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tv   Building Inspection Commission  SFGTV  February 27, 2025 9:00am-10:01am PST

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poster art especially they are not meant to last are under appreciateated. real paper, the vintage gallery is 777 beach street, tuesday-saturday 11-5 and monday 12-5. listings good morning. today is wednesday february 19th, 2025. this is a regular meeting of
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the building inspection commission. i would like to remind everyone to please mute yourself if you're not speaking. the first item on our agenda is roll call. vice president shattuck here and commissioner chavez, your commissioner newman here and commissioner williams here. we have a quorum and president alexander tute and commissioner ming are excused. >> and next we will have our uh well i just want to make an announcement that item five will be tabled to the next meeting but we will have public comment on that item when we get to it. and next is the land acknowledgment. one of the commissioners said that the building inspection commission acknowledges that we are in the unceded ancestral homeland of the roma to saloni who were the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with
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their tradition the roma too shall only have never seen it lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests we recognize we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the roma to colonia community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. thank you. an expert any members of the public that are listening in the public comment call the number is (415) 655-0001. the access code is 26608330328. >> and please press star three to and and mute yourself and the webex webinar password is 0 to 1 nine.
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>> okay. our next item is item two president's opening remarks. we do thank you so much. >> just briefly i wanted to thank my fellow commissioners for these last several months getting through the budget process and looks like we've done our part and it's sailing on down the hallway or downstairs. but in particular i wanted to thank alex for just staying with us and i know was a lot of meetings and a lot of your time and you did a phenomenal job presenting over and over and over again to us and helping us try to navigate ways to fix, you know, items that were super important to us. so thank you. >> and with that i will pass it over to you. >> thank you. is there any public comment on the president's opening remarks? hey, seeing none we have item three general public comment the bike will take public comment on matters within the commission's jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda. i'd like to make public
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comment. okay. i have some handouts for the commissioners. >> i'm already in your you can begin. thank you. good morning. >> my name is jerry antler. the comptroller issued a public integrity review update in august of 2020 for that false report that all eight recommendations from the 2021 it public integrity review have been implemented to critical recommendations. the audit have not been implemented 3.5 years after the
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report was issued. the summary table from the follow up report falsely claims to be implemented. red flag control reports an increased penalty fees how does the bic plan to address this serious credibility and control problem? >> excuse me mr. driver. i pause your time. are you showing up for our presentation? i am okay. i don't i'm not not seeing it. >> okay. there it is. okay. can i just should i start again or you can if you like. >> i'd like to thank you. okay. good morning. my name is jerry rattler. the comptroller issued a public integrity review update in august of 2024. that fall two reports had all eight recommendations from the september 2021 public integrity review have been implemented. two critical recommendations in the audit have not been implemented 3.5 years after the report was issued, the summary table from the follow up report falsely claims to implement
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noted red flag control reports and increased penalty fees. how does the big plan to address this serious credibility and control problem? this is the summary table from the august 2024 report showing that eight of the eight recommendations have been implemented when that's incorrect, this slide shows the five recommendations from the 2021 report i've highlighted two of them one that the department doesn't use available data to track and investigate red flag issues and the second one financial penalties for noncompliance with the code are too low. this is page 50 of the follow up report and you can see under three b performing monthly reviews of same day inspections etc. and doobies response is under review however if you
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look at the top arrow it says it's implemented and closed in 2022. well how can that be? there are no device management control reports that monitor for improper activities of dba by building inspectors. the four activities are unscheduled inspections out of district inspections, senior inspectors performing inspection as they shouldn't be performing an inspections performed unexpired building permits. i submitted a document request for any report that would address this and the response was from dba was there are no reports and they're working on it. dba is not allowed to increase penalty fees without a fee study and the 2024 dbp study report specifically excluded a review of fines and penalties. this is a slide from the fee study page 52 of the follow up
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report darby says they're considering fee increases. well they might be considering them but without a fee study they can implement them yet the report says it was implemented in closed in 2020 for this is beyond any description i could say and it's an affront to the citizens of san francisco. more needs to be addressed. thank you and make use or any additional public comment over that please or it's it should
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be showing once you place the item there. >> um okay. there it is. >> great thank you. okay. and i have handouts. thank you.
