tv Transportation Authority SFGTV March 12, 2025 12:00am-1:16am PDT
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you're ready. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. it is now 1:01 p.m.. >> i'm. >> my name is dr. carolyn ransom scott and this is a regular meeting of the commission on community investment and infrastructure for tuesday, february 4th, 2025. i'd like to welcome everyone joining us. today's meeting is being held in hybrid format. members of the public can participate and provide comments both in-person at city hall and remotely by phone. thank you to the staff. and thank you to the guest who will also be participating in today's meeting.
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madam secretary, please call the first item. >> thank you, madam chair. the first order of business is item one roll call. commission members, please respond when i call your name. commissioner lim is absent. >> commissioner brackett present. >> commissioner brackett is present. vice chair lim vice chair lim. i'm sorry. vice chair aquino forgive me. and chair scott present. thank you. >> commissioner lim is absent all other members of the commission are present. >> madam chair, we have a quorum. the next order of business is item two announcements. item eight. the next regular meeting is scheduled on tuesday, february 18th, 2025 at 1 p.m.. item b announcement a prohibition of soundproof dosing electronic devices during the meeting. please be advised that the
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ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone pager or other similar sound producing electronic device. >> see announcement of public comment procedures. please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any item during each public comment period. members of the public attending the meeting in person will have an opportunity to provide their comments. is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. excuse me. thank you. members of the public who are joining remotely will be instructed to dial 41565500011
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prompted enter the access code which is 26600818667. press the pound or number sign than the pound or number sign again to enter the call one prompted. >> please press star three to submit your request to speak when you dial star three. you will hear the following message you have raised your hand to ask a question. please wait to speak until the host calls on you. when you hear your line has been unmuted, this is your opportunity to provide your public comment. you will have three minutes. please speak clearly and slowly. you will be placed back on mute when you are done speaking. you can either stay on the line or choose to hang up. if you are planning to provide a public comment on any item on today's agenda, it is recommended that you call the public comment line ahead of time to allow you to listen to the meeting live and to prevent you from experiencing delays. >> today's meeting materials are available on our website at s.f. oci cianci under commission and then the public meetings tab.
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i'd also like to remind the commissioners we do have a there's another commission meeting in this room at 530 so we do need to exit no later than five. >> the next order of business is item three report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting if any. >> there are no reportable actions. the next order of business is item four matters of unfinished business. >> item for a is authorizing a personal services contract between the successor agency to the redevelopment agency of the county, city and county of san francisco acting in its capacity as administrator of community facilities district number one south beach and kirk and associates a california corporation to provide landscape maintenance and related services in community facilities. district number one south beach four an initial term of three
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years with one option to extend for up to an additional three years in an amount not to exceed $1,823,152. >> former rincon point south beach project area discussion and action resolu ocean number two dash 2025 director koslowski. >> commissioner brackett is asking if we're approving the meeting notes from the last meeting. at this moment we're just considering the approval of the cfd contract. >> okay. >> greetings members of the commission. members of the public. this is consideration of a contract for maintenance of a community facilities district maintenance area. this item was continued from one of your previous meetings and to present this item is mark slutsky and the deputy
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director for. mark. >> all right. thank you director scott lasky. good afternoon chair scott vice chair kino and commissioner brackett. this director has asked he said i and mark slutsky and i'm the deputy director for oceanic and i am before you today is the personal service contract where we will be requesting a action to authorize the executive director to enter into the preserve for personal service contract with croton associates for landscape maintenance of cfe number one for initial term of three years and an additional three year term for $1,823,152. >> safety number one was
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established back in 1982. it is funded by a special assessment of the private property owners. we had oci are the administers of cfe number one and cfe one includes for services for maintenance in landscape the furniture, the irrigation and the lighting for four plazas in cfe. >> one area in south beach. >> here we have an aerial view that kind of lets you see where cfd one is with a more zoomed in view showing you where the four different plazas exist. and here are some pictures of the cfd one little history for the proposal. we initially did a request for proposal and september 6th 2023 we put staff determined that that scope of services in that proposal lacked detail. so we decided that we needed to
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reissue the rfp. we reissued it in march of 2024 on march seventh. on march 20th we had a pre-bid conference on march 27th. we had a site tour and in total we received five proposals. >> i outreach or outreach included the small business exchange newspapers, the sun reporter and the san francisco bayview newspaper. osha's website at the city's big bids and contracts website and the city's weekly business newsletter. >> we also had or complaint staff directly reach out to 24 species. they were all landscaping sb firms registered in the cities to be down to base as additional species registered on previous oci are a piece the oci staff evaluation plan interviewed and scored each
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proposal based on qualifications, experience and budget criteria specified in the rfp. broken associates received the highest score and we are here today recommending that we enter into a contract with them . >> the contract will be a three year contract and then the executive director will have the option to extend it for an additional three years. so if if extended this contract will go through february 28th, 2031. >> the scope of services includes the recurring maintenance and ordinary repairs typical for maintenance activities and plantings in the plaza furniture, trash and litter removal paving and the maintenance and resetting and lighting. there will be as needed repairs . there will also be capital repairs and to do that we will be doing a reserve budget estimate so we can address the capital repairs that need to happen throughout the next six
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years. >> the initial three year budget is $4 million that includes 309,000 for recurring maintenance and contingency repair of 180,000 of facilities reserve for budget analysis for 10,000. and then we're setting aside 500,000 for capital repairs for the second three year term will be for $823,152. that is for 337,000 recurring maintenance contingency and as needed repairs 185,400. and then for those three years we're anticipating 300,000 in capital repairs giving us the total of 1,823,100 and $52. so that is my presentation we have is broken as well as mansfield that are here.
