tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV March 9, 2025 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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i want to take a moment to sincerely thank maria and pam the team for the hard work really. i mean just hearing that you just have a fully full staff that speaks volumes. we i understand as a san franciscan born and raised as well i'm proud of this city. you know i know it takes time to develop a team like you did right now and it's la quinta right? new born new member. so congratulations and thank you. i know we all work hard and i know there's a lot of work to be to be done but to lighten it up a bit i just you know, that's what we're here because there's so much work to be done. >> but to lighten it up a bit i
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just think that it's encouraging to hear that the program is fullest staff were dedicated team including la quinta who is committed to ensuring its success. this dedication reflects the importance of serving the community and continuing to make meaningful progress. i would like to say let's focus on the positive steps being taken while also remaining mindful of the work ahead and that's pretty much all i want to say. i just i support everything that i chair. scott dr. scott has said as well as our commissioner bracket and of course we have so much work but let's keep the momentum going. thank you. we're human beings. yes. you know so yes. >> and i'm with you all the way. thank you. thank you. thank you. we have a hard stop at five and yes, we still have more of the
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agenda to address. >> can i motion for a continuance of this item to our next meeting because there's still a lot of things that need to be addressed. i'd like to make a motion to continue this item to another meeting so we can move forward with the agenda to the next items which is that aside a second so a motion second and then we go to a vote and it needs to be a majority. okay so motion by commissioner brackett seconded by commissioner lim that we continue this item to is at the next meeting, commissioner brackett that you're proposing ? >> yes please if i may after you do your motion and second just a few questions.
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>> director okay. thank you, madam chair. i'm just curious, commissioner brackett how many more questions how much more time do you think you might need? some time because there's definitely want to go back on the record and reflect on what has been said at previous meetings by amoy city as well as by the clp and as well as by pam that was not said today that this as well as identify some of the ways that we have asked to move forward and address those as well and what will happen or won't happen because at this point i just don't like the mischaracterization that is happening today and it's really not okay for staff to take credit for things that they know they did not initiate and to give credit to other people for things that they know they did not initiate when we have it actually on records and meeting notes of what actually
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happened in those meetings and how we got to this point. and i think and i think that when you leave out the voice of community and the things that we're hearing and we're pushing for that one actual things get done you give credit back to community. so the commission like to have another commission meeting have this on the item, have this item on it to be heard again for let's say call it a part two of some sort. it's up to you know you know, kind of jamie can just take the vote to fellow commissioners. can we take a vote on this then move on second just to repeat it. commissioner brackett moved seconded by commissioner lim commission members, please police announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner brackett yes, commissioner lim. yes, vice chair aquino? yes. and chair scott. yes, madam chair. the vote is four eyes.
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this item will continue to the next agenda. >> shall i call the next item? >> can i call madam secretary? police call the next item. >> next is item five c workshop on the madam secretary, can we take a five minute break, please? >> sure. we're going to recess for five minutes. we'll return at . >> okay, we're in place. director thore will make an announcement at excuse me. thank you, madam chair and thank you for the commission for reconvening due to the time constraint i want to make a recommendation to the commission the item five d which is the small business enterprise and local hiring policy.
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some of the staff had to go to other commitments and so i recommend that we continue that for the next soonest meeting we could meet on that. >> i also recommend you take item six out of order which is legally required which is public comment on non agenda items for anyone who wants to comment on non agenda items and then i also recommend you just continue item seven through 10 to 4 in the interest of time. so so the next item would simply be the annual housing production report remaining and of course public comment on non agenda items if there's no objection from the commissioners are there any objection fellow commissioners a motion no objections. i make a motion to continue items 5c5d as well as move item six public comment up and in the interest of time and that
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item seven through ten is that correct also be moved continue to the next meeting that we have is okay i and i just need a second i second and we i'm sorry i'm sorry i think five c we were still planning on hearing or are you proposing that b continue to five c as the annual housing report we're keeping five c only five de o'connor okay. thank you. so we're keeping five c then so would five provision thank you. >> are we going to have enough time to finish five c yeah okay. >> okay so chair per the proposal were your you were going to move public item six out of order and calling that item first can i go ahead and proceed. >> yes okay thank you. >> oh wait i'm sorry. i thought we were adding five c because that's the workforce piece is in five c and they had
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of five days and david is the one where the staff had to go and that's the small business enterprise and workforce that that has to be continued and then five c as in kent okay you got it okay i'm thinking at the round but i'm sorry that was thank you. >> sorry. no problem. apologies. oh, it's getting confused. i was on five c from the previous meeting. >> sorry about that madam chair. can i go ahead and call? >> would you call? yes, thank you. the next order of business is item six public comment on non agenda items if there are any members of the public who wish to provide public comment on non agenda items please call 415 6550001 enter access code 26600818667 followed by the pound or number sign then the pound or number sign again to enter the call please press star then three to be added to the queue if you're listening to us by phone please press
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star three if you'd like to provide a public comment again on non agenda items we'll begin with members of the public here in person who would like to come up to the podium at this time. mr. williams hi again i'm demetrius williams, president of the san francisco hyper local building trades contractors collective. i know the name is long but so are we. we are a bunch of contractors from the bayview that collectively get together every tuesday at 8 a.m. 1550 evans and discuss contractual opportunities that's coming down the pipeline for the bayview. we specifically try to emphasize on requirements and try to make sure we have inclusion and understand it.
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so i just want to read this once again and we we deeply appreciate the intent of the policy which was established to foster inclusion, diversity and equality in san francisco long before the principles became widely emphasized. however, we find ourselves constantly passed over for opportunities with little resources available to address the concerns. >> as such we would greatly value your census and understanding the policies currently implement implant implantation and impact specifically we would like to ask the following questions. is there is there a unit response for in force in these policy? >> who holds who holds the developers and owners accountable for not meeting the goals of these policies? are there assist in programs available to help the b v p
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residents mean contracting requirements? are there reports on the outcomes of these policies and so are they produce monthly, quarterly or annually and can the collective access them where resources for the developers or contractors who fail to meet the policies requirement? who are the members of the psc or what avenues are available for raising objections to projects that we believe bypass local residents or violate the policies such as has been done over at again at mission bay i mean not just only mission bay but trans bay. so we're trying to figure out who is the account holder we come to for accountability. >> what is the recourses and how do we make sure that inclusion is definitely
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involved with the community contractors? we wouldn't be here raising these questions right now and if we were contracting contractual opportunities because we would be obligated to be doing research and reports to make sure that we are in compliance. but because we don't have contracts we are out of compliance and we want to make sure that somebody is held accountable. >> thank you. thank you, mr. williams. thank you. >> are there any other members of the public wishing to comment on non agenda items at this time? seeing none. we're moving over to remote callers. we do have one caller. >> hi, this is gloria berry from ten. born and raised in district five, the fillmore didn't live there anymore because the whole building was evicted for conversion of condos so i'm
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invited anyway, i called in earlier to speak at public comment and i kept getting told that my hand was being lowered so i didn't get to speak. >> i tried it twice to start three and both times my hand was lowered. >> so sticking with non agenda items i would like to support demetrius and what he's saying as far as contractors and i will say specifically black contractors we brought up this matter with the city attorney david chu and he hid behind proposition 2o9. however i suggested that if you can't say the word black when hiring you simply use different language like culturally copied or those most harmed by a system than san francisco or any other way to finally get around this and get some black
