tv TIMMA Committee SFGTV March 6, 2025 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
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chair of this committee. our vice chair is rafael mehlman. thank you to me as shivani from s.f. gov tv and the entire team there for facilitating and broadcasting today's meeting. our clerk today is amy salem. madam clerk, will you please call the roll chair? >> darcy. present darcy present vice chair mandolin mandolin present show darcy we have quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk. >> i believe you have a public comment announcement for members of the public interested in participating in this meeting. we welcome your attendance here in person in the legislative chamber room 250 and city hall. or you may watch cable channel 26 or 99 or stream the meeting live at s.f. gov >> for those wishing to make public comment remotely the best way to do so is by dialing (415) 655-0001 and one prompt to entering access code 26640951609 and then press pound and pound again.
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you will be able to listen to the meeting in real time when public comment is called for the item you wish to speak on press star three to be added to the queue to speak. do not press star three again or you will be removed from the queue when the system says your line is unmuted the live operator while advise you that you are allowed two minutes to speak when your two minutes are up we will move on to the next caller. calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. best practices are to speak slowly clearly and turn down the volume of any televisions or radios around you. public comment for items on this agenda will be taken first from members of the public in attendance in the legislative chamber and then afterwards from the remote speakers queue on the telephone line. >> thank you. thank you madam. thank you, madam clerk. before calling the next item as chair i'd like to invoke rule 3.26 from the rules of order to limit total public comment per item to 30 minutes for today's meeting each speaker will have two minutes to speak on a given item. madam clerk, would you please call the next item item to approve the minutes of the june
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11th 2024 meeting? this is an action item. >> thank you, madam clerk. we have i don't know if there's any public comment on this. we people for remote public comment looking for a remote check in for a remote public comment on this item. there is no comment. okay. >> public comment on this item is now closed. we have a motion to approve the minutes moved by vice chair amendment. thank you madam clerk. >> and we have a roll call on this item. chair darcy i darcy i vice chair mandolin mandolin i. >> the are two eyes the minutes are approved okay. >> the minutes are approved. can we please call the next item? item three recommend authorization of the executive director to execute sub award agreements with one treasure island in an amount not to
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exceed $2,382,935. the san francisco municipal transportation agency in an amount not to exceed $4,788,248 and the san francisco bay area water emergency transportation authority in an amount not to exceed $3,200,000 with us environmental protection agency community change grant program funds for transportation improvement projects on treasure island. this is an action item. >> thank you, madam clerk. and we have wanted to show the assistant deputy deputy director for planning and also i believe lily yu is going to be available remotely. she is the finance manager. before that however, i did want to just mention that last month at the transportation authority board meeting i had the pleasure of announcing a $20 million united states epa grant for treasure island that we were awarded in december for a multi-part transit program called tai connects. this was very exciting as it was exactly what was called for
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in our community based tai supplemental transit study. it's a great partnership with one treasure island and what we need to get to serve the growing community on the islands. i would also just mention if i don't say it enough how great it is to work with one treasure island and over the weekend i was out there for that for the graduation of their construction training program. but the grant before us would have would fund much needed transit improvements such as the free island shuttle and a micro transit service to sfo eastern neighborhoods and an on island transportation resource center housed at one treasure island. although the grant has been obligated, we unfortunately have been put on administrative pause by epa staff and so the grant may be subject to various executive orders coming out of the trump administration and may therefore be at risk. i appreciate staff bringing this item forward even as we work with our city attorney david chu and his office together with other cities and states to protect our funding.
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and i will say as a former member of the city attorney's office, they have done great work and successful work under the 10th amendment because local governments do have a constitutional basis for having sanctuary city policies. with that said, we now have 2012 assistant deputy director for planning to present this item so i could have floor is yours. >> good morning chair dorsey vice chair mailman s.f. governs sharing my slides. >> as chair dorsey mentioned we were awarded this $20 million community change grant from the u.s. environmental protection agency for a package of transportation projects for treasure island in december. we have an award agreement and the grant is considered obligated. no local matches required and the period of performance is three years starting in this past january. the grant is funded through the
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environmental and climate justice program of the epa. so funded by the inflation reduction act. so there is some uncertainty around it at this moment. however we're moving ahead with this action item in anticipation of being able to move forward. the treasure island connects program delivers priority recommendations from the treasure island supplemental transportation study that we conducted with one treasure island which was funded by the transportation authority. we work very closely with one treasure island and the treasure island community to review existing services and how those could be improved as well as new initiatives that would benefit the existing residents and workers on treasure island. >> treasure island connects also includes several of the priority of includes several of those priority recommendations as well as components of the core transportation program such as the on island shuttle and bike share that were part of the overall development program approved.
