tv Housing Authority Board SFGTV February 4, 2025 5:30am-7:00am PST
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today on january 23rd this is the san francisco housing authority commission meeting i am the president what quinn torres we please call the meeting to order and take roll president walking to us president commissioner leroy lindo commissioner we want to present commissioner marion pike susan. item three is the acknowledgment of the raw material colony community. >> yes the housing authority of the city and county of san francisco acknowledges that we
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are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the rahmatullah colony who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the raw to colony have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives the raw material known to communities and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you, president. item four is the president's report. i'll take the president's report after general public comments please. >> that is item number five before we begin. this portion of the agenda is not intended for debate or discussion with the commissioner staff please simply state your business for the matter you wish the commissioner staff to be aware of. it is not appropriate for commissioners to engage in a
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debate or respondent issues not properly set in a publicly notice meeting agenda. if you have questions or would like to bring a matter to the commission's attention please send your communication via email to us at public comment at f dot org. >> that being said i do have some speaker cards that we can start with for general public comments starting off with scott rittenberg then come to the stand and you'll have two minutes. >> first people for 30s. >> second beep is the allotment of your time on greetings. >> that was quick. thank you commissioners for your time today i come to you to discuss a critical issue of governance and transparency in our community. on april 4th, margaret mcnulty or kenneth association president was nominated to the local homeless coordinating board. despite this this is on april
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4th. she excuse me i'm a little out of breath. i'm a little nervous. she to take your time. >> thank you, sir. nervous thanks for coming in today. >> she announced that she was elected to her third term as president but that election had not taken place until june 28th . >> the other thing that ms.. mcdonald said she was president of the president of the 60 right. >> and i forget what that acronym stands for. i'm sure you're all familiar with that. she was president at the time. technically the board was in the process of recalling her at the april 4th meeting of the homeless oversight commission. she had avoided a recall a month prior by disrupting the meeting and forcing a vote for
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the next meeting which would have happened 20 days after this particular meeting. >> i'm referencing the other things she's done as president in 60. she has developed a counter program called residents council of advisors. >> it is surprisingly void of some of the code of federal regulations part 24 designed to protect residents. >> right. she believes that she has the lateral right of governance and distribution of funds for care. she's using a 60 email address for her residents council advisors. >> and here she's basically asking the homeless oversight commission meeting in her
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introduction speech to the board to make to allow them to make her boss of 60. great. thank you so much. do you want to leave us a copy of that for our review? >> yes, i sure will. i also have. we just need to stop. >> yeah. thank you. i also have a bunch of evidence to back up my claims. great. thank you so much. thank you. may i leave it with you, sir? i appreciate the council's time. >> thank you very much. congratulations on your public service. >> thank you again for coming in today. i've been in any more public comments. >> we have a couple of additional speaker cards shirley wiley for sure. sounds good. good afternoon. commission board and community leaders. i call everyone who came in here to speak or listen to the board of leader because that means you care about what's going on in our community.
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i'm here today speaking on behalf of two items. >> one is i am disappointed in the expert office staff. >> i i witness for myself and also i have someone who's going to speak today who witness for their self of how they misinterpret the people. >> i mean if you don't have the information just say no, you don't have the information. don't mislead people. and if you don't want to help them, just say let me have someone else talk to you to help you. don't just have an attitude like we have to accept your attitude. >> so i think that something needs to be done some training need to be done and revise the aigburth street staff downstairs and i talk about the staff that i'm talking about the staff downstairs when you walk in here the first people
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you see when you walk in should be somebody that you trust to give you what you want. second of all, i used to be the vice president of the tenant association for my community. i stepped down for a reason. >> i've been acting now for almost two months for it to be a reelection because there's nothing been going on since i left. they haven't had one meeting. they haven't had anything for the resident. yes, we have a service provider that's totally different from the tenants association. >> there's two different things tenant association and service provider is two different things. >> so somebody needs to come down on the tennis association and make sure that they're doing their job for our resident. >> great. thank you, miss abernathy and just miss abernathy for the for the record, can you name the
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site that you're talking about on this point east with that is supposed to be. >> thank you. so i. i surely would like to come up shirley wiley did me. good evening and thank everybody for you help. i'm here to represent my son. i put applications in for him because i know he was about to be evicted and the egg but he went down and they told him he was on the list and then when he went back they said they had interviewed him and he didn't
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respond to the interview. okay. that they didn't they didn't. i've been in bayview for 80 years so i've been around a long time. so they are treating people they should be treating people a little better because i put the application in and i know he went in and okay, a member of staff will come up with you right now so we can work out some of the questions and find out what happened right. okay. thank you so much for coming in. thank you. kendrick crawford i was coming up to you right now. >> thank you for being here today. roderick finally i want to come on. how you doing today? good. how are you? good afternoon. i'm i'm the one that he was speaking on roderick and i went to the interview down there to
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the building and when i went in there i asked him well that on the list he told me i was like 200 on the list. so i said i'm with my brother. he in the project right now he's going to probably go in on his way to and i went back i asked him when do i get to know where i'm at on the list again the lady to him i went on a list because i refused the interview that they gave me and he never gave me no interview. okay. i would never give an interview so all right. >> so the same thing. so miss kendrick crawford is outside right now if you want to have a connection with her and she will help work out some next steps. okay. all right. thank you very much for coming in. >> any additional general public comments in person or online? if you're online, please raise your hand at this time i'm not seeing any we can we can close general public comment and with the unanimous consent of commissioners we go straight to action items for the sake of
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quorum. >> certainly so so how long will we have quorum until 15 minutes. all right, great. why don't we go ahead and take those action items and then we'll return back to two other items that would be item number nine for the consent agenda. we have two consent items today. that is item nine eight for the commission special meeting minutes of december 13th 2024 and item nine be resolution approving and authorizing the chief executive officer of the housing authority of the city and county of san francisco to enter into an agreement with oakbrook california corporation for the authority's public housing capital improvement project coordination for an initial one year term with the option at the authority's discretion of one additional one year period for a maximum term of two years in an amount not to exceed $380,000. would commissioners like to remove any of these items for further discussion? >> commissioners consent agenda as is? all right, great. thank you. >> then we can ask for public comment on the consent agenda. is there any public comments?
