tv TIMMA Committee SFGTV March 1, 2025 1:00pm-1:30pm PST
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grandmother in the kitchen. we learned how to cook because we were always helping my mom in the kitchen. my mom never measured anything, neither my grandma and i had to always watch because when they turn their back, that is where they made their move. now with cooking, i use simple ingredients and let them speak for themselves. >> i think there is something to be said about coming together and sharing a meal. there is something that happens, some kind of magic that happens spinning across the table. you know, it's a moment where everybody has something in common. the next thing you know people are talking and engaging and there is a sense of community, and that's important whether it's in the firehouse or outside of the firehouse.
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that's why it's important in my family that we eat together. >> the biggest thing that the food that i cook for them and we do together is to show how much you love your fellow firefighter. that's our bond. we do it through food. it's more than just the food. i remember we had two of our firefighters pass away in a fire that turned into something. we were together at that moment, and we were able to talk about them and think about them before we started our meal and during our meal. and we would just sit there and just be together and have a moment. in the end, being a firefighter, is all about people. if you love people, this is the job for you. if you see people in need and
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respond to people in need, and then you are sharing meals with your fellow firefighters, it's a people business. so, that food just makes that bond even greater. if you are eating, you are paying. so all of you guys, i hope brought enough money to pony up. [ laughter ] oh, this is something. i told you, who needs to measure. [ laughter ] in the fire department, everyone
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is willing to help. you have to bring your a game. news. i think it's the old. >> good morning and welcome to the february 25th meeting of the treasure island mobility management agency board. i am matt dorsey and i serve as chair of this board. our vice chair is rafael mandolin. thank you to jaime ashbury from s.f. gov tv and the entire team there for broadcast and facilitating today's meeting. and our very capable clerk today is amy cy young. >> madam clerk, would you please call the roll commissioner chen chen absent commissioner chen chen present commissioner. chair dorsey president dorsey
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present commissioner and guardian and guardian present commissioner fielder felder present commissioner mahmood mahmood present vice chair mandolin mandolin. absent commissioner melgar melgar present commissioner sattar söder present commissioner sherril sherrell present commissioner walton walton present chair we have quorum. thank you madam clerk i believe you have a public comment announcement for members of the public interested in participating in this meeting. we welcome your attendance here in person in the legislative chamber room 250 in city hall are you may watch cable channel 26 or 99 are streamed the meeting live at s.f. gov for those wishing to make public comment remotely the best way to do so is by dialing (415) 655-0001 and one prompt at entering access code
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26603554576 and then press pound and pound again you will be able to listen to the meeting in real time when public comment is called for the item you wish to speak on press star three to be added to the queue to speak do not press star three again or you will be removed from the queue when the system says your line is unmuted the live operator will advise you that you are allowed two minutes to speak when your two minutes are up we will move on to the next caller. calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. best practices are to speak slowly clearly and turn down the volume of any televisions or radios around you public comment for items on this agenda will be taken first from members of the public in attendance in the legislative chamber and then afterwards from the remote speakers. >> q on the telephone line thank you. thank you madam clerk. before we start i'd like to note that commissioner mittleman has joined us and also excused commissioner chan from this meeting before calling the next item as chair. i'd also like to invoke rule 3.26 from the rules of order to limit total public comment per
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item to 30 minutes for today's meeting each speaker will have two minutes to speak on a given item. madam clerk would you please call the next item item two chairs report this is an information item. >> thank you, madam clerk colleagues last month at the transportation authority board meeting i had the pleasure of announcing a $20 million u.s. epa grant for treasure island that we were awarded in december for a multipart transit program called treasure island connex. this was a very exciting announcement and it's exactly what was called for by our community based treasure island supplemental transportation study. it's a great partnership with one treasure island and it's what we need for a growing community on the island. the grant would fund much needed transit improvements such as the free on island shuttle micro transit service to san francisco's eastern neighborhoods. a hybrid electric bus for muni ferry charging equipment, bike share facilities and an on island transportation resource center housed at one treasure island. although the grant has been
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obligated unfortunately we have been put on an administrative pause by epa staff and so the grant may be subject to various executive orders coming out of the trump administration and therefore at risk. i want to express our gratitude to city attorney david chu and his office for all the work they are doing to protect our city's vital funding. we are also seeing great progress with the infrastructure progress projects on yerba buena island led by the transportation authority and title. i'm pleased to announce a $25 million conditional award recommended by the metropolitan transportation commission staff for the multimodal bay skyway project which includes our year before an island multi-use path . the multi-use path completes the vision of multimodal connections on our west side bridges and hillcrest projects that are currently underway. related to that work. last week i was able to attend the graduation ceremony as i often try to for the one treasure island construction training program and i'm pleased to hear that one of those graduates has actually
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been hired as an apprentice carpenter on our west side bridges project. it is wonderful to see the synergy between the training program and our construction projects. finally, i also wanted to take this opportunity to thank anne marie rogers for her work on tie to the past couple of years and to congratulate her on her retirement. i am a big anne marie rogers fan and while her tenure was shorter than we would have liked or certainly i would have liked, anne marie accomplished a lot including advancing titus equity initiatives and helping to update and modernize the development agreement to maintain the momentum to produce housing on the island. and with that i conclude my remarks. is there any discussion from colleagues? seeing none, i would like to open this up to public comment. >> there is no one in chambers. operator is there remote public comment checking for remote public comment on this item? >> there is no remote public comment.
