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tv   Sanitation and Streets Commission  SFGTV  January 19, 2025 3:00am-5:00am PST

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worthwhile. >> ♪♪ ♪♪ >> sanitation and streets commission. today is monday, november 18, 2024 >> >> roll call, please. >> commissioners
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chair kimberlee hartwig-schulman vice chair thomas harrison jayshawn anderson azalina eusope christopher simi commissioner anderson is absent. >> three commissioners present. we do have quorum for the sanitation and streets commission. public comment is taken for all informational and action items on the agenda. >> to provide public comment, please lineup next to the door. for those wishing to comment on an item via web, please sign up for the item on the agenda. raise your right hand. and also
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comment by dialogue. listen or provide public comment via phone 1. dial 415-655-0001 and enter access code 2662 373 7260 then # 2. press # again to join the meeting. >>■? 3. you will hear a beep when you join the meeting. please note, if you are calling in before the official meeting start time, the phone line will remain silent. 4. wait for public comment to be announced. 5. when the chair or commission secretary calls for public comment, dial '*' then '3' to be added to the speaker line. 6. you will then hear “you have raised your hand to ask a question. please wait to speak until the host calls on you.” 7. ensure you are in a quiet location. before you speak, mute the sound of any equipment around you, including televisions, radios, and computers. it is especially important that you mute your computer (if you are watching via the web link) so there is no echo sound when you speak. 8. to withdraw your request to speak, press '*' then '3'. - you will hear: “you have lowered your hand.” 9. when the system message says “your line has been unmuted,” press '*' then '6' to confirm being unmuted - this is your time to speak. 10. when the president or commission secretary states “welcome caller,” you are encouraged to state your name clearly. as soon as you speak,
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you will have up to three minutes to provide your comments. 11. once your time has expired, you will be moved out of the speaker line and back as a participant in the meeting (unless you disconnect). you will hear “your line has been muted.” please press '*' then '3' to lower your hand. 12. participants who wish to speak on other public comment periods can stay on the meeting line and listen for the next public comment opportunity. best practices • call from a quiet location • speak slowly and clearly, directly into your phone or microphone • turn off the sound on tv's, radios or other devices near you • address the commission as a whole, not to individual commissioners 3
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are there any requests? >> there are no requests. >> do you have a announcements? >> i have a brief announcements that commissioners should complete the training by the end of the year. i will send it to you in the next couple of days. these are valuable trainings that are mandated to complete your service. that concludes my announcements. >> all right. please call the first item. >> item 1. general public comment which is for topics under the commission's mandate. but are not related to specific items on today's agenda. members of the public wishing to make comment in person, please sign up to the
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right. if commenting outside the chamber raise your hand in the webinar or press 3 to be recognized. i believe we have one person commenter. you have three minutes to speak. >> good morning, fcommissioners
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>> i want to thank you for listening because it's about the comment about the lack of street sweeping on russian hill. it is not true that we do not want mechanical sweeping. since may 18, we have been telling you this is not true. at that time, the neighborhood organization conducted an onlin responded they wanted street sweeping. 18%, or maybe less now, also, we would le to keep the storm drains cleaner and the
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department would remove pollutants from our streets that harm the environment and pollute the waterways. one other thing, deputy director said that even when they have tried sweeping, people do not move their cars. this is true. perhaps we are slow learners and perhaps people like getting and paying parking tickets but the word is out that we do not have street sweeping. no one even thinks to look for signs. so anyway, i want to thank you for your time and letting me correct a bit to my comment last month and looking forward to continuing working with portion. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. it appears we do not have any other general public comment. and no one from people outside
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the room have expressed interest in speaking at this time. that concludes public comment. >> all right. that concludes general public comment. next item. >> 2. communications and director's report informational correspondence log operations contracts considered by the public works commission >> this is a general item. >> good morning. i have two topics for today. first up is proposition b, you may have heard there was an election and i wanted to bring to your attention proposition b, $390 million general obligation bond approved by strance voters with the latest showing the measure of 73% of the vote in the yes column. the bond needed 66 percent plus one to win. passing to
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community health centers, general hospital, laguna hospital, rec's and parks centers and shelters. the bond also provides up to $63.9 million in safety projects and paving and programs and work involved with our street paving crews. this is critical for keeping our public infrastructure in good repair and helps advance our efforts for public services and shelters for the housed and safer streets. i also wanted to bring your attention to the quick build safety project. you may have seen changes to the roadway with bike way and added safety pedestrian elements which is an initiative aimed at making city streets safer for people to
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walk and bike along corridors. the same for corridor streets and gutters and concrete base. then the building and street repair worked on the paving restoration including grinding the old asphalt layer and adding new ones. the sf mta repaired the roads. we marked theion of the safety improvement. little known facts, we are responsible for maintaining the clocks on the streets. we took on the task of marking the clocks for daylight saving time.
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this year, daylight saving time fell on november 3rd. we take care of three towers on market street on drum street, o'farrell street. each with four faces gets adjusted by hand by a stationery engineer on the ladder on the market street sidewalk. while he was there, he made some needed minor repairs to the clocks. just like clock work, our crews can be counted on. i also want to give a shout out to one of our landscape crews robert mckinney for its herculean efforts for removing the ivy on the first block of west view avenue in vernal heights. the crew worked from midnight to 9:00 a.m. to get the
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job done for people who walk and bike. lastly, our final love our city neighborhood beautification day volunteer workday for the 2024 season was held saturday november 9th. we had four dozen volunteers in the vernal heights and mission to clean the neighborhoods. for 11 events of the year, we had 925 volunteers with us for our biggest day in march for planting harbor day. i would like to thank the group for organizing they beautification day event. you will be hearing more about this later in the meeting. with that, i'm available for any questions. thank you.
