tv BOS Public Safety Committee SFGTV March 12, 2025 1:15am-7:16am PDT
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to confirm contact information of original displaces and before maria gives her presentation i wanted to share the table of copy holders housed in both oci and most projects. as you see in the past 11 years a total of 95 copy holders have been housed in oci funded development outs and 199 copy holders have been housed in most developments for a total of 294 placements. this data comes from the chp annual reports that have previously been provided to the commission. additionally there are a number of copy holders who are housed in redevelopment agency projects from waitlists. the numbers of individuals house from waitlists is not easy to determine but most it is currently developing a method for better tracking these individuals. >> also please know that all staff who touch the copy
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program starting with the executive teams at most cd and oci are all committed to getting eligible people their certificates of preference and working with interested households to get them an affordable housing unit once in their unit we provide support so that copy holders stay stably housed as long as they want to live in that particular unit. and now i'll turn it over to maria benjamin who will provide the copy annual report information. maria i think you can. >> good afternoon commissioners director koslowski maria benjamin from the mayor's office of housing and community development. i'm always happy to come and talk with you guys and let you know the the progress and the the the status of the certificate of preference program. i'm going to jump in there.
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>> there are a while there were over five over well over 35,000 households that were originally displaced but most cd is in contact with about 1700 households of those households not the vast majority of them are already housed but they are looking for you to utilize their cert to come either come back to san francisco or change their living situation here in the city. >> and while we have contact with 17 hundred searching for the preference holders 60 of them in the reporting year of 2324 and this all of these numbers are end at june 30th because it's a fiscal year report of of 2460 of them
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actively applied for housing during that year and there were 34 certificate of preference holders that found housing using their certificate that in that time and they found they got housing from various places either existing new opportunities that from the city in county that were offered or or waitlists adding on to a waitlist and getting served that way or homeownership. and i'll talk about all those so i'm got i'm in control here, huh? >> everything. we received 452 inquiry fees from from folks in the fiscal year wanting to know whether or
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not they were eligible for a certificate of preference thinking that their family was displaced during the 60s and 70s by the redevelopment agency and and this is this is more than. this is like twice or three times as many as we've had in previous years. i completely credit the outreach of the links team that you all approved to do some outreach and work with folks to get them knowing about this certificate difficult preference. a lot of people don't even realize that that this resource is there for them so the links folks are doing what they're supposed to do and have gotten people to us. >> there were 319 certificates issued in this one year. 319 is quite a lot. there were 76 original displaced fees.
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that means they were actually household members and displaced at the time and then 243 descendants of of people that were displaced by the former redevelopment agency. >> we were only of those we were only a we only just found that six households were ineligible and ineligible usually means that they weren't actually displaced by the former redevelopment agency. maybe they were displaced by the housing authority or displaced in some other way. so that that's a pretty good small number. we were of those also numbers we were we were at the time currently working on about 100 applicants working with them to provide documents and all that . next slide. there we go.
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>> yeah, we've done a lot to improve the process. we are finally fully staffed with the program. >> holy smokes and we we had been replacing staff with other existing staff to keep the momentum going but we have now fully dedicated staff and i would actually like to introduce our our newest staff person. her name is laquan ali. >> there's laquan to laquan is our the city cop program coordinator andy nelson is manages all of our certificate our preferences in this city's preference programs and then cora stone is not here today but she is also works on the on the certificate of preference program and some of the enhancements we've made are just completely because we've
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invested in staff time to make these enhanced enhancements core we now have a hotline that actually somebody actually answers the phone and actually helps folks calling to inquire about the preference and also help them through the process. you know, we refer folks to housing counseling agencies and we refer and get folks that way to get assistance affordable housing assistance to make it through the maze of affordable housing in san francisco. >> but it really helps to have somebody there that's going to answer the phone and answer your questions and really get you where you need to go. so i cora is there normally a 3 to 5 answering the phone and fielding questions and getting people in the right direction. >> we've got a newsletter that we've put out on a regular basis.
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>> anybody can sign up for the newsletter on our website to see what's happening with the certificate of preference program to see what what resource is are being provided there and to learn about the projects that and the availability that's coming and other resources that are related to housing. >> we tailored a housing guide a resource guide to certificate of preference holders particularly descendants to be able to make sure that they understand how all of the housing pieces work and where they where their certificate is . they can use their certificate so that they can call all of the former redevelopment agency projects and get themselves on waitlists there and expand the resources that are and the knowledge of the resources that are there available to them. >> we updated our frequently asked questions about the program and and then we worked
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with our data and digital services department to make sure that we're we've making we're using modernized systems to be able to to be able to process the applications that come in in a more expedited manner so that along with the reduction of the documents, you know, we tried to really comb through some of the bureaucracy what do we really need to know from you in order to get you this certificate and so we've really been able to hone that down and and we're seeing people go through more quickly . >> it's you know, we don't unless there's some very big problem we really can't find your family's documents. >> we people are moving through much more quickly than than they have ever before in my ten years of of helping with this program and one of the one of
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the things that we did okay so city departments talking to each other right so we're here previously before this reporting period somebody would come to us and we'd say oh you have to have your birth record . >> so i have my birth record. well you have to go over here to the assessor's office and go stand in their line and pay their fee to get your birth record or get a death record or get something a recorded document from the assessor's office. well, our new manager andy nelson said well, this doesn't make sense. this is we're a city agencies. why can't we just ask the recorder's office to give us the document? >> it saves the copy holder from from going through all that bureaucracy to get their documents. >> so that has really, really expedited things so that we now have access to those vital records and people don't have to go out searching for them.
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we've also improved the process with the school district also to give a school records to prove folks their address as in their childhood years as well. >> and we have create we created more instructions for people to know how to get through that process. >> so there are in this reporting period there were no oci oci rental units that were available. however, the city did have through the value system 554 opportunities for affordable housing 519 were rental and there were 35 ownership opportunities and the prices of those affordable housing ranged from 30% area income which is very low income.
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very few of those units were available to around 80% of area median income which is like a middle income 80% of those units were available to households that were over 51% area median income. that's how how much they cost and our our clp holders average income was about 44% of the area median income. >> so while there were 500 and 19 units that a good number of them were higher priced than our average certificate of preference holder could afford . >> so how do we still get people in housing? we utilize subsidies from the the the city the city invests
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about $46 million in rental subsidies every year and because the certificate of preference holders are at the top of every list, if there is a subsidy available they get it. >> 75% of the people that were placed in this in this year were utilized to an affordable housing subsidy to get into their unit that their end of the certificate of preference holders units that they're in there is a scarcity of resources and and you know it's it's disconcerting when you go and you say i've got you think i've got this certificate and you go there and look on dalia and all the units cost $4,000 a month you know we part of what we do is to help folks navigate that and help folks know when there is more affordability coming their way and and and
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make choices that are best for their families to utilize those those resources as they as they come and for certificate of preference oops for certificate of preference holders. >> absolutely utilized their resources in this reporting period. i'm so happy it was such a great grand opening. habitat's greater greater san francisco habitat for humanity launched a project last summer where four there was an eight unit building and half of them are certificate of preference holders in diamond heights. >> their beautiful projects those certificate of preference holders we're working started with habitat working with them ,their families working with them about two years ago before
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the the buildings were even built they put in 500 hours of sweat equity which is part of the habitat thing working together with their other neighbors that they that they have now in this eight unit building the multigenerational households the the grandparent was actually displaced by the redevelopment agency and there and then they live with their child and their grandchildren. so it's a beautiful day. >> we're very, very pleased to be able to get those folks in those units to to be homeowners . we're always seeking to ensure that certificate of preference holders have the resources that they need. most city is absolutely committed to this program and continuing this program and expanding it where we can and making sure that as long as they're at the top of those
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lists that they are getting the the first stab at the city and uses resources. >> i will let pam finish up. >> thank you. >> thank you. maria. now to wrap up this presentation we'll look forward to the current fiscal year and proposed program enhancements. staff will be working with the contractor to complete an updated survey. >> let me change this to complete an updated survey to better understand the housing needs of new copy holders. this was on the agenda to be completed last fiscal year but staff wanted to wait until a significant pool of descendants obtain their certificates so we better understand the housing needs of this group of clp holders. staff will continue to work with links and until left to
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confirm contact information. as you may remember this team completed phase two last year and we reported that 2124 individuals in the investigative lead identified record not completed each category. a total of 161 individuals were contacted and their records have been updated. 170 individuals were non responsive and 261 were confirmed deceased. currently the lynx and seal team are working on phase three which includes locating approximately 1200 original places that have investigative leads developed through the bulk data search conducted during phase one but need further investigative research to confirm contact information. reviewing a sample of the 4000 further research needed records to determine the time and effort is needed to obtain contact information and
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identify and confirm contact information for approximately 350 descendants. and finally staff will work to have historical sfr documents from former redevelopment agency project areas relating to relocation and displacement scanned and categorized. >> this exercise will provide masud with additional tools to better assist individuals who inquire about obtaining a certificate of preference. and now maria quinta andy and i are all available to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> madam secretary will you see if there and sorry. i'd also like to introduce dr. veronica hunnicutt who would like to say a few words. >> thank you very much for this opportunity to speak with all
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of you. and i you know, i'm gonna speak longer than 2 to 3 minutes now. okay. i want you to understand that because what i am doing is giving you an update from the hpc hunter's point shipyard cac. i want to thank you chair scott for inviting the cac to be in attendance today. i also want to introduce some of the other people who are officers with the cac, joyce armstrong, our vice chair was here earlier but she is receiving a black history month award in another location here in city hall. so she could not be with us at this particular moment. >> okay. i want to also let you know that sergio gomez, our secretary, will be coming momentarily. and i also want to let you know and i want her to stand up deidre smith, please stand up. deidre is both the co-chair of the business and employment
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subcommittee as well as the housing subcommittee. thank you very. >> and i also want to introduce i call her queen queen kimberly brown. stand up queen. oh, you don't want to stand out. that's the best you can do for us. okay. okay. and she is the chair of the iec . the iec is the organization that receives funds as a result of the development of the shipyard. we have the money we have received for our housing portion has enabled us to buy two buildings one at 5,003rd street and rafiki and they had a soft launch and they're going to have i guess a hard launch in march to talk about all the wonderful things they were doing. thank you dr. carolyn scott for being present on that day.
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okay. now i'm here because i need to give you an update and to express some concerns. so please bear with me for our communities supporters, stakeholders and the general public. the cac work is multifaceted. it's the community organization that's the main liaison to the community. we're the shipyard and candlestick projects. we are the mayor's designated community forum for these projects for the navy's cleanup of community reporting. and our main partners are oci and the shipyard and candlestick projects private public private partner five point. >> the cac facilitates the navy, local, state and federal regulators public proceedings and gives voice to the local and minority contractors and businesses who wish to participate in the hp nsc remedial activities and economic development.
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to summarize, we do the work on the ground the heavy lifting and i'd like to invite all of you to please come to the cac meetings. our meetings are in the community and open to the public and we live cast our meetings on facebook. join our our list our mailing list and you can do that by emailing us that info at abc sitcom or call us at 41582 2 or 6 two two and follow our facebook page. the facebook page name is hp cac so you can watch our meetings just in case you cannot attend in person. our website has calendars of our meetings and the materials from our our meetings as well. >> join us to learn more to keep up to date and to avoid misinformation, misrepresentation and
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confusion. first and foremost for this reporting period on behalf of the cac, i would like to thank oci executive director mr. thor koslowski. since his appointment it's been remarkable in terms of what he has accomplished for the community. his excellent engagement and numerous accomplishments have paved the way for the oci to make the needed milestones we've all observed recently. >> cic would also like to recognize oci staff leila hussain, pam simms and elizabeth kola melo. their work on the ground as an exception. so we appreciate you and our oci staff and those working at the agency. so much work is being accomplished right now at the agency and i'm please be mindful of that. and i want to thank the cac and
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the cac site office staff mike forbes who was a supervisor willie kennedy's descendant if you all remember some supervisor willie kennedy and the wonderful work she did and elise is also part of our staff and she is here's another woman in the community that did great things ms.. doris vinson well, elise is one of her relatives and so she and a young woman by the name of de make up our our staff. i want to talk to you about housing matters, please. i like to state the most relevant and recent accomplishment and that would be sb 593 senate bill is one of the most innovative in california legislative history. it was authorized by senator wiener and it frankly would not have passed without the thorough hard work and brilliance of oci executive director thor koslowski.
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yours truly ron. >> dr. veronica honeycutt was involved in that. i madie scott from the west. in addition, reverend sisk the whole bethel ame church. and by the way, commissioner brackett, you did attend a couple of those hearings in sacramento and we thank you for that. and other people also played a major role in lobbying at the california legislature in sacramento for this bill. the bill was a successful attempt to think outside the box to be creative and eventful and to find ways to provide unprecedented avenues to build more housing and create more economic opportunities. it targeted so many areas including financing of affordable housing, allowed projects in the pipeline and new ones to benefit sb 593. untrue stories are being told about this measure and i'd like
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to tell folks who are here please whoever you are, stop this misinformation about this bill because it's very counter productive. >> sb 593 will expand housing and economic development opportunity is. it gives the oci another latitude in which to do its work and that's why we recognized the work has lansky's achievement in this endeavor. certificate of preference clp program applies that applies to all oci housing. clp holders will benefit if more housing and economic development opportunities are allowed to happen without further delays and shenanigans. >> so please invest in the sb 593 projects and become aware of what's happening. it really aware of what's happening in mission bay western edition and the hunters point shipyard. and frankly that's why senator
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wiener mr. thought katz lasky matty scott nice reverend sisk saw the bill through to its passage because of what it would contribute to this city or our residents. >> we can't afford this bill deals benefits to be mired in confusion, foolishness. and as i said before, shenanigans. the bill is passed and available. let's focus on the viable projects from which everyone will benefit. >> the cic is working with the oci to ensure more housing opportunities are realized period. >> african-american folks are down to a small percentage of the population in san francisco. working class people of all cultures and religions are being gentrified out of san francisco. san francisco is not building enough housing building housing requires money the capital to pay for building costs. >> and i want you to also please note in terms of the
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housing needs and demographics because we're hearing from various people on the ground there are various housing needs in san francisco co-ops, non co-ops for seniors, young families working individuals, those who are unhoused otherwise known as homeless. the more housing we can address and build, the more the needs of various communities can be filled. i want to emphasize that the misinformation again and distractions that are circulating within the community are not helping. that's not helpful. okay. in terms of the cac and the certificate of preference, the cac is in line with the obligation to maximize the clp first source housing. first time homebuyers and other housing affordable resources by calling on in on those in charge of administering the
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programs, questioning them and obtaining valuable information and getting it to our community through workshops in the community at the hpc, cac even with the clp certificate you probably heard this in the other presentation but i'll just repeat it. applicants must still qualify for the underwriting ting criteria and placement and that is why we want our folks to go to the housing counseling agencies like s.f. edc and other neighborhood organizations like bayview multipurpose who help folks get into housing and help clp folks get through the process. >> these are additional areas needing focus and a assistance for potential homebuyers. now in terms of block 52 and 54, that's why the chc is looking at all areas and as many opportunities as possible. who are our folks here in san francisco? >> thanks to oci, pam simms and
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leila hussain, the cac held a public meeting on january 21st of this year. >> dr. carolyn scott was in attendance and she saw firsthand the quality of the agency's presentation and their update. >> i want to move on to something else that's very important and you need to please focus on it. candlestick park that successful amendment a major milestone. >> the cac worked with oci community stakeholders and fivepoint to get the cpp project underway and it's now moving forward. this is a significant milestone. we want to thank oci director kozlowski and staff lashaun walker and fivepoint officials and supervisors to mind walton. now in terms of the hundreds of neighbors shipyard building demolitions with cac, it's an ongoing advocacy. it's unprecedented.
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the navy is slated to award hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts to demolish some targeted buildings in the phenix. as part of his ongoing remedial activities, the cic saw this as a real and rare opportunity to get local and minority contractors participation in cleanup activities. this has never happened or been done before. it's on precedented. there were challenges and resistance from the navy at first with thorpe kozlowski's help. hb cic was proactive and escalated the matter all the way to washington d.c. the navy at first was unresponsive but the cac reached out to, as i said, oci and speaker emerita pelosi's office and our local and minority contractors.
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>> the speaker imperative pelosi made an emergency meeting and trip and came out with the navy secretary and the caa. senator padilla's official chief of staff to the shipyard as a result, the navy procurement division was able to address the case concerns including a 23% requirement for local contractors and a 23% requirement for small business people. yes, they did enact that. >> this is an ongoing endeavor. we're encouraging all of you to attend cac business and economics subcommittee meetings as we delve more into the details and provide updates to the public. and lastly, i'm going to ask all of you please to work with the cac to get more done for our stakeholders. please no more of the division
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and self inflicted paralysis and misinformation. you want information, come to the cac, get the information from us. we are ready. we are open and we intend to fight for the residents not only of the bayview and d10 but for the residents of the city and county of san francisco. we're not playing. let's focus on the progress we've made. let's use our time constructively. >> let's focus on moving forward together. on behalf of oci and the city and county of san francisco, thank you for the opportunity to appear. thank you. >> dr.. hunnicutt. >> are there any others? that concludes our presentation. thank you. thank you, jamie. >> at this time members of the public who wish to provide
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public comment on this item were still an item five b. please call 415655000 one enter access code 266008186 six seven followed by the pound or number sign then press the pound or number sign again to enter the call press star and three to be placed in the queue. if you are already listening by phone please press star three if you'd like to raise your hand virtually. >> and we'll begin with inviting members of the public who are here in person to come up to the podium at this time starting if you could state your name please. >> lynette mackey and i am i work for links and in c11 with the clp program i am the community advocate going out into the community talking to people helping them to sign up, following through with their application process and it's
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working. >> it's the numbers are getting higher and higher and higher of the people that are receiving certificates from the work that i do as well as the callers. >> i just want to share with you in case you don't know picking up a paper and calling someone about something that happened in 1970 that usually the person that we call don't know anything about it and we have to find someone in that family that does and then we have to find the family members that was impacted and their descendants the majority of them are deceased. >> so it's a long process that phone call. it's some hard work but we doin the work and i just want you to know it takes time. we may not be able to reach everyone at the time but we're working hard to reach everyone in the know that i'm here to come to any community that's needed, any meeting that's needed help sign up to check your address if you're not sure
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of that address was displaced or not because the problem is there was a lot of displacement going on but not all of it was redevelopment. >> and what the clp is offering for those that were displaced due to redevelopment. so that's the work that has to be done but i just want to say we are doing the work. it's a daily process and it's growing. the numbers are getting higher and higher. however relocate arc locating the people that we need to find the descendants or the displaced is very hard. >> it's not it's sometimes requires 25 phone calls because you might call you have to call everyone on that list and we're looking for everyone on that list. so that work is not if i find the mother and her kid and then she has three kids. our job is to locate that family and that's what we're doing. >> and i just want to thank you guys for the opportune ity but to be able to do this but i'm here for community, i'm here for our community. i'm not any one particular area so any time you need anything you can contact me, you can contact nclr.
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i'm there to help anyone that needs to be help and i want to thank you guys. >> thank you. thank you mr. james. james maybe highest point resident and a certificate holder one of the ones who agitated to make sure we got certificates for those who are displaced in bayview hunters point and west in addition feel more oh i want to first say to dr. hunnicutt and to the cac they are doing a tremendous job in baby homes playing okay since the time we had the mayors taskforce honorable george valley auto and a numerous came in and selected and made the house point shipyard advisory board they have been doing a tremendous job with no pay i might add just like you guys not making a
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dime up there. so it was all from their heart . my my whole thing is and i want to commend the society just live for the work they're doing . oh they've contacted about eight people's of my family who's from madeira to san francisco. okay. and for in my house who has recently got their certificates and i didn't give them that information that's something they found out for themselves out of their office. so they are doing a good job. but my whole thing is is i want to you know, a lot of people have certificates and been displaced out of this point and worse in addition now when i say to bone up on in the projects i was paying $59 for rent okay i was working redevelopment. i was also working in a city hall and i did work in one barn and my wife worked at the post office so nobody asked me how
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much money did i make when they displaced me. when these people come here in janiak and what have you want to move back to san francisco you guys have a ceiling on how much they can make and i think that is wrong. we'll never get the people who have moved out who who drive in muni who's driving heavy equipment, who's working in these hospitals and different things like that making good good money. they make more money than what you guys allow them to come back and and get these certificates. my other problem is down payment assistance if we have a program called our people this is our new dream keeper. we had a down payment assistant and the shipyard has one but i have no one that i know has gotten the down payment assistant long period for housing. >> okay and another thing i wanted to know i want to know how many people's with certificates has been placed in
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homeownership in the city and county of san francisco and how many rentals on that program and also want to know like to for the lady oh i was you moments am so i'm maria benjamin benjamin oh to give the phone number out all verbally so somebody so everybody can write it down to get in contact with them no dr. davis do a good job and in getting people's awareness certificate is preference as well as that the other young lady who spoke there she is. yes. anyway, that's all i have to say right now but i will be back up. i'm trying to i'm trying to hear what you guys three minutes. thank you, james. thank you. thank you, mr. james. >> i'm going to call the speaker cards first if you don't mind. >> randall evans.
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he left natalie tucker. hi. good afternoon. my name's natalie tucker. i me and my husband are here. we both work and live in the city of san francisco and i just want to start off by saying thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our story. i really want to highlight the challenges my husband and i have faced with my car in particular while trying to purchase a home despite claims that my car is helping cup holders access affordable housing, our experience shows otherwise. when i joined the zoom lottery that is held to announce the winner of the lottery for the housing the winner was announced was not a copy holder they were just another person who lived in san francisco and as soon as the host realized that i was on the call they kicked me out.
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we later received a denial letter from katherine hi or katherine. he citing a 2% discrepancy due to my school employment schedule which is ten out of the 12 months of the year. after appealing the denial letter and contacting maria benjamin, we were told the denial was an error but no formal acknowledgment was made. >> additionally, a mortgage cdw's housing counseling service metta offered no support throughout the entire process we received minimal help and waited a month for a response from a housing counselor. we basically had to navigate the entire process on our own with only the direction of the handbook online and the home buying education course which we took about a year before we were able to find a home. the only it was only after involving commissioner brackett
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that we were finally supported allowing us to finally achieve home ownership in san francisco . my husband is born and raised in san francisco and his family was displaced in the 1960s and i feel that it is unfair that he had to work so hard to be able to just live in the city that he was born in without commissioner brackets intervention we would have been denied the chance to live in the city that we are so dedicated to. i work in the oldest school in california. my husband works for senior citizens and all we want to do is live in san francisco. thank you for letting me share . >> thank you grenade tucker my wife just pretty much covered everything that i want to say to say i want to speak from the heart for a second. my bloodline came out here from
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the memphis area and louisville, kentucky and we came here in 1945 to seek a better opportunity when the naval yards is built. >> so this certificate preference is a big thing for me. it was a kind of like my legacy certificate when we started the whole process like natalie was saying, we were just denied every step of the way by america every step of the way emails denying us. i was kind of like a fan. i was a loan to loan to value and api and debt to ratio. there were only off by like 1.8 to 2% and we were just denied that really broke my heart. i you know like i said my my great grandparents came out here looking for a better opportunity and got this place so they got this place for one
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and a second when it was time for me to use a certificate they were promised that their grandchildren and children were able to use. i got denied based on insignificant differences. that was by amway cd i don't know where they are right now. that was in i believe 2021. so i'm just getting emotional because it really was upsetting was a knowing that that happened and it was something that i saw as an opportunity to live here to continue the legacy we have here in san francisco and to have been denied many, many times by different entities within america if it wasn't for leilani, shawn and david, thank you very much for that for helping us out. we wouldn't be homeowners right now. >> thank you very much. thank you. thank you, janice smith good
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afternoon everyone. my name is janice smith and i am a native of bayview on this point i was born september 15th, 1960 so i am 64 years old and i am a cpo holder and so is my younger brother that i take care of and i just want to say that the cpo means a lot and i hope that we are able to use and i just need to find out what happens when it expires because my seat my cpo certificate expired in 21. so what would happen with me and my little brother and i but i've also already we applied for a second one but i haven't received it yet and that was back in uh that was october 26th, 2023 so i still haven't heard anything back from them about my updating my copy for my brother and myself.
