tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV March 11, 2025 5:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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activity and crime here approximately 80% and skaters are absolutely welcome here. we want to celebrate the skating community, its incredible history and what it's done for the texture and fabric and culture of our city community parent medicine for the san francisco fire department. >> we are here to recognize one 130 years of service of san francisco's municipal ambulance service. welcome, mayor leary. we are grateful for your
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support and thank you city administrator carmen chu. supervisor matt dorsey supervisor mahmud fire commissioner. >> president marci frazier fire commissioner steve mercado police chief bill scott team director carol sheriff miyamoto our employee groups president of local 77/98 alec cough our other distinguished guests that i may have not observed. and finally to our past and present members that are here today, thank you for your service. >> i now invite the honorable mayor daniel to say a few words. good morning, everybody. wow, this thing is big. first i want to thank you all for everybody standing behind me for your service to our city . you you all are not thanked enough. and so i hope you hear me say this when i say thank you for your service to our city.
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and i do say this everywhere i go you all if you're called you come running. no questions asked. and so on behalf of a grateful city, know that we have your back as well going forward. so thank you. 130 years ago it started with a horse. in 1895, theresa and virginia fair donated the first horse drawn ambulance to the city of san francisco. that single act of generosity laid the foundation for what would become the oldest continuously operating municipal ambulance service in the united states. much has changed in san francisco over the last 130 years. our skyline, our neighborhoods, our challenges. but one thing has remained constant. the only wavering dedication of our first responders their
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mission to protect and serve this city has been a cornerstone of san francisco's resilience. today we gather to honor that legacy and the extraordinary individuals who have held it. our emergency medical services unit operating within the san francisco fire department is one of our city's most vital forces. each year over 350 emts and paramedics respond to more than 130,000 calls for service. these are not just numbers. they represent moments of crisis when lives hang in the balance. from responding to overdose incidents and behavioral health emergencies to conducting well-being checks for seniors, these professionals meet people in their most vulnerable moments.
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their work goes beyond rapid response. it's about specialized compassionate care that ensures individuals are given the proper treatment they need. it is challenging work physically demanding and emotionally taxing but it requires compassion, resilience and an unwavering dedication to public service. as we celebrate 130 years of municipal ambulance service, we recognize that this legacy isn't just about history. it's about the people who continue to shape it. these dedicated professionals show up every single day ready to serve. it is our duty as a city to continue supporting and investing in this essential service to ensure that our ems teams have the tools, training and resources they need to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. it is also our duty to address
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the crisis on our streets with the urgency it deserves. with the fentanyl state of emergency ordinance we will be able to build more beds, hire more professionals to support your work and get our neighbors into the treatment they need. to all of our ambulance workers and first responders. we are forever grateful for your service. yesterday, today and tomorrow and for generations to come. thank you all. and with that i'm going to award this proclamation. your few of you want to come up here. come on up. we're going to announce this as san francisco as public ambulance day. let's stand over here and take a picture.
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thank you. >> thank you, mayor laurie for your for your support. for your unwavering support. >> now i invite san francisco fire department chief of department dean to say a few words. >> welcome to our city hall in this beautiful day. prior to give my remarks i would like to acknowledge one person in attendance who has been instrumental in implementing portion of our amazing ems program. she recently retired and is a mentor to me and many of the other members standing behind me. that would be retired chief of department sandra tang.
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>> as we celebrate the 130th anniversary of municipal ambulance services in san francisco, we proudly reflect on over a century of dedicated lifesaving care. the municipal ambulance service is a vital public safety resource committed to delivering the highest level of care to all citizens and visitors of san francisco. >> free from the influences of financial gain. >> we are honored to be one of the country's first and longest continuously running municipal ambulance services a testament to our enduring responsibility to the community. today the san francisco fire department, ems and community paramedics and division has a fleet of over 50 ambulances and specialty response units such as street overdose and street crisis response units. there are over 350 men and women working as emts and
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paramedics within the division and many have other specialized training including ten tactical ems trained paramedics who work alongside the san francisco police department public information officers, behavioral health peer supporters and community educators to name a few. our services continue to evolve and expand to adapt to our community needs in order to send the right resources for the right call for service. we have established one of the largest and first accredited community paramedics into programs in california. currently we have over 60 members who are community paramedics and trained to respond to overdose incidents or behavioral health crises. to provide specialized care and support those providers also perform well being checks on individuals to ensure that they are continuing to receive the appropriate medical care and their needs such as housing are met. the municipal ambulance service
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in san francisco has evolved since in temple beginnings 130 years ago. however, one thing that has not changed is our commitment and dedication to high quality service to the citizens and visitors of san francisco. we are dedicated to preserving this essential service for future generations and ensuring that our legacy of providing equitable service and care to all continues for many years to come. for 130 years we have been here for you and we will continue to be there for you whenever you call. >> i'd like to personally thank our public safety team led by mayor lurie. many of the members behind us the positive direction of our city is a reflection of the commitment and coordination shown by this group on a daily basis.
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i would like to personally thank deputy chief simon pang as well as other chiefs our ems division for their tireless work to manage our world renowned ems program. finally, as a san francisco resident and department head, i owe a debt of gratitude to our paramedics and emts who are on the front lines of an ever evolving and challenging emergency medical service landscape. the professionalism and public service you provide on a daily basis would make the pioneers of this industry incredibly proud. thank you. >> thank you very much, chief crespin for your trust. before we end, i do want to shout out a shout out for captain ada wong who was essential to organizing this event.
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>> everyone loves a good sunset, but in san francisco we take to a new level. i'm city supervisor engardio and i represent an entire part of the city called the sunset. it stretches 30 glorious avenues. welcome to district 4! the sunset is a collide scope of people culture and experiences for residents of all ages. we are a beach town, we are a chinatown, and not a town at all. the sunset is home to 80 thousand people and we love our dogs. we live in neat row houses, homes with yards, story book homes and every quirk
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in between. the sunset used to be sand dunes all the way to the ocean. when the city needed to grow, san francisco's future ran through the sunset. we built rows and rows of housing for a great irish population and welcomed a great chinese population. today home to a gowing number of families from all backgrounds and the future starts here. >> we chose sunset knauz we love san francisco but during the pandemic we needed more space and more family focused, so that is where we found the sunset. how walkable it is. we live along iving street along where diana's school is our son's day care is. >> our kids and all the kids we knee in the neighborhood are really the future here and we are really excited to live in the neighborhood. we love it so much. >> nina and alex are expecting
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their first baby and it first leaders of the newly formed sunset community band which bring together musicians of all ages at special events. >> we are about to have our first kid and met so many younger people and so many moving into the neighborhood. exciting to raising our family here because this community is awesome. >> bringing the community together and making it stronger i think a band can help with that. it is a matter of civic pride and coming together and doing something as a community that really makes like us from a collection of people into a neighborhood. >> sundays in the sunset are for worship, farmer's market and live music at the ocean. if the sunset had a town square, it
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would be this magical area that appears every sunday on 37 avenue. the sunset farmer market isn't just a place to get good food and produce, it is where community gathers live music from local musicians and cultural celebrations and [indiscernible] share ideas to shape our city. it really is the place the community comes together to celebrate the best of the sunset. >> something about it had sunset chinese cultural district is there a lot of opportunities to uplift the chinese voice and chinese people. when you look at the sunset, a lot of think of trees and single family homets and the schools, but there isn't a lot of very iconic locations that people can look at and know they are in the sunset. one thing we are working on is to unveil a new mural in the park by community and as we do more work in the sunset and uplift the unique
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qualities of the community, we want to do more mural s and spaces that are iconic so the sunset gets a piece of being unique and identifiable. >> a supermarket for everything you need for chinese home cooking and [indiscernible] the rice noodles are so good they are featured in catherine moss latest novel, [indiscernible] takes place in the sunset. there is a old school menu at the ond mandarin islamic restaurant and a item so spicy they have to warn customers. maybe bobo can neutralize the spice. the sunset has plenty options. try the bars at the beach. we also have the sunset reservoir brewing company and o'briens irish pub. cuisine in the sunset spans the
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world. [indiscernible] >> travel and work in [indiscernible] we have our own restaurant. and then, it was my turn to follow her to her country, so that's why we opened in her neighborhood. >> we are looking for more a local gentleman gem. we traveled around the world and what we highly value, a place for the community to gather. a local hang-out spot. that is why this isn't a restaurant, it is cafe, you can order a coffee, you can have a fuel full meal but it is place to connect. whether parents kids friends is why we decide to go qulose close to the beach, a neighborhood i am familiar with. i run into people all the time. i live in a big city but why i chose district 4 outer sunset. it has a small town feel.
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i love our neighbors. >> the sunset has everything from footwear to hardware. here is great wall hardware, 3500 square feet of retail space. we carry about 22 thousand items and counting. it never stops because i have a thing. when a customer says don't you have this and i don't have it, it bothers me. i want to have it,s so it is just of those things about owner a hardware store, people expect you to have everything and you to fulfill that need. i like to serve my neighborhood. most businesses you want to buy this or that or eat this or buy the widget. a hardware store is different. people come in and have a problem and need a solution and they are looking for you to navigate them through that problem and offer them products that help them get to where they need to go. people are great. i love this neighborhood. there is different ethnicities
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here, different cultures here. we all intermingle and mix together and we get along fine and i always like that about this neighborhood. it is just a nice place to be. it is near the beach, it is beautiful and near the zoo and near golden gate park, stern grove. great schools, great parks. whats there not to like? we also love pizza from hole in the wall to [indiscernible] hottest restaurants in the sunset tunching vietnamese food [indiscernible] ice cream [indiscernible] this is great highway park. a great place to burn calories on the weekend. i'm here every sunday doing a long run and start with 5 miles and with this ocean view, if it motivates me i try for 10. the new york times named great highway park one of 52 places to change
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the world. it is that amazing and the gem of the sunset and people are finding new ways to activate the space. in halloween it turns into the great haunt way. >> we imagine a future from the part time road close toor to a park to welcome people all ages and activities to our coast. >> since we had [indiscernible] always looking for ways to sort of improve what is already good around us. the neighborhood is great. it will be even better with a park here. >> sunset turn to put a new sign up on our coast. open for all. >> this is the treasure of san francisco and this hasn't been discovered yet. homes are still relatively affordable, there is decent schools and a place for kids to have a feeling they can run and play and take part in things.
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what i'm happy the great highway has become a park for the weekend. i'm glad we share what we have with the rest of the city and people come from outside the city. i'm sure people come from the east bay, and i just feel like, seeing the people out here enjoying this represents the hope for the future. >> imagine the potential of an emerald necklace in the sunset for safe biking and recreation along the green belt of sunset boulevard which connects lake merced with golden gate park and great highway park. quality of life matters and we know how to take care of each other. sunset youth service helps teenagers find purpose and self-help for the elderly let's seniors shine. local artists capture the sunset experience and work is on display in cafes like java beach and black
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bird books. the art of conversation happens at this new barber shop called the avenue. the owner calls it a barber lounge because he wants to create a space for the community to gather beyond hair cuts. this corner is a hent of the future. you see new housing built for new generations and it is over a community space that everyone loves. the sunset is a place full of potential. >> the possibility is here, more then anything. you can start something here and people will get behind and the community finds there is a need for it and people support it. >> i always look around the corner, the next thing we can do to crank it up more and make it safer, make it more enjoyable. bring in new business, support them. >> i really hope we bring just joy, because ultimately music helps bring joy to the community. >> this is where people are at. this is where people want to be, so it gives me a lot of positive energy. >> my office created the first
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sunset night market on iring street where i'm standing. more then 10 thousand people showed up. nobody has seen that many on--[indiscernible] here it celebrate all the fun things in life, food music and art. our beautiful sunset always amazed. the sunset experience is pure joy. the sunset is where we will create our best san francisco. join us.
