tv Police Commission SFGTV January 15, 2025 5:30pm-10:00pm PST
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to the flag vice president carter which i don't like to take roll. commissioner clay resident commissioner benedicto commissioner yanez president commissioner ye hear vice president carter i was told you have a quorum present alliance is in route. also with us tonight we have chief scott from the san francisco policeepartment and executive director paul henderson from the department of police accountability. one item for tonight are two items for tonight line item number 12 is going to be moved up after line item one and under consent calendar the
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donation of funds from the community foundation for the community police academy has been removed from the agenda for tonight. line item one weekly officer recognition certificate presentation of an officer who has gone above and beyond in the performance of their duties officer christina star roster number 2154 terryville station good evening commissioner chief distinguished visitors distinguished guests also the family of christina cicero her two sons and sister and friends and colleague from the concord police department. my name is captain bryan who i'm the commanding officer terryville station today we honor officer christina's a star for her extraordinary courage and dedication to duty on october 18th, 2024 while on uniform patrol iners tostado responded to a threat report after it was coffee at 1100 ocean avenue. this location has been plagued by a suspect who persistently harassed the workers for several weeks.
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officers are always committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community responded to the call as a single person unit. upon arrival while interviewing the barista the suspect arrived without hesitation the officers to starro attempted to detain the suspect but was met with fierce resistance. the suspect brutally punched the officer's estado numerous times in the back of the head despite being outnumbered and outmatched she utilized her o.c spray and baton and show an incredible resilience and determination for over six grueling minutes she fought bravely until backup arrived on the scene. officers to stahl sustained numerous contusions and a significant significant laceration to the back of the head from our approximately throw punches. it is important to note that due to a dispatch error she had to endure this intense struggle alone. >> despite these form of foreign law challenges, officers just earle's unwavering bravery and quick thinking ensured that the suspect was apprehended. bringing that sense of security back to the fields, coffee
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workers and the surrounding community. her actions on that day or a testament testament to her exceptional dedication and the high standards she upholds as a member of our department offices, cicero was not just that dedicated officer but a pillar of strength and a beacon of hope for our community. her commitment to her duty and her community is unparalleled, making her a true credit to our department. >> please join me in applauding the officers that are for incredible bravery and steadfast dedication to serve and protect their community. she amplifies the best of what it means to be an officer and we are proud profoundly grateful for her service. the citation states sara school police department recognizes officer christina as the star store star number 2154 terrible station in recognition of her dedication and professionalism demonstrated through outstanding community policing practices and inspiring greatness by exemplifying the ideals of the police officer as guardians of our community. such an example of dedication is worthy of the highest esteem
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by the city and county of san francisco and the san francisco police department. present on the 15th day of january 2025 by chief scott. >> chief of police. >> hello. good evening. thank you. thank you. police commission director henderson. commissioner clay commissioner carter over stone commissioner benedicto commissioner yee and commissioner jonas from zoom and and also i just want to and to commissioner elias who is still enroute and commissioner walker who i think may have been around during perhaps the beginning of what started this process tonight. and chief scott hello, i really appreciate this
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recognition. i appreciate the award. i appreciate that the police commission takes time to cast a i what i feel is deserved highlight upon the san francisco police department. i feel that this is less about really that day or me and i first want to acknowledge that to me this really highlights a lot of other people. this highlights my captain brian who who was an incredible leader at our station and who has dedicated himself to this department and my station my sergeants some of whom are here i don't exist in a vacuum. this incident isn't that unique. the san francisco police department has so many different members teams plainclothes teams investigative unit special victims units crime gun investigations centers of drug
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market agency coordination centers, community violence reduction teams everything there are so many of us and we are doing this work and most often it is not noticed and there is no highlight on it and that is okay. that is just our vocation. that is our call not unique to san francisco police department this is police officers in general and so really for me this represent ns that which i have the great honor to be a part of and chief scott, thank you for hiring me. i really truly appreciate it. this is where i was born and raised and it's wonderful to come back to this city and work . san francisco is in my heart. and to that end i also want to acknowledge that for law
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enforcement officers, our friends and family are paramount to us being able to do what we do. and here tonight i've got the blessing of great friends who are with me. my dear sister monica, thank you for telling me back when i was 22 that you thought i could be a police officer. and by the way, bart police department was hiring. i appreciate that. the rest is history and my two sons jake and luke who are my greatest blessing and inspire me to be the very best i can be every single day. so again i just want to say i really appreciate this and this is not something i'm accepting solely. this is something i recognize as part of a bigger and much much bigger thing which is the san francisco police department
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and all the incredibly talented people from command stuff all the way to the lowest line level officer which is pretty much me. this represents the good work and highlights that which happens every day without much acknowledgment. and one last thing i do want to share that i feel very much like our community really, really appreciates us. >> i don't have a shift that goes by without people whether i've helped them on a call or just to flag me down to let me know how much they appreciate the work that we do and i really do feel very appreciative of that support and we do have it. >> we really do. so thank you all very much. thank you. vice president carter watson i
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just want to say your words say it all and i had the pleasure of working with chris at at the headquarters anyway and just for the public i mean everything you do is with a high degree of professionalism and again your words it all your actions even speak louder than your words how you go about your business so thank you for coming back home to work for this police department and you do an outstanding job. you are a outstanding person and your family i hope in your particularly your sons and your sister and your friends that came to see you and your partners and terryville and your sergeant oh all proud as am i. >> so thank you. thank you chief officers to start i just wanted to thank you so much for your service to our city. i'm very grateful that we're able to retain someone who who grew up here and is part of the
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community. thank you for your actions on that day and the incident that was highlighted and i just want to recognize your bravery and as chief said, professionalism. and i also just want to recognize your commendable humility in highlighting the important work that your colleagues do and that your station does and recognize that you know today the commission is recognizing you. but you highlighted something that i think is more important which is the everyday recognition you get from the community that you serve. so i just wanted to thank you for all of that and all of your hard work. >> thank you, commissioner. >> ye thank you very much there vice president carter oversight officer christina cetera. >> we want to thank you for all your hard work and what your action did on that day is upon
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me what san francisco police officers all about public safety in face of adversity and the challenges you showcase courage and bravery and you know you kept that in your heart is the public safety and i commend you for that. and i also want to thank the family and your support from that i guess from your park terrible station and thank you captain who for putting her for long overdue. >> thank you again. thank you. thank you, commissioner benedicto thank you very much, mr. vice president. congratulations again officer to start a echoing what my fellow commissioners the chief said. thank you captain for bringing fernando in this officer and thank you to your incredible support system both professionally and personally for showing up to support here. i also know your actions were
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incredible and commendable and really reflect well on the department and i really appreciated that you in your remarks focus on the community factor the role the community plays in your work. i think that we talk a lot about community policing at this commission in this department and i think that the most important place where that lives is that it's talked about in the in the officers that are with the community some grateful that you acknowledge that. so congratulations again you're a testimony the department thank you thank you commissioner clay thank you mr. vice president. >> and i just want to echo to piggyback on comments my other commissioners here you know we all thank you for your service and your bravery but more importantly your articulate comments about your service here your members your support for this award is so meaningful and i saw a lot of heads nod as you were speaking and your words and everyone was very touched by what you said because it meant so much to them and so keep doing what you
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do. we really are grateful to have you here in san francisco. >> thank you very much. judge clay for late breaking comment from director director henderson. i just want to say i do appreciate you know, i appreciate the work of the service especially for someone that grew up here. it's nice to see a native giving back and committed in public service and the way that you have with your entire career here. so thank you for that. but also i think we should make these commentaries mandatory that was tested and it was great to hear you you know your words echoing your sentiments and also reflection from the community about the feedback that you get on a regular basis from people for the work that you do. so i appreciate that we should make that a mandatory part of these processes so that we can hear more of the inside. but thank you so much for your continued service. >> thank you very much.
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>> i don't think i can run if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item one the weekly officer recognition please approach the podium. >> sorry i'll be brief. david elliott lewis member of the crisis intervention team mental health working group you know it's not an easy job and to get beaten up this trying to protect the public and survive for six minutes of assault without backup it's phenomenal it's i mean it's not it's not called for and yet she did it. >> so what a remarkable testament to courage and performance. bravo! bravo. congratulations, officer sister . thank you.
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>> all right. line item 12 discussion and possible action to approve revise department general order 6.1 for psychological evaluation for adults for the department to use a meeting and conferring with the affected bargaining units as required by law discussion and possible action. >> good evening chief. good evening vice president carter roberson good good evening commissioners and good evening director henderson. i'm excited about this general order update. it is a long time coming i think just over two years we've been trying to update this general order before i get into some talking points about the changes in the general order i just want to thank the following individuals for their collaboration in the process early on sergeant laura anderson she couldn't make it today she did have a lot to offer in this general order. i also want to recognize from dpa janelle keywood and jermaine jones they were also
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involved in the process early on so i want to recognize them. the city working group this is something that we bring to our working group and share the process and get feedback from our working group. david ellie lewis is here. i want to express thank you to them for helping with this process. >> and you know, before we actually got here to this point early last year the city unit and the s.f. fire department fire community paramedics team under the direction of assistant deputy chief april sloan they were doing joint roll call trainings at each district station and visited each watch and there was a lot of feedback that was given at those roll call training. >> so i also want to express thanks to assistant deputy chief april sloan for stepping in and offering some feedback and helping us through this process. so a couple of the highlights that i want to mention about
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the policy is that this policy centers on humane compassion. a compassionate approach emphasizes de-escalation diversion and reduces stigma around mental health issues. >> it aims to decriminalize mental health crises, prioritize alternative responses and integrate non-law enforcement resources. it focuses on reducing confrontations and involving specialized mental health resources to avoid unnecessary arrests. it encourages collaboration with non-law enforcement agencies and emphasizes crisis intervention de-escalation strategies. this ensures a better outcome for individuals in crisis is strongly encourages collaboration with non-law enforcement agencies and outlines protocols for involving these entities. >> officers would attempt to have other non law enforcement agencies intervene unless the
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individual is violent and presents a public safety risk or is exhibiting presumptive indicators and this is something that we are going to be addressing with our members through training. >> it promotes diversion to mental health services and an alternative care to limit law enforcement's role in non-criminal mental health situations. it retains the criteria which is danger to self danger to others gravely disabled but expands on the definition to include severe substance use disorder and integrates a more comprehensive assessment and this is through sb 43 it adds guidelines to obtain search warrants and use a gun violence restraining orders when appropriate so those are the main changes in this general order and i'm open to any questions if there is any question please.
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yeah. >> thank you very much. there, lieutenant anderson, i had a question because i got a call from i guess swipe guinea outsider by 5150 and they wanted to press charges felony assault and when theyt back to the police department, the individuals i guess transported to a private peace piece which is you know, another hospital because san francisco general was full upon the investigation. the person was released and i guess by a private institution without contacting the police department. how can we prevent that from happening again? and when you have that incident is there a way to identify
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the victim because there was no i first carry no i.d.s. you know, i just want to know your thoughts on there. >> i would need to actually review that specific incident just to get like the details of what happened in that case. it's not uncommon that when individuals are transported utilizing an ambulance they may go to another hospital and not piece. >> and this is still discussions that we're having on if they're in custody because of an arrest is that their appropriate location that they should be at? that is something that we're still trying to figure out and discussith other agencies. it's is beyond the police department. i think there's got to be more discussion on this and with that involves other agencies as well during and another question is once the person been apprehended by the police is there because the person has no id, is there a way to i
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guess book them or fingerprint them to id the person who they are if it's just a mental health hold and we cannot identify them that would it be the most appropriate process only because there's no crime that we're addressing if there is a crime that usually is how that happens they get booked pending id because if it's a citation and released that person still has to be identified prior to being cited out so that that typically happens. but again not knowing all the details of this specific incident i would need to look more deeper into that. >> okay. >> so you're looking into it and probably is going to be i guess going forward in the future it's more discussion on this or if you want to send me details of that i can look into the specific incident. i'll be happy to do that. thank you lieutenant.
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>> and i do also want to thank you because i think this is your general order that was assigned to you so you were very patient with us. so thank you very much. >> okay. >> commissioner benedicto, thank you so much, mr. vice president. thank you tony anderson for the work on this video. i think it's an important ago that i'm glad to see come out of the process. i want to thank commissioner you for being the commissioner responsible. >> i really want to echo your acknowledgment also of the city working group. i think we've all seen that you know for those of us that have been fortunate to go to the city awards that have an interaction with the city and the city working group and the work city does is really an invaluable part of this department's approach to modern policing. i also want to note that commend vice president carter oberstar and commissioner yanez who've been really tireless advocates of the city team as well and would happily make a motion to approve this department general order
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pursuant to our labor relations resolution 2330 for use in bargaining our second that motion if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding youngblood oh this is commissioner young. you did have my hand up and have two comments. i really thank you for the presentation lieutenant. i think this is a really well written dga so i really appreciate the effort to destigmatize you know, people with mental health disorders and acknowledging that there are challenges with co-occurring disorders. right? people who are also using substances and to self-medicate. i think the the scripts and in the advisement section are really really important to
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have included and it gives us a roadmap, a template and examples for how officers can convey information in a respectful and professional manner especially considering crises situations when it comes to working with people in ad during an episode or when they're having a mental health crisis. >> i do have one question and i would like to make a friendly amendment if the commissioners agree i the question is with regards to section e2o where it indicates that then we find adhere to that hope when a psychiatric evaluation is requested by an individual who is not at the scene and is not providing third party information the officer should conduct their own independent and this is the challenge or
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the word that i have a little bit of a concern about is it says that the opposition could conduct their own independent psychiatric evaluation and take appropriate action consistent with welfare institutions. code 5150 and the concern that i have there is that a psychiatric evaluation is a clinical evaluation ation and i don't know that we intended to convey to the public or to officers that they are equipped to implement a psychiatric evaluation. so i'm going to would like to make a motion or friendly amendment to remove the psych patrick the word psychiatric from that section and replace it with something more along the lines of an independent assessment or just leave the word independent evaluation so that we are not getting into a
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realm of clinical diagnoses when in fact we do not intend to do that because we do not have that capacity in our department. so i i would like to know what your what your comments are on that and whether the department chief whether you would be amenable to that recommendation . >> yeah, go ahead. i don't see any harm in removing and changing it. maybe mental health evaluation versusça psychiatric. >> i hear what your concern is and we are we don't want to make it seem like we're doing medical evaluations not trained to do those types of evaluation evaluations on the street. the only thing that i would like to do before that is done is making sure it's consistent throughout the general order. if that was the only place that it was in then that would make sense. >> that's just my recollection. i just reviewed the general order again today and that is the only section where i saw a
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reference to a an officer or department personnel actually engaging in some sort of psychological evaluation. so i'm comfortable with the language that you have identified and i'd be on board with voting to it so authorized this with that friendly amendment if the commission accepts its that's fine with with me oh you got no i agree with both the lieutenant anderson and commissioner young yes i think that's a fair at it . i'm glad you could just say okay perfect thank you that that's my feedback. >> so with the change me to remove psychiatric and just keep the word evaluation is that the change that we're correct with? >> i'm sorry i heard something different i thought lieutenant
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anderson said change it to the mental assessment and a mental health assessment. >> okay. so replace the phrase psychiatric evaluation with mental health assessments. >> that would be reasonable. okay. okay. do you want to do you want to restate your motion? >> yes i'll make a motion to to approve this pursuant to resolution 2330 with the one change that commissioner yanez has suggested to replace i don't think that page and our staff can get it psychiatric evaluation with mental health assessment i will second that any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item 12 please approach the podium. david elliot lewis. about a over a decade ago i joined the city working group we call it the crisis intervention team mental health working group. it was a working group that was created thanks to this very
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police commission in 2011 you felt you had findings that resulted in recommending it. the chief at the time implemented it. it was created and it's been really helpful to see that program is remarkable. >> it provides field service to people in need. it provides training to officers. they've trained something like three quarters of all the current active duty officers and it saves lives. >> 15 years ago when there was a crisis response to somebody holding a knife or a gun the outcome was almost universally horrible. it was often fatal loss of life or severe injury. now often when somebody is holding a weapon, brandishing a weapon to an officer, there's a good chance that person could be talked down de-escalated safely taken into custody and brought to help. >> that's a remarkable change. it hasn't always happened but it happens a lot happens more often than not and all those
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lives have been saved because i believe because of the city training because of training officers to employ the three critical principles of de-escalation of creating time distance and rapport and it works. the program works and it works through training it works through field operations all the all the stations now have have liaison ins to the city unit and the message is getting out to the individual officers through roll call trainings in the academy and through our 40 hour hour, 40 hour training and the four and a fourth option is training too which is on top of the 40 hour training. it works. it saves lives. i just want to commend it and support this dga 6.14 thank you for when you can also remind i mean self-control.