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so i'm just warning what's going on, what is the process and how do we get in to get it extended? you know, we well i can use it because as of right now we are not allowed to use it because it expired. so what happens when the certificate expires? do we receive another one or do we have to go back from the beginning we shouldn't have to start all over because we have one. >> we should have our cpo update updated so do i need to go down here with you guys updated or do i have to start over? but they're very important and i would like to someday be a homeowner because i am looking to purchase a home in san francisco within the next couple of years. i don't know how to do it but i know how to do it and that cpo will help myself and that's all i have to say and god bless and i hope things get better with the cpo. >> thank you mr. smith members of the public who like to come
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up to speak. good afternoon commissioners. my name is demetrius williams. i'm the president of the san francisco hyper local building trades contractor collective collective. i wear many hats but today i'm going to be the president of the s.f. hyper local today but i want to give dr. honey come and the cac their props for reaching out and doing their due diligence in a bayview all the work that they do i'll see i you guys do a magnificent job of coming out and supporting the communities coming out to the community and and being advocates to make sure that people are held accountable and making sure that the community understand how important it is for the commissioners themselves. you got how important it is for your jobs to sit up here every
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day and negotiate and look at over contracts over the overseeing of the developments and making sure and that's where we come in effect that san francisco hyper local building trades contractors collective we want to build our community we want the opportunity to make sure that we have inclusion also the janis point shipyard has been very, very difficult. dr. honey come in the cac she hasn't been making sure that we've been abreast with everything that's going on and we miss supporting them fighting along with the fight with osi. i also but you know sometimes we feel like we let down especially with the trans bay we didn't get a chance or opportunity the 50% that's supposed to be adopted in a 2007 december for resolution number 120 7-2007 redevelopment agency of the senate of the
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city of county of san francisco bayview hanna's point employment and contract and policy pace two number two hiring goals a constructive workforce hiring goal number one employment and contract and policy has a goal that supposed to be supposed to be 50% of construction workforce hires for east trade be qualified bva spe residents and then san francisco residents with first consideration to the b v h p residents. >> we've been let down. we have now got no compliance. we are here to support but we also want to be recognized. we are the community contractors and we want to make sure that we are included and not excluded because we want to build help build san francisco also. >> thank you. thank you. >> okay you can come on up.
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>> hi my name is lasagna. mansfield. mansfield. mansfield but more so native born and raised in san francisco and parents migrated from texas it really listening to their story really upset me . i thank you ms.. brackett for their for your assistance but i would like to put on record a direct request for o c i to have to be put on my kids board so that they can pay attention to what's going on. our we shouldn't have to go through that. we've already gone through it. we shouldn't have to go through it all over again. we need more oversight and we need someone to sit on the board with them to make sure when they do work with families
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that if there is some sort of injustice or whatever you guys can step in much earlier. >> and i also want to say that i just want to thank the for dr. scott that hunnicutt i appreciate all the efforts and work that you do but i need you to know that we're more than renters. we're more than consumers. >> we're also a vital part of this community. we're not your stain. thank you. thank you, ms.. mansfield. good evening, commissioners. first of all, i want to do congratulate dr. hunnicutt in sticking a stain with the c ac
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i know how long she'd been out there and carrying the torch for years and years and because i've been out there i've been doing a lot of things but currently i'm here talking about the feel more right now and i'm dressing this to my buddy up is to ask you have been nearly two years when he was the director out there and had this point and now he's director you do a good job and but i want to say this i understand that you you funded some situation over there and a few more in the areas often feel more leads into the safeway. i want to know more about that . okay. also i need to know more about the garage situation because one thing i've been kind of busy for the last year or so so i haven't been receiving my money from the garage there and we'll talk about that at
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another time. but that funds that was getting there was from funds that was set aside and it had to do with the garage and nobody else money that came from the c i i and i'm i'm coming back to get my you know so anyway that is another issue i'll talk at another date my name is a similar in the case in the everything is doing good when i have no complaints right now i just seen weird but the certificate of preference is i'm glad that you guys hired these other parts to make it happen because when you first start off of course you know back in the day mary rogers and him had to sue the agency before all y'all was here to try to get their list. so the list that's out now that's not the total list but is something that you can work with, right? james you know you know who i'm talking about. >> okay. so anyway, my name is some on a case i'm out here i may be able to stay for the the actually
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talk that the commissioners are going to have and i'm sure i'll be able to get copies from the government channel. >> i won't be able to do it myself but thank you grace. >> yes, i'm out of here. thank you to washington. >> good afternoon. my name is kimberly hill brown of where many, many hats. one is the chair of the i c shipyard implementation committee but i wouldn't have any of those has if i wasn't born and raised and a current resident of san francisco california i am deeply concerned and i've been away from home for two months now taking care of my elderly aunt and i've been bombarded with so many phone calls and recordings and meetings and things that i never thought i would hear pertaining to the certificate
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of preference i'm a certificate of i'm not a certificate of preference but i do qualify to be a certificate of preference. when i was five years old i lived on south ridge. i don't even hear about south ridge anymore. some people this new generation they don't even know that there was a south ridge in hyannis quite. but i lived there as a child and i was one of the first founding kindergartners at george washington carver. i'm very deeply concerned about the certificate of preference the program, how it is being ran, how it is being administered to the community, to the city, to the bay area at large because a lot of native san franciscans have moved out into the greater bay area city in these seats we want to make sure that we have our residents come back to the city.
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that's what the certificate of preference is for now a lot of our residents may never come back because they've received they've experienced so much trauma and this is one thing as my trade as case management and self-sufficiency for the san francisco housing authority i understand those tragedies will never bring some people back but we have so many city employees who have to commute outside of san francisco who are born and raised san franciscans who should have the opportunity to become home ownership because if not they have homes many of them. >> so it's not a first time home ownership but it's just owning a home in a city that you were born and raised in the city that you struggle and strive in. i would like to see more
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transparency what the certificate of preference i don't understand why certificate of preferences are expiring. i never understood that to be the case and if that is the case that is something that needs to be fixed. these should be as long as we have 30 years of construction that will be going on in this city especially in the southeast sector. we need to fix this. we need to make it transparent. we need to get email and websites out to the public pertaining to clp so that the people can tap in and this board please whatever is going on take a retreat, get yourself together because we have young adults who are newly leaders coming into the community see and they need to see how boards are ran efficiently without division. i'm just really some of the things that i've heard over the past month should not be taking place.
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we need to stand in unity so that we can get these projects passed. we need to hold any developers to the agreements that this board has passed them under and hold each other accountable. >> integrity is in play. thank you so much. >> and are there any other members of the public in person who would like to speak at this moment for this item seeing none in person we're moving over to remote callers. can you hear me? yes. okay. thank you. mr. dennis williams thank you. commissioners executive director of the fillmore community development corporation and resources are needed in the community for the clp programs to assist and support the efforts of steering large amounts of these young adults and the community
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seniors and especially our special needs residents etc. appreciate all the hard work that everyone else is doing in the community and they know it's very hard but resources should be available to assist us in the work that we do. i'm i'm glad to hear a black woman mrs. sonia mansfield in mansfield will gain contracting. that is a great, great news but there are a plethora of qualified black women in san francisco that also deserve opportunity. so we must not just stand on 1 or 2 because that doesn't justify the community parity does pre qualifications also make an impact almost impossible for qualified minority firms to gain access we must build low income housing and provide homes. special thanks to the cac is only part of brilliant work they do in the hard work they do also mr. elder i'm oscar
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james who i'm very proud to work alongside and detained at the south east community center with the president and mr. demetrius williams also serve hyper local contractors trade collective i'm glad to hear all the updates from the city copy everyone is doing great work and the community working diligently but am i on new developments make it difficult is going to make it difficult in the future to pay for it for a demographic of low income residents of san francisco we must be careful not to place minority fealty holders and develop a unit that they cannot afford over time. sustainability in my opinion is important redlining and gentrification has decimated the black communities in san francisco minorities groups our brothers in the mission and even in chinatown also are losing businesses rapidly economic, generational, economic opportunity is key and needed generational wealth
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opportunities are lost but we can get those back with our bevy of projects that oci is having especially in the bayview and the trans and transsexual. but we have to make sure that we're giving those opportunities also a private micro real estate developer who is looking for partnering opportunities as well as we hear a lot about paying for contractors. but why are we not hearing more from oci about opportunities for black and minority developers and some brilliant latino developers? the mission that cannot find assistance also that i'm privy to so i'm looking for more opportunities from oci. >> thank you. thank you. next caller. >> hi. hello. >> hi. yes, i just want to make a
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comment. yes, you can go ahead please. >> oh, okay. hi. i'm sorry is i'm a born and raised native on this point. i just want to first thank everybody that's down there right now, you know, from our commissioners the chair each and every one of you are down there. i'm watching from home. i'm sorry i couldn't be there with you guys in person from their experience and i just want to say to the city and county of san francisco, you know, i'm tired. we're tired. we're tired of fighting for everything. like i said when i was there on january the 30th, i'm going to find the first original certificate of purpose that my mother had telling me was big in in that role. that's how long we've been dealing with this. and my mother died at 82 years old. my mother was the original founder of the clp along with
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westbrook and everybody else my daughters are simply you know in the in the movie now thanks to gavin newsom but it's not working for them because it's always something is either they not making enough money or they making too much money is like y'all put this is like y'all put this stuff in place just to have us going to see who and i think we getting really tired like i know i am and my daughters and my children should be able to be right here in san francisco taking care of me now that i'm getting older instead of them happen to be causing abbreviated lives and everywhere else it's just not fair. so y'all got to start advocating better for us so that the wiping can be done so that we can prosper and thrive like everybody else that wants to resign here in san francisco folks. so be mindful of our people that down there like dr.
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natalie and dr. scott down there still on the line out his fine for being mindful that they know the history of this city be mindful there were tired and i'm so tired i'm ready to start going to last because this economy is not working for me to be safe. could you repeat your name please? i didn't catch it but that's the base for an array native on this point. thank you madam chair does not appear we have any other members of the public wishing to comment on this item. thank you, madam secretary. fellow commissioners, i turn to you. do you have any comments? questions, concerns? yes, commissioner for that i have a lot of questions and concerns regarding clp. first i just want to make it
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very clear that in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic i had been asking about our clp program of staff and our executive director at that time what would be happening to the clp certificate program would we be signing over to continue the program and was basically kind of let on that don't worry about it. it's going to come before the commission, everything's fine, move forward commissioner, we'll get it to you before the end of the year before the clp expires. >> what came before this commission was actually a document and a resolution that would have canceled clp and would have ended clp program and 2025 if it had not been myself reading the actual details of the document and reaching out to community to lobby our executive director at that time and make it known to our chair miguel bustos that this was happening. clp would have expired and your
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certificate would have meant nothing. >> as of today. >> so if it wasn't for me sounding the alarm to community this would have not happened. so let's be factual about things that have happened on this commission and things that have happened through oci and clp program under mla cd no one flagged it after that we worked with actually miguel bustos called an emergency meeting between myself, him, sally orth and our general counsel and said how do we fix this? and i said the only way to fix this is to make sure that the clp certificate does not expire and that as long as we are building housing as part of oci that certificate of preference needs to remain in place on december 15th. >> after that lobbying it came before our commission and we adopted that resolution which preserve the certificate a and c certificate program after that because there were so many
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things still going on which is part of the complaints from the community that we're still hearing right now they're not able to use their certificates. they're not able to get in to get access to housing. there were a lot of things going on where people weren't even being aware that they had a certificate and that our agency had never done a full exhaustive search to find the original 14,000 displaced homes that we needed to do something about that. >> so at that time chair bustos created the clp subcommittee and made me the chair, he added. added mara csar as the vice chair because of her expertise and small business which was another area that we wanted to make sure that we addressed on the clp subcommittee as well as that she was an attorney at the at the onset of the clp's subcommittee we actually reached out to historians and people who had been working on legislation over the last 40 years for clp members who were invited to be part of that committee was even patterson from the eagle justice society.
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oscar james at donaldson julian davis and i believe even made an invite to dr. veronica hunnicutt. but at the time she was managing several different organizations and programs. there were three other members that were also reached out to including mr. richard hashimoto out of the japantown area who was also deeply impacted by the certificate of preference and redevelopments urban removal program from that committee our executive director pulled in and we've said as well as other city agencies to help us figure out how we can undo the harm that was being done and make clp a realization for people who had given up on the program at that point through the advocacy of the members on that committee pushing mla city constantly in every meeting to do something different, to do something new as where you've
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seen a lot of this new policies that have come out of certificate of preference program number one the displacement rate legislation which came through david chu's office that was advocated by our subcommittee that we actually don't just stop at the agency certificate that we take back up the charge that fred blackwell started in 2008 to look at and make sure that the descendants actually had an opportunity to access certificate of preference at that time it was well known that there was a 2010 keene report where it said that the last study that they did of a small sample of copy holders the majority of them were dead and deceased. so we wanted to ensure that the descendants of those of those family members who never got an opportunity to move back into any affordable housing unit because we had not built them and over 30 years would get that opportunity that legislation eventually passed.
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>> we got that through. we'd made other additions all supports to the seal program which included removing barriers some of them maria talked about today about how people actually get to certify actually adding a link to the website so that people would know that the certificate of program for certificate of program process actually exists both on ocr a's website as well as m0 oecd's. we also advocated for several things and i'm just going to go to my notes because there were several things that we actually asked for at the very beginning of our clp subcommittee that's relevant to this report that we're seeing today. >> so one of the things that we brought up was the fact that there was a developer certificate of preference that was never issued or widely known to community. >> this comes from us july 15th, 2009 report where it was discussed with previous
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executive director lee as well as commissioner romero who raised the issue of whether or not a certificate of preference for housing could also be used as development and he said in the affirmative yes, we have still not addressed what to do about the developer certificate of preference although our subcommittee has asked about that. >> the other issue that came up as well was the business certificate of preference. we had over 868 businesses in fillmore alone that were displaced and were never given a certificate b or the business certificate of preference. we also asked for that to be addressed that has not been addressed to this day. we also went back and looked at the 2008 promise that was made by the city and redevelopment agency that they would maintain at least two employees on maui city and to make sure that at least there's always two employees to work on the clp program and that they would try
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to track many of the displaced residents and businesses that work did not start again until our clp committee demanded that that work started which is why we got the contract with links approved to do the search during the process of doing that search one of the things that became an ire of me specifically as a commissioner was that we asked for an exhaustive search that did not happen. we only did a search for i believe it was 3 to 6000 names at that time. it did not include the full number or full list that we had available of clp holders. we were told that some of the records that the that that the city had on file were either incomplete and or that we should just start with little sample sizes of the list and then move from there because that contract needed to move forward and we wanted to start on the work.
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we said okay we would start with this small portion but that the next step would be an exhaustive search. that didn't happen. >> phase two again was a smaller search. again we still are mainly in phase three now is going to add the ability to search for descendants but we still have not exhaustively looked at the families. in fact as you mentioned and the clp report they're only in contact with 1900 and about 36 clp holders on a regular basis although we know because it was also stated by fred blackwell all the way in 2008 that there's all out there is about 90 6000 people who are actually eligible for the certificate of preference program and the last 11 years oci alone has built 9003. let me i don't want to misstate
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the number. >> i'm going to go to my notes . okay. i has built 9239 housing units . >> okay. there are only 91 clp holders who have been housed in 11 years to say this is a successful program the way it is currently being run is not truthful and i know a lot of people don't like the things that i say but what i'm saying is factual. >> that has been my concern since i've been on this commission is that we need to tell the public the truth and when there are things that need to be fixed we need to fix them now not 20 years from now. >> we've been waiting too long for these things to be fixed. there is no excuse for us not
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being able to fix these issues . >> we've asked for enhancements on marketing. we have not seen a lot of those enhancements even address what we've been asking for for years for an mta billboard that would go on the busses that people just in general in san francisco would even know and be able to see that there was a clp program and have a link to be able to go to the website to look for it. >> that has not happened. >> we funded four positions with mla cd over the last four years and i'm happy to see that those positions are finally filled. >> but for three years we had one person over and over every year you came to our commission and said it was difficult to hire those other two employees or that as soon as you got someone someone resigned, went somewhere else and then you had to refill.
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>> i'm now going to get to the details of things that struck my the just struck me about this report. it said that in the fiscal year so in the past two years zero clp holders have been housed in lc i projects that's what our report says, that's what it says our report also says that last year and the year before 34 clp holders accessed mla city projects and ten of them and then ten access in the year 2020 to 2023. >> the reason why i'm mentioning this is because when we when i mentioned earlier about us passing the descending bill, one of the things that came back to our subcommittee which we did not know was that certificate holders do not have
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the same rights as certificate agency holders. the descendants do not have rights to citywide housing. they do not have have access to these m0 cd projects. >> so when you see this report this is only for anc holders. our descendants and our babies will not have access to citywide housing which is why our committee then again recommended that we fight to get back those 6000 units of replacement housing and that's how dr. veronica honeycutt and all of the other members of the community were marshaled to work with scott wiener as well as the mayor to pass sb 593 so we can get back those 6000 units so that we can that so that it would be oci units so that clp holders would have access to those units. part of our housing report that comes to us every year about clp holders is also am my levels in this report it says
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over and over clp holders make 50 over 50% of them make less than 33%. >> am i? we are not building that type of housing as oci right now. yes we're building affordable housing but it's not directly addressing the needs of clp holders. so when we passed that replacement housing bill 111 of the things that was told to us as our commission and our subcommittee was that there would be a replacement housing policy that would address not only some of these things in terms of making sure that the units that we're building moving forward because we've already lost those 10,000 units that were built that we couldn't we did not have access to because as maria benjamin said, people could not afford them and we have a limited amount of subsidies on the federal, state and local level to be able to make up the difference between what people actually make and what the units actually cost.
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>> so here we are today after two years of asking over and over for replacement housing policy from our executive director and no replacement housing policy however it went before our oversight board earlier this month to use replacement housing funds to start buying to start building units and to start the groundwork for building the units and for different project areas. we had a clp subcommittee meeting earlier this month none of this was mentioned in the clp subcommittee meeting. >> this was not mentioned to us at all. >> had i not asked for details which i later got in a meeting with dr. scott and thought that was when i was able to decipher where the actual units for replacement housing were going and at what am i they were being built so i'm going to go
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to my notes about that so that the public can know clearly what's happening because it was not clear in our documents that we received as a commission. so we were told that most of the housing that was going to come in the mission bay area was going to become be 60% and below affordable housing however that there were not going to be any units between the 0 to 15 or 30% range because it was not affordable. however, we would look into using loss and other things to subsidize. >> i was upset with that as anyone else would be because again we are talking about building housing that clp holders cannot afford and while it's being promoted as
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affordable housing at 60% ami and below we still have that gap of the 0 to 33% that in our report housing report i believe i'm not sure what page it was on but i saw that only one unit was available and i believe the last two years that was in that army that wasn't a senior unit. so we're building senior units at 0 to 30% ami but we're not building enough units for the regular population of clp holders who actually need it and i understand that there are financing challenges with getting any project off the ground so i'm not going to deny that we're not dealing with that and that the cost of how to build housing in san francisco is not expensive. i'm not going to say that there's not limitations and how we have to use our tax increment dollars and our other tax funding instruments. however, i'm also saying that there are a lot of funds that we as taxpayers have voted for and approved to address some of
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these issues to build the deeply affordable housing units that we need. and in fact the most recent report that went to the budget and legislative committee committee from the board of supervisors around social housing was specifically talked about by building this type of housing. they talked about ways in which we can layer our cities current bonds and programs to actually build more units at that. and so yes, i have a right to ask what are we doing as oci to partner and to make sure that we're delivering those deeply affordable units that people need. we went to sacramento so i remember. dr.. hunnicutt you were almost in tears talking about your experience and the displacement that you felt. i also saw mattie giving that same testimony and i've seen countless and hundreds of other people giving that same testimony. so to me it felt very disrespectful to trot our elders to sacramento to say
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that we are being displaced and that we need these 6000 units back for our people and yet there is a disregard to the fact that those housing that we're proposing to be built won't be inhabited or won't be affordable to those very children that are being born tomorrow. >> so yes, i'm going to speak up about that. >> i'm always someone who wants to collaborate with everyone no matter how many differences we have differences of opinions we have but at some point there comes a time when you have to call a spade a spade and i'm no longer willing to keep playing the game of waiting. >> i'm no longer willing to play the game that we have no enforcement obligations as oci
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to protect community to protect vulnerable housing, to protect vulnerable species. i'm no longer in the position that we should be begging for scraps as community. i also want to give a shout out to the cac and dr. hunnicutt for also allowing us to use some of the legacy funds for the 410 china basin project and we had to advocate for almost a year remember. >> dr.. hunnicutt to get that to happen. but guess what? we're having challenges again with that. >> we have clp holders being told that there is no down payment assistance money for them so some of them dropped out from applying for the four hundred china basin program. okay these are facts i had clp holders contact me and tell me that there was no parking for them at that housing place when
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we knew that there was 20 parking spaces and that because clp holders get first at the top of the list they would have first rights to that parking. >> that's another issue that i know me and dr. scott have been very passionate about and also commissioner aquino about ensuring that when we build housing that that was one of the things that clp holders identified as one of the reasons why they rejected housing is because they did not have access to parking. >> so when i complain about things i'm not complaining because i want to not work with people. i'm not complaining because i think that i'm better than anyone or that i just want to be loud and unruly. i'm complaining because we need to get together and use our common sense and fix these issues and we should not be telling community that these things are just doing great when they're not like part of
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it is accountability on ourselves and i take it seriously which is why i often put myself out there as you heard from the young gentleman that spoke earlier, i've had to advocate that is not my role as a commissioner, my role as a commissioner is yes to be a voice and ear to community and to advocate for things. but i should not have to step in and say that things are being done wrong. we have city employees who know the law just like we do and know their positions and make discretionary decisions to help people into housing. why is that same type of care and concern not being given to our clp holders? >> why are they having to go through this process traumatized again? >> and i know city workers are also stretched thin but come on
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and we can't fix this. this commissioners if we're not going to be about setting the policy and enforcing it if there is no policy anything can happen and even when there's policies if we don't enforce it, it means nothing which was my original complaint about the closed session meeting we needed to be able to talk about this is commissioners in a closed setting because if we don't that is considered a violation of the brown act and a serial meeting. so no i was not saying that to be disrupt if i was trying to find an avenue by which we can discuss the failure of monitoring on our sb projects which resulted in us only getting 6% sb participation and
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a $200 million project. so yes dr. honey you've heard a lot of rumors but they haven't been accurate. and with that being said i just want to go into details about what wasn't written in our book that i had to get information on. there's going to be about 130 replacement housing units that will be used in the shipyard so my fellow commissioners, if you're not aware that is what's going to be happen replacement housing will be in the shipyard replacement housing will be also in trans bay.
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there are there are looking to use anywhere between build anywhere between 250 to 340 units of affordable housing and using some of the replacement housing in that area as well also as you mentioned mission bay so that we can increase the number of affordable units there as well. so for my fellow commissioners ,if you're not aware that's where some of the initial 600 and something units of replacement housing is going and like i said for us not to know as commissioners where 10% of the replacement housing units were going to go and no details about that and that going through the bond without our commission knowing that was unacceptable.
