tv Police Commission SFGTV March 8, 2025 12:00am-2:01am PST
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president carter overtone is excused. president elias you have a quorum. also tonight we have chief scott from the san francisco police department and executive director paul henderson from the department of police accountability. >> okay, great. thank you. welcome everyone to our february 19, 2025 meeting. this is our last meeting of the month with that sergeant you want to call the first item line item one general public comment at this time the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission under police commission rules of order during public comment neither police or personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions by the public but may provide a brief response. alternatively you may submit public comment in either of the following ways email the secretary of the police commission at speed commission and as if comport or written comments may be sent via us postal service to the public safety building located at 1245 third street san francisco, california 94158. if you would like to make
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public comment please approach the podium. >> q thank you. good evening guys. okay. i really don't know when i'm going to talk about here. it follows the meeting of mta yesterday so i put that some nay here trying to explain because i think the last time we saw each other i mean two weeks ago i vaguely mentioned to you something called the budget revolution which i started. it's a revolution. so i want you to understand what the name budget means because otherwise you're going to find yeah, it's about money dollars no, no budget stands for the name of the famous dog from the famous books from famous jack london native of san francisco called the call of the wild. >> so the future of humanity is about reconnecting itself with
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its fellow creatures that is our species. >> business is over. it lasted for i don't know how many centuries but it leads to destruction we can't see either. so it's going to be beautiful because i'm looking for beauty. beautiful. following the rules from this guys which i'm ordered to follow. >> so orders it but it fits in there i think because we are talking about basically animals which we are i think veterinarians which are going to have an essential role to play and i think the police in the future is going to have to make sure that nobody attacks the veterinarians see not it's about health some hope of course, but. >> so step by step i don't know any way is to get you out of the traps you are you know we are all in including me except
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i'm working for this guys is big difference. >> step by step. so yeah, i have a handle. thank you. for the record, my name is christopher klein. some of you know is army is sergeant klein from the united states marine corps active duty. others know me as an investigator who has brought some serious concerns to the police commission tonight i'm introducing myself as the ceo of a nonprofit called paving stands for prejudice and violence in style. and we do a lot of educating on reducing prejudice and violence and bringing the communities together with the police department, the police commission and others. we're all part of a healthy community. we do that with strong individuals for stronger families form the strongest communities not just in this community but the community next to a san mateo alameda and
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so on and so on. part of this is we're ready to announce some awards for san francisco. you'll see a section called legion of leaders award. read through that go to the website and take it back to your own where you wear your other hats. if you know somebody that and meets that criteria, we're looking for someone that's a community leader that bridges the gaps between communities bringing them together that has dedicated a large portion of their life to helping communities, helping youths in other areas but also law enforcement. if there's a law enforcement officer that is a little league coach that may be maybe a perfect candidate. so again there's at the very bottom there's some other categories that we have we have some scholarships that we offer to ucsf, northeastern university and university of maryland and we're expanding through the midwest and here in california as well sacramento and l.a. and if you have any questions, my contact information is at the bottom and i look forward to working with the police commission and the police department going forward. >> thank you.
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>> good evening. i just wanted to i was thinking about last time i was here concerning sojourner the trip and people down in the trip. >> i do think that if we don't know are history we're doomed to repeat it. >> so who's ever listening this journey of truth helps community, community and police to so that you know, i was just thinking about how when we were there when i was there that how the community came together and how community and police came together. >> so i'm hoping that this happens again and i'm hoping some of you that haven't gone will go a go back again and
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some of the police officers the may the mayor the the district by supervisors we need to do that. we need to go back go back and see what happened to us, what happened to our families because again, moderate day is just moderate day now and it's still happening. >> so i do hope this happens again and please if we don't know our history we are doomed to repeat it and we need to know this no matter what nationality you are, what color you are all of us been hurt so we need to know our history and not down it the holocaust all of that people have been hurt. we need to know about that different national are these different different people so journal truth is the place for us to go to learn i never knew
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about this before. >> i never knew my history and being there made me know my history. >> i could teach my teach my children and my grandchildren what i learned there. >> thank you. that is the end of public comment for line item two we are removing the grant from the san francisco police community foundation. i want them to consent calendar receive and file action electronic bias audit for third fourth and end of year 2024 and a $5,000 grant from the national association of victims of crime act administrators motion to receive and file on the first two items listed in the last item would be removed. >> all right. second, any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding the consent calendar. please approach the podium and there is no public comment on the motion. commissioner clay how do you
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vote? yes mr. clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. mr. benedict it was yes. >> commissioner young. yes. yes. mr. young yes. yes commissioner ye yes. >> mr. years yes. and present. yes. >> the minuses. yes. you have five yeses. line item three chiefs report discussion weekly crime trends and public safety concerns provide an overview of offenses, incidents or events occurring in san francisco having an impact on public safety chief scout thank you sergeant youngblood. >> good evening president elias commissioners executive director henderson and the public. i'll start off the report this week with just the general overall crime trends year to date overall port one crime is down 4,434% and that's broken down by a 13% reduction in violent crime and a 37% reduction in property crime. some of the worst driving this crime reduction is there is a 56% reduction year to date and our break ins which continue the trend that we saw last year
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there's also in terms of deaths in general it's over 30% reduction in thefts and general . >> so that's really driving the overall crime part one crime numbers down in terms of our violent crime are shootings year to date are actually up 5%. however, our homicides are down. we're at one year to date. we had three this time last year in our gun related homicides or a third of what they were this time last year. >> and we also have we've cleared some older cases so our clearance rate is right now at 300% for the year because we've cleared more cases than we've had homicides this year. so the homicide investigators are doing some really, really good work clearing some of the unsolved cases and i know we have a lot of work to do and hopefully if we can continue this trend it does give our folks time to work on those unsolved cases in those cold cases and spend more energy on
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those so that that's how we plan to use some of our resources moving forward in terms of significant incidents this past week, i just want to highlight the nba all-star game and the chinese new year parade and all the work that went into that total team effort for a number of city departments to make sure we had success to basically very significant events. we had pretty much everybody working over this last couple of days over the weekend but we had no significant incidents associated with the nba all-star game, no crimes that we know of associated with the nba all-star game. very high praise from the down from the commissioner of the nba to the security teams that we work with had very high praise for the city of san francisco. what they're seeing in terms of a resurgence of the city as it was described by commissioner silver from the nba, just the energy that they saw this week.
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so it was very complimentary. but none of that happens without the people doing the work. so my hat's off to all of our officers and other city employees. they were out there all weekend making sure the city was clean and everything was coordinated and that we had it relatively incident free weekend. on top of that, the chinese new year parade went off without a hitch. very well attended, no drop off. and in terms of the security and policing for that event, no really crime incidents to speak of there were some medical calls along the route but it was a very, very good event as well. so just want to thank everybody who participated in that and the commissioners who participated as well. >> as far as incidents over the past week, there were three nonfatal shootings resulted in three victims wounds on the 12th feb 12:46 p.m. sunningdale
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and sawyer two groups of individuals actually shooting at each other when a stray bullet struck an uninvolved victim. the victim was transported to the hospital in stable condition. there was one arrest associated with that shooting and that investigation is ongoing. on to 1325. we don't know the time because we haven't been able to determine the time a victim who was self transported to the hospital claimed that someone he knew shot and robbed him. the victim was in stable condition and the suspect's identity is still being investigated. so no arrest at this point on that particular case. it happened according to the victim in the area of polk and larkin. on the 16th of february at 12:30 a.m., etc. in polk in the northern district, officers responded to the hospital for another victim who was self transported with a gunshot wound. the victim advised he was in the area of sutter and polk when he heard a gunshot when he heard a gunshot and felt pain. no further information was provided.
