tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV March 10, 2025 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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both from our team to departments but also departments across each other as departments are at different levels in their professionalism and capacity to do this kind of work and when i say professionalism it was more about the capacity not about individuals. everybody wants to do a good job so i just meant in the kind of structure third nature of the work few yes, i think part of this is that both nonprofits and city departments really do try to do good work and we come in with that assumption. we're trying to make everything balanced and accountable as well as not overly onerous for things that nobody is going to look at as part of that. then we issued our fiscal year 24 fiscal and compliance nonprofit program annual report. so this is a program we've had for over 17 years where we do joint monitoring of that individual nonprofit that may work with multiple departments or might have a large contract
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. >> so we issued that in december almost 70% of the nonprofits had no findings. >> so some of the common findings we had were in audited financial statements. so we are ensuring that all departments are all nonprofit. it's do have a recent nonprofit statement issues around agency wide budgets as well as board and governance structure. so we do have a program that continually monitors this. we've just kicked off this next cycle for fy 20 for monitoring and we will continue to sort of manage and facilitate that process and report later on on those results we issued four annual performance reports for fiscal year 24. so one is our annual performance measures for all city departments with a sort of long section at the beginning giving some context around around some of the key
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performance metrics and why they are performing the way that they are. we issued our street standards annual report as well as our parks standards annual report. >> two things that are mandated in our charter no major changes there to how thing how how users are experiencing it based on our objective data that we try to collect. >> and then finally on the fourth annual report was on the our city our home committee this is taking a look at the i think it was about $318 million that was expended in last fiscal year through that fund. we take a look at what the performance measures and outcomes are for that work . additionally, we issued in early january a final report from a work group that is about expanding behavioral health placements for a complex population. i think some of the key findings there is that san francisco does have particularly high needs in these types of long term beds particularly with mental
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illness and so the modeling shows that there's about 75 to 135 of these types of beds needed over the next two years state the state did have proposition one which will offer some bond funding for this type of service but it doesn't come with funding to actually provide those services. so the city should be working collaboratively with the state. we also took a look at our regional partnerships as a reasonable thing to pursue and it seems that we really want the state to help collaborate amongst regions as well as the state that there's some real energy that the state could have to help us in that. >> and then just last week we issued the our children, our families council review. >> so this was created in 20 14 we just did a review of of the council. >> they did create an outcomes framework. >> they have only reported on
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it twice not annually as in the legislation and it hasn't met since almost 2019 or so. some of the other challenges we found with that group is it was it was great to bring a lot of stakeholders together but then that also meant that there were some and it was difficult to get priorities amongst a whole group of individuals and those are the major updates for city performance. >> so i think our pause with ten a and ten b if there are questions from the committee, any questions from the community committee members i had one question mark, you mentioned and city services audit on survey lands i think was that what is that as it's actually on surveillance technology is a part of the city charter that was approved a few years ago basically
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requiring the comptroller's office to audit the compliance of each city departments compliance with the with the surveillance technology laws. so if a department is employing a surveillance lens and feature in any of the tools that they have, they have to go through approval process through the committee on information technology as well as the board of supervisors. and so our role in auditing it is basically just ensuring that the departments have those plans in place and that they have been approved by those entities today. >> okay. does include things like the use of facial recognition technology or drones. >> exactly. that's right. i have one other question on the geo bond expenditure audits and so it sounded like the next one is expected in spring 2025
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and then embarking on another one after that. is there a reason that we don't do several in parallel rather than sequentially tackling them? >> yeah i know we have done so in the past where we actually have 2 or 3 ongoing currently because of our resources we're kind of stacking them. we are working with a contractor on the first one that that we named in the 2019 affordable housing there will be an overlap because we're actually going to initiate it right before we actually release the we're going to release the audit and after we've initiated the second one i see i see is there i guess a project plan or a timeline that helps the committee members understand which audits are in cure would be in q in the next year or two fiscal years and then when they're expected to start and how long it would take to complete them,
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certainly we can provide you with that plan. this fiscal year was the first time that we actually picked back up our geo by an expenditure audit program. we started it back in 2016 but what we can provide you is what's lined up for the upcoming fiscal year which we're hoping to be the 2020 esser as well as the 2018 i see. well we basically have been stacking them just to make sure that we're actually auditing gigabyte programs that have enough expenditures to test because i know that there has been some lag in the expenditure over the last few years given covid. >> yes, that would be helpful. just so the committee has kind of a global view of the work that needs to be done and the status of the various projects moving forward. >> okay. sounds good. thank you. any other questions from committee members? i had one sorry i have one for natasha.
