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tv   Special Building Inspection  SFGTV  March 11, 2025 6:30am-7:06am PDT

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to say thank you for your years of service. it's been a real pleasure to work with you. i think i speak for all the staff. we've learned a lot from you and you've had an incredible impact in your time here that you should be very proud of. i in particular i wanted to note a few projects that as we were talking in the office about you know what what's the what's the tice legacy? what is tice leaving behind the things that came to mind our prop d that was a major project that you were very heavily involved in. it's one of the most popular ballot measures the city's had the single most approved highly approved ballot measure in 30 years. so i think you were really tapping into something the public cared deeply about with that ballot measure. you were also the chair presiding over the first hearing on the merits enforcement hearing that the commission did in ten years that hearing was very smooth. it went well. so i think that that spoke to you a good competency with the gavel and working with the
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staff in advance on that enforcement hearing guidebook. we now have that document that will last into the future to help guide future enforcement actions. you brought great insight as a former assistant district attorney and also from the enforcement work that you do at the sec. you were just meeting this week with staff to you know, with the enforcement staff to help them still here in your last week think about how to deepen the impact of enforcement. so i think that program in particular really benefited from you. we've had very quick, efficient orderly commission meetings. we've trimmed down the time these things run like a swiss watch and i think everybody appreciates that very much in the last thing i'll mention is when you were chair the commission approved the e-filing regs and that allowed the staff to require e-filing for the final paper forms and we have now completed a 20 year project of converting all of the commission's disclosures to electronic filing 100%
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electronic filing, no paper, never again ever. >> not one paper. that's a huge milestone. >> so you know, we thank you for your leadership on that and we're very happy to be able to deliver that result during your tenure and that's that's definitely something we're all very happy about. so again, thank you so much. we hope that you'll keep in touch. you wish you the best son and what comes next for you in this next chapter. >> and don't don't be a stranger. yeah thank you for those kind of words. you should have framed the very last paper filing that came in. i don't know if it's public but thanks for that, director ford. i didn't want it to say a couple of things even though it's recognition of me, i really want to recognize the staff because i think the things you just gave me credit for, pat, are really frankly we just sit here and kind of go if we assess, we analyze, we review, we oversee but the staff does all the work. i've been in public service for most of my adult life whether that's for the or for nonprofits and i think really there's no higher calling and
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that's the same for commissioners who are sitting next to me. it's a little awkward positioning right here because i was putting right my way was established here in the room. i really, really want to know that i appreciate what you do. we all do. but i got to speak now as a public servant right now it's kind of a hard time to be in public service. i think we maybe feel a little bit differently here in san francisco. i work in the federal. it's not a great time and i think keeping your head down and doing the work is so important. so as a san francisco resident i really want to appreciate the work that you all do because we all benefit from it. you know, get thanked at least not in person i imagine from the work that you do. but it's so crucial and we all depend on it. we rely on it. so i thank you for that and thank you to my fellow commissioners who are really, really busy in our own lives taking the extra time to give back to the community by showing up here and doing what we can do to help advance the work that you all do. it's really gratifying. it's been great to be a part of it so thank you all and i know the commission is in good hands with the new director of the new commission we've got currently so that's it.
