tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV February 4, 2025 2:00pm-4:59pm PST
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supervisor chan >> present >> supervisor chen. >> present. >> supervisor dorsey. >> present. >> engardio. >> present sgrochl fileder. >> present. >> mahmood. >> present. >> supervisor mandelman. >> present. >> brierz melgar. >> present. >> supervisor sauter. >> present. >> supervisor sherrill. >> present. >> supervisor walton. >> all members are present. >> thank you. the san francisco board acknowledges weer unseed home land of the recommend ram. the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as indigenous stewards and with their traditions they have never cd, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the care takers of this place. as well as for all peoples who reside in t traditional territory. as guests we recognize we
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benefit from living and working on theirraditional home land. we wish to acknowledge the ancestors, elders and relatives of the recommend ram community and a if he wering their rights as first peoples. . join neil in me in reciting the pledge. >>[pledge of allegiance]. on behalf of the board i want to acknowledge the fantastic staff at sfgovtv and today i want to acknowledge colleena mendoza they record the meetings and make transcripts available for the public online and we're grateful to them. madam clerk are there communications. >> thank you the board welcomes
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attendance in person in the board's chamber room 250. or watch them on channel 26 or live stream at you may submit your public comment by sending an e mail to or the u.s. postal service to the san francisco board of supervisors. 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, 94102. to make an accomodation under the ad a or request language assistance, contact the clerk's office 2 days in advance. and mr. president. today the clerk's office is in receipt of three ad a accommodation requests. the first one is a remote
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caller. the second is an in person commenter who needs interpretation services. and the third person will be in person they are an individual with a disability. thank you. mr. president. why thank you, in dam clerk. we have those 3 ad a requests for accomodation we will take first commenter. >> all right. to the clerk staff. can we have the remote caller, please? the timer is two minutes >> hello. i'm ramonea, i live in a [inaudible] next door to the ship yard. gt c closed [inaudible]. according to city charter 16 section 16.112, should have been an opinion hearing with notice prior to limiting service or closing it. we would like to ask this be put on the agenda to have them.
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and the department asked why that did not happen in the first place? the more important thing is this we have been told the sheriffs will be here on february 14 to someone will impound our rv's there are 35 people in a high state of panic that is the reason i come before the board. and sent a few e mails. california vehicle code 22650b states that any removal of a vehicle is a seizure under the fourth amendment of the constitution of the united states and section 13 article 1 of california constitution should be reasonable and preseizure hearing you will hear others talk about the continuous i have been plain in e mails to the board. i have been making grievances and we don't want it to get violent out here. these are people's homes.
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thank you for your time. thank you to the caller and staff. we have someone who is here in person. who would like interpretation assist analysis. we have two microfoes the speaker can speak for two minutes and then the interpreter will interpret for the speaker. i have been living there for 2-1/2 years a lot of discrimination and the area. i have not had access to sign language for two years. i have been requesting them. one afternoon move to a different area, but my car had been towd and had no idea there was no interpreter i was not expecting my car to be gone. and so i was overwhelmed and i
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have been experiencing discrimination. i'm asking to extend the deadline for 90 more days i need more time to repair my rv. i have been asking for repairs and they have been delayed and it is deteriorating. and has not been repaired for two years i need more timism can't do it i can't do it by you know the time dead line they are given i need 90 more days, please, to do that. thank you. >> thank you for coming down this afternoon. and we have a third person in person. welcome. you wanted to use that and pull the microphone down. welcome. hello. i'm kelly hughes i live in an rv at the bt c there for 30 months. because of the my wheel chair i'm in the centers of an
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investigation by hud the city for the city's over the city's lack of ad a compliance the department of homelessness was one who offered me relocation to my family in texas. i was second in line for repairs that then stopped in -- to the hud investigation. i was skipped over by bayview foundation. took a bus load of people to the dmv i was not told and they also got tires i didn't. then i year goes by there is damage from rats. dfrj damages from employee who republican in my bumper twice and hit the front of my rv. also one of the urban employees broke my door by too hard example my windows fall koren
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out. finely the department was forced by hud to hire an ad a consultant. he got me an accomodation to get repairs because of the city's refusal to make it ad a compliant. this is an on going problem. everyone of their accommodations requests are being ignored. october 7 we got approved ramonea and i got it. she was -- a witness to the retelliation for being a witness to the hud case. my winds shield on one side all my wiring is out >> ma'am. we can take the copy of that if you like and mitt it in the
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record for you. is that a copy we can keep or do we need to make a copy of if t you have a sentence sure sorry. we are seth the time are for 2 minutes. i will say then that thank you for having me and we do need an extension. nobody is housed all their accommodations are denied i don't know why. but we do need more time you know they started they finished helpful repairs and stopped. and like mou it is raining in my rv they got half i wind shield in. thank you. why would you like us to collect this document and put it in the record? sure.
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that completes accommodations. thank you. let's go to the consent agenda 1-9. >> on consent. these are considered routine if a member objects an item removed and considered separately. >> all right. does anyone wish to sever anything from consent? i don't see anybody. did can you call the roll. >> items 1-9. engardio. >> aye. >> supervisor fielder. >> aye. why supervisor mahmood. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor sauter. >> aye. >> supervisor sherrill. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> aye. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >> supervisor chen. >> aye. >> and supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's.
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>> without objection they are finally passed. >> let's go to new busy items 10 and 11. together. >> 10 and 11 ordinances pertain to certificates of participation for the port of san francisco. item 10 an ordinance authorizes the execution and delivery of refunding cop's that courteouses of participation. and evidencing and representing and aggregate amount of 25 million. to prepay previous other cop's finance the design and construction reconstruction, expansion, improvement equipping, renewal. of capitol improve ams to properties to approve the form of various authorizing documents. such as the supplement to the trust. the project lease. relate to the lease and the lease back of a portion of the james herman cruise terminal at
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pier 27. the notify of sale and dprekt the notice of intention to sell. and to approve formless. item 11 appropriates 28.throw million and i will skip to -- also 483,000 of series 2013b and 1.995 million of 23c. prior debt service reserve proceeds. and the appropriate 900,000 series 2033b prokt funds to the port commission for 6.4 million to the refunding certificates of participation. series 2025-r1 and 22 million to redundzing certificates of anticipation series 25r- 2 and
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place them on controller's reserve pending the sale of the reach proceed in fiscal year 2024-25. >> thank you. i think we can take same house same call they are passod first reading. >> can you call 12. >> item 12 amends the business and tax code to exempt from commercial vacancy tax beginning on january first, 25. any taxable commercial space located in either a named neighborhood commercial or transit district a city infrastructure or construction project has a construction duration of more than 180 days in a calendar year and from january of 22 through december of 24 any taxable commercial space located in the neighborhood commercial district
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orrin are taraval street. members with article 29 section 2909 of the business and tax regulation code passage of this ordinance is vote of 8 votes of the board. >> and i believe we can take this same house same call without objection it is passod first reading. >> call 13 >> item 13 an ordinance to amend the administrative code for the core initiatives to strengthen city's sponse to homelessness and related crisis. >> supervisor chan. >> thank you. president mandelman. and colleague this is item come from the budget committee. um votes to support the item but not without amendments there are amendments that i think many of
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you have familiar with. and -- i just want it thank the mayor and his team working clantive with the legislative branch on a compromise legislation. it irrelevant does give the executive branch ways to implement their vision. without waiving all oversight authority from the legislative branch. with that said after the approval there were a few more technical details that needed to be resolved including edits and language. i want to thank supervisor fielder for doing the heard work to propose additional amendments to really help narrow the scope of the behest waiver. and adding moreover sight to this legislation. these amendments were already mailed to you thanks to mayor's office, mr. adam -- thank you.
