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tv   Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  March 4, 2025 2:00pm-5:30pm PST

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. >> good afternoon. welcome to the march 4th 2025 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, will you please call the roll? >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor chin chen present supervisor chen chen present supervisor dorsey dorsey present supervisor and engardio and engardio present supervisor fielder fielder not present supervisor mahmood who at present supervisor randleman present mandel men present supervisor melgar male guard present supervisor sadr sadr present supervisor sherril sharon present and supervisor walton walton present mr. president you have a quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk. supervisor fielder is stuck in jury duty so can we have a
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motion to excuse? supervisor fielder moved by sherril is there a second second by chen and i think i'm going to say excuse her until she arrives. if she arrives and we can take that without objection. >> okay. all right. >> the san francisco board of supervisors acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the romita aloni who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the romita colony have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homelands. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the dramatist aloni community and by affirming their rights as
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first peoples and colleagues. will you join me in saying the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty. and on behalf of the board i would like to acknowledge the staff at s.f. gov tv particularly today kaleena mendoza who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. madam clerk, are there any communications? >> yes. thank you, mr. president. the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes you to attend this meeting in person in the board's legislative chamber room two 52nd floor in city hall or you may watch the proceeding on as of g of tv's channel 26. you may also view the livestream at ww w dot s.f. g o
2:07 pm if you'd like to provide comment in writing you can do so by sending an email to boost s.f. gov dot org or use the postal service. >> send the letter to the san francisco board of supervisors the number one dr. carlton should be good place city hall room 244 san francisco california 94102 if you need to make a reasonable accommodation request under the americans with disabilities act or to request language assistance, contact the clerk's office at least two business days in advance by calling (415) 554-5184. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk. let's go to approval of the meeting minutes. >> approval of the january 28th 2025 board meeting minutes. >> colleagues, we are approving the meeting minutes from the january 28th 2025 regular board meeting. are there any changes to these
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meeting minutes? i don't see any of them. is there a motion to approve move by walton? is there a second seconded by melgar? and madam clerk, will you please call the roll on the minutes supervisor mandolin i mandolin eyes supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sadr sadr i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton i supervisor chin chin i supervisor chin chin i supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio and engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are ten eyes then without objection the minutes will be approved after public comment as presented madam clerk let's go to our consent agenda items one through 16 items one through 16 are on consent. >> these items are considered
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to be routine unless a member objects and would like an item to be removed and considered separately. >> and colleagues does anyone want to sever any items from the consent agenda? i don't see anyone see no one on the roster. >> madam clerk, can you please call the roll on items one through 16 supervisor mandolin hi randleman i supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sauder sorter i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton and i supervisor chan chin i supervisor chen chin i supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio and engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are ten eyes without objection the ordinances are passed on first reading and finally passed and resolutions are adopted madam clerk can you take us to our regular agenda unfinished business item 17 item 17 this is an ordinance to amend the
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planning code to exempt certain types of projects in the downtown area that replace non residential uses with residential uses from development impact fees and requirements to include the inclusionary housing fee. remove the application deadline from the commercial to residential adaptive reuse program and to require periodic reporting to the inclusionary housing technical advisory committee and to affirm the second determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> madam clerk, please call the roll on item 17 supervisor randleman hi mandolin i supervised for melgar melgar by supervisor sartor sadr i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton no supervisor chen chin i supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood
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i there are nine eyes and one no with supervisor walton voting no the ordinance is finally passed madam clerk will you please call item number 18 item 18 this is an ordinance to retrofit actively authorize the department of public library to accept and expend an approximate $1.9 million grant award from the andrew w mellon foundation for the jail and reentry services program term november 1st, 2024 through december 31st, 2027 and to amend the annual salary ordinance for fiscal years 2024 through 25 and 2526 to provide for the addition of three positions one grant funded full time position class 3630 library and one one grant funded full time position in class 1822 and add mental analyst and one grant funded full time position an 1823 senior administrative analyst at the public library through june 30th 2026 please call the
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roll in this item on item 18 supervisor mandolin hi randleman i supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sartor sadr i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton i supervisor chin chin i supervisor chin chin i supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor and engardio and engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are ten eyes without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading madam clerk can you please call items 19 and 20 together items 19 and 20 are two resolutions that authorize the recreation and parks department to accept and expend grants. item 19 enters into an agreement with b p embarcadero plaza lp the downtown san francisco partnership and the office of economic and workforce development pertaining to potential improvements and renovations at
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the embarcadero plaza, the sue beerman park and to accept cash and in-kind grants from xp of approximately 2.5 million for design and art project management services and to accept potential additional grants of approximately 10 million which could include cash grants from the downtown community benefit district or in-kind grants of construction services from b xp for the term through december 2028 seeing no one on the roster madam clerk let's take these items same house, same call without objection these mr. president i apologize i'll just before you gavel down i will say item 20 this is a resolution that accepts an expensive grant retroactively from the california state coastal conservancy for the great highway promenade planning project in the amount of 1 million. >> all right, now let's take that out now let's take these items same house, same call.
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>> without objection these resolutions are adopted. now let's go to item number 21. >> item 21. this is a resolution to approve and authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute the first amendment to a contract for engineering services for an all valley water treatment plant as a nation with cdr smith inc to increase the contract amount by 9.6 million for a total contract amount of 24.6 million and to increase the contract duration by four years for a new term of ten years through february 2030. and let's take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. and let's go to item 22. >> item 22. this is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of economic and workforce development to accept and expend a $675,000 grant from the james irvine
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foundation for the northern california apprenticeship network sustainability grant for the term through october 11th, 2027. >> and we'll take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk please call her next item item 23 this is a resolution to approve and authorize the director of the mayor's office of housing and community development to execute loan documents for the permanent financing of 1135 1155 and 1175 illustrate with 1155 lsb llc pursuant to the small science program and the preservation and seismic safety program for a loan amount of 50.6 million and to confirm the second determination and let's take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, let's go to our next item item 24. >> this is a resolution to authorize the department of hhs
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the homelessness and support of housing to execute a standards agreement with the california department of housing and community development having anticipated revenue to the city in an amount of approximately 8.2 million of project homekey grant funds to retroactively accept and expend these funds for the acquisition of the property located at 42 oda street for permanent supportive housing and to support its operations for costs incurred march third, 2021 through june 30th 2026 and to approve and authorize sage to commit approximately 8.7 million in matching funds for acquisition of the property and a ten year minimum of operation subsidies to affirm the secret determination and to make the appropriate findings. and we'll take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, please call item 25. >> item 20 five is a resolution to approve an agreement between
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the city and new flier of america inc to procure for 40 foot and three 60 foot battery electric busses along with spare parts special tools, manuals for training and telematics licenses through a cooperative purchasing agreement established by the state of washington for 13.4 million and a five year term. >> and we can take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk, can you please call our next item item 26. >> this item was referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. it's a resolution to approve the third amendment to the grant agreement between the city and brilliant corners to administer the flexible housing subsidy pool program to increase the agreement amount by approximately 19.3 million for a new total amount of approximately 59.54 million to extend the grant term by 12 months june 30th 2025 for a
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total term through june 30th 2026. >> supervisor dorsey thank you president mandela and colleagues i wanted to provide additional context on why we referred this item out without recommend. dacian at last week's budget and finance committee we had a robust discussion about this contract with the department and my committee colleagues chair chan and supervisor and gado for background brilliant corners provides housing location coordination subsidy administration and landlord liaison services to support scattered site permanent supportive housing for up to 500 adults in private rental units. however, it has consistently struggled to meet its 75 day placement target averaging 140 days instead. and despite serving more clients it has also significantly underspent millions in funds allocated over the past three fiscal years due to staffing shortages and slow placements. now some of this contractual underperform commences attributable to the contractor.
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however, it also appears that some underperformance issues are also attributable to the department at least in terms of setting goals and objectives that were apparently never realistic for these types of services. but either way i think this is unhelpful to us in our role as supervisors to make prudent budgetary and policy decisions. as of last week we are informed that brilliant corners is at full capacity for enrollments with 90 households actively searching for housing. importantly hca is also in the process of re procuring this agreement for this this spring of 2025. as we discussed during the committee meeting, they will be standardizing agreements to maintain consistency across all flexible housing subsidy pools, providers including adjusting the timelines for housing placement. although this contract was moved out of committee without recommendation i will be voting for it to approve it today given the forthcoming procurement process as well as the near-term progress we have seen since the committee meeting.
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however, i did want to flag this as an item of concern for me borrowing a page from the playbook of budget chair connie chan who i always appreciated for occasionally highlighting similarly worthy matters that are attention worthy of attention for the full board. >> i think this did merit further explanation. prident benjamin. ank you i just want to express that my sentiment and concur what was expressed by supervisor dorsey ,our vice chair on the committee i regretfully want is to say that i think the committee actually has a chair sentiment and that we have a consensus of how we're going to approach items like as such. so colleagues, i urge you to to evaluate in. feel free to ask any of the member of the committee questions should you see any items that come out with our recommendation? it really is actually still a
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indication that we are in consensus as this item is coming out with that recommendation. >> i hope that you will see less of it but regrettably i don't think that's the case because we are going to be tougher and tougher days ahead. thank you. >> supervisor sherril i want to add my voice to my colleagues supervisors dorsey and chan whose remarks i will not repeat but i wish to echo these contractors require adequate resources and support to be successful but there must also be clear accountability when agreed upon performance metrics are not met or one of agreed upon performance metrics are not realistic. supervisor dorsey mentioned very clearly that this contract has a 75 day target when in fact the results are closer to 140. based on my personal work in the past i know that those results are driven almost entirely by the fact that individuals who do not actually get placed are languishing longer and longer.
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in my mind it is difficult to appropriately judge contracts where we have performance metrics that are in some ways impossible to meet and which do not look entirely at the population they are looking to serve. many people do in fact get housed before that 75 day wait. many people never get housing. they drive these average numbers up. does that mean the brilliant corners is doing a good job? does that mean they're doing a bad job? it is almost impossible to see because of the lack of thoughtfulness in putting together some of the performance metrics in these contracts. we need to have an in-depth conversation on all contracts both new and soon to be renewed and amended going forward. and i want to thank my colleagues on the budget committee for their thoughtfulness in bringing this to a head here today. >> thank you. supervisor sherril thank you supervisors for your comments. it sounds like we can take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. and madam clerk can you please call item 27 and i'm 27. >> this is a resolution to affirm san francisco's
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commitment to birthright citizenship as a constitutional right and to oppose president donald trump's executive order that attempts to unconstitutionally limit birthright citizenship. >> and we can take this item same house, same call without objection, the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, can you please call item 28 item 28 this is a resolution to authorize fundraising for services related to immigration lgbtq rights, environmental protection, reproductive rights and racial equity. >> notwithstanding the behest id payment waiver and i think we can take this item same house, same call without objection this resolution is adopted. madame clerk, can you please call our next item item 29 this is a resolution to support the s.f. mta the san francisco municipal transports and agency's joint development program goals and policy to set a citywide policy on the joint development of transit and housing projects to address the s.f. mta's budget deficit and
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advance san francisco's housing and equity goals. >> supervisor melgar thank you so much colleagues. >> this is a resolution supporting the policy that the mta has developed and passed recently. as we all know muni is facing a $321 million structural deficit every year in the next couple of years threatening service cuts, fare hikes and the loss of essential programs like school crossing guards. >> this structural deficit is due almost entirely because of the loss of parking revenue. >> over the past decade people have been driving their own cars less parking in mta parking lots less and taking uber, lyft waymo's more. the pandemic has accelerated this trend but it did not start it. >> the joint development program goals and policy unlocks new income streams possibly for the agency in the
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future by developing the real estate assets the agency owns for revenue generating uses are new underutilized s.f. mta owned land without burdening taxpayers. this means more of the things we need like housing, affordable housing services for riders, shops, a stronger transit system and a boost to our local economy. major cities around the world have all done this. anyone who has ever visited grand central station knows that riders can drop off their dry cleaning, pick up their dinner, do any number of things that interact economically with the train station and it is really wonderful. >> the s.f. mta owns dozens of properties across san francisco including stations century old backyards, parking garages in lots. these properties are valuable assets that can serve more than
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one purpose. under this framework we can develop housing on s.f. empty on land helping us meet our housing goals while securing a stable revenue stream for public transit. it's a win win and it will help our city's economic recovery. by doing this we ensure that muni can continue to serve the public without resorting to fare increases or service reductions. remaining the vibrant, accessible, affordable system that it always has been. and just as importantly we can activate land to create vibrant transit oriented communities. thank you supervisors at soldering engardio dorsi and mahmood for your early support. i want to also thank my committee vice chair for the land use committee supervisor cheyenne chen for her assistance and the in her her amendments to the resolution. thank you so much and i hope to get your support.
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thank you. much for seeing no more names on the roster can we take this item same house, same call. without objection the resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk, can you please call our next item item 30 this is an ordinance to amend the campaign and governmental conduct code to update the conflict of interest codes form 700 filing requirements all rights. i think we can take this item same house, same call. >> without objection the ordinance is passed on first reading. >> and madam clerk can you please call item 31? item 31 this is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to authorize the tax collector to refund property taxes to the assessee or latest record owner of the property if the amount of the refund is less than 10,000 and there has been no transfer of the property during or since the fiscal year for which the taxes to be refunded were levied on a 31 we can take
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this item. same house, same call without objection the ordinance is passed on first reading. supervisor jan present amendment and colleagues my apologies i have overlooked my vote and if i could request that you may indulge me to allow me to rescind our vote for item 28 which i can explain further whenever president vandeman see fit. >> okay. do we need a motion in the second to rescind a vote or we just he motion to reconsider recess that was moved by chan seconded by walton. we can take that without objection. >> yes. all right. so the the vote is rescinded and then supervisor jia thank you, president domain. colleagues, i am going to be voting against item number 28
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for the reason previously i voted in support for for this waiver granting to our mayor and city attorney but i am voting against this particular waiver for assessor recorder. first and foremost assessor recorder walk him towards has been a great elected but also formerly as our great city staff has done really tremendous work during the pandemic related to same costs as a mayoral staff during a very critical time. i don't. now does view his role as assessor recorder again very different role as a independently elected and in a process that is critical time as always but more than ever that he will oversee he and his team will be overseeing a lot of. potentially a lot of appeals from corporation and other entities through the appeal
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process involving property tax and related matters. so with that i feel uncomfortable to see that he receive and he and his team to receive. pavement waiver that i think there's even though there's i do not think that in any way there's no allegation of inappropriateness just a perception of it and with that i will be voting no against item number 28. >> all right, madam clerk, please call the roll on item 28 an item 28 supervisor. >> randleman high and i supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sardar sartor i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor wilton wilton eyes supervisor chin no chin no supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey eyes supervisor and audio and video i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i.