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if you have any questions miss mansfield is from mansfield manville and they're providing the janitorial services for the contract. >> madam secretary, do we have anyone from the public who wishes to provide comment? >> madam chair excuse me at this time members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001 enter access code 26600818667. press the pound or number sign and the pound or number sign again to enter the call press star then three to be placed in the queue. if you are already listening to us by phone please press star three if you would like to provide a comment on item for a and we would like to invite members of the public who joined us in person. >> if anyone wants to speak on item four a you may come up to
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the podium seeing there are no members of the public here in person. i'll switch over to the remote callers again if you already called. >> please press secretary. >> oh excuse me. i don't think they understood. that's okay. oh, come up to the podium before you speak. >> thank you. hello, everyone. i can't. my name is listening. mansfield. i'm the owner of mansfield, the mansfield construction cleanup company site support. and i just want to say a very big thank you to oci for putting this project out and working with all of us to get this item passed. and here we are at the end of the mark as i just want to say that i'm a native born and raised in san francisco and as a native in san francisco i am
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a third generation nurse and self retired to start my business which i am extremely proud of. but as a under utilized marginalized african-american woman in this industry it's been difficult. so i'm grateful and i just want to say that that scott has been a pillar and support of the hyper locals as well as myself. and i get nervous. >> so you have to excuse me. thank you. thank you. >> are there any other members of the public in person who would like to come up to the podium to speak on item for a seeing no other members of the public here? >> switching over to remote callers. >> again, if you've already called in, please press star three to be placed in the queue and i see we have two callers. >> good afternoon commissioners
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. this is alice rodgers. i'm doubling down. i did send you an email previously in asking you to support this contract assuming it meets your standards. we understand from jasmine crew that repair work has been a little bit held up because this contract was in abeyance. we are particular interested in getting the work done. um due to the heavy use the beale street cul de sac has come under as a neighbor to the navigation center. and the area is experiencing a lot of graffiti trash debris strewn around drug use and just general heavy use. we're eager to continue to work
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with jasmine to help clean up the area. but we do need this contract in place. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> call the next caller. >> oh, it looks like they removed their hand. madam chair, at this time it does not appear we have any other members of the public wishing to comment at this time. >> e. fellow commissioners, do you have any comments? and i'd like to have a bunch of questions. >> yeah, i'd like to ask that we as fellow commissioners be respectful of our guest and our time because we do have a hard stop and that we. i'd like to put into a move that we put into motion that we speak no longer than 15 minutes per item. >> chair i like to motion or
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approve that motion. >> may i get a second? >> okay. per item for fellow commissioners? >> no, we have we have a lot of issues that we're discussing today that really we have a lot of guests that came today that would like to speak if there are issues in terms of what's on our agenda that we don't want to address today and we want to move to another day than i recommend as moving items to another day. but out of respect for the public i think it's been the practice of our commission to allow the public to speak and to allow there to be robust discussion especially since two of the items that are coming up today deal with a lot of important things specifically around our affordable housing annual report which we only get one year our sbc report as well as contracts. >> this is exactly as you said and i did not say limiting our guest. i'm asking each fellow commissioners on our remarks to
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consider the time. we do have a hard stop. this is not limiting the three minutes that each one of you get for every and any item you wish to speak on. >> is that clear? so it's also clear we as commissioners have a lot of questions. >> i disagree. i think you should allow our commissioners to speak. i sacrificed my massage appointment this afternoon to make myself available here. >> okay. so we're not saying that fellow commissioners are not you can take it for a vote and we'll just vote yes. >> oh yes. so chair second the motion in a second on the floor. >> call for the vote. chair scott, could i clarify that this is not a debatable motion requires a two thirds vote to succeed to limit the commission deliberations to 15 minutes for each item. so it's not to be not debatable
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. so you should proceed to the vote a vote? >> okay. okay. chair would you like me to proceed with the vote? >> so commissioner or vice chair aquino you're making a motion, right? yes. and does anyone second this motion by 92nd? okay. a motion by vice chair aquino seconded by chair scott. commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner lim no. commissioner lim votes no. commissioner brackett no. commissioner brackett says no. vice chair aquino yes and chair scott i.
