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tv   Mayors Disability Council  SFGTV  March 7, 2025 4:30am-7:31am PST

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san francisco was just a few feet behind where we're 12357b8z around opportunity to bring people to locations we have an opportunity to tell stories and for local businesses. >> good afternoon and welcome to the mayor's disability meeting this friday, this meeting is
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public and sfgovtv. it is captioned and -- if you need any other -- or have difficulty attending this -- e mail -- the mayor's disability
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council holds 6 public meetins generally the third friday of every month for information about pastore upcoming meetings, please visit the -- our next regular meeting will be on february, march 21. 2025 from 1-4. and will be also be a hybrid
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meeting and would be on sfgovtv thank you for joining us. today. alicia can you conduct the roll call? >> yes. >> alex madrid cochair >> here. >> albers, >> present. >> member sassouni. >> here right now. >> councilmember senhaux. >> present. >> councilmember arack. >> i saw her present. present. sorry. councilmember fassler.
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absent. councilmember bonville. absent. councilmember azulay. >> absent. councilmember ben decks. >> present. >> can you read the agenda. >> yes, council monopoly madrid welcome and roll call >> reading and approval of the agendaful throw, general public comment. number 4, cochair report. number 5, report from the mayor's office on disability. number 6. san francisco d. human resources will give us an update on the
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anti-ableism training. number 7, san francisco d. human resource dhr update on self identification survey and disability data. we will have a break after number 7 and we will continue with 8 a presentation from the san francisco department of human resources update on access to city employment. the ace program. with updates. number 90 san francisco d. human resources update on city career center. number 10 information item. number 11 will be general public comment. number 12 councilmember commentses and announcements and 13 is adjournment. >> thank you. could we have comments do we
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have a general public comment at this time? members may address the council went subject jurisdiction of the council which are not on today's meeting agenda. each member of the public may address the council forum to three minutes unless the cochair determines this in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are large member number of public comments. >> with respect to today's item and discussion items your opportunity to address the counsels be afforded at the
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conclusion of each discussion item before the council discussion begins. this is a remindser the brown act forbids the council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda. including those raised at public comment. if you would like a response from the council, provide your comments information by e mail message to mdc with the subject, mdc comment reply or call 415-554-0670. if you join the webinar using your tablet or smart phone app click on the 3 dots icon and click raise hand. we will recognize you when it is
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your turn. you may also use the q & a feature in web ex to comment. it is locate the on the top part of the video after touching the screen. if you are using a desk topper laptop the raised hand and q & ai const. are located at the bottom of the will video screen. if you join by phone dial 3 to indicate you would like to make a comment. we will prompt you when it is your turn. back to you member madrid. >> thank you. do we have any public comment at this time? >> let me check. yes. i see hands up. i will let the control to
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unmute. as they joined. >> and just regular -- start the timer. >> san francisco is ready to talk. >> start to -- the timer. >> for 2 minutes. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, everyone. this is will speak for example accessible san francisco an unincorporated nonprofit association. an item not on the agendaful first welcome the new director and good luck. this is much on learn starting a position with responsibility. and i'm glad this council is available to help advise. i'm commenting again on november 15th your left meeting, in
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general public comment, i asked why this council was not discussing pending legislation in front of the board of supervisors number 240982. so that ordinance is a proposal to roll back accessibility requirements for buildings and other public accommodations in the city. and county of san francisco. and i questioned then why it was not up for discussion and i will not repeat everything i said it is is 12 minute in on the tape of that meeting. once again i'm wondering why this upon council is in the doing anything in the upon community to discuss an am. such importance. we all understand that the ad a now which will celebrate 35th
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anniversary this summer has not required enough accessibility. too many things have not been fixed the current city requirements in the accessible entrance program will -- are -- required thousands of businesses to become accessible for the first time this proposal is to make all that will voluntary. so -- certainly our position is that you filed an existing manualed tory requirement should not converted to a voluntary requirement and and most of all, i really would love to see this council given the chance to discuss this item before it passes the board of supervisors and transportation community a week from mondayful monday on 27th of january. and sponsored by supervisor mandelman and claimed they have the full support mayor's office and rolling back the access
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ability requirements. you have 30 seconds. >> thank you for your comment. >> before we go forward to the next public meeting comment i change the time of the clock. >> that's when i'm doing. good. >> i'm ready. >> would you unmute the next person. disability san francisco is unmuted. no comment? control can you unmute the next speaker. can you hear me this is
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disability acvichl sf i'm starting my two minutes now. >> correct. >> thank you. so, i appreciate that previous comment from accessible san francisco the business entrance program is super important i don't know why it is not on the agenda, either. i want to ask alicia you are unmuted and it is creating background noise. i have been posting in the chat and no one checkings the chats for the meetings february disabled people i don't understand yu don't have staff to check the staff. i have been asking for alicia to mute it it is destroying the meeting dye by not having a clear line of audio i request my comment made in a time there is not feedback and problems with audio to be properly recorded in
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the public record if this can have a response? >> i think you are making comment now -- right can alicia mute there are -- in the audio >> go ahead. i would love to restart my timetory have a clear line of audio i have been asking in the chat. >> again, continue your comment. the audio is being recorded. and is good quality despite background noise. your comments can be understood. gi would like them to be properly record instead public record. >> please continue your comment. okay. it is difficult to leave comments the background noise is
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there and i can't focus had i'm say when the background noise is there. i will mute if someone can fix this issue i would love to leave public comment. >> again, your comment is heard and loud and clear. again, i'm asking you for the left time to continue comment if that will go with the person -- public comment. >> apparently this is debbie caplin. clerk's -- needs to be unmuted. in order for the control room to be able to heart clerk. and so -- just ask for any
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papers not to be rustles and try e eliminate the background noise as possible, please. again of caller police continue if not we are going to go to the next caller. control unmute mr. ben. hear from conflict communications. as an observer [inaudible] and regarding the topic of.
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am [inaudible]. we observed. [inaudible]. let's continue your comment. thank you i don't have much to add beyond this observing on behalf of concept communication our organization is one this sets out to help legislators and ultimate goals throughout the country establish and implement abilities ways policies and so. that was on here today and curious what was entail. thank you, again yoochl thank you for your comment. do we have anymore comment at this time?
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>> yes. we have jennifer johnson. control, unmute. hi of jennifer. hi. i'm sorry can you hear me? >> yes. >> i'ms -- i'm having can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you. >> okay. sorry i'm having difficulty technical difficulties. unmute. [inaudible]. a pol gees. there is an echo hard to hear her.
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jennifer can you try one more time talking? this is jennifer can you hear me >> yes, we can now. okay. i apologize i don't know the system or my [inaudible]. you are breaking up, jennifer. i'm here i can hear the system. if you want me to responds on something specific? you can you don't have to. i appreciate the space --
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[inaudible]. just this i'm experiencing technical difficulties with the system. >> all right. cannot hear if you -- switch your technical difficulties... hi, can you hear me? >> yes this is eli, your new director i'm wondering if it would be valuable to pause and see if we can address some of technical stuff or is is this a systemic issue in terms of -- >> i believe actually the microphone was the problem was another one and i turn off every
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other we can try i see the disability activism is next in line. >> okay. >> would you approve that? >> yes. >> okay. >> let's try this again and like to start by ask disability right's activism san francisco can you confirm if you the echo is not there anymore i you are unmuted now. the [inaudible]. would you please talk? yes, thank you, thank you for fixing the audio. there is still feedback but it is a little better than before.
