tv In Person SFGTV January 29, 2025 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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with mary chu. we will figure out the math and make sure there is know agreement with the two agencies on what that is. we will develop a plan. i will share that with paris and however appropriate for her to share with commission. >> great. sounds great. thank you. anything more? >> yea. one thing i was looking i was energying occurrence of the pedestrians because that is a big walk way. it is under know air train. slowing traffic down so pedestrian actually registers will be i'm sure on your■h too. just would energying that. >> thank you. okay. commissioner, i have two one is there were place in the presentation talked about future campus boundary. i was confused. >> like there was dotted red line with -- is it are the
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buildings coming down or when? >> is there page. i can't remember. talking about it getting smaller >> somebody talked about the campus getting smaller i was curious. i was in the sure everybody understood it. yea. so, going back all the way. may be the beginning i got hung up on. if you think about the air side know boundary line now that is the red. and some of the buildings this are east of west campus drive. what you are seeing here is -- 638. 642 and 645. 548 on the top of the page, those many of those are slated for redevelopment or relocation. and so -- the campus is going to
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shrink and the air field will grow. good for the public to be aware of since that is an important change. thank you. >> thank you. >> the second question seeing the public, i don't know any of buildings i don't think i interacted with any of them may be one team to got post office there. the one place they >> the public interacts with the kiss and notice at the corner of 720. >> that's right >> have you guys thought about integrating the very publicness of the kiss and notice and drop off with that building design? we have. yea. it is something we have been studying in our public realm and movement study the concern effort. as part of this campus plan. i'm not sure whether we are going to relocate the kiss and notice but know this is i big opportunity for intinauguration of the westfield campus with the
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rental car center. >> yes. >> a nice joint. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> okay. commissioner kearney. >> commissioner kearney here. there is a lot here that is for sure. i will break it up. thank you for your great presentation of all of and making easy to follow. as we go through all the individual parts. first, comment on the over all vision. i appreciate your stated goal prioritized the design of public santa fess to create inviting environment. usually the buildings are the first priority after visiting it appropriate you have the reverse goal. there are a lot of conflict points with the pedestrians and trucks and other vehicles. and as i found out yesterday, when i was near low run over by a truck. so -- as stated in the document
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public realm is a connection. buildings back drop design buildings to support public realm using materials, forms and prosecute portions that compliment the vision. i see that you are doing this and appreciate your designation of campus heart. where by you design a garage so pedestrian vs i safe zoneful out door space is usable well is a buffer zone from the main street that works as a diagram. now i will comment on all three of the projects. regarding the garage building labeled building 670, for such a large structure it is helpful have you the recessed portion of the garage, i know. to create a small are mass. first it was mentioned this the
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goal is a cohesive identity of all the buildingings which will be a challenge since they have functions theuneified palette of materials will help. >> as for the garage massing options of a and b, i wanted you to e will beerate the difference but you coverd that it it is the angular portions of the facade treatment between a and b and -- you know we will have to wait and see how you come back with that. i like the enter of the option b that -- it is split its up and points down to person points. >> we have a unique building adjacent 674. an angular form.@ñ so think burglar how we can respond to that. but right in the margin so to in order to create a better
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connection with the two buildings. this is a big building. and so -- our strategy to break the mass and forms and push this large are mass toward the air field leaves light and air open to internal catch us is very much part of both a and b. but how we can -- manipulate fasat treatment come down to how to better scale the building, create alignments with its neighbors and -- looking at creating a data on the base for this potential activation of the ground plan that laura talked about. these are the key drivers of the project now. we are excited. it is a u till tearian building but trying to elevate it to a good neighbor and participate in forming this back drop to a new heart of campus. i think the grand stair case
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will help enhance that public space. >> landscape for that building as i was walk around i notice a lot of desert plants through this build and whole area. is this going to be a theme? >> part television is we are restrict in the landscape because the attraction of wildlife and planes. so we have a strict approximateliet that we landsca to those guidelines. which are desert. >> they look great. >> thank you. >> thank you. why and regarding builting 626, the two story warehouse with offices on top. as for the mass being options a and b, i prefer option a. because the heroic nature of the xr height even though it is is