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>> i do not see any and we can ask for a motion for approval of the consent agenda. motion to approve and a second i second roll call vote commissioner pike's yes. commissioner kim. >> commissioner lindo. yes. and president joyce i so moved our action items listed under item ten a first is item ten a which is a resolution approving housing choice voucher administrative plan policy amendments and sections four dash two c opening and closing the wait list for dash 3c2c rad slash pbb site based waiting list for dash three c2d for project base vouchers site based waiting list and exhibit 4-1 for definitions and exhibit 4-3 for site based wait list and this will be presented by linda mason, our general counsel. >> thank you.
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okay. thank you commissioners. good afternoon. this particular item came to us as a as an initial conversation with our partners at the mayor's office of housing community development oci and mercy because two buildings that for the interest of time i'll leave their descriptions within the staff reports but in particular 607th street and the hunters point shipyard block 56 building will be coming online shortly. these two buildings already had waitlists openings and they are already actually processing some individuals off of the waitlist in one of the buildings as a result. so the housing authority was asked to whether we could amend our policy since there are already pbs's committed to these properties in order to meet the commitments. the following changes would need to be made to the policy. what you see before you but i'm going to actually go through them individually right now. the first one is we would need to ensure that the referrals are provided within our
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practice and precedent within a government agency not by a developer and or owner. and so the entity selected for this was the mayor's office of housing and community development who would be providing referrals for these two properties. in addition both of the properties will need to be added to the pbb list that we have in the administrative plan. that's one of the changes that are also outlined within your staff report. it's a list if you'll recall last year we adopted to really create more transparency as to what properties are project based vouchers. it's quite an extensive list. so one of the requests is literally just adding them to the existing list. the next one is just making sure that there is a distinction. hunters view block 56 because there is a linkage in both location and insight to sunnydale they've asked that there be a site based waitlist created after the initial referrals are provided or copies are completed to ensure
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that anyone with a right to return at sunnydale has that availability and for that reason there is a site based waitlist also proposed to be created for that particular site. lastly on the hunters point shipyard blocks 52 and 54 this is see on page 58 those are two additional buildings those will be taken off of our existing waitlist. the only request being made for those two buildings is to be added on to that spreadsheet with all the other project based units prior to just prior to this amendment being posted for the committee we received a request from one of our developer partners. as the commission's aware we've been working with our developer partners around different improvements to our referral system and one of the requests that was made was if we could provide a preliminary questionnaire or questions when people get off the the wait list to ensure that they qualify for the properties that
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they're being sent to. we want to be very, very clear that this is not a rescreening. it's simply stating what's the bedroom size of the household you have? >> maybe it's changed since your application. what's your income because some of these units are tax credit. why refer someone somewhere that we know they're going to be denied for and then have to start all over again? so the questions we've actually asked the developers to provide us with a draft of some of the questions they'd like to see but what this policy amendment will allow is for us to ask those questions. >> okay. and so that's a high level summary and i think the easiest if you have not read your staff report yet it starts on page 59 the recommended policy amendments and this it really just flows as you can see they're not as substantive in nature in that they're going to impact other programs but they're substantive enough that we do need approval of the commission in order to make that change the administrative plan available for any questions you make. >> thank you. any additional questions from commissioners at this time?
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>> and then just as a reminder, did this move through any other committees before coming to us? >> it did. it came through the committee last week actually. fantastic. thank you. and we did recommend it come for full action as we always do because the policy item. >> right. thank you. just any other updates from commissioners on the policy on the policy question for us before we take a motion on this ? no. okay. all right. great. we have two. so they want to say anything. >> okay. and then for anyone in line in support of this item, we have some folks in mercy if they'd like to speak at this time if not, then we can just open for public comment. >> great. so just to confirm no comments for mercy on this item, correct? >> yes. no no additional comments. thank you. thanks, linda for the
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presentation. >> thank you very much. all right. maybe go ahead and take public comment then present towards i don't see any public comment. we have one public comment. >> right. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. so so it's not really a comment. >> it's an ask if you're going to have the form and ask these questions prior to the wait list. >> what i would like to ask that you have orientations so people know what it means to be on the wait list and how the process operates. also the people that are reviewing the questions be trained on how to qualify and not disqualify people because that's a large part of the problem. people are not trained enough to look at that because there's exceptions to every rule when you when you put down your income which a person may not even understand what their income is as far as applying, you could put those answer those questions and be disqualified because people somebody may look at it one minute and throw it out versus
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us knowing how to look at it to qualify or to say by the time your application is submitted this is where you need to be. this is what you need to show me right? so for example somebody could have something on their on their bank statement that they receive money from venmo or whatever. right. or the assumption is they're receiving some additional income and it could just be they went to dinner with somebody and somebody paid them back. right. so all of that how to look at a bank statement and all that that should come into and just not this pre form and then disqualify him and say they can't okay thank you. >> thank you thank you any additional public comment specifically for item ten a okay we can close off a comment as a motion for approval. >> motion to approve and a second i second and a roll call
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vote is starting with commissioner pike's high commissioner kim which linda yes i had president taurus i okay we have about ten minutes here okay there with the next action item would be ten b this is the resolution approving and authorizing the chief executive officer of the housing authority of the city and county of san francisco to enter into a one year contract with f r h consulting to provide services deposit fees for a total amount not to exceed. >> just a quick comment just because both of these are these are both in connection to the rfp that was recently issued correct for plaza east. >> can we take these both these items together? yes. >> and you represent item ten b in tennessee. yes, please. yes. so that would be item ten c resolution approving and authorizing the chief executive officer of the housing authority, the city and county of san francisco or cisco to enter to a capital grant agreement not to exceed $2,600,000 for plaza apartments with plaza east associates lp for the purpose of completing
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certain repairs and capital improvements work and these are what we presented by mamadou ning, our chief financial officer. >> good afternoon commissioner . so we do both at the same time, right? >> yes, please. i what i'm what i'm hoping for is that we can talk about the overarching necessity of both services and capital improvements on site that are in alignment with what the policy decision has been leading us in this direction and the subsequent conversations that have been had with community members in relationship to the improvements being made just so we can make sure that we can hear the housing authorities perspective on this item. >> and i'm assuming it's basically the language from the rfp that was submitted. yes. so the first request to for for approval is for the service agreement at plaza. so this rfp was issued back in july 2024.
