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tv   Public Works Commission  SFGTV  March 4, 2025 10:00am-12:01pm PST

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>> vacant vibrant can do more than a pop-up and see what that looks like. >> that can allow them to be the the same scope public works commission to order it is thursday, february 27th, 2025 and we began at 11:02 a.m. mr. shotwell please call the roll. >> good morning chair post please respond with hear or present. eleanor bloom lauren post you're gerald turner paul woolford present and fatties be
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present. good morning with five members present we do have quorum for the public works commission. public comment is taken for all informational and action items on today's agenda to comment in person please line up against the wall near the screen to the audience is left when public comment is called and for members of the public wishing to comment on an item from outside the hearing room you may do so by joining via a webinar through the link shown on page two of today's agenda to be recognized select raise your hand icon in the webinar you may also comment from outside the chamber dial by dialing 14156550001 and meeting id 26613824436 to raise your hand to speak press star three the telephone log in information is also available on pages one and two of today's agenda commenters may speak for
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up to three minutes per item and you will receive a 32nd notice when you're speaking time is about to expire in the event we have many commenters on an item the chair may reduce the public comment time to less than three minutes per person unless you're speaking under general public comment please note that you must limit your comments to the topic in the agenda item being discussed if commenters do not stay on topic the chair may interrupt and ask you to limit your comments to the agenda item at hand. we ask that you refrain from the use of profanity, profanity, abusive or hate speech will not be tolerated and please address your remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioner or staff. the public is always welcome to submit comments in writing via our email address public works commission at s.f. or by mail to 49 south venice avenue suite 1600 san francisco california 94103 and on behalf
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of the commission we extend thanks to s.f. gov tv building management and media services staff for helping make this meeting possible. >> thank you. i would like to propose a change to today's agenda at the request of staff i would like to move to continue an item on the consent calendar. this is item four c the animal care and control tenant improvement contract award. i'd like to move to continue this to our next meeting. we'll need a motion and then a second to that. may i have a second to that motion if you could? thank you. if there are no comments or questions please open the motion to public comment. >> okay. for public comment members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item one announce of the change in the cat the item please line up against the wall to the audience left if commenting
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from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized and we have no callers. go ahead. thank you. i believe then we move to our first item of official business announcements by chair commissioners and secretary. i do have just a couple today they pertain to some recent press articles where public works has been and has not been mentioned. >> the first refers to a couple of recent articles noting that mayor has directed the director of planning to head a multi-day department initiative to streamline permitting for businesses and housing development. the goal is for the city to centralize permit applications across departments an effort that will include legislative changes by the board of supervisors and charter amendments for voter consideration. besides planning the project team appears to consist of leaders from the department of building inspection the office of small business and the permit center. but the article did not mention public works given public works is an active role in
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construction and right of way permitting across the city that seems to me the department needs to be a part of this team. director short are you a member of this new permitting leadership group and if not is there a reason you should not invite yourself or your designee into it asap? >> thank you. chair first i want to assure you that public works is very much a part of this group. >> before the order was issued i was looped in by planning director rick hillis and he's leading that citywide effort. he has been and continues to be a very good partner for us and we have been in frequent communication about this. in addition, members of our permits team have been meeting with the task force members and we fully expect to continue to be at the table. the early focus is really on the department of building inspection and planning department and small businesses with the goal of better aligning and streamlining all
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of the city's permitting functions. so i see this as an opportunity for us to across the city's permitting departments to consider and implement best practices. >> i do want to point out that we have as you all know we have not been waiting for permit s.f. to make improvements. we've already been hard at work implementing our own reforms including i think a very well-received we might say a game changing pre-application checklist that allows housing permits to know what they need to provide us at the front end and we've already seen a reduction in permit review time. >> i also want to just emphasize that our recent reorganization focused extensively on creating more efficient permit review and approval process by assigning specialized teams to work on specific permit types. >> and then we're also scheduled later this year to implement our new permit tracking system which will bolster accountability and transparency. in addition, we've been beta testing our love our neighborhoods permit with a
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variety of community supported projects so the broader roll out is imminent as permit s.f. advances will be active throughout and that partners in policy development for the permits that fall within our jurisdiction as well as helping to craft a strategy around permit consolidation. >> we also want to make sure that our longstanding permit objectives primarily ensuring safety and accessibility in the public right of way are not diluted to the detriment of the public good. >> thank you. and that's exactly why all the reasons you cited that i wanted to be sure we have a very prominent place at that table since we've been doing so many good things in our department that perhaps other departments can adopt could be adopted citywide. >> so thank you for that very thoughtful answer. >> there was another article recently which recounted the persistent problem of overflowing trash cans throughout the city combined with of course a problem we're well aware of the illegal dumping and disposing of trash next to and around the city
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trash cans. the article included data on trash can collections and the number of 311 complaints about specific cans. >> now a few days later there was another media report describing a suspected increase in rats in the city. >> so director schwartz, what can be done differently to fix this ongoing overflowing garbage problem? obviously the current program is not working. >> is it time for some new and bold ideas? >> thank you chair post i'm glad you asked about our challenges with public trash cans. i think it's fair to say that we have known for years that the public trash cans are not adequately doing their job. i do want to note that a couple of years ago we actually had a trash cans summit where we really brought together many different folks across the city to get feedback and to try to solicit those you know, let's think creatively ideas.
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you know the purpose of trash cans of course is convenience for people who need to dispose of an empty coffee cup or a sandwich wrapper or even dog waste. but unfortunately at times they cause more problems than they solve. >> attracting illegal dumping and other nuisances i want to note that trash cans are an important tool in our keep the city clean arsenal but without changing human behavior. these challenges will persist. we're certainly not there yet but that is in part why we're asking for an allocation of $15 million in the rough use rate account reserve rvs to purchase a new generation of trash receptacles that can better withstand street life in san francisco. we spent a lot of time thinking about what needed to be included in those trash cans. they need to be rummage resistant often times we get calls about overflowing trash cans. they're not overflowing but they've been rummaged through and there's garbage around them
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. >> they need to be tamper resistant so you can't just open the door and then rummage through them. >> easy to service durable san francisco trash cans probably take more abuse than most urban trash cans censor ready to help us be more efficient in our service of those cans and rodent resistant. >> this was something i brought up years ago. the current cans are not rodent resistant and then also an important component is that they are able to accommodate rolling liners which will assist recology in better servicing the cans and also reduce impacts to their staff who currently have to lift out the liners of the cans. >> so i would also argue that with nearly 3000 cans in the city they should also be esthetically pleasing. >> so in 2022 we conducted a pilot program that tested seven different garbage can models for off the shelf models and
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three custom designed over a two and a half month test period. we placed them at 52 high demand locations around the city to see how how they held up and how much people liked them. we conducted a robust multi-language outreach campaign with workshops, a survey and media campaign and we received more than a thousand survey responses and logged them and logged more than 66,000 impressions on social media. so i think it was a very robust test for two and a half months. that's an awful lot of feedback that we got. >> very importantly, we also received and analyzed feedback from our own crews who were out maintaining that these test cans and as well as recology crews who service the cans. and then we also connected with our community benefit district partners. >> so i do want to note oftentimes there are people for some reason have questions about the big belly cans.
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our pilot did not include big belly cans that are used by many community benefit districts but we did assess the cbd's assessments and user experiences and i would say a growing sentiment is that while the big bellies do a good job of containing trash they are expensive and in regular need of maintenance due to vandalism and misuse. >> so we're actually seeing more cbds move away from the big belly cans. one of the goals of this whole program is that we can reduce our maintenance needs of the city cans. >> so from our pilot one can emerged as the one that best met the objectives and that is the custom designed slim silhouette can the real use testing also showed us how a few designed tweaks could make that design even better. for example we are enlarging the opening so that it can accommodate like the lunch boxes that some people get if they get a takeout lunch or a small pizza box.