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>> one more statement. we are the one. that is our first single that we made. that is our opinion. >> i can't argue with you. >> you are responsible please do not know his exact. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] >> i had a break when i was on a major label for my musical career. i took a seven year break. and then i came back. i worked in the library for a long time. when i started working the san
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francisco history centre, i noticed they had the hippie collection. i thought, if they have a hippie collection, they really need to have a punk collection as well. so i talked to the city archivist who is my boss. she was very interested. one of the things that i wanted to get to the library was the avengers collection. this is definitely a valuable poster. because it is petty bone. it has that weird look because it was framed. it had something acid on it and something not acid framing it. we had to bring all of this stuff that had been piling up in my life here and make sure that the important parts of it got archived. it wasn't a big stretch for them to start collecting in the area of punk. we have a lot of great photos and flyers from that area and that. that i could donate myself. from they're, i decided, you know, why not pursue other
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people and other bands and get them to donate as well? the historic moments in san francisco, punk history, is the sex pistols concert which was at winterland. [♪♪♪] it brought all of the punks on the web -- west coast to san francisco to see this show. the sex pistols played the east coast and then they play texas and a few places in the south and then they came directly to san francisco. they skipped l.a. and they skipped most of the media centres. san francisco was really the biggest show for them pick it was their biggest show ever. their tour manager was interested in managing the adventures, my band. we were asked to open to support the pistols way to that show. and the nuns were also asked to open the show. it was certainly the biggest crowd that we had ever played to. it was kind of terrifying but it did bring people all the way from vancouver, tee seattle, portland, san diego, all up and
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down the coast, and l.a., obviously. to san francisco to see this show. there are a lot of people who say that after they saw this show they thought they would start their own band. it was a great jumping off point for a lot of west coast punk. it was also, the pistols' last show. in a way, it was the end of one era of punk and the beginning of a new one. the city of san francisco didn't necessarily support punk rock. [♪♪♪] >> last, but certainly not least is a jell-o be opera. they are the punk rock candidate of the lead singer called the dead kennedys. >> if we are blaming anybody in san francisco, we will just blame the dead kennedys. >> there you go. >> we had situations where concerts were cancelled due to flyers, obscene flyers that the city was thought -- that he
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thought was obscene that had been put up. the city of san francisco has come around to embrace it's musicians. when they have the centennial for city hall, they brought in all kinds of local musicians and i got to perform at that. that was, at -- in a way, and appreciation from the city of san francisco for the musical legends. i feel like a lot of people in san francisco don't realize what resources there are at the library. we had a film series, the s.f. punk film series that i put together. it was nearly sold out every single night. people were so appreciative that someone was bringing this for them. it is free. everything in the library is free. >> it it is also a film producer who has a film coming out. maybe in 2018 about crime. what is the title of it? >> it is called san francisco first and only rock 'n' roll movie. crime, 1978. [laughter]
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>> when i first went to the art institute before the adventures were formed in 77, i was going to be a painter. i did not know i would turn into a punk singer. i got back into painting and i mostly do portraiture and figurative painting. one of the things about this job here is i discovered some great resources for images for my painting. i was looking through these mug shot books that we have here that are from the 1920s. i did a whole series of a mug shot paintings from those books. they are in the san francisco history centre's s.f. police department records. there are so many different things that the library provides for san franciscans that i feel like a lot of people are like, oh, i don't have a library card. i've never been there. they need to come down and check it out and find out what we have. the people who are hiding stuff in their sellers and wondering
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what to do with these old photos or old junk, whether it is hippie stuff or punk stuff, or stuff from their grandparents, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the public in the future. .ublic in the future. >> good afternoon. welcome to the march 11th, 2025 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors . >> madam clerk, will you please call the roll? thank you, mr. president. supervisor chen chan president supervisor chen chen present
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supervisor dorsey dorsey present supervisor and engardio and engardio president supervisor fielder fielder present supervisor mahmood mahmood present supervisor mandolin president mandolin and present supervisor melgar melgar president supervisor sartor sadr present supervisor sherril sherrell present and supervisor walton walton present. >> mr. president all members are present. thank you madam clerk. >> the san francisco board of supervisors acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the dramatist aloni who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the romita and maloney have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as caretakers of this place. as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests we
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recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional home land. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the romita aloni community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, will you join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> on behalf of the board i want to acknowledge the staff at s.f. gov tv and today particularly kaleena mendoza who record each of our meetings and make transcripts available to the public online. and with that, madam clerk can you take us to our 2 p.m. special order the mayor's appearance? yes. the special order at 2 p.m. is the appearance at today's meeting by the honorable mayor
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daniel lurie present to engage in a formal policy discussion with eligible board members prior to the discussion the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. >> thank you madam clerk and welcome mr. mayor. >> mayor larry do you have any opening remarks? thank you. good afternoon. >> president randleman and members of the board this week i am sending senior leaders of our administration alongside our city attorney david chiu to join san francisco chamber of commerce and top business leaders to lobby our federal for critical resources for san francisco. while i am prepared to make the tough decisions to tackle the city's budget crisis, we are looking to washington to partner with us on san francisco's comeback. with federal support we can supercharge our economic recovery by investing in a bold vision for a hunter's point naval shipyard and candlestick point and upgrading our critical transportation
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infrastructure. but as we advocate for those resources, we are fighting proposed cuts to essential programs like food that provide food, housing and health care for hundreds of thousands of san franciscans as well as fema reimbursements for critical work done to protect vulnerable communities during covid. san francisco drives and innovation across the country. and when san francisco wins the country wins. i'm grateful to senator padilla, senator schiff and our congressional delegation for their support and to the san francisco chamber of commerce for their leadership on this trip. our administration will continue to stand with them and leaders across san francisco to protect the services our residents depend on and invest in our city's bright future. thank you and thank you, mr. mayor. >> madam clerk, could you please call the topic? >> yes. the first topic submitted by the district nine supervisor
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supervisor fielder is displacement effects into the mission and the comprehensive strategy to address the drug crisis. >> supervisor fielder. you may ask your opening question. >> thank you, president and thank you for coming and answering this question. you and i have been talking about conditions along mission street and the bart plazas since our first sit down in december. and you even came to 16th street to going to walk with me the dpw director mission station please captain to see the conditions for yourself. and you've been many times since. i really appreciate your partnership and consistency in addressing challenges around 16th and mission. and your ongoing participation in community engagement in the mission. however, the recent enforcement operations at sixth street have displaced people across the city including two 16th in mission. >> and the fentanyl crisis persists regarding public drug use and our addiction crisis. >> how is your administration
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defining the success of these enforcement actions? >> and do you think they've been successful? i appreciate the question, supervisor fielder and i appreciate our multiple walks including the one at 16th and mission. and you're correct i've been back many times and i was there again last night for my administration. success is measured by the experiences our residents and visitors feel. it means a family walking down 16th and mission feel safe. it means clean, well-maintained sidewalks like those we saw in front of the mission cabins. success is small business owners feeling confident that they can build and run their businesses day and night. and success means alleys like white street in the mission are free of trash and drug use. >> my administration will continue to make this message clear through our enforcement actions. if you are dealing drugs we are going to continue coming after you. we have carried out effective
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interagency operations targeting open air drug markets and jefferson's square park and on 16th and mission both times we have removed dealers paraphernalia and trash from public spaces. and the response in both communities has been overwhelmingly positive. these operations are just one component of our broader strategy to get those struggling with addiction into the treatment they need. another critical component is adding the necessary bed capacity so we have options to offer people on the streets to move inside. and i appreciate the board's partnership in that work. but these operations do help send a clear message whether in the tenderloin jefferson square park, sixth street, 16th in mission or anywhere in our city, drug dealers will find no safe harbor. >> thank you. i wholeheartedly agree that street conditions perceptions
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of safety have to be a part of measuring success and at the same time if you go out to 60 the mission and the alleyways right now you'll largely see more of the same. and i understand that change doesn't happen overnight. >> but it's clear to me that with enforcement alone without a more comprehensive approach and broader metrics for success such as connecting people to treatment on demand shelter recovery programs, we're going to continue to displace people and public drug activities from block to block and neighborhood to neighborhood. and that's why i've called for a hearing on the four pillars strategy strategy that our own budget and legislative analyst's office has recommended and has been tested as an evidence based approach that equally prioritizes prevention slash education harm reduction and treatment alongside enforcement. and i think supervisors dorsey walton chan and mahmood for co-sponsor in this hearing
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zurich, switzerland was ones facing similar poor street conditions addiction and overdose rates as we are now and it is now among the safest cities in the world right now it seems your administration's strategy is leading heavily with enforcement. >> so i want to know if your administration would commit to equally prioritizing the other pillars and these successful four pillars model to provide a unified strategy and a lasting solution to our city's fentanyl crisis. as i was saying at the heart of my administration, strategy for improving conditions on the streets are our efforts to help people move into the treatment and the care that they need. to achieve this we must strengthen and expand our behavioral health and homelessness systems. that also means supporting people to reach recovery both when they are ready but also when they need it most. with our new department of public health director dan sy
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who started just last week, we are working to add beds across the continuum of care from shelter to locked behavioral health beds. i appreciate the board of supervisors and your support for my fentanyl state of emergency ordinance which is helping us tackle this crisis with the urgency it demands. with its passage we will be able to quickly open first responder friendly treatment sites like a22 garry and add much needed treatment beds for those struggling with severe mental illness and addiction. this legislation also allows us to streamline procurement of these sites and hire essential public health workers and where necessary law enforcement to strengthen our response alongside our enforcement work to stop the sale of deadly fentanyl in our streets. we are also providing services to people who are on the pathway to recovery who may not be sure what type of support they need. and we are helping them steer them towards treatment.
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for my administration, success means helping people regain their health and stability but also for our entire community to feel safer in san francisco. i look forward to collaborating with you supervisor and all of your colleagues on a long term sustainable approach to address our city's fentanyl crisis. thank you so much. >> thank you mayor lori. you may now ask a question to supervisor fielder or to any other supervisor in attendance pertaining to the same topic but not necessarily related to the previous question. i appreciate the opportunity but i'm good. thank you president. thank you all very much for having me today. thank you, mr. mayor. >> thank you very much. pleasure to be here. you're out of order. >> just all right, madam clerk, that concludes our mayoral discussions and the matter has
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been discussed and is now filed . >> and then we're going to go back to our communications. >> madam clerk, are there any communications? yes. thank you, mr. president. the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes your attendance to this meeting in the board's legislative chamber room 250 within city hall on the second floor. if you can't make it down here, you may watch the proceeding on s.f. govee tv's channel 26 or even view the live stream at w w w dot s.f. geo you may also submit your public comment by sending an email to boss at s.f. gov dot org or use the postal service address your envelope to the san francisco board of supervisors. the number one dr. carlton b good place city hall room 244 san francisco california 94102. to make a reasonable accommodation request under the americans with disabilities act or to request language
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assistance, contact the clerk's office at least two business days in advance by calling (415) 554-5184. and finally, mr. president, my office is in receipt of an ada accommodation request to provide public statements as the first speaker during general public comment. at that time my staff and i will make sure that this individual gets submitted to make remote comment as vetted by the ada. >> great. thank you madam clerk. >> let's go to approval of the meeting minutes. approval of the february 4th 2025 board meeting minutes. >> all right, colleagues. >> as our clerk indicated, we're approving the meeting minutes from the february 4th, 2025 regular board meeting. are there any changes to these meeting minutes? i don't see any. can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented moved by melgar. can i have a second seconded by fielder. and madam clerk will you please
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call the roll on the minutes as presented supervisor melgar. melgar eyes supervisor sartor. sartor eyes supervisor sherril sherril eyes supervisor walton walton eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor and engardio and engardio i supervisor fielder fielder i supervisor mahmood mohamud i and supervisor mendelson hi mandolin i there are 11 eyes. >> without objection the minutes will be approved after public comment as presented madam clerk let's go to the consent agenda items two through eight items two through eight are on consent. these items are considered to be routine. if a member objects an item may be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues does anyone want to sever any items from the consent agenda? i don't see anyone madam clerk
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can you please call the roll on items two through eight supervisor melgar melgar eyes supervisor sadr sadr eyes supervisor sherril sherril eyes supervisor walton walton eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey eyes supervisor and engardio engardio eyes supervisor fielder hi fielder i supervisor mahmood mahmood i. and supervisor mendelson hi mendelson either are 11 eyes without objection these ordinances are finally passed madam clerk please call the regular agenda unfinished business item number nine item nine this is an ordinance to retroactively authorize the san francisco public library to accept and expend a $1.9 million grant from the andrew w mellon foundation for the jail and reentry services program november 1st, 2024 through december 31st, 2027 and to amend the annual salary ordinance for fiscal years 2024
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through 25 and 2025 through 26 to provide for the addition of one grant funded full time position in class 3630 a librarian one grant funded full time position in class 1822 an admin analyst and a grant funded full time position in class 1823 a senior admin analyst at the public library through june 30th 2020 six madam clerk, i think we can take this item the same house same call without objection the ordinance is finally passed. madam clerk, can you please call item number ten? >> item ten this is an ordinance to amend the campaign and governmental conduct code to update the conflicts of interest codes form seven hundred the filing requirements by adding, deleting and changing titles of certain designated officials and employees to reflect organizational and staffing changes and by refining disclosure requirements for certain designated officials and employees.
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and we can take this item same house, same call without objection. this ordinance is finally passed. >> madam clerk, please call item number 11. item 11 this is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to authorize the tax collector to refund property taxes to the assessee or latest recorded owner of the property if the amount of the refund is less than 10,000 and there has been no transfer of the property during or since the fiscal year for which the taxes to be refunded were levied and we can take this item same house, same call without objection this ordinance is finally passed. >> madam clerk, can you please call item 12? >> item 12 this is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code to remove the requirement that parking operators certify and report periodically to the city the ratio of their unaccounted parking tickets to total issued tickets for each parking station for the reporting period. >> and let's take this item same house, same call. without objection this ordinance is finally passed.
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>> madam clerk, let's go to our new business. >> can you call item number 13? item 13 this is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code to authorize the tax collector to waive taxes, penalties and or interest under a program ending december 31st, 2027 that allows unregistered taxpayers to voluntarily disclose and pay back taxes and to authorize the tax collector to collect fees through december 31st, 2027 for reviewing applications for and providing advanced determinations to taxpayers. >> i think we can take this item same house, same call without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading and madame clerk, can you please call item number 14 for item 14 in accordance with section 2961 of article 29 a of the business and tax regulations code passage of this ordinance by the board requires an affirmative vote of two thirds or eight votes of the full membership.
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item 14 is an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulations code to suspend the empty homes tax pending a final decision in eric dubon at all versus the city and to reinstate that tax so that the tax first applies in the tax year immediately following the calendar year of that final decision. >> supervisor fielder thank you president colleagues, i would like to make a motion to continue item 14. after careful review and consultation with the city attorney, i would like to explore amendments that would potentially avoid having the empty homes tax suspended for years as the case makes its way through the courts and instead providing a pathway that would allow the city to begin collecting the tax once the courts give us the green light as the current legislation is written we would be suspending the empty homes tax until the entire case is resolved whereas the amendments i am exploring would suspend the empty homes
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tax only until the courts tell us otherwise when the courts allow us to implement the tax i want to make sure that we are not proactively limiting our ability to collect the tax until the final decision on all appeals is lifted. >> the intent of the homes tax measure was to fill thousands of empty homes across the city that are being left off of the market. and my hope is that we can work out some amendments that would ensure the city is implementing the tax as soon as the court allows while also addressing the concerns of the treasures office to ensure we are fulfilling the will of the voters. i would like to thank scott reber, chief tax attorney for taking our questions and the treasurer's team for being open to a continuance of this item until our next board meeting. >> thank you. supervisor fielder. supervisor fielder has made a motion to continue this item until the 18th. supervisor walton has seconded that motion. i think we can take that colleagues without objection. without objection. >> this item is continued until
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march 18th. madam clerk, can you call items 15 and 16 together? >> item 15 is a resolution that approves the second modification to an airport contract number 119 18.41 project management support services for the sfo for san francisco international airport cargo building six 620 6.1 project with consider pmc m inc with a contract increased by 10.3 million for a new total of 13 million and a four year contract extension may 2nd 2024 through may 1st 2029. and item 16 this resolution approves a second modification to an airport contract number 119 84.41 project management support services for the sfo cargo building seven 20.1 and gsc building 742 project with westfield consultants, a joint venture between wsp usa inc and agc inc to increase the
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contract amount by 10 million for a new total of 13 million to extend the contract for services an additional four years through may 1st 2029 and to make the appropriate findings for both items. >> let's take these items. same house, same call. >> without objection these resolutions are adopted. >> madame clerk, can you please call item 17? item 17 this is a resolution for real property a lease amendment for communication and control inc communications services facilities in alameda county for a monthly base rent of $9,080. >> let's take this item same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted. madam clerk, please call item number 18 item 18 this is a resolution to approve an emergency declaration of the san francisco public utilities commission to contract resources to restore the tesla treatment facilities.
