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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  March 11, 2025 4:35am-5:01am PDT

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that you all have done and i also appreciate the um out a couple hours a comment that people have given and the and the emails we you know we see it and you know i certainly hear it and i'm just ready to um to move us forward toward and it's aspirational and so let's aspire but let's also achieve against those aspirations and have some outcomes that we can point to in a short window shorter than 20 years hopefully. >> thank you. >> thank you. director henderson. >> art director chen thank you chair. thank you so much to you and your team for working on this plan. it's been a long time coming and you know, i think to repeat what many directors and staff have said, right this is it is not a commitment out of it is it is not spending transit dollars. it is it is a set of guidelines. it's a it's a it's a way of thinking about when we create a project it helps the public
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and staff think about how that project fits into the broader vision of where we want to go. um let's see and i think from the board and from staff it's our belief that that i want to make sure that for the record right i believe there's a hey there's a lot of people who would bike more if we gave we built the right facilities for safer convenient facilities. um we believe that more people biking and having that option to bike is a net good for the city, it's good for the public health it's good for um it's good it it reduces particulate emissions reduces like kids asthma it promotes economic opportunity it it provides more access to parks and schools and jobs and um and people and to connect with friends and restaurants. we believe that actually will improve um, economic vitality of our commercial quarters that so that people have more options to get there.
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um the the i think i think everything seems good in terms of like the schools plan right the to come back to come back within 12 months right to to do that and then i, i want to make sure i understand sort of like what i've heard is that the constraint is the capital funding um is that we at our last hearing we talked about three factors is resources community readiness and technical feasibility. >> yes. um what i'm trying to get to what i'm trying to get to is is how with this plan how does staff and the board prioritize what projects come up in the future? >> we take those three factors
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and sort of weigh them around where where we're focused on for building out the northstar network. >> do you want to thank you for your. >> good evening chair tarlov members of the board victoria street's director director chan will look at a number of different factors. right? so first of all of course it's data driven and where we see crashes and where we see patterns that is a focus of that is where we go with our priorities. that's one of the things that we consider of course. right. and then the other things that kristy talked about is then when we look at that corridor what is the technical feasibility and do we have funding and is there community readiness? so all of these things go into the consideration as staff of the projects that we put forth ultimately in front of you for your approval for excuse me victoria would would would you say it's safe to say that that robust discussion happens as part of the two year capital
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plan which is which is how we're aligning the capital resources with the priority needs that also have community readiness? >> that's exactly right. director kirschbaum yeah. >> and that's that's forgive me it's it's that's ending this year of getting this year or this fiscal year. >> so we currently have a robust set of projects that we are actively delivering that were approved as part of the fiscal year 2425 and fiscal year 2526 budget and then we will be bringing a updated program both a two year and a rolling five year program of projects to you as part of the budget process that we will be unfortunately starting this summer and into the fall with
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the goal of solidify allowing for fiscal year 26 2017 fiscal year 2728 next april. >> got it. i think i think i understand so so this plan will help us inform the next two year capital plan which we're starting work on now and then it will and that's for commencing work commencing in fiscal year 2627 which is july july of 26 right. >> and then sorry it's due that is correct. and all of the current projects that we're working on ascribe to the principles in in in the plan because we were building the plane and flying the plane at the same time and i would also add to to an earlier question i do intend to be in front of this board. >> i regularly wrote regular intervals of quarters or so to
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talk about the streets program and what's going on. and so as part of that conversation i will be sharing with you. okay, here is the set of projects that we're working on next and so you'll get an opportunity on that project delivery arm or what are we doing next? you'll get an opportunity to hear about that from me at a regularly in enrolled appearances and that's based on it's as as director soriano mr. sergio said it's based on it's based on one of these we have we have some constraints we have funding constraints. we have we have political constraints and community readiness constraints. um and so i just want to make sure if i if i were to say hey the the the team should totally work on should prioritize the school the school zones efforts that would come that might come at the expense of other projects that staff may might might also want to have there are always tradeoffs. director chen okay so so to the
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public who's who's been who's in saying we want we want these x, y z commitments i cannot guarantee those commitments and stuff can i county's commitments because that's because unfortunately that's not a world that we live in. >> i'm i'm not sure i know what you're asking exactly to say what i've heard from the public comment for example is to say to try to do the schools aren't to to to plan and implement school zones into years or to have a comprehensive east-west or north-south network grid network in two years. >> um so i'm not able to commit to all of that exactly right, precisely because we do have funding constraints and other constraints but we are committing to come back with a framework and a plan and a draft plan in nine months per dr. cardenas a request to talk about how schools are going to be connected to the network which is very, very important. so that is a commitment that we
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are making for that framework. but yes, you're absolutely right we can't commit to the full package or to the totality of the north star given the constraints we're facing, not just making sure that we that i think i understand it's it's advocates i understand advocates want to are asking for as much as possible and i also want to make sure that that we have the right expectations right of say of saying we of what is in the agency's power to do in in the near term and maybe and maybe in the future that changes. right but but at least in the in the near term this is this is what's possible. >> that's exactly right. okay. um cool. that's that's maybe a downer but i think the plan is great. >> i really hope that we can move. i really hope that we can move faster with it and so that's something that that as someone who i live in a one car household my boyfriend swears