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are you complete commissioner? i'm not totally finished but i'll i'll defer to someone else right now because i have to get my notes together. >> director koslowski thank you, madam chair. >> we have a handful of items to address some of the questions asked by commissioner brackett do you want to continue with questions or do you want to hear from staff who have information you can have staff provide additional information? >> thank you. if i can alaska pam, maria or elizabeth i do just want to correct the record there are no transbay replacement housing units planned so i'm not sure what commissioner brackett was referring to but there are none planned in transbay the items that are in hunter's point shipyard are just opportunities . there's no staff working on it and there's no money allocated
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for it. we do long range planning in our project areas. they are decades long so we always identify affordable housing opportunities when we become aware of them and i'll turn it over to ms.. simms to that's more information. >> thank you. i'd just like to address some of the comments made by commissioner brackett. >> first of all, process improvements to the c o p program as highlighted by maria benjamin that actually may have been mentioned by the copy committee. >> however, the process improvements have come from individuals who are searching for a copy and or individuals who have received a copy staff understands what are some of the barriers and the improvements are in place to address those barriers that descend into legislation. while yes, director blackwell
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did introduce it as an idea it really didn't gain any traction until deputy director orth working with city hall actually got the legislation over the finish line. you know, as some of the men excuse me commissioner, the i don't know about the developer copy i'll let general counsel morales answer that question. as for the businesses that have been displaced, all businesses that were displaced have received certified it bs have they used them? no. but did they receive certificates? yes i have certificate numbers for every single one of those businesses links are looking for and confirming contact information. did that happened before the copy committee was established
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and while links is finding descendants the descendants are not they're not in our purview because we are in a wind down form so we concentrate on the original displaces a's and c's descendants are there individuals that we're locating as we're trying to find original displaces the average names for copy holders again who applied for housing it was 44% ami yes there were no individuals who rented oci units during the 2324 year or the 20 to 23 year. that is because we leased no projects during those years we
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were obtaining funding which you'll hear from elizabeth carmelo the state made the funding that we need for our affordable housing projects competitive. we were during that time we were obtaining funding to build additional housing and as for parking all copy holders are at the top of the list if in fact a copy holder applies for a unit they will receive parking there the first 2 or 2 and if there's 25 parking spaces copy holders are at the top. >> they will receive parking and finally ask for the copy holders who applied for for china basin. all of them will be afforded the opportunity to apply to apply for and obtain the legacy and town funds per the legacy
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foundation in the shipyard and as far as i know no individuals have no copy holders have dropped out of the 400 china basin process because of a lack of parking or a lack of downpayment assistance. there are other reasons but definitely need not be for lack of downpayment assistance. >> thank you. and pam, may i ask and maria has some to address. i ask you one question. sure. regarding links and their work and they're doing such a great work but one of the things i've found that they're not paid to do is to help with the paperwork. is that true? yeah. and so that's the truth. but then that becomes a huge barrier because we get in the community many folks that don't
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get an answer to the phone with san francisco housing and development kathy davis organization being overwhelmed and overworked and not able to do it mo htc now that you have more staff but still very hard to get through on that line and i've tried it you know several times myself. how is it possible to allow is my question links to help with that paperwork they have the person they're holding them and i see with some of the other organizations they sit with their seniors and one of our problems with our seniors in our communities is when you don't understand the paperwork or it looks too overwhelming, people tend to walk away from it because they they can't process and they don't know
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what to do. this was something that i do know linx was trying to do. lynnette mackey was working hard but then she was told they don't get paid to help do that and then that flipped it over and made it extremely hard because the contract didn't allow them. >> dr. scott to look at that. that's why we had asked for the contract amendments. it limited their ability to look at things. so what staff is doing now is they're asking individuals who they have contacted are you interested in obtaining your certificate of preference if the answer is yes they are provided the link to go to to complete the application. it's very straightforward and i want to provide my telephone number if anybody is having a difficult time maneuvering the website please call me my telephone number is
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(628) 652-8532. i am happy to help any individual who is having a difficult time maneuvering the moated website to put in an interest form to inquire about their clp. >> i'd like to call oscar james to the stand as well as ask for jamie to pull for our next meeting all of the meeting notes from our cfp subcommittee from december 2021 to present because there was misstatements being made today and i want the record to show the truth choir maria benjamin here i could go over a lot of things in the for the sake of getting the truth out. i'm not going to do that. there are a lot of misconceptions or misunderstandings being articulate, stated and so my
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what i want to say to folks is if you have a question about your certificate of preference or how to access it or how to get affordable housing or the process or the the any of those things, please reach out to us and i'm going to and mr. james asked for the telephone number that is being answered (628) 652-5801 if you have to leave a message usually cora will turn the return the call within the the day the next day and i'm so i'm sorry if if we have not if that has been a miss with anybody she's really very good about returning calls i do want to say that homeownership there are is absolutely the down payment
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assistance programs are alive and well and certificate of preference holders are more than welcome to apply for them . >> i have to tell you homeownership is hard and if you there's a lot of stuff bureaucracy to get into affordable rental housing to get into an affordable homeownership unit you have to go through all of the lending financing institutions, bureaucracy and their what they what their requirements are. >> i'm not going to i cannot speak to any individual transactions but i will say that the the problems that folks come into when they're trying to purchase a homeownership unit are more than often more than i don't have any statistic to tell you but the problems are with the financing of their mortgage not with the program not with the
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assistance, not with their understanding of it. it's the personal finances of financing a mortgage. >> so and or a real estate count complex and real estate transaction because of this we have started a program through the dream keeper program the highly successful downpayment assistance program that we've used to provide resources for clp holders culturally competent for black folks so that we can help folks get through those questions of is this me or is this part of the regular process? >> are you going to ask everybody for all this information? and so i really encourage people to check out our website for that as well. those programs we're going to launch our del program which clp holders can apply for in march i believe or maybe april and to be able to get to get
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more support with homeownership. >> maria what i was saying and lynnette mack has just stepped back in and so i go back to the question could they fund the help because i was able to help 25 homeowners into their homes and to keep it but that was by helping them? oh yeah. step by step with the paperwork holding doing it with holding hands and this is what lynnette mack was doing but without that help it's just like all the other cultures they help one another and there is the cultural understanding of the language and communications. it's a great help when we can help each other absolute but they need to be paid. so that was my reading. that's a question for the contracts and all that that but i will tell you dr. scott that
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we our staff now is doing that work. they are they are helping people fill out their what do what do you need know this is what you need. >> oh no, no, no. >> let me help you. let me show you this is the kind of work that is happening now and and with with a with a larger capacity to do it. >> but as the program grows and more and more descendants come, there will be a need to expand . >> so okay. thank you. i'm maria benjamin. >> i had a quick question. can can i so, so sorry. >> i do want to put in my before because it's 4:00 and i'm definitely aware of time and i know we have more items on the agenda before we continue i just want to make a comment and my my input i just want to i had to write it down.
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i want to take a moment to sincerely thank maria and pam the team for the hard work really. i mean just hearing that you just have a fully full staff that speaks volumes. we i understand as a san franciscan born and raised as well i'm proud of this city. you know i know it takes time to develop a team like you did right now and it's la quinta right? new born new member. so congratulations and thank you. i know we all work hard and i know there's a lot of work to be to be done but to lighten it up a bit i just you know, that's what we're here because there's so much work to be done. >> but to lighten it up a bit i just think that it's encouraging to hear that the
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program is fullest staff were dedicated team including la quinta who is committed to ensuring its success. this dedication reflects the importance of serving the community and continuing to make meaningful progress. i would like to say let's focus on the positive steps being taken while also remaining mindful of the work ahead and that's pretty much all i want to say. i just i support everything that i chair. scott dr. scott has said as well as our commissioner bracket and of course we have so much work but let's keep the momentum going. thank you. we're human beings. yes. you know so yes. >> and i'm with you all the way. thank you. thank you. thank you. we have a hard stop at five and yes, we still have more of the
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agenda to address. >> can i motion for a continuance of this item to our next meeting because there's still a lot of things that need to be addressed. i'd like to make a motion to continue this item to another meeting so we can move forward with the agenda to the next items which is that aside a second so a motion second and then we go to a vote and it needs to be a majority. okay so motion by commissioner brackett seconded by commissioner lim that we continue this item to is at the next meeting, commissioner brackett that you're proposing ? >> yes please if i may after you do your motion and second just a few questions. >> director okay. thank you, madam chair.
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i'm just curious, commissioner brackett how many more questions how much more time do you think you might need? some time because there's definitely want to go back on the record and reflect on what has been said at previous meetings by amoy city as well as by the clp and as well as by pam that was not said today that this as well as identify some of the ways that we have asked to move forward and address those as well and what will happen or won't happen because at this point i just don't like the mischaracterization that is happening today and it's really not okay for staff to take credit for things that they know they did not initiate and to give credit to other people for things that they know they did not initiate when we have it actually on records and meeting notes of what actually happened in those meetings and
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how we got to this point. and i think and i think that when you leave out the voice of community and the things that we're hearing and we're pushing for that one actual things get done you give credit back to community. so the commission like to have another commission meeting have this on the item, have this item on it to be heard again for let's say call it a part two of some sort. it's up to you know you know, kind of jamie can just take the vote to fellow commissioners. can we take a vote on this then move on second just to repeat it. commissioner brackett moved seconded by commissioner lim commission members, please police announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner brackett yes, commissioner lim. yes, vice chair aquino? yes. and chair scott. yes, madam chair. the vote is four eyes. this item will continue to the next agenda.
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>> shall i call the next item? >> can i call madam secretary? police call the next item. >> next is item five c workshop on the madam secretary, can we take a five minute break, please? >> sure. we're going to recess for five minutes. we'll return at . >> okay, we're in place. director thore will make an announcement at excuse me. thank you, madam chair and thank you for the commission for reconvening due to the time constraint i want to make a recommendation to the commission the item five d which is the small business enterprise and local hiring policy. some of the staff had to go to
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other commitments and so i recommend that we continue that for the next soonest meeting we could meet on that. >> i also recommend you take item six out of order which is legally required which is public comment on non agenda items for anyone who wants to comment on non agenda items and then i also recommend you just continue item seven through 10 to 4 in the interest of time. so so the next item would simply be the annual housing production report remaining and of course public comment on non agenda items if there's no objection from the commissioners are there any objection fellow commissioners a motion no objections. i make a motion to continue items 5c5d as well as move item six public comment up and in the interest of time and that item seven through ten is that
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correct also be moved continue to the next meeting that we have is okay i and i just need a second i second and we i'm sorry i'm sorry i think five c we were still planning on hearing or are you proposing that b continue to five c as the annual housing report we're keeping five c only five de o'connor okay. thank you. so we're keeping five c then so would five provision thank you. >> are we going to have enough time to finish five c yeah okay. >> okay so chair per the proposal were your you were going to move public item six out of order and calling that item first can i go ahead and proceed. >> yes okay thank you. >> oh wait i'm sorry. i thought we were adding five c because that's the workforce piece is in five c and they had
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of five days and david is the one where the staff had to go and that's the small business enterprise and workforce that that has to be continued and then five c as in kent okay you got it okay i'm thinking at the round but i'm sorry that was thank you. >> sorry. no problem. apologies. oh, it's getting confused. i was on five c from the previous meeting. >> sorry about that madam chair. can i go ahead and call? >> would you call? yes, thank you. the next order of business is item six public comment on non agenda items if there are any members of the public who wish to provide public comment on non agenda items please call 415 6550001 enter access code 26600818667 followed by the pound or number sign then the pound or number sign again to enter the call please press star then three to be added to the queue if you're listening to us by phone please press star three if you'd like to
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provide a public comment again on non agenda items we'll begin with members of the public here in person who would like to come up to the podium at this time. mr. williams hi again i'm demetrius williams, president of the san francisco hyper local building trades contractors collective. i know the name is long but so are we. we are a bunch of contractors from the bayview that collectively get together every tuesday at 8 a.m. 1550 evans and discuss contractual opportunities that's coming down the pipeline for the bayview. we specifically try to emphasize on requirements and try to make sure we have inclusion and understand it. so i just want to read this
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once again and we we deeply appreciate the intent of the policy which was established to foster inclusion, diversity and equality in san francisco long before the principles became widely emphasized. however, we find ourselves constantly passed over for opportunities with little resources available to address the concerns. >> as such we would greatly value your census and understanding the policies currently implement implant implantation and impact specifically we would like to ask the following questions. is there is there a unit response for in force in these policy? >> who holds who holds the developers and owners accountable for not meeting the goals of these policies? are there assist in programs available to help the b v p residents mean contracting
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requirements? are there reports on the outcomes of these policies and so are they produce monthly, quarterly or annually and can the collective access them where resources for the developers or contractors who fail to meet the policies requirement? who are the members of the psc or what avenues are available for raising objections to projects that we believe bypass local residents or violate the policies such as has been done over at again at mission bay i mean not just only mission bay but trans bay. so we're trying to figure out who is the account holder we come to for accountability. >> what is the recourses and how do we make sure that inclusion is definitely
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involved with the community contractors? we wouldn't be here raising these questions right now and if we were contracting contractual opportunities because we would be obligated to be doing research and reports to make sure that we are in compliance. but because we don't have contracts we are out of compliance and we want to make sure that somebody is held accountable. >> thank you. thank you, mr. williams. thank you. >> are there any other members of the public wishing to comment on non agenda items at this time? seeing none. we're moving over to remote callers. we do have one caller. >> hi, this is gloria berry from ten. born and raised in district five, the fillmore didn't live there anymore because the whole building was evicted for conversion of condos so i'm invited anyway, i called in earlier to speak at public
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comment and i kept getting told that my hand was being lowered so i didn't get to speak. >> i tried it twice to start three and both times my hand was lowered. >> so sticking with non agenda items i would like to support demetrius and what he's saying as far as contractors and i will say specifically black contractors we brought up this matter with the city attorney david chu and he hid behind proposition 2o9. however i suggested that if you can't say the word black when hiring you simply use different language like culturally copied or those most harmed by a system than san francisco or any other way to finally get around this and get some black
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contractors hired that especially on projects that affect our community. and i just want to say as far as outreach or marketing on any matter, all city departments are guilty of doing a poor job if people want to complain there is misinformation out there. >> okay then obviously your outreach and your marketing is not being done well other than that i do want to say that any program that qualifies people to be eligible one way or another keep in mind it causes pain. there's people trying to find out if they're eligible for different things that when it comes to housing period that have to research obituaries,
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they have to find out family secrets and ask questions of people who don't even want to talk about the path. >> so if trauma being inflicted trying to be eligible to get in all sorts of new is through all sorts of programs and we need to be cognizant of that and perhaps include some type of professional people that are used to dealing with trauma and help people personally and handhold them through this process knowing that it's painful. i also would like to say that when people brag workshops done whether it's with them always see the or whatnot. so there you say it's doing a
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good job. >> how dare you say the problem usually is because of a person's finances? >> excuse me miss barry. sorry. if you could wrap wrap up please. >> your three minutes were it was up. oh, okay. well, thank you. and i had a lot more to say and i'm sorry that the raising hand system thing doesn't work for only certain people. >> next caller. hi, commissioners. can you hear me? yes. um, thank you much. mr. dennis williams, micro real estate developer. i had a whole thing written but i'm a little bit under the weather so i'm not there in person but it was very hard to listen for three hours so several things and i address
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those instead of my normal speech start with commissioner maria was taken aback when you speak several times and even gave an example when you say several times like black folk their interpretation of it or how you make people's mannerisms is racially condescending and it was very disturbing and it was very bothersome to me. when you speak on your experiences when you say something about black folk and then your voice changes as it doesn't mimic my black people is a very disturbing it had a racially to it and excuse me at many times today commissioner beauvais spoke on her findings and lack of compliance and officers lack of accountability and allowance is miserable and sounded irritated and it feels like to me and others that are here watching i'm not going to say who. it seems like bullying is going on. it's almost two hours.
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it's like a back and forth match when of your commission or part of the commission is telling you what can not only her findings but what can be done to fix it and the role that ocr should be playing is being battered down and black history month is giving me the story of her passion and our commitment to black san francisco who are continuously underrepresented under represented excuse me and rights and their rights are turned a blind eye to should be held in a higher regard. >> not saying that you don't but the way you guys are cutting it down or going over the things that she's saying as if she doesn't know what she's talking about is is wrong and i don't want to hear this and it can be a complaint can be made or someone can look accountable ability oversight committee can look into this problem that's going on which is needed for
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the betterment of people that are suffering through the c o p if there's no housing being built then let's build it and make a comprehensive plan. some commissioners continue to poke out their chest when speaking on the shipyard or candlestick of what's going on but that sounds racist if you do not and if you do not include the same passion about the black history of those communities and the communities working on those projects from our real estate developers we keep we keep forgetting about the developers. let's stop that right now. there's many minority developers that are looking for work and partner opportunities. i continue to say that and others as well as our contractors, truckers and cleaning crews and our workforce development oci what is the problem this is not a code and if everything is working perfectly then john stewart and mccormack and ben salazar wouldn't horrible corporation and slumlords at the san francisco chronicle stated when asked responsible
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for discussing mr. williams exemplary believes that was three minutes are up okay well i hope thank you mr. williams thank you mr. williams. >> madam chair, i'm madam chair. it does not appear we have any other callers but let me double check just to make sure i do not see any other hands raised other than the two that we've heard fellow commissioners. are there any comments, concerns for anything that's not on the agenda? >> i have due to the time. thank you chair. >> i just want to say it it is black history month. i'm back. >> my apologies. a point of order, madam chair. i think that was just public comment for non agenda items for the public not the commission. thank you. you're right.
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>> are we obligated to answer those? no. >> no question no, no. just to listen. thank you. i'll go ahead and call the next item madam chair i think it's five c which is the workshop on annual housing production report fiscal year 2023 dash 2020 for discussion and director koslowski thank you madam secretary and greetings members of the commission members of the public who are here. >> this is ozzie i's annual housing production report. it talks about the housing production through our enforceable obligations and our three project areas hunters point shipyard candlestick jointly transbay and mission bay and it talks about our financing the army levels and the units that we have in construction, the units that we're completing in units that we have in what i sort of look
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at is long range planning or pre-planning predevelopment and to present this is elizabeth carmel osseo is housing manager. >> elizabeth thank you. director kozlowski good afternoon. chair scott vice chair keno commissioners i'm elizabeth carmela, housing program manager. today i'm here to present on our annual housing production report. this report covers fiscal year 2324 so keep in mind the results you're seeing are for the period between july 1st 23 to june 30th 2024. the report is in draft form and we'd like any suggestions or input you have after incorporating revisions will distribute the report to interested parties and posted on our website as we've done in years past as i'm going to try to go quickly through the presentation given the time. so this is just the major highlights in the presentation so we're covered much of this and moving on to this is our project areas our major
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development project area is trans batemans bay north and south and the shipyard and candlestick point and this chart reflects oates's obligations for each project area the status of housing production percent complete. it includes both market rate and affordable units under oates's purview overall there will be 27,776 housing units once all obligations are complete of which 47% will be affordable including the newly approved sb 593 replacement housing obligation. nearly 40% of total units will be in the shipyard phase two and candlestick point once units are completed and occupied, the projects are transferred to the mayor's office of housing and community development or most cd as housing successor agency under dissolution law. >> so this is a summary of who has served in our affordable housing. we serve households with very low to moderate incomes that would otherwise struggle to find housing in san francisco
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the median incomes are arms we use are based on data from hud and are calculated by most cd while 50 while 50% is considered very low income. as we discuss a lot here housing at army levels below 50% remains sorely needed for our preference populations and all populations applying for our housing. so we do strive to include units with rent serving armies lower than 50% in each project and typically we are able to set aside some units at between 30 and 50% of am i. however, as commissioner brackett correctly pointed out, the number of the number of units targeting armies below 50% is limited by ensuring that properties can continue to fund ongoing project operations and maintenance. another way we make our units affordable to the lowest armies is to seek local and or federal operating subsidies that further lower the rents and ensure people with the very lowest incomes can be housed. over the last several decades the federal government has continually reduced federal resources going toward this type of housing subsidy.
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san francisco has filled some of that gap with local operating subsidies for permanent supportive housing and senior housing. but there remains a great need for more operating and rental subsidies to reach our lowest income populations. with all that said, there is some good news of 662 oci funded affordable units under construction during the fiscal year 23 and 24 419 are at 50% ami and below of those 135 are at 30% army and below and 176 have an operating or rental subsidy. >> we were able to secure rare project based section eight vouchers for our two shipyard phase one projects that are finishing up construction in just the next few months. >> before i go on to our 2324 data, i'm going to provide a brief and i'm going to try to make it briefer summary of how we fund our affordable housing in the current funding environment. most of our projects are funded by a combination of tax exempt bonds allocated by the california debt limit allocation committee or sedlak
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in the low income housing tax credits allocated by the california tax credit allocation committee or sedlak. we also tap into other state sources when possible, some of which are outlined here on this slide and typically that covers up to about 60% of project costs oci funds the remaining gap that is needed to build the housing since 2020 for the first time in over 15 years, those funding sources have implemented a competitive allocation system for tax exempt bonds and and the associated tax credits as we've discussed a lot in presentations since that time, this has severely affected our ability to secure these sources. we've been able to be successful with our current crop of projects in construction due to both advocating for changes in scoring to the state that provides more value to our deeper affordability and through structuring financial structuring of our projects where we fund certain elements such as commercial spaces separately.
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so we expect to continue to have success but we also expect that the competitive nature of these sources will continue to affect our projects and could result in project delays. finally the market conditions in fiscal year 2324 affected our projects and we expect they will continue to impact our projects with construction costs continuing to increase interest rates remaining high and we've also been experiencing unprecedented increases in operating expenses particularly insurance and utilities. of course this is an issue not just limited to affordable housing or even to just our area but it remains a huge challenge. >> so honing in on 2324 we provided gap funds to transbay block to east and to west with which both started construction during the fiscal year transbay to east includes 182 units of affordable family housing and to west includes 150 units of affordable senior housing. both of these projects include subsidized permanent supportive housing units and transbay block to west includes 60 units with a local senior operating
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subsidy to further deepen affordability and here's a rendering of that of those blocks to west and east. they both started construction last year and we expect them both to be complete by july of 2026. here's a rendering of block 52. you may remember that our 5254 project in the shipyard is made up of two noncontiguous blocks on the hilltop. this is one of those blocks and this is the other block 54 we expect construction to be complete on both of them in may of this year. >> here we show the distribution of housing types in our completed affordable units to date this is cumulative not just for fiscal year 2324. so you see the majority of our projects are family rental with 13% homeownership a small percentage senior rental in permanently supportive housing we do have more senior and homeownership projects under construction as as we've discussed and these will shift
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the percentages somewhat in the next several years. however, family rental will remain the largest single category. >> here you can see the army breakdown of those same completed affordable units i reported on in the previous slide. these units are not just oci 100% affordable projects but include inclusionary or bmr units funded by developers in our project areas you can see about 70% of completed units are at 50% ami and below and 10% are at 30% am i and below in 2324 in addition to the two construction starts we had three oci funded and one market rate with inclusionary project under construction here you can see our two 100% affordable family rental shipyard projects that i just mentioned block 5254 and block 56 mission bay south block nine a 148 unit 100% affordable homeownership project was under construction
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throughout the fiscal year and just completed last month in addition to the three blocks i just mentioned being under construction during the fiscal year. the project on the other side of our one point shipyard shipyard block 52 it's a market rate homeownership project being developed by lennar which was also under construction. it has 77 units total with nine of them being affordable to households at 80%. am i so obviously this was a busy year for construction for us. >> here's some photos of the construction of our projects in the shipyard in mission bay south. now i'll move on to marketing and copy which i'll keep short since we just had a much larger presentation on this. as you know it was your contracts with most to oversee marketing of our units and mostly provides marketing outcome reports for each of our projects. oci closely coordinates with most through our senior development specialist tamsen sims particularly around oses
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occupancy preferences which of course includes the copy including descendants of original copy holders. as always number one preference that applies to 100% of units. then there's the displaced tenants housing preference or up and the neighborhood resident housing preference or rhp in fiscal year 2324 no projects leased out no oci projects leased up. so we have no outcomes data to report on that front. however 319 new certificates of preference up from 115 last year were issued and early outreach began for our two shipyard projects in our mission bay homeownership project here you can see our copy program results for the last ten years. during that time there were 1482 lottery units available in total 85 copy holders have been housed in oci funded housing with 31 of those returning to san francisco 366 copy holders
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applying for housing and 893 new certificates issued. as i mentioned this is just four new oci units during the last ten years and it's just for oci affordable units. it doesn't include market rate units which the copy preference does not apply to and it doesn't include re rentals. >> but you just heard a lot more about all of that in pam and maria's presentation. now we'll touch on our small business and workforce goals. developers on our affordable projects worked closely with oci to achieve our overall 50% goals no professional services contracts were entered into during this fiscal year so we don't really have anything to report there. but in fiscal year 2324 over 45% of our construction contracts worth a total of about $105 million were awarded to sbs. over 42% of our contracts were awarded to san francisco based sbs.