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and so it should be in your inbox, colleagues. but to make sure that. we go through this for the public. is had we will see on page 1 to clarify in the long title we show this is accept and extend for the donation to nongovernmental sources for the core initiative can be up to 10 million dollars. limning a 10 million dollars this is page one line 15. on page 8, line 4, we are showing that original low we say the date of introduction. we want to clarify that the date of legislation introduced but the clerk of the board limp is a technical -- requirements between the tuesday introduction and friday publish with the file number and title. and then we are also seeing line
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24 -- that's a clarifying the 45 day shot clock and line 24 and 25 on page 14, is to go through the scope of the narrow down those who can receive the waiver for the behest waiver. i will turn to supervisor jackie fielder to speak on details. over all, i wanted to say, again, you know this has narrowed down to a deadline of january 8, 2026. this gives all of us a chance to see that the mayor's plan and vision will be and how we deliver on temperature but this is going to come become to us and we as a body can evaluate the plan and tweak it and to give feedback to the plan dp & continue oversight to what we
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ought to do for the executive branch to deliver for san france and with that i thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. i thank you and the budget mittee for your work and engage am. and supervisor fieldser? >> they were i want to thank chair chan for her amendments. and mayor lurie for working with my team to provide transparency will narrow the scope and and positions this are subject to the behested payments waiver and claire include expediting hiring of behavioral health professionals. today ooem vote nothing support of mayor lurie's emergency ordinance. in the tackling the fentanyl and over dose crisis. and with my vote i want to be
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clear that this ordinance is an unprecedentsed transfer of power. and a significant transfer of responsibility to mayor lurie to transform street conscience the next year. with my vote today i'm putting a great deal of faith in mayor lurie's administration to utilize the extraordinary 4s carry out the will of the voters and provide housing, shelter and treatment to our most vulnerable and to do so, without repeating the corrupt practices that have tainted the public's trust in city government for years. i await comprehensive details about the mayor's plans to stands up and staff the hundreds of treatment beds that the city still needs to make progress on this issue. as the mayor develops plans i will encoure the administration to look at 4
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pillar's model a strategy address being drug use, mentel ill expense homelessness. sings the crack down and mass arrestos drug users last year an increase in shift of people from the tenderloin and soma to the mission. and that is not a strategy. other countries have been successful. switzerland and portugal overwhelmed with over dose when is they devise the strategies on enforcement and investments in treatment and street out reach and health care coverage and recognize addiction as a disease, they made remarkable gains by decreasing opioid deaths by 64% and heroin addiction by 75%. we need to implement a similar plan locally. utilizing the bl areport to
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impelement the 4 pillar strategy requested by preston and the board of supervisors. our work here after passing this is not done. the mayor as an opportunity now to convene experts and policy makers across the political spectrum to make sure we are alined in look step under one strategy. i will do my part to continue to work in good faith to ensure the success of this ordinance is not just for one mayor or for one district.
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i will ask that i can those without objection. i think >> mr. president walton is on the roster. we will call after the ma'am and before we vote on the amended legislation. >> so we take the amendments without objection. >> and then i will call on supervisor walton. >> thank you. president mandelman. during the covid pandemic we granted emergency powers with the presence of a plan. now we have before us legislation that among other things requests waiving approval processes for contracking, waiving our behested payment policies all without knowing what will be done. we don't have a plan in front of us that details what the mayor's team plans to do with these
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emergency powers. this is probably the most vivid example of putting the cart before the hours horse i have seen in my years in office supporting this legislation as is extremely prein tour. not only is there the absence of a plan there is also the acsense of knowing how much this will cost the city according to the bla and the fiscal impact of the proposed ordinance is difficult to estimate. since the universe of contracts this will or men awarded is not yet known. and in addition the aim of funds raising that could off set now cost system unknown. so we are talking about the possibility of a blank check. and at least 100 million dollars and the mayor can change without
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process. our checks and balance system of gentleman was put in place so the people have representation on all sides. so that we don't have a dictatorship in san francisco gentleman. i will continue to support pla determines what laws we need to change for its success if and when it is presented and supported by this body. i'm not sure when we started preemping emergency powerhouse. i have been told this is i plan to get 1500 beds. where, how? i want it support strajs and plan this is get us somewhere. and while i agree it is an unprecedented time, this is why we need an unpresidented plan to address the fentanyl crisis and mental health crisis in the city. i have not seen a plan i cannot
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vote, yes in the absense of i plan. strategy or something besides strong wor. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you supervisor walton. i don't see anyone else on the roster call the roll on the ordinance as amended >> item supervisor mahmood is on the roster >> i wanted before voting --mented vote in support, i mentioned left time i commend the mayor's intentionality. to cut through the red tape to allow government action on an issue that requires urgency. it hen over due for our residents in the tenderloin. i do want to thank my colleagues and supervisor chan and the budget and finance for passing item. and for my colleague who is cosponsored this is heeding the
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call to take our community safer but showing and the board can work together for the good of our residence denials. at the core of what this does is helps the city get out of its way to deliver life saving resources to the neighbor who need it most. our departments will expand service and provide critical resource the tool kits to get the job done. a crisis gone on for too long this is the first step to providing the tools we need to improve safety and bring change to our communities and given to restore hope that's why i will vote, yes. >> thank you. with that, madam clerk. can you call the roll on the ordinance. >> item 13 as amended supervisor engardio.
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>> aye. why supervisor fielder. >> aye. >> supervisor mahmood. >> aye. supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. >> aye. >> supervisor sauter. >> aye. >> supervisor sherrill. >> aye. >> supervisor walton. >> no. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >> supervisor chen. >> aye. >> supervisor dorsey. >> aye. there are 10 aye's and one no with supervisor walton voting, no >> thank you, call the next item. >> item 14. this is resolution to approve the third ma'am with community services and department of homelessness. for short two medium rapid rehousing grant term extended 29 months through june 30 of 20 and
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increase the agreement amount for a new total of 21.5 million. can you cal the rolfe this? >> item 14. supervisor engardio. >> aye. >> supervisor fielder. >> supervisor mahmood. >> aye. >> supervisor mandelman. >> aye. >> supervisor melgar. why aye. >> supervisor sauter. >> aye. >> supervisor sherrill. >> aye. >> supervisor walon. >> aye. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >> supervisor chen. >> aye. >> supervisor dorsey. >> aye. >> there are 11 aye's. >> thank you, i guess we have half a machine left call 15-18 together. >> 15-184 resolutions approve agreements of department, youth and families. 15, provides retroactive approval with dcyf and community youth center for 4 programs through june 30 of 29.
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13.sen million. 16, retroactive approval for an agreement with the commune youth center of san finish for 4 programs. 5 year term through june 30 are 29 for 11.7 million. 17, approval for an agreement -- two programs 5 year term through june 302029 and 12.9 million. item 18. retroactive approval for an agreement with the neighborhood center for 4 programs a 5 year term and 10.throw million. >> supervisor sauter. >> sauter. >> thank you. >> colleagues i wish to make a disclosure for 18 i served the executive director of san francisco neighborhood centers together the grantee for the item richmond district is the
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sponsor of my former employer. i no longer are financial rep with my former empployer and after i have been advised i don't have a conflict of interest and don't need to recuse myself i wanted share this. thank you. >> thank you supervisor sauter. we can take these items same house same call without objection. these are adopted. and -- can you take us to the 2:30 special order. >> recognition of commendations from service to the city and count i of san francisco. >> all right. we will begin today with district 4 supervisor joel engardio. >> colleagues. the girl's flag football team at lincoln high school made history wing the first san francisco triple asection energy football
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championship. all right! and -- not only that. there is more. this historic win was memorialize in the an article in sports illustrated! yes! so -- be sure to google and read the article it includes photos and video of the game. congratulations to the team they have shown dedication and team work and perseverance all of this was under the guidance of coach williams and coach branner. congratulations to the entire lincoln high school community. go mustangs! [applause] i like to invite the coach for a few word busy this rable team
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>> thank you. >> first i want to thank god and lincoln. thank these young ladies for mow coach them. my assistant coaches. >> thank god for everything. these ladies are wonderful. and i want it thank lincoln high school for giving me the opportunity to coach these young ladies. i got a speech i want to say. for you guys. back in what day? turkey day. was historical moment the first time girls have ever participated in a turkey day bowl. we were the first team to ever win temperature you know give yourself a hand for that. [applause] >> this is in the just a win on the score board a testament to everything we work for the sweat. hard work and practices we put in. every day, you show the world when it means to play with a
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passion. to never give up and support one another through every challenge. you guys are broken barriers special set new standards this is prove can you do anything possible. let's care this to next we're this is only the beginning of something bigger. >> you know, we made history. it is like, i want you to know you made history. congratulations, again. [applause]. >> -- go mustangs! [laughter] [applause] district
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10 supervisor walton. thank you. today kickoff our black history celebration, we want to start off by proudly recognizing joyce armstrong! [applause] recognizing -- joyce armstrong for her unwaivering dedication and tireless service to d 10 in potrero hill but san francisco as a whole. over 3 decades.
