tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV February 10, 2025 6:00pm-8:01pm PST
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alternative theme is made public comment in writing in either the following ways you me or them to myself the rules committee clerk at victor or dot y o u and g at s.f. gov dawg if you sit public comment via email it will be included as part of the file. you may also send in comment via us mail to our office at city hall when dr. carlton be good that place room two four for san francisco, california and nine for 1 or 2 please make sure the same as our cell phones and electronic devices documents to be included as part of the fire should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda of
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february 25th 2025 unless otherwise stated. that completes my initial announcements. >> thank you so much mr. clerk would you please call item number one? >> yes. item number one is the ordinance amending the campaign and and conduct code to update the conflict of interest code form 700 filing requirements by adding deleting and changing titles of certain designated officials employees to reflect organizational and staffing changes and by refining new disclosure requirements for certain designated officials and employees. >> thank you president madam. >> thank you, chair walton. >> well, it turns out there's a little more meet and confer work to do on this item and so i'm going to request that we continue this to the call. >> the chair thank you. even make that motion such mr. clerk yes. >> the motion to continue to call a chair correct. okay. public comment? yes, my apologies. are there members of the public who wish to speak on this side himself and misspeak at this time?
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each speaker will be allowed two minutes. are there any speakers who would like to comment on this matter? i do not see any speakers on this matter. >> thank you senior speakers for this item. public comment is now closed and now mr. clerk on the motion on the motion vice chair cheryl i know i remember madam and madam and i chair walton i while tonight the motion passes without objection thank you. >> motion to continue carries mr. clerk please call item number two. item number two is a hearing to consider appointing one member term ending april 27th, 2026 to sunshine ordinance task force. >> thank you so much seeing those speakers we will go to public comment on item number two. >> we have the applicant oh that is here.
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>> my apologies. please come up. please tell us about yourself and let's try to do this in two minutes. >> i will try. good morning. thanks for the opportunity to explain why i want to be in the sunshine ordinance task force. i'm cynthia dye. i live in bernal heights. i've had a management consulting practice for the past 30 years and teach on the side. i'm chinese-american and a proud member of the lgbtq plus community as a state and local commissioner. for the past 15 years i've worked to increase civic engagement, promote independent citizen oversight and ensure open during my ten years on the first california citizens redistricting commission i chaired meetings where we shone a light on the formerly secretive process of drawing electoral districts collaborating instead with
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communities to ensure fair representation. our open meeting rules challenged us but our ultra transparent process built the public's trust and helped us win unanimous california supreme court decisions upholding the maps after we drew 177 districts in public and on time we won an innovation award for public engagement in from harvard's ash center for democratic governance and innovation. this allowed us to share california's model of independent redistricting with engaged citizens in other states. i just concluded three years as a san francisco elections commissioner where i first learned about the sunshine ordinance but my students would not be impressed with the training yet education is the best tool to prevent violations and to assist departments to share information with the public we serve.
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i'd like to cut the time to resolve complaints because for information requests justice delayed is justice denied. so there are challenges with enforcement. >> no doubt there are many opportunities to modernize and streamline this 1990s era ordinance if appointed i promise to uphold the mission of the task force to protect public access to city and i look forward to hearing your ideas and concerns. i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you so much. >> i don't see anyone on the roster for questions. supervisor mendham in or we had a little bit of time to talk this weekend i want to i want to thank for that sunshine is really important. >> it's really important that the public be able to see what's going on and and the decisions not be completely opaque. there's also in my experience
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and observation over these last number of years are tremendous cost associated with implementation of our sunshine rules and we have people and certainly in every supervisor office who are tasked with managing records, keeping records, redacting records, responding to what seem like unearned dying requests sometimes it submitted seemingly maybe even just as a form of harassment. and i know that that's happening in every single department throughout the city. i have not asked although have sometimes thought about asking for a bill a request to try to quantify the costs of sunshine but i'm sure it's in the millions annually and maybe more. and so i'm curious as you think about stepping onto this body how you think about balancing the importance of sunshine against the costs of the way we do it. >> well, i'm a taxpayer like
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everyone else. i'm very concerned about the cost to. but i do think that it's very important as you stated that the city process is not be opaque. as i stated, i, i do think being proactive and educate departments on how to provide the information the public actually wants to see is the right solution. >> i observed a couple of task force meetings and they have very long meetings and spent a lot of time with frequent fliers that you know file repeated requests often in areas that are not even part of the task force jurisdiction. so i think being able to kind of nip those in the bud and and again provide information that the public would want to have
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proactively helping departments put that forward, i think it's the right way to go. >> as an example on the elections commission i worked really hard to improve elections results reporting because what do people want to know when there's an election going on they want to know who's winning and sometimes particularly for our local elected offices ranked choice voting and the results can be kind of opaque. and previously the department would only post the first round results and you had to click like 4 or 5 times to get to some obscure report that would actually show you the the you know, subsequent rounds that would actually tell you who's waiting. >> and so that was something that we when i was on the elections commission we work really hard to like make it on the home page for elections
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result reporting showing the current results of what the last round was so that people didn't have to click five times to figure that out and so the media didn't misreport things. so that's just a simple example of you know, putting the information the public wants to know right up top so that people don't have to file a public records request in the first place. thank you president madam and seeing no other questions. >> thank you so much. thank you, mr. clerk. >> we will call for public comment. members of the public who wish to speak on this same should line up to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. all right. supervisors and rules committee pleasure. my name is bob, explained gary. i'm here in my personal capacity no organization or anything and i'm here to speak against the this particular
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applicant cynthia die in the last couple of years we've had a lot of tension and a lot of dramatic public proceedings around a couple of different things relating to the elections commission but the two that rise to the top of my head are the behavior in april of 2022 where they at the behest of a very small number of people who mobbed their chambers one day because they didn't like what was happening in the redistricting task force and they had no evidence for what they didn't like. they just had personal opinions about it petitioned the elections commission to look into and hold a hearing on the potential possibility of removing at the 11th hour. there are three appointees to the redistricting task force for a commissioner who professes to care about an independent body is acting independently to throw that kind of a monkey wrench the 11th hour into a body that was working very hard on the extraordinarily difficult
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compressed circumstances because of the covid pandemic to entertain that stuff and to also kind of lean into the arguments that were being frivolously was bizarre to me and unwise and did not exhibit good leadership. then the other one more recently was the attempted removal of john arts, the elections department director who has behaved admirably in his tenure and my understanding is is runs a department that almost all san franciscans consider to be one of the best run departments in the city. and the justifications the rationale, the the reason it was raised at the time it made no sense to me. it made no sense to a lot of other people and ultimately the board of supervisors had to come in and remove that or undo that or put a stop to it. >> so i urge you to to get this that to have more applicants into this open for longer. >> thank you. hello hello. morning.