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as far as local construction workforce participation we achieved 28% up from 23% last year this represents 605 san francisco residents performing over 170,000 hours of work. >> also during the fiscal year the housing team was working away on a variety of projects that didn't make it into this report. you've heard a lot about them over the last few months so i won't go into great detail but i wanted to note them. those projects include mission bay south block four east where we issued a request for qualifications and selected a development team led by curtis development and bayview hunters point multi-purpose senior services for a site that will include two 100% affordable family projects and up to 400 units. we also had the copy holder location project phase two underway for much of the fiscal year with as they were continuing to locate current contact information for copy holders through our contract with links, insights and investigations and new community leadership foundation
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. here's a little preview of what we have been working on since the close of 2324 mission bay south block for east pre-development got underway and we expect the schematic designs to be brought before the commission by the end of this year. we've started copy holder location project phase three you heard more about that earlier and transbay block four since the option with the blocks master developer expired during the last fixed fiscal year we've been working on ways to advance the affordable components of that block and we expect to bring you more on that before the end of this fiscal year. >> before i wrap up, i just want to say that oci housing accomplishments are really a joint effort of our developer partners design teams, property managers and our project area citizens advisory committees such as dr.. hunnicutt who you heard from earlier and high point shipyard s.a.s.. of course none of this would be possible also without the commission's ongoing guidance support and collaboration and all oci staff contribute to oci as housing developments.
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but i do want to call out our small but mighty housing team who have all contributed to this report and of course the projects that we are reporting on so that's pam sims who you heard from earlier kim obstfeld jasmine kuo who i think is still here philip wong, alicia andrews and natasha jones. and last but certainly not least our newest staff member channing jackson who jumped right into working on all of our projects including putting together this report that we are discussing today. she's an able to be here today but i just want to give her a huge shout out for all the work that went into this report now so i want to give a big thank you to george bridges and maria pico for their contributions on the sb and workforce data in this report and their work on our projects to help them achieve the numbers that we reported. and also thank you to laura shively who helped with some of the graphics in the report. so this concludes staff's presentation and i'm here to answer any questions you may have. >> sorry, sorry. >> thank you, elizabeth.
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thank you. >> i'll call public comment please madam at this time members of the public who wish to provide public comment on item five c should call 415655000 one enter access code 26600818667 followed by the pound sign then the pound sign again to enter the call press star three to be placed in the queue an automated voice will let you know when it is your turn. >> would like to begin by inviting members of the public who are here in person. >> mr. williams can my name is demetrius williams president of san francisco hyper local building trades contractors collective i heard some reports that is so alarming the contractors part about inclusion what the community contract is 50% goal i have not
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no weren't that is not true no way i see made accurate i don't know if she's just reading off what she heard or whatever but she has not that is not accurate information that she has about inclusion of community contractors and reaching out to us and making sure that we have inclusion once again this is what we're talking about the fail of the system when we trying to educate and help out make sure that we have inclusion, make sure that we participate with the community, keeping the community san franciscans at home, the san franciscans, the people who live and thrive in san francisco that live in bay view that reside in bay view, that bank in bay view that educated in the bay view that go home to bayview is not being served. we're being underserved and being lied on saying that we get an edge and get an opportunity to bid on contracts that we are not getting the
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opportunity to be on. so i would say that we can go back and fact that true and come back with some realities, some results that shows yes listen you may feel is working in bay view will carney class and is working in bay view and targeting first class it is norm and is working in bay view you some real statistics that shows that we are actually being included c i w nassar's plumbing dc williams developer sterling framers these are all people that's from the san francisco that live and drive in bayview and some live in west in addition that's out of work so how can we prove that we actually have facts when i'm telling you and i we work we meet every tuesday and say that we out of work that's not the truth that we're coming out and
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getting o.c. i don't know where you got your facts from but i challenge you to the fact that we are not working. >> thank you for mr. james thank you, mr. williams. oscar james again, i'd like to ditto on with mr. williams just spoken on none of the contractors in our area are receiving these contracts. i don't know where these minority contractors are coming from but they're sure not coming from my communities. so i just want you to guys keep that in mind and hope that whatever goes this forward that we become a part of the development. so i oh my brother william said we live, we work, we grew up in that community and if we don't
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benefit in that community should nobody else benefit in the community? >> thank you very much. thank you mr. james any other members of the public in person who would like to come up to the podium seeing none. we're moving to remote first caller hi this is gloria very this for ten again yeah, i really have a problem with inclusion. we're being used in a presentation. >> at what point are people going to be held accountable for just blatantly lying and for putting this in a you a presentation presenting it and looking back people looking back saying oh sam, this goes full inclusion because this slide said so when no that's that's that's disgusting. also i would like to add that any housing period should not
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be bragged about that's being built with that thought that is trickling down to the black community the false narrative we need housing period that's not deeply affordable or does not occur make clp holders is just a sham so yeah we're glad to have some affordable units but any other types of housing market rate is not necessary in san francisco there's a plus for a vacant market rate housing i just moved out of my apartment. somebody needs a $3,200 one bedroom apartment. >> i got it. we don't need any of that expensive stuff. >> we need all really
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affordable not just fordable vaguely affordable and other than that i just wish people could stop lying. >> thank thank you. >> you have one more caller. thank you, commissioners. mr. dennis williams again micro developer and i know the oci commissioners don't give the black community a chance because without even knowing them we're going into these communities i finding these early he's in my brother search stating the experience how can we gain experience if we're not given any contracts to show you our work? and then secondly, like president mr. mr. williams student demetrius that spoke earlier as a contractor excuse
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me i'm still a little sick as a professional contractor he helped build the southeast community center which you guys a lot of you guys meet at or have been to different events and you see the modernization of it in the beauty of it. so that's a give you this is standards statement to what the great is that black the contractors can do i wasn't a part of that project but i can stand with those contractors and put an advocate but to do more things like that in our community that serve our community as a beacon of hope and inspiration. but back to that experience part that for myself i'm the head of the community alliance. i'm the head of the east advisory committee. i hosted monthly meetings with san francisco, several department heads notably working mr. walking tours excuse me hrc and housing
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authority which i have a meeting with miss linda basing friday. so when you talk about experience we that is a cop out my great great grandfather maybe i missed a great but was on the stockton call in 1964 my family goes a lot of your family wasn't here in san francisco but you guys make the rules about our land and about our communities. my mother is darlene williams, retired from the redevelopment agency. oh i interned at candlestick viewed when we lived on general street in those housings developments that was made for minority workers in the city. my father is a retired captain of the san francisco sheriff's department and those are adjacent to the shipyard. so when we guys when you say all these contracts that are going out and they're not going to people in the community that are qualified like myself and others, it's wrong and it's
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illegal especially in black history month, nothing is being done. >> it should be historical events going on pertaining to these developments pertaining to carved out sections for our it'll be is in our developers and it's just like we keep having these meetings and saying the same thing i commend commissioner of the bet like i stated you're like a modern day angela davis or a record in my book so thank you mr. really just thank you so much mr. williams thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you sir. but with time as it is we have a hard stop at five and for the reference to that in respect of that time we need to continue on with the item i. i know that both myself and commissioner might have a lot of questions about sb so i'd like to make the motion to continue this item to the next
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meeting so that we can have a full discussion about it. i know specifically i pulled out our old 2017 housing reports and sb reports and it looks like the numbers have gone down so i know we need to have some robust discussions about some solutions to that. so if i can get a second from a commissioner that way we can get out. >> i second that and i'll call the next item. >> madam chair in the interest of time. next item is item 11 adjournment. >> okay. may i just say, you know we're all moving towards the same goal. we've had the same concerns and commissioner rivette has brought up many that i've suggested worked with and our other commissioners. we have different roads and ways that we express it but we're all moving towards a better city, a strong our work
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towards it and it's going to take time to unpeel this and do that work. but again director thor pam oci staff we are not perfect but i thank you for moving towards a better way of reaching the goals. thank you so much. >> can we get a meeting a motion to adjourn i motion to adjourn we can't hear you. >> oh it's 5:03 p.m.. thank you, commissioners. >> we could do that next time. okay
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of the work that mission cultural center for well tino arts does. steb in the 1977. as part of the graphic's department. >> mission graphica created block print. cut, screen printing, t-shirts to support social causes. and also the studio inhabited emerging and established artists from all over the world. [music] so the name of this exhibit this is installed at the hall is public voice. and the exhibition is in partnership with mission cultural center and archives. [music] this installation is 5 decades of the work that they have been doing since the upon upon 70s. it is a chronicle of san
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francisco's history. >> mission graphica part of latino image makers, educators. activists and memory keepers through the art this body is important it preserves the people's history. >> these are our new historical arsigh files >> every artist donated a piece of art work and so that collection is over 8,000 piece of latino created art work. >> it was exciting to see their incredible archives and what has been great to see for us is how they work in community. in the ways this community has been in partnership with other communities throughout the last 6-7 dkdzs and longer in the bay area and the nation. political, we grapple with today
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has been part of our history and part of the print making history of mission graphica. this was the place everybody would come and get their prints med for free or at low cost. >> it will be successful for the area:may be work >> mission graphica is still the most accessible, low cost studios for emerging and established artists. people can come here to clean screens, expose them, learn the art form at a low cost. we offer studio rental space as well as classes, low cost classes and free workshops and collectives. >> this is like history and contemporary coming together for us. and thinking about how the things that have changed and the
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things we still need to work on and support. >> i hope the people will recognize the transformtive power of art. and the impact that posters have in a community. posters are accessible they other people's art. anyone can do it. it is a strong tool of communication and social change. the posters have not only mobilized community they have also raised money for communities. and they have raised social consciousness. which is something this goes well beyond any art exhibit. [latino music] ♪♪♪♪
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pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you
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are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of
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rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game.
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disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures.
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we said why not us. geary boulevard in 2010. i figured i might to start in another location and when i opened the location in 2015. we treat each customer as family and we make our food with love and make sure everyone is happy. i recommend everyone come out to the sunset. >> take time for teraival bingo, supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo style game board and enter for a chance to win awesome prizes. for
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the walker here. right. uh, hey, are there any changes to the agenda? >> nope. great. okay. i'd like to welcome all persons interested in this meeting to attend in person at one. dr. carlton. good luck place room 416. this meeting is being streamed on s.f. of. while the technology grants us better accessibility for individuals listening to the meeting remotely, please be mindful that tech related difficulties may occur which could contribute to the gaps and delays as staff transitions the technology. please know that we are doing our best and we ask for your patience. >> i want to remind us of the
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policies and procedures for public meeting. at this meeting we are bound to follow the structure of our agenda and adhere to the best practices set out by the good government guide. at every public meeting there will be opportunity for general public comment where members may comment on any item pertaining to this body. public comment will be taken in person with remote access provided for those who require an ada accommodation and respectfully we ask that you keep your public comment on the topic. each public comment is limited to three minutes. please understand that the committee does not contribute to dialog toward public comments. each comment will be documented from public records. the ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sounding producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone pager or other similar sounding electronic device. i am turning mine off now. >> suggest everyone else who didn't remember do it now.
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please note that the fourth floor has a women's restroom located on the north side men's on the south east side just outside this room and an all gender restroom at the southwest side. in case of emergency, your nearest stair exit is at the southeast corner on the fourth floor right outside the store. there are stair exits located on each corner of the floor. it is recommended to pull the fire alarm and use stairs. fire alarm is a variable tone and strobe lights will flash if strobe lights and alarms go off you must evacuate the building . wheelchair access entrances are located on vanessa avenue and grove street. please note that the wheelchair lift at the good lead place polk street is temporarily unavailable after multiple repairs that were followed by additional breakdowns. the wheelchair lift at the good lake entrance is being replaced for improved operation and reliability. we anticipate having a functioning lift after the completion of construction in may of 2025. there are elevators and accessible restrooms
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located on every floor. i will now turn it over to our program associates craig corporate for public comment instructions for members of the public who wish to comment on agenda items you will be asked to voice your comment at the podium. it is recommended but not required to fill out a public comment part. i will start your three minutes when you speak using a visual timer. you will also receive a 32nd audible warning when when your time is up i will say your time is up. participants who wish to speak on other agenda items may listen for the next public comment opportunity. anyone who speaks during the public comment period at today's meeting can send a summary of their comments to be included in the minutes. if it is 150 words or less to craig's corpora and s.f. the summary may be rejected if it exceeds the prescribed word limit or is not an accurate summary of the speakers comments.
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persons attending the meeting and those unable to attend may submit written comments regarding the subject of the meeting. such comments will be made part of the official public record and will be brought to the attention of the committee. written comments should be submitted to our commission staff via email to craig dot corpora at s.f. gov dorji. by 5 p.m. before the date of the meeting to ensure comments are shared with commissioners ahead of the meeting. please note that names and addresses included in these submittals will become part of the public record. submittals may be made anonymous anonymously written public comment submitted to sfa city staff will not be read aloud during the meeting. communication received after 5 p.m. before the date of the meeting may be delivered to s.f. ac staff and will be shared with the commissioners. if you need to request a reasonable accommodation under the ada or need to request language assistance you you must contact the program associate at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. we will make every effort to
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accommodate all requests. >> commissioner snyder please begin the meeting when you're ready. great. >> i would like to start the meeting by reading our land acknowledgment statement. the san francisco arts commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the rama. tosha loney who are original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. >> as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the rama tosha loney have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all the peoples who reside in their traditional territory. >> as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the rama church community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. as a department dedicated to promoting a diverse and equitable arts and culture environment in san francisco we are committed to supporting the
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traditional and contemporary evolution of the american indian community. >> i will now call item number two general public comment. >> is there any general public comment? if you would like to make a public comment please proceed to the podium and fill out an information card. we are currently on item two. okay. as a reminder i'll start your your time when he began speaking. you'll see a visual timer and receive a 32nd audible warning before your time concludes. is there anyone who'd like to make a public comment on the current agenda item? okay. i see no public comment at this time. >> right. okay. i now call for item number three the consent calendar. discussion and possible action . >> i'm going to ask the commissioners for withdraws or recuse themselves at this time any withdrawals or recusals?
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>> no. great. commissioner schneider, i do have a recusal. i apologize. i didn't notice this before on item one of the consent calendar for artist chris grenier who i do have a working relationship with. >> okay. i really hate to ask you to we can't do it. >> 3.10 i'm sorry we don't have quorum. >> we might have quorum. >> that's right. so we have city attorney and can we waive it? >> can we vote to waive it or no, we can we can table it. we can separate it from the forum and just vote on three two. >> okay. all right. so that's what we'll do. we will sever item one and go on to item two in the public comment. >> uh, let's see. okay, so we'll take item number two and in commissioner
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discussion or comments on item number two of the two of consent calendar. okay. no. and is there any public comment on item three? number two of the consent calendar? >> if you would like to make a public comment, please proceed to the podium and fill out an information card. we are currently on item two. >> is there anyone who'd like to make a public comment? >> i see no public comment at this time. >> okay. okay. and now i'll ask for a motion and a second. >> i'll have a motion moved to approve. right. a second. second. right. thank you. all those in favor say aye? aye. okay. any opposed? the motion passes unanimously. okay. i am now calling item number four as fhc gallery's summer 2025 exhibition discussion
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and possible action discussion possible action for the director of culture affairs to approve artist honoraria in the amount of $3,000 to salma to i'm a baby 1500 to ricky dwyer 3000 to sandra ibarra 55 1500 to sasha kelly. 1500 to tiona nakia nickelodeon and 1500 to autumn wallace for the research and development of artwork for the exhibition. service attention to be held in the sfa gallery from may of a may 20th 2nd to august 23rd of 2025 and i would now like to introduce our introduce our director of galleries and public programs carolina bar eric a self-determined correctly arana barbara fernandez. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners it's good to see you. i'll be presenting the artists
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of our upcoming 2025 exhibition in the main gallery. last summer i was pleased to present the curators of our first two exhibitions in 2025 and i'm excited to share the list of artists for our upcoming exhibition opening in may 2020 2022 of this year curated by elena grosz and leila we for service tension explores the messiness and complexities of the body an interpolation of surface tension which signifies a resistant relationship between two surfaces the tiles. the title suggests power playful interrogate of sex and penetration. the exhibition themes consider abstraction as an esthetic tool for troubling masculinity within dynamics and sexual desire is about the artist's
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salima too am i babe i'm a bebe is a trans nigerian american chef and multimedia artist working in food film photography is sculpture and installation. his work centers on community activism, african diasporic culinary tradition and black trans liberation. hurricane dwyer is an artist from the san francisco bay area currently working in brooklyn. his practice considers the intersections of material industry and the somatic his work acknowledges drapery as the negotiation the things never fall the same way twice, dyer had solo exhibitions at guerrero gallery and ugly trimble in san francisco and rupert in lithuania in 2022 he participated in the biennale de lille and in collaboration
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with nikki green. next we have sandra ibarra who sometimes works under the alias of lachica who is an oakland based artist from the us mexico border of el paso. juarez ibarra ibarra works across performance video and sculptures to address objection and joy and the borders between proper and improper racialized gendered and subjects. their work has been featured in the broad museum in l.a. the anderson collection at stanford and the ica in los angeles among other places sasha kelly is an oakland based multidisciplinary artist using visual art, pop publishing and social engagement to explore topics of intimacy, collective archives and collaboration of black, brown and communities they have exhibited at the sonoma
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county museum so mit's cultural center and the berkeley arts museum. >> tiana became a claude and is a visual artist, filmmaker and curator whose work explores and critiques issues at the intersection of frieze, gender, sexuality and social commentary. my client's interdisciplinary approach traverses documentary film, experimental video sculpture and sound installations. their work has been exhibited at the guggenheim museum in new york the whitney museum, the museum of modern art among others. tim wallace is a visual artist whose work across media to create paintings and sculptures that examine human sexuality, gender and the black femme experience. while this work has been exhibited at the armory show in new york the provincetown art museum, mass moca among others
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and their work is included in the collection of the studio the studio museum in harlem. >> about the curators as i mentioned, this exhibition is co-curated elena grose is an independent writer, curator and cultural critic living in oakland, california. she specializes in interpretations of identity in fine arts photography and popular media. her research has been centered around conceptual and material abstractions of the body in the work of black, modern and contemporary artists and most recently in, artistic and literalist histories of the late 20th century. >> lila weaver is an artist, writer and curator based in oakland through film and architecture. they examined the performative elements connected to systems of belonging present in black
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gender by variant to embodiment. >> their research across disciplines exposed explores religion, black ecology symbols and colloquial language a transnational of blackness and practices of collectivity. we for has worked at princeton's university louis center for the arts, the warriors institute of contemporary arts mcevoy foundation, berkeley arts museum, the kitchen and the museum of african diaspora. there are lecturer at stanford university thank you so much. >> do we have any commissioner or comments at this point and ask remind you to say your name with your comments? >> well i think this is a really intriguing exhibition. i'm the artist and what the curators will do with it.
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i'm really looking forward to it. hats off carolina. this one's a good one. yeah. i mean they all are but it's i'm very intrigued with this one and look forward to it. >> yeah. thank you. please come to the opening may 2020. may 22nd. >> okay. >> i hope there aren't any other comments i'd like to make or are there any public comments for this? if you'd like to make a public comment please proceed to the podium and fill out an information card. we are currently on item five. is there anyone who would like to make a public comment on this current agenda item? >> i see no public comment at this time. then i am going to ask for a motion and a second and again commissioners please say your name when you make the motion or second move to approve. >> commissioner walker. >> second commissioner lew. thank you. okay. all those in favor say i i any
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opposed. >> passes unanimously. right. we look forward to it. thank you. >> i now i'm calling item number five art on market street poster series discussion and possible action to approve the final selection of works for the first installment of 2025 art on market street poster series. and i will now turn this over to program associate craig cooper. >> go forward craig. thank you commissioners. i'm presenting the final selection of the first installment of the 2025 item market street poster series. >> as a reminder, this year is highlighting past poster projects organizing the works through the lens of people, places and things that reflect historical events notable individuals. everyday people. art and architecture that are significant to san francisco's culture cultural and physical
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landscape. this project also intersects with the continued work of shaping legacy program by calling attention to underrepresented communities and overlooked histories. we selected the work selected here or from a broad range of years with a diversity of individuals and subjects having a strong and bold figurative presence. so the selection is chess players by rigo 94 from his 1994 series market street tales and red piece out from current maria's 20 sorry 2023 series boom town rose candy by maria ford for her 2005 series the pickpocket is del and phyllis by felicia carlyle and jessica hobbs from the 2005 series the wedding portraits series f
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market by helena keefe from her 2007 work muni maps. the theme of that year was urban systems travel and journeys and then dash by owen smith from his 2008 series dashiell dashiell mamet's san francisco street artist by jonathan bernstein from his 2010 series meat market portraits of the street. the theme of that year was new images based on photographs and seasonal. williams and janice merritt cattani by kate haag and ivan aranda from the 2017 series summer of love trading cards. the theme of that year was the 50th anniversary of the summer of love. next we have the mother and child free huey rally by
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deborah sahm for the series i also from 2017 oh sorry went to fast. untitled by sylvia cordova for the 2018 series of body reorganized. the theme of that year was sanctuary city david brooks at hospitality house by lukas brafman. similar for 2019 on whose shoulders the theme of that year was 24 seven. and then we have the transgender district by marcel pardo or risa for the 2020 series kin streets. the theme for that year was celebrating 50 years of gay pride in san francisco. >> jose soria by win mixture in pride as a protest also from 20 also from 2020 a son you are still here from kimberly are
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touches. 2021 series. it wasn't only a hotel. the theme from that year was imagining monuments for the future. and finally we have dr. dreams the super trans from skywatchers series toward opulence and also from 2021. i worked with a graphic designer to create this frame to give the series a consistent look. and also we have a qr code and i'll be creating a web page that will have further information on each poster. the let's see here hey, sorry. one thing to note is that the final selection this is the final selection. however i'm still working on finding the print files for each work. and so it is possible that the works up for a not all the works up for approval will be
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installed when we get to the final time. so it might be there might be like a few less than we have approved. >> oh so it's a matter of whether you have the actual. >> yeah there's about five that i'm still trying to find the files for. >> do you have others that then would you have to substitute or how would it work just. well i think i'm just i would just show the ten that we have the print files for and then i would put online the other five. >> so still have it in kind of the series i see. okay. all right. are there any. thank you. >> one more thing. okay. >> so installation of these works will be early march and will be up through the end of may. in the meantime we will approve the second section the second selection before the may vaccine meeting places will install in june and be up through the end of august. the third grouping will be
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approved before the august meeting and that will be things and that will be up from september through the end of the year. yeah. thanks. thank you. >> and commissioner comments or discussions on this incredible array of posters series. this is quite remarkable to me and i can't even imagine. i didn't know you were an archivist, did you? >> mm hmm. yeah. a lot of work and we appreciate all the work and effort that you've put into this and any comments or discussions. >> yeah. i just love i take money all the time and i just love being on markets when these are up and watching people enjoy it to . so it's really one of the most sort of available public art things we do i think in many ways. so thank you for all of this for the program. and i'd like to make a motion to approve. >> oh yeah commercial lou here
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i really love the qr code integration. yeah, that's fantastic. i think it's also like online and offline they're more people enjoying them. and also we can live longer. yes. yeah. thank you so much for the great work. i think it's busy. congratulations craig and congratulate since to all the other artists who get a second chance to shine and it just makes me want to say yay san francisco. you. all right, well, i we have a motion so i guess we should ask for a second and then we'll ask for a public comment. >> but it's the motion already was thrown out there. let's get a second. oh, second commission, lou okay ,now we can ask commissioner walker very okay then let's ask for public comment if you'd like to make a public comment please proceed to the podium and fill in information card. we are currently on item five. is there anyone who would like to make a public comment on
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this agenda item? >> you know public comment is still a comment. okay. and since we've already made the motion and the second i will ask for all those in favor say yay yay yay yay any opposed it passes unanimously. excellent. okay. and we now are on to item number six discussion and possible action to approve the project plan for the 2026 art on market street poster series and we have program associate parris coates to introduce us to that. >> good afternoon everyone. i'm here today to present the 2026 art on market project plan. and just as a background reminder i will be taking this project over from craig. so that poster series he showed you is craig's last and i will be taking it on forward. so just a brief background the art market poster series has commissioned new artwork by artists on an annual basis since 1992. each year the program
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commissions for artists create a new body of work that responds to a specific theme which i'll get to each series is up for approximately three months. there are at least six unique poster designs on 15 bus shelters one market so 2026 theme is called now and then living memories the name is taken from a 2017 essay by writer, historian and activist rebecca solnit who lives in san francisco. artists will be encouraged to use primary sources such as libraries, archives, oral histories anything else they can come up with to create a cohesive series uncovering overlooked histories and memorializing new histories . there have been some past projects such as once upon a time in 2011 her personal landmarks in 2006 that have touched on sort of similar themes.