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and thank you for the chair for pausing and trying to fix the issues. it is very rare opportunity the public has to address this council and major's office on disability we get it once every two month for 5 or 10 minute the whole meeting temperature is important that the communication be clear and recorded at least it is important to mow and i imagine others as well. please, please, please, please check the chat for the meetings no one is check the chat or responding to my accessibility requests in the chat. i request third degree multiple meetings. it sucks half of my public comment is going through accessibility requests for this meeting to leave public comment. check the chat for this meeting. check the chat for this meeting please, check the chat for this meeting i don't know how else to beg. i have other things i would like
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to comment on but i spent over a minute asking for access here today. in the remaining time i would like to say the business accept ability program is important. it is concerning the city is rolling back our access to small buildings and -- really reducing my ability to be in my community. i also want to express concern over the disability cultural center and how it is lead currently by emly. i asked her if there are people who are blind, deaf or in wheel chairs employed by the disability cultural center as full time people. answer was, no. i'm concerned that center is lead by nondisabled people and people not amplifying our voices and people who are impacted by severe disabilities and poverty
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in this city. there are 14 people showing up on occasion a dozen or so to the meetings and 11,000 disabled people in san francisco. it it is lead by a person not showing our communities needs and giving the priority they deserve. she is silencing people in the meeting and muting people when they try to speak and trying to squash an idea that does in the agree with hearse. we need a community space where we have different opinions and ideas. when i asked to have a poetry reading at the cultural center i was in the given an answer if that would be possible and told that people have to be wade 200 an hour to post ability events there. i'm really correspond the
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disability cultural center will bey everything it is community has not wanted and the community not advocates for we want an art and open space where we community with each other and build keksz. i heart bell i'm assuming my time is up. thank you for your help today. thank you. do we have another commenter this time. >> 4 more people of observe we go forward saving time i would ask everybody to limit the public comment to 2 minutes. i will adjust the time, then. >> control would you --
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control? control unmute ben. thank you for benching me i'm here to be a fly on the wall. thank you for letting me have a chance to comment but 91 to make. mr. -- there are no more hands raised. okay. -- do you have a comment at this time. caller?
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if not we'll go to the next caller. i don't see calls. >> okay. >> thank you for the public comment. now we are going forward to item 4. i'm going to give you i'm sorry for the interruption i received a message from john cost that he he received an e mail from saying he is trying to join the web ex public meeting. >> i believe that left public made public comment. >> okay. >> i'm sorry.
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>> guys can you -- so -- we again are going [inaudible] upon report on our -- since the last meeting. know attended public. city hall on december 1 -- and introduce any and -- in addition the members and -- i can -- any
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members of public.
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alex chair. thank you. members of the council. it is an honor and privilege to step in this role. pronounce he/him a visual description, i'm a middle aged little person. also hard of hearing.
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and today i'm wearing a suit, which i have to get used to. you know i want to say by way of introduction, what a privilege it is to serve in this position. by way of background i served as the director ceo of the marine center for inspect living for 17 years. i have been involved in disability rights for 21 years. almost half my life. i have been and -- embraced the complexity of -- the journey of disability. myself as has my family. and that come with joy, pride and -- when we talk about access barriers.
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sometimes frustration. whether this isarc seszing health care, physical space services. and so the privilege to -- serve as the director of the mayor's office on disability and really work in partnership with the council and community with other departments. with the city. at this very important time. in our city's history. is truly an honor. my report i want it say this is day 10 for me. so, i aim to set the bar well and raise it from there. my report is just reflection of of what i have gained and understand in my first 10 days as your director. i want to say as a note, how impressed i have been with the team at the mayor's office on
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disability. the passion and commitment that the mod team and city of san francisco has to ashgs sesz and inclusion. i rescue noise this is a journey and he continuum and we have much work to do but it is very impressive to see the history and of the efforts that have been under way to make san francisco really a model city for access and inclusion. and a city that welcomes a community back as we continue to come out of covid and navigate challenging times. for my report, and again this report is available on line. at our website. a few updates.
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so, we are in the midst of submitting our capitol requests. for consideration. i'm excited to convey this two of the of first requests irrelevant centers on long standing access barrier in the city. which is holiday plaza and the elevators it has upon not been fix in the as i understands it several decades. so our first proposal is really to conduct a feasibility study on what it would take to make holiday plaza accessible. obviously, this is an very important location in the city this people with disabilities older adults ageing and disabilities. tourists. retail -- you know -- access and it is right on the bart station.
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opportunity to explore what has been a long standing issue arnold holiday plaza is critical. and this feasibility study is really to -- look at what types of solutions we can put together. to make this part of upon you know market street and -- you know the transit center accessible. the next capitol project that we are proposing is a digital kiosk. at un plaza. this is an alignment with the board resolution 25623. and mod is proposing to create an interactive digital kiosk at
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the plaza really, you know, highlighting the importance and educating the community on -- the will 5046 which were the landmark event that launched the disability rights movement. also, with the timing of the 35th anniversary of the ad a it is a way to sho case the work and the historical significance this san francisco has with the ad a, with access and certainly as a destination and an opportunity to educate those that are not familiar -- with the americans with disabilities act and disability rights on this work.
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in terms of other work we are engaged in. mod is supporting initiatives with recreation -- and parks. around proposal for a universally designed play ground. as well as increase funding for the d. public works curb ramp program. i also learned -- a bit this morning about our ad aggrievance data base. and the exciting initiatives that mod is working on and ready to launch to coordinate disability access complaints. in a systemic and thoughtful way across all departments we are aware of what -- ad aggrievances
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are happening when and which department and we can track progress and -- ensure we are working more close low cross department to see a more coordinated effort. to address those access grievances. really you know taking a citywide approach and -- for me, most important low, america progress and effectiveness and having you know metrics and objective tools we can use. to see this effort -- as we continue to make san francisco be inclusive city -- at some point. the most inclusive city. you know in the country.
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when we talk about collaboration and cordination, mayor's office on disability continues to work in partnership with other departments. and spaces. . and this includes enhancing access ability at golden gate park with the new map. and a wheel chair charging station at the botanical gardens. addressing accessibility challenges of vehicles and it is sunset of the access for all legislation. which we learn third degree week set to expire in 2026. this legislation and there is information on it at the back of your my report. really provides funding for wheel chair accessible vehicles and transportation and so we
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need to look for legislative solutions at the state level to ensure we continue this critical program of that provides transportation and we are working with stake holders to do that. we are also continuing to ensure willing compliance by working with all city upon adopts access improve ams. um -- on expanding antiableism is exciting we have department of human resources here to talk more about their work. am we are focussed on continuing to collaborate with department in building and tackling ableism. we do this with disability and aging service. and this aligns with the
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transthagz mod is having over to dos as it is called. we're also you know looking at working with other departments at doing citywide ableism trainings. on january 27th and this is very in line with public comment. board of supervisors will be holding a hearing on the proposal to modify the accessible business entrance program. members of mdc as well as the public are encouraged to provide comment. i am still learning about the program and i will continue that learning. i hear the occurrence and the
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feedback. today. looking ahead, as we continue to advance to the 35th anniversary of american with disabilities act, i'm just thrilled in to hear the collaboration that i have seen with other coalitions. including cada. and look at coordinating ad a events not just in san francisco but show casing ad aevents across the bay area. and really being a hub which the key values of mayor's office on disability. in promoting and encourage a variety of community programs. and events happening all around.
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so, just -- again, you know on the back end of my report is the fact sheet on the accessible business. or the access for all program will related transportation. there is so much more that the mayor's office on disability is doing. and you know as we continue this journey tow get together i want to express my openness to feedback. what will we can are doing when we can be doing. what can we be doing better. and also recognizing as a disability right's advocate of 21 years. it is imperative we continue to build the trust and communication not just within the city programs but with the
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community and so -- i just as we move in our new building our new office employment the council as well as the community to know that we really want to be public facing hear your feedback and do our best to improve access over the long run. >> with that, i will wrap up and thank you so much. again, it is an absolute honor to serve in this position. and i aim to do my best for you. >> thank you. director. i want to make a -- correction on the signage on tv. that was item number 5. and -- mod director report.
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now we are going forward to item 6. this discussion item. department of human resources present update on the disability, inclusion and employment initiative. be the -- including updates on topics. and anti-ableism training -- disability -- presented by kate
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howard department of resources -- i'm sorriful cochair, i see councilmember with her hand up connected to the report would you allow her to ask before proceeding. >> let me finish this begin take questions after. >> after we are going to take
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the question to the public comment and then the staff -- with that -- it it is a clarification on the report not a question. >> okay. patricia, go ahead. >> thank you. there was a question in the chat asking did anyone catch critical transportation program title?
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i can't answer that i don't know the answer. and someone i think that was from the director's report. that's fine. patricia i think we can ask the staff -- whatever is going on in the chat? i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry, alec. what was that. >> staff will respond in the chat. >> okay. >> i just want to make this -- clear going forward, please what is going on in the chat the staff would respond.
