tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV January 19, 2025 7:00am-10:00am PST
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are xooirz and we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what your passengers want. >> well, i look forward to the future (laughter) air are we look fofofofofofofofo >> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, january 14, 2025. um, madam clerk, call the roll. >> >> thank you, mr.
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president. >> supervisor chan, present. >> confirmed, present. >> supervisor dorsey, present. >> supervisor engardio, present. >> supervisor fielder, present. >> supervisor mahmood not present supervisor melgar, present. >> supervisor melgar, present. >> supervisor sauter, present. >> supervisor sherrill, present. >> supervisor walton and supervisor mahmood, present. >> mr. president all members are present. >> thank you, madam clerk >> thank you, madam clerk >> unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> colleagues will you join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. of the united states of and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> on behalf of the board i'd like to acknowledge the staff that sfgovtv who record each of the meetings and make the transcripts to the public you believe that is - thank you, james. i also ask that everyone bear with me susceptible through
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the errors of the first meeting madam clerk, any s. thank you, president. president. prior to the hearing may be delivered to the clerk of the board or the clerk of the committee and will be shared with the members. >> meetings are cablecast on sfgovtv, or cable channels 26, 28, 78 or 99 (depending on your provider). for petroleum send an e-mail to sfgov or post service to the board of supervisors the city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, ca 94102 room 244 san francisco, california. to make a reasonable accommodation americans with disabilities act or to request language assistance
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language assistance to raise your hand for public comment on a specific agenda item press *3 when prompted by the meeting moderator. thank you, mr. president. and members. >> thank you, madam clerk >> um, we have our minutes. >> approval of the november 19, 2024, december 3, 2024, and december 10, 2024, regular board meeting minutes. >> any changes to those meeting minutes i don't think so seeing none, can i have motion to approve the minutes as presented moved by supervisor melgar and seconded by supervisor walton madam clerk, call the roll. >> >> supervisor chen, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor fielder, aye. >> supervisor mahmood, aye. >> president mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor sauter, aye.
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>> supervisor >> supervisor walton, aye. >> and xhavrnd, aye. >> 11 ayes objection minutes will be approved after public comment as presented and madam clerk could you call you call you call you call our. >> unfinished business: ordinance amending the planning code and zoning map to create the 30 van ness avenue the 30 van ness avenue the 30 van ness avenue quality act; making findings of consistency with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101.1; and findings. supervisor dorsey thank you, supervisor mandelman i've been working closely with room 200 and others to make sure district
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6 can moved and 30 van ness is an stance the developer started the project in august of 2022 and afforádable housing fee indexes to the city up front on site permits that is at a critical intersection at van ness and multi-family has visually stalled. for some time my office has been working closely with the oewd to jump in start the project but paused the legislation before seeks to improve the projects feasibility and main the benefits proposed on the public arraign my office makes sure the fees are with the both sides instructions citywide in the current market at at cap
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and guidelines today 345e789sz will build on the land use committee put forward make the changes to the certain numbers and provide credit for the fooeshgz this colleagues will fully lion van ness with the objections other projects are subject to and get closures closer to the construction underway and summarize the minutes first deletion on page 8 line 21 adding language to provide impact fees and third■@ and finally on page 9 line 6 regarding the section 415 i'd like to express my thanks to
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supervisor melgar for helping and my colleagues hope to have this motion and underlying motion i'd like to have a motion for the circulated amendments and vote as amended with the first reading. >> thank you, supervisor dorsey >> supervisor melgar thank you, supervisor mandelman first, i'd like to second the motion supervisor dorsey. i wanted to tell you colleagues, we heard this in committee. there was disagreements at the last committee meeting i voted against the amendment because they - the whole point to move this projectus come to work in this building every single day see that project a hole in the ground. at
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the corner of market street and there were during the pandemic wood structures built around this we say a lot of hurt at that um, intersection a lot of our neighbors suffering from addiction and homelessness. and it was definitely, you know, one of the soar points in the corridor i'm eager to make sure we um, keep our promises to the community andy benefits and alle project to forward i want to say during the land use committee didn't get a huge outpouring of the community support for the amendment nor opposition to the project. it wasn't for the what
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happened here. and, you know, i will be supporting supervisor dorsey in the work he's doing in his district and hope to move forward. >> thank you supervisor melgar. >> again supervisor dorsey your staff supported the amendments seeing today city attorneys are not here so no vote. >> good afternoon. deputy city attorney the amendments by supervisor dorsey are not substantive and no go back to the committee. >> all right. so no questions or comments there has been a motion on the amendments second madam clerk, call the roll. >> other than the amendments.
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>> on the amendments. >> xhvrn, aye. >> as supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor fielder, aye. >> supervisor mahmood, aye. >> president mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor sauter, aye. >> supervisor sherrill, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> all right. and then i think i need a motion on the amended on the amended items so that moved by supervisor dorsey and seconded by supervisor melgar. >> same house, same call. without objection the motion passed on this firefighters. >> aamended.
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>> thank you. >> let's go to roll call for introductions. >> first today is supervisor chen. >> thank you, madam clerk and thank you, supervisor mandelman. >> and colleagues today, i'm very honored and excited in my first official meeting as to introduce a resolution celebrating 2020 as is most of the snake and celebration of the new year in to has become a culturally significant event that became with the one the first day of new year and evens on the full moon the increasing is a significant holiday for asian families to get together
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and honor the ancestors with hopes of prosperity and good health and celebration and traditional food this is the 2020 year the snake promises to bring a transformation and i'd like to thank all my colleagues for their unanimous co-sponsoring and supervisor chan for her sponsorship. >> thank you supervisor chen. >> supervisor dorsey. >> thank you, madam clerk i'll stand because i understand a photo op. >> colleagues, i'm not introducing legislation myself i would like to offer support for mayor-elect daniel lurie be able legislation was introduced and after it briefly on they proposal i asked the boards to
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be a sponsor this challenge is personal as many of you know. i don't think there is a single problem facing san francisco today not wholly drink or made worse by the worst culprit this one drug is driving more and mayor-elect daniel lurie to put the resources where they're needed in the approach to contract processes and we hope to start the solutions as the problems we face my strong support and hope i'm a enjoy strong support from the matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction. thank you. >> thank you very much. colleagues today, i'm the first
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introduction of legislation, aye. >> a supervisor 3 reaffirm our commitment to the sanctuary ordinance in effect for 35 years jp morgan chase passed the first ordinance in the country in response to a tax on get-togethers on the regular administration hearsay of cities have adopt their own sanctuary ordinances modeled after ours the miss conception just to be clear, sanctuary ordinances prohibits the city resources and personnel from evaluating the federal government with targeting arrest and detaining immigrants unless required by the state law it is public right-of-way for all san franciscans by residents regardless of the immigration status to call fire
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department agencies and police department in public right-of-ways situations and promotes public health and education all families regardless of immigration status feel safe. sorry all the sanctuary all families in the immigration status feel safe at the public health services and sending the kid to the public schools and last night i attended an immigration commission on this topic of prep the community for the upcoming federal administration including the projects promises to create the largest deportation program in history and last night's hearing was well attended the overflow room was at capacity and registrar-recorder/county clerk interpretation in four languages i want to thank the
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office of immigration affairs for their language interpretation. to the immigration rights commission and a hearing and to the community partners with the presentations i heard loud and clear gkts are looking for us for shawnee to stand by this i heard many people in my district and across the cities are waking up in a state of anxiety what it or is to come and some parents stopped sending their kids to school afraid to report emergencies and some don't know how to look their children in the face and tell them it is going to be okay and finally from elected officers that anxiety not what san francisco is about. this town was built
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by people who are immigrant and wouldn't function without people who migrate and because we get a new president we'll not abandoned our community but our sanctuary city ordinance is here to stay. >> thank you every single one of the board supervisor melgar and supervisor chan and all. thank you very much. thank you, thank you supervisor fielder. >> supervisor mahmood. >> yes. i'd like to make two condominiums and introduce one motion as well. i want to second supervisor dorseys co-sponsoring for the mayors statement of emergency i'm proud to be a
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co-children and the reason is because this type of focus decisive action to address the concerns about fentanyl and it's devastating impacts and critical step in treating the demand a bold measure to make sure that the process is not mired in bureaucracy and want to commend those - i'm supporting to quickly address mental health and public safety by reducing the administrativeelays the city can move quickly to expand the services and provided critical resources. we did this