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but after four weeks when we close out the rfp there was only one proposal but that proposal was not successful. we did a scoring. the panel was composed of five. there was a five finalists evaluation. so three staff member or one finalist from plaza is and one finalist from the city. >> let me just see if i can jump ahead for a moment. so my understanding is that we wanted to make sure there were community conversations that took place prior to the award and rfp that also included the mayor's office of housing and community development. yeah, because they own a contract as well with the potential awardee today whose item we're seeking to approve together along with capital improvements i'm separating those two for a moment but i wanted to make sure that that step did take place, correct? >> yes. yes. great. prior to that rfp there was a lot of conversation with the plaza resident just to make sure we address all the needs at the site because currently
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the city has a contractor efforts at plaza but has a limited scope that was really related to the government effort that was taking place at plaza. so this was an approval from as for sure just to make sure we can supplement those services on site. >> so so my my question is how will residents concerns be incorporated into the final negotiation of the contract after we approve here at the board? >> so currently there's been a conversation going on between amorosi rd f r s and the tenant association so they just had a meeting last week and i was part of that meeting and from our feedback the feedback received that really went well. so it was a meeting to help clarify the role at the site that analysis is role if our role the city role. so that was a meeting that was just happened last week that does address the bit. >> all right. i what i want to make sure of
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is that at the next when we have updates on plaza east and the next steps related to this contract specifically the services one we have a good understanding of how resident concerns have been incorporated into the ultimate final negotiated contract. so again resident concerns or resident desires i believe that's part of the negotiation that needs to take place. i just want to make sure that the housing authority is talking about that specifically . i think it's wonderful that the work is taking place. there's no there's no need to go beyond this. i just want to make sure that i'm stating on the record that the level of coordination with residents is an important part of awarding a services contract on site by getting involved in it and anything else other than that i just want to make sure the housing authority is responsible for making sure that that is a direction coming from this commission. >> so duly noted and definitely yes. >> thank you. thank you very much. and and then on the capital improvement part, so this is
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also tied to the work that the investment that the housing authority is doing at plaza. so we currently have two ifb out on the street so both closed out last friday. so for the vacant unit we have two proposal. so next step for that would be due to some scoring and it will come back to the commission next month to present their awarded contractor for that ifb so this request is to supplement those two rfp because we are receiving funding on a yearly basis from hud. we have some capital funding from 24 expect to receive some additional funding for 25. so this is a grant that we are requesting to provide a grant additional grant to the plaza association really to help also supplement the work that's going to be that's going to happen. it is the first to rfp because one of our fees for the vacant unit. the second rfp was for the occupied unit. so this is going to help supplement and not just any other issue capital improvement need at the site.
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>> i just and just to clarify both of these allocations of dollars that were at the discretion of the housing authority are specifically related to conversation that we have had at plaza east given the need to move forward with improvements on site, given the status of any future redevelopment currently being on hold. is that correct? yes. great. great. and so i just want to compliment the housing authority, the staff for working with community to coming up with a viable investment to support the needs on site. and as a reminder just for the record again the concern that were brought up in meetings that we also talked about with residents in relationship to improvements and services necessary on site that it was very clear to us for those of us who were in those meetings and thank you dr. letters you for the work to make this
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happen together with your staff so that these improvements could move forward and we could rebuild trust based on performance in community. so thank you both very, very much for that. >> thank you. all right. no further questions for me. any other questions from commissioners? >> okay. maybe go ahead and take public comment. thank you very much. thank you. yes. we'll ask for public comment separately for each item as well as the motion and vote. so starting with item ten b, is there any public comment? i just want to make a quick public comment about plans for each. >> i used to work along with plaza e's and they got it going on over there and i would hate to see if the resident was not involved in anything that happened on their site. they have a wonderful tender association there and programs for their residents and to see
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the read the paper and see this money going into the community came in my head. so that's good. so i'm hoping that it's also helping the community and not just rebuilding the community because they have programs also that need to be helped with funding. thank you very much. >> any additional public comment and item ten b going coming up. all right. thank you and i just forgot to add that miss mcnulty's proposal the rca proposal is still floating around in the public. >> thank you very much. right now we're just on this item. yeah, i understand. >> thank you very much. any other public comments on item ten b then we can close
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public comment, ask for a motion of approval for ten b motion to approve i second a roll call vote commissioner pike's i commissioner kim fischer so who is the second this is for item ten b okay who is the second though? oh great. thank you. i'm sorry. >> first sorry just to clarify first by commissioner by second by commissioner lindo. commissioner parks voted yes commissioner can vote yes. commissioner lindo yes. and president joyce? yes. item ten c is there any public comment on item tennessee? okay we can close public comment and ask for a motion for approval a move to approve and a second a second roll call vote commissioner bikes i commissioner again commissioner lindo yes and president joyce i
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item ten d this is the resolution approving and authorizing the chief executive officer to enter into agreement into a housing assistant payment contract with freedom west homes corporation or a partnership for the freedom senior building located at 800 mcalister street for a total not to exceed 14 or i'm sorry 114 project based vouchers and this represented by kendra, our housing operations director. >> good afternoon commissioners. >> good afternoon. afternoon. this is a request to enter into a have for 100 project based vouchers at freedom west homes corporate so freedom west homes corporation and advanced or company and bayview hunters point multi-purpose office senior services are the code developers for the freedom west senior building which is a 100% senior affordable senior housing project located at eight 880 mcallister street which i store company as the