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my name is justin so i'm here as a concerned citizen regarding the proposed appointment of cynthia dye to the sunshine ordinance task force. >> so i ask you carefully consider her record before confirming this nomination. in my view, mrs. di's past action raises significant questions about her ability to serve objectively and in the public interest. i'm particularly troubled by several issues. first on redistricting. mr.. i played a role in bringing unsubstantiated accusations against some incredibly detailed task force dedicated task force members. this not only led to public embarrassment for our city but also contributed to a climate of division and mistrust i think went in the officials actions result in internal strife even in the resignation of respected colleagues it's fair to ask whether such conduct serves the best interest of our community. second, there's evidence that ms. di has allowed partizan considerations to guide her decision making. for example, her attempt to remove john anse a director widely recognized for his competence during challenging election reforms over concerns
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that appeared more about enforcing a particular agenda than evaluating performance raises some serious questions about her priorities. and third, the establishment of the fierce committee which many see as an ill considered and wasteful effort to change the redistricting process is another area of concern. now it might not have been illegal but creating additional bureaucratic processes without clear responsible planning and fundraising funding demonstrates an approach that could burden our city's commissions with unnecessary work rather than facilitating meaningful improvement. so for these reasons i respectfully urge the rules committee and ultimately the board to reconsider the appointment of cynthia di. thank you. good morning rules committee. my name is michael siracusa. i'm a district three resident here. i am here speaking on behalf of urging you to reconsider the appointment of cynthia day. i will not get into all the details. i think the two gentlemen
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before me did a great job. but for those reasons i am opposed. as supervisor gentleman said, president allan said the sunshine task force is incredibly important and i think that we need somebody as nonpartisan and neutral as possible on this. >> thank you. >> good morning supervisors. my name is manny. my name is captain. actually my name is captain and my last name is obvious. okay. so heads up, guys. the league of women voters san francisco is a far left radical local organization. throughout 2021 the league of women voters in san francisco of san francisco, they lobbied david chiu to appoint cynthia di to a seat on the elections commission in january of 22. chiu appoints cynthia dai to the elections commission in april of 22 and at the direction of the league of women voters san francisco. dai created such chaos with her threats to push for the firing
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of the three elections commission appointees in 2022 redistricting task force in july of 22. dai begins regular meetings at the elections commission to analyze the chaos that she created. it was she wanted to analyze the chaos that she caused and created and pretended she pretended that the chaos was a result of racist misogynist transphobes and billionaires. but by the time 2023 rolls around cynthia dai and the representatives from the league of women voters they were here. they were locked arm in arm walking through these hallways trying to strong arm supervisors to become legislative champions for their fantasy charter amendment. >> all of this self-dealing by the league of women voters, san francisco and cynthia dai was such an embarrassment to david chiu that just last month he opted not to reappoint cynthia dai to the elections
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commission, the league of women voters. have wasted no time parading her in front of you here today. is they seek further unfair advantage? say no to the league of women voters. say no to cynthia dai for this task force. thank you very much. >> supervisors. thank you. >> hello. good morning, chair walton. good morning, president. my alderman and supervisor cheryl. my name is lily. i'm a member of the 2022 redistricting task force. over the weekend you received an email exchange that i had along with a few other redistricting task force members with cynthia dai when she served on the elections commission. in the email i laid out reasons for believing that miss dai had no genuine intentions of solving a process issue with redistricting because process was never an issue. the san francisco redistricting task force of 2022 is arguably
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the most transparent, most inclusive process to have ever been done in the history of redistricting in san francisco. i can guarantee you that she weaponized the civic disorder as a process issue which it was not and some of you know our colleagues here before you have described the chaos that was ensued. you know, as you've already heard ms.. dai has a history of concocting fake news to justify by an overreach of her authority. >> one of the most important lessons i learned while on redistricting is how easy it is to sow division and divide our city with lies. more than ever in this country. we need honest people in. we need honest and ethical people in. i'm here to oppose her appointment and i want to let
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you know that i fully appreciate these difficult conversations and decisions that you have to make here today. >> thank you. >> good morning. this is not something that i'm very good at or like to do so please bear with me. chair walton. supervisor. >> and cheryl, i. my name is kreiner and i was the vice chair of the 2022 redistricting task force. i'm here in my capacity to oppose the appointment of cynthia died today in my opinion and personal experience . she is not an impartial or fair representative. she uses her position to create division and fulfill her own agenda. as you heard here, redistricting was fair and thorough. we were forced to do our work under extreme harassment and
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difficult circumstances sometimes working till two, three, 4:00 in the morning. sheriffs guards had to protect us from the hostile crowds and sometimes we had to walk to our cars late in the morning with pepper spray in our hands all doing a pandemic. >> while mapping was the most difficult part of our redistricting process, cynthia di and her colleagues at the league of women voters dragged us in front of the elections commission in the middle of our mapping process to justify our work. as has been detailed before, they created a spectacle and smeared our name in the paper. but once public with the anesthetic light of day the league couldn't justify their accusations and the aclu letter turned out to be written by a staffer or volunteer just on
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their letterhead. the aclu apologized but when elections commissioner junk suggested that they to apologize, cynthia said she was proud of their work and refused. shortly thereafter, commissioner chung cited this event as one that aided his decision to resign. >> cynthia creates conflicting position and should not be entrusted with this position. >> thank you. >> good morning chair walton's president management and and supervisor cheryl. i normally i'm julie sue i sit on the sheriff's oversight board i normally don't speak in opposition to something and i'm actually here to speak in support of another candidate. however i couldn't sit idly and not speak in opposition of cynthia di. i've served over 20 years with the state democratic party until 2023. i had never heard the name of cynthia die so she purports to
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have done a lot of state work and i would have thought that i would have heard of her name having been predominantly on the executive board of the california democratic party. i followed redistricting for most of my adult life. i'm a fourth generation san franciscan. it is a very transparent process more so transparent in this last redistricting because it was both in in-person and virtual. i was so saddened to see what happened and at the instigation of cynthia di i personally was called at 245 in the morning to ask for more deputies to come to protect the members and in particular i felt so much for the late arnold townsend who was one of my mentors and he was chair just a very arduous process. and then to have the elections committee commission rounded up by cynthia di to attack the redistricting members. there was no jurisdictional means to remove those on the redistricting task force for
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merely doing their job. someone who is entrusted with serving the public should be there to make peace, to build consensus and rather than create divisions through a personal agenda. thank you. >> are there any other members of the public who to provide public comment on this matter? >> are there no additional speakers? thank you c and no more speakers. >> public comment is now closed on this item. president mittleman thank you. chair walton i want to start by thanking ms. dai for for your service and your you're willingness to serve in a different capacity. i think we need to be grateful for anybody who's willing to give the kind of time that you have given and and our foolish enough to want to continue to give. >> i am not comfortable voting on this nomination today. i think i as i said, i have a
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lot of opinions and not to say grievances but it's moving into the realm of grievances around the way we do sunshine in this in this town. i'm grateful that we did have the brief time we did for a conversation. i'd like to talk more with the applicant about some of the issues that have come up today some things specific to her and her her past but also about generally what can be done with this task force and generally what should the city be doing about sunshine? i also think that it is possible that there are more people out there who might be interested in this position and it might make sense to see if that's the case. >> so i would like to move unless i mean there may be other my colleagues may not agree but i'd like to move that we continue this either to the call the chair or at least to the next meeting of rules which would be in two weeks. >> thank you president madam
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and i would just say i also want to commend anyone who's willing to serve and thank you so much for coming in and representing your credentials. i agree that we should continue this to the next rules committee meeting for more time and more conversations. but i will say on record that the last redistricting process was not transparent. it was not fair, it was not equitable. there were a lot of flaws with that redistricting process. with that said, i do think we should allow for more time and more conversation so that we can all hear from the candidate and of course decide on what's best for this as a city. so with that i will support that. yes. and the motion to continue the matter to the february 24th, 2025 rules committee meeting on that motion vice chair cheryl shaw i remember i madam and i
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chair walton i will deny that motion passes without objection. >> thank you so much and the motion to continue this meeting to our february 24th rules committee meeting is passed unanimously. >> mr. clerk, would you please call item number three? >> item number three is a hearing to consider appointing four members terms ending january 31st 2027 to the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district board of directors four seats, five applicants. >> thank you so much and i know we have candidates who are here so i will call you up in order as you appear on the agenda. >> please try to keep your comments around two minutes. we definitely have applications and information on all candidates and i know some of us have had conversation with candidates so i will first call up burt hill.