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this investigation is also ongoing. no arrests at this time. >> there was an arrest made on a 2022 homicide case victim and on august 1st, 2022 shot multiple times in the unit block of brookdale. the victim later succumbed to his injuries. during the investigation evidence was located. two years later, investigators received information from that evidence that identified the possible one of the possible perpetrators. on 12 of this year, february 12th, that suspect was located and arrested. the arrest is being handled through the juvenile justice system as the suspect was 16 year old was a 16 year old at the time of the incident. in addition to that we had a robbery the 3300 block of fillmore avenue on valentine's day afternoon. the victim was at work when the suspect entered pointed a gun and demanded property. that suspect fled on foot and
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was located, detained and later arrested by our our responding officers. >> also a assault with a knife that occurred in the 2000 block of mission on the 11th of february 4:30 p.m.. the victim was followed into this location by a suspect who brandished a knife and attempted to stab the victim if a struggle ensued over the knife causing lacerations to the victim's hands. the victim was transported in stable condition. that suspect was also arrested at the scene. see this want to report on some of the sites for activity in the bay area that happened over the weekend. first of all, i want to clarify some of the information that had gone out through various media outlets. there were no sideshows in the city of san francisco. however, there were there was a sideshow about 230 in the
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morning on the bay bridge. that was handled by chp with the assistance of one of our officers a cpd officers. but it was a busy night around the bay area at 9:30 p.m.. we were advised by it outside police department that sideshows were occurring outside of san francisco. and we started our coordination with many agencies including the california highway patrol. at that point we were advised that a small group of cars were actively involved in the sideshow and they went across the bridge bay bridge headed toward the city. the group was basically disrupted by the california highway patrol and they actually turned around and went back east. >> as a result of what we thought would be a busy night with sideshow activity, our not driving response unit was activated. that unit reported scouting cars throughout the night. and basically our strategy was to get to the hotspots and
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prevent these events from happening before they could set up. we were extremely successful with that. we did not have any sideshows in the city. we basically were at the right places at the right times. however we did assist daly city pd about 2 a.m. when hundreds of vehicles ended up in daly city our unit and daly city pd quickly disrupted that particular sideshow and flushed those vehicles from that location. fireworks were set off vehicles poured onto the freeway including headed toward the bay bridge. with coordination with the chp. that's when the larger sideshow in the bay bridge occurred at around 2:32 a.m.. so that was broken up but and there were was at least one arrest and i think there were two at least two cars impounded associated with that sideshow. bottom line on all this, it took a lot of coordination. we were able to prevent these
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events from happening in the city of san francisco, but it did take a lot of personnel hours and a lot of coordination. but i want to thank california highway patrol and all the other jurisdictions who work with us to do what we can to coordinate and make sure that not only in san francisco but across the bay area that we try to stop these sideshows from happening. and that is my report for this evening. >> thank you. each chief commissioner. >> i was just say just great report chief. we appreciate hearing all this information and obviously all the public service safety officers and the teams at work this past weekend and doing a wonderful job of having this city shine. and i guess from that we have we convinced at least one celebrity to understand the way san francisco is moving in the right direction and how beautiful this city is. but he wrote a $250,000 check. i just thought that wasn't at that. sir charles barkley who's trash our city now is we're back. so if he says we're back, i guess the world should know we're back.
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so that's great job and keep doing what you're doing and hopefully we can continue to assist you in getting you the stuff that you need to do your work and your jobs. >> thank you commissioner. that did get preceded by that op ed from alex bastian that had a wonderful outline clarifying what the issues were for mr. barkley. but i think they go hand in hand and it would open the door to the conversation and the follow up. >> commissioner thank you very much, mr. president. >> sincerely. i just want to echo what commissioner clay said and you report it. i want to thank the police officers and your team the command staff putting together a concise and i guess precise, you know, safety plan out there. you know, you had the chinese new year parade i guess there's probably over 250 to 250,000 people in attendance let alone to stretch that across to
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san francisco and also the nba all star events that happen around the city. >> wow. i'm just saying it's just a grand affair and he really hit it off. i also want to also thank the other first responder. i saw the sheriff's out there too as well and i want to thank them too also. >> there was a shooting on the post triangle i think about a day a day ago i can. if there's are any updates i guess you reported next time around. yes, sir. we do have some leads on that particular case so hopefully we'll will be able to report some good news. but we do have some leads. >> thanks again, chief for excellent job and to your command staff and all to officer. >> thank you. >> thank you, sergeant. if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item three the chief's report i would like to follow up.
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>> sorry, i have a hand up. sorry about that. >> i'm sorry. that's okay. it's always challenging. my apologies is thank you for that report, chief. and i really want to convey my appreciation to all the officers that worked. you know, multiple shifts i'm sure this weekend making sure that the city was shining and that the rest of the world could see that san francisco's not only back i don't think it's ever gone anywhere. we've always been a great city. just a quick question regarding the six feet the sixth street jesse project. we received the letter from the treatment on demand coalition and the safer inside coalition with the latter kind of raising some questions and i know there's been some coverage i assumed incorrectly last week that you may include that in your chief's report. but do you have any update information for the public
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about what the purpose, goals and outcomes that we expect for that site on sixth street and the tents and the coordination that's taking place there? >> yes, sir. commissioner. the overall goal is to improve the street conditions on sixth street. a lot of the open air drug sales, drug usage there's other just street condition issues cleaning and that type of thing. so it's a really a continue station and an extension of the collaboration that we are doing with our drug market agency coordination center. it's all the same departments except for this effort would be focused on sixth street so that the triage site the triage mobile triage center is basically a parking lot that the city now has has leased a portion of and we have all the city agencies that are part of this were basically sharing
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their parking lot to bring services to people that need them. there is a portion there where police officers can do what they need to do in terms of if there is a for instance you know, the if processing or that type of thing. but really it's about engaging with the public, particularly those folks that we engage with on sixth street that need help. you know, this is two weeks in the making and one of those weeks there was really had a lot of pause on everybody's personnel for the nba all-star and the chinese new year parade with this really i would say this week is really kind of a test of what this is going to look like. some of the collaborative partners are public health corps homeless and supportive housing. the human services agency journey home has a has a table out there. if people want to reconnect to their support, you were at whatever city they're from. of course public works the fire
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department sheriff's p.d. we're all we all have a stake in this. >> so far there have been hundreds of engagements. there have been just in one week there was i want to say the number is somewhere around 270 engagements where people were connected with, you know, some type of medical services including treatment on the streets, addict of services, that type of thing. there is an enforcement component of this when people are dealing drugs and or using drugs in the streets, you know there is for the youth there's several avenues. you know, we're trying to get people to help just like we did with the mayor. but for the blatant open air repeat at use we will enforce and we have enforce we've arrested drug dealers in this effort and we have a dedicated group of officers that are out on foot beat to support this effort. so so far what we're seeing and what we're hearing is there had been some street conditions,
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improvements. we're very early on this and i want to just emphasize that this is not just a police thing. this is really a whole holistic approach and i know, commissioner, you've been very, you know, very down in on what else are we doing besides enforcement. so that public health touches is a big part of this and so far we've had like i said in one week we've had over 200 people. i think the number is to 70 to 70 range that actually have had that public health touch. so that's very, very encouraging and i think we're going to see how this works. and the whole idea is is nimble enough that if it works we can replicate this in other parts of the city as is the hope. >> and are there specific outcomes or treatment beds that are being allocated to this effort in addition to what is already made available through the different partnerships?
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>> yes. yes. in the in the sense that for instance some of the homeless outreach teams that are working in that sixth street quarter and that includes mission in that area that has some challenges too. >> so they have been able to place a number of people and get shelter beds for them and you know, we have these in other parts of the city so i say yes and i'll put a asterisks by that but they definitely when they're out there they have habit beds available for people that are willing to take advantage of that. so they're also what mayor laurie i believe just last week announced that there's a new stabilization center coming online is not a is not a significant amount of beds but it will be a help to have another now facility where people can go when they need that type of service. so we're hoping that that will be online in a month or two
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no later than to hopefully but that was announced last week as well. but so we've had some some some good fortune with beds being available at this point that's really positive development there. i appreciate the update. i do know that we had postponed a conversation around the partnership that it has with some of the dispatch teams and some of the support that you provide to those folks that are doing enforcement and citations for, you know, the public benders. and so i would love if we could to lapse this new effort since it seems similar as far as interdepartmental collaboration efforts and i will submit a request and hopefully we could get a presentation on this to not only understand better what the recent impact has been but what the long term goals will be and if there is going to be some replication.
