tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV February 22, 2025 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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we'll be back with another one shortly. thank you for watching. news hybrid in-person and virtual meeting the san francisco entertainment commission my name has been blame and on the commission president. >> we'll start with announcements we would like to start the meeting with the land acknowledge ment we the san francisco entertainment commission acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the dramatist jelani who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the alone jelani have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the
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caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the armitage community and by affirming affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person in city hall room 416 broadcast live on sub gov tv and available to view on zoom or listen to by calling 16699006833 using meeting id 88601286448. we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the beginning of the meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes. >> for those attending remotely the commission will hear up to
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20 minutes of remote public comment total for each agenda item. because of the 20 minute time limit it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote to public comment. remote public comment from people who have received an accommodation due to disability will not count towards the 20 minute limit. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by video or call in. for each item the commission will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person and then from people attending the meeting remotely. for those attending in person. please fill out a speaker card located at the side table or podium. come up to the podium during public comment state your name and any affiliations and then your comment. you will have three minutes. once finished please hand your speaker card to the commission staff behind the podium. if using zoom platform to speak select the raise hand option. when it's time for public comment. if calling by phone dial star nine to be added to the speaker line when your item of interest comes up. when you are asked to speak you
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are mute yourself by hiding star six. please call from a quiet location. speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. if you are also viewing the meeting on live tv be sure to mute it before speaking during public comment. alternatively, while we recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone for public comment you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. please note that the commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to public comment or questions during public comment. thank you. hours of govt tv and media services for sharing this meeting with the public. >> all right thank you. let's do a roll call. >> president lyman president vice president wang here. >> commissioner davis here. commissioner perez here commissioner slander here and commissioner thomas is running a little late but she'll be here. and commissioner poggioli is excused. >> all right. next is general public comment is there any member of the public who wants to comment on something that's not on our agenda tonight?
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there is none. >> all right. i will close public comments and move on to number three which is approval minutes for the january seven, 2025 commission meeting. do we have a motion so moved. >> you. all right. is there any public comment on the meeting minutes? >> no public comment. closed. convoked. >> president lyman, i. vice president wong i. commissioner davis. commissioner perez and commissioner schlueter. >> all right. all right. the meeting minutes have been approved moving on is number four which is a report from our acting executive director. >> thanks, president obama and good evening everyone. >> happy february. i just have a couple of updates for you. the first to let you know that our 2nd february hearing has been canceled due to the holiday. so we are not meeting on february 18th and our next hearing will be scheduled for tuesday, march 4th. >> the other update is a
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scheduling update and it's about our annual summit which has been scheduled for monday, may 12th. it will be held again at 49 south vns. >> and this is just to give you an update about the date we will be providing you details about the agenda and more updates once those have been finalized and you can expect to get a calendar reminder from commission secretary liang in the coming days. the last update is to share with you that we received an appeal from habibie lounge regarding the plea and each p permit conditions that you voted on at our last hearing on january 7th. >> the appeal hearing is scheduled that the board of appeals with the board of appeals for wednesday february 26th and director weiland and i will both be attending there. as a reminder the status of habib's lounge habibie lounges and permits is that they are conditionally granted and have not yet been issued. >> they've submitted all their they have not submit all of
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their required paperwork and nor have they completed all their required dvi inspections yet. so however, even if the outstanding items are completed before the appeal hearing on february 26th there's actually a stay on the permits decision and they can't use the permits until after the board of appeals hearing on february 26th. so i will keep you all posted. we may have an update of the outcome of the appeal hearing at our next hearing on march 4th. >> we'll let you know how that goes. >> do you know what part of it they are appealing or is it just my understanding is that they are appealing the decision that you made to limit their entertainment till 2 a.m.. they had requested the ability to go until 3 a.m. friday, saturday and sunday mornings and you conditioned them so they could only have entertainment until two inside. >> i believe that is the basis but we only get a one pager with the appeal notice and then the real brief comes by this thursday or questions none.