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uninterruptible standby power supplies system which has become obsolete and was found to have failed anderson for 11 2024 during routine maintenance with the total estimated cost of 700,000. and we can take this item. same house, same call without objection this resolution is adopted. >> madam clerk, can you please call items 19 and 20 together? >> items 19 and 20 are two resolutions that approve and authorize real property leases for the real estate department. item 19 approves a property lease with family and child empowerment services for approximately 3000ft2 for the village community facility located at 1099 sunnydale avenue in san francisco for an initial term of five years with two five year options to extend at an initial rent of approximately 49,000 per year with 3% annual increases thereafter. the initial rent will include approximately 822ft2 of office
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space in support of a temporary grant and programing collaboration with family connections center to provide services to the community should future grants for said collaboration not be funded after the first year of the lease or any subsequent year thereafter during the initial five year term, the new adjusted rent will be approximately 3000 per month or approximately 36,000 per year with a 3% annual increase. item 20 this resolution approves and authorizes the director of real property to enter into a real property lease with the felton institute, a california nonprofit public benefit corporation for approximately 1500ft2 for the village community facility located at 1099 sunnydale avenue for a five year initial term with two year options to extend at an initial rent of approximately 24,000 per year 3% annual increases thereafter and a
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finding that competitive bidding procedures required under the administrative code are impractical or impossible and a finding that the lease furthers a proper public purpose sufficient to meet the administrative code market value requirements for both matters madam clerk that was a mouthful. it is moments like this when we feel such appreciation for you and your staff. thank you madam clerk. mr. president, i think we can take these items same house, same call without objection these resolutions these resolutions are adopted and madam clerk, can you please call items number 21 and 22 together? >> items 21 and 22 are two resolutions that pertain to the health service system contract amendments item 21 approves a third amendment to the agreement between the city and highland software inc for software that facilitates capture organization and storage of sfh s member documents to extend the term by five years for a total term
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january 4th, 2016 through march 31st 2030 with a contract increase of 200,000 for a new total of 574,000. >> item 22 this resolution approves the 10th amendment to an agreement between the city and pinay administrative services to administer cobra ab 528 programs health care spending accounts and flexible spending accounts to extend the term by 18 months for a total term of 12 years from march first 2015 through december 31st, 2026 and a contract increase of 555,000 for a new total of 4.6 million. >> and we could take these items same house, same call without objection these resolutions are adopted. >> madam clerk let's go to roll call. first up to introduce new business is supervisor melgar.
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>> thank you so much madam clerk. at colleagues at today i join supervisors order a soon to be parent who will speak right after me. >> in introducing a motion to formalize a parental leave policy for the board of supervisors. >> this effort believe or not has taken decades and is still an ongoing challenge. >> former supervisor michela alioto pier led the way by having to navigate her own pregnancy and parental leave as an elected official. she brought this issue to the voters in 2000 and six through a charter amendment to allow for remote conferencing ability for board members or commissioners. >> the charter had not assumed that that was a possibility before. >> however, the brown act required publicly disclosing remote locations to utilize this ability which means having
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to disclose your home or public hospital room making her public in 2021 during women's history month i introduce in the board's subsequently passed an ordinance to codify parts of the charter amendment for commissions and board because prior to that commissioners did not have this and it was inconsistent. we had had a couple of commissioners who had pregnancies in pregnancy and parental leave after who had no way of navigating that process. at the same time we work with some state legislators to update the brown act with parental leave pregnancy and caregiving in mind so that the remote voting and participation could be more feasible. unfortunately many of those efforts fell just short. fast forwarding to 2025, the state legislature made incremental progress by passing a bill that allows some remote attendance for just cause or emergency circumstances for her
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board members attending public meetings. and this just went into effect in january. as such, we need to formally adopt a parental leave policy for the board of supervisors members to fully align with these updates and to provide the ability for members to take official leave to bond with their new children and to be supported in that role. >> we should be normalizing taking official paid leave but in the event that it is desired ,members should also have the ability to participate fully in these chambers remotely. this is a step in the right direction. we're still very much limited by the confines of the brown act and we will continue pushing the envelope with our state legislature so that we can continue advocating for policies that are supportive of and accessible for parents and caregivers. this movement is growing with debate taking place at the national stage. we had senator tammy duckworth from illinois being the first
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person to serve while you know, giving birth. recently u.s. representative at peterson of colorado was denied the ability to vote remotely despite being weeks from her due date with her second pregnancy. just two weeks ago she had to bring her newborn baby to the house floor to cast her vote to oppose the ill conceived budget deal. our democracy thrives when we are able to see the representatives in these seats reflect everyday people and far too long for far too long we have made a challenging for caregivers a role that often falls on women to be able to fulfill these roles. >> the us remains one of the few countries in the world without any national paid parental leave policy and during the pandemic we saw how many people women and caregivers had to leave the workforce because of a lack of support in the system. elected bodies around the world are pushing for official policies for the member and we
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follow the footsteps of great britain, canada and even nearby redwood city who did this before us. i now turn it over to supervisor söder who i am so excited and look forward to serving on on the board continuing to move along with more family friendly policies and i also want to thank madam clerk for her work and her staff's work in putting this together. thank you so much. and the rest i submit to you. oh thank you supervisor melgar . >> supervisor sartor thank you. and i want to first recognize my colleague supervisor melgar for all of her hard work on this. i think we see that if no one does anything nothing happens and you push this forward. so thank you. and as supervisor melgar shared, this has been a long journey to get to this moment. many individuals, particularly women push this forward.
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the voters of this city want this and the voters of this city made that clear in 26 when they passed with a 72% ratio. the urging to to make policy and to set leave. so we are finally doing that today and you know, in a in a personal sense i am my wife and i are set to welcome our daughter into this world and into san francisco in a few weeks. and so we are excited but it brings back to mind, you know, difficult conversations in the past few years around if we could start a family in this city and serve this city and we have chosen to try and do both. but i think that a policy and actually setting policy like we're doing today would make it
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easier for more people to make that decision and have clarity about what that path might look like. so i hope that we will pass this quickly and i know that our message and our policy here today will make it more possible for more parents and parents to be to serve our great city in the rest of our summit. >> thank you, supervisor sutter supervisors. >> actually let's let's count sorry, supervisor sheryl, i think we should probably get to our 230 special order. >> do you need to call that or i just go straight into it. >> recognition of commendations for meritorious service to the city and county of san francisco. >> yes. >> all right. so we will start with district 11 supervisor chen. hi. may i have yolanda come on, come up.
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i welcome colleagues and friends today during women's history month. >> i'm so proud to offer accommodation to our lovely, inspiring and courageous community leader from excelsior district yolanda cruz. >> please give her a round pass . yolanda. >> yolanda sorry. it's a powerful testament to the strength of women to the power of community and to the immigrant experience.
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>> born in a small town in 1010 single mexico, yolanda grew up in a community where opportunity was a scarce. but dreams were abandoned from a young age. sue witnessed her parents working tirelessly to care for her three brothers and in suing her the value of hard work and resilience. >> 20 years ago, yolanda make a difficult decision to leave her hometown and everything familiar to come to san francisco. and here in district 11 excelsior she raised her four children and make a home in the district. >> yolanda lives across the street from cleveland elementary, a place that has been a second home to her over the years. it's a place where she volunteers every day with other parents mostly immigrant men and women to share experiences and resources, provide support to each other and organize together even though her
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children and now her grandchildren have long since graduated from cleveland, she continues to be part of this school community as a fierce advocate for educational equity . >> yolanda has been an active member of community organization that are champions for immigrants, working class and people of color including coleman advocates for children and youth and for their speaking of her experiences with this organization, sue humbly shares that she has learned so much and felt incredibly supported. >> and most importantly it evolved. it developed, it developed it consciousness of how to defend oneself and once community she has been part of the marches and mobilization that has advocated for public school students truly affordable housing and for public bank out of san francisco when she's not
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organizing making tamales is how being that this helping to distribute food. >> yolanda thinks that hopes and dreams that she has for her community that the next generation coming up in the neighborhood has the opportunity to thrive and have a better future that the schools are not black, that our children are not bullied in school and that our teachers and nurses are not getting laid off and that they have strength to cope with their share wave after world on their shoulders. >> yolanda proves that day after day that this is the woman who pop up for all communities and that the immigrant experiences it's about extraordinary strength. >> she's affectionately called grandmother of the xhosa by the children at cleveland elementary school and i'm so proud to honor yolanda today a fashion we call donna ulis and i invite you again to join me in a round of applause and congratulate her and thank her
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calling us in between meals or in the other until mystery story that community is told. when we were yourself i said only low heel i want encanto to inspire our evolution to lead our community early three to the excelsior yolanda chorus the story of the yolanda simple rosa testimonial ella first let's play this in the la comunidad l'expérience tell us immigrants national park in pueblo it's denouncing old mexico yolanda crenshaw and when i comunidad on the last opportunity that is aranguiz casals bitterness winners i will end up on this record. >> i will move back into boaz by the rest our heroine can supplement the paddock with as was stress hermanos but i include carlos los valores and trabajo little ella resistencia
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i seven s.a. yolanda to more la the official decision to the sociedad natal it total or all of ya para avenida san francisco a creo cuatro rico's propose a social order and only three letters your yolanda have you been to cleveland elementary don't they a oligarchy acido segundo i know lago that lozano's is somewhere on the terrace and pena como voluntary at all osias control paris and so my area on seem quite as immigrants but compartilhar experiencias have a cautious apple you are said mutu a mental organism segundos episodic as was because our race was nietos shangri la la squalor. cleveland does it as a mature tiempo ecac and operetta la comunidad scholar commune affirmative and so rather like erratic educative yolanda i see though integral to activa the
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organization this communitarian because on campus the los immigrant is the classic trabajo de las colonia as a person as a color incluyendo common advocates for children and youth e there cuando abla this experience has convinced us already so soon this army element the competition get up and either mucho kisses seem to increase element they are other low mass importantly zika is a concerns here the common defenders say i see me my yes or comunidad acito part the marchers see mobilization this yalla which other policies to enter this quite as public as liberian development as actively chaperon bank banco public san francisco condo and restaurant in sandoval community communitarian sponsored to malaysia you are at history will commit us you'll end up in silence esperanza seniors catnip
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paraiso common era parochial approximate congressional scenario tangle oportunidad prosper eat in the room for my cannot see and intimidate us and let us kill us because it was my enfermedades no sanders benito's getting a first a parasitic frente el paso del mundo sobre su sonorous yolanda demonstra detras zia casillas mukuru skin is stealing kidneys so stealing most us comunidad is equal experiential immigrants this would not force extraordinary is a cleveland elementary like among carrying your samantha love well i will excelsior estoy mallorca also the on yolanda we continue samantha amara daniel elise he lives in britain you say they will not round of applause us
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yes first i am ola yes i yolanda and if they more content aqui parking me companion are right now me grupo de mi grupo mayor the donor but i will heal the iraqi i abla landless jesse davis can settlers tenemos and interrupt me commonly down in latin in a . hello my name is yolanda. i am very happy to be here with my colleagues and and with this group is such a privilege for me to come to you and to talk about our needs. okay? and locate your in me your list all galaxies coalesce tenemos
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this i see that this como and pray tomada como stay my the girls in my system they must programs for our case the real men they know say thank you tano muturi la la la i so angel e beirut i'm what i'm here for is is because i wish for schools or i have a dream for schools because they need nurses and they need teachers and programs the programs are being taken away right now and that is my concern. it's me in your ghetto to monopolize pile of beverly familia in less is square less gay necessity well i come all paris and milan place k kaigama
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say that you i trust you that if i would at go poor on our own sueno americano kinesthetic damo gabfest and restore by sabathia no lost animals better than battle your message at least listen to content for but if that aqui compartilhar la necesidad this the todos etc. such as it can remove gay catholic culture of mosque another cannot ask you can look at nosotros necesitamos para i am here because i support school parents and the immigrant parents in san francisco because most immigrants came from many places chasing the american dream.
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. and next up we will have district six supervisor matt dorsey. >> thank you president mandl men and preliminarily i want to welcome the class from siv lev how san francisco works and express my gratitude to michael adams for leading that effort. thank you all for your civic engagement from the class and just welcome you to san francisco city hall. >> but colleagues, the primary reason i rise today is to honor and to celebrate the remarkable career of abby ent and to recognize her extraordinary contributions. >> on the occasion of her well-earned retirement, what for the past seven years abby has served as the executive director of the san francisco health service system leading with a steady hand, a
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compassionate heart and an unwavering commitment to the tens of thousands of members who rely on it. her impact, however, extends beyond these past seven years with more than 35 years in health care including eight years at dignity health saint francis memorial hospital and 12 years as an ems administrator at the department of public health. abby's career has been defined by service leadership and an unyielding drive to improve health care access and outcomes. i've had the privilege of serving on the health service board for the past two years. i can confidently say that abby has been instrumental in helping me not only navigate the enormous complexities of our health care system but also to understand how the health service service system works to benefit its tens of thousands of members. without her, frankly i'd still be struggling to make sense of acronyms and actuarial studies. abby has made sure that i and the rest of this board are well equipped with the knowledge we need to be true assets to our health care system and it is to enable us to be responsible
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stewards and for that we are all deeply grateful. >> one of the many things that sets abby apart is her work ethic and her leadership style . she is collaborative, communicative and always prioritizes members first. she is fair, honest and compassionate. values that have been at the core of everything she has accomplished. she has not only embraced the transformation in the health care industry but has worked tirelessly to address its rising costs to ensure equity in access to care and to foster community partnerships to maximize resources. abby's ability to lead with vision and pragmatism has helped snf access be at the forefront of member and health services and well-being. as executive director, her champion ship for data driven decision making make possible innovative solutions that improve the health of our city's workforce and its retirees. whether leading the transition back from a post-covid work environment advocating for high quality and sustainable health care benefits or leading
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sometimes tough negotiations with vendors, stakeholders and our health service system board, she has led with integrity and purpose every step of the way. beyond abby's professional accomplishments, she really is an exceptional person as she steps into retirement. i know she is looking forward to spending more time with her husband larry and her two young adult sons. living in picturesque sonoma she is ready to embrace a new chapter filled with family friends and if i had to guess probably some well-deserved relaxation. fortunately i am reliably informed that abby is well aware that her retirement will not relieve her of the obligation to take my calls as an unpaid member of my brain trust on the intricacies of health care policy and benefits. abby on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, the health service board and the tens of thousands of city employees and retirees whose lives and health you have inestimable improved thank you. congratulations on her retirement you have more than earned and i invite you to say a few words. >> but first connie chan thank
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you president domain. >> i just i want to add to and concur. supervisor dorsey's sentiment and express to you director ns i am grateful as well i. i think that director abby ns is one of the quietest. if we if san francisco is a basketball team i would say you know director yance is one of the quickest, quietest, most valuable players on this team. you you have played a tremendous role and critical role to really the health and well-being of the city workers both active and retired. and when i became i was a rookie supervisor and joined the health service board. i had no idea what i was getting myself into truly those meeting and i love city and love all the readings and documents and yet it was very difficult and it was probably easier to watch paint dry than
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go through the service board hearings warning to new colleagues but it was the most well worth of my time i think really in city you actually took that time to learn about health care system to really learn from you. director yeah and about how this actually work and is really complex work and it's a thankless job and i'm just so grateful that you were there for us and i'm so actually sad to see you retire. >> well deserved retirement and yet it's a very difficult time for the health care system not just for san francisco but really for the country as well. and and i really hope that we could continue to call on you for your advice because it is a difficult time that we must maneuver at this moment. but for all that you have done for us, i'm just so grateful
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and thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan i also got to do a little tour of duty on the health service board and very much echo the comments of my colleagues. we are lucky as a city to have had abby and taken care of us so thank you. and now i think supervisor dorsey would like to invite you to say a few words. >> well thank you very much for the accolades. it's been up quite a wild ride. i entered the arena seven years ago and thought it thinking i knew a lot about health care and i had a lot more to learn and we are at a time of great change in the health care system and consolidation and increase in pricing and so it is a time to be very rigorous about our work that we do in providing those health care services for all of the active and retired employees from the city as well as the school district and community college and the court. so we have pretty broad constituency i have to say that
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i could not do it without my leadership team who has just risen to every occasion. i do not shy away from challenging assignments and i pass them on to my team and they often are a little bit surprised about the expectation but they always meet or exceed . so i really am very grateful to all of them. i've had the honor to develop two strategic plans for the organization and we're about to embark on on the next one. but they've i think have been spot on to help our guiding light where our emphasis has been around equity affordability, advancing the practice of primary care, providing adequate mental health services and running an efficient operation and at hcc and i think we've made major head roads into all of these areas and they will need continued guidance to get us there and serving and in being
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sure that we have our role in transforming health care systems and it's often not clear what it is and even as a purchaser with as much money as we spend on health care, it is often not heard. so i think we need to continue to be sure that we have influence over those health care systems and the rising cost. and then just to touch on we were i was pleased to be able to lead the agency through the pandemic to ensure that our members had access to covid vaccine. it was great to be a part of that incredible team here in san francisco that had such remarkable results from preventing the spread and death of many from the vaccine. so it was a joy to be part of that. i did share with folks that i found a letter that was written to my grandmother in 1918 who was being thanked for her service during the pandemic. at that time i thought that was a crazy that i was carrying on
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that tradition and and it's true that the collaboration and communication is key to this job. there's just so many complexities and we can't do it. none of us can do it alone. so i do appreciate the support that the board of supervisors has provided myself in our organization over the years. it's made a difference. i know i speak to many people, many of our members over time and they're not shy to call me when they want to lift so and that's how i have to but it's been a it's been a real honor and a pleasure to serve the city of san francisco. so thank you so much. director, why don't you come into the well for a photograph with the board so close the box is too big to see to give you
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district eight i want to invite nelson barry and the urban angels to come up today. it is my honor to present a special commendation to nelson barry and the urban angels, an organization he founded initially to help unhoused people but which has since expanded its reach to support low income families and children across san francisco. >> the urban angels have become a durable strand in the city's safety net. what began as a food and clothing giveaway group has evolved to offer school backpack computer aided home tutoring for early elementary students and bilingual counseling services. >> urban angels began ten years ago as a breakfast group in a
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diamond heights restaurant. nelson barry then a retired lawyer, was discouraged by the long rows of tarps and tents along division street and wanted to help. the group started by distributing burritos. next came socks, clothing and more food. barry's small flock of helpers expanded as word spread within months volunteers were hitting sidewalks in the tenderloin and mission districts. nelson plugged into other nonprofits and groups such as urban alchemy code tenderloin and the homeless prenatal program to match needs with resources. the angels set up a sidewalk set up sidewalk tables outside drop in centers and teamed up with neighborhood groups. by 2024 the urban angels had given away some 12,000 clothing bags for men, women and children. when covid hit, the urban angels stepped up. they distributed hand sanitizer and face masks when facemasks when the public supply ran short two years ago, barry and the urban angels decided to try a new direction helping young children keep up with schoolwork.