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and also strengthening the lock. so we kind of chose some of the best components of the other cans to try to make this one even stronger. i am an enthusiastic supporter of the slim silhouette but i just want to be clear there's no perfect trashcan. >> so we have designed to achieve those objectives. we want to make them harder to break into. but trash cans in san francisco they're going to get tagged. they're going to get vandalized. so we're not going to solve every problem with these new cans. so with all of that background, probably a much longer response than you expected. >> i'll give you a quick update on where we are now. we've been working with the city's office of contract administration and we plan to issue an rfp or a request for proposal next month with a not to exceed amount of $9 million. we hope this will buy us 3000 new cans and our plan is to roll out the first 500 in year
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one, 1000 in year two and 1500 in year three. >> we're looking to spend about $3,000 per can. that may sound like a lot but by comparison the current green so-called renaissance cans are costing about $2,900. so you know, these are the goal is that they are not actually much more expensive than the off the shelf models the square cement cans that you also see on the street are about $1,800 apiece. >> the as i mentioned earlier, we are asking the refuse rate board to allocate $15 million available in a reserve account. 9 million would be used for the new cans, rolling liners and replacement parts and then the remaining 6 million would be used for installation. as a reminder, the refuse rate board sets recology residential refuse rates. the rates include a variety of
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initiatives to improve the cleanliness of san francisco street and sidewalks and commissioners maybe also some steam cleaning of those cans. >> the reserves we want to tap into were built up during covid when not all of the money set aside for labor costs was spent on those projects. the new trash cans would not raise the refuse rates or come out of the city's general fund. the board held its first hearing last week on our request for money to buy the new public trash cans and two more hearings are scheduled before a final decision will be made. >> whether or not we get to put a better card on the streets, the debate over whether we have too few or too many or just the right number will likely continue and that's probably a discussion for another time given how long i've just gone on about this. >> thank you. >> thank you. that was actually very informative. >> yes. to be continued. commissioner's office do you have a comment or question on this particular issue? >> yes. again, thank you.
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thank you for for the report. i believe that would be a great thing to do to have trash cans that are not big enough for two to fit illegal dumping. i'll give you from experience in my neighborhood in north beach i think maybe 6 or 7 years ago we were able to find funding for big belly. i mean i know what i want to call it. well it was big belly but when i when i say big belly i'm going to actually mean those garbage bins that have a smaller space for smaller items. so we we had those and the illegal dumping was actually around them and then some of them were removed. well guess what? it feels like there's a ghost in a trash can in there on that corner that the illegal dumping still goes there. now what is what is going what is being done to to address the whole illegal dump?
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i mean i assume that there's a reason why people are throwing their garbage into public bins rather than their properties own trash bins. what is being done about that? >> thank you for that question, commissioner zoghbi so a couple of things are done. one, we have an outreach and enforcement team that goes out and they actually will open up those bags and look for identifying information to try to see if we can trace who's doing the illegal dumping and then we can we do outreach with those folks and we can also do enforcement we can issue citations. the other thing that we can do is we can work with the department of the environment and recology to see if that building if somebody addresses on identifying information on some of the garbage they threw out if they have sufficient garbage service for the number of residents. what we do know is that some some residential rental buildings don't have sufficient
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garbage service for the number of people living in there and so we've heard anecdotally that people are told to go take their garbage to city cans which is of course not what's supposed to be happening. so we then can reach out to those property owners and tell them that they need to have sufficient garbage service and if failure to get that garbage service can result in citations from the city. so it's those two things that we do particularly if we see a spot that's regularly used for illegal dumping. we also have a lot of neighbors are outraged an enforcement team is in touch with a lot of the community, different community groups and sometimes someone will know who's doing the dumping and we will then reach out that way and try to validate we can't necessarily issue a citation based on someone reporting something to us but we can certainly check to see if they have sufficient service at their building. >> thank you. mr. bloom, do you have a comment on this particular issue?
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thank you. yes, thank you. pushing suspicion garbage. i'm not overflowing. trash cans or trash cans or buildings as well. i'll just be positive by talking. >> is that okay? i'm just speaking into the wrong mike. okay. >> so i so i applaud that that's something the department is already doing trying to evaluate if if there's adequate service and that's part of what's contributing to seeing residential unlawful residential dumping there. i also wonder looking at the
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map and here about engagement with with the parks department you have a commissioner who has a very frequent 311 complaint submitter and also lives very close to two really significant city park areas and i'm noticing on the map here that that the parks are not being reflected in in the mapping of complaints. >> i'm wondering to what extent these are obligations that fall on the department of public works versus parks and rec where you have overflowing cans in or it appears here are adjacent to parks areas that are getting a lot of pressure particularly on weekends where the cans may actually be designed for lesser. >> yes. thank you commissioner. yeah, i some so the parks that are adjacent i'm sorry the cans
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that are adjacent to parks are part of our sort of inventory of cans for which we're responsible. one of the things that we do try to be mindful of are you know, making sure we have the right level of service. >> so part of our process with recology was asking them to currently the requirement is that every can is serviced once a day and we have said we need to build in more flexibility because there are some areas of the city particularly on nice days where we would end up having a need for greater service. so the other component in our new cans is that they have to be sensor ready. right now we have about 800 sensors in cans in the city and they will notify both us and recology when the can is 80% full and we're asking recology to build into their their request for rates. you got to be able to respond to a can that needs servicing. so that's one of the ways that we hope to address that. >> rec park is responsible for
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the cans inside the parks and so i think we i don't know how they track complaints about their own cans inside the parks and whether that's something we can certainly reach out to them to to talk about i will say on particularly on really nice days when our crews know to check the cans near the beach our former mayor was always calling me on nice weekends and saying don't forget there are a lot of people going to the beach. they're going to dolores park, you know, get out there. so we do some proactive work around areas that we know attract a lot of visitors when particularly when it's a nice weekend. >> thank you. and then finally thank you director shorten, commissioner bloom finally yesterday the mist closed it was there is ordering all city employees back into the office four days a week a move i personally applaud. >> director short will public works be adhering to this directive? well certainly we we forwarded
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it forward. did the notice and the memo from the mayor to all of our managers. i want to note that two thirds of our staff are in the office five days a week. so we have a relatively small number of folks who are working remotely. we also have a number of folks who are already in the office four days a week so an even smaller proportion are on a three day schedule but we will of course comply with the instructions that we get from the mayor and from department of human resources. great. thank you. it sounds like it won't have to be an impact so that's good. so many people are already doing it. great. any announcements from any of my colleagues this morning? >> mr. otwell any announcements this morning? my only announcement is to remind commissioners and all that the form 700 filers need to be completed their form 700 is due to the ethics and the ethics training is by march
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31st and mr. fuller can field any questions or access issue related to those requirements. thank you. that's all i have. great. thank you. >> please open decided to public comment members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person or on item one announcements by the chair, commissioners and secretary may line up against the wall to the audience left and if commenting from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button and the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized and we do not have any callers. to go to the next item thank you. >> please call the next item. >> okay the next item is the directors report. item two public works director carla short is here to present and this is an informational item. thank you. good morning again, commissioners carla short
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director i'd like to start by announcing that as of today phase one of the better market street improvements project reached substantial completion bringing shorter crossing distances for pedestrians, new street trees and more visible traffic signals to our storied downtown corridor. other upgrades include new curb ramps and street paving street bass reconstruction decorative pavers and rebuilt sidewalks. public works oversaw the project from start to finish providing project management design, construction management, regulatory affairs and public affairs services for the phase one upgrades run along market street between fifth and eighth streets. >> under the long term plan, the better market street project eventually would stretch more than two miles from stewart to octavia streets. construction of the future phases is dependent on funding availability with completion of all large scale construction within the phase one project area. we're now ready to fully open
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the road to bicyclists. we hope you enjoy this new and improved stretch of market street and as an aside i got a text yesterday from someone who said oh my gosh it looks so great. so people are appreciating that effort. >> i am also pleased to let you know that recreation and parks department announced yesterday the completion of extensive repairs to the historic trocadero clubhouse at sigman stern grove. the historic venue is once again available to book for weddings and other celebrations. >> as you may remember, the 133 year old building sustained significant damage when two years ago a destructive storm toppled an 85 foot eucalyptus tree partially crushing the clubhouse's roof and triggering a deluge from the indoor sprinkler system. because the clubhouse is a san francisco landmark, preservation contractors worked carefully to restore the building to its original condition, saving as much of the original material as
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possible and replicating to match original detailing. the restoration included replacing the roof rafters eave cupola framing windows, walls finishes, wood molding floors and lights. >> san francisco public works provided construction management and engineering for the $2.5 million project which was funded through rec and parks general fund with an expected reimbursement through the federal emergency management agency. the building is architecturally and historically significant as an example of stick eastlake architectural style and representing the city's last intact 19th century roadhouse. it was last renovated in 1986 due to extensive use and weathering. the truck at aero clubhouse has stood for more than a century and now is ready to serve future generations. it looks really beautiful if you get a chance to to stop by and see it. >> i also want to take a moment
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to give a special thanks to our operations crews who worked very hard on two major events this month the chinese new year parade cleanup and the nba all-star game weekend. >> combined they drew hundreds of thousands of additional visitors and residents to host neighborhoods the south of market the waterfront mission bay downtown and chinatown. >> with the city buzzing in the spotlight, public works crews were front and center keeping the sidewalks and streets looking good. >> large operations are not new to us. they are part of our operations portfolio and we carry out the word the work with pride and efficiency. it is like a well choreographed dance to see our crews coming at the end of that lunar new year parade. it's great to see the momentum of san francisco's comeback and these crowd pleasing events to help drive the progress. >> we hosted a fun and productive love our city neighborhood beautification day
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greening and cleaning event in district seven neighborhoods this month. the february 8th event brought together community volunteers and public works crews who planted trees on hearst and granville streets added new plants to the marietta drive median spruced up the brotherhood way dog park and repainted the schoolyard benches at commodore. with nearly 100 volunteers and representatives from the civic joy fund and san francisco beautiful we were joined by supervisor myrna melgar. as you know, next month's neighborhood beautification day on saturday march 8th is all about trees as we celebrate arbor day. >> and as you are all getting to know me, you know that arbor day is the best day of the year. we'll be planting more than 100 street trees in the tenderloin and south of market neighborhoods and hosting our family fun arbor day fair. our goal is to make the tenderloin the first fully planted out neighborhood in san francisco. >> thank you. we will get the festivities
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underway at 9 a.m. at the civic center secondary school which is located at 615 mcallister street. >> we promise a great day and we hope that you can join us. and with that i am happy to take any questions. >> thank you director short and i just want to take my hat off to the public works staff who worked with our contractors on the better market street project throughout that construction period. i always found it very easy to walk down market street through and around all of the construction. so thank you for from pedestrians point of view that during all that was very easy to continue walking down the street and navigate that while that construction was underway. and also congratulations on stern grove clubhouse renovation. i saw the article about its completion and we weren't mentioned. which bums me out. now that i'm hearing that we construction management engineered it so maybe in the future we can work with rec and park to ensure they include public works in their press releases. when we are involved.