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there are nine eyes and one no with supervisor chan voting no all right the resolution is adopted and then madam clerk do we need to revote on 29 since we took that same house same call? >> or how do we do that? mr. president, can you repeat that question? my apologies. so we had taken i think we had taken 29 same house, same call . do we need to revote on that or no? no, we do not. great. >> can you call item 32? >> item 32 this is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code to remove the requirement that parking operators certify and report periodically to the city the ratio of their unaccounted parking tickets to total issued tickets for each parking station for the reporting period. >> madam clerk, please call the roll on item 32 supervisor mandolin hi mandolin eyes supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sartor sartor i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton i
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supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey eyes supervisor engardio and engardio i. and supervisor muhammad mahmood i there are ten eyes without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading madam clerk please call our next item item 33 this is a motion to reappoint clinton laufman to the citizen's committee on community development term ending february 23rd 27. >> all right, let's take this item same house, same call. without objection the motion is approved and madam clerk, can you please call item 31? >> item 30 four this is a motion to reappoint cindy f lopez chastain to the early childhood community oversight and advisory committee term ending october 8th, 2026. >> let's take this item same house, same call without objection the motion is
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approved and madam clerk let's go to our 230 special order. >> recognition of commendations. yes. the recognition of commendations for meritorious service to the city and county of san francisco supervisor sartor thank you president benjamin. colleagues today i rise to celebrate samuel a treasured cornerstone of san francisco's chinatown for over 100 years i think we all know there are restaurants in san francisco that are more than just restaurants and samuel is one of those. it represents the preservation of cultural heritage. serves as a bridge connecting many generations in our city through authentic chinese cuisine. many of you may be familiar with the renowned barbecue pork rice rolls with hot mustard and many of you probably have spent some late nights at samuel.
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during 2020 i had the honor of collaborating with samuel through our north beach deliveries initiative where we distributed meals to those sheltering in place during the pandemic. samuel has been a second home and a community gathering space to so many throughout our city . this has all been made possible because of the longtime chef david how i want to extend my deepest gratitude to david for his remarkable over 40 years of service to our community. he leaves a legacy of hard work of hospitality and dedication to a craft a very delicious craft. joining him today are his family and his friends jason fong excuse me jane fong, jason julie and stephen lee, our former entertainment commissioner and now port
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commissioner. and i would like to invite stephen first to make remarks. afternoon supervisors welcome new supervisors. i just want to say samuel has been a mainstay for us all the way in college. i remember going there that's all the rudest waiter in the world. >> mr. holt took over after that so passed away i had a chance to be with the whole family back in 2012 when the restaurant was shut down. i helped the stave it. >> at that time and i had the chance to work with mr. hall and i'd have to say the reason why i support a lot of the small businesses in chinatown and the hard working mom and pops is because of this man right here. this guy works 12 hours a day. he doesn't stop. he loves the legacy of sam wall
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and what it means to the community and this is why we support him. i met julie and jason. julie worked there at nine years old after school and jason with their team same time. so during covid when we had the shutdown and at that time we were running three shifts at sam wall we were still doing the late night dining to in the morning but when covid hit we had to lay everybody off and we were stuck either losing the restaurant again or doing takeout or what we did later thanks to the board and the nonprofits to help feed those seniors that couldn't go out. mr.. hall actually was supervisor then of other what, three shifts and he didn't have to do a whole lot then but then he came back and worked 12 hours again for two years because pandemic lasted too long and we
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as investors who helped save town will again we really are proud and dedicated and thank you mr. hall and the family. >> it is sad that he has to retire and that we're stuck looking for a new chef. hopefully. >> but i want to introduce jason hall to julie who is also a nurse and of course mr. hall, a good friend of okay. okay. go ahead.
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thank you supervisors. all right. and i have the second commendation here. i'd like to invite rob connolly to come up and i would note that we have been joined by our former city attorney and general manager dennis herrera as well as our former police chief greg sir and i think they may be here for rob. >> so as i was as i was handing out the the certificates to get my colleagues to sign today, they got worried that you might be retiring. >> that is not what is going on here. rob connolly is not retiring but it is the 25th anniversary year since he joined the boys
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and girls club of san francisco or bgc s.f. where he is president rob received his b.a. from yale university and attended oxford university as a visiting study fellow. he began working for the boys and girls clubs in 1998, serving two years with the boys and girls clubs of america's relations team in washington dc and then he joined the organization's san francisco chapter as executive director a quarter century ago and then was named president in 2005 during his time with the boys and girls clubs of san francisco, rob has focused primarily on expanding the reach of the clubs to serve more youth and more communities while modernizing the programs and services they provide. he is a prodigious and constant fundraiser for the organization bringing in the money they need to attract and retain top talent and renovate facilities to ensure that youth have safe
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spaces where they can learn, grow and succeed. he and his team have developed and implemented programs and services that measurably improve the lives of young people focusing on academic success, healthy lifestyles, good character and community engagement and job readiness with earning potential as president rob currently oversees bgc s.f. eight traditional clubhouses, five school based clubs and camp mendocino, a 2000 acre residential summer camp in the redwoods of northern california . he manages an operation of over 300 staff members under his leadership the clubs have raised up ten winners and six runners up for the esteemed national program excellence award. 16 club youth have also reached the state finals for california youth of the year three three were named california youth of the year and one was named national youth of the year in 2021 rob was recognized with horizon award for his outstanding contributions to the growth and development of the clubs in the pacific region
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. last year he was recognized with the masters and mentors award one of the club's highest honors. rob played the lead staff role in raising more than $60 million through the club's brighter futures capital campaign and in 2018 under his leadership the boys and girls clubs of san francisco also launched a $50 million capacity building campaign and they've raised 49 million. so almost there. >> each campaign included new clubhouses, important upgrades at existing clubhouses and at camp mendocino and an investment in competitive compensate asian rob is the former board president and current board vice president for the california alliance of boys and girls clubs which advocates for funding and public policies that support the success of clubs in urban, suburban and rural communities around california. i want to thank you rob, for your service to our youth and our city and to wish you a very happy 20th anniversary of the boys and girls clubs of san
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francisco and my colleagues are lining up to sing your praises so supervisor welcome. >> thank you so much, president melman and i'm going to be brief but rob one i just want to thank you for your decades of leadership of our clubs. most of our young people within community have gone through the doors of boys and girls clubs and one way or another whether as has been as members or as young people that you have employed. and so i want to thank you for continue ing to focus on leading our young people to success even so many years later you could go on to do so many different things but i appreciate the fact that you stay there steadfast within our communities and i just want to mention before our schools had the innumerable amount of afterschool programs that they have now located on our campuses, there was the boys and girls club there from the very beginning. and so i appreciate your steadfast, steadfast and
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committed leadership and of course just looking forward to to continue work with our young people through boys and girls clubs. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. supervisor one supervisor dorsey thank you president randleman and i just i was actually the supervisor when i saw that there we were signing something for you. i just thought oh no, no i please i'm not retiring and i'm glad that that that you are you are not the only one. >> the other the other thing when i when dennis herrera's name was mentioned and i didn't see him here i thought i might have to step into the role that i'm familiar with of being spokesman for dennis herrera. but apparently i didn't i don't have to do that because he is here. i just want to express my appreciation for the work that you did when i was in that office we had a case that the aimco case where we were able to after a lot of contention find a win win that was great for all the parties. but the boys and girls club were such a part of that and it became the willie mays
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clubhouse and it was just an hoor me even 20 years ago i remember how proud i was and how proud the office was to be a part of that because of your leadership. so thanks so much. thank you. supervisor dorsey supervisor melgar thank you. i was also one of the folks who was just like oh no worries me going so i'm glad we're just celebrating your time. so before i was elected supervisor i was the executive director of the jamestown community center and collaborated with your staff and i have to say two things about your leadership that are so amazing and important. one is a culture of collaborative ness that you have instilled with everyone in the agency so we had tournaments for girls got goals inside your gyms. we had all kinds of you know, trainings for youth develop ment and trauma enforced practices and everything. it was just such a wonderful thing to see all of the people in the community working
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together for the young people in our community and doing it with collaboration and love. so that is something that comes from the top in you have like created that culture and i am so thankful. and the other thing that i always admired was the amazing training that your staff had. so it was always that full and intentional, culturally competent and deeply community rooted and for that i also thank you so much and i'm glad you're not going anywhere so congratulations. so well-deserved to have this recognition. >> oh, all right, rob, it's your turn. this one and that one. this one. all right. >> well, supervisor thank you. that was super kind of of all of you supervisor amanda and thank you for thinking of doing this does sound like it's something that happens when you retire so now i'm not quite
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going anywhere yet. i do there probably are some that are ready for me to move out of the way so they can move in to the seat but i am grateful to be recognized in front of you all in this steam chamber and i just want to thank all of you. there's several of you have been out to events at clubhouses recently including board president abandonment supervisor field supervisor chan supervisor walton. we've had these clubhouse youth the year events and then we are main youth of the year event downtown president and thank you for coming to that. the mayor came to that as well as well as supervisor jen so we love it when supervisors come out our families love interacting with you all at the clubs and seeing the support that that leaders like you all extend to the community. you know, i think a lot about the the type of services i deal with boys and girls clubs across the country and there aren't many cities that invest in young people the way this
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city does. so kudos to all of you and your predecessors who sat in these seats for the work you do to empower dcf to do the work it does the collaboration. it's really been through a lot of mayors in those 25 years. but but as much as you know, there may be you know, back and forth bickering on this or that between between the mayor's office in this chamber it's not about kids and i feel like there's pretty good alignment around the fact that like there should be a city in which we we have great services for young people and opportunities for for kids to realize their full potential and that of course aligns very closely with, you know, what we're after so thank you for your investment in young people. thank you for that. how that investment shows up so that boys and girls club can do the work that it does. supervisor dorsey, thank you for calling our attention to the willie mays clubhouse. supervisor walton's been up there many, many times. that is a project that i too am very proud of for now. we've been there now since 2000 late 2005 the building was finished renovated in about 2008 and and really has had a
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strong impact on that community. and then this year we opened up a new club in sunnydale. supervisor walton, thank you for all your support and making that club happen. the transformation of sunnydale community, the housing in particular for people there is truly impactful but our partnership with mercy housing and and with wu yi out there and the opportunity to provide services so that it's not just housing but it's services that can help young people learn, grow and succeed is is so important. >> i'll switch to some some remarks that i wrote down here. i'll say that running boys and girls clubs of san francisco in this city has really been one of the blessings of my life. >> the work has never been easy but i've loved every day of it. >> i feel lucky and proud to have served this storied organization which i'll talk a little bit more about in a second. >> i feel lucky to be able to open doors and build bridges and expand horizons and exponentially grow kids confidence in the skills that
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they have. speaking of which, i should introduce this little girl right here. this is my youngest daughter amelia who would probably rather be any place in the world but in front of you all. so if you want to go back to mom, feel free to all right, stick with me. >> i'm i feel lucky to be part of moments where families are kind of bursting with pride when they see their kids achieve things that they perhaps didn't think were attainable. and i feel lucky to work with an outstanding group of staff members who are smart and talented and hardworking and passionate about making the world we live in a better place . >> while most people know boys and girls clubs of san francisco, not enough people truly understand the depth and breadth of our services boys and girls clubs is a rock solid organization with a passionately held set of core beliefs that keep the bow of the ship pointed in the right direction no matter how much the political social or
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economic winds might blow. the organization was founded in 1891 south of market street. we hold the unique distinction of being two of the original 53 clubs in the country. we're actually older than boys and girls clubs of america. our mission clubhouse and supervisor fielder's district is the first boys and girls club built west in the mississippi river back in 1928 was rebuilt in 2010. this organization is stood shoulder to shoulder through all sorts of things two world wars and you know, two global pandemics great depression, the great recession just one thing after another september 11th this organization has stood with kids through that time. this club this organization is one of the very first to serve kids across the country, one of the very first to open a club in public housing, one of the first to have a computer center back in the early 1990s we
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reached 14,600 kids a year and as you heard we serve we have 13 different locations across the city and we have a summer camp up in mendocino county. >> so while i appreciate the personal recognition of my contribution to the city, this has always been a team sport the smartest and the best thing that i have ever done is to get and keep talented people around me. >> staff like maxine wilson, lisa rossetti, harold love, heidi colfer, joanie lockman, aaron gutierrez and colton eichelberger have all worked alongside me for more than 12 years and i have been fortunate to work with a talented and generous board and trustees and i'm honored today. ready attention has been called to some of them to be joined by my friends greg sir dennis herrera, derek brown and david know yola who all have been tremendously helpful the boys and girls club and have served this city with distinction. >> and i'm also honored to have my friends rocky freed and fernando aguilar and sanjay
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banker who all serve on our board here with us today. >> finally, i'd like to thank my wife and her two daughters, one here for all their love and support. as you all know from your own roles, this is a demanding job and they sacrifice so i can do this work again. i want to thank you all for the honor. i particularly want to thank you president amanda lemon for calling attention to my service . i truly appreciate the recognition and i look forward to working with you all to continue to advance opportunities for young people in this city. >> thank you. i can do this great.
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all right, colleagues, let's go to roll call first member up to introduce new business businesses. >> you mr. president my goodness. >> all right. i have an ordinance and two in memoriam first today supervisor walton and i are introducing an ordinance to amend the healthy airport
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ordinance which was passed by this board in november of 2020. since the healthy airport ordinance passed, thousands of san francisco's airport service employees have gained or improved their ability to provide for the health care needs of their families. >> these improved benefits have helped attract and retain high quality employees whose work impacts safety and security improved airport safety and security for travelers in the public by promoting a healthier workforce and minimize the potential for contagion to spread from the airport which is a major worldwide transportation hub to other environs. the purpose of the amendment we're introducing today is to preserve the improvements made to airport safety and security through the healthy airport ordinance while providing covered employers expanded flexibility to determine how best to provide health care expenditures to their employees. i want to thank seiu, u.s. ww local two and teamsters local 856 for their feedback on the legislation. i want to thank city attorney
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in the last off for his work to draft the legislation i want to thank supervisor walton for his ongoing partnership in getting high quality health care to our airport service workers and i want to thank on hire in my office and natalie g and supervisor walton's office for their work on these and on this amendment. first in memoriam i have is for david hagan who died in a car crash on february 9th at the age of 72. dave was born in san francisco in 1952. one of four children he attended the st theresa's school archbishop reardon high school, the university of san francisco and he earned his mba mba at golden gate university where he remained actively involved in alumni activities. >> he started his career with a job at chevron usa where he worked in the retail marketing and training division. later he launched his own business the castro street chevron which is still in operation today. dave later opened gas stations in westlake and pacific heights.