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thank you. and public comment is now closed. madam clerk, would you please call the next item? >> item three executive directors report. this is an information item. thank you, madam clerk we have tilly chang, executive director here to present a report and director chang the floor is yours. >> thank you so much, chair dorsey commissioners, i will just follow up on chair's report regarding the $20 million epa grant to mention that our director for treasure island worked so on each so attended the title board meeting and shared that news as well and they expressed their deep appreciation as well as excitement about the grant emphasizing the need for all of these services many of which were identified in that earlier and tip study that chair you had requested that was conducted a year or two ago so we're happy to keep them posted and hopeful that it will be re reinstated on the multimodal bay skyway project that chair also mentioned there was a $71 million solutions for congested corridor state application that
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went in. i'm really pleased to appreciate our staff led by carl holmes within a and a la fort support to put that grant together alongside the bay area toll authority and caltrans. now this is just an application but it's for $71 million and if we were successful we would be receiving about 38 million for that bay skyway multi-use path . so we anticipate hearing this summer and that $25 million mtc better recommended grant does help fulfill that funding plan. turning off the island and to a larger topic around just tracking congestion pricing developments nationally i just wanted to mention that we are following closely the new york city launch of congestion pricing that occurred in early january and we were excited to see the system start out and after many years of analysis and process there's now a first
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in the nation program to observe and it's showing successful ability to reduce congestion into the downtown core of new york city of manhattan below 60th. traffic was down about 16% in vehicle trips about 30% faster as of late january with transit ridership on busses and subways up as well. i think just in today's news there was a report that they collected about $46 million just in the first month of operation. now that's new york which is a very busy area and we would certainly need to continue looking at treasure island and which is a much, much smaller of course application of the same idea. but given that it is so relevant we have reached out to the new york mta staff to staff to explore a potential study tour potentially also for members of our board chair dorsey and colleagues to visit that system and understand how it's working and learn from the
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community and leaders there. and so they have been receptive and appreciate that. >> we'll keep you posted. moving to i think the yeah, just the staff congratulations to emory to echo chair that's all thank you very much. happy to answer questions. >> great thank you director cheng is there any discussion or questions from colleagues? seeing none. >> madam clerk, may we open this up to public comment there is no one in chambers who wishes to comment on this item. operator. is there any remote public comment on the executive directors report? >> there is no remote public comment. great. thank you operator. public comment is now closed. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> item four approve the minutes of the june 25th 2024 meeting. >> this is an action item. thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, i don't know if there's any discussion on the minutes. seeing none. >> may we open this item up for public comment? there is no one in chambers who wishes to comment on the
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minutes. operator is there any remote public comment on the minutes? >> there is no remote public comment. >> thank you operator and public comment is now closed. colleagues is there a motion to approve the minutes moved by commissioner mandoline seconded by commissioner walton? >> i may we have a roll call on that item? commissioner chen chen i chair dorsey i dorsey i. commissioner and guardian and guardian i commissioner fielder. fielder i. commissioner mahmood mahmood ai vice chair amendment amendment i. commissioner melgar melgar i commissioner sardar sardar i. commissioner sherril sherril i. commissioner walton walton i there are ten eyes. the motion to approve the minutes has passed. >> thank you, madam clerk. the minutes are approved. >> would you please call the next item? item five election of chair and
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vice chair for 2025. this is an action item. >> thank you, madam clerk. nominations are now in order for the office of the chair. commissioner madam, i would like to nominate our extraordinary chair matt dorsey to continue to serve. >> thank you. commissioner randleman. >> is there a second shot? commissioner sherril are there any further nominations? if so i think nominations are now closed. madam clerk, can we please check for public comment on nominations for the office of chair? >> there are no public. there is no public comment in chambers. operator is the remote public comment? >> there is no remote public comment. thank you operator. the public comment is now closed. >> and madam clerk, could we have a roll call on the nomination of chair on the nomination to elect commissioner dorsey for chair? commissioner chen chen i. commissioner dorsey all right.