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mrs. armstrong a champion for youth, economic justice and equal rights. shaping lives through her leadership at the potrero neighborhood house. san francisco housing authority and numerous advocacy organizations. for mendz oborring young people of. . and gang prevention programs and serving for public housing residents, she continuous low uplifted and empowered those most in need. her legacy. service and activism has left a mark on our city. ensure community thrive and residence den vs a voice in their future. we commend joyce for her lifelong commitment to justice and equity and he honor her as a beacon of leadership and recell yens in our community. as a black history among honoree
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we commend her for being a trail blazer for justice and empowerment. we honor her as pillar of strength in our community and black excellence in san francisco! thank you. commissioners. supervisors. i am so thankful to be honored by the city and county of san francisco again. and especially by supervisor walton who grew up me at the neighborhood house we are so proud of him. my son i'm the mother of 3. my oldest son was murder in the 2021. i still have my son shawn, my
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daughter who is trying to get her i'm mother of 3 the grand mother of scomplen great grand mother of 5! >> i have numerous people this one of the kids this grew up with mow at the neighboring house's mother. this is one of the grew up with me -- threat evened run, way if her mother did not get her cow by boots for the talent show. i was in trouble with all the parents. this since she was 3. sheryl. my niece and says i love this lady nowhere in the world i was coming out in this rain. i just am so proud i was able to help pioneer the people of the potrero public housing and citywide. in a naeshg house that was open and giving and did so much by
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the honorable maxwell. many you have may not than is sophie's mother. she opened the door from the mayor's i other than from jordan to moscoi we were in this city hall all the time learning and growing. over 50 years of work i wanted thank you all and let's do something good for this city. we don't need to go back. it is great. if people move out the way. i tell people do what i say and everything will be okay. [applause] [applause] all right.
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community development brian strength korened communities. affordable how doing and uplift residents for 20 years. under his leadership ocd directed fund to hundreds of community based organizations ensuring resources reach the most in need. but his commitment to service stands over 20 years here in public service. but also in nonprofit leadership. civil rights and teaching. because teaching in hong kong and indz why was not enough he moved to san francisco and serviced director of throw major nonprofits in the city. lyric. stan fran lbgtq+ community center and chinese for, firmtive action. that was not enough. he work the as a representative at the san fan human right's commission and ordinances and advancing historically marginalized communities. that was not enough.
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devoted himself to housing. beyond professional achievements he is known for kindness. patience and deep commitment to uplifting others. he is quote, this is a quote from a real human. nicest empathetic person i have issue met. he urn everearned the trust of city officials. brings people together to create meaningful change. he will be missed by colleagues but more important low by his favorite jap need bento box restaurant. brian's leadership shaped the future of this city of behalf of the board we thank you for your service and wish you the best in your well earned retirement. brian, thank you. if i might just add, because you
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are still my constituent. couple decades ago when i was first starting to get involved in san francisco civic and political life i knew of brian chu i think before he knew of he i thought he was a really big deal. i have seen that you accomplished and a pleasure to work with you for you. with you, both. the last 6 and a half yearis still think you are a big deal i think of you as a friends and you deserve this retirement. thank you for all you have done for us. and you are not you don't get to talk yet supervisor chan also wants to say something. gi want to thank you president machine man. i realliment it say thank you for all the work you have done. we few year ago couple of years ago we allocated collectively on
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the board of supervisors and mayor breed together have allocated 30 million dollars to the ap i fund. and it was a difficult thing to do buzz we have never done it before. it make sure a way to support ap i organizations. that00 organizations that serve the ap i community can stay in san francisco to continue to serve and not to have to face eviction as nonprofits. but because never done before brian was in a position to come away to get this money out the door and fair and equal integrity process. and it was not easy and i'm grateful for your work. i than one example for many things that you have done not just in the city government umbrella but your nonprofit work before then.
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for that you will be missed and for who is mixed up in your shoe vs big shoes to fill and thank you for your leadership and service to our community. thank you. [applause] thank you. supervisor chan. and now brian you may speak. [laughter]. thank you, supervisors. for this honor i feel privilegeed have been able to serve this city for 20 years. and i will say that prebl the greatest honor for me is to be able to have this the opportunity to get to know the residents of communities and the diversity of know front. i think it it is -- working for the city is a mrij it all respects. and i will say that --
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especially now as we face so many threats from the outside. the ability to be in san pran and in a place that recognizes the importance and celebrates all the various identities and needs of all the communities -- many people in the country and cross the world don't have now. and -- so -- i don't want to take that for granted. i wanted thank the amazing team at mohcd. you know my work is really just being able to support the fabulous leadership and staff with whom i worked for the past 20 years. and -- while i -- i will not miss having to come to this chamber and make presentations. -- i will miss the wonderful friend this is i made here.
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all right and lastly but not leastly in the spirit of honoring big deal public sector leaders. i'd like to invite colfax. [applause] it is my honor to present accomodation to grant nash colfax who is retiring february sen after leading the public health for 6 years. and man, what a 6 year its has been. graduate of harvard complete in the internal medicine. began at sfpdh in 1983 at san
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francisco general. in 1998 after completing training joined the aid office and focused on researching h i v prevention. brought an approach addressing gap in care and prevention. joined obama administration. grant was the administration's advisor on policy and coordinates to implement the aids strategy. he lead social services and behavioral health on health equity in marin in february of 2019 return today public health as director and dph is our largest department with a
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throw.2 billion dollars budget. and more than 8,000 employees. as director initiate the programs to support the treatment and recovery manage and behavioral healing workers in supportive housing and pharmacies delivered to those maintaining recovery. dp heart attack opened the martinez clinic to provide urgent care for unhoused individual for substance abecause or mental health.
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telea health for medication treatment and lobbies the state and congress to reform methadone miles an hour accessible. lead us through the pandemic with highest vaccination rate in upon country. san francisco the first city to establish testing for essential wars. after years of staffing shortages and 85% of equitylan and goals. when laguna honda lost certification worked with
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regulators to save hospital and reinstate certification. and even serving as director he treated patients living with aids at san francisco's general's ward 86. what feels like a full circle dph, nounsed new infection rates 72% to the lowest levels ever. grant's research and work on hiv prevention are literally bearing fruit now for our community. >> public health work is ground in the science, data and facts delivered through compassion and
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you mentioned those. so. perhaps the first time in 6 years i'm speechless. usually i have something to say. i just you know -- i really want to express my gratitude and honor i had to serve as head of the department and i want to take a moment to revisit the fact that you know what lead mow to san francisco -- was the fact that -- when i was young my family received care at the general. we did not have insurance it was a different time. and the compassion that i saw there was instrumental in me think burglar a career in medicine and public health. returning years later as a
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medical student from the east coast to 5 awas the hiv ward in san francisco general. and seeing the connection of true community centered care. people talk about that now. nobody was talking about it then except in san francisco and seeing what the community and bh science could do together. was so inspiring. it lead me to ucsf to train. i knew that it s whe i wanted to be. i think that culture continues in san francisco and continues and in the staechl and conscience in dph. dph saves lives and improves lives all the while trying to improve health in san francisco. you withinllow the data finance and facts about what dph does.
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appreciate the support of the health commission through the times. and you have our mayors and -- for their vision and support of the department. which makes the w pobl. we recruited talityents at the department. the vacancy going down. we got to zero, which is unprecedented. i want to take a moment to celebrate the fact that people don't say it when they leave they do great things. we have apatrol the city and outside of the city that mr. greg wagner our first chief operating officer gone on as nt doctor argone our health director to become the state health director for california. bennett the director of health equity
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wa recruit exclude i'm proud she is the director of health at in wish washington, d.c. amazing people come from dph. it is because dph is committed and collaborative. community focused, account believe and data drivenism know that dph will condition to provide the best care. using approaches that work. and dp heart attack will keep the people we serve front in center of when weo matter what. thank you temperature hen an honor to serve. [applause] ■0fw
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office accept 250 thousand grant. to fund the san frap public defender clean slate unit to meet demand for services july of 24 through june of 25. same house same call. without objection. this is adopted. madam clerk. call item 20. >> this is a resolution to retroactively approve and authorize the director of property on behalf of the san francisco police department. to execute a left lanes of a portion of the real property at 1-199 forest road building 278 with u.s. department of home land security u.s. coast guard. federal government for 5 year term and base of zero.
