couple ever different things happening that made that street active on the street. and the city mitigate the problems. one of the things was that there was
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i building across the street people were hanging out and that s a problem. the ambassadors have been helpful. a big change on that block but told 6 months ago by the board supervisors they would not extendit. we did that knowing we would not get the continue it. >> got to be an empty building full of graffiti across? that seems to be vacant. so -- could be. and not managed.db thank you for put nothing incentives for the be come online quickly. ie some of the places that need help. first construction. that's great. andexnwxt month how improve ams are made there. . yea it is a work in progress we will mong+ see. aline forplans.
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mid december. i don't know the exact date butember. >> thank youery much. >> commissioner laguana. >> yes. commissioner gerrero ied thank you for your comment. reemphasize the director did the how important it is to the end of the day this come down to people. and how people interact with each other and how we support each other and create places for people to and as dataofficer i have to takeà a data centric approach a lot. but -- i appreciate and celebrate the reminder -- and i say that i sport a thousand
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percent. what you want to pursue here and in terms of how we achieve performance. because realy, people alone will not do temperature data alone will not do at this time two have to be integrated and work together and understands wham is happening at the nobody's level and have to understand what is happening at the humanave consistently stood up for this and i i'm a couple months andyou. [laughter] and i justeciate you calling that up so. >> thank you. i do have a couple questions. so, thank you for the information about the budget guidance what is the time frame that we'll have to engage in conversationless when tody being having and discussions around a budget? >> so. thank you for the question. required to have two readings of budget.
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and we have 2 meetings before it is due. the first will be january i secretary? and the second one are looking forut the team will not have the numbers in our normal meeting it is so early in the month. it find another date for commissioners to meet the following week. from when we would normally meet we did this last year. it would be a request to do that again so you get the full information before we submit the budget to the budget office >> sounds great. from our experience left year, we had talked about may be doing a specific dedicated meetoth may be a supplemental to the meetings because of the amount of time and to really in the detail of each aspect of the budget program bunkham. are being cut or reduced or increased? or scaled and get to
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programmatic level? >> i need to talk to the chair about that. so may be off line >> great. >> so i submitted questions in add vance one regarding the problem solving dataasm i did see that the data indicated that there were had upon a little bit of a trend of rused number of problem solving resolutions in the two months of data was eceived feedback had not made any changes and -- problem solving policies until november. i was going to ask if we could have clarity about what do we think the e changes and policy will% forward looking number of raise resolutions bey made. >> commissioners. good estion we are focusing
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on people move nothing permanent housing and so the reason for that is that that is one of the main interventions requested through the pressure solvimc looked this we pay for, through problem solving dollars we prioritize and focus that. this means that it will impact folks trying to get documents or those other services. but we to work with case so look oute system. to provide get this support foreb clients to irrelevant hone in on getting people in permt we don't have like a director number of additional resolutions that will lose as a resulókt of the changes in the policy? we don't have a projection. >> i don't vice president that but that is something we can get >> what was the budgeted short
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call impacts can we clarify a provider that had gone through the allocation of annu conclusion of the year. they are in a situati they exceeded a lotment? >> so i'll give4ig picture over view from our team we had a fiscal agents it is the checks. the wait structured this multiple organizations have problem u solving dollars put in a pool. everybody was pulling from the pool not necessary low based off contracted amount but the pool of dollars operated by the fiscal agent. and that pool started to you know leave. we were -- coming to the end of money that was in that sxool we help to make a decision to p additional money, one and try to understand what we could
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what we would cover through the end of the fiscal year. the two decisions had to be made go through an analysis to understand upon what exactly was happening, which took a bit of time.and we learned just the way the contract was structured we had theiscal agents in place that was the reason why we did not understand what was going on. once we identified the problem we made that it very quickly. understand. so where did the you a decision to add more money where did this money come from? >> prevention dollars. okay. so there was the reallocation fr to another to address the short fall? >> thank you i understand. >> what is were how many fiscal agents are managing problem solving dollars. >> one >> i see. this was the entirety of the pro solving dollars.
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thank you. >> i'm sure we will bring it up in your presentation about the family shelter changes but concerned about people having ability to1] access funds and homelessness and exit shelter. and it it is my understanding this problem solve dollars are key to helping people exit shelter. so i'd like totion and have questions. >> after that if this is okay. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> thank you. >> okay. dom we haveí public c item 8 the director's report. >> good morning. [inaudible] cochair of employmented speak on behalf of the providers the impacts of problem solving policy that were very quickly
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deployed. this impact youth and families but youth in particular. because of a lot of problem solving young people don't have leasesure not lose holders they doing thingsn2 staying on couches and paraguay people in resolutions we used problem solving dollars for are used t!]ç specific and the very quicklyhanges a lot of the am providers scrambling to figure out when wedoll. youth in the process, i ask a thoughtful process be considered. particularly a youth f lens and give about impacts. >> additional public comment? >> i got to my if you would like to fill out one these green speaker cards in advance it is helpful to us to get your meeting
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those are helpful if you want to fill those out. >> thank you. i'm [inaudible]. [inaudible]. go ahead and give your public comment. exit [inaudible] has to do with affordable housing. and i don't know this next [inaudible] 8 o >> so we the have public upon agenda on items 14, but you are also welcome to make a comment about affordable housing it was included in the conversation in today's presentation. >> okay. >> i read on the news today that parody yesterday or this morning [inaudible] the ninth court of appeals [inaudible]/g in 2020 and#w [inaudible] allow ice [inaudible] companies to deport
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yea, t the budget but it is concerns [inaudible]. and bring it here. thank you for filling out the green card.sw >> hello i don green card i well fill one out. i'm a member of the [inaudible] meeting and employee of youth art works to the point made about transitional age youth i want to highlight is if we are going to be people focused -- screaming for those data oriented. a very top of the pipeline and fitting then a f there people are hitting the top of the concrete and bouncing off the top if we want people to migrate off the
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street the data is telling you the first step to a is in the 3 times the number of people fall off the list without connected to service. its in your report. and >> the defying nigz of immediateness. system is not cull rolly comp tent. and someone on boards people in my ministry with the quakers it is extremely when i get the phone call. both calls the way this is set up the way we engage people the time line people have the data is telling us the design is simply culturaly competent different
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out come is the definition of madness every step of the pipeline needs to be our intent is to move people from the street shelter the first stretch pipeline is failing 3x. to the degree it it is successful. and sometimes the idea we need to learn more we need more to tell us more is a reduce. no data tells us it is not b# my hope we'll builduo competent system for youth and break out in the number this exit without shelter that we break that down by age as well. m now weburrito everyone in the same data point this is in the helpful. i want to end i want to affirm our work doing it better than most and will keep being san francisco in the unique way we are thank you all for your
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work >> thank you. are there callers in the queue? there is one caller. okay. we have one in the room as >> aaron wilson for director mcfadden i live at the bayview vehicle triage center i lived the short come you refer to closing it. especial yesterday i was savage low attacked by a pit bull terrier off the leashtory up my knee. and turns out this is the second time this dog owner somebody on this site. i don't know how that can happen.did. anddocumented. the police showed up and they asked for the video of this event this area the time. they were denied it. by the staff that said than i would have to ask our supervisor for that. so efforts to fully document
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thisrate exclude may be they will never they will lose theal world we are talking to with respect to the calledaseworkers who have not approached me in over 3 months i have been ignored. did not do yesterday. either or today yet for this incident. and if we are to trust in them for me to out, of this place, because it is going director mcfadden it will in the happen or i will get the worse of the worse and they me we got him this time this is what i have been dealing with living here and it speak tologist the breweder situation you have vicious dogs off the leash biting people two in the past 10 days and nothing gets done somebody else will be bitten again. director mcfadden and third
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low there is no oversight by the monitoring of this told that by them as well. this place is out lawed paradise. well is no oversight, no accountability. and i think we s honest about that. lastly director mcfadden i would like t toow another conference call if you could ex to find out what i'm going to do. with these problems i have. with the caused by the staff here. than>> thank you for your comment. we have e are resistant. the system this just is more --
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um designed not to be work. just to protect their own. just by the lack oqeflicy. that's why i live in a place you will get bit by dogs and everyone laugh you case management that just - bad on clients may be they are over worked them excuse but -- now,ese shelter beds san francisco has a housing first policy. so i'd appreciate it if ft. weé keep this in mind and i think of the next step should be like more halfway houses. who wants ton areck in these big rooms with 50 to
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hundreds people that is not what would work our best practices once you leave america and see other they probably ju do it differently. now upon to your point regarding the humanity of the homelessness and stuff like this part of the is the hiring process. if you are you felt just got out of prison and drug free and have not adjusted you can get into the staff. or if you hate homeless or poor people homo phobic or hate blacks you can get a job at the shelter like over them. and there is in type ofhological profile for who they and investigation process again is flawed. i mean to look at aat -- you go back 50-1 huh
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human y this policy theat is hsh degree increasing revenue streams? we had the black and white ball. the other thing is the investigations we need cesses and stuff for your housing that would be better than shelter thank you very much. >> all right. so before i close this item i de notes i jotted down. the director's report has been valuable for tous have these high level looks at the system. at large and the commissioners to ask questions of director and really get into when are the challenges that the department is facing. i wanted to acknowledge tha had a very forth coming team of
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folks have been providing us a lot of really eye opening and revealing information. and it does help to paint a picture of challenges thatus. through the process of having the earned about the level of denial of service happening atshelters. there has been historically a focus on eviction rates and number of people fal supportive housing. the fact there is a high rate of also coming in shelter and then being exited because the shelter they are not successful in a concern. i think one of the things that has been reveal to the director's report isín you know the top reason people are wait list they did not connect witn 3 days that is concerning we don't have yet cracked the code on how it provide community access that w>0 focus on making sure
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people don't fall through cracks and providing opportunity for people to go in shelter same day. the interfaith shelter open creates a same day opportunity to go to sheller. and that's manage we offer is o but it would be great to have lines throughout the year. also i think that we learned that you know with the healthy streets data that the top reasons b cited for people refusion shelter they already have a am it is in the somebody refusing ball rather they have accepted shelter but out on the street because the shelter is not meeting their needs and we upon our congregate shelter and the source of that scenario and do we need to provide more accept a
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congregate options and places for people spends time in the daytime. those other things i wanted up them have come out through our conversations. and i do think you know i'm going to have the conversation with chair about duling a strategic session to talk through some of this data we now received report. this past year plus and star to pr we want to work to tackle the challenges ahead of us. go ahead and close item and that takes busy item 10 an update from the equity office. the equity office racial equity trainings and present by hsh chief equity off anthony this is a discussion item and wanted clarify b how much time do you think you need today? >> p questions i'm
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happy to answer. >> thank you very much. >> please begin >> good morning. i'm anthony bush i'm theí chief equity officer and giving an update with respect how the trainings leverages ability to priorities [inaudible]. goal area on racial deparities and so next slide. can you hear me? we begin had work with the labor and land acknowledgment. i know we opened up this morning with the labor acknowledgment it is important to underscore as we enter in a federal and administrative change or change level the importance is guided roots of justice that is necessary to be achieved for black and indigenous and people of color struggling. uplift this work. i want it make sure i acknowledge the importance and
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clan wragz my equityuld not do this without her. our equity office is focused on tiered approach how we engage with the department and external work and feelers we put out in the community. worked to achieve a culture in staff reflect the communicates service to enrich our plan with inclusion through learning development and increased self reporting analysis. build skill and [reading fast] we do have a prom nanlt focus racial equity as we engage in work. this office of two is mighty.