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one question on the nonprofit audit report you mentioned that 70% of the nonprofits reviewed had no findings for the 30%. what is the timeline for them to take corrective or remedial action on those items? >> oh, usually immediately when the findings come about. but it's the kind of case where we do give some time during the monitoring process and the reporting to be able to clear some of them but sometimes it might just take a few extra months. so we do expect the majority of those to be completed. we do have a corrective action policy which does elevate certain nonprofits that aren't meeting a certain number or certain type of of those metrics to elevated concern us. sorry that is the old word we have now called it corrective action. we have tiers and so we do have 11 of those nonprofits right now that we are working with. >> so they will have a detailed action plan with the
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departments that are working with them to work through clearing all of those items. >> thank you. all right. if there's oh, it's in our next item or venue. >> good morning. >> good morning, chair tongue vice chair crawford members of the committee. before i go over the current forward calendar i can offer an update from the last meeting to this meeting in january. we were able to successfully price and close a nigerian transaction for four different bond authorizations which were the 2018 seawall bonds, the 2020 esser bonds and the two 2019 and 2024 affordable housing bond programs. we issued a total of approximately $552 million in par for those four programs. >> we broke the bidding up because of the size and different structuring of the bonds between tax exempt shorter and longer dated maturities. we broke it up into three bid groups.
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we got nine, eight and nine bids from underwriters so a very successful competitive bond sale and we were able to sell the bonds with a combined interest cost again recognizing different structuring taxable tax exempt mix of 4.59%. so we feel as a very successful transaction and so hopefully those four programs have the proceeds they need to continue their projects for the next year or two. the next bond sale we have if you'll note on the calendar we submitted is for that pass affordable housing program that's again the repurposing of the 1992 seismic safety loan program. we're expecting an issuance not to exceed $40 million for that program which we will expect to price in early march and hopefully close around the end of march and then where we've just begun working on an additional transaction in which we hope to bring to the board this spring. we're just starting that
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process. we're meeting with departments where hoping to do the first issuance of the recently passed to november 2024 property bonds the vibrant, healthy and safe san francisco bond. so we're meeting with the various departments to get a sense of their their timing and funding needs. it looks like definitely there'll be a need this for for an issuance this year for the public health portion of that bond and we're also probably going to do another issuance for the 2020 health and recovery bonds or at least come to the board for approval and also to offer some clarification. i know this came up earlier. i think remember fox had mentioned there was some lack of clarity on whether 87% or 59% of the of the bonds had been issued and i think that probably the reason for that was for for the first issuance
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for that health and recovery bond we had gone to the board with an authorization with a large not to exceed amount but as we were vetting the projects certain projects weren't ready to move forward yet so we only did issue instead of 425 million we only issued 258.5 million. so that 59% number should should be the correct number of the actual proceeds that have been received from the total authorization to date. so we'll be moving forward with a potential new issuance for 2020 health and recovery this spring which will increase that percentage. and i think we're we're going to be looking at potentially some of the public health and hsa monies being issued in the spring or going to the board anyway. i'm happy to take questions if there are any about about the forward calendar or the recent transaction. thank you. thank you. >> great. so for item ten d i have a few
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items to discuss today. so the first is to announce that we did issue your committee report covering the last few fiscal years. >> so congratulations on that. it's a summary of the liaison reports of all the work that you've been doing so we can report that out to the public. okay. months a matter hands on my team worked with you all to get that done. so hopefully we have a good structure for going forward to just sort of crank that out and report back to the public. >> this second item is we wanted to confirm we now have a new member on the board and the committee and wanted to just confirm here that member fox would be taking over the liaison assignments for the 2020 health and recovery bond or csa division and the capital program. >> does that sound accurate? yes, those were all former
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member sunderland's roles, correct? yes. and you're okay with that? yeah. excellent. yeah. so that that is confirmed. and then to the extent that you do have member fox, if you have other programs that you want to be involved in, please reach out. there are a number here that we have multiple people acting as liaison and i think it's good to have that coverage as members potentially roll off of the committee and so forth. so please feel free to reach out. thank you. >> okay. and i have pulled up the calendar on the screen of s.f. gov tv. you could show this for what we have upcoming for april. and what i wanted to raise here is we have two liaison reports for the two bond programs around rhode work which we know we've been hearing as mostly expended and so i wanted to prompt a discussion about what