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proud property manager for the project. the project will include 114 one and two bedroom units serving households between 30 and 50% of the san francisco area medium income and one two bedroom manager unit. all units will receive ppv vouchers. the breakdown is 81 one bedrooms and 33 two bedroom their certificate of occupancy is expected in december 2027. do you want me to describe the entire site i'm i'm i don't think we need to hear about the the entire site but can you just give us another synopsis just of why the housing authority is moving in this direction with regards to freedom west and the benefits it will provide? >> yes. so freedom with is experiencing they're going to go through a redevelopment and the pbb vouchers will provide funding as well as stabilization for
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residents who are not able whose rent is currently more than 30% of their annual income . so this will this financing will stabilize their site as well as the managers and so i mean as well as the residents and so this is how the hap the housing authority will help with that process and this is part of the first phase of investments that we'll be making here. >> this is a part of the first phase. there is another phase that will include enhanced vouchers for 188 residents. but this is the first phase for the first 114 residents. >> fantastic. thank you very much, kendra. >> you're welcome. thank you. just in terms of timing, when will we expect this the next action to take place for the tco is expected december 2027. so once the the building is built we do our hq less inspection and we will enter into a half contract and that's when residents can lease up into that building. >> i just want to say thank you
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to the housing authority staff and all the conversations that have been happening with the city to ensure that we're providing support for affordable housing for seniors and especially working on a side that's taking many, many years to stabilize. and it's wonderful to see the housing authority be part of a solution in helping to realize the affordable housing portfolio especially in an area as important to us as a western addition. >> thank you. thank you. if there's no additional commissioners comment on this item we can open for public comment and seeing any we can close public comment ask for our motion for approval i move to approve and a second second roll call vote commissioner parks i commissioner kim yes commissioner lindo yes and president joyce i so move thank you. >> right fantastic. thank you very very much for thank you so much. and so now just noting that we're going to be moving on to
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non action items for a moment and before we do i wanted to make a mention of an item but i'd asked for ceo that is you to speak on today at this commission with regards to some of our affordable housing development communications in relationship to some of financial matters based on letters that have been sent to to us and also want to thank the mayor's office for their engagement as well on this issue together with the mayor's office of housing and community development. i very much appreciate the level of foot forward work that's been done by the housing authority in the amount of time it's been spent on this issue so we can get to the facts and achieve resolution. i just want to say it's very important that the infrastructure of affordable houses be supported to the fullest extent and that also is
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just another example of the housing authority being part of one city approach to ensuring that all resources can be brought to bear to support the affordable housing portfolio in san francisco for the benefit of those who live within those units and the communities that they serve. >> so thank you so much. if we can move on now to two general communications please present toys i know we didn't form. >> we take item number four. just want to give the opportunity if you wanted to add anything else for the president's report explicitly know that i included that as my president's report. >> thank you. sounds good then that would be item number six for the tenant representative report for the citywide council of senior disabled and the public housing tenant association and representatives like to report out to the board today and person on line well actually i'm sorry i do have one one item for the report as well.
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>> again, i want to reiterate the thanks to the housing authority for the work that's been done on plaza east making those invest investments real is how you move commitments forward. and so thank you for making that happen. >> i just want to note that at the same time we have had repeated conversations from members of the public regarding the experience at the front desk and the levels of customer service and the manner in which that customer service is being provided. i think it would be good for us to hear at this commission in next month's meeting how the housing authority has been working on this issue where improvements have been made and what is still notwithstanding because clearly based on the repetition and the consistency of that repetition that there is an issue with service at the front desk when people come to
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expert is an issue that needs additional attention for those responsible for managing that level of work. and i just i know that that has been a priority based on my conversations with you see ceo letters you and i just want to say i'm looking forward to a presentation here on what next steps are being taken to ensure that those who are interfacing with the san francisco housing authority are receiving the highest levels of constituent service that we as a city can be proud of that we as a housing authority can be proud of and and making sure that residents and those who advocate for them feel the same way when they come to this dais to have their issues resolved. >> so thank you so much. thank you, president. we are on item six for the tenant representative report city wide council senior disabled or public housing tenant association. again any representatives from either organization like to
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report out to the board today i don't see any that we can open for public comment and item number six any public comments ? i also don't see any we can close public comment and item number six item number seven is the chief executive officers report. our first report out is item seven eight for the plaza east update and for the record, commissioner kim has rejoined the meeting. >> thank you. good afternoon, commissioners president torres city staff you know, i want to start out by saying how grateful i am too for h and how glad i am they're staying at the property when i call and ask for help with residents they are very responsive. they're just a huge help to us as we try to serve the
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residents so it's kind of a personal comment but thank you . i have got a tv we do have slides for this presentation to thank you. can we have our first slide? >> thank you. this is a staffing slide. the changes last month we had hired a new assistant manager. her name was diane. she had a personal emergency and had to quit which was very disappointing. however, john tarleton who has been our assistant manager there for about 18 months, had transferred to another site and he wanted to come home to plaza east and he started the day after so so that was really good news for us and good news for our residents. he gets along really well with the tenant council and the residents and he's back and so
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we are fully staffed. >> that's that's great which thank you. i don't get to say that too often so michael the art is here. he's the property manager he he did that and and yeah, it's a good deal. next slide please. this is the work order detail we did 245 work orders in the month of december which is a pretty awesome number considering holidays and weather and other things going on at the end of november we had seven work orders left over. we completed those seven work orders at the end of december we had six work orders left over. i just want to make sure you guys realize those aren't the same six overhanging there and there are a new set as i usually do. i will report on that. two of those were for painting, they were for occupied units