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the angels took on tutoring developing a program that gives students laptop ppes and matches them with trained instructors who measure their progress. the effort supported students still struggling after covid related school closures. marcia contreras, deputy executive director of mission housing development corp., said of nelson. he's very thoughtful, creative and action driven. we could not have asked for a better community partner. the angels now offer a spectrum of programs related to nutrition schoolwork and social activities including trips and art classes. >> thank you nelson barry and the urban angels for all you've done and will continue to do to make our city safer and healthier and to support the next generation of san franciscans. and with that the floor is yours. mr. president, members of the board, all my volunteers and other guests in the room. as you heard, my name is nelson barry. i'm president and founder of
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urban angels s.f. and it's an honor to speak for you today on behalf of our organization. i first i'd like to express our immense gratitude for receiving this commendation for our work supporting san francisco's unhoused and low income communities over the past decade to be recognized by a board that is deeply committed to fostering positive change in our city is truly humbling. i want to extend a special and heartfelt thanks to you president madeline your belief in urban angels s.f. and your continued support have been invaluable. your guidance and encouragement have been a source of inspiration for us and have helped us propel our mission forward. it's leaders like you who enable us to carry our work with renewed energy and dedication. for the past ten years urban angels s.f. has been focused on distributing essential supplies, clothing, food, water and the like to those in need striving to provide not only sustenance but dignity.
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but today as we look to the future we are excited to announce an expanded mission to empower the education of unhoused children in grades two through six. this new initiative is named at bridging the education gap for these children who face the most significant barriers to success through high impact tutoring in reading and math. our book lending program and our parent mentoring initiatives we are committing to providing a holistic approach to education. this year we will host our seventh annual program where 1000 unhoused children and others from families living at the poverty level will receive brand new high quality backpacks filled with new school supplies ensuring that they have the resources they need to start their school year with hope, confidence and readiness. these programs are about much more than academic achievement . they are about building a stable and joyful future for
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these children. as you know, education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. and through these efforts we aim to give these children the tools, encouragement and support to rise to reach their full potential. in closing, i want to once again express i was i wish to once again express our deepest gratitude to the entire board of supervisors, especially president randleman for your support today. your recognition strengthens the vital partnership between city leaders like yourselves and community based organizations like ours. together we can continue to uplift the most vulnerable members of our community and create a more inclusive, compassionate san francisco. thank you for your continued support of our partnership as we work together to build a brighter future for all. >> and if i if i may, i'd like to introduce some of the people
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behind me very quickly. jason patel is one of our longest standing board members and she represents six other women who are on our board. two are chinese to or from india. >> one is mexican and indian one sri lankan. we also have an advisory board with two gay members and a member from the hispanic committee. >> in the back, marsha contreras and gina rodriguez are from mission housing development corporation which is a they operate several residences in the city where the families and the children that we serve live. and so thank you for coming today. everybody else here is part of our volunteer corps. and as you can see, volunteerism is driven by women . we have seven women on our board. i think they scared off all the men but they stood up and they do the work. and we have all of these women
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here except for me and al. and we're proud to be among this group who really drive the passion and the energy and the mission in our group. and we have one special note i want to make to karen andrea, laura and maria teresa here. the small family lives in the tenderloin and they have showed up every thursday morning at our office for the last five years to sort hundreds of bags of clothing that there's none prepared for distribution the next week to the prenatal clinic and to numerous other organizations such as code tenderloin, urban alchemy. and without them we couldn't get this program moving. >> and i just like to give them and all the other volunteers a big round of applause. >> thank you, rafael, for letting me do that. okay. on over here.
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this is the payoff because that's a photo of me. >> but you want to give it to me? yeah. you're doing all right. thank you. all right. thank you. >> thank you, everybody. we're retreating to max's opera plaza for a little reception. any of you who want to put your aids in charge here and join us? i understand they make a wicked martini. >> thank you again. all right. and i believe that concludes our commendations and we can go back to rollcall.
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>> next up to introduce new business is supervisor sherril summit. >> thank you. supervisor walton. >> thank you so much, madam clerk. colleagues last year we took an important step by passing amendments to the city's language access ordinance through a collaborative process between the office of community engagement and immigrant affairs, oca and the community today along with supervisors chan fielder and chen. >> we are calling for a hearing to assess the progress of the implementation of the lio and ensure our commitments are being met. as part of this discussion. we will also review the 2025 language access compliance summary report provided annually by the office of community engagement and immigrant affairs. the upcoming budget and legislative and now analysts report on language access which i requested on july 9th, 2024
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and is currently being finalized and hear directly from the community about their experience and concerns regarding the city's language access services. we are lucky to live in a city as diverse as san francisco where our communities speak a wide range of languages ensuring language access is critical to making sure all residents regardless of the language they speak can fully engage with and benefit from city services and participate in a democratic process. i look forward to a productive discussion as we continue working toward a more inclusive, accessible and equitable san francisco for all the rest of us. >> thank you. supervisor walton. supervisor chan. submit. thank you. supervisor chen submit. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey. thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, i would ask that we conclude today's board meeting with an in memoriam for the late alisha miele who is the
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father of mosher miele, a veteran deputy city attorney and a friend of colleague and colleague of mine and a longtime community leader. alijah miele was born in jordan in 1932. he immigrated to san francisco in 1966 in pursuit of the american dream a dream he would fulfill with hard work, resilience and boundless love for his adopted country and his family. prior to immigrating to the united states, he was a skilled carpenter even contributing to the production of lawrence of arabia part of a production design team that would go on to win the 1963 oscar for best art direction and set design which was one of seven oscars that film won that year including best picture. here in san francisco, ali worked as a busser at original joe's on taylor street and became a proud member of the carpenters union. he later moved to los angeles where he met the love of his life antoinette jameel and built a successful small business the monte carlo limousine. he was beloved by his clients including boxing legend
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muhammad ali who famously insisted on sitting up front to swap stories with him. ali eventually retired back in the bay area living in the salvation army silvercrest apartments in south of market and also in willow grill at glen in san jose. he was a devoted husband, father and grandfather survived by the love of his life and his partner antoinette and his son mo and grandchildren oliver and kate. our hearts go out to them and to all who join us and all are in honoring ali's legacy a well-lived life rooted in hard work, community and family. may he rest in peace and the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey supervisor and gaudio submit. >> thank you. supervisor fielder. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues today i have found it imperative to introduce a resolution addressing the increasing crisis of family homelessness and the harm on children from the reinstated 90 day shelter. >> length of stay policy. for the past few weeks i've
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heard more and more stories from families with looming eviction dates at their shelters who are fearful and stress about the threat of eviction and being returned to the streets. >> we we've been told by two sage and the mayor's office that this policy is to better address the needs of families in our community and to ensure families are making quote positive progress on their families success plans. >> however, the actual implementation of this policy has been a nightmare for families and fails to solve for larger barriers that are actually in the way of families making positive progress. the policy has escalated to the point that just yesterday two families were facing 5 p.m. evictions with the threat of the shelter provider calling as of today to remove them. i repeat a shelter provider threatened to call police on families at a shelter. >> it turns out that the families were waiting for
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scheduled appointments for housing referrals something that should have been considered positive progress. >> agency overturned the provider's removal decision and the families received 30 day extensions which is a relief but is only going to bring us back to square one in april. >> these are not anomalies as of this policy rollout i've heard from as of used social workers, medical professionals and community organizations. dozens of stories of confusion and fear. >> and this reinstated policy in its current implementation and is ineffective as it is callous. i outlined in an extensive memo last week the implementation issues in this shelter state policy such as families not being informed of their ability to request an extension. the incredible discretion providers and case managers have in dictating what positive progress means let alone the larger systemic barriers that families have in accessing
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housing and exiting the shelter system. >> even hsa and shelter providers have acknowledged those barriers. also most families are not being informed of their right to submit a grievance should an extension be denied which is a violation of city policy. >> i sent this memo to the mayor's policy chief and hsa and they have been open to working on solutions. i'm now formally calling on the mayor and agency to rescind or drastically reform the 90 day shelter, stay policy and work with the board of supervisors and stakeholders to develop a policy that avoids placing undue stress on families. these reforms should include increases in shelter and housing options to address family homelessness. >> this policy is partially predicated on the notion that families refusing to leave shelters are the problem. >> there has been no readily available data to suggest this . no parent wishes to raise their children in a shelter.
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these shelters are a last resort for families. this policy is not working and rather than committing substantial jail time in all of the different branches of litigating family cases one by one we need a better policy. >> the stories we are hearing are heart wrenching and i literally cannot sleep at night. >> knowing families with children of all ages are being subject to this policy with inconsistency and callousness. >> no child should have to live on the streets and the city shouldn't be the cause for any child being back on the streets . as the policy currently stands ,we need to do better. >> we can end family homelessness in san francisco and we should be working together to make it happen. >> thank you. supervisors chen melgar and walton for your early co-sponsorship and partnership . >> i hope all of you will join us in supporting san francisco's most vulnerable children and working to find
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real lasting solutions to family homelessness. the rest i submit. thank you. supervisor fielder. supervisor mohamud submit. >> thank you. supervisor gentleman thank you, madam clerk. i have one in memoriam today. i'm asking that we adjourn our meeting in memory of alan jacobs, our city's former planning director and a district eight resident who passed away on february 18th at the age of 96. alan was born on december 29th, 1928. he grew up in cleveland, ohio and earned a bachelor of architecture degree from miami university. he studied at the graduate school of design at harvard university and earned a master's degree in city planning from the university of pennsylvania from 1954 to 1955. he was a fulbright scholar in city planning at university college in london. he began his career as an urban planner at the pittsburgh regional planning association where he worked for seven years before moving to india to
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advise on a metropolitan plan for calcutta. he continued to practice urban design throughout his life and throughout the world working on projects in san francisco, berkeley, los angeles, portland, vancouver, critica in brazil and other cities. during his tenure as our director of city planning from 1967 to 1975, alan was responsible for developing major elements of the city's comprehensive plan as well as design guidelines for downtown development. he also focused on revitalizing neighborhoods throughout san francisco to make them more livable. >> most notably, alan was charged with creating an urban design plan for the city. the plan was innovative in its approach and presentation popular among residents and widely heralded across the professional community. it identified key principles of the city's urban form and patterns based on a series of detailed studies and illustrated these with hand-drawn images that made the ideas accessible. alan joined the faculty of the uc berkeley department of city and regional planning in 1975, serving two terms as department
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chair before retiring in 2001. he established the department's urban design concentration and helped found the college's master of urban design program. he was a prolific writer. he authored several books including making city planning work published in 1980 which chronicled his years as san francisco's planning director looking at cities published in 1985 great streets published in 1993 and the boulevard book history evolution design of multi-way boulevards which he coauthored with his wife elizabeth mcdonald and yoda and rafi rafi published in 2003 and the good city reflections and imaginations published in 2011. great streets is the best known of these and is still in print to this day through text freehand sketches plans and sections, the book reveals alan's persistent curiosity about how city streets work and social spaces. it also pyle pioneered his square mile up or square mile map methodology which has since become a standard way for urban designers and city planners to analyze the urban form and fabric of cities in a
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comparative way. >> the book is filled with alan's close observations his passionate, passionate joy for cities and his love of life. there is a magic to great streets, he writes. we are attracted to them not because we have to go there but because we want to be there. the best star is joyful as they are utilitarian they are entertaining and they're open to all. they permit anonymity at the same time as individual recognition. they are symbols of a community and its history. they represent a public memory. they are places for escape and for romance places to act and to dream. >> i knew of alan jacobs long before i was elected and it was my great honor to be his supervisor. alan is survived by his wife elizabeth, two daughters, a son, seven grandchildren. and countless friends and fans . thank you alan for your service to sam san francisco and for inspiring generations of urban planners. may your memory be a blessing? and the rest i submit. >> thank you, mr. president and mr. president seeing no names on the roster that concludes the introduction of new business. >> all right.