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we dok we are one of departments to engage in phase 2 of action plan an ordinance from ore. many departments are still implementing phase one action plan and important, the collaboration with the office done amazing job internal priori special projects. and i think it is important to understands we have been able to leverage the strategic lan this . is a -- over view ofll of the ways our office touches the primarily our focus on how the training gave our activities for the strategic plan. in october of 2022. started training series focus of building culture humility for staff and the ways our department but our system as a response system informed by structure ral, and personal and [inaudible] racism and thinking
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through a lens of train it means provide [inaudible] knowledge how themanifest in our department and in the homeless system at large. training 4 was geared toward thinking about [inaudible] all of the trainings to building found alzheimer'sal knowledge and leveraging the knowledge we developed into action. and goal area to alcohol talk about today in greater tail. we are the first city department to leverage this i mean we other first adopt have staff dedicated to achieving trainings with thentionality of merrying them to the matter we are trying to solve for. thinking about structural raceim but about how thosisms impact our staff and the in the community and at this point we have an truant t everage action when thinking of future plan and name can be a moss for the city to follow. i am at theor
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sxeshgs other officers across the city fast] work to examine qualification, testing requirements that could being barriers to. am for staff o:d city isment to engage in the city and a wealth of other things i speak to we only have 15 minutesil keep going. inform president initial days of the earlier days of the plan goal area a separate entity and knowledging how do we ensure we are making adjustments and moments of improve am to the system and racial equity reframed the goal in thinking around how this north sfarinauguration to the other areas with respect to the departments. when thinking about decrease homelessness and increasing number of people and xith home and spmth people in housing and prevenning homelessness how do we ensurety justice and racial justice is threaded through each goal areas. and so the work that we have
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done here aims to achieve the purposes. we have 4 primary objectives can i will n read i'm sure we are familiar with the ensureking are informed and guide by leadership with lived experience. building partnerships root in the equity wed occasions rooted [reading fast]p folks not lump in the this object itch as well as those with disabilities. we were able to then use these objectives to create 4 categories the activities fall under. increasingthe. in their funding butt infrastructure of staff. and also focus trainings to helpinequity
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within and a money in rectify the inequityys. engaging people with lived experience is top priority are the office and department. building data in our and external system. thinking how staff prosecute retentions and career opportunity arefor staff of marginalized engagements as well as thinking what the data needed to make sure we are responsive to enhancements in the homeless response system and take prioritize populations to make sure we don't stream line solutions with a universalproach and thinking through targeted methoded method5: to the better care for equity gaps how ma number identifies resource america funding. staff re[inaudible] or community base organizations and hsh over all you slide the hsh and then
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where of focus in goal area two. i mentioned before goal area 2 focus redoings racial disparities when we tasked staff is come up with priority areas fall under the 4 kogs previous slides. 65 over awe engageiment in press or be impelements in the yeare0. on going and not just mark it didn't end of around how to apply equity net foungdation of hsh. so it is not [inaudible] but integrated in the mission and culture of our organization and tasks each to have priorities so we make sure there saypproach for achieving equity. i will say an opportunities in this collaboration we have beenelement an object itch staff member has a goal they understand their role of
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achieving rather than the department. [speaking fast]. next slide. in collaboration with ourand national experts virginia cannon dp matthew utilize a framework for the baselining work. a lot of the public comments speak to the structural changes e need to make respect to how we engage organizations and builted the experience and out come the communities. i think leveraging a lens allow us to not make brood goals saying we want to reduce black homelessness by x % but how are black families impacted different low than single adults with disabilities or veterans in this nature what we are able to the do is think how we have a
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response that really under scores the care and solutions needed to l sustainable for different members. youonths is equity baseline reduction targets that are mapped by community under goal areas 1, 3, 4 and 5. that will nod be separate from 2 but strategies dedicated to communities that are impacted. we utilized a magnitude approach we don't comparative analysis the normative white dress it and make enhancements to better serve. you will see that work and i want it shout out to sarah strategy and plan for example work with this office and her teach they have been invaluable and we are looking forwd torthat being meaningful we achieve >> other additional things to
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keep in minds there is equity happening departments. one thing we utilize is equity framework tasks staff internal low to think about when out come are trying to solve if you near contracts and not have organizations lead by people of color how do we brain to make have home by the bay and equity baselining and performance measurement plan lead by planning we want to make yr sure what each are consolidateed have a road map of equity guiding our efforts internally and externally. again a few more months you will be the work streams have been intgritd and a force of the map when thinking builts achievements we want to under score. this is overwhelming slide. i will say that the equity framework is multifaceted an internal approach that hitson plan.
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this was establish in the 2020 by theand he need to have a phase one approach t staff. housing justice and homelessness very difficult subject and i think making sure we have care for our staff and response this allows you to think around develop and want pronotions for staff it it is important there is an ability to leverage little statement for external partners not only in the system itself but in the collaboratio thinking how we upon cap a lot of funding but but -- we want to make sure there say power dine ammic small opportunity to share concerns and sometimes that is not the case. i will say that. is when you think of as far as the framework and in a by the sized version. homelessness response system but applied for hsh staff the
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might be experiencing anight be the case? i feel dumb i missed it. >> i thi want to take thes? gi think we are okay for now. the lights are not shaking. >> i didn't feel anything >> there was a rattle. it i still happening i thought it was me shake. >> it is long >> wow >> i'm feeling yea. it is still happening. >> it is still is. >> yea now i'm feeling it. yea.
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>> cover i would go under this desk. >> i thank you is the ptocols.8m >> we happen said. >> you made the earth move >> i have an impact on >> upon fineful >> so, i think the thing on the slide to note we to make sure this we are bringing in community members and other stake holders in the process of knowing the gd strategic plan and centering equity. a response where we have trainings this were lead by the equity office with hsh and
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tailored to the needs and under scoring the different providers and making the trin to something we can support them w. this will look like when we are diagnosing more intentional subtrainingsha t serve clients of all identities using the justice as that lens. a few otherthings. we had a launch where we were awarded 12 organizations with capacity building funding. the scope of the funding is a one time grant this allows our community based ability to have the capacity building efforts focussed on racialing justice or enhance services. a lot of the applicants that generated proposals board of directors. and leadership development,
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[inaudible].[inaudible] and data performance and management the guarantees a 3 year process we had to start over. looking forward to that. i would be remiss federal i did not talk about the access to housingsymposiums. from a collaboration that of an item that was supporting the entrance homelessness initiative and serve a model how to engage community based organizations with humility training for an identity in need within our system of. we do diversity monthly talks experts into the department and hold space for really how we can engage folks through a 11s and justice. but merry those conversations to the work of housing justice. i think this is a great
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opportunity for hsh to have separate from the racialtraining a space to create community and thinking about the how we lived experience and sometimes dawk about daily's are bringing real people to have discussions around issues concerning the department. and a road map ahead we are [inaudible] and thinking through how we engage each work streams and bring the stake holders in the fareway trying to achieve our goals. we will continue to work with a plan and performance think how the smallerarctivities. okay. tsunami warning. do you want to read it. [laughter] read the warn.