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he was active in his community serving on the small business commission and actively participating in the san francisco chamber of commerce, the merchants of upper market and castro and the friars club . castro merchants president terry austin bennett remember david as someone who was passionate about the community and quietly did everything he could to support it. he was only allowed when he needed to be notwithstanding all of his community involvement, dave made time for his family and friends. some of his favorite activities were dining out with his wife lynn coaching his children's sports teams, traveling the globe, cheering on the giants and playing with his granddaughters. rest in peace david sagan may your memory be a blessing. >> then secondly, i'm asking that we adjourn our meeting today in memory of charles phan, the founder and longtime owner of the slant door who passed away unexpectedly on january 20th at the age of 62. >> charles was born into light vietnam in 1962 at the age of 13 following the fall of saigon ,he and his family came to san francisco as refugees as he
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grew up watching his mom and aunt cook, his interest in food and cooking also grew. he studied architecture and clothing design at uc berkeley for three years before opening a vietnamese restaurant. despite never having cooked professionally prior to that in 1995 the bay area had already been established as a global destination for california cuisine dishes that focused on simple preparations of seasonal ingredients sourced from local farmers. >> however, while there was an abundance of italian and french inspired restaurants that popularized this approach, there were no vietnamese restaurants that specialized in farm to table. then charles opened the original slanted door on valencia street inspired by restaurants like shape in east and zuni cafe. charles created iconic dishes like his cellophane noodles and dungeness crab grapefruit and hikma salad and fish and sauce . carmel claypot chicken made boneless chicken made with boneless skin skinless cuts to accommodate a western audience. the combination of the slanted doors bay area farm to table approach with traditional
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vietnamese comfort food and its upscale westernized style the service was an immediate hit. in 2004 slanted door moved to its grand waterfront location at the ferry building. it quickly became one of the most celebrated restaurants in all of san francisco and for a number of years was also the city's single most lucrative restaurant. both charles and the slanted door one james beard foundation awards and charles published two cookbooks vietnamese home cooking and the slanted door. which one international association of culinary professionals awards. during the pandemic the ferry building location closed down. however the slanted doors remaining locations in napa san ramone and and bone france, france, france continue to operate during the pandemic. charles also opened a casual san shop chuck's takeaway in the mission he had planned to bring the slanted door back to valencia street later this year. rest in peace and power charles fan may your memory be a blessing and the rest i submit . >> thank you mr. president. supervisor melgar thank you,
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madam clerk. >> colleagues happy women's history month. at this month we will be celebrating the contributions of women to our city state, our country, our world in highlighting and fighting against all the ways in which we are still unequal economically, politically, socially and now face new threats under this current administration. i look forward to this board weighing in to make this a memorable march for women in our city. i also wanted to bring to your attention that this morning the supreme court of the united states handed down a decision in favor of san francisco in the san francisco versus epa lawsuit that was the subject of a resolution i authored last year and we passed the decision as folks in the environmental movement feared was not narrow. >> today's supreme court ruling has confirmed what we feared this was a misguided effort
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that has resulted in a pyrrhic victory. so while the city and county of san francisco prevailed, the decision will have an enduring and damaging loss for the environmental protection agency, the clean water act and the american people. >> it is deeply troubling to me to see san francisco, a city known for its environmental leadership, play a significant role in weakening the very protections that safeguard our water and natural resources not just for us but for the entire country. this decision aligns with president trump's broader rollback of environmental regulations and i fear the long term consequences for the environment in the united states and it will be severe. so despite today's ruling, the san francisco public utilities commission still has a responsibility to uphold the highest standards for water quality and environmental stewardship. combined sewer overflows continue to discharge millions of gallons of wastewater
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untreated into the bay and pacific ocean every time we have rains and we're having more of them more often because the climate crisis is real. we must do better regardless of this decision our commitment to protecting the environment in san francisco and in our country must remain steadfast. and the rest i submit. thank you. supervisor sartor submit thank you. supervisor sherril collins. >> today i'm introducing three pieces of legislation. first i'm introducing legislation to create an entertainment zone on union street. i am extremely excited about the possibility not only of just allowing businesses to have a little bit more flexibility to serve their customers, to serve their community and just frankly have more fun but also to increase the vibrancy of both district
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two and san francisco throughout this city our restaurants, bars and small businesses are still fighting to recover. and i think it's incredibly important to note that 2024 was perhaps the hardest year for restaurants since 2008. and we need to be doing more to help them thrive. entertainment zones work. we've seen them introduced recently by president mandell and we've seen them transform places like front street and thrive city and now it is union street's turn. >> this legislation builds on the success of our union street festival an annual event that brings thousands of visitors to district two and now by establish an entertainment zone during the festival. we want to encourage these visitors to eat and drink at our many lovely brick and mortar restaurants on union street which is going to massively support these shops bottom lines. >> now i've spoken to business owners who are ready and eager for this for this zone and i'm grateful to have the support of
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these shops and the support of regan company, the head of the union street merchants association who's been a great advocate for the health of this corridor and frankly more energy on the streets benefits everyone. these activations make our shops a destination and encourages more opportunities to inject energy, energy, energy into our merchant areas by expanding the number of entertainment zones. and i'm looking forward to being back talking on this same topic again soon. san francisco continues to lead the way in supporting our small businesses. this is a simple step. it's a simple step but it's an effective step towards making our commercial corridors stronger, more vibrant and built to last. we simply need to make it easier for to succeed in san francisco especially for our small businesses. and i look forward to working with all of you to make this a reality and to continue to finding ways to bring life energy and vibrancy back to our neighborhoods. next i'm calling for a hearing
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to examine how the department of homelessness, the support of housing is structuring and managing its contracts. now this is not just a bureaucratic exercise. this is about accountability. this is about transparency. and this is about ensuring that taxpayer dollars are driving real results. right now hca has roughly 300 contract contracts in place but we don't have a clear picture of how many of these contract include specific performance metrics, specific accountability measures and what the outcomes that those contracts are intended to do drive towards. >> we need to understand whether we are holding contractors accountable for delivering those outcomes, whether those outcomes are the ones we want, whether these outcomes are even set up for success with realistic funding and whether we're issuing contracts competitively or defaulting to sole source agreements that limit oversight and efficiency. we need to invest in programs that are actually moving the
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needle because quite frankly homelessness as we all know is one of the most pervasive issues in san francisco. every district, every san franciscan, whether it's individuals who are experiencing homelessness or otherwise are impacted by this crisis. not to say our perceptions of safety or economic recovery and the overall health of this city. if we're serious about solving this crisis and i think we as a group are very serious about solving this crisis, we have to be just as serious about how we manage and evaluate the services we're paying for. i want to thank the mayor's office. i want to thank and the comptroller's office and the city administrator for being willing to join this hearing to answer key questions about the contracting process and performance tracking. the goal is not just to identify issues. frankly, we already know that many of these contracts are being scrutinized. we want this goal of this hearing to be to work together to establish a new and consistent contracting standard moving forward to deliver real results for san franciscans. this hearing needs to be about
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not having gotchas for the public servants who work so hard for us and for all san francisco. this needs to be about starting a conversation and driving towards a shared success not only on the board of supervisors but with sage as well. i also want to credit my predecessor assembly member katherine stefani who has long championed this kind of fiscal oversight with a focus on efficiency. without her leadership we may not be in the position to hold this hearing. and i'm grateful for her continued focus on these critical critical issues. simply put, we need a contracting process that matches the urgency of the crisis we're facing. >> and this hearing is a step toward that standard. finally, i'm introducing a resolution in support of the assembly bill five 458 excuse me introduced by assembly member katherine stefani. she and i share deep focus on safety regarding gun violence
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and preventing gun violence our communities. this this measure will bring much needed transparency and safety to california's firearm procurement process. a recent investigation by brady united against gun violence revealed that california law enforcement agencies lack a rigorous vetting process when choosing firearm vendors. this means that public funds are being funneled to businesses with documented history of violence violating federal firearm regulations. i want to give assembly member stefani an enormous amount of credit for being create time and time again for pushing the boundaries on preventing gun violence and ensuring that firearm related safety is not just the standard but a priority for all of us. if a firearm dealer manufacturer fails to meet these compliance standards or refuses to disclose their history of federal trace requests, inspection records or compliance appliance violations, their contracts will be canceled. their bids will be rejected. thank you to assembly member
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stefani for your leadership. this is beyond just sensible gun policy. this is about keeping our families safe. and i am incredibly grateful to you. >> the rest i submit. thank you supervisor sheryl supervisor walton thank you so much, madam clerk and colleagues. >> today i will be introducing a resolution urging the mayor's office and the department of homelessness and support of housing to explore locations for unhoused shelters throughout san francisco. san francisco has been in a homeless crisis and while the city has expanded shelters and supportive housing, the reality is some districts are carrying way more of the weight than others right now. districts ten, nine, six and five have the majority of shelters and services while other neighborhoods especially in the western parts of the city have very few or none at all. >> this isn't equitable especially considering the concentration of our unhoused
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neighbors in other areas of san francisco the same communities many of which are lower income and home to people of color keep getting asked to do more. while other areas haven't stepped up in the same way homelessness is a citywide issue and like my colleagues supervisors sherril just shared a few moments ago a san francisco issue and every district should be part of the solution not just a handful and not just the east side of the city. >> our office has been working with hhs each the last year to implement a 2.25 acre industrial site on girard avenue to build a village of 68 tiny homes with 20 rv parking sites. but our office was informed by the mayor's team that instead of the proposed plans vetted by and discussed with community they now want to do a bait and switch and build a homeless shelter with 200 plus homeless
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beds and eliminate the safe parking. >> this site was supposed to be hybrid a mixture of folks living in tiny homes and in vehicles and with a much smaller footprint. we also have four other homeless shelters in district ten including 128 bed navigation center on bayshore boulevard. >> if you could show me the data and the plans for homeless shelters throughout the city as promised then we will be having an equitable conversation. this resolution is about making sure we distribute shelters and provide services for our unhoused neighbors more equitably across san francisco . it's not about forcing something on neighborhoods. it's about asking every district to do its part. we need to have an open community driven process where new shelters sites are placed in a way that makes sense and serves people effectively. if we're serious about addressing homelessness, we
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have to stop overburdening the same neighborhoods and make sure resources are shared across the entire city. this is about fairness, equity and making real progress on one of the biggest challenges we face here in san francisco. i also just want to briefly state that i'm continuing to co-sponsor the healthy airport ordinance with president malaman. i want to thank our labor partners who have been in this process with us to make these changes. and i also want to thank president randleman for acknowledging our staff for their hard work on this and the rest. i submit. >> thank you. supervisor walton supervisor chan submit. thank you. supervisor chin. submit. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey thank you, madam clerk. colleagues in preparation for legislation i am working on with board president rafael millman. i'm today submitting a letter of inquiry on the resources necessary to implement a wastewater drug testing program for the city and county of san
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francisco. we're seeking responses from three city agencies our department of public health, public utilities commission and office of the chief medical examiner to offer us one an estimation of resources and staffing necessary to implement such a wastewater based epidemiology or wbe program. two additional policy or resource considerations we should be aware of as we legislate this program into existence. >> and three any available results from san francisco's participation in a bio bot analytics pilot that the national institute on drug abuse started as the wastewater surveillance program in 2023 and 2024. this kind of program would enable us to measure progress in our fentanyl and methamphetamine crisis and also to monitor for deadly new drugs and drug adulterants like tranq measurement metal modine and others. although relatively new in north america, wastewater drug testing has been used successfully in europe for the
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last 15 years and i look forward to the forthcoming information and partnership from the relevant departments and colleagues in this effort. and before submitting i would ask that i be referred after supervisor maclean's introduction. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey supervisor and gaudio submit. thank you. supervisor mahmood. >> colleagues today i would like to introduce legislation to help bring our into the 21st century. >> i firmly believe that city hall should work for the people and that is elected officials. it is our duty to do all we can to make our run smarter, to better serve the public. >> that's why i'm introducing legislation today to tackle archaic bureaucracy preventing key city departments from accessing data and information subscriptions that would benefit their work. >> with the support from the city attorney city administrator, assessor recorder, treasurer and city librarian, the data and
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information subscriptions legislation peels back unnecessary approval layers and lengthy procedures that have delayed city departments from securing the essential digital subscriptions needed to ensure city operations run smoothly. >> this legislation provides simple software access for city departments and empowers them to save time, access more vendors and ultimately serve san franciscans better. >> if we look at the current code this legislation is amending we see it was written in the 1990s when physical book manuals were in vogue. as a result certain departments like the treasurer and assessor recorder are delayed for months every year in purchasing the software they need while others like the city librarian have to provide outdated paper manuals instead of digital content subscriptions to residents who rely on their public resources. >> the current contracting bureaucracy is so cumbersome for vendors that some tech companies won't even bother selling their product to the city. putting our at a very serious
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disadvantage it doesn't have to be this way and this legislation is simply table stakes. if we want to bring our city into the 21st century and this is just the beginning with this new administration city hall and a collective will for collaboration legislation such as this demonstrates the public that we are making strides to improve efficiency, modernize archaic code and foster collaborative forward thinking solutions. >> i'd like to thank my colleagues board president mendelsohn and supervisors melgar sadr and sheryl for co-sponsoring this legislation. i'd also like to thank our department head city attorney david chu, city administrator carmen chu, city librarian michael lambert, treasurer jose cisneros and assessor recorder joaquin torres for their steadfast support of this ordinance and for collaborating with my office to address this issue. i'm deeply thankful to the public servants in our city hall colleagues in this city administrator's office, city library assessor recorder and treasurer's offices who
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provided exemplary service to residents and came together to help bring the solution forward to our office. >> specifically sophia hayward simon j. >> jackson. holly lung. molly peterson. joe spice teasel shaw. eric manky. angela yip. >> mike fernandez marcus lynge alex barrett shorter and amanda freed. and a special thank you to sam logan and my chief jessica gutierrez garcia in our office for their hard work on this ordinance. second, i'd like to today introduce a resolution that is deeply personal to me as the first muslim elected to the board of supervisors. it is my absolute honor to introduce a resolution honoring the commencement of ramadan and recognizing the contributions of san francisco's muslim community. >> the san francisco bay area hosts one of the largest and most diverse muslim populations in the nation with over 250,000 residents from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
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>> in my own neighborhood the tenderloin has been long been a hub for immigrant communities including many muslim families ,small businesses and faith based organizations that provide critical services such as food distribution, housing support and workforce development to underserved residents. >> it's a home for a significant population of muslim and swanson children who deserve meaningful investment, supportive resources and safe spaces for growth, education and well-being as well as a broader sense of security that allows all residents to thrive without fear or harm. >> in recent years there's been a wider acceptance and awareness of muslim holidays. for example, in august 2022 the san francisco board of education passed a resolution recognizing eidl fitr and as district holidays. and this is important because muslim students in california experienced bullying at twice the national rate underscoring the urgent need for inclusive policies and protections within our schools.