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>> good morning supervisors. i've done this one time. i'm still onerous. i'm running for my second term. i want to talk a little bit about my background supervisor management you know we go back to 2002 with liverpool city. i put together a bicycle training system that the league of american bicyclists awarded me for outstanding lead to urban street skills and it was a two time bicycle. i grew quite a bit and i think i like to think that the reason that san francisco is so safe and i say so safe by looking at the zero vision the only type
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of travel in san francisco with no great holidays are bicycles. if you look at the chart i'm proud of what i've done four years in in 2019 the bike coalition took over and i stopped doing it because i had done for 19 years and i wanted to be on the bridge so i was speaking of that i still chair in the out of the bicycle advisory committee. this is my 20th year and we're going to find out what we're going to do with it probably in the next coming months. we look at the commissions and committees so with with that we have i will i will say to you that we have some well i guess i've got 30s go ahead. it's all right. >> we still have yeah. okay. >> thank you. >> you still had a little bit of time as i do. okay. we have challenges this next
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term besides the person living in the white house. that's going to be bad enough. and one thing i want to say is i think we're going to have to go ahead with what we're doing the i and different names but we're going to keep the policy . we're going to find a way of keeping the policy. the last thing i'll say is very quickly we have a we never have recovered from the come from from the covid scare and in our revenue we're going to have to do some things that we didn't want to do. so just we don't have them together yet but be aware that we're going to have to find some ways. >> thank you. thank you mr. hill and i don't see any questions or comments from colleagues so i will call up gregory michael hardiman i'm just going in order the list my apologies.
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>> good morning supervisors, staff and guests. my name is greg hardiman and i'd be honored to represent san francisco as one of our golden gate bridge highway transportation board directors. i'm born and raised san franciscan. i long long long long term resident of west portal and a perfect example of a well designed transportation neighborhood. i went to school in san francisco and in 2001 i started my career as an elevator constructor apprentice in the international union of elevator constructors local eight. i worked in all various branches of our industries from being the missy mechanic in charge of multiple crews building elevators from blank slates installing all the components electrical wiring programing to the inspection process to turning an elevator over i repair modernized elevators that are over 100 years olds to brand new and
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i've also rescued my fair share of trapped passengers. i'm happy to share that my jobs were always completed safely with a quality ride on time and under budget. i fully understand the importance in safe, reliable transportation that fits within a budget and working in a contract to nuts and bolts to managing the workforce, representing the workers all the way to the bureaucracy of getting a state certificate. i rose through the ranks in my career early as you can see on my application delegate to the san francisco building trades labor council and union executive board and joint apprenticeship and training committee labor chair to union organizer where i was able to navigate unique situations and bring companies and people together in situations that benefited both parties as a union representative, as a recording secretary i learned how to address difficult situations things that our members and even companies sometimes find themselves in and able to find a fair common sense resolution that generally appeases all parties involved always considering everyone's
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unique personalities, situations and issues. my father, my late father mike hardiman served on multiple commissions boards in san francisco, california and nationally. i saw the hard work and dedication that he put into each of those titles and i'm committed to put on the same if selected the golden gate bridge district is a unique operation of multi-modal transportation and yet like other districts it faces challenges in both coordinating its efforts with regional partners, balancing capital investments and maintenance with basic transit functions, the public has to come to expect as someone who's relied exclusively on public transit, i hope to focus my work on mcas maximizing inter-agency coordination so that riders experience a safe and seamless connected transit network. thank you for considering me and i look forward to building a strong relationship. >> thank you so much, mr. hardiman. >> i don't see anyone on the rosters. so now we will bring up liam devlin.
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>> good morning supervisor my name is liam devlin and i'm applying for a seat on the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district as the son of an immigrant. i'm a first generation born and raised lifetime san francisco siskin living in district seven with my wife and two daughters. i attended st gabriel's elementary school and sacred heart high school before attending san francisco state university. i found my passion in life when i was accepted into the local 38 apprenticeship program. my career as a steam fitter has taken me from apprentice to journeyman to foreman to general foreman and project management. working and running jobs in san francisco and the north bay in 2005 i was honored with the invitation to come in and help run the local 38 apprenticeship program. as the assistant training director and curriculum coordinator as my children are getting older i'm allowed more time to get involved with extracurriculars serving the city which i love seems like a good direction. as i looked into the golden
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gate bridge and transportation district i thought about what i had to offer. the building and operation committee oversees construction programs and facility maintenance. in my 30 years of construction i oversaw many construction jobs from planning and design to final startup. >> i delivered install plans and maintenance plans to keep these projects running long after construction was complete. i currently oversee the operation and maintenance of our two training centers and i'm involved with the design and construction drawings of past remodels for planned expansions of these schools. >> the finance committee reviews and monitors operating costs and budgets in my current position. i'm responsible for creating and operating within our annual budget to ensure the funding is there to run the school. i write grants to both the state of california and our international union to be sure we are taking advantage of all moneys available to us. the rules and policy committee oversees personal policies and employer relations and my time working at the school. we have had as many as 45 instructors in over 550
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apprentices at one time. i was tasked with rewriting policies for our student and instructor handbooks as needed and following our written procedures protocol. >> situations arise where a state approved apprenticeship program and we must review, evaluate and stay current on any laws and legislation that impact the training of our apprentices. i have attended the quarterly california apprenticeship council meetings to be sure we are complying and state in compliance. in addition to this i'm involved with community outreach to promote our program at job fairs, career days, school tours and special workshops. i teach first period plumbing apprentices the math they will need in the trade. i act as our liaison to city college to make sure we are taking advantage of our material funding. and i'm a registered school certifying official with the department of veterans affair to assist our apprentices with collecting their gi bill. >> and i'd be honored to be chosen for this board. thank you. thank you so much, mr. devlin. >> i don't see any questions for that candidate so we will
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call up len newhouse segal. oh, she did withdraw. thank you. >> sabrina hernandez. >> thank you, mr. chair. good morning. good morning. good morning, vice chair sheryll and good morning president menem and thank you for the opportunity to be here. my name is sabrina hernandez. someone san francisco native currently serving as business representative with ibew local six, the electrical workers union here in san francisco. i'm a 36 year member. i'm also a 16 year member of the board golden gate bridge highway and transportation district seeking another term. i'm going to try to keep my my comments brief here. i know there's been a lot of comments. >> so i've had the opportunity the fortune of being on the bridge district over many years served on almost all committees served on all committees and most task forces and advisory committees. i participated in some very, very difficult decisions, some very, very wonderful opportunities i've had serving
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the district. of course you're aware that the suicide deterrent system is finally complete. i was one of the folks that that participated in the early discussions on the suicide deterrence system and voted for that. i'm particularly proud of my work on with regards to equal employment opportunity diversity inclusion at the district i charity task force which just finished reporting out on on our accomplishments we one of which and probably the main one we we established a four unit a four person unit formerly to make sure that we're doing everything that we can with regards to equity and diversity at the district not only as it as it applies to the folks that work day in and day out for the district but also with regard to our procurement process and with regard to how we treat and are in our relationship with our with our customers. there are a lot of big decisions and hard decisions and difficult times coming ahead. i'm challenged and look forward to continuing that work. i think i can make a
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contribution. and i also if i could just would like to put a word in for my colleague burt hill. he is almost going to be president. he'll be president in about a year. he's in line and he's been an amazing champion for for cyclists. he's also been an amazing champion for issues involving the environment. so i want to say that i support his candidacy as well. greg hardiman and liam devlin i know personally and professionally i think they would be fantastic candidates and all of us would be moving forward with your with your support with san francisco top of mind. >> thank you very much. thank you. sabrina. >> thank you. and i believe that is all the candidates so if there are no questions or statements by my colleagues we will now. supervisor cheryl if i can just briefly this is less of a question and just more of a statement. >> first of all for the four of you i am extremely grateful for your being here today and for your willingness to continue to serve and to begin potentials service. i also just want to recognize
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lynn newhouse segal briefly as someone who has been extremely dedicated to this city and i know will remain so i think all of us in this room probably share my feelings about her but she's just a wonderful san franciscan and i just want to recognize her briefly. thank you supervisor cheryl. with that said, we will now go to public comment. >> yes, members of the public who wish to speak on this item should only speak at this time. each speaker will be allowed two minutes. >> hi my name is lorna chang hill. i am the wife of burt hill for almost 50 years. >> so some of you weren't born yet but we were actually married here at city hall and it's my pleasure to be here and to meet our new supervisor cheryl and to see both supervisor walton and mandolin again and i just wanted to remark that burt has been
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serving on the board for about ten years. so that's about 20% of our marriage. anyhow, i know that he is committed to this job and it's a passion with him. it's not his all in it. >> it's not a hobby and is not a stepping stone to higher office and it is not padding his resume. he is all in and i'm really grateful for the endorsement by sabrina hernandez. that really means a lot and and he is as she mentioned, he is currently the first vice president and is in line to be the president the next cycle around that board which is really important to have a president from san francisco representing san francisco on the board. and i wanted to also make a note that our family has been a union family forever. so we are strong union advocates and that's all i have to say and i'm open to any questions.