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during covid and replicating the powers to the mayor's office to shut this down pandemic as a epidemic and and accountability framework robust controls for audits for responsible implementation will add to the safeguards to tackle this i believe with the tools we can restore hope and improve public safety to our community and i'm happy to sponsor with supervisor dorsey in the capacity. the second thing i want to comment on is another critical issue having in district 5 the pending closure of giveaway in the i want to call i'll be filing
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paperwork to have a hearing on behalf of the community and the community asked for it for several reasons one our office has received calls and met with the members of the public who shared their concerns about loas the service and pharmaceutical and banking services provide necessary sisters enacting the refugees in the western addition and japantown■ and yesterday, i personally went to the community and clerks and store managers no more produce and likely not reoriented. there is pharmaceutical services until he february 7th you but make sure you're finding ways to transfer those going forward and this
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impeding closing date long term to make sure there is minimal services in the neighborhood we know the community has been told this for a while and the loss that is of the by the residents and deserve to be heard i'll be introducing in the land use committee this measure supervisor melgar in the hearing so the community can be heard and have transparent about the project and what we'll do now and next and to give them the answers they're looking for and again, want to acknowledge the commment and the advocacy for the community and by day and working with the partnering over the coming years. thank you. (clapping.) thank you, supervisor mahmood. >> president mandelman and i have nothing to submit. >> thank you, mr. president, and supervisor melgar. thank
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you. madam clerk. >> i will also start by welcoming all the our newly elected colleagues and reelected colleagues so i'm hopeful we will work together to workout things together and with that, i'll take the opportunity to tell you what i will be prior pifrgz if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. this coming year and we have different, you know, interest rates (laughter) and, you know, so no surprise my are on the land use and transportation so i want to make sure we um, fulfill our commitment to the state on our housing element with our affordable housing commitment. and all of the legislation that we didn't get to. we have a deadline by the independence of
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this year and i'll be doing doing everything we can to make sure we negotiate with each other and with the state and the mayor's office to get to the finish line. i'll be concentrating on the legislation to finalize the co-op housing legislation i've been working on to quite a while and required the focus on the state delegation and financing of the co-op housing has to do with with the state law needs to be changed to help us to get to the finish line and i'm committed to that and really committed to making sure that we at state community service nothing more regressive than to on public and assessable ■c transportation. um, but president mandelman and i have
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been part of muni giving up to get our heads with regard around what all the stakeholders have been thinking about in terms of balancing the muni budget and putting forth a plan that was submitted and um, last but not least i'll make sure that children in our cities are supported in their success on the childcare it takes time and have not gotten to and the services that provide children in the public schools and the way to economic recovery through all of the housing through transportation and to taking residents. so residents for the future taxpayers i'm committed to that
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and with that, i have address a request that is the closure of wall green on the border of district 7 have lost 4 stores in the past 5 years and last to death and two walgreens and they're large, you know, storefronts so i'm making a request for the city attorney for some planning code changes to make this easier to fulfill the large storefronts and this serve as neighbors to the neighborhood commercial kroerd /* corridor and on the things in san francisco besides the 1 on
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ocean avenue we have spent time and emergency i want to make sure we have an easier minded with that and restore public transparent and last a in memoriam close the meeting in honor of colonel peter who was a dear friend gentle kind friend. he was born on january 29, 1939, in new york's and passed away think december 5th. he grew up in the bronx and went around the world with service in distinction in korea and was a resident of wt or decades. and married to barbara raised three children attended the schools in san francisco.
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and just wendy and survived by four grandchildren and survived by several siblings gene and charles and colonel was a graduate of west point and served in the u.s. army and it's final assignment was detective presidio san francisco in the army after a very successful military career consider necessarily and i served together on the board of directors at the jewish council and voted a big part of his life supporting veterans on you've duty especially the veterans that suffer from std and
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homelessness and needed on enter - he spent allotment in care with everyone he met with the developers who needed the extra help and transferred in the military to work force and was a generous compassionate leader husband and father and coach and friend so jcrc gave him an award in 2018 and many more deserving and i'll miss him dealer and send his love to barbara and his children we'll miss you pete. the rest i submit.
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>> >> thank you supervisor melgar. >> supervisor sauter thank you, madam clerk. >> colleagues, i come to the office running a campaign and over those thousands of incredible conversations heard dreams of lower cost of living by building more housing for homelessness and for better neighborhood schools but heard a constant desire to do maul thingso earn the trust of our residents back it is important we do the maul things well and nothing is more important that's why i'm asking for a hearing calling on the city's policy and progress that relates to this we have questions and looking for answers resident want to know how to address the track cans and businesses why the trash cans on the corner is over
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flowing and tourist wonder why they have wake 6 to 8 blocks we know that happens to the fancy trash cans but by some accounts our city has 15 hundred trash cans from years ago and our budget is larger i look forward to the working with the department of public works and to have more trash cans and cleaner streets. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor sauter. >> supervisor sherrill. >> thank you, madam clerk >> mr. president and colleagues thank you to supervisor engardio and echo the comments by supervisor dorsey and supervisor melgar proud to will be a co-sponsor san franciscans demand action. do i want to
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introduce and request for the study for the impacts explore how to extend those key waivers for the future and san francisco commercial corridors with the backbone of the city and with the accessibility and walkability our city small businesses have a profound impact on the neighborhoods with the success of each commercial corridor where on lombard those stops and gathering places are the life blood of our community and consistency we have struggled with the barriers like startup costs and rising expenses continue to make is challenging for small businesses to open and thrive in the city we must continue to make 3
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easier for small business owners to succeed. first to achieve this hearing will analyze this program with the exception and examine remaining barriers for the implementations and identify the steps to make small businesses scheme permanent with those fee waivers to expire on the first starting discussions how to extend the programs i look forward to working with each of you and with the small businesses to make sure that san francisco remains a city where small businesses grow and thrive and enrich the city for years to come. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor sherrill. >> supervisor walton. >> we're doing something new for initiatives or in any case
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lack of support but i do want to say in response to the mayors fentanyl proposal and action that one thing we should understand is during covid we gave emergency powers to the mayor with the presence of a sporadic plan. right now we have legislation that requests waiving process to allow for the swift sdibts and supporting this legislation is premature without the presence of a plan that demonstrates exactly what the mayor and the city plans to do. i look forward to learning more about this specific of a plan. um, i am not sure how to understand that by. the rest i submit. >> at the supervisor walton. >> supervisor chan submit
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thank you. seeing no other names on the roster, includes the introduction of the new comment. >> public comment and please line up on our right-hand side the chamber and speak to the approval of the minutes or general matters that are not on today's matter but on is board jurisdictions all others will be - we are setting the timer for two minutes. >> yes. we'll collect them. thank you. >> we're setting the timer for two minutes and great this is very truth without setting i'm not the trust. that was you don't use trust so. you can't stop i can't stop with
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everything with the - la which thanks to whatever said (unintelligible) fine. >> now because you have to open your eyes this is not the first time this happened this trying everything today will - there is something to remember understand i creation is - (unintelligible) for the better so if you destroy your means of creation you don't create therefore you set limitation we took the future to reconnect human beings. with
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(unintelligible). >> animals. >> make sure that every single human being would be better serviced with the species to take care of for 5 years. everyone. the criminals wouldn't be part of (bell ringing) if given a specific oh, recognized sort of animals now, if you keep doing what you're doing fine i hope you are sure you'll never be (unintelligible) in in any way, shape, or form of existence you were risking the spaces for all eternity (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> greetings supervisors and hi to all the old supervisors
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and welcome to the new supervisors. i'm here today representing the united alliance tasking and we hand-delivered an employer many of you received this electronically about our position calling and demanding 0 hearing so thank you, supervisors for allowing for following up on that states of emergencies when we rally and take time to knock on our door and get in our face it is not person we need all the attention for was happening in the fillmore he and the places like as walgreens is that hr c dropped the ball in the form of
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administration dropped the ball and many supervisors have been looking at this issue we're trying to be nice but in being nice we're trying to get results and sometimes pains me that we have to point out the sorry about thats and all the things that keep people away from the city. however, the san francisco redevelopment agency answers to the 1956 decision made by the board to take a community and destroy a community we want the facts we want everybody to huddle together and rebuild facts what is going on behind the scenes that deals that the fbi needs to hear or people looking this