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>> thank you. are there any questions? hearing no questions. please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public wish to go make comment on this item in the directors report please lineup next to the wall or on the webinar press star 3 to be recognized. >> i do not have any callers expressing in this item. that concludes public comment. great. please call the next item. >> 3. minutes from the october 21, 2024 meeting - adopt minutes action
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they have been posted to the sanitation and streets website and were distributed to commissioners, and this is an action item. before any motion is made to adopt them, i'm happy to take any questions or corrections to the minutes. >> are there any corrections to the minutes or questions from the commission? >> >> i would like to move the minutes be accepted. approve the minutes. >> do i hear a second? >> second. >> all right. given the motion, we will now hear public comment. please open public comment. >> members of the public wishing to make three minutes of comment in person on the motion to adopt the minutes from october 21,
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2024 meeting. please lineup to the right or from the webinar press star 3 to be recognized. there are no public comments. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? >> the motion passes. please call the next item. 4. operations division-wide performance report staff will: present the performance of operations division-wide functions. presentation informational
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>> good morning. , commissioners. i will start off this presentation for you. i would like to highlight these very important sections that we rarely go over too much during the year, but they are important to operations and public works. safety insures we
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are safe, working in the field safely, ensure the requirements will be had. our second section is fleet. they are responsible for purchasing the equipment we need, maintenance of the equipment that we have, we do inspections to make sure we are using the equipment effectively in the field and we use it on the field and daily operations. the only thing is not added is our tools which are provided for safety for tools that we need, whatever we need, we have that section in our 2323 caesar
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chavez. workforce development is very important. it helps people have opportunities for training for anywhere in the ayegency that y would like to be. they also work with outside agencies with workforce development and work with hsa and various other groups. so significant for public works. we do it with other agencies as well. outreach and enforcement is very important. we work together with the business owners and the property owners on roles and responsibilities. our responsibility, your responsibilities, everybody's responsibilities. so they educate, they walk the streets, work with the zone supervisors, the communities and educate and keep us all on point because at the end of the day, it takes us
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to take care of our city. for programs, we have a small group and we work together with various volunteer groups. so our beautification day is just one of the small things that we do. they do over 100 volunteer groups a month. and they work with the communities and provide resources for them, and work with us to pick up the litter in the community. so it's very important that we work with our community and business owners. so they are all special to us and today they will touch on some of the things they do. but before we touch on those, i want to do a year end closure on some of our accounts which you exceed but i will go over it. so service orders closed this year was over 135,000. where we closed and completed those
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requests. then we had tons of debris. we had over 23 tons of debris we picked up during the year, over 40,000 graffiti abated, over 7,000 square feet of sidewalk repaired in the city, over 1800 trees planted this fiscal year. we have paved over almost 1 million 500 square feet of paving including potholes. potholes is almost 329,000. very busy this year. trees pruned and maintained almost 4,000 trees that we
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pruned throughout the city. i just wanted to give you those numbers and to let you know about public works and how busy we are. i would like to invite safety to speak on their section. >> good morning, commissioners. i have been with public works just shy of two years. i am the head of environmental health and safety for public works. today, i have, we are presenting and that would be motor vehicle incidents and mvi's and injuries for employees. now, if you look at
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these two graphs, there is a down trend from 2019 to is we these rates for trainings and public improvement to keep our employees and public safe weighs carry out our operational service needs. the next slide is referencing worker's compensation, which is measured by total claims paid. there was an increase due to influx of employees we hired. this is tracked and reported to
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develop training opportunities. we have a return to work program that is exciting and new for employees who are out on an injury, back to work prior to training so they come back to work so they do not have a similar accident in the future. this slide signifies the preventable and non-preventable. preventable incidences that could have been avoided had the employee taken reasonable precautions to avoid it. a non-preventable motor vehicle incident is an incident that
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couldn't have been prevented. we look at the location, and day and time of the week to see if there are areas to correct that are unsafe. the numbers are a little high in 2023 and 2024, we are putting together programs to reduce accidents. i would like to highlight a few that we have in place. we are increasing the standard driver training program within the community within public works to look at our existing driver training !fprogram, and to defi mechanisms to improve it. that could be longer training, things of that nature. we are excited because we have been able to train some of our
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supervisors to become certified instructors to help with retraining8 and what i like to call drivers with concerns. we were able to in the process of getting a new simulator we are very excited about it. any questions? thank you very much.
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what is the time period of the training before they go on road for what they do. this preventable accident is quite high. i'm assuming they have to have a certain amount of training before they get on the road. so how is this measured? >> that's what we are looking at and increasing the amount of time they go through training. we are looking at putting a program together to spend additional time to understand the city and layout and where things are because we do feel that might be somewhat of a problem for new drivers. they don't really know all the areas. we do take them around on their routes. they have about two weeks of training. we want to increase that and make sure it's standardized for everyone across the board. i'm looking to standard the program through jade and carla and there are experts in the field from fleet and other areas where we are looking at these
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things to make sure we can come up with plans for this. >> they have two weeks of training before they go out by themselves? >> yes, there is a lot that goes into that two weeks. we want to extend it and make sure it is standardized and we are tweaking it a bit. for example, we would spend more time on things like backing up and pretripping and things that we see areas of concern. we will now have more instructors to help focus those individuals that are having issues that we can identify during their initial training and we can give them additional training. hopefully be able to monitor them a lot closer because we'll have more for those who are trained to do so. >> this is moving forward. >> yes, it's already in the worked but moving forward. also very expensive? >> the expense will come from
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the time away from the wheel or out on the field because the programs are already in place, we are just making them better. >> i understand that. but there is a monetary cost. if you are training someone who is supposed to be on the street for what they are supposed to do they should be vetted and training and should not be doing things alone by themselves because accidents happen. >> i'm looking into that. we are working on that and will present you the numbers.
