tv Port Commission SFGTV January 25, 2025 1:30pm-4:00pm PST
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in the business. the good work we were able to do over the last decade to build it and make it what it is today t. is a honor to say, we are one of few businesses in san francisco that is a legacy business. cisco port commissions for january 14 2025 roll call president kimberly brandon here vice president gail gilman president commissioner willie adams here commissioners stephen and bloom here and commissioner stephen lee here item two is approval of minutes for the december 10th, 2024 port commission meeting so as we have a motion and a second
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all in favor by any opposed motion passes unanimously the minutes of the december 10th 2024 meeting arees adopted. item three is public comment ont executive session we will take public comment on executive session. is there anyge public comment in the room seen and do we have anyone on the phone for callers on the line please dial star three if you wish to make public comment the system will let youst know when your line is open. others will wait on mute until their line is open. comments will be limited to three minutes per person. the queue is now open. pleasese dial star three if you wish to make public comment at this time there are no callers for public comment. >> thank you. >> public comment is closed. item four is executive session. there are two executive session items conferences with legal counsel and real property negotiator as agenda ized
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motion to go into executive session. second, we have a motion and a second all in favor i motion passes we >> i move that we do not discuss anything that was discussed in closed session. >> sektd. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. all in favor. >> aye. >> motion passes unanimously. we now in open session. : >> we are on the unceded and ramaytush ohlone homeland. as indigenous states of the land this and in accordance with this traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never seeded lost or for goent their responsibilities as the care takers of this place as well as all people who reside in their territory. we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors,
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relative and by affirming their soverne rights as first people. item 7 is the "pledge of allegiance". pledge allegiance to the flag uft united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god indivisible and liberty and justice for all. >> item 8 is announcement. please be advised that the sound of cell phones are prohibited at this meet ing. a member of the public has up to three minutes to makepublic comment on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter time. the commission will take
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in-person and remote westbound comments on each item begin withing commenters in-person. our remote public comment dial 1415-655-0001, and enter access code 2661, 0857766 pound, pound, then dial star three to raise your hand on item being discussed. if you're watching on sfgovtv, there is a short delay, listen to the meeting on your television which has no delay. item 9 is public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> we will now take public comment on items not listed on the agenda. alan, you're first.
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>> thank you, madam chair and commissioners. i'm alan and speaking today as the co-chair maritime committee, i expect a personal komentz of long time residents of sf and long time professional on port projects all over the nation and the bay and asked for this day. it's a start aif bright new year for the port and the city. and i have three reasons for saying this so i can stick to my three-minute time slot. first i want to thank andre, deputy, direct and her deputy, dominic moreno and able staff
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at the maritime department for their incredible leadership and continue to go lead the ncnc, we have been meeting regularly and speaking out and providing a lot of input on topic a few of which i'm going to mention here. number 2, together with the maritime group, i want to say congratulations to the staff, the leadership with the port in collaboration with the france portation authority, wita for the skillful efforts to secure the 55 million dollars grant, from the epa clean ports program for the wita's admission varies, this is really exciting and mca weighed in on that.
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i want to a plowed the program, i see staff, the leadership for the program has been absolutely incredible and collaboration with the u.s. army corps of engineers. and the successful authorization of the water resource development act, in 2024 and now signed by president biden. in all of my years testifying on the hill for one worda as we say, that's at co nim after another, i've never seen a word assigned so fast. really, and in the history which is usually a buy annual or greater product. so this is quite stuning and i do see that the challenge of securing congressional for the
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planning engineering design for the fourth study. plus accelerated funds is going to be a challenge but with the success so far, i know it will come. and just finally, i have a new recommendation for our new mayor, if he's looking for a model department in the city that knows how to get things done, on mission on time then he need look no further than the port. and i'm ready to do with the mayor's office to let them know how to get things done, only look at the anchor tenant of the city, and that's the port. happy new year. >> happy new year, thank you for speaking so highly of our staff because they are doing an amazing job and thank you so much for your leadership on the
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advisory committee. thank you. is there any other public comment? >> there is one caller for public comment. opening the first right now. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, president brandon, vice president gil man, as well as executive director forbeses, this is pete calling in and managing partner atwater bar and epic state port tenants for in two weeks, 17 years, and i just want to give my comments on some challenges
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and frustrations getting improvement approved to the point that they can we're trying to put five gas heaters at the patio in epic state and the reason that i'm on this project is to comply with some of the regular racings from san francisco fire department about eliminate ing the use of propane tank heaters so in trying to get this done, and it's taken me about nine months to get the approvals necessary in order to put up five heaters and for me, it just seems like,
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i'm the one paying for it, i'm trying to do the right thing, i'm trying to invest in my property i'm trying to make it better for the public to come visit the restaurants to be up, to have to go through a process like that is pretty frustrating, time consuming and probably at some levels, it deters the evaluation of putting more money into project improvements for the restaurants. so i don't have the answer, all and i'm probably not saying anything that others have not said in the past. some of the bureaucracy in terms of trying to go to different departments and getting permits done.
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to try to provide great restaurants for the public and while we want to invest back into the restaurants, it's been a frustrating process. so if there is the ability to traem line it, and make it more efficient it would help us all moving forward in the next year. thank you for letting me comment. >> thank you and happy new year. >> director forbeses can you follow-up with pete? >> i would be happy to. >> is there anyone else on the phone. >> no more callers for public comment at this time. >> thank you, public comment is closed. next item please. >> item 10 a is the election of port commission president and vice president.
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i call for nominations of the president of the port commission. >> i nominate kimberly brandon for president of the port commission at this time of economic recovery and everything we're doing in the sea wall, having consistent leadership and your leadership is key for our success, i nominate you. >> why thank you. are there any other nominations? are there any other nominations? are there any other nominations? if not, nominations are now now closed. we will take public comment on commission president nominations, is there any comment in the room?
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do we have anyone on the line? >> at this time, there are no callers. >> thank you, public comment are closed. on the nomination of myself for president of the commission, all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> any opposed? hearing none, i am the president. [applause] thank you, thank you, thank you, i just want to say that i could not say it better than alan said t all the port has accomplished is just phenomenal, we are the premier agency and you all do a phenomenal job and i want to thank you how much i appreciate you and love working with you and how much success, i would love to see this year, so thank you. okay, i will call for nom nayssing of the port commission vice president.
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>> i nominate gail gil man for second term. she is very good at that and i would like to have her serve a second term? any other nominations? are there any other nominations? >> nominations are now clodes. we will take public comment on commission vice president nominations. do we have any public comment in the room? >> at this time no public commenters. >> thank you very much, on the nomination for port commissioner vice president all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> any opposed. the motion passes unanimously.
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>> i just want to thank my fellow commissioners for having faith in me to serve a second time. i enjoy working in hand with the staff and director forbes and concur that we're one of the departments within the city that really knows how to get things done both in equity and environmental and economic mobility perspective, so thank you so much for having faith in me. >> thank you, next item please. >> item 10b is the executive director's report for callers who wish to make public comment, please press star 3 to raise your hand. >> good afternoon, members of the port commission and staff and public, i'm elaine forbesing executive director,
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first and for most, congratulations president brandon and vice president gilman, i will say we could not have better advocate and leaders in terms of pucker us to meet objectives. we have an important time going to the appa conference going with you. your support on the program and on the myriad of leases and approvals and transactions that we have is phenomenal and i've had the great opportunity to work faux president brandon for sometime, so we could not be more thrilled to have you back in your leadership positions. le happy new year, kun hay fat choy, the year of the snake. we have a lot to look forward to and celebrate this year and we do stand ready to continue
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to deliver for this organization and meet our mission. today i'll be talking about economic, i changed it bit cover going forward because we're in a different phase of our work, resilience and equity and we do hope to showcase what it means to be model public agency. i would like to acknowledge that the local long term and president is here with us. thank you for joining us, good to see you. first and for most, i had the privilege to welcome our new mayor, daniel to city hall last week in the inauguration, he shared a vision of service, accountability and change. he also called again and again on us achieving our goals through collected action which requires collaboration on the part of city agencies.