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for those this may not have received the warning it says emergency alert of the initial weather service issued a tsunami warning powerful waves and strong currents may impact coasts near you. you are in danger. get away from coastal waters move to high grounds or inlands now. keep away from coasts until officials say it ise to return. >> i will say thank you. [laughter] we want you did with your this was it. >> earthquake and a tsunami. [laughter] i don't do tsunami's y'all. i coat on we gotta >> we are on the fourth floor.
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>> fair. >> yep. questions. [laughter]. i would love to open to public comment before the commissioners start question fist this is okay with anybody? >> okay. go ahead and open up for public so, this is the opportunity for anyone to ask any make a public comment about item 10. thequity office update. does anybodying in the audience want to make comment on this item? >> i guess my concern about it is like -- many times you will have black people being categorized like racist against their own >> how do we categorize or
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measure this or do we measure that. i'm also wondering abo is like economic opportunity. and educational opportunity. and -- i think those -- those few points are the key drivers the economics, the education. and you know i got a list of 15 points but. i how do we get i mean is there anything in the plan regarding economics and also what powerhouse and as this body have to monitor our investigate situations? thank you. do we have speakers in the queue? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> commissioner gerrero.
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>> thank you for your presentation. this is where i like to always brag for the department. i mean my first in director was talking aboutaj the first time ever bring trans-issues it housing and homelessness. you know and i think -- most don't have the knowledge to know this the rep between the department and community prior to director mcfadden's presence was fraught, i would say a lot of the heeling hatched the commitment you bothing had racial equity a equity. you are i say trail mrazer in this regard and i see you and respect that. and i make sure that people are aware of that. i have in the last 4 years seen the blossoming of that work. and anthony you know i'm like
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the brain powers impressive to me with everyone of your presentations including when you started with the remember. you talk really fast. >> so yea. i mean it is fabulous the work you do and the genius behind how the models that both you collaborated on i have been able to witness the past 4 years and so much has shed. like it is really makes me in san francisco. thank you for this. its -- and congress here now, too, i know that has been an important presence and prior to her role we worked on a lot of things i was in the emerging leader's person as a trans-person myself she was leading. i learned a lot from her. i will say like to tie it to my
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previous point, i think always makes mow feel disarmed to know about e values and also like more pragmatic way all the r0 detail you nut to measuring and ensuring the is in the performtive within the department of i'm so to my pointr like i try tong of like how can we you know it is all a process. take it us this long thinking how do we model this to the providers? how do we hold them -- i will stop hold them, because they are struggling holding themming to anything will not help them. how do we help them have the same you know -- safety psychological safety and empowerment. sh w within our relationship with them and within their ability to provide services and
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have staff retention and have equity represented in their teams but also as mentioned in public comment like reall assess this the people that are being employed are not perpetuating harm against the people they have power over which is part of the racial equity piece. it is true this there is in the a lot of assessment are we putting someone with b in a position of power. who am cause harm that is when i come back do the safety issue in city politics public safety, and i think about homelessness service as public safety right for unhoused people who are trying to get housed. that is what will housed is sprngs the safety to stabilize. thereupon is so much genius to draw from here and i look rward to next year under the new
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d see what resources we bring and fortifiy all this work that you have done thus far. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> commissioner albright. >> i want to echo my thank you to for your leade commitment and this work and the out come you achieved so far. i had a question about the budget. and how this is paid for. and specifically as you go into the anticipate changes to the program based on anticipated budget reductions? and/or is this paid for by new money. i was asking the earlierxb questions that is one question q. second is am you referred to smaller organizations. and my experience i was curious smaller -- in terms of -- fair -- number of employees or smaller in terms of budget or what did you mean by
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small and are you looking for leadership both as a board leve an executive level as to the race and ethnicity and sexual orientation of leadsers within organizations within san francisco? >> i can answer both, first onlyf our chief deputy of finance finance part please do. i will say that a lot of our work this year az is figuring out how to engage folks with lived experience and paraguay them a wage for their work temperature is very trauma enduce to ask someone to share trauma for system improve ams. in other leaderships of the city or divisions in the city that sometimes the folks are not paid. i think that for me personal low, needs to be something this we don't replicate that we find value in this. now, we have a lot o our work
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handled through ex10 consultants and trying to bring that inhouse. we secured our third position on the equity office coming in later this year sxichl hope that with the throw teamed approach we will be able to consolidate that work happening in house. and as well as the dei on efforts means to make up for the budget cuts. with respect to your second question when i mean smaller organizationis mean mall in staffing and or because what the nis property from 2020 found in large are conconvenience seek out feedback from community based organization some of our well funded or large are organizations takeum some space that is not afforded our smaller organizations. not to say it is not important but organizations don'ts feel as empowered they are subcontracted under them or
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don't have the same experience, skill set dwrot do that work effectively and yet they have stronger relationships with the populations they are serving. thinking about capacity williamed 'll building bring in nowions in the frame intention atity to care for clients and that organizations and giving them the development than i need weather on the board level, staffing level, we ran 99 with soi that was home by the bay ecquit funds now [inaudible]. but prop 209 is a very irking issue for me i think when you are trying to do racial justice and told in a state you can't center race we funds organizes that can become a reality. think burglar weather that be approaches to make sure language is more nuanced so we don't get dinged for prioritizing race or
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ethnicity or regional diversity to say we can't say black lead organizations but football to do grounds work. trying to find tweak in the equity aprop to ensure we do this andce with the lu. >> thank you and one more then 've comments in the budget answer i appreciate it as well i don't need additional information. but i appreciate your approach around compensating those with lived experience. there is excellent models within california and san francisco right here you know of work doing and family service and safe and sound. at the state willful of the commute sporterest is significant in inching in not just listening to those but compensating them for the work and expertise. >> sthk. thanks. >> themment that remember thank you very much.
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i wanted compliment you on your communication skills. and compliment the compliment the department for hiring you. >> thanks i'm grateful too. >> commissioner gerrero. >> as you were saying i was reminded of an example. i work now don't work with homelessness issues in san francisco but within homelessness organizations in the field in lagon you mentioned about really looking at equity. about upon like not just understanding that black people are impacted but real issing why now resolutions. it is okay. going on share something but if you want to comment that is so the thing i have seen is in
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for others. i work with the organization they were white lead in portland and they have black staff which is common thing for a lot of nonprofits. who were doing the work grounds. and they were going to thome housing project. and the staff tried to tell them you are about to taupe in middle of two gang territories. they did notwould great time and place having some like advisory boards to the. executive level to say like we understand the culture on the streets. sometimes is what is miss when the huge decisions are made because w so far from the grounds but city departments right when that gets lost in translation in this situation they put this money, staff in like opening housing and because it was between gang territories you know people that were staying there were targeted the staff remember like had
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bullets shot at cars. did not feel safe walk to car at the end ofirshift. i thought of that example because i stein and so people who may be don't have the level of experience understandsrave some of these and it would be easy to avoid these thing fist we used the examples you gave using the data to uplift the lived experience and the> absolutely. and iing meant to responsibility to the public comment as well. when it come to will bias and the you know the dynamics between staff and clients i think it is important to remember that everybody has interest and bias. internal racism is a real sorry. i have ad d i will get confused
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give a second. while understanding that everybody has sorry. everybody has bias and it can manifest from saying demographicshe play that can muddy the waters. when it come to think about this issues raised economic disadvantage that all part to equity. think around the service or programs need to be implemented to handle all issues of acid versity opposed just raciale or justice on lbgtq+ folks or disabilities. there is an approach that will be conversation we ton have with organizations as we go to phase two of goal area two. >> and commissioner laguana get a past this item nw led %. i wanted to add kudos to everyone. anthony thank youork and appreciate the thoughtfulness in you were presentation and wanted thank you for your patience i know you
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had to wait a couple times to make this presentation. thank you. i were theed and i was happy to it. thank you. thank you you can take the trainings. they are on dhr. if you want a small are intentional training. there was expression of interest to have access to the training would be it possible for the secretary to send out a link or instructions on'! how toyou. >> thank you. >> thank you, magain. thank you so much. eventful presentation. >> ground shake i say. [laughte um -- puts item 11.. we have a presentation from hsh director neymarian sanders a dugz only about how tell i will say 30 minutes.
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plus discussion. that commissioner laguanine awe expressed you would need time for your report today i know we have contract you can you state how much time think you will need for your report? i would estimate 20 and 3 minutes. if we could keep them to a tight 30 minutes this would be great. and then if the commissioners could also think about handful of questions this would be great and that way we can keep them item tight. go ahead. next. if i can before a present i need to make a correction to my statement related problem solving. dollars. i want to clear it up quickly. so the p 1. 2 million dollars gap based off of spending. we had to augment the contract
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there was an amount of in the budget but not he contract. we had to add money for 75 slots for youth and that's why it was augmented. we did not pull. >> i see. thank you for the correction. >> thank you. system policy presentation. the purpose of the presentation is to convey key family homeless response system policy changes that come out of almost year long engage am planning process to inform the family system reforms that include family shelter wait list and -- i'm sorry. and the family shelter length of stay. layering the slides i will walk you through the press that hs heart attack went through with the broad are stake holder community. including providers and families with lived responsibles.