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we how we how we as a committee want to handle reporting on bonds where the majority of the funds have been expended and or no work has been planned. so chair tong all right. >> so this the road repaving just to refresh everyone's memory is the program where they've exceeded the number of lane miles that they were intending to repave and they've done more sidewalk improvements than they originally expected because of cost savings throughout the program and now they basically just have the tail end of the expenditures the the substance of the report the last several times that they've presented is essentially been the same. so for committee purposes, i guess the question is what do we desire from them for reporting? it doesn't seem to be an efficient use of staff time to have them create a whole deck and then come and present that information to us when there really hasn't been that much change because most of the proceeds have been expended. so would committee members be satisfied if we had something more like a close out report that included this 2011 road
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paving and safety street safety program as well as any other programs that are very close to fully expending their proceeds and just say these are the programs that are close to close out. just let us know what's the status? when do you expect to close out? >> and i think that will make it easier for us to monitor if it's taking much longer than expected to close out some of those programs that we have kind of a tracker to make it easier to refresh our memories on that. is that something that folks have to be amenable to or alternatively i'm happy to entertain alternatives as well. >> just curious with that instead of saying 2011 roads repaving it would be like a new item that's as close out and it would be every six months or how would that look on the calendar? >> thought it through. i think if it could be done that way it could be just an attachment to the agenda that's
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a report that we pull up similar to some of these other staff reports i think in some kind of matrix format is probably fine with some commentary just these other things that or these are the programs that are close to close out. what are we expecting in terms of timing for closing it out? >> what is the reason that it hasn't been closed out yet? and then that way we can follow up more closely with staff on that? >> that'd be great. i mean i've been giving this liaison report where i've said it's 98.6% extended for five years. so if we just stick to that last slide typically in the deck we don't need to see the picture of the curbs that have been poured 20 years ago. that would be fantastic. we're happy to help figure that out or yeah, that would that would be very helpful. i think we have kind of the same issue on the 2010 easter bonds where it's 99.8% expended and really all the construction work has been completed and all that's left are some cost for monitoring purposes and audit
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so they don't need staff to come in present on that particular bond because all the construction is done right. so do we want to try to do that ahead of the next meeting? >> and so the next meeting is sort of a close out. can i can i just make one or maybe just maybe this is a clarifying question. >> so the 2016 health and safety bond, for example, has many different components. >> most of them are in close out but the huge one zuckerburg is not and will go on for another probably to well a year and a half. so what will we do with in that situation where we can't really say the bond is in close out but many of its components are i think for something like that we would still want staff to report out on it because there's a substantial amount of the bond proceeds that remain to be expended but maybe they
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could consolidate the information about the bond projects that are complete so that way we do focus the majority of our time where it needs to be. so i think that's something that we will work with on our with the program managers. >> yeah, that's sort of what you're currently doing joe wouldn't you say? >> yeah, yeah. okay. but for the yeah for the bonds authorizations that truly are like 99% expended i think we've moved them into a different method of tracking because again the substance of the projects are complete. yeah we could even add that to this item ten somehow to of just checking anything on our tracker or if there's any movement or need to bring it up. >> so it's on every agenda i think that would be helpful. we're we're all interested in being efficient with staff time and our time for discussion. >> great. and that should conclude item
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ten any other discussion on any of the items in ten? >> i just have a question. the report that we just all did, natasha that you mentioned is that generally done annually? >> it's generally annually, yes . and so we're hoping to get back to an annual yes schedule on that. okay, great. and then i don't know if you can talk about this now but can you give us if you can and if not, maybe next next meeting you can give us an update on which current vacancies or the vacancies that we currently have on the board this committee? yes. yes. i'm sorry this committee not the board. yeah. what are they? i think maybe we'd like to do some outreach and yes, try to get some new members so we don't have those quorum challenges. >> i will work with karen on that one. okay, thanks. that would be very helpful.