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issue thank you for your comments and wow. >> before the next speaker. >> you in the chamber hold our applause we're happy you're here by provide our silent approval it would be nice thank you, sir welcome. >> welcome. >> to the new and old supervisors and you can push that button and sit do you thing this is person very person how to justify failure and have a serious lung disease right now are the state of the emergency even when the actions of good faith were going out you have e air in the building and the
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fillmore center and got the railroad building and ellis and now we've got faith and all that being done i appreciate you supervisor for calling the hearing when you call the hearing that is tearing us apart i'm fighting for 3 cities mychi pussy footing around and put together a hearing for the future and safeway with the 50 year commitment to now lease it that's wat to do fine here's my problem when you do that and don't - anybody has to
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talk with them, no negotiations tapping we were left out of and now here as a community 3 demanding an opportunity to be involved with the negotiations that our children's and children's future and very serious don't get in touch with one person or a couple of people (bell ringing). >> thank you, sir. >> [off mic.] >> thank you sir. >> thank you for your comments. >> hear next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm david a resident of the city of san francisco and been if the hayes valley in di■,strict 5 and the president of hayes valley valley
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association and my time here today is specifically to welcome and congratulate our supervisors by to congratulate our new district 5 supervisor mahmood and his leadership and background will be a welcomed addition not only to the neighborhood but i think for this room. i like to congratulate the new president of the board commissioner mandelman last week you voted him to be you're new president in this room. and to me this unanimous vote is encouraging and suggested this board may work together and despite police ideas and differences which has been long time coming and unfortunately, mayor london breed didn't get to enjoy that
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luxurious luxury of working together and under president mandelman and leaders our new mayor will see a positive um, in the neighborhoods throughout the city. please keep this practice of working together and throughout the term (bell ringing) we're counting on all of you and congratulations again on our election. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> supervisors. san francisco was named after a saint and for the kingdom of heaven. so your supervisors who represent resolutions need ordinances, we
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need the do be mean to the poor and homeless because that's what i'm seeing on the streets of san francisco. and the walgreens made a lot of money and i don't know how they spent if we need quality of life issues and not quality of life issues and we need to put them in the trailers and don't need supervisors to be involved in property management didn't help with the management we're you all and shunned city hall 5 times in the past. so it is not very difficult to do it again. so
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commissioner mandelman i know you very well (bell ringing) your heart be in the right place and only then can you others to a better place. >> thank you welcome to the next speaker. >> my name is jim i'm a partner of randy watching a resident of laguna honda hospital and is power of attorney and yesterday, i attend and health commission because after years of couldn't have done it without coinciding only 6 pages of a report that was stacked 3 inches high was made available to the public. without
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having read those reports, i can assure you not just what was reelevated in them not what was not revealed i give testimony in the public comment. >> now the meeting for the heat commissions are scheduling on mondays the members of the board can attend and encouraged to attend for more clielgd has happening at laguna honda i thought not formed until laguna honda was recertified. concerning safeway i got a letter from safeway recommending go to safeway because walgreens
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(bell ringing). >> thank you for your comments and next speaker. >> i'll i'm going to talk really fast for all ladies and gentlemen a serious problem. i'm a strong ambsadorer in christ and pay my family and politicians. i came to our city when i went to our shelters talk about the drug problems. and staff members are selling and i saw a black women leave her
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house upheld her 3 kids after christmas all [off mic.] >> why everybody's kids were he home those women can't go outside with the kids and play. that is unreal it is wrong and same thing with the shelters why is there fentanyl and drugs and needles and the people you hired all you guys you should understand (bell ringing). >> you're selling. supplying. >> i come up and put cuffs on me and said one 86 you're going to jail. >> why i gotersleep by the st
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robberies and people that you're going to jail james. oh, i'm going to take you to jail twisted my arm i had to sign the paperwork (bell ringing.) >> [off mic.] thank you for your comments. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you for coming down today and next speaker. >> i want to start must functional question we are humans we see a - it is safe to be a san franciscan. we (unintelligible) we have $10 million how much of that budget came from
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(unintelligible) president mandelman i remember you when you were. >> ake our comments to the board as a whole not to one supervisor. >> big deal. >> be and team and housed i mean - (unintelligible). >> jan invitation and what kind of - and that do you remember. >> so my question president mandelman - the most (unintelligible). >> very convenient to all (unintelligible). >> on the speed dial we need to know. >> you did say (unintelligible)
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(bell ■iu(ringing) is it safe to be in san francisco? >> the other guy the day support - also had to come to the meeting. >> that money must come to the delegation we the public and - need to know where money (unintelligible). >> thank you for your comments (bell ringing) let's hear from the next speaker. >> please welcome. >> good afternoon, supervisors and the whole our new supervisors i welcome you. my name is - with the fillmore united alliance. and thank you, but what i'm hearing, of course,
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walgreens and san francisco has lasted to be a family city. fam city anymore but unfortunately, mayor lee give benefits to the - i think if we build san francisco as a family city and with the affordable housing with the but with the economies we're facing a safe way crisis in our neighborhood; right? and before safeway had had the fillmore center trying to gops but the f been on the chopping block since the palm of west. >> since the redevelopment came our neighborhood; right? and we've been through many supervisors and many mayors the
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last mayor congratulate her coming t really need help in the fillmore and need everyone in the city to look at (bell ringing) in our community; right? and as we're on of one black man was ass that's martin luther king and here fighting i want you to take into consideration we need the city all right. and thank you for your comments. >> let's hear from the next speaker. >> welcome. >> my name is roy am victim of a violent crime i want to show you a picture i have pictures on my right eye from living in a center and got knocked to the ground and coming in here asking you guys to come to my rescue
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and come to the district i have come to the president congratulations but i'm a victim of violent crime i can't fight you guys by mitch i have injuries life threatening injuries and my insurance company will not cover my insurance and i'm having serious medical problems and i coming here asking you guys to come in many times i mean the district i live in don't come to my rescue where due go you want me to kick the violence with my own hand the the charges against the city employees you must supervisor or
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because they're covering up i show they're covering up a violent crime with the employees (unintelligible). thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome and my name is definitely la and welcome to you hope you contribute in doing a better job in what has happened social justice fighter for my people and culture and going to passing out madam secretary. >> it is to verify that i am the reason that bayview-hunters
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point i'm the founder and creator of the african person that to bring the culture into the bay area and am the founder and creator and former it was made because of my sacrificing my life for the city of san francisco andhe represented my son was murdered in san francisco in what quad draubl handled i fought for two years to get a trial it just happened as far as 4 or 5 weeks ago and lee was the only survivor and charged with four accounts and the board of supervisors can't say he is the
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contribution to make sure a remembering my son - i want to read this formation (bell ringing). >> if i can separating ours of the typical african-american and coming to you with the tribal law will give us represent practitioner and (bell ringing) my goal over and over. >> thank you time is concluded. >> thank you kindly. >> thank you, ms. chandler. >> thank you, ms. chandler. >> thank you, ms. chandler.
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>> thank you. >> welcome our. >> next speaker, please. >> members of board of supervisors i have had the principle to work with you, we can get on first family basis i'm proud of come a long way. >> let me say we as the people can get to the promise land. you can't do it by ourselves i can't do that by my self but allow the race to become e tint culture is
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the best success foreman kind once i have no culture no history no past. therefore the same mistakes will happen over and over and over again. >> imagine los angeles right now. look at the buyers they're out. that is what the fillmore has become. you can't allow people to be wrong you if you're going to the mlk mark and walk down that street (bell ringing). >> unions and everybody else have an obligation to be an
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american this is the united states of america. this is for all of us when we suffer you suffer. and mlk breakfast i want to let you know that dr. richard amy's brown was honored at the mlk breakfast (bell ringing). >> this is the kind of work. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you. >> hear from the next speaker. >> please. welcome. >> hello. >> first of all, congratulations to the new supervisors and the president of the board president mandelman is we're going to see a lot of good things in 2020 i'm president of the neighborhood soccer in district 2 that borders safeway on the - and the co-chair the
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van ness coalition and covers my supervisors districts we're concerned about the closure of this safeway without any discussion? input, about any short term plan and long term and any community involvement and very anxious to avert the redevelopment where things are demolished and torn down with the security issue we like to see from safeway before in sale is concluded a plan for the businesses a construction plan, a proposal that will go in there and cooperation with speaking with the communities all around and transportation and other departments we want to look forward to it. thank you.