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we at the port we understand this deeply, it's highly collaborative with our partners. he also said that we wanhard to challenges that hinder our progress. we know of our challenges and we continually try to tackle them but we have on going challenges relate today financial equitability and economic source s and safety concerns and ability to contract and resource, we've been a cash be strap agency for sometime and our ability to resource ourselves is one of the key things that drives our success.■a announced a city wide hiring freeze and contracting freeze.
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there is a billion dollars projected as a shortfall so this is a bold initiative as a deal to deal with the deficit. the mayor did say that we can move forward for health and safety, that keeps our facilities open and available to the public and that drives our own financial well being of our harbor. i'm working closely with the new infrastructure chief, alisha john baptiste who is the chief of staff so to speak as well as the other agencies in the infrastructure section for the rec and park and department of environment. and i shared with her, the importance of our hiring program and our contracting through our agency. since this was announced to tal the dwitionz at the port and
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we've been he # rating the various work sometimes it requires multiple contracts and hiring resource to see pull off. and we've, we saw many of them relate today safety, many of them are related to delivering capitol programs that we have stayed or federal funding for and we've been doing work quickly as an organization to make sure that we prioritize and don't get into delays because often resources is the tail of what we're trying to achieve, so we're, alisha has been very helpful in allowing us to look at a near term timeline to ensure that our work stays on track and that we do give all those things that are not essential to us. so we will continue to work in this regard and it's a great opportunity for us to tighten our belts and be very very strategic in our decisions.
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now to economic vibrancy, we have many things to celebrate and many exciting things coming this month. in january, we're going to host the lunar celebration. through the water front followed by the nba all-star activities in february. this is going to bring thousands of visitors to our shoreline and it reaffirms our ability to host world class events and i want to thank and really appreciate our maintenance crews who are small and work very hard tirelessly to keep us clean and safe. we have in the northern water front the revitalize fisherman's wharf promenade that our staff had put together, amy colin with our maritime division. we have completed a staff kiosk, beautiful and seating
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along the embarcadero promenade. i see it very often and i see people enjoying it a lot and i'm very very pleased with the outcome. we also have san francisco pop up shop has opened locally inspired merchandise. we'll continue to work on programs and thank you for your steadfast support and push on ■■ our economic recovery work. to equity, as we start the year, i'm proud to highlight the progress of our program and share some initiative that's are coming this year. we will continue a very successful intership, this year we'll mentor 30 college students making a competitive year, this equips young people with understanding of the
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maritime work and broadens their horizons and opens doors to people. we are considered very critical in our plan. we remain commit today on going training especially for leadership and equity train anding help table that are inclusive and encourage all the staff to make their contribution and have a seat at the table. last year, for the first year websinger released our salary aggregated by race and agenda. we are commit today closing our gap so they have parity in earnings in the organization we're also committed to sharing our data annually to see how we're doing. the way in which we will achieve more equity, in our payment structure is by continuing to open pathways for positions that have been dead
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ended also in our recruitment process sxz our development of people within the organization where he quipting staff--equiping staff so they're prepared to compete. we're actively implementing racial equity action plan, interventions this month i'm excited to announce a special unveiling of new photography collection at pier one that ebrates the racial diversity that have shaped our water front. for a very long time our collection at pier 1 has been focused on building and historic photos. this photographs you'll see the working water front, the legacies of black indigenous and of color, the real history behind the san francisco water front. so we're looking forward to that.
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i would like to reiterate that equity is not part of what we do it's central to what we are and our anti racist idealology as well as the work that we're doing to decide on the culture that we will support and embrace and ensure that we have is building slowly and surely a place where everyone feels wal he'd and empowered to continue their work. we'll continue this equity work and i hope one day we're a model for other agencies, because it has been such an important part of our work. flu resilience and sustainability this is a pivotal year in our journey towards our water front. just last week, we completed the first project atwater 29
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with the installation of ada accessible to support the sales off the fisherman's wharf. it's wonderful to see the accessible float to see customers with other disability able to access. as i said this was funded by prop a, this is a second phase of this project where we'll replace the sea wall with a seismic structure. look ago head there are two key bond early projects that we'll be working closely on. one is being the downtown coastal resilience program, this is between broadway and harrison street. we're working on this now because the flooding is on its way and this will include interim protections and early implementation that will allow us to plan, the raising of the
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ferris building, the new plaza the work on the water front, the second one is in the south beach area from harris son to third street, i'm talk about thing two low lying areas that are going to experience term flooding. this will be in collaboration in the south beach areas with our development partners at piers 30-32 and we'll be having presentations on that as we move that ahead. we will continue to work very carefully on the corps of engineers look to go get that ready, to off-shore wind, in 2025, we will continue to advance vision for 94 and 96 at the site for manufacturing of 9r off-shore components.
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to meet major environmental goals and bring jobs and economic activity in a blue green water front. we have something to look forward to in the middle of the year, the california energy commission will announce it's awardees for the behind energy improvement program. it's a grant opportunity. if we're selected we'll get going on our improvement to make our site ready for off-shore wind. as you know and as alan spoke to in her public comments, we are moving on a zero emissions high speed network, you have this on your consent agenda and members of the board of supervisors are hearing this at a committee as a whole as we speak. this is a amazing opportunity to improve access to mobility to and environmental enhance the way in which people travel by water through our shoreline and visit and work in san francisco.
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the port is cosponsoring an event next week that advances sustainability and equity, wednesday january 22, we're collaborating towards a whole fleet experience at 90 pier 94, it's going have the latest and battery operated hydrogen fuel tanks cells et cetera, and it's for our local truck inventories look at our technology and see what they might be able to adopt. the registrations is open to the public, but we're really hoping that this event will help our truckers many of whom are residents in the bay view also moving on electric occasion programs. it is our hope that we see a clean green trucking fleet that supports very much the economic activity we're trying to cultivate in that area. thank you for your leadership,
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commissions, on resilience, we're the first to work with the army corps to deal with the sea level rise. we have lots of work ahead of us, very excited work and i'm excited for it. on key projects, this year and next year, you're going to see unprecedented investments in capitol projects across our jurisdiction because we simply never had as much funding as we have. so we will be implementing all the american rescue plan dollars that we already have in hand, we must have those projects by november 2026. your staff is working very hard to make sure that we can hit all the deadlines and get all the resources in to hit the deadlines but on the other side have improved facilities. it's a wonderful experience. we also from arpa, the work that our engineering team has
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been doing with our environmental team maintenance team on cross vision al effort to implement those projects has helped us grow as a organization for capitol delivery. this is important now because we have all of these owesers and it's incredibly important when we move into our resilience work as well. so i'm pressed --impressed what our staff. in closing websinger have a very productive and exciting year ahead. i want to always name port staffer and commitment, we don't always have the easiest things to solve but if we solve them as a team and i think we do a very good job in moving our mission along even though we have many constraints and challenges and we do with the incredible support and vision of this commission. we will be working on our historic, we'll be trying to
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reinvitize our staffing, we're historically under resourced right now. still coming out of the hiring freeze from covid, we're still too under staffed, we need to continue to be laser focus so our staff can assure our facilities are accessibility to our public, they're in good repair and revenues to our organization. i would like to go back to a public comment that we had at commission last time and this was from a representative reba murphy associates and lbe, related to the mission rock project as you will recall. staff has looked carefully at this. we out reached to the contract monitoring division to learn what was going, cmd reported that they have been working diligently with the contractor involved in the dispute, they've initialed more than a
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dozen conversations and meetings and they've had mediation. unfortunately the dispute still remains open but we'll reassure that they're working on this complaint and they're doing so with diligence. and so before we end, i have some bittersweet news, we have to share that we're having another transition in part leadership, nick cruz our esteemed of director administration has accepted a position for the chief financial officer, nate has been with us for nine years, he started as a financial analyst, he became the finance direct and her then returned to as deputy direct of finance and administration. he's absolutely been instrument al in expressing to staff the financial challenges in a way that is accessible to us and
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it's not too in the weeds on finances. he's helped us find external sources when we were in terrible shape with covid. he's kept our ratings despite all our finances, assuring that we have a stro also been a fan fantastic thought partner. i really want to congratulate nate for all of his achievement and he'll be greatly missed. meghan ross will be stepping in as acting awareness. she has experience to step right in but nate we will miss you terribly. and with that, at concludes my report. >> thank you, that was a great report. >> thank you. >> what a way to start out the year. hmm, okay. i'm going to open it up for public comment.