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contractors hired that especially on projects that affect our community. and i just want to say as far as outreach or marketing on any matter, all city departments are guilty of doing a poor job if people want to complain there is misinformation out there. >> okay then obviously your outreach and your marketing is not being done well other than that i do want to say that any program that qualifies people to be eligible one way or another keep in mind it causes pain. there's people trying to find out if they're eligible for different things that when it comes to housing period that have to research obituaries,
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they have to find out family secrets and ask questions of people who don't even want to talk about the path. >> so if trauma being inflicted trying to be eligible to get in all sorts of new is through all sorts of programs and we need to be cognizant of that and perhaps include some type of professional people that are used to dealing with trauma and help people personally and handhold them through this process knowing that it's painful. i also would like to say that when people brag workshops done whether it's with them always see the or whatnot. so there you say it's doing a
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good job. >> how dare you say the problem usually is because of a person's finances? >> excuse me miss barry. sorry. if you could wrap wrap up please. >> your three minutes were it was up. oh, okay. well, thank you. and i had a lot more to say and i'm sorry that the raising hand system thing doesn't work for only certain people. >> next caller. hi, commissioners. can you hear me? yes. um, thank you much. mr. dennis williams, micro real estate developer. i had a whole thing written but i'm a little bit under the weather so i'm not there in person but it was very hard to listen for three hours so several things and i address
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those instead of my normal speech start with commissioner maria was taken aback when you speak several times and even gave an example when you say several times like black folk their interpretation of it or how you make people's mannerisms is racially condescending and it was very disturbing and it was very bothersome to me. when you speak on your experiences when you say something about black folk and then your voice changes as it doesn't mimic my b peoe is a very disturbing it had a racially to it and excuse me at many times today commissioner beauvais spoke on her findings and lack of compliance and officers lack of accountability and allowance is miserable and sounded irritated and it feels like to me and others that are here watching i'm not going to say who. it seems like bullying is going
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on. it's almost two hours. it's like a back and forth match when of your commission or part of the commission is telling you what can not only her findings but what can be done to fix it and the role that ocr should be playing is being battered down and black history month is giving me the story of her passion and our commitment to black san francisco who are continuously underrepresented under represented excuse me and rights and their rights are turned a blind eye to should be held in a higher regard. >> not saying that you don't but the way you guys are cutting it down or going over the things that she's saying as if she doesn't know what she's talking about is is wrong and i don't want to hear this and it can be a complaint can be made or someone can look accountable ability oversight committee can look into this problem that's
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going on which is needed for the betterment of people that are suffering through the c o p if there's no housing being built then let's build it and make a comprehensive plan. some commissioners continue to poke out their chest when speaking on the shipyard or candlestick of what's going on but that sounds racist if you do not and if you do not include the same passion about the black history of those communities and the communities working on those projects from our real estate developers we keep we keep forgetting about the developers. let's stop that right now. there's many minority developers that are looking for work and partner opportunities. i continue to say that and others as well as our contractors, truckers and cleaning crews and our workforce development oci what is the problem this is not a code and if everything is working perfectly then john stewart and mccormack and ben salazar wouldn't horrible corporation and slumlords at the san francisco chronicle stated when asked responsible
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for discussing mr. williams exemplary believes that was three minutes are up okay well i hope thank you mr. williams thank you mr. williams. >> madam chair, i'm madam chair. it does not appear we have any other callers but let me double check just to make sure i do not see any other hands raised other than the two that we've heard fellow commissioners. are there any comments, concerns for anything that's not on the agenda? >> i have due to the time. thank you chair. >> i just want to say it it is black history month. i'm back. >> my apologies. a point of order, madam chair. i think that was just public comment for non agenda items for the public not the commission.
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thank you. you're right. >> are we obligated to answer those? no. >> no question no, no. just to listen. thank you. i'll go ahead and call the next item madam chair i think it's five c which is the workshop on annual housing production report fiscal year 2023 dash 2020 for discussion and director koslowski thank you madam secretary and greetings members of the commission members of the public who are here. >> this is ozzie i's annual housing production report. it talks about the housing production through our enforceable obligations and our three project areas hunters point shipyard candlestick jointly transbay and mission bay and it talks about our financing the army levels and the units that we have in construction, the units that
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we're completing in units that we have in what i sort of look at is long range planning or pre-planning predevelopment and to present this is elizabeth carmel osseo is housing manager. >> elizabeth thank you. director kozlowski good afternoon. chair scott vice chair keno commissioners i'm elizabeth carmela, housing program manager. today i'm here to present on our annual housing production report. this report covers fiscal year 2324 so keep in mind the results you're seeing are for the period between july 1st 23 to june 30th 2024. the report is in draft form and we'd like any suggestions or input you have after incorporating revisions will distribute the report to interested parties and posted on our website as we've done in years past as i'm going to try to go quickly through the presentation given the time. so this is just the major highlights in the presentation so we're covered much of this and moving on to this is our project areas our major
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development project area is trans batemans bay north and south and the shipyard and candlestick point and this chart reflects oates's obligations for each project area the status of housing production percent complete. it includes both market rate and affordable units under oates's purview overall there will be 27,776 housing units once all obligations are complete of which 47% will be affordable including the newly approved sb 593 replacement housing obligation. nearly 40% of total units will be in the shipyard phase two and candlestick point once units are completed and occupied, the projects are transferred to the mayor's office of housing and community development or most cd as housing successor agency under dissolution law. >> so this is a summary of who has served in our affordable housing. we serve households with very low to moderate incomes that would otherwise struggle to find housing in san francisco
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the median incomes are arms we use are based on data from hud and are calculated by most cd while 50 while 50% is considered very low income. as we discuss a lot here housing at army levels below 50% remains sorely needed for our preference populations and all populations applying for our housing. so we do strive to include units with rent serving armies lower than 50% in each project and typically we are able to set aside some units at between 30 and 50% of am i. however, as commissioner brackett correctly pointed out, the number of the number of units targeting armies below 50% is limited by ensuring that properties can continue to fund ongoing project operations and maintenance. another way we make our units affordable to the lowest armies is to seek local and or federal operating subsidies that further lower the rents and ensure people with the very lowest incomes can be housed. over the last several decades the federal government has continually reduced federal
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resources going toward this type of housing subsidy. san francisco has filled some of that gap with local operating subsidies for permanent supportive housing and senior housing. but there remains a great need for more operating and rental subsidies to reach our lowest income populations. with all that said, there is some good news of 662 oci funded affordable units under construction during the fiscal year 23 and 24 419 are at 50% ami and below of those 135 are at 30% army and below and 176 have an operating or rental subsidy. >> we were able to secure rare project based section eight vouchers for our two shipyard phase one projects that are finishing up construction in just the next few months. >> before i go on to our 2324 data, i'm going to provide a brief and i'm going to try to make it briefer summary of how we fund our affordable housing in the current funding environment. most of our projects are funded by a combination of tax exempt bonds allocated by the
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california debt limit allocation committee or sedlak in the low income housing tax credits allocated by the california tax credit allocation committee or sedlak. we also tap into other state sources when possible, some of which are outlined here on this slide and typically that covers up to about 60% of project costs oci funds the remaining gap that is needed to build the housing since 2020 for the first time in over 15 years, those funding sources have implemented a competitive allocation system for tax exempt bonds and and the associated tax credits as we've discussed a lot in presentations since that time, this has severely affected our ability to secure these sources. we've been able to be successful with our current crop of projects in construction due to both advocating for changes in scoring to the state that provides more value to our deeper affordability and through structuring financial structuring of our projects where we fund certain elements such as commercial spaces separately.