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>> now maybe it was an article didn't pick it up. yeah we were in the press release. >> i even had a nice quote in the press release. oh that's when i learned about stick east like design. but unfortunately the article didn't pick that up. okay, thanks. so i'm glad that we were in there because that was an omission from the the reporter that summarized the press release i guess. any questions or comments for director? >> sure. >> none. thank you director short piece opens to public comment. thank you. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item two the directors report may line up against the wall to the audience left if commenting from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on the phone to be recognized. and we have no callers. there are no further comments. >> thank you. please call the next item. the next slide. thank you. the next item is general public comment. which is for topics under the commission's mandate but not related to a specific item on
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today's agenda. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of general public comment in person may line up against the wall to the audience's left if commenting from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized. and and we have no callers. thank you. please call the next item which i believe is the consent calendar. >> great. item four is the consent to calendar of routine matters. it includes the draft minutes from the february 13th public works commission two contract modifications and one grant modification. okay. okay. do are there any questions or comments on the consent calendar? all right. i will second that with the caveat that it is commission
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attorneys and then your motion that the resolution for item e which is the workforce development grant modification. there's just a typographical error. there's a further resolved paragraph that is not material to the content of the resolution. so if i did hear that it motion for approval to include one the removal of item c and then the needed typographical changes to item fees. great. thank you very much. i'll second that motion then. thank you. please open this item to public comment. >> great item for members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on the motion to approve item for the consent calendar and all resolutions contained in it may line up against the wall to the audience left if coming from outside the chamber presti raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be
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recognized and we have no callers. >> thank you. before we take a vote i did have a question for director short. can you please remind us why this particular grant wasn't made in one chunk at the awards outset and has had to be amended and increased a number of times? >> do i recall correctly that public works is working to match all of our grant funding periods to the fiscal year calendar so that they won't be doled out in bits and pieces? yes, you recall exactly right. yes. >> okay. so this is just sort of the tail end of yeah. yeah. thank you. trying to clean that up. commissioner savage, you have a question on this before we vote? >> yeah, i'm sorry. i might have missed it. what were the what was the adjustment that we were doing on this one in the resolution our resolution the very at the very end paragraph. it's a further resolved paragraph that is really more of an instruction. it's not a material content to
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the resolution itself. >> so we're voting to approve do to get rid of yeah exactly. >> yes to delete that yes thank you. all right. all in favor of the motion please say i hear yes, i and the consent calendar passes unanimously the resolutions will when they're cleaned up will be posted to the commission's website. >> mr. white will please call the next item. okay. turning to the regular calendar item five is the san francisco public works human resources update public works human resource director karen hill is here to present and this is an informational item on a roller . >> good morning commissioners i'm karen hill, human resources director for public works. happy black history month. i will be presenting the human resources update.
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i'll be providing the human resources update to share that we have done since the last commission report out which was in june of 2024. i'll be providing a position overview and to respond to your questions about recruitment, retention, attrition and retirements. as you're aware we went through it department report back in november 2024 and human resources now falls under the support services section of the new reorg structure. >> this slide shows the final
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results of our hiring goal for fiscal year 2324 as a last presentation was on june 10th of 2024. our goal was to fill 350 positions by june 30th which we exceeded our goal filling 495 positions as of june 30th 2024 we filled in an additional 166 positions between july 1st and december 31st 2024. i want to share some accomplishments we have for fiscal year 2425 which as of july first 2024 we hosted two mass hiring events to fill engineer vacancies. we hired 25 junior engineers.
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our talent acquisition team adopted 12 eligibles which is a huge accomplishment because it allows us to convert our provisional employees to permanent civil service and our exempt employees to compete for permanent roles as well as our. >> i wanted to highlight our public university work where they trained 558 employees last year of which 112 completed the supervisors academy and lastly are the hiring of our employee and labor relations director who started last month and i'm excited about this role being filled which will strengthen our employee and labor relations program with our accomplishments comes challenges and barriers. everything is in perfect. we have had a mayor's hiring
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freeze as of january 9th which is you know, a huge impact on our, you know, organization and workforce. our vacancy rate prior to the hiring freeze which was as of july 2024 was 14.7 and i'm unable to provide, you know, the current vacancy rate and or current or active vacancy rate due to the hiring freeze and all of our positions were changed back to propose the impact of the hiring freeze of course will impact our applicant pool because our applicants will be uncertain about applying for positions within city and county of san francisco as well as public works as well as you know our hiring managers and our organization in ability to plan and deliver services based on hiring managers, operational needs prior to the hiring
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freeze we had a total of 1500 1570 positions filled as of december 31st 2020 for 154 of those positions were provisional 377 are exempt and 1039 are permanent permanent civil service. so the last few slides would be the commissioner's increase questions. the first one was about recruitment strategies so our recruitment strategies in addition to our normal recruitment processes which are external job at city career center and web sites we've established a seat on linkedin
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and for more exposure to reach a broader audience as well as personalized communication to those with specialized skills our retention efforts you have questions about you know, how we plan to retain our employees . so as you see from our hiring in the last year, year and a half or so we try to retain our employees by promoting within and so from july 1st 2023 to jhalak june 30th 2020 for we promoted 169 internal staff from july 24th to december 31st there was additional 83 which is a total of 252 that we've promoted within as well as you know in light of the reorg we will be collaborating with our workforce development which now
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falls under support services. so our training and development team as well as our workforce development team will be partnering to you know, collaborate to work on a plan to retain more of our employees as well as we've been expanding our apprenticeship and intern programs across multiple disciplines. you had questions about our attrition status so from july first 2023 to june 30th 2024 we had 100 separations and the largest percentage of the separations were 39% were changes to departments. so it could have been transfers or promotions to other city departments and the other 28%
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were due to retirements. and then between july 1st and december 31st we had 36 separations and of those 3612 were again changes to departments either to transfer or promotions and the other 12 were left voluntarily voluntary resignations. so we are going to be revisiting our exit interview program. this will allow us to be able to capture more data to track separations and hopefully be able to share this data with you, you know, in the near future our retirement status you know where our organizations are on pending not pending retirements but retirement eligibility. >> so out of 1570 1573
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employees and this is data as of november 7th 2020 for 1507 7053 employees we used to, you know, provide this data regarding retirement eligibility. so 153 employees have ten or more years of service with ages 60 above and 89 employees have 20 years of service or more at 50 years and above because we have two retirement you know, tears 60 years of age, ten years of service or 50 years of age with 20 years of service. so we have a total of 242 employees that are eligible to retire which is 15.3%, 15.3% of the total employees included in this data that's eligible for retirement. so again, our goal is to
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collaborate with our workforce development to prepare for succession planning and so to further break down the 15.3% and a 242 that's eligible 125 of those employees are from operations and 117 are non operations. so that concludes my report out and i'm open for questions. >> thank you. ms. hill, always nice to see you. thank you. just a couple of questions on my end. >> the 50% vacancy rate as of last july's about six months ago. how do you know how does that would that compare to other city departments? worse better about the same. do you have any idea what power vacancy rate compares to other city departments? >> well, for the big seven
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departments and i can name a big seven if you don't know the big seven so let me make sure i can remember to fix it. so it's public works department of public health human services agency mta public utilities commission i see city admin think that's airport and airport. there you go. thank you. that's the big seven. >> yeah. for the big seven department we meet regularly monthly you know to talk about recruitments and any other department challenges and i believe we're in line with most of the you know whether vacancies are but i also feel like we are moving at a faster rate than others, you know, to fill positions, you know, based on, you know, different type of specialized positions that we have and most of our positions are trades. so it's kind of a little quicker for us to expedite our hiring.