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i know that 63 the mission would be a site where i think there is a lot of support to be offered so thank you for that update. >> those are my only questions. appreciate it. is there any member of the public has any public comment regarding line item three do you support please approach the podium. >> beautiful. so about from jesus the report was good. yeah it's concise everything considering the tripura you know of course. >> so what do we get? it's interesting because you mentioned the chinese new year is very interesting because i declare the the big revolution started on the last day of the year of the dragon. i didn't know i guess yeah, that's it now we are on the year of the snakes so you better make sure because somebody is going to have to take care of the snakes and
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there are plenty of them so that's very i'm not too good with snakes. i don't know because every one of us we're going to have to take care of a specific species and it's done for mandate of five years. no exception is by drawing you get this one about sorry now if you committed crimes you see you're going to have some animals which are not necessarily attractive but we have to take care of all of them anyway so that's making it sort of a joke never mind but it's important because this is the future you mean i like to use the overhead is always i come here concerning my son aubrey at macassar jr who was murdered august 14, 2006 i am glad to hear that homicides are
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down now and that the tension can be put on our children on cold cases and unsolved cases. i am praying that and i'm believing one of my son is one of those persons. i do have my investigator but i know he was out for surgery. >> i bring these names of the people that former mayor gavin newsom say he know who killed my child. he names addresses, names and one is thomas hannibal paris moffet, andrew badu, jason thomas, acne hunter and marcus carter. >> one is deceased. i bring these pictures of unsolved homicides that are not solved. i bring this picture of my son that i stand over thinking
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about one day will i get justice for my child? >> this is what the perpetrators left me a lifeless body versus that smile you saw earlier on the other paper people ask me why did i so these pictures all the time but if i come in here and i didn't have these pictures and talked you wouldn't understand what i'm going through. >> so i show you what i'm going through. he has siblings, he has sisters, he has nieces, he has nephews that he will never see the nephews and aunt they would never see their uncle again. i will never see my son again. this is all i have. this is all they left me with. so i'm hoping that things will change and that max carter over stone with that that initiative or the unsolved homicides and pain tipsters will follow through. >> thank you.
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>> notice the end the public comment line item for directors reporter report on recent activities and announcements executive director henderson thank you. >> as you know the audit is an ongoing process so there will be periodic updates on the audits that have happened in the past but for audits that are coming in the future that are audit director steve flaherty has sent out notifications both to the chief and to the commission secretary this week to announce the new audit that's coming up on use of force. the regular use of force audit is as you know, mandated by charter and that process involves us reaching out to our stakeholders including the police commission to ensure that relevant perspectives are always considered and we will continue in that process. but that's what it is.
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that's the notification and you'll hear more about it in the future as that process unfolds as it has in the past specifically with use of force. >> we also brought in three new interns now for the spring semester. they've been integrated into our investigation teams and with our policy unit as a heads up we are accepting applications now for the summer internship program award winning summer internship program and would appreciate commissioners for you guys and the department to spread the word and information if you have interested parties that are interested in working with us this week and our investigator and our investigations unit opened 18 new cases and closed 15 cases since the last commission meeting. the top allegation this week was for conduct unbecoming i think in the notification we sent out it was there's an error and what that classification was so it's not neglect of duty.
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it was for conduct unbecoming. again, these are allegations that came into the office. we currently have 19 investigations that have been open for more than 270 days and of those 19 investigations, 16 of those investigations are told there are currently four cases that are pending with the police commission waiting for resolution and 103 cases that are pending resolution with the chief's office here this evening. and the commission room is a senior investigator who is available in case there are issues that come up during this evening's commission and if folks need to get in contact with dpa directly the website is s.f. gov dot org forward slash dpa and the phone number is (415) 241-7711. this concludes my remarks and i will reserve my remaining commentary to agenda items that may relate to the work at the
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dpa. okay sergeant any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding a line item for the dpa director's report please approach the podium. there is no public comment line item five commission reports discussion and possible action commission president's report commissioners reports in commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at a future commission meeting commission commissioner benedict thank you president elias just a few items from my report. >> first i wanted to wish my fellow commissioners member the public black history month. there's a lot of great programing happening by the city and various organizations and i'm proud that our city
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continues to recognize this important recognition. like chief scott said last week i was over the weekend at the chinese new year parade we had great turnout, great weather and people were in really good spirits and i want to commend the department for the exceptional staffing challenges for the parade and the all-star game and additionally i'll be commenting on the next line item for district boundaries so i will save my comments for that one. that's my report. >> thank you. >> any other hands on the dais? all right, sergeant i two quick things so that's okay. >> we're looking for the hand. great i my report will be brief. chief, i wanted to follow up on an email that i sent. >> i've been looking for the community policing annual reports on the website and i
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cannot locate them and i don't believe the commission has received one in the last couple of years. >> is there a status update on that? no. commissioner, you said you sent an email on that. >> oh yeah. i certainly mailed to a i believe is a civil czar may have been pretty yourself prior to meeting with them when i had a conversation around measurable objectives and some of the metrics that have been referenced in both the dgo revision and the strategic community policing plan which makes references to those annual reports but we have not received one and since my time on the commission i'll follow up with you i mean i'll follow up with the commission on that. >> thank you. you know it's really important obviously as we are in an evidence based kind of world to to publicly and transparently
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help the community understand what it is that we are intending to impact upon when we invest our resources in whatever direction you do. >> and i know that those community policing of both the district plan and the efforts that go on behalf of the community engagement division are important in our engagement with community, improving our relationship to and obviously as we know the more ears and people we have on the street to have confidence in our department to report both incidents and to contribute to solving crimes i think is is one of the reasons why the community policing dgo and strategic plan are so important. so i would love to obtain that information and once that dgo is up for a vote i hope that we can have some community input into that process. the other question i had was
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with regard to input as i was working on the investiga into social media dgo previously janell heywood and now jermaine jones working with the brennan center and many partners in the community around this social investigative social media dgo they provided some feedback that went to the legal department and i believe we are expecting some kind of comments or feedback is there a projected timeline for when that will be provided to us? >> commissioner my understanding is there is a video being written that i have not seen yet the department was working on its video. my understanding there was another video being written and i don't know who who all is participating in that but i
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have not seen it. so the comments i don't know if those are the same comments that you're referring to. >> i'm assuming that they would be i know that jermaine jones provided that feedback at some point and maybe up tobar of last year and we were waiting for or we are waiting for the legal department to have an update on whether any of those recommendations are going to be incorporated adopted or whether there are any concerns with the recommendation. so any information that can be provided to either jermaine, myself or the commission would be really appreciated. i know there was a lot of work that was put into that effort in meeting with community partners to obtain those best practices and those are my two main questions and updates any i know that i sound like a broken record but you know in i believe december of 22 when i
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first started working on the digital 701 the juvenile dg and we started talking about the pre-booking program you had optimistically mystically projected a three month completion timeline. we're now in almost year three. do we have any update on a launch date for a pre-booking program? well what remains i think you mentioned last week that there's going to be another meeting with judge chin. we actually have the draft of the mean at the draft. we've written everything it's been sent out to i think you as well as the collaborative partners on what we want to go with basically and as you stated last week, you know just in at some recommendations that
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i believe we can incorporate without many changes being made. so i don't think that's going to be an issue that slows it down. i don't know that we got total agreement with some of our partners such as juvenile probation, but we have a draft that we're comfortable with that we want to move forward with. thank you for that. my understanding is that judge chen does not necessarily believe that the judicial branch of san francisco actually needs to be involved with the program. that was my interpretation. he offered to meet mainly to discuss how we can incorporate some of the traffic court referrals for juveniles into that. so i don't know whether you are saying that that's the reason we're not launching or is the launch not taking place because the juvenile probation department and community partners haven't necessarily agreed to the terms that you
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detailed in that project the proposed mou? >> no, i'm not saying that the judges or the hold up at all. i did part of the reason we wanted to make sure we talk to the judges we do believe that the courts has or the judge has some insight that can be valuable. as you know, we've consulted with other cities who have successful programs including los angeles and one of the things that they recommended to us is make sure that you sit down with the juvenile court, the presiding judge to pick their brains and get their insight and in l.a. i know they meet with the judge at least annually maybe similarly annually to just give a status on what the program is doing, how if any effects on the courts and other things. so that was the spirit behind talking to the judge. the judge is not going to hold the program up one way or another but we did feel that it was in the best interest of what we're trying to do to sit down with the judge and have
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that conversation in terms of the juvenile probation department and there's just some some issues not not deal working issues but some issues that we just don't agree with but it should not stop us from going forward. at the end of the day they get to handle their cases as they handle them and we get to do at least our part of this the way we think we need to proceed and i don't think there is a whole lot of conflict with that. it's just we don't agree on some of the the back end stuff that we had suggested that they don't agree with. so that's where we are and as you know it's taken a whole lot of input and process and back and forth to get to this point. but i think we as far as we can take it before we launch perhaps we can agenda is this and have a more thorough discussion because i think it seems like it's right. thank you. yeah i'd appreciate that. thank you for that update
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chief. i look forward to that conversation with judge chen and hopefully we could clear any of the remaining hurdles and get this program launched for our young people. thank you all. so that's my report. thank you, sergeant. >> any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item five please approach the podium. there's no public comment line item six presentation and discussion speeds district boundaries discussion and possible action. >> commissioner benedicto thank you president elias i'm going to tee this up a little bit and then i hand it over to director mcguire for my fellow commissioners, as you know we're required by city charter to consider revised maps for speed district boundaries on a regular basis. so this was the undertaking of that process. i wanted to first thank and acknowledge the many people who worked on this process for a while over a year they were divided into a number of different groups.