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so we expect to continue to have success but we also expect that the competitive nature of these sources will continue to affect our projects and could result in project delays. finally the market conditions in fiscal year 2324 affected our projects and we expect they will continue to impact our projects with construction costs continuing to increase interest rates remaining high and we've also been experiencing unprecedented increases in operating expenses particularly insurance and utilities. of course this is an issue not just limited to affordable housing or even to just our area but it remains a huge challenge. >> so honing in on 2324 we provided gap funds to transbay block to east and to west with which both started construction during the fiscal year transbay to east includes 182 units of affordable family housing and to west includes 150 units of affordable senior housing. both of these projects include subsidized permanent supportive housing units and transbay
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block to west includes 60 units with a local senior operating subsidy to further deepen affordability and here's a rendering of that of those blocks to west and east. they both started construction last year and we expect them both to be complete by july of 2026. here's a rendering of block 52. you may remember that our 5254 project in the shipyard is made up of two noncontiguous blocks on the hilltop. this is one of those blocks and this is the other block 54 we expect construction to be complete on both of them in may of this year. >> here we show the distribution of housing types in our completed affordable units to date this is cumulative not just for fiscal year 2324. so you see the majority of our projects are family rental with 13% homeownership a small percentage senior rental in permanently supportive housing we do have more senior and homeownership projects under construction as as we've
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discussed and these will shift the percentages somewhat in the next several years. however, family rental will remain the largest single category. >> here you can see the army breakdown of those same completed affordable units i reported on in the previous slide. these units are not just oci 100% affordable projects but include inclusionary or bmr units funded by developers in our project areas you can see about 70% of completed units are at 50% ami and below and 10% are at 30% am i and below in 2324 in addition to the two construction starts we had three oci funded and one market rate with inclusionary project under construction here you can see our two 100% affordable family rental shipyard projects that i just mentioned block 5254 and block 56 mission bay south block nine a 148 unit
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100% affordable homeownership project was under construction throughout the fiscal year and just completed last month in addition to the three blocks i just mentioned being under construction during the fiscal year. the project on the other side of our one point shipyard shipyard block 52 it's a market rate homeownership project being developed by lennar which was also under construction. it has 77 units total with nine of them being affordable to households at 80%. am i so obviously this was a busy year for construction for us. >> here's some photos of the construction of our projects in the shipyard in mission bay south. now i'll move on to marketing and copy which i'll keep short since we just had a much larger presentation on this. as yr contracts with most to oversee marketing of our units and mostly provides marketing outcome reports for each of our projects. oci closely coordinates with most through our senior
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development specialist tamsen sims particularly around oses occupancy preferences which of course includes the copy including descendants of original copy holders. as always number one preference that applies to 100% of units. then there's the displaced tenants housing preference or up and the neighborhood resident housing preference or rhp in fiscal year 2324 no projects leased out no oci projects leased up. so we have no outcomes data to report on that front. however 319 new certificates of preference up from 115 last year were issued and early outreach began for our two shipyard projects in our mission bay homeownership project here you can see our copy program results for the last ten years. during that time there were 1482 lottery units available in total 85 copy holders have been housed in oci funded housing with 31 of those returning to
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san francisco 366 copy holders applying for housing and 893 new certificates issued. as i mentioned this is just four new oci units during the last ten years and it's just for oci affordable units. it doesn't include market rate units which the copy preference does not apply to and it doesn't include re rentals. >> but you just heard a lot more about all of that in pam and maria's presentation. now we'll touch on our small business and workforce goals. developers on our affordable projects worked closely with oci to achieve our overall 50% goals no professional services contracts were entered into during this fiscal year so we don't really have anything to report there. but in fiscal year 2324 over 45% of our construction contracts worth a total of about $105 million were awarded to sbs. over 42% of our contracts were awarded to san francisco based sbs.
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as far as local construction workforce participation we achieved 28% up from 23% last year this represents 605 san francisco residents performing over 170,000 hours of work. >> also during the fiscal year the housing team was working away on a variety of projects that didn't make it into this report. you've heard a lot about them over the last few months so i won't go into great detail but i wanted to note them. those projects include mission bay south block four east where we issued a request for qualifications and selected a development team led by curtis development and bayview hunters point multi-purpose senior services for a site that will include two 100% affordable family projects and up to 400 units. we also had the copy holder location project phase two underway for much of the fiscal year with as they were continuing to locate current contact information for copy holders through our contract with links, insights and investigations and new community leadership foundation
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. here's a little preview of what we have been working on since the close of 2324 mission bay south block for east pre-development got underway and we expect the schematic designs to be brought before the commission by the end of this year. we've started copy holder location project phase three you heard more about that earlier and transbay block four since the option with the blocks master developer expired during the last fixed fiscal year we've been working on ways to advance the affordable components of that block and we expect to bring you more on that before the end of this fiscal year. >> before i wrap up, i just want to say that oci housing accomplishments are really a joint effort of our developer partners design teams, property managers and our project area citizens advisory committees such as dr.. hunnicutt who you heard from earlier and high point shipyard s.a.s.. of course none of this would be possible also without the commission's ongoing guidance support and collaboration and all oci staff contribute to oci as housing developments.
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but i do want to call out our small but mighty housing team who have all contributed to this report and of course the projects that we are reporting on so that's pam sims who you heard from earlier kim obstfeld jasmine kuo who i think is still here philip wong, alicia andrews and natasha jones. and last but certainly not least our newest staff member channing jackson who jumped right into working on all of our projects including putting together this report that we are discussing today. she's an able to be here today but i just want to give her a huge shout out for all the work that went into this report now so i want to give a big thank you to george bridges and maria pico for their contributions on the sb and workforce data in this report and their work on our projects to help them achieve the numbers that we reported. and also thank you to laura shively who helped with some of the graphics in the report. so this concludes staff's presentation and i'm here to answer any questions you may have. >> sorry, sorry. >> thank you, elizabeth.
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thank you. >> i'll call public comment please madam at this time members of the public who wish to provide public comment on item five c should call 415655000 one enter access code 26600818667 followed by the pound sign then the pound sign again to enter the call press star three to be placed in the queue an automated voice will let you know when it is your turn. >> would like to begin by inviting members of the public who are here in person. >> mr. williams can my name is demetrius williams president of san francisco hyper local building trades contractors collective i heard some reports that is so alarming the contractors part about inclusion what the community contract is 50% goal i have not
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no weren't that is not true no way i see made accurate i don't know if she's just reading off what she heard or whatever but she has not that is not accurate information that she has about inclusion of community contractors and reaching out to us and making sure that we have inclusion once again this is what we're talking about the fail of the system when we trying to educate and help out make sure that we have inclusion, make sure that we participate with the community, keeping the community san franciscans at home, the san franciscans, the people who live and thrive in san francisco that live in bay view that reside in bay view, that bank in bay view that educated in the bay view that go home to bayview is not being served. we're being underserved and being lied on saying that we get an edge and get an
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opportunity to bid on contracts that we are not getting the opportunity to be on. so i would say that we can go back and fact that true and come back with some realities, some results that shows yes listen you may feel is working in bay view will carney class and is working in bay view and targeting first class it is norm and is working in bay view you some real statistics that shows that we are actually being included c i w nassar's plumbing dc williams developer sterling framers these are all people that's from the san francisco that live and drive in bayview and some live in west in addition that's out of work so how can we prove that we actually have facts when i'm telling you and i we work we meet every tuesday and say that we out of work that's not the
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truth that we're coming out and getting o.c. i don't know where you got your facts from but i challenge you to the fact that we are not working. >> thank you for mr. james thank you, mr. williams. oscar james again, i'd like to ditto on with mr. williams just spoken on none of the contractors in our area are receiving these contracts. i don't know where these minority contractors are coming from but they're sure not coming from my communities. so i just want you to guys keep that in mind and hope that whatever goes this forward that we become a part of the development. so i oy brother william said we live, we work, we grew up in
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that community and if we don't benefit in that community should nobody else benefit in the community? >> thank you very much. thank you mr. james any other members of the public in person who would like to come up to the podium seeing none. we're moving to remote first caller hi this is gloria very this for ten again yeah, i really have a problem with inclusion. we're being used in a presentation. >> at what point are people going to be held accountable for just blatantly lying and for putting this in a you a presentation presenting it and looking back people looking back saying oh sam, this goes full inclusion because this slide said so when no that's that's that's disgusting. also i would like to add that
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any housing period should not be bragged about that's being built with that thought that is trickling down to the black community the false narrative we need housing period that's not deeply affordable or does not occur make clp holders is just a sham so yeah we're glad to have some affordable units but any other types of housing market rate is not necessary in san francisco there's a plus for a vacant market rate housing i just moved out of my apartment. somebody needs a $3,200 one bedroom apartment. >> i got it. we don't need any of that expensive stuff.