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so based on a percentage that we have 14.7 i think we're averaging you know where we i won't say where we should be but i think we can be, you know, lower but we're pretty average based on the size of our department and other agencies. i just add one you have a brief comment to that. so one of the things we always have to keep in mind is that we tend to carry a higher number of vacant project based positions because we hold them vacant so that if if we get funding for a new project we have the position available to fill. >> so i think we're actually doing pretty well given that we probably hold a little bit higher levels of project positions vacant than many of our counterparts. thank you. and my only other comment was i wanted to thank you for addressing our prior questions and concerns in your report. i appreciate you specifically focusing on those. so thank you very much. >> you're welcome. mr. woolford thank you, michel. i was just wondering if you had any breakdown a this maybe i missed it when you talked about
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the number of hires and you know hires and replacements and staff added it was a general number but do we have it broken down per engineering architecture, street sanitation arborists all those kind of things streetscape we do have a broken down but i didn't provide it in this report but i can follow up. >> great. if you could just send it to director short and she could pass it on to us to us that'd be helpful to understand how they were attributed. >> okay. thanks for your report. >> thank you. commissioner zombie so thank you for the report. thanks for the update and congratulations that your department is as old as this commission and you took it from scratch from scratch and you did a it was a great you know, advancement to that to their team. my my question is you mentioned that, you know, we have we have a seat at linkedin to to recruit and so forth do we have seats at like schools universe cities like career day tables where you know we get our
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message out there and let the people know what we have to offer? yes, we do. and that's part of our normal recruitment strategies as well partnering with schools, colleges, universities and we do a lot of outreach as well. so in addition to our normal process which i considered at our normal our norm that we are expanding that norm with a seat with linkedin and that's really to target our special highly specialized skill positions. >> thank you and does public works offer hours for giving back to the community like volunteer hours and so forth to the staff, the team we don't have a volunteer program but if we have employees that we're hiring as interns or as apprentices and if they're in a program they can use those hours, count it towards those
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programs. but no, my question is like would would someone from that works at public works have like eight paid hours to go out and volunteer in with nonprofits in the community or outside of city services? >> no. got it. thank you mr. bloom using the correct mike this time i thank you for the presentation in in light of the budget constraint, the hiring freeze and the budget constraints that we've been discussing over the last two months here, i appreciate the preview on on potential impact what is the department doing to try to prevent prevent turnover and hold on to the employees that we have which may be in fact cheaper keep people in the roles they are,
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keep those roles occupied and be cheaper than needing to replace people well preventing turnover both among retirement eligible and non retirement eligible staff. >> so one i think is going to be a challenge citywide. so what we can predict is that we won't lose our employees hopefully to other city departments because we're all in a hiring freeze but we're not going to be able to prevent, you know, early retirements. i think, you know, this hiring freeze as well as you know impacts when it came to, you know, the pandemic of you know, the covid, the the covid 19, the two shot is the vaccination the vaccine get the vaccine requirement. the city predicts, you know, these turnovers and so this hiring freeze of course it wasn't you know predict it but we're hoping the hiring freeze will not you know, increase a high turnover. but our goal is to, you know, try to fill the positions which would with the higher hiring prioritization that our department is currently working
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on to try to retain that the applicant pool that we already have and to get those positions filled with those applicant pools and then the positions the employees that's within department are still looking to promote out that we're still able to, you know, fill those positions through promotions. hopefully that answers your question. i'd love to chime in just to other points to what miss hill has said. one is as you know, our strategic plan, our number one goal is valuing our people. and so we are always looking for ways within the sometimes confines constraints of civil service to make sure that our employees feel valued and appreciated in the department which we hope will make them want to stay with us for a long time. the other thing that we have done two rounds and we are gearing up for our third is an employee engagement survey and we just released a very silly
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video that highlights what actions we took based on the feedback we got from the last employee engagement survey to really every single bureau developed action items based on the feedback that we got from the survey. so we're really trying to let our employees know that we are hearing what you're saying and we are taking action based on that. so we the video is very silly but it was kind of a cute way to hopefully get people engaged and understanding that these are the things we've done based on the last employee engagement survey and we have a new survey that will be launching soon and that is a way that we try to identify where our employees feel like we're doing well and we want to, you know, continue those efforts and where can we make improvements. and i think all of those efforts go towards that idea of trying to retain our employees and i hope they feel that because that's the driving force behind it.
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mr. turner, great to see you. ms. hill. happy black history month. i believe as a public works event going on here shortly. >> yes. try to get us moving if you could return to slide ten. deputy director robertson did a very good job with the last and in the accounting team of projecting the city's upcoming deficit what it means and i'm just wondering while this slide is labeled retirement status, i wonder if it's also a good kind of future budgetary planning slide also and my my question here and i think it piggybacks on commissioner wolfowitz's question is i'd like to know the breakdown of these positions and upcoming retire ment's and i think we just need to be realistic about how we support and have honest conversations around how we could potentially leverage retirement to i believe a
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prepare for what will be a pretty tough budget seasons coming up. i wanted to ask one if that is sensible to make that type of request not just the detail but is there a way in which we can do some forward planning around these potential up to upcoming retirements not just because we love our staff and want to go on to the next chapter but really there's a budgetary kind of reality that we're foreseeing which is going to impact both our ability to hire and retain. >> and debbie director robinson, i see you standing up there if you want to weigh in. i'm sorry guys. >> good morning. commissioners bruce robertson, ceo for one of the many collaborations i miss here on i do is every budget cycle we get data from her team and we look at every single employee and we get it's de-identified but we look at their years of service their age and then we look at who may or may not retire
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because one of the things we need to do is if someone has accrued a large vacation balance that's a liability for the department that we need to pay. so it's it's in terms of not just looking at the staff that may depart but it's also a potential expense that we may have to incur. so through ms.. hill and her team and my team, we're very much attached at the hip making sure that we are budgeting of corp correctly more so on the payout but more so for ms. hill and her team in terms of backfilling those critical positions. >> mr. xabi yeah. thank you. thank thank you. just to follow up question on the what director short mentioned which is the employee engagement surveys, what percentage of our staff actually takes advantage of they actually complete those surveys. it is very high for that type of survey. i have bragged about it in the past. i don't have i will get you the
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number but i do know we and i really want to give credit to ms.. bhutto's team for making it very easy for our field crews to participate in the survey. so they were there at night. they're in a morning early morning assisting with people to log in and take the survey and because of that we had very high participation for this type of survey. i want to say a number but i don't want to get it wrong so i'm going to bite my tongue and i will get you that number. thank you. are there any more questions or comments for myself? >> all right. thank you very much for coming today. well, i'll now open this to public comment. thank you. thank you. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item five the san francisco public works human resource update may line up against the wall to the audience left if they're coming from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button in
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the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized and we have no callers. >> great. thank you again ms.. hill for all your hard work and particularly now under less than ideal such a situation with the city and its hiring freeze etc. so thank you to you and your team. please give our thanks to your entire team. >> mr. o'toole please call the next item. thank you. item six capital is the project update the fulsome streetscape and here to present is project manager carol huang. welcome
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. good morning commissioners director assured city attorney tom secretary fuller my name is carol huang, one of the project manager with the san francisco public works streetscape program. good to see you again. also with me today we have project manager alan dewey from us of mta and also project manager who's also working under the streetscape program will be you also working with me on this project. >> i'm here today to provide a project update on the folsom streetscape project we awarded we awarded the project on november third, 2023 and issued a notice to proceed on march
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11, 2024. the project was awarded at $34,979,747.50 with the construction duration of 950 calendar days. mitchell engineering is the city contractor on this project. >> the project is manganese bonds are by as of mta through federal, state and local funds on the complete streets improvements while as a puc and public works also contributed funding toward utility improvements and roadway resurfacing. >> the project is within district six on folsom street between second and 11th streets. more information about the project as well as late as construction updates can be found from the project website and we do update the project website regularly to post the latest construction schedule. >> the project improvements
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include transportation improvements with a new two way cycle track, new medians, other standard improvements also include curb ramp upgrades, sidewalk widening raise crosswalk traffic signal modification with new traffic pedestrian and bicycle integration, new street lighting wastewater water drainage improvements, transit improvements, new median planting and street trees roadway resurfacing and placemaking improvements such as decorated crosswalks, commemorative plaques, pole wraps and sign furnishing the 20 block project is split into three focus areas and the project team had collaborated with three main community groups to develop a streetscape elements which include letter and lgbtq district, the yoga and community benefit district and soma filipinas heritage cultural district.