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to at the policy. am the first policy change is specific to the family shelter leth of stay. there are throw main areas of change in the n this slide reviews these areas pairing existing policy and key policy. the areas of change include the length of frame of xengsz of stay and declining permanent housing. . reinstating a leth of stay at all family shelter promise. accommendation program for program and pregnant importance reinstate the 14 day stay. all the other programless will adopt 90 day length of stay this includes individual room family shelter, congregate family and the urgent accommendation vouchers used to back fill beds throughout access points. there will no skwikt
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day length of stay and no long are an emergency place am at hamilton family merge center and were oasis family shelter. for extensions the new policy indicates families have the opportunity to receive up to extensions that can be approved by the shelter provider a family needs more extensions they must be referred by hsh. this process is happens during the month low meetings with providers. >> in a case conferencing style. format. >> the new policy also states that families who are removed from the hsh housing declining permanent housing will not be extensions. families are general low offered up top 3 place ams. however if a family has special
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@electronicallies limit in the the housing stock they may only receive one offer and refusal result in being28 removed from the queue. extension crip tear yas for families in the 14 day urgent accommendation place am n. this program families may be granted a stay extension if than i meet one of the following. participate in case management the medical or mental health issue. temporary shelter place am ficational housing place am pending or housing place am pending. for spection xengzs ynldz 56 days, 3, 47 day extensions the following must be true that their active low involve the in the famshelter wait lis or have a documented move]n
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date. and families shows consistent obtaining housing or shelter but issue beyond their control cause them to need additional stay in this program. >> this slide out lines the extension criteria for family in 90 day shelter place ams inform these programs an extension if than i meet one or more of following. i medical issue. pending a transi guess at housing placement or they have housing place am pending. for extensiones beyond 3, 30-day extensions the previous criteria applies and include also mi showing effort participating their case management and the issues are beyond control special t
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to stay in the shelter additional time. important to mention here that the 90 day time frame was a commune driven decision. and april of year hsh asked provide torse give the time frame during or half day provider workshop. hs heart attack presented 180 days or 6 months with the possibility of 3 extensions for a total of 270 days based off the and providers disagreed with this approach. dicating that we should keep the length of stay as is or 90 days. will nor it is in the referencedz@ here hsh will indicate with written language that families who are undocumented and cannot resolve to permanent housing went 90 day length of stay don't they have access to the 3,
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30-dayextensions. did have a second special meeting with providers this week. this was the its that undocumented family it is were not called out not guilty policy and that's what we wanted do. we will adjust an update the policy before it guess on affect on december 10. the next policy change is on ther2 family wait list eligibility. upon the family shelter wait list is current -- a wait list for families interested in individual room shelter or transitional place am. there is no wait list for conagree ghat is offered to family when is place ams are available in role time. and the new eligibility policy
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the criteria for family wait list changed. will not no longer be for individual room shelter and transification at housing a wait list for all the regular 90 day family shelter place amless. except for shelters without access to 24 hour amenities. which ask our buena vista program. and families live nothing sro's or doubled up will not be eligible for family shelter unless they need the adjusted wait list criteria. families live nothing shelter for 14 dayers with 24 access it not be eligible for the wait list. the adjusted family criteria wait list includes, meeting hud categories 1, 2 and 4 at emnanlt
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risk of "beautiful homes & great estates"less and fleeing domestic violence or [inaudible]. live nothing a place not ment for human, residing in a shelter hotel exit date of les then and there 14 days residing and days. leaving an institution and with homeless flowing domestic vinyls. pregnant people. folks in the children in the family welfare system. and again family in shelter without 24 ocsesz amenities. the third policy change is for family shelter prioritization. the existing family shelter policy was created many years ago when our system locked upon different of the first friendship and over night only shelter with mats on floor existed as a safety net for
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family in need of basic congregate shelter prioritization needs for individual room shelter. scoring on the existing family individual room shelter prioritizes families with violence and verified as unshelter or in congregate shelter the key changes prioritizes families with vulner abilities who are homeless he age of 2 years old. the vulnerabilitiesyies identified priorities by hsh providers. and families with lived
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responsibles experience. there is a score instruct for the wait as hs this rolls out the new family policy they will remove long are eligible for shelter based on the new policy. these are no long are eligible for shelter. the eligibility policies and information about problem solving and housing resourcesprovide. staff will remove family in housing who are not at risk of homelessness. as well as families already live nothing congregate beds with 24 access to amenities. this change would bring about aó= 52% reduction to the wait list. base said off of november data. i fireworksed on families that are doubledum or live nothing local and national experts including the u.s. council on homelessness and the national
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alliance to end homelessness peoplehould be divert friday entering in the homelessness system where possible. the san francisco homeless response system a system called problem solving. that centeros diversion. also we have other program type not guilties system that are operated by other city want did thes that center on diversion. diverts families from shelter beds it s not an uncommon practice itqm is national best practice. diverting them from shelter does not precloud them from accessing other shelter. it is not the only mechanism to demonstrate the nooet needs of families that are dun doubled
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up. i will say that the data on sro's needs to be improved significantly. i think we can work together with a large are stake holder community to do this. and the data based off the folks this are doubled up is better newscast pit count from 2023 to 24 there were 603 families that were reported doubled up. the purpose of the change is not to clear the wait list. it is to refocus our family shelter system on serving families who butt for this shelter system would have no other alternative but to be unshelters. should families live nothing have their homeless status changed, they are welcome as long as it alines with the new
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prioritization changes. the shelter every prioritization score generated by the new family shelter assessment sung set december 9. families assessed for family shelter score up to 27 points through the family access points. families with disabilities receive a score up to the able to score up to 6 points based on having disabilities the 2 points per disability. families system reforms.n internal meeting from january through february of this year. the series of meetings began
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staff were reporting all areas across the family stem. cull monate in the a retreat february 13, by the controller's office focus on understanding major point in thes family system. hsh provider family system workshop was held in april will. this year. invited 3 representatives from the provider organizations. executive level, mid and front line staff to participate. we had 18 agencies serving families from across the full system it join the workshop. facilitated by controller's office and focused on possible solutions for our identified paying points. . had a lived experience focus group we had 4 focus groups with 40 families with livid
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experience in june of 2024. the participates were families fromaction. homeless prenatal and hamilton had a special meeting that was hostod november fourth. for family shelter providers. to reveal all of the reforms. during that presenta we did not get any specifi feedback related the policies that remember going to be put forth. and we have had a follow up meeting as of december second related to those reforms. next slide. here is this picture of our hsh planning session >> the next slide will have -- this is a picture of our hsh provide are workshop. >> talk about future impact the
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policy changes intended impact 5 areas of our system criticize to opt they aresystemfully, fidelity to the purpose of emergency cordination between multiple parts of the family system. improved access to vulnerable populations alignment. and in closing i want to thank the full provider community and all of the families with lived responsibles who -- paymented in the focus put gave input and i want toive a shout out to the hsh team members and the controller's office who were did all of the get these to come up with our final policy and also do all the resxaefr that informed what we presented to the provider community the folks with lived experience and informed our policy. thank you. >> thank you very much. and -- under 20 minutes. thank you.
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>> commissioners i like to go to public comment and we can ask questions after. i see a show. hands of people that want to make public commentom this item so i can assess. could we limit the public comment top two minutes instead of 3. that would be great for time to keep the agenda moving. and please go ahead and fill out a green card if you like so your name can be accurately reflected in the meeting minutes. >> i will say i think we should refer them to green slips not card. good thing in my hands.