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in the taller. i think -- i like that and option b if you chose that one if you go to page 44 for your precedent, i don't know if you want t project all the way across in the upper left hand corner that 1 you break up this press den break its up. i drove by that building i did not realize it was so for away. upon one feature that a and b have that i appreciate in the facades you have done are the very extremely exaggerated window slots. i think that is a nice feature for a building like this. reminds me of the century old powerhouse moccasin powerhouse at >> yosemite. we are two stories, we have a goal of trying to bring daylight in to the ground floor you
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imagine the difficulty. having this will benefit it we don't think we would meet a daylighting standard at ground level. but i think doing when we can, and providing views to daylight, at least helps. there is just -- it is difficult. we are trying to come up with ways like that to where this idea is coming from. try to get us may be part way there. >> the skinny slots are nice and might be utilizeed unify all buildings possibly. >> the section on page 51 irrelevant makes sense for interior workings of warehouse. ir like the courtyard up on the roof. however option aor b need a large projected canopy on rainy days they can unload and offer
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some relief on better days. i saw that on the existing warehouses out in that area >> canopy for the truck docks is something we are looking at. we have not seen the need for to be deep there are different ways we will think a short canopy to protect from rain as where the dock is occurring at the wall basically. >> 6 or 8 feet. may be less but that range. alternateively they do have devices called, dock what are they -- attached to the dock like a seal versus hood it creates. protection there at the door there are a couple options we are and we are studying the canopy and it is part of our
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designs now. >> great. thank you. >> and then westfield cargo 720 and 742, the two options a and b i personal low preserve the option a with the express entry. rather than the long over hang. and plus based on your krin written statements i have here. it states the strategic location at the northwest corner of the camp ulc will serve a gateway. symbolizing the vital role in global commerce and a coarc sesz point for bus operations. plus the air train looks down on temperature therefore a simple line of cargo bays cant leiferstrary to the goal of prominent gateway. i think once you get further
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down the road you can do the -- like terminal throw did and animation from the air trin. that will be helpful i think this corner is important now next to the rental car agency rather than cantilever area you could do something with this corner >> absolutely that is something as we refine the design that we are developing similarly and it is interesting for our building because i like how you perceive today have the animation from the air train. we have truck traffic or vehicular traffic on north mc donald and vehicle lawyer from 101 the learning facade you see many speeds and levels i like that. that -- note because that is wrn way we are looking at it moving forward. why great. >> thank you. >> i like the deck on the section as well.
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the precedence on page 62 look fine to me. and the materials proposed on page 69 are appropriate. as well. regarding esf72, the single story one going the angle behind the rental car area, i prefer option afor the same reason with expressed entrance. that building will be viz okay for returning cars. one of the sheets we were begin notes a project will credit a vibrant realm connecting to westfield area. with integrative urban elements like landscaping and safety i western where this pedestrian realm will be it seems these fwolgds are quite a distance from thearea. you could use west campus drive i within down yesterday. it sets a clutered mess will
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take a major redo to reach that vibrant pedestrian realm and the main road it is busy road. anyway you have two difficult choice. >> that was one thing that in i was looking for the slide that talks about because of the curve of e road we have a minimum truck depth this,llows us the -- pardon. if you can see my cursor. there is a spot where as the road curves and dimension greater we provide some pedestrian green space that connect back. as you head back to lot d we are pulling the similar to when liz and the garage was doing pullinw north face of the build nothing on the ground level it would
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allow a cover. and gracious pedestrian walk along that. thank you very >> okay. commissioner rothschild. hello. thank you very much that was terrific. terrific presentation. i have throw large scale comments. one is just echoing commissioners interested in seeing how the art develops in terms of considering ino novati ways to integrate the art in the buildings and land scape. as the commissioners were e loud to if we can -- conceive of art as part of the concept of the building will allow us the
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successful indication and it can't be in architecture terms we -- gives it a strong are presence. and to that end, to consider different types of art. you know as we all than it is loud -- and -- industrial, so you know, things be include are you know from the more traditional thing this is might pop in heads like murals but could be music. being be a sculptor garden this -- if we can't have pleasants may be a sculptor guard thaen becomes our land scape and struck by opportunity for the traditional call facade we have pv's we got■z plevins and -- people coming to san francisco for first time and looking down as they notice over the planes and you have the
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certain built in audience with the air train and the freeway. considering this scale of viewership would be fun. second point is again. as we noted, this very urban big scale area you know is there a possibility of a softer image relative to how using materials concrete and metal they are sculpt ral follow we haveaudibl get a shape but a bit of that can go into softening a material and i think and also just in terms of -- you know i think break up the massing again for the softer image we have this bluent row and the light and the gray.