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apologize to you guys -- thank you we're happy to be here introductions first. porschia benson i'm the diversity, inclusion and sorry. and belonging assistant director and on my left is julia ma >> i'm the dhr organizational development director. i wanted share apologies from
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kate howard or manage deputy director at dhr he and our h r director carroll are getting pulled with the new administration and demands that are under way now. so. we are porschia and i are ready and happy to present and share information with you and if there are questions we can not answer we'll check back with our dhr leadership and report back after. thank you. >> i wanted start off and say i have been in my role over a little over 9 years now. january ninth and -- this council as well as mod have been an amazing partnership a lot for supporting us with ace program a program we'll talk about today. access to city. am program. and addition to support with eeo
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equal employment opportunity, accommendation cord narrator and work with mod as well as council to be able to help us in making decisions and also giving us support when we need t. i want to say, thank you. and congratulations to you on your position. >> thank you. do you have a power point >> if i can help present and put it up. we will go ahead and start with the title introduction first. today we plan to talk about updates on disability inclusion and employment initiative. move to the agenda, we have 4 different areas of topics we plan to have questions during each at the end of each presentation to inform and allow individual on the call or in person to ask questions at the time of after hearing the presentation. counsels i do hope it it is okay for you as well.
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it is agenda topic today will be anti-ableism training and over view. julia my director will support this conversation and talking about that we have debbie who will add in additional comments. and julia will continue on with self identification survey and disability data. we plan it take a break and come back while. our access to city. am program. and continue the amation updates of our career center here at the city hall building. >> before you proceed. i wanted to mention this this couple of presentation and with this -- one, will be one -- presentation and going to be 15 minutes.
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>> yea >> okay we will continue on. no break. >> no, no, no. >> so. as i confusion i think after the first presentation we will before break so -- no. just to clarify two topics before a break. >> yes. >> go ahead >> okay. >> go ahead. >> thank you. >> continue on to the next slide we welcome and today to beably to continue to foster inclusion special concern regarding the. am opportunities. and resource for people with disabilities. for today we want to provide updates on the program. we would like that highlight opportunities for collaboration. continued from mod and the counsels as well. and we want to garth feedback to improve the initiatives you hear today. i will pass it to director julia
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to continue with anti-ableism training and zoel debbie on the call adding comments around that, that is partnership with dhr and mod. thank you. >> good afternoon, again. the first topic is on the 18 ableism training. as you heard the director's report the mayor's office of disability has been offering antiableism training for a number of years to part sdmers to the city's reasonable accommendation cord narrators and other audiences like a few cohorts of san francisco fellows of the training developed by leaders and staff and has been delivered in person which make its difficult to scale. this past year, dhr deputy
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dpreshth kate howard collaborated with mod to discuss the possibility of scaling the upon anti-ableism training for a broader as youence of city employees. transto an online e learning training module. once created the anti-ableism training module can be accessible to all employees through sf learning with the city's learning system in the employee portal. as a result of the conversations, dh r design team is now in the process of w with mod staff to review existing upon training content. story board the training module and create the script for the training. we aim to have the 18 ableism e learning module ready to disseminate to the city workforce by the new fiscal
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year. >> the next slide provide you with the high level over view of the anti-ableism training. the training aims to define ableism and demonstrate how disability history, bias and culture help us rescue noise it. aims to identify how structures or processes manifest in work place settings and aims to discuss strategies for enacting antiablist environment in your work place. >> key content areas in the training include language and ableism definitions. bias and culture. evolution of disability. access ability compliance verse you 18 ableism and enacting antiablist language in environments. of the >> as we been how we best
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leverage support, and mod support we would like to ask near your support in encouraging the departments to participate in antiableism online training once available. council can play an important role in advocating for leadership buy inform if all leaders embrace the importance of antiable awareness, build and skill developments, that will help us in our collective efforts to challenge and prevent behaviors, prosecute mote inclusivity for people with disabilities and increase disability employment in the city workforce. in closing dhr is grateful to mod and council for this collaborate rigz. on the anti-ableism training tell be an important remarkdition to our portfolio of other existing employee online training programs that help foster a positive inclusive city
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work place for all city and county employees. i'm happy to give space for and deb tow add any thoughts and take questions if i can. if sure. hello, everybody. not sure why my camera is not working. there we go. sorry, for having to payment virtual my preference is in person but am happy top have this way of being there. as you have already heard, mod is working with department of human resources to take a training module this was
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developed by nicole vaughn and that she was providing to a variety of audiences within the city. in person. and -- we are working to -- modify that so that -- it will work for a much broad are audience. and virtual. we looked at the materials and -- we have become aware of other similar antiableism trainings that have been developed one is by senior of disability action here in the city. and the another has been describeed usful by eli from county of marin. and so, because of that, and because the material that we are
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looking at is really intended for in person audience, we are stepping back a little. and want to have an opportunity to all review the other similar training modules and then -- work on -- taking working with other partner and others to come up with -- a very on learning resource. that will meet the really wide variety of -- city employees
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where they are and help them um -- understand for many the new concept ableism and -- understand what their role is in creating a more inclusive work place for everybody. >> are there are questions -- no. i think we can go to questions after the presentation. >> sounds good. now i'm presenting on the second topic the self identification survey. can you go to the previous slide? okay. so for the second presentation today we like to provide the
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council with updates on the self identification disability survey that hr launch in the partner with mod in the city little over a year ago. in 2023, dhr worked with the mayor's office on disability. to create a short survey for city employees to complete to indicate if they have a disability. my colleague christie from dhr policy and communication team presentod this survey development in the fall 2023. around the time survey was launched. at the time the survey launched we were hopeful the survey would gain a sense of what portion of the city workforce identify as people with disability. a brart understanding of the demographics helps consider appropriate policies and support of city employees and informsor
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development of trinning and program its support employee development. unfortunately as we learned the course of the past year, getting employees to complete this disability self identification survey has been a challenge. since we launched it a guilty over 400 employees complete today to date. of those who completed the survey 82% of them identify as having a disability. as we reflected on the survey results and had dialogue with colleagues at mod, we recognize there are significant obstacles we need to over come to increase survey participation. we recognize employees reluctant to disclose they have a disability due to privacy breeches and concern what bias may result if their disability is known. we realize there may be a lack
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of understanding of how the survey results can be a benefit for city employees. informing policies, practices and programs when we understand the diversity of our workforce. it can create equal policies and identify where we have gaps in disability representation. as we look forward to year two we will collaborate with mod to do another survey push. dh r plans to highlight the importance of the survey in the citywide employee news letters. we'll educate employees on privacy of safe guard and community benefits having a snapshot of disability went city workforce to support ourests to next access ability and supports for employees and foster workforce equity.
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we will be happen to partner to identify other strategies to over come employees hesitation to complete the survey. we hope we message and out reach to employees and we welcome your input on over coming trust barriers. i would be happy now answer deb has anything to add and to leave space for questions for the presentations. >> >> i don't have anything to add-on the second presentation. and -- just very interested to have a conversation with the council and to hear from members of the public. about what department of human resources can be doing to make
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employees aware of the survey. and -- really be focused on -- how to make san francisco a more disability friendly work place. >> thank you. now i would like to open to the public comment at this time for -- open to the public comment. >> before -- checking again i'm going to remind the public this if you joined just joined the webinar click on the 3 dots icon and click raise hand or use question and answer in the web
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ex to make a comment. on the top part of the video after touching the screen. fiare iesz being a lament raise your hand and answer i const. are located at the b. video screen. if you joined by phone dial star 3 to indicate you would like to make a comment. we will prompt you when it is your turn. so, i can't see behind is there anyone in the public raising a hand? >> no. >> no one is here. and i'm check now on -- web ex. i see no hands up. i'm check now on the question and answer and i see -- no questions there. >> okay. and double checking debbie, do you see anything i'm not seeing?
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>> no hands up. >> thank you. for that. now i'm going to go through line by line the question of any question members has -- why don't we have -- has a question. go ahead. can we focus the camera. >> thank you for your present agdz. i'm a city employee myself and i take e learning per of staff requirements and i saw the portal -- that all staff is encouraged to say if
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disabilitied or not. i think many people don't like to disclose that. some feel as if this is a personal thing and don't want to disclose and what is the reason that would be asked of us sns why are they asked if we are disabled. the city is good about accommodations some cities are not. and so there are positives and negatives. i think everybody is assuming they are doing their job exists but there are struggles this exist. and pointses we have to get through and over. for one example, recently with the worker's comp issue it is who to ask which teejs reach out to i did not know how to answer it is not local and so how we provide accommodations. it is hard to gnaw information out and find out what that is asked for.