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>> is there any public comment on the acting executive directors report? no public comment. and just for the record, commissioner thomas has arrived. >> yes, she has. >> all right. closing public comment. next agenda item is number five which is a report from our senior inspector. >> thank you, president blackman. good rainy evening commissioners. we have received 74 311 complaints since our last commission hearing on january 7th. i have one update below. please let me know if you have any questions. my update tonight is about sacred taco located at 1875 union street who does not hold any permits from our office. in response to a311 complaint submitted on saturday february 1st at 12:05 a.m. inspectors young rice and adams visited sacred taco shortly after at 12:25 a.m.. and upon arrival there was a dj performing at a high volume at
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the back of the restaurant. the inspector spoke with staff a staff member and explained that and explained that entertainment commission permits are required to host entertainment including the deejay. the manager on site reduced the music volume and eventually had the deejay and all together as inspectors left. sacred taco was issued a notice of violation yesterday on february 3rd for hosting entertainment without a permit. inspectors had visited sacred taco several times in response to other sound complaints and have had and have explained the permitting process to various staff members during each visit . the business previously took out a one time event permit for entertainment on in september 2024 but based on inspectors visits from saturday night the manager that applied for that permit is no longer with the business. we are trying to get in touch with the owner who inspectors have never met while on site so that we can assist them in permitting and the permitting process should they wish to continue hosting entertainment. the only enforcement action for
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tonight please let me know if you have any questions or questions. >> all right. is there any public comment on the senor inspectors report? >> no public comment. okay. then we will close that. thank you. and moving along we are on to number six which is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. and we will start with the consent agenda. >> thanks, president clemons. we have three consent one excuse me our consent agenda includes three one time outdoor event permits with extended duration for three different farmer's markets all of which have previously been permitted and no outstanding compliance issues exists along with one indoor llp permit. >> s.f. pd had no added conditions. there was one neighbor with objections to the amplified
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sound at the fillmore farmers market and their complete comment is included in the permit packet for your review. there was also a neighbor who sent in a letter of support for the same market which is also included in the packet. the staff recommendation tonight is to approve the staff recommendations for the consent calendar. >> okay. i think i'll open this to public comment first. so any public comment on any item on the consent agenda calendar? oh oh. >> so we have the applicant. >> the applicant wants to speak . no, no, no, you don't need. >> i want to hear from the public, not from the applicant. okay. hand is lowered. there is none on zoom. all right. >> we will close public comment and or do we hear a motion i motion to approve with staff recommendations? second. okay.
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president lyman, i. vice president wong i. commissioner davis i. commissioner perez i. commissioner lander. all right. commissioner thomas i. all right. >> the consent calendar has been approved. if the applicant who is raising their hand has something important to say, just follow up with our staff and they will communicate with us in the future. >> now we can move on to the regular agenda. i believe. oh, i'm in the wrong place here . who's introducing this? whoever is introducing can vote. >> and president blake, i'm going to read the first item. thank you. i hear you already. >> okay. wait. i didn't get to see your new title projects and communication manager rice. >> i want to thank you. >> thank you, president blackmon. good evening, commissioners. the first item on the regular agenda is a one time outdoor
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event permit with extended duration for m.k. ji productions google pixel house activation located at the parking lot at 667 howard street. from february 13th through the 16th mhclg is organizing this on behalf of google during nba all-star week. the activation will include a basketball court featuring live music on saturday the 15th from eight pm to 10 p.m. and prerecorded music daily from february 13th through february 16th. >> to put this into the record i'm going to read these hours so the background music hours are thursday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. friday from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. saturday from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. and sunday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.. >> we are bringing this permit to a hearing because the applicant is requesting more than six hours of entertainment or amplified sound per day and this is a first time event at this location. >> the applicant can use me.