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>> yeah. you say you tell the guy who is aggressing you hey now you get self-control. >> it's the best way to de-escalate. de-escalate. i mean yeah, so the cops are step control. >> it's an inside of the guy you are facing. you tell him now you use their control. i mean. yeah, i get the overhead take that out. can i guess to shrink it down you know what it raises you know yeah that i appreciate
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this my time's starting now i'll take all the time i could get. >> you know this is a little bit late this is about mario woods and the police commission and all that we're doing here to correct this thing. they call you know, murder. that's what it is when it comes to mario woods and the wardrobe malfunction and everything. we all got down on their knee our knee for a reason. it's our lord is using us all of us and i appreciate this time to be able to speak you know about this place be a chapel. you know, and mario woods and
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how kaepernick went out to the out to the alcatraz and how it turned it into a place where we could have statues put back and stuff. one for cap nick went out there at alcatraz for the people that come from china. >> you know, when it comes to changing names and everything when it comes to the gulf of america, i see these people out here want to they want to change burma to me mind ours us . who are these people? we have to change the map for them. >> you know, i got a little more time here and i thank you for all this because the whole world got down on their knee for you and me and and our lord . i thank you for being able
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because i go looking for him in the eyes of my brother. this is what he told me to do. i ministry to you and i thank you. >> i might come back in a little while. oh, hi. good evening commissioners chief scott. i'm a position. i'm the assistant deputy chief of the community paramedic division. i am here to express my support for the go with the changes and the 5150 law that came about with sb 43 there was an implementation workgroup formed that identified some issues that pd and fire could work on to better improve care. it was a very collaborative process working with pd and they should be proud of the finished product and their dedication to providing appropriate services to people in need of mental health care. so thank you.
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>> that is the end of public comment on the motion and commissioner clay how do you vote? yes mr. clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. mr. benedicto is yes commissioner. yes. yes. yes. >> mr. jones is yes commissioner yea yes commissioner. yes. yes vice president carter. robert stone yes. vice president carter over stone is yes and present. >> yes. yes. prison license yes. you have six yeses line item number two general public comment at this time the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission under police commission rules of order during public comment neither police or dea personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions by the public but may provide a brief response. alternatively you may submit public comment in either of the following ways email the secretary of the police commission at speed commissioners as jeff borg or written comments may be sent via us postal service to the public safety building located at 1245 third street san francisco, california 94158 if you'd like to make public
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comment please approach the podium. >> i'm going to i'm going to digress. i need to digress again but address what's going on over los angeles so we our concern i couldn't be here. i don't think they're going to attack san francisco. >> it's not a wildfire and goes on. you have to now we know one major you haven't i can't even comprehend that the mainstream media are showing you the views of what has been destroyed out there with all the trees still there right. >> the first thing are we are we be done for everybody to make sure you understand the first thing that the wildfire burns is would not so the trees just especially the foliage now all the trees in this i mean 15,000 houses destroyed disintegrated and it's not
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built okay so they're going to be a revolution. >> don't worry. it's going to be peaceful. this guy's told me it's going to have to be peaceful. sort of it's coming. >> good evening, commissioners david elliott louis i'm also board president the mental health association of san francisco which which has been a longtime supporter of the city working group in mayor daniel leary's inaugural address, he talked about creating a new drop in center, a drop off center that he called police friendly a place friendly front friendly drop offs. and i'm hoping this police commission can support that policy process. we we need alternative to jails. we need alternatives to bring people with mental health and substance use conditions, something that can get people
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connected to services i met not not all the client population necessarily wants to engage with help but sometimes when presented at the right time and opportunity you can divert people to help that need it. get them off the streets get them off a negative path, get them help. and so i know this is not in your budget. it's something you could recommend as a policy to support mayor lurie's new new kind of i don't think he he titled the center what he would call it some kind of a mental health drop off center that's police friendly. i think it's a great idea. >> it's long overdue and i hope this commission will support it in policy. thank you. thank you for your support and all you do. david elliot lewis thank you. i like to use over here again
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as usual this is and 2025 now and i'm still here asking for justice for my son gabriele bokassa who was murdered august 14 2006 this year in august will be 19 years. it's either 20 or 19. i've stopped counting. also i want to thank everyone that came out on the night renaming the street of my for my son. i smell every time i look at it it's almost bringing him back here. i'm glad it's there. i do want to thank max carter over for employ lamenting the we about ways to pay tipsters and all of that happened last year and i'm glad it it went
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through i'm not sure if it's gone through the board of supervisors yet but i know they're talking about it. i talk about all the unsolved homicides that are not solved that still need to be solved. >> i still see this me standing over my son without justice him laying in a casket. >> i still have no answers. >> but again this is what they left me with his body looking like this. but i will continue to fight for justice for my child and help other mothers to. gavin newsom said he know who
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kills my son he can name addresses or please help. >> so if any member of the public has anyormation regarding the murder of robert costa, you can call the anonymous 24 seven tip line at (415) 575-4444. >> i'm very appreciative of this woman here she gave me and courage she encouraged me to come down here and speak and a lot of things that have come down over the years. the last time i was here i was on my mother's birthday. she died on the year 2000. she was 103. but i feel as though she was celebrating up there with our
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lord having a happy birthday party and you know with the a's and everything losing all that i can't remember names but the baseball player that just died his birthday was on the christmas day. >> so it's like i you know, because maybe maybe it's because of the shock treatments and stuff. you know, i, i don't know how blessed i am when he said that the second crucifixion was going to be worse, maybe he didn't. >> who knows what satan was talking about with our lord jesus christ and who knows if i and i'm not i believe that i am that i am. >> you can't exchange me for somebody else but you are blessed because see there is a
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lord and i never felt better than speak to that guy and say goodbye knowing that our lord loves each and every one of us i went straight to resurrected all the dead and all this stuff is going on for us the resurrection of the dead is the rejoining of him and all of his loved ones he treats us all like children because we are we thank god for this. that is the end of public comment. why not in three consent calendar receive and file action as a pd 2024 limited english proficiency report police commission reports of disciplinary actions fourth quarter 2020 for the donation of toys and books from members of the public to the spd's toy drive in the amount of 200 to
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$300 donation of funds from the san francisco police community foundation for the speedy holiday toy drive giveaway valued at $9,000 and spd and epas third quarter 2020 for document protocol reports and cpd and epa's sb 1421 month reports for november and december 2020 for motion receive and file backup for a member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item three the consent calendar please approach the podium then you have begun. i don't want to wait. i don't feel too good tonight. >> consent calendar self control you have put self control is that okay? have a good night's that's the end of public comment on the motion commissioner clay how do you vote? yes mr. clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes mr. benedicto is yes. commissioner yanez yes.
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mr. young yes. is yes commissioner yea yes commissioner. yes. yes. vice president carter ober stone yes. vice president carter is yes and president elias yes. present minuses. yes. you have six yeses line item for adoption of minutes action for the meeting of december 4th 2020 for i had a motion so moved i can if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item for adoption of minutes please approach the podium and there is no public comment on the motion. commissioner clay how do you vote yes mr. clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. yes sure benedicto is yes. commissioner young yes. yes. commission yes is yes commissioner ag yes. commissioner. yes. yes. vice president carter ober stone yes i suppose and carter watson is yes and prison wise yes. >> yes. yes. you have six yeses i got him five chiefs report weekly crime trends and public safety concerns provide an overview of offenses incidents or events occurring in san francisco have an impact on public safety commission discussion on planned events and activities
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that chief describes will be limited to determining whether the calendar for a future meeting. >> chief scott thank you sergeant. i'm glad. good evening president elias vice president carter watson commission executive director henderson and the public. i'll start off with the just the general things that are happening this week and then i'll move into crime trends and some significant accomplishments from 2024 just to highlight some of the work that's been done this past year . this week the city of san francisco hosted the jp morgan health care conference. today is the last day of that conference with there were over 8000 attendees and probably many more people than that who were visiting our city this week. the feedback so far has been very very good and of course after the tragic incident that happened incidents plural the one in new york with the murder of the health care executive and then followed by the new orleans mass murder and
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terrorist attack there's a lot of anxiety you know, of course with with any conference. so we wanted to make sure that we put our best foot forward and had a very robust presence that a police officers and we did just that. so the it started actually sunday night when people started to come into town and again today is the last day but the officers have been out there present and done a really good job and the feedback that we've gotten so far has been very positive about people seeing the progress that our city is making in cleaning up some of our troubled areas and the feeling having the feeling of safety. i've heard that personally from a number of attendees as i was out meeting and greeting attendees the other night. so i just want to highlight the work and the good off good job by the total city family including our police officers. a couple of other things that highlight this week is talking awareness month and it's really about that awareness so people have a better understanding.
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sb you have been sharing tips particularly internally with interviewing tips to make sure our folks are aware of signs and clues of stalking so we can do our best in investigating those types of cases. >> we've had. >> we are in preparation for next week's presidential inauguration. we don't expect any problems but that day is also mlk day so there are plenty of festivities including the mlk walk that happens every year on mlk day so we will be adequately staffed for that as well. and january 9th with law enforcement appreciation day. so we just want to say thank you to all of our members and to all the officers across the country for doing what we all do in this profession. we are also preparing for the chinese new year parade which will be the same weekend as the 2025 nba all-star game which the city of san francisco is hosting. so again they deployment and
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the preparation for that is ongoing planning to put our best foot forward. the nba all-star game is a big deal and a big event and we will be prepared for that as well. a couple of significant incidents to report. first one was a felony evasion and vehicle pursuit that happened on the 13th culminated with a traffic collision at 330 in the morning. officers attempted to stop a vehicle wanted for felony evasion and the vehicle fled. pursuit was initiated. the suspect crashed into a pole on san bruno avenue at paul and one marked unit also crashed into a building. suspects fled on foot. also discarded a weapon a firearm during their pursuit. that gun was located by responding officers and four individuals were detained eventually arrested and two of those were injured in the collision but are in stable
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condition. out of the four to the people were booked for one for weapons charges and one for felony evasion and another for warrants. all three actually were booked and a search of the vehicle resulted in numerous burglary tools. two officers were treated for complained of pain and later released and that investigation both of the ongoing crime and the pursuit investigation is ongoing. there was a shooting on january 4th at 6:32 p.m.. san francisco police officers responded to a report of a shooting in the 500 block of fifth street. the victim was transported to a nearby hospital with life threatening injuries but they did survive. the officers investigating on scene located a 29 year old male and develop probable cause to connect him to that shooting. he has been arrested and since has been charged with attempted murder as well as other felony charges by the district attorney's office. >> we've had an upward trend in
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blessing scams. we put out immediate media advisory. we are meeting with members of the chinese community about this upward trend in blessing scams and there have been significant losses. in total 375 $74,000 have been fraudulently taken from several victims. so we will be doing community work to raise awareness. this really we started to see this in late november and it has continued into january. so we are involving the chinese media. we will have community meetings as we have in the past to raise awareness in the chinese community. we also have a basically blessing scam informational packets that we're going to be distributing to the public just to raise their awareness and how to take precautions about hopefully to prevent people from being scammed.