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same house same call. without objection. it adopted. >> call item 21. >> a resolution to retroactively authorize and approve the lease of 3,000 square feet of office space located at 745 franklin with state of california. am development department for human services agency jobs now program. to through december of 29 and base rent 105,000. >> same house same call without objectiont adopted. call item 22. >> 22, resolution approve and authorize an ma'am to the lease of approximately 11,000 square feet of real property at sen 29 filbert with william piedmont land lord to extend the term by 5 years for a term of december of 2018 lieu january 29 for base
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rent of 4,000. why same house same call. >> call item 23. >> 23, resolution to retroactively authorize major's office of housing and commune development accept a gift of consulting services valued throw 45,000 from coreo northern california. . through upon january 31, 2027. >> same house same call, without objection, adopted. call item 24. >> item 24, ordinance to amend the planning code to allow assessors parcel block 39-12 known as 99 rhode island street to exceed the coupe welltive use size requirements in production distribution and repair distinguishing condesign. d 2 affirm ceqa and present
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findings. >> same house same call without objection adopted. >> madam clerk call item 25. >> >> resolution todopt the castro lesbian bisexual transgender queer district cultural house and economic sustainability strategy report. same house same call it is adopted. call items 26 and upon 20 together >> why are two resolutions determine that the person to person premise to premise transfer type 21 beer, wine and spirits liquor license will serve the convenience necessity of the city. 26 is for bar and llcdba bit and
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bottle 1225 fell street and 27 city choice market db acity choice market at 3 where are 1, fifth the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose a condition on each license. why same house same call without objection. adopted. >> call item 28. >> 28, this is an ordinance to exempt mid town park apartments 1415 scott street if requirements in code chapter 6. requiring compliance with the prevailing wage of coat section 23.61 and affirm the ceqa determination >> same house same call this is passed on first reading.
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>> and madam clerk go to committee reports. >> item 29 is will considered by land use committee at a meeting on monday february thishd and recommended an a committee report. 29 is resolution to add the street name on around are son avenue between third and griftive leading to the site known at candlestick park recognition of kingston to america his affect on the community. same house same call without objection. adopted. >> go to roll call. >> supervisor engardio you are first up? submit. >> supervisor fielder. >> today colleagues i would like to introduce a resolution. rescue niedzing february of 25 as teen dating violence
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awareness and prevention month. it is important for us to reckon with the fact that near low 1 in throw teens experienced dating violence during high school. moreosthese experience other first, introduction to reps with others. research shows and we know these issues can have long-term impacts on one sense of s worth. outlook and influence further out come. datlence and teen relationships go unchecks, unheard and unseen we risk the cycles of abuse by perpetrators and complainsancey toward abusive actions continue to adult hood. the commission here today passed a resolut p commitment to preventing and educating young people about teen dating vinyls itchment to thank our sdrkt 9 kouth commissioner sky are dane and
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gaby, and [inaudible] who have shown leadership in bringing to the board of supervisors. want to give a shout out to the asian women shelter and black women revolt to help teens navigate and prevent unhealthy reps. thank you it my intern who in m this together and thifrng my clothes on the board of brierzs for your early cosponsorship. >> thank you. supervisor fielder. subm visor mahmood. >> thank you. >> supervisomandman. >> all right. i have a piece of legislation and two in memoriams. i am introducing ordinance to establish the castro upper maker entertainment zone covid-19 for san francisco and cities to get creative allowing more commercial activity. out doors. at the time moving outside was a
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necessity. but also people liked it. post pandemic local businesses have in the recovered some lessons learned from that period are helping to inform our economic recovery strategies. thanks to state level and sb76 and sb916stabshment of an entertainment zone allows to sell to go drink for people to enjoy out doors and in the streets during street closure events the city established the entertainment zones for front street and today the board apoved a ordinance stake a zone for cole valley with rich queer night life the castro seems like a fit for an entertainment zone. the fair and established castro night markets are example of event this is benefit from establish am of an ez and
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[reading of names] >> all right. then. i also have two in memories. i'm asking we adjourn the meet nothing memory of ricrd bowlingbrook died december 28 at the age of 74. grew up in england in 73 graduated from london university studied geography. achieved success as an artist. in 1976, rich order traveled ind why lived for 5 years and perienced defined his artistic exploration. after period in amsterdam, oregon and phoenix he came to san francisco in 86 and found ar home. a castro resident for 32 years and freak wented the embarrass especially the eagle.
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where he met his husband. steve gains in 1991. his art work focussed on water paintings with flowers this benefitted work was created during the aids epidemic when richard questioned his own existence. he explained celebrating flowers with acknowledge am rew hopeed better sunday life itself and work shift todd abstract style and drew inspiration from text urs of things around hem. later works muralos shot welstreet and commission in google's office. he served the pedestrian of the art of skill of san francisco and board member. in san francisco leather
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community they were the family. a group of 5 gay men now down to 4 we extend condolences. rest ineace and power miyour memory be a blessing. also we adjourn today's meet nothing memory of loved lifelong castro resident al even berit. he was ray dear man. passed away on january 7 at age ■d 92. born in the castro he started as a newspaper delivery driver.
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development this promotes righters. dinner or dry cleaning on your way to catch muni and, luing the agency to income this is i win/win situation for housing, transportation and our resolut networkf process. to oyst which cites are asible, welcomed by neighbored and beneficial to the stay stay with a priority being the financial well being of the agcy arc affordable, safe and reliable transportation system is crucial for all our other goals. makesccess to education possible workforce accessible can special climate okay goals sustainable. crucial we begin the conversation to sustain our system. i want to thank my colleagues
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supervisor sauter, engardio and dorsey for early coexperienceship of this leslatn.k yo theestou submit. >> thank you. supervisor ar. >> supervisor sau >> commit >> supervisor er collegues ton teen dating violence temperature important this we never forget the role we play with shin are n ery sur3a;6 knws. supervisor speak dirtly in the mic. tre we go. want to supervisor thank you.os exp gratitude
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for my pdessor furtring in sacramento. she introduced a concurred luon to proclaim month of february teen dating violence prevention month. and i want to thank our san francisco youth commission for you ensure needs of young people are heard in the halls it is important work and resolutions like this remind us why. today i'm intruzing a resolution in support of bill 3 therein the human tracking act authored by member catherine stefani spending 19 million dollars on contracts the state of california has in the updated the contracting prosecute cure am policies forced labor or child labor since 2007.
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tell, line state luwith the standards in 2016. adopting detailed guidance how companies engage with supply chains if they want to do business with california human trafficking calical is the largest cites of human traffic nothing the united states for research by our own attorney general. our state will leverage the strengths to incent sunrise companies to use human practice and mow taxpayer money criminalityed forced labor. san francisco must stand residencellow in xhugz to humane practice and protection for all in our state's policies. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor walton. >> submit. zo thank you. supervisor chan. >> submit. >> supervisor chen. >> submit.
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>> thank you. supervisor dorsey. >> thank you. clothes public safety staffing the last few years merged a top prior in our city for voters for those of us on this board who hear from our voters. and also for mayor lurie. today i'm call figurar hearing before neighborhood services committee on staffing in the san francisco district attorney's office. a public safety leadership in our city this is often left out of conversations that focus on police, sheriffs 911e e ms and others. of interest to me and no small number of voters ensuring we impelement prop 36 passed with 70% of the vote and won here citywide including wing every district. prospect 36 holds twofold promise not just to hold oshg
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fenldzers accountable but also to make use of treatment fell niece i believe can make criminal justice innerventions for public drug use in life saving interventions to do this we need a staffed da's office. i'm asking the office to report on hat office needs to scale up to match when we hope will be scaled up and other agencies. what resources will be necessary to ensure that voters will is reflected in a probable 36. and obstacles policy makers aware of in city hall to enable us to help the da. the rest i submit >> >> president. this concludes introduction of new business. >> go to public comment. >> the public are welcome to lineup on the right hand side of chamber you are able to speak to general matters not on the
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agenda but in the board's jurisdiction. other agenda content reported out by a mittee we are setting the time are for two minutes. i want to have a better understanding if we bring a question or. i'm starting your time. skip this. >> so. d2 the conversation out there in the hull way. how you are justice for all. get you a lawyer. my we have got on cam are me being attacked by law enforcement in california [inaudible] and impersonating officers from another state.
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[inaudible]. i had to pay it back. i was stabbed 9 times and member got, way. [inaudible]. me getting rest in the your city. make no mistake i got i lawyer here. expose that is going on here you think i'm a nobody. i'm a child of god. understanding stanninging up on federal bureau investigation property [inaudible] naked we got on camera. i can't do nothing for you. you are not going to get justice. put your arm behind my back to sign a citation that was false.
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and -- my trailer that i -- moved to the location and there for 4 year is broken. it is infested with the ras and have done nothing to control the infestation. we are discrape nayed against and -- some of us are workers and trying to relocate us to rooms that are only 4 by 4 and i don't have enough space for moiz and throw cats ooem an addict in recovery and want to put in the tenderloin for me would mean i will relapse in drug abuse. i'm asking you for help. to please, reach in your heart to and have mercy for me i'm 50 years old i don't know when i do
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if i koren up in the streets again. thank you. >> thank you for the interpretation. next speaker. >> good afternoon. good to see you angela. doing a great job i misyou i'm barry toronto activist among taxi workers. i want to welcome the 5 new supervisors most of you elected one appointed i hope we get to meet with you to talk about the medallion situation and hat mt a has done to hurt the industry and our ability to serve our passengers. who don't want to get gauged by ewe uber and lyft. would like to urge you to ask our state legislators to regulate the autonomous vehicles. we don't need a thousand of them on the streets.