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the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach to all residents and businesses within a 250 foot radius of the event premises. we have not received any opposition to this event and sf pd southern station did not have any issues or additional recommendations for this permit. >> you'll see in your folder the permit application, the neighborhood outreach letter and the outreach map. staff is recommending approval. with the recommendations you'll see listed in your memo here to speak with you tonight on zoom is stephanie raymond, senior producer at mktg. >> stephanie, i will bring you in shortly if stephanie if you can hear us. >> please unmute and turn on your camera. hi. yes, i can hear you.
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oh, camera. >> here we go. great. hello. hi, stephanie. all right. president blakeman, do you have any any guidance for stephanie other than she wants to just explain the overview of the event? >> yeah. so sorry. i thought you were going to start there. so generally when people come here they just tell us a little bit about the event what you're planning on doing, what kind of music you're playing, maybe a little bit about the sound and where it's located and anything else that you think is important. >> absolutely. so we are doing a google pixel gemini integration in the space interior and exterior where consumers are invited to basically go through the space and integrate with the gemini itself throughout the space. the area in question is the backyard where we will have the basketball court set up. there will be a deejay music which is more ambient music
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throughout most of the activation time that does extend over the six hours that we that was mentioned. and then the biggest notable probably the loudest sound will be during the 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. concert that we're going to have with a notable rap artist during that time and all the other music will be mostly ambient sound and we have some additional programing like a ac's three versus three basketball competition that will also produce some sound just from audience and and the game itself. i think that's all i have. okay. >> any questions? >> mr. press hello stephanie. thank you for coming out for your presentation. couple of question for the.
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you say you have a rap artist coming in. >> will they be a who's going to be managing that the volume of the sounds of the music while that person is performing ? >> we have our audio team provided by adeyeye who will be managing that sound. >> okay so the artist itself doesn't have control of the sound system? that's correct. all right. and then in case there are some complaints from the neighbors, what's the process of letting you know they should contact myself or whoever the neighbors are? hopefully they have my contact information and i will go directly to our audio tech team to manage that sound. >> okay. will that be on the website or something? >> your cell phone number? we don't have a website but i do have i tried my best to reach out to all of the surrounding businesses with delivered letters as well as we got email addresses for all
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those letters and those emails. that letter was also delivered via email to them. >> okay. and that potential sound complaint can be addressed in real time. >> absolutely. yes. and i'll be on site that entire time as well. so if they just happened to show up at the door, they'll everyone knows to look for me and i can address it immediately. >> okay. thank you, stephanie. of course. more questions. >> i don't have any. >> can we open this up to public comment after that? no. no public comments. >> all right. we'll close public comment. do we hear any motions? >> i move to approve this with staff conditions second. all right. president kleiman by the vice president wang. >> hi, commissioner davis. hi, commissioner perez. hi. commissioner lander and commissioner thomas.
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>> hi. all right. that permit has been approved and moving along i believe and secretary liang. >> thank you, stephanie. okay. so the next permit application is another one time outdoor event permit with extended duration for city nights all-star weekend activation located at the parking lot adjacent to the club at 403rd street on saturday february 15th from 12 to 2 p.m. and then from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. which equals six hours total. >> the activation will feature a sponsor car showcase which will have four small speakers set up around the vehicle for ambient music and sound. this is an amplified sound only permit so in their conditions they will have a standard of outdoor amplified sound needing to be controlled so it does not exceed ambient levels at a distance of 50ft measured from the property plane. >> speakers will also be pointed away from any residential property located on
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third street. you will see in the packet the permit application neighborhood outreach letter and map as a pd southern station had no additional recommendations and neighborhood outreach was done for all businesses and residents within a 250ft radius of the event premises. we did receive one complaint from a neighbor with concerns. their message is included in the permit folder. the complaint was more about patron behavior in the past and issues with trash and vendor vandalism rather than about sound city lights is aware of the complaint and the neighbor did not respond when asked if they would like to connect directly with the applicant. >> staff is recommending approval with the conditions listed in your memo. >> here to speak with you tonight is the chief executive officer of city nights llp, eddie serrano. >> good. good evening. members of the entertainment commission thank you for allowing me to speak with you today. my name is eddie simoneau, the ceo of city nights lp.