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one of the things that we've learned with these blessing scams is that people are when they get victimized they're oftentimes very they feel shame. and we understand that. we want the public to know it's not your fault but please report this so we can get a handle on the people behind this and hold them accountable for these horrific crimes. a lot of our victims are elderly and again the losses are significant so that work will be ongoing. now for crime trends, i just want to start off by saying last year in terms of crime reduction and reduction in crime was extremely successful. homicides ended up at 35 for the year. the lowest homicide rate since 1960. there was a 56% reduction in car breaking cars and just comparing to where we were not too long ago 2017 we had 31,000 over 31,000 car break ins. this year we ended up with just over 9000. so that's a significant
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significant reduction. robberies were down significantly. assaults shootings were down. our very strategy came together so there was some some outstanding work the homicide clearance rate was 90%. technology definitely aided the effort. we were able to catch people that in my opinion we may not have caught at all but we were able to catch them not only catch them. >> oftentimes on the day of the crime. so officers have put that technology in to get used and it resulted in a successful year. we still have a lot of work to do undoubtedly and we still have a lot of challenges. but i do want to celebrate at least the work that was done in 2024. and it's not just the police department. it's working with community working with some of our nonprofits. the very strategies calls for collaboration demat calls for collaboration so we know that we can do better and do more work when we collaborate with others and i think our officers
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have embraced that and we're seeing that payoff. so this year we hope to continue that momentum so far this year. it's on the same trajectory. it's early in the year and i'll say the same thing that i say every year two weeks in is that the crime statistics can fluctuate pretty significantly with a few numbers in either direction. so right now we are at a 51% reduction overall and part in serious crime violent crime as a 1% reduction and property crime is a 56% reduction. our car break ins are down from this time last year 71%. i'd rather be in this position than be on the flip side of that but it is early in the year so we don't want to read too much into that. our strategies from last year ongoing with dry and some of what we're doing to abate the robberies and car burglaries with our plainclothes operations and our visible patrols and hot spot areas. so that will continue and we
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will adjust as as necessary. also just to highlight some of our work with the theft issue that we were having in this city are our burglary unit and our organized retail crimes unit. they're understaffed but they have done a lot of work to move the needle and our blitz operations have been very successful. so again you know, those are things that work well for us in 2024 but we know that we have to change our strategies and evolve as necessary and we'll be prepared to do that. but just wanted to highlight that work and also going hand in hand with the crime fighting and crime reduction is the announcement from the california department of justice that we have been officially found in substantial compliance with the cri initiative the collaborative reform initiative. out of the 272 recommendations the department was found in substantial compliance at 263
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which is 97 96.7% of the recommendations of the ones that remain and in my time is up. significant work has been made and there's one of our five project plans in phase three plus that remains to be completed and that's mostly dealing with the dashboard which we do plan to fully complete that is ongoing working with the vendor on that. we had some hiccups and you'll hear more about this later with some of the hiccups with our data initiatives to to up our and replace our technology. >> but overall i think this work has helped us be a better department and i think it is helped us with improvements in reducing crime and the way we do that. it has been significant. so i just want to thank everybody including the commission because we could not have done this work without passage and robust discussions with our de dios, the community, working groups and everything that involved in this very work that has put us on a better path. so thank you and that concludes
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my report. thank you chief. one of the vice president carter over stone chief, thank you for your report. i wanted to follow up you spoke a little bit about a vehicle pursuit that ended in a crash with some injuries. i'm wondering if you and i think you mentioned that felony evasion was the reason for the pursuit. >> is that correct? felony evasion was the reason for the pursuit reckless evasion and along the way a gun was tossed out. >> okay. and could you just say what were the facts underlying the the reckless evasion? >> what are the facts as far as yeah. what what what did what was the car doing? >> just can you provide any further details on what the reckless evasion involved? >> yeah the car was driving
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recklessly. when the officers went to stop it. it the person driving the car began to drive even more recklessly. >> so that constituted the felony evasion which eventually led to the crash into the pole that caused the other police car with the police car that was chasing it to crash as well. that's helpful. but i guess i'm wondering was there excessive speeding? were they weaving in and out of lanes? is there any just detail you can provide on what what actually occurred that night? >> speeding multiple traffic violations just reckless driving and driving too fast for the conditions and when they went to stop the car that even increased. understood and and do we can you say anything more about the severity of the injuries both to the officers and other other individuals who are injured? >> yeah, the officer is were both released later that morning. minor injuries, soreness, that
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type of thing. the two individual non-life threatening injuries they were i think at least one maybe two was admitted but non-life threatening and i don't know if they're still in they may have been released by now. >> right. >> i wanted to ask you about another collision that i read about during when we were dark between the holidays and this meeting and i want to say it happened earlier this month on a day where there is particularly inclement weather. it was just reported that an officer crashed into and killed a pedestrian and was wondering if you could provide any update or additional details on that. >> yeah that was in the bayview and that did result in a fatality. you don't have a lot that investigation actually is still happening. i will say that what we know at this point was the person who was struck and killed crossed
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the street in between the the controlled intersection and and that's when the how the collision happened but more investigation to be done and i have to be cautious because that investigation is ongoing it's likely going to be litigation on that like there is on most of these types of deaths. >> so that's generally what happened. okay. that's helpful. and i guess so it sounds like this was not in relation to any criminal investigation or pursuit or anything like that. >> it was. no. okay. and then wondering if you could just give a quick update on our automatic license plate readers. >> all are all 400 up and running. no, we we are at three maybe just north of 350. i think there's like 50 more to get to 400. >> and what's the roughly do you have a sense of when they'll all be installed? >> we anticipate within the next two months we should have the remaining 50 installed which will bring us up to the 400 and i recognize you may not
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have the numbers in front of you but could you give us like a maybe like a ballpark of kind of how it's going so far? like you know, how many hits do we get or you know what how many hits do we actually result in some kind of action like, you know, follow some type of follow up from the department? >> yeah, there have been i don't have the numbers but i would just say a significant amount of hits particularly for stolen vehicles stolen plates, officers have taken make very good use of the cameras because the system is not just in san francisco. so when the vehicles are entered we've made a number of arrests and i don't have a number for you but i get these notifications quite often vacate officers, locate the vehicle and suspects are taken into custody. that's been a recurring theme. so it has been a very useful and very successful and if it's okay i can we can agenda some
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of the data of how many hits we're getting and what some of the successes are with that. not to say every vehicle is located but there are quite a few stolen and one vehicle that come through our city and when they get when the officers get the alert they're out there looking for em. >> thanks, chief. those are all my questions. thank you. >> commissioner, you thank you very much. thank you very much. they're present. elyse, i just want to double back on regards to the blessing scam. i know the district attorney's been doing this year in year out in october. i don't know if you have reached out across to district attorney office and see if we can do a comparison and maybe look at their cases or you know see if there's any overlapping or any additional information they may have. >> know we are as a matter of
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fact we just met with the district attorney's upper management team today and that was one of the topics. we are working in collaboration with the district attorney's office. of course if we get a case that we make an arrest on and there's adequate evidence of prosecution, they've been very, very good about that. >> these cases aren't easy though as you know, commissioner but the district attorney is a great partner on this and even with the public messaging we've done joint public messaging with not only the district attorney but the fbi and others on these on these blessings. and so it really is going to take all of us, including the district attorney to get the message out about awareness but also when we have a case where we get the evidence where we can make an arrest that team ever to to bring that person or persons to to accountability. so again i just want to congratulate you chief and
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your command staff and all the members for the outstanding work in 2020 for keeping i guess car break ins while 31 k to nine k so show the hard work everybody is pointing in and wish you continue success in 2025. also i just want to ask you i know you had a meeting today with the mayor mayor daniel lurie and talk about i guess a media demand and other departments and there's wondering if there's any additional commitments that we should know about from the police department. >> yeah, there were there was a may meeting today that mayor lurie attended and afterwards he spent some time speaking to the press. so the message was was loud and clear that he and his administration are committed to continuing the demak collaborative work and he
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announced also emergency declaration fentanyl. there's a lot in there to to abate and have the ability to expedite some of the things that are needed to address both some of our issues that we're facing with the imac and. i know it was mentioned earlier about the police friendly drop in centers and those types of things so hopefully those will come to fruition. definitely hopeful that the emergency declaration not only can get some of the resources that we need in a more expedited fashion but also i don't know the length of when if it's passed by the board of supervisors, how long it will be in effect. but in terms of sustaining some of the progress that we've made i think it can be helpful if if the timing on this is conducive to that in terms of the department and the commitment you know, the direction that we've been given ntinue to collaborate. public health, public works homeless and supportive housing
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there is there are some good things that i think that are that are happening that have happened that we've seen some success with the imac overall this year i believe the overdose rates were were down about 20%. i haven't seen the final numbers but that's the way we were trending going into december and mid-december. so that's a good sign. >> not saying that's all the impact but but i do know that that collaboration in some of what public health has brought to the table has been extremely helpful and i know commander lewis here and he's the incident commander from the speedy point of view he basically is the the the lead on on the demand coordination on a daily basis. >> but things like the 20 four hour on call physicians for buprenorphine and for addiction issues and all that it's making a difference so that's where the collaborative effort i know when we started imac there's a lot of talk about what else are we doing besides enforcement but those things have come on board and they've been extremely helpful so we hope to
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see that continue and that's pretty much what the mayor has directed all of the city departments that have stake in this to do. >> yeah. one more the final item i wanted to touch base is of the board of supervisor legislation declaring that no state of emergency ordinance what impact would that have on the police department is additional i guess resource that we have to probably allocate once it's passed the board it may have an impact on expediting contract. you know if they're contracted that need to be put in place to do some of the work that we're doing but also it helps when the collaborative agencies need those things you know, contracts for facilities or contracts to do some of this the demak work that is outside the police department scope because we benefit from it when
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those supports are there it takes the pressure off of you know the enforcement piece of this and we hope to see that come to fruition because it's really really important that those those departments that are part of this collaboration are able to get the resources they need. you know policing is a 24 seven and some of the collaborative departments they don't have the 24 seven operations that we have. so at night sometimes we're left without that support so it will allow for expedited hiring in some cases and so we're we're looking forward to seeing how that come together. >> thank you very much. thank you. thank you sergeant. any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding the line item five please approach the podium.
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i must admit i'm taking advantage of all this but you know when it comes to our our chief it's a far far better place we are in today and i thank him for all that he does. >> you know, when i came here the last time it was about a girl getting her windshield smashed at her phone. take it away from her. she said help me, help me, help me.lly helped me. >> i thought she was just another hobo. >> we're not all just hobos in this city. we have to look out for one another. i thank you for being here and making it a better place. you know, because it is it's a better place. i ran away to this town when i was 13. i was a hobo or sleep anywhere i could and i could so i was
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blessed then i'm blessed now. >> i thank you. i'd like to use the overhead again. it'll work. is it working? well i brought this because i think i went to the stations again to see if the pitchers were up and they're not they're not they're not up. >> i took only a one side is working but the one with the pitchers for our loved ones aren't there so i was wondering if someone can check on that on all the district stations to make sure that there's a technician or something that was on gary and six that station down there when i went to go pick up my kaiser stuff.
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so and another thing i wanted to say to the the push for the again thank you matt carter was stone about implementing this thing about unsolved homicides and finds and tipsters to solve cases pardon me i'm sorry this is a chiefs report yeah so it's still about killings. i asked daniel lurie what can he do? i asked him to keep chiefs got because we don't want to go through any more murders and having to find a new chief a new d.a., a new and and and retraumatizing us again about unsolved homicides. so this is what i wanted to say and for these are the people
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that murdered my son hannibal thomas parris moffitt andrew badu jason thomas. anthony hunter. marcus carter they're still walking the street. >> one is deceased. >> what gavin newsom said i know who killed her son. >> he's d.a. he he can name addresses and everything. hopefully this will do something about tipsters coming forth if this mayor say it this former mayor gavin newsom saying this something should be done. >> thank you. >> okay. >> and there is no further public comment line line item six director's report discussion report on recent activities and announcements commission discussion will be limited to determining whether
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to encountered any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. executive director henderson thank you. >> good evening. i want to start there's a couple of things that we're working on. >> i want to start just as a thank you to the department and sergeant crudo who teaches the use of force course at the academy. >> he hosted our entire investigation team and our legal team and provided us with the training and it's the same training that he provides to the recruits and the advanced officers. i think it'sas particularly helpful for deepa to see how the members specifically are trained especially as we evaluate training failures that we understand what the actual training is. it was particularly important and helpful for our newer investigators to engage with the academy instructors who
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frequently serve as our subject matter experts in our cases the office deepa will be attending human factors course as well that's developed by the award winning field tactics and force options operations team in february. so we're looking forward to that as well and i have an update on that when it happens . our policy director jermaine jones who's here with us this evening is currently conducting a review of all of the cases that were closed throughout 2024 that were policy failures. we wants and we want to be able to track outcomes to determine whether or not there outstanding issues that can be accommodated in partnership with the department to address discipline issues or diminish some of the discipline issues the investigations unit so far since the last meeting of commission has opened 79 new closed 78 cases. the top allegations this week was for neglect of duty. again, these are the
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allegations that have come into the office we currently have 18 investigations that have been open for more than 270 days and 15 of those cases are told cases. so the we still have one case that is in closed session tonight and we have a presentation that we're looking forward to on the stop data audit for the rest of the agenda there is a senior investigator here in the hearing room with me tonight in case there are issues that come up that need to be handled during commission i will reserve the remaining the remaining of my remarks and tell the rest of the agenda for relevant items including the audit and that concludes my presentation. thank you director henderson. i see no names in the queue.
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>> so sergeant can we go to public comment please? any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item six please approach the podium and there's no public comment line item seven commission reports discussion and possible action commission reports. >> i'd be a little late on that call but you know what it comes to mario woods i think there should be something done. i think it should be at least manslaughter. >> we should speak to this man and let him know that it is manslaughter. >> this is public comment regarding the dpa report epa report. i'm not sure i understand that but it's like we should we should give him immunity when it comes to murder. it should be at least manslaughter. we should recognize each and every one of us as american
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citizens. >> i thank you. line item seven commission reports discussion and possible action commission presidents report commissioners reports and commission announcements and schedule of items identified for consideration at a future commission meeting. commissioner benedicto thank you mr. vice president. >> a couple of items for commission reports last week commissioners clay and i attended the police academy graduation so congratulations to those new officers who are now in their field training assignments. i know there's one coming up in the spring that i think is the largest class we've had in a while as i read you. so looking forward to seeing that group move forward as well. a couple updates on department that i've been working on commissioner yanez and i i've been as you know working on general order 7.01. chief, i know you're hoping to get a comprehensive written
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response to the community feedback in december. >> did you have an update on that? yeah i do. that has been done and we should have it to you actually within a day or two so but it has been done okay, perfect. >> yeah. so please copy the commission office when you transmit that reply to committee members additionally on video 10.11 members of the public might recall we had a very serioartment general order 10.11 on body worn cameras late last year. it's one of the most important department general orders. i think this commission is responsible for vice president cartier-bresson did a really excellent job walking through and and highlighting some of the shifts that have happened in that general order between the working group phase and the version presented to the commission. i think there's a lot of interest in making sure we get this general order right. a number of members of the working group committee members of the working group have reached out to me to discuss and share their views based on what the commission last presented. some i plan to meet with some
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of those committee members as well as command staff to discuss that and i know that commissioner clay also wanted to be involved in that discussion as well. so i'm hoping that that can be brought back. but i think it's it's more important that we get that general order right than done very quickly. but i'll i'll endeavor to get that and indicate to president elias and vice president carter over and i think it's ready for to come back into open session for the commission and that concludes my report. commissioner yanez thank you. >> president carter over stone thank you for the report. >> i do want to thank you commissioner benedicto for that update on the digital 701 that was something that i wanted to touch base with on last year in december the juvenile probation
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commission asked me to give an update on our pre-booking diversion program in progress. >> they were very receptive and grateful to hear that there had been some movement in the right direction. they actually took a vote on providing a statement to our commission encouraging us to implement and move forward with the pre voting diversion program. >> i understand that there was a productive meeting with judge chan of chief and was wondering whether there were any relevant updates that you'd like to share about any of the feedback provided by judge chan, president margaret brodkin or apd and i will be meeting with judge chan later in the month on't want to retrace any conversations or inquire about
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things that may have already been shared with you about selopments in your dialog. do you have any updates that you'd be able to share at this point around that? >> yes commissioner. so really the primary focus or the purpose of the meeting and stay focused purpose of the meeting was to share with judge judge chan the direction that we were going with the diversion program to see if he had any insight, you know, being that he's been on the court on the bench and handling juvenile cases for a number of years and get any guidance or insight that he can offer to help us along the way and all those things i believe were accomplished the other thing is like what we saw when we had the folks in los angeles on and i actually had the experience of being a part of the kick off of their diversion. there were regular check ins i
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think on a semiannual basis with the court with the juvenile court basically just to kind of check to see how the program was going whatever insight that they had in terms of things that would help the program flourish. and that's what we ask of judge chan if he'd be willing to to to play a similar role and that was all positive. so it was really those things that were our purpose in meeting with the judge he was gracious enough to take the time and give us some very insightful feedback and it was a successful meeting but we hope that that relationship as this program gets off the ground continues and there will be periodic check ins with the court because the work that we do could potentially impact the court. so we want the advice to be appropriate to you know what he's able to share with us and provide insight with. but i think that was done and it was successful meeting thank you for that update. >> i think that's very important obviously to ensure
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that our judicial branch is involved that is aware of the proposed program and i'm grateful to hear that he is both supportive of this and looking forward to my meeting with him to gain perspectives on how to make this work because san francisco's young people deserve these opportunities considering the impact they have on reducing recidivism and on preventing young people from ever entering the system, is there a timeline that you'd be willing to share with the community about when you envision either a pilot or the actual full scale version of the pre diversion program taking place this year? >> what i can share with the public we have met with all of the stakeholders and both on an individual basis and there have been some some group meetings we had some subsequent meetings
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with juvenile probation. there was some language that they wanted to offer some suggestions on some of the language as it relates to their part in this and talking to chief miller just last week she said she would have it within a week. so i haven't received it yet but hopefully i'll have it by week's end and then we move forward from there. i think it's a matter of just making sure we're all on the same page and initiating which did not take a whole lot of time. so we're waiting on that input from the juvenile probation department and chief miller and then we'll share that with the rest of the group and then we move forward. so i don't have a definite timeline but those are the steps that were made. >> sounds good. appreciate that update. i'm glad that there's dialog with the chief of juvenile probation and that is the majority of my report. i do want to make sure that i around our goal we had our last working group for the language access dgo now that that has
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been completed thank you and the department for submitting our last year's language access yearly report and i would like for us to agenda that conversation just to kind of work off of what the previous experiences have been. i would like to when we do have that agenda as to also in addition to what was generated in the language access report from last year to include a follow up on the goals that were identified for language access during the 2022 or sorry 2023 report because the 20 2324 report has some new goals identified but it does not speak to the previous year's reports progress towards the
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2023 goals so if that could be included in the presentation i really appreciate that and i could put it in writing if you need more specific information about what specific goals i'm referring to, thank you very much sergeant. >> if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item seven please approach the podium. there is no public comment line item eight presentation on the early intervention system is third quarter 2020 for discussion. >> good evening chief. good evening commissioners.