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two questions and a comment. do they only get one training or periodic training? >> they will get periodic training. a lot of it is with new promotions and a lot of people have retired and we lost a lot of our senior drivers, our instructors. we are making sure they get the training they need. >> we all need a refresher. i was told working with them that to never make a left turn? >> is there a problem with making left turns?
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>> left and right. i was speaking with our fleet this morning regarding turning. that's an area we are looking into. even want to discourage left and right turns altogether and you just have to go around the block. >> i was thinking that, but when you have the streets that we have in the city, it's hard to make a left turn. >> that's why we'll focus more on hands-on practical and we start seeing these mvi's again for left and right turns. the simple ones that we can get a hold on is what we are trying to grapple with to keep itown and keep us safe and the community as well. >> yes. my comment is i want to compliment you folks on your work that is so vital for the protection of our employees and
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citizens. you don't want to go off the curb and go after somebody. >> i will let them know that will g for the infrastructure and the simulator. it's a lot of fun. >> thank you, again. >> next is our equipment fleet. >> good morning, everybody. my name is john. i have been with the city for 21 years managing the fleet.
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we just started buying new electric vehicles. we have six of those. and buy duty vehicles that will be cars or trucks under 185 pounds. we have to buy electric. they cost more than gasoline vehicles. and we don't have places to charge them all so it's challenging. we have the fleet here, the numbers. half of our fleet is over 20 years old. the picture you saw showed shiny new equipment. we have a lot of equipment that
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isn't nice, new and shiny. we are going over the budget right now. some of the vehicles we are replacing and they are average 25 years old, a couple hundred thousand miles on it. they breakdown, parts aren'tit vehicles. we have to buy some parts, junkyard parts because the parts are not available because the stuff is so old. the heavy equipment we have to buy 50% now used. the electric vehicles, about $900,000. you can't run them double shifts, only one shift at a time due to the
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charging. they have big batteries, it takes a long time to charge them. this is the california air resource board. this is not us, but doing what we are required to do. it's going to get very difficult by 2027 where we have to buy all ectric. unless there is a major infusion of cash for all electric citywide, not just public works, we are going to have a challenging time trying to keep the fleet on the road.
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that's about all i have. >> i have a question about the new rule. does the state h money because i'm sure no, but is there a way that city agency is going to say this is going to cost xyz? >> can we ask the state that? >> state or federal or whoever can help with the budget. >> there are some grants we are trying to pursue. the city as a whole is trying to pursue some grants to upgrade the electrical system. the state has the attitude that they don't care.
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it's just the law and do it. an example, we have a lot of street sweepers and we do a lot of demonstrations on sweepers. different models and different brands and a lot on electric. the sweepers won't make it up the hills in san francisco. we can get up some hills but there is one that is 27% grade and 20 or more percent of our sweepers cannot make it up the hill. they brought it up and they said basically they don't care. there is flat parts of san francisco, so send it there.
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but you have to get there. i personally will not buy a sweeper that does not we do up the hill. i'm not going to sign one up. i have seen them roll backwards and down the hill and someone can get killed. >> did we purchase the equipment before? >> we do demonstrations on the equipment before we think about purchasing it. if we area not familiar. let's say we put a bid out and somebody bids on the equipment and we are not familiar with it, we'll require them to bring a piece of
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equipment out and prove that it can meet the specs before we purchase it. this is a huge impact to the budget and would assume this is brought to the mayor's office as far as the cost. the other thing as far as the charging piece, to have the infrastructure in place you buy the equipment? >> yes, that would be logical. i have a saying. also in the right way, the wrong-way --
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>> also building relationship with some of these partners. is there any communication, kind of way of seeing if there is any of some of these car dealerships i was wondering if there was one from the city. >> are you talking about bringing one to our yard and building it there? >> yes. our yard was built in the 50s, i
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believe. nobody anticipated this back in the 50s like now they need 200 amps. pg & e needs to come and improve it. they have to 0[do the upgrade before we can do the upgrade. it's just a massive issue everywhere. public and private. the power is not there and we are forced to do something that is not achievable right now. you have to turn on the power on hot days and don't run your washer or wash your car until nighttime. when we have this requirement in a few years in california, what's going to happen to that
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grid? i don't know. i don't have the answers. we are going to be running generators to run the electrical. >> having these electrical. >> we haven't run any electricals. we can't buy other equipment unless we buy electric. >> i saw a small one person sweeper, do they have them? >> they make them but we don't have them. >> i have seen one in sonoma.