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yes, i understand. and which position is are vacant? what are the requirements the appointing authority? >> exactly. exactly so that we can coordinate appropriately. yes, i get those felt. yes. >> good. so so on so online on the website are the vacancies listed there? >> i think they generally are. >> they should be, yes. i thought i was looking it up at one point with the requirements. yeah yes they are available online and i can circulate that to would be too much to ask if you could put it up right now i know when i've looked at the board of supervisors website for commissions and vacancies it shows but sometimes i've gone to that and it's been out of date. there's a new 2025 manatee report but there's a new one. okay, thanks. now that would be do you know where it is? technically six of nine seats
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are vacant like my seat vacant. technically. >> so are those two. >> yeah. we don't have to be here. yeah, i know. okay. we have to find it. okay. yeah, because i think i've seen it once. but again yes, going back to having to find it again. >> yeah. yeah. so we will get that updated i think also send it out after the meeting and then posted on the website. yes thank you. >> i wonder if we do i think it would be valuable to add that as an you know add that on to our agenda what seats are vacant? >> i actually had that same thought so adding it as an agenda item under ten to say to do a review of vacant seats until they're all filled. >> yeah okay we can have that a standing item in this last grouping. >> okay. yeah that would be great
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because it just it seems like it's been a persistent issue for at least as long as i've been on the committee. >> yes. and you know, to the extent that we can do something to help identify candidates for the appointing authority. >> great. that would be great. that would be wonderful. it is a problem in other committees as well. >> so don't take it personally . excellent. um, all right then. are you ready for public comment on this item? thank you. members of the public who wish to provide in-person public comment on this item, please line up at the podium now. each person will have three minutes to speak for the record there are no in-person public comments this concludes the public comment section for this agenda item let's proceed to item 11 please. >> item 11 opportunity for committee members to comment or take action on any matters within the committee's jurisdiction and the other matters folks want to discuss.
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>> i think we have a discussion on frontline already. yeah. yeah we've covered it. okay. i think we do public comment on that. >> members of the public who wish to provide in-person public comment please line up at the podium now. each person will have three minutes to speak for the record there are no in-person public comments. this concludes the public comment section for this agenda item. >> with that we can adjourn the mean thank you. thank you>> let's glow sf is tt
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>> we select the building through an interesting process that take in account several factors. things like architectural. the ferry building are a fantastic fit for that. [♪music♪] ♪♪ ♪♪ >> it is fusion of digital art and dance theatre. which is a tech nobodying my studio specializes in creating dance theatre that interacts with visual animation and digital effects >> the flag performances in the piece a lot of video projection
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mapping does not have anything live. no human performers or nothing like that. i like bringing that human element in it and bringing real performance in the digital space temperature gives it more life and more and the audience connects in a different emotional way. [♪music♪] [applause] [♪music♪] >> is a you can see huge future. made of art official material react to the natural light. which means a day when the sun come in, it creates a lot of combination of different court reporters and light, like a living sculptor. and at night we can show it with
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additional light, which create so many different ambience the idea was to dream. [♪music♪] >> this is our fourth year kwa let's glow sf we have been involved since inception in 21 and will moving forward. we are see it grow every year with audience daens and artist participation. different level and quality of artists we having access to participate grown every year and the number of locations has grown as well as the footprint well is more to come downtown this is something imperial coming to see and to participate in it it is a health and he fun friends and family activity. we love to see it going for many years to come. [♪music♪]
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