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>> the islamic center of san francisco has evolved into a multifaceted community hub addressing religious, educational and social needs and local muslim owned businesses including halal grocers, restaurants and service providers contribute to the culture and economic vitality of san francisco. >> and many of them offering free iftar meals when we break our fasts every day for the next 30 days to those in need during this holy month. >> it's important to recognize and name the policies that target unfortunately during this national times muslim individuals and families which is having a lasting impact on those who live in our city and at this time reaffirm san francisco's stance against islamophobia and all forms of religious discrimination. >> there's been a rise in these concerns regarding immigration and this resolution seeks to reaffirm san francisco's commitment to supporting these immigrant communities especially the immigrants and refugees during this holy month of ramadan. >> ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar. it's a sacred time for fasting
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reflection, spiritual renewal and communal solidarity. the observance of ramadan 2025 commenced last friday, february 28th and will continue until the evening of saturday march 29th during which time muslims will fast from dawn to sunset engage in prayer and participate in charity. >> this resolution commands the contributions of local muslim led organizations and community groups and reaffirms the city's unwavering commitment to being a safe and inclusive space for all muslims and all marginalized groups in this district and in the city. >> it recognizes their essential role and our essential role to immigrants and refugees in shaping our history. it acknowledges the increased investment that we should be doing for the well-being and education safety of the muslim and swanson children in the tenderloin. and it welcomes all san franciscans to join in this honoring this holy and blessed month of ramadan. and i'll close on this note by mentioning to my colleagues if i look hangry or tired over the next month it's not personal. >> i just haven't eaten since
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sunup. so lastly i'd like to introduce an in memoriam. >> and colleagues i'd ask that we adjourn today in today's meeting in memory of mark ezra who passed away in january after a life of musical storytelling and devoted passion for the japantown community. >> his wife is his wife. brenda is in the audience. she will need to stand while we read the in memoriam. >> mark was born across the bay in vallejo in 1954 and attended san francisco state university. he worked as a van driver for japantown senior organization committee while becoming immersed in the fillmore music scene of the 19 70s. >> mark would go on to be a pioneer in the asian-american jazz movement combining the spiritual and improvizational elements of jazz with east asian instrumentation. in addition to the upright bass, he became a master of the show a mouth organ more commonly found in japanese traditional music that sounds
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right at home on mark's jazz contributions. >> he toured internationally and frequently collaborated with his wife brenda wong aoki on multi-media pieces that weaved together music dance theater and spoken word storytelling to share the asian-american experience with generations including the history of japanese internment in san francisco and the redevelopment of the western tradition. >> while his musical influence can be felt across the world, he was a thorough through and through san franciscan. >> his love for the city inspired his music and he was proud to hail from georgetown and the fillmore. he served as director of the san francisco asian american jazz festival helping cement the city's place at the heart of the genre. he was also generous with his time to the japantown community serving as a founding member of and contributing artists to the japantown cultural district and teaching third graders at rosa parks elementary school. >> i first met mark and brenda at the cherry blossom festival
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parade last year. they march every year with the japanese american religious federation or giraffe. >> a coalition of christian, buddhist and shinto spiritual leaders j r f began in the japanese prison camps because in realizing the challenging nature of the times spiritual leaders concluded it was better to all work together. >> the darkness of those times was reflected meaningfully in mark's music as its theme is recognize not only the deep history and trauma of the time but celebrates and honors the enduring resiliency and triumphant spirit of the japanese-american community. mark is survived by his wife and frequent artistic and life collaborator brenda. their son k.k. and granddaughter lucy and his two brothers. >> rest in peace marcie xue. may your memory be a blessing. >> thank you. thank you. supervisor mahmood. supervisor dorsey you asked to be referred? >> yes. thank you, madam clerk. and thanks especially to my pioneering colleague supervisor mahmood. it is an honor to add my voice
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in support of his resolution declaring the commencement of ramadan here in the city and county of san francisco. ramadan is a sacred time observed by millions around the world and right here at home a month centered on prayer, reflection and fasting but also on deep community recognition, generosity and compassion. in san francisco we are privileged to be home to a vibrant and diverse muslim community that contributes so much to the fabric of our city. whether it's through small business ownership, civic engagement, public service or simply being good neighbors, our muslim community enriches san francisco in immeasurable ways as we mark the beginning of this holy month. let us also reflect on the ways all of us as a city can embody the spirit of ramadan by extending grace, mercy and understanding to those most in need. whether it's through feeding the hungry, caring for our unhoused neighbors or simply showing kindness in our daily interactions. the lessons of ramadan are a call to action for all of us regardless of our faith. in a city that prides itself on inclusivity and compassion,
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ramadan offers us a welcome opportunity to recommit to those values and to affirm the dignity of all san franciscans. although my personal stake in this resolution is not as a member of the muslim faith myself, i am blessed to have on my team the board of the board of supervisors only muslim legislative aide johannes ebadi who is a standout community leader in multiple respects including elevating recognition for and celebrating ramadan across our city. when we honor the traditions of our neighbors, we strengthen the very foundation of who we are as san franciscans a place where everyone belongs and where every faith and culture is embraced and uplifted. ramadan kareem to all who observed and now the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor dorsey. mr. president, seeing no more names on the roster that concludes the introduction of new business. >> all right, let's go to public comment. at this time the board welcomes the general public comment of members of the in the audience. please line up to your right
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hand side of the chamber alongside the curtains. you may speak to the approval of the meeting minutes as presented. other general matters that are not on today's agenda but are within the board subject matter jurisdiction. all other agenda content has been reported out to the board by an appropriate committee where the public comment requirement was satisfied. >> let's hear from our first speaker. we're setting the timer for two minutes. >> welcome. >> hi obsidian. even if these unfortunately included the genocide, this nation was created by christians with a protestant or catholics this tradition must remain for balance. >> before i forget the black history month is racism in disguise. >> like any community you want to celebrate because you create divisions which we don't want. >> sorry. you understand? we won't have it.
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>> no specific z y x w v utc occupy and mlk g i g w use it. >> hey b c d. >> okay so you get the alphabet reverse very league c google reverse alphabet you see? >> stop messing with the guys i told you. yeah. you need to address the problem of laser manipulation. weather manipulation not only include the poisoning of food. you need to address this before i declare officially that you are part of the which is fake and that wants to kill the people. >> so there is nothing to celebrate at all except the revolution which is going to prison. yes, but to taking care of our fellow creatures every living species. >> okay.
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meanwhile no qr codes. you need to get rid of your cell phones. >> no qr codes boycott totally . no digital i.d.. coming. sorry. if you insist. >> there would be no idea at all. >> okay. 13 seconds. what did i forget? >> people don't want the great highway to be closed. yeah. >> no, we don't want it. we want to have it. >> there is more. okay. are you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> hello. my name is liam mckeever. i live in d6 and i am convinced i am a political target of my supervisor matt dorsey. i wrote this poem on march 1st, 2025 for the board. war warfare there is no fair war. did i ever imagine imagine i'd be a target for war? my deploys men to attack me psychologically bordering on physical. when will that border be
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ignored? did i ever imagine latinas would go along with it? ones too. what an unco aided bitter pill to swallow. >> did i ever imagine as a child who grew up on military bases whose father was deployed to war that i'd be in one with you? no. no i did not. am i paying for that sin of my american father? how can this war be fair against a nobody like me, against the souls i fight for abused souls who have nothing but cold liberal smiles pledging support as they deploy more men to terrorize us on the streets. no war is fair. indeed i appreciate that no one looked at me during that. you all looked at your screens instead. you prefer me in two dimensional instead of me and three dimensional. you don't want me to be a human. i don't know what you want me to be but i'm not that. >> i'm not a two dimensional object. i was raised catholic.
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>> i'm not anymore. i'm an atheist. i have a lot of problems with the church but i never had a problem with the teachings of jesus christ. love thy neighbor. that is all i am guilty of is loving my neighbors. and i don't know why you allow me to be punished for it by your colleagues. i wish you did feel shame. >> thank you for your comments. welcome. >> good afternoon. board of supervisors. for the record, my name is chris ward klein. yesterday i spoke at the health commission and i've been here about 20 plus times and i'm starting to realize why i shouldn't be because there's a watchdog within the san francisco and it's the city attorney and dennis herrera and everything that i brought up should have been brought up to each of you every single time. but it hasn't. and my main concern is to 50 kearny street and this was reported to the mayor and other key leaders within the last 12 months there have been over 12 deaths of veterans, multiple
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arsons, violent incidents and staff members who have been targeted as well with injuries, health issues and other issues that were caused by one system gang surveillance, health surveillance call it whatever you want. these veterans have already been at war living at 250 kearny street is like living through vietnam. the gulf war or iraq all over again. the bigger issue here is that after during or after all pandemics people use health surveillance, gang surveillance, whatever you want to call it and the manner to attempt to write their own ticket and always ends with a scandal. for example, during the 1918 pandemic led to the black sox scandal and baseball the ccny point shaving scandal in 1951, the dixie classic scandals in 1961 boston college point shaving scandal right after the swine flu of 1976 and the russian flu of 1977 and the tulane men's basketball point shaving scandal in 1984 all during or after a pandemic. and if you're not aware there is a massive point shaving investigation happening right
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now by the fbi reported by sports illustrated and it's going to topple all of those combined. it is a massive investigation. this is why the nfl has mandatory protocols for injuries and concussions. they force players to sit out for certain number of weeks as they know of health surveillance and the illegal advantage it could give your team, for example. magic johnson was not allowed to play not because of hiv but because he would have been on health surveillance by l.a. and that would have given him a potential advantage over other players not that he needed it. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> good reading. board of supervisors. my name is richard sd peterson . >> i am 82 years old and i've been waiting and waiting waiting. seven and a half years ago i applied to build a house on three lots in lower valley. yes.
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first i had to combine the lots and divide the lots and that process was taking all of this time i need to get this entitled before i die. in fact i had to put my my property in a revokable trust just because people thought that i wouldn't make it before the house was built. >> so why is it taking so long? well, i know why it takes long. this i have in my hand is a 1099 form from the federal that all small employers must fill out. >> you can't replace it and that starts a long journey. >> well surely they must you can type into this and and it comes out on the page. no you need carbon papers. where do you get carbon papers? where do you get a typewriter and impact typewriter? the big companies all have impact machines that they can
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comply with but the little guy is left in a compliance nightmare and that i'm afraid is what's happening with this city and trying to comply with the planning department and the building department. >> it's sad but i hope i get my dream house built one that i can't afford to live in or afford to maintain. but i would like to see it built. >> thank you. thank you for your comments. like speaker. >> my name is jim mcafee and i'm the domestic partner of a victim at laguna honda hospital and rehabilitation. and several times i have given testimony to the board of supervisors and the health commission that does not report the share of cost from patients at laguna honda hospital. >> what they do report on is patient services revenue. >> they never report on patient
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share of cost revenue. it is fraudulent to not include all revenue that laguna honda gets. i have the documents right here and it's by drew moral the chief financial officer to the health commission. >> can you guys make a copy of this for the board of supervisors? >> thank you for your comments . >> welcome to the next speaker . >> good afternoon. president of the board supervisors i'd like to speak on item 37. good afternoon. my name is nick colina. i'm the cfo of ankle iron and construction and one of the founding members of the sfl bba and build out california. i wanted to take this time to personally thank supervisor walton, supervisor mendham and supervisor dorsey and in sponsoring the lbw e
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resolution. >> l b e's are the economic engine of the city. we provide union paying jobs and lobbies hire locally. >> we spend our dollars with local suppliers as well. storefronts are often supported in regards to the rebuild of san francisco but we believe that local contractors play a huge part in the in the revitalized zation of our beautiful city. by creating generational wealth with these union paying jobs. i wanted to take this time to talk about the lbe program during the 2009 recession my dad drove me around bayview and showed me how many for sale and for lease signs that were posted on many of the warehouses. these were rlb eas many of which are fellow business owners and friends. >> after chapter 14 b passed that changed and turned the water on just a little bit for
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us from the data provided from cmd. we found that our collective of lbb spend over $77 million in wages in san francisco. many of these are good paying union jobs that go to workers who live in underrepresented communities like the mission excelsior and the bayview. so when the lv l b program is referred to at the budget committee as a social handout that's offensive and simply not true. what we are is the an economic engine and the economic engine of the city. so let's work together to come up with solutions to strengthen our lp. >> thank you for your comments. welcome. ms. brown eddie in afternoon i'm here. you know as usual as i come to talk about my son arbor albert castle who was murdered august 14th and i heard you saying
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that the brady campaign and all the gun buyback acts are successful. but if they're a successful, then why aren't these homicides being solved? >> i've been coming to the police commission every wednesday and prior to this here every tuesday. >> it's been a while back but we i show all these pictures of all the unsolved homicides of the young man, the cases that aren't being signed. >> people are walking around with boys are walking around with bullets in them. they're just not dead. >> okay. so what do we do as a board of supervisor? i'm also asking, you know the resolution approval for the resolution urging the board of supervisors to amend the san francisco homicide reward policy. i'm still waiting for that to be implemented and i'm praying that you know, i've talked with you matt darcy on getting this
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done and i'm waiting for this to happen because it would help us mothers if you find other ways to pay tipsters to come forth about these murders and homicides and so mothers like myself and others mothers can heal somewhat heal. you know i mean i'm having a street named after him but you know, the case is unsolved. my child still lives and with wealth he's never going to be with me again. >> but i do urge you please to to prove this. approve this resolution and that march quarter over stone brought to the board of supervisors and i'm just praying this happens. i will never stop fighting for my child. i love him. he was my only child. >> and if you have children please understand what i'm saying. don't let this hit your home and then you're going to want to help. >> thank you. thank you for your comments. let's welcome our next speaker
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. >> good afternoon, president and the board members. my name is darryl and davis and i'm a small business owner in san francisco. since 1996 i sit on the j c advisory committee and have said so for quite a number of years and i'm here to support the resolution of supervisor walton resolution 37 and i'm urging you to support this resolution because for small businesses and san franciscans to succeed we need equitable fair opportunity to bid on contracts that are in san francisco. there is a lot of money that runs through san francisco through contracting and it's oftentimes small businesses who are get the short end of those contracts and the lbb program 14 b is the only resource that ensures that small businesses get a fair share of equitable contracting in san francisco.