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>> however, this theme will encourage artists to dive deeper into a series of stories or a single story moment person or people movement. and this project will also intersect with the continued work of our mellon grant funded chipping legacy program. the project timeline if approved are for q will be issued on february 24th. >> we'll have our artist review panel around mid april and we'll bring you those then those artists will develop their proposals over the late spring convene the panel meeting in june, bring the finalists to vicki and in june on june 18th and then hopefully have them under contract by august and then sale dates are the same as always and the budget for the design is not to exceed $12,000 for each artist and this fee includes artist
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fee design and all preparation work to complete at least six unique six unique poster designs. and that's it. thanks for your time. right. thank you paris. i appreciate that. are there any comments or discussion from the commissioners? anybody any comments there? okay. well it looks like i'm very excited to see what you do with it and i'm sure will come out with some really fun and interesting images. >> so thank you for that and i will ask for public comment now. any public comment at this? if you'd like to make a public comment please proceed to the podium and fill out the information card. we are currently on item six. >> is there anyone who would like to make a public comment? i see no public comment. >> okay then i will ask for a motion and a second again
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please state your name when you make the motion. >> do i have a motion? so i moved commissioner first. >> second lou. great. >> thank you. all those in favor say yay yay yay a hall opposed say nay. >> it passes unanimously. thank you. okay. i now call for item number seven a discussion and possible action to approve the final design of zaha's iowa buzz buzz a ceramic tile artwork by her roommate sato for the mission bay school project located at nelson rising lane and sixth street in mission bay and project manager ari davidson. >> go for it. good afternoon all. the construction of sfd works mission bay school located here with the red star is now slated
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to be completed in the fall of 2025 with partial school programing running for about a year and then fully opening for the 2026 2027 school year. the public art opportunity is a tile or mosaic artwork located on the exterior of the school's east entrance which will be used primarily by younger students pre-k through fifth. and the artwork is approximately 330ft2. here's just a planned view locating that east entrance. so you may recall that room was serta's conceptual proposal was approved by the arts commission on september 6th, 2024. her concept refers to the japanese on a minor pia zadora loosely translated as buzz buzz that suggests the essence of many living things gathering in one spot and thus creating a murmur. zawadi iowa serves as a reminder and metaphor of the
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rich tapestry and diverse marine ecosystem within mission creek in the larger san francisco bay. the imagery highlights a selection of current marine life symbolizing the interdependence of animals and plants which adapt and embrace biodiversity as an essential component for a stronger, more resilient life. so here is the current proposed final design seeking approval today the closer look at that the design was refined based on commissioner panel client and community feedback. the colors in this final version for example have softer softened to better sit with the surrounding architectural material palette which is somewhat earthy with soft yellows, reds and the sage like green metal panel which you can see surrounding the artwork immediately following the the approval of her proposal the artist reconnected with community members and discussed at length the mission creek
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ecosystem which helped to inform revisions to the plant and animals represented. the final characters include the california halibut, the brown pelican, great blue heron pacific rock crab kingfisher sea lion anchovy bat race seagull porpoise a family of the american avocet she can see lemon mussels, moon jelly and enemy rock weed die adam and mellow sierra perumal generated over 100 hand-painted and drawn elements in watercolor acrylic gouache oil pastel colored pencil charcoal and sumi ink. these works on paper have all been scanned and digitally composited and will be printed on high fired porcelain tile. her rummo is working hard to maintain a sense of the handmade in the final in the final fabricated tile in order to encourage an experience of
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tactility and haptic communication which she says are are both essential in the cognitive and emotional development of young persons. here's a view of the ground floor right showing the range of textures colors and hand-painted techniques. and this is a diagram that illustrates the starting point of tile for each wall section. while eight tiles will start in the center along the window trim and move outward toward the edges. while b and c tiles start in the top center corners to make sure that the imagery lines up perfectly where there's where those two walls meet and you may or may not notice the subtle difference in the scale of imagery on wall a at the top which is slightly larger than the imagery below while a is meant to be experienced from far away as you walk toward the entrance. the imagery on the lower level is smaller, more human scaled and more detailed to enable close viewing and layers of
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discovery day after day especially for those young students. so here is a detail of some early test tiles with the proposed grout color and width in the center. this grout is called steel blue and the spacing is three 30s of an inch wide which is visually subtle but aligns with tile product specifications for spacing. i also have a physical sample of the most recent test tile to share around and this is 99.9% final so just give me one moment. so the tile product is called cement m by the company care life it is an eight by eight inch porcelain tile. hi fired and then fired again after the image is digitally printed on it. this porcelain tile is just about as robust and strong as
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you can get for outdoor ceramic and it is anticipated to last for several decades. we are also going to hold on to a box of 25 blank tiles from the same batch in case any replacement is needed. hopefully not for several years to come. sfa c has a $25,000 set aside for conservation and once that is used up maintenance scope will be transferred over to sfa usd who will also own this artwork once it is completed. so in other words this will not be accessioned into the civic art collection. >> beautiful. so i'm also sharing the current construction documentation which outlines the proposed tile grid pattern in relation to window and door trim exterior wall fixtures and school signage. these are not yet as built dimensions but the design team and contractors have advised that we can anticipate a tolerance of about one inch from this drawings measurement
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and so her roomba will be fabricating additional tiles that kind of bleed the image beyond the extent of the windows and walls to accommodate any small changes in field verified dimensions. >> the construction contractor will prep the walls with water proofing and a standard lasting scratch layer after which sfa cs installer will come in and apply a cbt red guard anti crack waterproof membrane a quarter inch cement thick set mortar bed followed by the tile and grout application. >> here is our current approach to the expansion joint plan. it is not totally finalized but generally the joints will follow the lines of the facade architecture including doors and windows and just a few mentions about the artwork fabricator. magnolia editions is a fine art studio based in oakland and provides artists with technical expertise and access to large scale pigment based electronic printing processes.
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they have produced commissions for sfa ce including clare rojas at rose park station shown here louisiana burned off at sfo. both of these are ceramic as well as running mcsherry mukherji hung view and alice shaw also at sfo. >> and here's another example of ceramic mosaic work by magnolia editions. this is artist julie cheng's interwoven which is an oakland sfa sea wall contract directly with a licensed tile installer certified tile and stone incorporated based in southern california. they are also installing an abstract mosaic located on the west entrance of mission bay school so they are already plugged into the construction schedule. architectural details and in communication with the project team and so i am seeking approval today for final design and construction documentation. once approved by the full
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commission on march 3rd, tile fabrication will start immediately with an anticipated install date for september november 2025. and as i mentioned earlier, the school will be fully open in august 2026 for the 2627 school year. happy to answer any questions. >> that's great. thank you. i have to say i remember when you first came to us with this and the colors were very bold and i appreciate how they've worked with the palette of the building itself. so i think that's great. i also love the idea that she went out and spoke with the community and in terms of mission bay and the different animals and and fish and you know, great aquatic life. i think it's really very well thought out and i like seeing the progression with it so. excellent. very well done. i'm very excited to see it finished.
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the one tile looks pretty amazing. anyway, any other comments from commissioners? >> yes. this is really beautiful. i wasn't. excuse me. commissioner walker. >> i wasn't on the commission when it first came through so it's just really beautiful to see and i. >> i actually spend a lot of time looking out and being in mission bay. this is just such a beautiful that whole park area is just really beautiful with the existing public art that we have but this is going to be a beautiful addition and i really i want to just reinforce how important it is for the artists to be, you know, sort of trained through this, brought through this process with new materials probably and how two dimensional artists get to participate in our public art program because i think it's really significant and yeah, everybody that i talk to is really appreciative of this program and as someone who probably during covid in my
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knee replacement surgeries i got to know all the birds and animals and my neighborhood as i walked around and and there and also there are a lot of people i ran into in all of our neighborhoods that do the same thing. so it's really important and you know, it's it's important the outreach, you know, because there's a lot of people who just really love every aspect of our city, especially the the animals and the birds that are in our different neighborhoods and each neighborhood has their their own like this the seagulls kind of are everywhere. >> anyway, really beautiful. i can't wait to see it in person and that tile is amazing. i'd love to have the actual vendor who does the thank you. >> right. thank you. and commissioner lou here i just want to congratulate you and your team and also the artist and the community. i think it's really amazing to see every single touchpoint everybody work together and i love the topic of biological diversity and it's so amazing
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to see how much thoughts and how much care that you put into the whole process. just really, really appreciative of the work you do. thank you so much. yeah. okay. all right, great. thank you. and i will now call for public comment. any public comment if you'd like to make a public comment. please proceed to the podium and fill out an information card. we are currently on item number seven. is there anyone who would like to make a public comment? >> no. i see no requests for public comment. okay. all right. i will now ask for a motion and a second and i remind you to state your names. >> move to approve. commissioner walker second commissioner lou. >> right. and all those in favor say aye? aye aye. and any opposed. >> and it passes unanimously. well done. thank you. we look forward to final installation and opening.
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all right, great. and now we move on to item number eight the discussion and possible action to approve the following artists for the potential purchase of artwork for the interior corridors of the jean friend recreation center as recommended by the jean friend recreation center art artists review panel. we have a sheriff's account on contact. you know i'm just going to oh alcantara kimberly our tasha are rena ieng leo bear samina christine blanco. keith lucas francesca matteo johanna post sig jerome reyes fabiano rodriguez, charlene tan
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and mel vera cruz. >> and if i mispronounced my apologies anyway and we now have again project manager ari davidian go ari thank you again . so today i'm discussing the second of two public art opportunities at the jean french recreation center located in san francisco's south of market neighborhood on sixth and folsom street. i want to take a moment to acknowledge the contentious history of urban development in selma a topic of discussion that came up several times during the panel meeting. selma has experienced many decades of rapid growth and top down planning often at the expense of longtime residents. you are likely familiar with the legacy of the ai hotel in the adjacent neighborhood once known as manila town. >> the ai hotel despite being demolished in 1979, exemplifies the strength of community organizing for tenants rights.
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the events surrounding this residential building set the foundation for ongoing community led advocacy for justice in housing, employment, education, health and cultural preservation for san francisco's filipino community and beyond. in this explanatory doc document which is available for public access, i have embedded a list of online resources thoughtfully recommended by the panelists of this public art opportunity who are also soma community members. it is with reference to these threads of history that the stage has been set for the jean french recreation center project and the public art opportunities therein. the initiation of the capital improvement project coincided with the second tech boom in the early 20 tens which deeply impacted the urban fabric of soma. so this image just purely for historical reference and not part of this public art opportunity is a photo from janet delaney's soma now series entitled millennium tower from
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vino alley 2011 and 2016 the city of san francisco officially recognized soma pilipinas as the filipino cultural heritage district. and in 2017 soma received state level recognition and as one of as one of 14 cultural districts by the california arts council cited as a cultural social arts and service hub for filipinos throughout northern california. since 2014 san francisco recreation and park has worked with the soma community to envision improvements to to the jean friend rec recreation center which provides indoor and outdoor facilities and programs for youth, seniors and members of the community. now over 30 years in operation, the center will be rebuilt to create a safe, welcoming and modern resource for its constituents. rec and park is working with mark kevin yarrow associates and keith ranieri architects on
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the new design which is currently in the early stages of construction. in the new design the main entrance will be relocated to the pedestrian oriented harriet street. and here's just here's a view just inside the harriet street entrance where you can see the gym straight ahead. this is the site of the primary public artwork which i will get to in a moment. the secondary public art opportunity is the two dimensional artwork purchased program which we are looking at today. it is for the direct purchase of existing 2d artworks to be framed and mounted along the prominent interior corridors of the center. >> here are two. here are the two corridors. the park corridor on the left serves primarily youth and runs parallel to the center's outdoor green space and interior gymnasium. the harriet corridor on the lower right serves primarily adults and elders with the main reception office on the at the
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front of the corridor followed by a multipurpose room and an adult fitness weight room at the end. here's a view of the harriet corridor with possible locations for 2d artwork highlighted in yellow. this is roughly 140ft2 of wall space and that end wall at the lower left may or may not be a location for tv artwork. we will know before we finalize the artwork selection in may. that's kind of on the table but not certain. and here is the park corridor with approximately 170ft2 of wall space for 2d artwork. the goals of the jean friend rec center a project public art project are to illuminate the rich history and full diversity of san francisco's soma neighborhood including recognition of soma pilipinas the filipino cultural heritage district and to lift up the center as a destination and proud neighborhood asset. here is artist c.c. carpio. conceptual proposal for the
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primary public art opportunity in the gym. the concept barrio fiesta is about bringing communities together and celebrating everyday heroes alongside well-known local and international filipino leaders. cc's proposal was approved by the arts commission on june 3rd, 2024 and she is currently working on her final design which i will share with the commission in the coming months. and you can see the windows underneath cc's artwork peer into the park corridor so we anticipate that some of the artwork that is selected for this two d program will be visible from the gym and you know both. both artwork opportunities will speak to each other in that in that sense. here's the view from within the park corridor with the gym on the left a view of the harriet corridor with a weight room on the right over the past couple of weeks. panelists reviewed 21 artists
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who had all scored a unanimous yes from the previous green friend review panel 1 in 2023 the artists applications were scored based on artistic merit aligning with the green friend public art project and civic art collection goals and the artists or artwork demonstrate a meaningful connection to the neighborhood. and so the artist review panel met last week on february 13th and the tally of their scores indicate the following 12 artists recommended to be approved by the arts commission . once approved these artists will be invited to submit up to five artworks each after which s.f. staff will identify the final artwork selection based on available wall space and project budget. the intent is to purchase one artwork from each of these 12 artists so ideally everyone on this list wins.
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and so i am seeking approval of these 12 artists today. i will return at the end of may with a proposed list of final artworks to be purchased and we anticipate installation of these artworks in the spring of 2026. >> thank you. all right. thank you, ari. was there any commissioner discussion or comments at this point on where we're at? >> okay. this looks like an interesting selection. and if you don't if somebody the work for whatever ever whatever reason it doesn't when you go to their studio and you look at the stuff and you go out doesn't quite work for whatever reason. >> what are the next steps? well, each artist is going to submit five artwork each so hopefully out of those five we will find one that is appropriate to the site and works well with the other selected artwork and they'll be given the parameters of the
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walls and the areas and stuff. great. okay. that makes sense. yeah they look really exciting and it should be really fun. >> what? i mean this recreation center is going to be amazing. >> so it should really be a wonderful asset for the community there and the neighborhood. what fun. okay. >> is there any public comment if you'd like to make a public comment on item number eight, please come to the podium. is there anyone that like to make a public comment? i see no public comment. great. >> okay. i'm going to ask for a motion and a second and remind you to say your names please. do i have a motion move to approve commissioner walker? thank you. and a second second commissioner first. great. thank you. >> all those in favor say yay! yay yay! any opposed? and it passes unanimously. excellent.
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thank you very much. okay. we will now call on item number nine. >> uh portsmouth's. >> portsmouth square improvement project. so we have a sculpture discussion and a possible action to approve the vision. leon lee plus bowles for summer mailing. lee and laura bowles for and kathy lou okay as finalists for portsmouth square improvement project sculpture opportunity as recommended by the artists review panel. do you want me to put these up or say it all together? >> you might as well say it all together. i'm going to present them all together. all right. i needed to know r and b is the integrated wall and discussion and possible action to approve chi yan gaya and cheng ma
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christine wong yap and jennifer woolford as finalists for the portsmouth square improvement project integrated while opportunity as recommended by the artists review panel and again i apologize for any mispronunciations and jackie von tresco so go for it. all right. thank you so much high commissioners. good to see you all. very excited to be here today to present the six artist finalists recommended by the portsmouth square artist review panel for the renovated park sculpture and integrated clubhouse for all opportunities is the last time we discussed this project was back in may of 2024. when you review and approve the project plan which was presented by my former colleague allie tilly. given the time that has passed and the progress that we've made since, i'd like to just begin today's presentation with a brief overview of the site the capital improvement project and the artist selection process so far so portsmouth square is located at 733 kearny street in chinatown between
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clay and washington streets and is one of san francisco's most important historic cultural and civic spaces. >> the park is eligible for listing in the california registrar of historic resources due to its cultural significance and to the chinatown community and its association with pivotal moments in san francisco's history. >> situated above the portsmouth square garage, the park is owned and operated by the san francisco recreation and parks department and a full renovation funded by the city's 2020 health and recovery bond is currently underway with construction getting ready to start later this fall. the new design for the park reflects a robust community engagement process and addresses the unique challenges for programing in this particular space and neighborhood. >> san francisco's chinatown is one of the most historically and culturally vibrant neighborhoods not only in california but in the united states. its rich history is intertwined with san francisco's own including the presence of
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chinese participants in the 1850 california statehood celebrations at portsmouth square. the neighborhood has been rooted in the same location for over a century maintaining continuity of history unmatched by other ethnic communities in the city. >> after the 1906 earthquake, the neighborhood was rapidly rebuilt in its original location led by merchant look tan eli contributing to the iconic architectural style that defines san francisco's chinatown and other chinatowns across the country are chinatown is also home to one of the city's densest populations including monolingual singers families living below the poverty poverty line and large in a large single room occupancy community. its culture is a blend of immigrant traditions and adaptations to life in america and the community's vibrant day to day life includes small businesses, community and arts organizations and other shared cultural practices. >> the square serves as the heart or living room of chinatown and it is historically significant having hosted key events like the declaration of california
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independence as well as the proclamation of gold discovery in 1849. over the years this park has been a critical gathering space not only for san francisco residents but for those in chinatown as one of the few open spaces where folks can get together and enjoy time together as well as activities . >> beginning in this fall the park will undergo a complete renovation and as i mentioned is funded by the 2020 health recovery bond. this design did not come about overnight. this was a result of a very extensive community feedback and collaborative design process and really reflects the neighborhood's significance and its civic significance and addresses the programmatic needs that are really unique to the chinatown neighborhood. the renovated park will include several community devine defined priorities including a large flexible outdoor event space with an elevated stage a new larger state of the art community clubhouse with an
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assembly area and meeting rooms a large exterior shaded structure and consolidated playground that will also have adult fitness equipment. it will be involving the removal of the existing and existing kearny street pedestrian bridge bridge and will include a perimeter park fence for night security as well as enhanced accessibility. there'll be extensive new plantings irrigation lighting and furnishings, general seating and gathering areas and the garage's roof will be replaced with a new waterproofing and drainage system. additionally there is going to be extensive streetscape improvements adjacent to the park including a redesign a future redesign of walter ulam as the park's conceptual design was being developed. we work closely with and park and the design team to explore opportunities for integrating public art into the park. these early discussions revealed the need to approach the park's art and interpretive programs holistically, prompting a robust community engagement process that regent recently concluded and still is still continuing in some ways
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what resulted out of this process was the development of interpretive art and interpretive program master plan for the park which highlights the new public opportunity public art opportunities that align with the park's distinct goals and themes as well as our process for selecting artists for them over the course of the past year and a half san francisco rec and park hosted a series of community meetings that invited the active participation and feedback of local chinatown residents and community partners. these sessions along signs alongside ongoing internal discussions with a defined group of key project partners including representatives from the chinatown arts and cultural coalition as well as chinese and asian american history experts and scholars were crucial in shaping the portsmouth's square art interpretation master plan and the process for its development. additionally arts commission staff and as well as staff from
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s.f. planning as well as members of the park design team consistently attended and participated in in these meetings actively listening and responding to the insightful questions and valuable and sometimes critical feedback that were brought to our attention and raised some key considerations during these discussions included potential removal and relocation of existing monuments and plaques in the park. possible reinterpretation of existing monuments and plaques as well as new opportunities for interpretation and public art. >> further the master plan was guided by three core principles identified and lifted up by our community partners and these included community fortitude is it for us and by us art and activism does it inspire us and call us to action and site specificity? is it connected to portland square? >> it's important to highlight that without the steadfast advocacy and invaluable feedback from our chinatown community partners this process would have unfolded very
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differently or perhaps not at all. in october of 2023 the chinatown arts and cultural coalition submitted a letter to the arts commission and the recreation and parks department calling for a focus on chinese and asian-american art and history in portsmouth's squares, public art and its interpretive programs. this letter highlights a lack of a lack of representation of chinese and asian-american artists and history in the current public artworks in the park noting that none of the seven monuments and plaques currently located there were created by asian artists or commemorate asian american history the chinatown arts and culture coalition with input from experts and scholars additionally developed a visioning document to guide the art interpretive program. this document emphasizes the importance of celebrating diverse stories and histories in the park and proposes renaming the square to better reflect its role in the community to flower garden corner. >> the vision also includes monuments and symbols honoring the community's rich history of
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art, activism and accountability and this input directly influence the culminating arts interpretive masterplan which guided our program for public art in the park moving forward i just want to make a quick note that this this based on the community guidance received through this process the plan recommends removing and relocating certain monuments in the park while others will remain and this approach will ensure that the art and interpretation in this new design accurately reflects and honors the vibrant legacy of chinatown's communities past and present and future and their stories. >> so moving on to funding funding for the new and current artworks at portsmouth square comes from a combination of art enrichment and additional state and city funding sources. the total art enrichment allocation is 1,043,000 and $527 with nearly 500,000 dedicated to new public artworks for the park and their associated artist contracts. you'll notice that we have a higher than usual conservation
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set aside for this project and that is to manage the existing works in the park and to relocate others. >> there are two major new public art opportunities in portsmouth square the first being a human scale sculpture that will be located at the corner of entrance of walter ulam in washington street. this will be a sculpture that will use mature durable materials like stone or metal. and then we also have an integrated art wall located on the interior, an adjacent exterior wall of the community clubhouse. this will be an approximately 600 square foot artwork and maybe comprised of materials like mosaic ceramic tile or even laser cut metal panels. >> the goals of the public portsmouth square sculpture opportunity align with the chinatown arts and cultural coalition's vision as well as the goals laid out in the arts and interpretation master plan for the park. they are that the artwork will act as a welcoming beacon to the portsmouth square plaza. it will be highly visible from
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the street and draw people into the park and will celebrate the history and values of san francisco's chinatown communities. >> we have a sculpture budget of 300 and 40,000 which will cover artist fees and associated costs for design and fabrication and transportation with a separate set aside of 23,000 for installation that will be managed by the arts commission under a separate contract. >> the goals for the integrated wall opportunity in the clubhouse are that it will reflect the community culture and service of san francisco. san francisco's chinatown. it will create an impactful indoor and outdoor narrative experience and will enhance the connection between portsmouth square and the new community clubhouse. >> and that this work will also include a community engagement component that will be led by the selected artist. >> the budget for this project is 151,000 which will cover the costs for design fabrication and transportation with a separate installation budget of $30,000. >> to quickly recap how we got
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to this point of the artist review panel process. so as we all are well aware, chinatown has long fostered a vibrant arts culture and we decided that we were going to launch the chinatown artist registry in order to identify artists that we could consider not only for the portsmouth square or work opportunities but for future and ongoing and upcoming capital projects in chinatown including the public health center and the markham light branch library. we launched our rfq in july 11th of last year. it was closed in october 7th and it was open to all artists residing in the u.s. or represented by a u.s. arts organization. >> we really were seeking to recruit artists with a meaningful connection to chinatown whether through previous or current residency or shared community culture and values. >> the chinese culture centers advocacy was absolutely and i can't underscore this enough instrumental in the success of our artists selection and the
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recruitment into this registry for these projects. we'd worked with them in the past specifically for the central subway rosa parks station artwork with you may and we decided we're going to formalize this relationship for portsmouth square to really bring them as a close partner to conduct outreach and recruitment of artists for this opportunity. they received a grant for this work and together we partnered on shaping the registries request for qualifications, providing language access resources, providing technical support to artists and also conducting extensive and focused outreach outreach to grassroots chinatown artists whom we would otherwise not have an opportunity to reach. so i just want to lift up and personally recognize and thank the staff at the chinese culture center and johnny hoy y and gladys for their incredible work and ongoing invaluable partnership in this process. >> late last year we convened the portsmouth square artist qualification panel to review the 341 application ins that we received to the call.