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they are safe for passengers but not for the other vehicles on the road those who drive for i living or deliveries they blocked streets and taxi stands and well should be i way for local entities sb915 was turned down by lori wilson. may be we can help bring it become in i different form so can you can regulate it. i hope we can meet with the new supervisors and explain what -- what can you do to help us. with in religion to the mt a and would being able to have relationship with the cpu c and with the state. in terms of allowing municipal tow work better. because again, we need to have a
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public transit system. tell not work if people double park and block roadways where muni needs to go through smoothly. and because we are in a community part of transit first policy. as taxi drivers and workers. and you know we are part of taxi program. serve disabled people in wheel chairs that mode to get to appointments and the program is very successful. so i want to thank you for your time and happy lunar new year. exciting month >> great to see you, be well. >> next speaker, please. good afternoon. i want to mention left week so, [inaudible] is very abusive. [inaudible].
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i'm here seek liberty and justice for my domestic partner a false low imprisoned resident of loug loug in regards to this endeavour i have been koren attending healing commission meetings after informing the commission this dt h does not include laguna honda and rehabs patients and financial reports. healing commission member colfact announced resignation as head dph. probably just coincident, huh in also. due to delay in finance -- finalizing dph's budget. yesterday's planning meeting was postponed until february 10 with the full healing commission meet
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nothing place of a scheduled laguna honda hospital and rehab joint committee conference meetin on february 10th. i encourage members of the board and or the legislative aids to attend the healing commission meetingos monday. that are not holidays. thank you. thank you for your comments. >> welcome. >> hi. i'm leah i live in d6. i liked what you said about unprecedented times. calling for unprecedents plan. similar to what i think about hi hear the moderate dem credits say than i need to be laser focussed on whatever talking point and don't present i laze are focused plan to go with it. however, i am hearing the plan
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at town hall i heard left night and from the town hall from other people a lot of details begin about the mayor and the da and the board, et cetera, things they are excited about for the plan. left night i was given this swag sticker from our da's team. i'm not going to take it with me i will leave it there. our d acompared hrm reduction about how you can't get a straw in star bucks but from the city to do drugs on the street that is like a what the f analogy you want us to get mad they can't get straws but people suffering can get straws. heartlessness attitude. i would also like to say i'm
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concerned about destableation stations staffed by police to walk people up for treatment, whatever excuse they are giving for them not behaving. it was the da said that condition servitorship takes too long the people not going to jail this is a new perktory to put them in. thank you for your comments. next speaker, please, welcome. i'm aaron wilon board of supervisors the president. i long with the lady here a little emotional. the bayview triage center d 10 with supervisor walton if we can have your attention as well, sir. why comments to the board as a
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whole. you guys prove over 15 million dollars to set up the bayview for r very close's travel trailers and motor home its is done and now than i want to close it down. i had the electricity come in. we don't think closing down the vt c is good we need more places to put rv's not less. now i approached his office. i sent them do you means and pictures and letter to the mayor the shutting down of the vt c. and as for not an out right term nigz of the closure, we are almost there. in fixing the vt c board of supervisors. and we would need i think to
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stop it to help of the mayor and our brierz to get involved because guess what? those rv's are going on the street. youville 30 more vv's. i think we should reconsider temperature give it a stay. have conversation. and hopeful low have a change of heart. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. good afternoon. board of supervisors president, man, i love it when it rains. we all share it. something we can all agree on temperature is raining outside. san francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the westerlied if not the most beautiful city. in the world and every day thousands of tourists from the world travel to downtown san francisco union square to begin their journey tow see the worns
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we have to offer here. and -- unfortunately our tourists not getting the experience than i remember from 20005, i was at the battles of standing rock in 2016. i spent time in alaska. i had the honor and privilege to travel to portugal i seen the streets are nice and clean. the women and children are safe. tourists come and go as they please. i think it is important to support supervisors moving forward with firm handled this is cloning up san francisco. love to see the energy we get
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for illegalim guarantees if we get that for the less fortunate in the streets that will be great. unfortunately there is i disconnect between citizens. people are all races and religions. we citizen of every color. when people are going back to where they came from it must be bad where they came fro it nice here i'm live nothing terror because of the illegal immigrants. i have spoke en 32 and throw
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introduced without reference to committee a unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution on first read today. a member may require a resolution to go to committee. supervisor walton. >> sever item 33. >> yes. i don't see anybody else. on the balance of the items that is item 32. do we need a roll call. we don't need a roll call >> take it 32 same house same call the resolution is adopted. and -- call 33. >> this is i resolution to recognize and celebrate black history month in the city and county of san francisco. during the month of february 2025. >> supervisor walton.
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>> thank you president machine man i want to thank all of you for your cosponsorship of this resolution. as you know every february we take this time to reflect on achievements and considerations and culture and heritage of black american in our city and the nation. i want to acknowledge former supervisors sophie mechanic weland doctor brown for initiating this residence loug many years ago. for many of us we celebrate black history every day. black history month start in the then 26 by the doctor carter g. woodson founds association for study of after can american life and history. in 1976, president ford recognized it during the united states disen 10 yell and every president recognized black
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history mont since. i think up until now. today we are witnessing attackod diversity, equity and he inclusion as known as the initiatives across the country. effort this is are an attack on black communities and on communities of color, queer and transgender communities immigrantings people with disabilities, women and more. it it is imperative that we remain critical and fight for rights our founders fought hard for. these roll backs threaten fought right our ancestors and leaders fought to dismanual. we cannot celebrate black history we must active low defend and advance it. that means continuing the fight for justice, pushing back against policy thats strip right
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and demanding action that uplifts black communities in san francisco, that means invest nothing black communities. implementing recommend aces from reparation plan. expanding questions of law education and supporting black homeownership and economic empower am. as we celebrate black history among honor the past by shaping a just and equal future. one where progress is recognized and protected and expanded especially in our currently times. with this said i want to highlight celebrations that we be having at city hall the next month. on friday february 7 at noon, the african-american cull roll society will host a black history month kickoff. centered around labor. nexted with february 124-seck p.m. our d10 office hosting the
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black history among art gallery. and we'll feature art and artist born and raise in the d 10 who is on display at the public library now. the main library. and on the evening of wednesday february 26, will have our huge black history among celebration at city hall more details to follow. thank you. mr. president. >> thank you, supervisor walton. i think we can take item 33 same house same call it is adopted. madam clerk do we have agenda items >> no, mr. president. can you read the in memoriams, in memory of the following beloved individuals. supervisor mandelman for mr. richard bollinggroup.
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musicians always want to try to find something new to play and if they are thinking about playing something new or different. i'm the product of the san francisco schools. i started when i was 10. i joined the band and that was the most interesting instrument to play. and you have to be able to put yourselves in different situations. that's what made me better. if you do with two or three
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ingredients, that makes it pretty boring. most people know me for playing with carlos santana, touring the world all over the place. phenomenal place with music and also being around him you have a lot of fun and learning a lot about music and things beyond music too. this place is history, i have been here many many times like any 70s and seen some really incredible groups and that is nd of a full circle moment. is it's really something that we cherish when we play is getting the energy back and forth with the audience and kind of a symbiotic thing.
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[music] >> office of initiative start in the 2017 and started as a result of community advocacy. our transgender nonbinary community advocates were really letting our government know that we needed to be heard. we needed to be considered and policy and budget decision and so, then the mayor lee and founding director of spark created officeof initiative that allow us to advocate for equity for transgender and nonbinary communitiful we focus on 4 areas. training, education for the city employees. we focus on civic and community engagement making sure our leaders have a voice and are heard by our elected officials. we work on policies and programs to make sure our city is responsive to transand nonbinary
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community and add voice to departments to integrate transinclusion in policies, procedures and practice. >> we still have, lot of work to do to improve and address equity in san fran for our community upon i feel that we are on the right track and seeing how people's lives are improving thanks to those changes. i do think it is unique that our local government is sponsive to transgender communities so i hope that people can remember that despite the work we had, we seat progress. we seat change and there is hope for transpeople in san francisco and wherever we come together and organize to improve our lives. [music]
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>> shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help san francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> i am the owner of this restaurant. we have been here in north beach over 100 years.■z [♪♪♪]king foreign language] [speaking foreign language]
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,chief chief dean, i would like to thank especially thank you retired chief greg sir who is sitting here in the audience who had the vision several several months ago. yes. round of applause for chief greg sir the like who reminds us of tradition and how important it is to bring ceremonies such as this into
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city hall and to recognize our officers retired deputy chief john loftus as well and the entire team from bxp and i see you over there, rod deal thank you very much. steve colvin amy woo and i don't know if i'm missing anybody from bxp but but thank you bsp for all of your sr i'd like to thank chris larson, alex turk and many many others. i want to thank michelle acosta who's the new executive director of the san francisco police community foundation sitting next to chris larsen. thank you both very much for all of your support for the department and all the exciting things we're going to do in 2025. i would also like to thank a list of sponsors because we need support to keep this tradition going and so there's a huge list that i read every quarter and i'm going to do that again. the san francisco police officers association.