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>> okay, i'm ready to begin. this is a lawsuit obviously marissa hernandez is defended on the next page of this lawsuit. okay, here we've got a special inspection or not whatever report could be another san bruno you can reference that joe skenazy april 11th, 2021 about buried gas pipes as you can see here, o'riordan issues a dictum saying do not stop the work once you've followed the above protocol and i believe an investigation was done and there were many, many, many, many buildings discovered and i don't think there's been any action or report taken to
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mitigate these these gas lines buried in the concrete against the code right here is 147 wood street sob story retrofit. john pollard was the contractor. looks like there was no inspections on there. it appears and this is a multi story apartment building where the pass through cost can be passed on to the tenants. >> the tenants in my belief are living in an unsafe building. >> here you can see a complaint was generated in 2021 for 147 wood addressing this issue and it looks like from august 11th 2021 coordinate with senior inspector matt green with the gas pipes i guess he's still working on that was no action been taken?
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here's another one where senior inspector matt green went out of his district. i believe jerry was just i'm sorry mr. adler was just alluding people going out of their districts for on scheduled inspections multiple time. this building went down the hill. insufficient shoring. this was a santos job. well, reardon wrote the end of this was in my district. i should have been the inspector. i should have written the novy . there is a system in place called the wheel and the and the seniors aren't supposed to go out there and do the inspections. >> okay. okay. and here's a lawsuit naming a receiver hernandez out there who was a was a chief of code enforcement. then he dropped down to senior . now he's back chief again. here's the results of that dennis richards lawsuit 1.8 million and settled in favor of of the plaintiff mission local
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march 7th, 2022 lastly i spoke about this this is 533 by santee street very confusing the complaint investigator states the rebars all according to prove plants when you look at the last thing you get where your comments you can i'm almost winding it up thanks sonia. upon review the inspector of record did not authorize the foundation poor the comments very confusing. >> thank you. thank you. there any additional public comment either in person or remotely? okay seeing none we are on to item four directors report for a directors update. >> good morning vice president chad x and members of the building inspection commission. i'm patrick o'riordan, the director of the department of building inspection. last week mayor leary issued an executive directive launching permits safe and in initiative developing priority izing
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and implementing bold systemic changes to our permitting process. this is a cross-departmental effort that will help tbi and the other permitting departments move into the next phase of our ongoing multi-year effort to streamline the city's permitting processes and recenter our work on our customers needs. the team leading the initiative includes gbi, the planning department, thefff sll business and the permit center . dba has made great strides over the past year to accelerate our permitting processes and finding creative ways and in finding creative ways to increase our efficiency and improve our customer service. but there's one critical area where we and all of our city permitting partners can do better and that's cross-departmental collaboration in both conducting our work and identifying ways to more efficiently work together
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and provide even better customer service. that collaboration is at the heart of this initiative and i'm very supportive of its goals. we will keep you informed and as this effort moves forward now i want to let you know that there has been a change in permit services. neville pereira has left wbai i've asked mary wilkinson church to serve as acting deputy director for permit services until we hire a replacement. as you may recall, mary is an architect who has been serving as dba as premier services manager for the past year. she previously ran milwaukee's building department operations and her experience working in another municipality has already proven valuable to our efforts to streamline our services our permit streamlining mining and process improvements will continue and no other permit services positions are affected by this change.
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>> we've posted a job announcement for the new deputy director for permit services to this to the city's website dba hiring website and our social media channels. please help us get the word out by sharing the announcement with your professional and social media networks. >> thank you. that concludes my report. thank you. next we have item four b update on major projects. steve and steve goff can we get the presentation? >> thank you. good morning again commissioners. the following slides are intended to highlight the volume and value ation of
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projects costing 5 million or more that have been filed issues or completed in the past month. we will profile a few projects that bring especially high value in terms of their contribution to housing and community assets in january of 2024 six permit applications with an estimated construction valuation of 5 million or more were filed with tbi. two were for a new 22 storey residential building with 201 market rate units and 102 affordable units at 1123 sutter street and we and our collectively valued at 120 million. in other words for an office office tenant improvement at 560 mission street that one was valued at $15 million last month we issued one high value permit. it was for a new seven storey
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residential building with 128 affordable units and a community room. that one is located at 11 frida kahlo way and it was valued it is valued at $72.5 million and lastly dba final four high value permits. one was for the completion of a new eight story building with 148 affordable condos at 400 china basin street that was valued at 80 million and the other was for a fourth floor office tenant improvement at 345 speer which was valued at $30 million. that's my report. thank you. thank you. next we have item foresee update on propose or recently enacted state or local legislation.