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dorsey i. commissioner and cordial and cordial i. commissioner fielder. fielder i. commissioner mahmood mahmood i. vice chairman edelman. amendment i. >> commissioner melgar. melgar i. commissioner. sartor i. commissioner sherril. sherril i. commissioner walton. >> walton i. chair there are. let me get this right. apologies. there are ten eyes the nomination to elect commissioner dorsey for chair for 2025 is approved. >> thank you madam clerk and thank you colleagues for your trust. the trust you have placed in me to lead tema. madam clerk i believe nominations are now in order for the office of vice chair. yes, we do have a nomination for vice chair for the treasure island mobility management agency. >> thank you. chair dorsey vice chair mandolin at graciously wants to continue as vice chair a job that he has done very aptly.
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>> thank you so much. so i'd like to nominate him for vice chair. okay. >> commissioner randleman is nominated by commissioner melgar. is there is there a second? commissioner mahmud are there any further nominations? seeing none. nominations are closed. madam clerk, please call for public comment on the office of vice chair. >> there is no there is no public comment in chambers. operator is there a remote public comment? >> there is no remote public comment. okay so what public comment is now closed? madam clerk, can we please take a roll call vote on the nomination of vice chair? >> on the nomination to elect commissioner mandolin for vice chair commissioner chen chen i commit. chair dorsey i dorsey i. commissioner in cordial and cordial i. commissioner fielder. fielder i. commissioner mahmud mahmud i. vice chairman gilman. amendment i. chair melgar i apologize.
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>> commissioner melgar. commissioner sadr. sadr i. commissioner sherril sherril i. commissioner walton while i there are ten eyes the nomination to elect commissioner randleman as vice chair for 2025 is approved. >> thank you madam clerk and congratulations to vice chair amendment. madam clerk, can we please call the next item? >> item six final approval to authorize the executive director to execute sub award agreements for one treasure island in an amount not to exceed $2,382,935. the san francisco municipal transportation agency an amount th san francisco bay areaand water emergency transportation authority in an amount not to exceed $3,200,000 with u.s. environmental protection agency community change grant program funds for transportation
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improvement projects on treasure island. >> this is an action item. >> thank you, madam clerk. so normally we would not have a presentation on an item heard in committee but this epa grant which can fund the t.i connects program is so important to the island. i asked staff to provide an overview of the grant as well as a brief reminder of our role as tema. given that this is the first meeting for tema for five of our colleagues i'd like t in 22 assistant deputy director for planning and to present this item. >> ms. cho the floor is yours. good morning chair dorsey and commissioners. nice to be in front of you this morning. i'm showing my slides as of gov . >> great. as chair dorsey mentioned we were awarded awarded this $20 million community change grant from the u.s. epa for a package of transportation projects for treasure island. no local match funding is required and the period of performance is three years
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starting this past january. we have an award agreement and the grant is considered obligated. however, since the grant is funded through the epa's environmental and climate justice program whe inflation r, there's some certain uncertain india around it at the moment but we're requesting approval of this action item in anticipation of being able to move forward. and just as a refresher, here's some quick context for this item and the grant at full buildout. treasure island will be home to 20,000 new residents living in 8000 new homes of which 27% are affordable. almost a thousand new units are already complete and more construction is underway. the development is a critical piece in meeting our housing commitments. the treasure island transportation program is an integral part of the overall development of treasure island and was part of the project definition that was analyzed in the air. the overall goal is to ensure the livabity of the islands as they grow as a robust
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transportation program as we all know is essential to support these new residents in all that new destinations. the the program has two performance targets. one is to achieve 50% of trips by sustainable modes and the second is for the program overall to be financially self-sustaining. we do this with three main components shown on the right. one is a transit expansion includes new and expanded services to get people to from and around the islands and a transit pass that can get you onto those services. theecond component is congestion management. this includes things like congestion pricing or a tunnel which in addition to helping manage congestion also provides the revenue to support the transit services. parking management and pricing and tdm transportation demand management measures like shuttles guaranteed ride home bike share etc..