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thank you tracy for the community fund. i want everyone here to know that each officer as a result of their heroic or brave or great work that they've done will receive a one night stay at the hyatt regency along with a $500 gift certificate. yes, we are going to definitely comply with city ethics laws and rules and procedures and letters and whatever else we need to do to make sure you have a great night. i'd like to thank the hearst corporation, the kilroy realty corporation, mccall's catering decker electric gci hk metro service group, paganini electric peacock construction platinum prologis ruben junius and rose llp the bay area host committee jma the parks hotel groups, the hilton hotel, jpmorgan chase and i would like to add boma in the hotel council and the union square
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alliance and the san francisco chamber of commerce all contributing contributors and supporters of this event. the last thing i'd like to say is happy lunew year to everyone gong for choice and if i lookredible day. before i turn it over to mayor for a few comments, i just want to say that this afternoon we are going to recognize some incredible officers and we're going to get to see some heroics and action suspects being apprehended, violence six being apprehended. great work by investigators and just great police work overall. and so i look forward to the captains sharing exactly what their members did to to obtain today's today's award. and with that and without further ado, i'd like to introduce our mayor, mayor lori
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. >> thank you, assistant chief. i appreciate it. i have comments to read but first let me just say to the four of you and i'll read out your bios in a minute. thank you. i started about three weeks ago officially and i get reports nightly from chief scott about what is going on out in the field. and you know, every night there is something and you all are putting yourselves in harm's way every single day, every single night. it does not go unnoticed. i was sitting there while a.c. laser was reading off that laundry list of supporters. i'm also getting a shout out chris. thank you, chris. thank you, chief. sir, people care about you all
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i c aboutou all. it's gone on for too long that you all were not thanked enough and i am so proud that this ceremony has been going on now for quite some time and i'm honored to continue this because you all deserve to be recognized the whole department. and so i get those notes from chief scott. and my heart sinks every single night. and we call and you come running. you don't ask questions. you show up. and to me that is true public service. so i get to get up here and and talk a lot and the politicians get to do their thing. you all are the ones doing the real work on the ground each and every day.
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and so from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of every single san franciscan who may not always say it thank you. >> thank you. >> i will first start with introducing often officer anthony quimbo, a san francisco native. i love that he aspired to serve his hometown as a police officer over his six year career. he was he has worked in the mission the tenderloin and northern districts where he w named northern midnight officer of the year in 2022. now a field training officer, he has mentored new recruits and continues to serve in northern station which he considers home. thank you, anthony for you stand up.
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>> sergeant michael horan am i pronouncing that right? okay, good. sergeant has the sergeant has dedicated 19 years to the san francisco police department as a third generation officer. he began his career at the northern police station and was promoted to sergeant in 2018 joining the special victims unit currently assigned to the missing persons unit. he is committed to public safety and building strong relationships within the community. >> thank you, michael. please stand. >> sergeant and inspector tony flores has proudly served as s.f. pd for 43 years. i'm sorry i had to say i've that's i'm older than that. but not by much.
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>> a san francisco native as well, he began his career at the mission police station and later worked in the narcotics detail and tenderloin task force promoted to inspector in 2001 he was instrumental in creating the special victims unit. currently he serves as acting lieutenant for the missing persons and human trafficking units. >> please stand. tony 43 years. i'm just going to say one more time. it's amazing. thank you. casey chao, aaraco native and george washington high school graduate began his law enforcement journey at 17 as a police activities league cadet. after joining the san bruno police department in 2019, he returns to his hometown in
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2025. excite to serve san franc■xco and contribute positively to his community. >> please stand. >> so to these officers and all of sfpd, thank you for your service and dedication to our community. your hard work does not go noticed and we are incredibly grateful for everything you do to keep san francisca safe each and every day. thank you. thank you mayor lori for your kind words and for your support. i now would like to call to the di our chief of police william scott. >> good afternoon everybody and thank you mayor lori. >> thank you, assistant chief officer. and i won't call out all the names but i do want to say
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thank you to everybody who made this happen and who continues to make this happen. i had some prepareotes as well but i'm going to divert a little bit and just say kind of what's on the heart right now. you know, when i when i look at th officers that and sergeants that are being and inspectors that are being honored today, it actually makes me very, very proud because this past monday we had 55 new recruits in the academy and that's been the first time that we've done that in a while. and you know, we we hear about momentum and the mayor, as you know, talked about let's keep this momentum going and make it better. the reason that is getting better are people like you and our individual stories are who makes us who we are, our individual stories are what makes this police department great. you know tony flores, 43 years i don't know how you do it but
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i got to tell you, it's just when i see all those stripes on your sleeve. not only that but you still have the enthusiasm of a brand new officer and that is just truly amazing. and i can probably say that for all four of you but i will end with this you know, oftentimes you know, you hear the story about the news when it comes to policing and it's always when it when it bleeds it leads and we see usually the worst stories we don't get to tell the best stories. and oftentimes when we show the blood and guts on, you know, the news or on these tv shows about policing, they don't really capture the essence of what this job is all about and the essence is good people with good hearts that are here to serve the people. and that's what you all do each and every day. and i know this is going to be a little bit differentse we're going to show some video today. so for the families you actually get to see what your loved ones do and i think you're going to be as proud as we all are.
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so with that we'll get to the show. and again, thank you for your work. you are what makes this police department great. thank you. >> thank you, chief scott. i would now like to call up our president tracy mcrae for few words. >> thank you all. keep it short and street. i have your money here. i'll get it to you. why talk about it when you can show it so you get to see some great action. i got a little one here so i'm trying to entertain him too. >> i'm doing triple duty today but as you all know we get face with sometimes some of the worst of what a human being can do to another human being and it can take a toll. but you know, tony's working for free right now so don't even worry about keeping him on the payroll after all those ar. >> but last time i said we are
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the true comeback kids because we continue to show up to do this job because we care. we love this city. i think a lot of us sitting here we're all natives. i'm a native and we want to take care of our hometown and weon't wt p whoon't want to take care of our hometown walking so we show up. we always are appreciative for the families because we know how much you sacrifice. e have laid ours. comeom don't always talk about what we'vebeh. d about it. you guys when the person the family you name it whatever war there is to give because it's truly a sacrifice because of your love that we can do what we can do and then come back and come home to you. so thank you all again for being herein these
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officers, for supporting our city and loving our city. and i think mayor loury, it's going to be a great ridesv. all right. thank you very much, tracy. >> so over the history of the police department, we have recognized officers and usually by way of reading a story or telling a story. and several months ago captain chris canning of richmond station said for the upcoming medal of valor ceremony why do we need to read what happened? why don't we just showt ened to the family and to the loved ones? and so we did we tried that the first time at the medal of valor ceremony. and so w■ge transferred that ovr to here. and so mayor loury as the mayor of san francisco, you have the very first awards ceremony wher wre using technology d videos to showcase the work of officers. it's the first one on your watch and the first recognition
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will be by video and thenstwo ir flor old school way of just tling the story without a video but we'll do at least one of them on a video and with that i'd like to call up the commander of the metro division nohern stion jason sawyer to describe the first awards. >> so come on upas. all right. >ood evening everyone again, i'm jan sawyer currently captain of northern station i w tohan borders who's done this incredible video presentation for us. so it's less than i have to to bore you with what you're about to see what please pay attention up front is something that happens every day. you're going to see it. it's going to be over and you never read about in the paper you never heard about it, never bout to see a snt of happe every single day in the life of many of the police officers that you just don't hear about. and i want to we'll start it
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i'll give a couple of words after and if i can have an officer ace quimbo chow come on up. this is to recognize these two fine officers from border station. >> all right with that everything please hit py on saturday, no 9th 2024 shortlybefore zero 800 hours. officer caseynd his field trainingfficer anthony quimbo both of northern stations day watch we're on an unrelated call for service when they observed a reckless driver spitting in the tires of a red hyundai doing donuts in the intersection of laguna and mcallister, officer chao, an fto quimbo attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the drive >> however he fled northbound into oncoming traffic on goff street and the officers chose noto pursue him. >> this happened at mcallister and goff. the last i saw him was doing donuts at the intersection of
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mcallister and laguna. >> okay i'll pull out for that. i'm going to put it out for the officer in the area to be aware of this vehicle. >> a short time later officer chao and fto quimbo her dispatch broadcast on an information only run regarding a red hyundai that was driving recklessly at mcalister and goff streets. both offers recognized that this was likely the same red hyundai that had evaded them mere minutes earlier after quimbo took the time to obtain the reporting party's information from dispatch and contacted the 911 caller via telephone to obtain a witness statement regarding the red hyundai. >> your call came out maybe maybe under five minutes so we were coming down this way. we saw a car doing donuts. yeah and we ted pulling it over and then he took off on us an then your call came out so i saw him doing the donuts. okay, perfect. oh, yeah. this is our guy. >> yeah, the 911 caller provided after quimbo with a photograph of the hyundai which fto camo recognized as the same
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vehicle that had fled from him. the officers conducted a computer query on the license plate of the red hyundai and responded to the listed address where they made contact with the vehicle's owner's granddaughter. does your grandma have a car? yes, that's a red one. when it is downstairs is your grandma home? >> she is not home. what's your grandmother's name? >> okay. yeah, she just got out of surgery. oh, she did? yes. so no one should be driving the car right nowl■]? absolutely never. okay. what if i told you someone else? i'm sorry. what if i told you someone is okay? yeah. okay. the red light? yeah. so that's why we're here. do you have any idea who who would be driving the key? you have the key. do you want to see if the car's here? yeah. if it's not, we can do a stolen vehicle report for you. >> oh yeah?
