tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV January 13, 2025 10:00am-11:01am PST
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right good morning and welcome to our january 13th 2025 first rules committee meeting of the year. >> i'm supervisor walton, the chair for this meeting and i'm joined by supervisor chin as well as vice chair supervisor dorsey and we also have president menem in here with this this morning this morning's clerk is victor young and i would like to thank james
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kawana from s.f. gov tv for broadcasting today's meeting. >> mr. clerk, do we have any announcements? >> oh yes. public comment will be taken in each item on this agenda when your item of interest comes up in public comment is called please line up to speak on your right alternatively you may submit public comment in writing in either of the following ways email them to myself the rules committee clerk at visy t o r y o u and at s.f. gov talk if you submit public comment via email it will be included as part of the file may also send your written comments by us mail to our office at city hall one dr. carlton be good place room 244 san francisco california 94102 please make sure the tenants are cell phones and electronic devices. documents to be included as part of the fire should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda of january 28th 2025 unless otherwise stated. that completes my initial
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announcements. >> thank you mr. clerk would you please call item number one? >> item number one is ordinance amending the administrative code to extend the sunset date of the cannabis oversight committee from january 1st, 2025 to january 1st, 2027 and providing that the ordinance shall be retroactive to january 1st, 2025. >> thank you so much and this morning we are joined by president randleman thank you chair walton and thank you supervisors dorsey and chen and congratulations supervisor chen on your first meeting of a committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. thanks for stepping in today. >> so this is a pretty simple ordinance. >> i believe it would amend the administrative code to extend the sunset date for the currently existing cannabis oversight committee from january 1st, 2025 when this committee expired to january
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1st, 2027. >> so it is a retroactive of ordinance. >> the committee goes back to 2018 when then supervisor sandra lee feuer introduced legislation to establish it and the purpose of the committee was to advise the board of supervisors and the mayor regarding implementation and enforcement of city laws and regulations relating to cannabis in 2021 the board adopted legislation introduced by supervisor connie chan to extend the sunset dates for the committee from december 3rd to 2021 until 2025. >> i generally am of the belief that we are probably over oversight committed in this city but this is a oversight committee that seems to be doing good work in both the members and and our staff who work with them seem to believe it would be useful to keep it going for at least a little
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while longer. the committee has played an important role in helping inform the work of the office of cannabis. the committee issues recommendations related to grant priorities for supporting equity operators facilitates discussions about processes and policy matters that impact the cannabis industry and convenes city representative and other professionals to weigh in on local and statewide issues as they arise. extending the sunset date will allow the committee to continue to do that work. >> they're looking at a number of things including temporary cannabis event events and i think and promoting and ways to promote effective regulation addressing challenges related to the illicit market, supporting the the illicit markets and so i think we should obviously as i've introduced it give them a couple more years to do that work.
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i want to thank sophia hayward with the city administrator's office for her help with the ordinance. nick ash patel, the director of the office of cannabis who is here to answer any questions. want to thank deputy city attorney sarah crowley for her work on this. >> and i want to thank adam tonks of hat formerly of my office for his work on it and thank henry graaf who's taking this up now that adam has moved on to greener pastures. and i think that's what i got again nakash patel is here if you have any questions. >> thank you. thank you so much. president amendment colleagues do you have any questions or anything? director patel did you want to say anything? >> all right. if not mr. clerk, will you please call public comment? yes. members of the public who wish to speak on this matter should to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. are there any members the public would like to speak on this matter? there are no public commenters
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at this time. thank you. scene of speakers public comment is now close colleagues i would like to make a motion to move this forward to the full board with recommendation yes on that motion member dorsey i dorsey member chen chen i chair walton high walton i the motion passes without objection thank you motion to send forward with recommendation passes unanimously thank you president madam and mr. clerk would you please call item number two? >> item two. item number two is ordinance meaning the administrative code to reestablish two african-american arts and cultural district community advisory committee extended deadline for the written report and recommends that the from city departments describing the cultural attributes of the african-american arts and cultural district and proposed strategies to acknowledge and preserve the cultural legacy of the district. thank you so much mr. clerk colleagues this ordinance before us today is
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reestablishing the african-american arts and cultural district community advisory committee a significant initiative aimed at preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage heritage of the community. as part of this effort this will extend the timeline for the critical chess report which for lack of a better reference just gives you the information on what the cultural district will do of the importance of the cultural district etc. ensuring adequate time for thorough review and planning. additionally a new sunset date june of 2028 will establish to provide a clear framework for future progress and accountability in this vital project and i don't see anyone on a roster with any questions or comments. >> mr. clerk, would you please go for public comment on item number two? yes members the public who wish to speak on this matter should line up to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. are there any members of the public who like to comment on