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and the antiableism training that is great that should be added for all staff to learn to show the diversity here and that's one part. second part is that i'm looking at the identification is tough. because -- you have to think about it and you have to be comfortable and i'm thinking separate from work because it is difficult. -- if the supervisors good about the staff and reaching out for nev.eds and accommodating that is positive and at work. physical disabilities that need that, things like this if you expanded on this more to talk to supervisor busy thinking of their experience w with employees with disabilities. and as well as the confidentiality issues. because i'm a deaf person this is obvious it it is easy for people to notice that. some feel like they may not want to disclose they are not comfortable. so understand that the numbers
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don't tell us much. >> how do -- please >> councilmember arack has her hand up. >> hold on one by one we go to proceed with questions and then i will call each member. and -- thank you. please answer -- comments questions -- one of you could
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answer? >> no, thank you, and you are right the numbers don't tell us too much. one thing i wanted respond to is ever department does have a reasonable acomdagsz cord narrator. when we can have do is identify wayos how to make a list or identify that and the department and share that out. so -- again. employees are aware of that. usually we encourage employees to engage with human resources department of the to identify who the accommendation cord narrator is and remind supervisor busy that as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. now and i'm going to call patricia questions or comments? >> thank you, alex. and thank you to the representatives from the dhr.
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okay. i think the online training is time had the way to reach some people but i think it is important to also have in person training because it has a much stronger impact on attendees, if there is a way could be both online and in person because it is extremely hard as we know, it is hard for an able-bodied person to understand what it means and what it is like to live with a disability. and people don't like to reveal that and i think the fact that there was a low turn out is evidence of the fear of ableism.
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that you will be discounted somehow because you have a disability. people don'tment to know. i think that is another reason why in person training if the budget allows for certain agencies or groups within the -- city college not city college. city government family. i think it would be good to continue in person training. because it has such a greater impact. also, in this work, is there a way that councilmembers like myself, can be involved in the discussions that -- and the planning? to snift on some of these
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discussions? because i -- i think this well is a huge problem in san francisco with ableism. hugech and i would like to be able to payment and in the what is -- the plans and progress. to try to alleviate and mitigate the ableism. in this town, which is significant. thank you. >> hello. thank you very much for the comments regarding in person training i was excited hear our new director speak with trainings the in person that mod does continue. to offer even though i know the staff is very limited. so we look forward to continuing to per in with mod on the development of am new e learning
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on line training but to like learn about what are in person trainings mod staff are offering. how can we build update content knowledge of our dhr trainers who have responsibility for delivering training across city departments and leverage increase our knowledge base so we incorporate the important content. into some of the existing trainings. like we deliver in person 24 plus training for new supervisors and managers in the city and for sure a relevant content to incorporate in existing in person that really create the continue to create the conversation in all space around how we effectively serve and support employees within our workforce and including those with disable and how to help the supervisors and managers be more effective in how they support employees. so i would agree.
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with the councilmember on continuing to have both also sorts of formats we know people receive learn nothing different ways. regarding the council's involvement in planning conversation. i have to defer to mayor's office on disability. >> thank you. [inaudible]. [mic not on] >> yes. request for the councilmember. >> hold on a second. let me go to what's in the --
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thank you hello thank you for being here today. and -- so i have i couple comments one on the antiableism training. i'm a little taken back by the actions steps where you are suggesting that you want the council to encourage departments to take the training. do you currently have for the city employees mandatory train happeningos other things like earthquake protocol and disaster training? and -- >> other -- topics that are
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land. >> yes we do that are training requirements for city employees. >> williamed 18 ableism training be upon different than any other training. why do you need people with disabilities -- mayor's disability council to go and encourage city employees to take an antiableism training. why can't this be just in your roster of mandatory employee trainings. that is under consideration and something that just like recent 2 were added the required list of trainings left year one on equal, fair and respectful work place and other [inaudible]. it is something that once the training is ready to go this we will have conversations with dhr leadership on augmenting our training requirements.
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>> and i guess support messaging and how the training is and of course our dhr has the role of setting now training requirements we have done and continue with the upcoming training. >> okay. >> you said it yourself it sets a message how important is it, how much do we want san francisco to be an anti-ableism city starting with the employees themselves. and then this does relate to the next topic of someone who is willing to self disclose tlo disability. why would someone want to disclose a disability in an environment full of ableism? i mean the fear of -- letting
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someone 99 their work place that they have a disability in an environment where they feel like they are being discriminated against or future discrimination with that disclosure. they did hand in hand. i have been in that position. years agoing when my vision started to fail. out of collegiate my first job. and it is a very real almost -- a fear that can doing their job. let'sing your boss no you have a disability. the factou are not sure on where that individual standses in their beliefs and in their
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values and without you know -- without the city even taking a stance on you can take the ableism training it is up to you we don't care that is a message. and that is my comment. so, thank you. >> thank you so much that is an important point that the efforts can't be isolated they go hand come hand and ask people to self identify without doing the work of shifting culture and creating antiablist culture is point well taken i appreciate that. and definitely our plan to create the online train it is not our plan to have it beville taer and like an optional training that people can choose to do. we have to be thoughtful in terms of how we implement and how we require the training as we have been with other training
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requirements. and our portfolio of training the harassment prevention and inclusion in the city workforce. thank you for your comments >> thank you. appreciate it. comments -- >> thank you. alex. i appreciate t. hello jowly and porschia this is denise cubs member and employment committee chair. my apologies not being there i am home watching everyone. i pretty want want to pig back what patricia said and sherri. i think any training should be mandatory. because you are not going to address the occurrence the employees have around antiableism train and stereotypes. especially negative around the disability population unless
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they understand temperature so -- i think i know you all right addressed you are working on that. i want to support this i think that is important. that you make it tory i'm getting feedback. secondly, i like what patricia said the venue in regards to how the training, you know, e training and in person work shops. i think this is very important so you get a broader spectrum. as far as when you were talk about this self identification are surveys in the lack of results, and you mentioned there needs to be a better out reach in that area. and making people feel safe and secure are if they do identify. and -- that is something that the council and the presentation coming that you know we are happy to provide you know any
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feedback in any areas. fact, we were working on a strategic plan that we'll critique based on your presentation and when we find out today. i thank you for coming. >> thank you, alex. >> before i go forward with the staff -- before i turn it to the staff i have a couple of questions for you porschia and julie when it come to anti-ableism first. i come off the -- topics that
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you went over are there any i would say specific training when it come to disability on that on the ableism training? and i just -- on -- you mentioned you did you -- you -- okay and can -- and that -- initiative.
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how can your department use that information and permanently add it to your -- training >> how are you? so -- denise you are not on mute. that's one. let me stop this question and a couple more questions. >> do you want me to say it one more time? >> no , i we are really -- depending on the expertise of deb and he other part naers she wants to bring in terms defining the content will be.