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treasure island connects has six component projects that expand the transportation options for available to from and around the islands for residents and visitors and it helps support the growing population on treasure island and the new destinations. the first is a pilot of an on demand micro transit service to destinations in san francisco beyond the salesforce transit center. micro transit is a service that provides point to point public transit service usually on demand with an app for or a phone call with this service. the riders will be able to go from treasure island to points in san francisco such as ucsf grocery stores and community services and things that are not readily available on treasure island. the service will be modeled on sfm ta's bayview shuttle service which launched this past november and has proven
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very popular. the second project is a free on island shuttle serving treasure island and yerba buena island. this service can take riders to destinations around the islands including the ferry terminal. the new parks on your boat bueno and the sailing center that are a little more difficult to access. >> the third is the enhanced muni service on the t5 line which serves treasure island and the procurement of an additional battery electric bus for use on a 25 line. that project will be delivered by s.f. mta. the program includes the construction of electric charging infrastructure at the treasure island ferry terminal. this facilitates the transition from the diesel service that is currently operating on an interim basis to fully electric and this project will be delivered by rita will expand the bay wheels bike share system to treasure island and our project also includes memberships for residents and
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workers on the island during this period. and finally one treasure island will launch and operate the transportation resource center which combines three priority recommendations from the supplemental transportation study community ambassadors travel training and marketing and communications regarding affordable transit options. >> looking ahead, assuming approval of this item and better clarity at the federal level will sign a sub award agreements with one treasure island s.f. mta and we will also start to mobilize to engage with the community to refine the projects and begin procurement for operators of the major transit and on island shuttle services. >> so this is a reminder of the action item before you today. it's important to note that the execution of the sub award agreements is contingent on the availability of the epa funds. that concludes my presentation and i'm happy to take any questions.
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>> thank you very much. director cho i don't have any questions myself. i really appreciate this and we will keep our fingers crossed for how things move forward. i don't see anybody on the roster. should we open this up to public comment? >> chair champions no public comment for this item. >> thank you. public comment on this item is now closed. can i get a motion on item number three moved by vice chair amendment? >> madam clerk can we have a roll call in this item on the motion to approve item three. chair darcy darcy i. vice chair mandolin mandolin i. there are two eyes. >> the motion is approved. greg thanks. the item is approved. >> madam clerk would you call item number four? item four recommending acceptance of the audit report for the fiscal year ended june
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30th, 2024. >> this is an action item. thank you, madam clerk. we have cynthia fong, deputy director for finance and administration here to present on item number four is fong. >> the floor is yours. thank you for the introductions. >> i'm always happy to report when we have a clean audit for the tema program. our audit was conducted by ide bailey. as the clerk mentioned, this is for fiscal year 24 2324 as of june 30th 2024. the auditors have issued an unmodified opinion which is a clean opinion. they had no adjustments to our statements and they had no findings in at the end of the year. >> we had a we were under budget by 266,000 and with that i'm happy to report or asked for this audit to be accepted by the committee. >> thank you. great. thank you so much and congratulations on the clean audit. i don't see any i think we have a need for discussion among the colleagues but can we open this up to public comment? >> is there any public comment
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? >> there is no remote public comment. >> okay. public comment on this item is now closed. can i have a motion to on item number four moved by vice chair amendment i think we can take that same house same call. the item is adopted. >> madam clerk, can you please call the next item item five internal accounting report for the six months ending december 31st 2024. this is an information item. >> thank you, madam clerk. and staying with us is cynthia fong. thank you very much for your time. thank you. i should note that since the committee has not met over the past few months this is a consolidated internal accounting report for the six months ended december 31st, 2024. at this point of time we had assets of 1.3 million liabilities at 1.3 million as well revenues at 368,000 expenditures at 170,000. overall we are under budget in expenditures by 1.9 million.