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>> so while on their way back to the station they observed the same red hyundai which was now confirmed to be stolen parked in the 900 block of turk reet i13 i'm closer to the officers approach the sole male occupant of the hyundai who was walking back and forth between the stolen hyundai and an associated parked vehicle over 100 the out with our temporary vehicle in front of the church stop don't know i'll tell you what patrol immediately upon contacting the suspect he began violently resisting both officers. officer chao fco quimbo and the suspect all fell to the ground at which point the suspect immediately grabbed on to officer chao's department issued firearm and attempted to remove it from the holster by pulling on it with both hands the hand off of this gun i 25 describe your gun and go after
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your quimbo ordered the suspect to release his grip on the firearm but he refused. officer quimbo delivered multiple strikes to the suspect to prevent him from successfully getting control the firearm 25 148 after an extended struggle san francisco sheriff's deputies responded to assist and helped handcuff the suspect here. it turns out sriffuties are 97 want to call me.ant because you he was trying to grab my gun while completing their stolen vehicle investigation, officers determined that the same suspect was also wanted for an assault with a deadly weapon that had just occurred in the 20 to 45 day. yeah. yeah. these are bullets. it's probably from this morning or last night. >> all right now we're back. >> this arrest is a prime example of excellent police work and going abovend beyon
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at isxpected of o members after quimbo an officer chow took it upon themselves to investigate an information only call that could have easily been ignored or overlooked due to other calls for service had they not taken the time to contact the 911 caller and locate the owner of the unreported stolen vehicle, the suspect could have fled the area in the stolen car. i would also like to bring attention the incredible restraint displayed by officers who overpowered a violent felon who was not only resisting arrest but was actively trying to disarm one of the officers by apprehending the suspect when they did the no doubt made san francisco and his residence safer right, lee just to say i'm very proud to have officers chao and quimbo working at northern station and
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. okay. i'd also like to recognize the sheriff's department. sheriff miyamoto, thank you for your assistance in that that last incident and thank you very much for your team. okay. i'd now like to call up acting comm ale o'brien of the investigations bureau to present actually the next two awards. so alexa mayor larry chief
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scott, distinguished guests and members of the san francisco police department, the public and the public today were gathered to honor not just a law enforcement professional but a true pillar of our community. acting lieutenant sergeant inspector antonio flores, known to all of us as simply tony. >> as you heard, he was born and raised in the heart of san francisco. tony's roots run deep. he grew up on pixley, ali in the northern district alongside his sisters and mother attending galileo high school. his journey with the san francisco police department began in 1982 when he just stepped into mission station unknowingly laying the foundation for a career that
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would become the gold standard in service, leadership and compassion over the years tony's trajectory with the sfp has been nothing but short of extraordinary. after honing his skills at narcotics division for 13 years, tony was promoted to sergeant in 1998 where he worked closely with the tenderloin task force. if you've ever heard tony reminisce about those days about the high stakes busts and the intense operations, you'll quickly understand why he refers to this time in the tenderloin as the greatest job ever where i lost my place. here we go. his dedication and passion for the job were evident even in the toughest of times and it's no surprise that he was a natural leader. in 2001, tony's career reached another mil when he was pred tonspector and assigned to domestic violence response unit now known as the
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special victims unit or svu. here tony truly found his calling. for 24 years he has been the backbone oritical unit a vital force in the fight against the most horrific and sensitive crimes domestic violence, human trafficking, child abuse, sex assaults and missing persons. he was instrumental in the creation of sb u. and his ics. his expertise has made him the department's go to authority in those areas. his experience, compassion and unyielding commitment to justice have earned him the respect of his colleagues and the trust of his community. >> so let's take a moment to do the math. >> 43 years for 43 years, tony has served in the san francisco police department for 43 years.
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he has put his heart and soul into protecting and serving the people of this city. he didn't build a career. you built a legacy. >> and his commitment to his community runs deeper than his professional role. tony raised his family here proving that his love for san francisco is personal, enduring and unwavering. >> but today we don't just celebrate tony's illustrious career or his leadership. >> we honor him for the quieter but infinitely more powerful impact he has had o t lives of countless victims. >> while tony has been involved in those high speed chases and heroic moments that we all hear about, it's the moments you don't see the ones where he is calm in the storm that defines him. tony is the one who steps in when people are at their most vulnerable the one who gives
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victims a sense of safety and dignity. >> and more importantly hope. and let me tell you about a moment that encapsulates tony's dedication to this mission. on october 6th, the young man called 911 in a state of panic. >> he was telng the the caller or the call taker that his father was holding a knife to his mother's throat and threatening to kill everyone in the house. the suspect, a father of three, had been drinking all night and was violently assaulting his wife, trapping the family inside the home. to escalate the situation, he even created an incinerator device using a smirnoff bottle and a cloth. searching frantically for a lighter to cause even more harm. when the officers arrived and arrested the suspect, the family was safe from immediate danger. but their nightmare was far from over. they needed shelter, a safe place to go to escape from the threat that still loomed over them.
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in san francisco, shelters like la casa de la madres provide a refuge for families that are fleeing from domestic violence . but but on this nht la casa was full. and so the officers reached out to every shelter in san francisco. but they found nothing. every option was exhausted. this is where tony's true character comes in and it shines. when a sanm southern police station advised tony about the situation, tony took it upon himself to find a solution. he reached out to his extensive network of contacts. tony connected with the hotel council of san francisco who refeed himo a family owned hotel in union square just off geary street. the hotel which had been in business for four generations, agreed to accommodate the family at a government rate. without hesitation, tony used his own personal credit card to secure the rooms, ensuring the family's safety and peace of
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mind. >> but tony didn't stop there. knowing that this family's journey to healing would be long, he worked with his team to prepare hope pack packs, bags filled with essentials like toiletries, new clothes, a stuffed animal for kids for the comfort and information on all the available services. these items were generously donated by a nonprofit called reclaiming hope which supports survivors. tony personally escorted the family to the hotel ensuring their privacy and safety by checking them in under his name and arrange for adjoining rooms with a beautiful view for downtown san francisco. >> in those moments tony's actions went far beyond the call of duty. while it's not standard procedure to use personal funds in situations like this, tony did it because he understood that the law and policy weren't enough.
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what mattered was the well-being of this family and he wasn't going to let them fall through the cracks. his empathy, professionalism and commitment to justice were on full display. >> showing that even in the most challenging of situations tony would stop at nothing to ensure that victims had the care and support they deserved. >> today we celebrate tony flores and not just as an exemplary law enforcement officer but as a man whose compassion knows no bounds. his legacy isn't just written in the cases he's solved or the criminals he's brought to justice. it's written in the lives he's touched the victims he's lifted up and the community he's dedicated to serving. >> tony, thank you for your 43 years of unwavering service. >> dedication, your heart, your commitment to making san francisco better a safer place is an inspiration to all of us.