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in this slide and the next slide you're going to see a summary and overview of the streetscape elements that we have selected and finalized in each of the focus area which you will see three different type of decorative crosswalk designs, different bench styles, tender versus custom bike racks. we also adding letter and lgbtq commemorative plaques and pole wraps throughout the corridor prior to this presentation to propose had ask a question about whether the different bench styles on this project are actually more expensive than a contract with one type of bench. we don't particularly see a price difference amount of three different type of styles and also for diy bcbc custom benches and also bike racks that you and a community benefit district will be responsible for future maintenance. >> moving on to contract schedule this bar chart on the
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screen is a quick reminder of the construction duration. we're about 11 month into construction and anticipate reaching final completion in about two years since groundbreaking in may 2024 we had completed a lot of work which included curing place lining installation at various locations which on the slide you will see a sample location that we performed lining operation of the existing three feet by five feet brick sewer along folsom street between 10th and 11th streets and on this slide which shows some first thought we completed on the main store upgrade and this location is actually on folsom between seven and eight which you can see the construction crew that worked on open trench construction for a 24 inch bcp sewer aside from the wastewater
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improvements we also completed a significant amount of traffic signal and street work underground throughout the corridor. this slide gives a one of the example at the intersection of folsom and fifth street which we had completed a new traffic signal pull foundation and also a street light pole for the construction along a busy thoroughfare and with being a historic district we have encountered numerous unforeseen utility conflicts but so far the project has been going really well. this slide gives you one of the example of a 230 kv high voltage dog being that we encounter running on top of the existing brick store on folsom between third and fourth street fronting the mosconi center per record drawing from pigeon yee that shopping was only supposed to be crossing the brick sewer but unfortunately after we opened up the street we found
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out it's in a totally different situation that we have almost 80ft of pipe running on top. that break saw. but after we encountered that and notice that conflict our team reacted really quickly notify p g and work with them to kind of take a look at the conflicts in the field. we also come up with solutions to minimize disruption such as to backfill the location while we continue to collaborate with you to come up with a solution to resolve the conflicts during the past ten month our team work really worked really hard to keep the construction moving although the project scope was not affected, there were some unavoidable impacts to the project due to unforeseen utility conflicts nation with adjacent project cortex and also major events that require sequencing. as we know we have mosconi center on folsom street and we also know that there's annual
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for some street fairs so there are a lot of major events that had happened in over the past 11 months and i want to say so far we have, you know, kind of estimate that roughly 1.5 million additional calls and extra time like roughly maybe two month that we need to build in to the construction duration which on this slide you can kind of see the summary of potential impacts. >> but aside from the high voltage block bank that i mentioned, we also run into conflicts such as like a mark a water main and also encounter various other unforeseen utilities doing catch basin installation. >> but for a lot of these utility conflicts such as like the pigeon you that i mentioned we're actively working with them to get there get them to pay for the reimbursement to the contractor per franchise agreement. and also aside from the utility complex we we also have adjacent projects on the
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corridor that we have to coordinate and either to re sequence some of the work in order to minimize impacts to the community and like i mentioned earlier, there have been a lot of major events that had happened over the past 11 months which include the folsom street fair nba all star dreamforce event which is also similar to the possum street fair which also an annual event. >> we also looking forward to the the super bowl in 2026. >> so as we continue to keep the construction moving, we expect to continue coordinating with the key stakeholders to provide access for major events. >> obviously as part of the contract we do build in time restriction for the contractor to work such as like in front of mosconi center but sometimes you know a lot of these times the in order to coordinate with a major event they did requested extended limit which
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we were able to kind of re sequencing our paul jag and also kind of provide a little bit of remobilization and and demobilization to provide that support and while we continue to keep the construction moving. >> so in short this project is very complex and large. the roughly 1.5 million calls impact i want to say is less than 5% of the overall project cost and the duration the impact that we have estimated so far is roughly 6% of the overall project duration to wrap up despite this, by all the challenges that we have encountered and the complexity of the project, we're moving well and moving into a good direction while we continue to formalize the impacts and the changes with this it concludes my presentation and happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> thank you miss fong it's nice to see you again.
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so i think you said it but just to to call it out with the impacts with the unforseen conflicts that you delineated and thank you. >> we're always eager to know what those are. you said yes a completion date will be a little bit longer. the cost will be a little bit more. but i think you said it wasn't very much that these everything that you describe in terms of having to delay because of mass events or this utility stuff that was, you know, under the street instead of what just crossing it. >> correct. for the size of the project and the complexity of the project, i want to say that the cause impact and time impact that we estimate it so far it's not very much compared to the size of the project. >> okay. so just a few weeks would you say on the extent you a couple of months longer or i want to say we're still finalizing those changes and details but so far so far, you know on this on one of the slides that i had
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on the table, we do estimate at about like you know, two month so far due to the major events . but we're trying our best to kind of keep the project moving and trying to be on schedule as much as we can. >> correct. that's great. good. thank you very much. and i just want to ask my colleagues this is as you know, an annual update on a large project, right? it's a $35 million project and we asked for an annual update on on the big ones. >> right. not every capital project, not every contract we approve. >> is this the right amount of information? big goldilocks, four minute too little too much again we get we get the big project presentation when we approve the contract so this is just meant as an annual check and how are things going on budget on time? yes. no. why or why not? so again too much too little or just right anybody? >> i have one additional question. yeah no i'll do the questions and ask but but just in terms of the presentation again in terms of the information this is the right okay, good, good.
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thank you. great. okay now back to the presentation. >> commissioner turner yeah, i just want to offer a general comment. i was coming out of costco when i was i go to costco a lot and i was so intrigued because i saw a piece of equipment i had never seen before and i was amazed how easy it was. >> go to our website and get everything you could practically ever want to know about a project. so i want to offer when you mention you guys are regularly updating to the public and others that's real but also if you want to know what's going on in your community even about weird pieces of equipment the detail and really i think the four ness of how transparent it's been set up i just wanted to acknowledge and thank staff and of course the department for i think setting the public up to always know what's going on and always know who to call if we have further. >> so thank you for that. thank you and thank you for bringing that out because we besides the poor joke website as a tool for constituents to get project updates we also have a tool on the website for
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them to subscribe and become a subscriber so that they can continue to receive the periodic newsletter that we distribute for this project. mr. bloom all right. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate the update here. >> a question on the on the potential impacts on time and cost so to think that i was not on the commission when we approved the contract, i assume that the overage on cost in time based on the reaction of others up here is within the scope of what we anticipated and approved when we approved the project. >> we're i mean like i said, i like i mentioned earlier, we're still kind of trying to formalize all the changes and the potential modifications but i also want to say that we are about 11 month into construction. >> we still have like about two years to wrap up the construction for the size of
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this project. >> i want to say that so far the cumulated impact is i want to say it's compared to the overall size of the project is is manageable is small. but as we continue to formalize the contract modification and the changes we we may come back at a later time to provide more updates or potential contract modifications. >> if i could just to clarify so that you know the process is such that anyone who's bidding on the public work is bidding most qualified lowest bid. so the city's taking the lowest bid in order to get the lowest bid any private contractors coming in and they're proposing what they would do within the amount of time so they don't propose unforeseen. no one would know. right. so when you know when our representative from public works ms.. wong comes back what she sharing really is is that things happened that weren't anticipated. the contractor rightly deserves to be paid for things unforeseen and so that's mostly what we see when we hear a lot
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about, you know, delays or change orders or things people are saying this wasn't in our contract, we didn't anticipate it and we we believe we fairly and it is fair right because we don't want to punish people for doing public work to come back and ask for that. >> so that's what we're really hearing. >> yes, i would i would add but maybe in the future and maybe that mr. bloom we could get just specific. >> it's early as you said, it's early days. it's to finish on time and on budget. >> frankly it may if it's not even a third into the construct or barely a third into the discussion period but maybe when you the future do know that things might be a little late or might be a little overbudget i mean because you did a great job of saying why and that and that's 90% of the story but then maybe just the veteran commissioner who wasn't here i we talked about like i said one month and the delay another year whatever. so just in the future maybe more space as you know it. we'll keep that in mind. >> i think that would be really helpful just like the snapshot of that.