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>> good morning commissioners tate hanna legislative affairs manager first up for local ordinances is file number 241069. this allows for to used to be separately conveyed and sold as condominiums. >> this is an ordinance was introduced on october 29th 2024 and referred to the bic for review on january 31st, 2025 the mayor approved a nine day extension for the planning commission to provide their response to that is still pending with the commissioners of next is file number 241005. this is the ordinance that adopts chapter six through 11 of the california existing building code into the san francisco existing building code. this is an ordinance that you all reviewed previously and recommended unanimous approval. we are in the process of drafting amendments to that ordinance that will be reviewed by the cac prior to the
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ordinance moving towards the board of supervisors. next is phone number 240982. >> this is the ordinance amending the building administrative and public works code to remove the ab program and to replace it with more holistic accessibility requirements for the department. you all reviewed this on november 20th and voted 4 to 2 in favor of recommending approval of the ordinance. since then it's been heard by the land use and transportation committee which passed the measure unanimously. up next is phone number 241067. this is an ordinance amending the planning code to allow tourist hotels and motels to be used for interim housing without abandoning or discontinuing the hotel use classification. this is an ordinance that you all reviewed on november 20th, 2024 recommending unanimous approval on february 10th of this year. the chair of the land use and transportation committee place that ordinance on call of the chair. moving on to state bills there are quite a few substantial state bills this year sb 282 by
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senator scott wiener mandates that cities adopt an online automated permitting system for residential heat pump water system water heaters or h vac systems. this automated permitting system would also result in one permit for the entire system. >> notably the bill requires local jurisdictions to not place any additional requirements on heat pump installations beyond state code unless explicitly intended to advance clean energy adoption. the bill also requires local jurisdictions to allow self-certification from licensed contractors that have specified experience in installing heat pump installation. and then lastly, the bill caps the fees for these heat pump systems at $50 unless local findings are made that show a need for a larger fee. that bill has been introduced but not been referred to a committee yet. next is ab 676 by some member chris ward. this bill tasks hb the department of housing and community development to convene a working group to research and consider identifying and recommending amendments to state building standards allowing residential
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developments between 3 and 10 units to be built under the requirements of the california residential code. additionally, the bill requires hpd to work in conjunction with the triennial code adoption cycle to review and recommend potential changes in the face of cost pressures for single and multifamily residential construction. write a report of those recommendations to the legislature every three years. this bill has been introduced and referred to the assembly, housing and community development committee. up next is ab 253 again by some member chris ward. this bill requires four projects of 1 to 10 units that have no floor for human occupancy above 40ft that a building department provide an estimated timeframe in which checking plans and specifications submitted as part of the application will be completed if the estimated planned check timeframe exceeds 30 days, the applicant may consult and contract with a private plan checker. the private plan checker must submit an affidavit affidavit excuse me affirming the plan checking function and compliance with code as well as a report detailing any necessary revisions or additional information required
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by the department. within 14 days of receiving this report and affidavit, the department must approve the permit or indicate what requirements are not being met. provide information to correct those. this bill has been introduced but again has not been referred to a committee quite yet. moving on to ab 306 by seven member schultz. this bill would from june 1st until june 1st 2031 to prohibit a city or county from making changes to specified building standards unless a certain condition is met including that the commission building standards commission deems those changes or modifications necessary as emergency standards to protect health and safety. this would essentially freeze all of the codes within our jurisdiction as they are no local amendments whatsoever. so just want to note that one because it is quite a large bill. we're working with the mayor's office and investment department to provide some feedback to the author there. that one is coauthored by assemblymember matt haney. so we're trying to make it known how the department feels. >> moving on to the state legislative calendar on february 21st, this is the last day for bills to be introduced
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. as a reminder, they can still be gotten amended later on so this won't be the final tranche of bills but it will give us a good idea of what's being introduced upfront on april 10th. spring recess will begin on april 21st. the legislature will reconvene from spring recess on may 2nd. it's the last day for policy committees to hear and report to fiscal committees fiscal bills introduced in their own house and on may 9th it's the last day for public policy committees to hear and report non fiscal bills to the floor in their house. thank you and have to answer any questions. thank you. next is for d update on inspection services. >> good morning commissioners. i'm matthew green, deputy director for inspection services and i'm pleased to provide an update on the activities of the inspection services division. first slide please.