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first speaker, please. >> first speaker is >> yolan. catalooko? yes. what i wanted say is w organize [inaudible] homeless with families and rv's. and families that know and families at meetings. and then they don't want top didn't want to go to shelter, i think [inaudible] went frame extending the family housing for 5 years instead of 2 or 3
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with an rv they have a home. the people 90 percent are latino and have children. and they would have to go from one place to another place and move nothing an rv and children how they get to school and have schools. so, they am did the housing for two year and 3 years to have no housing. i think the 5 year housing extension would have been offered to them. families also and individuals a lot of timesment that independent eye don't want to be tide down to anybody or be only everowning anything or holding to anybody this is something mr. ger gerer oro you have to
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understand. you know i mean. if i [inaudible] thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you. hello. i'm shiv a policy associate at member of the family subcommittee. i'm here to oppose the proposed changes to family shelter wait lists and hold hsh accountable to implementing the recommendations with service e it evidence we have a family homelessness
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crisis. many living on streets and parks in con shelters w young children. shelter system is [inaudible] work toward solutions that levigate the process of moving fell to houseing meets needs not pushing them become on streets. hsh prosecute posing limit fells in the wait list to shorten how long families stay in shelter and restrict others from joining the wait list. this policy change is not based on realities of the foordzable housing stock. it fails to recognize and factor in the barriers many low income and undocumented families safe accessing housingtimely. they economic will impact covid-19 had on theand existing retention and attrition within our own provide are network. families, pregnant people and survivor in our city derby a
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higher prioritization score given the entire vulnerabilities we ask to -- setting on the family wait list and expand the 90h of still to sick months extensions for families unable to access housing. i urge you to hold hsh accountable before policies are finalized. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> jennifeoalition on home. we appreciate hsh looking in the systemfully and you know we had a doubling of homeless families huge number on the wait list which is now closed shelter and also though we were not involved in the press. found out about the policy after it was a done deal. we are an organization that has over 300 homeless family members
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and spends time developing consensus among members on policy positions. and do a lot of dp dig there. we want this to be delayed. and because there are several things we think need to be changed. the implementation date is next tuesday. the outstanding issue doubled up serious concerns withot of families told us they are engaged in survivor set the place than i say and not tell staff. they will not and it is a large portion of the families saying. . so, we want to get kids out of that situation and the moms as well. we also with the sro's situations come up the doubled up well are more examples why
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this is aproblem. position under values pregnancy and he sexual exploitation trafficking the extension policy is strict and lead to sending folks become to the street. we want to seat pals policy protecting families near need of shelter and really stability should be the guiding prince principle here we want a big are press tuesday is too quick and take more time. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please.
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what was report exclude what is going in the meetings and practice who vieders say to each other. you know we should delay implementation to deeply engage with providers to address the occurrence. which i believe you received a copy on the recommendations and the changes. it would be great to i think we will warrant is better flow from shelter housing and resulting in few are and more exiting to the street. when when we need is more families able to access sheller easily and more families housed. we would support a long are
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minimum length of stay of 6 months and making easier to get extensions. the am requirements for getting extensions are too strict begin shelter case manager capacity. in the shelters. which i believe shelter provide eshs are hesitant to go into there is an issue with [inaudible] if subpoena is not meeting with their case manager they w not get housing. and the way that thesions are set up it penalizes families who don't have pending housing more. so this means those family fist are most like low to end up back on the street. we are concerned about the changes to the wait list doubled the 14 days. because so many people have to longer to access shelter days or months they have be able to be on the wait list with the 14 days we are looking forward to working on this.
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thank you. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon good morning i'm hernandez i'm here to apose the changes on leth of stay as former homeless youth i had to use a you know my mom and i remember it was this time it was christmas time. and we should think about how this will affect the people and use of service. i was only 15. things happened a legality of things we can not understand or really change. at the moment. and if this goes in place this will affect people and instead
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of doing this i urge you to push for changes changes that would change the life of a personoó house and providing long-term solutions and things that will help in the future. not harm currently i know a lot of people who are currently in the waiting list for shelter. people who are in the shelter for over a year. waiting for housing. and we need more change catharsis compassiate and more solutions that will not have us coming back to you guys over and over because this is traumaticizing people. it is harming lives of a lot of people it upon is [inaudible] do it for the sake of the people. >> thank you very much. >> dear commissioners.
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so i don't know if anger or i don't know that am them is bad. number one i no appreciate what the scription to give extensions and changing the process when there is no harm nothing on provide when they exit the fell they have to exit to permanent house and not happens. you guys don't want top go in the community process you get input from the communities. the process have to bewant how we want to be work together and do the changes and the same time hsa the city have to have already say that is housing for the families. we have families with 4 years still there and they are still we know not offered nothing.
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when we doing, really? right now? this is cruel. when we trying to do some better and doing something better for families that is not better this is oppression to fells and childrens. we need to more time and we need to work to the community to collecting input this is what i recommend it will not work if you dpo make it next week tell not work. please stopping oppressing families and children >> thank you very much. >> good morning i'm julian with the coalition on homelessness. ipment to urge to you think about it is policy changes before they are implemented. families will be affect the by the changes and during this time
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of year things can be crazy and hectic. families have been notify they'd have until february 8 and want to make sure weave take enough time to make sure we make the proper and correct decision and also getting the input from the family and providers to make sure this is thedecision. i urge you to reconsider. thank you very much. >> do we have any commentsers in the queue? >> i believe you knead. gi know you said that is not. sorry. was not you guys that said no extensions. >> everybody. i said it was providers who are the providers are the hotels or real estate? sorry. we need to be fair and equal otherwise we give everyone a sect chance at the +u
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you already given your public nots not public for you to respond to every commenter. can we have the caller in the queue? go ahead caller. wait. >> hi. go ahead. good morning. them is [inaudible] the chair of his pa. i appreciate the opportunity to share our occurrence by ourit someday letter related the changes to the family solving. it ishsh will find a time to discuss the issues raised and grateful for this opportunity. i would add that what seems to be frustration on all sides related the i came about simples of the scarcity environment we need more shelter near families and housing for families and should not be
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fighting for thanks >> thank you very much and we have one more in the room. >> the microphone please. >> allow me to use the 14 day thing. at 47 days what can you do to exited poverty. it is wash your clothes get an id and prepare to go back and live on the streets. but basically what i'm looking at the grievance policy and talks out 90 days to 6 months. now they are trying to change the city policy to go become to days. um -- we should not go back. um -- we should go forward and in concern is what are the system doing to help people escape poverty and homelessness? where do we get that
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conversation? um -- i don't knowt is just horrifying we gotta go and we will change the city policy back. and the worse part is you will look at it in tell them you has been here 14 days street? is that the model san francisco. >> we are 14 days we are going back probably like 10-15 years. you know when we had the set of day stays. it just can not appropriate. >> thank you for your comment. i'm going to close public comment. if there is no other speakers. great. chief deputy director may i ask you a few questions? sure. soundss like that the main there
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was a year long process and a main set of recommendations that were released november north everfourth? >> so there was a year long process. we presented upon 5 pai point to the family providers. after we had our workshop with the providers they witsdzed down to throw i presented on. and from our process with the providers the folks with lived experience and internal process we were able the policy recommendations that came out of that process on the fourth of november. >> thank you. the focus groups pressuring it sounds like 4 focus groups include people with livid experience and i wanted clarify how are the individuals identifyd and brought in. >> they were identified
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throughout organizations that are listed. >> did it include people that are current in sro's. >> i don't believe so. did it include people doubledum? >> i don't believe so. the group this might be excluded from the shelter wait list process were not participates in the focus groups >> correct. >> thank you. what is the typical average stay. it would be great understanding by shelter type. over all can you give me a 70's average shelter stay for the family system? >> can i will need to ask staff during the time we presented in came numbers there was an average of 270 which is that was in april. i don't have the updated information now. that is why we presentd that number my team did a deep dive
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in the average length of stay we knew that would come and upmented to be alined with the average length of stay was that seems fair. and >> so obviously an average of stay and lower end and up were end. >> yes. >> can you clarify for those people that are falling above the average characteristicize is there commonalities with that group of people. for example higher acuity struggling to make appointments and so on? >> yea. the number of different thing catharsis common remembering could be undocumented complex health conscience a disability. could be a number. different things associated why they would go over the average length of stay. they can't find housing, family dynamic is unique there is not a housing opportunity that fits their family size.
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which is the things we were accommodating in our prioritization. may be a mix of factors the factors might be directly impacting their ability to have a safe exit to stable housing >> correct. gi uponed clarify if we are knowledgeable of the fact there will be some people impacted by this let me take step back. what housing referral opposed solving status? >> we will have to get become to you. >> and thenjo less than 50%? i'm not sure. >> we have to get back on the number. >> we don't know if less that 50% housing referral status. okay. if there is a significant
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percentage of people whether 50% or more or for it is 30% this are not housing referral status they rely on problem solving for theurposes of trying to resolve homelessness is this correct? >> yea. if they are not attached other system of care. within san francisco. >> yes. >> so in the scene where they arearc seszing problem solving sounds like we are available resource for people because of the challenges with thes lack. funds for problem solving? >> yes. >> t it is like a double whammy we have a large number unable to access problem solving resources because of lack of availability of resources and also a situation where basically recognizing they might not resolve homelessness in the period of time we are now
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thinking about impelementing the shorter stay. do we than we will be exiting certain percentage of families to the street to homelsness then? i don't want to confuse the two. the problem solving we targeted specific to work toward permanent housing the resources are specific. targeted resources for folks that are exiting out to permanent housing the family in shelter will have the ability to tap in security rent. problem solving dollars. >> i'm envisioning a family this might have a job loss or health issue and what happened is they might have credit issues. thatifficult for them to questions of lawto get an apartment will if they are not housing referral
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to assist them getting through that first and left month 'rent. are a group of neap might not access resources to end homelessness and address the other issueings in the period of time we are saying they will being allowed stay in shelter. my concern is we are designing a policy to which not of the exit everybody to stable housing. we know they will be some knitting unstable situations prior to this policy this was still the case. it wasxç still the case we knew would exit out and re or exit out and not have a stable place to stay that exit period preand post policy. we will reduce the amount of stay we will nksz the next of neap thi >> s k i guess i want to kinds of -- i think it is -- i don't i
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want to make sure that it does in the get this policy does not get clouded by kind of the black and white of it. so and i will step back a bit i start in the the work as a case manager. so case management we know is really very key to assisting people exit out of homelessness. i knowrs are resourceful and -- understand all of the thing its takes to get to one transition out of permanent housing or out of shelter and into permanent housing. i under ve. and it will take not just the homeless system but multiple systems of care to support families through to permanent housing. so. while i understand that this
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that's what the policy intendsed do. >> thank you and i think that i'm hearing there is limited resources and you are trying to make the best use o resource are saying there are other resources beyond are needing toing to assist people. i'm concerned we are planning exit more people to unsheltered homelessness through this policy without amplifying and that is is to see if we
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can't find political well and also public support for the resources that are necessary on address this crisis as the is. i'm going to make sure if we have answers questions we can get those on the record qa about average stay and we the in other commissioner questions. >> i want top state that hsh we know that there are a number of different challenges in our system and making difficult decision now. we are not trying to skate around that at all. but there are key issues relatedfully there are issues related centering on emergency shelter as the you use for what it not going to solve the issues this we have related affordable housing.