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and may be more of i mix and match. there are logistics but in the you know it is grit to have the blue at entry and there being be blue this like a puzzle pos that may be guess on my third point about humans using the building is this more connectivity and more scale if the different uses are more sfred out throughout the building. i know there are issues with this. in terms of just simplicity and -- program. and human comfort of employee this is is something the airport -- has -- spoken about and i think it is so person -- and -- in concept looking at the outside and blue and gray things. would be interesting to understand the variety of folk
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this is will be working in the westfield i want to call at this time westfield mall. [laughter]. get my tennis shoes. the westfield development. and you know i don't know, tens of dozens of hundreds of different jobs. people stand or sit all day or outside all day. great inside than i have a view to the land scape to really consider to that level how each -- different human being irrelevant has a level of comfort you get big and cold and -- you know not nice. thank you very much it was traffic presentation. >> thank you. so much for the presentation and also for the conversations. i irrelevant was thinking about as we design public it is
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different that than the term untils themselves. pedestrian the complexity is different they will be there every day and areas lying everlike the kiss and fly. i like that. this is a subject matter for the art. >> [laughter]. its really fascinating toeen as you are shifting from the bigger area down becomes a lot more linear and lined up■ -- which i think -- echos the point of able to visually use the buildings themselves. when we are doing the art projects. so you can see it from afar the public can see it from afar as employees are using it. and so i really appreciate that.
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and the emphasis on that the people using the area will be the workers and it is very much a defined that open pace and the movement through the project. so. thank you, so far. okay. a couple questions. i know for the again the pedestrian walk way this is is a different type of pedestrian walk way consideration than for the terminals themselves. i ask this you between this and the traffic i know you are aware and want to make the comment this that'sll a major priority. i lost idea of try to create center part and it make a campus out of this hodgepodge. i give a lot of credit and i thank you for thinking those
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thoughts and all the different elements you talked about just keep those forefront as you go through your design. i had a question for 670 about the cantilever. that you are doing on the project. if you could explain this a bit from the concept side. >> just pull it up. one moment. the best image. yep. right here. yep >> when we are looking at is you see that -- is there a way to use the mouse, too. >> got it. >> okay.
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along here what we are doing is -- this is facing west. and per of the definition of the new part of campus we are looking at mass so that future concession orreen in the any kinds of protective space can be developed there. whether seating, greenery. or pop ups. thinking about drag utility there is in preparation for this. though this is not per of the scope of the garage. it is anticipating that. that answer your question >> that s not the cantilever the two different furthermores looks like your back form is actually -- go back to where you were that was one of the better ones for temperature on the right hand side. if you look at it, the back massing. looks like it is cantilevered as a cantilever.
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>> here. >> yes. >> so, when we're doing is in that between the two volumes we are stretching back the structure. so that we can create that definition and separation to break down the large are scale of the building. and we are studying it right mou to what point that is either cantilevered or what how great that setback is this is in study now. but i feel that you know -- regardless of how we do it we will come become with more o that. it is i strategy to fracture the scale and bring definition to the large building. that's great. i hope you can continue with this. i think this it is i really good concept thought and i hope that -- costs don't take some of this away because what you have taken you know -- massive
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structure and broken it up in i way that it irrelevant can be per of the heart of your central campus. so, i'm just -- thank you for your explanation and i hope you get to keep going in this direction. we are look forward it present you the development thank you. >> thanks. >> and the only other comment i had was about the central heart and the winds just wanted throw this statement out. i think we are there and all i mead to do at this point is call for public comment. is there public comment on item 4? >> for those in person proceed to the public comment podium and
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fill out the information card. weer item 4. is there anyone withhold like to comment on the concern agenda item? seeing no questions for comment t. is now closed. >> great. this it is a conceptual presentation i thank you gwen this is complex and a lot of time and effort went monopoly this presentation. thank you all so much. [applause]. okay. item 5 new business and announcements? any discussion or commentses from commissioners on business or announcements? no. all right. and -- i will ask if there is public comment but i don't see.