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this matter? you can approach the podium at this time there are no speakers. >> thank you public comment on this item is closed mr. clerk i like to make a motion to move this item forward to the full board with recommendation. >> yes on that motion. supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor chen chen i chair walton all right. well tonight the motion passes without objection. >> thank you. motion carries unanimously. >> mr. clerk. do we have any other items on today's agenda? >> there are no other items on today's agenda. thank you, everybody have a good week. >> this meeting is adjourned. thank you. >> think smooth
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>> (music). >> (multiple voices.) >> landing at leidesdorff is as the new public school in downtown san francisco for people to come together for 0 lunch and weekends a new place to enjoy the architect and our culture. >> landing at leidesdorff one of several initiatives to the road map for the initiatives all about using your public space and network for now environments to 0 invite people adopted not just to the office but any time of the day. >> it shows there is excitement and energy and people
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wore looking forward to enjoying the space that people may want to end up in downtown. >> we've been operating in the financial district since 2016 with the treasury and coming up we had a small surge in business in the leidesdorff and in about the financial district and a good time to grow here. >> as a small business the leidesdorff is making us being part of it as being part of in project. for me makes we want to be part of san francisco. >> so landing at leidesdorff for me represents hope for san francisco and the sense that this is become such a safe welcoming area. >> we local artists coming in and exercise boxes and live music but the hub of culture. >> the downtown partnerships
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has a studio in san francisco. they identified 6 locations throughout the downtown area we come together with new activity and spaces. >> is between us a place to tell our own story and history. >> it was named after a captain one the black leaders of san francisco before that was called san francisco he was the first treasurer of the city and commercial street a cross street the hifblg original shoreline of san francisco was just a few feet behind where we're 12357b8z around opportunity to bring people to locations we have an opportunity to tell stories and for local businesses. >>
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>> district 10 is the place to be. having a opportunity to represent the last real black community here in san francisco was very important to me. not only just the black community, but all the communities of the color in district 10 from bayview hunter point to potrero hill to visitation valley to dog patch to little hollywood. [music] my family originally migrated from louisiana and they came in settled in san francisco. my grand father worked on the ship yard, i had great uncles and
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aunts who worked thin shipyard or did domestic work for families here in san francisco. most of my entire life it was my mother and i. i was raised by a single mom, single apparent. parent. we lived with imy grand futher and potrero hill and spent early time in san francisco and spnt time living in the haight. it was important to me to become the supervisor of district 10 for so many different reasons. one is the place where i'm originally from, the place where i actually had my biggest opportunity after graduating from college coming and working as executive director of young community developer jz having the opportunity to run for the board of supervisors and be able to effect policy, effect change in the very community where my family is from.
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>> my name is kelly, the owner manager along with my husband ken. >> mission blue we are neighbors first and so when we first came to the neighborhood we entered the stories and got involved and learned there was a opportunity to get plugged into the merchant corridor and so we see mission blue as setting the table for the community to come together around good coffee, good pastries. >> when we move today the neighborhood we were volunteers to the [indiscernible] i asked what is a butterfly of this area and says the mission blue and we said if we open anything we will call it mission blue. because the neighborhood was so beautiful and we wanted to be a part of becoming along with the neighborhood. we want td to add value. and, one of the great great
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heavy secrets of the valley, we are awhere the cross town trail starts. if you are not familiar with cross town trail, it is a 17 mile trail across san francisco and cuts through not only our commercial corridor, but the greenways, and there are six gardens built by the neighbors for the neighborhood and they have been here over three decades and they are a incredsable treasure. >> the rolling farmer market, arrives every saturday morning 10 a.m. and there is fruits and vegetables and they take ebt and accessible to every of the neighbors so we have a whole neighborhood with fresh fruits and vegetables and we love to ask local musicians to come. it is really like a ecosystem saturday morning, which is one of our goals. what a neighborhood is all about. >> my name is lisa, and i'm coowner of
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sf dog parler. we have been here going on 9 years. it is in visitation valley i walk to work 6789 it is very diverse and everyone is friendly. rewarding we meet a lot of new people. a lot of different dogs. >> we have done a lot here since i have been in office. we opened another grocery outlet, we have a new lucky store right in the bayview plaza, which is exciting. this facility we are in right now 1550 evans the brand new southeast community center is another amazing accomplishment for district 10. if you x had from visitation valley across bay shore and come into third street you see a nice bayview sign that demonstrates reflection of one you are coming into bayview hunters point, but also it is a art project to make it
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more visually appealing when you enter our community. >> i'm barbara, the wine maker and owner of [indiscernible] in bayview. we started wine making as a hobby actually in our garage here in the neighborhood in 2006 and 2015 we had the opportunity to open a tasting room when we have done in this space and here we are. we expanded to add in food options and caf e experience. i opened the business in bayview and inspired by the community. done a lot of pop up aventsds events in the neighborhood, let's try to take this to the next level and that was really what drove us with the support we got from the bayview community. you can expect to get a local bayview hospitality and welcome.