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>> of course. >> of the other issues that exist we are having to make difficult decisions and it it is not a policy that was created in isolation. it was cr in collaboration. >> thank you. >> good morning or almost afternoon. i'm lisa she, her the director over temporary shelter. to add to marian's comments the length of stay dada is4-5 months is the average for families and family shelter. i want to acknowledge that when we designed the extension policy and criteria we did not have a lot of extensions around folks enengaged with their case manager around a plan. not a move in date or specific
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plans and case manager a problem solve in a process andally in addition to the 3 extensions that the family shelters provide hsh is also working with the family shelters to approve additional extensions. for families so -- the first three extension system what the shelter provider has. they will work with hsh to extend longer lengths of stay >> do you have the break down of the different average length of stay and types of family shel? >> yes, ma'am and i think what again the long are term shelters it is 4-5 months, 154 and 156 days for 47 day emergency the average is 30 days.
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>> and how did this compare to the adult syst are asking me to be very suave with my -- >> no worries. i am trying to get a sense of to chief deputy director commencement about hsh we are not trying to directly tackle the affordable housing crisis. we have to part inship with other partners accomplish this how is that part of our system contrained bottle necked? >> adult system is shorty it is 104 days to just acknowledge that the timing around this policy is also when we are to roll out a significant amount of resources throughout safer family's plan. we really are am expanding vouch
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and infusing 115 vouchers in our system this will help support people on the family shelter wait list and also be expanding housing resources as well. so that the folks over time through scattered sit rehousing will access the resources. i think we areen though the length of stay is what it is we are looking as we expand housing resources we will shorten that and give people more opportunity within the time frame. >> thank >> i do have more otherses speak. commissioner albright. >> thank you. am i appreciate the work that was done over a significant period of time with out reach. i can only imagine how how difficult is to get here and may be grateful you you are. i have questions and deep
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concernful and i understand that this was a presentation on the family system. and this is policy and is really not an action item for the commission but discussion item. why whereto start? i will ask the speaker before you,/d lisa. talking about service when i see bigger picture. how do we think about the service we have for our entire communities in this capes children and families and best utilize resources to meet our needs went resources we have. what i see you created significant year long policy you are changing practices in order to provide limited services to
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those most put negligent most vulnerable s. at the same time you are bringing on line additional resources. and so my questions relate will we have both the same time? you are limiting resource for a certain group will there are additional resources for another group? and for that same of safer family plan and the housing resources. also problem solving. could you speak more about what is that transition plan for those that may be not housing service >> the kirb have and frank low untila is worked out i have great pause for implementation of this policy at this time. sthl before the holidays in the middle of holidays could you talk about this.
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and i don't know if my question is about the fundi the additional resources vuz in other places. how are you going to handle that fair if first the clock starts for the length of stay december 10th. this is when the clock stars for 9 days that will take us into the top of the year and e nothing march. it is beens out 130 slots and all subsidies for families as well. it will not be a perfect over lap but the resources are coming online which were intends today do what it will do reduce the folks in shelter move them to permanent and additional space for families that need to come in shelter.
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this is the intended model. and i think you know like said before relates to probable solving we are targets the resources from now to the end or families that need to move to permanent housing and will not using them on the other services but focusing on permanent housing. we spent time earlier in this meeting talking about the budget and the instructions are we confident this those funds will nots be reduced to allow for fells to have this problem solving resource as well as the safer family scomplan housing resources that we spok this is the concern we have is that again you needed resources to most vulnerable in the system.
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it is important policy and yet families are g many families are going to logs resource. and -- that is a tragedy this no onements to have happen. >> correct. >> so to clarify, families are being told already this they need to leave by february 8 i'm confused why they are getting communications about this we said the policy is not going to be implemented until tuesday. the communications might have started? >> can you confirm what has been communicateed families already? >> yea "family shelter providers have been fro vieding letters and will follow it up as well with community meetings to the family guests of their programs. started. in anticipation of the policy implementation. i see and is the rapid rehousing time line for the safer families going to be in place by february
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8? >> to playerifiy it it is march, right? >> 90 days? >> families? >> i'm concerned that >> neymar 8. >> right? >> that's what i wanted make sure. i'm hearing some families told they may have to be out february 8? >> yes. that's when female can s get extensions. familiar they are engaged with have a coordinated assessment having ion. am >> but rapid rehousing dollars would be hitting grounds, >> yes. >> march. >> yea. >> make sure well is in the that gap. >> sorry. i did 2m questions one
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shelter prioritization score. this was developed withnz a lot of i, too have concerns with how we are making criteria with young children pregnant, disabled and domestic violence in terms of what the values are of our city. i urge thement to work with the d. children, youth andam of early deck -- education and care. in addition to the d. status of women other violence add vo indicates the impact is concerning.ll have a negative impact on all of those subpopulations. i think it would be imp is last question.d wham the evaluation mechanism will be and the time lines. if will be felt in ma have funding comingu online at the
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transi gu that will not get the service. when will we have th collectively to review impact and effective knows of the family policy and how will we engages and families impacked by policies to understands if we need to make out happen sns ou for that question can i peek to this and indicate policy are meant to evaluated this is ai to flush out in tomorrows of how and the most effective way do tell involve provide and folks with lived experience input. that's how we started how we want to always move for not happened. i imagine thatthe fiscal year be time to take how the policy is need to make for it to --chieve the impaktct
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impacts. the policy is in affect now. tell impact in march of 2025. and the review will be the end of the fiscal year june of 2025? >> lw just to krar clarify the prove this someone engage in the the housing process. is they have an offer. housing? >> no. engaged means thayeraf'o work with case manager that must be documented in the one systemthey have a family success plan that is4b a service plan living document that is updated on weekly engagement upon which means that in the one system the case manager will document that they h meeting with this family on their plan to move to permanent housing >> if it is flew the no fault of the families and lack of case management resource to meet that
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often, is that going to be understood? that the being understood in termless of the conversations that hsh has with the providers during our case conferencing after those throw extensions they can, prove on the own. so that is going to happen we meet with providers month low in the conversations they are able to bring up thoseri and work within the instance. >> if the family has not gotten houseings througho fault of their own and there is in chance they'll exit to the street? >> there is no chance they am exit. >> thank you for this confirmation. >> commissioner gerrero.tb÷( reports i'm processing a lot. yea. justme thing early early this somebody in public comment asked about the
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secretary let us know we had questions and what powers the my understanding our responsible is to recommendations and work with the department this is is the angle i will try to take for this. so i want top first repeat something said in public commen and i hear that -- wait i will stit. what happened was we were received the reforms and read the e mail.m i was like okay this sounds good. know. in theatre i'm look yea. it sounds like a strategy but following week hi somebody reach out an duala. and that's where i body this mother whos premen pausal with a baby.
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my concern is the timing of it. i have my experiences with you know work at the shelter than i let govern who planed donate christmas gifts to people in shelter this was so cruel. you know upon so i -- i guess i want top ask, is there a way that this would 've could be postponed and that we can go back and give a bit more of a chance to engage the provide, that gave comment today. i know that it sounds like public comment said they willwork with the department. is there a reason that doing it soure gen or is it possible to postpone this?
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ld say we are not doing this urgent low we have been for a year. and weile we are willing to have conversations to continue system so it works best for all families i think what one of the -- hoped of the issue is we have we don't have resources and trying hard to gureut resources to meet the needs of vulnerable families we serve and there are no easy answer. is talk about it. you know and in the meantime we are not serving people who are most vulnerable we are trying to createfully in the system not omeless families. absolutely we cantalking about temperature but we need to move forward with somebody when we have no is not working and we have new resources coming that should aline with the changes we are trying to i appreciate that and
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i am asking out of curiosity i assumed well is good reasons like -- for this but i don't fully understand. i would skshg what is because of that because of the amount of work and detail that is ghn this what would you say i'm asking this if, what would you say the cause of the discord with public comment and making the decisions? we are in a bj- >> it is unusual it have discord with comment and the policies we try to set. that helped sometimes in the process of the really decisions. >> can that's what happens nobody will be happy. nobody will be happy woman this. noble be happy photocopy we don't codo anything that is the nature of the role that this department is inform we don't have enough resources everyone it is frust is hard on ow
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people who are experiencing homelessness. so there are hard we have to make and we will have disagreement and that it is part of the nature of this work. until we have enough funding for housing we will have the disagreements about how do use the precious resource. >> yea. why i mean i'm aware of that. and i'm asking around this topic like i got push back a bit i don't think i feel that is dismissive and i understands that when asking is weave north aulgsz going come to the same conclusion but we have a responsibility to you input that does not seem like it is not doable and if i'm missing something and it really isn't, i understands and i have been in that position. too >> i get it.