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and i want to take a moment to discuss that really important for upcoming all-star weekend in san francisco. this year we're thrilled to host jaguar land rover as they unveil the latest electric vehicle. this is pretty exciting as it's the fifth location in the in the world that it's been showcased that it highlights forward thinking vibe for both jaguar and something that the city embodies to make this event truly special. we need your support to securing an amplified sound permit. amplified music will be will be a vital role of setting the right atmosphere. it enhances the experience, engages audiences and brings the whole event together. just picture the energy and excitement of the music that can unveil such an innovative vehicle in preparation for all-star weekend. we took some time to reach out to the community on january 24th 2025 we delivered a 97 letters to our neighbors and local businesses to keep them in the loop about the event. what what stuck out to me was the overwhelming support of the
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community. we have the pleasure of meeting several community members including sheriff officers at the va clinic right across the street from us. michael that cafe silly eddie and julio over coffee japanese bar and grill and of course my friends over at casey engineering. everyone was excited due to the possibilities of additional foot traffic by granting this amplified sound permit. you're not just supporting our event but you're also helping to position san francisco as a top destination for an exciting entertainment. this is our chance to showcase the city's commitment to culture and innovation attracting to both brands and audiences. we fully understand the regulations around sound permits as we are committed to following them will ensure that the music is at an appropriate level and that it enhances the experience without being disruptive. in closing, i urge you to consider the value of amplified sound permit. we would bring all-star weekend to an hour to our community by supporting our request. you're helping us invest in the vibrant future of san francisco . thank you for your time and i
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look forward for your support in making this event a success . i'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. questions. comments. nothing good. i don't have any questions. >> city no comment. yeah, this way. thank you for stepping up and creating this event. i think our city really needs something like this especially in the south market area. >> so thank you. thank you guys. thank you. all right. you can have a seat and we will open this up to public comment . >> no public comment. all right. we'll close public comment. >> women emotions. move to approve this permit with staff recommendations. >> my second. >> all right president lyman ai vice president wang ai missioner davis high commissioner perez ai missioners lander and commissioner thomas i. >> all right that has been
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approved. congratulation is moving along number three. >> okay. this is another one of mine and just for the record commissioner lander has recused himself for this particular item. >> so the third outlook permit application on the regular agenda is another one time outdoor event permit with extended duration for the ramp restaurants, nba all-star events and saturday salsa nights elite located on their main patio and lawn area at 855 terry francois boulevard. >> please note that these are two separate requests for the permit. >> so the first one is the nba all star events that are on saturday february 15th from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and sunday february 16th from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. there will feature entertainment amplified sounds beyond our six hour maximum per day which brings this item in front of the commission.