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>> madam chair. the vote is two yeses two no. this motion does not pass. thank you. >> please call the next item. we're still in the comments for commissioners and for this item we're still an item for a. and we're we closed public comment so it's commission questions and comments. fellow commissioners. >> yes. i have some questions. >> deputy slutsky yesterday i attended a board meeting with the board of supervisors and at that meeting we had planning officials as well as our office of economic and workforce development officials who basically made a blanket statement stating that oci had gotten rid of all of our property that was more than 20
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years old as a result of dissolution 2012. so i would like for you to briefly explain to the public how we were able to keep cfd one still under our care and control and monitoring that and maintaining that property to this day since it has been in our port portfolio since 19 88. >> we we remain the administrators of the cfd. so cfd one did not change when you know dissolution happened. we're still overseeing the cftc until some later date it's decided somebody else administers that. are there any plans to transfer that property over once oci dissolves? as a matter of our entity or be transferred over to city property? >> yeah. i think we're looking at mark sorry. sorry. commissioner brack if i could address that we don't own any of the property in cfd one but
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we are responsible for maintaining it and as part of the agreement for cfd one. >> correct? mm hmm. and are there any other parcels throughout the city that we also maintain in the similar fashion and or that we own and have maintenance responsibilities for? we do have you know, in the transbay thing. we have nothing in mission bay that we own in trans bay. we have properties in the shipyard and obviously we have properties. we have. during the meeting you were at ellis driveway is still the property that is under ours as well as the fillmore heritage center, you know and as is so those are still under our ownership is ellis center under oci or under mou city owned it is under our ownership. >> we were here last or i guess two years ago to get a condo before i was overseeing real
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estate. we got a contract to currently for the maintenance. >> did that contract also include transference of the property to my city at that time? >> pardon me commissioner. go ahead. no, please don't interrupt me. i'm asking questions. mr. slatkin. excuse me one second. this is not on the agenda. if you want to hear about all of our properties we could certainly hold a workshop on it specifically for the fillmore heritage center and that elm street this is germane to this is this is germane to the questions that i'm asking because this is where we're guarding maintenance and as you know all of us commissioners receive email letters from people in that neighborhood who are concerned about the maintenance and how those properties were maintained. and so it is in my purview to ask about how we're maintaining other properties so that we're making sure that when we're approving these contracts that the people who we are assigning these contracts to are going to do a good job. it's my understanding that in previous for this specific cfd
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one that this matter was brought before our commission several times for extensions and that there is a current extension under place. >> is that correct? yes, there's a current extension to get to this point to in order to select it becomes we are have been maintaining it this whole time, right? yes. that company has been maintaining it all the time. their contract ended on december 31st. we plan was to be here on the fourth or the third you know with that didn't happen and so we've given them a short term contract so they are in full place to address any of the needs that are happening. so and they'll be in place through the end of this month and when so my issue is not about maintenance issues that started as of december 31st. the email from the neighbors said that this has been a longstanding maintenance issues that has done with lighting, that has done with blight and this has lasted for at least the last two years.
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>> so this is what i'm this is these are my questions about this contract is that in the current contract that we've extended for fausto and kroger up until december 31st, they were not maintaining that property properly. >> it was left to blight. it was left in a disgusting manner. we are getting emails from people in that project area that said it wasn't maintained properly and we as a commission were told every year that we re re we're issued this contract that things were being maintained properly by this company and in fact this company would have gotten this contract this time around had we not actually followed our newest equity principles around contracting and stuff to make sure that we're doing fair contracting which is a recommendation out of the oci committee. so it's very important for me to understand where we were, where we going and make sure that we have oversight and monitoring of this is millions dollars of contracts of maintenance and that that's happening.
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so that's why i'm asking these questions good questions. commissioner brackett if you have specific complaints that you've received that we should be aware of received those, please let us know we as maintainers of a variety of these different sites including cft one sometimes receive information from either someone from the city department of public works, someone from mta residents from that neighborhood tax special taxpayers in the cfd about issues that need our attention or the contractor's attention and we immediately reach out to them to get them taken care of as quickly as possible. so that's the process that we have. and if you if you or someone else has received information that we need to attend to, please let us know. >> we've always see this information. in fact i'm just going to read the letter because i see that this is going to be a constant gaslighting.