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>> here is great wall hardware, 3500 square feet of retail space. we carry about 22 thousand items in here and countingfelt it never stops because i have a thing. when a customer says, do you have this and i don't have it, it bothers me. i won't have it. so, it is just one of those things owning a hardware store, people expect you to have everything and you try to if full thill fulfill that need. native san franciscan. born in chinatown, same as bruce lee, chinatown hospital. my family moved to the sunset in the
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late 70's, so my mom and dad thought, we are already doing construction, why don't we open a hardware store? it is nice dove tail to each other, so that is how that got started. we started this store in 1983, and we have been going every since, so now it is 40 years. i like serving my neighborhood. i fealt a hardware store is different from other businesses. most businesses you want to buy this or that and eat this or that. a hardware store is different. people come in and usually have a problem and need a solution and looking for you to navigate them through that problem and offer them products that help them get to where they need to go. the people are great. i love this neighborhood. there is different etnisties and cultures here. we all intermingle and mix together and get along fine and i like that about this neighborhood t. is nice place to be. it is near the beach and beautiful and near the zoom and park and
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stern grove. great schools and parks. what's twl not to like? i am always looks around the corner the next thing to and crank it up more and make it safer and more enjoyable. bringing in new businesses. support them. great wall hardware, open 7 days a week, monday-friday 8 to 6, saturday is 10 to 6 and sunday is 10 to 3. . >> thank you all for being here . first i want to express my deep concern for everyone affected
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by the wildfires down in southern california and our first responders working to keep them safe. given this morning's earthquake and the one we had about ten minutes ago, i want to remind san franciscans of the importance of emergency preparedness. i'm working with the department of emergency management to ensure our city's resilience and i look forward to working with s.f. in a similar manner in 2017. when the north bay was ravaged by fires, we saw this devastation firsthand. entire communities lost overnight. we coordinated across regions to raise resources to hit those hit hardest. when one of our communities is hurting we all feel it. the very bestt we can do right now is to come together.
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san francisco has already sent a strike team down to support the efforts in southern california and stands ready to assist as we review our own emergency preparedness. it's never been more clear to me that one of the cornerstone cornerstones of public safety in this city is our great san francisco fire department and those who work tirelessly to safeguard the lives of san franciscans. today i am honored and privileged to announce that i am appointing battalion chief dean crispin as fire chief of the san francisco fire department. >> this is a role that carries
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immense responsibility and requires a unique combination of vision, leadership and a profound connection to the people of this great city. battalion chief chris ben brings 34 years of distinguished service and unwavering commitment as a first responder and advocate for underserved populations. he served as captain of chinatown, north beach and so much stations and battalion chief to some of the busiest stations across the city. he has been recognized three times three times for bravery and service for two san franciscans for rescuing the elderly from fires in the tenderloin. battalion chief bowen also served as a 911 responder and has acted as incident commander at over 50 major incidents in san francisco. dean, like myself is also a native san franciscan and a
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father of two boys. >> he comes from a family that is committed to service. his mother immigrated to the us from nicaragua at the age of 12 and his father is a retired captain of the fire department's arson squad. his grandmother was a senior citizen advocate in the mission and the founder of the latin american senior citizens association under battalion chief chris leadership. we will advance approaches that make san francisco safer, stronger and more resilient. in his role as fire chief, he will help coordinate san francisco's emergency preparedness public safety initiatives and lead san francisco fire departments community engagement programs while overseeing talented battalions of firefighters across this city. battalion chief crispin for your decades of service and deep commitment to community inspire us all and shown
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through these past few weeks as we got to know each other. as you take on this new challenge know that i have every confidence that san francisco will not only be safer but stronger under your leadership. please join me in congratulating fire chief dean crespin. one more step and finally i want to thank former mayor breed for her collaboration in this process and acknowledge interim chief sandy tung. where are you, chief? thank you, chief sandy tong for keeping our city safe during her historic tenure as our first asian american fire chief. thank you. >> and now the floor is yours. thank you, sir. congratulations.