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>> we just take public comment right now. okay. thanks. thank you. >> if i'm ever up for an appointment, i'd like ms.. >> hill on my side. also i just want to say it really gonzales for this san francisco building and construction trades council i'm usually here appealing to your better judgment around a project or development. but here today i'm here to extend my support for the applicants that you have before you for all four of them actually. i thought i'd be here also supporting lynn siegel but i understand that she's withdrawn her name but i also look forward to her future service to the citizens of san francisco and it's in her heart and in her nature. >> the bridge was was was started in january around this time of the year in 1933. >> we talk a lot about building big things and doing big bold things in san francisco. >> we built that bridge in just
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over four years. >> when you think about that in the context of major development in this city and redevelopment, it reminds me that when we're collaborating, when we're working together we truly can do anything we set our hearts to in our minds to no matter the context locally or nationally. so i'm really honored i wanted to also offer support and gratitude to michael terrio who has not only beat his share of committee meetings, he's beat cycling records. he's beat cancer, he's retired and happy to be retired but he left i think an indelible mark with some of his colleagues and friends that he became friends with through his service at the golden gate bridge and how he district. >> we're in a crisis moment for transit districts and it it it comforts me that we have citizens like liam raising their families in the city people like greg hardiman who until today you probably thought all union leaders drove big old pickup trucks around the city but he is this public transit every single trip. >> and i also think it's it's
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an important time for us to blend experience on this board of directors with new energy and so proud to support the reappointment of mr. burt hill and also sabrina hernandez, my sister for bringing in new blood in the bridge district continue on and it's important mission for all of us. thank you for your time. appreciate you. >> good morning. thank you. i'm lyle beckman. i am a retired lutheran pastor most recently the interim pastor at st mark's lutheran church and formerly also the knight minister for san francisco knight ministry. and i've known burt hill for almost 20 years and i support his reappointment to this board. i think he's decent and kind and bright and charitable and i think he has a great vision for what this board can do.
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mostly though, why i'm here is i've watched burt interact with people on several occasions over these years and he's very good at getting to the heart of the matter, trying to get to know people and what they really think about issues and matters and i think he would be a great person to interact with all of the members of the board and the public when it comes to policies and procedures moving forward on this board. so my greatest admiration to him and my full support thank you. >> are there any additional speakers on this matter? >> there are no additional speakers. thank you, sir. you know the speakers public comment is now close and i would just like to add my comments to the comments of supervisors, cheryl and just say thank you so much for being willing to step up like rudy
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stated, this is a pivotal time for transportation. there's a lot of work that needs to be done and the results and the negative impacts of the pandemic are still very much with us. >> and so thank you all for being willing to serve and i would like to make a motion to reappoint sabrina hernandez to seat one reappoint reappoint burt hill to seat to appoint leon devlin to seat three and appoint gregory michael hardiman to see for yes on that motion by sure cheryl so i remember madam in high madam and i chair walton i brought in i that motion passes without objection. >> thank you. >> motion carries. congratulations and thank you. >> mr. clerk, would you please call item number four? yes. item number four is a motion approving rejecting the mayor's
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nomination for the appointment of w.e. wilson long to the police commission for a term ending april 30th, 2028. thank you so much. and i see we do have our candidate here. >> mr. long thank you very much. good morning, chair walton good morning president gentleman good morning supervisor cheryl i'm honored you have been nominated by the mayor to serve on the police commission. my own story is very typical of san francisco and is inextricably linked to the city i was born in hong kong and moved to the u.s. with my family when i was four years old we settled in san francisco specifically the richmond district and i grew up there. i was educated on its playgrounds and its public schools, went to oregon, went to alamo, went to presidio before going to law for high school and then of course moved over to berkeley for college before heading over to new york city for law school. i'd been practicing law for roughly 28 years and started my career in new york city.
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>> but the special gravity of home drew me back in 2008 and so i came back in 2008 and settled again in the richmond district of my 28 years practicing law, 15 were spent as a federal prosecutor, as an assistant u.s. attorney first in the southern district of new york for about seven years between 2001 and 2008 and then in san francisco in the northern district of california from 2008 to 2016 and an assistant u.s. attorney represents the united states in federal court. but we did more than that and more relevant we also served as legal counsel to the federal law enforcement agents and the local law enforcement partners with whom we worked. we advise them on what they could do under the law and as importantly we advise them on what they could not and should not and must not do under the law. and we did that to ensure that they respected the rights of witnesses, subjected defendants
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so that any prosecutions brought under the name of the united states of america were fair and just and lawful. and i promise to use my experience as an a usa if i were to be named to the police commission i will use the sense of objectivity and fairness and objectivity in order to formulate policies for the lapd that are both effective at protecting public safety while also being respectful of the rights of the community. >> indeed, the ethical mandate of a prosecutor is fairly simple it's to do justice and this mandate has been ingrained in me over the years. it's been conditioned, it's been a reflex and i will seek to do justice without fear or favor whether it's shaping policy for the speedy or adjudicating allegations of misconduct against individual police officers or listening to the community and the people of san francisco. i know that in recent years san francisco has endured sorrow and tragedy. it suffered a bit of a crisis
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in confidence. there's a bit of fear out there. there's concern for public safety and about the rather persistent sense of disorder that we see. but i'm optimistic that we've reached a tipping point and that things are getting better and i'd like to help i think together we can make the city safe for the children of the tenderloin. we can make the city safe for small businesses to thrive and we can make the city safe for those who suffer violence which seems stubbornly concentrated in certain parts of town. >> i think together we can do all that without sacrificing what makes san francisco great. we can maintain san francisco as a vibrant, diverse community that's both caring and humane but also safe and with the police force that is both efficient yet accountable and that is an extension of the community that it serves and i would welcome an opportunity to help however i can. >> thank you so much.
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i do have a question what are your thoughts about having an oversight body over the police department just as a whole? i think it's necessary. i think it is good to have accountability and it's good to have an oversight committee that is separate and distinct and objective from the organization being overseen that ensures objectivity and that doesn't and that prevents agency capture. and then how would you work with community me and the department? >> i think the police commissions should serve as a bridge between the community and the department. it definitely needs to listen to all the stakeholders and listen to their concerns because i think oftentimes people are very familiar with their own positions less familiar with any contrary positions and it's important to get a full sense of the of what's out there and consider all the factors before rendering a decision. thank you. i don't have any more questions.