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>> evening director. i'm sergeant darren ovalle and i will be presenting the q3 of 2024 ice report. >> we have had one change in our leadership up in this unit and that would be the change at lieutenants. our new tenant is lieutenant jonathan ozel. >> the major thing with this quarter is that during this quarter we identified a significant data gap due to the absence of a data pipeline from benchmark analytics our new vendor to its aim database consequent we use of force incidents and vehicle pursuits have not been incorporated into the data pool since may of 2020 for approximately two thirds of the incidents contributing to alert yes alert thresholds are use of force incidences. so benchmark is currently scoping the solutions to establish a data pilot pipeline that will ensure seamless data integration and prevent future discrepancies.
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>> this is just going to be a refresher for those unfamiliar with this. we track certain performance indicators. those include use of force oas oid complaints, eeo dpa fire collisions and vehicle pursuits . so looking at indicate a points for the third quarter of 2024 we're going to look at since we don't have much use of force data we're going to concentrate on dpa complaints and iae complaints. so for q3 of 2024 there was actually a decrease in dpa complaints. there was a 2.3% decrease and there was a 64.5% decrease in iab complaints for the third quarter. >> looking at the indicator points by station i'm sorry. >> central and southern were tied with in second with 18
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indicator points for a third order but tenderloin had the most indicator points with 37 for alerts in q3 of 2020 for 30 members generated at least one alert and there was one member who generated two alerts in that quarter for alerts by the station mission had 6.5 total alerts for third quarter and tenderloin had 15 alerts for the third quarter. >> interventions i'm happy to say we were able to close out one act one intervention during the third quarter of 2024 and we have one current intervention. >> this slide is a timeline of our current progress with the new ios system with benchmarks. so back in 20 in september of
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2024 we initiated the pilot program with the new egis at northern and tenderloin stations. >> unfortunately since we've rolled out the pilot program we've run into two major technical issues that have since delayed the progress in that pilot program. >> we are still continuing the pilot program and pushing through those technical issues. it may set us back a month or so but benchmark has assured us that they actually will have the fixes by tomorrow. so i can report to you an update any time tomorrow afternoon and that is the q3 2024 egis report and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> director henderson the repair for the benchmark that's going to reconnect that stuff well that information is there a way that we can coordinate so that you can share that
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information with us with dpa or any of that? is there a component of it that's going to be public facing or or a component of it that can be shared with dpa that i would have to pass on to my superiors? i'm not sure i what i can report is earlier this afternoon i was told that that data gap has been somewhat resolved. it's currently in the testing phase to ensure that the connection between the two systems is working so optimistically we're in the testing phase now and hopefully by the end of next week we'll have all these issues resolved with our data and we'll be able to bring our system up to date . >> vice president carter oberstar thank you president elias thank you for the presentation.
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could you just clarify where we are because you mentioned there is a pilot program but then that all use of force data was not collected. >> so i'm just can you just clarify where are we in terms of the implementation of benchmark is is that is that not cpd wide at this point? so no, it's not speedy wide right now. i just want to clarify use of force data is still being collected as a as it should as we are required to. the data just wasn't going to the system that we needed. >> sure. i understand. i gather that piece of it. yes. so the pilot program is still in progress at northern and tenderloins as soon as we feel confident that the progress at those two pilot programs is satisfactory a sufficient enough to roll out department wide, we'll go do that. >> our timeline is for q2 of this year. however, that is pending approval of geo and how long
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into the pilot program did it take before this these issues became apparent? >> oh, it was caught just after one month of the pilot program . one month? yeah. and when the issues are fixed will the data be restored retroactively? yes. >> yes it will. so once the data is fixed and restored and put where it needs to be, we'll be able to retroactively go back and and do ios alerts for the months that were were missed and you saw have the timeline right? you said it was cut about a month and how long ago was that for now. we started the pilot program in september of last year and that data gap was caught in about october. >> okay. so it's been quite some time since the data gap was first identified. and so what is now that we know that benchmark isn't working at those two pilot stations,
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what's being done in the interim? what is our ios plan right now at those two stations? >> well, the the program is still working at those stations. it's just not working to the point where we want it to be. >> there are hiccups where a supervisor may submit it's a a what we call a course of action and the system doesn't recognize it right away. there's a delay. >> there's a lag. there has to be manual instructions put in when all those should have been automated so right i guess i guess i'm just wondering we know like for example use of force in information is not feeding into the system and for in some instances you know if it were working properly that might generate an alert. i take it right now we are not getting certain alerts because the system is not working.
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but is that not true? do i have that right? >> yes that is true, yes. okay. so given that the system that we know we're not getting alerts that we otherwise would expect to get if the information if the system weren't working properly, do we have i guess i'm just asking do we have any plan b in place? do we have any other parallel system that could generate alerts while we are trying to fix benchmark or not? >> no, not right now. so then when this is fixed and as you said, the data is retroactively the data set is retroactively made up to date, we might discover that there were a number of alerts that would have gone off. yes. if it was working properly and i guess those will be addressed belatedly. is that is that just yes. yes. they'll they will still be sent out to the appropriate stations and be addressed with the appropriate members. and just last question on this. you said that the the fix from benchmark might come tomorrow.
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>> does that mean we can expect that everything will be up and running tomorrow or is that just one step in a long in a longer kind of the specific solution that will is scheduled to roll out tomorrow is supposed to fix a specific issue that is being dealt with at the pilot stations. and the other solution regarding the use of force data that is more of a solution probably end of this week or sometime next week and so so so end of this week sometime next week the expectation is everything will be working at 100% at the pilot stations. >> i just want to be that is our hope. >> yes that is your hope. okay. and a retroactive evaluation for what we've missed. right. okay. that's helpful. chief can i just ask you a question? is there is there any kind of concern on your part that you know we've known for several
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months now that you know, erisa alerts are not reliable at all at two stations and we don't have a kind of plan b in place because i mean there was a system before benchmark right? >> it we we thought it wasn't as yet so for a number of reasons but that's that can't be kind of turned on while this isn't working well i apologize for clarification the current system is still being used at the eight other different district stations. >> i apologize. i do know i do understand that that that system is still currently being used. we are just using the new system at the two pilot stations and yeah and i guess my question maybe for you or chief is it could we not turn on the old system in parallel at the two pilot stations given that we know that the benchmark pilot is not working? >> i don't believe so. commissioner, that we could turn on the other system but i will follow up. but to answer your question and what's been explained to me, we know we can go back retroactively and pick up the
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data that's been missed when they fix the problem. so one of the is of piloting it in only a couple of very areas is so we could continue with the majority of the department to have good data. yeah it's concerning that it would didn't work right the first time but i'm glad we caught it is early as we did and benchmark is saying they're going to rectify this problem so hopefully that'll hold true this week. >> all right. thank you. commissioner benedicto, thank you so much for that presentation. i have most of my questions really here to timing so like we just discussed with the vice president you expect in the next hopefully by next week that that issue that was discovered will be resolved? >> yes based on discussions we've been having the last past several weeks, a lot of work has been done with the benchmark support team and our own departments technology team. they've been working around the clock and based on the yes the
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discussions we've had as of this afternoon those solutions of course if nothing else goes wrong those should resolve by sometime yet end of this week or next week. >> sure. that's very helpful. and you said it's still your expectation that the department wide rollout would go live. did you say in the first in the first half of this calendar year you're hoping? >> yes we're we're hoping q2 or early q3. >> of course that is again depending on the approval of the tgo. okay. and then what is the status of that? so it's on hold until the pilot program can be shown as to be successful and satisfactory. >> okay. i think it would be helpful. i'll make a request in the purple folder for the commission to get an additional update both on the fix and on that q two timing before it rolls out i wonder if sometime
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in april because by then we'll be close. we'll be well if you if you think that's maybe mid to late april to early may so we can see if we're on track. >> yes. for for that timing and by then hopefully we'll both have that fix resolved and then any you know changes once they have the retroactive data would be available then as well i would think right? >> yes. okay. is that are you and just for my clarification so what you're asking for in that report will also include the retroactive analysis. >> yes. so i would like to have i know we usually just have you come in for the scheduled times. i would like to have a scheduled sort of a specially set time for the team to come in to provide both the retroactive data update and an update on the department wide rollout sometime in the april to may timeframe and i'll make that request with the commission staff. >> thank you. yes. mr. clay thank you madam chair . so so the question is we've got two different system deal system that eight stations in the works. >> yes.
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the two the two pilots units they don't work because they're not translating the material in the markers that have been given to designate what it has for the old system. >> yes. and unfortunately in those eight other district stations some data, some of that that use of force data is not going into those alerts also. so there may be some alerts that are not being generated until we could get this fixed done. so both of both systems may have our yeah so the fact that they say tomorrow may not be tomorrow because you're still this is this is the classic artificial intelligence problem how you read stuff and what the translation is and right now they're not synergized yes yes okay thank you as always you do such an eloquent job of breaking it down for us. welcome back. where we sergeant any member of the public like to make public comment regarding line item
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eight this system please approach the podium and there is no public comment line item nine presentation and discussion on speed's federal government partnerships at the request of the commission discussion you can get a master commissioners chief. my name is alexa o'brien. >> i'm the acting commander for the investigations bureau. good evening commissioners director henderson chief scott and members of the public. my name is derek lieu. i'm a commander assigned to the field operations bureau. myself and commander o'brien will be co-presenting this presentation on federal partnerships both have personnel that are assigned to different task forces, other federal partnerships.
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so just to i guess set the agenda here. the presentation that asked for the resignation was a little bit general so we're hoping to just discuss and go over some basic concepts related to these partnerships present a slide or two with a list of partnerships and then we can go ahead and answer any specific questions that you may have regarding those that list. so just a few points by way of background as far as the federal partnership, just the term federal partnership, it's pretty broad cooperation for us ranges from the most informal which would be a notification to our district station from a federal partner saying hey we're going to operate in this particular area. it could be very formalized for example where there's an mou in place where agents officers are working side by side on a daily basis and housed out of a mutually agreed upon office, for example.
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and then of course there's anything in between such as a presidential visit where there's no formal agreement for that but significant resources are activated in in support of the secret service. >> another point is san francisco is clearly just itself a draw for major events that attract significant crowds dignitaries some of which can be very controversial. and for those things we lean on our federal partners quite a bit for support. example of examples of this would be apec, the apec summit, super bowls all-star games. so it's just a major activation of federal state and local law enforcement resources to ensure overall public safety, federal partnerships basically equals resources for us additional law enforcement personnel working toward a common goal expertise in technical fields. just an example for major arson incidents like an atf national
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response team can come out. and then of course in a very scarce resource environment it's a division of labor. okay. okay. so i can go back just one or i'll just go over some of the definitions and terms here. so jurisdictional as a pd is responsible for public safety within city and county of san francisco obviously city has several areas within its boundaries that fall under the jurisdiction of another agency including the federal government such as the presidio crissy field aquatic park. we work in partnership with these agencies when requested and staffing is available. the majority of these jurisdictional agreements focus on cpd assisting with criminal investigations such as homicides and other serious crime. in many instances an agreement or or memorandum of understanding is entered into that outlines the specific responsibilities of each agency involved.
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the agreements also specify the responsibility of other pd members including compliance with all departmental policies when operating within these agreements. for example body worn cameras immigration use of force reporting, etc.. then there's task forces members of the department may be assigned to a specific task force that has been established to focus on a specific type of criminal activity such as gunfire, lence and organized crime incidents. the majority of these interagency operations have agreements and or m.o. use in place to articulate the purpose of the task force. the responsibilities and duties of each member are assigned and the requirement for pd members to comply with all department policies and any local and state laws governing immigration, immigration enforcement when participating in interagency operations. members routinely remind the commanding officer of the requirement to comply with all department policies. these agencies are all well aware of this obligation. security and dignitary services
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the department routinely provide security detail in cooperation with federal or state agencies to dignitaries as they visit the city such as presidential and vice president vice presidential visits. >> agreements or milieus are generally not needed for this participation. however, when a high profile elected official resides with our jurisdiction and there's a request from the primary agency such as the capitol police we have entered into an agreement to reimburse for this service as it may have a fiscal and or staffing impact. criminal investigations the department works alongside partner agencies to investigate criminal activity within the city. this includes the investigation of crimes committed as well as prevention efforts through data analysis such as the work done by members assigned to make entries into the national integrated ballistic information network otherwise known as nabhan. other investigative areas in which we work in collaboration with federal government include
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crimes against children cybercrime and human trafficking. grants the department receives grant funding from various resources to supplement our budget including through state and federal initiatives. currently the department has grant funding totaling over $19 million from the federal government. some of these federal funds are received through state programs that are funded by the federal government including some of the homeland security initiatives. some of these initiative is to establish and allow the department to participate in interagency operations and or task force efforts such as atf investigations violent gang safe streets safe streets task force and the crime gun investigation center. most of the grant funding goes toward equipment personnel costs and or resources such as participation in the urban area security initiative or uac.