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that needed the bathrooms repainted. the work orders were opened right before the holidays. they were finished on january 3rd. two of them were for dishwashers. one was a repair and one was a dishwasher replacement. again they were the work order was open right before new year's eve holiday and one was closed on january 2nd and one was closed on january 3rd. one was a tub a tub that was clogged again opened on the 31st we selected that day and we had ended up having to call a plumber who came on january 2nd and the last one was a dryer that was broke on december 31st and it was repaired on january 2nd. so remembering that the first was a holiday, it was the very next working day for almost all of these. it was the very next working day that they were done. emergency work orders were closed within 13 hours on an
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average regular work orders were closed within two days on an average. i wanted to pause if there's any questions. i do want to say that i, i, i, i know it's a lot to put this together and i do really appreciate the work and i, i noticing and very much appreciative of the fact that clearly you go as a matter of practice and a profession you go really i you know about all the different issues and what's happening down to the detail of dishwasher and i bet if i asked you what brand or what information you probably would have that too. so i do really appreciate how much time and attention you're taking into this this this work that you're doing. >> so i do want to acknowledge that. i appreciate that. you bet. something we haven't reported on but we probably should start in november. we did 20 annual inspections and in december we did 33. we are changing our reporting
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format next month so the first month will be january and there will trend that throughout the year. but one of the things that we will start reporting on each month is the number of annual inspections we do. it kind of ties in with the number of work orders we do because one kind of leads to the other. that concludes this slide. >> excellent. so this slide is broke up later on but this is the whole picture together in the aggregate we filled one unit more specifically we had one family move out and we had they received a portable voucher and we're able to get at a house or something and we had two families move in during the month of december. so we have a total of 163 occupied units. i'm going to go through this line by line as quickly as
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possible. the next slide just shows the occupied units i already said that we increased we had a net increase of one unit the slide after that is vacant and rentable units these are units that have been turned or almost turned and we've asked for referrals so we continue to have seven of those units but they're not the same. they change as we fill units turn units, things like that. since that time of those seven units we've had one move in two new referrals that we've started and we had one in the house transfer. >> next slide please. >> we have zero units vacant and under remodeling right now . >> next slide there's 19 units. i'm not completely clear on
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this plan but i believe these 19 units at least in part will be addressed with the money that you guys just approved for for the contract for construction. these are units that have extensive damages and needed more repairs than could normally be done through our operating budget and as always, there's four units offline for security services urban start and storage. thank you for last slide is again it's kind of a summary and it shows that we had to move ins and one move out which i already discussed with you guys that concludes my report. is there any questions? oh, just echoing what commissioner kim was saying. just thank you so, so much for just continued work here. very, very happy you're all staffed up and we're very happy that the housing authority has been able to make additional investments that we hope can be
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helpful to you as well in managing the properties for you and your staff and for residents most in particular we're looking forward to it. thank you guys. >> next we have a services update from operation consulting and we also have a slide for this report out as well. >> thank you. >> congratulations on on your on the award moving forward from the commission. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners. i hope everybody's well. i am camille hackney, a service coordinator with fh consulting at plaza east lombard. >> i have a consulting resident coordinator at platts east as well. >> yes. and we will be doing our report out for december. so for the month of december services have successfully assisted with any relocations on site, any transfers that we
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had to handle and as far as tenant engagement goes we were able to host a coffee and pastry pick up for our residents in the office for them to come stop by, enjoy some hot tea, some hot cocoa coffee if they'd like and any refreshments for pastries and or fruit. and we were also able to continue to provide our weekly hot meals to our residents. that's 24 families on site and this is in collaboration with sfa edc. we were also able to work in collaboration with crisis services to get about four residents scheduled for healing and wellness sessions. those have been going very well and we feel it's had a nice positive impact on their day to day and they really enjoy it so they've made sure to come back and get scheduled for some more. we've been working closely with property management doing our weekly meetings and also just making sure that we're outreaching to the residents for any of those work orders that need to get submitted or
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making sure that they know that it does not fault them at all. so that they understand the process to be able to submit these and the way to be able to check back in and just follow the procedure along with property management and services assisting them. so that's been very good. we have been hosting our community closet every week. we have been able to give six resident families clothing socks, jackets from our community closet so in case any organizations or anybody has any donations we definitely are accepting donations for our community closet. this is children's teens adults both men and women any jacket, socks, anything like that. >> gloves even come in handy shoes as well so oh yes, definitely shoes. oh oh yes. and thank you to housing authority for the amazing donation of socks. thank you. we have still been able to keep
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that there and been able to make sure that all the residents have socks and everybody is taking care of also housing items. so being able to provide different things like dish soap or a few laundry pods or even some toilet paper or paper towel just for them to be able to stop by and be able to pick that up in need of any cleaning supplies or anything like that . >> so we were also able to provide technology literacy and assistance for three residents. this would be just understanding documents being able to access their email. sometimes you get locked out of those things and it has to factor identification. so just teaching them through that so that they're understanding how to access it and being able to access it on their own as well. >> we were also able to provide to residents with some planning assistance just making sure
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that they're on a payment plan and that they are registered and in the right areas for the reach program and overall within december we were able to connect about 120 62 excuse me residents with connections referrals whether that be through food sustainability fee or any financial coaching substance anything of that nature and that's what we've been working on this past month in december with services. >> great. thank you so much and of course any questions for services commission? >> any questions? questions? >> no. all right, great already. thank you. thank you. >> item seven see the chief executive officers general communications with ceo tony loves you. >> thank you. good evening, president tourist and commissioners and all of the individuals in the chambers with us today.