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i don't see any of my colleagues on the roster. so mr. clerk we will go to public comment. >> thank you. yes. members of the public who wish to speak on this item shall line up to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. >> me my name is frank noto and i'm speaking on behalf of stop crime action and our 4500 members in support of the nomination of mr. leon for the san francisco police commission. we believe he's eminently qualified for this position given his background in criminal justice raised in san francisco and going through public schools from kindergarten through high school is rooted in our city and its communities and our values.
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we believe he'll be a solid proponent of public safety, civil rights and accountability on the commission. we have every expectation he'll help fulfill its role in setting general policy for the police department and conduct disciplinary hearings and hear appeals as needed with fairness and dignity. as you know, he has a lot of experience as a federal prosecutor and trial attorney working with law enforcement in the criminal justice system including his service as an assistant u.s. attorney. he was named prosecutor of the year by the society of asian federal officers and a recipient of the attorney general's distinguished service award. we would be grateful for his confirmation. thank you. good morning, chair walton soup supervisor management and other
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members. my name is george jackson, a native san franciscan community activist, former chair of the reentry council of san francisco and a proud member of our city our home commission serving the great city of san francisco. i am honored to passionately recommend woodson young for the san francisco police commission, a dedicated and homegrown leader whose deep rooted connection to san francisco makes him uniquely qualified to service our community. wilson embodies the cultural humility in firsthand understanding needing to address the specific needs of our city his commitment to public safety is not just professional it's personal having worked alongside federal, state and local agency wilson's brings invaluable expertise, expertise and insight into collaborative law enforcement efforts. he understands the complexities of public safety in a diverse city like san francisco is eager to work with the s.f. pd
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to build a stronger, more effective strategies that enhance trust and security for all. >> wilson's passion for service coupled with proven ability to work across multiple levels of law enforcement makes him an exceptional candidate to drive for meaningful change. his dedication and integrity and deep love for his hometown set him apart as the leader. we need to move our city forward. >> thank you for your time. good morning supervisors. my name is will. i'm the president of dare community, a group of young asian activists here in the city with the goal of uplifting asian pride and supporting asian and small businesses. we were created out of the pandemic during a time of stopping asian hate. >> you know our elders are under attack. >> our businesses are under attack and we really don't want
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to live through something like that ever again. i think having someone like wilson who not only looks like us but really shares our values which is important on the police commission we'll just do wonders for our community. i think more broadly in san francisco we really need to, you know, fix our reputation when it comes to public safety. and i think having someone like wilson on the commission will help do that. you know, he read off his qualifications. he's really done the work to get to where he is today to build these relationships in the community and in city hall and elsewhere. and so i'm here to support him and i hope he will serve for a long time on this commission. thank you. >> good morning supervisors. my name is vinita louis and my husband and i are natives of san francisco and we're very proud to call ourselves san franciscans because this is our home. >> but we hope also for a safer
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san francisco for all and this is why i'm here to wholeheartedly support mayor lowry's nomination of wilson leung to the police commission as i currently serve on a commission. i take my role very seriously. safety continues to be the public concern across the city . i know wilson will be an exemplary civil servant and work with the police department and not against the police department and the staff to help craft policies to make our city safer. >> i met wilson just the other evening in chinatown. >> we were at the same event and after speaking with him and listening to him i knew i had to come today. he will bring integrity and trust to the police commission with nearly 15 years of experience as a federal
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prosecutor and nearly ten years combined as a corporate investigator for hewlett-packard, uber and intel. >> he has an illustrious legal career. we know he has high ethical values and he will bring this across to all our communities. >> his career built him because he is a strategic thinker a problem sour problem solver. >> and plus he's really nice. i heard that he takes care of his elderly parents too. shows compassion and empathy. >> and we know the police department is well, understaffed. watson already has a plan for recruiting more police officers whether new recruits or lateral hires. >> we all want a safer city and wilson leung is an excellent choice. thank you, mayor lurie and thank you board of supervisors and the chair. >> in august i thank you
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commissioner chair walton president melvin supervisor sheryl. thank you for this time. my name is christopher doerr. i am the chairman of apapa san francisco as well chairman of the association for the advancement of asians. our community the asian community has been big victims of a lot of the crime that's been in here in san francisco. and one of the things that we're excited about is that we have somebody like wilson liang potentially being on the police commission. he has served in law enforcement. he has sat there and been in a situation where he can represent our community where 37% of the community and in san
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francisco and we're hoping to get people on the commissions that reflect the community that it serves. so we're excited for his nomination and we hope that you emphatically support him. thank you very much. >> good morning supervisors alhambra del district eight i'm here to support wilson liang as well. thank you mayor lurie for putting such a fine person up here for appointment to the police commission. we need him very badly. i think he represents the values of most san franciscans very well and i urge you all to appoint him today. thank you. moving through today rather to the full board. >> thank you. good morning again commissioner. i'm sorry supervisors julie sue i speak in strong support of wilson leung. he has had a distinguished legal career both in the public and the private sector.
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but more importantly he has the cultural and linguistic attribute to be a fine police commissioner. he as a young child immigrated from hong kong with his family, attended san francisco public schools. so he has the linguistic abilities to reach out to our large immigrant chinese community. they are oftentimes the victims but they sit in silence because they don't believe that there is an avenue to communicate with the police department or victim services. back in the late 1990s i had the honor of working on the equal access to services ordinance which is now the san francisco language ordinance with him sitting on the body that reminds that our police officers need to remember to bring interpreters when necessary to serve the community better because wilson is a longtime san franciscan and attended public schools, he also knows how diverse our communities are and to bring together different communities and not just a chinese community or immigrant chinese community.
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i believe that whatever he does he does with full integrity. so whether it be putting forth policies as a police commissioner or or just working within the entire body, he will make sure that he has an eye on what is fair and what is just. so i urge you to support wilson leung for police commissioner, thank you for good morning supervisors. >> my name is nancy. you and i also an immigrant from china when i was ten years old and i'm also a small business owner in chinatown for over 26 years. i'm here to support wilson learn to be confirmed today because we share the same value he's caught value that we have a very good conversation last week. we share the same value as awesome as haskins and also as immigrants and i am so happy that we spoke in chinese. we have a good very good communication in cantonese even
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when he was four years old he has been really good cantonese and we can communicate as a part of the merchants in san francisco chinatown and we share so much value that he has communicating with the community and merchants more business like us is a is a first step to to bring the sum of cisco and a community together. so i really appreciate his he he's willing to serve our property goods and what is good for the community and we also share doing what is right not what is easy so i really appreciate he's caught value and hopefully and thank you mayor lori for his nomination and i really appreciate it he if i communicate communicated and confirm and i he is a treasure and he could be a bridge for communicate with all segments kids in this with you thank you very much.
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>> good morning chair walton president mandolin and supervisor cheryl my name is tiffany deng. i am here to strongly support wil wilson leon's appointment as a police commissioner. as myself i'm a commissioner currently serving the city at the asian art commission. i am confident that wilson will serve as an outstanding police commissioner. additionally, his roots in the west side of the city are especially important to bringing much needed aapi representative a represent representation to city hall. i believe wilson's leadership and commitment to justice will greatly benefit our community. thank you so much for considering his appointment. thank you. >> are there any additional speakers on this matter? there are no additional speakers. >> thank you. seeing no additional speakers public comment is now closed.