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>> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon. >> i wanted to welcome all the new supervisors we're happy you're representing the district. i'm alice i'm from district 5 and i wanted to thank supervisors for coming into the community the other day. none of you no that is a culture food and, you know, food for us to important. and with the safeway intending closure in february we are really calling this an emergency because not only the western addition and fillmore not only japantown but all the
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sensor community and have to make sure that everyone gets nutrition they have access to medication and they can do if without walking miles and miles this week this is the state of emergency i brought it up at the meeting were outside at the press conference those folks stayed around to go to almost every supervisors office he tell you what has been done and we're (bell ringing) looking to help us figure out to feed the people more importantly and keep us safe. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon. >> my name is fong and proud
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to be a fourth generation groundwater grandfather came in 1903 and had the honor of se as a staffer to the human rights commission in 1983. and so i've retired 7 years ago but very active no community and iui com upon an important time for president mandelman got to know each other way what can. and if you hear the new supervisors i welcome you, we need he everyone's help to work together and volunteering we are one and like to see this board of supervisors come in walking egg both we're one to city better again like we can be more
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powderer than we are. >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome to the next speaker. >> i'm larry a co-founder of the unit group here in san francisco and also a college student at san francisco state i want to■< share that, you know,e jaw now entering 2025 i hope: ad pray each of you take advantage of the opportunity you have because i believe in universal calling and best to invest in the people struggling that don't have i know everyone ask talking about the million airs and bill arrests and take from people in the best interest of you to pass
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bills and invest in the community not take away lucky the fillmore this is had consequences iray for my brothers and sisters in california and pray for san francisco i hope you make the right decisions the decision you all make is actually life and death. you know what i hope you're serious about the policies and is decision you all make that is what you are dealing with life and if you're not taking life you need to reconsider. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon congratulations to all in the coming supervisors i'm karen citizen of integrity 5 and
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member of the st. francis cooperative and here with my neighbors to demand action on the the culture of safeway. as supposed of late stage californiaism and the robbery bearing takes office we expand the larger of martin luther king i ask to look at his work capitalism in a few weeks on our watch and vast food desert and services capital management and new york private firm with $60 billion the■> fillmore is n around for neighbors in wash and western addition and japantown
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the safeway is lifeline this lifeline is cut the heart and soul will bleed out and seniors and working families on tight budget and everyday people like my neighbors in st. francis will go hunger and spend time traveling grocery stores and it is look forward to imagine the developer will not build for years. the majority of our board of supervisors will support from neighbors for a better san francisco together (bell ringing) and grow sf and none of those represent the organizations they're funded by billionaires and fooled by and handout of white people with a golden police department to keep the people from rising up we encourage you to go to those
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organizations and work with us create and community trust and by the fillmore site to select a intervening (bell ringing). >> thank you for your comments. >> welcome. >> welcome all the new supervisors i will say this is - my name is ace i'm on the case and been here 5 administrations and been around. not as long as willie brown but been around. >> i'm here to relate to the new supervisors that we have a very state of emergency in 5 districts i'm in the fillmore. i will be going out my program rolling out my program and - but here to testify of this new
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administration supervisors. and must petition to all the people saying because this is going to be your work. and i'm looking forward to meeting all of you welcome i call if you call it city hall i call it silly hall so the thing i want to explain we're in a new era have no time for errors misguided leadership and all effort and egregious undermining our community not standing for that and recognize and bring do we hope will get help to all the speakers that came today (bell ringing) supervisors and even the mayor's office so we're doing a good job of this generation of leadership
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a new beginning and we're invite all people watching too us we're going fighting for our community and children and children, children children. >> my name is ace i'm on the case you'll see me every tuesday because i have (unintelligible) (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments. >> welco to the next speaker. >> good afternoon my name is leonard the mr. lubelski of the special police officers training and also live in the same house that my mom and dad built and too officers in the fillmore the church, i go to i have an office there and am purchasing that buildingt 1807 folsom street
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for the academy and so forth and members tuesday is our meeting night as well but i want to share with you some things because i grew up in the fillmore and but i came back from the military i thought the war was in the fillmore. all the lots were empty and all were torn up and i would like to put a carnival an fillmore street and when i walked around with the carnival you can't put it here and there and not going into any black neighborhood to put on an carnival but part of police commission and any teacher had officers to the
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fillmore we put on a carnival (bell ringing) we've helped quite a few people in the transition from crime or whatever else to life. and some of the members might speak on this how we helped them in the last 50 years i want to share that is difficult we or doing that and we'll be back here again, thank you. >> thank you, sir, for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> (bell ringing) >> welcome you good miss. >> my name is kenny robinson and i'm a trainee for a special police officers association and first time coming to this building period and hear some of
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my intents. i just came here i would like to come down with my chief to submit some of the wires among our staff what we provide and what we're trying to do and to promote some kind of funding for our program. to um, keep us established been stacey that for 61 years now and for me been a new lifestyle than way used to side a x felon and now want to transform to every
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structure and embrace myself with community. i more or less want to work with my staff to promote our (bell ringing) training academy we are getting up that is 6 and a half years compared to the lifestyle i served if prison and 15 years of freedom without incident working with the academy is helped me allowed me to replace myself in communities and society and more productive. so i just came down here (bell ringing) - >> thank you, sir, for coming down here this governor thank you for your comments. >> see you in two weeks ago
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and hear from the. >> next speaker, please. >> >> housing my name is mark alexander. and been here for a little bit over 2 years now and you know san francisco is a very interesting place complex politics. so regards the safeway um, i think that san francisco has failed fillmore district. and we can't handle■: any more failures in t future you was telling the supervisors not just on you but all of san francisco city to solve this problem. um, and
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that's all i have to say i'm a little bit nervous right now. >> thank you for your comments this afternoon next speaker. >> please. and good evening. i'm jeffrey i'm part of s po police officers association and november 1997 i committed a crime that was murder and spent 22 years in prison. we needed funding at 1807 postal street been locked up a long time and out only 4 years and recidivism is a big thing every time i come up here i don't know what will happen happen and this is my third time speaking this is me letting you know i conditional use permit this crime and recidivism at 1807 i'll do that
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until i get it i'm jeffrey am on 1807 on folsom street and getting training askinging asking you guys to greet the brochures i'll be looting my person belonging if i reach out but letting i know that we will keep on coming and do until you guys look at us i'm jeffrey you guys have a great everything. thank you. jeffrey thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> hello my name is a dustin. i'm representing intersection 08 and i'm nervous. i was homelessn
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supervisors to do something about that with us and hoping we can embrace our communities and we (unintelligible). thank you. >> thank you for your comments thank you for coming down this afternoon and welcome to the next speaker. >> >> good morning. i'm josephine and congratulations supervisor chan and supervisor sauter and supervisor mahmood and all for your election congratulations president mandelman. we look forward to working with you. i ask you to please keep the great highway open and up-to-date emergency plan can be worked out also think excavation to the water
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system the emergency gate opening fell over two earthquakes in a week don't want a - my family and in laws and cousins and aunts are all in th looking at i i'm going to make 19 you accountability for my life lost. >> thank you. >> thank you for your comments reverend a.m. must brown welcome. >> mr. chairman
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(bell ringing) >> members of the board of supervisors, especially to those of you who are joining this brown patch. i'm sure you know who i am. i served on this board. and sat there wondering waiting after having heard persons speak from the debts of their hearts with clarity of thought and appealing to our will not just listen. but to see us. and to do something. i have been coming to this body for
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half a century a sad commentary saying san francisco didn't like black folks if it did that would wouldn't have done what happened in the fillmore or given them if you have information in the negotiation times when they wrote an article blacks with made to feel lonely in san francisco i'm sure i saw that movie the blast black man in san francisco. that not cutting you off but please, please pretty please let us get a new skin stop committing again and again
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saying the crime against the humanity of black people (bell ringing) safeway got away. and time for us to put the brakes on. and to say that all lists will not turnover one spade of dirt for this ground they're on they stole it through safeway who got to. below the value. safeway lived because black folks died figuratively speaking (bell ringing) madam chair, who presided over is finance committee i remember when you gave that report you're response on reparations you said
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i'm sorry this board cried crocodile tears said sorry about the injustices and against black folks we don't have no money. well, that's to be considered. but remember how aaron peskin suggested to this body if we don't have money we should adopt problematic and i submit this afternoon that that holy ground what safeway is should be a part of reparations and make sure the harris building is declared a
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horrifying lark because the children gave the books on this ground. why? because dr. benjamin whose name on the street out here his office is there. why the same area my agile was a workshop why the third baptist church. the redevelopments agency played games and said no housing but the constitution and commercial use of whether mr. petition changed the rules in the middle. >> thank you for your comments. >> what we're left with now as i end thank you, ma'am clerk for
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hearing me this average of time to stop analyzing we thank you for the hearing mr. supervisor but must not make this thing on a pharmacies of an analysis if we're in the city of st. francis and knows how to do the right thing let's get this - just do it and stop all the talk. >> and give black folks their dignity in this town then we will indeed be a place where believing every human heart is in san francisco. >> thank you reverend brown. >> any other members othe public want to address the board. >> step up. >> i'm ken a native san
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franciscan and been dealing with city hall since - mayors and you all know what happened to the fillmore. you know the history. all we are asking for is you've taken everything from the fillmore and just think about that. now you want to take the safeway have the power in our hands to help rebuild the fill more and help us, we want to bring back the um, tourism and want to make help the city, you know, be a shining light we want tourists to come to fillmore we bring back. we want our community to sparlg. i mean you this city taken all of the
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pride out of the people in fillmore we still have we have hope. and we have so many talent there and want to fill more heritage center opened up that is totally ridiculous you never let the people under the fillmore operate it and no further let the people there operate it. that's all we ask is fairness that's it. >> thank you next speaker. >> welcome. >> good evening good afternoon. i'm dra us and i'm representing the security this is two important topics they
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concern me and others like me. sp 08 started 50 years ago and as a speaker before me said san francisco has a rich and cultural i'm from oakland and been in the training center for three years. >> um, i make no excuses because i'm an "x" felony let you know that right off the bat■ all of those crimes were committed over 17 and 20 years ago and last time i was in prison was 2005 and last time in the county jail was 2009 in my
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search for recovery and extensively betterment i found the security that carters to x offenders like myself they don't have the funding for a proper recidivism program (bell ringing) and the city of san francisco has the fund to allocate. and i'm just lost as to why it is. >> um, p sp 08 is a san francisco run program we for everyone and some of my coworkers in the audience today and represent many. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you for coming down this afternoon (bell ringing) >> i'm sorry, sir everyone is
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allocated two minutes and have a large agenda to get to and individuals to get in the audience. >> thank you, sir. thank you, kindly next speaker. >> and if there are any other members of the public would like to address the board step up or this is the last speaker and welcome, sir. >> good afternoon. my name is i'm a taxi driver for $2,250 when i left india and an american architect. the most
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beautiful city in india and live in fremont i moved to tracey and 4 miles can you believe it as shameful. >> living in the village with paying>u $250 to the city and a taxi was stolen by lyft and uber and the city has given you - died in the columbia 2003. >> (unintelligible). >> and other familiar attorney had dillon - to the assistant of
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attorney general for these human rights. so we need we don't make no money we take less money home (bell ringing) i have invest and coming up with seven years to city hall and no one cares and don't care about the family my children - don't can't afford to pay the colleges and decided to go to. >> staff recommends approval. of /* sfusd. >> thank you, sir. your time is conducted. >> now you're taken advantage of of this. thank you. [off mic.] >> thank you. >> let's hear from the next
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speaker welcome, sir. >> thank you board. >> too bad my name is - >> and the reason why i am here today is because of safeway. and t way that we have been done in the fillmore area. i came - i came here for a better life. but behold it didn't get any better. you know, why? >> because we as people still (unintelligible) it is time,
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time is winding down. and we should come together help one another. do not like color get away from that i've been on - i have been on hospital piece i have 8 diseases but i get up and fight i'll also fight for my people because my people didn't come here on their own they were born o they are therefore open your eyes and look around and see what is going to happen. and we'll be destroyed if we don't work together. >> thank you for your comments. >> any other members of the public who lee would like to address the board during general
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public comment. >> mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk >> let's go to the. >> mr. president please close public comment. >> public comment is closed. >> let's go >> let's go to replacement projects in certain buildings;affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act and findings. you colleagues anyone want to sever any of the items? >> i do for the see anyone in the queue. so madam clerk could you please madam clerk, call the roll. >> >> on items 20 and 21, supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> and supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor fielder, aye.