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>> the second is the saturday salsa nights which are part of their regular programing every saturday from 4 to 10 p.m.. but they have exceeded their administré tively approved 23 days of outdoor entertainment at amplified sound within a 12 month period at any one location. so they are asking to extend until the end of the 12 month period that ends on june 2025. so you will see in your folder the permit application and the neighborhood outreach letter and map as a pd southern station had no additional recommendations and they have received approval from s.f. port for these events on board property. neighborhood outreach was done to our businesses and residents with the to within a 200ft radius of the event premises. and we have not received any opposition to this event. staff is recommending approval with conditions listed in your memo. here to speak with you tonight is the general manager of the ramp restaurant sergio camacho
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. >> excuse my voice. i'm just recovering from being very sick. but as you guys know, the nba all-star game is back in the bay area after 25 years. so we are very excited to be so close to it obviously thanks to chase center. this is a great opportunity for us and our business to take advantage of that and showcase to the world what we can do. we are working on putting an event on the 14, 15 and 16 obviously long hours while managing the sound that exceeded the decibels. we are going to point all the speakers in the stage towards the water to avoid any complaints from the public or the neighborhood in the scenario that anybody complains or that has some issues i will be on site the entire duration of all the events and we'll make adjustments that may be necessary to make sure that we in compliance and we're not disturbing the public the
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neighborhood probably is going to be very loud as it's going to be a lot going on in the area already but we will ensure that we do our best that we not disturbing the public or the neighborhood. and for this also know there's something that we've been doing for many, many, many years and we just look to continue performing this other nights. so it's such a vital thing for our business that we just would love to be able to continue to do and we haven't had any complaints over the last two years. i believe as we follow all the decibel measurements and all those readings that we have to do, we measure every hour to make sure that we're not exceeding the decibel levels. and yeah, that's basically what we're working on. >> questions. just love your salsa and i keep doing thank you. >> yeah it's a it's very exciting. it has a lot of history and you know, obviously the people come in is letting us know stories about how they've been doing it for 25 years, 30 years now
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their kids are coming in and it's a it's a it's a pretty pretty cool thing that you guys have been doing it a long time. >> we haven't had any issues no concerns here. >> thank you. i have no questions. you can have a seat. we'll open to public comment here. thank you. is there any public comment on this item? >> there's no no public comment . >> no close public comment. women emotions. i'll move approval with staff recommendations. >> second. all right. president blackmon all right. vice president wang. hi, commissioner davis. hi, commissioner perez. hi. commissioner salander. >> ah, you know he's recused and commissioner thomas, i. all right. congratulations. those have been approved being on the next permit on our regular agenda tonight is for a limited live performance permit that includes outdoor amplified sound at the front of the
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business for rail ground coffee located at 2216 polk street real ground is a coffee shop that serves other small bites and is normally open 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. under this llp permit they are seeking the ability to host indoor entertainment such as djs until 11 p.m. daily. additionally they'd like to help drive in foot traffic by playing outdoor amplified sound at the front of the business daily between 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. but shall not exceed six hours per day. inspector young ray set an internal sound limit for this space and educated the owner about the allowable outdoor sound limit so as not to exceed ambient volumes at a distance 50ft from the property plane for outreach the owner sent out letters to their nearby commercial and residential buildings including the tenants above their business and there was no opposition for the permit. northern station had no added recommendations and here to speak to you tonight is somewhat yes, come on up. >> okay, great everyone i
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actually made the presentation but maybe short talk is better . so my name is sammy and i call royal grand contribute my support. our coffee is located on fourth street and has been serving for 30 years making it one of the oldest coffee in the area. we are applying for a music permit to play organ. he calls music many of his worldwide interest in introducing small deejays startups to create more engaging and relaxed atmosphere. we want to bring these experiences to royal grand cafe in san francisco recently the music we produce has been featured in taps spotify playlists including organica and burners united which is biggest burning man's playlist. we have started building a community around music in san francisco and we see this as an opportunity to support and grow that culture. we have spoken to our neighbors
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and customers and they support the idea. they support huge the music will be at the so we will be at their comfort level adding to the coffee experience. thank you for your time. >> questions. hi. >> thanks for coming in. i agree with you music really adds the vibe to a cafe. so i'm wondering about the outreach that you made with your community. can you elaborate more on what you did? >> yeah, we made like outreach that there's like two times last month. i do all neighbor shops like like right block and left block two and are like very close neighbors is very excited because like park city is not dying but like slower since covid so they they told me like you know, let's bring some people here so they are excited about it and we talked with all of our neighbors neighbors to like they are coming to the
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coffee shop and i personally like serve them and some of them are my friends and i did that again like this month and i gue it's like personally again like all the all the shops around the blocks and i give it again like two times you is going to be deejay music. yeah like but not like a like i'm sure it's like organic cause like more slowly it becomes more like chiller music like with the organic vibes like organic lemons. all right. i'm excited. i'm looking forward to checking it out. oh, thank you. like you're welcome to come. yeah. thank you. thank you for questions. are you still on bullet which is marc-andre now across the street from there. >> oh wow. i drank a metric ton of royal ground coffee in my day i don't have any further questions so you can have a seat will open to public comment. >> you can sit down. oh, thank.