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i do encourage members of the public to look at the posted materials that includes the report as well as the maps under consideration. first i want to acknowledge our bridge consulting and training which was the vendor that assisted us with the logistics of this process. in addition there were a number of teams that were assembled that were very integral to this process. so one was the executive steering committee president elias asking me to sit on that committee. in addition from the department of emergency management we had executive director mary ellen carroll as well as director robert smuts. we had sophia hayward from the office of the city administrator natasha mitchell from the comptroller's office from sfd, catherine mcguire pete walsh david was our and the chief. so i want to thank the members of the steering committee and the people who filled in for them when they couldn't make it. additionally there was an internal technical group there was a subject matter expert working group composed of deputy chief julian ng, commander nicole jones, commander derek lou commander
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derek jackson commander urban tero captain jack hart and captain chris canning. and finally the sfpd project team led by director zach director mcguire who is here with us tonight as well as director diana roach, jason cunningham, carl nikita and maria accountants who wanted to make sure to acknowledge those folks and also to set the stage of what we're going to be hearing tonight to my fellow commissioners, this will be the first of a number of of meetings and solicitations will have on this subject after speaking with our deputy city attorney. i want to talk a little bit about process. so under the process we're required to consider the report and recommendations which is what we are all doing tonight to kick off the process and our required to forward the proposed the proposal to adjust any boundaries to the mayor and board of supervisors as well as post the proposal at the commission office outside the commission's regular meeting
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location on the city's website and send a copy to the public library. so the conclusion of the presentation tonight i'm going to make a motion that we do that we're not making any final adoption decisions that we're simply forwarding the proposed report to the board of supervisors and the mayor and posting as required by the charter that will start a 90 day clock which again after consultation with the deputy city attorney will run from our vote tonight. so final action can be taken until 90 days from our action within those 90 days the commission is permitted to hear public comment which i'm sure we'll here tonight and over the course of the 90 days hold additional hearings as needed and make revisions to the map as needed. and starting at the 90 day mark we can finally adopt or continue to discuss as needed. already there's been i know there's some people here for public comment tonight. i've spoken to multiple members of the board of supervisors that would like to make either written or spoken public comment along with members of their community to be heard as well in the course 90 days. and i also want to acknowledge we received the commission's already received some
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correspondence from different organizations including the lower polk community benefit district as well as a joint letter from the central city sro collaborative u.s. law staff the tenderloin community benefit district laura polk neighborhoods and the latina. and so i want to thank those organizations for being heard. >> i spoke to director maguire is going to have this presentation. i think the goal is for this presentation to be a little bit high level and then we'll bring this back for fellow commissioners when there are other public commenters and to answer any follow up questions. so there's anything that you want to hear from exactly. director mcguire please raise it or shall have it ready to take back when we come to a subsequent presentation. so well with that i'll hand it over to executive director mcguire and we'll make a motion to forward when we're done with that. >> one other thing it's my understanding that the consultation the consultant that worked with the department on this project is also available via zoom currently so
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if any commissioners have any questions or want any follow up that is also available to us in addition to director mcguire's presentation you all are just covering my presentation for me thing i think you go ahead. >> good evening president elias members of the commission director henderson, chief scott members of the public i'm catherine mcguire. i'm the executive director of the strategic management bureau of the san francisco police department. i'm here to present the analysis and process efforts of police district to station boundaries and the resulting proposed recommendations. i'm going to start with just kind of a high level what this presentation will talk about this evening and again we can come back and talk more about more of the details as you all would like to hear more. i'll give you a little bit of background although commissioner benedicto did pretty much cover the legislative recap on this
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effort. >> the mall talk about project store goals structure the methodology we used all of the data input that we gathered and then show you the draft recommendations and why where how they evolved and where we landed and why and then we'll talk about next steps. >> next slide. thank you so first a little bit of background. >> this is some of the language from oh sorry back on this is some of the language from the san francisco administrative code. i won't spend a lot of time on this. the work plan we needed to submit last year to the commission we did and then a subsequent one subsequent year later there is an official report which is what we're talking about tonight and then the additional information in the administrative code it included required data and
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factors to consider and those are listed there on the slide and they are available in the report online project goals again from the legislation boundaries should operate to maximize the effectiveness and of police operations and the efficient use of police resources and so from that the project had primary considerations of equitable resource allocation stakeholders engagement and data driven analysis. >> as you can see we had sort of these five inputs as we were moving through this these data and analyzing it. we had an executive steering committee and sf pd working committee and the community kind of all working with these iterations of maps and which were input from the arc bridge
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consulting team and the usb pd project team and as commissioner elias president elias mentioned that arc bridge consultants are online this evening and can answer any questions you might have about the mapping work that they did . >> so going you all have seen this slide before in a previous presentation. this is just sort of what our work plan was and sort of shows all of the various bodies and this iterative process of talking about how we produced a map went back to the groups, got feedback, thoughts changes, produced another map and etc.. >> so moving on to the methodology. stakeholder interviews were a big first step and we the project team sat with every member of the board of supervisors at the time every
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district station captain, members of the command staff and we got external agency input and lessons learned from things like the supervisory redistricting effort and previous iterations of the district boundaries analysis and then we are our contractors gathered a very large amount of data and they started mapping so they mapped population data new new proposed developments calls for service data incident data, neighborhood maps and street center lines. of course are included in most gis maps of streets and so those were also mapped and so you'll see these slides are small obviously these are not intended to be maps that you can actually read. >> they're just intended to give you a flavor of how many
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different inputs and what all of the information that we absorbed was so as you can see there's a population by majority race population by dispatch, by police dispatch, by police district excuse me plan developments and on the next slide we looked at the top 20 local locations of calls for service heat map just lots of slices and dices of the data to just see make sure that nothing popped out out of the ordinary and then on the next slide although this is not a map you have to map the data to then create this table so this is where incident data sort of falls out in among the districts among the police districts for 2019 through 2023. and so i don't want to say
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finally because throughout this we were getting community input on the consultants website. they had set up a website dedicated to this district boundaries input process and and so the public could actually go and create their own map and we got a couple a few of those and took them into consideration as you can see we also and so you can see that screenshot of the map on the top there on the top right and then below that you'll see a community survey that was also translated and one of the translations that's shown as a screenshot there. so we included community meetings of course you all were helpful in engaging the community by announcing it commission meetings and station newsletters contained information for each of the districts asians and we asked