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go and we urge you to be on the right side of this issue. the we are facing incredible crisis in our country around equity and inclusion and participation and we are depending on you as elected officials to stand up and support and continue to support small businesses in san francisco. >> thank you. thank you for your comments. welcome to our next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. president randleman my name is tricia gregory. i'm also a member of the lp advisory committee and i am a micro l.b. i own a trucking company in district ten for the last 22 years and i'm still a micro lp so that says a lot. i do also strongly urge you to approve supervisor walton's resolution in affirming the san francisco lp a's and 14 b you'd
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like the supervisor here said earlier you guys will do everything to support the businesses the i mean the restaurants, the bars but we need more support with local contracting. i also would like to thank supervisor walton and his office and president management for being champions of the l b e community. it does mean a lot to us and we do appreciate all your hard work in supporting us. >> thank you. thank you for your comments. let's welcome our next speaker . >> good afternoon. our board of supervisors and thank you for your all your work. i'm samuel adams, executive of construction and community development for baines group inc. we're a general contractor local san francisco contractor. >> i'm in support of item 37. i want to give you some facts of why we're in support of it and why it's important for the city or county of san francisco
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. as a san francisco l.b. contractor we are able to provide opportunities for sfb trade partners and subcontract commitments. this entails opportunities for local workforce that creates community empowerment. so for example two of our affordable housing, housing construction blocks and sundials are a combined approximate $100 million gmp. and so with those dollars we're about 30% of contract dollars going to lbe east 33% going to local san francisco workforce and about 8% of priority zip code san francisco local workforce the same and a half point shipyard that's a combined blocks two blocks approximately 90 million dp gmp dollars above 20% of subcontract dollars going to lbj is 14% of par a priority zip codes going to san francisco local workforce 36%
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of local san francisco workforce. so these are really good numbers. these are dollars going right back into the community. >> simple fact as a gec we've been able to sit at the table a larger gcs and cut some of these deals and continued to filter money down to our local businesses. so thank you for listening to me in support of this item. >> thank you for your comments . >> welcome. shalom in hebrew means peace. >> my name is aliya chandler and i am a abolitionist and a social justice fighter for my people, for my nation and i'm also a hebrew woman. my son was murdered on january the 9th 2015 the san francisco quadruple homicide four young men shot to death in hayes valley i fall for almost ten years to get a trial date and i finally got one on september the 18th two weeks later on september the 28th i had a stroke hospitalized for two
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weeks. >> i shoot and i had a stroke to fight for the injustice of making sure that the trial went forward according to the $250,000 reward that was assigned to my son case three requirements to find the person who committed the crime it must be a conviction and you must be a witness. i was the reason the arrest took place a year and seven months later i was supposed to be a witness on the stand. the d.a. took me off two weeks because they didn't want me to speak that the trial should not have went according to count number seven. count number seven was you was not supposed to try this court in a rico act. they decided to do it anyway. that's why i took three three. it took ten years. however, the jury made a statement and told the judge
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after the conviction that they had to drop kill seven which now the case is on hold if it's found out that the appellate court three judges allowed this court this trial to go forward, it's going to be an investigation. march 10th is supposed to be the sentencing february that was supposed to be the sentencing because mr. lee finally realized that he should not have had to trial in the name of the rico act number seven account number seven. i'm trying to just rush our request in for the 250 thousand because i'm the reasonable for arrest took place. >> i would thank you, ms.. chandler are there any other members of the public who would like to address the board during general public comment? mr. president all right. >> seeing no other speakers public comment is now closed and i believe we have been joined by supervisor fielder who i believe would like to be referred for roll call.
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>> thank you so much. president randleman good afternoon colleagues, city staff and members of the public. today i'm announcing a hearing focused on a comprehensive and proven approach to our city's drug crisis. >> the four pillars strategy san franciscans deserve real solutions. we know that the status quo is not working. the mission like many parts of the city, is experiencing the highly visible impacts of public drug use and these impacts are not just about what we see. >> they're about the lives lost to overdose the families grieving and the communities trying to hold it all together. since taking office i've met with small business owners, community based organizations and countless neighbors neighbors from across district nine. >> their message has been clear they want to see an end to fatal drug overdoses.
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they want an end to open air drug scenes. and they want to feel safe and supported in their own neighborhoods. >> the four pillars strategy offers us a path forward. it's model is with a proven track record based on four key areas prevention, treatment, harm reduction and enforcement . >> and it's proven to work not just in theory but in practice. >> in the 1990s zurich, switzerland faced a crisis very similar to ours. >> deplorable street conditions is soaring addiction rates and an overdose epidemic. >> but after implementing the four pillars strategy, zurich transformed into one of the safest cities in the world. >> and here's the most important part according to our own budget and legislative analysts, it is transferrable to san francisco's fentanyl crisis. >> but to make it work we have to go all in.
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up until now we've only deployed parts of this strategy and we've done so unevenly. the result has been temporary improvements in some areas of the city while other neighborhoods like the mission feel the displacement of drug markets and the same cycle of harm. >> one of the key lessons from zurich is the deep collaboration between law enforcement public health officials and social service professionals working together side by side day in and day out. >> this is not about choosing between public safety and public health. it's about bringing them together. >> we cannot continue to push the problem from one part of the city to another. we cannot keep relying on 1 or 2 strategies when we know that it takes all four working together. and so at this upcoming hearing that i'm calling for, we will hear directly from our city departments that contributed to the four pillars report
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commissioned by this board and published by the bill last november. >> we will learn about what it would take to implement the strategies citywide and how we can build the infrastructure to make it last through ongoing inter-agency collaboration and regular oversight. >> we have an opportunity right now to move beyond piecemeal solutions and take bold comprehensive action. >> the four pillars strategy gives us the roadmap. and now it's up to us to follow it. >> i want to thank supervisor dorsey for being eager and willing to co-sponsor this hearing. i look forward to working with him with the mayor. >> my colleagues on the board, our city departments and most importantly our communities to deliver lasting solutions to this crisis. >> thank you. >> i submit thank you. supervisor fielder. with that madame clerk let's go to our for adoption of that committee reference agenda
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items 37 through 40 items 30 seven through 40 were introduced for adoption but without committee reference. a unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution on first reading today. alternatively, a member may require a resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> supervisor what? thank you please for item 37. okay. anybody else? all right. on the remaining balance of the items madam clerk, can you please call the roll on items 38 through 40. >> supervisor randleman hi randleman i'm supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sutter sutter i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton hi walton i'm supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio and engardio i supervisor fielder fielder i and supervisor of
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management mahmood i there are 11 eyes without objection resolutions are adopted and the motion is approved and then madam clerk we go to item 37. >> item 37 this is a resolution to reaffirm san francisco's commitment to the administrative code chapter 14 be local business enterprise program supervisor welcome. thank you so much president mellman and colleagues, i just wanted to thank all the co-sponsors of the resolution supervisors mound of men chan mahmud dorsi and gaudio sauder and melgar for your co-sponsorship and i just want to shout out to our l.b. and our labor community for coming together in their work and supporting this. thank you. and i think that is it. we can take this item same house with the same call without objection the resolution is adopted.
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madam clerk are do we have any imperative agenda items? >> no imperatives to report. mr. president, could you read our in memoriam? >> yes. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of president randleman for the late david sir hagan and restauranteur charles fan and on behalf of supervisor mahmood for the late mark israel. and i think that brings us to the end of our agenda madam clerk is there any further business before us today? >> that concludes our business for today. thank you, madam clerk. >> as there is no further business we are adjourned
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5 o'clock. >> (music). >> co-founder. we started in 2008 and with the intent of making the ice cream with grown up flavors and with like and with tons of accessible freshens and so we this is - many people
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will like it and other people will like you my name is alice my husband we're the owners of you won't see ice cream in san francisco and really makes fishing that we are always going together and we - we provide the job opportunity for high school students and i hired them every year and . >> fun community hubble in san francisco is my district i hope we can keep that going for many years. >> and i'm alexander the owner of ice cream and in san francisco and in the outer sunset in since 1955 we have a vast of flavors liar choke o'clock but the flavors more
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than three hundred flavors available and i am the owner of the ice cream. and my aunt used to take us out to eat ice cream all the time and what can i do why not bring this ice cream shop and (unintelligible) joy a banana split or a great environment for people to come and enjoy. >> we're the ordinances of the hometown and our new locations in pink valley when i finished law school we should open up a store and, and, and made everybody from scrap the first ice cream shop any ice cream we do our own culture background
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and a lot of interaction and we're fortunate we can get feedback and serve to the king of ending and also francisco. >> (music).
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>> city and county of san francisco korean-american is one of the and preserve agrees in america we work with job seeker to make sure they're trained and able to enter the workforce by i work with the number of partners able to then recruit our residents from training and get a solidified trained up workforce the hospitality initiative started in 2012, we saw a need for culinary workers within san francisco is everything from hotels gift services to culinary training to also to security services as well as are jailer training is under the hospitality initiative umbrella and um, the goal so really try to make sure we have
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various training tracks for folks to answer within the industry and our program is about a tense week program about job readiness, you know, included with our kitchen work we teach life skills. >> to assess the program not only what my helped my life build. >> i come from a hardship to starting to connect again to changes, you know, and this is a second chance. >> why not to mess up on that and the program has supported me in that you a oewd is amazing; right? one of the things we focus on more on for our workforce development how to help more trained workers would our industry want to help raise the awareness of those
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organizations so our members know hey this is a place we could go and find a cook find a things to. >> my sidewalks previously i did 10 years in federal penitentiary i was released into prison and that's how i got introduced with that so to chat they said apprenticeship they taught me to leave the program and i found multiple jobs and owe that to everything i learned here in. >> no wrong donor i feel your department has done is great job throughout the workforce developmenenenenenenenenenenenen
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>> welcome everyone. thank you so much for joining me today. the round table discussion. i actually have background in youth work. worked in china town before so having you four from youth commission join today is very interesting to hear your thoughts and concerns and what you are talking about from the youth commission and your generation your thoughts. let's get into it. start with introductions. your name. grade rkts school. and what lead you to become into the youth commission? could start with emily. >> so, my name is emily, she her pronouns. (inaudible) in san francisco. and i joined the youth commission because growing up i relied on public transportation and a lot of community organizations such as (inaudible) and through these organizations they introduced me to a lot of
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community organizing movements happening and that is when i learned of the youth commission because my friend was also on it at the time and i was interested because i saw a benefited from a lot of public service in san francisco and wanted to insure all youth in san francisco could have opportunities to benefit from these services as well and these services would be available to everyone. that's when i applied to the youth commission and i joined and that's where i got to learn so much about like how local government works and how i could contribute my voice to make better opportunities for all youth in san francisco. >> nice. how long have you been on the youth commission? >> i joined in 20 21 and this is my second term. >> normally the youth commission, what's the age range? >> youth ages 12-23. >> wow! you can be out of high school and on the commission? >> yeah. we have college students and we used to have middle school students on the youth commission too but now they are a freshman in
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high school. >> nice. awesome. >> (inaudible) >> ewen a senior at san francisco high school. i joined the youth commission. i had beener interested in san francisco politics freshman in high school and volunteered on local political campaign and district attorney election and got into that process, and from there did more campaigning and got into youth advocacy and activism in the city. and from there i sort have (inaudible) city hall on certain issues and wanted to be on the flip side and see what i could do in city hall for young people and a voice for young people and are the youth commission was the perfect opportunity for that so why i decided to apply. thankfully i was appointed. >> great. how many years have you been on? >> second term as well so beginning september 2021. >> every turm is one
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year? >> yeah, because people age out so quickly and people go away for college so we try to make it like a school year roughly. >> okay. nice. thank you. >> hi. i'm hayden. i'm a junior this year at (inaudible) my first term on the commission but what drew me to it is like emily i have always been super fascinated by public transportation. since i was two years old i had a baby sitter and she couldn't get a driver license so would take the bus everywhere and it was fascinating to see all the people and places i could go around the city and just as i got older i would explore more and more but realized that you know, like, it is not as simple as buses driving around and i can be involved in getting more buses out there, having more places to go to and
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like i think especially when the pandemic happened and all government meetings moved on line it was a lot more accessible for me so i was able to pgo and make public comment and see had all the presentations, see all the people on commissions and stuff and also had several friends who had been on the youth commission in the past so i just saw it as a great opportunity for me to advocate for young people, because i feel we have a lot of needs and sometimes it isn't always represented. >> thank you. >> hi, i'm yoselin. a senior at urban school of san francisco. this is my first term in the youth commission. similar to everyone else said, i have been interested in politics and public policy and how legislation is made. i are worked for someone who worked with supervisor ronan, he really-i was
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fascinated with what he gets to do in his job and the issues he gets to work on and people he gets to speak. this is a great opportunity to test what you are interested in and so i applied and got in and very happy. >> how many total in the youth commission? one per district? >> yes, one per district and 5 from the mayor. >> there is 11 supervisor ones and 6 from mayor office, 5 of it which are specifically for minority community representation and one is appointee so 17 total. >> 17. great. >> (inaudible) one of the bigger commissions in the city, but because youth is everyone at some point in life, every community has youth, it is important to have enough seats to have a voice for communities and their different needs on the youth commission.