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is there any public comment on this item? >> no, no public comment. >> close public comment is there a motion i move approval with staff recommendation seconded. okay. president biman hi vice president wang. hi commissioner davis high commissioner press i commissioner slander all right. >> and commissioner thomas i. >> all right. congratulations. you're approved and just follow up with our staff for your next steps. thank you. all right. the fifth and last permit application. >> all right. the final permit on our regular agenda is for an llp permit that includes outdoor entertainment, an outdoor amplified sound in the private patios of splash at thrive city located outside of the chase stadium. splash is slated to open in the coming weeks and will be an
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expansive multilevel sports bar and restaurant. the yellow p permit they are seeking is to host indoor entertainment until 11 p.m. and outdoor entertainment and amplified sound in both their front and rear patios. the hours for the outdoor programing align with the warriors permit conditions for outdoor activations and they will primarily be hosting deejays both inside and outside with the occasional other form of entertainment as well. the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach by noticing their commercial neighbors within thrive city as well as the businesses within 150ft from splash including u.s. s.f. there was no opposition for the permit and s.f. pd southern station included their standard calendar and condition here to speak with you tonight on zoom is the owner andy chen. just for the record, a vice president wong has recused herself from this item. >> mr. chen, i'm bringing you in so if you could please unmute yourself and turn on your camera.
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i didn't see me very yes thank you. thanks commissioners for sticking with me through this process. i've been great. i own a few other businesses in town including voters and press club all of which have limit of light permit so i recognize the value of the process. i don't think there's anything that wasn't mentioned in the report. we're primarily deejays and we're in an entertainment complex. our persons are not affiliated with the city so they didn't have any objections to that. so happy to answer any questions but we're looking forward to opening for the general public very soon and the thought of having all of these and then maybe i can show you what's going on and so that i can figure out when i see
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quite blurry, quite blurry and blur your background. >> yeah and blur. are you guys really like curious? >> i'd say yes. yes. facts none. ckground of oh, here we go. there you go. that's better. yeah. big go where we are right now doing that service. how many square feet? >> how many square feet is this in? we are 30,000 all day. 20,000 interior with 10,000 of patio space. i'm standing up and i'm in the vip section right now. everything's breaking right now and it's going down and servers and bartenders all forgetting how to make their belts but such is the business that we're in questions for mr. chun i i'm just asking this because of because of your capacity do you have your security plan in
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place? how is that coming along? >> yeah we do have a pretty elaborate security plan for game days. we're working with golden state warriors and so first of all state workers have 24 seven security protection on our venue and then we also have hired individual security for our doors during all of those events. so i don't know if there was a question around that. no, but we've been working been developing that. >> thank you. more questions just comment. so we're really excited to have that bar open up. >> it's going to be great for the city. yeah. our hope is that it becomes a destination ultimate narrative that san francisco's no fun. we want to give people a reason
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to visit not only in town but in the surrounding bay and we'll just give a reason to get back here about well the space looks amazing but i don't see any reason why you need live music there so i'm definitely going to vote no on this. >> i think it's a terrible idea . let's open this up to public comment. hello commissioners. my name is devlin costello and one of the food vendors kind of leaked one of the photos so i got a snapshot of the place. it's we need wow factors and this is appropriately named because it's a big splash for the city and we need attractions in the city and this is exactly what we need. so it's going to create more jobs. it's going to put san francisco back on the map. i mean instead of talking about what we used to do now we could talk about what we're doing. so hats off to these guys to take this this on and welcome
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tourists welcome locals come to san francisco where alive and well. all right. is there any further public comment and no more public comment is there a motion a motion to approve with stack staff recommendations? >> second, president bellman stefano changed my mind. >> i'm going to say i think commissioner davis high commissioner perez i i'm sure slander is all right and commissioner thomas i all right. congratulations mr. john. just follow up with us for your next marching orders. now that you've been approved. that was the final permit so that brings us to number seven which is commissioner comments