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we all received this letter that said dear commissioners, i'm writing on behalf of the south beach neighbor and vice chair of the embarcadero navigation center advisory committee to ask you to support the award. actually she just called and said that there haven't been maintaining this property and that the beach street cul de sac open space area is under extreme duress and implementing this contract with haste and careful consideration will enable much needed repairs to begin as a volunteer representative on the committee community advisory board overseeing the embarcadero navigation center, i and other neighbors have worked extensively with oci staff marie munson and now jasmine cole to get trash cans installed in this park and to monitor the antiquated lighting system which keeps failing often due to vandalism. we have found staff to be responsive and diligent and are eager to see them get this contract in place to triage current conditions and begin to address the overdue repairs listed in the staff report at this week's advisory subcommittee meeting, neighbors and southern station captain
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martin alike noted that unsafe conditions have developed in this area and work is needed to improve site leanness, discourage illegal behaviors and perhaps rethink the area to encourage more community use. we may be visiting you at your future meetings as we work together with oci staff and request an implement these improvements. this email was sent to our commission secretary who then forwarded to all of us a few days ago so and then she followed up and said this morning she replied again and said that she wanted to lupus and because she there were trash lighting and drug use issues came to her attention a few years ago, not a month ago and december 31st a few years ago as part of a public input during our navigation center advisory meetings about two years ago in march 2023 messina and supervisor dorsey's office connected with us and marie munson and she immediately ordered and installed two new trash bins which were not installed until 1023. she also had our crew attack
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the lack of lighting issues which happened in april of 23 assuming her files have been saved details can be found there otherwise i can search my files and send info though not the only cause of blighting one major factor seems to be the use of the area by some of the navigation center guests and their friends and in some instances dealers. captain martin confirmed this based on information from his four beat officers who were out there on one 2925 advisory meetings and strongly recommended improving sightlines and possible re imagining the area as a top lot or dog park to encourage use by local residents whether related to navigation center yes or not an increased population of drug users, dealers and houses impacted this area judy lin, an adjacent neighbor to the water park, has been closely advised working with marie and now jasmine she will be the best resource for details. judy lin is the best resource as she lives only a few blocks away. and then it goes on to also mention brandi keys from 129 and then as dr. scott said, i
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don't want to take up too much time reading the email but as that email suggests this has been a longstanding issue and if we've been issuing contracts for this type of cleanup and we haven't been seeing the type of repair and things that we want, what is going to be different with this contract so that we can ensure the residents of that area are actually properly attended to. so that's why i'm asking all of these questions. i mean we've reviewed them and we think they've scored the highest. i also i mean it's nice to see that this letter talks about marie munson quickly addressing problems when they come and i think oci will continue to do that. >> i mean parks get used sometimes perks get abused. you know, i'm happy to report that right now all the graffiti is being addressed. the current contractors will be there until march 1st if approved, you know, addressed the graffiti right away is once we let them know about it. so unfortunately we live in you know, the city and this sounds
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like there's some rough clientele living close by that that do some wear and tear and we jump on it as soon as possible. >> and if i could add commissioner brackett, i'm seeing that the navigation center folks maybe we can talk to their leadership in their management as well to connect with them. that's probably already happening. but mr. slatkin and i well we'll do that as well and reach out to that administration. yeah. so i was trying to get that information because the same thing happened in ellis street driveway and things that are not improve and if you remember well you probably weren't there but yesterday at the commission meeting that was also brought up as an issue. >> so i'm happy to see that there's going to be a new contractor taking over this work and hopefully we'll see better results and less complaints from customers. but i did want to address that and get some answers around that because it's important to know what's happening because we can't keep having residents
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coming in complaining to us directly as commissioners and things not being taken care of until we then have to bring them before this board. so thank you commissioner brackett thank you and i do and i have read about those conditions and i have been speaking to others about them just as that our commissioner has read and said i believe that ms.. >> sharon crow kitchen will be doing a better job speaking about i certainly can. >> so is this better sir? that's a thing for me. so thank you for pulling that up. but i do believe miss sharon crow kitchen will address all of these hardships and neglected issues that have been standing and ignored. but i believe she will go forward and take care of her
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obligation to make sure the maintenance and the cleaning and all inspections will be done on time properly as scheduled and make reports for work that's needed and do the job for the community. can i i'd like to say commissioner thank you chair scott thank you for that. i hear what you're saying, mark i hear you as well. thank you so much for the presentation. i know this is a discussion today this afternoon i hear the concerns i'm fully aware as well. i read the email and thank you for submitting that email and i know we're all going work. that's why we're here together to make sure this gets addressed and gets taken care of because this is our city and so we are here to make sure everything is you know you
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follow procedures and that we're we stay with it so i hear what you're saying and thank you, chair scott for your words . thank you for the presentation and my last comment is simply slutsky i notice that some of the in terms of there was the project was broken out into three different phases kind of the general maintenance tree removal and then the plaza just was hoping to get some a little bit of clarification from you back. i know this was contracted out and there were some changes in terms of the incremental increases that happened year after year for on the schedule that there's going to be an increase for maintenance each year over year and then there's going to be some actual asset work which i believe probably is going to be changing the benches and stuff like that. >> but i'm hoping that just one of you from use knowing that we have more of kind of like that
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maintenance cleanup work and seeing that mrs. mansfield in mansfield is going to be doing that part of the work. just wondering if there is enough funds in that portion to actually do the type of ongoing deep cleaning that's going to be needed to be done month after month. so i'm just more concerned that there's enough money in there so that they're doing that regular maintenance they can she can be paid for her time if there's additional work that needs to be done on that day or additional days that that's including in this contract as well because i don't see a big jump in kind of costs for that type of work in this contract and that's why i'm asking these questions. >> i think the jump in the tree there's a yeah there there is a substantial contingency line item in each three year budget so that can cover that if anyone has about 18 k i think it's 100 and 80 in the first year and 185 in the next so that if there is something above and beyond but we're confident that you know the
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proposal that they submitted and we were very detailed that's why we had a second proposal that went out there of all the work that needed to occur and they properly budgeted when they submitted that proposal. okay. thank you. that was a part of one of my questions to have there been consideration with global warming and the way our weather is changing and like the rain storm now looking at the tree wells and the pavement being uprooted by the tree roots to make sure that chromatin gets enough funds to take care of these things when they come up out of the ordinary going forward. >> well the good news on the trees is that the street trees are now the response ability of the department of public works so any damage to the sidewalk caused by street trees is their responsibility to come fix it. so that's actually one of the things that shifted in the
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budget that you know, that's not on our plate but we will keep on top of them if if it occurs. >> thank you, mark. yeah, commissioner no, i'll make a motion to approve the contract for the three years with the approval of the three year term. i'm also asking that before the three year old approval turn comes back and it's that they come back to the commission just so that we can make sure that everything is running smoothly and there aren't these types of challenges. >> so i have a comment i thought this was a discussion no, no for approval for approval. >> my apologies. okay. so the contract as it's stated here is for a three year with a three year renewal. >> so that's what we're approving today. >> so i know in the contract it says that it's up to the executive director's discretion
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but we want to make sure that we do have a forum available for the public to comment and three years from now if things are still going okay. so i would just like to amend the contract to add that after the three years before the final approval goes that we get a report to the commission director. >> i'll let the commission proceed with its second but then i'd like to say something before you vote please me it was moved and motioned and was there a section? we need a second. we need a second moved in second will you take the vote up madam chair i just wanted to comment before. yes sir i did want to motion to fail so the you're going to get an annual update when we bring the community facility district budget we give you an update on the activities of each cfd in the budget. this cfd like all cfds are
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limited by the special tax that they assess the special tax payers of that area. so it always has a ceiling. we can't just increase it and it's not property tax increment which we have some flexibility with. so you'll be getting an annual report as well if you still would like the need to have a third year report that's effectively bringing it back to the commission for approval if you'd like. that's certainly your discretion but you're going to get an annual update on the status of it. >> just my i like to just ask just to be clear on what we're doing. so you're saying we're getting an annual report. when will that be sent out and does that include what commissioner brackett is asking for this vote? okay. i need to be clear.