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>> in january 2025 the building electrical and plumbing divisions conducted 10,073 inspections. 93 of those inspections were conducted within two business days of the date requested by the customer meeting. our target of 90% in the same month. next week in the same month our housing inspection services conducted 851 inspections with 74 of them being routine inspections of multi family housing. next with the building, electrical and plumbing divisions received 376 complaints and responded to 99% of them within three business days exceeding their target of 85%. additionally our code inspection sorry our code enforcement division sent 66 cases out to directors hearing . >> next please. lastly, our housing inspection services received 399 nonlife hazard complaints and responded to 92% of them within three business days.
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for life hazard and heat complaints housing received 46 complaints and responded to 78% of them within one business day. housing inspection services also abated 412 cases with a notice of violation and were able to send 35 cases on to directors hearing. that concludes my report and i'm available for any questions may. >> okay. thank you. thanks. next is for e update on dbrs finances. >> good morning commissioners. alex koskinen deputy director administration. i have the regular monthly update for you. >> we're 58% of the way through the year and to date we have collected 62% of our budgeted charge for services revenue. that's our main revenue source. so a little bit ahead of where we need to be which is great
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news. we're projecting approximately $1.4 million budget surplus. we're just exiting the slowest time of year. hopefully things pick up even further. we will update that nine month quarter three. next slide please. so as you can see where slightly ahead in charge for service revenue where projecting some additional apartment and hotel license fee revenue. next slide please. >> we are current we're still projecting salaries and benefits to be on budget. however, it's looking increasingly likely that we're going to have savings there due to the mayor's hiring freeze. so that is our most significant cost and that will be the driver of our expenditure projection update in quarter three. next slide please.
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and permits remain very close to where they were last year both in number and in total valuation were slightly ahead of last year which is great and hopefully we pick up even further as we get into the busier time of year that concludes the regular update. i'd be happy to answer any questions. thank you. alex, i got i'm sorry to jump right in on one advantage of a little machine here. first question on that first slide you said the 2% above budget was 1.4 million. you've probably answered this a million times but if there's a surplus above the budget are we able to backfill any of these items that we talked about in the last couple of months as far as the cbo goes or the sro collaborative budget line items? can that money be backfilled? >> sure. that would need to happen in the budget process so we would
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need regardless of what happens with revenue we still need appropriate funds to spend. we need the permission the authority to spend. so it is up to the mayor's office and comptroller's office to come in and the mayor or the mayor's office and the supervisors to approve appropriation for the next two years. there are mechanisms to request additional appropriations in the middle of a year. however, that is an ordinance that is a supplementary appropriation ordinance. those are big deals usually sponsored by the mayor's office so we can certainly ask and tell the mayor's office we are projecting revenue surpluses this year, can we? well, i think that the issue is with budget year so we can tell them we're projecting revenue surpluses this year. this is unexpected windfall good news that we had not built
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in to our fee study. and can those be used to backfill in budget year going forward? >> we can certainly ask. >> well that's kind of good news ish. i guess maybe. >> yeah. any any expenditure savings? any revenue? well any revenue surplus is good news. expenditure savings can be good news but in the case of expenditure savings due to us not having the staff and being able to pay them is not not so great. >> okay. thank you. was there any public comment on the directors report items for a three? >> and he remotely and no further commissioner comments. thank you. that concludes the directors report item and item number five. as mentioned previously will be
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table to the next meeting. with that i'll read the item and then call for public comment. discussion and possible action to amend rules and hearing procedures for appeals to clarify their application to request for extension pursuant to section 41.23. is there any public comment on this item? okay. i'm seeing none. thank you. we'll go to item six. commissioners questions and matters. six a increase to staff at this time commissioners may make inquiries to staff regarding various documents, policies, practices and procedures which are of interest to the commission and six b. future meeting at agendas. at this time the commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a special meeting and or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the building inspection commission. believe the next meeting is on march 1985.