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really due to the slow activities for the ferry terminal enhancement project and a total affordability program it's both programs are proceeding more slowly than anticipated since we're indices closer to season four budget amendments will be taking a look and taking stock of this program and making any adjustments as necessary and bringing it back to to my committee for recommendation. with that i'm happy to take any questions you may have for this report. >> okay. there's no questions for me and i don't see anybody on the roster but why don't we open this up to public comment? >> is there any remote public comment? >> there is no remote public comment for this item. >> thank you. and public comment is now closed and as this is an information item we don't need a motion or an action. >> madam clerk, would you call the next item? item six introduction of new items this is an information item. >> okay. i don't have anything and i don't see anyone on the roster
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with new items. >> madam clerk when we call the next item item seven public comment this is for if there's any general public comment on matters that are germane to the work of the tema committee. madam clerk, can we open this up to public comment? >> is there any remote public comment? there is no public comment for this item. >> thank you and public comment is now closed. madam clerk and call the next item. >> item eight adjournment. thank you everybody with no further business we are adjourned
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club becoming the first adult entertainment, club regal in america, that was something big, that was huge. condor givers you a little of everything. we open in the day on the weekends so we have a live band that play and night time we transform where the entertains come on and we have the gentleman's club vibe along with the sports vibe. we show the ufc and boxing events and major sports and do little things like [indiscernible] comedy nights you can find what we are doing through our website. condor gives you a little bit of everything that you want when you want to go out and have a good time. being here in north beach and part of san francisco we put a lot of ourselves in the business. the good work we were able to do over the last decade to build it and make it what it is today t. is a honor
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to say, we are one of few businesses in san francisco that is a legacy business. ♪♪ ♪♪ i'm shawn quigley the founder of paxton gate that's where we are here on ra11sia street. >> it started more of a quirky gardening store. we leaned in this quirky side over the years and started with insects and learned how to hydrate them and symmetrical or natural poses. which then went into small taxidermy. i saw interest in the oddity
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side and purposely expanded that to more of a natural side oddity store. this is interesting mechanical parts in the beetle. african porcupine is cool. they look at their eyes. i grew up on what many call a farm but it was in the to us. we raised animals it a garden i was involved with plant. had a rock collection. collection goes from your basic house plants to an air plant. avoid this term people happening they survive on air alone they do need water. i went to school for business here and finishing up at sf state. and this idea fell in my lap and masterfuled my interests and i learned a lot over the years. i like to view it as like a
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museum experience. rather hahn sales people they might be like dossants they are not hard selling you but more conveying informing or knowledge about the products. teeth, that's the giant shark that would get up to 60 feet long. we are launching class we did them before the pandemic. a bunch of hand's on learn to do things classes that we are getting around to relaunching. this is our insect spreading kit. inside is a striped needles, forceps, instructions and the other tools you need to take up the hopy of spreading insects. had is a prize to many people is 80% of the stuff we get is from
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vendors or merchants. people think do you tremendous finding these. i don't get to do this. that is a still born kitten that had one eye. the most common question is, is it real. almost everything is. we have replicas like the sabre tooth tigers and things that would be present low expensive to procure and sell or illegal we'll do replicas we have, lot of real stuff. ♪♪
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name is himself mexican america. >> i started my business a year ago the process was a year ago by business by waving (background noise.) about $1,000 and also guided me there the whole process. (background noise.) that was helpful i was already paying the construction and other fees for the restaurant the city we put together to honor my city and comes with (unintelligible) on the (background noise.) and. >> (multiple voices.) >> and some go with ebbs and
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eggs (unintelligible) and a side of roadways and beans. and be able - have my restaurant here in the district of the mission is such an amazing i grew up around the mission area and respect to school around here and so i was able to come in as establish any restaurant here (background noise.) really a feels like 18. >> if you're anesthetic think about a career with us in the sffd stands up a remarkable force to save lives the step
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forward we're not just looking for firefighters but people with the mind to tackle any exchange and oats heart to serve the public. >> i'm p from california and firefighter and paramedic basically grew up at the beach surfing in the wilmar a lot and once i got into clerment i start to compete. >> my name is a ryan i was with the step forward and comprehensive swimming and from there went it school when my career took off. >> minimum miller a little you firefighter with the university of california berkley and played
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football for 4 years and after that, i was a undrafted free agent for that they played in the glamz and then after that signed with the chargers. >> are you someone with a passion for pushing your limits do you thrive in high pressure situations ready to transform both a new career and my name is jay i grasp in san francisco and remembered with engine four i knew i wanted to nod do not an office job but a firefighter from a young age a athletic is like that in general working towards a goal and being goal oriented and this job, you know, are constantly learning and practicing i wanted to job where
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i used my body and could be part of the team so the firehouse and planning on team priorities on a team are different conditions and have breaks firehouse on is an engine or truck have a place you can be together. >> i tried it done with football and didn't time to do football i choose this and found elevators between sports and athletes and the fire services a college or a professional team you represent something burn yourself and other people want to maintain a certain level of professionalism and i understand you have to have a higher standard. >> joining the san francisco federal, state, and local is making a difference in light
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lives of others. >> i thought through the fire department i thought under pressure the biggest one you fell in love with our medication and enjoyed the medical side and helping people. >> my favorite job putting anti fires and helping people were put that many situation so getting them out and this resources they need and then having them at their homes. >> so i have come across my favorite part of the job i'll say show up to work and run calls and knowing that each day will be different what is the best part of this job. >> i'm on a side of paramedic. >> i'm an athletic and i'm a professional football and now a firefighter. >> i'm a firefighter. >> are you ready to answer the
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