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i believe if have you feedback on what content may be helpful and irrelevant voluntary for city employees to understand it sounds like debbie is in the process taking a pause and looking at available training and talking to partners. pulling from the knowledge base of the new director in terms of reassessing how to modify the content. in a way this makes sense for broad reaching e learning. there is the time and space to provide input on the content. and -- the upon slides this were there the content is based on existing anti-ableism training it was our plan to work with mod to modify. but if there is a greater pause in terms of further modification then likely the topics will change as well as the learning
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objectives. >> i guess i want to in leave it on -- are there any special disability related i guess let me point this -- question -- -- are there any vision in --
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using -- disability educate training when it goes through the e learning training now? i will try to answer that. anti-ableism training is -- most likely going to focus not so much on the. specific access topics you are mentioning. it will be more about -- providing people with a framework for understanding -- a very different perspective this
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is possible about disability identity and disability rights. and -- understanding what the role is of city policy. and city programs in -- incorporating that framework to decisionmaking. i think there are other trainings that hr and mod can also partner on that get more specific. about -- how to interact with people with different disabilities. how to embody accessibility and inclusion and how one interact
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with colleagues. and clients. and -- that would probably be a separate training. >> like i was -- like -- going forward -- to really -- i know that -- thinking about the policy but how to -- basic
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example is that how do i think it will be good to -- take a look like that and -- good to have this -- mandated to all employees not only -- but all
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employees even the mayor. because they got with all kinds of people in this city. something to think about. now i want to ask the staff are there any questions or comment? >> i have a comment. >> no wait now we are going to the staff. patricia, please let me get back to you after the staff. joof certainly, thank you. >> go ahead. >> thank you, so much am alex. so many thoughts on ableism. so far again had is eli the new
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director. you know i think acknowledging we're in data when it come to talking about ableism. and so we are creating the plane as we notice it. and -- you know i understand that we have a -- employment subcommittee. of mdc. yes. and this might be a rich place to further for councilmembers to further provide input and thoughts on how to make you know our ableism and i will add ageism trainings you know, inclusive, in person. interactive, dynamic. i heard, lot of this and i agree with them and i think it might be valuable to talk it through you know and provide input more
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detail in the subcommittee. just bringing in the experience we had in marin, it does help to pilot small scale. and then build out because we are building that plane and i'm very excited hear the dhr side well is that collaboration and wellingness to build this together. i fully agree. that it needs to be mandatory and he as someone going through on boarding trainings now, i can't wait to see on that menu list ableism and ageism. and then upon you know just also tying back to other trainings that are happening whether that is disability and aging service and their partnership with department of rehab for disability etiquette whether
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when is help nothing morin or what is happen nothing other spaces, i think we want to move forward with intention and make sure that we are like taking the best -- aspects of multiple trainings and blending that in ultimately it what we do in san francisco. but it starts with the intention. and what i'm hear and seeing in you know -- week, two is that there is a lot of intention and acknowledgment as the phrase guess ableism does exist. so starting with that framework we can build on top. just, yea. appreciate the conversation. and the intention to build this trin and acknowledging that ableism has been a barrier that is impacted every aspect of the lives of people with
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disabilities whether employment, whether it is health care. whether it is navigating physical access. ableism does exist. >> staff member has comment -- or questions. no, not right now. >> alicia? do you have any. >> do you want mow to speak. not yet. alicia -- i love our new director's approach. and the collaboration with human wee resources and our deputy director and the counts members. i think this there is a great
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future for you was employee the city of san francisco and i want to thank everybody and i put my piece there, too, why in the. >> thank you. now i am going to patricia before we go to open additional comment or questions? i see the confusion alicia and patricia. okay. my first comment is we talked about this before and i like to ask again. because it is hard to comment on ableism training anti-ableism training we have not seen the training materials and i continuing is important that the -- councilmembers are given the opportunity to seat train
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and go through it either onlinor in person however they want to do it. but it is really hard to make recommendations if we don't when we are talking about. so that's my one request. i'd also i agree total low with sherri. i thought her moving comment about having it be mandatory. i think the fact it is voluntary is actually somewhat ablist. in the fact it is just voluntary. it should be mandatory because it it is extremely hard for an able-bodied person toned that is like to be disabled. i did not become disabled or i did not become disabled until i was 73 years old. i spent my life as an able-bodied person and i had no
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clue. absolutely no clue what it is like to be disabled. until i became disabled myself. that is why i think it is important this we have in person trainings and that it be mandatory. i remember my first year of having a muscle wasting disease. i was teach happening at city college and remember one day i fell down in my classroom. and all my students rushed up and it was so concerned they helped me get up and what i felt was a sense of shame. i felt ashamed. because i had fallen. and -- that was the left year i taught. i retired at 73. but i love my job i did in the want to retire. i could not -- i didn't get the physical capability to continue but i felt shame. they was fell down.
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in my classroom. and -- you know i think we need to take away that shame. for the people who are disabled. so -- also i would like to welcome our new director eli i love your comments. i think you are terrific and i'm happy to see you as our leader. thank you. >> thank you patrish why and thank you again patricia and -- now it is 2:46 and we are going to take a 15 minute break. and come back at 33:00. i asked if any councilmembers.
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so -- and comments or questions? >> i wanted one time. >> i like to say that i like to volunteer to help with in person training or attends a session to learn about it. and -- i'm volunteer to help with in person training and i'm volunteer to attends training and learn what it is b. either way >> thank you. >> again, i'm going to at this time we are taking a 15 minute
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break. it is 2:48. we will come back at welcome b madrid one a cochair today we are going to proceed after council break now -- >> hold on, control. the camera to point can you raise a bit the the interpreter is seen. >> a little one. a little more, please. beautiful, thank you. >> thank you. again we are coming back from
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break. and now we are proceeding item 7 discussion to department of -- updates on disability, inclusion -- and initiative in the city of san francisco including following topics program city center -- and we are by julia ma and department of human resources workforce and organization development and
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porschia the diversity, equality, inclusion and welcome back next on access to city employment program. we will share about the program and provide updates and provide place am updates, going in to how we plan to expand the program. our ace program may not be familiar started in 1985. as our civil service rule 115. put on the ballot and row in the by san franciscans prospect a increase representation of individuals with disabilities. and the city workforce. and -- 2016 department of human resources sent it over and created a team called diversity
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recruit am team who supports our ace program. the vision of that at the time of myself employed to the role at a recruittory support the program was to encourage dhr to support the departments in -- impelementing program in their different departments. i want it star by saying our program is one route to hiring people with disabilities in the city. however, they do have a way to participate in our general hiring process the normal route applicants need to apply for the position through our website. any position they like and during that time they can ask for reasonable accommendations to be successful and taking exam before they are going through the application process the examination and then hired ba that way. our program is another route to
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how individuals can be hired and not a mandated program in every department t. is up to the department's discretion if they would like to do it the role of the dhr recruitment team to educate departments, provide awareness of the program and provide encounsellingment to use the program letting them know in seek out entry level positions. theent row level positions can be done by the first class in the series. or -- again any stand alone position. those are about 251 classifications this qualify. the purpose support goal of the program is to increase. am opportunities for individuals and vet republicans with disabilities. at 1 time, once the city hiring press takes a lot of time to get i role. of one best benefits was to
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expand the hiring for. ors in our department managers to hire individuals firefighterer in the city. we have a new tracking system and had an amazing team hiring mod everyone ziegz expedited our regular hiring process route. so unfortunately, the hiring through aces in the a benefit any longer. in addition to that, you may notice classifications are all continuous meaning that applicanting can continue it apply any time this supports our hiring throughout general hiring process, to ensure departments are not waiting long to hire that also supports the departments to fill positions where again aces no longer a hiring process for department in a benefit like it using to be.
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>> also part of ace was to expand our workforce enhancing inclusion in our city. that's the same in standing. next slide. moving on to the data of applicants. in 20 august of 2023, we move friday our old applicant electronic to a mule tracking system called smart recruiters we moved over many if not all of the ace applicant the new tracking system. we have 105 classifications that applicants have applied for. 81 classifications qualityifiy for the role. and that is due to having a disability certificate from department of rehab. and meeting the minimum qualifications or regular standard in our program.
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out of this 511 applicants this applied through mart recruiter are qualified. 511 applicants who applied throughout ace program. meaning this 511 applicants have been in our pool. as we move to the data and out come and broke this down in -- then versus now in 2016 to 2023, we had 121 applicants. this averages to about 17 place ams a year. as of last year the number within down but not drastically inform 2023 and 24 we had 14 place ams. and the following departments paymented in our program. the airport was one hire. department of public health who is i big hire for everfor you was with 9.
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human service agency was two. sfmta one and police as one. i want to state that the changes made to our program is this we did have a great benefit of ace at the time of our the covid command center opening up and the need for hiring and the hiring freeze that happened. meaning departments such as d. public health utilizes the program more to fill exempt positions known as temporary in order to hire for the essential positions at that time. a lot were custodian and porter positions. however, you in that the now that the we lifted up that covid support, again we also have eliminated the exempt program and become to just doing civil service 115.