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the panel consequently identified 16 artists for the portsmouth square sculpture opportunity shortlist and 51 artists for the integrated wall opportunity shortlist. that shortlist will also be used for the health center and the library as well. >> after the qualification process we convened the full artist review panel for portsmouth square. you can see the participants listed here to evaluate the applications of the qualified shortlisted artists. this process recently culminated and as and recently i mean yesterday to identify three artists for each artwork opportunity to develop site specific conceptual design proposals which i will tell you about in just a moment. and again just want to to lift up the panelists and there are great care and intention that they not only gave to this process but also participating in the past two years and beyond of advocacy for arts and representation and chinatown. many of these folks were active
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participants in the master planning process for portsmouth square and it was great to have them as participants in this process as well. >> all right, so on to our finalists who i'm really excited to share with you today. so for the portsmouth square sculpture opportunity we met actually last month in january and based on the criteria of artistic merit, relevant skills and experience and meaningful connection to s.f. chinatown, the panel recommended visioning kathy lou and the artist team lee and bowles fowler to develop site specific proposals for this sculpture project. vision is an interactive media and installation artist from chinatown san francisco through humor, crowdsourcing and virtual simulations visionary tells the everyday to showcase voices of those often forgotten. capturing the distinct perspectives of her audience and community vision has exhibited her work at the chinese culture center européenne, a center for the arts asian art museum
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and various chinatowns festivals most recently at the 2025 flower market fair which you may have seen. >> this is fusion's first time applying for public art hall and her first time as a finalist at leon ball's fall is a collaboration of artist summer mei ling lee and laura bowles for artists who have executed public art projects in china, hong kong, europe and the u.s. their process relies heavily on site specific engagement listening and community empowerment and both have individually expansive gallery careers spanning decades countries and publications with work in private and public collections. this is again both artist first time being a finalist for public art opportunity with us and kathy lu who is a ceramic space artist who manipulates traditional chinese art imagery and presentation as a way to deconstruct the assumptions we have about cultural authenticity by creating ceramic sculptures and large scale installations. kathy explores what it means to be both asian and american while not entirely accepted as
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either unpacking her experiences of immigration and cultural hybridity and cultural assimilation become part of american identity is central to kathy's work. you may recognize her work also as a 2022 s.f. moma ceca awardee and she's also shown her work at berkeley art museum and other institutions locally and nationwide. her first time being a finalist for one of our projects on to the integrated clubhouse wall art as finalists we had our final panel meeting yesterday at 4:00 using the same criteria our panelists recommended three artists for your approval to develop site specific conceptual design proposals for this project. >> the first is gargantuan yao ,an artist organizer and educator who is currently based in north carolina but has many years of experience as an artist and activist here in san
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francisco and san francisco's chinatown. >> gans art aims to humanize those who have been dehumanized by sharing their stories of marginalized communities. the work has been featured by the asian art museum, the san francisco anti displacement coalition and most recently as part of the art commission's 2022 art on market street poster series in collaboration with feedback wong. our second finalist is christine wong yap who is a visual artist and social practitioner who works in community engagement drawing, printmaking, publishing, textiles and public art through her hyper local participatory research projects she gathers and amplifies grassroots perspectives on belonging, resilience and mental well-being. christine has developed projects with the chinese culture center san francisco for freedoms, the library foundation of los angeles. the other ng and belonging institute at uc berkeley among many other institutions. >> and then lastly in jennifer kay woolford who is a san francisco artist and educator whose work plays with notions of hybridity, authenticity
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and global culture often with a humorous bent with a practice that is multidisciplinary but deeply rooted in drawing and painting. jennifer is committed to an intercultural approach that champions a broad diversity of communities. recent highlights include works shown at s.f. moma and the santa cruz museum of art and history as well as public murals at the asian art museum in chinatown and for a new housing development in the haight. as you may recall, jennifer was recently selected for her first commission for the rachel sullivan park at ellsworth independent tomer. excited to work with her as a finalist for this project as well and all three of these artists will be our first time working together so really excited to work with them as they develop their proposals moving forward. >> so what's next after your approval today? hopefully we will be arranging an in-person orientation soon for all six finalists in chinatown. we're looking at march 10th if schedules align. we're going to give them about two months, maybe a little bit more to develop their
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proposals. those will be translated into chinese and and put on display for a minimum of three weeks for public comment. we will then reconvene our panel for the two separate opportunities during the week of june 7th and 16th. hopefully they will interview the artists and make a recommendation for one for each opportunity to be selected for the commission. so hoping to have our artists under contract for both of these projects in august of this year. so i'm happy to answer any questions you have and thanks for your time and attention. >> thank you jackie. >> that's a lot of work to get. to lift it up doesn't come easy. well, i think it's great. i love the interaction with the community and all of them banding together because there were not the funds to do this before and this is just going to make such a huge difference there. so i'm delighted to see that. ah is there comments from the commissioners on this
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incredible project you're going forward? >> thank you. president i mean president of kdr actually i want to thank you for the team and also the artists and all the community coming together. this is very significant to me because this was actually the very first project five minute after my online webex commission and swearing i was in kdr, i was like teleported to kdr. >> i mean ralph remember that i was like swearing and five minutes later i was in the room and that was the project literally i was like oh my god nothing small and simple. >> yeah it was it was four years ago and it's just so incredible to see how much team and community and artists are coming together and make it into a reality and it's also really beautiful that the community actually recommended the name flower corner flower garden and corner. i think it's also going to be really great to integrate with
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the flower market that's happening in chinatown. i think that's going to really kind of bringing the you know the beauty and the nature back to the community and i think it's also what the community wanted so so thrilled by the work and thank you again so much like everybody coming together to you know, bring people together and it's also really great that this is like the first opportunity for a lot of artists to be selected as a finalist. so i'm so thrilled to see their work and again thank thanks very much for the work you do. >> thank you. i just want to highlight that because of the partnership with chinese culture center i think we saw close to 70% of our applicants to this call were first time applicants which is which is really an amazing statistic. >> so that that really sets us up well for working with a lot of first time artists and launching them into a new phase of their careers through these projects and i love the three core principle i kind of noted it which is you know, does it lift us up and also is
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it you know, for us and by us and also very importantly is it site specific? so i think this these are the principles not only apply for this particular project, i think it really applies to all the projects we do. >> so again, thank you. it's beautiful. yeah, it's thank you commissioner walker i was on previously when we were discussing it four years ago or however long it's been and i go to a lot of events in that park and every time i go i like am contemplating the whole new direction it's going to be and to see the actual artists and again when we lift these artists up for the first time in public art that changes their whole career. yeah and you know it's one of the things that i just it's one of my priorities is to lift artists up and support the businesses and yeah, it just this is a perfect example of how important that is. so thank you.
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>> all right. all right. if there are no other comments from the commissioners, we will go to public comment and a public comment if you'd like to make a public comment, please proceed to the podium and fill out an information card. we are currently on item nine. is there anyone who would like to make a public comment on this item? >> i see no requests for public comment. right. okay commissioner i do have just one comment. >> sure i know portsmouth square is the oldest square in san francisco and that is one of those intersections between the culture and history of chinatown and the history of san francisco. yeah, i think there is a plaque there that denotes that. >> correct. and will that be integrated into the new site plan? can you repeat the last part of your question? >> sorry sorry. will that be integrated into
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the new site plan, the plaque that denotes that yes, there is going to be so many of the existing plaques are remaining there that denotes that and sort of marks key historical moments for the park and there'll be additional interpretive signage that will further expand upon those historical milestones and give additional context to those moments. >> awesome. thank you. yeah. okay. thanks. right. okay. all right. well if there are no other additional comments and stuff i am going to ask for a motion and i have a motion and a second so moved lou back in first. >> great. okay. all those in favor say aye. >> aye aye. and of those opposed is nay and it passes unanimously. >> well done and we look forward. >> that's part right um airport okay i would like to call item
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number ten discussion and possible action to approve the project plan for the san francisco international airport c for c public art program and i would like to call up senior program manager amy owen. >> hi, amy. hi. thank you. great to see everyone. i'm happy to be sharing for your approval this afternoon the public art project plan for courtyard four connector or c4c as part of the larger terminal three west modernization project. >> and this slide provides an aerial view of the overall site context. alongside this one we see terminal three here shaded in blue to the left and bookended by c4c in yellow. >> and just to recap the modernization project consists of the renovation and expansion of the west portion road and connector two f concourse of the terminal three facility at sfo and here we see the
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project site from a different vantage point in light blue bounded by the orange and yellow of the c, three, c3c and c4c areas c4c component of the larger t three west project is a new six story building that acts as a spatial link between terminals while incorporating a mix of passenger and tenant functions . >> its primary goals as outlined here by the design team are to make the passenger journey more efficient and comfortable and the transition between terminal three and the itb, the international terminal building to provide a central operational office space for tenants and to provide expanded airline lounge space for passengers. the artwork opportunities for this project plan are both pre and post security and terminal three ties. >> the overall airport design hierarchy together through its thematic focus on a day in the
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life of san francisco emphasizing the urban experience of the city seen here articulated through a map of the crosstown trail which in many ways embodies this experience, the design team states in their description of the project in san francisco the weather sky and light changed dramatically throughout a single day and is an ever unfolding backdrop to the theater that is our rich culture of food, art and life. >> and the overarching goal for the public art project is to create a continuous experience of art in terminal three west by commissioning major site identity artworks supported by a collection of purchased two dimensional artworks that reflect and celebrate the distinct character of san francisco and enhance and contribute to the rich civic art collection holdings at sfo. >> we're thrilled to have a range of exciting art
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opportunities emerging from the specific site context of c4c this slide captures the full scope of current art opportunities in play for the larger t three west modernization project on departures level two with c4c projects specifically noted by the blue stars for context and proximity here we have three key art sites including the federal inspection and services or a fire art wall. the office glass art wall and the wheelchair lounge which is still in the preliminary stages of development. >> as for budget, the total art enrichment allocation for the c4c public art project plan is $3,300,000 which taking into consideration an administration and conservation costs brings us to a total artwork budget of $2,310,000. we anticipate our opportunity budgets for these opportunities ranging from approximately
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125,000 to 700,000 for integrated work. the art budgets are inclusive of all artists fees as well as associated expenses for design ,engineering, fabrication, insurance, transportation and installation and consultation. this art enrichment budget may be combined with the art enrichment budget for the larger terminal three west project in order to maximize art opportunities for the overall t three west project. i'll now walk you through each of the c4c opportunities in greater detail to give you a better sense of their scope and scale. firstly we have the fisa art wall opportunity. >> we envision the site will ideally consist of one continuous installation by a single artist in tile glass or other durable material. the area is roughly ten feet tall by 150ft of running wall space with expansive airside views. the corridor will aim to create a dynamic transitional moment
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for passengers on their journey between the itb and terminal three. and here's an elevation for additional site context. and next up we have the office glass art wall which sits in close proximity to the previous office while opportunity. in contrast, this work will be produced in translucent glass or other durable translucent materials in order to allow the space to be permeated with light while still providing a level of opacity for security purposes. the wall area covers approximate only 12 by 72ft. for arriving international guests direct access to the customs hall located in the international terminal will be provided via this new office connector corridor. and here is another elevation for context of this specific site. >> and lastly we have the
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wheelchair lounge area which is a smaller space still very much in development. at present we anticipate available wall space in the range of 16 by 14ft with the possibility of integrated work pending the ability for appropriate wall preparation or a large scale to do purchase. and once more and elevation for reference. so while these three opportunities have been identified as presented i should note that details may change as the designs are further refined. additional two dimensional integrated opportunities and purchases may also be added to this scope as the project develops. >> the artist selection process for the project will draw from the terminal three west pre-qualified pool of artists who indicated their interest in two dimensional integrated projects. following art's question protocol arts commission staff
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will present a short list to the terminal three west artist review panel who will identify three finalists who will be paid an honorarium for the development of conceptual or site specific proposals. the panel will reconvene to consider the artists finalists proposals in an interview format and will select one artist for recommendation to the arts commission for each opportunity. >> so with your approval of this plan we will be convening the artist review panel in just a few weeks on march 10th to move forward with the selection process for these locations with the goal of having artists under contract by this summer and installing their works in the first quarter of february 2027 and the project plan as part of the explanatory documents. thank you. >> now to answer any questions. well thank you for this very well done presentation
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and showing us all the pieces and parts. i don't know anyone who was at the last four commission meeting we showed the fly through of the c4c building the exterior but just to give you an context and stuff what's involved and both the renovation of terminal three and the c4c are going to be pretty major nice pieces of architecture and yeah plenty of budget for us to do some very exciting art so we're looking forward to it so that we pay. are there any excuse me commissioner a discussion or comments at this point like to say about this? my only quick comment would be for the glass wall if if part of the purpose is to make sure that it permits light to shine through to the other side, is there any consideration being taken for the colors that are used so that for example a lot of dark colors aren't used which would kind of be the antithesis of that?
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>> yeah, i think that will be something that we sort of research along the way as we develop projects with the artist and also in terms of exploring what materials may make sense for the site. >> yeah, yeah that's good to keep in mind. i know that this is something that on the bus maintenance facility we worked very hard on making sure there was the glass panel aspect of that particular one of the artworks there to make sure the transparency is there. >> so you see the busses moving by. i would assume when you do this particular piece that you talk to people about transparency and movement because that's what's happened. yes, absolutely. and there was the airtrain when it came around to the hotel there we have the glass parakeets there that yeah very successful. so we've had some we have
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several projects that have similar kinds of things where i think we've been very conscious and i expect we will continue to be yes, absolutely right. okay. any other discussion or comments? >> okay. then i will call for public comment and i thank you very much. if you'd like to make a public comment, please proceed to the podium and fill out an information card. we are currently on item number ten. is there anyone who'd like to make a public comment on this current agenda item? i see no requests for public comment. >> right. okay then i will ask for a final motion of i'll ask for a motion and a second so moved low and a second second walker thank you. >> and all those in favor say aye aye aye. >> and any opposed it passes unanimously. well done. we look forward to next steps. >> thank you. thank you.
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>> now we go for item number 11 san francisco international airport terminal three west the suspended sculpture we have a the suspenders suspended sculpture discussion and possible action to prove the finalists. >> yeah sanford biggers trevor paglen i know i feel the same way lavar thomas and pay white to create conceptual proposals for the terminal three was suspended sculpture public art project as recommended by the artists review panel. we also have be the superhighway integrated wall discussion and possible action to approve the finalists item malay imaan or your on rupees c tut to create conceptual proposals for the terminal three was superhighway public art project as recommended by the artist review panel and we once again have senior program
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manager amy owen. >> can't get rid of me all sfo all the time. excellent. thank you. i'm super excited to be presenting for approval the sfo terminal three west suspended sculpture and superhighway integrated wall finalists that have been recommended by our artist review panel. the group did an incredibly thoughtful review of an exceptionally competitive shortlist of semifinalists and i'm thrilled to be sharing the results with you as we just reviewed in prior c4c plan, the slide provides yet again a bird's eye view of the overall project site on the left and again a couple quick refreshers that the overall design direction for the project is a day in the life of san francisco and draws its inspiration from the rich cultural and environmental landscape of the bay area. >> the overarching goal for the
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public art project plan is to create a continuous experience of art in t three west by commissioning major site identity artworks that reflect and celebrate the distinct character of san francisco. as for budget the total art enrichment allocation for the terminal three west modernization project is $15,676,500 which taking into consideration administration and conservation costs brings us to a total artwork budget of just under $11 million. we anticipate our opportunity is ranging from approximately 150,000 to 1 million for integrated work and as i mentioned previously the art enrichment budget for c4c may be combined with this budget in order to maximize our opportunities for the overall t three west project. >> as we've reviewed before, we're thrilled to have a range of exciting art opportunities emerging from all three levels
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of this expansive project. and this slide captures the full scope of current art opportunities at a glance our focus for today is outlined in the projects in blue. our next artist review panels will focus on the green 2d integrated projects which include the c4c opportunities we just reviewed this grouping of opportunities rounds out phase one of the project slated to complete in the first quarter of 2027. the yellow section at the bottom indicate indicates phase two projects slated to launch at the end of 2028 and we plan to tackle the artist review process for these opportunities in the third and fourth quarters later this year. >> for additional context, this slide on the mezzanine level three maps out the suspended sculpture and superhighway integrated wall locations in plan and are each highlighted by blue stars. >> and i'll now walk you through our key opportunities for today as a refresher of their scope and scale.
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firstly we have an overview of the plaza skylight suspended sculpture opportunity. we envision the site may consist of a series of suspended sculptures or one continuous installation by a single artist. the area covers roughly 50 500ft2 beneath three banks of skylights with a 25 foot ceiling height. and we'll aim to create a dynamic transitional moment between pre and post security. we anticipate a total art budget of $1 million for the project. >> this is a preliminary rendering of the site and the proposed l-shaped area for the artwork as illustrated here in this rendering with these dotted lines. and you can see how this work will really serve as a key wayfinding tool for the site. an expansive sightlines from throughout the plaza. >> and here are a few additional renderings to give you a sense of passenger flow and various modes of approach.
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>> in summary of our selection process we can be into the artist review panel on february 10th to review a shortlist of 11 applicants for the terminal three by suspended sculpture art opportunity. the panel identified four accomplished finalists to recommend for arts commission approval to develop site specific conceptual design proposals for the project and are thrilled to be presenting them to you today. we have sanford biggers, a new york based artist raised in los angeles. his work is an interplay of narrative perspective and history that speaks to current happenings while examining the context that bore them. here we see a few views of his recent suspended public art project for the portland international airport. and next up we have trevor paglen, a new york based artist whose work explores the intersections between technology, time, space
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and human perception often adopting the visual language and materials of aviation and aerospace engineering. here we see a few examples of past work from his nonfunctional temporary satellite series. >> mm hmm. and lavar thomas who really needs no introduction to this group but is a bay area based artist whose work across various media consistently combines strong conceptual foundations with esthetic beauty. here we see a few examples of her past suspended tambourine sculptures highlighting the instrument's egalitarian nature . and lastly we have pei white who lives and works between sonoma county and los angeles. her work is profoundly influenced by nature and the terrain of northern california and manifests in a variety of materials merging art, design, craft and architecture. here we see a few examples of her past work at the san jose
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museum of art and paddington square in london. >> our qualification panel was comprised of two arts professionals and representatives from both sfo museum and the design team. the panel reviewed the qualifications of each applicant and scored them using the criteria of artistic merit ,relevant skills and experience. and appropriateness to the goals of the project and their voting yielded our four finalists. >> moving on to our second opportunity. we have the superhighway integrated wall a two part mural opportunity for a single artist. these murals will act as bookends to the expansive superhighway zone moving walkway which acts as a primary hub for passenger circulation between the b, c, four c and terminal three. the east end mural is sited at
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the top of the escalator from level to departures and is approximately eight feet high by 49ft wide. this is where passengers may be beginning or ending their journey along the superhighway and at the opposite end of the superhighway walkway we have the west end respite zone which features a double height mural area at the staircase measuring 28ft high by 67ft wide. >> it also includes ample seating for rest and repose for weary passengers as the design team describes the superhighway as a whole as an intuitive path, a moment to breathe and an expression of movement and progression. >> so again in review of our process for this opportunity we convened the artist review panel also on february 10th to review a shortlist of 15 applicants for the superhighway integrated wall opportunity.
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the panel identified three very accomplished finalists to recommend for arts commission approval to develop site specific conceptual design proposals for the project and again thrilled to present them to you today. firstly we have adam m.a. an oakland based artist whose large scale installations pull from quilts and textiles stained glass and mosaic to reveal abstract and laying landscapes, objects and architectural structures. her layered geometric shapes suggest transition movement and expand expansion and eamon or jaron is a los angeles based artist with bay area roots. his practice blends a wide range of visual styles drawing from indigenous and craft traditions. his abstract geometric paintings synthesized diverse art histories and employ the vocabularies of architecture marks, maps, hieroglyphics and astral charts.
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here we see examples of his work at the hammer museum and the bay parkway station in brooklyn. >> and lastly we have ruby seated an artist who lives and works in oakland trained in traditional indian painting. her practice centers primarily around multicultural visual storytelling and the female figure as a symbolic reclamation of power in a shifting world. she is a recipient of the 2024 s.f. moma sikka award. and here we see works from her recent solo exhibition at the ica here in san francisco in 2023. >> and once more our panel summary which followed the same guidelines as our suspended opportunity previously reviewed and yielded our three finalists . >> and lastly here's a bird's eye view of our timeline for the overarching project with your approval of these finalists we plan to review their conceptual proposals with
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the artist review panel in the first half of may with the intention of bringing recommended finalists to the may 21st vac meeting and having artists under contract this summer. so thank you. happy to answer any questions. >> hey. this is the very impressive here. >> and i think we're all very excited to see what is produced. >> me too. yeah. i mean really some incredible artists with amazing opportunities. so we look forward to it. are any commission inner comments or discussion? >> no. okay. then we will go on. i thank you very much and we will go on to public comment. >> there's no public present. >> public comment is closed. okay that takes care of that. all right. i would like to. >> where am i here.