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you will experience wine tasting without going to the wine country, because we are small producers and we have not only our wine but introduced italian varieties as well so you can stit and enjoy all that, plus comfort style food. >> my name is anthony, the owner of [indiscernible] ice cream in the bayview. me and my [indiscernible] my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and that was our bonding time. we would spend hours eating ice cream and talking and cratching up. one day my aunt came with a idea, why don't you bring ice cream shop back to the bayview. there hasn't been one here in some time so i thought it would be a good idea to bring something back to the community i grew up and something i haven't seen a new business come back to community.
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i want to create the environment, the sit down environment you can enjoy a banana split, a root beer float, milk shake, just creating the environment for people to enjoy. got the passion to do it being here in the community and from my family. >> we celebrated with the parade at the opera house. as we talk about beautification and promoting the arts, we talk about the culture of bayview hunter point and the things we have been doing to make sure we preserve opportunities for communities to come together and it is also is a larger amount of people in community that have the opportunity to come out and see what is going on and we'll continue to do that every black history month to promote not only our corridor here and southeast sector, promote black people coming
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together during black history month and put on display the talent and great amazing residents we have here in san francisco that come out to support and promote black history during black history month. >> my name is lena mills and the owner of creative ideas. really inspired me to open my company because i was tired of working for somebodyential. else. we have columbian and mexican food and diverse menus for any occasion. the menu is when i was a kid growing up with my family, we always want to cook all different things, so i learned how to do a lot of things we do
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here at the cafe. it amazing because we are in communication with supervisor shamann walton, especially when he does coffee and he talks with everybody in the neighborhood that wants to talk to him and ask about how things are going with our community, right? we get together with other businesses that organize singing and doing that in our neighborhood on our street and people see that all the businesses get together and they know what we are doing in the neighborhood. we are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. we do local events. with the churches. we did two at the park. >> my name is--the owner of
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christopher books in san francisco. independent book store. we have been here 33 years. the bookstore housed in a victorian [indiscernible] who runs the potrero hill archive. this space is used for number of different things. the pharmacy being one of them. what makes us unique is we maintained the original character of the space. if you look up here, you see the ancient retrofitting. these are the original fixtures of what was here in the early 1920's or so. one of my favorite parts is sitting in that chair out front and saying hello to people when they come in and one of my favorite parts is when someone asks me oo recommend a book. you have home, you have work, well a third place is a place where you look for community and you build community,
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and i think of christopher's and other businesses like that as a third place. i had kids who come in that i knew when they were born and they come in and introduce to their kids. that is how long i is are been here. that feeling of history and connection and family and just being a sole proprietor in one of the most amazing cities in the world. i still enjoy coming to work every day. >> we definitely have a lot of amazing places to go here in district 10 whether the bars around for decades. bottom of the hill. connecticut yankees and we have newer spots like gumbo social, [indiscernible] so excited about all the things we have been able to do, but i wanted
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as many of 15 thousand commuters pass through that each gay. >> one of the things that one has to keep in mind regarding san francisco is how young the city we are. and nothing is really happening here before the gold rush. there was a small spanish in the presiding and were couriers and fisherman that will come in to rest and repair their ships but at any given time three hundred people in san francisco. and then the gold rush happened. by 182948 individuals we are here to start
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a new life. >> by 1850 roughly 16 thousand ships in the bay and left town in search of gold leaving their ships behind so they scraped and had the ships in the bay and corinne woods. with sand the way that san francisco was and when you look at a map of san francisco have a unique street grid and one of the thing is those streets started off in extremely long piers. but by 1875 they know they needed more so the ferry building was built and it was a long affair and the first cars turned around at the ferry building and picking up people and goods and then last
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night the street light cars the trams came to that area also. but by the late 1880s we needed something better than the ferry building. a bond issue was passed for $600,000. to build a new ferry building i would say 800 thousand for a studio apartment in san francisco they thought that was a grand ferry building had a competition to hire an architecture and choose a young aspiring architect and in the long paris and san francisco had grand plans for this transit station. so he proposed the beautiful new building i wanted it wider, there is none tonight. than that actually is but the price of concrete quitclaim two
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how and was not completed and killed. but it opened a greater claim and became fully operational before 1898 and first carriages and horses for the primary mode of transportation but market street was built up for serve tram lines and streetcars could go up to the door to embarcadero to hospitals and mission street up to nob hill and the fisherman's area. and then the earthquake hit in 190 six the ferry building collapsed the only thing had to be corrected once the facade of the tower. and 80 percent of the city would not