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and questions. this is where we can promote our event. yes, shameless plugs i mean all star weekend is next weekend. >> i think it's going to be great opportunity for the city to shine and i'm excited for it. >> yeah definitely sounds like all star weekend is going to be happen getting this permits out there. you know i you know anthony and i had an event we were doing and then we got our it got denied because they need it as a fire lane it was very sad we're still sad yeah yeah it still hurts brains covering my tears well i'm not praying for rain because i want it to go well for everybody but there's a part of me that won't be that disappointed if it rains because they denied our permit . >> yeah, i just would say happy lunar new year to everybody and also happy black history month. yeah i'd like to invite your i'm working on a couple of events tomorrow. we're having mayor lurie's lunar new year celebration right here at city hall rotunda
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at 5:30 p.m.. so come along for some great entertainment and the mayor will be there also. drum beat heartbeat community as one celebration of lunar new year and black history month combined. so on tuesday february 11th one week from today 5 p.m. up the san francisco main check us out. >> well since we're promoting events you know we have sundays potentially at the ramp next week and a few other things downtown that's it. >> so i would say i think it's really neat that there y'all are integrating like the existing kind of like the new sort of skylight down there. >> i think that's really neat is the highest form of maria praise commissioner commissioner davis praised we will have another hearing before s.f. music week but we
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should just put that on the calendar. it's the first ever s.f. music week i believe it starts on the 24th or 25th of this month. >> two week of program music across the city noise pop is putting it on but it's done through all iwd should be really cool we won't be because we are not meeting before it so i want to make sure everybody knows that that's happening. i'll definitely be participating in anybody to all of our listener and watcher can i should read the dates. >> i have the dates with me so s.f. music week the dates are february 24th through march 2nd. plus there is a free industry summit on friday february 20th eighth i believe that's at cafe du nord. >> excellent and lunar new year parade is february 15th. yeah we have to all start. yeah we're aware that's why they denied our escort permit. yeah they need it for a fire lane. >> all right. yeah that was a want want they
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>> san francisco has always been very diverse, very progressive and not only open in other ways but music as well. musicians always want to try to find something new to play and if they are thinking about playing something new or different. i'm the product of the san francisco schools. i started when i was 10. i
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joined the band and that was the most interesting instrument to play. and you have to be able to put yourselves in different situations. that's what made me better. if you do with two or three ingredients, that makes it pretty boring. most people know me for playing with carlos santana, touring the world all over the place. phenomenal place with music and also being around him you have a lot of fun and learning a lot about music and things beyond music too. this place is history, i have been here many many times like any 70s and seen some really incredible groups and that is being here a number of times is
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kind of a full circle moment. it's really something that we cherish when we play is getting the energy back and forth with the audience and kind of a symbiotic thing. playing for the home crowd and your family is really a meaningful thing to be and just a fun place to be in. a lot of great memories seeing so many groups here over the
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>> so i'm linda i'm part owner and manager of the paper tree in jeopardy an town. >> paper tree opened by my parent in 1968. so we other second oldest business in jap an town. at 55 years this year. we have beautiful papers from japan, thailand, italy, korea and the biggest selection of orgami. i do it because of my grand father and he wrote to the first english in it in the early 50s. he had an import business to import japanese goods and of course we had our line of paper. to go with the books he produced. it is something i have been
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doing since i was 5 and i'm happy to say i'm a designer now and of course having paper tree. it is grit. >> during the pandemic i wanted do something to make a statement to help combat the asian hate that was prevalent at that time. and so i put a call out to have a thousand hearts. this is a spin on the tradition of holding 1,000 cranes when you have a wish. well, a thousand cranes does not make a statement enough why not change it and a call for a thousand hearts? i created a website dedicated to the project. a video and fold heart instructions. people sent them in the first mont was 1,000 hearts. they kept coming in. and the next goal was 7, 698, which was the total number of case of reported hate by the ap