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>> i don't know well, i'll let commissioner brackett expand upon it. >> you ask for a report but so the way this contract is currently written is that it gets automatically renewed for the first three years unless the executive director finds a large deficiency then he can choose to discontinue it at the third year it can come back to our commission so that we can make sure that it's going the way it's supposed to and we can approve it moving forward again and then again it will go back to the director koslowski to do that we always get annual reports supposedly for all of our projects. however, as you know sometimes some of them are less detailed than others and we don't get flagged about issues unless people directly reach out to commissioners. so the reason why i'm asking for a status update to our commission is just that the three year mark the way that it's written right now is we would not have that opportunity for it to come to our commission at the three year mark. it would be under the purview
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of the executive director to disapprove it and move it through for another three years and then ask as this commission technically would not be able to take action on that item unless it came formally before our board through an executive director action or after the six year term. so i think that's the kind of caveat right there. >> so just to be clear, the information you're wanting to set in motion is information that executive director is already going to address in that report. >> where am i mistaken there's the authorization process. so just the same way that we're getting the contract today and we have the vote to authorize it that's why it wasn't just a discussion. we actually have to vote on these contracts to approve these amounts. so basically to be happening is in three years we would come back to our commission so we can approve it again for the second third for the second term. >> okay. >> my only concern is i don't want double information or double that.
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we're doing this twice. i guess that's why i'm a little bit confused unless anyone you want to speak into the mic unless i just want to be clear i want to make sure i understand. thank you. well typically if it came back on the annual report at the third year we would just say yes we approve it to go another three years. it's not a double report. we wouldn't have a separate meeting addressing this specific contract in that way we'd just be able to weigh in on it and make sure that everything is working the way it is because from 2012 to present we were not getting the proper updates in proper information which is why community was complaining and so we were just reauthorizing it or allowing it to be the purview of the executive director to authorize it except for the time when it formally expired and then we as commission needed to take action. >> so i think there's a little bit of nuance in that. well, you said 2012. i'm sorry. you know, i just want to be
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clear here because you're mentioning 2012 when what i'm saying the unevenness to come to repeat the same mistakes we had in the past so we've had the same person or company that's been maintaining this property since 2024 to present we're actually starting with a new company right now. >> okay. but with the new company right now i'm just asking for us to do our due diligence as commissioners and be able to approve it at the three year mark which is normally when the contract would end or go to an automatically another three year renewal. you're asking for an amendment commission and if you don't mind can i ask you a question? are you proposing this be a three year contract and that in order to do a third year extension we have to bring it back to the commission? >> it's already that way right now the only difference is the authorization goes between you or us as a commission that's already a three year contract
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right now, is it not? >> i'm asking about the authorization. are you proposing that it be a three year contract with the alternative to come to the commission? in other words, we have to bring it back for approval in which case it's really just a three year contract subject to your approval. but is that what you're i'm trying to get specific about the contract amendment if that's what you're seeking. >> so right now the contract specifically says so let's go to the language. it says that basically we're assigning our rights as a commission to use. >> is that what page is that? i'm sorry. can you thank you. i know, but i just want her to tell us the page because i want to be on the same page. i forgot my binder right.
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and the reason why again just to make sure i'm clear i just want to make sure i understand the my concern is not having double information or go doing double work if that makes any if that's clear it wouldn't be doing double work. okay. and unless you have something to say well it's kind of fun actually i, i believe is after three years under this contract. right. and then it's up for an extension for three years. is that the time that you want to come back and for the board to review and for approval? is that what you want? yes. okay. >> i'm okay with that. okay.