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survive the buildings collapsed the streets budges and the trams were running and buildings had to highland during the fire after the actuate tried to stop the mask fire in the city so think of a dennis herrera devastation of a cable car they were a mess the streets were torn up and really, really wanted to have a popular sense they were on top of that but two weeks after the earthquake kind of rigged a way getting a streetcar to run not on the cable track ran electrical wires to get the streetcars to run and 2 was pretty controversial tram system wanted electrical cars but the earthquake gave them to
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chance to show how electrical cars and we're going to get on top this. >> take 10 years for the city to rebuild. side ferry use was increasing for a international exhibition in 1950 and people didn't realize how much of a community center the ferry building was. it was the center for celebration. the upper level of ferry building was a gathering place. also whenever there was a war like the filipino war or world war two had a parade on market street and the ferry building would have banners and to give you an idea how central to the citywide
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that is what page brown wanted to to be a gathering place in that ferry building hay day the busiest translation place in the world how people got around transit and the city is dependent on that in 1915 of an important year that was the year of our international exposition 18 million living in san francisco and that was supposedly to celebrate the open of panama differential but back in business after the earthquake and 22 different ferry boats to alamed and one had the and 80 trips a day a way of life and in 1918 san francisco was hit hard by the flu pandemic and city had mask mandates and anyone caught
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without a doubt a mask had a risk ever being arrested and san francisco was hit hard by the pandemic like other places and rules about masks wearing and what we're supposed to be more than two people without our masks on i read was that on the ferry those guys wanted to smoke their pipes and taking off their masks and getting from trouble so two would be hauled away. >> the way the ferry building was originally built the lower level with the natural light was used for take it off lunge storage. the second floor was where passengers offloaded and all those people would spill out and central stairway of the
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building that is interesting point to talk about because such a large building one major stairway and we're talking about over 40 thousand people one of the cost measures was not building a pedestrian bridge with the ferry building and the embarcadero on market street was actually added in and in 1918 but within 20 years to have san francisco bay the later shipbuilding port in the world and the pacific we need the iron that. as the ferry system was at the peak two bridges to reach san francisco. and automobiles were a popular item that people wanted to drive themselves around instead of the ferry as a
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result marin and other roots varnished. the dramatic draw in ferry usage was staggering who was using the ferry that was a novelty rather than a transportation but the ferry line stopped one by one because everyone was getting cars and wanted to drive and cars were a big deal. take the care ferry and to san francisco and spend the day or for a saturday drive but really, really changed having the car ferry. >> when the bay bridge was built had a train that went along the lower level so that was a major stay and end up where our sales force transit center is now another way of getting into the city little by little the ferry stopped having
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a purpose. >> what happened in the 40 and 50's because of this downturn we were trying to find a purpose a number of proposals for a world trade center and wanted to build it own the philly in a terrible idea objective never gotten down including one that had too tall towers a trade center in new york but a tower in between that was a part of ferry building and completely impractical. after the cars the tower administration wanted to keep americans deployed and have the infrastructure for the united
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states. so they had an intrastate free plan the plan for major freeway systems to go throughout san francisco. and so the developers came up with the bay bridge and worked their way along embarcadero. the plans were to be very, very efficient for that through town he once the san francisco saw had human services agency happening 200 though people figure out city hall offender that the embarcadero free was dropped and we had the great free to no where. which cut us off from the ferry building and our store line and created in 1989 and gave us the opportunity to tear down the free. and that was the
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renaissance of ferry building. >> that land was developed for a new ferry building and whom new embarcadero how to handle travel and needed a concept for the building didn't want- that was when a plan was developed for the liquor store. >> the san francisco ferry building has many that ups and downs and had a huge hay day dribbled adopt to almost nothing and after the earthquake had a shove of adrenaline to revise the waterfront and it moved around the bay and plans for
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>> my name is andrew england the owner and collector at real old paper. i'm a native to the bay areaismt grew up in oakland, spent high school years here and lived in hawaii about 10 years. moved back shortly. been in san francisco proper now for about 8 years. when i realized i wasn't a dealer anymore in san francisco, i found openings and decided to opening my own store in north beach in 2016. north beach was a great place to start. i got a neighborhood feel from it. i got involved in the community, but as far as business turnover, fisherman's wharf is 2 fold, 3 fold because there are so many more people here. we have been here going on 3 and a half years. i started as a hobbyist. i started collecting movie posters in high school. not originals.