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but can we first talk about nate. would anyone like to make a comment regarding nate? >> good afternoon, president brandon vice president gilman commissioners, elaine, port staff and the public. i just want to follow on elaine's comments about you nate. i took a moment to just talk to some of the staff and resilience team about their experience working with you. here's some of what i heard. he's always easy to work with and generous with his time. i knew if i had difficult issues, he would always do the right thing. through his race equity work, he truly wanted make the port a bert organization. i just want to talk a little bit as well about my experience
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work with youing, it's quite a challenge trying to start up a big program like the water front resilience program and you have always been that taught partner to us, just thinking through overtime. we have challenging issues and tax implications of general obligation bonds and you helped us find the way on that toing. i know the commission has always wanted a little bit more transparency into our budget and you helped us think through how we can present our multiple sources and our spending plan. i really was getting excited about working with you on thinking about how we're going to come wup the local sources to match the federal sources and we did some of that work together when it was obviously a lot more to do on that front. but, you know, just you always been open with your time so i could always drop by your office and chat through a problem, and i just think that you've been that way for everybody in the organization.
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and you've really tried to improve processes in the organization too. so i'll just mention one and then yield to others. i remember when i came to the port, the process for allocating capitol to projects, you know, we have so little funding, it was a bit like the wild wile west it was like going into a shooting gallery trying to get money for your project. and things have improved overtime. but you really took it to a new level with the deputy and it felt like a very collaborative process how we could get together and rank projects and talk things through t never felt unnecessarily competitive. so we will miss you. foster's city gain no doubt. and we want to you keep in stuck. thank you so much, nate. [applause]
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>> good afternoon, commissioners, land development. i was very very lucky to be part of a port mentorship program and guess who was my mentor? nate. and so a couple of things, like brad said, nate has a very calming personality and always made time considering it was very important while here at the port. one highlight that i do want to mention is that he helped me with my very first port commission presentation. he helped me, you know, do the staff report and you know, make my comments on the property and i'll forever be grateful. thank you nate for everything. [applause] >> commissioners, directer forbeses, deputy directer of
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planning environment. i also wanted to thank nate for his time sefshds. double duty at the port and i was able to participate in both those tours so to speak, nate has been a great collaborator. always very approachable as brad mentioned. always coming want to go come up with solutions to issues we have a lot of dealt with money and trying to find the gap in creative ways. he's always been very candid and separate forward which is great. and recently he's put out a number of brown bags that have helped staff, understand kind of budgeting process, the capitol planning process and i found them after being at the port 22 years, something i wish i had goent 22 years ago to help me understand the process a lot. i really appreciate that and we'll miss nate but wish him luck in foster city, thanks nate. [applause]
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>> good afternoon, manager, i have had the hon offer being a director port to nate for the last four years. and it's been wonderful and the experience, he's been a great thinking partner. he's had my back when it was necessary. one of the things my team absolutely adores him. he introduced skip levels where he would meet with the people that his director report supervisor to really understand what is going on until the organization. what is going on in the division. and, really promote all of our professional development in a way that, just felt really really good like we all belonged. so we will really miss him and i wish him well, on his new
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journey. thank you. >> thank you. [applause] >> would anyone else like to comment? commissioner lee? >> nate, nate, you're right, on that board, okay. nate, you know, ever since i joined the port, finance is really a secondary for me, i'm more operator. and when you came up with the numbers and fighting the money that the port really needed we were so in debt with the covid and with a lot of rent relief and things, we were short but you always came up with finding money somewhere in the grants and that's great. and i also appreciate when you
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went to alameda, nobody else wanted go with me, but nate went. he felt good with city government because we were in the city of alameda and now foster city gets you. so good for them, bad for us, but good luck to you. >> nate, i remember when you came. and i want to say personally thank you for the port being a party of your journey and light. and a time comes when we have to move on and go somewhere else, life is about to continue to go grow and continue to develop as people. and your legacy is cemented and thank you for nine years. i think that you, you spent here and as you go on into foster city and may go somewhere else after that, continue your journey but thank you for the sunshine and the light and all that you left here. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> congratulations on your move, nate. good luck in the next chapter. we have not had a chance to work together very much but coming in, you know, being in san francisco, san franciscan and seeing the, the leadership that the port is serving for its peer group around the country is all under pinned by really strong financial strategy and that's got to be a testament to your work so thank you for that and i'm glad you're staying in the region because we're going to need more regional thinking, it's going to be nice to have you in a suburban partner. thanks. [applause] >> thank you. ms. gilman. >> nate, thank you for your time with us and thank you for puting up with us, we've asked you some tough questions in open session sxz you've always been resilient in your answers
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and you've, you've also always come back for us when we pressed for more information or when we suggested showing information in a different way or, you've always been really patient with us and given us the information that we need to make the smart decision and right decisions and the decision that's are best for the city of san francisco. so i want to thank you for your service and appreciate that you chose to go off and be a cfo of another community on the water. thank you. [applause] >> nate, we're really going to miss you. it's just been wonderful to watch your growth and it's only natural that somebody else would want to and want to steal you from us, but you have been wonderful to work with through covid through the recovery,
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through resilience through capitol planning, you name it, nate was there and nate is unstopable. you can ask him any question, you can ask him any question and he comes back showing you a different version. so you totally understand, i should have got it the first time. but he's an absolutely wonderful to with and we're going to miss you, you definitely have made your park here at the port and you know, if things don't workout, we'll always welcome you back. thank you so much for your service to the port of san francisco. [applause] would you like to say anything?i >> commissioners, thanks for the lovely compliments and my co-workers it's heart warm
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anding makes ne second guess my own division. i thought twice but i've come back before. hout cip used the wild west and i played a small part in make iting better but it's better because of the team that was in the room, elaine has done an incredible job of bringing people to cooperate and care about the port as a whole. we work across those divisions and i'm only qualified for this job in foefrt city because of the opportunities i had to grow here. elaine's i started as a financial analyst and got the guidance and opportunity to grow and learn and i got to do it with a boss who sat in the job and helped me see the blind spots and make sure we're doing the right thing for the port
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financially. it's an amazing place to be. i'm really sad to move but i'm excited to bring what i've learned here to a whole city, you know to the city wide lens. it's not a coincidence that the entire foster government is about the same sizes of the port. this is this feels like a place where personal relationship sxz how you can port yourselves where it used to be the wild west makes a difference. and your leadership and elaine's leadership has made that culture work here and i'm glad to be in another place where i can take those skills and put them to work. >> thank you and congratulations. >> [applause] >> okay. >> we do have a gift if you would like to take a photograph, do you want to take a photograph with nate and we have arianna here.
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>> okay, is there any public comment on the executive directer's report? seeing none, do we have anyone on the phone. >> at this time there are no callers for public comment. >> thank you, public comment is closed. commissioner lee? >> the progress port -- ~>> sorry, could you use your mic please. >> all right, tech people, what is wrong with you? anyway, the port progress has been good that's what we did at the end of the year. i'm glad about j9, i got it opened for fisherman's just in time.