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our board members of the board to announce it in their newsletters as well. >> we also had a few focus groups some additional public hearings that were both virtual and in-person and then of course as i mentioned the map making input from the website which brings us to the maps. >> so there was an initial map there which was an iterative process in and of itself between a subject matter and working group that met with their cpd project team and art bridge consulting and talked through all of that input data and came up with this series of maps that then after discussion and back and forth in discussion with the district captains in particular they landed at this patrol preferred map and then from that went to
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the the executive committee and the executive committee had some concerns in particular about southern station's workload going up. >> and what you don't see on the calls for service map or really the incident data is the level of activity in southern which is that the calls for service sure they have a fairly large volume and maybe a fairly large volume of incidents but what you don't see are the two major sports venues there that increase the population by 20 to 40,000 any time there's an event. >> so that is a huge increase in population that's a huge increase in service that's demanded of southern station and so the executive team didn't feel like that was a way
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to that that was going to serve southern station or the community there very well was expanding their scope so significantly and so when and we'll talk about this probably at the next meeting i'll show how the calls for service would have changed had that had the southern taken all of that look, those calls for service you just see that then southern becomes the most busy station of all the stations and then you add on top of that the to venues and it just would have been too much for one station and so going from from the patrol preferred to the recommended map there was an effort to distribute that workload a little bit more not only from southern but balancing park a little bit more and just trying to make the workload a little bit more equitable across the stations. >> and then finally see the
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proposed map really was a function of after that iteration with the semi working group and the captains and everyone began to feel like even the recommended map was a bit much it was it may have balanced workload a bit better but ultimately without when we are so low on staffing and having to rearrange staffing and reshuffle it so much that it would it would not necessarily benefit the department or the districts to feel like they had less on the other side of this analysis and implementation. so these changes benefit the department but don't require resources adjustments and that is what the final map represents. okay so you'll see the final
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map there with five major changes and then which we can sit with for a second or move on to next steps. >> pause. i think you should move on to next steps and then we can ask questions as we make presentations not to disturb your flow. >> okay. and actually commissioner benedicto already covered this so we don't even need to cover it. he's very helpful like that. that's it commissioner. >> he thank you very much there presidents and allies are just going to have a question though. >> i know the mayor made an announcement 12 days ago regarding the san francisco hospitality zone task force and and the downtown district.
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what impact would that play on this map here? >> so on i'll answer that. so thank you. is there a commissioner? none. none really. the hospital his own right now is two components to that. one part of that zone is assigned to central station and that's the union square part and soma piece of the hospitality zone is actually assigned to southern. they have to communicate in order to coordinate their work and make sure that they're on the same page in terms of you know what what they're doing which is addressing a lot of the street conditions and problem solving it has been proposed that that zone be made a district station that actually came up in some of the community conversations but did not we did not move forward. that is just right now that the department could not absorb a
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new district station with the staffing challenges that we have and facility challenges that we have and the like so it won't impact it at all. i mean that task force can be moved if those problems go away. the task force can then be absorbed into the rest of the department or the stations that they're at to maintain the effort because i'm looking at that that zone it's you got central station sutter and then you have tenderloin two and then northern i mean that that's the end i guess different captains involved and then different resources. >> so are you is it just a combined the resource of officers and 2 to 1 unit or is that going to divide it back into different stations? >> yes. bass yes, sir. they still report to the captains so the captain of
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southern still has the reach of you know, the control of those officers and what they do in their work. but they're coordinating with the the central station component of the task force. so the work is coordinated and that those officers that is their job to be dedicated to the that those that specific area. so we have to coordinate in order to make it work but it's working right now and it won't it won't impact any of that boundary analysis work that's been done. would it be possible to have a commander in regards to that handle that hospitality zone too as well? >> yeah, there is the commander that is in charge of the the metro division which is commander derek jackson is very involved in the overseeing of the work. and then there's also you know ,another piece of this you know, we have to coordinate with the whole direct command because a lot of that work just flows from the demak areas to
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the hospitality area. so it all has to be coordinated and there's a commander over that too, as you know is that commander derek lou? >> and then a final question is how many more officers will be added to their hospitality zone? i have a figure in my ear right now. >> we've already had it, lieutenant. a sergeant and seven officers for the central component the inmates are for the southern component of the hospitality task force. the central component has a lieutenant, i think sergeant and 14 officers i believe. >> and that can be adjusted depending on what is going on like for during the holiday season we increased the deployment in union square during special events like we did on this past weekend. we increased the deployment in the summer with the mosconi event so it can be adjusted depending on what's going on.
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>> thank you very much. thank you very much there chief. i know you're going to do excellent job on this. >> thank you. thank you, sir. commissioner clay, thank you, madam president. first of all, excellent job. i mean you took a lot of time and to put this together i'm taking a look at all the things you did and all the factors you used to get to this point. and so what i'm looking at and you said based upon your final proposal, this map, it's not going to require any adjustment in terms of resources although you did lengthen or you widen or enlarge some of these districts. so that's got to be when you look at where it started for the command wanted you have and you come to here and the resources are going to still be equitable but you've enlarged districts so in that in that composition of things how did you come to these? how did the conclusion in terms of how the resource is would be well so this is more of a of a our our districts are currently not i'm not equitably
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distributed with their their workloads but we are staffed we're we've set the staffing and settled kind of the dust has settled on where the staffing is for those districts and we change them all the time and the assistant chief and fob chief are constantly reviewing that every every transfer they're looking at where staffing is for every dissertation these adjustments are kind of just pain points mostly that are or just good good sense. so for instance in park station this is labeled change e park station in richmond there are some permanent concrete barriers that make it harder for richmond to respond to that section of the park and so we just shifted it over to park. it's easier for them to respond
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so we put it just moved the boundary a little similarly northern oh the change labeled d i believe this is where the facade of a building sits. the address sits in one station and the actual building sits in the other station and so we just change that to have the whole building sit in the one station so things that are minor that don't really require a ton of staffing actually the d change may actually require a little bit of adjustment there but that can happen, you know over time or in a transfer rather than a big hefty analysis that has to happen with every change and every district and all the sort of churn and and turnover and turmoil that would go with those kinds of changes.