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and then the second point i noticed so far big picture seems like this is largely very much on schedule and on budget for a project of this size. as you know, you're not even a year into three years of construction and i do know though that a couple of the major events on here are recurring events. they happen every year. whatever we're doing in the city or across the city in particular and particularly in summer we should be anticipating dreamforce each year the folsom street fair as we are planning for for future projects it seems like some of that in terms of time and money is should just be worked into the contract at the outset rather than being considered something that is out of out of scope or unexpected having the demobilize zation and remobilization and the time delay should just be baked in at the outset even if that
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means that the initial time and costs that we see are longer it would be better to just have that baked in at the beginning definitely and obviously we do have to as a firm to bring both assets guidance on like that time limitations and you know the locations that we have limitation to work but like i mentioned earlier like for example like you know just focusing on like the dreamforce event and the book kind of said oh no works should occur you know before prior due to part of the event or after the event on on between third and fourth but indeed mosconi center due to like you know this year is a special event and they actually extended the limit so instead of 3 to 4 do we actually have to demobilize between 3 to 6 and but obviously even with that we we tried our best to identify other locations for a contractor to continue moving and also keep the project on construction ongoing and
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obviously it's it's not something that's you know, specify on the approval but it's something that we learn moving forward and as we continue to work on a future project such as like i'm also on the our streetscape logic and there's also the transbay our streetscape project incoming which is also near and adjacent to the mosconi center. we are definitely building in those languages into the contract to to basically accommodate potential demobilization and remobilization. yeah just just to add to that so we do try to bake it in at the outset. i think what we're seeing is there's been special requests for a little bit more than what we baked in and i think the good thing is that we're trying to capture that and learn from that so that we can bake a little bit more in next time. mr. zoghbi thank you for the update. >> this is a great i think i
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stepped out for a minute, came back and i missed what on slide two so the amount and the project cost estimate was what is the so this is the amount though that was approved and the awarded amount the 34,000,009 hundred and 79 and then the project cost estimate is 37 million. original engineers estimate was 37 million. >> we shall we look again forward outlook so we expect like some change orders coming up in the next year we're still finalizing the contract modification details but earlier like i said we're so far we estimate it up roughly like 1.5 million additional cause and there maybe some like cause impact due to you know, the coordination that we work with the stakeholders and also the adjacent events. there is a potential that we may need to come back to modify the contract but at this point
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we're still trying to formalize all the changes. yeah, thank you. yeah but thanks for bringing that up and yeah this project when the when the contractor some of the bid it was actually you know like you know set the fixed amount lowered and the original engineering estimate. thank you ms. wong you mentioned that your partner at some mta project manager if he or she is here took the time and trouble to come, wants to come say hello and just tell us his or her perspective on the project that be great. >> sure he's he's here he's also here with us. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm alan hui. i'm the sfm t project manager and of course it's a great opportunity to work with our folks at public works. they're doing a great job and we're really excited. we've been working with the community for almost ten years. this planning process started out with the central soma plan and also the let's see if i get
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this acronym right the eastern neighborhoods transport nation implementation study that's ian trips back in the mid 20 tens and so we've been working hand in hand with the community from 2016 to our legislation and with m tap with our mta board of directors in 2019 and now everyone's just excited to well for construction to be done to reach significant completion but we've been working hand in hand with them with our working groups making sure all that all the merchants are you know have the resources that they need in case of you know, some construction activity that might take out some parking that might have some dust somewhere. so yeah, like as folks mentioned earlier, we do have our website open. we have been having regular meetings with our merchant groups and we regularly meet with our district supervisor dorsey so yeah we're we're really excited to keep on moving this project.
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>> thank thank you. thank you for coming today commissioner turner did you have a question i was going to ask under new business but that seems appropriate here because this has some federal funding in it direct to short and to our project manager. how is all this money fully obligated and do we have and the reason i ask i've gotten a very unfortunate call this morning from hud if it's not obligated it's not real to them and often multi-year projects. is there any risk on the federal side to this project given it has a small component for the federal funds that we have on this project? they're all obligated yeah. so we don't foresee risk on this project. >> good. well thank you both for your presentation today. >> if there are no more questions or comments please open side and a public comment may members members of the public who wish to make three
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minutes of comment in person on item seven the capital project or i'm sorry item six the capital project update with the folsom streetscape may line up against the wall to the audience is left and if comments from outside the chamber presti raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized at and we have no callers. >> great. thank you again ms. wong. we'll look forward to seeing you a year from now and thank you again to the gentleman from s.f. and to thank you for coming today. >> thank you for the opportunity. thank you mr. wolford did you ever i did. i had alerted your post and director short that i have to excuse myself at 1230 today so i just wanted to excuse myself . we have quorum so great to see you all and have happy black history month. >> thank you mr. o'toole please call the next time. thank you. item seven is a project update
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for the ingleside police station and project manager sherry katz is here to present it's not coming on. thank you. >> okay. good morning chair post commissioners and director short. my name is sherry katz. can you hear me okay? i am the project manager with the bureau of project management and public works for these projects of the commission was last updated on easter 2020 as f pd projects
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surge pxd and ingleside in the late summer of 2023 and today i'll be presenting on the progress since that time. with me today from sfpd is captain tom harvey and he can answer any questions you may have later about police operations. also here today is magdalena ryder, our public works bureau manager. >> ingleside police station is located in balboa park. >> at one site sergeant john v young lane and supervisor chen's district 11 in the outer mission and the search pcd facility is located at 1828. >> egbert in district ten in the bayview. this is an overview of the total funding for s.f. pd projects from easter 2020 easter 2014 and certificates of
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participation. the easter 2020 allocated bond funds for sfpd are just over 119 million after the cost of finance those funds were augmented by an additional 11.5 million million in remaining easter 2014 funds for s.f. pd and that brought the total sro funding available to about over 130 million and those easter 2014 funds were approved by capital planning committee and open in january of 2024. >> a few smaller projects were completed at about between three and 4 million and there is a balance of funds for both ingleside and surge of about 127 million. the budget for ingleside is about 103 million and the budget for search facility at egbert is about 17.7 million and there is additional program reserve in the amount of 5 to 6 million. >> the acquisition burden in
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addition to two is for the acquisition of 1828 aggregate for surge and pcd phase one was funded by certificates of participate portion in the amount of 79.3 million and of that pcd phase one funds are allocated in the amount of 9.5 million and the balance went towards the acquisition the capital plan for 2026 through 2035 notes that pcd phase two will be funded by esser 2028 funds. >> this is the integrated schedule for both a surge pxd and ingleside the surge pcd will be completed first and that will enable the facility to be used as swing space while ingleside police station is under construction at belvoir and when ingleside is complete egbert will then be used entirely as s.f. for s.f. pd's
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property control division. a surge is currently in the permit phase surge was delayed by a few things in early 2024. the police made a request to add a freight elevator and that added about eight months to the design phase. that and that delay telegraphs all the way out to the end of ingleside because the work is sequential the dbi permit for surge is expected by august. the notice to proceed for clark construction the cmg see will follow in september clark will complete construction nine months later in about mid 2026. and to your question that was asked i think originally that was projected for december 2020 for moving from ingleside was to surge will complete in late 2026 ingleside is in the
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schematic design phase it's expected to finish estes in march. i will talk about the 1 to 1 swap negotiations and in an upcoming slide but overall that delayed the project that delayed ingleside design project by about one year 100% design and permitting will finish in late 2026 at about the same time that surge and pxd complete move in at egbert clark will then pivot from egg work to start construction at ingleside in late 2026 and then they have 24 months to achieve substantial completion. so late 2028 or early 2029 and i believe that was originally forecasted for mid 2027. the move in date back to ingleside station is the first quarter of 2029 and the last i believe last commission update that was estimated at late 2027.