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>> that is electric but not public works. it's one of the cbd's. >> sorry. i was thinking it was dpw. >> yes, there are problems with our departments that they are difficult to meet but this is for all departments. the city administrator's office is working with the department, as well as the department of the environment which has the lead in charging the infrastructure. john made a very important point is that the electrical infrastructure is insufficient at this moment to meet the
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mandated work. so it is going to be a citywide issue to work through, but we want to create our fleet as much as we can but we need the equipment to do our job. applying for grants is something we'll definitely be doing to help take the burden a little bit. >> to combine with other city departments a charging area if pg & e upgraded everything. is that a reasonable request, or is everyone too spread out where their vehicle is for that to be a possibility? >> that's actually an idea that i brought up to gsa fleet where the city should look for a large
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yard and give each department in that yard. why should we do it in 20 locations where the city as a whole. we havnty of lots. we could do this and get a parking lot to charge the vehicles. >> you have pretty much your electric vehicles one charged and another one coming up and one gets charged right away? >> our yard is we have 20 pound sausages in a 1 pound bag. most vehicles have their own designated spots. we have one car that charges in that spot but we can't move things around because we don't have any other spots.
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>> all right. any other questions? >> one other question. >> is there a way to go and have this mandate pushback to some date so we can be prepared for this? >> are you talking about the state mandate? >> yes, the mandate that you have to follow. >> i wish there was, i hope there is. i know there are a few lawsuits going on, but i think it's mostly the private industry. since we are government, they expect us to kind of lead the way. >> so we don't have any slack. put it that way. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.
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>> thank you, john. >> tool and operational supplies. >> good morning, i have been with the department for 11 years. i over see the tool tasks that e provide. which is inventory management where we track all the supplies that we purchase. we issue out supplies to the employee, and we restock our supplies using a par system and we prepare for emergency such as having supplies such as sand bags and also sand to clean up oil spills. we maintain all of our records in our database. this slide shows how much we spent per fcal year. on
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average we spend about $366,000 for supplies. this slide represents the amount of items that we give out generally within a month. when it comes to traffic management, that ranges from traffic cones and traffic invest and aprons, general materials, trash, bags, dust pans and tools, screw drivers, flashlights, hammers. gloves, masks and safety glasses. any questions?
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>> thank you. >> workforce development is up next. >> good morning, i'm warren hill, workforce development with the city for 12 years. i would like to provide you a brief high level overview of the workforce development programs which is broken down into three sections. we have grants which we provide to our non-profit partners, preapprenticeship program, and city apprenticeship program. our grants to our non-profit
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partners, they assist us out in the field on a day-to-day basis. they provide proactive cleaning services and provide participants withnds-on work ex. many of our participants in our grantee programs. this may be their absolut first job, may be their job from returning to society after being in custody or opportunity to just transition into something new. our non-profit partners connected with the community and really enforce workplace rules and expectations as they work with our workforce governance participants. our preapprenticeship program, is the entry level to city employment for many of these individuals. it focuses on skill development
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and in many cases their first opportunity to working with a unionized working environment. we have six apprenticeship opportunities. this is a path journey level career. this provides on-the-job training and provided through union and provides technical skills and partners a jointly administered program at a we partner to provide these services. >> i will highlight 2 of our programs and two of our programs, two organizations and one actual program. one of the things i want to highlight is our tenderloin
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district, offers the tl program. it operates about 26 square city blocks from here to van ness to the border would be union square. the tlcbd provides cleaning and litter reduction services in these 26 squire blocks. cyc provides trash can and sidewalk steam cleaning services through a citywide. they provide the services citywideis is part of the proac nature that we are responsive with public works for citywide proactive. they go make sure that all of our city cans are clean and sidewalks are clean. what you see here in front of you is this third slide on your right is our summer youth program. they provide
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landscaping and litter reduction services. this is our citywide program for our high school youth and gives them the entry and instruction to actually working an actual job. provides them with basic job skills and important of team building. >> for 9916 programs, we have 8 participants. 130 of those individuals are public works employees and as highlighted earlier, this is a partnership program with the services agency and provide 5 of those 9916 to provide corridor street sweeping programs. as a result of these negotiations, they are paid $25
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an hour through the program. we have two active probation departments ship -- apprenticeship programs, now they are general laborers. each of the general laborers were 9916 that we provide. last, our plumber apprenticeship program. one is working for our department, the other is working for sfo. the upcoming highlight. we anticipate a new plumber's apprenticeship program. we are looking to higher in january. we have our stationery
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apprenticeship program and our submit maintenance program. these are expected to start before the end of the fiscal year but also dependent on the agreements with the union and sufficient ratio of journey level employees that is in compliance with the mou's. any questions? >> >> i see you started something with the other crafts. the plumbers, a long time ago at puc clean water had the only apprentice program and 261 started it. i personally feel it is a very successful program. on the youth program that you have, do some of those folks ve a pathway to get into those apprenticeship programs? >> we do two things with our
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youth programs. one of the things is we partner with the high school to provide it a shadowing program. those individuals can come to the operations yard and shadow our program so they actually shadow some of our some of our painters and so forth to get an introduction to the actual trade to see if it's something they want to do and participate in once they graduate from high school. and our summer youth program works with buff to see if they want to embark on a career field as a general labor if they want to because they work with that program as well, but in landscape maintenance as well. >> very good. thank you. >> yeah compliments, i'm echoing
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the individuals. this is pretty amazing. >> next up is our community engagement team. good morning, everyone. glen alvarez, community engagement. we are about connections but perhaps te deeper way to describe it is what we really do is tell the story of public works. so, we tell the story using a variety of programs that we have. some of them are volunteer based, some of them are about building public space out, and some of them are about enforcement. i'm going to start talking to you about our community programs division because at its core, it is the easiest way for someone
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toworks. this past fiscal year we engaged with over 30,000 volunteers, counting more than 51,000 hours, more than 30,000 trash bags and more than 1400 green waste bags. the programs where these bags were collected from start with adopt a street. you might have seen little orange bags around the city. most likely those bags were generated from our volunteers. these are folks that come to us and do more than just call 311 because they live on a dirty street. they want to go out and get their hands a little dirty and clean up the street themselves.