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>> so what we've done here is we've broken up into categories for you so it's a little easier to understand. first we have our agency and then whether we're current to be working with them or not a fiscal if there's a fiscal you know do we are there money is exchanged between the two and mou if we have an mou with one of those agencies and if we have a task force if you i mean it's kind of speaks for itself if you do have questions we're happy to answer those. both of us have task force that we've worked with currently and in the past. thank you for your presentation and i had a question about the federal fund. oh thank you. thank you. see where we keep you around. oh my goodness. thank you. thank you for the presentation. my question is about federal
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funding in grants. i know there's been some applications that federal funding may be in jeopardy for localities that comply with sanctuary city type of rules. are we is that on our radar? is there a concern is there a plan of action that we will be taking for the anticipating if that threat comes to fruition? yes, commissioner. and we work very closely with the city attorney's office on on those issues because it's it's a it's a citywide issue in terms of that. >> so we anticipate working with the city attorney if that comes up. >> so far we don't have any indication one way or another but if that comes up we will be closely working with alicia and the city attorney team was assigned to those those issues. >> how would you become aware of any indication that it's an issue? is it do you get notified? i mean just for my own
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edification in terms of how that works when it's happened in the past has been very public in terms of the you read the newspaper well and we get notified as well. but it's it's been public it's been made public in the news. >> so it'll be tweeted to you that maybe good evening commissioners in addition they make their way into the grant agreements themselves or in the working documents and we work with the department to make sure that we identify when there's new language that mak an appearance in them. >> commissioner benedicto thank you very much president elias and thank you for calendaring this especially before the 20th i asked for this to be calendared and present like i said as well at our last meeting in december. >> i think that there's no reason to beat around the bush in the reasoning for this agenda item is quite obvious and in front of us in five days donald trump will be inaugurated as president and there have been both general threats made about by incoming
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members administration republicans in congress towards like president i said towards cities that have sanctuary city policies like san francisco as well as specific threats made about california and about san francisco specifically and i know this is was something that this department went through in the first trump administration and so i wanted to make sure that we were prepared to go through this same exercise again this time around. one of my questions was about grants which i know president likes already asked. i know that in 2017 for example as noted in the chart as a pd pulled out of the joint terrorism task force where any of the other task forces on this table that are active such as i don't know if it's atf or any of the ones of dia or any of those task forces examples of ones that we also pulled out of in the first administration or is just joint terrorism and this can be for the presenters or the chief. i don't believe we pulled out of any of the task force's
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listed and i just will add in terms of the issues that our contrary to the city's values in the city's policies we're very clear on where we stand on those issues. so we didn't have any any of those types of problems. i know there was a lot of just public anxiety you know, several years ago and hopefully you know, hopefully we won't go through that again. but as far as our values, we're very clear on where we stand on those issues. and as city attorney said, you know they come these these agreements to make sure that if there's language that is contrary to what we're willing to do and it's against our values in that that gets addressed and that was the case for the joint terrorism task force in 2017. >> and your opinion? >> well, there were some other issues. it was up for renewal and there was just there were other issues that caused that. >> but that was i had to know a couple of weeks into that that
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administration that was i don't recall any anything else and i don't believe there was anything else that even came close to to that in terms of public scrutiny. and you know, we didn't have any other issues with our other task forces or as you mentioned that that one happened have been up for renewal. >> are there any of these that are listed here are similarly up for renewal in the coming six months to a year? >> there may be i don't know what the all the dates are. i mean we have quite a few federal partnerships but when they come up those are review through the city family appropriately so contract administration city attorney's office department and so we do look for you know, things that have changed from the last contract so and we've been really good and really thorough with that and i don't expect that to to change. okay. i know that myself and my fellow commissioners have
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received several hundred emails about the joint terrorism task force in the last week or so expressing both expressing concern and about as a plea potentially rejoining or potentially what that might look like. and so i wanted to find out have there been any discussions about as a pd rejoining we have not initiated any discussions after the new orleans incident though there has been talk and i do think those issues need to be put on the table. >> there has been talk of what the negative kind of the negative issues were now belonging to the joint terrorism task force but we have not initiate any any any effort to reengage with the joint terrorism task force. there's just been a lot of talk and that's been it at this point. but i do think that talk is valid. i mean there are some issues that are put of this these investigations where information is very important and the quicker you have it the better you can react to it and
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all that and that's part of what needs to be put on the table. i mean whether it's in the jttf or some other format, we have to be able to communicate with our federal partners and there are some restrictions because we are not members of the joint tat terrorism task force where we don't always get the information and as timely as we would like to. let me put it that way i mean we eventually get it but i do think those are issues that we have to talk about and to the extent there are those escalate to the level of you know, if the fbi reaches out or if you're engaged in communications, could you please include that in your chief's report for the mayor? and let me be clear there have not been any of that outreach from the fbi or anybody else, but there's been public speculation about this in public discussion but there's been no forward movement on that and that's very helpful. i imagine the answer to this would be it depends on the specific task force mou if if the situation were to arise
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with any of these on this table that you felt like it was in conflict like you said with our values i assume the next steps would be taken are specific to the mou is what language they have on on termination on the unilateral termination. would that be fair to so most of the mou that i've reviewed all have a termination clause the ability for the city to terminate and i think that's what specifically you're asking in most of the interviews is that we've been pretty successful in the most recent years with the federal government including language in there that's pretty clear that all of our as a pd officers are obligated to comply with local policies geos they're under as a pd's command and must report. so i think if there is a conflict there usually is a provision in there that's speaks to they must comply with our local laws and policies.
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thank you very much for that presentation. i think that it's important that this body as well as you know officials across francisco i know there's a lot of like chief said there's a lot of fear there's a lot of anxiety and that this that this department and this commission and the city will stand up for its values and will protect the people in the city and county of san francisco is important and i'm i'm grateful for that presentation. i'll ask that that the chief and the department remain vigilant and as this administration is underway i might be asking for some updates on the chief's support if they're having any sort of red flags or warning signs once the administration is in place and they start to get their initiatives underway. but i think even in the response that we've seen to the devastating wildfires in los angeles to hear members of congress insinuate that aid should be withheld based on conditions to los angeles and things like that, i unfortunately think that there will be disputes with the federal government and the city
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and that we are ready to stand up for san francisco values. >> so thank you. can i do a followup quick question. >> you know, are there protocols i know in the past you've told us that officers are advised that there's to they're under you know, your jurisdiction there to comport with the egos and the values of their sfpd. but are there written protocols for officers and members of sfpd to follow should they be confronted with a situation where they are they would engage in federal activity that does not coincide with our sanctuary city. yeah there are two what mr. burris said if there are activities that don't comply with city laws, city policies officers actually in some of the mou that say this can disengage from that activity. so there are protocols and safeguards. number one to protect our city and protect our officers from violating our laws and our
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policies and our federal partners understand that. i mean they they understand well we we've made it very clear and it's in writing those types of things. >> so but in terms of a policy for our like your staff like this is what you do if confronted with x or y it's in the memo. >> i mean we h egos but when the commander can can can attest to this i mean he's worked many several task forces, federal task forces but we have to our officers and our members have to follow our egos and the imo use you state that when in conflict they follow the local policies i mean that's a part of the language in the mou. >> so are you requiring the staff to read the memo use then ? >> meaning if they engage in a task force i may i may add we do have strict rules. >> the officer is like the chief said they have to disengage but they also have to notify a supervisor document if
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they were engaged in in and this hasn't happened ever yet. >> so if they were to engage they would have to write a police report and a memo and we mediately notify their supervisor and the supervisor would have to come on scene to ensure that anything related to immigration is you know our people are not involved and there it's written in our diego as well and it's it's like abcd you have to do this awesome just just add a little bit of real world context to it just i've participated in these task forces before. our federal partners are actually very cognizant of our restrictions. so it's a two way street in a way they are very just as w depend on their relationship we depend they depend on our relationship. you know, we have expertise localized knowledge cultural competency, all those things.
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so they they know what we can and can't do. >> many of these task forces have worked with our officers forever. you know, these are these they've come up in the department and on their task force side a lot of them i see regularly and we just work really well with with the federal partners now and that's great to hear and i guess i just echo the concern that commissioner benedicto raised which is with the new ministration may come new rules and guidelines that they may have to follow and may not be able to have that ability to respect our local rule you know rules and missions and things of that sort. >> so yeah and you know our officers are very well trained and they are they know that this is a sanctuary city. they are very proactive making people who are not from here who don't have papers or
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documentation they make them feel really comfortable that they can that's how we gain their trust. so i really i really feel that or a strong police department to handle this. >> mr. clark yes. thank you madam president. i was just kind of echoing what you're going to say. so there are task force there are active task force and there are inactive task force. so so the question you may be part of a task that they're not doing anything. >> no, we have an active all our active task forces are listed on the chart in your question. so as they're active but they're engaging in some type of investigation. yes. okay. so so those are those are active inactive or you may have some but there's you're not a member of them as is really correct. >> okay. yeah there were two that to that extent and generally yeah there's going to be a new administration there may be new rules right question is in during the middle of this the first guys who come in men and women they're still operating
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under the old rules which is what we have now. now whether or not they change it in the middle of the engagement and you get notice generally they will give it here in san francisco as you say, there is a relationship. they say look, the rules have changed. it is the duty of our officers. they understand that they get the change and we should have that information and then they get to stand down and we're going to engage ourselves because we are san francisco. >> that's what you're telling us? yes. >> vice president carter was john thank you president elias thank you commanders for the presentation i'm looking at i guess it's page three of the presentation. the what? the chart basically with all all of the various partnerships and task force task forces i'm for the ones with an mou were any of these and i understand you may not have this information handy so that's fine. if not but where any of these mou was entered into after july
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of 2022 no, not the ones that are under my office and maybe i should also ask to just to be precise were any of them renewed perhaps after 2022? i don't know how often they come up for renewal. >> these are all like longstanding and also so if if our officers are on the task force, even if they have to go out and let's take do a search warrant, we fill out an interagency form and it has to go all the way up the chain to the assistant chief liaison that would be eleazar so he has to know if we're working with r times. >> okay, that's helpful. yeah. and then so this is really going to strain the limits of my memory so you'll have to correct me if i get facts wrong
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but i think it was in early 2023 that there was a series of newspaper articles about sfpd in negotiations with the federal task force relating to gangs. i think it was and we did have a big hearing at this commission because we all up here found out about it from the newspaper article. and so i guess my question is are we i'm now just forgetting how the outcome of that but are we part of that federal gang task force that was the subject of those articles back back then or you referring to the safe streets think that that's right yeah i was a little bit longer than safe streets i think but yeah i think that's right yeah we are still a part of i don't know if they changed the name or not but we are still a part of the federal task force that investigates gang incidents or gang crimes anyway. >> but do you remember the hearing that i'm referring to, chief?
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it was i don't remember a specific hearing but i do remember there was a lot of public discussion about that. i believe there was some legal if i recall there was that was a case where some cases were dismissed. >> yes. >> so there was so i think a couple things. >> so the the language of that mou was published in the press. >> that's how we all found out about it. >> and i guess there were there were two issues and the first is the commission wasn't notified and under our current 3.1 the commission has to approve any that quote unquote a a sorry approve any mou that quote unquote affects a. >> and so i just wanted to get your understanding chief is the department abiding by that? is it your understanding that this commission before you sign
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on the dotted line needs to approve any mou with the federal task force that affects a cdo in the words of three point one. yeah that affects the dpo. i'm sorry diego yes. >> and it was you you just took the position for that one that you entered into that was not disclosed. you took the position that it it didn't affect a was is that was that yeah i don't remember the itself and but i do remember if we're talking about the same thing the fallout for i believe the cases were dismissed or something and there are some disparity issues i think that was the issue if i recall that that part i recall a little bit better. >> yeah that of course i don't know personally the details but what was said is the cases were dismissed because under the mou certain information could not be shared certain task force information could not be shared outside of the federal agency s.f. pd bubble and so when dpa was doing investigation information could not be shared
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with them because of the terms of the mou and so certain cases had to be dismissed as a result of that we talking about criminal cases or no no dpa cases? no i think we're yeah i think that was different than what i was thinking about. >> i was about this issue. i don't i don't remember what mou that was and i don't recall that it impacted the ego. >> well i recall there is a diversity of view on whether impacted right affected each year a vigorous discussion so and i don't know that we agreed to to agree on that one but i don't know if we did either and i guess i guess this is a question for you chief. i mean so if if it's in it if it's arguable whether an mou affects adgo don't you think you need to at least alert the police commission? i understand for example that last example you thought it didn't but clearly it was i think fair to say was not a
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clear answer. right there is room for folks to disagree. >> yeah so is it is it the departments policy that it will alert the commission under those circumstances or what is the department's position on that too? >> it's fair to say if we if it's if it's a gray area in is probably the best course of action to alert the commission most of these egos are pretty clear they're pretty much operational and don't conflict or change or mend egos. i mean most of them are use i'm sorry you know commissioner benedict talked about the jttf. i mean there is there's ordinances come to the commission on that particular one. but i think that's a fair statement. if it's a gray area it's probably the the in the interest of deciding on the area of caution i think that's a fair statement interference it's a fair statement in that it will that is the policy of the san francisco police
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department if we get something that we believe is a gray area that might impact the ego it's a fair statement to say that should be alerted to the commission. >> yes. okay. thank you. those are all my questions. thank you, sergeant. >> if any member of the public would like to make public comment, please approach the podium and there's no public comment line item ten presentation on epa's final audit of sfp these processes to ensure the completeness and accuracy of stop data discussion. >> good evening president elias vice president carter oberstar and commissioners chief scott and members of the public.
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my name is steve flaherty. i'm the director of audit for the department of police accountability. >> tonight i'm presenting the results of his audit on the san francisco police department's processes to ensure complete and accurate stop data. >> dpa issued this report in december of 2024. we performed this audit in accordance with government auditing standards. those standards require that we perform the audit to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions before we discuss the findings. >> i'd just like to review two key terms. first stop is any detention by peace officer of a person or any interaction where an officer conducts a search. >> second stop data refers to the information that must be reported for each stop. this includes the time, date and location of the stop. the reason for the stop and its results and the perceived race or ethnicity of the person stopped. >> so this slide contains some context on why dpd performed this audit.