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>> it is with a heavy heart that we gather here today in light of the tragic events unfolding in los angeles. our thoughts and prayers are with the citizens who are experiencing such incredible devastation. >> we also pray for our first responders who have committed to bring safety and stability to the affected communities. >> it is the honor of my life to receive this appointment. gathering here in this historic historic bell arts masterpiece is a reminder of the rich history of this city. our history is remarkable and our future is bright. under a new administration, optimism reigns supreme. mayor larry, thank you for bestowing this great responsibly city upon me. i look forward to working shoulder to shoulder with you to achieve the limitless potential of our city. surely there are great challenges but your vision of a more cooperative, efficient and effective city government is inspiring. your love for our city is contagious.
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i pledge to you that i shall work tirelessly to protect our citizens and visitors. public safety is at the center of your agenda. our department stands firmly with you members of the fire commission. thank you for your attendance. chief scott. thank you for your attendance. mary ellen, carol woody. thank you for your attendance. public safety chief paul yap. thank you for your attendance. >> i'd like to thank the current command staff led by chief tang. you have collaboratively supported the health and health and safety of the membership of this great department in unison. you have and share the goals in our mission statement achieved. thank you. i received a stark reminder of the seriousness of this position this morning at 702 hours we were struck by a 3.7 earthquake. citizens of this city. our department stands ready to
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protect you and your loved ones. should disaster strike, we vigilantly train daily and have a comprehensive plan in place. however, we're not complacent. >> we'll continue to work with our partners at dbm to update and implement disaster plans. mom raised in the mission district. thank you for your love guidance and grace. you spent 65 years of your life worrying about dad and i getting injured in the fire. thank you for your sacrifice, dad. i know you're smiling down on us. >> for 30 years you told me to go to headquarters. well, it took 34, but i finally listened to you and kelly and the boys. >> the loves of my life. thank you for your willingness to embark on this journey with
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me. this is a new challenge. and as with all others, we'll meet it together. >> family from san diego. brother. sister. niece godson. great everybody. >> i appreciate you making a last minute trip. but thanks for all your love and support. my goal for this department is to ensure it remains in touch with the community it serves. >> department members must concern themselves not just with the beauty of the fire engine or ambulance but the beauty■] and health of the neighborhood. i will ask our members to engage with the public to form bonds that will move our city forward. >> i'm acutely aware of the potential budget shortfalls we face. i will work collaboratively with other departments and the mayor's office to tackle these is alive and well in just two days in office our mayor has instilled upon us the power of positivity. >> my dad would often say
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nothing is done well without enthusiasm. i couldn't be more excited and enthusiastic about the future of san francisco. >> let's get to work. thank you. >> i'm standing in pauley comes in. chief, would you come over here to san stand and when dean is ready you can stand to your side. >> while dean appropriately thanks his family i want to open it up for a few questions. charles will lead us b djust wad county of san francisco that we are ready and prepared. the public safety is our number one priority. the earthquake hit this morning.
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mary ellen and i were on the phone within 100 and 20s she texted me and said did you feel that? and she immediately got her team going and coordinated across departments to make sure that everything was safe and sound and it was. and we immediately started talking about all the tabletop exercises that have been going on continue to go on at fleet week. they had an exercise and so i just want to tell the people of san francisco that this crew behind me is prepared and we will continue to be prepared. we will not stop. we have more work to do. we can always be more prepared. things are coming out as fast and furiously as we see down in angeles. there is no such thing as being to prepared. and so once again our hearts go out to our neighbors.