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hiring just through our program route. noticed with the exempt route it was not supporting people and it was a pilot we were trying to test. you know with exempt place ams they don't lead to permanent status. we did not give employees a wrong today they were getting per minute nancey it was a temporary position. now we stick with the regular civil service rule our rule 115 program standing. they apply for the program and after a year of satisfaction they move in a permanent position. that has been successful for employees. especially ones that are on any type of assistance to ensure they don't lose assistance thinking they'll get a permanent position. this is one of the reasons we cut the exempt pilot. continuing on talking about
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transitionless. from exempt to permanent. in 2016 to 2023 we had 75 employees successfully transition. i want to continue and share that we see a lot of applicants go throughout regular hiring process and become as successful of take the exam and applying and taking the exam and passing probationary period throughout regular route that was hart to capture data. many applicants who do sit in the poof ace apply through the general hiring process and inform us than i received permanent employment throughout general hiring route thought is exciting for you to hear and know. >> and 2023-twr we had 8 successful transitions. weed have throw active including one on a reasonable accommendation leave and 3 resigned. i want to share that some of
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things we know is right now we hit a barrier of success with the program. our numbers are not getting higher. and again our incentives are no longer existing departments should you utilize it. because of that dhr is working to connect with mod and also with the-help of you with idea and feed become we want to provide additional expansion of the program. outside behalf it already looks like. some things we hope to do is embed ace in our regular hiring process. you can imagine the past 9 years of runing program it it is challenging for us to engage with over 73 different departments. and engage around edge. support and encourage the departments especially not embed in the regular hiring process. i as a leader of the program
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love to see ace incorporated natural low in every department. and one idea we hope for is as we look at the veteran points preference points, we want to embed something similar. people can identify to have a disability with their certification why not that we give them preference points to get a bit more additional points to get them through the interview process. at this point, we want to provide education to our managers and everyone in the city around a reasonable accommendation and when that looks like when people ask it it we want to educate our hr teams stronger. so they can provide right accommendations and support during examinations so everyone is take the exam and feel confident bh they do so. those are areas of expansion that we're hope to do. we are working close we with mod
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to bring that and up see how they can support we would love your supportom providing feedback in various ways what we can do to expand the program. what we don't want is top bring employees in temp referral and upon don't give them per minute nancy where they lose benefits my goal ficome and go in the city the program will stay. and as of now my idea and being embed instead hiring process will allow for mow to know confidently that if we can embed it in the hiring process it is a program that will be here to stay. tong with more exciting news, i want to announce i will take a maternity leave and with that, my employees stepped up to support in many ways. one is we have a career center in the city hall. and one goal i hope to do in the
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new year before my announce am was to bring in people with disability and encourage them to be part of our career center take advantage of our services. conduct workshops and part in with community organizations to bring them in and have it to be more transparent and open around how do we bring awareness and disability etiquette trainings. i'm happy to say my staff be having support and dmro upon hours. ask for support from you so you can share the word and get it out. our program will have office hours in january 21st. and we will have that location at the city hall career center. we will be there mondays and fridays 9:30 to 11:30 and 12-2. our drop in support will be ace program analyst leroy who are
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she is amazing and engages with everyone. and will be providing drop inspect hours in person but we understand this many cannot make it in. so we will have schedule appointments where people can schedule virtual and doing hybrid style as well. not guilty month of february, staff will be dpoog in person workshops. some of those ideas everover view of the program of over view of looking at regular hiring process to encourage employees and applicants in the community. to go through the regular route and you felt to be confidence had take the exam they will have more understanding woornd reasonable accommendation process. we plan to provide the tips and trainings to our applicant in the upon community. we flon have the format of workshops at the career center we know this will be a pilot and
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if you can help us identify if we wanted to go virtual how do we do that with your support to identify a way to utilize software services and guidance of support when people do ask to do a virtual workshop. make it as sk assessable as public but now in responsible best to roll out. next slide. the challenges we share in the sdwrouft wrap up. is again the limited amounts of placements. i want to take ownership and say that we could do better in our place ams. however, our city hiring process has been expedited due to amazing hiring team. again, the identification way this we are trying to expand our program is about embedding ace in the regular route. ful one way we hope to is
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continuing engagement with mod, have conversations to see to expand the areas special also exploring other options we can to expand or place ams for people with disabilities in the city. in the future weave want to thank our departments and continue to work with department of rehab our strongest side organization. will to feel say how can we bring disability etiquette training to departments. we do wind mill training. we want to continue this in every throughout the month it make sure most of the departments get that training. we want to increase our program marketing and support and one way is to am sit in the career center and support our employees as bh well as applicants and engage with departments and reach out to hr to remind them go b our program.
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and addition we want to look at the increasing retention and prosecute motional opportunities for employees. so they are elevating other position in the city. but want to continue to provide feedback and support to employees that could don't have that process and supported route. and so bringing them in the career center and providing guidance is something we hope to do in the future as well. we will pause for questions from the council, staff or the community. thank you so much. >> thank you. and -- now i'm going to welcome the public again. going public comment questions and the staff questions.
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is there public meant at this time? >> i'm going to repeat the steps in case people want to join or raise hands quickly. if you join the webinar the web ex app, click on the 3 dots icon and click raise hand. or use the question and answer feature in the webinar to make ape comment on the tom part of the video after touching the screen. if you are using the desk top or laptop computer the raise hand and question and answer items are at the bottom of the video screen. if you join by phone dpiel star 3 to indicate you would like to comment. we will prompt you when it is your turn. now we'll proceed. director, eli tell me if there
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is anyone in the public i cannot see? upon >> no hahns up. thank you very much. >> i'm going to check now on web ex. i see no hands up and no questions on the chat. i will check one more questions. >> thank you. no questions. thank you. >> i'm going to proceed to the council members questions. i'm going to go through -- in person first and then i'm going
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to call can to -- web ex. thank you i want to briefly make a comment i know others have comments as well. >> the hand's up. >> sorry about that. on orchid sassouni not the interpreter orchid's hand is up. over here is where the camera this be. thank you very much. back i want to i than everybody has commentsil be brief am my
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job is to begin at rule 115 and how that works is that -- when we receive something i never heard of it before. and so -- specifically it requires that is needs proof of a disability. and prove of a disability i'm a deaf person how i do prove that? deafness in terms of disability is different than others and so i ran to the o r office to timed out who is a person who knows how this rule works. and so the person there said to me they were going to sign it to prove i was a deaf person that was had they eyeballed me. my paperwork from there is old i had this documentation and ran all the way back to hr filled out the form. and submit today and waited
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quite a long time. i think it was the summer it was july, august, september and then the interview. but it was interested in terms of rule 115, that it was in the easy for mow to navigate i had to show proof of my disability and another job i was in it was easy this transition needs to happen. part of the problem is that. of in the industry the skills have shifted more to computer based. and i learned from other tech companies that the tendancey than i are looking for somebody with high skills disabled or not. high computer skill and it is tieblt do things quickly and if you have the skill they are ready to welcome college degree is not important than i will trin if you you have skills. there is staff turnover and a lot enemy terms of gentleman the government is slower it seems hard things are step by step.