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then let's go to public comment. >> okay. at this time the board welcomes general public comment as the public members are lining up on their right hand side of the chamber. as i stated earlier, we will first hear remote general public comment from an individual vetted pursuant to the americans with disabilities act. i'll ask my staff now to please bring that caller into this meeting for two minutes. >> welcome color. >> hello. this is michael cottrell is calling in to make public comment. i am very concerned about the safety issues in the castro district. recently a homeless neighbor named dale passed away. he died on a cold sidewalk and we saw a publicity stunt by elected officials in response. i related to safety concerns on sunday evening at about 8 p.m.
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a gay man was viciously attacked under the castro theater marquee and his blood was left on the sidewalk under the castro theater marquee. >> the intensive tail and the attack on the gay man on sunday night are causing many, many concerns in the castro. >> unfortunately we are not hearing from our elected officials regarding our demand . >> our demand is for an urgent town hall meeting this week with our elected officials to listen to us. we want a public comment time as long as it takes to hear from everyone in the castro. >> at a town hall meeting with our elected officials, we all know the gop fear is holding town halls because they don't
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want to hear criticism. unfortunately we in the castro district we see that same attitude of fear by the elected officials who have not announced a town hall meeting or in memoriam for dale. and because of the vicious attack on sunday night at the castro theater, we want a town hall meeting on safety issues this week. thank you. thank you for your comments. >> we will now move to those folks in the room. >> welcome to our first speaker . >> grow food since you didn't introduce anything but a script. i mean reading a script stupid script including watch out on because using a child children homelessness for to develop trafficking is not going to work well with me at all. >> so since you didn't
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introduce anything concerning the measure problem we have which is whether manipulation, food poisoning which concerns every single one of us i'm introducing now i told you last week you have to do it now i'm introducing a sort of call to disobey disregard anything that this current is telling you to do. this includes being tax everything until they address this problem of weather manipulation that is messing with our skies. >> now everybody disobey that includes traffic lights. no now you do that with what the this fake doesn't want to do response ability and critical thinking if you need to take a right turn when you want you look it safe i'm going it that's available civil
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disobedience this is fake and criminal does it now your system you started the reason why you strategy of god i thought god does and what is because it comes from your unintelligent ugliness see so it's going to fill i see everything don't mess with our food and it's mom and that's of course right the engineer mosquitoes to attack us now to protect the so called belts are you choking? that's a revolution. >> thank you for your comments . >> welcome, miss chandler. thank you. appreciate it. my name is soliloquy a chandler and my son was murdered jelani
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jama one day january the 9th 2015 the san francisco quadruple homicide which it took ten years for me to finally get a trial date september 18th in may trial 2024 september 28th i ended up having a stroke unfortunately being hospitalized for two weeks. but that's not the real concern that i want to talk about today. i'm very, very discouraged as i look into the chamber and i notice that maybe 1 or 2 commonly called african-american children we known as the hebrew nation that's one of the discussions that's being discussed all over the world. we're nowhere in the chambers because the bottom line is i see the beauty of all the cultures coming together and talking about their their victories. but we have to understand that when you destroy a nation and you take their language in their communication and their sacred rites and their
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relationships with their gods and give them external you have nothing and i'm request thing that we begin to have a serious dialog concerning what we need to do concerning the raising of my people back into the status of who they were originally before their language and their culture and the enslavement took place. my people are dying and i'm very concerned and what i see is that within the political realm i don't think we are addressing it. i don't have to explain i'm not a racist person but i realize that even the city of san francisco is a representation of a sanctus. i think you call it a sanctuary city but nothing is really being done for the history of who we are in building this country. >> we're not addressing this issue and i think that we really thank you, mr. quere chandler for your comments.
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welcome to the next speaker. well, good afternoon. i'm lisa platt, a d2 resident. i'm going to start with just the facts. >> the us has had a shortage of that lately so maybe this will be a little refreshing to us all. >> you all passed a resolution ensuring public transit remains convenient and for that i personally thank you and we have a near term s.f. mta budget shortfall primarily caused by reduced parking revenues in downtown garages as mta has found every bit of savings they possibly could reducing the 2025 gap to just 15 million that 15 million can be found one of three ways one cut muni service causing an already kneecaps system to be transfer dependent increasing the time to travel by ten plus minutes at a time when as the mayor wants more businesses are doing return to office to find
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new sources of parking revenue like running meters in the evening just like they do in cities like austin, boston and chicago three to a small general fund transfer or have sfm to use a bit of reserves number one has a major impact on tourism property values and economic recovery one and two have potential political collateral damage if you cut the service of the large majority of san franciscans who use transit, they're not going to help you get the funding you need in 2026 efforts you would have already broken promises to your constituents if you add parking hours a small but large amount of people may sound shutdown but they were unlikely to support an mta 2026 funding effort anyway. >> number three is the easiest it buys us time to get funding in place in 2026 and leaves no political wake.
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pick your poison but please be strategic. >> making summer muni cuts is economic, public trust and political suicide. >> please choose parking or reserves to put some action behind. thank you for your comments. let's welcome our next speaker . >> well we gave it abby award combination and i'm reading their mass recommended but not required for all and it's just all lies and b.s. and you know ,it's really sad that nobody's talking about how covid it was when the cdc put snake venom in all the water systems and got a sick that's how it happened. it really did. >> and richard, dr. richard bartlett who is curing like a thousand patients per month 100% of the time using what's called monoclonal antibodies. >> you know what that is? that's antivenom. it's ants.
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>> look up this guy named dr. brian artist brilliant guy. i mean he discovered this when his friend richard bartlett sent him a text. you know, if you got bit by a snake, would you go to the e.r. and you know, get the antidote? that's all he said and it got him researching and then it came to him you know, covid with snake a synthetic snake venom put into the water systems by the cdc from january of 2020. now in october of 2020 a random reporter this is a providence of god look 52 seconds well help lord to type in the dr. artists show a.r. diaz and scroll down to the antidote. >> okay. this guy is amazing. he he's the guy who found out that when fauci and deborah burks, you know, recommended the what's it called remdesivir it was it would kill the patient in nine nine days
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straight and he studied the studies that fauci recommended for how great you know, remdesivir is and he found out it's deadly poison. you know everything the health department were giving him awards, you know, please come on now that you must know these things i'm not smarter than everybody. >> i'm just a carpet cleaner. you should know these things. thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. hello, board griffin leisure due to resident hope i have all of your attention here are not sure if i can talk on something and in the past from this agenda but regarding the vacancy tax i think the majority of that board is is pro housing and wants more housing built here in san francisco. i will confidently say that landlords developers will not be incentivized if a vacancy tax does pass. >> i'm i'm going to continue to advocate on something with that
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behalf. >> i'm pausing your time just for a moment. are you talking about an item on our agenda? could it be item 11? item 14 it wouldn't be possible for you to that item went through committee and already had its public comment fulfilled. >> got it. i also have something an upcoming agenda. i'll start your time again. here we go. okay. you have a minute and 34 seconds left. >> thank you. regarding the distribution and fairness act regarding i think that supervisors souder feel fielder melgar and walton are proposing on the agenda coming up regarding h s h to explore for and implement a fair distribution i would take a step back and think about what the cost would be to implement bill the shelters that we need in the city versus using
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ideology to think about or and to propose the distribution of homeless throughout the city. for example soma has i think i read 26% of homeless population . >> soma should be then responsible for that 26% it shouldn't have to live and move into different different neighborhoods that are already doing their part potentially on you think about the cost right now h s h has an $846 million budget and on average each homeless cost is $101,000 based off of the last point in time count in january 2024. i urge you to think about the cost before just wreaking havoc on other communities neighbors ,neighborhoods. >> thank you for your comments. oh good afternoon.
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my name is jaime viloria i am tenderloin resident and also part of the muni now muni forever campaign. thank you for passing resolution supporting muni and thank you to all the supervisors here who continue to be open and having discussions with our campaign. the resolutions are great but we need actions and we need it this year and we need it locally. over the past three years transit advocates have been sounding the alarm of the impending deficit. we helped in getting a state bailout two years ago but nothing has been done to address the deficit. last year advocates put a truly grassroots ballot measure to raise 25 millions for transit. it passed but was invalidated by a word imposed from prop em. >> now all we've heard from our leaders to address this deficit is we're advocating the state are waiting for a regional measure. those are the same things we heard in the past three years.
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we still don't have funding and no plan six express accepted to risk it on the uncertainty let us not go there again. let's take steps locally this year the optics of a very wealthy city where about seven out of 11 supervisors have assets over a million and the mayor inheriting $1 billion fortune while allowing cuts and punting the potential solutions somewhere else does not leave me with a lot of confidence or feel inspired we can make our city shine. with the backdrop of federal cuts orchestrated by the wealthy, we need to be san franciscans and find solutions locally and show that we really are innovative and progressive. stop the cuts, do something this year and work with us advocates who are ready to mobilize to find solutions and make it happen. money is love. let us not fail it. >> thank you for your time. thank you for your comments. welcome to our next speaker. >> hello supervisors. my name is avril. you are a resident of district
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one. i also want to thank you for passing the resolution to support muni in your last meeting. >> i'm here because i want to urge this board to support a general fund transfer to the sfm to or at least work with the s.f. mta to help prevent this year's summer cuts. >> if you're there last week in the s.f. mta board meeting so many people showed up asking for sfm to not to cut low income toe subsidies not to cut crossing guards, not to cut muni lines at hundreds of thousands of people use every single day. this is what is at risk this summer if we do not do anything. this could potentially all go away as if mta and the advocates have been working tirelessly to prevent these cuts. we need the support of this board and the mayor to have the political will to make things happen. it is unlikely that a regional measure will fully fund muni
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and if our city cannot administer the self-help it needs to help save our own transportation system. what will the other counties think? do you think they're willing to tax themselves to support a city that can't help themselves? now is the time to address this deficit when it is still manageable. please work with s.f. mta on general fund transfer to save muni this summer. >> thank you. thank you for your comments. nobody wants closed terry. >> terry, you're out of order when you do that. >> hello. my name is liam mckeever. i am sharing my perspective as a trans latin x homeowner in d six. >> i believe a lot of you know this person, j.j. smith. >> he seems to be a nice guy who's interested in helping people. i wish that's how i knew him. unfortunately it is not. >> it's also wearing a hat saying that says matt dorsey.
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>> a couple weeks ago j.j. smith recorded homeless people and myself at a rally in the tenderloin and tom wolf commented on that ex post that said lol get em jj. >> i took that as encouragement of jay's behavior. >> jj left a comment on my substack. i write about the. i took that as he is also observing me write about the there as well. >> two weeks ago you may remember that he recorded me in this chamber. >> posted it immediately on x which riled up transphobic hate. he called me. he she it's this is an email saying you put my life at risk and i point out exactly what he did. >> this is my supervisor talking about tom wolfe, his
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recovery drug advisor saying never be silenced. tom wolfe the moral high ground is yours. keep fighting. tom wolfe was also harassing me at this time so i took that as encouragement to my supervisor to for tom wolfe to continue my harassment and now i have people online that i do not know who seem to know my supervisor and jj sharing things about my restraining order information and other things on how to defeat me and thus continue harassing me. i don't know why they are so invested in harassing me. i wish some of you would ask questions about what is this going what's going on? >> what's the connection? >> we must live. transpeople must live. i have a copy for the record. thank you. thank you liam mckeever for your comments. we'll come and collect that from you. >> welcome to the next speaker. please.
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>> my name is and i'm dave sherman. i'm speaking on the behalf of purchase checks millennial holders. it is not san francisco. it is a brutal city. specifically targeted us with the rideshare. city destroyed everything and devastated our life. we are not stupid. we understand everything. city extorted our money to accommodate elderly wheelchairs and disabled people's due concern about a wheelchair disabled elderly people. but you are not concerned about our loans. it is a cause of the poor taxi driver to the city. >> that's why cities are recovering. believe me next 12 years city will not recover if you don't bail us out. if new york city can lower the price on medallion, why central
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city cannot. >> this is the time to do it. >> reduce the price to $125,000. >> thank you for your comments . welcome to the next speaker. good afternoon. my name is ali oscar. medallion one, 225. same reason we keep coming for years and i don't know why are we not provided this justice for the last 1213 years. we're becoming so i think the city is falling apart every department of the city is falling apart i guess is the karma if you're not going to get together and provide the justice to equally to everybody who deserves to have the justice then i don't think so. you will recover no matter what you do. so i think you should think again and see because the karma i told you like before pandemic the karma is going to give and give and he got it so please get together honestly positively.
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>> try to cover every issue we have in the city just justice. believe me if you start providing the justice the lord is going to provide that drive to this city. >> this city is going to become the same city it was 20 years ago. >> so please thank you. thank you for your comments. >> welcome to the next speaker . yeah i am one of the cab driver who wrongfully by by the of the funding of city of san francisco but by abusing of the mta so i believe you have a yeah some kind of a solution but you don't want to edit and you are you know there you are responsible but you don't want to do that i don't know why you are pushing out all these cab driver who bought a medallion to be street of san francisco join with the homeless people. that's what i going to be we
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what we going to be happen pretty soon so that i also support my fellow cabbies that as a come i always goes around comes around sort of why we collab this series because of you that you are doing that did take a detailed opportunity of any poor people live in people that you already make that wrongfully decision and you know no pay to pay to walk in this cities is no good you know it's always goes around comes around thank you thank you for your comments before the next speaker begins if you are here to provide the board general public comment we'd appreciate it if you would step over to your right hand side near the curtains otherwise mr. duffy will be our last speaker. >> yes. my name is mr. duffy. i'm i too am a member of a bizarre subculture group and mayor i'm glad i don't have to be the one that divvies up the money.
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>> you know, i understand there's a limited amount and you got to make choices but i think mr. is mr. hyman's rationale was pretty good and of how hard they're trying to get money and that they're just $15 million short you know i'm i'm surprised at how often i am am using the service now as i get older you know i just say a couple other things. yes. antivenom is in fact an antibody and it would be nice if some you know, if someone's worried about things that are in the water, you know, if they were looking like heavy metals and organic poly chloride as you know things that are actually in the water that would be nice. >> thank you for your comments, mr. president. all right. >> public comment is now closed . >> madam clerk. let's go to our first adoption without committee reference agenda items 25 through 29 yes items 25 through 29 were introduced for adoption but without committee reference a unanimous vote is required for
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adoption of a resolution on first reading today. alternatively, a member may require a resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> i don't see anyone severing any items so madam clerk can you please call the roll on these items on items 25 through 29. supervisor melgar melgar eyes supervisor sadr. sadr eyes supervisor sherril sherril eyes supervisor walton walton eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor chin chin eyes supervisor dorsey dorsey i supervisor engardio and engardio i supervisor fielder fielder i supervisor mahmood mahmood i and supervisor randleman hi management either ari lebanese without objection the resolutions are adopted madam clerk do we have any imperative agenda items? >> i have none to report mr. president. >> then could you please read the in memoriam?