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>> supervisor mahmood, aye. >> new mexico. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor sauter see, aye. >> and supervisor sherrill, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> supervisor chan. >> there are 11, aye. >> and approved item 21 and past telephone public comment call the special order 2:30 p.m. - recognition of commendations. >> >> >> >> item. >> 2. hearing of the board of supervisors sitting as a committee of the whole, on january 14, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.
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to hold a public hearing to consider 15 urgent accept and expend resolutions, authorizing the port of san francisco, department of public works,department of environment, department of public health, recreation and park government in various amounts and for variety of purposes and projects; dug approval of the motion and findings. excuse me - findings. excuse me - number. >> committee of the whole adjourn and report: item nos. 3 through 17 shall require an affirmative vote of eight members of the board due to the suspension of board rule 2.8 and clerk of the board process and policies that mandate all cumen municipal code requirements met prior to board consideration.t1i emergency services for the pier 94/96 seismic improvement project for the period of january 31, 2025, through august 4, 2027.
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office of emergency services to establish an engineering with nature working group for the period of january 31, 2025, through march 12, 2027. december 31, and target and deliver technical assistance to disadvantaged communities; retroactively approving the grant agreement and findings. and findings. >> 6. resolution authorizing the department of the environment (“environment department”) to accept and expend a grant award of up to $284,800 for the period from april 1, 2025, to march 31, 2027, from the united states department of energy, to hire a new community engagement liaison (cel) position for two years to support energy and environmental - -
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- participation in a program, entitled “state vocational rehabilitation services program,” for the period of july 1, 2025, through june 30, calendar year 2025, from the united states department of transportation, federal highway administration for the development and deployment of development and deployment of - development and deployment of - development and deployment of - program entitled “calaim ji path round 2 funding - san francisco,” for the period of may 26, 2023, through october 31, october 31, october 31, bicycle and pedestrian safety improvement project for grant performance period from grant contract execution through august 30, august 30, august 30,
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department of transportation to fund the bayview connections: phase 1 harney way bus rapid transit (brt) and cycletrack project, 12 through 17 are called from xae to be considered in a program, entitled “refugee support services (rss) funding - san francisco,” for the period of october 1, 2023,through september 30, 2026. twin peaks promenade project, for a grant performance period from september 20, 2024, through march 15, march 15, amount of $1,212,299 for a total grant amount of $13,635,302 from the centers for disease co■qntr and prevention for participation in a program, entitled “strengthening std prevention and control for health departments (std pchd),” for the period of january 1, 2019, through february 28, 2026. through february 28, 2026. >> 15. resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend grant increase in the amount of $13,431 from the national institutes of health through the university of texas southwestern medical center, for a new total amount of $104,508
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for protection agency (epa), to fund the san francisco waterfront emissions-free ferry system for the period of january 1, 2025, through december 31, 2028. >> all right. thank you, madam clerk. >> colleagues the purpose of this committee of the whole to vote on a package of 15. >> (speaking foreign language.) amounting to more than one hundred and $33 million. those items represent the federal fund by 6 departments given the change in the federal government
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it is wise to doing everything we can to bring down the funds as quickly as potential potential go for the recommendation and thereafter, come to the full board here's is majority if we're agreeable prior to the considerations of their expenditure, however, those funds once secured will be held in the board reserve. and in terms in terms of the board that preserving this and the approval of those items captioned will require and super majority and today hearing from each of the 6 departments that is the department of environment and port and putting and public works and■xr the rec and park a
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the human services agency the grants are 5 of million dollars for the port for $20 million for the rapid transit and $20 million for the energy reduction in the buildings with benefits and $15 million for the employment of electrical vehicles and one $.6 million for the crises and 18 thousand for the get-togethers and more for the transit built improvements and lark park upgrades and healthcare for the population and seismic upgrades throughout the city and the departments will give in their presentations but first recognize the steroid effort going on in getting those items for today and first of
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all, thank our clerk our deputy clerk and team and the clerk's office super quickly and corral all the departments that made this submit all the things they neededmb been a big, big lift and want to thank you for that and thank eileen in the mayor's office past, present, and future work on this last week and more acknowledges with the department. >> (calling names.) >> and floated this idea and were the drivers that made this happen and executive director eileen and carla short and others and director dr. dr.
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colfax from the department of putting and the filling ginsburg and. >> (calling names.) >> greg wagner, controller and my staff and lots and caps for harder thank you, colleagues thank you for your consideration and thank supervisor chan for your work with the administration i know you have one item you'll talk about now and one of those items to the legislation and supervisor chan. >> thank you new mexico and wendy concur with the sentiment
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of urgency especially give in light of what our southern california counterparts are dealing with and federal support and yet having haitians and difficulties. so it is with recognize that with urgency we must extend those grant provided by our federal agencies. with the exception colleagues, i want to ask for your support to refer this to the committee the button committee the reason we were given those items clearly are in need of urgent approval we a state grant and a lot of effort so share the gratitude that and express - wanted to also just
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thank mr. adams from the mayor's office for the collaboration that we've think working on and maybe just like for him to quickly confirm that the mayor's office is in support of this action referring back to the budget committee. >> through the chair. thank you, supervisor chan and that change is for the mayor's office. >> there's a motion we can vote on that now. >> motion do i have a second? >> mr. president no, we need to take public comment and is there a second? >> seconded by and we have a motion and a second. we'll deal with that after the public comment. >> so alright with that,
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director chiu. >> good afternoon, supervisors with the environmental depth i want to echo my thanks to president mandelman and this was a collaboration truly began in november we released the clock was ticking we saw that was happening from the federal government over the past months rapid rolling out grants in that week to get to this point in front of the board all those individuals and tremendous amount of thinking outside the box but the clerk on our team alicia and everyone that made this possible for k. and i'll be going over this item for the environmental department and answer any questions. so we have a presentation.
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>> okay. item 5. >> um, item 5 is the inflation reduction act and the energy for 14 approximately $3 million is allocated for the city of san francisco and the remaining to the city of berkley for the grants application that we submitted. and the reason we did this we want to not only decarbonize the building in the locations but create an index replicated through the the bayview and throughout the nation and specifically the grants award will fund both the technical staff and work required to bring everyone to develop the policy and bring
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this policy back to the braid for consideration at a future date and if the fund passes. the second item item 6 is for a clean city community engagement liaison that is funded through the department of energy the 200 and $84,000 plus the creation of a temporary position for the outreach for the electrical ve■vhicles adoption. and th and
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this grant will fund up to three hundred level 2 or g c parts in san francisco and put 80 percent towards the installing of charging electrical vehicles by 2030 and focusing on the equity community identified and this grant will help to fund the curbside charging programs for the commercial and multi-family residential areas. and with that, i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> before i'm i'm going to turn it over to public >> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction supervisor fielder i'm glad to see is department raise these grants important for us to
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expedite this reduction as a huge win for the environmental justice folks across the country. and i so grateful to the department to take the time to bring this before the board and the mayor's office. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. >> with that, thank you, director chiu and let's hear from public works. >> good afternoon president mandelman and supervisors echoing the gratitude i'd like a project manager with public works and today be presenting item item 11 the award from the department of transportation for
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the bay area project. >> and also joined by the candle stake folks and hear to answer any questions. >> the public works awarded $20 million for the rebuilding for the infrastructure with the sustainability and raised program and the bay area project is part of a candle stick for the larger redevelopment plan to get upgrade. and improving the accessibility to employment and activity center creating and walkable site and the grants includes extending portion of harvey and widened
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sidewalks and the candle dell stick contributes $26 million for the wall of project and public works is work together to complete the design and subdivision and construction programs in the next year and seeks to authorize for the implementation of grant thank you for your time and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> but we don't have questions let's hear in the port. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm the san francisco government affairs manager and 3 resolutions before you today.