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proof has to be made and understands that it is the opportunity for everybody to apply it is important. recently the mayor made a decision that. a hiring freeze and for emergency it is important part is now who can be the person. a person with disability can they apply or not in terms of fire department. possibly not the police department i'm curious about that. and documentation from doctors and the hospital. you know documenting disability that is something this is impossible if than i near the hiring process we are stuck. and i hope that -- it is continues to allow to be open. so people can do this. that is one thing i want to comment on. now with ace i thought in your presentation ace will provide support and training and if it is a deaf person and sign fluently and how will the deaf
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person request this accommendation? remember asl is required to request two week in add vance. those are my questions, thank you. thank you and you are right the process that we have is sometimes lengthy. again when it come to or rep with the department of rehad been it is stated in our rule this is they must be able to have a certification of disability letter. that is a process that we -- you know we are trying to work through the things when we think about expanding our program and opportunity for people with disability we miwant to go become to the civil service rowel and seat modifications we need to make to make sure we can open it up and make it accessible. i want to be clear that aces just the path way for this
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program. but employee applicants can apply through the regular hiring they don't need to prove they aplay and meet qualifications. for ace because it is in our rule we do require that certification of disability letter and have worked with our department of rehab to ensure it is in the a delay in certification. well is also a two members we engage in department of rehab an applicant can submit any s sd i, letter of disability from their doctor or walk in to show their physical disability. and again dor made the commitment not to delay any services or provide a delay in certification. which is why they encourage to you walk in it will provide more immediately. but then i welcome changes or modifications you suggest we want to take that to the drawing board with mod and dh r
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leadership to incorporate the modifications and changes within our civil service rules. and belling a better relationship with department of rehab. >> thank you. now we go to next -- [inaudible]. >> thank you, alex. gi appreciate your present anticipation. i had a question roll to hiring practices that i found in current and past organizations. when we did was took away names and anything this identified a person asking for accommodations. we took names there was no biases relate to ethnic backgroundses and found our hiring practice improved with regards to inclusion diversity and support. 1 comments i had received from managers was this accommodations
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take more energy and time as a manager and they were at a bias not supports folks apply who had disabilities. i'm curious in terms how you are supporting folks being seen for an opportunity and how do you account for may be hiding and some of that so more opportunity are made? i know we did deification this has stopped however, we have never done through the ace program. reason why is because they have made a commitment this during the time of working with our program and applicant, we actually support reasonable accommodations. we take that off of the adopt do any of that. meaning if they need an accommendation of any sort dhr will work with dor to ensure we
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provide that. sometime its is simple as puupon they may want to bring in theiron as lshgs intpt recover they may need a screen read in advance. and so our accommodations have been supported. with our through our employees and staff within our department of human resources that work closely. and support the department managers so they don't have to take that on. however, we encourage departments when they select an applicant then we work with their accommodation cord narrator not the manager anymore. to make sure we put the accommodation in place before a person is hired. and we have a request that the employees don't get delayed due
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to hiring date and work on that immediately once they select this and we know of that at the time of going over the reasonable accommendation form which states all the duties of the job before they go to annual interview. that helps employees understands what is required witness they get in the job they are selected. i'm curious what i found the push back i received from my employees was the cognitive accommendation. more time to complete a task. needing more guidesance with structure regards to meetings. that was where i felt like it had to be employees and managers working together for those. can you speak to that? >> jury room we had accommodations such as that with different departments machine may need more time to get to a meeting or may need take notes a
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different way. and so that has never been a concern for departments to not hire an applicant. we work with the managers to identify unique ways for them to be able to do their job different low if than i need to. all managers when request has been doornd more time or extra time to get to a meeting, or a different way of how to write notes if than i are hired, accepted by our departments. question? >> hello. thank you. alex. >> hi. okay so i wrote a bunch of things down i don't know if they will be in order or make sense. first i final low figured out
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that the career center which is going to be here in city hall sf >> we open in match 2024 and yes it is down stairs on the first level. >> its only for city employees right? this is in the correct. our city career center is open to employees as well as open to the community. >> okay. all right. thank you for clarifying that. so then -- anybody who is rrently employed or seek employment? >> yes that's correct. our career center is open to everyone interested in looking for employment including our employees of the city as well as our community of job seekers looking, yes.
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>> so employment within the city of san francisco? >> yes. within the city of san francisco what we support with. >> okay. >> so then if somebody walk in and they have a disability like me and they had a visual impairment, were right off the bat what accommodations are available in that career center for me to either access any print that is currently in the career center or any of the computer theoryss. were going to speak about ma in city career presentation. and answer again if we don't answer this question in the next presentation. or i can share that now. that was per of our city career
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center presentation. >> i will wait. >> oh , okay we still have not. we have one more. >> i just want to clarify porschea on this topic it is supposed to -- presentation on ace, city career center. so we have paused for ace program updates. and the presentation of ace but can continue on we have not completed our city career center presentation. how much left? 3 slides. >> okay. i'm sorry can i ask another question. >> of course. >> one second. >> thank you.
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>> now, i'm confuse body where department of rehab fit in with ace. do they are they in competition or is -- because i would think that a person with a disability that's what dor does. that's what their main purpose is. to have -- people with disabilities to get jobs and provide the reasonable accommodations for people at work to retain employment. so i would think this will be the go to -- agency for any of the things this you are needing for your employees. i don't -- i'm confused where the two over lap. that's a great question, thank you. the part meris department of
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rehad been. our partnership with them they provide certification of disability letter we will work with them on am sometimes daily bases to provide accommodations when needed. again, i like to say the city is the biggest employer of the city. for yous as a government entity we should provide -- would you reestablish that? thank you. porschia, proceed. >> i will start over. and apologize. the department of rehab is our
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partner organization we work closely with them they provide certification of disability letters through the ace applicants. we they provide certification for others like vet republican affairs and sometimes our lead program in alameda county. we are as a similar program as them. and regards to reasonable accommodations because the city and county of san francisco is a biggest employer of san finish we like to say we will provide our own accommodations however, dor supports applicants who are consumers of them. meaning they have a councillor they will work with them on the accommendation requests. usually it is our role the big entity to provide the accommodations and like to be clear because that also -- providesor managers with awareness and our hr team that we are capable of providing
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accommodations when needed. and asked for by our applicants. they are not a competitor they work to support and ensuring our applicants that then turn to employees are successful in hires and journey through our city and county. it is a fair statement to say. the reasonable the accommendation -- each -- councilors within your departments they are aware of oaf00 the trainings that say, for example i heard house for the blind provides access technology training for people who are blinds or have low vision and all of your reasonable accommendation staff are aware of this? to know where employees can get.
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they have an ad acourt narrator and so within the eeo division we get trained on how to make sure they have the disability etiquette and awareness how to support our employees. and if upon not they utilize us to reach out to say how do we support this employee they are successful and how to accommodate or modify an accommendation they receive. >> i have one more thing. if you -- they have that
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progresstive at what point do they -- of come out as a person with a disability and are able to then request reasonable accommodations? at any time within our hiring process. again plaintiff's exhibits are encouraged at the time of applying to know that if they get a receive an e mail from an analyst asking to come to an examination that states if you question accomodation reach out then they will work to ensure that applicant has the right accommodations to ensure they are successful in their examination press and they request a reasonable accomodation at the time of interview through the analyst responsible on the job announcement. once hired, they work with the department of department hr team
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to ensure they are in place at the time of hire. i'm sorry alex there is a hand on web ex. from council number denise. >> thank you, cochair madrid. have a quick question and with regards to the caree center. okay. that's open to potential employees as well as the internal employees. my question is, exactly what
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type of set up external low do you have in place to let people know about the ace program. the civil service, reasonable accomodation process? do you have like a for example, a separate data base that houses all that information including the external organizations that have been mention instead presentation. i was wondering how you get the word out externally. >> hello, good to hear from you. great question. part of the recruelty. team provided our city departments with out reach and recruitment list that list built up for 9 years now and divided to various sections. one of sections do include people with disability and organize that support this is that is over 171 organizations that is accessible through share point all departments utilize
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that list to engage in and are encouraged to the organizations and emplayers to get the word out around employment opportunities. if anything they ewe likewise that list to get word out we will utilize that list to announce and upon count on partners we work with such as lighthouse for the blinds and dor and mod to continue to get word out to our applicants in our community. >> i note the time can i squeeze in one more quick question. alex. >> >> thank you. there were different internship
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programs and i was worning what is the out reach to potential candidates or get there are foot in the door to learn about city employment and the opportunity and you know what positions may be available that may be don't have the full skill set and would like to learn more? thank you. >> yes. that also flows the career center, i want to say we have an amazing applicant tracking system where we have a talent community and collect information from our applicant this is apply. we ewe tliez when applicants apply we they receive information around our internship. we also get the word out through career center and utilizing that out reach and recruitment list. >> before we -- before we go to
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the staff. i have another question to you, porschia and to you julie -- let's say if someone going use myself -- as example. because i do i did apply 10 years i go -- for -- program and and i think and i people like myself. within your baptist department be good to which hear about.
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i'm sorry. cochair hold on. control, captions are frozen would you please -- they are working now. >> of how do you mitigate that
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issue, in your department and going forward with alining and supporting applicants? >> i think i want to ask i'm asking you julie. thank you for the question. poshia was presenting on we recognize the ace program is not getting the number of place ams for people with disables as we would like to see. as she said we are exploring research and trying to find out what other jurisdictions are doing. like the preference points model. as an example of other strategies toute lives to increase disability. am. i know you gave your own example, thank you for sharing your example that like -- you applied for ace as well as roll route and challenging and your score was not as high as you
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would have liked. and i think that is why exploring the preference point model similar to how the city has a preference point for vet republican system closely looking at. we can't implement it yet tell involve changes and have to learn more and dialogue with mod around the possibilities and we are exploring other models so this those who people from the disability community who apply through -- the regular hiring processes can have a chance. so that, the per of this is providing the support and resources throughout career center we hope to have a few minutes to present to help people figure out regular hiring sxroesz what strategies you can use during the exam and interview process to help equip job seekers with that knowledge.