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okay. time for a motion. so moved though. and a second. second. commissioner walker. great. all those in favor i any opposed and it passes unanimously. well done and we look forward to it. >> yeah. okay. and now we're on to item number 12. >> hunters point shipyard. >> discussion and possible action to approve the acceptance of eight artworks at hunter's point shipyard into the civic art collection pending approval of the joint community facilities agreement by the director of cultural affairs and pending board of supervisors approval of the transfer of the hundred point shipyards, parks and art works to the city and county of san francisco. and we have the bay view horn by jerry parrish 2015 bronze hal cannon jessica bodner 2015
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steel visions from the past visions of the future marion coleman 2015 porcelain enamel and fiber collage the stream of consciousness heidi harden with colette crutcher and michael as gore 2013 mosaic and ceramic tiles frame by mildred howard 2015 bronze refrain walter hood 2015 steel flotilla eric powell 2015 steel and the butterfly girl jace ann webster 2015 stainless steel and i would like to introduce civic art collection and public art program director mary chu and senior registrar alison cummings. well allison go for it. >> i'm going to start off with a brief background introduction. i didn't know where who was doing what. so thank you, commissioners.
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just to provide some background, the office of community investment and infrastructure known as oci is the successor to the former san francisco redevelopment agency and is working with the recreation and parks department as well as us the arts commission to transfer ownership and maintenance of the hunters point shipyard phase one parks and public artworks to the city and county of san francisco. for some background in 2009 the redevelopment commission ten public art pieces for the shipyard which were then installed in 2015. we are recommending that the arts commission accession and the following eight artworks as you just read into the civic art collection. the two remaining artworks titled got gigantic v by matthew passmore and rebar group and nautical swing by matthew geller are functional pieces. they are a swing and a play structure which in agreement with oci and rec and park are
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better managed by the recreation and parks department. we are currently working with oca and rec and park on a joint community facilities agreement to ensure that the arts commission has the funding needed for the ongoing care and maintenance of these eight artworks. and acceptance into the collection will be contingent on this agreement. so we are recommending that the director of cultural affairs review and approve the agreement to meet oca his goal of transfer of assets to the city by the board by july 1st of 2025. so i will now turn it over to alison to provide you with a brief overview of these eight artworks. thank you mary. so on screen we have a map of phase one hunter's point shipyard and a map showing the location within the park. of the works that we are talking about today.
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>> first we have bayview horne by jerry ross barish. and some of you may be familiar with these works as mary mentioned. these have been installed for ten years now and you've likely visited the park and the shipyard. this is haile colon by jessica kay bogner. >> visions from the past and visions of the future by marian coleman. stream of consciousness by heidi harden collect pressure frame by mildred howard and refrain by walter hood. these two pieces are in conversation with each other you can see walter's piece as you look through the frame down the pathway flotilla. this is the fence that's located around this promontory by eric powell and butterfly
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girl by jason webster. and that's it. >> thank you. all right. any discussion or comments or questions from the commissioners? no. okay then is there public comment? >> there's no public present. >> public comment is closed. okay. all right then do i have a motion move to approve walker second second low. >> all those in favor? yeah, i any nays? it passes unanimous. >> i thank you very much. thank you. all right, mary. >> okay. we now go on to item number 13 discussion and possible action to approve as install the completed artwork titled pacific transit 2024 by jesse schlesinger at judith street
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and 43rd avenue and judith street and lower great highway. >> the artwork is composed of ten sculptures made of concrete stone and bronze. >> seven sculptures are located at 43rd avenue and three are located at lower grade highway . the sculptures range in size from 4 foot to 7 foot tall and from one to 1.5ft wide. and i would like to introduce project manager marcus davies. >> hi mark. good afternoon, commissioners. this one's a long time coming. i am pleased to present just this lesson jr's completed artwork as installed to pacific transit 2024. this project begun in 2017 is the outcome of close collaborations between the arts commission, san francisco planning recreation and parks public works judah st merchants the la play a part council and district four supervisors katy tang gordon ma and joel and gaudio. and was conceived by a community led initiative to improve the quality of public
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space along the outer judah corridor. >> the work is installed in two locations in the city's outer sunset neighborhood. one group of seven sculptures is located near the northwest corner of judah street at 43rd avenue bordering the far out west community garden which hosts free quarterly outdoor film free quarterly outdoor film series and a second grouping of three sculptures is located at judah and the lower great highway across from the end judah train terminus and fronting the art deco restrooms and pathways to ocean beach. project artist jesse schlesinger is a multidisciplinary visual artist working in sculpture site specific installation drawing and photography. his work is fundamentally concerned with place and how the natural environment, architectural context and historical precedent contribute to experience and understanding. labor and craft are key elements of his practice. jesse is a founding artist of the minnesota street project artist studios sfmoma seca award finalist and the 2018
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and 2020 artist fellow of the nea japan u.s. friendship commission. he's also has very close ties with a number of projects that are focused in this neighborhood commercial and otherwise just close connections to the to the community itself. >> the work was installed in two mobilizations by outdoor fine art services and is permitted through a use agreement with recreation and parks as owners of the sidewalk zone at lower grade highway and a major encroachment permit w works as owners of the judah and 43rd avenue sidewalk. >> a few words about the artwork itself. pacific transit evokes san francisco's unique western edge where the geometry of the urban grid meets the wild openness of the shoreline and the ocean. the work is composed of concrete pedestals supporting organic forms cast in bronze
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from found objects are carved from stone quarried in the california foothills. each object bears traces of movement and transformation like wave tossed driftwood or stones washed from the mountains. >> the work is designed to weather and wear in the elements embracing an ongoing process suggesting a similar overlap of human and geologic time found in small objects pocketed at the beach. the sculptures are scaled to the pedestrian experience ranging in size size from 4 to 7ft tall and one to 1.5ft wide. all individual objects are installed within the sidewalk furnishing or edge zones two feet from curb in accordance with accessibility requirements and each piece is treated with a section of sacrificial graffiti coating for vandalism abatement. arts commission staff is actively working with our community partners to plan a dedication event in march likely a saturday and we'll be sure to send an invite to all the commissioners as soon as a date is confirmed. so with that i'll conclude my presentation and i'm happy to
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answer any questions you may have. >> great. thank you, marcus. i know this has definitely been a long time coming. >> i'm glad you're in the kitchen. all the details and and what you can and can't do and how to go about it was all worked out. i know it wasn't easy and i congratulate you on thank you. the final implementation and finishing it. >> do we have any comments from the commissioners or questions ? >> discussion. congrats marcus. yes. >> yeah exactly right. is there any public comment on item number 13 on the judith street sculptures? >> there's no public present. >> public comment is closed right. >> so i would like to call for motion a move to approve walker second lou right. >> all those in favor say yay yay yay. any opposed?
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>> and it passes unanimously. thank you, everybody. >> okay. >> the item number 14. >> staff report discussion and i would like to introduce civic art collection public art program director mary chiu. >> thank you, commissioners. i have some just very brief announcements. one is we have an open rfq. it's a temporary mural in the atrium of the public library's main branch. the goal of the artwork is to create or the project is to create a temporary vinyl mural that conveys the importance of internet generational knowledge and wisdom sharing from an indigenous perspective. the deadline is march third. >> and then lastly i hope to see you all at tomorrow's annual convening at the herbst theater at 5 p.m.. and that concludes my report. >> thank you. okay.
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we are now on to item number 15 new business and announcement rents. >> do we have any comment or all? >> oh i'm sorry public comment for item number 14 please. >> thank you. there's no public present. >> it has to be on there. thank you. no, you were correct. okay. or your call item number 15 new business and announcements. is there any new business and announcements anybody would like to say other than the convening tomorrow? >> amy i'm to the convening. >> yes. yes. chair snare in absentia of chair ferris just the distant ferris. >> thank you for being here. anyway, i want to say that chair ferris in your state
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right now so thank you. i really appreciate it. yes. tomorrow is the convening of the arts commission. >> it's our annual convenience ,our first one that we've had in person. and believe it or not because we had all these years of those years of covid and then we had a virtual and so this is in person and we already have over 500 rsvp fees and so a lot of people are interested in they're coming. i'll be emceeing and doing a keynote. all of our directors epping, glen, mary chu and well evan glenn is deputy director and denise's absentia and mary chu carolyn i write about fernandes or i'll be presenting president chuck collins will be presenting and we'll have our legacy grantees awardees and they'll be all past our past recent past and present awardees. so it's going to be a nice evening and then afterwards the
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people will get a chance to go to the gallery and see the show that's currently up and so that will be an opportunity as well. so it's going to be a good evening. it's a long day tomorrow but it's going to be a fun day tomorrow and so we encourage everybody to come and show up. >> we have something nice planned for everybody so thank you. >> all right. thank you. anything else? no. okay. i guess i need to ask if there's public comment. >> no comment public no public? >> no comment. then i will go to item number 16 which is adjournment right
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>> brainchild the executive director 6 housing clinic in the neighborhood for it 90 years and talking about the history like the first web about family history and a lot of the clinicians found with a group of the community members. with the owner of cadillac the housing on the west coast and the tenderloin is a permanent climax
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of history of the neighborhood and the community art gorilla for whatever reason artists in the neighborhood. and we do public events as well as walk in (unintelligible) for residents we have been known for has nothing to do with historically artist surveys and that makes us very unique and work producing about the cafe and a riot happened in the neighborhood in 1966 helping us on market street year-round indefinitely we think that the arts is an incredible way of experiencing history and really helps people think of themselves as history persons and especially for the house
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play really a part of the - and think that is generates for the - we are aware the art is important for people and important for the community mba and can be a really assessable and engaging way to see history well. >> those are the ways as the art and history you're not going to see emotionally in the
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i five hybrid in-person and virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is zin wang and i'm the commission's vice president. >> we will start with announcements we'd like to start the meeting with the land acknowledgment we are the san francisco entertainment commission and acknowledge that we are on the unceded we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramakrishna loney who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula as
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the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions the raw material only have never ceded lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. >> we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors elders and relatives of the romantic community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting occurring in person in city hall room for one six broadcast live on tv and available to view on zoom or listen to by calling 16699006833 using meeting id 89837844725. we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods there will be an opportunity for public comment at the beginning of the
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meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes for those attending remotely. the commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote public comment total for each agenda item. because of the 20 limit time limit it is possible that not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote public comment. remote public comment from people who have received an accommodation due to disability will not count towards the 20 minute limit. public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by video or call in for each item . the commission will take public comment first from people attending the meeting in person and then from people attending the meeting remotely for those attending in person. >> please fill out a speaker card located at the side table or podium. come up to the podium during public comment state your name ,any affiliations and then your comment you will have three minutes once finished please hand your speaker card to the commission staff behind
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the podium. if using zoom platform to speak select the raise hand option when it's time for public comment. if calling by phone stall dial star nine to be added to the speaker line when your item of interest comes up. when you are asked to speak you are mute yourself by hitting star six. please call from a quiet location. >> speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. if you are also viewing the meeting on a set tv, be sure to mute it before speaking during public comment. alternatively, while we recommend that you use zoom audio or a telephone for public comment you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. please note the commissioners and staff are not allowed to respond to comments or questions during public comment. thank you to support of tv and media services for sharing this meeting with the public. all right, commission secretary liang let's do the roll call. >> president wong or vice president park. >> present commissioner davis present commissioner perez here. commissioner podium.
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>> president bush lander is on his way and commissioner thomas is also on her way and president bowman is excused. >> all right. the next item on the agenda is agenda item number two general public comment and here comes commissioner thomas. >> are there any public comments for items not listed on the agenda? no public comment. all right. seeing none public comment is closed. next item on the agenda is item number three approval of the minutes for the february fourth ,2024 commission meeting. do we have a motion on this motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting? >> second, any public comments on the minutes? >> no public comment. all right.
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>> public comment is now closed. commission secretary, please take a vote. >> vice president wong i. commissioner davis i. commissioner perez i. commissioner podio. i. commissioner salander is still not here yet and commissioner thomas i. >> all right. meeting minutes have been approved. next item is agenda item number four report from the executive director. >> good evening, vice president wong. good evening, commissioners. i would like to share the beginning of my executive director report with ben van houten from the office of economic and workforce development who is here with us this evening and is going to provide a little feedback around s.f. music week and its first week ever. let that occur last week or first year ever. we're really excited to share about this so thanks for joining us. >> thank you. thank you, director weiland.
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good evening, commissioners. nice to see you all again. you know, we're still i think, you know, thinking about outcomes and lessons learned from music week. but you know, having just concluded on sunday, i think we really feel very positive that it was a really successful effort all week long at a number of the convenings that i attended. folks were saying oh when can we do this again? we should do this more often which i feel like is a a good indicator of the success of this sort of you know, first year first year effort. we said that, you know, from a city perspective the kickoff event at empire studios, the industry summit on friday, the the happy hour event monday night at harlem records and then artists development day at music city, san francisco where they sort of flagship public facing offerings that were all really great in their own respective ways. it was great to have the
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mayor speak at the summit and then also attend the happy hour. a lot of great, great conversations throughout the week. the kickoff event you can see that conversation about the history of hip hop in the bay area with gazi and dan the automator. it's entirely on youtube and it's really stellar as it both a conversation about sort of the history of hip hop in the bay area but also about what motivates the independent spirit and why people do creative work music work here and why it's important to them in addition to those events was really fortunate to facilitate a meeting that the san francisco venue coalition held in city hall on monday afternoon. the commissioner davis thank you for being a part of that conversation of venue owners really trying to take the temperature of where the venue landscape is right now coming out of the pandemic. and one of the strengths one of the challenges where there opportunity is you know, like the other convenings that i
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spoke about, you know, i think there was a really collaborative positive spirit that all the venues brought to it and certainly a lot of good ideas that we were hoping to continue those sorts of conversations with venues in a group like that in the future. so looking forward to to doing that as well. >> a number of great partner events throughout the week i was able to attend some of them was not able to attend all of them. i know that commissioner schlanger was on a panel at iheart radio about filipinos and event promotion that i heard report was a really great another really great conversation. but but yeah so really just that appreciative of all the support and getting the word out about music week thanks to our partners at that noise pop and plant agency for truly tireless efforts to make it happen and yeah hopefully it's the start of more work to support our local music ecosystem from venues to studios to labels and you know
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there's clearly a lot of folks who are doing very creative work and that are really fired up about being part of solutions to sustain and grow that ecosystem. and thank you to commissioner perez for being there all day on friday and and and to so many folks from the team. >> yeah, happy to field any questions if it makes sense or come back at a later date once we've had a little bit more time to wrap our head around some of the some of the learnings. >> anyone have any questions for ben? >> i have a question just a comment. just congratulations. thank you so much for calling on this amazing event yet disallowed great dialog between performing arts venue operators and promoters from the summit that i went to. so congratulations i'm looking forward to working with you on future events. >> thank you. >> fabulous. anything else? well we are very proud of you and your colleagues in iwd and noise pop for standing us up and for all of the partnership
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that went into it and all of the venues that participated and i for 1 a.m. really excited to be a part of all of the future events related to this work. >> so congratulations. thank you. thanks for coming. sure. >> a couple more updates for you within the directors report item. i just wanted to share a reminder with everybody as a save the date for our annual nightlife and entertainment summit on may 12th and this is occurring at 49 south fan us so not quite as fun of a venue as swedish american cafe du nord however we're really looking forward to it. we started building out our panels and our executive leadership group all share just a little bit again about what we're looking out for that day . so the event will run from 12 to 4. we'll have a resource fair again and the lobby which we're
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looking to expand a little bit this year working with workforce team at iwd potentially making it a little bit more of a job fair tbd on that but that's something that mission secretary liang is working on right now and beyond that we'll have presentations and sessions from 1 to 4. so we're trimming down the summit hours just a little bit this year we'll still have our beginning portion where you'll hear from executive leadership. now we are inviting mayor lurie and then will go into two different panels. the first panel discussion that will have is where the did all the customers go and how do we get them back? so that is our focus for that session. we have ideas on panelists. we started to reach out to some commissioners for feedback around that. if anything jumps to mind for
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folks that you might want to have as a part of that, please let us know we are inviting commissioner slander to be on that panel to represent an event promoter who's really successful in getting folks out to events. so we're going to have a perspective from a venue as well and that's undecided so far. we also want to invite somebody who might be representative of gen z potentially an influencer or somebody who can share a little bit more wisdom on what might get the younger generations out and enjoying my life here in san francisco. we'll also be inviting somebody from s.f. travel. so if you have any ideas and you want to chime in on that please reach out to me directly and then the second panel is going to be a town hall. and so that's really going to be leadership myself included president and vice president wong i will be inviting a
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representative from the mayor's office to be on that panel where folks can ask us questions directly from the audience. we really felt like from the last couple of years the feedback that we've received from folks that have attended our summit that that's something that might be lacking is a little bit more engaged meant back and forth with folks in the audience and we want to provide an opportunity for that. in addition to that as ben mentioned just last week we hosted a roundtable which commissioner davis was a part of where we were able to have some of that dialog back and forth. that's something that we want to continue to participate in as well so that we can foster more of that communication with our music venues or our event promoters. so if you have any ideas for the summit and you want to reach out please let us know it is getting pretty cooked at this point we all are. >> we are also trying to figure out our happy hour venue so
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just noting that for everybody if there's an idea of someplace local to hear that you want to pitch to me, please let me know. we cannot go to permitted venues so that definitely limits us quite a bit which is a good thing in our world that so many places have permits finally and i'll take questions at the end on these two items i just wanted to update you all on an appeal. so at our previous hearing that you i can't remember which of you were in attendance at we heard habib lounge for their place of entertainment and extended hours premises permits and they did appeal the commission's decision on that determination and just as a reminder they were only given a conditional grant of those permits that evening because they still had to complete required inspections and a couple other things they appealed the decision and last wednesday deputy director as a veto represent and the
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entertainment commission at the board of appeals hearing and she won which won on behalf of the entertainment commission so upheld the decision that you made. so we wanted to let you all know about that and just a little more details about that . you all had made a decision to impose a 2 a.m. cutoff time for indoor entertainment rather than the applicant's 3:30 a.m. requested and time just and of note for you all the business owner did not attend the hearing but his representative the architect who was here at this hearing was present at the hearing and spoke on behalf of the venue overall the hearing went well as you can hear deputy director as a veto won that. but just an update for you all on some of the things that they're still missing in order to obtain those permits. the business has not completed their dba and fire inspections and they still have other
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outstanding paperwork. they need to submit so that we can issue those permits. so that's still outstanding. and we'll also just add that the last sound complaint we received about the business was on january 26th and we had inspectors go by during the late night shift at 3 a.m. the following weekend on february 2nd and the business was closed . so if you have any questions about either our summit or the appeal, let me know. >> all right. thank you for the update. executive director any public comments on that report or any comments from my fellow commissioners? >> i just have a comment. just wanted to thank the staff, thank caitlin, thank maggie. that was i watched the appeal. i watched every minute of it and it was very professionally done and i know that you could tell a lot of preparation went in on that many hours of preparation. so thank you for representing us professionally in front of that appeals board.
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thank you. any public comments? all right. >> seeing them there's none. thank you. public comment is now closed. >> next item is agenda item number five report from the senior inspector. thank you. good evening, commissioners. we have received 91 311 complaints since our last commission hearing on february fourth. i have a few updates below. please let me know if you have any questions. my first update is about heron arts located at seven heron street who does not hold any permits from our office on saturday february 15th at 12:45 a.m.. inspector young rice responding to a complaint submitted earlier that evening on friday february 14th at 10:45 p.m.. upon arrival he spoke with management and their sound engineer who claimed that the music was not coming from a deejay and denied the inspector entry into the business. after inspector yung rice explained what constitutes a deejay.
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he noted that management ultimately agreed that a deejay was performing inside and they were able to lower internal volumes. management also noticed that that entertainment was scheduled to end at 4 a.m.. e c staff has have received 6311 complaints starting in june of 2024 resulting in several visits by e c inspectors where they were able to provide onsite education to management on the necessity for permitting when hosting entertainment. management also corresponded with via email. where do you see staff about permitting requirements as such? heron arts was issued a notice of violation on february 20th for operating entertainment without a permit. since the issuance the business owner has been in touch with e c staff acknowledging that they will apply for one time permits for their occasional entertainment and have also expressed great interest in being put in touch with their neighbors directly. i emailed the neighbor last week to see if they were comfortable with me sharing
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their contact information with heron arts and i'm still awaiting a reply. my next update is about music city located at 1355 bush street who holds a poem with our office on friday february 14th at 9:05 p.m.. inspector young rice responded to a complaint submitted earlier that evening at 6:05 p.m.. when he arrived he noted that the front door was closed but there was outdoor prerecorded music in operation. >> inside he took a non-compliant sound measurement of the band at 92.8 db a and 103.5 dbc while the approved sound limit is 90 dba and 98 dbc inspector young i spoke with the manager and sound engineer about the reason for his visit and explained that outdoor amplified sound is not currently included on music city's popi permit. additionally, he reeducated the owner and sound engineer how to monitor internal volumes to ensure compliance with the approved sound limit. on february 20th music city was
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issued a notice of violation for having unpermitted outdoor amplified sound and exceeding their allowable sound limit. my next update is about barbie's located at 4541 mission street who does not hold a permit with our office? on friday february 7th we received a311 sound complaint about barbies at 8 p.m.. inspector young writes responded quickly at 8:30 p.m. and upon arrival he noted that the front door was open and the internal sound curtain was partially closed and the music from the bar was quite loud and could be heard outside. inside inspector young i saw a dj performing. he noted in his report that he noticed the owner have the dj stop when he noticed the inspector entered the business. the business has been educated on permitting requirements in person and through email correspondence. barbie's was issued a citation on february 11th for hosting entertainment without a permit from our office. the business has since applied
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for a one time permit. >> my next update is about rampant bottle and bar located at 3516 balboa street who does not host entertainment or hold any permits from our office. since june 2024 we have received 54311 complaints about the business. of the five submitted complaints, inspectors have responded in real time on three occasions and once retroactively in response to two consecutive complaints. during these four visits the business was found to be compliant as they do not host any indoor entertainment or outdoor amplified sound. namely the complaints we are receiving are about regular operations and pantry patron noise before 10 p.m. when the business closes. additionally management has informed inspectors that on one recent occasion the complainant harassed the business's staff and patrons and refused to leave the premises until as a pd was called. management also informed inspectors that s.f. pd has visited the business twice and since your door d prioritized
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pd response based on the lack of evidence that they were doing anything wrong. ac staff are asking for your guidance tonight and d prioritizing complaint response at the business does not as the business does not need a permit from our office at this time. >> thank you. all right. thank you. >> commissioner's comments. >> so it sounds like our combined all-star weekend and lunar new year managed okay without too many complaints. so congratulations everyone. >> but that said, thank you for what still was a pretty high volume of considering a very busy weekend a very busy weekend. >> i think low is hanging fruit here. the rampant bar. it's it's it's pretty easy to
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provide guidance to deprioritized since it doesn't sound like they're out of compliance and they don't need a permit. >> would you all agree with that? yes. yes. >> yes. okay. if you like a motion maybe or do we need a motion for that? >> yes. okay. yep. >> okay. motions i'd like to make a motion to direct our inspectors to prioritize responding to concerns from the rampant rampant bottle and bar. >> second second. that's fine. okay. um. vice president wong i. commissioner davis. all right. commissioner perez. hi. commissioner poggioli. i. commissioner salander. and commissioner thomas. i regarding the other two that really stood out, herren seemed
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particularly problematic in that they didn't allow an inspector indoors to inspect. >> is that something they've been educated on? generally, yes. yes. we've had multiple opportunity needs to educate the management and though the complaints are relatively few and far between we have experienced the same thing multiple times and this time i believe deputy director has a veto was able to get them to apply for a permit in the most recent correspondence correct. >> the business owner just agreed to pull one times moving forward. was the response to that a.b.? i do have a problem issuing even when times. for businesses that are going to be hostile to our staff and not allow them to inspect.