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the first is item number 3, on the agenda from the federal emergency management. or brick this grant will fund the engineering nature working group for the nature based solution for the projects related to our waterfront and this working group will be from the army corp of engineers and the others and final report will be provided that with integrate that lion with the brick funding essential and building a map to win future refunding opportunities the grant is valued at one hundred and $60,000 roughly and requires
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an 80 thousand match. our second grant is item number 3, on your agenda i referred to item 3. this is also in the federal management agency this time through they're hazard mediation grant program pier 94 and 96 with the cargo and maritime use a critical deepwater maritime for the the pier was■j due to slop flavors and damage makes it unusab activities and in august we won
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a $2.7 million grant and so assess and have a report and prepare the documents up to 60 per completion for the environmental approvals to begin in - this is a project with a .32 month duration and requires $900,000. >> our third grant is we're excited about item 17 on the agenda the administration though the inflation reduction act created the clean hearts program to reduce the utilization. in october the port along with sf ferry to public utilities commission and the working
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waterfront conclusion to fund the first high ferry network in the united states this project about support 4 key consultants they are the construction for the ferry landing across the street from the center and the flip of the new bay front park and the electrification and vision zero for high speed rail ferry and the workforce program totals $53 million and is a $53 million match and of the the match some is coming from hetch hetchy power decision to build the underground structure for the ferry terminal and the remaining one .8 is coming from
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sf ferry we looked at to working with you and the impact report and the finance committee we're grateful to mayor-elect daniel lurie and president mandelman team and the office to expedite this approval forward and joining by we're available to answer any questions.. thank you for your time. >> thank you. i 82 on you answered the questions with the public help. >> good afternoon merry relay chief financial officer and grateful to be here and bringing 4 grants for our review starting with number 7 for the employment services for adults serious
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mental health and the department of education through the california departments the how many amount and the timeline from july 25th through june of 28 and so the grant will be performed for the cooperative contracts through 5 nonprofits including richmond and citywide case management and the programs for the. that was item 7. >> next item for us item number14. so this grant entitled std prevention and really a core funding for the
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prevention control. whoops. >> so the goal of this grant to conduct the disease investigation and strengthen the response and limitation to prevention and treatment. and case management for hiv and sexually transmitted disease current 5 years starred in january of 19 and runs through february of 26 the the specific bringing the total to 13. >> the increase will be used to the goals of the funding and maintain combrefrns next item is 15. this is a grant entitled
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clinical from nih through texas and the grants is part of a the big southwest of the clinical trials a research network in the fat i forget a national institute within nih for the research and determine the efficiency of the extended release of medication. compared to move forward the injects for the same use of cocaine and the grants increase represents a $13,000 increase bringing the total to one hundred and 4 households will be march 24th through 2025 and this grants is extensive opioid substance abuse
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site based program to the department of justice and the goal to create an overdose review with with the office of the overdose review team are review overdose and increase identifying the ways to prevention overdose. the total amount one $.6 million and the grants if october 2024 through september 27th. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. morale no questions hear from the next department. >> good afternoon board of supervisors and commissioner
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mandelman. >> beverly with rec and park provide you a little bit of background in september of 2024 we were awarded from the federal highway administration and they do the rec and park for the promenade we are panning to go out to bid in the end of january and construction in light summer of 2025 we look forwd to having this go through and thank you to the mayor's office and the board and for moving this as quickly as possible a bringing promenade allowing the folks for open space and all the wonderful stuff. thank you. >> thank you. years any questions? let's hear under the major services committee.
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>> good afternoon. >> mr. president and board members i'm the budget director for the human resources i'm here to present the two items under our agency item 9 and 12 so the first item number 9 respectfully requesting your approval of an and we've been to process medi-cal for justs when they're out transitioning in to be transition into incarceration and back, back into the community. >> as you can see the population in prison individuals often face significant social
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challenges and chronic health conditions and substance abuse issues and a lack of housing or employment. this grant was awarded by the california department of healthcare and was included in the package and was made possible via and demonstration project with the federal funding from the federal human services agency and■q overall the obviously the award is 200 and $23,000 plus and available to conservatives through october 1st of 24 and the proceed to the next item. >> so our next item is number 12 on the agenda. here we're mrs. rrnltd asking for the
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retroactive of a refugee support service this award was made by the federal officer. made polk for the federal officer of refugee resettlement and totals $800,000 plus be used for supportive services through you 2016 and will fund 3 areas employment and housing assistance and connect refugees to a variety of benefits. and in particular those we need to the agency directly administer lice cal w and calfresh and refugee employment services overall this will help refugees achieve and maintain how to stabilize and
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ultimately zath into the life into sharing communities in san francisco. and lastly, just add that while it is uncommon what changes maybe forth coming to the federal refugee funding resources the approval of this grant helps us to maximize this for populations that we believe will be severely under serviced in the new administration i'm available for any questions that you may have. >> um, i'll confess i have reon one hand if those need board of supervisors approval but given our rules currently require that we come to a why is long on thes looks like they were grand if 2023.
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>> sure the first one cal am the reason why we're seeking retroactive approval of the project is intended to fund a 16 mow period and built in the first 12 months in the budget but submitted the additional funding this year. >> (multiple voices). >> for the budget. >> yes. >> okay. and oh, you- >> (multiple voices). >> next question. the second one this is a reoccurring grants we received and the an additional work order good news proclaimed them but the award that came to us was suggesting large we received this award around 11 thousand and it was 16 that is good news we're requesting it to get in program
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this year and spend the money before the contract grant expires. >> thank you. >> . thank you. >> so i think that is the that's it everybody. >> so we may go to public comment. >> madam clerk. >> is there anyone in the chambers this afternoon like to address the board regarding the committee of the whole and items 3 through 17 will please step up to the podium. >> all right. mr. president. >> great. >> um, public comment is closed. and i actually have - >> this concludes the committee of the whole hearing and now declare hearing is heard and filed and madam clerk we've already you've called- >> (multiple voices). >> may i ask you to gavel down
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to make sure. >> the hearing is filed and so and you already called item 3 to 17 and - but have to do things for each of the items to accept them and, of course, have particulars and get to 10. but i think the way and i madam clerk you'll restate each item as we get to that and i'll provide a summary of the amendments the amendments for board members i think you have the packets summarizes them but read into the record is that; correct. >> yes. mr. president. >> all right. you want to take it away with item 94/96 seismic improvement project for the period of january 31, 2025, through august 4, 2027. >> okay.
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>> so hear the amendments on 7 through 10 and those determination for the la with the finish line impact and 14 and 15 for the deergs that was received and staff report is not required and on page 3 line 56 properly identify project assurance for federal assistance is there a motion to accept the amendment. do i have a second? >> seconded by supervisor chan and then i think without objection these amendments can be approved. (gavel). >> any on the resolution as amended. same house, same call.? >> without objection the resolution as amended is adopted and madam clerk, call the next
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item, please. >> office of emergency services to establish an engineering with nature working group for the period of january 31, 2025, through march 12, 2027. >> okay. so on the amendments here on page 2 line 8 through 9 we are striking the reference to the he pending impact determination for the la determines not - 2 line 13 and 14 sdeermz no finish line impact and to identify the agreement for the board 30 years project assurance for federal assistance and then on page 3 line 3 through 4 reference to the impact reminders for la determines no impact and claire the file will be reviewed and is there a motion to accept the amendments as proposed.