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>> so i just wanted to acknowledge for my general communications that we just this past monday celebrated dr. martin luther king's holiday and as a reminder that is the only national service day that we have and it is always just a kind reminder to all of us the importance of how we serve one another, how we walk with one another, how we treat one another and there were many wonderful celebrations and marches within the community and i'd like to specifically thank epri for the mlk march that happened this monday. >> in addition i would like to also comment around the work that we're doing with all of our developers and sponsor organizations for the different rad sites and we are currently
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in the reconciliation process. it's the year in process for all housing assistance payments . >> we are on a calendar year so at the end of every annual calendar we are doing our due diligence to make sure that all of our record straight and so we are diligently working with all of our partners to make sure that all needed subsidy all required subsidy has hit each one of our sites to ensure that our residents are living and safe wonderful, affordable
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housing. and i'd like to thank my staff for all the past work that has just happened at one of the on behalf of one of our developers where you have spent an inordinate amount of time working together and just making sure that we are all moving forward together and i'd like to thank this commission again for all the support that you have given us over this
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past year and just really helping us move forward and i'm really excited that we are moving forward with all of the dollars on plaza and it is going to be exciting to just see that work roll out to see the service dollars roll out that had in particular for the service dollars that has been one of my heart beats one of my heart cries that i believed we needed more services for our residents and so we look forward to working with the service provider. we look forward to continuing to work with our residents in ensuring that this these dollars really benefit each and every community member at plaza and additionally i just want to thank our contractors who continue to collaborate with us who continue to partner with us and all the work that we do. and ron, thank you again just for your due diligence for
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always showing up being here and being able to speak to the issues and speak to the different successes that we are having particularly at plaza and definitely i would agree that the work that we do collectively is extremely important to our city, extremely important to the community that we serve and i just want to again say thank you and thank you to cvr, thank you p m for all the work that you do and the truth of the matter is it really does take a village. it takes all of us to do this work together and so i continue to look forward to what the next steps will be as we continue to do the work that we also dearly love doing and again to president torres, his comment we definitely are working on customer service and i'd be more than happy in our next meeting to bring up bring the commission up to date on
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the things that we're doing and also to hear back from you as well as continue to hear back from our community members as we continue to strive to be an organization that serves with excellence. that is my heartbeat and i want our residents our clients, those individuals who have not quite yet become residents with us are participants that i want you to know that you are important, you matter, your voice matters and we do appreciate hearing from you and also it is important we want you to be treated with dignity, care and love. that is a commitment from this organization that is a personal commitment from me. so thank you everyone for taking the time to be with us today. and then are you going to be speaking at all about the affordable housing communications that have been ongoing? >> i can speak to this because
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sure. >> so we have been working with about nine of our affordable housing partners in really communicating around several areas and that is around what is known as receivables or housing assisted payments which we call hap and those are dollars that go to each of the different sites in payment for subsidy for housing and to ensure that our housing in san francisco that we serve remains deeply affordable. >> so we have been looking around. we've been having conversations around receivables. we have been having conversations around inspec sections and we have been having conversations around leasing up which includes also referrals as well and so we are continuing to have those conversations in particular right now we really are in the space of looking at all of our
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receivables and making sure that we're all in agreement. >> we after we finish all of this work we are committed to coming together with all of our partners around inspections and one of the things that i have been researching and have requested is that we have the opportunity to share training different types of training around inspections what we're required to inspect for why we're inspecting in the ways that we are and by doing it together with all of our partners, property managers and so forth and on, i think it will give us an opportunity to better understand what is needed from all of us as well as it will give us an opportunity to hear from our partners as they're sitting in these trainings about things that we might need to think about differently. and then as it relates to all of the work around referrals and wait list and so forth on as it relates to leasing up, we
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in this past year have committed and we have been successful in doing that is purging our wait list. >> so we had some really old what we call stale wait lists and we purged three 30,000 names on our wait list in accordance with all rules for hud. and so all that work was completed this december and by doing so we have been able to reduce the 99 wait list that we have down to 16 wait list which will help us to be more effective and efficient in moving through our wait list and moving through the process of referrals and lease up and we're going to have more dialog around this process so that we ensure that we have timely. lisa at each and every site that has vacancies and then i think i hit it off because i said okay thank you. >> so but holistically we in
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the next coming month we also will be having our our our self portal our landlord portal coming online which is going to be a just a really phenomenal way for us to do business in an electronic environment that i believe is going to be helpful for all those who are involved in this work with us and then in addition to that work we will continue to really sit down with our partners, continue to carefully listen so that we can talk about what are some process improvements, new processes we might need to implement as a community of houses if you will, to make sure that we really are meeting the goals our overall goals of making sure that individuals in the city and county of san francisco who have the right to these subsidies are moving forward in being housed.
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right. thank you. thank you very much. i think it will be good for us just revisit this again next month as well. yes. just to see what the status is of those reconciliation conversations at that time in addition to of course some of the other items that you were mentioning around inspections, waitlists, clearer communications understand ing of the rules in relationship to our housing authority in particular as compared to other housing authorities that may have more may have more flexibility than ours does just to work through those items. it's we also know at the same time that while there have been new contractors that have come on, we have now worked through that development phase and the same is true that issue needs to be addressed that are affordable housing partners as well in terms of the realities of staff turnover requirements ,the need to maintain that consistent communication about how we are conducting our business and where improvements can be made in service of those
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partners that are supporting the affordable housing portfolio. so i thank you very much for that continued work. >> thank you. >> thank you. so that is you we did have one remaining report out and the chief executive officer report that's item seven be the financial part and that's represented by roy lobo, our budget analyst. thank you. good evening commissioners and the good people in the room and online today i'll be presenting the financial results for the authority for the three months that ended december 31st, 2004. keep in mind this is only the first quarter of our fiscal year 2005 so there won't be a lot of comment and i'll keep them brief. turning to the first slide of the housing choice voucher program a subsidy for the housing choice voucher is in line with the budget. the extra revenue that you see there was a little bit of catch up that usually had usually paid later in the year.
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>> and for this time they paid earlier in the year going down to the expenses slide. the only item of note over here is on the administrative expenses where you see the surplus and what this is is really just a timing of differences of engaging with attending services. the support that we plan to provide for residents i want to be clear on this though these are expenses that we haven't incurred yet that we believe we will incur as the year goes on . we do have 200 vouchers of four that we given out to residents that are still looking for properties. and so as we pay for those security deposit the application fees, the utilities in arrears arrears this money will be used up. this is not to clarify this is not invoices that we've got that we haven't paid. i just want to make that distinction and i put a line at
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the bottom to talk about the outstanding invoices that we pay on a monthly basis and you can see in the month of october all the outstanding invoices 96% of that was paid 94% in november, 85% in december. >> all right. turning to the emergency housing voucher program and revenues, it's very early in the quarter or very early in the fiscal year. revenues are in line with budget. again, on the administrative expenses is what i just talked about on the atv side also applies to the ag program. these expenses will be incurred as a fiscal year progresses. great. next slide on central office cost center. the other revenues of a shortfall compared to the budget of 1.5 million.