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we partner with a variety of schools, community organizations groups, cbd's. and folks come to us and we give them paint and brushes and they get to paint over graffiti throughout the city. similar to the adopt the street programs community groups, cbd's, generally anyone that wants to go that extra mile and not report to just 311 and do something about the condition of the streets. the street program is a way to beautify the city. folks come to us and they want to build-out a space or develop
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a space that perhaps we are not showing the love that we could be showing to it. so, we give them the tools, we also provide waste hauling services. whethe it' a parcel, some space in the right-of-way, they are doing the gardening work and maintaining the space in a way that we are not capable of doing. just a highlight here. once a m year, 120-200 high school students come and they clean up a space next to their school. this has been going on since 2021. it really is a great example of kids coming out for the day, gardening right alongside us and making the area they live in that much more beautiful. one of the signature days of
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public works is our neighborhood beautification days. happens once a month from january to november. we go from all 11 districts? san francisco and we really dedicated a lot of resources, a lot of time, a lot of planning to beautify 12 different work scopes around the city. some of them can be tree planting, cleaning up a median, litter projects or painting over graffiti. it's really a day for folks to comeout, work alongside us and really the way i described it is when it comes alive. you come and get to talk to someone that paints over affiti and cleans streets daily and gardens daily and get a feel for what we do and an understanding of the challenges that we face and also getting
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your hands dirty and look at something that you contributed to. >> community development projects are really some of the more beautiful things that we can accomplish with community partnership. frequently you might see a mural and those could be community development projects. they come to us and want to develop the space out and beautify it in more ways than trimming some hedges or mulching. usually these things require a lot of planning and i development project in partnership with the city but primarily fueled through community want. the other thing
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the community program does is arbor events. it's the one big event we put on. we plant a lot of trees that day. we usually get 350 attendees. is part volunteer pruning and part fair. we have a lot of vendors and folks that have something to do in the community related to promoting greening, promoting arbor day. so, it's really a celebration of what public works does in arbor day? general. the open house is m favorite event that we plan. the open house is our version of disneyland. we usually invite students from the city to come and they get to go to the shops we have, they build a planter box, build a
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toolbox. we have interactive stations where they can see how a light switch works, and so is really an introduction to public works and frankly an introduction to the trades because not only do we have young students come, we also have folks that are teenagers. i believe we had a few college age students come and we have union representation there. so they really do have an opportunity to learn about what it is to work in public works and how they might find an avenue to gain employment to public works. our health fair just happened. an annual fair to give flu shots and opportunity to come in to get a flu shot. we work with dph on it to work
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with them internally to benit them. i talked about community programs, but the other prong of community engagement is the outreach and enforcement e outr enforcement has a purpose behind it. the one chain is responsible for enforcing right of way on the cleanliness for our departments to over see but are not necessarily authoritative. we will issue a citations, we have fines, but with a we are trying to do is make a connection and have the right conversation with people that might not be following the rules related to disposing of their trash, related to the various codes that whave.
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more than anything we are looking to have that conversation to make sure they understand that they might not be following what they need to follow according to the various codes in san francisco. so this is a breakdown of how we staff the city. we have the operations division that breakdown the city. >> i'm sorry, mr. alvarez. vice-chair harris, if you can just call a recess while -- is out of the
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>> thank you. >> i suppose we can take it from the top. so the one team, they are responsible for enforcing the right of way laws related to cleanliness for our department. we breakdown the city in zones, a-f. each zone has their coordinator that is responsible for the zone and patrolling, actively enforcing the codes we enforce, and also responding to complaints from citizens about code violations. this is a run down of the codes they enforce. i think the most common violation that is reported to us is actually public works code 170a. that is if you have ever seen
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your neighbors have their toters out when garbage is not coming, that is illegal. that's the number one enforcement we issue. the most prevalent and perhaps the most famous one is municipal health code 280 which is the dumping of refuge, better known as, illegal dumping. we follow the progressive model in the one team. initially we will send you an outreach general letter informing you that you may be in violation of something and you may not even know that you are in violation of something. it's a warning to get in compliance. we have inspections and if we
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witness the same violation, we send out a notice of violation. it cites the code that you are violating and informs you of the potential citation with a monetary component to it. finally, if you just ignore all of our warnings, there is a citation. so, that citation is a formal fine that can range out from $100 to $100,000. 11093 enforcement actions were taken. 7231 actions were actually the outreach letter, 2816 actions with a notice of
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violation, and 846en stances of our outreach rose to a citation level. this year, we are at 2029 outreach incidents. we are driven by 311 reports and have actually seen a down turn in folks that are contacting us to report violations related to right of way cleanliness. last year we had 5541 total reports, this year 1195. we have partners on the team. we have some key partnerships with sf environment and department of health.