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>> so you're stuck listening to me again. but this time can i please have my karen come up here? sergeant mikearen again diguishe guests >> today we gather to honor another officer who exemplifies the very best of our city its itment to safety, justice and service. >> sergeant michael heron who is more than just a member of the san francisco police department he is the embodiment of dedication, courage and a relentless pursuit of justice. with 19 years of service to the department, mike is a true leader a man whose passion for protecting our community runs deep as his family's legacy in almost as deep as his family legacy and law enforcement. as a third generation officer following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather both
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of whom serve this department out, sergeant herron's name carries the weight of honor, tradition and sacrifice. what's even more remarkable is the family connection that ties them together. hey a share the same name . yet mike's legacy isn't just about his heritage. it's about the incredible work he's done to make san francisco safer for all of us. >> mike's journey in law enforcementan athe northern police station where he quickly made a name for himself as a hardworking driven officer. in 2018 his commitment and leadership earned him a promotion to sergeant. >> his career then led him to the special victims unit where he took some of the most difficult a emotional cases crimes against children, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assaults, elder abuse. in his current role in the missing persons unit, mike continues to apply his sharp
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instincts and unwavering determination to resolve some of the most complex and urgent cases. >> but today we recognize sergeant horan not only for his 19 years of serviceut for his extraordinaryct that sets him apart and brought him global attention to his exceptional abilities. on december 4th, 2024, a shocking event unfolded that would dominate the media for weeks the brutal murder of brian thomson, the ceo of united health care in midtown manhattan early in midtown manhattan early in the morning as mr. thomson walked outside his hotel. an assailant gunned him down with chilling precision. the suspect intent on evading capture used a homemade silencer and fled the scene on a bike as the investigation unfolded. >> this crime captured the nation's attention its details splashed across every
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television screen you could see around the world. >> cut to san francisco show sergeant harrison and his partners sergeant joseph sara gouzer and just and sergeant jeff chow. >> we're doing what they do best working on a missing persons case in the special victims unit. sergeant horan being the nice man that mike is. asked sergeant sarah garza if he wanted some help on his case. mike took the missing persons info from joe and began to do an open source search. and later found the instagram for luigi mangione, the young man who had gone off the grid since july and whose mother reported him as missing. as mike navigated social media sites flipping through images of luigi something unusual caught his eye in the background of the svu office the tv was broadcasting cnn's coverage of the thompson murder investigation. suddenly a partial image of the
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suspect flashed on the screen. sergeant hiran froze the resemblance between the suspect on tv and the photo of luigi was on mistake checkable. >> hey guys. sergeant herren says his voice steady and sharp. >> do you guys think this guy looks like the person they're hunting for in new york? >> his colleagues paused, stared at the screen, then back at the image on her hands computer a moment of realiz all. >> it was him in that instance ,what had started a routine missing persons case evolved into something much greater thanks to sergeant moran's quick thinking and sharp eye. a seemingly random missing persons investigation had just led to a critical lead in a high profile murder case. this wasn't just a coincidence. this was a moment where one
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detective's instincts turned the tide of an an international investigation. sergeants who ran sara gouzer and chow acted swiftly alerting their lieutenant who also agreed and told them to immediately contact the fbi. the images and information were shared and the chilling confirmation came through several days later. sergeant horan had spot on identified luigi mangione as the shooter responsible for the murder of brian thompson. >> but that's not the end of the story. as an investigation progressed ,it became clear that the suspect mike had identified wasn't just another criminal he helped unravel one of the most talked about crimes in the world a case that gripped the nation from coast to coast. had been solved inarthas to a police officer in san francisco sitting at his desk solving a missing persons case.
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this is the kind of dedication mike is one who doesn't just follow the trail but who creates it. his ability to connect seemingly unrelated dots in what is what sets him apart as a true leader in law enforcement. he takes nothing for granted, goes the extra mile and proves time and time again that dedication and isn't just about showing up. it's about making a real impact when it matters. mike, your work in the missing persons unit and now the larger impact you've had on solvingzg high profile crimes really flxtraordinary ability to protect and serve in ways most never even imagined. you've brought closure, justice and peace to countless families and today we recognize you not only for your years of service but for the incredible work you've done in a moment of global significance. on behalf of the entire san francisco police department and the people of this great city,
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mike, we thank you. thank you for unwavering your unwavering commitment, your keen instincts and your tireless dedication to making san francisco a safer place. your story is an inspiration and we are proud to have you as one of our own. let's all take a moment to honor sergeant michael heron and officer of father and i congratulate
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. >> all right. thank you very much, acting commander jason sawyer and acting commander alexa o'brien for your outstanding presentation. and thank you to all the family and friends and everyone that are here today to support your loved one the honoree, the police officers that are here on behalf of mayor daniel, chief of police bill scott and our president tracy mccray. this concludes our ceremony. thank you again to all the sponsors and all the supporters of the department. we're so very grateful to honor the great work our police officers do every day. >> before we conclude, i would ask if mayor wouldn't mind along with the recipients of the awards to proceed over to this area to take a few photos and we will join you shortly. and with that everyone have a great afternoon and thank you for attending(music).
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weeks later the pandemic h-4 one of the to myself we have to have the wse business in a lifetime or the best. >> we created the oasis out of a need basically so other people bars and turning them into a space and when the last place we were performing wasn't used turned those buildings into condos so we decided to have a space. >> what the pandemic did for us is made us on of that we felt we had to do this immediately
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and created this. >> (unintelligible). >> where we would offer food delivery services with a curbside professionalism live music to bring spectacular to lives we are going through and as well as employ on the caterers and the performers and drivers very for that i think also for everyone to do something. we had ordinary on the roof and life performances and with a restaurant to suort the system where we are and even with that had terribly initiative and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt had ourent we decided to have an old-fashioned one we
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created club hours where you can watch to online and or be on the phone and raised over one quarter of a million dollar that of incredible and something that northbound thought we could do. >> we got ourselves back and made me realize how for that people will show up if i was blown away but also had the courage but the commitment now i can't let anyone down i have to make the space serviceable so while this is a full process business it became much more about a space that was used by the community. and it became less about starting up a business and more about the
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heart of what we're doing. this building used to be a- and one of the first one we started working on had we came out what a mural to wrap the building and took a while but able to raise the money and pay 5 to make a design around many this to represent what is happening on the side and also important this is who we are this is us putting it out there because satisfies other people we don't realize how much we affect the community around there when he i want to put that out there and show up and show ourselves outside of those walls more fabulous. and inspires other people to be more fabulous and everyone want to be more fabulous and less hatred and
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hostility and that is how we change the >> driver, bye. >> hi. i'm will b. mixture weltake a walk with me. >> i just love taking strolls in san francisco. they are so many cool and exciting things to see. like -- what is that there? what is that for? hi. buddy. how are you. >> what is that for. >> i'm firefighter with the san
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francisco fire department havings a great day, thank you for asking. this is a dry sand pipe. dry sand pipes are multilevel building in san francisco and the world. they are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on fire. >> a fire truck shows up and does what? >> the fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do, spoting the building. you get an engine in the area that is safe. firefighters then take the hose lyoning line it a hydrant and that give us an endsless supply of water. >> wow, cool. i don't see water, where does it come from and where does it go? >> the firefighters take a hose fr the fire engine to the dry sand pipe and plug it in this
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inlet. they are able to adjust the pressure of water going in the inlet. to facilitate the pressure needed for a on thi building. hose nked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is on. plug it into similar to this an outlet and they have water to put the fire out. it is a cool system that we see in a lot of buildings. i personal low use federal on multiple fires in san francisco to safely put a fire out. >> i thought that was a great question that is cool of you to ask. have a great day and nice meeting you. >> thank you for letting us know what that is for. thanks, everybody for watching! bye! [music]
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we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents. so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date. the acronym is science technology engineering and math.
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kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with
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something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do
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they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work. we do computers and programming. at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love
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experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other providers here on site, but we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in
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the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to
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be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab. graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use
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computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right. so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort of the office of economic work force and the grant i reached out to a few folks i know. post mates decided to bring him on board regardless of his legal status. he ended his internship at post mates and now is at hudacity. that is the power of what technology does for young people that want to become part of the tech industry. what we've been doing, it's very innovative. helping kids k-12, transitional age youth, families, parents, communities, understand and to be exposed to stem subjects.
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