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>> yes. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor dorsey for the late mr. ali jamil on behalf of board president mandel man for professor emeritus at the college of environmental design at berkeley and former planning director mr. alan jacobs. >> and i believe that brings us to the end of our agenda, madam clerk is there any further business before us today that concludes our business for today. >> thank you. as there's no further business we are adjourned
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community parent medicine for the san francisco fire department. >> we are here to recognize one 130 years of service of san francisco's municipal ambulance service. welcome, mayor leary. we are grateful for your support and thank you city administrator carmen chu. supervisor matt dorsey supervisor mahmud fire commissioner. >> president marci frazier fire commissioner steve mercado police chief bill scott team director carol sheriff miyamoto our employee groups president of local 77/98 alec cough our other distinguished guests that
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i may have not observed. and finally to our past and present members that are here today, thank you for your service. >> i now invite the honorable mayor daniel to say a few words. good morning, everybody. wow, this thing is big. first i want to thank you all for everybody standing behind me for your service to our city . you you all are not thanked enough. and so i hope you hear me say this when i say thank you for your service to our city. and i do say this everywhere i go you all if you're called you come running. no questions asked. and so on behalf of a grateful city, know that we have your back as well going forward. so thank you. 130 years ago it started with a horse. in 1895, theresa and virginia fair donated the first horse
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drawn ambulance to the city of san francisco. that single act of generosity laid the foundation for what would become the oldest continuously operating municipal ambulance service in the united states. much has changed in san francisco over the last 130 years. our skyline, our neighborhoods, our challenges. but one thing has remained constant. the only wavering dedication of our first responders their mission to protect and serve this city has been a cornerstone of san francisco's resilience. today we gather to honor that legacy and the extraordinary individuals who have held it. our emergency medical services unit operating within the san francisco fire department is one of our city's most vital forces. each year over 350 emts and
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paramedics respond to more than 130,000 calls for service. these are not just numbers. they represent moments of crisis when lives hang in the balance. from responding to overdose incidents and behavioral health emergencies to conducting well-being checks for seniors, these professionals meet people in their most vulnerable moments. their work goes beyond rapid response. it's about specialized compassionate care that ensures individuals are given the proper treatment they need. it is challenging work physically demanding and emotionally taxing but it requires compassion, resilience and an unwavering dedication to public service. as we celebrate 130 years of municipal ambulance service, we recognize that this legacy
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isn't just about history. it's about the people who continue to shape it. these dedicated professionals show up every single day ready to serve. it is our duty as a city to continue supporting and investing in this essential service to ensure that our ems teams have the tools, training and resources they need to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. it is also our duty to address the crisis on our streets with the urgency it deserves. with the fentanyl state of emergency ordinance we will be able to build more beds, hire more professionals to support your work and get our neighbors into the treatment they need. to all of our ambulance workers and first responders. we are forever grateful for your service. yesterday, today and tomorrow and for generations to come.
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thank you all. and with that i'm going to award this proclamation. your few of you want to come up here. come on up. we're going to announce this as san francisco as public ambulance day. let's stand over here and take a picture. thank you. >> thank you, mayor laurie for your for your support. for your unwavering support. >> now i invite san francisco fire department chief of department dean to say a few words.
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>> welcome to our city hall in this beautiful day. prior to give my remarks i would like to acknowledge one person in attendance who has been instrumental in implementing portion of our amazing ems program. she recently retired and is a mentor to me and many of the other members standing behind me. that would be retired chief of department sandra tang. >> as we celebrate the 130th anniversary of municipal ambulance services in san francisco, we proudly reflect on over a century of dedicated lifesaving care. the municipal ambulance service is a vital public safety resource committed to delivering the highest level of care to all citizens and visitors of san francisco.
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>> free from the influences of financial gain. >> we are honored to be one of the country's first and longest continuously running municipal ambulance services a testament to our enduring responsibility to the community. today the san francisco fire department, ems and community paramedics and division has a fleet of over 50 ambulances and specialty response units such as street overdose and street crisis response units. there are over 350 men and women working as emts and paramedics within the division and many have other specialized training including ten tactical ems trained paramedics who work alongside the san francisco police department public information officers, behavioral health peer supporters and community educators to name a few. our services continue to evolve and expand to adapt to our community needs in order to send the right resources for the right call for service.
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we have established one of the largest and first accredited community paramedics into programs in california. currently we have over 60 members who are community paramedics and trained to respond to overdose incidents or behavioral health crises. to provide specialized care and support those providers also perform well being checks on individuals to ensure that they are continuing to receive the appropriate medical care and their needs such as housing are met. the municipal ambulance service in san francisco has evolved since in temple beginnings 130 years ago. however, one thing that has not changed is our commitment and dedication to high quality service to the citizens and visitors of san francisco. we are dedicated to preserving this essential service for future generations and ensuring that our legacy of providing equitable service and care to
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all continues for many years to come. for 130 years we have been here for you and we will continue to be there for you whenever you call. >> i'd like to personally thank our public safety team led by mayor lurie. many of the members behind us the positive direction of our city is a reflection of the commitment and coordination shown by this group on a daily basis. i would like to personally thank deputy chief simon pang as well as other chiefs our ems division for their tireless work to manage our world renowned ems program. finally, as a san francisco resident and department head, i owe a debt of gratitude to our paramedics and emts who are on the front lines of an ever evolving and challenging emergency medical service landscape. the professionalism and public
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service you provide on a daily basis would make the pioneers of this industry incredibly proud. thank you. >> thank you very much, chief crespin for your trust. before we end, i do want to shout out a shout out for captain ada wong who was essential to organizing this event. thank you ada for your for your insight and support and so many other things. >> thank you everyone for being here this morning to support and celebrate this moment with us. we are committed to serving the city of san francisco for many years to come. have a good day. >>
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. >> all right. good morning everybody and welcome to the march 10th, 2025 rules committee meeting. i'm supervisor walden and chair of the committee joined by vice chair supervisors sherril and president mando min. our clerk is victor young and i would like to thank jaime savary from s.f. gov tv for
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broadcasting this meeting for us this morning. mr. clerk, do we have any announcements? >> yes. public comment will be taken on each item on this agenda. when your item of interest comes up and public comment is called please to speak on your right alternatively you may submit public comment in in writing in either the following ways email them to myself the rules committee clerk at vc your y o u n g at s.f. cardboard if you submit public comment by email also be included as part of the file. you may also send your written comments via a u.s. military office in city hall when dr. carlton be the place room two for four san francisco, california nine for 1 or 2 please make sure to silence also phones and electronic devices documents to be included as part of the forest should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today should appear on the board of supervisors agenda of march 18th 20 25. >> that completes my initial announcement.
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>> thank you so much mr. clerk. would you please call item number one? item number one is a ordinance amending the administrative code to permit for reasons that may compromise personal safety . redactions of information otherwise required in the annual economic statement of city funded organizations. >> thank you so much, supervisor madam chair. >> thank you, chair walton i want to begin by thanking the office of the city administrator and organizations that worked with us on on this legislation. we have heard some interest concerns from the dv community and want to have some time to talk with them about addressing those and so i'm going to make a motion that we continue this item for two weeks but i think we do have public comment which you know would be fine to hear any time. i think. >> thank you so much mr. clerk.
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would you please call for public comment? >> yes. members of the public wish to speak on this item should line to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. >> i thank you for taking public comment. sounds like i will be back again so thank you. supervisors i'm laura thomas. i'm the senior director of hiv and harm reduction policy at the san francisco aids foundation and a resident of district ten. and i just wanted to say thank you for proposing this ordinance. it sounds like there's a little bit more work to do but as an organization that is determined to stand in our values and stand up for our clients staff volunteers our board made the decision to move forward with a lawsuit against the executive orders of the current administration and we understand that that is necessary and we also
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appreciate the potential protection that this ordinance may provide to our staff and board members in particular. so we are very much in support of this and thank you for putting forth this ordinance. thank you. thank you. >> are there any additional members of the public would like to make comment on this matter? >> there are no additional speakers. thank you. seen no additional speakers. >> public comment is now closed mr. clerk on the motion on the motion to continue the matter to march 24th 2025 rules committee meeting vice chair sherril i all i member management and management i chair walton walton i that motion passes without objection thank you motion to continue carries mr. clerk please call item number two. item number two is a hearing to consider appointing seven members terms ending december
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31st 2026 to the sugary drink distribution task administration committee. >> thank you so much. and first of all i just want to welcome everyone here and thank everyone who is willing to serve. we have a lot of applicants, a lot of folks with a lot of good experience and so i just want you to know we appreciate each and every one of you. obviously we only have seven seats and there are 19 applicants and so of course you put this committee in a tough, tough situation where we have to make a decision and pick from a lot of qualified folks. but i do just want to say ahead of time i appreciate and thank everyone. well, we are going to do i'm going to call folks up in order of how they appear on the agenda and everyone will have up to two minutes just to tell us about themselves and why they want to serve. and so you may or may not be here but i'll call in order of what i have on the agenda for today.
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and first we have chester cao williams. good morning, gentlemen. mr. williams here currently serving on the on the the committee i've been on there for about maybe a year or two years on the committee. i am very happy with the way that the committee has been functioning since i've been on there. i still consider myself to be a newbie but somehow i became co chair but in reality my background has been with the community community living campaign here in san francisco. they've been around for a long time in helping mostly seniors but helping a lot of people in terms of their health and particularly fdg which i work with in the bayview. mr. bolton's district we have been functioning very well
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in that district and because of his leadership and because of the needs of the community i feel that i have something to offer based on my experience. i've been with community living for almost ten years and since then we've been able to expand our program from a very small outfit to a very big outfit now we can now partners with meals on wheels where we do most of our deliveries. we cover all of the bayview in a good majority of visitation valley that's our district. i want to say that i really believe the program should expand not to not only to those areas but also to the west edition and also to lakeview. >> so thank you very much. thank you. thank you. and now we will call up christina for taylor.
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no christina diane area color hirano i did hear from this applicant and they have withdrawn their application. >> thank you so much gabriela castellanos rumbough hi, good morning rules committee. my name is gabriella castellanos from what i am a new applicant. >> my current position is the mission children's oral health task force coordinator at garrison, the central american resource center of san francisco. >> prior to that i was a registered dental hygienist for seven years. >> that experience combined with my lived experience as a first generation mexican-american gives me valuable real world insight on
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just how important the work that the soda tax dollars fund are. >> my years as a clinician showed me just how underserved our communities of color are and how crucial and necessary these programs are. in my current position i provide spanish language oral health workshops to the latin x community which we all know is one of the communities of color targeted by the marketing dollars of these sugary drink companies. >> while living in bakersfield where i went to school i spent time organizing outreach to farmworkers and new mothers by offering services and preventative education. >> the reason that i became a dental hygienist was because of my mother. >> she lacked preventative education and resources and lost the majority of her teeth by the age of 50. >> i have witnessed firsthand
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the effects of that on her quality of life and overall systemic health. since then i have done what i can to make sure that her story is not repeated. >> these programs have real world effects and consequences . >> throughout my career i have shown a vested interest too bordering on moral compulsion in the health of my community. this is what i can bring to the advisory committee passion and lived experience. >> thank you. >> thank you. next we have dr. john moore. >> good morning chair walton president mandolin and supervisor sherril my name is john moore. i'm seeking reappointment having served previously from 2019 to 2021 as a general surgeon first generation chinese-american and military veteran i bring decades of experience to elevate the san francisco soda tax to the next level nationally. my work to curb the consumption of sugary drinks began in 2003 as the president of the american heart association who
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were one of the first to recognize the connection of rising rates of obesity and sugary drinks and have championed efforts since to reduce the adverse impact on america's health. the hra was joined by the san francisco medical society who launched the bay area movement with a 2009 soda tax resolution first adopted by the california medical association and then the american medical association. in 2014 i served as the fundraising chair for the prop san francisco soda tax which inspired the 2016 prop vs soda tax where i was featured in the television commercials. i summarize the accomplishments accomplishments in a 2018 johns hopkins university paper while i was serving as president of the san francisco marin medical society and i was also a panelist during the celebration of the five year anniversary of the tax. our bay area success has changed the world's only 20 nation's tax code in 2016 but today over 117 nations globally tax sugary drinks and 2025. a key reason for me to seek reappointment as the success of the 2024 santa cruz measures soda tax i was featured in the
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campaign and learned of new convincing arguments the soda industry's role in environmental pollution and the population health evidence that soda taxes reduced body mass index bills have emerged in maryland, connecticut and across the nation and i believe in 2026 we have the opportunity to fulfill senator wiener's vision to craft a special tax and to double the revenue. the key is to fund programs and create the scientific base that will prove to voters the efficacy of the tax. i'd be honored to be appointed to a health equity seat on the state's tax. thank you. >> next we have a dinner safer . >> hi. good morning, supervisors. i'm thrilled to be here today because i'm deeply passionate about the future of our youth and their health. throughout my career i've worked tirelessly to create innovative health care programs always with a focus on roi and measurable impact. recently i've been especially dedicated to empowering young
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people and lead change in health care particularly in pediatric school based interventions and adolescent behavioral health. i'm not just another candidate. i'm someone who has dedicated years to making a real impact. i have two master's degrees focused on health care. i serve as a board member on the san francisco health plan. i spend time thinking about the city's 180,000 lives many of them young people on this plan . this role is giving me an inside view into the real world challenges of our communities and what they face. professionally, i started a company. i sold it to cvs and spent ten years there working on health care programs for all types of rare and orphan conditions. in the last ten years i've helped young entrepreneurs launch health care businesses that directly address these challenges. i've seen firsthand how critical it is to elevate their voices in shaping solutions. my leadership roles at oregon elementary gateway charter school and the san francisco education fund further prove my unwavering commitment to the
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city's future. i'm committed to building programs that drive results not only for today but for the long term. i believe in continuously improving and experimenting with new outcomes measures to ensure we're achieving meaningful change. >> as a parent of two wonderful children raised here and attended public schools here in san francisco, i'm deeply invested in ensuring the next generation is healthier both physically and mentally. i'm ready to push this advisory committee committee to think boldly experiment with new strategies and always focus on outcomes that matter for our youth. >> thank you for considering my application. >> thank you. and now we have presented patel . >> good morning. my name is shante patel and i'm honored to be considered for a new position on the soda tax advisory committee. as a chief operating officer of senators dental health, the nonprofit dedicated to improving oral health access for underserved communities in san mateo, i bring both
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strategic leadership and deep commitment to health equity. throughout my career i have worked at the intersection of public health health care operations and community advocacy. i have led strategic initiatives focused on reducing health disparities particularly in communities disproportionately impacted by preventable diseases linked to nutrition including dental disease one of the earliest and most visible consequences of sugar consumption. i have experience with san francisco citywide oral health initiatives, quality improvement program and equity driven health policies making me uniquely positioned to contribute to the work of the soda tax committee. beyond my professional role i am also a parent of two in the staff usda daniel webster and a community advocate. i understand firsthand the challenges that many families face in accessing healthy food and nutrition education. my experience leading community programs such as my role as a girl scout troop leader has reinforced my commitment to ensuring that public health policies are not well not only well informed but also practical and accessible to the communities they serve.