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i website. those were the reported case of hate. there are more not reported. that became the new goal. we achieved 2 months later. the hearts were coming in it it is a big project, we have it part of our store. anyone can come and fold an easy heart. keeping that part of the japanese tradition of this in that way here in japantown is pretty special. its great. forward/hospitality. >> heart of san francisco an aide so important diverse culture in the name for remarkable individuals like carlton b goodlett a man wheeg legacy is at the iconic lashed
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not just a man of intelligent his journey was far from san francisco good had studies earning a mountain lake cut off road in child psychiatric a city that is is campus for staff's contributions a city with a very different place when dr. good let was around and you would see him on streets like the fillmore and what he did he mrs. minority healthcare to people who that did not have insurance or an ability to pay for that. >> dr. good working hard around city hall meaning he would load boxes with people and
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they would go to san francisco state mainly and other places as well and protest these unjust treatments and unfairness of their system. >> dr. good was a america civil service activity with naacp and protested for the discriminations against blacks and public transportation and public housing and the reporter as most people come into the building today don't know who he was was district attorney know that not only was a physician, a activity but also an incredible cardplayer. in his spare time. >> and the won a number i
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published and the also ended edited another newspaper wells fargo willie brown and dr. good had a close relationship in the early 90s several groups got together to his own dr. good and put together petitions and worked very, very hard to have the official address changed. >> dr. king's day of the celebration is in january, i got to call from mayor brown which i've known for in many, many years to ask me to change the street sign this is remarkable. okay. >> in january of 1999 right after the building reopened,
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mayor brown and i went outside at that moment it was still cold street we shut down the word on the sign that read polk. >> put up the sign that said number one, dr. carlson carlton b goodlett white. >> i think that he earned a certain place in respect of all poem he was just a remarkable individual. unfortunately, we didn't live long enough here to see the street sign
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>> so the march started in 2004, there was a lot of action going on at the time against transgender people. so an email thread went around and everybody decided to meet here at the loweris park and really send out the message to the community that we're here and just because the legislation does not validify who we are, we are still here and we deserve to be loved and empowered.
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>> so for me trans march is a safe place where i will not be quiet and i can be unapologetic against my trans siblings to be in the community and say okay, you can bring yourself to the safe places. we're normal human beings and we can exist. >> this is one of the largest trans marches that happens in the world and this space is ours.
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we can at least have one day where we are seen and not over shadowed by the greater pride, hostilities everywhere. trans march means so much to me. but it means so much more for me and my community. >> we really felt it was important to have a special day just for transgender people where we can have our voices lifted up and specifically seen. >> after coming, i feel so proud of this place and also this whole movement. this joy is strong.
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so maybe trans march that is a lot of joy. >> my partner is transgender and you know ,z we've been together for 25 years. and i learned a lot about trans generaleder and her what it means to be transgender. to give people pride of who they are they are beautiful and an important part of society and they should have equal rights. >> for me being here is an act of celebrating myself and
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feeling okay in my own skin. >>ed we have a lot of momentum here at trans mart, we have a lot of community for support from our sponsor to our tal ept, everybody is happy to support this event because we all want to be together and after two years of not being able to be together this year, people were especially excited. [applause]
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>> we are the risk takers the dreamers the expires we are the creative the artists the makers and the innovators from the gold rush and shaped by earthquake and cool by the fog. rocked by itself people. we been here we grow here and take a a chap here we have roots here. we found ourselves here. and we are the small businesses. >> with 2040 opened in san francisco where we met supportive people to help every step and stage and breaking. >> to welcoming the first
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encumbers and from idea to opening san francisco listened to our dreams and made them real. start your legacies i have a treasure island development authority board meeting item number one call to order director sent here director dunlop director richardson here director howard director azeem director rife present we do have a quorum. okay. thank you and welcome to all of you joining us for the meeting today. i'm wearing red
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