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>> for sure. let's get into the nitty-gritty of it. i really interested to hear some of the concerns that either the youth commission is talking about now or even you yourselves personally what concerns are you trying to like advocate for and stuff like that? who would like to start? >> i guess i can start. before joining the youth commission i'm involved in housing and mass incarceration crimial justice system. i knew these were topics i wanted to discuss and bring up so i'm also on individual committees so two main topics is youth incarceration and substance abuse and gun violence and-yeah. those are the main issues we are talking about. >> for youth incarceration, what are some of the topics? is it more about the resources putting or not putting into it or is it- >> yeah. one main thing now is talking about juvenile
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justice center. forget the street. and, i think woodside and por tolla. >> it was supposed to be closed last year and has not because there is a lot of uncertainty about what is supposed to happen. i recently spoke to chief miller the probation officer at the center, so discussing ways we can support them to get that closed and have more equitable resources for the youth who are currently inside still and relying on community members and families and friends instead of like abusive and harmful police officers and the justice system. >> is sthr racial disparities in the youth incarceration? >> yeah. what i heard from the meeting there is currently like 14 youth inside. they range in age but it is all like people of color and people from low income families who
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are usually the ones more involved in the crimial justice system. >> i read somewhere that like perhaps there could be more money put into the communities to help low income or kids being not targeted but don't have as much opportunities and end up in those places. >> yeah. >> versus putting money in- >> i think it is better to fund organizations and programs. i think emily you mentioned you are in break through, i'm in the smart program help afford education and help get to college and teach them and offer activities so they have more resources and opportunities for their future. just like putting more money into programs activities and things that like shift youth experiences to a more
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positive one. >> any other concern? >> i can add on. i think you all said investing in youth early is really important rather then focus on punishment. i think that goes unsaid. break through helped so much in the education. if not for breakthrough and summer program jz tutorer and mentorship they offered which my parents couldn't offer me i don't know where i would be. i think community organizations like break through and after school programs funded by the city are so important supporting youth early and insure they dont go down the wrong pact. coming from under resourced neighborhoods and first generation it was very hard to carve my own path so finding mentorship in organizations like this is important and crucial to my personal development. >> i say the science behind it
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too backs up the testimony. violence-i do a lot of work in gun violence prevention and programs are often more successful then police are in preventing gun violence in our city. obviously both are a part of the equation, but i think that we have seen a lot of investment. we have seen them be quise successful and i know i am and think everyone on the commission is interested in looking how to support those programs and have them work specifically with youth as well and get young people into the program early before they have a opportunity to be put into these situations that cause violence to occur. >> yeah. >> i just say also like the education system plays a big part because it is great we have a lot of community organizations, but
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sometimes it can't always be the most accessible so one thing we are working on is expanding outreach and access so people know about these problems and also within our education system i was looking at data in regards to suspensions and expelgz and similar to juvenile justice center it is overwhelmingly student of color and lower income students effected by that as well as students who are often miss school and there is a lot of reasons for that. some relate to transportation and such. it is just been exacerbated by have distance learning. not everybody had the same access to technology and such to stay connected and engaged in their education during that time. >> i'll add on, i feel when people think about issues like youth not attending school or not doing homework or committing these petty crimes, there is often a
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moralization and everyone is like they are just bad people. they have the wrong intentions, they are messing up the city, but i think it is just generally very important to investigate the root causes. a lot of these kids come from under resourced naerbd s and have-for a lot of people it is means of survival so so important to look beyond the surface and no there is no need to moralize these situations. these kids don't have other solutions so it is important to look at the root cause and see how to address prevention rather then punishment and suspension and removal from school. >> it is funny talking about resources and schools. i'm often surprised how many good community organizations are like i don't know how to reach young people and i'm like have you been going to schools, the place where young people all have to pgo during the day? i think i also feel schools dont realize that they have the opportunity to provide
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resources to young people. they are allowed to connect with outside resources and bring them in and use them as well. that is something i'm hoping to encourage on the youth commission as well. >> right. usually it is outside -i dont want to say non profit but the-schools themselves are [multiple speakers] >> teachers have become social workers for young people. >> which is why prop g is such a great proposition. i think it is $60 million. increases over time but $60 million goes to public schools for activities, classes, nurses, therapist to support students, which is great. which is what we need. >> yeah. just add on to that or the question, because i know high schools have counselors and probably i don't know if mental health specialists, but
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do middle schools and elementary schools in the city have that? >> i think it depends on the institution. i am very fortunate to go to private middle school and high school. i did go to public elementary school and there is a huge gap in education and resources available in public and private. i can't speak to that now. >> it has been a huge burden. recently both our school nurse and our school wellness coordinator left and there was an iligez to the fact it was connected to the pay roll issues occurring with sfusd and not just that but they are already paid much less then other public school districts private school districts, like for nurses if they were to work somewhere else so it is really hard to attract people to work in these schools and we don't budget enough positions in the first place. now we have 7 school counselors for like a body of 3,000 kids and
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you can think of the kids that have questions about college and classes to take to graduate. it is just not enough resources in the schools. i went to sfusd middle school and we had one counselor for each grade level, but it just really isn't enough and a lot of schools-it kind of-there is pto or lowel-able to fund a second librarian or nurse the full week opposed to 2 and a half days so if you get injured monday, you got a nurse, but tuesday you are out of luck. that's something happening in the schools and i just feel that is crazy because they don't have a affluent
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enough pta to fund the nurse. that should be basic. we shouldn't have to ask for donations to fund a school nurse. >> that ties into the mental health issues people are facing. covid was detrimental to everyone but especially young people who spnt hours a day online and away from mental health support in a really difficult time and i think people are beginning to realize now how important those services are. i think there is work to do but advocase hads been relatively successful in san francisco getting more support for mental health but there is a huge gap we are now catching up with. it was never priority before the pandemic and beginning to become one now but there are so many young people struggling and waiting for support and frankly often falling through the cracks of the system that is supposed to help them. >> yeah. speaking from an
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older person, no mental helt what so ever in anything growing up so to talk in the progress is like huge, but of course it isn't enough still. >> there is also stigma depending on your race and religion whether mental health is a real thing. >> and also what your mental health condition is too. >> right. >> i think mental health issues always existed but the pandemic brought to light all the really bad things happening. not exacerbated i feel no one was talking about mental health before the pandemic and i think often times like you said, a lot of the services are not offered in school so i think in general there is a wide disconnect from students and services, whether that is service in schools or community organizations. all these services exist but students don't know how to access them so there needs to be a better way to connect students to everything that can
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support them. >> another concern possibly-you brought up gun violence, is that another concern you all have? >> just i think just yesterday the new york times posted a story about how it is officially over-taken any other cause for deaths for young people in the united states . >> 19 percent. >> it used to be car deaths and now number one is gun violence. >> gun violence. also the racial disparities there are incredible too. and concerning. i do a lot of work on gun violence prevention. of course there is need for federal action. we are not go toog solve the gun violence crisis until we see senate and house pass safety legislation that prevents gun getting in the hands of dangerous people but there are actions on the local and state level. eve enin california even
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in liberal san francisco that can help save lives, particularly around things like safe storage of guns. i wrote a resolution on the commission urging all san francisco schools to send home safe storage information and just recently a stay law passed that require schools to send home safe storage information for firearms. violence intervention programs are incredibly important to help end this crisis: building the community relations. and also mental health is a big part. access to a gun increases-i dont know what the statistic is off the top of my head, but gun (inaudible) in killing the person then any other form of suicide and it is so irreversible. that access to guns can exacerbate the issues too and someone who might be struggling today and tomorrow but in two years from now would be in a much better
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place with support and medication they need there is a irreversebal thing they can do with a gun then they can in other ways of hurting themselves. >> is it the norm to have drills at school? >> yeah. it is scary having to like go through that process. >> the data actually-it is unclear but also pretty clear that having these drills doesn't actually save lives. we now in the united states have enough data points of school shootings in schools that have lock down drills and that don't have lock down drills that frankly doesn't make much a difference. there are other policies and things we could work on that are less traumatizing to kids as well that would be better use of time and resources then lock down trills. not advocating against them, but i think that isn't where our focus should necessarily be.
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>> haven't done it this year. it is interesting because i just think our school campus we have so many kids and people wander on and off. i are try not to think about it, but it is a thought in my head, anybody can wander on to here. >> i think it is crazy. ever since sandy hook i literally started doing lock down drills in third grade before i even started sex ed. i think growing up and having to do that every year was really traumatizing. this could happen to me any day so it is scary and seeing gun violence get worse as i grow up not even an adult it is terrifying. >> too many times i walked out of school and checked my phone and see a story of kids like me in a classroom like me all day being shot and killed
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in the classroom. it is astonish to walk of the last class of the day and check the news and see that whether it is in michigan and texas and here in california, relatively random it was that school. it very much could have been your school. that is something we can't-there is a feeling of helplessness around that too i think. >> there was the story about the kid campaigning for (inaudible) he got shot. >> 13 year old i believe. >> campaigning for warnack. i have been the kid in freshman year volunteering on a local political campaign and lots of people dont like campaigns. that is reasonable, i get it. having a gun in the situation made that 10 times worse. >> right. yeah. >> i was like not knocking on doors just like walking up and hanging door fliers this election and in the back of my
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head, i thought about what if somebody like thinks i'm stealing a package or break into their house? >> (inaudible) >> especially i feel in some more afffluent neighborhoods i see next door, they are like this teenager is walking up to my door and must be up to no good. it was a thought in my head. i was like dang, maybe it isn't a gun, maybe it is a dog or they have something on me. >> this is not-i think people think we are in san francisco, we don't have the issue as much. especially in poor communities and communities of color, this is a consistent issue that we are still facing and a lot has to do with the fact san francisco policies don't cover parts of the state and country as well. san francisco lead the way with the ghost gun ban. ghost guns are
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guns you can buy online and put together yourself that don't require a serial number which gets rid of any system of keeping track of guns we have in the country, and we were the first city to actually make that illegal and in california fallowed through with that as well. selling of that was illegal. it is things like that, all these ways gun manufacturers and gun industry is going around the policies that we put in place that is continuing the issue. especially with the gun violence we see on the e streets every day. there are school shootings acrauz the country and many more kids shot walking home because they live in a community of color that had this consistent issue. it is an astonishing thing and it uniquely american issue as well. >> i guess as the youth commission, what
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actually do you feel you could bring up or advice-because obviously there are many topics that have a lot of issues, but the gun violence just hits home i everyone, especially for me and everything. as a youth commission, how do you go about that? >> well, i don't know much about the ghost gun ban but our job is advice the mayor and board of supervisors on issues related to youth. we can't solve the issue of gun violence in a night, two nights but i think what we can do is urge local policy makers to take action and i think by the local government taking action we can inspire the state government, inspire the federal government and that is how change works so i think everything we can do to inspire our local elected officials to take action on things like the ghost gun ban can inspire more counties and states and just the world in
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general. >> we can bring up any topic. any issue to the board of superrisers and the mayor and whether they take our recommendation or not, we can still push them and urge them to do something about it, so they can't ignore us, they have to realize this is what the youth are writing about and what they like us to do, we have to do something. >> it is fun because the youth commission in san francisco and relatively unique to san francisco as well. it is part of our city charter so they legally can't ignore us. they don't have to take our recommendations [multiple speakers] they have to read the resolutions and talk about the issues and think most people in san francisco are open to work wg the youth commission. there is power behind that and that is where a lot of advocacy work we do gets its power. >> also, there is many board of supervisors care about us and care about the work that we are bringing up, so it isn't like they are just not
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reading our-or caring. they actually do care about the issues and read them and consider them. >> it is really unique, because a lot of supervisors just like reach out to us and are like hey, what do you feel about bike parking and they care about what you say. >> they offer resources or do you want to speak to this person or let me introduce you to this organization. they really do want to help us continue our work and really expand what we know. >> the mayor recognizes me places now. that is how you know you are making a im pact, that is that kid. her office is very open to work wg the youth commission as well and i appreciate-i don't think i can think of a supervisor or mayor office that isn't open to us and listening to our
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concerns. >> it isn't like they just want to take our feedback for their benefit, they want to help you grow as a person. multiple offices offered me internships and different opportunities to be in this ad or help write this legislation or be in the video and that is unique because they want to see you grow as a person and follow all your dreams. literally the senator was asking what college i wanted to go to and if they could help in any way so very sweet. >> sometimes i look at the youth commission and like, these people are going to be on the board of supervisors in 20 years. this is good we are learning now and doing this now, because we are the next generation of leaders of the city. i really do believe that. of the country. >> any other concerns? >> i think big issue we are also thinking about is young people and it is kind of upon us in some ways but
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climate change. there is talk recently about the great highway and we will have to close a portion of it in 2025 because it is literally crumbleing into the ocean. this is real and here now. there is a lot of the city is very ambitious when it comes to setting vision and policies. we have vision zero that in two years i think at this point we want to eliminate all traffic fatalities of people walking across the street, get hit by a car and essentially made no progress since it started. we want 20percent of trips in the city people making them by bicycle and we are just not making any progress on all these goals we set out in terms of climate change so it can be frustrating but that motivates me. we set what our values are and how we make sure our policies and decisions we make day
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to day, make sure those align with what we are actually saying that we value. >> and that's replicated across so many issues of san francisco. we love to be this progressive icon but sometimes when you get down to the nitty-gritty we are not making the progress on issues we need. we are not setting the transformative policies that need to be done. transit is a great example with vision zero. >> i agree. i think the city can be very performative and also like-it is like they say they want one thing but they completely do something else and that just gets by-pass and don't think that is okay. also, i think specifically with climate change and transportation, there are so many neighborhood disparities people dont talk about like under resourced communities experience the climate change a lot worse then other communities and growing up in the bayview and excelsior and
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living near freeways and experiencing pollution and not able to bike in my neighborhood in fear of a car crash because of the narrow streets t is really horrible. we can't fix the issue in the weltier communities how do we help the under served communities that experience the brunt of it? i also think people are so resistant to change. especially with the slow streets program which we have been looking into as a committee on the youth commission. the housing recreation and transit committee. we (inaudible) benefited youth in the city specifically overall, but still the mayor and other elected officials are resistant to it and afraid of change because we are such a car dominated city and think it is important to be optimistic about the future and be realistic but also like slow streets are helpful. this can actually get to where we want to go in terms of the climate goals and people need to consider that. >> it is kind of like in a sense feel a chicken and egg problem because before i used