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>> moved by supervisor dorsey and seconded by supervisor walton and then we can take ass amendments without objection they were approved and own the resolution amend take these. >> same house, same call. without objection the resolution as amended is adopted. (gel) and madam clerk, call the next item, please. >> 7 or 5 you >> 7 or 5 you a 5. >> >> 5. resolution retroactively authorizing the department of the environment (“environment department”) to accept and expend a grant award of $19,994,217 for the period from january 1, energy, office of state and community energy programs (scep) for the development, >> okay. >> (clapping.) (clearing throat) my groaning will continue we're striking reference to the pending impact determines and this matter didn't have finish line impact and line 21 updating
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no finish line impact on page 4 clarifying that the file will be reviewed for completion and line 5 madam clerk no position shoul approved in the future and positions shall be - and considered with the file. >> and is there a motion to accept the motion by supervisor chan and seconded by supervisor chen and motion we have a motion and a second. without objection thoseme (gavel). >> off. >> want to make quick remark. >> oh, sorry. >> so president mandelman and i colleagues particular for the new members i think for the
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application of rile what the 8 sp sailor ordinance it is critical to have this amendment not just a accept and expendpt we're creating and position a salary position that requires someone to administer those grants and that as we continue to move forward as a city and thinking about our deficit something for us to think about when we accept the grants means that he remember maybe in need of hiring anyone new and what do we do in the position for for the longs haul and especially with the grant runs out and the position should no longer exist
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but need an ongoing position when the grant expires and thanks to the mayor's office and the city partners being able to be allow us working together to have an amendment is critical i want to express that sentiment and emigrates manner of doing this typically we don't do so thank you very much and i'm in sports of those amendments. >> thank you supervisor chen for clarify and i believe motion was made without objection this resolution is adopted (gavel). >> madam clerk next item, please. >> 6. resolution authorizing the department of the environment (“environment department”) to accept and expend a grant award of up to $284,800 for the period from april 1, 2025, to march 31,
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2027, from the united states department of energy, to hire a new community engagement liaison (cel) position for two years to support energy and environmental - >> okay. so the amendments here on page 4 line 1 though 4 and complete the file and release the funds for the finance committee and on page 4 lines through 12 no new position will be funded unless by the future ordinance thank you, supervisor chan by ordinance in the continued position authority prior to the reserve hearing and completed file is there a motion to accept the amendment seconded by supervisor fielder. >> without objection those amendments are approved (gavel) and now take this. >> same house, same call.(gave) whoops without objection the resolution is as amendment amend
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now the (gavel) madam clerk next item, please. >> >> in a program, entitled “state vocational rehabilitation services program,” for the period of july 1, 2025, through june30, 2028. >> okay. >> um, when i talked about all the work this clerk was doing working with the amendments which couldn't happen without the clerk on page 2 um, line 5 through 9 and 22 to 23 adding references for the finish line impacts and striking all references to the adoption on page 3 line is there 5 alexander's the requirements for the authority to review we file those funds to the land use committee and on page 3 adding
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clarification none shall be approved without authorization and should be identified with the authority prior to the reserve hearing and considered with the completed file is there a motion to accept the amendments as property by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor chan without objection those amendments are approved (gavel) now on the resolution as amended take that. >> same house, same call. without objection this is approved. >> calendar year 2025, from the united states department of transportation, federal highway administration for the development and deployment of - >> okay. and here we have amendments on page 3 adding reference to the finish line requirements. >> and will be determined this has impact on page 4 upgrading
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the verbiage and on page 4 adding reference to the finish line impact for the review of file and release to the finance committee and on page 5 adding clarification no new position funded by this grant unless approved by a future - prior to the release of reserve and considered with the completed file is there a motion to accept the amendment as proposed. >> moved by supervisor chan. do i have a second? >> supervisor fielder so we can take that motion without objectn those amendments are approved (gavel) and take that. >> same house, same call. this resolution as amended is approved. >>
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>> madam clerk next item, program entitled “calaim ji path round 2 funding - san francisco,” for the period of may 26, 2023, through october 31, 2024. >> thank you, madam clerk. >> um, here the amendments are on page 2 line is there 1 and 2 and 6 and 7 striking the demonstration on page 2 clarifying the file will be reviewed for completeness and adding clarification no new you position will be added without ordinance and two positions will bedentified and the authority prior to the release of this completed file. and can we have - can someone move the amendments seconded by supervisor dorsey. um, let's see
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- we can take those amendments without objection they were approved (gavel) and on the resolution as amended take that. >> same house, same call. without objection the amendment is adopted (gavel) madam clerk next item, please. >> mr. president i'm going t■ read - item 10 so we can put this in line with the others as you're taking those pedestrian safety improvement project for grant performance period from grant contract execution through august 30, 2029; - >> great. supervisor chan has moved to send this to the budget and finance committee and supervisor fielder has seconded that. and i think we can take that motion. >> same house, same call. without objection. the motion motion passes. >>
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>> all right. and item department of transportation to fund the bayview connections: phase 1 harney way bus rapid transit (brt) and cycletrack project, - >> so here the amendments on page 4 line 16 and 17 striking reference to the finish line impact la determined this didn't have - and on page 19 reaching the determination and accepted moved forward by supervisor chan and seconded by supervisor fielder without objection those amendments are approved and amend take that. >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution as amended is adopted services (rss) funding - san francisco,” for the period of october 1, 2023,through
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september 30, 2026. >> okay. and here i believe one amendment on page 2 line 6 and 7 and 11 and 18 places the fund for the authority to review those funds to the budget and finance committee. there a motion to accept the proposal by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor dorsey and take that motion without objection these amendments are approved (gavel) and think is resolutions amended take those. >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted (gavel) and madam clerk next item, please. >> >> peaks promenade project, for a grant performance period from september 20, 2024, through march 15, 2027; approve the grant - >> all right. here the amendments are on page 2 line 20 and 23 for the impact for the la
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has■ determined has a finish lie impact and think page 3 through 9 due to the lack of the finish line support place those on the boarofrs reserve and with the complete file and refer to the budget and finance committee and motion to accept the amendments proposed by supervisor walton and seconded by supervisor sherrill without objection approved and now amended take that. >> same house, same call. without objection the resolution as amended is adopted (gavel) madam clerk madam clerk madam clerk grant amount of $13,635,302 from the centers for disease control and prevention for participation in a program, entitled - okay. the amendment here on page 1 line 8 and 9 adding a charter section 9.188 language and page
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12 making and adding the charter section language on page 2 line 15 through line.2■■k 3 page 3 delegating the authority to release the fund to the - clarifying the award be approved a motion to accept the maximums as proposed? >> motion made by supervisor chan and seconded by supervisor sherrill and take that motion without objection those amendments are approved (gavel) on the resolution take that. >> same house, same call. without objection the resolution as amended is adopted as amended is adopted madam clerk next item, please. >> 15. resolution retroactively
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authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend grant increase in the amount of $13,431 from the national institutes of health through the university of texas southwestern medical center, for a new total amount of $104,508 for - okay. an amendment on page 2 line 14 24r50 page 3 for the fund for the board of supervisors and delegating authority and motion accept the amendment by supervisor chan and seconded by supervisor fielder and we can take that these amendments without objection those amendments are approved and on resolution as approved take that. >> same house, same call. as amended amended is adopted madam clerk next item, program entitled, “comprehensive opioid, stimulant, and substance use site-based program,” for the period of october 1, 2024, through september 30, 2027. >>. okay. number of amendments on page - adding the only package - page 2 line 2 through 5 adding
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the charter section language and placing funds on the board of supervisors reserve and review the file for the budget and finance committee and on page 2 line this and adding the language is there a motion to accept the amendments moved by supervisor mahmood and without objection those are approved and take that. >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution as resolution as adopted madam clerk next item, please. >> >> agency (epa), to fund the san francisco waterfront emissions-free ferry system for the period of january 1, 2025, through december 31, 2028. striking that language and on page 4 adding the finish line
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impact and determined and page 4. >> line 12 due to the lack of finish line place those on the board of supervisors reserve and sending this to the budget and finance committee is there a motion? >> moved by supervisor chan and seconded by supervisor fielder without objection those amendments are approved and take that. >> same house, same call.. without objection the resolution is amended is adopted (gavel). >> madam clerk please next item, please. >> mr. president concludes that portion of our agenda. >> well done. >> okay. >> (clapping.) yeah, thanks everybody. good work and i think there are next stop on the agenda is imperative. >> the in in memoriams will be
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>> hi, i'm same gabble the marketing director at moe green in downtown san francisco. the finest lounge and cannabis dispensary in san francisco. a state of the art cannabis lounge with a dab bar, high roller room in perfspaiss for nightly events. interested in cannabis even if you don't know how to use it yet you can come and learn how to use it safely. a lot of people are still learning about it, even though it is legal for a while. i would recommend coming to a place like moe's with experts here to walk you through the process. >> anything in particular you are looking for today? >> have a good time and being [indiscernible] like in a vegas cuveneo.