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for our brothers and sisters in the fire department down there, 30 members down there now we're thinking about you and we continue to stay in touch with officials to see how we can be helpful with that. >> so we've got a moment for a couple of questions. members of the media folks want to raise their hands and walk on your first question. hi, nice to be with kqed. you just said there's 30 members who have gone down to l.a. are more potentially going down and how long are you expecting they'll be there? i'll let you answer that question. >> thank you, mary. and thank you for the question . i was actually just got off a call right before this press conference with my colleagues in l.a. from the department of emergency management. >> there they are. they have been working nonstop since before the fire started and they' tired and they are in the process of requesting additional assistance. they know that we are ready to go. not only my department but i'm coordinating management leads
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from other departments to go down to help. well, you have to understand is that there is a process by which they county and the city must request the assistance. the worst thing is to arrive uninvited before they're ready. so that is in process and i fully expect that we will get those mutual aid requests within the coming days. the fire chiefs can speak more to this. this is an active response. the fires are still burning. they're not in recovery yet. some of the things that they are just getting up they've had some shelters up or they're getting assistance centers. centers up. there will be weeks, months and years of recovery and assistance that l.a. will need. we are there to be partners. we happen to have a really very close relationship with l.a. and in emergency management world we actually speak on a regular basis every week, every friday. sos we're getting ready to go and we'll mayor's office will
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be able to share that information once more resources go down. i also just want to thank the fire department. the most important thing right now is firefighting capability and the fire department is providing the need, the fulfilling the requests that are coming through. >> so the questios tong remaining with the department once this transition is complete and if so, in what position? >> we have a transition plan in place and on january 21st the transition will be complete and they're going to spend the next 11 days transitioning. and i just want to once again thank you for your service to the city and county of san francisco. appreciate you. sorry. yes, sir. hold on, sir. let me tell you what we're going to do over the phone to figure out how we're managing our resources with sending people to to south l.a. and how
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we're making sure that we're still safe during standard. those we're going down south are working or how is that being managed to make sure we still detect and the cisco and resources? >> i've been assured by everybody up here that we are well resourced that we are committed to public safety here in san francisco first and foremost and any additional resources that we can provide down south we will. but we are at full staff and doing well here in san francisco. >> last one right, carol and and also maybe a better sense of and understand that the requests haven't come in yet but a better sense of what those requests might include in terms of ways that san francisco will be of assistance go for the very first thing i want to share on behalf of unofficially on the behalf of the county of los angeles is to that cash assistance is the
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only assistance they need from the public right now. they have been inundated with material goods and it is frankly it isn't super helpful because then the fire department has to deal with those. so from the public please go to county of los angeles. they have ways in which people can make donations for the city fire right now as the most important weather conditions are going to be bad going into next week is my understanding. so they'll be continuing to need fire. what the kind of assistance that they'll need moving forward is what any disaster does. so the emergency management so that is management skills from across all disciplines to help coordinate the response the assistance to community debris removal is going to be a massive next step and that's something i'm hoping that will be able to send some of our public works management teams
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down to assist with. and beyond that we're going to hear from l.a. and they will tell us what they need and we will provide as we able. let me just reiterate that the support factor i was doing you and i have this in common i was in new york city on september 11th, 2001 and was part of the recovery efforts through a foundation. and then what we saw in the north bay fires as well we came together we had a relief concert at at&t, then at&t park, now oracle park. people need support through cash and we will share links at our web site on on city websites in the in the coming days. that is really the only thing and for those that have lost everything. i want to once again thank fire chief tang and congratulate our
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incoming fire chief dean crisp . and it's a great day in terms of knowing that we have strong leadership in the new fire chief here in san francisco. your family and thank you and i look forward to working closely with you. thank you, sir. >> thank you [music] digital literacy is something severely lacking in our world today and it takes a lot to understand that. food water
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and shelter have basic necessities so long we forget about wifi and connection to en you go into communities and realize peep not able to load homework and talk to teachers and out of touch with the world. by providing the network and system we are able to allow them to keep up in the modern age. >> folks still were not served by internet throughout the city and tended to be low income people, people in affordable housing. people of color and limited english and seniors, all those are high concentrations in affordable housing, so we thought given that we had a fiber network that stretched throughout the city reaching deep into neighborhoods that would be a perfect opportunity to address it in san francisco. >> the infrastructure the city and star help us run are dejtle programs. it played a critical role from the time we
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opened during covid till now so we were able to collaborate with online services that offer tutoring and school support. it also helped us be able to log the kids on for online school during covid, in addition to like, now that everybody has switched most of their curriculum online we can log kids on to the online homework, check grades in addition to helping parent learn how to use the school system portm >> the office of digital equity our goal fiber to housing is insure we have all three legs of the 3 legged stool. the first leg is high quality internet connection. we liken the high quality internet connection to the highway. the second leg is high quality devices. this is the
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car. you want to make sure the specks on the car is up to speed and lastly, it is important to get kind of that driver's education to learn how to navigate the road, to know the signs to watch out for in terms of making sure you are school while you are surfing the internet it is private so that is the digital literacy piece. >> my daily life i need the internet just to do pretty much everything. the internet has taken so much control over people's daily lives including myself that i just need it to get certain jobs done, i need it for my life. i need it. >> the program really seeks to where ever possible provide a service that's equivalent or higher speed and quality as the best commercial service . >> we serve all of san francisco, but we definitely have to be equitable in our distribution of services. that means everybody gets what they
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need to be successful. >> actually one of the most gratifying part of my work here at department of technology, it is really bringing city resources to address problems faced with our communities with the highest need. >> i think it is important because i grew up in a low income community without internet access and it is hard. i think it is important for everyone to have internet access no matter their income and maybe one day their kid will have internet access for us and help the school and with their skills.