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and of course we have been working on a robust affordable city program for the lower and lower income folks on the island. this diagram shows the transit services we would have at full build that you can see the routes of the on island shuttle, the new ferry to san francisco transit service to oakland and as demand warrants in the future a new muni bus line would go to civic center in 2023 the transportation authority worked with one treasure island to complete the treasure island supplemental transportation study. that study was funded by the neighborhood transportation program funded by sales tax working with one treasure island and the community we reviewed existing services and how those could be improved as well as new initiatives that would benefit the existing residents and workers. the epa grant funded program which we're calling treasure island connects includes several priority recommendations from this study
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and treasure island connects also includes components of the core transportation program i just described such as the on island shuttle and bike share. >> so these are the six component projects of the of treasure island connects. the first is a pilot of a micro transit service to destinations in san francisco beyond the salesforce transit center. micro transit is a service that provides point to point public transit service usually on demand with an app or a phone call with the service. a rider can go from treasure island to places in san francisco such as ucsf, larger grocery stores and community services that are not readily available on treasure island. the service will be modeled on s.f. mts bayview shuttle bayview shuttle pilot project which launched this past november and has proven very popular. the second project is a free on demand shuttle serving treasure island at nearby queen island. this service will take riders to destinations including the ferry terminal new parks on your way to the sailing center.
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third, the grant funds enhanced muni service on the 25 line and procurement of an additional battery electric bus for that line, s.f. mta is responsible for that project. the program includes construction of electric charging infrastructure at the church treasure island ferry terminal which facilitates the transition from interim diesel ferry service to fully electric service. that project will be delivered by rita will expand the bay wheels bike share system to treasure island and the project also includes memberships for residents and workers on the island during that grant period. finally one treasure island will launch and operate the transportation resource center which combines priority recommendations from the supplemental transportation study community ambassadors, travel trainings and marketing and communication regarding affordable transit options.
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looking ahead, assuming approval of this item today and better clarity at the federal level will sign these sub award agreements with our partners and mobilize to engage with the community and to refine the projects and begin procurement . >> as a reminder, this is the action requested today. it was recommended for approval at the tema committee last week and it's important to also just note that the execution of the sub award agreements is contingent on the availability of the grant funds. that's my>> i'm happy to take y questions. thank you. ms. cho i want to once again thank you and everybody at the transportation authority the staff who word o this as well as one treasure island and the many members of the treasure island community that had a part in forming this program. i know these at these will be generational investment for the future of the island and i hope we can see it move forward. godspeed. city attorney david chu for his righteous fight to secure the
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local funding obligated to our city. >> is there any discussion from colleagues seeing none since we took public comment on this at committee we don't need to do that again and neither do we need a motion or a second. madam clerk, can we please call the roll on this item? >> hopefully we do t same house same call. i'm informed it is passed. >> thank you, madam clerk, could we please call the next item? >> item seven a final approval to accept the audit report for the fiscal year ended june 30th 2024. >> this is an action item. thank you, madam clerk. >> colleagues, i don't know if there's any discussion or questions about this item from colleagues seeing none since we took public comment on this at committee. we don't need to do that again neither do we need a motion or second and i believe we can take this without objection. same house, same call is passed on. >> clerk can you please call the next item item eight introduction of new items this
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is an information item. thank you, madam clerk. i don't see anyone on the roster with new items. can we open this up to is there any can we please call the next item item nine public comment. >> thank you madam clerk is there any general public comment for the tema commune the committee this would be items that are germane to our jurisdiction but not on the agenda. >> is there anyone in chamber who has general public comment ? >> there is none. operator is there any remote general public comment under the temas purview there is no remote public comment. >> thank you operator then the public comment is now closed. >> madam clerk one please call the next item item ten adjournment. >> thank you everybody. this meeting is now adjourned
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hydrate them and symmetrical or natural poses. which then went into small taxidermy. i saw interest in the oddity side and purposely expaed a naty store. this is interesting mechanical parts in the beetle. african porcupine is cool. they look at their eyes. i grew up on what many call a farm but it was in the to us. we raised animals it a garden i was involved with plant. had a rock collection. collection goes from your basic house plants to an air plant. avoid this term people happening they survive on air alone they do need water. i went to school for business here and finishing up at sf
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state. and this idea fell in my lap and masterfuled my interests and i learned a lot over the years. i like to view it as like a museum experience. rather hahn sales people they might be like dossants they are not hard selling you but more conveying informing or knowledge about the products. teeth, that's the giant shark that would get up to 60 feet long. we are launching class we did them before the pandemic. a bunch of hand's on learn to do things classes that we are getting around to relaunching. this is our insect spreading kit. inside is a striped needles,
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forceps, instructions and the other tools you need to take up the hopy of spreading insects. had is a prize to many people is 80% of the stuff we get is from vendors or merchants. people think do you tremendous finding these. i don't get to do this. that is a still born kitten that had one eye. the most common question is, is it real. almost everything is. we have replicas like the sabre tooth tigers and things that would be present low expensive to procure and sell or illegal we'll do replicas we have, lot of real stuff. ♪♪
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