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so i just also wanted to talk a little bit about cmg, see delivery and how clark integrates into the project during this pre-construction phase it is advantageous to the overall project schedule to engage the contractor for surge pxd during pre-construction services. it does help mitigate potential delays later in the construction phase for example clark is currently bidding surge and they are working with their major subs on long lead equipment in their scope such as electrical hbc elevator etc. they will provide long lead equipments submittals for the for approval by the designers and that will allow them to then procure long lead equipment early in this pre-construction permit phase for on time delivery during construction.
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>> this is an overview of surge and it egbert edwards is an existing vacant four story building that was used as a commercial storage facility. it is funded under easter 2020 in the amount of about 17.7 million and pcd phase one is funded by co-ops in the amount of about 9.5 million after the surge is complete. ingleside police will move into this facility for the duration of the construction at balboa. the first and partial second floor will comprise the surge base for ingleside police and then the remainder of the egbert floors are dedicated to s.f. pds property control division phase one project and later pcd phase two project after ingleside plan is a construct complete sfp moves back to balboa and the search
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space at egbert will be repurposed under pcd phase two project and the entire facility will become the permanent home for their property control division. >> progress in the design and permit phase for surge pcd clark's cmg contract was approved by this commission back in january of 2024 a notice to proceed for pre-construction services was an issue to clark in july of 2020 for and then on december 27th boa submitted the 95% ccds to gbi for permit at the same time clark received those those 95% codes for bidding and by june all of the trades will provide will will have provided bids and the total cost of the work for clark will be reconciled and finalized prior to issuing and issuing them a notice to proceed in september
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. so ingleside station had been on hold from august 2023 when 30% stays were complete through november of 2024. the design phase of the project has been delayed and i believe that the previous deputy director was very cautious about moving forward on this project until the mechanism for land conveyance between sfpd and rec and park was resolved earlier discussions were focused on leasing and or purchasing land from rec and park but the rpd charter requires a voter approval for that which would have further delayed the project out a few more years until the next election cycle in 2026. so the attorney settled on a 1
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to 1 land swap between us pd and our pd which does not require voter approval and you see that site plan on october 28th both departments rec and park nsf, s.f. sfpd signed off on an interdepartmental interdepartmental agreement for the proposed land swap. so you see that site plan in the upper right area a is on the police's property and that's being swapped for an equal area e on rec and parkland across the lane where the replacement police station is sited. area is currently a densely vegetated site. >> it's not used by rec and park for any park activities or purpose. there's also a permit area d that will be an area within the s.f. pd security secure site boundary as well that is allowed by recon park in the agreement with some key
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benefits exchange in exchange accruing to rec and park around the use of the new community room and the police station as well as the addition of parking spaces or additional parking spaces for their events and activities. >> so i would say that the sign off by rec and park on the swap agreement was in late october was a milestone and that allowed for design to continue. it allowed for planning applications to be submitted and for entitlements to proceed and on january 3rd the general plan referral and the secret applications were submitted to s.f. planning for preliminary review. we are now responding to their comments and we will provide a final submittal in the next few weeks. entitlements will progress toward secure with dates being negotiated for presentations to
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neighborhood groups and civic design review and also approval by the parks commission. and in the fall of 2025 that well that is targeted for the real estate divisions resolution to the board of supervisors for the jurisdictional transfer of the land swap. but both sequoia and the general plan determinations are required for that jurisdictional transfer. i hope that sort of explains that that whole process that you asked about design progress and look ahead on ingleside police station being a sites police station is now comprised of two buildings and in the new schematic design the renovation and seismic upgrade of the historic 1910 station and also the construction of a new seismically safe support for modern modern police station
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that will serve as an emergency response facility. >> there had been a third building in the previous possibly in the previous presentation that was dedicated to a community room and in this new scheme it is incorporate it into the new two story building and that that was because the original scheme was overbudget and so it was redesigned to include two can two condense the the program into one building after rec and park signed the swap agreement at the end of october schematic design restarted at that point and in march boa will complete 100% schematic design the mid in mid 2026 both boa will complete 100% design and the project will be submitted to gbi for a permit that is the target date.
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the construction phase is forecast to start for ingleside in early 2027. clark will achieve substantial completion 24 months later in early 2029. i believe that the previous commission update that was forecasted for mid 2027 so you can see that there are there have been setbacks in the schedule. a few words on how clark integrates into the project clark cmg c contract requires their participation early on ingleside in starting in the design development phase they not only provide comparative cost estimates for different schemes and systems for value engineering to control costs but they also provide early advisement on just how different systems will impact the cost of the work as as market events evolve and they are evolving, we learned recently that timber costs have
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skyrocketed due to the l.a. fires. we also anticipate that of steel tariffs are implemented. steel prices may once again escalate. clark will provide overall cost estimates at the end of each phase along with the independent estimate and they will collaborate and reconcile their pricing. clark does have a fixed construction construction budget limit in their contract for this project of about 51.2 million. also i would say that early partnering is critical between clark and and the part and rec in part because of the complexity of the site and the staging i'm partnering will allow the team to do some advanced planning and mitigate disruption to wreck and parks activities and programs due to their the extensive infrastructure that crosses through out the site. so just as they are you know
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currently doing on surge clark will mitigate project delays by ordering long lead equipment early. >> they'll also do some site investigation they have you know between now and when they get their notice to proceed to actually investigate the site and look at existing conditions and mitigate change orders. that's also a big benefit. so the value proposition of you know a cmg see continues through each phase and it starts in the design development phase and they help us mitigate as much cost and schedule risk as possible as we negotiate market events and project impacts. this is the 75% schematic design. it shows the site plan and the first and second floor plans of the new police station. the replacement station is
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programed for all essential functions as an emergency response facility. the interior of the historic stations is also being renovated to include noncommercial sea related programmatic needs such as a wellness room lockers and storage and that kind of thing. the historic building is partially located on top of an existing bart tunnel and the historic building is being seismically upgraded to code at the foundation. so the project is also subject to bart permit and caltrans reviews as well. the 1910 historic police station is individually eligible at the local level for listing on the national register of historic places and as a part of the building it is also a park historic district and a preservation architect has been engaged to provide voa with some guidance on restoration work for the station. so all of the doors, the eaves, the balconies, the lanterns,
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the windows will all be historically rehabilitated to its original detailing. also because it is a public safety facility all the window glazing on both the historic building and the new police station will be a ballistic resistant glass and security consultant has also been engaged to provide recommendations on achieving a level of security for the police. >> so that brings me to the conclusion of this update presentation and for the next one in about a year from now it will be well underway in construction. there will be lots of construction photos at that time and ingleside design development will be wrapped up. boe will be probably in 50% seed phase so i'm happy to answer any questions that you might have. thank you. ms. katz good to see you again for today's presentation.