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>> we need all really affordable not just fordable vaguely affordable and other than that i just wish people could stop lying. >> thank thank you. >> you have one more caller. thank you, commissioners. mr. dennis williams again micro developer and i know the oci commissioners don't give the black community a chance because without even knowing them we're going into these communities i finding these early he's in my brother search stating the experience how can we gain experience if we're not given any contracts to show you our work? and then secondly, like president mr. mr. williams student demetrius that spoke earlier as a contractor excuse
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me i'm still a little sick as a professional contractor he helped build the southeast community center which you guys a lot of you guys meet at or have been to different events and you see the modernization of it in the beauty of it. so that's a give you this is standards statement to what the great is that black the contractors can do i wasn't a part of that project but i can stand with those contractors and put an advocate but to do more things like that in our community that serve our community as a beacon of hope and inspiration. but back to that experience part that for myself i'm the head of the community alliance. i'm the head of the east advisory committee. i hosted monthly meetings with san francisco, several department heads notably working mr. walking tours excuse me hrc and housing
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authority which i have a meeting with miss linda basing friday. so when you talk about experience we that is a cop out my great great grandfather maybe i missed a great but was on the stockton call in 1964 my family goes a lot of your family wasn't here in san francisco but you guys make the rules about our land and about our communities. my mother is darlene williams, retired from the redevelopment agency. oh i interned at candlestick viewed when we lived on general street in those housings developments that was made for minority workers in the city. my father is a retired captain of the san francisco sheriff's department and those are adjacent to the shipyard. so when we guys when you say all these contracts that are going out and they're not going to people in the community that are qualified like myself and others, it's wrong and it's
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illegal especially in black history month, nothing is being done. >> it should be historical events going on pertaining to these developments pertaining to carved out sections for our it'll be is in our developers and it's just like we keep having these meetings and saying the same thing i commend commissioner of the bet like i stated you're like a modern day angela davis or a record in my book so thank you mr. really just thank you so much mr. williams thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you sir. but with time as it is we have a hard stop at five and for the reference to that in respect of that time we need to continue on with the item i. i know that both myself and commissioner might have a lot of questions about sb so i'd
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like to make the motion to continue this item to the next meeting so that we can have a full discussion about it. i know specifically i pulled out our old 2017 housing reports and sb reports and it looks like the numbers have gone down so i know we need to have some robust discussions about some solutions to that. so if i can get a second from a commissioner that way we can get out. >> i second that and i'll call the next item. >> madam chair in the interest of time. next item is item 11 adjournment. >> okay. may i just say, you know we're all moving towards the same goal. we've had the same concerns and commissioner rivette has brought up many that i've suggested worked with and our other commissioners. we have different roads and ways that we express it but we're all moving towards a better city, a strong our work
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towards it and it's going to take time to unpeel this and do that work. but again director thor pam oci staff we are not perfect but i thank you for moving towards a better way of reaching the goals. thank you so much. >> can we get a meeting a motion to adjourn i motion to adjourn we can't hear you. >> oh it's 5:03 p.m.. thank you, commissioners. >> we could do that next time. okay -
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>> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their showing up and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 san francisco owes must of the charm to the unique characterization of each corridor has a distinction permanent our neighbors are the economic engine of the city.
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>> if we could a afford the lot by these we'll not to have the kind of store in the future the kids will eat from some restaurants chinatown has phobia one of the best the most unique neighborhood shopping areas of san francisco. >> chinatown is one of the oldest chinatown in the state we need to be able allergies the people and that's the reason chinatown is showing more of the people will the traditional thepg. >> north beach is i know one of the last little italian
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community. >> one of the last neighborhood that hadn't changed a whole lot and san francisco community so strong and the sense of partnership with businesses as well and i just love north beach community old school italian comfort and love that is what italians are all about we need people to come here and shop here so we can keep this going not only us but, of course, everything else in the community i think local businesses the small ones and coffee shops are unique in their own way that is the characteristic of the neighborhood i peace officer prefer it is local character you have to support them. >> really notice the port this
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community we really need to kind of really shop locally and support the communityly live in it is more economic for people to survive here. >> i came down to treasure island to look for a we've got a long ways to go. ring i just got married and didn't want something on line i've met artists and local business owners they need money to go out and shop this is important to short them i think you get better things. >> definitely supporting the local community always good is it interesting to find things i never knew existed or see that that way. >> i think that is really great that san francisco seize the vails of small business and creates the shop & dine in the
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49 to support businesses make people all the residents and visitors realize had cool things are made and produced in san >> when i was deep in my addiction i really didn't feel i had a problem. i ran into friends i hadn't seen in a long time and they told me what they accomplished and what they were doing and i were like, what have you been doing? i caught a reflection of myself in the mirror and it was like, bro, this isn't cute examine. anymore. the residential treatment program was helpful because it taught me accountability and showing up for myself. since i stopped using i have healthy friendships. my job here with san francisco community health center and trans lives and work ing with other transwomen is what keeps my recovery. i never imagine i had the life i have
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right now. i'm living proof that recovery is ♪♪ ♪♪ i'm shawn quigley the founder of paxton gate that's where we are here on ra11sia street. >> it started more of a quirky gardening store. we leaned in this quirky side over the years and started with insects and learned how to hydrate them and symmetrical or natural poses. which then went into small taxidermy. i saw interest in the oddity side and purposely expanded that to more of a natural side oddity
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store. this is interesting mechanical parts in the beetle. african porcupine is cool. they look at their eyes. i grew up on what many call a farm but it was in the to us. we raised animals it a garden i was involved with plant. had a rock collection. collection goes from your basic house plants to an air plant. avoid this term people happening they survive on air alone they do need water. i went to school for business here and finishing up at sf state. and this idea fell in my lap and masterfuled my interests and i learned a lot over the years. i like to view it as like a museum experience. rather hahn sales people they
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might be like dossants they are not hard selling you but more conveying informing or knowledge about the products. teeth, that's the giant shark that would get up to 60 feet long. we are launching class we did them before the pandemic. a bunch of hand's on learn to do things classes that we are getting around to relaunching. this is our insect spreading kit. inside is a striped needles, forceps, instructions and the other tools you need to take up the hopy of spreading insects. had is a prize to many people is 80% of the stuff we get is from vendors or merchants. people think do you tremendous finding these.
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i don't get to do this. that is a still born kitten that had one eye. the most common question is, is it real. almost everything is. we have replicas like the sabre tooth tigers and things that would be present low expensive to procure and sell or illegal we'll do replicas we have, lot of real stuff. ♪♪
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>> everything is done in-house. i think it is done. i have always been passionate about gelato. every single slaver has its own recipe. we have our own -- we move on from there. so you have every time a unique experience because that slaver is the flavored we want to make. union street is unique because of the neighbors and the location itself. the people that live around here i love to see when the street is full of people.
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it is a little bit of italy that is happening around you can walk around and enjoy shopping with gelato in your hand. this is the move we are happy to provide to the people. i always love union street because it's not like another commercial street where you have big chains. here you have the neighbors. there is a lot of stories and the neighborhoods are essential. people have -- they enjoy having their daily or weekly gelato. i love this street itself. >> we created a move of an area where we will be visiting. we want to make sure that the area has the gelato that you like. what we give back as a shop owner is creating an ambient lifestyle.
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>> thank you, mr. president. supervisor chin chen present supervisor chen chen present supervisor dorsey dorsey present supervisor and engardio and engardio present supervisor fielder fielder not present supervisor mahmood who at present supervisor randleman present mandel men present supervisor melgar male guard present supervisor sadr sadr present supervisor sherril sharon present and supervisor walton walton present mr. president you have a quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk. supervisor fielder is stuck in jury duty so can we have a motion to excuse? supervisor fielder moved by sherril is there a second second by chen and i think i'm going to say excuse her until she arrives. if she arrives and we can take that without objection.