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>> i want to -- come back to the question that because -- how can -- how -- dhr utilize -- side by side -- and identify those applicant who might be -- because -- hipa -- people disability ask for recommendation and -- also in ace -- program who -- upon
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porschea in another job and sometimes some people at the time -- apply for i would say, middle classification and i think a challenge. to identify educating -- each department and educating the hiring people and -- so, how would department of resources
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mitigate that -- confusion or untouch subject. i think i think we have it is the previous conversation around the ablist culture well is work we need to do to counter ableism. i think part of providing support to mitigate the issues and the biases that are in place for people with disability when they go throughout hiring process rather that is thou ace or regular hiring processes, it is were the obstacle we face. we have to educate broadly went city around ableism and really engage hiring managers as well as h r professionals and knowing when the bias is and how can we
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intentionally counter those issues so it gives people with disabilities and have better rep centation in the workforce. to keep working on this difficult challenge. >> do you have question? do you have another question. i guess my last question before i change it to staff is that i know that poesha mentioned 14 who got employed and i just curious on -- information and
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how do you average -- do you reach out to the people that in the past? and take up on them and see how the city and the program can -- support them? our program is up to the department utilize and that is a thing we reach out to support there are vacancies in the department to identify if they are interested in using ace. they need to qualify with our civil service rules we need to beents rew level class ~esques.
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in addition to that. if the upon departments ewe lies we engage with our applicant pool and have a good pool. sometimes we do and sometimes we don't and so we do out reach. but when we do have a successful interview and people want to be selected. this is successful. however again it is up to the department discretion toment to utilize the program the biggest challenges we are having now around the numbers and getting the numbers up.
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at a time departments are interesting in ewe liesing the program we reach tout to applicant in the pool and ask them to reapply because in our new tracking system we need for them to reapply to add new data. meaning new. am opportunity it has been awhile and so forth we do reengage and ensure that they have not been hired in the city already and if they are interested that they submit a new updated application.
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>> this is sherri. speaking for me. i would speaking as a member of the council, i would really appreciate if the department of human resources of the city and county of san francisco would please require all the departments to participate in the ace program. and in the leave it up to their discretion. thank you. >> thank you. that is one of the modifications changes we need to go back to civil service rules to make the changes and have san franciscans vote for this. let the applicants -- speak for themselves. whether they qualify for an opening position leave it up to
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the applicants not the department. no problem. >> well. >>. papatrish. patricia you are unmuted, unmute yourself, please. >> i will make it quick i agree with sherri 1,000%. should be mandatory it sends ablist message. if it is not voluntary that is ableism institutionalized there. also i wondered if this is off the wall. for out reach do you reach out
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to the disabled agencies in colleges and universities? to generate interest among graduating students who may be disabled? get them interested in applying for jobs with city and county of san francisco. do you do that? >> that's a great question. yes, within our list of out reach and recruit am we do have a student support services and various different colleges that do have contacts and reach out to them as well. we hired two diversity recruiters to deport an out reach in educating they reach out to doesn'ts and student council, support services within colleges and our organizational base organizations in san francisco so they are aware and can support us bring nothing candidates.
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>> short time i will cut off the -- but if you don't mind sending information to us it would be great. i'm going to ask the staff if there are questions or comments? >> no questions. >> in the interest of time i will just say we really appreciate the over view of the programs you have presented today. by the way this is eli and look ford to partnership with the career center, ableism, all components of employment of people with disabilities obviously there are still a tremendous amount of work to do we just -- and i speak for myself appreciate the fact that -- dhr and the career
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center are lean nothing to and prioritizing and presenting strategies. like -- adding points to applicants. with disabilities. -- transforming idea in operation is always tricky. but that's why we talk, community and take the input of ndc and certainly mayor's office on disability staff to look forward to that future conservation. >> thank you. >> anyone else from staff have a comment or question? >> no hands -- cochair alex. >> thank you and -- i hope this is -- work as a team to
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support the people with disabilities employing thank you and -- i hope i see you again. in the near future. >> thank you. >> now we are going to -- item 8mod -- new beginning -- correspondent. debbie?
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i will there is one letter that the council received. -- which is lengthy. i will summarize it. i believe it has been -- forwarded to -- all members of the council. described history of a person who uses a power wheel chair full time. and who has -- corresponded with the city several times. about locations throughout the
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city that have -- defective curb cuts. and sidewalks. in his letter he describedment what work and attention has been done by the city for a few examples however he is complained about the delays and lack of information and complain nothing his letter about the lack of funding and lack of prioritiation in the budget for
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the department of public works curb cut program. and again provides examples of -- attempts he has made to bring this matter to the attention of -- city leadership -- and elected initials. imploring all of the -- representatives of the city who received his letter. replacing curb ramps existing noncompliant and repair walks and surface street in poor condition. that is a summary of the letter
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from. >> thank you, debbie. now alicia -- do we have a public comment at this time? >> we see no person the public. let me check the others. there are no hands on web ex. >> thank you. now we are going to the item 10. information --. and any councilmembers. . any members have comment at this
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time. i have a comment i want to do -- any -- i want to say thank you for the staff. and -- the technical staff -- i'm patricia? comment?
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yea. quickly this howard's letter if we can talk about that executive meeting and come up with -- strategy for supporting him letter to the agencies or whatever but i think -- we need to definitely support his findings. >> okay. >> and research. so if we can talk about that in the executive meeting on tuesday. >> thank you. >> staff, make a note on that. i -- i'm -- idea of questions. >> yea. i wanted stay this is eli thank you so much this was a great and informed first meeting and briefly we have a very important birthday today. on staff. it is our long time leader
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and -- disability right's pioneer demy. 75th birthday. so just acknowledging. >> congratulations. >> we celebrate disabled joy when we can. happy birthday. debbie! >> happy birthday! >> happy birthday, debbie. >> thank you. >> [applause] >> thank you. >> and many more... >> so -- i am going to adjourn am i want to -- give thanks to the staff to the -- interpreters and my fellow councilmembers and the sfgovtv, with that i will
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see you guys next time meeting. >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their showing up and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in
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the 49 san francisco owes must of the charm to the unique characterization of each corridor has a distinction permanent our neighbors are the economic engine of the city. >> if we could a afford the lot by these we'll not to have the kind of store in the future the kids will eat from some restaurants chinatown has phobia one of the best the most unique neighborhood shopping areas of san francisco. >> chinatown is one of the oldest chinatown in the state we need to be able allergies the people and that's the reason chinatown is showing more of the
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people will the traditional thepg. >> north beach is i know one of the last little italian community. >> one of the last neighborhood that hadn't changed a whole lot and san francisco community so strong and the sense of partnership with businesses as well and i just love north beach community old school italian comfort and love that is what italians are all about we need people to come here and shop here so we can keep this going not only us but, of course, everything else in the community i think local businesses the small ones and coffee shops are unique in their own way that is the characteristic of the
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neighborhood i peace officer prefer it is local character you have to support them. >> really notice the port this community we really need to kind of really shop locally and support the communityly live in it is more economic for people to survive here. >> i came down to treasure island to look for a we've got a long ways to go. ring i just got married and didn't want something on line i've met artists and local business owners they need money to go out and shop this is important to short them i think you get better things. >> definitely supporting the local community always good is
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it interesting to find things i never knew existed or see that that way. >> i think that is really great that san francisco seize the vails of small business and creates the shop & dine in the 49 to support businesses make people all the residents and visitors realize had cool things are made and produced in san >> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> my name is mark recollect the owner of lou's cafe on taraval street. since 2010, my brother and tj and vince and mom [indiscernible] we used to sandwiches all the time. we said why not us. geary boulevard in 2010. i figured i might to start in
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another location and when i opened the location in 2015. we treat each customer as family and we make our food with love and make sure everyone is happy. i recommend everyone come out to the sunset. >> take time for teraival bingo, supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo style game board and enter for a chance to win awesome prizes. for >> when i was deep in my addiction i really didn't feel i had a problem. i ran into friends i hadn't seen in a long time and they told me what they accomplished and what they were doing and i were like, what have you been doing? i caught a reflection of myself in the mirror and it was like, bro, this isn't cute examine. anymore. the residential treatment program was helpful because it taught me
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accountability and showing up for myself. since i stopped using i have healthy friendships. my job here with san francisco community health center and trans lives and work ing with other transwomen is what keeps my recovery. i never imagine i had the life i have right now. i'm living proof that recovery is . so it's yeah, we'll see. it's going to get worse before it gets back to me. >> called meaning to please. >> thank you chair tung good morning and welcome to the february 10th, 2025 citizens general obligation bond oversight committee meeting. the time