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thank you. and with that well even though you say i do not have any public comment but i think we have to take it because it's on the calendar. is that right? so okay. does anyone in the room wish to make public comment on this item seeing none. mr. clarke would you check the phone please in the there are no callers in the queue. >> all right. thank you. well, i think your fellow commissioners also if they want to say something i think just to take a quick second bucket you're not going to break my time record. >> i know. i know. i think today would be the day i mean where i think i speak for all of us when i say that we're honored and privileged to be in this position and to serve the san franciscans in this way. but i think it's always a special treat when you get to serve alongside people who you can learn from who are innovative, who are committed and very focused like you. and so it's been a pleasure and an honor to work alongside you and hopefully our orbits overlap soon but that's very
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quick. >> that's what i was going to say. that's it. that's it. i'm done. thank you. but i just wanted to echo that and express my gratitude for your guidance to me as a new commissioner when i joined the commission really appreciated the expertise that you brought to the table in campaign finance regulations and enforcement of ethics rules generally and the inclusive manner in which you ran an efficient manner which you ran all these meetings. >> so thank you. you're going to be sorely missed. thank you. thank you. >> i'd also like to echo that too. thank you so much for your service and for teaching us and guiding us in the right direction. thank you. thank you everyone. with that i close item nine and now call item six election of commission officers for the 2025 pre the ethics commission bylaws. director ford would you mind just briefly summarizing how we've done this in the past if i didn't expect that but for sure that that's fine. so typically the way that it's worked is commissioners can
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nominate each other. they can nominate themselves if a commissioner nominates another commissioner, the nominated commissioner should say if they want to accept that or not. and i know in speaking with you that you thought it would be helpful if if the commissioner wants to accept a nomination perhaps they could speak a bit about what their priorities or their approach might be if the commissioner want to have some kind of conversation around it. in the past there hasn't been a ton of conversation about it. so if the commissioner wanted to have that that would help the nominated commissioner perhaps could initiate that and then each commissioner votes and you say the name of the commissioner that you want and i think we would just have kevin call a roll call vote and each commissioner would state the name of that commissioner they want to vote for i and do chair first vice chair second and basically as soon as one commissioner has three or more
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votes then that's that's it that commissioner wins. >> okay great. and i think from memory we complete that chair election in its entirety before we move on to the vice chair we don't take nominations for both at the same time. >> that's right. yeah right. yes. kathy just reminded me public comment before taking that roll call vote of course. so after the nomination but before the vote. yes. got it. okay, great. well as one of my last official acts it gives me great pleasure to nominate vice chair flores fang as chair. i think anyone who's paid attention to our meetings will speak for itself but i think her wise engagement with staff and with the issue is just show what kind of chair she'll be. so i hope that she will accept the nomination and if you want to say a few words go for it. but no nope no pressure like the second that thank you. >> thank you. i do accept i'll start with that and i mean i don't have a list of priorities right now.
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right now i'll say that this is going to be my third year on the commission and i've learned a lot and i think that a lot has changed and so i'd be happy to engage in a larger discussion about you know, this is very helpful discussing the budget. i think that we're in you've presented materials that i think help orient me if i were to create some sort of agenda for moving forward. but i'm happy to engage in a longer discussion and not out of confine myself to a list that i create today on the spot . great. so now we take public comment if i'm right do i have to nominate myself? >> i don't. thank you seeing no other nominations is there anyone in the room who like to make public comment on this nomination? seeing none. mr. clark would you check the new callers? >> chair i if there are no callers in the queue mr. clark
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at your convenience you can take roll to its right i can do i mean you want to yeah okay commissioners as i call your name please vote by stating the name of the individual for whom you cast your vote to serve as chair of the ethics commission for the coming year beginning march 1st. >> chair friend of vice chair floor saying vice chair flora's feng vice chair flora sitting commissioner salahi vice chair flora swing commissioners ii vice chair floor sitting chair by a vote of 4 to 0 the commission has elected commissioner for fang to serve as chair for a one year term beginning march 1st 2025. >> congratulations vice chair for saying thank you. >> thank you mr. clark congratulations on now open the floor for nominations for vice
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chair yeah. >> i'd like to nominate commissioner salahi as vice chair on that third. >> thank you all. i accept the nomination and my priority will primarily be to support the new chair and setting her agenda and supporting her agenda moving forward while working with director ford and other commission staff rate and i guess we have to take public comment on this as well. so does anyone the room wish to make public comment on this item seeing none. mr. clark would you check the new callers? >> griffin if there are no callers in the queue, great. mr. clark you can take the vote of your convenience commissioners as i call your name please vote by stating the name of the individual for whom you cast your vote to serve as vice chair of the ethics commission for the coming year beginning march 1st. chair finlay commissioner salahi vice chair flora's fang commissioner salahi.