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you understand? >> is it understood, director? certainly if if that's the specificity of it. i also if it's we'd like to know what kind of report the commission may be seeking or commissioner brackett i'm happy to talk later about it as well but i just want to be sure that when we're bringing you the information that you that you have information that that you're seeking i think the normals reports that you guys submit are adequate. we just would like to add photos as well because the photos that the residents sent to us and that email are troubling. so being able to also quantify not just the things that are written but also to see how the properties actually looking in the present time. >> okay okay.
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>> so then that it wouldn't be any changes to the report, it would just be adding maybe a couple of photos of what it looks like. all right. thank you. you understand? yes. >> thank you. brackett commission record the photos. i'm believing croak crockett chin is present and i believing from the conversations earlier i don't know if she wants to say anything but i'm believing she will be on top of things with photos and i'm also knowing the community definitely will. i'm believing that as well. so she's nodding but and one final clarification, commissioner brackett, you said to bring it here for a status report but then you also said bring it here for the commission's approval. you wanted the commission to approve it or you wanted the status report before the the executive director approves it
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? >> both okay. so do we have to be an action item on the agenda is what you're seeking? yes, it could be but it's it's still the same agenda item whether we here at the workshop or rebuilt to move forward that's still one item. it's not two separate items or double work or an additional report that needs to be provided because they currently submit photos to you now under the current agreement already so just be providing us as commissioners with the date with the information you guys already collect. okay so with that amendment we would take roll call and stipulate that change so attorney general scott, it does sound like an amendment to the to the resolution and the contract that basically says the extension is subject to commission approval. >> okay.
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so the resolve clause of the resolution would be amended which provides for the initial term of three years with one up to three year option to extend and there you could say subject to commission approval in a total contract amount not to exceed 1,823,000. >> are you saying we that was the motion that i made and commissioner lim seconded so we just need to vote yes. >> what it sounds like, sir, because that amendment was already made. yes. in the motion already made the motion and commissioner lim seconded it but then commissioner aquino had questions. so that's what we were doing was having questions because she wanted to understand what that what that language, what
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that meant, what i was saying i'm just clarifying yes, correct. >> good morning clarification. >> the items i did and is slightly changed the vote she wanted to understand what my amendment was before we took them so we'll have to amend the resolution to add the language i just stated to clarify that's what i should say. >> okay. thank you. >> so do we take the vote rocha yes. yes. okay. >> so it was thank you madam chair. it was motioned by commissioner brackett seconded by commissioner lim that we adopt a resolution for a as amended with the language that you added commissioner brackett yes please. >> commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. >> commissioner brackett yes, commissioner lim. >> yes. vice chair aquino yes. and chair scott. yes, madam chair. >> the vote is four eyes.
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madam secretary, please call the next item the next order of business is item five matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. first is the consent agenda item five a is approval of minutes regular meeting of january 5th 2025 madam chair. >> madam secretary, i'd like to ask for a motion to pull consent out of the minutes. pull it off. i'd like a motion to continue the minutes for further review . can i get a motion in a second to move the minutes to a did you have another is it for the next meeting? >> yes i motion that can i get a second please? >> i can not you know need a motion to put my point of order if you don't mind. oh madam secretary, you don't
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need a motion or a second to pull items off of the consent agenda. oh, i think when there's just a question about them they are automatically put on to the regular agenda. >> sorry. my question was to clarify if you wanted to just pull it off or move it to a different meeting or do you want it to move the order to pull it off is what i'd like. so pulling it off puts it on the regular agenda. i don't know that it has a major impact. we would have public comment and then if there's a motion to continue the item that would be voted on at that time a motion to continue after it's it's now on the regular agenda because you've pulled it one commissioner can pull it or a member of the public can actually pull something from the consent calendar if there's questions and so now it's on the regular agenda.