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california's racial and identity profiling act of 2015 requires law enforcement agencies to report stopped id annually to the attorney general. accurate data is needed for understanding and addressing racial and identity profiling which undermines trust in law enforcement. >> in 20 23 a dea investigation found that an officer repeatedly reported the race of individuals stopped members of the san francisco board of supervisors and police commission questioned whether this was an isolated incident or indicative of a broader issue. the police commission specifically asked whether dpa would conduct an audit on the integrity of sfd stop data. >> so this next slide provides an overview of the report's three main findings. each of these findings contains multiple sub findings. finding one focuses on speedy's audit processes and provides examples of analysis the police department can perform to identify potential data reliability issues. >> finding two discusses the training and guidance that the department provides to officers on stop data reporting well as if it has both they can be
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strengthened to further support data reliability and finding three concerns speeds data collection system and the steps the department must take to ensure the data integrity and process efficiency. >> for the purposes of today's presentation i'm going to be presenting on key sub findings from finding one and finding three to finding 1.1 in the report discusses the effectiveness of a surprise audits and ensuring data integrity. the police department's audits focus on whether officers submit unfinished stop data reports. however, this approach does not ensure the completeness or accuracy of the data. for example, the audits do not look for stops that occurred but were not reported. in addition, the audits do not verify whether all required fields were filled out or whether the information provided in the reports is accurate. >> as a result, errors or omissions could go undetected. >> the audit compared the police department's stop data policies against those of the los angeles, sacramento, san diego and san mateo police
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departments of these jurisdictions. only the san francisco police department does not require supervisor review. the audit provides examples of the processes in those departments and what they use to help ensure data integrity. this is discussed in greater detail in report finding 1.3. without supervisor review the police department misses an opportunity to ensure data integrity and support the department's commitment to accountability and consistent data collection or inaccurate entries could go undetected undermining the reliability of data that the police department could use to develop leadership training and policy interventions. >> report finding 1.4 focuses on tests that the police department could perform to identify potential data integrity issues. for example the police department can test for days without recorded stops. discrepancies between stop data and dispatch records or identify officers that select all seven racial categories. i'll discuss the results of each of these tests and further detail on the next three slides. but not conducting these tests the police department misses
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opportunities to address to identify and address underlying data issues and risks reporting inaccurate information to policymakers and to the public . >> so the first test we'll discuss is a test four days in which there were no reported stops in each police district. the slide here provides the number of days of no reported stops from 2018 to 2022. as you can see from the chart, the frequency of days in which there are no reported stops which we'll call zero stop days increased significantly in certain districts in recent years, particularly in 2022. this trend of zero stop days may reflect legitimate decreases in stops due to shifting enforcement priorities changes in department staffing or external factors like covid 19. however, the data can also suggest the possibility of reporting issues. as we noted earlier in this presentation. the police department's audits focus on resolving unfinished reports an approach that does not ensure that officers report all required stops.
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>> this next slide highlights another test that the police department could use to identify data completeness issues that is cross-checking stop data with dispatch records to verify that all stops are submitted. a multi-year analysis reveals a consistent gap between traffic stops recorded in dispatch data and those recorded in stop data . the limitation with this test is that while it may reveal the difference, it can not tell if officers do not submit data for each encounter that is subject to reporting. >> unlike other jurisdictions the police department did not require officers to link stop data to dispatch records or other sources of department records. >> this limits the department's ability to efficiently identify the sources of these discrepancies identified through data set comparisons. >> and this last test highlights what usb pd could perform to identify potential misrepresentations and officers reporting of race. this table shows the number of individuals reported with all seven racial categories selected in the stop data called doj has stated that a
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person may have lineage from all seven racial categories but that it is unlikely an officer would honestly perceive this during a stop 2022 111 individuals were reported with all seven racial categories selected. while this accounts for less than 1% of all individuals reported stopped it represents 28% of individuals reported as having two or more races and that's an increase compared to prior years. so in the report finding 3.1 discusses as a apd system transition issues that resulted in validation errors and incomplete records that can impact the reliability of 2023 stop data the number of errors in us apd stopped data increased following a system transition to a new data collection system at the end of june 2023. in 2023 33% of the stop data records that cpd submitted contained validation errors or omissions. almost all of these errors occurred after the system transition. the chart on the screen provides a monthly breakdown of
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stops that were successfully committed submitted shown in red and those with issues of errors or omissions shown in blue. such errors can threaten data integrity and make the data unreliable for analysis. >> so this slide provides an overview of the types of errors in the stop data. these errors, as we said, can undermine the data reliability and the usability of the data. >> the most common error which accounted for 64% of the errors that we found was incorrect or missing a fence codes. so these codes are maintained by cal doj to standardize data entry across multiple criminal justice applications. the second error type was missing narratives which made up 21% of the errors. these narratives provide context about the reasons for the stop and searches and their absence can limit insights into officer decision making and high discretion situations. >> the third category of errors were invalid data combinations which represented 5%
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conflicting errors entries within a record can undermine the reliability of these metrics used to assess the effectiveness of stops such as contraband yield rates. >> the report provided 15 recommendations to help sfd ensure the completeness and accuracy of its stop data. this slide summarizes the key recommendations from the report to address the issues that we've discussed today. the police department concurred or partially concurred with all the audit's recommendations. the police department's full responses to the recommendations including expected dates of implementation are included in the report in appendix h. >> that concludes my presentation. >> thank you for your time and i'm happy to answer any questions that you might have. >> director henderson i'm hoping you'd like to add before we open it up. >> i think it speaks for itself palo up but it's it was a lot of work that went into this audit and i'm always
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particularly impressed at the level of detail and validation that goes into the processes associated with the audit because there's not much it doesn't leave a lot of open doors of ambiguity as to what it says and what it's based on and i think that that's the point and why the voters mandated that they start taking place through dpa and i'm really proud of the work and grateful for the presentation. >> thank you. vice president carter we're mr. . thank you director flaherty for the presentation. just wanted to echo director anderson's comments and just say what an outstanding report this is in terms of the thoroughness and the intellectual rigor. i doubt that we'll get a chance to discuss every page of the report tonight. but i do think that this is the type of document that will be referred back to you for years
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to come because it's such a comprehensive snapshot of our stop data collection efforts. so just really wanted to thank you for the report not just for the commission but for the for the public who i think will benefit from this, you know, in light long after this hearing is over. >> so >> i wanted to take a stab at just summarizing the the report's findings in terms of how our stop data is essentially corrupted so from my understanding there are three issues. >> there's number one data stops are just not recorded right there is the discrepancy between number of calls to dispatch versus data being logged and your report finds that roughly a third of the stops were not logged that were called into dispatch. >> second, there's what could
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be falsification of data such as when there's entry of seven races. >> third there's data that essentially cal doj cannot accept because it's missing certain fields or otherwise meeting minimum requirements of completeness and that's another chunk. sorry. yeah that's that that was 33%. the other one was 36% that i mentioned. do i have that right that that's those are the three main buckets of why our data is not complete or accurate? yeah i think those are the some of the three most tangible examples of data reliability issues. >> all right. >> and you know as to the first bucket data is not the stops just not recorded you you looked at calls to dispatch so so stops that were called into dispatch but then the stop wasn't later recorded but that wouldn't capture for example
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stops that were never even called into dispatch in the first instance right? correct. so that could be a whole nother universe of stops that we just don't know about. >> right. and i think that was an indication there's an indication that that was a practice at least in one of the sustained dpa investigations which is featured in one of the report's appendices. >> okay. thank you. >> so at page 25 of your report you summarize the the quiz that that you created for officers on rep and the error and you know incorrect answer rates are pretty high higher than what you would expect for some of the questions i think what do you think s.f. pd could be doing and some of these recommendations in your report but i just invite you to list them or expound on them. what do you think as a pd could be doing to better support its officers so that when you give a quiz like this you see higher
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kind of you know so did note that there was a quiz available to look at the data. my analysis stopped at the end of calendar year 2023 so there probably could account for some tests taken after that. the police department policy did not assign any responsibility for the analysis of this quiz. so conducting the remaining analysis and then identifying potential training opportunities for that might affect large segments of the department and i do you think that we could have better training for example, or that are better training for the officers would you would see maybe hire correct answer rates on a quiz like this? i don't want to speculate but i think the report does point out there are some opportunities here to, you know, credit to the department for putting policies in place for having some training. but there are some opportunities to improve and
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strengthen both. >> okay. maybe i'll come back to chief with that later. so a page 27 this is where you talk about the issue of the the error rate in terms of entries not being able to be accepted by cal doj and at the error rate being 33% for the time period that you looked at. >> can i think i used to know this when this was originally going to be agenda wise for a week ago but i've since forgotten so 33% are those all quote unquote fatal errors were it cannot be included in cal doj data are or are some of those have some of that 33% made their way into the cal doj database the cal doj released the 2023 stop data after the report's issuance. okay. you know i did pull that up after the report was issued and it looks like they're reporting about 13,000 or so individuals stopped. >> okay. if that's the case, you know, then i think you can take those records and probably reconcile
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them with sfe these 2023 stop data to see which stops did not make their way into the dataset but so is it. but i don't know if you know this but like ballpark is is it most of those 30 3% do not make it in at all or some or just i haven't done that analysis okay fair enough do you and i can ask this to the department but in your back and forth with the department is are these problems fixed because i know you looked at 2023 so is this is this fixed now? >> do we know? i'll defer to the department on that one. >> chief is this problem fixed with the submission of data to cal doj training has been done but we won't know until we do more audits to see if these problems have been totally rectified. >> so but some of it was kind of just like one of the issues the common issues was just there's a dropdown menu for code violation and folks just cannot get the right code to
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pop up. >> so is that is are those technical issues fixed or are they not fixed? >> is some of the simpler issues like incomplete data sets those problems have been fixed those are or simpler. i think there are some more you know i'm going to use the word difficult but i think there are some stickier issues like on the perception issue that what you just mentioned your multiple boxes check for we have multiple races. >> i mean those types of things i'm not talking about that at all. yeah i'm just talking about data that cal doj won't accept because we haven't for example filled out fields that are required fields in the stop. >> yeah the some of those have been fixed and i don't know if we got all of those fixed but you know director maguire's here but i know we've been working on fixing those errors absolutely. good evening vice president quarter over seven katherine maguire as a pd. >> yes.
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the vast majority of those have been fixed. we are down to 5.6% error 136 records of error as of march 2024. so we've continued work since then. we're still validating data from march to through december at this point and and so we'll have updated error rates later on. but right now as of march 2024 we're at 5.6%. >> okay? so we that was my next question was going to be is the data corrupted for for 2024 and it sounds like for q1 2024 the error rate roughly q1 is around 5% and we haven't looked at the rest of 2020 four. >> it's a little higher than that. i'm sorry but just for march that month and then february was about the same about six percent january was less good but we're making progress every month. >> okay. in the last question on this is
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will we retroactively resubmit data to core doj to ensure that their database is correct or is that i guess in some cases that's not possible right, because no, there's it's not we we did consider some of that to be clear there's probably a bigger conversation that we'll need to have about the robustness of our data and what is usable and not all of that is outline outlined in our are and we are through quarter one of 2024 on catching up on all of those quite our reports so all of the the documentation of what's good and what's not is contained in those reports and we have documentation and literature for anyone who does want to use the data about what is usable for what are usable fields and what are not as okay so that data will just kind of have to have an asterisk next
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to it forever. >> okay. >> chief can i ask you a couple of questions? yes. so some of the work that director flaherty did was clearly very time intensive but some of it some some parts of the art of the audit were less time intensive such as plucking out the stops where there were seven races listed when when when we've had conversations about stop data in the past typically your first response is to say that we can't do audits because we don't have the head count. >> we don't we have staffing issues but things like stops where seven races were recorded that that's a that's a matter of minutes you know you know like really like you know 15 minutes maybe to do something like that what why aren't we doing at least the low hanging fruit audits? well, i don't think it's a matter of minutes when you have to do those types of audits on
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a daily basis. >> it does take nobody said daily basis could be i think your department notice which the department authored said quarterly basis why can't we on a quarterly basis just to take this one example look at every stop where there are seven races listed and i mean would found was there is 111 but 65 of them were from one officer and you know that could be an instance where you have a conversation say hey we've noticed this what's what's going on? i mean that that seems like valuable information that we could obtain with very little effort like why don't we do that? >> well i don't i'm not going to agree that it's very little effort. i mean i guess we can ask directly for clarity what type of effort but to get to those 65 you got unless you know those 65 i looked at that because because the department very early early on in my tenure here that set me that like raw data that it sends of
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course without first identifying information but otherwise the raw data that it sends to doj. >> so i've seen that excel spreadsheet it would take you know it took me it would take me maybe 15 minutes but someone actually who knows what they're doing maybe even less so i'm this is just one example of many. >> i mean why why don't we do that kind of low hanging fruit the audits where they wouldn't take very much effort and they would yield maybe important takeaways moving forward. the plan is to have a system in place to do some checks. i don't mean what you're saying a periodic spot check on whatever the data is or anomalies or whatever that's less of an effort but i think the overarching goal is we have to change the enormity of what was found in the error rate in these stops and that's going to take more than just by checks. it's going to take consistent checking and auditing and
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making sure that we're doing getting these things in correctly. hopefully technology will help in terms of alerts when we have those types of anomalies you know make our lives easier for sure. but it can be done. i mean that that the easier things can be done. >> let me ask you a question that i asked director flaherty. what do you think the department could be doing to better support its officers given you had pretty high incorrect answer rates for the quizzes? there is also some quotes in the audit that highlighted certain officers views that it was cumbersome to enter the data or maybe more cultural views that that it just wasn't a worthwhile effort because it's just an effort it's just used to second guess decision making after the fact. i'm curious if you have thoughts on what i said we could be doing better in terms of supporting its officers in this area. >> those are issues in my opinion that are that are cultural issues as it relates to this that we just got to
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continue to lead in terms of officers understanding the importance of this work. i mean our data is is important. we know that i saw some of the quotes as well. i mean it is disappointing to see some of those quotes and i understand there's some frustration with officers. i mean there's there's been controversy with with this from the start in terms of the perception issue and the time that it takes to do these dumps increases the time that it takes to do your work. i mean those are valid points of frustration but it's going to take us constantly trying to get our folks to understand the importance of doing this right the first time so we don't have these issues and we're not, you know being held accountable in this way because this is fixable. i mean these are fixable issues and we got to do better and we got to check but we also got to get in our heart and minds of our officers that this is important stuff and we just
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can't blow it up. >> and to be clear, i this is this data is not being mandated to be collected by this commission. >> right? this is a matter of state law is state law and we also go above state law to do some of the collection of data that that we need for our analysis to determine what our work the impact of our work this is put it that way. >> okay. but the majority of what we're talking about is state law. okay. why don't we have supervisory review of data here? you know, that's something that was called out in the report as a best practice followed by a lot of other departments that we would call comparable to our own like why don't we do that here in a serious way? >> yeah. you know, i take responsibility for it. in 2018 when this first became a topic and an issue where we were at that time with our sergeants about a 33 percent shortage in sergeants and