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commissioner salahi. mr. salahi commissioners i wish just like chair by a vote of 4 to 0 the commission has elected commissioner salahi to serve as vice chair for a one year term beginning march first, 2025. and congratulations commissioner salahi thank you. >> thank you everyone. i think we've never had a not unanimous vote in my tenure in my tenure on elections. >> i did that to the list. >> so i think that closes item six and i'll call item number ten items for future meetings. any of my colleagues? >> yeah, i have an issue to raise. it may not necessarily need to go on an agenda but i wanted to disclose that i received a phone call from supervisor connie chen earlier this week. um at the board of supervisors the appointing authority for my supervision for my position and she had asked whether the
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commission has any guidance or view on how the board of supervisors exercises their authority under subsection 3.6 20f of the code campaign code with respect to when waivers for the hazard payments prohibition is granted. so i just wanted to flag that that might be something that is worth engaging with members of the board of supervisors as well as other interested stakeholders on as to whether that would be useful for the public and for the board and we'd be more than happy to engage with supervisor chan or anybody else at the board and also with the mayor's office or any other electeds that may seek that kind of waiver. definitely be always happy to help inform any processes that are touchy in the campaign of governmental conduct code. >> absolutely. thank you. great. anything else from my fellow
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commissioners? seeing none does anyone the gallery wish to make public comment on this item? seeing none mr. clerk would you check if any callers driven live? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> adam tennis close to item 11 is additional opportunity for general public comment is there on the room wish to make public comment on item 11? seeing none mr. clerk would you check the phones if there are no callers in the queue? item 11 is now closed. item 12 adjournment and thank you. we're done
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>> brainchild the executive director 6 housing clinic in the neighborhood for it 90 years and talking about the history like the first web about family history and a lot of the clinicians found with a group of the community members. with the owner of cadillac the housing on
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the west coast and the tenderloin is a permanent climax of history of the neighborhood and the community art gorilla for whatever reason artists in the neighborhood. and we do public events as well as walk in (unintelligible) for residents we have been known for has nothing to do with historically artist surveys and that makes us very unique and work producing about the cafe and a riot happened in the neighborhood in 1966 helping us on market street year-round indefinitely we think that the arts is an incredible way of experiencing history and really helps people think of themselves as history persons
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and especially for the house play really a part of the - and think that is generates for the - we are aware the art is important for people and important for the community mba and can be a really assessable and engaging way to see history well. >> those are the ways as the art and history you're not going to see emotionally in the by.
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>> ph.d. >> my name is i'm a leader of the town in san francisco we try to provide japanese something we make like seaweed it creates
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like the many flavors we try to provide like more open japanese flavor as well as the james values like people get to experience in japan like a great ex >> you would walk into the door and encompass two doors with the stitch and clothing and factory side and fellowship ensure educational component of the development program workshop, classes, internships and apprenticeships. it's a pipeline through to the
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four deposit and i got in trouble with graffiti and fell into the law and the land and had to make a change. it's a wall, a gallery. three days after i got in trouble and got out and the other things, i took a nap during the day and in the middle of the nap something said learn how to sew. i thought why. i called my mom immediately and she said i used to do that in japan and i said why did you stop, because i had you. so i thought i would keep that going. everybody presents printing the shirts and skate boards and t-shirts. i thought what is another commodity than t-shirts and it was jeans. i took a
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sewing class and they said don't do it. and i started sewing jeans. that's how i started and never stopped. my friend said she's a residential counselor for youth and that's what got me into education. i thought, what's up, bro? i didn't want to criticize and these kids and it just clicked. whatever happens. this is it. i'm going to use that skill that i got in trouble for translating into this and now i'm sewing jeans and behind learning is also teaching. education and graffiti, that became the holy stitch that synergy of youth, art, community, safe space. the
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safe space questioning and why aren't jeans made here and how come youth are generating jobs and empowering themselves and get your clothes fixed. to be able to distribute that off the screen, vacant vibrant allowed that. vacant vibrant helped to pair new businesses with storefront to create new opportunities for downtown. this project has given it a number of kinds of businesses the opportunity to test the waters in downtown and explore exciting new models that work for an evolving downtown neighborhood for workers, visitors and residents. >> vacant vibrant allowed a wider audience to the work and
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empowerment that holy stitch does. the reason that it's important for small businesses, the ones that their applications that didn't get accepted or approved, it gave them hope and a different perspective on what vacant vibrant spaces can be. i hope that vacant vibrant helps to support the businesses because there is a height of abandonment issue in san francisco where it's a prized treasure and disappears. vacant vibrant can do more. >> vacant vibrant can do more than a pop-up and see what that looks like. >> that can allow them to be th.