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just favorite. when i mouved to hawaii there was a gallery that specialized in viptage posters and that taught me about the variables beyond movies and that is where this is my career path and what iment to do. i with irked for them for 8 years, took a portion of pay in store credit so i built a collection basically and turned it into a brz. business. hobby turns business and forch int. i got bitten by the poster bug it spiraled out of control and i needed to a store to outlet my collection. san francisco has always had a viptage poster dating with 1970 with chicago new york and paris san francisco is a city with a area to buy vintage posters so people appreciate the time capsule
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and history. all are vintage. most in the store is at least 40 plus years old, some back to the 1800s so we have some 140 years old. they are advertisement,b war propaganda from world war 1 and 2. movie and with travel posters and alcohol and tobaccos. thin pieces of paper meant to last maybe a mujt or 6 weeks. the lowest point was the pandemic. having to close the gallery so i didsant have a web store biltd or outlet and barely a instagram and told all the customers don't buy on line. can't be sure they are authentic or true colors or size or condition. it was very frustrating. it was a struggle until this opportunity presented itself and when i moved into this location on the wharf, there was still nobody here yet. we hadn't officially reopened but i rolled the dice, spent everything i had left to build this place out,
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and give it one last shot. it worked out very well. it worked out very well. >> here we have the 1971 for the fight. ali and frazier first meeting. the one first professional loss. there is a lot that appreciate the story and understand the esthetic and message and nuances within the graphic. the champagne [indiscernible] wonderful piece. it carries both styles. it has the [indiscernible] in his garb. he has shoes and fits the earlier periods, but done in the style of art deco and that is what we offer and part of the experience knhing into the store. we will walk through the purchase and explain how we preserved it, what are the imperfections and what does the imagery mean. you have the older story and the newer story, pasted over the top. we will give you all that information. about everything. it may not be your favorite
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piece until you heard the story. i are think i always had in the back of my mind a second location outside the state. i dream is tokyo, but i do a lot of consulting in las vegas with pon stars group so thought about opening a shop in las vegas. we like to branch out at some point. we are from here and where the company started and where we'll stay, we may just also open another store. i love being here. this is where my family is, this is where i was raised and not ready to leave that behind cht yes, people are looking for this store and there are fewer and fewer store fronts, brick and mortar like ours that outlet this thing. we offer the experience. i think it is very desirable collective subject matter because we are less and less acustoms. you can pick it while looking at it. examining the flaws and scale and color. you know what you are getting because you get that exact one. poster art is my area of expertise and
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i have affinity for. poster art especially they are not meant to last are under appreciateated. real paper, the vintage gallery is 777 beach street, tuesday-saturday 11-5 and monday 12-5. >> i think a lot of times we get in adult lives we are afraid to follow our passions and think life can't be that easy. but i truly do believe i followed my heart this time in my journal in city government i did not know that is where my passion lied. i kept following it and ltd. to great opportunity to serve the city. [music]
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>> i'm katy tang the executive director of the office of small business. >> small business contributes to san francisco's economy. they provide the bulk of employment in the city and employing a million people in san francisco. and roughly 90% of the businesses are defined as small businesses. so, they contribute to the economy but also just the quality of life. small businesses are more then and there a place of transaction it is a community center. a play where people gather. know each other and form memories about the city. >> at the office of mall business i run a team this helps report all mall businesses in san francisco whether they are looking to stfrt a new business
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or expand or perhaps they are feeling with issues. our office is here as a point of information for anyone with a business that has 100 or nower employees. >> i was growing up i had many ideas of when i wanted to do. i wanted to being an olympic swimmer. and i wanted to men be an architect, you name it i had many ideas for what i wanted do when i grew up. and i never anticipated entering in politics. this opportunity came along wh started working for former supervisor carmen chu and she became the district 4 sunset district supervisor. that was my firstent row in politics and government in a different level. and so when i was finishing up my time working for legislative