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>> but this this will suffice for now. so as it's set up as we go forward and hopefully we start getting more officers on line, the chief and staff command staff will readjust and yeah patrol people out to these different districts will need that additional help. >> yes, sir. so it's all set up that way, right? we can change boundaries as we need to. this is this is mandated a minimum ceiling, a floor not a ceiling. >> and so the final question as we look at this here and it's going to have the posting period in this 90 days madam president, will we each week have an agenda item for people to talk and ask about this? you were saying and commissioner benedicto about that is that going to have a calendared spot every every week so someone they can have public comment on this posting as as the weeks go by? it's a good question. i don't think we've worked out the exact mechanics. i would expect that most weeks it would not be agenda as a line item and thus would be eligible for general public comment. since general public comment you're allowed to address for
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anything not on the agenda if there's a specific take back question that's anyone wanted director mcguire to come for we the agenda is it or if there was let's say there was a flurry of community interest and interest and elected officials such that like i said i think i want to explicitly calendar at least once sometime in march because i do think some of the groups that wrote and then some of the elected officials want to organize a response at least one to that nine days it will be agenda is i don't think we need to agenda that every week so but but members of the public would be welcome when not agenda is to comment on general comment or to provide written comment or maybe in the posting we should include that and for the general comments section this is available for general comment section until we have an a specific agenda item on for the week. >> yes i plan to agenda is it for the next meeting in march? for the first meeting in march so to either be first meeting or second meeting in march as an actual agenda and gender ized item so that we can discuss it because my
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understanding is there are a few questions outstanding. >> additionally this has been posted on our website so the community can comment on our website the commission website with any questions or concerns. i don't believe that we've received any thus far but if we do receive one the commission office will collect them and then notify the commission. okay. >> so they can they can post on the website versus coming to the actual meeting and doing that but that we make that available to them they can they know that i think we may even want to if we could posted to social media our commissions social media to see if there are any additional public comments or chief are you going to be have you done social media outreach on this? >> we did, yeah. >> yes. a while back. yeah. yeah. thank you. thank and mr. benedict obviously making a motion. >> oh, yes. okay. all right.
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i'll make my motion then we'll go to public comment mr. allen okay. >> all right. thank you very much. executive director mcguire. i do want to highlight some things that director mcguire said which was that there's been public comment throughout this process. there was not a large amount of public comment i would say, but it was definitely vigorous and it was it was incorporated every stage of this process. so i'm going to make a motion before we go to public comments. also i emailed the written version of this to commission staff so you don't have to try to take down my fast talking. so my motion is that pursuant to section two a .86 of the charter the city and county of san francisco the commission has considered the chief's report and recommends actions as summarized and agreed to and the speed boundary analysis of district stations project reports specifically the proposed map on page 84 of the report and hereby forwards this
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proposal to the mayor and the board of supervisors to adjust station boundaries. >> the commission will also post the proposal at the commission's offices outside the commission's regular meeting area the commission section of the city's website and will send a copy to the public library. public comment shall be open for a minimum of 90 days and final action shall be taken no earlier than may 20th 2025. >> okay. one thing i did want to clarify before i went to public comment is that for director mcgowan, the chief i was correct there it is the proposed map on it on page 84 which is the chief and the department's recommendation that we adopt, correct? >> i believe so. one second it's also in the presentation and that very last slide. >> yes. yes. page 84 and it's correct. >> right. and thank you commissioner clay for second the motion. >> thank you. if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item me
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line item six please approach the podium. >> good evening commissioners chief scott paul allen. during this process i had submitted comments urging serious consideration of moving part of the castro from mission to park. for reasons that we don't need to go into. >> indeed that was that particular recommendation was part of was included in three of the recommendations within the report before you including i believe the penultimate one and then in the recommendation and the recommended one that falls off. but my point is not too much to critique that because i don't really feel competent to do so. rather the reasons stated for that and i draw your attention to the last page of the of the full document which is page 89 i guess or 86 where there is a simply a declaration from the consultant that the reason the final recommendation is for the
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proposed one is before you essentially boils down to resource is that we don't have enough officers and therefore we don't think we can adjust boundaries. to me as a declaration that is not persuasive passive i think we need a fuller explanation of why that is a case. you have a deficit of x number of officers. they obviously could be shuffled around to just a different district stations along with an adjustment of those district station lines. again, i'm not advocating for that because i don't feel competent to judge that just as i don't feel competent to judge whether it was right to not move part of castro from mission to park. but i think the we're entitled to a better explanation, a more fulsome explanation of the nexus, if you will, between the deficiency in the number of officers on the one hand and the unwillingness or reluctance to change boundaries among
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district stations. >> thank you for i thank you commissioners for thank you. my name is chris sharman lower port community benefit district. thank you for acknowledging our letter submitted yesterday and thank you for acknowledging the letter submitted by a number of organizations that i'm proud to be part of working with the status quo is not working for the tenderloin and the tenderloin in adjacent communities such as myself and laura polk. the proposed map as we acknowledged in our letter, does not work for us. while there are some small tweaks that that that make some incremental improvement overall we we found a much better match with the with the with the recommended map in previous iterations we you know to find to find to to build towards equity and improvement it takes work and it takes effort and
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you know it'll take some redistribution of resources and to get there we need to work together if i can have the overhead real briefly this this is the this is the heat map and it shows right here we have the intersection of three police districts in this corner of the tenderloin and lower polk northern central and and tenderloin and that's where the highest crime area the highest 911 call areas are the community has to work with three police districts and that's that's a tall order that's both calls the three districts have to respond to but that's three districts that the community has to interact with. larkin streets a border that's problematic. there's alleys that have two police districts you know, just moving it to post street doesn't accomplish our needs. i look forward to interacting with your honorable commission over the next 90 days will come up. we'll advocate we look forward
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to working with you. we look forward to you. listen to us and thank you so much for for for taking the time to hear from us and i really do look forward to advocating over the next 90 days. >> good evening commissioners. i'm alice rogers and i am a 30 year resident in southern station. >> i too did send you a letter which wasn't acknowledged but i and other neighbors from our southern district did address you. >> we strongly support your final report. we want to commend your staff for the work that they did. our direct contact was maryam mcgowan and we especially want to appreciate the depth of information that she brought to the public hearings that she
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conducted. >> we were quite distressed. >> did i say that i am the president of the south beach rincon mission bay neighborhood association which comprises much of southern district and we were quite distressed by the first map for the reasons that director mcguire laid out. i won't reiterate but we were thankful through the public process which we engaged in and which we the neighborhood association broadcast to our constituency. so they could individually interact with your maps and give their input. we were very pleased to see the maps moved to the final iteration and feel that it they more equitably addressed the workload and our southern station captain martin seems to agree. >> thank you so much for your work on this. >> thank you miss rogers.
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i didn't want to fail to acknowledge your correspondence as well as well as the correspondence of bettina cohen as well that was sent to the commission. >> thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is pretty but again i work for children housing clinic. >> i always see three programs central city sro collaborative levels latina and see a program. >> i remember being here ten years ago. in fact 11 years ago fighting for equitable district tenant blue station district. we did not win that battle last year. last time because we had to compromise we were asking until up to larkin. >> we were trying not to have a westfield mall and saw the market but we did get all that . >> and as chris shulman pointed out, i mean i don't know why we are seeing what we are doing right now the calls of service right now. >> but i think this is a ten
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year map so we have to look for the future how the district will be for the future and including the present but the future also and we are seeing movement of issues that is in different parts of the district surrounding tunnel and station. and i would highly encourage we are not happy with the last iteration based on calls for service. you have gotten all our concerns. >> so i would highly recommend you reach out to us because we are not happy with what was proposed to you all today and recommended rather we prefer the map that we recommended in our in our letter. that's what we think and we have reached out to several community members. not all community members have access to internet and tell them and calls and coming here so you should definitely do your part of reaching out to people who live in the community rather than just expect them to reach out to you. >> thank you.