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>> okay. all right. >> the san francisco board of supervisors acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the romita aloni who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the romita colony have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homelands. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the dramatist aloni community and by affirming their rights as first peoples and colleagues. will you join me in saying the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and
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justice for all. and on behalf of the board i would like to acknowledge the staff at s.f. gov tv particularly today kaleena mendoza who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. madam clerk, are there any communications? >> yes. thank you, mr. president. the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes you to attend this meeting in person in the board's legislative chamber room two 52nd floor in city hall or you may watch the proceeding on as of g of tv's channel 26. you may also view the livestream at ww w dot s.f. g o if you'd like to provide comment in writing you can do so by sending an email to boost s.f. gov dot org or use the postal service. >> send the letter to the san francisco board of supervisors the number one dr. carlton
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should be good place city hall room 244 san francisco california 94102 if you need to make a reasonable accommodation request under the americans with disabilities act or to request language assistance, contact the clerk's office at least two business days in advance by calling (415) 554-5184. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you, madam clerk. let's go to approval of the meeting minutes. >> approval of the january 28th 2025 board meeting minutes. >> colleagues, we are approving the meeting minutes from the january 28th 2025 regular board meeting. are there any changes to these meeting minutes? i don't see any of them. is there a motion to approve move by walton? is there a second seconded by melgar? and madam clerk, will you please call the roll on the minutes supervisor mandolin i mandolin eyes supervisor melgar
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melgar i supervisor sadr sadr i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton i supervisor chin chin i supervisor chin chin i supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio and engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are ten eyes then without objection the minutes will be approved after public comment as presented madam clerk let's go to our consent agenda items one through 16 items one through 16 are on consent. >> these items are considered to be routine unless a member objects and would like an item to be removed and considered separately. >> and colleagues does anyone want to sever any items from the consent agenda? i don't see anyone see no one on the roster. >> madam clerk, can you please call the roll on items one through 16 supervisor mandolin
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hi randleman i supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sauder sorter i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton and i supervisor chan chin i supervisor chen chin i supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio and engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are ten eyes without objection the ordinances are passed on first reading and finally passed and resolutions are adopted madam clerk can you take us to our regular agenda unfinished business item 17 item 17 this is an ordinance to amend the planning code to exempt certain types of projects in the downtown area that replace non residential uses with residential uses from development impact fees and requirements to include the inclusionary housing fee. remove the application deadline from the commercial to
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residential adaptive reuse program and to require periodic reporting to the inclusionary housing technical advisory committee and to affirm the second determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> madam clerk, please call the roll on item 17 supervisor randleman hi mandolin i supervised for melgar melgar by supervisor sartor sadr i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton no supervisor chen chin i supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are nine eyes and one no with supervisor walton voting no the ordinance is finally passed madam clerk will you please call item number 18 item 18 this is an ordinance to retrofit actively authorize the department of public library to accept and expend an
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approximate $1.9 million grant award from the andrew w mellon foundation for the jail and reentry services program term november 1st, 2024 through december 31st, 2027 and to amend the annual salary ordinance for fiscal years 2024 through 25 and 2526 to provide for the addition of three positions one grant funded full time position class 3630 library and one one grant funded full time position in class 1822 and add mental analyst and one grant funded full time position an 1823 senior administrative analyst at the public library through june 30th 2026 please call the roll in this item on item 18 supervisor mandolin hi randleman i supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sartor sadr i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton i supervisor chin chin i
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supervisor chin chin i supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor and engardio and engardio i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i there are ten eyes without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading madam clerk can you please call items 19 and 20 together items 19 and 20 are two resolutions that authorize the recreation and parks department to accept and expend grants. item 19 enters into an agreement with b p embarcadero plaza lp the downtown san francisco partnership and the office of economic and workforce development pertaining to potential improvements and renovations at the embarcadero plaza, the sue beerman park and to accept cash and in-kind grants from xp of approximately 2.5 million for design and art project management services and to accept potential additional grants of approximately 10
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million which could include cash grants from the downtown community benefit district or in-kind grants of construction services from b xp for the term through december 2028 seeing no one on the roster madam clerk let's take these items same house, same call without objection these mr. president i apologize i'll just before you gavel down i will say item 20 this is a resolution that accepts an expensive grant retroactively from the california state coastal conservancy for the great highway promenade planning project in the amount of 1 million. >> all right, now let's take that out now let's take these items same house, same call. >> without objection these resolutions are adopted. now let's go to item number 21. >> item 21. this is a resolution to approve and authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute the first amendment to a contract for engineering
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services for an all valley water treatment plant as a nation with cdr smith inc to increase the contract amount by 9.6 million for a total contract amount of 24.6 million and to increase the contract duration by four years for a new term of ten years through february 2030. and let's take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. and let's go to item 22. >> item 22. this is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of economic and workforce development to accept and expend a $675,000 grant from the james irvine foundation for the northern california apprenticeship network sustainability grant for the term through october 11th, 2027. >> and we'll take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk please call her next item item 23 this is a
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resolution to approve and authorize the director of the mayor's office of housing and community development to execute loan documents for the permanent financing of 1135 1155 and 1175 illustrate with 1155 lsb llc pursuant to the small science program and the preservation and seismic safety program for a loan amount of 50.6 million and to confirm the second determination and let's take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, let's go to our next item item 24. >> this is a resolution to authorize the department of hhs the homelessness and support of housing to execute a standards agreement with the california department of housing and community development having anticipated revenue to the city in an amount of approximately 8.2 million of project homekey grant funds to retroactively
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accept and expend these funds for the acquisition of the property located at 42 oda street for permanent supportive housing and to support its operations for costs incurred march third, 2021 through june 30th 2026 and to approve and authorize sage to commit approximately 8.7 million in matching funds for acquisition of the property and a ten year minimum of operation subsidies to affirm the secret determination and to make the appropriate findings. and we'll take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, please call item 25. >> item 20 five is a resolution to approve an agreement between the city and new flier of america inc to procure for 40 foot and three 60 foot battery electric busses along with spare parts special tools, manuals for training and telematics licenses through a cooperative purchasing agreement established by the
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state of washington for 13.4 million and a five year term. >> and we can take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk, can you please call our next item item 26. >> this item was referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. it's a resolution to approve the third amendment to the grant agreement between the city and brilliant corners to administer the flexible housing subsidy pool program to increase the agreement amount by approximately 19.3 million for a new total amount of approximately 59.54 million to extend the grant term by 12 months june 30th 2025 for a total term through june 30th 2026. >> supervisor dorsey thank you president mandela and colleagues i wanted to provide additional context on why we referred this item out without recommend. dacian at last week's budget and finance committee we had a
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robust discussion about this contract with the department and my committee colleagues chair chan and supervisor and gado for background brilliant corners provides housing location coordination subsidy administration and landlord liaison services to support scattered site permanent supportive housing for up to 500 adults in private rental units. however, it has consistently struggled to meet its 75 day placement target averaging 140 days instead. and despite serving more clients it has also significantly underspent millions in funds allocated over the past three fiscal years due to staffing shortages and slow placements. now some of this contractual underperform commences attributable to the contractor. however, it also appears that some underperformance issues are also attributable to the department at least in terms of setting goals and objectives that were apparently never realistic for these types of services. but either way i think this is unhelpful to us in our role as supervisors to make prudent budgetary and policy decisions.
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as of last week we are informed that brilliant corners is at full capacity for enrollments with 90 households actively searching for housing. importantly hca is also in the process of re procuring this agreement for this this spring of 2025. as we discussed during the committee meeting, they will be standardizing agreements to maintain consistency across all flexible housing subsidy pools, providers including adjusting the timelines for housing placement. although this contract was moved out of committee without recommendation i will be voting for it to approve it today given the forthcoming procurement process as well as the near-term progress we have seen since the committee meeting. however, i did want to flag this as an item of concern for me borrowing a page from the playbook of budget chair connie chan who i always appreciated for occasionally highlighting similarly worthy matters that are attention worthy of attention for the full board. >> i think this did merit
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further explanation. supervisor chan thank you president benjamin. i just want to express that my sentiment and concur what was expressed by supervisor dorsey ,our vice chair on the committee i regretfully want is to say that i think the committee actually has a chair sentiment and that we have a consensus of how we're going to approach items like as such. so colleagues, i urge you to to evaluate in. feel free to ask any of the member of the committee questions should you see any items that come out with our recommendation? it really is actually still a indication that we are in consensus as this item is coming out with that recommendation. >> i hope that you will see less of it but regrettably i don't think that's the case because we are going to be tougher and tougher days ahead. thank you. >> supervisor sherril i want to add my voice to my colleagues
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supervisors dorsey and chan whose remarks i will not repeat but i wish to echo these contractors require adequate resources and support to be successful but there must also be clear accountability when agreed upon performance metrics are not met or one of agreed upon performance metrics are not realistic. supervisor dorsey mentioned very clearly that this contract has a 75 day target when in fact the results are closer to 140. based on my personal work in the past i know that those results are driven almost entirely by the fact that individuals who do not actually get placed are languishing longer and longer. in my mind it is difficult to appropriately judge contracts where we have performance metrics that are in some ways impossible to meet and which do not look entirely at the population they are looking to serve. many people do in fact get housed before that 75 day wait. many people never get housing.
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they drive these average numbers up. does that mean the brilliant corners is doing a good job? does that mean they're doing a bad job? it is almost impossible to see because of the lack of thoughtfulness in putting together some of the performance metrics in these contracts. we need to have an in-depth conversation on all contracts both new and soon to be renewed and amended going forward. and i want to thank my colleagues on the budget committee for their thoughtfulness in bringing this to a head here today. >> thank you. supervisor sherril thank you supervisors for your comments. it sounds like we can take this item same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted. and madam clerk can you please call item 27 and i'm 27. >> this is a resolution to affirm san francisco's commitment to birthright citizenship as a constitutional right and to oppose president donald trump's executive order that attempts to unconstitutionally limit birthright citizenship. >> and we can take this item same house, same call without objection, the resolution is adopted.