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i'm eager to contribute my expertise in health care operations equity focused public health and initiatives. my time at the department of public health and community engagement to help guide the allocation of these funds in a way that maximizes impact. i believe in data driven solutions, cross-sector collaboration and centering the voices of the communities that are most affected by these health disparities. i'd be honored to serve in this capacity bringing my professional and community perspectives to the committee. >> thank you for your time. thank you. next we have john aisha in. >> john is not here today and next we have melinda burse to melinda marty mcquade the frances abigail cabrera.
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>> good morning supervisor mandolin sherril and and walton. my name is frances abigail cabrera but i go by abby. and i'm the associate director of research and community engagement within the department of family and community medicine at ucsf. i've had the honor of serving in the research medical institution seat number four since 2021 and the honor of serving as co-chair since 2022 on our sugary drinks distributor tax advisory committee. i'm seeking reappointment with a desire to continue contributing to the committee whose recommendations have resulted in positive impacts in reaching priority populations that are targeted by the sugary beverage industry and they experience the highest rates of chronic disease such as type two diabetes, chronic disease. so heart disease and tooth
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decay. i'm happy to share that the sugary drinks distributor tax funds have directly supported these populations and neighborhoods by investing in building community power and capacity to lead efforts to decrease sugary consumption and promote healthy eating and active lifestyles and create healthy environments and policies. in the last fiscal year the sugary drinks distributor tax programs have won provided culture relevant community led direct services to approximately 90,000 participants to 85% of food insecure participants who were in sugary drinks programs worry less about having enough food and 385% of participants reported drinking water more often and much more. with a new mayor and administration i'm aware of our budget deficits. i'm seeking your support for reappointment because i am committed to continuing the work and i bring the knowledge and context to bring our committee to support all the
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efforts of our supervisors and your committees. i'm passionate in this work and would be honored to be reappointed. >> thank you for your time and consideration. thank you, anderson. jane the morning reviser walton supervisor amendment and sherril thank you for having me here today. first and foremost i am a native san franciscan. i've been here my whole life and i am committed to the city as long as i am living and working here. >> and second, i am a believer . i am a committed member of a church in the bayview and i am applying for this seat in this committee to improve human flourishing here in the city.
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i come from a public health background. i spent the first five years of my career as an evaluation associate at the tobacco control evaluation center where we provide evaluation support to public health programs and organizations to help them inform their work around tobacco control and policies. and drawing parallels from that work. i am now looking to help evaluate the sugary tax dollars that are being put into different programs to improve community health. currently i work at ucsf as a research analyst within the department of general internal medicine. >> i support projects that deliver more chronic disease care and management through digital technology. >> so i am skilled in research
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methods, data analysis and i am a i am a data person. i am i love data all sorts of data and what i can bring you on to this committee. if i were to be considered for this seat is my my standards for data integrity and having an unbiased approach to how we're going to spend the money, how are we going to spend the revenue for for the common good here in the city? >> thank you. i can. >> thank you, jamie schmidt. >> good morning. my name is jamie schmidt. i am an incumbent on the advisory committee and i am seeking a recommendation to continue into a second term. i'd like to thank you the board
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of supervisors for the opportunity and privilege to serve on this committee. i have seen the dedicated efforts of the department of public health backbone staff, the partnership of the committee members who work in various departments of the city and county and the collaboration work collaborative work from the community membership. the recommendations we make to the mayor and share our neighbors your district constituents innovate programs that seek to solve the community's needs. i am grateful for the creative and passionate neighbors we share to ensure healthy food is available to the food insecure water fills filling stations and parks for the thirsty and we are checking the teeth of our preschoolers and kindergartners. this committee is supporting our neighbors for the entire life cycle is it's really cool. i am the senior director of clinical research operations at sutter health. prior to that i was the director of clinical research at sutter health california pacific medical center. and in addition to my role as an operations administrator at sutter health, i'm also a researcher investigating the impact of sugar sweetened beverages in the workplace.
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and in that research i seek scalable interventions to improve our health and wellness while at work. the research i conduct is funded by private foundation grant and the national institutes of health. >> i'm also a dietitian. when i moved to san francisco i worked at san francisco general hospital as a dietitian and a researcher working with patients with hiv and aids. wherever i find myself in san francisco i encounter passionate people who care about the health and wellness of our people. >> it is just the city is just so great and i've lived in san francisco with my husband who was born and raised here and we raised our two daughters here. and like all of you i wear many hats with all the hats i wear. i see the pervasive impact of the food and beverage industry that seeks to persuade us that we need to eat their food and drink their beverages. the impulse is strong. the feeling is good. yet the outcome commonly ends with preventable diet related diseases. >> i would like to continue to work on this advisory committee to support the priority populations of san francisco to encourage healthy lifestyles.
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thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. will joseph alex tender coo. good morning everyone. my name is alexander coo and i'm currently a sophomore at the base school san francisco. in the past i've worked at nonprofits such as city hope and the institute on aging and through being a high schooler i've seen firsthand the effects of sugary drinks at local corner stores where peers of mine have started to over rely on sugary drinks instead of their healthier counterparts. >> got my life. i've also been passionate about learning about racial discrimination in my in our own society and through researching this problem i found that racial minorities bought more sugary drinks on average compared to their white counterparts. finally sugary drinks have had
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an impact on my own family where the sugary drinks have caused health issues due to overreliance. i've lived at the i've lived in the city my entire life. so working with this committee i would love to share my personal thoughts and solutions as a youth fellow while working with intellectual individuals to help the city i truly love. >> thank you for considering my application. >> thank you. connor thomas meek schuman. >> okay. good morning everyone. my name is sharon and thank you so much for having me. i am a current junior at law high school and a resident of district four. and my advocacy mainly stems from student at law high
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school where i serve as a representative when talking to a lot of them administrators like on the principal advisory council or on the ptsa at school safety committee chair where i work with a lot of our administrators at law to meet to examine statistics from school wide and citywide surveys and discuss our findings with students and other school administrators. so connecting this to the study to see i'm aware that we do a lot of research surveying and publishing our findings. so i would say i have the necessary experience in that to participate in discussions and not be afraid to speak up for my fellow youth in san francisco. so moving on to the committee i have always been one for advocating for people in my community whether it is students at law or on my family living in san francisco. overconsumption of sugary drinks and the lack of awareness of healthier alternatives is a really big issue that a lot of we a lot of people face in all communities in san francisco. on a personal level i have
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witnessed the impacts of diabetes and dental health first hand from my dad. like i mentioned in my application since my family and i immigrated here in 2018, i've helped my parents with their health policies, insurance and bills by translating on the phone to helping schedule appointments. >> so being on this committee i would work to give really impactful feedback to support the people of san francisco as a young person, asian immigrant and advocate. and although i have not attended a meeting before i've done extensive research through on meeting minutes and published findings. so looking at the evaluation report for the fiscal year 2023 to 2024 i noticed the strategy used to increase community driven health, education and services as well as collaborating with small bands of businesses and local organizations which are all things that i hope to continue and work towards along with the committee if i am appointed. >> thank you so much and together we can drive commitment into action. thank you so much for listening and i really appreciate your attention. >> thank you.
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thank you. the mill and we're doing my apologies if i mispronounced anyone's name. >> hello. good morning. my name is jim yamada. dean sorry. i'm a sophomore in high school and i can't do enrollment student at los casitas college . i'm really thankful for to be here and to be able to run for this committee and my experience is it's quite diverse. >> you know, i've i've taken the job to solve these deep unsexy problems in ways that, you know, you wouldn't even think of. currently i'm leading the h.r. 1511 bill across the whole united states affecting 50 million undocumented immigrants. and i'm fighting for this. another thing is that i am a representative on eric congressman eric cuomo's east bay congressional youth council where i represent over 800,000 constituents within the youth committee and overall within
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the community and beyond my policy leadership i'm big within local communities. i'm big within you know the small city councils i'm sure you've seen my face thrown if you have it it's good to meet you and i hope to see you more and to connect this to the committee. i believe in kind of pledging my hands into the i hate to be, you know, uncensored here san francisco's filth we see the poor homeless people. we see how easy it is for young people to get their hands across like unfortunately substances and i want to put that money towards education. i want to put that money towards helping people quit. i want to help the youth stay away from that. i want them to stay in school. i want to focus on the community and giving back and i think the only way we can do that is by kind of putting our time into important things. we need the youth involved, we need me involved and i think i can really provide a lot of value. >> it's more than policy. it's more a culture change. it's just this change around being healthy, being safe. it's a good thing staying in school is good. you know the underrepresented communities need us to help them and with that i thank you
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for your time. >> thank you. thank you. laura urban good morning. my name is laura urban. i am the associate director of health nutrition with children's council of san francisco and i'm seeking reappointment for seat 16 representing children 0 to 5. in my current role i oversee programing that supports child care educators create and implement policies and programs that encourage physical activity and good nutrition including limiting consumption of sugar sweetened beverages. i have nearly 13 years of experience implementing and overseeing nutrition security programs at the state and local level, including overseeing the nevada department of health and human services office of food security where one of my roles was to oversee our funds for healthy nevada, which supported
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community based organizations statewide distribute healthy food to their community. currently as a member of the study tac, i co-lead our data and evidence subcommittee. i also work to enhance collaboration and alignment with shape up asf coalition where as a part of that coalition i am the policy systems and environment action team lead. so as a part of that work i work with other cbos to support them in their advocacy and policy efforts which includes supporting the cdc recommendations. i've learned a lot over the past couple of years and seen the incredible work and impact that this fund that these funds can have. and i would love to continue to be a part of it. so thank you so much for your time today and for your consideration. >> thank you so much. and i believe that is all the candidates that we have. did anybody come in late that i may have missed?
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>> if not, we will go to public comment on this item. >> yes, members of the public who wish to speak on this item should line up to speak at this time. each speaker will be allowed two minutes. are there any members of the public would like very public comment on this matter. >> there are no speakers for public comment on this matter. thank you so much. >> scene of speakers public comment is now closed. obviously like stated before this is definitely not an easy task with so many qualified applicants. one i just want to say i love the diversity of the applicants that we have here the experience of the applicants that we have here. we received of course emails and some applicants. we also receive recommendations from folks who work in this field and so all of you are qualified and all of you of course we want to just thank for being willing to step up and being willing to serve.
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>> with that said, i'm going to make a motion to appoint chester cao williams to seat one gabriella castellanos rumbough to seat to. >> we are going to continue see three to next week's meeting and give our applicants a chance to be present. >> we're going to move abigail cabrera for a seat for jamie smith for seat five shown motion for seat six and laura urban four seat 16 yes on that motion. vice chair sherril sherril i remember madam and i met him and i chair walton walton. >> i that motion passes without objection. thank you. motion carries and
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congratulations to everyone and again we encourage anyone who was not successful today to continue to look out for ways to serve the city. we most certainly want and need your talents and appreciate you for being willing to serve. >> mr. clerk, would you please call item number three? >> yes. item number three is a hearing. consider appointing one member term ending march 17th, 2027 to the veterans affairs commission when seat three applicants. >> thank you so much and again we will provide an opportunity for everyone to speak. that is present. we have one seat available and three applicants and i will call folks up and order of how they appear on the agenda. >> and first is nicholas russ enough.
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good morning. good morning supervisors. unfortunately nicholas rubinoff cannot be here this morning. he was called late and there's a medical emergency. i serve as the commission's secretary. >> i wondered if i could share a few comments on his behalf. we will let you speak a public comment. >> okay. thank you. of course, joshua wagner, chairman walton vice chair sherril supervisor gentlemen, my name is josh wagner and i'm a candidate for seat nine on the veterans affairs commission. originally separated from the navy and moved to san francisco six months ago after 12 years of service. during my time in the military i participated in four aircraft carrier deployments to the indo-pacific where i served as a navy fighter pilot. i'm a graduate of the united states naval academy and stanford university was first introduced to the bay area over a decade ago. in fact i married my wife in this very building almost
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exactly ten years ago to the day. now that i'm out of the military i've been looking for ways to get involved in both my community and local. i've attended board of supervisors meetings. i've joined next village san francisco, a nonprofit serving our elderly community. i'm also involved in the world affairs commonwealth club becoming a member of the veteran affairs commission would be an excellent way to broaden my public service. i'm intimately familiar with the challenges facing our veterans. we're separating and transitioning from the military. i myself am still going through the process of seeking approval for my own disability claim. i believe that being a member of the veterans affairs commission would be a perfect avenue to combine both my passion for our community and my experience as a veteran. thank you so much for your time and consideration. >> thank you so much. >> barkley sanders good morning supervisors. my name is barkley sanders i'm a resident of district six. since i moved here about eight
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years ago i'm a former signal system support specialist within the army national guard and finished in 2020. i've also worked in the tech industry for robinhood and facebook where i supported over 100,000 different employees and in my time here i was a probably homeless veteran that does really understand the process and benefit process to essentially be able to take care of other veterans and may have to go through the same process as me as probably homeless veterans. >> i've also served on sfp back and i'm the current chair of the power subcommittee. i was also on the treasure island development authority cac to help them expand housing rights be able to get exempt from tolls and also just help to fix the park for the kids there. i've also worked with other fellow veterans myself to use things like charity t to help process their claims quickly. one of my own buddies when he
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got out he was struggling with finding employment and getting access to benefits and i was able to work with him just over two hours and leverage the technology that's currently out there and available to everyone to essentially be able to help him process his claim in two hours instead of sometimes what would people consider basically an average of about 100 days to process a va claim? i also leverage a lot of this the public records request system to get information to essentially fix a lot of these problems. so i'm hoping i get the opportunity to serve other veterans in my community. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. and i believe we have heard from our candidates seeing no statements or questions from my colleagues. >> mr. clerk, would you please call for public comment? yes. members of the public who wish to speak on this item shall line up to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes.