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good evening, commissioners and chief scott. my name is eric roselle and i'm a long term resident of the tenderloin and director of safe programs at the tenderloin community benefit district. i'm here to express strong support for spd's proposed tenderloin station boundary changes outlined in the past map integration and the patrol preferred map that yes the tenderloin has seen some progress but challenges remain especially late at night and early morning. as clearly indicated in the heat map, the current boundaries and recommendations stretch too far east and south encompassing encompassing areas like westfield mall and soma. this pulls tenderloin officers away from the core of the tenderloin where they're needed most to address serious crimes like shootings, assault robberies and our party's persistent open air drug market. shifting the boundaries to
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north to market street to north to sutter street and west and east boundaries between mason and vance will allow officers to focus their resources where crimes are occurring most. the tenderloin furthermore the current northern boundary at geary street is insufficient. illicit activity has simply shifted north to sutter street creating dangerous pockets of lawlessness in the alleys between larkin and van ness. the proposed extension to venice has shown in the patrol preferred map and final proposed map is crucial and eliminates the confusing and ineffective larkin street border which currently splits blocks and alleys between precincts and hindering effective policing and response times. this change will finally allow for coordinated policing efforts and streamline responses and the critical areas. these boundaries adjustments are not just lines on a map. remember this please. they're about equitable and
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effective policing. they're about allowing the tenderloin to truly serve santana. >> thank you. >> faster than you think. yeah. >> good evening. my name is greg johnson and i'm with csr c central for city sro collaborative. i also know chief scott there. good evening. i'd like to echo the comments by petipa taki which csr see we have to look towards the future . things are changing. previous provisions that i'm sure may possibly may not have been taken into account of what services the city wants to dump in our area mental health etc. . all of these things have to be considered. i mean that's what a committee at what you're implying is all
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about equitability. >> we can't just nilly do what we're getting ready to do. we're talking about ten years here. that's a long time. thank you. >> thank you to those that made public comment, something i wanted to say is that i think every single commissioner here takes very seriously this responsibility and and will want to hear from as much of the community in this 90 days as as we can. for anyone who knows me or worked with me on when we did our projects ops policy i had a policy and a commitment president weiss knows this that i said yes to every community meeting that was taken whether it was zoom or in person a group of 50 or 3 people at a community center and i will make that commitment on this
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too. i know there are populations that we're not reaching here. if anyone here or anyone who considers this would like to and as president likes to point out, the two minutes goes fast and the concerns of your community are way too big to be limited to two minutes and so if any of your organizations if any member of your organizations, additional members of the community want to speak to me, i will commit that i will say yes and we'll find the time to hear your concerns and i will be the department to sending someone to come along to see dr. mcbride raise your hand. she may live to regret that but we will come to those meetings. we will hear you out. i can't promise. in fact, the one thing i can promise is that not everyone's going to be happy the end of this we passed a policy last week where president last rightly asked judge clay for that for the adage that, you know, a good compromise is when everyone's disappointed about the same amounts but i promise you will be heard and your concerns will be taken seriously and if changes need to be made they'll be made and if and we will look very closely at that. so please.
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my email address is on the commission website and i individual commission email address i will i will say yes to any meeting so that is true. >> thank you also to i as you see when you send letters to the commission staff they're excellent. they make sure that we get them and they catalog them and keep them in that place so you can also send it to them as well if there are additional questions you have clarity you want we have the department, we have the consultants and we will ask the questions that you want answered or want answers to so feel free to just send them in as the commissioner benedict of state stated, this is the first of a few that we will have any hands sergeant all right on the motion commissioner clay how do you vote? yes, commissioner clay is yes. commissioner benedicto yes. mr. benedict to us. yes. commissioner young. yes. yes. mr. jones. yes, commissioner. yea yes commissioner. yes. yes. in prison elias present license ? yes. you have five yeses and i see
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one one housekeeping item we are taking off line item ten closed session tonight so therefore line item eight nine and 11 are also taken off line and seven discussion and possible action to approve department general order 1.06 duties of commissioned officers for the department to use a meeting and conferring with the affected bargaining units as required by law discussion and possible action. chief okay thank you. >> so did you a 1.06 is duties of commission officers is that this was one that i believe commissioner president last that you sent back for reworking so we did that definitely collaborative effort with all of our smitty's on this and depay's input on this. so we believe we have a pretty concise thegrio it's not all
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inclusive. let me just start there. it's not all inclusive for everything that a commission officer has to do with the general guideline of what we expect of our our commission officer so if there's any questions i'd be more than happy to answer. >> dr. henderson did you have anything to add? >> nope. and thank you. i think we we i was told we didn't have any comment. the work was collaborative and so because of that we have no comment and we agree with the direction that the dda was coming in. >> so that was that's what i meant by no one. thank you. oh well i will note it is an improvement so thank you for taking the suggestions and feedback from various stakeholders and other people that came late to the game so i appreciate that. >> i know it's often difficult to have the johnny come lately come and throw up prized work so i appreciate that. >> i think it's yeah it's improved. >> i'll note this dojo was last updated on august 24th of 1994 so in my keep right on time and
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my continued quest to eradicate alter egos that are from the 90s i'm glad to see this one be i still think there's too many i i'm going to ask you a for a count one of these days but i know we've gotten that down but there's still too many that date back to the 90s i gave priority to the 90s i was on the list of drugs to work i agree. >> yeah but there were too many there's too many but yeah so i will thinking president elias and the chief for this work i will move to approve department general order 1.06 for the use in meeting conferring with fact that bargaining units consistent with our labor relations resolution 23 dash 30 i'll second any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item seven please approach the podium. >> there is no public comment on the motion. commissioner clay how do you vote? yes commissioner clay yes. yes. commissioner benedicto yes. >> commissioner benedict it was yes commission yes. yes. mr. janusz is yes commissioner you yes.
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[music] digital literacy is something severely lacking in our world today and it takes a lot to understand that. food water and shelter have basic necessities so long we forget about wifi and connection to the interenet and when you go into communities and realize peep ople are not able to load homework and talk to teachers and out of touch with the world. by providing the network and system we are able to allow them to keep up in the modern age. >> folks still were not served by internet throughout the city and tended to be low income people, people in affordable housing. people of color and limited english and
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seniors, all those are high concentrations in affordable housing, so we thought given that we had a fiber network that stretched throughout the city reaching deep into neighborhoods that would be a perfect opportunity to address it in san francisco. >> the infrastructure the city and star help us run are dejtle programs. it played a critical role from the time we opened during covid till now so we were able to collaborate with online services that offer tutoring and school support. it also helped us be able to log the kids on for online school during covid, in addition to like, now that everybody has switched most of their curriculum online we can log kids on to the online homework, check grades in addition to helping parent learn how to use the school
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system portm >> the office of digital equity our goal fiber to housing is insure we have all three legs of the 3 legged stool. the first leg is high quality internet connection. we liken the high quality internet connection to the highway. the second leg is high quality devices. this is the car. you want to make sure the specks on the car is up to speed and lastly, it is important to get kind of that driver's education to learn how to navigate the road, to know the signs to watch out for in terms of making sure you are school while you are surfing the internet it is private so that is the digital literacy piece. >> my daily life i need the internet just to do pretty much everything. the internet has taken so much control over people's daily lives including myself that i just
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need it to get certain jobs done, i need it for my life. i need it. >> the program really seeks to where ever possible provide a service that's equivalent or higher speed and quality as the best commercial service . >> we serve all of san francisco, but we definitely have to be equitable in our distribution of services. that means everybody gets what they need to be successful. >> actually one of the most gratifying part of my work here at department of technology, it is really bringing city resources to address problems faced with our communities with the highest need. >> i think it is important because i grew up in a low income community without internet access and it is hard. i think it is important for everyone to have internet access no matter their income and maybe one day their kid will have internet access for us and help the school
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office in such a new space came up. i couldn't turn it down. i was with the district attorney's office for a little over nine years, if you include the time as an intern as well as volunteer da, all most 13 years. during the time with the da's office i had an opportunity to serve the community not only as the assistant district attorney but as director of community relations. that afforded the opportunity to have impact on the community in an immediate way. it is one thing to work to serve the rights of those without rights, victims. it is really rewarding to work to to further the goals of our