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to be somebody that is mad like i don't understand why are people stuck in their cars but i feel a lot of issue, that is the system. we set up a system that if it will take me a hour to take the bus across town or i will be all most hit by a car biking down a 40 mile per hour road, the obvious choice is to drive. that is the system we set up so it is hard to convince people that we know this is system and understand why you drive. we are not saying you are a bad person because you drive because there i think there are people out there who are like you are a horrible person because you drive a car and you are killing all the turtles and the children. that's the system we have, so we need to show people that there is a better way and we can get there and it will take a lot of time and there will be inconvenience but in the long run, if we sit and never change it isn't going to work. there has to be
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a little bit of inconvenience change, people will feel uncomfortable but if we stay stagnant it isn't going to work. >> i think that's something that the youth commission has been pretty big on making people uncomfortable. elected officials [multiple speakers] i think specifically with free muni for all youth which the youth commission helped create. of course the sfmta was super uncomfortable and like how will we pay for transit for all youth. youth cant afford fares or drive how do you spect them to pay to get to school and their job and since we proposed it we have seen so many positive im pacts. youth and hop and ride for free. they have access to so many opportunities and i think that is so important. making people uncomfurtable and
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showing change is good and being resisant to change is unhethy. it makes us go in the wrong direction so making people uncomfortable and doing our job to hold them accountable creates positive im pact for the youth in the city. >> i think we make each other uncomfortable too. >> you mean ear each other? >> i remember-we do a retreat before we begin every year to see where people's priorities are and meet each other and we had intentional uncomfortable conversations recognizing the privilege people hold, recognizing the backgrounds people have and how that impact s how they view the world as well. and think that is important and often missing from the conversations we have in the city. i often see two different groups about housing is the ultimate issue. people on one side saying we have issues of not approving and building more housing and people on the other side saying i'm concerned my neighborhood
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will get gent riifyed and lack of dialogue and be uncomfortable stops the progress. we have so many unnecessary divides in the city especially in politics are the reason the issues are not being addressed. people in san francisco agree on the solution. we want to see less homelessness, less crime on the street, we want to see more people getting the services they need and more people getting stable housing, but because we are not willing to sit down with each other and made the strong divisions and so resistant to changing and changing our opinion as well i think that is a reason we are seeing so many san franciscans especially within the last couple elections have expressed this we keep voting on the issues. every politician promises to solve the problem in their own way but
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it is never getting solved. >> we also see people moving out of san francisco because we can't fix the problems. and those cities are being also like having more housing problems as well. >> to add on, i think from not even two years i have been involved in san francisco politics i see so many patterns. the same prop every year and named a different prop. there is no change. that is why it is important to sit together and have conversation like this and i think that is why being involved in politics as youth has been such an enlighting experience. i it is uncomfortable but i think discomfort brings positive changeism i find arguing with other youth commissionsers. i realize blind sfauts and where i can im prove by listening to other people and think
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why youth involvement in politics is important because you are exposed to different perspective and your own perspective and it-you are like why do i think like that and have this opinion? that is a way i have grown on the youth commission, being involved in the really intense discourse in san francisco and try to find myo perspective and being introspective with myself and other people. >> people are often ask me why are more young people not involved in san francisco politics ? there are a lot of people doing activism and organizing, young people in san francisco, but because when we have these conversations we try to put people into these groups like moderate and progressive and that isn't how issues work and that is such a toxic environment particularly fl young person who is also still trying to learn as well. i think i felt that on the youth
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commission. not between ourselves but outside the youth committee being put into a box and i am like i dont know where i lie. a big part of the youth commission is learning about the issues. i don't come on the youth commission with a opinion on every issue. i had to do research and talk to people and hear different opinions in order to determine how i felt about something. we often don't give people the space to do that. >> i think in san francisco politics there is a need to put labels on people and especially i see with the whole board of ed stuff with the low admission policy, i remember i was in a internship and they reallyb expected me to have opinions right away about how i felt about issues. i'm a ayouth and learning how to have my own perspect and engage. i think with the low admission there is a thing like if you
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believe we should do lottery emission then you are progressive but if not you are moderate. i think the labeling is bad because confining people in a box makes you question-that's not healthy discourse. you are labeling them. that is toxic. >> and there are only two options. we can do- >> politics isn't multiple choice. >> i think the low admission system is problematic but doesn't mean i want to get rid of it entirely. there is middle ground and im provements that could be made and we dont allow for that. >> do you guys feel as youth especially with climate change i guess, but is a lot of pressure as youth to-not that you solve it but it is your problem? do you feel more pressure? >> of course. i feel there is a problem with putting all the pressure on people
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instead of company who are the most responsible for toxic air emissions and things like that. telling us to stop using plastic straws but the big companies use plastic bags and plastic containers. there is a definitely pressure on youth to fix the problem because the older people are like we will not by in the world much longer, so why do we have to fix anything? >> crazy how connected every issue is. i was in richmond the ort day which is very under served community and they center the big chevron refinely and smoke in the air and with the free way is by. i think everything is so connected and we need to do so much. when we talk earlier about people getting to school, transportation is a big part and free muni. everything is interconnected. it is crazy. it is like hard
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sometimes to-i know this is a issue we need to do something about it but it is hard to really-you do need to figure out the root cause of everything and-but i think what yoselin said is true. it is hard to like when there is a drought and they tell me shave a minute off my shower, i'm like okay, but there are all these people growing live stock and agriculture using millions tons more water. in some ways i understand there is a personal aspect to it, but we need more big policy changes. i can't solve this alone and think that is something the commission shows is really like-i didn't come into this work as a part of any big groups or organizations, i was just kind of like doing my own
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thing and then like kind of like when the pandemic happened there was kind of like this like coalition of people came together to like save muni service and that is when i thought we were getting results and i'm like, this has to be something we all like come together and work on. i think young people actually like realize that and that's one of the great things is we see this is like a horrible thing, but in some ways unifys us. we all have to deal with this problem so we need to work with each other and move past any labeling of i don't like this person because they are a moderate and i'm a progressive. it is kind of uniting in a weird way. >> to add to hayden's point, that is why individualism is a big problem in the capital ist society because everyone is like you can do this by yourself and be successful and solve the world problem but since i joined the youth
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commission i have been introduced to people power. we are so much more power when we are collective and work together and think about the system rather then our own self-and the youth system taught me to think beyond myself and the world in general. that is something so unique i never found in any other institution. that is why people should teach kids in school. they should teach them to graduate, make as much money as possible, do whatever you want, buy the biggest house, a mansion, make a family. they should teach kids to feel responsible for the world and im pact they make on the world and that is what the youth commission taught me and it has been the most meaningful life lessen i learned. >> it is funny how often an adult will come up to me or in the youth commission in general and say i'm so glad you are the future. you will solve our problems. you will be part of the solution. these people work in city government too. your job is to solve
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the issues. i'm part of the solution too, but you can't just give that to our generation. that is expectation we feel the im pact of climate change so therefore we need to solve it. we can't solve gun violence until young people demand it from the state legislators. you need to be part of the solution too. we need to bridge the gap between youth and adults as well. a big thing i believe in is coalition building across divides. there are things that yoselin and i don't don't agree on and with vote against each other. at the same time we need to work hand in hand to solve the issues we do. and like hayden was saying, there is a thing i dont want to work with this person because we disagree on this issue. >> you need that. >> you can disagree on the issue and also agree on this issue and need to work together to get it done. >> i think that is another
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thing with teaching youth these things in schools. these are really important life skills. leadership is important life skill. collaboration across divides is important life skill and taught me so much as a person being able to debate with all these different people. me and you argue a lot, but- >> we are great friends by the way. >> we are really great friends but have been able to do meaningful things together and that is something we should include in the education system challenging youth to think beyond their own perspective and work with people they disagree with and i think leadership opportunities like that should be provided all across the city so we can cultivate the next generation of leaders that will change the world. >> there is this term that being used a lot by the younger generation. it is funny for sure, and but i want to ask what does okay boomer, that term, what does that mean? what is the meaning? obviously i don't know if you
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can explain where it came from, but what does it mean and really mean i guess, if there is a real meaning to it. anybody want to explain what okay boomer is? >> kind of a millennial thing i think. >> i don't know. i'm somebody who is on twitter and see it a lot there. it is like- >> any social media platform you see it. >> it is something that we'll say in response to-sometimes there is a lot of we do face people or adults who they might straight up disagree with us, but they might be people who they say they agree and say i really want to help you and do the opposite. they don't really put their money where their mouth is so to speak, so it is like calling them out like okay--i think it is kind of like seeing sometimes people say look at you, you guys are all entitled or the
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lazy generation or whatever and they see us as being rude to them by saying okay boomer, but the realty is, it is kind-they dont value us. i don't get respect from you so why am i going to go and support whatever you want or agree with whatever you say? i feel like-there is this weird twisted power structure. they always tell you respect your elders but you don't respect me, so-- >> there is a huge gap between adults and youth now a days. they like don't like care about our ideas or think you are still too young. we had more life experiences. we have been in school longer and seen more so you don't understand and can't speak about this. that might be maybe true but also our opinions matter and we have been through things and seen things and you should like care about our opinions as
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well. okay, boomer. >> interesting, it is a funny neme but speaks to the issue of how much space our different generations taking up in the conversation and gen z is willing to demand space then others and political movements. >> gen-z is-late 90 to early 2010? >> yeah are. i think everyone on the youth commission now is gen z. >> gen z has stereo type of, never experienced no internet. >> addicted to technology. very loud. >> yeah. they also say a social justice warrior. >> yeah. [laughter] >> some of the stereo types. >> the best thing gen z when
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needed we come together and unit and fight for what we need and want. >> just fed up. i think there is a push within our generation to be like guys, this is so dumb. adults arguing over the issues, 40, 50 years and so over it and need to move on and solve the issues instead of talk about them and think that is true on the local state and national level and globally. >> i was just going to say, i feel like the term okay boomer is a justification for the massive divides that exist between our generations and we have seen that because there are so many technology advancements happening so it is created wide divides between us and the generation before us but i don't think using the term is a okay to justify that. we don't have to work with these people. we do have to work with these people
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to achieve meaningful change. these people make the decisions that effect our every day lives and if they don't have perspective how we are im pacted no change will get made and i think that is quhie why the youth commission is so important because the mayor district supervisors, they make decisions on everything that effect our lives so why it is important to have a voice in city hall because they need to work for us to create better outcomes for all youth in san francisco. >> i think it is important to recognize there is a lot we have to learn as well. i think part of okay boomer can be dismissive of generational knowledge that we need to get as well. i think it is possible to both demand change from a generation and learn lessens from them at the same time. >> right. >> has anyone said it? >> i never used it. >> we use it as a joke. >> we use it against each other. i don't think i have been told a person okay boomer. >> i thought it in my head. i feel a lot of times there is a like thing where like
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it is like a form of like gas lighting. we have a personal experience and like that's my experience and i'll share that with people and the first thing they tell me is stats dont support that. my experience doesn't support that. that shouldn't have happened and try to dismiss me. my personal experience can't possibly be valid because they have done research that may or may not be valid. maybe their research didn't include youth so there is no way the research included my perspective. they will invalidate me. i don't say to them. i don't want to be super rude but i'm like uh-huh, uh-huh. sure. that is what you think. >> i think also for like career expectations one thing i love about the youth and younger people is that we dont let companies--how do i say this (inaudible) we have
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more salary expectations. that is sometimes companies give you the low ball and people are like, no, we want transparns and want to get paid what we need to get paid because minimum wage living and you can't afford to live in a city with hundred thousand dollars you need to live well, so i think that for careers it is also which career will give us the most money to survive in this world. which is tech comes in and stem. >> interesting too, there is-very tabu to share your salary but becoming encouraged. i would feel very comfortable-i don't make a salary but post college i think it is important especially as a white male to share the information with others to be aware of disparities and rectify them as well.
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that might be a generational thing too. i feel it was taboo to talk about your economic situation. we complain a lot about it. we also grow up in a time of incredible inflation. literally everything is so expensive and my parents are like how does it cost $5 for a cup of coffee? i'm like let me tell you about books in college. >> everything is expensive. >> it is weird, i work for the city in a job outside of this and like, i don't know, i just like think it is like cool because it just list the salary when you apply i looked at other jobs and like wait that isn't the standard they don't tell you how much you get paid? somebody was telling me about buying a car and the weirdest thing in our society we are like go to the car dealership and it isn't the price, it is quhoo is the best negotiator. it is a weird thing. i just want simple. i want to walk in and
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know how much i pay. >> i think i feel aware of the value of my work. especially doing this work as well which is demanding and hard and unpaid because of just how the city is set up. i love it. knowing the value of the skills you have and being willing to say that's not a high enough salary for me. i need to live off--especially if you have a degree. that's just not what i'm worth and think people in gen z are willing to be aware how the system is taking advantage of people and like low balling them basically and much more willing to stand up to that and because i think there is also this personal dynamic where it is like if i was talking to a employer i would be much more willing to
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say i know you are not low balling me intentionally. like what you said. [laughter] but the system is. >> to add on r i love the youth commission. i love the work we do and it is a really fulfilling job and i would love to find a job like this some time after i graduate college. >> i see myself being a staff member. >> it is also a privilege to be able to know what you want to do and to be able to pursue that because if i wanted to do writing or something because i reading and writing, i probably would want be able to do that because i'm first generation, parents are immigrants and don't make that much money and don't have the line of generational wealth t. is a privilege to do your job and what you love and public service is pretty well pay-it is privilege and think being able to consider that and having privilege to do something like this and having the time right now i'm really grateful for that but
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not everyone can do that because they don't have time and have to consider salary more then we do. now we are just checking on-is this going to make me enough so i can go shopping but these are really important jobs people rely on their lives for. >> we talked about-is there a stigma about youth in politics and- >> for sure. >> do you feel it or do you feel it at all? >> i feel there is little like-i dont know if micro aggression is the right term. i got a permit to use the bike room from city hall and i filled out the form and the lady was looking at me and was like, you work here? i'm like yeah, i don't have a city e-mail address but can i write my employee id number. she is like, you have those, that is cute. she wouldn't talk to an adult like that. she wouldn't say you have employee id that is cute. i was like
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wow, in that moment. i don't want to tell too many stories. >> sometimes they don't take you seriously because you are a young person. >> i remember walking into supervisors office, we were inviting-legislative aids and a couple times they are like, hello. they are like, why are you here? i'm like this is a public office so everyone can walk into and second of all, we are commissioners. that is the reason we are here. >> i have been called cute so many timeatize is unbelievable. i'm like man, i'm just trying to do my job. i remember there was a interesting debate i had with this guy. we were doing a trash cleanup and it was me and this other dude talking about this book we read about youth involvement in politics. i said i don't think youth should be involved in government because they will be sad and disallusioned how much the government can't do.