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>> and i'd like to make a motion to remove rejecting and replace with approved and sent to the full board. >> yes on the motion to amend and recommend as amended to the full board vice chair cheryl i'm sorry i think a vote in your system. >> you can you mind just clarifying that? sorry i didn't understand the language there. >> so i apologize on being so we have the ability to reject or accept. so we are removing rejecting and replacing with accepting and moving that forward to the board if you so are so inclined. >> sorry my apologies are yes on the motion to amend to approve the motion and to recommend as amended on that motion by cheryl by cheryl i remember gentleman management i
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chair walton all right well tonight the motion passes without objection. >> thank you. motion carries unanimously mr. clerk, please call item number five. >> item number five is a motion appointing supervisor jacqui field fielder to the local agency formation commission term ending february 4th, 2027 and the conclusion of her term as a member or at the closing of a term as a member of the board to supervise her. >> there's a request that this matter be sent out as a committee report. thank you so much colleagues. do you have anything? i don't see anything from my colleagues. mr. clerk will call for public comment on item number five. >> yes. members of the public who wish to speak on this matter line up at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. are there any speakers on this matter? >> there are no speakers on this matter. thank you. saying no public comment public comment is now closed. and mr. clerk, i would like to
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motion that we move item five forward to the full board with recommendation as the committee report. as a committee report? yes. on the motion to recommend as a committee report. right. sure, cheryl. so i remember management and i chair walton i both deny the motion passes without objection. >> thank you. motion carries. >> mr. clerk, do we have any other business that completes the agenda for today? >> thank you. we are adjournedtelevision.
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>> in 1948 swensen's ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve old-fashioned ice cream. >> over 20 years. >> yeah. >> had my own business i was a firefighter and came in- in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but
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shortly after um, in here became the inc. maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s- was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said i'm going to sell the ice cream store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the ice cream store we decided to take that business on. >> and have it in the family i didn't want to sell it. >> to keep it here in san
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francisco. >> and (unintelligible). >> share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. >> a round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years,
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you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the united states and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last we're proud of that we're still standing and people people are you tell people it's been around in 50 years and don't plan on [music]
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>> san francisco is known as yerba buena, good herb after a mint that used to grow here. at this time there were 3 settlements one was mission delores. one the presidio and one was yerba buena which was urban center. there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california.
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>> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s. he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold 18 twoochl he did one of many things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of
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california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or hold large gatherings established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it
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ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property. he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry. he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters. you need to uplift this so people know him but people like him like me. like you. like anyone who looks like him to be, i can do this, too. to have the city's first banker and a street in the middle of
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chinatown is a feeling testament of china's immigrants and arrived in 1950 during the gold rush but hardship built a 35 community that served for generations. today san francisco chinatown is a burtonsville neighborhood brimming with history and culture. one of the highlights of this vibrant is worldwide can i intervene aim first and the oldest. we are known for handmade our claim to fame is our unique food and few places in the world. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> chinatown is a food louvers paradise with a rich engrave and
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cuisine. >> back requires and moon contacts and every fine dining. >> welcome to (unintelligible). >> sandy spring /*. >> (speaking foreign language.) whether you're an ad veteran urban forester chinatown has something for everyone. >> chinatown is not just again food also a hub of creativity and take a stroll down the street with murals as culture
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exhibitions to celebrate the heritage of this city. >> what the sun sets schoun truly come alive. >> it's night life is old and new a myriad of bars and you can distance the night away with friends. the museums and culture nonprofits play an important role in chinatown to teacher us about the past, present, and future and providing a platform for artist to engage in conversations and welcome to the china's holistic the mission so collect and preserve common council in america any person of my background can see themselves in chinatown for all people. and our founders help to create the studies. and usa with a was an
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amazing collector. chinatown center was founded no 1965 an art center for infer served for people for education and the center is an exciting place for dialogue and engage with the actor right now have a exhibition present tense playground that looks the development of chinatown and also with the vast asian with taiwan and honk con. >> welcome to the square a new culture hub celebrating chinatown a gateway tell stories of chinatown the people here the culture and the history and past, present, and future all through arts and culture.
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that is a 35 community there is so many to see shopping and buy food and suv inferiors and we welcome, everyone to come in and see what is going on here. >> so whether or not you're a history buff foodie an art person or simply looking for a night of excitement san francisco chinatown has something for you come and explore and experience the heart and the i soil of the private
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>> # >> >> >> >> you are watching san francisco rising. >> hi, you are watching san francisco rising. reimagining our city. he's with us to talk about how our library's economic recover. mr. lambert, welcome to the show. >> thank you. i'm glad to be here. >> i know it's been difficult to have books going virtual. have we recovered? >> yes, we are on our way. our staff stepped up big time during the pandemic to respond to the
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health emergency. since last may, we have been able to steadily increase in person access to library facilities. currently we are at 95% of our precovid hours of operation. in the coming weeks we are going to fully restore all of our hours. we have four branches that we are going to bring back to seven day service. they are currently operating at 5 days a week and we are going to go to every tag line and i know all the foot traffic has not returned to san francisco, but our library is seeing a resurgence coming back. >> can we talk about programs after covid? >> absolutely, that is part and parcel of our mission. we were doing that work precovid and certainly the library stepped up during the pandemic. we doubled our level of programming for
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personal finance, small business help, jobs and careers. we have a dedicated small business center here at the library. there is a wide suite of programs that our librarian led. we have a financial planning day coming up in october and we have financial coaches that members of the community can come to the main library and take advantage of their expertise. >> i understand the mission is in the middle of a renovation. how is that going and are there other construction projects in the horizon? >> yes, we have major projects in the pipeline. the historic mission branch library, carnegie library over 100 years old and we are investing $25 million to restore that facility. we are going to restore the original entrance on 24th street, the staircase from the
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lower level up to the grand reading room. we are going to push out on the orange alley side of the library and expand space for teens and children, we are going to create a robust community room, a multipurpose space. we are also investing $30 million in the chinatown branch, we are going to upgrade the mechanical systems to the highest level of filtration as we increasingly respond as cooling centers and air respite centers and open access to the roof. it has some unique views of chinatown to create the inspiring space it is. >> i believe you have programs for families that have free and low cost entries for museum and zoos, is that correct? >> yes. it's a fabulous resource.
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go to our website. with your library cart, patrons, our residents can go to the public library and get passes to the museums, all of the incredible cultural institutions that we have in san francisco all for free with your library card. >> how are these great free services paid for? how is the library system funded? >> we are so fortunate in san francisco. we are funded for by the library fund and those that taxed themselves just for library services. we also get a dedicated portion of the general fund. that together allows us to be one of the most well supported libraries in the nation. we have the third most library outlets per square mile of any
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municipality. all of our branch libraries have professionally trained librarians on-site. service that we are able to provide, the collection, we are a leading library in our country. >> that lead know ask about your biggest annual event in the city. how does the event work and what's happening this year? >> we are excited for this year's one city one book. this is our signature annual literature event. we have everybody in the community reading the same book. this year's title is "this is your hustle" named after the pulitzer prize nominated and pod taste. this is about the population.
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one nice thing about this selection is that they are both local. we are going to have several weeks of programming, kicking off next month. it will culminate here in the auditorium november 3rd. so our library patrons will get to meet the authors, hear from them directly, and one other important aspect about this year's selection, we have our own jail and reentry services department. recently the foundation awarded the san francisco public library $2 million to work with the american library association to shine a light on our best practices here in san francisco, and really help our peers in the industry learn how they can replicate the service model that we are doing here in san francisco. >> that's great. well, thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show, mr. lambert. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you, chris.