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illegal dumping is a dph code. in terms of finding folks that need to be contacted by us, we rely on recology. they have a lot of folks out there. whenever they might service a trash can, they let us know we make the right contact with the ratepayer and start that dialogue to be sure they either increase their service or perhaps have more frequency of their service. we also have partnerships with larger organizations like the community benefit districts and the green benefit districts. i think in general, the more kind of intel and the more information we can get, the better, whether it's a community group, whether it's just a constituent, ultimately the
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people that live in these communities are the experts on what's going on with them and we rely on them on what we need to be doing and looking to better serve them. so in years past, we would issue citations and i suppose there is a very blunt way of putting this. we would issue a citation. if someone didn't pay it, we would send a letter saying you need to pay it. after that letter, we would send another one and threaten to send them to collections. if they didn't pay it, nothing would happen. i'm not sure why it was that way. i have been in this position for a year and nine months. and i immediately identified this as something that needed to change. so we have been working on a
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process to a lot at the unpaid invoices particularly for last year where we have full confidence that the citations we issue are just and proper. the $90,412.50, that have not been paid will be going through board of supervisors to access that through a lien process. i'm excited to hold folks accountable. this slide essentially goes through the stream that needs to happen for that plan to go into effect. so, we'll be
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coordinating with the board of supervisors, issuing those as related to the unpaid citations and if needed, liening. looking ahead, we have some things that we are really excited about. and we are a small yet mighty team -- we have some vacancies that have not been filled for a number of years related to a staffing, i suppose analysis. so, that has come pretty close to a conclusion, and we are looking to hire more of our outreach coordinators for the one team and the staffing for the fiscal year. we have a camera system for monitoring illegal dumping. we have been involved with the implementation and seen
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operationally how that would logistically play into our investigations. actually for the community development projects that we have, we are also involved with the launch of the new love our neighbor permit which i know have a lot of folks working on it and is something that the community is looking forward to. with that, does anyone have questions? -- >> mr. harrison? >> yes, my compliments on finding this failing there if you will. things get lost in times sometimes and i think that's an excellent work you did there. thank you. >> thank you. >> i'm on the other hand very pleased that you are going to
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start taking actions on citations on illegal dumping because it's very important to hold some people accountable for not dumping things. there is actions and people that call 21 that. it's pretty amazing. >> we are very excited to go after them as well. >> i know that we have been talking for a while about camera and illegal dumping sites. are we still getting them installed? >> i think the first five. deputy director? >> yes, we have seven cameras in now. >> we did have some extremely frustrating delays in getting
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those up. many factors contributed to that including the company that we worked with got bought by another company and that work had to be done. we have seven in and we are getting there. we have been able to catch any illegal dumpers at all? >> they have been in for about two weeks now. we are adjusting the cameras no you to target the exact locations, but thus far, no. not yet. we are hopeful. >> some people use the community as well for evidence, right? >> yes, and the community also
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given us permission to put cameras on their business. so we are working together in bayview. i have one question on page 33. the outreach on the numbers page. for fiscal year 24, it's up quite a bid from fiscal year 23. is it just the staffing? >> yes, so, the bar graph that is lower is technical before my time with the one team. but knowing what i know, the staffing had issues and i think at that point we had the two or
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three on staff. currently we have five folks in the field, two supervisors and one admin on the team. that's a big difference from three people. >> yes. >> we actually have seven additional, but two have left us. so you saw the increase because we were fully staffed during that time. >> all right. >> good job. thank you. >> with that, that is the end of our presentation. i can't reiterate enough how important each of these sections are to public works as a whole, they are the glue that keep us together. we are not just cleaning we are not just doing trades work, but we are out in the community,
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investing in our employees, we care about the safety, our ve of this data that we have given you at the end of the year has enlightened you. with that, are there anymore questions? >> a couple. from when you first started, i was trying to wait until the end. for the trees that were planted, were they kind of spread outr were they concentrated in different neighborhoods or a mixture? >> i would say a mixture. we are hoping the tenderloin can become the first neighborhood that's fully planted out. as you know that's a challenging neighborhood to get streets established. so there have been several efforts to really try to plant every available basin in the tenderloin as well as every
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available planting site. in addition, we received a grant to the specific for planting in the south of market area. we are working on that right now. for those two areas, probably the areas that received the most trees this past year and we are also working on replacing trees where trees have been removed and more spread out. our partners are in the richmond districts because of grants available for those areas. so it's kind of a combination of both to answer your question. >> thank you. are there any from the nursery? >> not just yet. >> i'm really looking forward to that first industry. >> you will be the first to know.
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>> we have trees, but we are using the nursery also to stage trees before they go into the ground. so there are trees that have been in the nursery that have been planted but not yet a tree that has been raised in the nursery. >> that's really exciting. i think the nursery opened a year ago, right? that's really awesome. the other question i have about the pot hole and the street repair that you talked about, how are we doing on the p ci score, are you going able to keep that up? >> i hope so. if we stay focused on our timelines and closing out the service orders and creating ones when we get to an area. if i get to one here as an example on venice and grove.
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they will come and if they see more, that will give us additional ones. we are very hopeful that we will continue to skip momentum on potholes. >> great. i was wondering because i was really excited about that. that's it for me. >> i have a question. the department of public works, the team members, on the street level, retiring, how soon do you start retraining or promoting whoever that's going to be taking■ their spots? dpw is vey vital for san francisco. whoever is taking over is quite important so we don't have accidents or gap that you have
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to train. so my question is how far or how soon you know folks that are going to retire, how qukly do you start taking steps to train someone to take on the positions? >> usually we have the person that is retiring work with someone that is close to them and put them in the acting role and they would obtain those responsibilities and as a person leaves, they will train that person. but we'll still go through a fair process with hiring through hr. we can't promise people that they will get the job. usually the acting person in the role as the manager and supervisor is about to leave will train that person who will then train the person we hire or we are good enough to hire that person in a position.