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honestly this work does take a lot of of work taking sergeants out of the field. you remember where we were in 2018 at that time i felt we need needed those that leadership in the field to do all the things that we eventually did to reduce aces have supervision at these critical incident and things of that nature. so that was my decision. yeah now we're much better off and it's time to rethink that decision. i know we've had many discussions about this and part of i think most of these recommendations we we agree with but that was my decision at that time. i felt that that thing to do. we needed the people in the field and taking it takes time to do this. >> so i've had to do this in my career as a sergeant. it takes time to do it particularly to do it manually. >> yeah, i mean listen at your point that you have to make tough decisions about how to allocate scarce resources is well taken. >> i will say though at page 13
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of the report the you know the other comparable departments including departments that s.f. pd called out is these are our cops right? these these departments are have a look let me ask director flaherty setting aside lapd which is obviously much much bigger department do do all of these have supervisory review so sacramento, san diego san mateo correct. >> okay. >> so these are included in the report. right? so these are departments that are making way more stops than us with far fewer members and they're still able to do a robust supervised review process. so for example san mateo has 116 sworn members to our 2000. they make more stops than us. so on a per member basis they
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are making 20 times more stops than us and yet they still do a robust supervisory review. >> sacramento eight times more stops per officer san diego seven times more stops per officer. >> so so this is i mean i hear you that there's constrained resources but these are departments with far fewer resources that are doing it. >> yeah i don't i can speak to one of those departments you mentioned and that's lapd and i know i did i left lapd off the list because i understand it's a different situation and they have a much bigger department and different city that's i didn't mention them in the three that i went through. i just mentioned san mateo sacramento san diego. >> yeah. i mean point taken. i think the point to all of this is whether or not we should and can do supervisory view my my goal is as we advance our technology because many of these departments are
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advanced over us with what they have in terms of technology and i know that to be a fact. there were discussions when we first went to the stop system or whether to use the state system which we eventually did because we felt we had to for economic reasons and other reasons. and many of these departments implemented their own systems that had what they needed technology wise to help aid the that review process. so this is what we want to work to and i just want to get back to the basis of your question supervisory review as opposed to not yeah, we need to rethink that. i made the decision in 2018 based on what i just told you but we do need to rethink that and the recommendation is a good one. we've never said that it's not a good thing for supervisory review. we just knew the predicament that we were in in 2018 and although we still have staffing shortages i think our technology has improved in 2018 we're mostly paper when we start using that and we had two
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east ups and that was touch and. we we are coming along with our technology that i think will help with this review and allow us to do. >> i don't at some point we will get to more robust supervisory review and that's that's in the mix but i don't disagree with it and i don't you know we don't have it. other departments do. the audits showed it and we knew that from our discussions with our doj. >> right. and i guess i just i'll leave it at that but i guess i think that the chart on page 14 sorry page 13 does show that this is not just a staffing issue because other departments are doing more with with way less than than what we we have. >> i mean i want to i want to respond to what you just said though, which is you know, you agree in theory that supervisory review is a good thing. this is this report is not the first time this has been raised right at page 14 of the report it quotes cal doj which says that sfpd was quote resisting
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the institution of supervisory reviews. if you go back to march of 2007 there is a report a lengthy report by ph.d. addressed to the mayor's office that did a comprehensive look at how we do stop collection that report recommended supervisory reviews page 52 of the report you know related recommendation ins you know cpe in 2020 recommended adopting policies kind of strict policies or formal policies i should say around collecting of report data. the department said in 2021 it would do that and it never did . >> that's also at page 52. so i call this out because i mean there is kind of a long history of these i mean the report is amazing and it's it's evergreen but some of the recommendations in the report are not new. some of them are old recommendations that have been made again and again and we say
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each time something like what you just said tonight which is sounds like a good idea we'll look at it. >> we'll think about it. it's important and then we don't do anything about it. you know why why is this time different? >> so just to point out to you if you can name well i'll just do it for you. none of those departments had a collaborative reform initiative. none of those departments had the aggressive reform of digital revisions and the things that we were doing to to get to a better place in this department. those things take people and the requirement to increase our field supervisory presence to get all those things done in those geos and to reduce use of force and and to have better coordination in our critical incidents and all those departments i don't think any of them had the number of things on their plate that we did. so yes we there was a
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conscious decision. those discussions did happen with claudio and others and it's decision had to be made of how we're going to use our resources is is not a bad thing to have supervisor review but i challenge you to name one of those departments that had as many things on their plate as we did which took an inordinate amount of resources to get that work completed. you won't find any not not with those that you mentioned. >> yeah and i and i agree there's certainly no collaborative reform efforts going on at those departments although again i think you know they they do have vastly more stops per officer regardless of their other obligations in the and they do do supervisory review i guess i just have one more kind of question that's kind of for for chief but also i just want to confirm with director flaherty was it u.s. doj? i can't remember the entity that that the report calls out that sets guidelines when
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you're transitioning from one data entry system to another and that sets best practices to some practices issued by the federal government not the doj but by the you know, state's general services agency. >> okay. so they have a playbook. okay. so the gsa has like a detailed playbook on how you're supposed to transition why didn't we we do that here when we transitioned our stop data collection system time of the court doj report stops yes . yeah. that information was available to us and if we talked about technology we're talking about the same issue we're talking about everything. >> yeah. yeah. so so the change in technology that led to the 33% error rate of stops that doj just can't accept there's there's a lot of like tech issues with that and use you know user issues with that and so for example with this we heard tonight there is a pilot program and we identified issues in that pilot
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program i think that was one of the many recommendations that gsa has. but i was surprised that there is a comprehensive playbook for something like this. >> we didn't it appears we didn't follow it. >> but so i'm just curious to understand why you how asked director mcguire to speak to that. thank you. we appreciate all of his work on this and especially the resources and references that they brought to the table through their work and research. and so this is certainly something that's great rubric and framework for the types of implementations that we will undoubtedly be working through in the coming five years under our technology roadmap. now as to the why on this and i'm sorry to go back to that well which is that our internal project management resources have only recently freed up enough to assign somebody to
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this work. so we do have someone assigned now so somebody with that knowledge and frame in the type of project management and testing framework that is necessary for the roll out of a new data collection system is now has now been made available. but that framework that ppmo work from the technology division is was not available at the time. our right i'm going to restrain myself and not say anything right now. okay so i think just moving forward, chief i it seems to me something we can do right now to you know, move the ball forward is to identify some aspects of director flaherty's report that could comprise in a
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quarterly audit which again the department has a department notice requiring quarterly ons but that could that could comprise a quarterly audit that would include things that do not require a lot of data analysis and once every quarter just like it does for example with a bias audit of of of member cell phones for example the department could provide a quarterly update for us for example on how many stopslisted seven races how many days stations had zero stops things of that nature where that would allow the commission to stay about or error rate for example which is already being done area in terms of transmittal to call doj things like that that would allow us to be apprized of the quality of our stop data without being unduly burdensome on the department and yeah i think that's something we could work on and i would love to work with you on putting putting together a short and manageable
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list of things that that can be part of that audit. >> yeah definitely and definitely would love to work with you on it so we can frame it out and we'll get it done so okay. >> thank you. i love to hear it. >> i love to hear it. thank you. that's everything for me. thank you. thank you. >> director henderson i just have to send in light of that conversation but also a couple of things that i just wanted to point out in the audit that i think are really standouts that we i say we because i take credit but really it's director flannery but i don't want it lost on the intentional inclusion not just of the questions that were asked of the line officers and the patrol officers that were doing it but their voices and commentary throughout the audit and validating the work. so it's not just a an intellectual or wrote presentation it's really tied to the actual work because i
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think that's really important that we're doing it in that way and the other thing that i think is really important that stands out to me and i think you were alluding this to this part as well commissioner the other counties and how they address specifically the issues that are raised in this audit, my strong suggestion would be and this is a suggestion that i've made in the past but i think it's elevated in this case because we're not just talking about improvements that i think would benefit the members of the department but the risk of continuing to run against the violation of the mandates for the state laws that the focus of these conversations and the focus of the follow up really be on what we're doing to address the things that we're enumerated very clearly in this audit and the previous audits before. and i don't know what that looks like but i do know that
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there could not be a clearer map drawn of what the problems are for us to focus on. that's thank you commissioner clay yeah. >> thank you madam president. i want to say first i met director flaherty. he does a great job and we sat down and talked. he showed me his analysis and how he went about doing this stuff and a great job once again and you know i think commissioner kurt commissioner carter felt has great his comments and his concerns are are really important and we've got what we've got to do is we got to deal with the chief. it's very important we deal with it. okay. and so as we leave here in this room everybody knows we got to report it. tell us what needs to be done and let's get on it and do it. i also want to say is one thing it's not fair to compare sacramento and san mateo. you had 17 officers in in sacramento. you got 40,000 stop reports. you got you got 116 and then you got 15,000 which is the
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same as our 2000. these are not the same jurisdictions the way they do things there. you got to look at those reports and see what they do. if you go in in those courtrooms there i've been there you want to see the masses of people who are there. it's a badge of honor to do these. well you guys talking about pre-check stops. it's a badge of honor to make a whole lot of rest and write these reports. >> look at those reports. you see what you have there and you see the data is coming in. yeah, we don't do this in san francisco, all right? we ain't supposed to do that and i don't expect us to be just arresting people we do expect that stuff get recorded properly. but those jurisdictions you don't even want to think about that as our comparison because it's not even close. you guys do some hard work. it's hard to do but we got to get it done. >> okay. that's what commissioner benedicto thank you so much. president elias i want to echo try to avoid being duplicative my fellow commissioners but i do want to take a moment to echo the gratitude to deepa for taking on this audit.
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it was an unscheduled unexpected audit. >> it was thrust upon us by circumstances that we we didn't expect. but i took it on and i'm really proud of this result. i think i say this whenever deepa issues a report but i would urge members of the public to read the full report. there was a time in the not so recent history where a lot of materials were fairly opaque or inscrutable or and one significant achievement of director henderson his time at epa has really been to make today's reporting more readable more transparent and more accessible to members of the public. as you know, someone who spent3 many of my early years reading going through what the old sparkle sparks reports used to look like i'm grateful and i do urge members of the public to read this report and i think it has a lot of a lot of value and i agree with what the vice president said. i think this report will be something that this commission this department will look will look back on and reference going forward as well. one of the topics i want to
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cover was supervisor review finding 1.3. i know there was extensive discussion about it that i want that i won't repeat. i will say that i know chief that under the epa's recommendation that as a formally reassessed the feasibility for supervisor review i know in your conversation with the vice president you said that you know you take responsibility for the choices made in 2018 and you agree that the best practice is probably to have supervisory review. you know, youtioned so for this purpose recommendation of a formal reassessment at minimum of supervisor review can you commit that in this calendar year at the very least there will be that assessment so that so we can see what i think would be great if we could get some revised review this calendar year but at the very least it feels doable to have that assessment with the five factors that dpa had indicated on page 64 formally reassessing whether or not it's the feasibility of it.
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>> yeah, absolutely. and we'll map out i mean look we want to get this right and get this get this information because there's a number of things that were raised here and like say we agree with the think 11 of the 15 i believe and three of them we partially agreed. so there's no disagreement on what needs to be done. so yes, work with vice president carter was tone and framing out the quarterly then we'll come back to this commission with the plan on how we're going to address this this more cohesive and more commit to exactly what we're going to do. >> i know at a few areas in that speed response you referenced the use of the benchmark system to hopefully improve some of these areas. i know that this report has been authored over and i know the benchmark rollout started around the time this report was being worked on. so now knowing what you've seen with the abilities but also you know the limitations that we talked about the data issue how confident do you feel sitting here today in 2025 that
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the references in your responses to relying on benchmark will be will be effective? >> well, they've been very responsive. i mean we've we've had some some glitches but they have been responsive and wanting to work with us and get it right. so i'm confident that they'll they'll be responsive. i mean we also have to work within the parameters of the contract as well. and if if any of what we're talking about is and i think some of it is a part of the things that we are working on and implementing with benchmark to begin with that's going to make our lives easier. but we also have to work with the parameters of the contract particularly in light of what's going on with the coming city budget and cuts and cuts in forecast and all that. so but benchmark has been a good vendor in terms of being responsive to our needs. so i'm confident that they will be responsive. we'll look at the contract and make sure that we stick with the parameters of contract and push that as far as we can push
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it at a few points in your responses you indicated that there's a plan to establish a data governance and integrity unit in the department i know that is meant to be in in conjunction with the benchmark launch. >> is there a is there a timeline on when that unit will be established? >> i see director maguire reacting. we had the positions but the city the mayor has just announced a hiring freeze so no because of that and i don't do we have any offers on the table? no. yeah these those positions are part of the hiring freeze. we were in a soft ish hiring freeze for as of like month 3 or 4 of the fiscal year. so those positions were included in that. >> so our instructions have been case by case basis. every city department has to prioritize its needs and then
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the mayor and his budget office will determine what they will allow to be hired. >> so it'd be fair to say that the responses that rely on that that creation of a data governance integrity unit like that this abolition of that unit is currently frozen pursuant to that increase. >> that's correct. yeah. we were approved for the positions and because of the budget in the freeze we have not been able to fill it. >> sorry. i'll just add to that chief the not now all hopes are dashed out and fortunately we do we did hire a data science test that came on board a few months ago and he has been key in helping us unravel the issues with error rates and so we will be able to utilize that resource to a degree but not to the fancy data governance and integrity unit level that we
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had hoped. >> i mean i think that if there's anything chief that the commission can do to advocate, i think the creation of this unit feels like an important priority, please let us know. i want to turn to page 52 of the audit on outstanding pi recommendations specifically as a please implementation of a general order for data collection requirements so in 2021 as a pd informed doj we talked earlier about the completion of the call the oj that you would complete the data collection general order in 2021 that didn't occur and then based off the information on this audit there's not active development of the recommended general order on data collection as a reason why that work stopped either dba knows or if the chief has any
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thoughts on that you are there is a reason and the priority list with the diageo's basically didn't didn't make the cut and there were several egos that were on the list that we didn't complete so that is still a something that we hope to get to this commission is going to take the people to do the work. but still that ego didn't make the cut when we had to prioritize and try to get our sierra work completed it just it was below where we could get to it. >> it did make the cut for a number of years right because a priority list is is annualized right. but it would be fair to say that it's still the intention of the department to develop a data collection. >> general order. yeah, absolutely there and again this is some of this this the work and even what you just mentioned with the data integrity unit i hope some point when the budget gets some
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relief on the budget or depending on what the priorities are and we've been asked to rank our priorities. and just let me clarify the sworn positions are not frozen but everything else is so some of our yeah and we have positions like we were trying to get more background investigators you know that's vital and hopefully that will be a high priority that we can get feel so we can get more people in the academy and relieve some of these staffing shortages. but the data integrity unit will probably not be that type of operational priority for us at this time. >> but presumably the data collection general order even in the absence of a unit could be drafted? >> absolutely, yeah the order i'm just saying having the people to do the work is the challenge. >> i mean i think speaking only for myself that the issuance of this audit certainly raises the priority of a data collection dgo in my mind and i think that it's something that that i know that's something that's collaborand the commission president.