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madam clerk, can you please call item 28 item 28 this is a resolution to authorize fundraising for services related to immigration lgbtq rights, environmental protection, reproductive rights and racial equity. >> notwithstanding the behest id payment waiver and i think we can take this item same house, same call without objection this resolution is adopted. madame clerk, can you please call our next item item 29 this is a resolution to support the s.f. mta the san francisco municipal transports and agency's joint development program goals and policy to set a citywide policy on the joint development of transit and housing projects to address the s.f. mta's budget deficit and advance san francisco's housing and equity goals. >> supervisor melgar thank you so much colleagues. >> this is a resolution supporting the policy that the mta has developed and passed recently. as we all know muni is facing a
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$321 million structural deficit every year in the next couple of years threatening service cuts, fare hikes and the loss of essential programs like school crossing guards. >> this structural deficit is due almost entirely because of the loss of parking revenue. >> over the past decade people have been driving their own cars less parking in mta parking lots less and taking uber, lyft waymo's more. the pandemic has accelerated this trend but it did not start it. >> the joint development program goals and policy unlocks new income streams possibly for the agency in the future by developing the real estate assets the agency owns for revenue generating uses are new underutilized s.f. mta owned land without burdening taxpayers. this means more of the things we need like housing,
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affordable housing services for riders, shops, a stronger transit system and a boost to our local economy. major cities around the world have all done this. anyone who has ever visited grand central station knows that riders can drop off their dry cleaning, pick up their dinner, do any number of things that interact economically with the train station and it is really wonderful. >> the s.f. mta owns dozens of properties across san francisco including stations century old backyards, parking garages in lots. these properties are valuable assets that can serve more than one purpose. under this framework we can develop housing on s.f. empty on land helping us meet our housing goals while securing a stable revenue stream for public transit. it's a win win and it will help our city's economic recovery. by doing this we ensure that
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muni can continue to serve the public without resorting to fare increases or service reductions. remaining the vibrant, accessible, affordable system that it always has been. and just as importantly we can activate land to create vibrant transit oriented communities. thank you supervisors at soldering engardio dorsi and mahmood for your early support. i want to also thank my committee vice chair for the land use committee supervisor cheyenne chen for her assistance and the in her her amendments to the resolution. thank you so much and i hope to get your support. thank you. much for seeing no more names on the roster can we take this item same house, same call. without objection the resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk, can you please call our next item item 30 this is an ordinance to amend the campaign and governmental
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conduct code to update the conflict of interest codes form 700 filing requirements all rights. i think we can take this item same house, same call. >> without objection the ordinance is passed on first reading. >> and madam clerk can you please call item 31? item 31 this is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to authorize the tax collector to refund property taxes to the assessee or latest record owner of the property if the amount of the refund is less than 10,000 and there has been no transfer of the property during or since the fiscal year for which the taxes to be refunded were levied on a 31 we can take this item. same house, same call without objection the ordinance is passed on first reading. supervisor jan present amendment and colleagues my apologies i have overlooked my
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vote and if i could request that you may indulge me to allow me to rescind our vote for item 28 which i can explain further whenever president vandeman see fit. >> okay. do we need a motion in the second to rescind a vote or we just he motion to reconsider recess that was moved by chan seconded by walton. we can take that without objection. >> yes. all right. so the the vote is rescinded and then supervisor jia thank you, president domain. colleagues, i am going to be voting against item number 28 for the reason previously i voted in support for for this waiver granting to our mayor and city attorney but i am voting against this particular waiver for assessor recorder.
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first and foremost assessor recorder walk him towards has been a great elected but also formerly as our great city staff has done really tremendous work during the pandemic related to same costs as a mayoral staff during a very critical time. i don't. now does view his role as assessor recorder again very different role as a independently elected and in a process that is critical time as always but more than ever that he will oversee he and his team will be overseeing a lot of. potentially a lot of appeals from corporation and other entities through the appeal process involving property tax and related matters. so with that i feel uncomfortable to see that he receive and he and his team to receive. pavement waiver that i think there's even though there's i do not think that in any way
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there's no allegation of inappropriateness just a perception of it and with that i will be voting no against item number 28. >> all right, madam clerk, please call the roll on item 28 an item 28 supervisor. >> randleman high and i supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sardar sartor i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor wilton wilton eyes supervisor chin no chin no supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey eyes supervisor and audio and video i and supervisor mahmood mahmood i. there are nine eyes and one no with supervisor chan voting no all right the resolution is adopted and then madam clerk do we need to revote on 29 since we took that same house same call? >> or how do we do that? mr. president, can you repeat that question? my apologies.
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so we had taken i think we had taken 29 same house, same call . do we need to revote on that or no? no, we do not. great. >> can you call item 32? >> item 32 this is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code to remove the requirement that parking operators certify and report periodically to the city the ratio of their unaccounted parking tickets to total issued tickets for each parking station for the reporting period. >> madam clerk, please call the roll on item 32 supervisor mandolin hi mandolin eyes supervisor melgar melgar i supervisor sartor sartor i supervisor sherril sherril i supervisor walton walton i supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey eyes supervisor engardio and engardio i. and supervisor muhammad mahmood i there are ten eyes without objection this ordinance is
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passed on first reading madam clerk please call our next item item 33 this is a motion to reappoint clinton laufman to the citizen's committee on community development term ending february 23rd 27. >> all right, let's take this item same house, same call. without objection the motion is approved and madam clerk, can you please call item 31? >> item 30 four this is a motion to reappoint cindy f lopez chastain to the early childhood community oversight and advisory committee term ending october 8th, 2026. >> let's take this item same house, same call without objection the motion is approved and madam clerk let's go to our 230 special order. >> recognition of commendations. yes. the recognition of commendations for meritorious service to the city and county of san francisco supervisor sartor thank you president benjamin.
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colleagues today i rise to celebrate samuel a treasured cornerstone of san francisco's chinatown for over 100 years i think we all know there are restaurants in san francisco that are more than just restaurants and samuel is one of those. it represents the preservation of cultural heritage. serves as a bridge connecting many generations in our city through authentic chinese cuisine. many of you may be familiar with the renowned barbecue pork rice rolls with hot mustard and many of you probably have spent some late nights at samuel. during 2020 i had the honor of collaborating with samuel through our north beach deliveries initiative where we distributed meals to those sheltering in place during the pandemic. samuel has been a second home and a community gathering space
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to so many throughout our city . this has all been made possible because of the longtime chef david how i want to extend my deepest gratitude to david for his remarkable over 40 years of service to our community. he leaves a legacy of hard work of hospitality and dedication to a craft a very delicious craft. joining him today are his family and his friends jason fong excuse me jane fong, jason julie and stephen lee, our former entertainment commissioner and now port commissioner. and i would like to invite stephen first to make remarks. afternoon supervisors welcome new supervisors. i just want to say samuel has been a mainstay for us all the
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way in college. i remember going there that's all the rudest waiter in the world. >> mr. holt took over after that so passed away i had a chance to be with the whole family back in 2012 when the restaurant was shut down. i helped the stave it. >> at that time and i had the chance to work with mr. hall and i'd have to say the reason why i support a lot of the small businesses in chinatown and the hard working mom and pops is because of this man right here. this guy works 12 hours a day. he doesn't stop. he loves the legacy of sam wall and what it means to the community and this is why we support him. i met julie and jason. julie worked there at nine years old after school and jason with their team same time. so during covid when we had the shutdown and at that time we
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were running three shifts at sam wall we were still doing the late night dining to in the morning but when covid hit we had to lay everybody off and we were stuck either losing the restaurant again or doing takeout or what we did later thanks to the board and the nonprofits to help feed those seniors that couldn't go out. mr.. hall actually was supervisor then of other what, three shifts and he didn't have to do a whole lot then but then he came back and worked 12 hours again for two years because pandemic lasted too long and we as investors who helped save town will again we really are proud and dedicated and thank you mr. hall and the family. >> it is sad that he has to retire and that we're stuck looking for a new chef. hopefully.