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so, we continue to train but it's a process. we have to follow the process. usually if the acting person is sitting in the positionl get all the train and will help to train the new person coming in. >> yeah, i can just add a couple things. what we do try to plan for retirements and make sure we are giving people an opportunity to learn. for example, if someone is on vacation, we will try to appoint a person in that acting role, and rotate often depending on how many people are eligible to be in an acting role. if we use our street cleaning team, for example, there is a superintendent. and we will often take turns rotating the
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assistant superintendents if that person is out. we do try to plan and if we know someone is going to retire. for example, we have an amount of forefore chris mcdaniel retired, we are were able to share the information and one is currently acting as superintendent. sometimes we don't have as much warning and may come quickly and we may not be able to do that same degree of planning. the way we do it generally is throughout t year looking for those opportunities to give people some training in the role so that if and when the opportunity comes up, they have had a little bit of experience and if that's a job they might want to plan for and do in the future.
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>> some of the information we have gotten to today is that there is not enough training time. i'm curious what other steps have been taken into consideration. >> on boarding is important and training. it's our biggest responsibility as a civil servant. i agree. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right. do we have anything else? there are no further comments from the commission. now public comment. please open public comment. members of the public who may wish to make comment in chambers, please line-up up■f t the right. if you are online, please press
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star 3 on the webinar to be recognized. >> okay. no one has come forward to speak on this item. no one has raised their hand in the online queue also. that concludes public comment. >> all right. since there is no further discussion, secretary fuller, please call the next item. >> we will now turn to three items of commission business. the first, item 5, 5. sanitation and streets commission annual statement of this action item. so the city charter requires commsions to adopt a statement of purpose, and previously, this commission statement was adopted as part of its rules of order.
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per the suggestion of the civil grand jury this year, we are adopting it separately so it's easier to find from commission members and the public. and there is an adopted newer format but the content is different and fulfilling the mandate and doing it in a relatively uniformed pattern. so the proposed statement of purpose has been distributed to commissioners and it's currently posted on the sanitation streets website. it's basically talking about what the mandate is in the
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charter so it's more easily available without having to go through entirehartero find that information. before any motion is taken on this item, i'm heir to take on any questions or suggestions. >> does commissioners have any questions on the sanitation streets annual statement of ■& purpose? all right. do i have a motion? >> notion approve. >> second. >> given the motion, mr. fuller, please open public comment on this matter. members of the public,thnual sa
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commission statement of purpose, please lineup here in the chambers or press star 3 to be recognized. no one has approached on this item and no one in the queue has raised their hand on it either. that concludes public comment on the moment. >> all right. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? >> all right. motion passes. >> second fuller, please call the next item. >> i will post that adopted statement of purpose on the commission's website as well. >> 6. sanitation and streets commission 2025 calendar - adopt staff report, resolution action >> i will present the proposed calendar. this is an action
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item. if sf gov tv, if you can display the clerk pc. okay. per the commission's rules of order we adopt the calendar of meetings ahead of the new year to allow commissioners and department staff to plan their schedules and with the joint public hearing of the public works commission and followed by three meetings to hear a performance update from each operations bureau and division wide report and other reports similar to the ones we have heard over the past calendar year. we will continue to use the third monday of the month for the meeting time here in city
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hall and additional meetings maybe scheduled if necessary. i'm happy to take any questions before a motion is made on this item. >> thank you. commissioners, do you have any questions on the calendar? >> no questions. >> do i have a motion to adopt. motion to adopt. >> second. >> given the motion, do we have public comment? >> is there any public comment on the motion of adopting the 2025 calendar of meetings, please lineup next to the wall. if you are online, press star 3 from the webinar to be
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recognized. no one has approached to speak on this item and no callers in the queue either. that concludes public comment. >> all right. hearing no further debate, all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? all right. the motion passes. >> secretary fuller will post the calendar of meetings on the commission's website. please call the next item. >> 7. sanitation and streets commission election of officers i will discuss this item. per the commission's rules of order we hold an annual election of officers for the commission chair and vice-chair. our normal method is to take
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nominations for each role, and if there are multiple nominations for one of the roles, we'll hear public comment and debate and vote on the nominees until one of them receives at least three votes in favor. we will move on to the next role using the same procedure. the only other exception is if there is only one nominee for role, we can have a single vote for the roles and consider them as a slate. only hearing public comment once. before hearing any nominations, i'm happy to take any questions because sometimes explaining that procedure can be more confusing than just doing it. commissioners, do you have any
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questions for the sanitation streets commission election of officers >> >> no. >> do i hear a nominees for chair? >> yes, i would like to nominate -- for chair. >> do i have any nominees for vice-chair? >> i would like to nominate commissioner harrison to vice-chair. >> all right. given that nomination, we■- wil
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now hear general public comment on -- >> are there any other competing nominations? >> yes. i think we are good. >> no problem. >> not hearing any other nominations, we will go to public comment. >> members of the public wishing to comment on the nomination of commissioner showman and chair and commissioner harrison as vice-chair, please lineup next to the wall, or if you are on the webinar, please press star 3. no one has approached us to speak on this nomination and no one in the caller queue. >> great. is there any debate on the nomination? i think we are
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good, right? so say, "ay >> aye. >> any opposed? >> yes. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? yes. >> nomination passes. >> congratulations. secretary fuller will update the commissions website for 2025. please call the next item. >> congratulations to both chair showman and harrison. next item. 8. new business initiated by commissioners informational
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>> great. would any commissioners like to raise any issues? >> i would like to hear a report on the electric vehicles at some point. it's when you have more information. so i would appreciate that. okay. >> commissioner? >> i would like to propose a future meeting with recology to get an updated version on how they are helping the agency and services. >> great. do we have any further business? hearing no further new business. mr. fuller, please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public who
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wish to make comment on this item no. 8, please lineup near wall, if you are commenting outside of chamber, from the webinar, press star 3 to be recognized. no one has approached on this item in person and they haven't raised their hand in the queue. so that concludes public comment. >> great. is there any further discussion from the commission? >> no? all right. hearing no further discussion, secretary a;fuller, please call the next item. 8. general public comment - continued from item 1 if necessary since we did not exceed the 15 minute for item 1, item 9 is not necessary. >> all right. mr. secretary, is there any further business? >> there is no further business
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on the agenda. >> this commission will be adjourned. >> i adjourn this meeting. >> [ end of realtime captioning ] >> we're the public works mana.