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>> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a
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little kid i would make up performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic.
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>> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me
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about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made
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it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that
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was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live
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musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job
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so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong is meeting to order. that evening. this is a meeting of the san francisco commission on the environment. the date is tuesday february 4th. the time is 5:03 p.m.. >> please note that the ringing and use of cell phones, pagers
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and similar devices is prohibited. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of anyone using a phone or similar device. public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. for comment on matters that are not on the agenda there will be an opportunity for general public comment. participants who wish to comment will be asked to come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. alternatively, members of the public may submit public comment by email to environment as a comments submitted by email will be forwarded to the commissioners and will be included as part of the official file. >> i will now call the roll president one here vice president sullivan here. commissioner on here. commissioner bermejo here. commissioner hunter. yeah. commissioner tompkins there. commissioner yoon is excused. president juan we have a quorum. all right. next item please. next item is a consent calendar items two through three. item two is the president's welcome and item three is approval of minutes of the
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january seven, 2025 commission on the environment special meeting. >> good evening. item two is the president's welcome the commission on the environment and knowledge is that we occupied and sea the ancestral homeland of the to which all only people who are the original inhabitants of the solar cisco peninsula. we recognize that the parameters along you understand the interconnectedness of all things and i have maintained harmony with nature for millennia. >> we honor the rahmatullah show not only peoples for the enduring commitment to europe mother earth as the indigenous protectors of this land and in accordance with their traditions the raw material tony has never seen it lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretaker of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in that traditional territory. >> we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland as underpinned invited guests.
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we affirm the sovereign rights as first peoples and wish to pay our respects to the ancestors, elders and relatives of the remote host community. as environmentalists we recognize that we must embrace indigenous knowledge in how we care for sara cisco and all these people. of commissioners department staff members of the public welcome especially in this kind of weather where you might say i really want to be here. today we have a very packed agenda including commission elections and we will and potential vote on a resolution authorizing siri contract expansion. >> presentations on the 2025 up day of summer cisco's climate action plan and the various rates planning process for the new reference rates period of october 2025 to september 2028 a review and potential vote on whether to increase safe drug disposal ordinance fees review and potential vote on whether
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to approve the employment department's fiscal year 2025 to 26 and fiscal year 2026 to 27. budget and overview and potential vote on whether to approve a letter regarding ongoing general fund support for enrollment department staff and programs with dallas guest audit. the final item in a consent calendar are the minutes so for all commissioners we have an action item on the consent agenda. a consent calendar is that any discussion or changes to the draft minutes that i hear a motion to approve the minutes. >> thank you. commission of a may on the second in seconds. >> thank you. >> we have a motion by commissioner bermejo and a second by commissioner on and hearing no further discussions and that's open. >> let's open up for public comment. are there any members of the public who wish to speak on
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items two through three only of the agenda? president one we have no speakers or hearing no public comment. public comment is now closed. could you please call the roll for item three president one eye. >> vice president sullivan i commissioner on high commissioner bermejo i. commissioner hunter i. commissioner tompkins i. commissioner u.n. is excused. >> the motion passes the next item please. >> the next item is item four general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not already on today's agenda. >> are there any members of the public who wish to comment on this item? only? madam president, we have no speakers. >> all right. public comment is now closed. next item please. next item is item five nomination and election of the commission on the environment president and vice