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conseeno, we have movie and trivia night. something for everybody's. it is lovely place to gather work or be by yourselfism there are many ways to enjoy cannabis, we have flowers edibles, extracts tablets. a lot of different ways to consume so if you don't like the heat of fire while you don't want to be a smoker but still want to engage in medical benefits of cannabis, it is great for pain and great for easing yourself. it isn't just about smoking weed, but we are showing what cannabis can be a part of in the greater participation of a city and of downtown san francisco. that's what is important about it to me. >> some of the neighborhood in d8 are the castro and glen park
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and noe valley and diamond heights and coal valley. >> hello, i'm supervisor mandelman the supervisor representing d8 the board of supervisors. >> i had also been interested in politics and puck life and group in san francisco and when i was in high school i had a 13wrir78 with periphery on the board of supervisors. and as i got involved in um, in local affairs hi was grown up at the some point make sense to run so i did. >> so you had i was running in no charge back. focused on homeless and the mental health issues as priorities for me and the district. my mom suffered
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from mental illness for a big county executive of hero adult life got sick when us very sick my was 10 or 11 years old i move to san francisco she was not able to take care of of me by my grandmother i followed her life and try to help her anti she on institutions and board cares in homelessne shelters for a period of time and i thought there are folks with those sits needs have informed my governance and priorities as an office official. >> last year the governor newsom and senator egg that man and the pushed proposition one on the ballot in march this is a big involvement in um, in housing and treatment for people
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with serious mental illness proposition one it is a very large bond 6 nature billion dollars for housing, and bed placement and wake facilities for people with severe mental illness we have utilized to have stated hospitals we closed those for this is the most significant involvement california made in replacing the state hospitals with something better and more community-based organizations and anyone on the of san francisco schizophrenia see folks with really needs and i hoping that prop one with implementing it in san francisco will help us to better meet the needs of some pretty sick folks i think the country clubhouses the castro is known for a number
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of things a place where camera shops and where the queer civil rights movement and the political rights started in the decades and known for a study session for queer people a lot of that is about bar the great night life that's great a darker side to that there is a lot of addiction in the queer community. and overflow room when we were founded in 198 three were a coffee house was helping folks to recover from the especially department of defense of aids crises over time the last 41 years has changed and now we are be a nonprofits have the focus on the queer recovery community that's our focus but the center is on to everybody. we hosted 4
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in-person board groups a week raping if crystal clear collaboratives anomalies and overeaters and undocumented children of alcoholics recovery and smart recovery we try to cater to the entire community and all the things they meet needs welfare from folks need a community of support to heal from substance abuse given the circumstances folks will a place to go and meet forensics and hang out and get supportive services and then have a place where we can just be that's the magic that happens the magic of san francisco community-based organizations small and mighty are doing work to help people move forward.
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>> i benefit from this because when i have questions about substance abuse disorders or tilly chang the challenges i can turn total folks at the country club have lived the experiences with the addictions and will tell me what will work or likely to work. >> with variety is another great castro institution. 1ur7 commitment for the neighborhood.
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at a time when retailed is struggling not only in san francisco but around the country a beloved it store provides jobs for folks in the neighborhood a if a family has seen is transitioned in the neighborhood were here when it was, you know, more issuing working class a neighborhood and then they saw and welcomed all the queer folks coming into the neighborhood and really changing the neighborhood and embraced now- >> (multiple voices). >> we started it was started in 1936 by my grandfather and evolved with the neighborhoods over the years my great grandfather in the tenderloin and while i was recovering fixing stuff in the back of his hardware and the, fix
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anything. >> when you walk into my store you're walking into the most fantastic you've ever been in creative by board games and toys and when all of a sudden you're in hardware and hours ware and you're■ greeted by ice lashes ad fabric and every gift. >> (laughter) a throw back to a time a general store go to one store for anything ranging from our drag state you multi-family dwelling unit need for some party or performance to um, something you need for 6 to fix our sewers or walls or to repaint. or maybe just a gift to thank someone for
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a holiday or birthday all the stuff and (laughter). >> we are an improvement of we don't have if you don't need it limiting we have everything except for food and cloths and every neighborhood in san francisco is struggling somewhat with the impact of our failures to successfully address the millennials of our people i look 10 or 20 years into the future i think it will be right is about e will be brighter to the extent we found a way to meet the needs of people with addicts to the mint mental health that impacts people walking around the neighborhood and i hope today, i think walking around in in san francisco neighborhoods people
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have to been, you know, why are we not doing aet of caring four those people my hope that 10 or 20 years in from now my work and others would have to constantly ask that question that will now allow for a flushing of those neighborhoods. >> those are beautiful neighborhoods with beautiful buildings and views and we just have to might the needs human beings kind of left behind on the sidewalks and in the carrier (laughter). >> hi, i'm pilipinas chi chai mateo and am the artist here.
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i'm current working on a title meaning together and the reason why i choose that theme because celebrating the legacy of some of the latin tennis especially with the power that put us together as formed when he come together and before us putting for our recognition and housing. but through our art culture and we see that today which we're together and it is always a hope for the generations after us. >> here in this district where we revising the languages and
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culture but in yes or no answer why we do this i get to see kids come out of this kind mr. ryu rattle where they came from and we are here. such an honor to be part of this legacy of togetherness and those opportunities have painting a mural such as this but teaching different skwashgs and learning more about my culture i thought i already knew but so much more to this is beautiful we have so much to give each other and we're also willing to work
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>> we do in a way which is exciting engaging-the idea is bring the stories to life, because they are so relevant to the questions we all are asking today about where we belong, who are we, who do wree want to be. we wanted to be do something about food, because it is such a wonderful entrance. to get people to think what are these cultures, how did they come about and how do i relate to them. we can't live the idea [indiscernible] >> there is hundreds if not thousands of immigrants kitchens and we wanted to
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show how immigration from 1849 through now the different dishes bought here and how it shaped the culture of the city. . not the thing we have to sit down and read for hours and hours, but you get a 2 and a half minute story and the feeling you can eat those foods and never get a dish the same y again. you have the context. >> we decided to set an journey across the city. the result is [indiscernible] >> san francisco is re so many immigrants communities. we are a sanctuary city, a welcoming place to be and the melting spot is a great to get out and explore the city, the history and how we got to have some of the best cuisine in the
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country and maybe even the entire world. >> my mother and myseand two sisters--we had to leave quick. my mom had one hour to pack and gather her things and gather her kids and head to the airport and evacuate. we found ourself in san francisco. my grand mother was already here. that is why san francisco was the destination for us. it goes back to my grand mother and who loved to travel and she was also very afraid of the war going on in vietnam. she came to san francisco and she kind of fell in love with the sitdy. city. she visited the italian deli by oakland beach because she loved the beach and met the owner and the owner told her that this place is for sale and
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she decided this is her opportunity to stay in san francisco and her dream to be a business owner and open a restaurant. >> i was born [indiscernible] i graduated from a french program culinary school, then i [indiscernible] at that time, we had college of san mateo in the back yard and had a program for foreign students and we got embassy and this woman welcomed us and she gave both. it is not [indiscernible] and then after that i got accepted and
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[indiscernible] ended up in san francisco where i had friends so i came to college of san mateo. from there, i transferred to chico state college, so i graduated there and that is when my culinary adventure started. i love cooking and also remind me of my childhood mptd >> my father had a dream and grit and determination. worked very very hard. to me, food is one of the most readily accessible to understanding a culture. i don't think many people have the opportunity to travel to armenia or lebanon. we are lucky in the city, the abundance of asian cuisines and [indiscernible] restaurants are in many ways an opportunity to engage with another culture through food.
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>> my grand father had his backyard you name it, we had it. [indiscernible] but my grandma's cookie the memories of the [indiscernible] very powerful. when you channel these memories there is a image because it is a experience all 5 senses get if to it. i think that is why city is so important for immigrants. the first thing you [indiscernible] we got to eat. you got to nourish the body and you remember and i went from memory really. >> i remember my grand mother telling me stories that when she first opened in 1971, people really didn't know much
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about vietnamese food and she started selling the italian deli food and half the food and half vietnamese food and she stands in the corner trying to pass samples just to lur customers into the restaurant and try vietnamese food. i think when you enter a new place and you have your family and you have each other and food is what holds your family together. at least for my family for sure, that is the time we get to enjoy food, make connections, bond, sit together and be together. i just remember my grand mother and mom working hard all the time and once a week we would have family dinners. we gather and she would cook the food. all the kids we always look forward to that.
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my grand mother coming in 1971, she brought vietnamese food in san francisco. we are one of the first vietnamese arrest raunt restaurant in san francisco. >> for san francisco to have this map and look at all the people who came here and made things you can only find in sf. we are the place to get a mission burete. burrito. that could be overlooked and not seen [indiscernible] >> important because it highlights the san francisco, the diversity for each restaurant and each spot on the map to share their story through food they
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serve to diners. i think it is special way to highlight the welcomeness and the [indiscernible] san francisco community is bay area has. >> it is one of the project that is so uniquely san francisco that speaks to the long history of immigration and cuisine the city has been known for. the melting spot allows the small businesses that have been around for a while to really shine with their own unique stories and flavors and love it. the ecosystem in san francisco immigran and immigrant initiatives. san francisco choice to honor us with the legacy business recognition really shows their support of small local businesses. >> a legacy business is a business that has been around and open in san
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francisco for at least 30 years. legacy businesses are the most foundational businesses in our neighborhood corridors. they provided services and a place for community to gather for often times for generations. they are really part of the culturally fabric that makes san francisco neighborhoods so unique. >> the idea is take what i think is [indiscernible] about immigration, about belonging, about some of the amazing history of the city. [indiscernible]
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>> i hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. we call the meeting of the san francisco housing authority commission on today, friday december 13. thank you all for your patience and we look forward to call thg roll and beginning the meeting. >> president torres, aye. commissioner lindo, present. nob item 3 is acknowledgment of
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