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i think right now we need to bring back this way. i know we're short of funds and we've got to be really creative, thanks for a great report and i'm looking forward to 2025 and since, could have done with my sign up about the shopping on the water front there, on the off the boat in sales, thank you. >> thank you. commissioner english-- engblom.
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>> thank you. between that and your outlining of mayor lurie's checklist of service accounts ability change knowing alisha and john baptiste from our years in spur, i think we're in a good place with the city leadership, under scoring this collaborative with the departments. how do we bold on this momentum and maybe it's just a reminder to not rest on our morals but challenge ourselves how do we, somebody used the term sail on our winds which is a good term for the port.
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a lot of times was challenged by the incredible of what we're trying to figure out. it's important to remind ourselves that one of the best ways to do this is the get the power of public behind everything that we're doing. and remind ourselves that we're doing this for san francisco. >> thank you. commissioner adams? >> director forbes's, excellent report. i think as we start a new era,
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it's something that people can look at and we put in the work he you and the staff put in the work here, the commissioners, everybody puts in the work here and we will continue and as we concentrate dnon the southern water front who continue to be beacon of light, we understand that there is a hiring freeze and deficit, and we have to deal with those things but i think we'll be okay with your leadership and the staff and everybody mitching in, 2025 is going to be a great year. can he continue to at the end of the day, we put in the goods, i want to say a special thank you to william local ten, will be sworn in and i hope to
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be here as demeetriz a long term resident. spent a lot of time into this community and having you come and i hope you continue when you can to attend all the port commission meeting and to have your voice heard so thank you. >> thank you. >> director forbes's always a great report and stellar leadership and as we start the year, really excited about the zero emission service, and these are things that will take us beyond 2025 and into the feature to be cutting edge and we'll contribute to the efforts, so really want to elevate those activities and also as we continue our economic vitality as we move
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from recovery to vitality, we have so much to offer. and i hope that working with the this new era of leadership at city hall our new mayor lurie, our chief of infrastructure, alisha john baptiste gives us an opportunity to work collaboratively. so we can continue to move forward to generate our own revenue beinger i think that's always important to remind the public, we survived and thrived on the income that we generate ourselves and grants and things that we secure outside not from the general fund so hopefully we can work with the new administration to ensure that we have the proper staffing and proper support so we can continue all of these
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initiative that we started. so we can continue to thrive. thank you for your leadership. >> thank you, took the words out of my mouth. it's amazing how much the staff is doing, i want to congratulate mayor lurie and i look forward with him and his leadership to continue all the wonderful work that we're doing here at the port. and i think it's key that when working with other departments, and leadership that we really hone in that our key projects that we have right now, we cannot put them in jeopardy, we have to keep them moving forward and so we have to increase staffing and contracting in order to move the projects so whatever we can
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do to make sure that everybody is aware of that and we're not just trying to go outside the box but this critical to san francisco's future, so really appreciate your report. i really appreciate all the staff is doing to make your report so wonderful. and i'm taking my fingers crossed that we get that notification wind granting, that would be phenomenal another feather in our cap but the report is remarkable place, so thank you for your leadership. next item please. >> item 11 is the consent calendar for callers who wish to make public comment on consent calendar please p 11 a requests augtization contract number 2788-r, repairs to retro actively extend the
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update and not to exceed contract amount. this is resolution 2501. 11b, requests authorization clean ports program to fund the san francisco water front emissions project. this is resolution 2502. >> can i have a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none in the room, do we have any on the phone? >> at this time, we have no public commenters. thank you public comment is clodes. we have a motion and a second all in favor. >> aye. >> any opposed? resolution 2501 and 2502 are adopted. next item please. >> item 12 a requests
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authorization contract 2796r to retro active lao and increase the authorized not to exceed contract amount. this is resolution 2503 and for callers who wish to make public comment on this item, please press star-3 to maze your hand to comment. >> hello commissioners, congratulations on your reappointment. my name i'm the project manager for contract 2796 marina project. i'm here today to request authorization to increase the budget by .7 million dollars. the project initially began in 2017 and designers are instruct today survey the n docs.
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the map that you see in fropt front of you areas represent for full replacement. the repairs through rod replacement and patching and doc hardware and supplemental floatation. the project was originally was expect today advertise in early 2020 but due to covid it was shelved and the project was reactivated in 2022 and field survey was identify today identify any new repairs not picked up in the design. and both were identified for repairs only. and on january 23, 2024, the project was award today yerba buena and during construction additional repairs were identified throughout the project. but within the project and the
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part was able to cover those with 10 percent contingency. however the contract to perform repairs at the doc further worked and repair was identified and what was most concerning was the concrete work. this slide is to what a low level, a float is a large foam block wrapped with rebar and wire mesh. sxuk see the three rods that run through them that are used to connect the wood and oilers that keep each individual doc together a rigid and supported system. so at the south guest, copy work was performed. you can see that at the limits,
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the concrete just keeps falling. in that area where it was broken out, there should be a wire mesh but due to intrusion of salt water, it's dissiminated and there is nothing to hold on to. in this situation, we started to take a look at maybe it's a better idea to do a full replacement instead of the repairs as we could just keep chasing the concrete down the line. so the project team put together a cost of schedule update. it would take roughly around 14 months to perform this additional work, two months for design and four months for shop drawings and six months for fabrication and four months for installation. and it's as i mentioned, we are requesting 1.7 million and to
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just make sure that, the port is getting, good value from this additional work, we compared it for the similar installation over there. so we took the total square footage, i look the average of the j-9 bids that i received for that project, the average cost was 520 dollars and for the south guest doc it was only 422, we decided that this was the best path moving forward. and i will turn it over to andre. >> thanks, deputy director of maritime. beneficials of doing this project. increation the funding for this project.
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the current state, just giving its condition, there is also a pump out state which is necessary for boaters to off load their blackwater and you'll see that in the operational slide. regarding the financial implications, the approach that they're recommending is the higher approach of unexpected shut down that we have experienced over the past few months which does require pier 50 maintenance to come out and disrupt some of the businesses that uses the south guest doc. as far as revenue and birth agreements generating approximately 245,000 in revenue. but aside from just the revenue generating, nrs other users of
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this south doc, specifically the bay area association of disabled sailor or commonly referred to as bads, city kayaks and spit outfits. it's in addition to perspective tenant excursion operators and other outfits that use the south guest dock for water recreation. and then just again to operational benefits, they will ensure reliable service and employ any revenue loss that would come from emergency closures t would preserve continuity of operations at the marina and also allow for us to attract perspective, new birth holders at the harbor. i don't think you spoke to the age of the dock but i believe it's 30 plus years, correct at the end of its useful life and going to the next life, port
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staff is requesting authorization for retroactive time ex tense versus completion of april 1, 2026 and to increase the contract total. are you available for any questions you may have. >> thank you, great report. thank you very much. >> can i have a motion. >> i move the item. >> second. >> now let's open it up for public comment. is there any public comment in the room? seeing none, do we have anyone on the room? >> at this time, no callers for public comment. >> public comment is closed. commissioner engblom. >> i have a question of the
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team, is it over sim mrikation, saying during the course of the project what was identified as a yellow, has turned into a full replacement. >> that's correct? >> and i'm curious, was it part of the, i guess i'm just whenever i hear that something is getting increased, i wonder was that part of the brief was the consultants were asked to look at and identify what was yellow and what was red? and this was a change? >> i guess that, why the change during the project?