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is that correct? yes. on march 19th is the date of our next regular meeting and there may possibly be a special meeting prior to that but it will be noticed and the commissioners have any inquiries or questions of staff . i'll let you guys go first. all right. let's take advantage of this little thing here. >> i do have this probably is going to fall into inquiries of staff and i don't want to take over the agenda for president and i'd rather defer this over to her and let you guys figure out how to agenda items this but the report we heard earlier and public comment as far as the controllers office and the recommendations that weren't implemented. >> it'd be kind of nice to hear a little bit more about that. so i'm not sure if that really falls under inquiry as to staff or an agenda item and i'll defer to president truitt when she returns and perhaps the
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commission secretary as to what better what best path forward that might be and i don't even know if i'm able to do that but well yes it is fine to uh to request that you know that there's a staff update and consult with president alexander to as well. fantastic. >> that's fine. okay. well, i got there. any other items commissioners? okay. thank you. is there public comment on item six and b thing then we will go to item seven closed session with legal counsel pursuant to pursuant to government code section 5495 6.92 and e in san francisco administrative code section 67.10 d a point has been reached where on advice of legal counsel based on existing facts and circumstances evidence by written communications from property owners requesting extensions
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pursuant to san francisco administrative code section 41.23 that there is significant exposure to litigation with the city as a defendant and seven a as public comment on matters pertaining to the close session . >> is there any public comment in and remotely case? seeing none. the next item is seven b possible action to convene a closed session. is there a motion to convene closed session. >> motion to convene a closed session. >> second, there's a motion by commissioner neumann and a second by vice president shattuck and i'll do a roll call vote on the motion. >> vice president shattuck yes . and commissioner chavez yes. >> commissioner newman. yes. commissioner williams yes. okay. the motion carries unanimously and we are now in closed session. it is 10:47 a.m.. so all public members are we
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are requested to leave the room at this time hello this is the building inspection commission and we are reconvening our meeting. we are now on agenda item we genda item 70 reconvene in open session to vote on whether to disclose any or all discussions held in closed session motion to reconvene and not disclose. >> second there is a motion by commissioner newman and a second by vice president shattuck to reconvene and not disclose. i'll do a roll call vote on that motion vice president shattuck yes.
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commissioner newman yes. >> commissioner chavez yes. commissioner williams yes. and that motion carries unanimously and for the record that we we convene the open session at 12:11 p.m.. we are now on agenda item eight review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of january 15th, 2025 so moved is there a second okay. >> is there any there's a motion by commish commissioner shattuck and a second by commissioner williams. is there any public comment? no public in present. are all commissioners in favor by i or any opposed the minutes are approved and then item nine is adjournment is there a motion to adjourn and second all commissioners in favor i say we are now adjourned it is 12:13 p.m.. >> thank you
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[music] right here. then put it and pull it. [music] it is an important part
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of the work that mission cultural center for well tino arts does. steb in the 1977. as part of the graphic's department. >> mission graphica created block print. cut, screen printing, t-shirts to support social causes. and also the studio inhabited emerging and established artists from all over the world. [music] so the name of this exhibit this is installed at the hall is public voice. and the exhibition is in partnership with mission cultural center and archives. [music] this stallation is 5
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decades of the work that they have been doing since the upon upon 70s. it is a chronicle of san francisco's history. >> mission graphica part of latino image makers, educators. activists and memory keepers through the art this body is important it preserves the people's history. >> these are our new historical arsigh files >> every artist donated a piece of art work and so that collection is over 8,000 piece of latino created art work. >> it was exciting to see their incredible archives and what has been great to see for us is how they work in community. in the ways this community has been in partnership with other communities throughout the last 6-7 dkdzs and longer in the bay area and the nation.
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political, we grapple with today has been part of our history and part of the print making history of mission graphica. this was the place everybody would come and get their prints med for free or at low cost. >> it will be successful for the area:may be work >> mission graphica is still the most accessible, low cost studios for emerging and established artists. people can come here to clean screens, expose them, learn the art form at a low cost. we offer studio rental space as well as classes, low cost classes and free workshops and collectives. >> this is like history and
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contemporary coming together for us. and thinking about how the things that have changed and the things we still need to work on and support. >> i hope the people will recognize the transformtive power of art. and the impact that posters have in a community. posters are accessible they other people's art. anyone can do it. it is a strong tool of communication and social change. the posters have not only mobilized community they have also raised money for communities. and they have raised social consciousness. which is something this goes well beyond any art exhibit. [latino music] ♪♪♪♪
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>> hi, i'm same gabble the marketing director at moe green in downtown san francisco. the finest lounge and cannabis dispensary in san francisco. a state of the art cannabis lounge with a dab bar, high roller room in performens spaiss for nightly events. interested in cannabis even if you don't know how to use it yet you can come and learn how to use it safely. a lot of people are still learning about it, even though it is legal for a while. i would recommend coming to a place like moe's with experts here to walk you through the process. >> anything in particular you are looking for today? >> have a good time and being [indiscernible] like in a vegas cuveneo.