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i'm saying we are not scrapping a process we worked a year on what we can do if there are you places that you know commissioner evans light if we miss audience wes can do something dollar we will not scrap a process we aid year on with a lot of community input. that's the answer i have at this moment. you know i don't think any of our are ever perfect by any stretch. we're always going to continue do to and things change if we don't get rethink this again.
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i'm not suggest scrapping the policy. i'm suggests i'm more talk about this tweaking around and i hear the frustration. you know not like we came out of nowhere. this has been going on for a (í work in the shelters the forov kneel meet pressing matter is the timing of it. >> can i ask. is there a problem wdelay? >> i don't -- you know i'm really hesitant to say yes to a month delay we can move forward and work with the community this would like to see changes to discuss what those look like. >> lete say that recognizing
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the traumatic at families are in the situation they are already in i don't want to give them false hope. but i don't want to ignore the fact they are >> probable solving dollars may not be there to end their homelessness and facing reality of going become to the street. i want to make sure we are. right many are facing the reality not get nothing permanent housing. ultimate low we are trying we can createfully in the system to getff the street.p< >> and there are no solutions we all -- i very much appreciate commissioner gerrero's comments.
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and director mc fad own things. commissioner. ger gerrero when hearing this and looking at the informati my response was to then hearing the impact it would have on families and children this are not able to be in the systemthis it caused me pause to make this recommendation. i believe this the best place the commission could be i to advocate for the protection of the funds for problem solving. and resources to help families and children. am i think that these funds don't just have to be part of hsh. but exist in other places went city. the d. children youth and
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families. d. early childhood. department on the status of welch human service. department of public health. we could list many others. and what happenhsh has been asked to solve the city's problem with respect to children and families and homeless individuals. sxfrms i think our role here is that we have a massive tension betwn very very difficult policy decisions. i appreciate the department for its incredible and very difficult workad to achieve.
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community in a dignified way to families and children and those that are home will. i don't think we do all the time. i do think is this is concer third degree out during the holidays. we need toery effective collaboration that we have with community providers to make sure that within it is next x number of months before the policy is impacted in march that we think about any other modifications, amendments, tweaks so that we can there will out in the most compassionate way to children and f which is when trying to achieve. >> i want to also honor that you know what happens that i going to work with the providers and input that is the nature of
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having a good relationship is that the leadership values. i did not want that to get lost in when i said and was not a critique more understand for there is a lot i don't know >> okay. and i wanted to confirm i have concerns about one the amount of time from the november fourth to now for there to have some back and fourth we had a hell day. and so my request is for future sump examples of difficult policy changesow 2 months roll out and are not communitying to families the changes for they had a conversation about it. that would be might have request for the futures we bodies in that month time frame for possible transparency and veth of the policies. there is also discussion of the
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policy change. coordinated entry on monday. an opportunity for additional discussion and appreciate the commitment to work with the family providers to tweak the process. but i want to express a concern we have not implement the portion of the policy this contrains families that are in sro's and doubled up from being on the wait list until we have evaluated this fully. >> okay. we are constrained by time we need to move on. >> thank you. >> if um -- so commissioner laguanine awe are keen on getting in on the conversation about the data officer. to review
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to go through the consent calendar and contracts to approve, new contracts to also approve and then we have the nomination committee report. public comment. can you recap now this we are at -- what you request is? . the same as the beginning of the meeting i need 15-20 minutes. >> you would like to begin this now? >> if possible. yea. >> great. >> go ahead and pull the data officer's report up. we will do that. this request this commissioner laguanine made butler and was in the able to be here today. we are working out how to fit in the time hest for.
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>> begin, please. >> should be hooked up. are you able to? >> great. i will try to be quick, thank you so. i the past year trying to look a step back and look at the big picture. i am. -- in this presentation trying to look at the big picture. and several during the meeting everybody able to see? your presentation is noted on the screen its is that screen. it is flashing. yea. >> suggest you go. and we will follow up. >> okay. >> whey it on that screen.
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>> new person received service we called this infully people in and receiving service. hsh provides services based on 3 levels of need. unshelter, shelter and housed. the first 2 are considered homeless. this is unshelter and shelter. when somebody moves from active low homes to house this is is calls an exit. than i have exited homelessness. but it is fortunate everprpts to whenned we think about the budget and thinking about the holistic health of the system than i are receiving service when they exited. it is when they left the system complete low resources are freedum tom help new if people. this is out flow. there can be many reasons why
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people stop receiving services we don't know the reasons. they being be svelte sufficient. may have moved away or had a medical evenly. it may seem like over all totals don't change much the population is changing. new people are flowing in the system we provide. others are flowing out. this is calls churns we talk about churn this is when we refer to. churn is in the steady different people move through at different speeds some move through it quickly and some through it slowly. of course not everyone moves all the way through the system. they stay in one part of the system. and that is where they continue to receive services. so if the flow
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effectiveness of their work has been lost in the noise here. but this i think needs to be emphasized the point in timesú gs get difficulty outfully the red is outfully the blue is infully. as you see, the lines trends lines there are diverging. measure the didn't with the lines that is the delta. the rate of change is increasing over time. so stayoth path is not sustainable over the long run. we have to make difficult decisions about how we allocate resources. if you compare our budget with our inflow there is a correlation. as inflowz guess up gj budget guess up on a one to one basis. typeset is remarkable
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correlation. hsh budget increased over the years. next year it is going down. it men difficult to grow hsh budget in the coming years. we have a large deficit. we have a lot of vacant commercial space downtown this is negative low impacting particular revenue. we also are losing federal relief programs from covid and other programs and compounling all that replace ams don't a pair like low in the new in coming administration in the federal gentleman. volatility and tax revenue difficult to develop long-term programs our city our home there is over 100 million dollars difference in the amount of money we receive from that. it is difficult to plan around that. if we want to improve or floe
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rate we can help more people we need to think about systemfully. if you want to improve flow you isrous infully or increase out flow. one ways you reduce infully is through homelessness revention. the department has done excellent work they funded 1, 396 grant in 2024 that was over of the target of 600 they are work to understand the efficacy enable to scale this program further. if we get this effective that is a compelling investment. we should make temperature there will is another the other side is looking at outfully. there is a number of different ways i will zero in on one to illustrate the limb fact. 2019 to 23 supportive housing
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increased in size and budget and spend per unit the churn rate of permanent housing is 10%. if this turns tout on true it is a rough estimate. but if this turns out to be trough this works out a length of stay of 10 years. 10% moves out every year tell tick 10 years to fully cycle through 100% of the population. it is important to understand now upper is able top leave psh. seniors, disabled. health issues. and to be clear f we want to increase outfully the goal is positive exits. familiar we can reduce the average elect of stay in a positive way this increases the number of people we provide assistance to. to help us collectively and the public understand the impact of
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churn and unit cost. i made an app you can play around with the numbers and the code is only source people can check my work. with 10% churn we serve 8s from our new additional people annually. if we reduce from 10 dwroers 8 and grow the supply a percent a year we can serve 24,000 new people by the 10th year. that's the impact of improving on these length of stays and getting to positive incomes. increasing psh does increase cost if we are effective reducing inflow we can freeum to make that possible in a revenue neutral way. to summarize our inflow is
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increasing faster than out in e flow this is not sustain okay instead long runful upon staff has done an heroic job i will ying day. further picture for budgeting looks tough. measures and improvingfully rates and. obtaining improvement the enable us to help more people >> thank you commissioner laguana i will speak quickly we have limited time. commissioner gerrero. i will be quick, too. thank you for the presentation. i would love to get a print out. >> yes. >> absolutely. >> and may be ask you about it later i had asked the director and is there. may be i want to ask now. is there data talking point. about like these major improve ams i heard different things certain neighborhood says the
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department has decrease the certain areas by a certain percent are there talking points you might want to let us know about as far as this successes we have seen. >> we have a lot of successes we talk about regularly you are talking really about how we did on the emergency housing program. where we prioritized certain zip codes 94124 so we would really seat number of folks get in housing when they had not been prioritized. >> yea. it is true we see more people dm in the system every year. we are seeing you know -- an inflow issue in one of the things that we want to focus is
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how are we work to get people to move on from our system to bring in miles an hour people and if we can track that and pay attention to it. and may be you know -- hold ourselves acounsel countable to those goals. building our way out of this problem then -- we'll be more effective. so. >> like we are moving a plug on one end inflow, okay. >> operate quick. gi wanted to thank the commissioner for the very informative report and the amount of research and creation of app is incredible. i look forward to future reports and will bring up questions at that point. thank you >> this one took nearly a year to get out the door. i'm hopeful that future reports will not take as long. >> yes , i will supply a copy
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support to i was making edids to this until been 5 minutes ago. thank you so much. commissioner. >> i really appreciate the focus on the data and really trying to get insights to how we can improve as a result of this data and i totally agree and acknowledge the hsh the department staff played a huge role and acknowledge that other things criminalitied the availability of new resource like prom c funds the teams of people that are the service providers that the department deplays the dollars to to make that. i think you meant that by implication. if i had more time on presentation i would have been more inclusive and add the work as commissioner albright mentioned the work of the advocates who also helped bring
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issues to light. including the folks in the room and yourself. so it really, >> teach effort. it is a team effort i do not mean to be exclusive short on time >> super. >> move on to wherehave to take public comment for item 16. i will close public comment. we will go back to item 12 consent. note that the consent calendar is routine matters by the hse and accountabilitied as a viningel vote by the commission unless a requested discussion and tell be removed. is there any request to remove items from consent? all right. let's take public comment on item 12. there are modification to the contract agreement with services
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and the request to amend existing rapid rehousing with ecs. >> do we have a motion? jury room so moved >> second. >> commissioner evans. >> aye >> commissioner albright. >> aye >> commissioner williams. >> aye >> commissioner gerrero. >> aye >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. approved >> 12 is closed item it is 3 a-13f required by a vote biby the commission can we all them together and have a presentation from staff that is brief? i know it it is continuation of some of contract allocations from the elvariety modernization
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we discussed last month. well as review and approval to enter in a new contract with asian pacific island are wellness centers. >> can i ask a question before. could executive secretary reach out to our city attorney to see if we can approve in one moergz or separate motions. >> staff. and i think a-e together and f separate. a-e together. go ahead. >> vice chair sxevens commissioners i'm elizabeth the manager of the supportef housing program's team at hsh.