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they said that it was for repairs only and for 2022, they surveyed it again, they added additional repairs but deemed it only repair. can we go back to the slides? yeah. that, so some another issue is that, a lot of the repairs is difficult to see at a high level, you'll have to, go dig deeper as you can see in the slide here, the through rods are all inside the float and you would not be able to tell how bad it is until you pull them out and then same with the wire mesh, until you breakout the concrete, it would be difficult to see if it's still
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there. you can see something like the cracking might be something that you can see but you cannot tell until you completely pull it out. >> which all sounds reasonable and the other thing was the comparison to j9 and remember when we were talking about j9 last month. was we were all, you know, really congratulating the port team and the consultant team for identifying the problem amid project and then addressing it. we want to be really diligent given our mission. so i just wonder in addition to the price per square foot analysis, comparing na is that of the time implications how that came pairs. i think that's really useful as we keep track of these repairs, how much they are costing, how
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long they are taking. and just, maybe another thing is, keeping track of the, i really like how the last bit of presentation talked about the economic and social benefits of these. i think that gets to my comment earlier about how we continue to win the hearts and minds of people using the water front is like we really talk about this in terms of the benefits to our constituents who are using it and just how to does this compare to the impact of, you know, what we're doing at j-9 and what we're doing here. that way when we continue to walk about how important these reports are, we have a library of the impacts that we're helping. >> understood. there is some lessons learned here. i would say this is not the most ideal way of taking care of it but it's the most efficient. if we turn this into a new project, i would say that we
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easily add another six months to start a new project and go through the design process again and go out to bid and with that, there is no, i guess, you cannot tell the bid environment to the next six months, it could be more expensive or cheaper. but what we have here is something that we consider a good value so it's something that we on the table versus some unknown in the next month. so. >> thanks. >> thank you, commissioner evans? >> i'm in support, thank you. >> commissioner lee? so originally this started in 2017, i'm always saying, the one that has the lowest bid, you know, they always grabt 10
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percent contingency because of delays and things like that. i think, i think that's a always been a concern of mine. and i know when you're doing construction, because i know when we're remodeling places that you don't discover things relatively quick and i think in 2017 and now, obviously it was not dis coughseder. i just want to make sure that these things are not well we saw it but didn't say anything, and get into the system, grab the 10 percent contingency and now we're asking for more money and time. j-9 was a great example of finding while the contractor was there, it's a lot cheaper to get it done while they were there.
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look around the area to see if there is anything otherwise, we don't have to be in this situation. cause especially 2017 to now, the cost goes up and materials go up and maybe they would have seen it coming and we could have addressed it back then. it's not like we have a lot of money for this stuff and the sea wall is going to cost us quite a bit and we need to safe as much as we can. >> yeah. >> anyway i'm voting this forward because at this point, we have no choice but i think in the future. if we're doing a construction project, see if there is anything else that needs to be fixed it will safe us money in the long run. >> yes. >> commissioner gilman. >> i'm? in support of the item, thank you. >> thank you.
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you've done a great job explaining what happened and why. i'm just wondering, is there anything that we could have done in advance to have foreseen that? >> we could have done a bert job fine tooth comb going through everything. and also, at the inception of the project, i was not part of it, but there was probably, probably some funding scenarios where we probably didn't have enough money to do the folder placement at that point, so funding, 7 years ago was different as well. so right. >> i just hope that because we have so much work that is going to be done along the water front that we do the best planning and design that we can prior to actually going out to
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bid so, because we can't have these constant runs every time, we go out and find forcing issues, you know. >> we have a motion and a second, all in favor. >> aye. >> any opposed? motion passes unanimously. resolution is adopted. >> 13-a with barr intelligent transportation inc. for callers to wish to make public comment on this item,
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please press star-3 to raise your hand to comment. >> president brandon, and vice president gilman congratulations on your reappointment. my name is kimberly biel. i'm joined today by jennifer c senior property manager for the water front and karen chan for the china banes area. and i'm here to address a request for status and negotiation for bower. so to provide some context, port has obligation to obtain fair market value at a trust property.
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to prevent residents from painting fair market value. with the execution of a lease, the rent is locked in for its term but upon expiration, the port must adjust to current market values which can challenge retaining long term tenants in areas where land value growth out paces their revenue as in this case. and the port's ability to offer a new lease, may be constrained if the tenant is not in good standing when they're lease expires. so to provide some back grounds, bower intelligent transportation has been a tenant at the port for nearly ten years, at pier 27 and had to move with the development of the cruise terminal. they offer private
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transportation for hospitality, convention, employee transportation just to name a few. precould vid, barr lee space boulevard which i'm going to refer as 401tsb, that lease expired in december 2021 that was a for supplemental office space and the tenant has vacated that space. they vacated in may of 2022. at pier 50 they occupy space at shed a and bulkhead of shed a and 50c which is where they had their headquarters there, they also do maintenance on some of the buses and have best parking there. that lease expired in may of 2022 and currently in holdover and they also have parking on pier 96 which is month to month. the port and tenant have been in discussion about a potential settlement agreement in terms
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for a new lease since 2021 but we've been unable to come to terms. the key points of negotiation in and around settlement agreement for outstanding back rent and repayment, repayment plan termed for a new five-year lease at pier 50 and required a sprinkler work which is required for their occupancy at pier 50 shed c. so currently port's record a balance totaling about 6.4 which is the tenant is dispute anding claims that it's much less. the tenant stays is not being allowed rent forgiveness, consideration received by other port tenants during covid and were not in agreement on the holdover rent for pier 50. we have proposed a five-year lease, at pier 50 shed a and c
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which is contingent of a installation at pier system which is required by current city code and we're also in disagreement about the rent structure for a new lease. so as of december 27th, as i mentioned port records show the tenant has an outstanding balance over the three agreements of about 6.3 million. the tenant fills the out balance only 2.8 so that's a difference of about 3.6 million. prior to covid, the tenant had challenges paying rent in a timely manner and in february 2020, had just completed payment on a settle agreement under which executive director forgave 25,000. during covid as with many of our tenants, the unfortunately,
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the tenant fell delinquent again. so to aid the tenant pandemic, port established rent relief programs. the first one was a rent differal program, and that was a broad base differal program that was extended to all four tenants which allowed tenants to differ rent from march of 2020 through ultimately it was july 31, it was three months and then it extended. but with the broad base differal program it requires tenant resume payment by august of first of 2020 and then pay all differed amounts by the end of july of 2020. there was a opt in rent differal program which was something that was available again to all port tenants which
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allowed tenants are required to pay all differed amounts and those amounts needed to be paid bit end of december of 2020. we recognized that a lot of our tenants were still struggling, so the port commission approved a tenant repayment program. this provided 3 different options, there was one where a five-percent discount was given and this was dealing with amountds that were differed. so a 5 percent discount was given for payment received by the end of december. for tenants who did not have money to pay. there was an option where tenants could pay in six
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installment from january 2021 through june of 30th of 2021, there was no fee with this. this did require that they resume their regularly monthly payments as of january first of 2021, and then finally there was another, program which allowed tenants to stretch that payment over 12 months, that was a 3 percent, it required a 3 percent one time fee on the balance that was outstanding, they did need to resume payment january 1, of 2021 and again their monthly payments did not start on the amount that was differed until july so that was july 1, 2020 through june of 202 2, the tenant did mrie for the opt in program but did not
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make payments as required under the program. the port commission also approved, i'm sorrying, rent forgiveness programs. however in trying to balance the importance of port's own revenue needs and advance programs, rent forgiveness was limited to the following sectors and that was certified lbes were given three months. civic impact so that was nonprofit and our artist was given three months forgiveness and maritime that were given forgiveness. percentage rent.