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conseeno, we have movie and trivia night. something for everybody's. it is lovely place to gather work or be by yourselfism there are many ways to enjoy cannabis, we have flowers edibles, extracts tablets. a lot of different ways to consume so if you don't like the heat of fire while you don't want to be a smoker but still want to engage in medical benefits of cannabis, it is great for pain and great for easing yourself. it isn't just about smoking weed, but we are showing what cannabis can be a part of in the greater participation of a city and of downtown san francisco. that's what is important about it to me. >> [indiscernible] it was something i remembered learning in middle school, but it was a
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far away concept. >> i go to the beach a lot. a lot of plastic on the shoreline and it made be sad to see what is going on and wanted to make a change. >> i have many [indiscernible] and i would say it is hard to change the mind. especially of those who do not believe in climate change. >> i feel learning about the environment through my a p science courses and i think that made me to not only have the [indiscernible] also help the community. >> hello everybody. >> many interested in the climate action fellowship, i care for the environment and want to make a difference. >> when i had the opportunity joining the climate action fellowship, what made the program special is i could collaborate work with a small group of high schoolers and on sfusd and
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they are all passionate about certain topics. >> i decided to join the climate fellowship. i wanted to build my project on my own and contribute to the environment. >> a project is called reducing food waste and school cafeterias, accept not only focusing on food waste, we are focus on the package the food come in and what makes it appealing to students and what doesn't and why kids are throwing it out. so, we are trying to figure out a way to number one, reduce food waste, and figure out ways to reduce plastic coming in, so it doesn't end up in landfills and the ocean which again is very harmful to the environment. >> my project focuses on water conversation. in the design i'll introduce
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about water resources in san francisco bay area. also suggest ways to protect our water resources, not only at home, but outside the house and with our community. >> our project called the bridging cultural generational divides and this refers to sort of the knowledge gap between the asian american community and the environmentalism movement. >> what made we want to work on the project is our personal experiences >> we come from a chinese household and found it deaf cult to talk about--i felt relatable what we are trying to do with this project. >> i would like to see reasonable materials, like a set of plastic forks, forks you can bring back and they wash it and you can use it again, and food that hopefully isn't moldy and
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soggy. something fresh and vegetables for sure, because a lot of food is very unhealthy, which is bad for the students. >> i would say we should [indiscernible] education and raise public awareness. >> i want people to know maybe your actions can have a impact on those not interested and help get interested in the topic. >> i think we should use a more hands on approach when we want to draw in youth. >> if we bring it to their attention and show the entire picture, maybe they'll start to figure out what they are doing is wrong and one less person is already a change, so maybe everyone will follow them, which is what we hope would happen. >> we have certificates for everyone. >> my favorite part about the program
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is making a change in the world. i am saying to others and doing something about it. >> i think i was surprised the connection after the program. i have to realize that i actually can have a impact. >> we really do bring perspectives to this group. >> my parents they would like--i feel happy because they are adopting sustainable lifestyle with me. yes! [cheers]
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>> bring up person that [laughter]. for me it was we had neighbors growing up that were fold my dad he is raising me wrong for having me pursue the things that are not traditionally female roles. and i think the biggest barrier to anyone in general is when you have cultural norms that make you feel like you can't do something that make you doubt yourself and make you feel you should not be there i don't belong. those other big efbarriers i think that is the thing to focus on the most is belong everyone should belong here. [music]
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>> wishing we trained women grow in production. and recording arts and so we have everything from girls night classes for middle and high school girls. we have certification academy program. that would be women and gender [inaudible] adid you tell us. progress in the internship frm program where they are working in the studios. they are helping to mentor the youth in the youth programs and the job place am component. most of the time we hire interns instructors in our programs and engineer in our studios here. we have conferences we do all overnight country and we have concerts that we feature bay area women and gender artists.