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that we have been joined by our former city attorney and general manager dennis herrera as well as our former police chief greg sir and i think they may be here for rob. >> so as i was as i was handing out the the certificates to get my colleagues to sign today, they got worried that you might be retiring. >> that is not what is going on here. rob connolly is not retiring but it is the 25th anniversary year since he joined the boys and girls club of san francisco or bgc s.f. where he is president rob received his b.a. from yale university and attended oxford university as a visiting study fellow. he began working for the boys and girls clubs in 1998,
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serving two years with the boys and girls clubs of america's relations team in washington dc and then he joined the organization's san francisco chapter as executive director a quarter century ago and then was named president in 2005 during his time with the boys and girls clubs of san francisco, rob has focused primarily on expanding the reach of the clubs to serve more youth and more communities while modernizing the programs and services they provide. he is a prodigious and constant fundraiser for the organization bringing in the money they need to attract and retain top talent and renovate facilities to ensure that youth have safe spaces where they can learn, grow and succeed. he and his team have developed and implemented programs and services that measurably improve the lives of young people focusing on academic success, healthy lifestyles, good character and community engagement and job readiness with earning potential as
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president rob currently oversees bgc s.f. eight traditional clubhouses, five school based clubs and camp mendocino, a 2000 acre residential summer camp in the redwoods of northern california . he manages an operation of over 300 staff members under his leadership the clubs have raised up ten winners and six runners up for the esteemed national program excellence award. 16 club youth have also reached the state finals for california youth of the year three three were named california youth of the year and one was named national youth of the year in 2021 rob was recognized with horizon award for his outstanding contributions to the growth and development of the clubs in the pacific region . last year he was recognized with the masters and mentors award one of the club's highest honors. rob played the lead staff role in raising more than $60 million through the club's brighter futures capital campaign and in 2018 under his leadership the boys and girls clubs of san francisco also
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launched a $50 million capacity building campaign and they've raised 49 million. so almost there. >> each campaign included new clubhouses, important upgrades at existing clubhouses and at camp mendocino and an investment in competitive compensate asian rob is the former board president and current board vice president for the california alliance of boys and girls clubs which advocates for funding and public policies that support the success of clubs in urban, suburban and rural communities around california. i want to thank you rob, for your service to our youth and our city and to wish you a very happy 20th anniversary of the boys and girls clubs of san francisco and my colleagues are lining up to sing your praises so supervisor welcome. >> thank you so much, president melman and i'm going to be brief but rob one i just want to thank you for your decades of leadership of our clubs. most of our young people within
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community have gone through the doors of boys and girls clubs and one way or another whether as has been as members or as young people that you have employed. and so i want to thank you for continue ing to focus on leading our young people to success even so many years later you could go on to do so many different things but i appreciate the fact that you stay there steadfast within our communities and i just want to mention before our schools had the innumerable amount of afterschool programs that they have now located on our campuses, there was the boys and girls club there from the very beginning. and so i appreciate your steadfast, steadfast and committed leadership and of course just looking forward to to continue work with our young people through boys and girls clubs. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. supervisor one supervisor dorsey thank you president randleman and i just i was actually the supervisor when i
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saw that there we were signing something for you. i just thought oh no, no i please i'm not retiring and i'm glad that that that you are you are not the only one. >> the other the other thing when i when dennis herrera's name was mentioned and i didn't see him here i thought i might have to step into the role that i'm familiar with of being spokesman for dennis herrera. but apparently i didn't i don't have to do that because he is here. i just want to express my appreciation for the work that you did when i was in that office we had a case that the aimco case where we were able to after a lot of contention find a win win that was great for all the parties. but the boys and girls club were such a part of that and it became the willie mays clubhouse and it was just an honor for me even 20 years ago i remember how proud i was and how proud the office was to be a part of that because of your leadership. so thanks so much. thank you. supervisor dorsey supervisor melgar thank you. i was also one of the folks who was just like oh no worries me
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going so i'm glad we're just celebrating your time. so before i was elected supervisor i was the executive director of the jamestown community center and collaborated with your staff and i have to say two things about your leadership that are so amazing and important. one is a culture of collaborative ness that you have instilled with everyone in the agency so we had tournaments for girls got goals inside your gyms. we had all kinds of you know, trainings for youth develop ment and trauma enforced practices and everything. it was just such a wonderful thing to see all of the people in the community working together for the young people in our community and doing it with collaboration and love. so that is something that comes from the top in you have like created that culture and i am so thankful. and the other thing that i
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always admired was the amazing training that your staff had. so it was always that full and intentional, culturally competent and deeply community rooted and for that i also thank you so much and i'm glad you're not going anywhere so congratulations. so well-deserved to have this recognition. >> oh, all right, rob, it's your turn. this one and that one. this one. all right. >> well, supervisor thank you. that was super kind of of all of you supervisor amanda and thank you for thinking of doing this does sound like it's something that happens when you retire so now i'm not quite going anywhere yet. i do there probably are some that are ready for me to move out of the way so they can move in to the seat but i am grateful to be recognized in front of you all in this steam chamber and i just want to thank all of you. there's several of you have
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been out to events at clubhouses recently including board president abandonment supervisor field supervisor chan supervisor walton. we've had these clubhouse youth the year events and then we are main youth of the year event downtown president and thank you for coming to that. the mayor came to that as well as well as supervisor jen so we love it when supervisors come out our families love interacting with you all at the clubs and seeing the support that that leaders like you all extend to the community. you know, i think a lot about the the type of services i deal with boys and girls clubs across the country and there aren't many cities that invest in young people the way this city does. so kudos to all of you and your predecessors who sat in these seats for the work you do to empower dcf to do the work it does the collaboration. it's really been through a lot of mayors in those 25 years. but but as much as you know, there may be you know, back and forth bickering on this or that
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between between the mayor's office in this chamber it's not about kids and i feel like there's pretty good alignment around the fact that like there should be a city in which we we have great services for young people and opportunities for for kids to realize their full potential and that of course aligns very closely with, you know, what we're after so thank you for your investment in young people. thank you for that. how that investment shows up so that boys and girls club can do the work that it does. supervisor dorsey, thank you for calling our attention to the willie mays clubhouse. supervisor walton's been up there many, many times. that is a project that i too am very proud of for now. we've been there now since 2000 late 2005 the building was finished renovated in about 2008 and and really has had a strong impact on that community. and then this year we opened up a new club in sunnydale. supervisor walton, thank you for all your support and making that club happen. the transformation of sunnydale community, the housing in particular for people there is truly impactful but our partnership with mercy housing
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and and with wu yi out there and the opportunity to provide services so that it's not just housing but it's services that can help young people learn, grow and succeed is is so important. >> i'll switch to some some remarks that i wrote down here. i'll say that running boys and girls clubs of san francisco in this city has really been one of the blessings of my life. >> the work has never been easy but i've loved every day of it. >> i feel lucky and proud to have served this storied organization which i'll talk a little bit more about in a second. >> i feel lucky to be able to open doors and build bridges and expand horizons and exponentially grow kids confidence in the skills that they have. speaking of which, i should introduce this little girl right here. this is my youngest daughter amelia who would probably rather be any place in the world but in front of you all. so if you want to go back to mom, feel free to all right, stick with me. >> i'm i feel lucky to be part
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of moments where families are kind of bursting with pride when they see their kids achieve things that they perhaps didn't think were attainable. and i feel lucky to work with an outstanding group of staff members who are smart and talented and hardworking and passionate about making the world we live in a better place . >> while most people know boys and girls clubs of san francisco, not enough people truly understand the depth and breadth of our services boys and girls clubs is a rock solid organization with a passionately held set of core beliefs that keep the bow of the ship pointed in the right direction no matter how much the political social or economic winds might blow. the organization was founded in 1891 south of market street. we hold the unique distinction of being two of the original 53 clubs in the country. we're actually older than boys and girls clubs of america. our mission clubhouse and
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supervisor fielder's district is the first boys and girls club built west in the mississippi river back in 1928 was rebuilt in 2010. this organization is stood shoulder to shoulder through all sorts of things two world wars and you know, two global pandemics great depression, the great recession just one thing after another september 11th this organization has stood with kids through that time. this club this organization is one of the very first to serve kids across the country, one of the very first to open a club in public housing, one of the first to have a computer center back in the early 1990s we reached 14,600 kids a year and as you heard we serve we have 13 different locations across the city and we have a summer camp up in mendocino county. >> so while i appreciate the personal recognition of my contribution to the city, this has always been a team sport the smartest and the best thing
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that i have ever done is to get and keep talented people around me. >> staff like maxine wilson, lisa rossetti, harold love, heidi colfer, joanie lockman, aaron gutierrez and colton eichelberger have all worked alongside me for more than 12 years and i have been fortunate to work with a talented and generous board and trustees and i'm honored today. ready attention has been called to some of them to be joined by my friends greg sir dennis herrera, derek brown and david know yola who all have been tremendously helpful the boys and girls club and have served this city with distinction. >> and i'm also honored to have my friends rocky freed and fernando aguilar and sanjay banker who all serve on our board here with us today. >> finally, i'd like to thank my wife and her two daughters, one here for all their love and support. as you all know from your own roles, this is a demanding job and they sacrifice so i can do this work again.