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every time he drives the streets because he he feels like nobody in san francisco knows how to drive um the the one last thing i'll say is that you know, i think um, it feels like, um well i believe that the data shows that cars are getting heavier which means that a collision makes it makes it more dangerous. people's driving behavior seems to be getting worse. worse. and if you ask drivers or people walking or people in the city like that seems to be a common statement. and i think i've heard some people come in asking, you know, do do does the mta treatments work? is this a great use of money and i would say that the fact that mta is holding steady while other peer cities that but the injuries and deaths have gotten higher um it does mean that i think both locally we can show that that intersections that we've done treatments on have gotten safer and also i think citywide we can we we don't have a counterfactuals san francisco
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where we never actually did these treatments and measure against but i in my heart believe that stuff that the street scene has done and what i hope the active the biking and rolling plan will do is something that will save lives. and so i think stuff a lot and i hope to vote in support. thank you director chen thank you very much maya and christy and everybody that has worked on this for for so long. i commend you for your work. i would like to echo director catena's guidance with regard to attention to the projects that improve safety in school zones. >> i think there is nothing more important than protecting the children of san francisco among many important things that this plan addresses i
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would like to take a few minutes and and talk about motorists which i include myself in that category. i also i also ride a bike and i ride muni and and i think that a lot of the public comment highlights that there isn't one group versus another group we all belong to many groups and we have different opinions about how how we should move forward to protect both safety and convenience for everybody as they get around on all the different modes of transportation that the are available in the city. >> so i would like to take a few minutes and talk about motorists and and i wonder if maya or christie maybe you could spend a few minutes
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and talk about well first we're going to talk about the pleasant parts and then i'd like to touch on some one of the one of the biggest concerns that i think we need to address more forthrightly going forward. but what about this plan is good for motorists? i know it's a broad question but thank you chair to our lot for the question. and you know we talk a lot about how belonging fits in the city and how we are all part of these different groups and i think director henderson, you really spoke to this too as somebody who has who identifies as a motorist and that's a lot of the way that you move around the city. you know, it's people when they are out in public we feel often the stress of the experience of how we're trying to get to where we're trying to go from our own perspectives right where we are in the schedule we have a lot of responsibilities
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where maybe, you know, adding our trips together in a complicated space and so it can be very directional and it's very hard to be paying attention to everybody else's safety because you're paying attention to your life and your safety maybe your children's safety and you're of course paying attention to the people outside of your vehicle. >> but this is a way that things can become clearer and easier and more straightforward. i you do feel the stress i as a driver also feel the stress of scooters coming out unpredictably. i actually had an almost an experience last night where i was riding a bike and i came around a corner and in a very slow shared space with a car that was going very slowly and we were only going, you know, less than ten miles an hour. we both got really startled and visibility can is is trickier. lights at night led lights tend to be more intense. >> we're not seeing each other quite as well i think as we used to in some ways this plan really tries to help everyone know what to expect to provide more certainty and we did talk to a lot of people who really are drivers and are cyclists
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and really want just a lot more clarity and also just a little more sense of kind of what's coming in the city. >> and so i think that you know, we talk about different modes on different streets. i think that's an interesting public conversation we should continue to have. obviously there are some streets which have a lot more car traffic and they probably always will ride in this plan helps to show that maybe we don't need to rely on that street for for bicycles also but there's a nearby street that's going to work really well. i think this conversation is going to happen a lot around our commercial corridors in the future where i expect technology to change and i expect e-bike delivery to be more present. and so right now cars are very present. we hear that we've heard that very directly from merchants that parking is really important. that commercial loading is really important. but if that changes, i think we're prepared from this plan to open up that conversation. and when we come back for an update and in two years rather than coming back in 15 years so i think this plan really recognizes and tries to balance these things right where we are at this moment rather than saying one thing is the right thing and you know that these
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fit together. >> thank you very much. so on the topic of parking one piece of guidance that i would like to provide is that i think that we need to talk about plans and how they impact parking in a more explicit way and and i would like to see more planning around or thought work i guess is the right term around what is appropriate parking inventory in each area that we are looking to do a project as they start to come before us and and i and i feel like it's not that i'm not saying that that's been ignored or but i just feel like it's
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it's not something that we talk about quite enough and and and i think that that is one of the most important thing that people who rely on parking in certain areas that the engagement around that hasn't been that successful there's you know just a lot of unhappiness around parking availability and and i you know i don't have a solution to provide but i, i would like us to think about how to approach that in a way that is that brings more people to to the conversation provides solutions that are understandable to to those folks and helps us have a