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[music] [music] >> an education forward organization. and so advocacy organization. dedicated to closing the gender gap and the audio and production industries. >> started out of the lead answer, why is there a critical gender gap in this industry that started at city college. why are there so few in this
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class i was ashamed i did not have the answer being a feminist. why have i never thought of this i have been in the industry for decades and why have i accept today of all people.
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it was out of that and unraffling it. actually started the infernship last fall and just fell in love with all the things about women's oshg mission because we are diverse and so many aspects of audio i did not know and i feel like eyes opened up and i gained a lot of confidence in myself and other fells and queer people in the industry i felt there was more connection and community. ironically my time in the industry is all pretty good. i think what happened is i was raised by a father who is an engineer. i was comfortable being strounlded by men all the time in his lab i was used to technology. when i got in industry my mentors were men and i saw i had a unique importance that got mow in the place i could be fluent and navigate something difficult and it was the norm for me. what if it was not woman was createed provide it for everybody. have this environment you are surrounded by technology and people that are going to support you and get you in this industry in a good way. i have been interested in audio i was never trained in music took piano when i was a kid. i never pursued it because not a lot of women doing that. and my family is not musically inclined. when i want to davis the first time i took a music class there were few females in the class. like a rodey for my dayed was load you will the mixers and monitors and the giant speakers and gigs and help run out the
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cables and take things down and set up mics i did all of that growing up and never occurred to mow that that was a field they could at all. and then one i could pursue i didn't nobody else was doing temperature my dad and then i go with him to studios and see -- the men in the studio. dj for 5 years now and comments you get like wow you are a girl dj that is crazy. that is wild. and i have great moments where it does not happen. and they treat me like easy. telling mow what to do they correct mow in ways that make me feel less i sprjs the opposite and i notice hand's on like you don't know what you are doing rather than asking me. not consistent times it happens.
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it is like when i talk to other females they are like say the same things it is like funny i know that nice men don't experience tht main thing triggers me when i experience different treatment and that happens a lot in the audio world. industry is changing slowly. there is still that issue making the places that are places belonging for everybody. i don't think so. having a studio where it is not all run by white men like most studios. the studios are only in the word built and run by women. it has been super normalize thered are opportunity for girls and nonbinary people. you go in school and middle and high schoolers know that this is
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a field. this is a thing there are many jobs you can have in this field. some producing pod casts to setting up live shows. there are so many things you can do >> wee go in and teach the audio skills and give them equipment. i pads and then teach them how to make music and they get to come in here and will getting the tools to people who don't have t. that is really important to me. that's why i was like wow. i want to be there for other fell and queer people who don't have the opportunity and also to be a mentor for them to really push them to experiment and not going to break it. does not matter if it sounds bad that is the point to try it. i think it is the goal to see confidence what they are doing and passionate and asking for hymn and excite body learning and excited about making music
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and it changed my life to realize i'm callented in the field i can make music without being trained to it it is amazing to be able to be part of that process and -- ushering women to the field. we can entirely transform how -- the technology part of what you hear every day. we can put xhg something in women's points of view in this every time. it affects the store and he messaging. think our best example is how we transformed an entire city. place that major artists on tour one of the men looks likeip don't get it there are woman every where i go and the person was like you are in san francisco. you like oh , you are right it is here. most venues have graduates we
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are grateful to the city for that reason because than i supported us at the beginning. following your curiosity and interest and don't let anybody get in the way what is presented to you, go for t. no matter what! we are here for a reason. find what it is. don't let somebody else tell you what it is. you are the oldsmobile one that have been can know when you are supposed to do. go do it. >> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> my name is mark recollect the owner of lou's cafe on taraval street. since 2010, my brother and tj
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and vince and mom [indiscernible] we used to sandwiches all the time. we said why not us. geary boulevard in 2010. i figured i might to start in another location and when i opened the location in 2015. we treat each customer as family and we make our food with love and make sure everyone is happy. i recommend everyone come out to the sunset. >> take time for teraival bingo, supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo style game board and enter for a chance to win awesome prizes. for >> the height of my addiction i was homeless. i was isolatesed from my family. i had lost everything. my spirit was completely
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broken. methadone gave me my recovery. it gave me my life back. the impacted relationships with my family in the most mir aculous way. i'm living proof that treaeaeaea one second. >> good morning. this meeting will come to order. welcome to the february 20th 2025 regular meeting of the government audit and oversight committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i am supervisor jackie fielder, chair of the committee jed