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so in 2021, the tenant requested rent forgiveness, due to the pandemic. the however the tenant was forgiveness under the program. i just mentioned what those sectors were. with the tenants requests for rent relief because of pandemic related financial losses, port tenants financial records and one of the reasons we did this too is the tenant did have concerns about keeping their records confidential and of course anything that is provided to the port becomes public record. so with the review, it was determined that the tenant revenue dropped a 40 to 65 percent of 2019 levels a follow-up meeting between tenants to review tax returns and other financial did not
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occur as tenant did not provide those additional documents. the consultant indicated however that the tenant received approximately 7.8 million dollars from federal state relief loans so this was paycheck protection program or ppp in corona relief for transportation, or sert loans. based on public, court staff was able to make federal loans that were specifically received and forgiven to the entity that holds the agreement here in the port and relies on the consultant for the larger amount but, the but the tenant indicated that the funds were used for payroll or despite, despite the tenant indicating that the funds that were received for payroll the
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consultant concluded that the tenant had the resource to see pay outstanding balans owed to port. and resources and tenant also stated that it's bank will not allow to pay our proposed rent, therefore an audit is not going to change that. i'm sorry, going back to rent relief, the tenant requests that rent relief an amendment of 500, about 540,000, representing what the tenant
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states in accordance provided other tenants. the list that the tenant provided us, was a list of forgiveness for our restaurant tenants and as i mentioned, those tenants were required to pay for percentage rent so the numbers that they provided did not account for that. however, port staff has proposed potential relief of about 438,000 which is equal to 4.5 months of base rents in 2020 during covid as part of an overall seltment agreement. so in looking at settlement agreement and payment of back rent and repayment plan, port excuse me, port and tenant generally agree on the outstanding owed for 401tf and pier 96, however the tenant is contesting the finance charges. subject to acceptance of other
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settlement agreement terms. port staff agrees request to pay a lump sum amount of about 265 tho resolve the outstanding balance and again this is for 401 which they vacate asked pier 96 which is where they have less parking. and looking at at the holdover rent for pier 50 in march of 2022, the tenant was advised that when the lease ex pie,d rent would increase of about 161 per month. despite this notification, the payments that tenant has made since that time have y been for 104,000 which was the rate at the time the lease appeared 58 expired. in trying to reach a compromise
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while remaining mindful of our portfolio responsibilities and obligation to obtain fair market value, we looked at existing rates in the same facility and port rent incentive programs so. in looking at the slide that is on the screen what is shown is currently we're building about 170,000 a month. this is because you'll see the next column, the holdover rent that we build, and in may of 2022, after the tenant's lease expired that was the parameter at that time. the rent was incaesd normally we increase rents by about 10 percent. it might be slightly over. but that is why that 161 went up to 170 which is what we're billing now. in look at, what the low end of parameter is for the 23-2024
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fiscal yae, low end of parameter, the rent per month would be 157 dollars. i want to point out in 23-24, we did reduce the parameter rent for office space so you'll notice there is a difference there from the 340 when the lease expired in 2022 to 310 of low end of parameter in 23-24. i would like to mention that pier 50 shed c is shared with cross link, which is in maritime tenant. their lease expired also in 2022, and we entered into a new lease with them at the time, based on the ramp up incentive so if we use those rates based on the ramp at the time which
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is 80-90, 100 ramp up versus a 70-80-902459 commission approved the following year, we would have a rent of 1 roughly 13 2000 per month. however with port staff has proposed, is a rate of 110 per month and the way that we came up with that was again, the port commission approved a ramp up rate that was a bit for aggressive in the 23-2024, i should not say aggressive it was more generous in 23-24 so instead of 80 percent, it's 70 percent. and then i would like to also mention that with what the commission approved, it was initially for office space and shed space and we extended that decrease to the apron space, that's 28 cents a square foot
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as opposed the 40. shown in the 23-24 parameter. so with the holdover rent proposals what staff is proposed versus the tenant is requesting, you'll see there the tenant is proposed 104,000 a month which is based on the rent that they were paying. versus what staff is knowing. and then parameter. and the commission, approved a 70-80-90, the tenant had requested a, the tenant had
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requested a more gradual increase so that is actually a 70-75-80 percent ramp up. and looking at the rent structure for a new lease, we have just continued to take the ramp up structure that the port commission approved so then we're looking at 80 percent, 90, 100 and then, 3 percent following. so in looking in the retirement for new lease for pier 50, the tenant must complete sprinkler installations. this work is necessitated by their operations. once again, they do some work inside the shed and the fire marshal will not sign off on a
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new lease without the, the shed being sprinklered which is a code requirement. so, we are proposing that they complete that work in 12 months, the tenant is provided us with a proposal showing that the cost would be 1.8 million. port has proposed to give a tenant a credit not to exceed two million dollars with a 1 percent of those rent credits. however being applied to the past due outstanding balance which is something different than what we had initially suggested. the tenant would then need to enter into a repayment plan for the remaining balance, which would include an up front payment of 500,000 dollars there would then be a admin fee on whaufr the outstanding remaining balance is which is similar to what we did for
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other tenants and this would require an execution of settle agreement enforceable through a tip late--stipulated judgment. so the settlement structure is all the outstanding for 401tsb and pier 94 and prioritizing repayment of past due rent. the tenants are required to install the sprinkler installation. the new lease would be aligned with market condition and based on the ramp for structure, the stipulated reduces uncertainity and costs associated with litigation and upholds the equity by ensuring consistent. they have proposal while
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remaining mindful of its portfolio responsibilities and the impact that a below market agreement could have meeting the porto bligations as a trustee. port staff best and final position is one where we have extended as far as we can while still tying the offer to portfolio management post, which are existing rents in the same fas pilt, port pandemic relief programs and port leasing incentive offered bit port commission. and with that, that is my presentation and i'm here to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. are we going to hear from mr. bowe are?
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>> thank you it's a lot to address. thank you for the time and appreciate your reappointment and congratulations on that. i've got a three-page, four page, maybe make sense of our time to try to get to some of the points and get through it. we've been work ago not this diligently for almost five years and we want it resolved. we got electric vehicles that we want to charge, we can't set up sprinkler without that. i think we're pretty close with most of the points. some of the points that have been a challenge and working on at it again, there is been numerous meetings with myself elaine and her team. we've been given proposal with 21, 22 and 23 this we're told, so i'm a little confused.
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i'll give you a copy if that's okay. >> so yeah, when you get it, we can take a look at some of the documents. these are numbers that were driven by what the port recommendation was for us to pay. so if you get a chance and look at exhibit b which is halfway through the document. and these are easier to follow the exhibit c. two-thirds down the page, you'll see it says port report structure.
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this is what the port gave us to basically, you know, we made an offer and counter offer, backed in 22, 24 and 23, and now these numbers have dramatically changed. so the numbers we're asking for are not different than what was offered at the port. we've never come to a plaintiff --on what a amount was owed. we were still in negotiations on what it was going to be. so the point that we want to get it resolved and paid. we're just trying to come to a number that makes sense. and i think we're close but we've just got to figure out the last few numbers and going from 100,000 a year to 170,000 a yaefrment i think anybody coming out of a pandemic can agree that's a huge jump and that's what we have before us saying, your rent is going from 100 to 170,000.
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it's getting better and we're getting better. it's just we've got a few more points worked out. any questions on that at all? does that make sense? >> well i don't know if the staff has seen these numbers and had a chance to verify, this is our first time seeing it so i'm not sure. >> we have seen this is from a memo that former developer director real estate wrote, and it was an offer that mr. broward did not accept or act on, also the document itself says, it's subject to port commission review. it's in initial regoe, --negotiation, so it is our work so she was very well aware of that. and two of the things that
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we've been guide on, is the rent schedule. so that's why there was an offer that is smaller, that is, that is more generous than port staff recommendation at this point, but we've had the recommendation, we've had with mr. barr for a goodyear and a half. >> thank you. you should have accepted it. >> well it was not that easy because it changed to 170 really quick. >> no didn't, it took five years to get 170. >> but they said the commission >> we didn't approve anything. the amount, sprinkler the whole building which we use port of, we have to go borrow the money at 7 percent to do this. the port announcing, 2.77 million up front when we do this.