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i would take public comment and then proceed to either a motion to approve or a motion to continue. >> is there a specific reason we're pulling it to further review? okay. >> just for further review. okay. so the questions about the meeting notes or yeah all of them yes. okay. so it's going to be moved. you're saying you want to move it to the regular agenda so that we can have public comment and then commissioners comments and questions about the agenda about the meeting notes not to discuss here but we would have to discuss it. >> you can't just move it without commissioners discussions. you have to discuss it if you put it on put it on the record. >> exactly. so okay. >> in this meeting at this meeting, yes. before you vote on a motion to continue or to approve. okay. so removing the minutes to the
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regular agenda is that what it is? yes, we are. okay. >> so i'm calling a regular agenda or regular agenda item five a which is the minutes minutes from january seventh, 2025 and was your sorry i don't want to yeah that's right. >> okay. thank you. so madam chair, how would you like to proceed on the minutes in looking at our minutes i'm disturbed by the way it opens and as it's stated in that's section three the chair brackett provided an official
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and personal statement before starting the meeting to make sure they were there to do the business of oci. i she wanted to read the oci bylaws because as she stated it was essential to be grounded in these guiding principles especially after observing practices over the past three and a half years during which she stated she had witnessed executive directors with the support of the general council take liberties and exercise powers which were not granted under this city. our state charter. these actions undermine the principles of fair and shared governance and eroded the spirit of collaboration and trust that must exist among the commission, its staff and the
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general public. miss brackett recalled that when she started with oci, its executive director nadia cissé demonstrated exemplary leadership and never attempted to manipulate commissioners usurp their authority are obscure skewer their wishes but rather acted with the utmost integrity by consistently providing both facts and opinions as well as the pros and cons of each agenda item. she encouraged the commissioners to provide feedback and when questions arose she would research the answers and report back to the commission before placing items on the agenda. i'm commissioner sorry i don't know. did you still have additional stuff? i wanted to just open up for
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public comment before the commission starts to discuss the item. that's okay. would you so members of the public who wish to provide public comment on the minutes please call (415) 655-0001 enter access code 26600818667 followed by the pound or number sign and the pound or number sign again to enter the call please press star three to be placed in the queue if you are already listening to us by phone and would like to provide public comment on the minutes please press star three so i'd like to begin by inviting members of the public here in person if anyone wants to provide a comment on the minutes you may come up to the podium at this time seeing there are no members of the public in person wishing to comment i will move over to our remote callers if there are any callers who would like to provide public comment on the
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minutes please press star three on your mobile devices. madam chair it does not appear we have any members of the public wishing to comment on the minutes. >> fellow commissioners do you have any comments? i do have comments. the statement that i made was factual it supported by emails . it's supported by conversations that we've had with the executive director. it is supported by minute meeting notes and it's also supported by also the previous subsequent emails and documentation that has happened since that meeting. in fact both myself and commissioner lim again asked for you to place agenda items on this current meeting which are still not on the agenda currently and also ask for closed session meeting which has not happened to date. this request has been made since last year and none of those things were honored and
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in fact our seal piece subcommittee meeting that was supposed to take place yesterday was also shut down and has been shut down since april. so what i said was factual so i'm not sure you know what your concerns are at this point. i think we have our personal opinions and i can't agree with this statement in my opinion i have received nothing but support. i've watched our director give support and information clear in layman's terms as well as professionally. so i cannot go along with that . i have received also and there was a email that came in today to the commission regarding our
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director commending him on his work and services and going back prior to even before he came aboard but how with how he's supported the city community i and others. >> so these are factual statements. dr. scott and i appreciate your opinions on things but these are factual when a chair of a commission requests for an item to be placed on an agenda and that meeting the executive director is to put that agenda item on the meeting unless there is an issue and that the other commissioners say that they do not want that agenda item on the meeting. note our executive director does not make our agenda for our commission while he is there to support our agenda and
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provide information on what is happening in the department so that we can vote on policy matters as well as contracts. that is his role on the commission. his role is not to set our agenda and therefore there are emails between all of us both yourself and thore which clearly show that when on times that i've asked for agenda items and other commissioners have asked for agenda items to be placed on the agenda so that we can discuss them publicly or in closed session meetings that has not happened. that's factual. i also love thore as a person and i do appreciate some of the work that he has done on oci but that does not negate the facts of the statements that i made. if i could if you don't mind if i go ahead director yeah. thank you. just a point of order. i think you pulled the item to be heard to potentially continue it. >> are you guys discussing the the potential continuance? the commission typically will take a motion, take a second
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then have a discussion about the substance of the continuance or not i recommend and jimmy agreed that you take either have that motion and have that seconded if you want to discuss further but it's the substance of the continuance itself and it sounds like dr. scott you wanted to review them or you've read in some of the things you want to review more . >> commissioner brackett has viewpoints on it. those are all fine. i don't think that's a continuance. she wants us to decide whether or not this strengthens my on the discussed comments of the continuance so we just wanted to offer that up for the commission to consider. >> i need to review them and if i was going to strike your comments i would not have said it that way. i need time to review them. that's what i'm asking for you have you want time to review them? >> for what purpose? clarity?
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>> what type of clarity this is we've discussed it. >> we've said what the facts are at this point continuing it would be you want to take a specific action whether that be to strike what i've said or it to be to approve what i've said. so i want to get some clarity because we can't just continue it for some random reason. we're still on a continuance from this meeting and previous meetings around the sb policy that still hasn't been agenda as well. so i'm not in the business of continuing things and leaving them as kind of hanging strings that never get addressed later on and we never resolve or get a resolution. so if you're asking because you're uncomfortable about what i've said and that there's actually documentations and emails to back up what i said and you would like it to be stricken then that's something that you can make a motion that you don't feel comfortable about the facts that i shared and you would like them stricken from the record and then we as a commission can vote yes or no.