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little less angst around around plan so that's a piece of guidance do you mind if i speak to that just a little bit and i'm going to put really my land use and housing hat on a little bit more too because you know in the last ten years i was over the planning department and we saw a lot of i mean there was a lot of conversation about every project that was coming in and whether had off street parking you know, whether parking garages are you know, how are people going to be managing cars in the future. it was, you know, present in every single application that's going through and you would see in certain parts of the city where there had been changes to requirements san francisco doesn't have minimum parking requirements usually is maximum parking requirements for different developments and so things where you had higher density and usually taller buildings, smaller apartments you would find that there would be almost no parking in those projects and there would be an assumption that you would be doing a lot more active transportation taking transit and it was a transit oriented development and then we have
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what is now happening of course and you know there's a very strong logic to that and it really reinforces especially using muni and and the efficiencies of our streets with the housing element a lot more is looking into the lesser dense areas of the city especially the north and west and southern and southwest corner of the city. and so i think that this is going to be something that as that housing kind of comes in slowly which is most likely what's going to happen and it probably will happen more on neighborhood commercial corridors depending on how the rezoning process happens. >> i think this will increasingly be a conversation i think a lot of people use their cars differently than they used to which is and we saw this at the planning department which is that people would not use their cars during the week they had they described parking as car storage and developers would describe it as car storage so they would want a car so they could do something on the weekend or they could do grocery shopping or something very specific during the week. but for the most part their car wasn't getting used. they were happy being on a bike. they were happy using transit. and so i think that some of that conversation is kind of
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changing the shape a little bit of what culture expects and i think that that should be sort of continue to be present in our as our lower density neighborhoods start to fill in. >> so that's been a complex city conversation that we need to keep having and be clear about. yes, i agree absolutely. and and i think that this these hearings are the the appropriate place to air out some of those topics and and also the engagement that you're already doing with communities so thank you very much. >> i appreciate that directors i don't have much more to say except for that i, i am also in strong support of this plan. i i, i feel that it's a very important step as we address a growing city, a changing city
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and and address the needs for safety for vulnerable users when i'm in in the city i have out and about in the city what whatever mode of transportation i'm using i have two big concerns at every moment i don't want to be hit by a car and and that's whether i'm in a car or on a bike or on my you know, on foot. i do not want to be involved in an accident. and then equally i'm i'm just very concerned that i could be the cause of an accident and that there could be somebody injured as a result of what what i do and i, i you know, i, i would like to believe that there's a solution
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where every everyone out on the roads is 100% aware and cautious at every moment. i would like to believe that i could be like that but i don't think i can hold myself to that standard. you know i have many things on my mind. i'm trying to get places and you know sometimes it's just a question of i looked left when i should have looked right. you know things can happen in an instant and the kind of infrastructure that's being proposed for this plan is i think the it's it's no it's not a perfect solution but it allows for more people using different modes of transportation and to know when to expect when to encounter one another and to keep us, you
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know, safe from, you know, tragic tragic outcomes and so with that, i would like to ask my colleagues is there a motion in a second to approve i move that the item that i question before it and do we have to should we amend the resolution around the nine month thing or is that just i'm assuming that it's is going to take that direction correct? i believe it's just direction director lindsay it doesn't need to be a formal amendment to the resolution. >> my question sounds good move people second. all right. secretary silva, please call the roll on the motion to approve director chen by chen i. >> director henderson henderson i director lindsay i hinchey director kahana i he and i chair tarlov i tarlov i thank you that item is approved secretary silver let us not
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call the next item where i'm going to let us recess for or what we like to do 15 minutes, 20 minutes, ten is chair. tarlov we are ready when you are. oh, sorry. who is not looking ready? >> okay, very good time. 623 we left off at item 12 item 12 appointing julie kirschbaum to the position of director of transportation effective march 1st, 2025 and approving the execution of an employee employment agreement with julie kirschbaum that includes the following key terms a term ending on march 1st, 2030 annual based compensation in the amount of $425,000 with a retroactive salary adjustment
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from january 1st, 2025 benefits equivalent to specified benefits provided to members of the executive management bargaining unit under the 2024 2027 memorandum of understanding between the municipal executives association and the s.f. mta including specified wage increases and nine months severance pay and compensation for nine months of employees health care benefits if the board terminates the employment agreement for convenience subject to the limitations in government code section 53260. >> thank you directors. i am going to step in here for director hemminger who is not able to be present today and i'm going to read to you the prepared remarks that outline the specifics of the contract. >> this agenda item is to discuss and take action to approve the appointment and an
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employment agreement between the s.f. mta board of directors and julie kirschbaum the proposed employment agreement has been available for public inspection since thursday february 27th, 2025 and is included in the board material for this board materials for this item california government code section 54953c3 requires the board to orally report a summary of the proposed salary and compensation in the form of fringe benefits for ms. ms. kirschbaum before taking final action to approve the employment agreement pursuant to that requirement, the board provides the following summary the proposed agreement sets an annual salary of $425,000 under the proposed agreement, ms. kirschbaum will receive fringe benefits equivalent to specified benefits provided to employees represented by the municipal executives