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that's it for this episode, we will be back shortly. you are watching san francisco rising. thanks for watching. >> item 50 is resolution calling on department of public health to provide medically necessary transition related care for transgender related people and remove restrictions. >> in 2012 gender health sf was born out of advocacy from community stakeholders and local leaders. really as response to providing quality, accessible jnder aaffirming care for the most under-served. (indiscernible) the way i see it, there is two ways of folks we serve at our program. the first wave of folks who never imagined surgery access was accessible to them. many folks who had to save money or par
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ticipate in underground economy to access the surgery outside the country. (indiscernible) really to make something real in terms of being able to connect with the gender identity and external (indiscernible) and so transform so many lives of many of trans folks who never imagined it was accessible to them. now we are in the different era and time where transrights is in the social political and general (indiscernible) and now we are serving young folks to support them and making sure their gender identity is connected to who they are, so providing a space to support transfolks to live authentically and that is the goal to provide the level of care trans folks deserve. >> when it comes to access to healthcare, while we all believe in cost control and make sure we deliver healthcare in a cost effective manner, i
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dont think that cost is a reason or legitinate rational to exclude people from healthcare (indiscernible) colleagues i ask for your support. >> thank you supervisor wiener. colleagues on this item can we do this without role call? same house same call, without objection the resolution is adopted. [applause]mean today se announcing that we'll be filing a lawsuit against the trump administration in the northern district of california this
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effort is co-led by san francisco and santa clara county and you'll hear shortly from our santa clara county counsel tony lopresti. since his first term, donald trump has tried different ways to coerce cities into doing the job of the federal government and carrying out federal immigration enforcement. since taking office on january the 20th, trump and his administration have doubled down on those efforts. >> they've targeted sanctuary localities and states with executive orders and agency actions meant to illegally compel local jurisdictions into carrying out the president's priorities and allowing the federal government to commandeer local law enforcement officers as ice agents. >> the federal actions make clear that cities like san francisco will be defunded if we do not give up our local authority and autonomy and comply. his executive order titled protecting the american people against invasion orders federal agencies to illegally cut off
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federal funding to jurisdictions with sanctuary policies. to implement this executive order and to carry out trump's wishes, the u.s. department of justice sent memos on january the 21st and this wednesday february the 5th that instruct u.s. doj personnel to investigate and civilly or criminally prosecute local officials in sanctuary jurisdictions that do not actively assist in immigration enforcement. these are not idle threats. yesterday the trump administration brought a lawsuit against the city of chicago cook county, the state of illinois and local and state officials challenging their sanctuary laws. their lawsuit made the prosecutor of state and local officials for following their laws a reality. the lawsuit that we're going to be filing later on today with a number of cities and counties lay out exactly how these executive orders and u.s. doj memos violate a whole host of
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laws. >> their actions fly in the face of fundamental constitutional provisions. they violate plain statutory language and numerous court orders. our lawsuit describes how their actions violate the constitution's 10th amendment the separation of powers doctrine, the spending clause, the due process clause and the administrative procedures act. we will be asking the court to declare these actions unlawful and to prevent the trump administration from enforcing the challenge portions of the executive orders and u.s. doj memos. i want to be clear the trump administration is asserting a right it does not have. they are trying to tell us how to use our resources and to commandeer our local law enforcement. >> this is the federal government coercing local officials to bend to their will or face defunding or prosecution and that is illegal
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or authoritarian. and last i checked, we still live in a democracy under the rule of law and the federal government needs to follow the law. >> local officials have a right to do their jobs without threats or interference from the federal government. >> now let me note that none of these actions targeting century jurisdictions will improve public safety. sanctuary laws improve public safety and that is their purpose. our city sanctuary laws have been in place since 1989. studies have consistently shown immigrants are less likely to commit crimes and sanctuary jurisdictions are either seeing no increase in crime or have lower crime rates as a result of sanctuary laws. victims and witnesses of crime are willing to come forward and report crimes to the police . and when law enforcement and communities trust each other, we get criminals off the streets making everyone safer. these were points that were made in a recent statement by
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the california police chiefs association representing hundreds of police chiefs in our state. >> eroding trust and targeting hardworking families with threats of deportation does the opposite. >> it makes individuals fearful to report crimes to go to school to get needed health care. it makes us all less safe. now donald trump and his allies like to spread falsehoods that sanctuary jurisdictions harbor criminals. >> that is simply not true. the federal government knows the identity and has the fingerprints of every inmate in san francisco jails. if the federal government has legal reason to arrest someone they can do so by obtaining a criminal warrant or a court order. >> the purpose of our local sanctuary laws is not to interfere with or impede lawful federal immigration enforcement . but let me say this. immigration enforcement is the
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federal government's responsibility, not the responsibility of state and local governments. sanctuary policies prioritize using our scarce local law enforcement resources to actually fight crime, not do the job of the federal government. >> now during the first trump administration, san francisco and santa clara sued the federal government after the administration attempted to withhold federal funds from the city based on its sanctuary policies like it is trying to do today. >> and we won federal district courts and the ninth circuit u.s. court of appeals ruled that the conditions the trump administration attempted to place on federal funding were unconstitutional and that our local sanctuary policies comply with federal law. >> no one is interfering with the federal government's ability to do their job. >> but the trump administration is certainly interfering with our ability to do our job. they're trying to take away our autonomy and interfering with our ability to keep our residents safe.
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and thus we have no choice but to seek relief from the court. >> i want to mention that our lawsuit is joined by a number of jurisdictions across the country including new haven, connecticut, portland, oregon. king county, washington. and i'm here to introduce our santa clara county council tony lopresti. i very much appreciate the partnership between our offices and as i mentioned, santa clara is co-leading this case with us . good morning. i want to begin by thanking city attorney david chiu and his extraordinary team for their leadership and partnership with santa clara county and standing up for the constitutional rights of our residents. santa clara's core mission is to care for its most vulnerable residents and to deliver the
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critical services that they need to survive and to thrive. santa clara has mission. our job is not to enforce immigration laws and the constitution could not be more clear that the federal government can't require us to help with enforcement of civil immigration laws and constitutional speak. we call that commandeering the federal government can't commandeer our local government. they can't commandeer our local resources and they can't commandeer our local law enforcement to help them carry out a vision of mass deportation. you might ask why santa clara and san francisco and hundreds of other jurisdictions choose not to cooperate with the federal government? for us it's simple. we are striving to create a culture of trust and security
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within our communities so that our residents know that they can come to the county when they are in need or when they can be of help. that includes feeling safe coming to local law enforcement to report crimes or to participate in investigations without fearing that they or their loved ones face deportation. our non-cooperation policies are designed to protect that trust and security and the federal government can't weaponize federal funding to bully us away from that commitment to trust and security. we worked hand in hand with san francisco in 2017 to enforce the constitution against the trump administration. we litigated before and we prevailed. we are litigate litigating again and we will prevail again. thank you.
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>> i want to take a moment and thank the team in my office that has been working around the clock really since the inauguration of donald trump. >> our litigators karen tulloch ,nancy harris, sara eisenberg, molly lee, alex holtzman and others advice attorneys jenna clark, lisa cabrera, kate kimberlin, valerie lopez and pearson christina fletcher's jesse minority and others. >> our legal professionals elizabeth colebrook. >> katie dunn, sir gutierrez as well as yale law school's asphalt program. and at this moment i'd like to invite up our chief deputy yvonne murray to make a few remarks in spanish wednesday. yes. i mean i'm receiving midday you'll abogado ethan holcomb all here for the totality here. that office now that abogado de la ciudad de san francisco only lets you let the san francisco yell condado the santa clara in who took on last you that is
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the new haven and connecticut portland and oregon. yale condo they king and yale started in washington vi mossop but i think that only the hill control but i think that trump official hinted at the los estados unidos e various lee that is that he fed this departamento said at alice l proceedings the yale gobierno federal estanguet yolanda la la isla constitution federal xin su that this e condos are using aim facade immigration federal annual primitive the issue but i see things here l proceeding piano seal or now ordering a.a ng for gatherings sanctuary city or solaris condos estados sanctuary us barack latifi guard sue that is sanctuary s nor seconding or are there gang criminal is su that is sanctuary s the any less e police us given priority the alaska river publica locale
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get access. >> thank you. that concludes our comments. >> happy to answer any questions. talk a little bit about the differences between what the trump administration tried to do last time around and this time and the difference between the lawsuits if that's so. >> so at some levels there's not there not many differences. >> and in fact he is reinstating the original executive order that a court had held in the ninth circuit had held were unconstitutional. but in addition to that, he is now also threatening local officials, state officials with investigations, criminal and civil prosecutions. what relief are you seeking in this lawsuit?