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500,000 payment immediately and another 200,000 plus two million dollars and now it's twisted that hey, we're going to get back and now it's saying we're going to go back and pay. we basically went as a mentioned 40 to 65 percent less revenue. we're not still not at the 2019 numbers. it's very challenging because a lot of these companies are back. but we basically we've been here 25 years, and over 25 million rents with the port. we've spent a good amount of time in growing. disaster plant set up. so at the end of the day, we can come to the numbers and somewhere in between, we can come to a conclusion and resolution. >> okay so you're saying regarding the sprinkler system? do we?
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you have to sprinkle the entire building but only use part of it. >> i'm going to ask ms. biel to respond to that. >> that is correct but the majority is occupied by barr and the requirement sprinkler of their operation. >> okay. >> and we've got about 60 percent of the building, we set west stars in there. and in which they do, they do all kinds of stuff and machine on their side. we're willing to do, we cannot borrow 2 million at 7 percent interest and all the money that goes back, we've got to go forward. >> you've got to pay the back rent to move forward. that was the plan. >> okay.
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and farce --as far as, the credit goes, we went through and got a statement, it's dominic moreno what maritime is, we do work for the cruise ship, the crew and the basically thrown on the ship, we do all the work for the pa let's. so we take all the bar pa let's that bring the big ships in and out. so basically, work we do, we do the stuff for the dinner boats for all the excursion sxz all the fishing trips. we're at the airport, we're basically coming in and interstate commerce as far as what they do. so as far as the work we do, we're working on commuter boats so reduce congestion and traffic.
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>> okay. >> is there anything else you wanted to add? >> no, we're part of the union, appeared here today. and we're working all the major events, we've done all the stuff they say, the policy sf travel, super bowl 50, we work for that, we're doing in the nbl games. and we've been here, we want to stay as a tenant of the san francisco.
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i know daniel lurie and i would like us to stay here. we would like this resolved as soon as possible, please. >> thank you, >> thank you. >> thank you very much. okay, this is informational so i'm going to open it up for public comment. is there any public comment on the room? do we have anybody on the phone. >> at this time, there are no public callers for public comment. >> thank you, public comment is closed. commissioner adams? i know you got 4 million dollars from the government and you didn't have to pay that back. and what i'm con feuds, you say
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that you want to get this resolved. well this has been going on for a long time. too long. and i have seen the port move more and more in your direction, and i have seen you, stand your grand and not want to move towards us, and i always learn the negotiation says when both parties is unhappy, you got a good deal. and i you put here but ms. biel laid it out really well. and i read in our report that direct force is involved in this. i mean, we're at the end now. we're running out of run wai,
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i'm being honest, we're running out of run wai, we're about to go in the water. so we're here. i mean, we're here. you've got got to step it up, you've got to really step it up. you pushed this commission to the brink, i'm just telling you how it is, right. and you said we're almost there and this thing continues and continues and continues and you get to a point where you can't continue. this commission i have seen it bend over backwards but i don't see you bending our way. i don't, i really don't. so i'm pushing to other commiters here too.
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>> public comment is closed. >> no i'm telling you where i'm at and patient, we've been patient with you. we've had one chance after another after another. and you have not goent there to where we can come back with something that this commission can live with. i'm just being honest where we've been patient. so i don't believe when you say that. that you can you know, i'm just, i'm just this is where it's at. and i want to support you because you have union people working with you. the port is about that. but we've done all we can do and you need to gives something
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way better cause we're here, we're here. either we close this or it's over, we cannot go any further. that's where i'm at. >> thank you, commissioner lee? >> so gary, we have known each other for a long time, we're small business people but at the end of the day, we're in entertainment, you're in transportation, you're servicing my old business 20 years ago, party buses, cable cars everything when you may you're maritime, i don't see that as maritime, i see teamsters loading trucks and bringing passengers, it's kind of stretching it a little bit. and another thing, i'm in the same boat with you, covid shut us down, we were the once to be shut down first.
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we got ppp, right. but 40 percent of my ppp went to my landlord. i would like to know what happened to the 40 percent of your where that went? but obviously, comment is closed now. so this is a consideration of the business person, you're way bigger than i am. i know back then i employed 30 percent and my place ploys 12 now. yours employed many and i know after could vid, you sides down a lot. and i get it, you have a lot of costs. but pp was to help small business and not so-called, you know, i had to work with my landlord too, we had to beg them to lower the rent and they finally gave us like 25 percent discount. but i still use the 40 percent
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to pay my rent. that's where i'm at, it's got to be fair for everybody not just one company, i support the staff. i've only been here two yearhea and forth. i think they've done their best. so we'll have to discuss it behind the scenes. >> thank you, thank you for the report and information. you know, i think mobility is a key to learn in the city and any city and the one thing that i haven't, heard reflected on m double what they are and the rest of san francisco. i think part of the cal culus here is how important this
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location is for you, because it's a very valuable spot for the for the and --fort, you talked about how important of a player you are and mobility is the key part of the city. and i hope that, that resolving this can be how you see yourself being part of the city going forward. because this is a centerpiece and the economic vitality is centered where you are and i hope that it can be resolved and that can be reflected on how you think about this. thanks. >> thank you, vice president gilman, i'll sustain all comments who has spoken especially commissioner adams, take stock of the moment we made.
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this is a final investment we're making significant concessions and i absolutely respect your business model and what you need to do what you need to do to survive. you've been with the port a long time. i need to say, two distinctions that i think is really really important, while i respect that you and your business model support our maritime use, your business is not a maritime use in the burton act and the public trust for any of our businesses maritime is one of the most important things that we need to uphold and make sure that it's held in this water front and the restaurants that you sided were paying participation. we're offering you relief but those programs that we set up were for business that's operating parking lots we're not applicable to yours and i just really want to you take
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stock that we're offering you relief and concessions because we understand how valuable you are to the city and county of san francisco and to us as a long term leaseholder and i feel we've moved as far as we can move and as far as i'm comfortable with. i do think it's important for you and the public to understand that we are public trust for the citizens and the city and county of san francisco but also we have a mandate under the state of california and we have to look at those tillers and those responsibility whz we're making decisions. and i do really appreciate the time you spent with us today and i hope that we can resolve this and come to agreement. thank you. >> i'm sorry, public comment is closed. public. public comment is closed with.
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>> i'm not with the public. >> so thank you kimberly for that presentation and bringing us up-to-date and thank you gary for coming and providing your points. i think the commission has spoken. i think the staff has gone over and beyond on this proposal and even further than maybe they wanted to go because we're trying to give concessions to a long term tenants who has been with us for 25 years or more. and i think the offer that they have given you is more than fair. and you're in the same building as a maritime tenant more than we're charging a non maritime tenants so it has to come to parameeter again.
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you may want to consider moving to another location that does not require a sprinkler system. it does not require that is a lower parameter rent. but the staff has gone over and beyond what they offered a lot of bar tenants. but like adams said, you've got to meet us somewher we had an opportunity to settle this four or three years ago, and here we are five years later and you're taking a lot of staff time with the 150 leases and all developments going on. so i think you should consider the port's best and last offer to move forward.
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so thank you so much we appreciate you coming, thank you. next item. >> item 14 is new business. >> i have not recorded any new business during this meeting. is there any business? >> would i like to have an update on so just because it's public, there is a transition at the fisherman's wharf cbd district, they're assuming their executive director is post asked posted i wonder if scott is stepping down, i want an update how that may inpact the investments we've made? >> okay. >> any other member? >> i have a question, just given the news of the things that are happening in los angeles, i wonder have we had any interaction with our counterparts with the port of long beach.
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>> we have not, we can make the connections, we have a california association port group so we're meeting tomorrow afternoon, and that will be our topic. our fire department and police services have been in close contact in terms of providing support but we will follow-up tomorrow and see if there is any assistance that we can provide. it's such a tragic situation. >> yes. >> any other new business? if not, can a have a motion to adjourn. >> motion to adjourn. >> second. >> all if favor. >> aye. >> the motion passes unanimously. the meeting is adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
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>> co-founder. we started in 2008 and with the intent of making the ice cream with grown up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is - many people will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san
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francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the
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hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background and a lot of interaction and we're fortunate we can get feedback and serve to the king of ending and also (laughter). >> hi, i'm pilipinas chi chai mateo and am the artist here.