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this is really related to one receipt from north beach that we usually get a subsidy from them that we received in january and that subsidy will more than cover for this revenue shortfall. right? again, on the administrative expenses this is just a timing of issues. now as the year goes on, we're in court. more legal expenses will incur more computer software expenses ,etc.. okay. next slide on the hope six. this is again the plaza east and north beach. it's worth mentioning over here the variance of 224 million is not to be looked at as a subsidy that will either one of these properties right in currently a 2024 we paid project 2.2 million in operating subsidy we paid an additional 107,000. i found money to cover
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additional expenses. we also paid 750,000 in current year 2024 to cover for the insurance. >> next slide and public housing please. public housing is straightforward. this money that comes in will be used to pay off the pension withdrawal liability on the mainstream program expenses over here a very sporadic and so as a revenue they're pretty much in line with one another and same for mod rehab. thank you. okay. >> i do have one other yes, please. just a presentation on the investments. >> great. just before we go to that, do we have so the timeline that we're talking about here in terms of this presentation begins it ends where it begins
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october 1st and december 31st december 31st and have there been any other hud communications in relationship to our finances at all or in relationship to shortfall updates or otherwise conversations? >> and we'll have another conversation. >> it's scheduled for next week with hud. okay so it's start to your told so so we'll have we'll have updates on the two year tool and any conversations in relationship to hud at our next commission meeting. >> great. >> thank you. great. >> on the investment update slide and menu of fast forward over here everything is remarkably straightforward again the three criterias as we look at our investments capital preservation, liquidity sorry have to look for and return on investment as the third objective right? we have reached out to
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different agencies. we have reached out to the office of treasurer. we've also reached out to the the airport just to take get a sense of what their investments look like. you know, we have moved our shares from wish from v shares to z shares and i think the the only difference really is we get a higher rate of return going over to the z shares and we get a lower expense ratio. of course we had to pass a threshold as to how much asset under management we had once we were able to pass that threshold removed from the says be changed into into the z shares and i think the next slide will show you that the portfolio of construction of either the wishes of the z shares is no different. so the only thing we benefit from is a higher return and lower net of lower fees and we'll continue to do our due diligence and looking for in attachments that give us a higher return and lower fees.
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right. and on the next slide you see on the key reserve and we've broken it up by quarter rather than listing it by months but in calendar q4 2020 for we achieved about 4.5% on an annual rate basis and in the public and the same for public housing ratio. right. any questions? no, thank you. >> just looking forward to some updates at our next commission meeting but anything more timely for us? >> okay, great. thank you very much. >> thank you. roy that concludes all the reports for item seven. is there any public comments for any of the reports than we can we can post up a comment an item number seven i remember eight is the committee report from our last committee meeting
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last week on january 15th. commissioner linda would like to give a report out of that meeting. >> sure. the committee of two met last wednesday at 1315 egbert and we discussed the action items and also the other items on the agenda today that have already been previously discussed and voted upon. thanks so much. is there any public comment on the committee report? >> item number eight? >> i'm not seeing any we can can close public comments. that takes us to item number 11 for a closed session. >> fantastic. before we open for public comment, this is a conference for legal counsel for anticipated litigation for significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph two of subdivision d of section 54956.9 of the california government code.
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>> just some logistics before we go in a close session we are going to be closing the zoom webinar so those online will be removed from the meeting. however, if you rejoin via the same meeting link you'll be put in a waiting room until we resume the commission meeting after a closed session has ended and then those in the room if you're not specifically involved with this litigation we will ask you to leave the room. that being said, if there's no additional commissioners comment regarding this item we can open for public comment on item number 11 local housing authority. >> we just returned from closed session with nothing to report out unless there are any additional commissioner comments looking around the room and seeing none. thank you for a wonderful first housing authority full commission meeting of 2025 and i'll see you all next month. >> thank you. moved to adjourn. >> times 5:50 p.m. thank you
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been in san francisco proper now for about 8 years. when i realized i wasn't a dealer anymore in san francisco, i found openings and decided to opening my own store in north beach in 2016. north beach was a great place to start. i got a neighborhood feel from it. i got involved in the community, but as far as business turnover, fisherman's wharf is 2 fold, 3 fold because there are so many more people here. we have been here going on 3 and a half years. i started as a hobbyist. i started collecting movie posters in high school. not originals. just favorite. when i mouved to hawaii there was a gallery that specialized in viptage posters and that taught me about the variables beyond movies and that is where this is my career path and what iment to do.
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i with irked for them for 8 years, took a portion of pay in store credit so i built a collection basically and turned it into a brz. business. hobby turns business and forch int. i got bitten by the poster bug it spiraled out of control and i needed to a store to outlet my collection. san francisco has always had a viptage poster dating with 1970 with chicago new york and paris san francisco is a city with a area to buy vintage posters so people appreciate the time capsule and history. all are vintage. most in the store is at least 40 plus years old, some back to the 1800s so we have some 140 years old. they are advertisement,b war propaganda from world war 1 and 2. movie and with travel posters and alcohol and tobaccos.
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thin pieces of paper meant to last maybe a mujt or 6 weeks. the lowest point was the pandemic. having to close the gallery so i didsant have a web store biltd or outlet and barely a instagram and told all the customers don't buy on line. can't be sure they are authentic or true colors or size or condition. it was very frustrating. it was a struggle until this opportunity presented itself and when i moved into this location on the wharf, there was still nobody here yet. we hadn't officially reopened but i rolled the dice, spent everything i had left to build this place out, and give it one last shot. it worked out very well. it worked out very well. >> here we have the 1971 for the fight. ali and frazier first meeting. the one first professional loss. there is a lot that appreciate the
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story and understand the esthetic and message and nuances within the graphic. the champagne [indiscernible] wonderful piece. it carries both styles. it has the [indiscernible] in his garb. he has shoes and fits the earlier periods, but done in the style of art deco and that is what we offer and part of the experience knhing into the store. we will walk through the purchase and explain how we preserved it, what are the imperfections and what does the imagery mean. you have the older story and the newer story, pasted over the top. we will give you all that information. about everything. it may not be your favorite piece until you heard the story. i are think i always had in the back of my mind a second location outside the state. i dream is tokyo, but i do a lot of consulting in las vegas with pon stars group so thought about opening a shop in las vegas. we like to branch out at some
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point. we are from here and where the company started and where we'll stay, we may just also open another store. i love being here. this is where my family is, this is where i was raised and not ready to leave that behind cht yes, people are looking for this store and there are fewer and fewer store fronts, brick and mortar like ours that outlet this thing. we offer the experience. i think it is very desirable collective subject matter because we are less and less acustoms. you can pick it while looking at it. examining the flaws and scale and color. you know what you are getting because you get that exact one. poster art is my area of expertise and i have affinity for. poster art especially they are not meant to last are under appreciateated. real paper, the vintage gallery is 777 beach street, tuesday-saturday 11-5 and
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color in district 10 from bayview hunter point to potrero hill to visitation valley to dog patch to little hollywood. [music] my family originally migrated from louisiana and they came in settled in san francisco. my grand father worked on the ship yard, i had great uncles and aunts who worked thin shipyard or did domestic work for families here in san francisco. most of my entire life it was my mother and i. i was raised by a single mom, single apparent. parent. we lived with imy grand futher and potrero hill and spent early time in san francisco and spnt time living in the haight. it was important to me to become the supervisor of district 10 for so many different reasons.