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but i would ask both to consider putting that on the priority list or consider moving it up because i think this does bring it into relief to have that data collection general order i can just say right now it's not on what we submitted to president elias and we can probably discuss it if you like about it now there you go. >> the last question i had a little bit about process. i know that one thing that i really thought was the chief remarked on it striking in this audit was the results from that survey and the officers able to express their opinions which i think in some cases were opinions that were hardening. in some cases they were disheartening but i think in all cases valuable to be included as part of this report . i know in speaking to director flaherty it was hard to get responses to this survey and it was and that was some challenge. the dpa had experience and i wonder if in a process where i think this is a valuable tool for our audits going forward i
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wonder if there's a discussion to be had between dpa and the department on how to formalize these surveys make them ways the department can encourage our participation in them to make sure that it's clear that it's not that there are no sort of cultural distance and tives to participating in them. i was part of the blue ribbon panel 2015 where there were officers that expressed that they were concerned about participating in interviews with that panel. we heard that from cal doj as well because of culture and there were issues at that time with then lieutenant yolanda williams that had come up with her her feeling concerned about intimidation and or not feeling encouraged. and so i think that seeing how valid this was, i would ask that dr. fred dr. henderson perhaps dr. maguire and the chief maybe if there's a way to formalize this survey you know, the next time we have something like this maybe it's
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distributing it having officers line up being told about it from their commanding officers so that can lend some support that they're not going to get in trouble or whatever the process may be. i think that the low participation rate is worrying and i think there should be we want to encourage officers to participate in these processes. >> i let director flaherty answer on his own because i think a lot of that was contemplated and how he approaches and those tactics have changed over time and in terms of how the audit is built with those responses. >> but i will say and point out part of the motivation and outlining some of the issues that were uncovered in the audit are things that would directly impact and support the department meaning the officers without these checks and balances to identify problems the only recourse is to have them discovered through complaint processes and through discipline and that's yeah that's a big motivation as well
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. but in terms of what those tactics could look like in building out more participation and active engagement in the process of that need to fix it. >> i mean i have to say surveys are probably a tool that will employ on future audits. with this audit we received approximately 5% response rate 92 officers. i think anything that can be done in the future to increase that response rate to make sure the responses we're getting a representative of the entire department would be very helpful. >> what was the methodology of sending the surveys out to officers was an anonymous survey so we did not collect any officer information with it and it was distributed by myself. the police department provided me a email address for sworn members and so i sent it out and sent one reminder email as well and i think that about 2 or 3 weeks to respond. >> yeah i mean i think that there is a difference between an email that's coming from someone a dpa compared to coming from officers coming from command staff coming from
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commanding officers at stations. so i think in the future i would encourage a more robust collaboration on that. chief dave any response? >> yeah to just we've done i don't know how many surveys since i've since i've been in this position topic matters enthusiasm of you know what officers believe they can get out of that trust matters and in general i mean if you could get 60% you're doing very well because i don't know of a time where we've made a survey mandate, tory because there are some negative implications when you make it sometimes people just you know, they just they just check boxes because it's mandatory so you don't want you don't want junk either. but i do think there is probably work to be done. like i said, some officers are skeptical when they get a survey they don't want it
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coming back to them and skeptical of that. and so those issues are real issues that we've had like i said a number of surveys and if we get 6,065% we're doing really really well and most of them or i will say below that when you say but voluntary and then is the quality of the information you're getting i mean i rather get you know, 25% of people that are actually ta the surveys right then 50% is junk. >> i mean i'm sure director 40 would kill for 50% given the 5% response rate. >> yeah. but i do think as as that i think part of it institution i think i know a lot of officers have anxiety when communicating with dpa or opposition or relationship with dpa and i think that there can be like you said chief trust issues there and i think if it's coming from a commanding officer, if it's coming from other sources as opposed t might be that might be helpful because i do think the survey is a valuable tool. i think that it's come up a
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number of times. it came up for projects that came up for 10.11. the vice president president raised it that as a commission we don't get as much access to line officers. we do primarily with command staff and when we do get the chance to interact with whether it's in focus groups for working groups or whether it's you know, after town halls that we've done, i think there hasn't been a single one that hasn't yielded insights and valuable feedback positive or negative. it's always been available exchange and so i'm hoping that would be that could be improved upon. >> those a thank you. if did you yeah, just just two things i e and how we do it. i think with future surveys if we get and i think we will i mean get something out of this this audit that will move us forward and we can be successful with implementation i think our officers begin to realize that what they say matters and is taken seriously
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and good can come out of it so and how we lead this in is important to on our own and so that matters. >> but i requested to speak i just i didn't say it early. i just want to thank director for clarity about his approach extremely professional. i mean this is not the most fun topic to to to sit down and discuss and be audited on and he's been just nothing but a professional in our meetings and very informative and just you know really professional and audits aren't aren't fun they have a specific purpose butor the way you went about the work? >> we just appreciate it. i think director flaherty would disagree. and have fun on the receiving end. that's pretty you know commissioner yeah. >> and then i have commissioner yanez on the board too. >> i think you're much there. president allies just want to thank the department of police accountability and then steve flannery for the audit report.
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you know we got to be transparent to the public as well. you know it's hard hard to look at this so many i guess you got some flaws there into the process of the stop stop data that we need to probably work on. where is the additional staff or what areas new tools that will help clear it is out where you can use the new technologies that maybe can be aid to our officers out in the future. so again i hope that we resolve this as soon as possible. thank you very much, mr. young yes, thank you president elias thank you. that the priority for putting this report together this audit is very, informative and is very insightful and i really
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do think that it will help us it will help us make sure that we have a roadmap to improve our data collection practices and more than anything also to improve the the culture i think of the department to understand and the need the reason why data is so important and so i hope that that we will be able to build off this and improve our data collection and also our outcomes will improve as we are getting better at accurately depicting what we are actually doing in san francisco. one of the things that really stood out to me i will try not to go into some of the other items that i fellow commissioners covered but one of the most glaring findings i think was finding 1.5 does not
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require officers to link stop data to other records of 3800 records a disparity of 3800 records between dispatch and what was actually on in the i and i actually do i agree my commissioner benedicto the feedback the surveys were very important and the manner in which the the statements and comments by some of the officers were conveyed and summarized i think are are very they speak to the gravity of the issue and the problems and i'm going to read one of them because i think it's very indicative of what the challenge here is. it's the officers perspective that says that his previous agency you know, anything involving a detained person would show whether stop was collective. i would not be shocked if there was a significant amount of entries that are missing because there is no oversight and that's the direct quote and
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the us department of justice their guidance says that you know since typically officers notify dispatch about stops you know these records can help us reconcile and minimize the level of documentation and that we are requiring our officers to collect and the guidebook says that, you know, it's as easy as putting a unique identifier that leads to officers to specific stops. i remember making that comment by the way two years ago when i first started on this commission but we didn't have the audit to kind of underscore the importance of this when i they understand is that benchmarks you know, made this offer as far as saying we could add fields to lay staff better records to the completion of our report the state mandated data collection requirements
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and yet that was not included in development of our benchmark system. >> so so why did we not simply just include that in our contract and is there still room to incorporate those that record that system into benchmarks contract and in the benchmarks program that we are developing a commissioner that the benchmark the what t with the revpar data and i mentioned this earlier but we go a bit we go a bit further and the data that we collect however i don't know who gave you that information but we perfectly intend for this contract to satisfy the california state revpar requirements and then some. >> so have we as of this moment
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requested that that field be added so that we could automate the linkage between the data sets so that it minimizes the burden on officers. >> commissioner yanez if i can answer this so in the police department's response to the audit report they indicate that there is now a field for officers to add to dispatch number two so that can facilitate future reconciliation between dispatch and stop records. it's not automated it's manually entered but the field is now per the police department's response in benchmark and when did this go active? before october 2024. >> great. and so when we engage benchmarks in developing this system that was going to be you know that was promoted as a
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comprehensive system to be able to facilitate and minimize documentation since these recommendations had already been made to us by either doj or other entities. why wasn't this included from the outset? >> chief, are you talking about these identifiers correct. the ability for benchmarks to both automatically send you know, i think they're called ticklers or reminders. >> i'm not sure what the actual lingo is that benchmarks but they automatically would have a system that if there is an incomplete record it would send that message over to either the supervisor or the individual officer. and so the question is why was it that incorporate it from the
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outset it would have streamline our data collection practices and may be addressed some of these data integrity issues that came up during this? >> yeah. so my understanding from the conversations that i've been in and the briefings that i receive from benchmark as much as we can make this system and say mistake proof but i guess that's the best way to put it. that was that was part of the goal and in there there are ways to do that and as i'm sure you know where you can't advance or you can't you complete the transaction until you complete all the fields and that was the goal from the start. so i i that was done. i don't know if you got some misinformation or not but that was the intent we want to make this as easy as possible so we don't have to have human eyes on everything and we don't have the resources to do so. >> those types of things were thought of and that's the goal
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. i mean i got the information from the department page that you just had the department say that this wasn't needed until october of last year. yeah they're working with benchmarks from the beginning of 2024 to create and expand this system so we missed an opportunity is what i'm pointing out. >> yeah. and that's i didn't hear you correctly. >> i just want to clarify this we talked about two things you talked about detecting errors and then you talked about that data field that was added the detecting errors part was a part of the goal from the start to be able to minimize the amount of incomplete data fields and things that were found in this audit and have a system where we are alerted when those things don't get done and so we don't have these issues moving forward that was a part of hopefully what they're building us and that will go live. we're saying as soon as the system is completely built out
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and we've identified or they've figured out what challenges with importing data will be, yes we still have some things to work through and the errors and the the data glitches that have been mentioned not only in this report but this report. so there there's still some things that remain on the table . >> okay. i do want to touch a little bit on the supervisor r or question. i know that in your response you know and i'm glad commissioner benedicto followed up on i'm requesting that we do a feasibility assessment for what? for whether supervisors could be involved in in auditing there there officers is data and in the absence of being able to introduce and into a
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data integrity unit it seems more than a a feasible solution i think to introduce a supervisor reviews and it sounds like you believe that it's a best practice and i would like to understand a little bit more or better why despite the the time constraints that continue to be used as limitations and i understand your analysis of you know the other jurisdictions that we that were used in the in the audit to compare where the number of stops versus you know, whether their supervisors are reviewing them. and i agree with judge commissioner clay that we do not necessarily want to adopt and replicate the practices of
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a place like you know, maybe san diego or san mateo county. but when we look at raw numbers i think commissioner ben carter was still noted. you know, we make about a sixth or seventh the number of stops at least the ones that are reported in relation in comparison to a large county like san diego where they do have this supervisory review process and so i do not i find it hard to believe that with 2000 officers and as you just said there is maybe at that time in 2018 when you made the decision not to introduce this there was a shortage of supervisors but it sounds like you believe that we are in a better place and when you mentioned earlier that you believe that as a result of some of the comments that that were made during the feedback surveys that there seems to be
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a cultural issue about with this department or with certain elements of the leadership not emphasizing the importance of data collection or not being as invested in ensuring that we set aside the time and prioritize these matters so that we are fully transparent and fully adhering to the expectations from the state and from the city for data collection. so i'd like to know what is going to happen, what is going to happen this year in 2025 for that culture improve? >> chief well commissioner, we need to strike a balance. let me just remind all of us that voters in march passed a proposition requiring knowing or wanting patrol personnel to be in the field and not be you're caught up on administrative paperwork now i'll just tell you i know
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things are different than when i was a field sergeant but i can tell you responsibility and when i was a field sergeant was to do just that oversight of citations and tickets and all that and half of your shift oftentimes would be spent doing that checking tickets and field interview cards and those types of items. it does eat up a lot of time now we have technology and that's what benchmark is all about. hopefully we can get the technology in place where the human hands and human eyes don't have to do all the work but it does take time and it takes officers out of field so the bottom line of this is our goal is to strike a balance. >> i agree. supervision of these stops is important. i mean i explained my decision in 2018 but i also think you heard me say clearly that it's time to revisit that. you know, we have to fix these issues as several commissioners have pointed out including yourself. and i don't think we're going to get there until we have some type of supervisory oversight but hopefully we can do it with the help of technology so we strike that balance and not
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have sergeants in the field doing those types of things instead of being out i mean sorry out of the field stead of and being out doing what we need them to do and oversee some of these critical incidents and making sure that the supervision that needs to be in the field is in the field. we just have to strike that balance and trust me it is a balance. >> i i've done it. i understand it and it and it does take time and i agree and i understand that a cultural change or shift in the department takes time. it's you know, it's more like a ship not like, you know, making a u-turn. >> but but i think the importance of the leadership in the department being involved is developing the officers is capacity.
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they're understanding of why this is all important as far as data collection especially in the field of policing where what we are doing is generating evidence oftentimes and we you know i think most message to to not just the department but to the community in general that part of policing is documentation and data collection that is that that that goes with the field and the better we are preparing and training our officers to do is and the more we are developed in our systems to minimize the redundancy of some of the data collection i think it is the responsibility of both this commission and your your position and the leadership of the department. >> and so i really am happy to
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hear that you will be engaging with commissioner vice president carter or bridgestone on identifying what a simplified version or a smaller iteration of this audit can look like on an ongoing basis because as you said last month you know we have a very tech savvy department. we are getting know messages and emails and they are very versed in it. but when i look at some numbers from this audit where it says that you know, in san diego it takes them 2.5 minutes to to document their reply steps but apparently out here it takes us five minutes. i don't know where or when that message about the importance and the prioritization and the ongoing improvement in this area has gotten through and and i think it is on the leadership of this department to improve that culture and i am hopeful
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i'm hopeful that this audit will h and will help us spur us into action to be able to improve our policing strategies our policing efforts and definitely the information that we are required to put out to the public so that everyone understands what our department does and doesn't do. thank you very much, director henderson for guiding your ship on this effort. >> it is a very good document that i also do encourage everyone to to read thoroughly and to continue to raise these questions. >> thank you for your time sergeant. if any member of the public would like to make public comment, please approach the podium there is no public comment line item 11 discussion and possible action to adopt revised department general order 8.03. crowd control discussion and possible action this year's
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chief we actually did not have a person to represent this but i can just in summary i think commissioner vice president carter otis overton was on this working group. a lot of work went in this into this deal. it was i think long overdue and it's a very good well-written video and i think it addresses kind of where we are in 2025 with what needs to be done with crowd control. >> so is this our final this is our final adoption, right? our recommended meeting. okay. were there any changes in meeting converter that caused your new policy chief or vice president? >> no. >> yeah, that's sure. okay. can we get a motion moved? we wait a minute. don't don't we typically ask here a chief do you want a specific delay from implementation?
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i believe on this 145 days is sufficient 4545 is this business 45 business days. >> okay. okay. >> i have a motion on the floor. i get a second second part. >> any member of the public like to make public comment regarding line item 11 please approach the podium seeing none on the motion. >> commissioner. i just want to clarify that commissioner clay you're a motion is with the chief's 45 day rotation. the amendment is meant to make sure it's clear on the record on the motion commissioner clay how do you vote? yes, mr. clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. mr. benedict it was yes. commissioner young yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. is yes commissioner. >> yes. commissioner. yes. yes. vice president carter oberstar yes. vice president carter on his yes and present yes. yes says yes. you have six yeses right line item 13 public comment and all matters pertaining to item 15 below closed session including
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public comment and on item 14 a vote whether to hold item 15 in close session. if you'd like to make public comment please approach the podium. >> there is none line item 14 a vote on whether to hold item 15 in closed session san francisco administrative code section 67.10 d action motion to that yes. >> yeah so i'll second on the motion commissioner clay how do you vote? yes mr. clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. since you've been ridiculous. yes. commissioner young yes. yes. mr. john yes. is yes commissioner yea yes commissioner. yes. yes by present carter roger stone yes. vice president carter always on his yes and present bias yes. present i says yes. you have six yeses. >> we will go into closed session i take a little break&t
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