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>> my name is andrew england the owner and collector at real old paper. i'm a native to the bay areaismt grew up in oakland, spent high school years here and lived in hawaii about 10 years. moved back shortly. been in san francisco proper now for about 8 years. when i realized i wasn't a dealer anymore in san francisco, a7i found openings and decided to opening my own north beach was a great place to start. i got a neighborhood feel from it. i got involved in the community, but as far as business turnover, fisherman's wharf is 2 fold, 3 fold because there are so many more people here. we have been here going on 3 and a half years. i started as a hobbyist. i started collecting movie
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posters in high school. not originals. just favorite. when i mouved to hawaii there was a gallery that specialized in viptage posters and that taught me about the variables beyond movies and that is where this is my career path and what iment to do. i with irked for them for 8 years, took a portion of pay in store credit so i built a collection basically and turned it into a brz. business. hobby turns business and forch int. i got bitten by the poster bug it spa store to outlet my collecti. san francisco has always had a viptage poster dating with 1970 with chicago new york and paris san francisco is a city with a area to buy vintage
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posters so people appreciate the time capsule and history. all are vintage. most in the store is at least 40 plus years old, some back to the 1800s so we have some 140 years old. they are advertisement,b war propaganda from world war 1 and 2. movie and with travel posters and alcohol and tobaccos. thin pieces of paper meant to last maybe a mujt or 6 weeks. the lowest point was the pandemic. having to close the gallery so i didsant have a web store biltd or outlet and barely a instagram and told all the customers don't buy on line. can't be sure they are authentic or true colors or size or condition. it was very frustrating. it was a struggle until this opportunity presented itself and when i moved into this location on the wharf, there was still nobody here yet.
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we hadn't officially reopened but i rolled the dice, spent everything i had left to build this place out, and give it one last shot. it worked out very well. it worked out very well. >> here we have the 1971 for the fight. ali and frazier first meeting. the one first professional loss. there is a lot that appreciate the story and understand the esthetic and message and nuances within the graphic. the champagne [indiscernible] wonderful piece. it carries both styles. it has the [indiscernible] in his garb. he has shoes and fits the earlier periods, but done in the style of art deco and that is what we offer and part of the experience knhing into the store. we will walk through the purchase and explain how we preserved it, what are the imperfections and what does the imagery mean. you have the older story and the newer
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story, pasted over the top. we will give you all that information. about everything. it may not be your favorite piece until you heard the story. i are think i always had in the back of my mind a second location outside the state. i dream is tokyo, but i do a lot of consulting in las vegas with pon stars group so thought about opening a shop in las vegas. we like to branch out at some point. we are from here and where the company started and where we'll stay, we may just also open another store. i love being here. this is where my family is, this is where i was raised and not ready to leave that behind cht yes, people are looking for this store and there are fewer and fewer store fronts, brick and mortar like ours that outlet this thing. we offer the experience. i think it is very desirable collective subject matter because we are less and less acustoms. you can pick it while looking at it. examining the flaws and scale and color. knat u are getting
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