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i'm requesting the commission's approval to enter in 5 new grant agreement bunkham for period of january of 25 through january 30 of 26. the purpose of the guarantees is to address necessary major repairses and alteration of older elevator this is may affect health and safety of residents. all of the agreements are funded through certificate of preference bond funding by the office of public finance. 973 943 dollars. the hills dale hotel, 1 million
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17, 1789 dollars and one grant agreement with community forward sf for the core nado hotel 1 million, 134, 924 dollars. hsh prioritized funding to prosecute pose modernization project this is meet criteria and the building owner's agreement. criminality to the cost of the project. through rent reduction. buildings that are using city funds master psh building consist private for profit owners and the repair or modernization flult improved of the residence denials 5 years remainoth master lease term or that the parties to the master lease agree to an amendment to extend the term by 5 years upon completion of the elevator
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project. the private ordinance were required to agree to cost repairs and modernization up front cash or reason abasement overnight 5 year term. 38psh buildings were eligible. 13 bids received and all were approved for funding. the grants were selected through issued in the spring of 2024. and the panel [inaudible] evaluated the responses they were selected for expertise in supportive housing and housing preservationation. and the panel members include staff from major's office of house being hsh, planning and the major's office on disability. i q. your approval of the 5 grant agreements and available for questions if needed.
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>> thank you for if i canning i motion to approve. >> second. >> public comment. joy doll this. >> is there public comment for items 13a-e? anyone? no one in the queue >> public comment is closed a motion do we have a second? >> second. >> roll call vote. >> trying to get confirmation from the city attorney. >> vice chair everyones. >> aye. >> commissioner albright >> aye >> commissioner williams. >> aye. >> commissioner gerrero. >> aye >> commissioner laguana. >> aye >> items are approved >> thank you. that is item 13f?
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>> all right. go commissioners. i will keep this brief. i'm lewis brocko the acting managerful shelters at hsh. and today i'm here to present item then f. requesting a commission approval of new grant agreement with the san francisco community health center for the provision of ending transgender homelessness accommendation vouch are program for 18 month term of january 2024-june 2025. this is a new grant agreement award san francisco code section 21-b. san francisco community health center provided this service as a brief pilot for a month in june 2024. the budget for the grant agreement is 1 million 138, 872 dollars in new funding.
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plus 20% contingency of 227, 774 dollars a total not to exceed 1, 36, 646 dollars. the funding source for the budget is 100% general fund. purpose to provide emergency short term hotel stays to adults experiencing holes. with a focus on the transgender, jenldz are nonconforms and intercept for 8-10 individuals with a staff of 1.6ft e this includes.5 of program manager a case manage dedicated to the program and one of a support services supervisor position. the program will have a
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dedicated phone a.m.-8 p.m. 7 days a week and partners that serve the population will have the ability to refer folks experiencing homelessness in need of stays to the program. guests begin holtz stays up to 14 days as well as food transportation and case management while in the program. i request approval of of this new grants agreement and happy to take questions from the commission. >> great. do we have a motion? motion to approve >> seconded. >> we need public comment. >> public comment? >> no caller in the queue.e room. good afternoon commissioners i'm upon commissioner [inaudible] serve the community
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relation manager at san francisco community health center. thank you for your presentation. we are work tirelessly to connect women not only to housing but health care i have created a program the she boutique you have probably heard of it connect trans-women into health care i'm proud of that program. and if you would approve this budget this will continue nile work and the w this transgender women make trans-women to health care. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> motion to approve. >> seconded. >> chair evans. >> aye >> commissioner albright >> aye >> commissioner williams. >> aye >> commissioner gerrero. >> aye >> commissioner laguana. >> aye >> motion passed. >> thank you very much. this puts us on item 14 general public comment do we have people to make general public comment? call.
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closing item 14. that dangs us to 15 nomination report the nomination committee met on monday. commissioners ger or albright and mize were present 3 were introduced for shelter committee or grievance committee based on introduce the following recommendations maid joe. for seat one. she he is here in the audience. for the shelter montorch committee. seat one grievance advisory committee and seat 9 shelter grievance committee. i don't want to leah is here as well. so we'll go ahead and close my additionally anichea will
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require residency waiver she resides outside of san francisco. so let's go to public comment. mentdz anyone like to speak? great. let's close public comment. do we have a motion. >> i happily move to move all candidates forward to the open vacancy seats. meeting recommendations and the nominating committee. >> second. >> second. >> [laughter]. vice chair evans. >> aye >> albright. >> aye >> williams >> aye >> laguana. >> aye >> thank you. that closes item 15. we completed item 16. no need for item 17 there was not additional public comment
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they'res puts us on item 18, commission matters to discuss. >> i would like to know if we are going to next meeting the first one in january? second thursday. friday. >> second friday, january 10th. >> i wanted. >> in this room. >> yes. >> in this room at 9:30. we get to sleep in more. >> okay 9. . 30 january 10 friday, special date for our meeting in january. i also.ed to reiterate some of the commission matter items i had put forward previously was to talk about shelter safety and issues related to people unwellingness to be in shelter. and how it may not be meeting their needs.
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that would be worn area i would love to error a deeper presentation on at air future meeting. i'm grateful to commissioner laguana for t report and look forward it gaging the time to talk about where we can take that work next. and that's all i have. anyone else have anything else? >> confirm next meeting the 10th at 9:30 a.m. >> right. >> correct. >> okay public comment. do we have public comment on item 18 commission matters? >> happy holidays everyone. >> i guess i say one thing. i would gwen it is budget season and may have a lot of questions i calendar recommend to the extent we can to have the budget discussion within our regular meeting.
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and decrease the other items and presentations on the agenda. we talked about having additional study sessions for this. that is something obviously for the chair to decide but to the extent we can minimize things other presentations on the agenda focus on the budget that would be where. >> i agree we don't want to gift budget short tripped. i think we could have is this be the focus for both meetings coming up. am i wrong? >> and not this we will not have contractless we need to move but we could have that be the main thing >> my main request i want to carry on from last year can we were going to have a meeting and talk through what data is available. is to get to the program level budget data so we are not looking at thing in big general categories but the specific
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programmatic level. gi think the first 1 be general and the second one we dig deep are we will talk about when is available and when we can do and may be just you know -- 82 have that in the first hearing it is more general q. you know we don't have answers until we get to the second. jol i'm not saying specifically for like your recommendations at theek program level but rather like budget looking at what has been the past budget. and goals for hour we will address the budget instructions. having this program that level at the existing budgetary levels is helpful. >> okay. we will talk about how we can do this in a way that makes sense. >> exactly. for me it it is about this
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program is [no audio]. and you know i will understand like the impact of that in terms how this is addressing our goals to nltdz where the money is spent so we have that transparency. >> okay. >> will do. >> great. were there caller in the queue? >> go ahead and close item 18 item 19 to adjourn the meeting is officially adjourned. >> thank you. l,
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know san francisco invest nothing resource sos care for people with substance use crisis on the streets. includes new program and successful pilots. >> what is the location of the emergency. a san francisco 911 dispatcher. jot train that this dispatchers receive for street crisis team and our new program is to triage calls for mental health as a medical call. we don't tree it as a police matter more a medical matter enthusiasm clint iings, paramedics emt's and councilors
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