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i'm like-i tried my best to argue with him very respectfully but that is such a bad take because i think youth should be taught to be optimistic rather then pessimistic where we can go in the future but a lot of adults think otherwise. a lot of adults believe the same things he believes. they think youth should just do their little thing, go to school, have fun- >> if you are not creating change why are you there? for the money? >> there is also issue the youth commissioners felt of tokenization and being like a politician with-photo op- [multiple speakers] look at the youth leader i'm promoting and are they leave and there is no mentorship. there is big difference between mentorship and tokenization. i think we do a relatively good job in city hall. i
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think most people care about us and (inaudible) but there are times too where i'm like from people who i think of as people who are mentors who are like you just want me here to stand next to you for a photo opand don't think i'm will ing to do that without having a conversation with you about this issue. >> you can tell when meeting someone or being at an event when they are just like using you versus if they actually care what you have to say. >> i think as a youth commissioner, it is so important to find the balance between being used for tokenization but also using that clout. you should take advantage of it. >> you are standing next to the elected official. >> it gives the youth commission more prominence and if it helps us do our job mine as well. it is important to find balance and make sure you are not taken advantage of. >> something else that is interesting is-i feel
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like i mentioned earlier but i feel like i didn't have any training. i have my own experience. >> before you continue, just saying you do not need experience to come into the youth commission position which i feel sometimes is the- >>b i have no experience in politics. >> push people not to want to apply for the job because i don't know anything about local government and won't know how do this or that but you don't need it. >> you don't get thrown on a commission. there are people to support and educate you. >> i do feel in some ways i'm expected to know a concern thing or behave the way like the political machine kind of wants me to and you know, be professional and smile when the presenter is obviously like lying to me and stuff and thank them for coming and like, that's just not me. don't feel
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you will disrespect me and lie to me and then expect me to be nice because i am supposed to be nice to you. i feel people feel they can get away and that i'm not go toog call them out or not supposed to call them out as a young person. i'm supposed to thank you so much for your time. thanks for valuing my poor youth commission. no, i don't know-i just feel you wouldn't lie to the board of supervisors like that or if you did you would get called out so i'll call you out. there is this expectation we are supposed to behave like-not saying we shouldn't be professional, we should be professional but i expect the same professionalism back. i don't want to be, yes. >> there have been times people come to the youth commission and are think they forget we are ultimately here to hold the city government accountable. >> an employee of the city. >> that and also it is like, the job of the youths commission is to be a
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voice for youth. we are going to call you out when you don't know if lie is the words to use, fudge the number, whatever happens. there have been times where i'm like, you forgot this isn't just a group of young people who are interested in this, but a commission who job is to hold people accountable. >> i think the image of youth in the city is also just really interesting because some people will be like, you dont do any knowledge, they hang out and get (inaudible) they just sit and play video games. a lot of people come into youth commission presentations thinking we don't know anything. we will surprise them when we know these procedures and ask the specific questions related to policies on whatever they are presenting on. it is funny. >> so, is it i guess not youth commission but in general as youth is it a challenge to get more youth interested
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in politics and anything the youth commission is try toog do to help that? >> i think just bringing more awareness of what the youth commission is and the resources available for people to sign up and join. that is something that our community outreach members are trying to do. >> yeah. last year i was (inaudible) and we did this thing where we made instagram posts about the initiatives we worked on. we detailed the initiatives and free (inaudible) able to put the work on social media and legislation on social media is important because it teaches youth that you can have a voice in all these city policies that are effecting your lives and a voice in the big movements and think making the youth commission as accessible to avenue everyone as possible is important. >> (inaudible) >> vote 16 is an initiative by the civic engagement committee
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of the youth commission and works to lower the voting age to 16 age in all city elections- >> san francisco specifically. >> san francisco city elections. it is actually received a lot of support from the board of supervisors, but lost my nearly 3 percent in the first election in 2016- >>.5 >>.5 in the next election. we are working to get it on the 2024 ballot again with more voter education, more outreach because we believe it is important youth get involved in voting early because it instills a habit that voting is important. >> i think-i touched on this before, but a lot of young people are interested in politics but also scared to get involved because of how toxic it can be. i feel like i also heard from so many young people their first interaction with politics was negative so they were steered away from it. i
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had plenty situations happen to me with political activism but i think the environment we have on the youth commission and trying to create more generally within youth advocacy and activism in san francisco is positive and supportive. all of us have different opinions, have different views on issues, and voted different ways but i also know i can go to any of the people around the table and on the youth commission to say this was a bad experience that i felt x, y, z about or i am in the situation, can we talk about it, because we all are in the same boat of sometimes things don't go our way and because we are young people we have certain experiences we want to share with each other as well. >> i think what is interesting about the youth commission is you don't need to know much about politics to be on the youth commission. my perception of it was that i need to know all of these u.s.
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amendments and need (inaudible) i think that is what a lot of people think the youth commission is. that you need abundance of political knowledge to be on the youth commission but i realized it was less political. a lot of community coalitions and just speaking from your own perspective and where you come from as a youth for better outcomes for everyone in san francisco and i think that is important because it is like, i think the discussions in the youth commission encourage people to talk about where they come from and what they truly believe rather then affiliation to a political party. that is not what the youth commission is at all. >> i remember when i was applying to the youth commission, i reached out to (inaudible) i don't know anything about politics and scared. what will happen during the first meeting and you were like no, you will be fine and learn along the way and that is for any youth who want to get involved you dont need to go anything. you will be trained and taught along the way so take initiative, join it, don't be scared. >> also people get turned down
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from the youth commission. the supervisor jz mayor decides. there are other opportunities to get involved. reach out to youth commission staff. the youth commission seats people on other bodies and outside the youth commission as a whole another area of politics and policy work as well. i also say anyone watching this being i don't know if i want to be on the youth commission or i want applied but didn't get on, there is still so many ways to get involved. we have a website you can find our information on. i really encourage that because you don't get started until you get started and once you get started you keep going and end up in a seat like this. >> i think it is so funny because involvement in politics is a little ball rolling. there is a million little balls rolling and opportunities. it is just crazy actually because the first thing i did is internship where i cleaned the streets in san francisco and now i'm like on the youth
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commission. >> (inaudible) if you are not sherbet the youth commission or not accepted to first time volunteer for the district supervisors, try to form a relationship with them or who ever is in the office and apply again to the youth commission. >> i think the other thing too is like, as much as there are people involved, there are a lot of people who aren't and it is a great opportunity because i feel the biggest thing-you don't have to know anything special. you don't need to have learned anything. just show up and live your experience. you don't need to be on the city commission. we have our meetings are open to the public. you can show up to the board of supervisors and make public comment and speak your truth. just know your own experience and it will get you pretty far honesty. people will recognize you. i was just some little kid who would go to the mta board of directors and are- >> now they know you.
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>> i was at a random event and they came up to me and hugged me and are like my gosh, you are hayden miller from the meeting. i felt somebody. i'm like wow, these people know me and they don't always vote the way i want them to vote, but they listen and they hear you and that's what government is there for. just remember at the end of the day, it might not always go the your way, the way government works, but for you that is the whole purpose of government is to serve you, so- >> the youth commission has public comment on every item and every motion we ever make. every city commission does. our meetings are open to the public. we want to make space for you. we want to hear from you. please come, share your opinion and you can also even if you can't make a meeting you can write public comment in too. i say especially at the-it is hyper-local the youth commission. we only represent young people in one
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specific area and one specific state so that is where your public comment will have the most im pact. a couple times people reached out and said this is a issue i didn't know needed to be addressed but it was because i reached out that this is something relatively easy we could address and change too. it isn't a big deal for city government but it is big deal for this person. >> adding to hayden's point, i think city hall is pretty youth friendly because ewen was talking about running into city hall at 5 p.m. i have multiple occasions where i run down trying to get to the bathroom in city hall and an elected official would pass by or i'm holding a big bag of snacks. i think professionalism is important but like hayden was saying it is important to speak your truth and be yourself because coming into city hall, i didn't know anything about city politics. all i knew is i cared about these organizations, i cared about all these issues and i wanted to make a difference
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and people here really believed in me regardless how prfessional or elquent i was. they mentored me and come a long way. it is important a place like this is accessible for youth because people have offered me professional clothe to go to this event and they offered me opportunities to like speak on panels and have speeches in front of crowds of 200 people and i'm shocked people believe in my. that is what san francisco city government is and it is beautiful. >> everyone in the building is still like a person. i remember the first time i met with an elected official and was like i'm nervous and what if i say something wrong and they came in and was like i'm tired from the last meeting. give me a second while i get a cup of coffee. there are moments where i'm like, it really like-we ultimately are still just students
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who spend most of our day in high school. elected officials are still people who make mistakes and who are doing their best and who have been entrusted with this position by voters, but also are still people who you can relate and talk to. >> i think before i would see city government as like blocks. they were machines but it is people operating these machines. people are making decisions and writing these documents and i think realizing that was so important understanding how i make a voice. i think a lot of the role on the commission isn't research, it isn't writing, it is just connecting with people. understanding that city government is all just people and making realizing how important the connections are. it really helps you in your work. >> really realwy appreciate you all coming today. i learned a lot from you all. please please always keep saying your
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truth, your voice and also encouraging other youth to share their voice as well and i think-we always think we are in good hands but we got to keep fighting the good fight so matter what so thank you for joining us today. >> (inaudible) follow sfyouth-calm. >> we have facebook too. >> we meelt every other monday 5 to 7. >> thank you to sfgovtv as well. >> thank you so much. >> awesome. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help san francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> i am the owner of this restaurant. we have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [♪♪♪]
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[speaking foreign language] [♪♪♪] [speaking foreign language]
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[speaking foreign language] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] . my name is sam peoples. jazz pianist. >> i was born into a musical
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family here in san francisco. my father played saxophone and he was one of the stars during the harlem of the west during the 40s and 50s. his siblings they were also musicians too and their heyday was during the 30. here in san francisco i always was around music and piano because it was like my family's instrument with the piano except for my father but his his sister who raised me she played piano. she went on to make live black movies with lena horne, louis armstrong, duke ellington. it was a whole series of them that you get then you know one thing i have to be high on everything right now that you
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get then how? >> so she had a very good career in l.a. and so i was just saturated with all this music. >> i got taken under the wings of these musicians that knew my father back in the 50s and he was having perspective in the neighborhood in the fillmore. we had a mentor is lee hester. he was 20 years older than me. of a good saxophone player man. he could just play and he really loved up in the haight here. we had our school up in the upper haight. we had at least going for 1015 years. >> what my father's peers who took me under his wings and you know, i mean, like i said it 20 years older than me but they you know, they were all fantastic players. i have a picture upstairs of the bay area jazz musicians. >> we did we took a picture we were out front in front of city hall and i walked all those people like in the first two and they were my teachers.
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a lot of musicians they don't know about what happened in north beach pacific avenue this where the doing like a creature of the barbary coast and they had a whole series of club there on pacific avenue and they worked at this place called purcell's and they were one of the best color bands in the country. you know, you had all this description on the outside the sound is organically grown here in the city and what this city has what you have compared to other cities throughout the world. san francisco is very tolerant. there's a lot of tolerance but other cities have that. that's why you have people coming here to you know, to to fulfill their dreams or their lifestyles. i think it has a lot to do with the music people coming out here experimenting with the music different from l.a., different from new york.
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this is this is a little more creative. it's not going to you know, the the factory the l.a. is the factory. new york is the factory here ideas have been made. music's been a great aid for me is enriching my life, taking me places i wouldn't be able to go if i didn't have this talent. and it is the universal language. i've gone to country to country and the first thing i do when i get off the plane i go to the club and get to hook up with my brothers and they show me the city, give me everything i need. we may not be able to speak the same language but we can still speak the same language of music
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>> you would walk into the door
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and encompass two doors with the stitch and clothing and factory side and fellowship ensure educational component of the development program workshop, classes, internships and apprenticeships. it's a pipeline through to the four deposit and i got in trouble with graffiti and fell into the law and the land and had to make a change. it's a wall, a gallery. three days after i got in trouble and got out and the other things, i took a nap during the day and in the middle of the nap something said learn how to sew. i thought why. i called my mom immediately and she said i used to do that in
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japan and i said why did you stop, because i had you. so i thought i would keep that going. everybody presents printing the shirts and skate boards and t-shirts. i thought what is another commodity than t-shirts and it was jeans. i took a sewing class and they said don't do it. and i started sewing jeans. that's how i started and never stopped. my friend said she's a residential counselor for youth and that's what got me into education. i thought, what's up, bro? i didn't want to criticize and these kids and it just clicked. whatever happens. this is it.
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i'm going to use that skill that i got in trouble for translating into this and now i'm sewing jeans and behind learning is also teaching. education and graffiti, that became the holy stitch that synergy of youth, art, community, safe space. the safe space questioning and why aren't jeans made here and how come youth are generating jobs and empowering themselves and get your clothes fixed. to be able to distribute that off the screen, vacant vibrant allowed that. vacant vibrant helped to pair new businesses with storefront
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to create new opportunities for downtown. this project has given it a number of kinds of businesses the opportunity to test the waters in downtown and explore exciting new models that work for an evolving downtown neighborhood for workers, visitors and residents. >> vacant vibrant allowed a wider audience to the work and empowerment that holy stitch does. the reason that it's important for small businesses, the ones that their applications that didn't get accepted or approved, it gave them hope and a different perspective on what vacant vibrant spaces can be. i hope that vacant vibrant helps to support the businesses because there is a height of abandonment issue in san francisco where it's a prized treasure and disappears. vacant
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vibrant can do more. >> vacant vibrant can do more than a pop-up and see what that looks like. >> that can allow them to be the shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services within our neighborhoods, we help san francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> my name is ray behr. i am the owner of chief plus.
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it's a destination specialty foods store, and it's also a corner grocery store, as well. we call it cheese plus because there's a lot of additions in addition to cheese here. from fresh flowers, to wine, past a, chocolate, our dining area and espresso bar. you can have a casual meeting if you want to. it's a real community gathering place. what makes little polk unique, i think, first of all, it's a great pedestrian street. there's people out and about all day, meeting this neighbor and coming out and supporting the businesses. the businesses here are almost all exclusively independent owned small businesses. it harkens back to supporting local. polk street doesn't look like anywhere u.s.a.
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it has its own businesses and personality. we have clothing stores to gallerys, to personal service stores, where you can get your hsus repaired, luggage repaired. there's a music studio across the street. it's raily a diverse and unique offering on this really great street. i think san franciscans should shop local as much as they can because they can discover things that they may not be familiar with. again, the marketplace is changing, and, you know, you look at a screen, and you click a mouse, and you order something, and it shows up, but to have a tangible experience, to be able to come in to taste things, to see things, to smell things, all those things, it's very important that you do so.ot
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started. >> mm hmm. good morning, everyone. i'm scott weiner of the honor of representing san francisco and northern san mateo county and the california state senate. and today we are announcing new legislation senate bill 395 to give san francisco an