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>> so public works has been involved in the redevelopment of mission bay since its inception in the late 90s, which is almost 20 years. i've been here about four years, these guys have been here in several years, and there have been a lot of people who have been! here before us o construct what you see today. about a block from here is the bay. most of mission bay was a cove, marshy land, and debris from the 1906 earthquake was brought here to fill in the land, part of what you see here today. >> our team is proud to be a part of the mission bay redevelopment project to help the city grow. >> when you come out to mission bay, you'll see parks of all kinds of. parks for kids, parks for dogs, and parks with a view.
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>> before long, you'll see one of the largest parks in mission bay. >> so before chase center development started, there were very little utilities, so some of the utilities that we constructed including low pressure reclaim mains, joint trench utilities, which enabled us to underground pg&es utilities, many things that used to be above ground. >> one of the things about mission bay, it's a separated system. in the city, everything is combined, so storm and sewer goes down to the treatment plant, but mission bay, the plan was to reduce the burden on the overall treatment system, so this kind of enabled the rain water flow to flow in the right direction and make it
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to our stormwater pump station which is about a block away. >> we will be demolishing all of what we're standing on now and the track ways and raising it to grades, and a couple of days from now, we'll be putting fresh asphalt on it. so what you're looking at is 16 street. and behind us is terra francois street. >> we manage a lot of different agencies between contractors, developers, and designers. we ove variety of challenges to meet the chase center opening.
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>> central poles can't move too much because they have to be in the right position for drivers. right me is a water supply for fire suppression, so it was scheduled to go right over where the pipe was going to sit, so various city agencies had to meet together to make sure there weren't any conflicts in the field. so next time you're in mission bay and you see city this, you might think it was an easy installation, but there's seven different agencies building new construction here in mission bay to make sure. not can it be built right, but it had to be
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>> i don't want to be involved in the process after it happens. i want to be there at the front end to help people with something in my mind from a very early age. our community is the important way to look at things, even now. george floyd was huge. it opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. before rodney king. you can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. i think we are involved in change right now in this moment
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that is going to be long lasting. it is very challenging. i was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. the officer that helped afterwards went out of his way to check the time to see how i was. that is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our sheriff's office regardless of circumstance. that influenced me a lot. some of the storefronts have changed. what is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. the barbershop and the shoe store is other one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dad's old army boots fixed. we would see movies after the
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first run. my brother and i would go there. it is nice. if you keep walking down sacramento. the nice think about the city it takes you■k to japan town. that is where my grandparents were brought up. that is the traditional foods or movies. they were able to celebrate the culture in that community. my family also had a dry-cleaning business. very hard work. the family grew up with apartments above the business. we have a built-in work force. 19 had 1 as -- 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. >> determined to do the job as democracy should with realeratie involved. >> the decision to tak■;e every
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one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. my family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. they tried to make their home a home. the community came together to share. they tried to infuse each home are little things. they created things. i remember my grand mother saying they were very scared. they were worried. they also felt the great sense of pride. >> japanese americans. >> my granduncle joined the 442nd. when the opportunity came when
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the time that was not right. they were in the campaign in italy. they were there every step of the way. >> president truman pays tribute. >> that was the most decorated unit in the history of the united states army. commitment and loyal to to the country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. they chose to come back to san francisco even after all of that. my father was a civil servant as well and served the state of california workers' compensation attorney and judge and parents k at civil service s.i applied to police, and sheriff's department at the same time. the sheriff's department grabbed
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me first. it was unique. it was not just me in that moment it was everyone. it wasn't me looking at the crowd. it was all of us being together. i was standing there alone. i felt everyone standing next to me. the only way to describe it. it is not about me. it is from my father. my father couldn't be there. he was sick. the first person i saw was him. i still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. i am happy to be in the pition i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. when i say that we want to be especially focused on
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marginalized communities that have been wronged. coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. that didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a decision made by the government. nobody raised their voice. now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. when we something wrong we have change agents step up to help the community affected. that is a important thing to continue to do. you talk about change and being a leader in change and not knowing whether you have successes or results. the fact of the matter is by choosing to push for change you have already changed things. throu inspiration for others, take up the matter or whether it is through actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard. i think you have already started on a path to change by choosing
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that path. in doing that in april of itself creates change. i continue in that type of service for my family. something i hope to see in my children. i have good chance with five children one will go into some sort of civil service. i hope that happens to continue that legacy. >> i am paul, sheriff of san francisco. [ music ] 0a■
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