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i want to thank you all for the honor. i particularly want to thank you president amanda lemon for calling attention to my service . i truly appreciate the recognition and i look forward to working with you all to continue to advance opportunities for young people in this city. >> thank you. i can do this great.
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all right, colleagues, let's go to roll call first member up to introduce new business businesses. >> you mr. president my goodness. >> all right. i have an ordinance and two in memoriam first today supervisor walton and i are introducing an ordinance to amend the healthy airport ordinance which was passed by this board in november of 2020. since the healthy airport ordinance passed, thousands of san francisco's airport service employees have gained or improved their ability to provide for the health care needs of their families. >> these improved benefits have helped attract and retain high
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quality employees whose work impacts safety and security improved airport safety and security for travelers in the public by promoting a healthier workforce and minimize the potential for contagion to spread from the airport which is a major worldwide transportation hub to other environs. the purpose of the amendment we're introducing today is to preserve the improvements made to airport safety and security through the healthy airport ordinance while providing covered employers expanded flexibility to determine how best to provide health care expenditures to their employees. i want to thank seiu, u.s. ww local two and teamsters local 856 for their feedback on the legislation. i want to thank city attorney in the last off for his work to draft the legislation i want to thank supervisor walton for his ongoing partnership in getting high quality health care to our airport service workers and i want to thank on hire in my office and natalie g and supervisor walton's office for their work on these and on this amendment.
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first in memoriam i have is for david hagan who died in a car crash on february 9th at the age of 72. dave was born in san francisco in 1952. one of four children he attended the st theresa's school archbishop reardon high school, the university of san francisco and he earned his mba mba at golden gate university where he remained actively involved in alumni activities. >> he started his career with a job at chevron usa where he worked in the retail marketing and training division. later he launched his own business the castro street chevron which is still in operation today. dave later opened gas stations in westlake and pacific heights. he was active in his community serving on the small business commission and actively participating in the san francisco chamber of commerce, the merchants of upper market and castro and the friars club . castro merchants president terry austin bennett remember david as someone who was passionate about the community and quietly did everything he
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could to support it. he was only allowed when he needed to be notwithstanding all of his community involvement, dave made time for his family and friends. some of his favorite activities were dining out with his wife lynn coaching his children's sports teams, traveling the globe, cheering on the giants and playing with his granddaughters. rest in peace david sagan may your memory be a blessing. >> then secondly, i'm asking that we adjourn our meeting today in memory of charles phan, the founder and longtime owner of the slant door who passed away unexpectedly on january 20th at the age of 62. >> charles was born into light vietnam in 1962 at the age of 13 following the fall of saigon ,he and his family came to san francisco as refugees as he grew up watching his mom and aunt cook, his interest in food and cooking also grew. he studied architecture and clothing design at uc berkeley for three years before opening a vietnamese restaurant. despite never having cooked professionally prior to that in 1995 the bay area had already been established as a global destination for
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california cuisine dishes that focused on simple preparations of seasonal ingredients sourced from local farmers. >> however, while there was an abundance of italian and french inspired restaurants that popularized this approach, there were no vietnamese restaurants that specialized in farm to table. then charles opened the original slanted door on valencia street inspired by restaurants like shape in east and zuni cafe. charles created iconic dishes like his cellophane noodles and dungeness crab grapefruit and hikma salad and fish and sauce . carmel claypot chicken made boneless chicken made with boneless skin skinless cuts to accommodate a western audience. the combination of the slanted doors bay area farm to table approach with traditional vietnamese comfort food and its upscale westernized style the service was an immediate hit. in 2004 slanted door moved to its grand waterfront location at the ferry building. it quickly became one of the most celebrated restaurants in all of san francisco and for a number of years was also the city's single most lucrative
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restaurant. both charles and the slanted door one james beard foundation awards and charles published two cookbooks vietnamese home cooking and the slanted door. which one international association of culinary professionals awards. during the pandemic the ferry building location closed down. however the slanted doors remaining locations in napa san ramone and and bone france, france, france continue to operate during the pandemic. charles also opened a casual san shop chuck's takeaway in the mission he had planned to bring the slanted door back to valencia street later this year. rest in peace and power charles fan may your memory be a blessing and the rest i submit . >> thank you mr. president. supervisor melgar thank you, madam clerk. >> colleagues happy women's history month. at this month we will be celebrating the contributions of women to our city state, our country, our world in highlighting and fighting against all the ways in which we are still unequal
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economically, politically, socially and now face new threats under this current administration. i look forward to this board weighing in to make this a memorable march for women in our city. i also wanted to bring to your attention that this morning the supreme court of the united states handed down a decision in favor of san francisco in the san francisco versus epa lawsuit that was the subject of a resolution i authored last year and we passed the decision as folks in the environmental movement feared was not narrow. >> today's supreme court ruling has confirmed what we feared this was a misguided effort that has resulted in a pyrrhic victory. so while the city and county of san francisco prevailed, the decision will have an enduring and damaging loss for the environmental protection agency, the clean water act and the american people. >> it is deeply troubling to me to see san francisco, a city
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known for its environmental leadership, play a significant role in weakening the very protections that safeguard our water and natural resources not just for us but for the entire country. this decision aligns with president trump's broader rollback of environmental regulations and i fear the long term consequences for the environment in the united states and it will be severe. so despite today's ruling, the san francisco public utilities commission still has a responsibility to uphold the highest standards for water quality and environmental stewardship. combined sewer overflows continue to discharge millions of gallons of wastewater untreated into the bay and pacific ocean every time we have rains and we're having more of them more often because the climate crisis is real. we must do better regardless of this decision our commitment to protecting the environment in san francisco and in our
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country must remain steadfast. and the rest i submit. thank you. supervisor sartor submit thank you. supervisor sherril collins. >> today i'm introducing three pieces of legislation. first i'm introducing legislation to create an entertainment zone on union street. i am extremely excited about the possibility not only of just allowing businesses to have a little bit more flexibility to serve their customers, to serve their community and just frankly have more fun but also to increase the vibrancy of both district two and san francisco throughout this city our restaurants, bars and small businesses are still fighting to recover. and i think it's incredibly important to note that 2024 was perhaps the hardest year for restaurants since 2008. and we need to be doing more to help them thrive.
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entertainment zones work. we've seen them introduced recently by president mandell and we've seen them transform places like front street and thrive city and now it is union street's turn. >> this legislation builds on the success of our union street festival an annual event that brings thousands of visitors to district two and now by establish an entertainment zone during the festival. we want to encourage these visitors to eat and drink at our many lovely brick and mortar restaurants on union street which is going to massively support these shops bottom lines. >> now i've spoken to business owners who are ready and eager for this for this zone and i'm grateful to have the support of these shops and the support of regan company, the head of the union street merchants association who's been a great advocate for the health of this corridor and frankly more energy on the streets benefits everyone. these activations make our shops a destination and encourages more opportunities
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to inject energy, energy, energy into our merchant areas by expanding the number of entertainment zones. and i'm looking forward to being back talking on this same topic again soon. san francisco continues to lead the way in supporting our small businesses. this is a simple step. it's a simple step but it's an effective step towards making our commercial corridors stronger, more vibrant and built to last. we simply need to make it easier for to succeed in san francisco especially for our small businesses. and i look forward to working with all of you to make this a reality and to continue to finding ways to bring life energy and vibrancy back to our neighborhoods. next i'm calling for a hearing to examine how the department of homelessness, the support of housing is structuring and managing its contracts. now this is not just a bureaucratic exercise. this is about accountability. this is about transparency. and this is about ensuring that taxpayer dollars are driving real results
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