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office and the commitment we have as city employees and advocates for people who don't have a voice. i don't know of anyone surprised to see me in this role. maybe people have an impression what the director of the office of cannabis should be like, what their beliefs should be. i smash all of that. you grew up in the inner city of san francisco. my career path is not traditional. i don't think a person should limit themselves to reach full potential. i say that to young women and girls. that is important. you want to see leadership that looks diverse because your path is not predetermined. i didn't wake up thinking i was going to be a prosecutor in my life. the city administrator reached out and wanted to have a conversation and gave me interest in the new role. i thought you must not know what i do for a living. it was the opposite. she had foresight in realizing
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it would be helpful for somebody not only a former prosecutor but interested in shaping criminal justice reform for the city would be the right person for the space. i appreciate the foresight of the mayor to be open how we can be leaders in san francisco. i was able to transition to the policy space. here i was able to work on legislation, community relations, communication and start to shape the ways our office was going to reform the criminal justice system. it is fulfilling for me. i could create programs and see those impact people's lives. i am the change. it took truants youth to meet with civil rights movement leaders who fought to have access to education. being a young person to understand that helped the young people realize this was an
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important thing to give up. what we find is that young people who are truanted have a really high homicide rate in our city, which is a sad statistic. we want to change that. >> coming from a community we are black and brown. i don't reach out to other people. i don't think they feel the same way. >> i had the great opportunity to work on prison reform issues and criminal justice reform issues. we created a program at san quentin where we brought district opportunities to lifers and talk about how we are all impacted by the criminal justice system. we brought over 40 elected das to san quentin for the situation. now we are inviting the police department. our formerly incarcerated group born out of this programming asked for the opportunity to
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work on a project where we could bring the men in blue on the outside to come speak to the men on blue inside to start the healing dialogue around how the criminal justice system specifically in san francisco impacts the community. i was attracted to the role. there was a component of equity that was part of this process. the equity community here in san francisco is a community that i had already worked with. before i took steps to visit cannabis businesses i thought it was important my team have a chance to go inside and speak to men who had been impacted. that conversation needed to happen so we know how we are making an impact with the work that we are doing. the da's office as we were leading up to the legalization of marijuana in the state we started having conversations on the policy team what that could look like. the district attorney was really
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focused on the right side of history for this. we realized it would be quite a heavy lift for individuals who have been negatively impacted by the war on drugs to expunge the record. it was important to figure out the framework to make it seamless and easy. they put their minds to it after some time and many conversations the data analysts and other policy walk throughs on the team came up with the idea to engage the tech community in this process. code for america helped us developed the rhythm to be used for any jurisdiction across the state that was important to create a solution to be used to assist all jurisdictions dealing with this matter. the office of cannabis is the first office to have a completely digital application process. we worked with the digital team
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to develop the online application. there are going to be hiccups. we are first to do it. it is one of the most rewarding parts to offer a seamless -- to offer a seamless approach. that is how they can find solutions to solve many of the community challenges. the best way to respond to prop 64 was to retroactively expunge 9,000 cannabis related records for san francisco. it feels like justice full circle for my personal experience. in the past i was furthering the war on drugs just as my directive. really coming from a place of public safety. that was the mandate and understanding. it is nice to see that pass a society we are able to look at some of our laws and say, you know what? we got it wrong.
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let's get this right. i had the privilege of being in the existing framework. my predecessor nicole elliott did an incredible job bringing together the individuals super-passionate about cannabis. >> the office was created in july of 2017. i came in early 2018. i have been able to see the office's development over time which is nice. it is exciting to be in the space, stickily in thinking about her leadership. >> looking for the office it is always we might be before my time when i was working for the forboard of supervisors. i learn new things every day it is challenging and rewarding for me. >> we get the privilege to work in an office that is innovating. we get to spearhead the robust
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exprogram. >> i am excited she came on board to leverage experience as a prosecutor 10 years as we contemplate enforcements but approaching it without replicating the war on drugs. >> i was hired by cam laharris. i haven't seen a district attorney that looked kind of like me. that could be a path in my life. i might not have considered it. it is important that women and certainly women of color and spaces of leadership really do their part to bring on and mentor as many young people as they can. it is superimportant to take advantage of as many opportunities as they can when they can intern because the doors are wide open. plans change and that is okay. the way this was shaped because i took a risk to try something new and explore something and show that i was capable.
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you are capable, right? it was about leaning in and being at the table to say my voice matters. you find your passion, the sky >> hi, i'm same gabble the marketing director at moe green in downtown san francisco. the finest lounge and cannabis dispensary in san francisco. a state of the art cannabis lounge with a dab bar, high roller room in performens spaiss for nightly events. interested in cannabis even if you don't know how to use it yet you can come and learn how to use it safely. a lot of people are still learning about it, even though it is legal for a while. i would recommend coming to a place like moe's with experts here to walk you through the process. >> anything in particular you are looking for today? >> have a good time and being [indiscernible] like in a vegas cuveneo.
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conseeno, we have movie and trivia night. something for everybody's. it is lovely place to gather work or be by yourselfism there are many ways to enjoy cannabis, we have flowers edibles, extracts tablets. a lot of different ways to consume so if you don't like the heat of fire while you don't want to be a smoker but still want to engage in medical benefits of cannabis, it is great for pain and great for easing yourself. it isn't just about smoking weed, but we are showing what cannabis can be a part of in the greater participation of a city and of downtown san francisco. that's what is important about it to me. >> usf donates 100-120 pounds of food a night.
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for the four semesters we have been running here, usf has donated about 18,000 pounds of food to the food recovery network. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> i'm maggie. >> i'm nick. >> we're coe-chairs of the national led organization. what food recovery does is recover and redistribute food that would go wasted and redistributing to people in the community. >> the moment that i became really engaged in the cause of
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fighting food waste was when i had just taken the food from the usf cafeteria and i saw four pans full size full of food perfectly fine to be eaten and made the day before and that would have gone into the trash that night if we didn't recover it the next day. i want to fight food waste because it hurts the economy, it's one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. if it was a nation, it would be the third largest nation behind china and the united states. america wastes about 40% of the food we create every year, $160 billion worth and that's made up in the higher cost of food for consumers. no matter where you view the line, you should be engaged with
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the issue of food waste. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> access edible food that we have throughout our lunch program in our center, i go ahead and collect it and i'll cool it down and every night i prep it up and the next day i'll heat it and ready for delivery. it's really natural for me, i love it, i'm passionate about it and it's just been great. i believe it's such a blessing to have the opportunity to actually feed people every day. no food should go wasted. there's someone who wants to eat, we have food, it's definitely hand in hand and it
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shouldn't be looked at as work or a task, we're feeding people and it really means so much to me. i come to work and they're like nora do you want this, do you want that? and it's so great and everyone is truly involved. every day, every night after every period of food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, i mean, people just throw it away. they don't even think twice about it and i think as a whole, as a community, as any community, if people just put a little effort, we could really help each other out. that's how it should be. that's what food is about basically. >> an organization that meets is the san francisco knight ministry we work with tuesday and thursday's.
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♪♪♪ ♪ by the power ♪ ♪ of your name ♪ >> i have faith to move mountains because i believe in jesus. >> i believe it's helpful to offer food to people because as you know, there's so much homelessness in san francisco and california and the united states. i really believe that food is important as well as our faith. >> the san francisco knight ministry has been around for 54 years. the core of the ministry, a group of ordain ministers, we go out in the middle of the night
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every single night of the year, so for 54 years we have never missed a night. i know it's difficult to believe maybe in the united states but a lot of our people will say this is the first meal they've had in two days. i really believe it is a time between life or death because i mean, we could be here and have church, but, you know, i don't know how much we could feed or how many we could feed and this way over 100 people get fed every single thursday out here. it's not solely the food, i tell you, believe me. they're extremely grateful. >> it's super awesome how welcoming they are. after one or two times they're like i recognize you.
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how are you doing, how is school? i have never been in the city, it's overwhelming. you get to know people and through the music and the food, you get to know people. >> we never know what impact we're going to have on folks. if you just practice love and kindness, it's a labor of love and that's what the food recovery network is and this is a huge -- i believe they salvage our mission. >> to me the most important part is it's about food waste and feeding people. the food recovery network national slogan is finding ways to feed people. it's property to bring the scientific and human element into the situation.
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february 21st 2025 into session the time is now 1:04 p.m. i will now call the roll please respond with here or present chair to hear board member herrera your board member board you're here with three members present we do have a quorum. >> we will now move on to the land acknowledgment we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland
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