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i'm current working on a title meaning together and the reason why i choose that theme because celebrating the legacy of some of the latin tennis especially with the power that put us together as formed when he come together and before us putting for our recognition and housing. but through our art culture and we see that today which we're together and it is always a hope for the generations after us. >> here in this district where we revising the languages and
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culture but in yes or no answer why we do this i get to see kids come out of this kind mr. ryu rattle where they came from and we are here. such an honor to be part of this legacy of togetherness and those opportunities have painting a mural such as this but teaching different skwashgs and learning more about my culture i thought i already knew but so much more to this is beautiful we have so much to give each other and we're also willing to work
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[music] >> discover the heart of san francisco in district 5. tapestry of neighborhood rich in history and unique character. from the iconpic hate ashbury and fillmore and japantown to hayes valley. the north of pand handle, western addition and tenderloin, this district showcase city diversity at its finest. >> i'm consisten evans a resident and small business owner in the historic haight ashbury. i own [indiscernible] haight ashbury is a unique place. it was the most colorful part of the city when i was a kid. i ended up moving here and owner a book stoor here, which was the dream.
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we have people of all walks and visor its and tourists around the world that come to the haight ashbury. coming sometimes to see the histzry of the neighborhood. the rock stars, janice jaupson and grateful dead house. people are free spirited. here we have many second hand clothing stors. here are eco conference so people enjoying the street and a place to stop and people watch. while you are doing that, stop have lunch. we have [indiscernible] fun restaurant. cha, cha, cha, neighborhoods class. ic. they have a place next door. i could go on about all the really great places to try in the haight. i'm part of the haight ashbury merchant association and work promoting the corridor as a destination. people don't just come to haight street
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to one destination they visit 3 or 4 places when they visit. if we have vacancies we have fewer reasons people are coming to the street. we had 21 vacancies going into the pandemic. that increased to 32 during the pandemic so one thing we had been advocating was a stour front vacancy tax. voters passed prop d and that revus deuced from 32 to 14. you should come to the haight ashbury, enjoy the beautiful weather, get a meal on haight street. kwrrks district 5 feature slow and safe street that cckt our neighborhood. haight shandsads a shining example bustling with bikers and pedestrians and recognized the city most successful slow street. the golderen grate greenway and car free hayes, turned to safe welcomeic spaces for walking and biking.
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>> after having lived all over the y, i wanted somewhere where i never needed to use a car. and i also wanted somewhere where i am a little separation from my job downtown. i drew a 25 minute radius around downtown and hayes valley seemed to fit the bill. i found this neighborhood like kind of the most community i experienced. people tend to linger reminds me of a european city. i see a lot of people just hanging out outside and patss people and you get to know people in the naurbd. it is a pretty special environment. one of my favorite landmark is where we are standing patricia green. it was the former site of the freeway. she was part of a group of people that lead the movement to get the freeway taken down and this was the embarcadero is one of the best examples of
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what happens when you remove a free way and give space back to people. there are tons of places to shop and eat. pretty much something for everybody here. my friends kid had their first birthday party last week and i walked to [indiscernible] and got a present for them. if it is warm like today you can hope to home town creamly and get ice cream. another favorite is mercury cafe down actaveia and another faiviate is hayes valley baker, where they have incredible bake goods and breakfast and sandwich and employ and train at risk and disabled people, so there is a real social angle to what they do. every friday saturday since covid the 400 block of hayes street between octaveia and gough was pedestrianized. we open to people. it doubles the size of our town
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square. for anybody in d5 or anywhere around the city, it is really a great gathering space to just lijer. you don't need a plan, just come and hang out. >> the fillmore at the heart of district 5, one of san francisco historic black neighborhoods. after endureing redevelopment scr displacement the community is experiencing new businesses fresh life and vibrancy to the area in recent years >> i'm erica scott and we are here at honey art studio. i grew up here in the neighborhood i feel fortunate to have my business here. we are a multipurpose place. we teach art classes and we also have live entertainment, and community meetings. private event space. the history of the fillmore,
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dates back generations before me. that is a big part of our studio here. there is a book the harlem of the west, and that book depicts what the harlem of the west was which is the fillmore and people really from all over the world would come here. it was a huge-just everything, this was the place to be to experience black culture and just to live. i definitely want to give honor to that. culture to my generation, new businesses. we have something really special and unique, which is in the black. sits on the corner of geary and fillmore. it is a home to i believe 30 entrepreneurs. it is like a marketplace. super cool. a lot of the things are either custom or just really unique. jazzy hair slaun.
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saloon and believe they are applying for a legacy business ownership because they have been in business over 25 years. there are lots of cottage and home bases. >> brother mar key mohammed in the fillmore since 1999, been established here since 1999. my products, oils and cosmetic items, clothing. how is it going? >> going good. >> good to see you. i still have my old customers that come in. this is a sense of community. we have little remanence of the old vibe here. >> the fillmore is the famous jazz district and we still have elements that. you want to come and experience it. friendly people and a place where you take a piece of san francisco, a piece of the fillmore right back with you. >> since the redistricting in 2022, the tenderloin is part of district 5.
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introducing a vibrant community to the district. the tenderloin is rich in history with unique land marks like retvens alley renamed from shannon street. what was a blighted alley ask a gathering place where veterans express through art and connects with one another. the neighborhood also boast a tenderloin museum offering programs that highlight the area cultural historical significance. >> the museum has a permanent collection about the history of the neighborhood and we also have a community art gallery featuring tenderloin artists and working on projects irn the neighborhood. >> we have become known having inspired arts programs and that's something that makes us very unique. we are producing a play about the cafeteria riots. we started to work as many neighbors and organizations as possible to create
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really diverse programming for diverse neighborhood. tenderlo is a close nit community, in just like all most decade i have been working here, you are able to make so many connections with people. [indiscernible] an incredible neighborhood working class bar in the tenderloin neighbor, the first queer bar in the neighborhood. shows experimental performing arts and have been great partners and do a lot for the neighborhood. we have little saigon and saigon sandwiches. i think one of the classic staples of tenderloin. yemen kitchen is a restaurant that opened in the neighborhood that i highly recommend. the phoenix, the hotels, such a tenderloin legacy business. that brings in like people into the neighborhood that might not normally stay here. there is so much more in the
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tenderloin that you read in the news. a story from the people who live here themselves. >> probably the most unique feature in japantown is the peace bugoata built as part of the japan trade center.$ the other-japan center itself, the oldest indoor shopping mall in san francisco. built in the late 1960's. despite all the changes japantown has been through, it is really still a authentic japantown. it is still a japanese american community. so, you could still find a lot of japanese american food here. japanese ice cream stores that are really popular. we have what is called maucha drinks here. the other thing that has become
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the new shops opened up. every japanese restaurant had [indiscernible] anything you could order, but now it is all specialized so they come from different parts of japan and they feature their home town style of ramen. it is a really safe place to hang out. you come down here and you get a sense of the japanese american history and culture just by being down here. it is just one of the great places to visit in san francisco. >> district 5 is a vibrant diverse area with so much to offer both residents and visitors. it is a place where people can experience the amazing community spirit and explore the many unique small businesses that make this district truly special.
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[music] >> [music] you are watching golden gate inventions with michael. this is episode exploring the excelsior. >> hi i'm michael you are watching golden gate inventions highlighting urban out doors we are in the excelsior. pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad
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mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are
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playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf!
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so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the
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clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures. this meeting is being recorded. politic you may begin the retirement board meeting december 11, 2024 at this
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