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very interesting and thank you for answering all a number of my questions all of my questions in your presentation today that i'd sent ahead course just a couple of follow ups then so i appreciate you pointing out that clark will be always looking for you know, trying to shave that delay out because it's now been delayed two years one year was due to the land swap and i don't know if that was you deputy city attorney tom or one of your colleagues, but i thank you for that creative thinking on getting that done so that we certainly don't have to go to voters on that. yeah, but what would what's the other year of delay tribute to you may have said it and i missed it yeah what happens well the work is sequential so first we finished surge and then we work on ingleside and so it's connected and and because if if surges is delayed ingleside is also delayed so with surge we added the freight elevator for pcd and we last
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year all of 2024 we you know there was design and new contract and by the time design was finished it was already december so that's what really delayed. i think so surge and pcdi okay. yeah we'll hope that clark can work some magic and try to take you know, bring it forward that those two years in some way well they're hoping to yeah that'll be great that was great and then the cost. >> can the project be delivered for the 121 million or so that you're showing us today that is the you know, that's the the golden question. i believe so. i believe so. i think there's enough we've been don't forget to also we've gotten the 11.5 million which really helps. we are putting aside and i'd you know $6 million in reserve so we'll know more actually at
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the end of deeds the end of i'm sorry the end of estes we're going to do we're going to go through a whole round of of estimating and i think with both with with both the estimator and clark you know contributing to the number with clark having some skin in the game you know will will come to i think a better place of understanding what those numbers are. >> great. thank you. and i of course i do appreciate the points you raised about the uncertainty of construction materials in particular right now that those costs could really pop up. so thank aggressing thank you. >> thank you very much. commissioner xabi thank you very for your presentation. actually i had i had to go to my calendar and to remember when did we visit ingleside what year was that was yeah and it's unfortunate that these delays do happen. i didn't see is there what was
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the allocation of the lease for the land lease that we had in the in the budget that right now i guess it's it won't be part of an expense right we're not leasing or purchasing it's just it's just because we swapped land instead of leasing the land. yes, correct. so was there a budget for that for leasing that land or was it in i believe that was the problem is that we really don't we don't have funds for that. it wasn't the funds were not intended to be used for purchasing or leasing or leasing. right. so the 1 to 1 swap was the best possible outcome for that. >> we'll keep our fingers crossed we say it's a big project down no. yeah. thank you. thank you for keeping on top of it. thank you. any other questions or comments from ms.. katz today? >> all right, good. well maybe we'll take another trip out there at some point because this is it's a really interesting side isn't it is
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project and thank you very well planned that shepherding this through i know it's very complicated and that certainly was clear to wasn't there all right because it's officer harvey's here. >> oh yes that's right. thank you for reminding me if captain harvey wanted to say a few words. i have a question. yeah? since you took the time and trouble to come today, why not say hi and let us know how you think the project is progressing? >> hello, commissioners. my name is tom harvey. i'm a captain with the san francisco police department. i'm assigned to staff services. >> i enjoyed the presentation myself so very, very nice job and i know there's people in this room behind me who are also helping so very complex, very impressive. some interesting aspects having nothing to do with the project was the land trade and then kind of i enjoyed the old the picture of the 1910 original building. so i look forward to the
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project starting and then of course when it's completed. good to see you all. thank you. thank you very much for coming. all right. please open the site and to public comment. >> thank you. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item seven the capital project update the ingleside police station may line up against the wall to the audience left and if commenting from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized and we do not have any callers. >> great. thank you. i did i'm sorry captain harvey, i did have a follow up question for you. i beg your pardon? i didn't remember it when you were at the mic. >> are you? my question is obviously everybody your colleagues at ingleside will be clearing out once the construction starts. are you confident that that they're going to the surge facility is out.
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that's the plan. yeah. are you confident you'll be at that station will be able to fulfill all its duties and provide all its services when it moves out? >> yes. good. okay, great. so so you're involved the surge facility design i mean the police department is integral of course a full partner of everybody in this. you feel confident that your needs, the police's needs will be met? >> i believe that's correct. >> that thank you very much. thank you. could i just add one quick detail? >> i think this this actually is an example of a really good partnership between the police and public works because you may remember that originally we were looking for a different search facility and it was actually captain harvey's predecessor i think who had the idea of turning the document control. >> i'm getting that title wrong into the search facility for ingleside so that two projects basically were able to benefit rather than leasing a separate location. >> and so i think we've over
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the years we've really strengthened the relationship. i see vivian is here with us who formerly was with the police department and is now with public works facilities. >> so i think it's been really great to have that collaborate of relationship where we're problem solving together and this project i think really benefited from that. >> so i hope it does meet the needs because it was their great idea that we do it this way. >> good. well thank you. please thank you colleagues and for that we'll do thank you behalf of the city. >> sounds good. okay, good. >> thank you so much. all right. if there are nothing else on this side and please call the next item mr. well, thank you. the next item is new business initiated by the commissioners and this is an opportunity for commissioners to suggest business for future agenda. >> thank you. mr. turner took a short and potentially deputy director robertson i'm wondering how over the course of last couple of months as we've worked
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through our budget most of the budget work is focused on reductions particularly on the general fund side. we have a new reality this week between tariffs and if you're not watching hud which funds cbg and other direct and indirect programs particularly for affordable housing it's very clear that construction projects are going to be well impacted. meeting the other side of our house is now impacted. what and how do we need to begin having conversations to prepare for the inevitable which is outside of general fund planning strategies which i want to thank the budget and finance team for coming up for that it's very hard to do that when we don't construct control construction costs or projects . any thoughts and or suggestions on how as a commission we can support both the discussion but also the planning for the inevitable. >> thank you for that question commissioner turner that is definitely a tough one to answer. i think we are certainly planning that there will be construction cost increases.
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>> one of the benefits of that using alternative delivery methods is that our contractors can start to try to either buy things now and maybe avoid some of the impacts but also help value engineer if if we end up with unanticipated costs we just lost our project bureau manager for the bureau of project management but i wanted to give her kind of a shout out because she dealt with unexpected tariffs in building fire station 35. and so i think one of the things that we are also trying to do is to learn from those past experiences in those cases we did have to find more resources in order to be able to pay for those unexpected costs. >> but we're going to try to anticipate as much as we can now where those increases are likely to impact our costs and then what can we do? it's most likely scope
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reduction i think is what we're going to have to look at. >> but value engineering and buying everything as early as we can i mean that's why these alternative project delivery methods can help during uncertain times. >> so at this point i guess there's not been any inklings or concern that people are going to postpone projects. and the reason i ask and let me be a little more direct if you take a 30% tariff on a project it implodes its construction and so i'm trying to really understand what do we need to be doing now that it is it is here is no longer a foregone conclusion. yeah thank you for clarifying and that is an important point. i think we are going to get we actually had a pretty robust conversation on capital planning two meetings ago. we may need to postpone or delay projects. >> so i think the and we are i'll be a little candid struggling right now to look at our are any potential staffing
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impacts of that so we are very closely looking at our portfolio of projects and trying to anticipate which may end up getting delayed and whether that's going to have an impact for our current staffing and it's put a fine point on this. so the budget projection that we did for i guess that would be 2627 which doesn't include the capital planning that that's really the thing we need to be mindful of and okay, thank you. >> sorry. good. >> commissioner turner thank you. and later this year we will have another presentation from the capital planning department again in terms with specific angle that how public works fits in. we had heard from him before as you might recall and so we'll get an update later this year. but let's let's make a note to make sure that that's addressed. >> commissioner bloom, thank you.
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>> in a similar vein, it would be helpful i don't know that this needs to be a new topic but i leave that to chair post in director sorry you need to consider if this is something that we need a presentation on but as the picture becomes more clear as to changes in federal policies as well as changes in federal funding streams and potential disruptions there all of which are university attorneys busily litigating litigating. >> but as that becomes clearer i think it may be helpful to get a presentation or some sort of discussion from director sharp from the staff about overall impacts that shift our baseline understanding as to tariffs as to federal funding sources that our clients and that we rely on. okay. thank you commissioner bloom. point taken and i'm i'll work
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with the staff and with secretary fuller on how to craft that that would be you know, within within our jurisdiction but also of interest to to everybody so thank you and i think i think also as we are evaluating contracts going forward it will become important to understand like is the department seeing an increase in costs of 30% on the construction supplies or whatever across the board understanding what that big picture is so that we are better equipped to make decisions as we are getting different information coming in from the market, different information coming in from potential contractors. if we if we are seeing really significant increases so that we understand what's contributing to that. >> great. good. thank you. good suggestion for capital project reports that will be receiving and contracts going forward. >> good. all right. if there are no other requests
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for new business, please open time to public comment. >> thank you. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item eight new business initiated by commissioners may line up against the wall to the audience left if commenting from outside the chamber presti raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized and we have no callers. thank you and i believe we won't need item nine general public comments so our next meeting of the public works commission will be in two weeks from today on thursday, march 13th at 11:00 in this room 408 and thank you all for attending and we are adjourned
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>> we are the risk takers the dreamers the expires we are the creative the artists the makers and the innovators from the gold rush and shaped by earthquake and cool by the fog. rocked by itself people. we been here we grow here and take a a chap here
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we have roots here. we found ourselves here. and we are the small businesses. >> with 2040 opened in san francisco where we met supportive people to help every step and stage and breaking. >> to welcoming the first encumbers and from idea to opening san francisco listened to our dreams and made them real. start your legacies
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. okay. >> okay. all right. this is the regular fire commission meeting february 26th, 2025 come to order the time is now. >>