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one is the place where i'm originally from, the place where i actually had my biggest opportunity after graduating from college coming and working as executive director of young community developer jz having the opportunity to run for the board of supervisors and be able to effect policy, effect change in the very community where my family is from. >> my name is kelly, the owner manager along with my husband ken. >> mission blue we are neighbors first and so when we first came to the neighborhood we entered the stories and got involved and learned there was a opportunity to get plugged into the merchant corridor and so we see mission blue as setting the table for the community to come together around good coffee, good pastries. >> when we move today the
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neighborhood we were volunteers to the [indiscernible] i asked what is a butterfly of this area and says the mission blue and we said if we open anything we will call it mission blue. because the neighborhood was so beautiful and we wanted to be a part of becoming along with the neighborhood. we want td to add value. and, one of the great great heavy secrets of the valley, we are awhere the cross town trail starts. if you are not familiar with cross town trail, it is a 17 mile trail across san francisco and cuts through not only our commercial corridor, but the greenways, and there are six gardens built by the neighbors for the neighborhood and they have been here over three decades and they are a incredsable treasure. >> the rolling farmer market, arrives every saturday morning 10 a.m. and
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there is fruits and vegetables and they take ebt and accessible to every of the neighbors so we have a whole neighborhood with fresh fruits and vegetables and we love to ask local musicians to come. it is really like a ecosystem saturday morning, which is one of our goals. what a neighborhood is all about. >> my name is lisa, and i'm coowner of sf dog parler. we have been here going on 9 years. it is in visitation valley i walk to work 6789 it is very diverse and everyone is friendly. actually in our garage here in rewarding we meet a lot of new the neighborhood in 2006 and 2015 people. we had a lot of different dogs. the opportunity to open a tasting room when we have done in this space and here we are. >> we have done a lot here we expanded to add in food since i have been in office. options and we opened another grocery outlet, we have a new lucky store right in caf e experience. i opened the business in
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the bayview and bayview plaza, which is exciting. inspired by the community. this facility we are in right done a lot of pop up aventsds now 1550 events in the neighborhood, let's try evans the brand new southeast to take community this to the next level and that center is another amazing was accomplishment for district 10. really what drove us with the if you x had from visitation support we got from the bayview valley across bay shore and come into third community. street you see a nice bayview you can expect to get a local sign that demonstrates reflection of one you are bayview coming into bayview hunters hospitality and welcome. point, but also it is a art project to you will experience wine tasting without going to the wine make it country, more visually appealing when because we are small producers you enter and we have not only our wine but our community. introduced italian varieties as well so >> i'm barbara, the wine maker you can stit and enjoy all that, plus and owner of [indiscernible] comfort in bayview. style food. >> my name is anthony, the we started wine making as a hobby owner of [indiscernible] ice cream in the bayview. me and my [indiscernible] my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and that was our bonding time.
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we would spend hours eating ice cream and talking and cratching up. one day my aunt came with a idea, why don't you bring ice cream shop back to the bayview. there hasn't been one here in some time so i thought it would be a good idea to bring something back to the community i grew up and something i haven't seen a new business come back to community. i want to create the environment, the sit down environment you can enjoy a banana split, a root beer float, milk shake, just creating the environment for people to enjoy. got the passion to do it being here in the community and from my family. >> we celebrated with the parade at the opera house. as we talk about beautification and promoting the arts, we talk about the culture of bayview hunter point
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and the things we have been doing to make sure we preserve opportunities for communities to come together and it is also is a larger amount of people in community that have the opportunity to come out and see what is going on and we'll continue to do that every black history month to promote not only our corridor here and southeast sector, promote black people coming together during black history month and put on display the talent and great amazing residents we have here in san francisco that come out to support and promote black history during black history month. >> my name is lena mills and the owner of creative ideas. really inspired me to open my company because i was tired of working for somebodyential. else.
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we have columbian and mexican food and diverse menus for any occasion. the menu is when i was a kid growing up with my family, we always want to cook all different things, so i learned how to do a lot of things we do here at the cafe. it amazing because we are in communication with supervisor shamann walton, especially when he does coffee and he talks with everybody in the neighborhood that wants to talk to him and ask about how things are going with our community, right? we get together with other businesses that organize singing and doing that in our neighborhood on our street and people see that all the
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businesses get together and they know what we are doing in the neighborhood. we are open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. we do local events. with the churches. we did two at the park. >> my name is--the owner of christopher books in san francisco. independent book store. we have been here 33 years. the bookstore housed in a victorian [indiscernible] who runs the potrero hill archive. this space is used for number of different things. the pharmacy being one of them. what makes us unique is we maintained the original character of the space. if you look up here, you see the ancient retrofitting. these are the original fixtures of what was here in the early 1920's or
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so. one of my favorite parts is sitting in that chair out front and saying hello to people when they come in and one of my favorite parts is when someone asks me oo recommend a book. you have home, you have work, well a third place is a place where you look for community and you build community, and i think of christopher's and other businesses like that as a third place. i had kids who come in that i knew when they were born and they come in and introduce to their kids. that is how long i is are been here. that feeling of history and connection and family and just being a sole proprietor in one of the most amazing cities in the world. i still enjoy coming to work every day. >> we definitely have a lot of amazing places to go here in district
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10 whether the bars around for decades. bottom of the hill. connecticut yankees and we have newer spots like gumbo social, [indiscernible] so excited about all the things we have been able to do, but i wanted to make sure as supervisor i really address the concerns and issues that community has and left with tangible assets on the way out, but also put policies in place that out live me as a supervisor. [music]
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