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aid i thought, i will go off and do something else. may be explore opportunity outside of city government what was then approached by this opportunity to also serve as a district 4 supervisor. if not the traditional route that many people think of when you enter in politics. a lot know that is manage than i want to do and run for office. that was not part of my culture and upbringing with manage my parents were wondering why i wanted to go in that role this legislation and important because so many women when have it return to work after having a child feel embarrassed or don't feel comfortable asking their supervisor for will any lactation accommodations. i saw it as an opportunity you could use the position where you have tools creating legislation and pass laws and where people
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listen to to you help the community and pass cause catharsis important to the city and individuals. my family immigrated to the united states from taiwan. and they came here in pronl probably late 20's almost 30. and so, they came also in the knowing english limp barely read or write but had to quickly understand english to i can't haveigate services and find a job in america. i grew up in the san francisco sunset district i spent most of my childed hoo up until i went off to college. so when i started working in city government, i think i had mixed reactions about my involvement working government because for some of our parents generation, there is i bit of distrust in government. i think there are questions about why i was entering in this field of work. i think you know when i went in
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city government i thought about my parents like so many other who is have to navigate city services and resources english first language and help the individuals both navigate, intercept that is on an application approximate signage. it is fulfilling to mow to help people like my parent and feel like government is there to support them and not to harm them. my parents are happy that i retired early from politics and being a district 4 supervisor i could have continued on for a couple more years approximate decided to leave early. i think that over all they were able to see some of my work appear in the chinese newspaper. through that they were able to see i was able to help communities in a tangible way. >> the member of the board of supervisors. >> transportation authority. for the city and county of san
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francisco. congratulations. >> i think about one importance when i was worn in as district 4 supervisor. years ago, and someone actually came up to me during the swear nothing ceremony and said, wow, i'm traveling here from canada, and i just i could not believe i saw an asian female worn in in this role a leadership role this meant so much that someone would say that and felt they were inspired by the scene. so -- i hope that as more people see people that look like them and more women coming in positions of leadership than i feel they can doing the same. person this inpyred me is carmen chu who is our city add administrator but also was district 4 supervisor when i worked with her as a legislative aid. at this point, i too, was
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skeptical of going in politics. i saw someone who had herself never seen herself in politics. got thrown into it and put her heart and soul and dedication to serve people. and it gave me the confidence to pursue that same job and i honestly would not have either chosen or accepted or considered serving on the board of supervisors were not for carmen. >> if you want to make your business accessible. >> in my role in city government where i have seen the most challenge is people who don't know you and you are here to serve and help them that they classify you as our city government and here to hurt you. so, people will talk to you and -- and just you know treat you disrespectfully. and sometimes i noticed that they might do more to me as a female compared to my male
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colleagues. but you know i try to be empathetic. one of the most significant barriers to female empowerment we feel like we have to be 100% meeting all of the qualifications before we think that we are qualified to do a job. if we look at a job description or an opportunity to come your way well is self doubt about whether you can fulfill the obligations of that role. i think that the confidence is huge and sometimes i think we make up for it by trying to gain more experience. more and more and more in whatever we can put under our belts we'll feel better. that may not be the case. we might be qualified with when we have already accomplished. i started rock climbing indoors a couple years ago as an
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activity to try to spends time with my husband and also to try something new and i finds that rock climbing there are so many parallels to life. you know when i'm on the wall i'm concentrating and trying to make it to the next piece without falling. there are daying you think i'm not making progress. you come back and wow, i hit another level. and so i feel like in our daily lives and w we think we are not making enough of i change in the city. and sometimes we have to take out time to reflect every day as long as you try and give it your all and you look back you will have made a significant contribution there is no limit to where you go in terms of rock climbing. i want to reminds myself of that in terms of daily life.
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>> follow what it is you are interested in, what makes you feel excited about wake up every day. you never know and be open to all the possibilities and opportunity. [music] pursuant. of the municipal charter for the city and county of san francisco. january 825 meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors
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