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>> we choose to do that and move on. chair scott, if i could suggest you have a motion on the floor right now to approve the minutes that can be voted on if it doesn't pass and the minutes are not approved you can also move to continue but you right now you have a motion to approve the minutes and it would need sort of a formal eyes motion by a commissioner now and a second to move it to a vote if there's a motion to continue that should be made at this point with the second i like to add something to it and i know i hear both of you. chair and commissioner brackett ,i read it too and i heard you when you read it i personally think that i disagree with some
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of the items here because we are a i know we are a commission. i see it as a team and i think some of the information i didn't get all the facts written presented to me so therefore which is why i asked for the closed session because i understand. but let me let me yes, i hear you. i hear you would be a serial. i hear you very loud and clear and i understand where you coming from. i have to you know, i personally did not receive all the information so i have to say and i don't agree with what you said but that is your opinion. but to move forward because we are in a time sensitive we have other items on the agenda. this is a i want to continue with the vote so that way we can move forward and this is noted for today's meeting that we need to continue to work on this so that's my comment on
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that. can we get clarity on the opinions can council morales who is the agenda setter is the executive director the setter of our agenda or is that our commission that sets the agenda? and so it's a one word answer either it's our director or it's our commission because i think that we're starting to get into the era or the where people's opinions and we just need to know how to conduct ourselves factually as a commission based on the bylaws. >> but isn't this an opinion? no, the bylaws that's what i'm saying. but what i said was not an opinion i asked for something to be put on the agenda and it did not get you started it off the way that it normally doesn't start off. >> okay. okay. so morales, can you inform the commission on what i general counsel it's not my role to try to manage the commission but i will point out parliamentary procedure as best i can at the
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moment. so right now i hear debating an issue that is not before the commission on its agenda. you do have the minutes and you have a motion to approve. you could take that or you can continue it. i'll take it as a point information about by about setting an agenda not relevant to the discussion today but the answer is that the agenda review committee by the bylaws the three person agenda review sets the agenda or the commission by majority vote two ways to set the agenda for a future meeting. >> that's how it's done. so may i just say this if one person votes not to have something are to have something on the agenda and the second person which was myself as vice chair votes against that with the director then it was voted not to happen but may i say
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this during that time i had back to back and i reported it deaths in my family and i said i could not be there but i said i want to be there when they have that meeting because of the deaths i was out of town in town and then there was sickness. i had two family members that had strokes. i reported that each time there was the request there was a reason otherwise it would not have ever happened that way. but it went throughout the year up to this very week it's been those reasons why it was no i can't make it. i want i understand that this that when you said you could not be there in december as well as in january and as you know we sent an email about that and i sent my condolences to your family.
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these issues have been happening since for a while it did not start with this most recent flare up and i think that's the part that i think that is getting lost in this and it's a blocked because i think you're not going back far enough. these happened in my family through the summer into the fall into the winter up to january. then in my initial statement i said that this behavior that's been how can we move on for three years it didn't just start this year, dr. scott said i've had to address it this year because it's not stopping you just like to stop this to scrap this whole discussion is not part of this. >> the agenda today yeah i'm going to go into a vote so on the minutes whether to approve or to continue so emotionally it's to be made we need a motion and a second to approve the minutes from january 7th, 2025 i make a motion to approve the minutes from our last meeting and i guess i'll second
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that motion. thank you commissioners commission members please announce your vote when i call your name. >> commissioner brackett yes. commissioner lim. yes. vice chair aquino no and chair scott yes, madam chair. >> the vote is three eyes one no the motion carries and then next is regular agenda item number five be workshop on annual certificate of preference marketing and outreach report fiscal year 2023 dash 2024 from the mayor's office of housing and community development discussion director koslowski thank you madam secretary. this is last fiscal year annual report on the certificate of
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preference marketing the marketing is for information about affordable housing opportunities in the oci and former oci properties throughout the city as well as the maui td properties and it reports on the number of certificate of preference certificates that are issued or people that have been identified for preferences in affordable housing as well as placement and other information. and so to present this item is ms. pam sims, senior development specialist with oci. >> pam. >> good afternoon chair scott vice chair keno commissioners executive director kozlowski and general counsel morales i'm again a pam sims i'm senior developments specialist in the housing division. and as was stated, i'm here today to talk about the clp annual report for fiscal year 2324. pam can you speak into your mind? sure.
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today maria benjamin and i will be providing you with a summary of clp holder activity and oci i in most cd projects which specifically highlights the past fiscal year. also maria will be providing updates on outreach and application processes and update on the streamlined application process. the area median income levels of copyright holders who applied for affordable housing units which averages 44% am my house copy holders fared in rental and ownership opportunities. and finally a look at enhancements staff is following up on in the current fiscal year. >> first a refresher of the psyop program per state law the copy program was created to provide all copy holders first priority for consideration and when applying for an affordable housing unit copy holders include low and moderate income
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households that were displaced due to redevelopment agency action as of january 1st 2022. this preference also includes direct descendants of the preference provides all qualified copy holders a lottery priority when renting or purchasing an affordable oci or most housing unit copy holder. >> applicants like all applicants must meet the income requirements for the project for which they are applying for fiscal year 23 for fiscal year 2324 there were 1724 active copy holders who were receiving information on new rental and ownership opportunities. this total represents a little less than a 10% increase over the previous year as in the previous fiscal year. this increase has to do with the outreach efforts currently being completed by linx insights and investigations or links with the new community leadership foundation or itself
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to confirm contact information of original displaces and before maria gives her presentation i wanted to share the table of copy holders housed in both oci and most projects. as you see in the past 11 years a total of 95 copy holders have been housed in oci funded development outs and 199 copy holders have been housed in most developments for a total of 294 placements. this data comes from the chp annual reports that have previously been provided to the commission. additionally there are a number of copy holders who are housed in redevelopment agency projects from waitlists. the numbers of individuals house from waitlists is not easy to determine but most it is currently developing a method for better tracking these individuals. >> also please know that all staff who touch
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