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thank you. good morning supervisor if i could just read am some comments from commissioner rubinoff and supervisors i sincerely apologize for not having been able to attend in person today. yesterday i was in the hospital receiving treatment for a serious foot injury and the resulting medication has made me unwell. however i do not want to miss the opportunity to express my deep commitment to continuing my work on the san francisco veterans affairs commission. over the past years i have dedicated myself to strengthening the commission fostering a team that actively advocates for veterans and working closely with the veterans justice court to ensure that those who serve the country our country receive the support they need. looking ahead i am committed to elevating the role of the county veterans service office
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securing funding necessary for its critical work and expanding support for programs like veterans healing veterans which provides essential resources for rehabilitation and reintegration. i appreciate your time and consideration of my reappointment and look forward to continuing the important work. thank you. and i'd also like to note that currently the ic is serving as a vice president of the commission which he also volunteered to do last year. >> thank you supervisors. thank you so much. >> are there any other members of the public would like to comment please line up to speak. >> if you wish to speak please line up to the right side of the podium. you are you have the mike i. >> good morning commissioners. my name is john rice weber. i am of a vietnam combat disabled veteran. i live in san francisco and
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have for 21 years in district nine and i am currently one of the commissioners on the san francisco veterans affairs commission and have been for approximately a year. during that time i've come to know and admire nicholas bruce and off he performs his duties as vice president and commissioner and amplifying fashion with personal outreach to the veterans community to evaluate and identify their needs to bring them to the committee for review and discussion and then submit them to you. >> supervisors being passionate about veterans nick is also kind and compassionate. his outreach includes being extraordinarily involved in the veterans court aiding and assisting san francisco veterans who are most at risk
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in our community and helping them receive assistance with housing counseling and additional treatment. getting them off the streets and into programs to enhance their life and enable them to lead productive and fulfilling lives. he was unanimously elected as vice president of the veterans affairs commission last december, which demonstrates his leadership ability. i am honored to know and work with nick peart moose and off and cannot think of a better person to be on the veterans affairs committee commission. >> thank you very much and next speaker please. >> my name is john gibson. i'm a marine corps veteran and
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veterans rights advocate. i've. >> i wanted to say that barkley's work that he's done with the homeless veteran community is second to none. >> i apologize. would you mind getting a little closer to the microphone barkley's work that he's done with the veteran community is second to none. he's identified key linchpins within our community and he's not only applying a level of vision but also a level of action. and i feel like this is the type of initiative that we need in this commission. thank you guys. thank you. are there any additional members of the public who like to make public comment? hi. >> hi. good morning. i'm carrie barnes and i recently joined the leadership of moms demand action. around the time that i got these readers so i. i have to have them on my face
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. we support mayor larry's appointment of manny scott to the police commission. >> so just just to stop you real quick, we are i apologize. public comment on the appointment of the veteran affairs commission. >> oh, i'm so so that item is item number five. i am so sorry to skip ahead. i guess i was really excited about it and so are you, matty. okay, we'll wait patiently. thank you. so i will come back. thank you. any more public comment on item number three seeing no more public comment public comment is now closed and again i just want to take the time to thank all of the applicants. obviously all of you are qualified and we appreciate you having the willingness to to serve to serve. >> unfortunately we do have one seat. and there are qualified applicants and i will say that commissioner, just enough as vice president who continues to come highly recommended from
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his colleagues as well as the veteran affairs office itself, someone who i think deserves the right to continue to serve. so i'm going to move that we appoint nicholas ross enough to seat one seat nine. >> i'm sorry to see nine my buddies yes. on that motion by sherril sherril i remember amendment i mean i chair walton i will deny that motion passes without objection motion carries and again thank you so much to our other veterans who are willing to continue to serve this city and now we call for item number four. >> item number four is a motion approving rejecting the mayor's nomination for the appointment of alfonzo felder to the municipal transportation agency board of directors term ending march 1st, 2027. >> thank you, mr. felder, you
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have the floor. >> please tell us why you want to serve on the mta board of directors. >> yes. good morning supervisors president management supervisor walton and sherril. thank you for having me here today. i am a native san franciscan and i'm honored to have this opportunity to serve san francisco and its citizens in a role that i think i'm uniquely qualified for. >> i've been a muni rider since before i could walk. i've relied on you need to get to school and to work. >> i know the mta well and can see it from many perspectives. i have the perspective of a parent who's raising a family in san francisco and i appreciate that every generation of residents has different needs that we need to recognize. i also see the mta from the perspective of a member of the business community. i've worked with the mta for decades through my work at the giants and through our work on the mission rock development. i understand the importance of the unique multi-modal transportation system that we have here in san francisco and i appreciate the obligation
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that we have to uphold our city's values through our transportation system. we must be focused on continuing to set a high standard in terms of sustainability safety and service to all san franciscans despite the significant financial challenges ahead of us, i'm incredibly optimistic about the future of our city and the mta. we'll have to make tough choices but i'm committed to facing these challenges with a practical common sense approach that seeks out diverse perspectives to make informed decisions. my background and experience will serve me well. i have a degree in urban studies and i'm a lifelong student of san francisco. i'm currently the executive vice president of administration for the giants where i serve in an operating capacity and as i said have worked with the mta for years. my first professional assigned it was to oversee the transportation plan for pacific bell park. that was a tough that was a tough task. but i worked with the city and we as the giants worked with our fans to make sure that that plan worked. and i'm proud of the sustained
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success of the ballpark's transportation plan my work on the development of the ballpark and the transportation and the mixed use project at mission rock have taught me how to engage, collaborate and build consensus within our community. i've also led a nonprofit with a mission to preserve neighborhood cinemas in san francisco. this role is connected me to neighborhood groups and small businesses and i know how to engage the public and that's a that's a key role for me if i'm so lucky as to be confirmed for this role at the mta. ultimately we're fortunate to have a great transportation system in san francisco which i have great confidence in it. it's a system that has come really far. it is more equitable, more accessible and safer than the system i experienced as a child in san francisco and it will only get better. i look forward to serving the city and welcome any questions you have of me. >> thank you so much. >> i see so far the show has a question or comments or questions if i can ask for a clarification. will public comment come next? yes. after yes.
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>> great. thanks man. thank you. i do have a question, mr. felder, what's your philosophy on how to address the fiscal cliff that mta is facing right now? >> i mean i think the first thing we need to do is we need to recognize that we've got to listen we've got to listen to the needs of our city and the constituents that we serve and then we've got to listen to the mta itself and take the good advice that they're going to provide and then we're going to have to evaluate what what options we have to bridge that gap. i think the near term gap that we have is manageable over the course of the next year. but as you look a few years ahead that's a bigger challenge and we're going to have to make tough choices. but in making those choices we've got to do the best we can to serve the majority of our citizens as best we can. and that's going to that's going to require us to evaluate the system in its in its in its current state. but i'm confident that we're going to be able to do that smartly and wisely and consistent with our values.
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>> thank you. see no other questions or comments from colleagues. we're going to call for public comment on this item. >> yes, members of the public who wish to speak on the sign up sheet line speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. are there any members of the public would like to provide public comment on this matter? >> there's no speakers that you see no speakers. >> public comment is now closed. president madam thank you chair welcome. i just want to say i think this is a very strong appointment. >> mr. felder has contributed in numerous ways to san francisco and i'm looking forward to seeing him contribute in this way as well. >> so happy to support this. thank you. supervisor sure. likewise. i want to thank mr. felder for being with us here today. i appreciate you coming and speaking with me directly about our experiences as parents and as someone who's a lifelong san franciscan and who lives in the
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house he grew up in. i think you have a unique perspective to lend to us and your experience operationally developing transportation plans around very important areas specifically the ballpark for this city. so i'm very grateful for your willingness to serve and i'd like to move to amend the motion to remove the word rejecting and move forward a motion approving alfonzo felter to the mta board of directors. >> thank you. and before we vote on that, i would like to just say to mr. felder i, i definitely recognize your contributions to this city and i want to say that once this appointment is moved forward you will have to get a little bit more specific on how we're going to address the fiscal cliff that exists for mta but definitely am supportive of the roles that you have played here in san francisco. >> mr. clerk yes, on that motion vice chair sherril
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sherrill i remember and i know me and i chair walton i will deny that motion passed without objection to amend to a to approve the nomination by deleting the word rejecting and recommended to the full board. >> thank you. motion carries mr. clerk would you please call item number five? >> item number five is a motion approving rejecting the mayor's nomination for the appointment of madi scott to the police commissioner for a term ending april 30th 2026. >> thank you so much and i believe miss scott is here present you have the floor. thank you. good morning for giving honor to god for getting me and up this morning and all of us and good morning to you chair shimon walton, president mandolin supervisor sherril and clerk mr. victor young, it is an honor to stand before you today with this nomination for
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mayor laurie for this position. i am humbly grateful for it as i've been working in this field for over 50 years now. >> as you all know i lost my son to gun violence july 17th, 1996 right here in the fillmore west in addition two blocks from city hall and i've been doing this work prior to his death because of all of the tragedies that we faced here during the crack cocaine epidemic and the police brutality that was taking place at that time i know that i can bring unity and resolve to the police commission by serving i've worked with the police department under the last three administrations chief shaw and now chief scott. my work speaks for itself.
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i love doing intervention, violence prevention, intervention and education awareness around community policing and i know that i can bring the community and the police together to make our cities safer and stronger. we have both that now this last year crime has gone down but we know we have a lot of work to do and thanks to you all supervisors in our elected officials working together and rolling up our sleeves is the answer that is the answer and violence prevention holding police accountable at the same time holding our community accountable and looking at both sides and working with them strongly. >> so i'm honored to stand here before you representing victims of violence on both sides representing those who are hurting in our community and to bring peace, peace, unity and
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strength to the police department, to our communities and to bring accountability on both sides at the same time to raise awareness to deal with public safety in the best way possible. engaging policemen to join us in our community efforts getting to know our neighborhoods, walking the beat ,our children not being afraid of them our young men not being afraid of them and empowering them to someday want to serve and become police officers themselves. >> that's what we're working toward our young women and our young men from our communities engage in them and teaching them as we always say, each one must reach one and teach one. that is our goal too. that's when we will stop the killing and start the healing on both sides. it's just like a good part of gumbo. >> we need all the ingredients all the ingredients to make a good part of gumbo.
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so we need you our board of supervisors. we need our young people. we need our organizations, our sybil's and our faith leaders. we need our mothers, mothers and fathers in the community to work and strengthen and build these relationships that we have done so successfully here in san francisco. i want to continue to do that. i want to continue to serve so that we can walk down the street proud what our officers knowing who our children are, know who our grandchildren are, no one who is suffering from mental illness now, no one who has a problem you know, and get and seek and help for them that is the goal of surgeon on this police commission to build and strengthen the relationships that we've already done and to help stop the killing and start the healing for safer environments for safe safer san francisco because our city of san francisco is beautiful. >> i love the city. thank you, miss scott. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> seeing no comments or questions from colleagues, mr.
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clerk, will you please call for public comment? yes. members of the public who wish to speak on this item shall line up to speak at this time each speaker will be allowed two minutes. >> hi again carrie barnes i am here to speak on behalf of mary scott appointment to the police commission. as i mentioned a couple minutes ago i recently joined the leadership team of moms demand action. so i represent the many i've been asked to represent the many for moms demand and brady who wanted to be here today. we support mayor lurie's appointment of manny scott to the police commission. matty is a public safety advocate and gun violence survivor as she discussed, it's important to have voices like matty's in the room when confronting issues like this which disproportionately affect women in general and moms in particular. gun violence is an epidemic and needs to be treated like the
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crisis that it is. here are just a few crazy stark stats. >> gun violence is a leading cause of death for children and teens in the united states. >> that's just one number to approximately 75% of pregnancy associated homicides are committed with a firearm. and lastly, every month an average of 76 women are shot to death by an intimate partner in the united states. this really impacts all aspects of women's life. these are just a few of the stark suggest kicks in and really we need to put a stop to it. as a city we have to prioritize public safety and set a model for other cities to follow. confirming madi scott to the police commission would demonstrate our commitment to gun to gun violence intervention as well as elevating the voice of a woman who represents peace, strength and accountability. >> so thank you.
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>> good morning. >> members of the board of supervisors in this committee. my name is nancy tongue. i am the chair of the san francisco democratic party. i am also a career prosecutor. >> but i come before you today as a mom. i became a mom in 2017 with the birth of my first child and five months later i became a mom demanding action in sacramento. >> and over the course of the subsequent years i got to know maddie scott as a person of integrity, a person of community and a person who really wants to pursue not just justice but fairness. >> she has been a lifelong advocate for her community for reduction of gun violence. she participates alongside of brady in gun buybacks and making sure that our communities are safer.
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she is there for survivors. she organized and hosts a mother's day survivors luncheon for people who have lost their children to gun violence. >> and she has been the tip of the spear in the community for making sure that there is safety and reform within the police department in san francisco. >> not only is madi scott this community hero, she is my hero because to continue to do this work for the decades that she has and to center it around victims and survivors of gun violence is something i think that is essential and missing from the police commission and i urge you to support her nomination. >> thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is lawrence lee. i'm a san francisco native and a resident of district eight noy valley. i'm also a member of the
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community police academy and a and i'm speaking today as a member of the board of the advancement for asian-americans. this is a this is a group that's been involved in a lot of report card for for politicians. i want to speak as a representative of this board and we we as we as a community have come a long way in the last few years and a lot of it has been very painful and speaking about pain and suffering and this is something that is still very important in this in this important time . and we recognize the voices of people who have worked with us when it was harder when it was tough and and there are so many people who have spoken to us about how many spoke up with us for all the cases that have been tough that have been continue to go on and so we really appreciate all her work and we support her nomination for this board in this time.
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>> it's it's very important to to think about pain suffering and i've done some reading about buddhism and there's a story about the second arrow and the story goes of someone who received an arrow and obviously it was very painful but it's the second there's the second response. it's a second response of how you act and how you feel, how your mind works under that situation and her response her story is so inspiring and we would appreciate it if she can have this chance to join the board. >> thank you. >> good morning. board of supervisors rules committee. my name is michael siracusa. i am a d-3 resident here. i'm here to voice my support here for madi scott. i think her amazing background both in community violence prevention as well as working with the police department
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would be a very, very valuable perspective on the police commission and helping shape our city's environment of safety here. in addition, after hearing her speak today about her passion for community policing, i think that that's a very, very important aspect of the police department that i'd really like to see developed and encouraged more and so she has my full support. >> thank you. thank you. >> just a reminder if you do wish to speak, please line up to the right of the podium. >> good morning, chair walton president randleman supervisor sherril my name is john. i'm a general and acute care trauma surgeon from district two deeply honored to rise in support of the nomination by mayor lori have met scott to the police commission. i became involved in the firearm safety topic while serving as the president of the northern california chapter of the american college of surgeons in 2012 after newtown. as honored to be appointed to the brady regional leadership council where i met mattie about
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