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quite a few pieces and you want to take a yes no? yeah, at a high level we're. oh, i'm sorry. sara eisenberg from the san francisco city attorney's office. we are seeking declaration that these executive actions are unconstitutional and unlawful and an injunction that prohibits them from enforcing them against jurisdictions that have these policies of non-cooperation with federal immigration authorities. >> why does it only go to the ninth circuit last time there was a decision. so there were actually several cases that raised this. some of them we prevailed at the ninth circuit and the trump administration made a decision not to go further but to actually withdraw the initial executive order. and some of them that they administration changed over before there was an opportunity for them to go all the way up. but these threats to investigate officials
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and courts to maybe commandeer local resources are at this point still threats. so why take preemptive legal action rather than wait for years to come to fruition and then seek relief when they do? >> so the first executive order that came down articulated the strategy and that was a number of weeks ago. but this week when the bondi memo came down it made it very clear what would happen. and then yesterday when the city of chicago and the state of illinois were sued by the trump administration, that made it abundantly clear and abundantly real that this enforcement would happen indication that the trump administration officials they said something to justice from our perspective we think any and all sanctuary jurisdictions are going to be targeted. and what has happened this week made that abundantly clear. if bondi is successful in her attempt to strip federal funding i mean how much does san francisco stand to lose? >> so san francisco on our own
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we receive billions of dollars of federal funding. this would be catastrophic to our city, to the services that we need to provide to our community and to our local economy. i understand. >> i'm sorry. i'll just add for santa clara it's a similar situation. we have billions of dollars at stake including money that is devoted to our health system. we have the second largest public health system in the state of california. it's critical that we're able to provide those health services and the community services that federal funding helps support. so our core mission really is at stake here. >> this is still a threat at this point and that's where the funding for sanctuary cities and these orders they're there has certainly been communications that have been issued. you know, one thing i'll say to that point is what we have seen the administration moving so fast and oftentimes so chaotically it's difficult to tell when they are putting something forward or
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withdrawing it. so rather than be caught flat footed, we definitely felt like we needed to be proactive rather than wait for the impacts to our residents in our in our community stops as a result of these numbers. yeah, that's correct. my understanding is that the commandeering sort of interpretation is what's played out in this law right under the 10th amendment. i'm just wondering if you guys are worried about the supreme court and just how many judges trump appointed the first time maybe making a different interpretation of the 10th amendment. i'll start by saying it's our perspective that judges that follow the rule of law will side with us particularly given the precedent that we have here. we'll obviously see how that happens as we proceed. >> but but the laws on the books are clear. expecting more jurisdiction to join this lawsuit? >> we are absolutely and we're in conversations as we speak. we'll be filing the complaint later today in part because
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we're still gathering names and information that we can put into our complaint related to other jurisdictions or any other bay area jurisdiction that are a part of this. >> there is very likely at least another bay area jurisdiction and we are will we're awaiting will likely have more to say about that in the in the near future. so we're going to worry about this action and see in support of it. >> i have advised mayor leary of this. we had a very good conversation. he understands why we're needing to move forward at this time to defend our city. are there any other actions that trump has taken or is that you expect for yourself or other jurisdictions to actually present? >> i think what i would say is as countless legal observers will tell you, donald trump has been openly violating the law and the constitution on almost a daily basis. he just to give a number of examples he is trying to ignore the constitutional right to birthright citizenship which our office is litigating. he's violating separation of
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powers by trying to cut off federal funding that congress has authorized and shutting down agencies that congress has also authorized. >> he's violating the law by firing inspector generals and federal prosecutors without notice as well as giving billionaires access to private financial data. we of course are monitoring all of these circumstances and will take action when we need to defend our city. >> does your office have the capacity to do that work? well, i have to just thank the incredible professionals in our office who are literally working around the clock and not sleeping at this time. >> we need to do whatever we can to uphold the rule of law. >> i'll just say that, you know, we're very privileged to be working in coalition with a whole host of other local jurisdictions and we fully anticipate that there is going to be a flood of necessary litigation that we're going to need to bring forward and we are going to be working hand in
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hand with partner jurisdictions in making sure and making sure that we push back on the unlawful and unconstitutional policies of the administration. >> were there any conversations with attorney general bonta in california in the sanctuary state or is that just entirely different? >> we've had conversations with the ag's office on a number of topics. i'm not going to go into what those are but we certainly have been in communication with our ag. >> and with that unless anyone has any questions appreciate you being here. >> i know there are folks who can do individual interviews. >> thank you so much >> i finish 11 times.
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i don't wish no one to be shot, but it is something that i never get over. the wrap around program really changed my life and they was there for me day one and i thank them so much. i couldn't do it without them. >> wrap around formed as a result of understanding early on in my career that what i was doing as a trauma surgeon was not enough. i needed help. i needed the community that was impacted the most by violence to direct me to understanding what was necessary to be more comprehensive in creating care for patients and to really
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change people's life course. >> the number of people coming into the hospital were youth. we wrap our arms around the people who come through so we try to equip with not only services, but just love and you know, we really try to meet their needs. >> we helped support them with services after recovery or while they are here, they need services anywhere from housing to basic needs, clothing, employment. we link to those services in hopes that we don't ever have to see them come back. >> my biggest wish and goal for the future of the wrap around project is that it wouldn't have to exist.
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that we wouldn't have anymore violently injured people that our job is trauma surgeons would be defunth. >> to see them start walking again, to see them laughing and being happy, to feel like you know what, this happened to me, but i'm going to make it, you know? i think no amount of money can ever pay us for that. >> it is rewarding to intercede and you know [indiscernible] change the trajectory of a child's life is awesome. we want to give them tools to be productive members of society, and give them a chance to have a future.
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so we hope do that with them. >> mike, you know what, i am a manager now at this job. the job you hooked me up, that is impact. that is a heartfelt, you know what, me work want in vain. that work is unmatched so to speak. >> they like family. they help, they check in, call me, see how i'm doing, you know? and i'm very thankful. they have that good at mosphere where you don't have to be scared, you don't have to feel you all by
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it could be fix al, science fiction. history. >> i'm fan, i'm illustrator and writer, i grew up all over the bay area. and is post history no history no south. i've been drawing since i was probably four or five. it's just a cool memory, i just remember painting my apron in kindergarten and i would suddenly start painting myself. it was cartoon, it got me excited. in my home life, it was not consistent but what was on tv is always consistent. there is always xy z- channel, cartoon, i would wait for the cartoons to freeze and chase really fast. i remember getting into anemai as a kid, as a young person because it was one of the
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avenues of asian-american expression that i can relate to. my project is i'm highlighting 6 trailblazers who's family was tied to san francisco. they all have different forms of art expression. but i noticed through the research that there is a common that connects them all, which is this desire to live life authentically, organickly, speak of the love that they believe in. i made it art students and learning about art history and the place in art with the context of learning about their predecessors. >> sinsawa is synonymous of san francisco. there is a school named after her. >> wasn't she also in stamp? her art was in 2020. >> do you think she would become a artist? >> hmm, i think she was like
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100s of other in the city that love the art. when there is no audience or income, why do we still make art? >> well because we seek to know ourselves and one has to believe like alela, we make art for a lifetime not just a career. i think for some, artist like breathing, it's how we know we're alive. >> it's so incredible to do this project and do the experience that connects generation, the full experience of being artist. >> comics have a rich history in san francisco even from early 20th century. we also wanted to open up public art opportunities for artist that don't normally apply to public art. >> i hope it stays with them and lingers and they chew on it and think about it. and it may not make a big
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