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>> i agree. second, how would you like us to. can you give us guidance on that for future applications that are submitted in the one time through the one time portal? >> so we would i think what are the options? yeah, i think we might need to get back to you quite honestly and once. dylan you might have a response on that but we would probably have to okay we would probably have to research code just a little bit around denial and grounds for denial. okay. so and that's something that we can administratively do. >> so even if we're not going to deny would like an opportunity to speak to them so that they can under. sure. yeah but the landscape is. yeah, that can be our aim. >> yeah. establishing a protocol for that would i think time and time again i think would be really helpful. >> okay. all right. we'll probably be reporting back to you at our next hearing
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on that. >> thank you. yeah, because that wasn't even the only one reported in the in the inspectors report where the inspectors were denied entry. >> mm hmm. it happens, you know, and then we have to go and educate and other ways. >> so that was also the case with barbie's or in in that situation it looks like inspector young rice was allowed in. >> yes, he was allowed in in that instance. i believe what you're referring to is the fact that they once they noticed his presence they ended entertainment operations for which they were cited for. right.
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>> okay. >> well, in that instance at least they were cited and it sounds like they're in the process of now getting their implants. okay. >> do we have any public comment on the report from the senior inspector? >> there is none. >> mm hmm. okay. public comment is now closed. >> next item on the agenda is item number six hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commissioner. >> deputy director, would you like to introduce the permit application on the consent agenda? >> thanks. vice president long good evening commissioners. we just have one permit agenda item on consent tonight and it's for an lp permit for bambu restaurant on polk street. there was no opposition for this permit and sf pd northern station had no added concerns so the safaricom's intention is
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to approve the permit. with the staff recommendations listed on your memo. >> okay great. thank you. just a quick show of hands is anyone here to give public comment on this item? no. okay. great. okay. okay. in that case public comment or any there's no public comments on this permit application either. >> okay. public comment is closed. >> commissioners, do we have a motion to approve this permit? i move approval of the consent calendar. second. >> okay. vice president wong. hi, commissioner davis. all right. commissioner perez high commissioner podio. i am sure slander. all right. and commissioner thomas i. all right. bamboo restaurant folks your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with deputy director as a veto. >> thank you. thank you.
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>> deputy director, would you like to introduce the first permit app on the regular agenda? >> the first item on the regular agenda. i'm actually going to request continuance for. it's for an llp permit that i'm working with the applicant on. so i'd like to request continuance please. >> okay. motion i'd like to make a motion to continue the permit for the black feather back to back application. >> second. all right. do we need also to ask for public comment on this? any public comment on this? >> there is none. oh, i'm sorry. >> okay. then this will be continued. >> we have to vote. vice president wong okay i. commissioner davis. all right, mr. perez. high commissioner po jo. all right. commissioner slater. >> all right. commissioner thomas i.
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>> all right. all right. second permit application project and communication manager rice. >> would you like to introduce it? yes. thank you. good evening, commissioners. the next item on the regular agenda is a one time outdoor event permit from the mid-market foundation to host basket, a music series that features local musicians playing busking sets on market street between fifth street and eighth street as well as adjacent locations at taylor street and mcallister street. >> the goal of the series is to bring joy and to change the experience on market street by hiring local talent and highlighting small businesses. >> now in its second year basket will feature street performer style performances over nine months from march 10th through december 20th of this year. these curated performances will happen at a dozen locations on the sidewalk and private patios at businesses such as saloon
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clasico bakery, la cuisine café sam's diner, holey stitch and others along the market street corridor. >> each set will last two hours and will occur around lunchtime or the end of the day commute. >> the total hours of entertainment are amplified sound will not exceed six hours per day. >> the applicant is requesting the daily hours of 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. so they have more flexibility with scheduling musicians as you'll see in your folder. >> their permit application, their neighborhood outreach letter and map the permission letters from the participating businesses and a copy of their slide deck presentation which mr. ready will be showing shortly. >> the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach and we did not receive any opposition from neighbors for this permit. >> s.f. pd tenderloin station did not respond with any recommendations with the within the response window so we assume they have no concerns with the permit.
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>> staff are recommending approval with the good neighbor policy and the conditions you see listed in the memo here to speak with you this evening is rob reddy on behalf of the mid-market foundation. >> thank you. good evening, commissioners and thank you for your consideration and thanks to staff dillon and may in particular. >> we're always hopeful that calming. >> my name is rob reddy and tonight i'm speaking on behalf of the mid-market business association and foundation urging your support for a one time outdoor event permit for a free live music program basket . give me a stick here for me, babe. okay. a work eventually probably.
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i'll come down there right? yeah. there's, you know, fun stuff in here. here we go. okay. so mba and f51c6 and c three is collective vision of a safe and clean business setting that fosters a sense of community inclusion and contribution by and for everyone. to that end, our main project is market street arts a neighborhood economic recovery strategy that capitalizes on the area's creative infrastructure while creating community and awareness and building a world class arts and entertainment district in the heart of san francisco. >> we do this by fostering community amongst world-class arts orgs in the area filling vacant spaces with new businesses or pop ups creating signature events and of course marketing all these cool projects and people.
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tonight we're here for one of those signature events. basket a free live music program in which we are local artists to play to our sidewalk sets in front of partner businesses like hotel arts, school bakery, the red tail beer and wine bar or mo greens to name a few. all for the joy of passers by or folks sitting and eating at cafes or people who like venerated pop star robin just keep dancing on their own. >> last year's program was incredibly successful. we paid out over $150,000 to local artists directly hired 150 130 different musicians brought customers and good vibes to local businesses, generated positive press coverage for the neighborhood and supplied 550 hours of free live music to the general public. here's some photos you can see of just kind of what it looks like. it's exactly what it sounds like really excellent san francisco bay area musicians playing free live
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music of all different stripes for anyone who wants to hear it . with those results we humbly ask that the commission once again approve a one time outdoor entertainment permit for busking. thank you so much and i yield my time to thank you rob and thank you for doing this good work just hearing you talk about the mission of building a world class arts and entertainment district, i mean we could not be more aligned obviously. >> yeah. >> commissioners, any comments ? this looks like a fantastic project an area that needs revitalization and also just getting the money right to the artists of it. yeah, incredible stuff. >> oh yeah. also congratulations. i remember you guys coming last year so this was really exciting. so you say you expanded the programing to is it more venues and more or is it longer
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footprint? >> i think we added a couple of addresses to this year's permit of folks who expressed interest that might actually not be true. it might just be about the same but it's still focused. the partner businesses are you know there's a couple of hotels, there's a couple of cafes. there's the red two oh yeah the red tail beer wine bar which is a new business as of september of 2020 four which we helped to open. >> holistic is part of that. that's another new business on market street which we helped open. namely filling vacant vacant spaces with new and interesting businesses that kind of support the work that we're doing. the major expansion was probably just in types of artists and people that we hired to help come down and play music. but it's a very similar program to what happened last year.
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>> and our aim is to keep it going. all right. >> be you being right next to the soma filipino cultural heritage district i noticed that on your photo you had my friend lenny ukulele. yeah. i'm glad to see that he was participating. >> so this is a great friend of mine and a collaborator. i've played with him before and he's a of a musician. >> awesome. so do you remember any particular complaints from the neighbors or any hurdles that you had to it's been remarkably smooth. to be honest there was i think we got one email from a resident who worked i think he worked nights and so he was and he was a little annoyed once about the like noon set at our cycle during the day which is, you know reasonable but right
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beyond that we have heard and to be honest nothing else. >> all right. and you expanding the time this year or so at least did you say nine months? yes. i think we're we're trying to go from march through about mid-december is the goal and part of that was to be able to put we worked with mr. tipples to put out musicians like jazz musicians in front of the different theaters during their holiday programing that seem to be really successful. so we wanted to extend that a little bit into december. awesome. thank you and good luck. >> thank you. >> yeah, i think you can take a seat now. thank you. are there any public comments on the permit application? no comments. >> all right. do we have a permit? i do have a motion to approve the permit. >> motion to approve a second
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vice president wong. hi, commissioner davis. hi, commissioner perez. hi, commissioner podio. i. >> commissioner lander and commissioner thomas i. >> your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with project and comms manager rice for next steps. >> thanks rob. >> i buy things from. all right. the last item on the regular agenda is an amendment to a one time outdoor event permit for live music on the hayes street shared space the hayes valley neighborhood association is producing this free series of music performances on the block of hayes street between octavia and goff to activate the shared space with arts and culture and encourage pedestrian traffic to local businesses. they plan to host a variety of programing like solo musicians, bands, deejays as well as dance
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performances and classes. >> the series launched in 2023 with occasional programing on fridays and saturdays and in 2025 they would like to expand their programing to include every friday and saturday from march seventh through november 22nd. >> on fridays they would like to host music from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. and on saturdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.. note that they will not exceed six hours total per day of outdoor entertainment or amplified sound you'll see in their folder their original permit application and the amendment request. you'll see their neighborhood outreach letter and map the applicant conducted neighborhood outreach from the neighbors. >> we received one letter of opposition and five letters in support and just today we received a letter of support from supervisor bilal mahmood. >> these are all located in your folder and we also gave you a hard copy of the letter
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from the supervisor. >> sfp northern station did not respond with any recommendations within this response window so we assume they have no concerns with the permit. staff are recommending approval with the good neighbor policy and the conditions you see listed in the memo here to speak with you this evening is andrew senior from our assigner excuse me from hayes valley neighborhood association. >> thanks, dylan. that pretty much sums it up. i'll be really quick. thanks so much. my name is andrew signature. i'm representing the hayes valley neighborhood association. applying for this permit i'm going to go through really quick a little bit of history of our program the activations we've done and the neighborhood support that we've gotten. so this is part of a street closure one block of history that goes back to a covid era program that we've been running for the last five years. i've been involved in these one time permits for amplified sound for the last two ish
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years and through a lot of help from dylan and may dealing with this kind of amending the permit and trying to get it as dates change trying to make adjustments. y'all have been extremely accommodating. we're here today based on recommendation from working with you all to hopefully make that process a little smoother so we can kind of plan out longer term programs without having to come back to you every time. so really quick just going through some of the types of events we've done i should say all of these events are free to the public. it provides a space for people of all backgrounds to enjoy life music. we do we pay all of our musicians and we take donations and that all goes to permits and musicians and that's it. >> we ran a ten concert music series a while back. >> we do an event every year a holiday stroll that brings thousands of people to the neighborhood. we also in partnership with
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into the streets ran a four event program called saturdays in the city last summer. we're hoping to do that again this summer. this just gives kind of a quick vibe check on on what the what the event looks like. >> sometimes pretty low key but but great for kind of everybody to come on out. >> we also did a series of art walks in partnership with the s.f. arts commission. the artists came in and you know, sold their wares and then we paid musicians to kind of complement the event. >> we do a carnival every year. this is another event that brings thousands of people to to our neighborhood. and then on the endorsement side, this isn't specific to the sound permit but we've been collecting support to make this whole program permanent like the way we activate it and having events like this. we've gotten over 2500 neighbors to to sign it. and then on the merchant side there are 23 merchants on the block where we hold these events. of those 21 are in support of making this program permanent
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too. we haven't gotten a response yet. so the support is is quite broad among all the merchants that are along there. that's it. so thank you so much for your consideration. >> very cool. >> thank you. any comments from my fellow commissioners? >> can you just. it said it was an expansion or an amendment. will you just. i'm sorry. i know this is probably in your application. what is it? expand it to like what are the the change of hours or days? >> it's really we've been working off of the the permits that allow like 12 days like like specified ahead of time and this would allow us to kind of pick and choose as needed the days that we want to have live music. >> i see. yeah i can also help clarify so he wanted to do a11 off event as a part of the series in january and so he applied for the permit and then he
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requested to meet amend the permit through an extension of the series so i explained to him because it it it triggered a hearing, you know, the number of days he wanted that you know, he would have to do the outreach for the amendment. >> oh i see. yeah. okay. thank you. and just a notice there's a public comment letter of concern about this or i guess opposition but one of their concerns is that they are unable to get to their car and to their garage. that does seem like a pretty significant accessibility and safety issue. >> so i'm wondering if you have a plan or some way to to mitigate the hardship for that individual. yeah, that relates to our s.f. mta shared spaces permit. so i saw that letter that was unfortunately that's the first i've heard of this. we have a site plan with s.f.
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mta that maintains the 20 foot fire lane down the middle and also maintains access to that one. there's one driveway on the block and we always ensure that people can drive in and out of of that driveway to get building access. i feel bad that this person was not able to get out. i don't know which event this happened at. i met the vast majority of events and it's it's known among our volunteers there that if somebody is coming in or out that needs that driveway, they always have access. so it's probably on me to go back and make sure that like every single volunteer understands that. but unfortunately this is the very first i've heard of it that it well it sounds like possibly communication with the residents of that building whatever whoever has access to that garage also might be needed to. thank you. it seemed like there should be a plan in place so it's good to know that there is a plan in place.
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>> yeah, i. i used to live in a neighborhood so this is great news and you know, congratulations and continue the great work. yeah, i just want to say congratulations also and thanking thank you for making this initiative to bring joy and vibrancy during neighborhoods and it's a lot of work. so thank you. >> any public comments? >> good evening commissioners and staff. my name is david robinson and i'm a resident and homeowner in hayes valley. i'm also the president hayes valley neighborhood association. i can't say much more than andrew's already covered. he has put blood, sweat and tears into this program and they started as he said during covid when we originally were allowed to close off a portion of of the block at the 400 block of hayes and really made
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took lemons and made lemonade out of it. and since then have progressed with different activations through the last five years. he mentioned our big events of course holiday stroll and the carnival but all the other events we have there such as the saturdays and the street, the art walks it's it's it's become especially on a really nice weekend sort of our front yard of hayes valley and we've got people from all over the community to visit not just the neighborhood and it's become sort of our our our our source of pride in the city so again can't say anything much more than andrew just said. >> so hopefully we can proceed with this and go forward. >> thank you so much for your time. you thank you. any other we have one hand raised on zoom. initials h. >> j.
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>> hello everyone. my name is heather jackson. i'm also commenting in support of this permit and that is the end of my public comment. thank you. >> thank you very much. okay. >> and there are no other hands raised on zoom. >> all right. public comment is now closed. do we have a motion to approve the permit? >> i'm going to make a motion to approve the permit. second faster than me tonight. >> okay. vice president wang. hi, commissioner davis. hi, commissioner perez. i. commissioner poggio high commissioner lander. all right. commissioner thomas i. all right. your permit application is conditionally granted. please follow up with project incomes manager rice for next steps.
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>> the next item on the agenda is item number seven commissioner comments and questions and commissioners. >> just so happy all-star weekend is over to go. i have a comment please save the date. we're going to have our class photos taken. >> thank you on may 18th and that meeting maybe two weeks from today? >> yes. so 4:30 p.m. the call time here. so right before our regular hearing. >> oh, so that make sure get your haircut beautified whatever you want to do. >> the photos will be used for our i guess we're everything. so everything for everything every appointment right before that. >> that's perfect. yeah, it'll be it's for our annual report on there'll be a staff photo and commission photo individual and maybe also
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the group photos. >> so head shots as well. yeah. gosh, thank you so much for all that you and your friend and and then we discussed too but we can take offline but i think we'll probably do the head shots like on the fourth floor just because it's so pretty though natural light coming in and then we'll do group photos may maybe there but i mean yeah yeah yeah so we'll do all kinds. >> we'll click on all the wedding folks. >> yeah. yes. yeah so please try out plan to be on time so that we can maximize the one hour that we have to get as many types of photo combinations that we can do. >> oh that was my question. do you need us all here at 430 because i have a bunch of work for you. >> you'll get an email from may. >> so she's going to do a whole schedule and put it together. i'll be in a meeting with the mayor's office from 4 to 5. >> so i imagine we'll probably schedule all the headshots from four 3035 and then we'll do group shots. >> maybe you can be on the tail . yeah i can be. yeah. yeah, that's we can totally
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we'll schedule it out. yeah yeah you can be at or be at the same time as me right at the end. >> yeah. maybe just show up in business casual or whatever. >> yeah. that's one way to represent yourself. i don't know if ben will do that, but we'll try this before go. >> we're still televised. okay. his version. >> cool. yeah, i'll be fine. thank you. i'll last for that. thank you. i'll okay. >> please just cool. all right. all right. any public comments on this item? >> no public comments. all right. seeing none is public comments closed and this meeting is adjourned at 6:26 p.m.. >> all right. all right. >> all right
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of working for something else and we have columbia and any menu for any occasions. >> the menu is inspiring everything when i was a kid growing up with my family they also wanted to create and so i learned how to do a lot of things my family is in involved in the beginning hi first started by myself i call on my friends and family and i will tell him i need a hand little by this i started retiring from the beginning and then my kids can a filling work for me now so i have the too oldist working here and later on when i married um,
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my husband i - he needs to come and work for me and are the national will columbia rise and beans and beef and tourette's and breakfast and eggs and avocados our base is the - sold them from 8 clock in the morning and created for the community cost of living chicken and beef and made with potatoes and we opened for lunch and dinner we attended local events with schools and also with oat businesses. >> please come and visit us we're no vision that's the valley and with our catering business find on the website and
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isolated from my family. i felt like i didn't want to live anymore. at the height of my addiction, i was a mess. it was just ugly. i constantly would ask myself, like, how did i get here if this is all that i was meant to be living from, not day to day, but hour to hour. because it was an all day chase, i knew that i was not living the life that i wanted to live, but i didn't know how to get back on track. my life was was chaos. i decided to enter recovery to make sure that my son had a good life and had a chance. i was inspired to quit using when i found out i was going to be a father. we were just like, if we're going to have this kid and she's going to be with us, then we need to take the help right now. i wanted to quit because i didn't want to die. i was alone on my 50th birthday in a hotel,
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and i just caught a reflection of myself in the mirror, and it was like my wake up. i was like, girl, this is not cute anymore. every day that i use was a form of suicide. i just didn't die. i'm tired of committing suicide. i love my life. buprenorphine. it gave me the time and space to take life one step at a time. methadone gave me my recovery. it gave me my life back. my advice for anybody that would want to stop using opioids is that you can do it. recovery is possible if you let help help you. it's never too late to recover from addiction. we are living proof that - >> we are doing is filipino and mexican cuzeen.
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the main component the filipino style meat originated. we grew up on that. the most popular items are burritos. we have really something for everybody. we have a salad, we have tacos, we are natcho s and-trying to create something quick and casual, something you can get anything any time. for me i love food and didn't want to be a chef. i was in the business side of it and bring something special to san francisco so why i reached out to my business partner gil and he wanted to partner for food and we share a passion for food that comes from our parents cht it was a honor for us to be able to do this for ourselves and also for our parents and you know, our
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families. for us to have a business as thriving here in san francisco, such a honor and makes me feel proud of myself and of my city as well. just to be able to add to this city that is so special. we are just a speck of the specialness, but you know, to have any part that is just a honor. order. good morning to everybody. every month i go through this. good morning everyone. good morning. >> i'm of the persuasion when
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someone says good morning you say it back. good morning. and welcome to the march 6th, 2025 homelessness oversight commission regular meeting. certainly a great to see everyone who's here today and good morning to our commissioners. >> as our custom we start with the acknowledgment that lending knowledge the san francisco homelessness and oversight commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the roman jewish aloni who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land in accordance with their traditions the roman tisha alone we have never seated lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place as well as for all the people who reside in their traditional territory. as guests we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the roman tisha, loni community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first people.
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now we'll turn over to our commissioned secretary to advise the public of our public comment policy. call the roll and read out read a sound producing device statement. >> thank you, chair. good morning and thank you for joining us. this meeting is being held both in hybrid format and in person at city hall in room 416 and broadcasted live on s.f. gov tv. members of the public attending in person as well as remotely will have an opportunity to provide public comment specific to each presentation as well as general public comment. members of the public who wish to provide public comment remotely will be heard in the order that commenters add themselves to the queue. commenters will have up to three minutes to comment after each agenda item unless otherwise noted by the chair. to comment remotely the phone number to use today is (415) 655-0001 access code 26616209159 that's 26616209159 press pound twice to enter the
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queue when your item is called press star three to raise your hand please wait until the host calls on you to speak and speak clearly and ensure that you are in a quiet location. best practices are to turn off any tvs or computers around you . thank you for your cooperation commissioners this places you on item to roll call please respond with present when i call your name chair jonathan butler butler present vice chair kristin evans present evans present commissioner katie albright is not present yet commissioner jeannie deena as lonnie and williams present as lonnie and williams present commissioner bevan dufty here deputy present commissioner joaquin guerrero present caruso present commissioner sharkey look want to present on a present please note this is san francisco department of homelessness and supportive housing executive director shereen mcspadden is present. commissioners we have a quorum . this place is on item three announcements of sound producing devices during the meeting the use of cell phones and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting.
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please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or similar sound producing devices. thank you for your cooperation. this places you on item four announcement by the chair. >> thank you commissioner. secretary this is the month of march. i want to highlight and recognize all the women who do the great work especially in our department on commission. as you can see this commission is gender balanced and so we certainly highlight and recognize the women who make an impact even on our commission but also in our department with the history mcspadden and all the chiefs that are women which is certainly representative of this department. and so i just wanted to highlight all those women who work in this space to do the good work for our community and want to recognize you for this on this month i'd like to also open it up to commissioners to provide any comments if they wish to do so
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. >> any communications from the commissioners? >> i kind of just want to clap for the women if that's okay. >> of course i can certainly then like thank you. okay we will now turn to item six is adoption of the february 14th, 2025 meeting minutes. are there any comments or questions from the commissioners regarding the february 14th 2025 meeting minutes i move to approve the minutes and then move and probably second all those in favor please indicate by the sign of i i not oppose the ayes have it so order in this place is item seven and the house each employee recognition today
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for this month of march we will recognize rayna mackinnon from the hca office of administration and finance for the month of march 2025. i'm sure i, i mean try it now just to just 15 testing, testing, testing. >> go. all right. well, this is this is the favorite part of the meeting for me too. i know it is for chair butler so so our march employee recognition goes to rayna mackinnon who's our city our home budget manager. rayna was nominated by christine rowan and cricket miller and rayna works on the budget team so rayna, i'm just
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going to read what people said about you which i know you've heard this already, but it's it's really wonderfully worded . so rayna plays an essential role in ensuring the financial stability and planning of our department as a key member of the budget team, she provides critical support in managing complex funding streams including the our city our home prop c budget of over $300 million. her expertise allows program staff to navigate financial planning with confidence ensuring resources are allocated effectively to maximize impact. she plays a pivotal role not only in managing the budget process for this fund but she but also in analyzing and drafting programmatic budget proposals researching program models and working closely with program teams across the entire department. she brings clarity to a highly technical and confusing area of work making budgets more accessible and actionable for the department. >> raina's work has significantly improved the department's ability to develop
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and manage budgets efficiently, reducing the burden on programs, staff and leadership she really values collaboration and partnership and this is evident in the relationship she has developed with program staff before she stepped in the team often found themselves fielding endless questions about financials but thanks to her guidance, questions and meetings are now more streamlined. her ability to understand and deep knowledge of multiple funding sources particularly prop c has been invaluable in aligning financial resources with strategic priorities ensuring that programs can focus on service delivery without financial roadblocks. raina's contributions go beyond just numbers she creates a sense of stability and support in an area that can often be overwhelming to program staff. her ability to translate complex budget details into understandable insights has improved our decision making process overall is a team is truly dedicated to the mission
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of sage and she uses her analytical and technical skills as a tool for reporting out that on that mission her dedication, subject matter expertise and support have been instrumental in the success of our team and in maintaining the fiscal sustainability of sage programing. she brings patients expertise and a collaborative spirit to her work making a tremendous difference and i just also want to give a shout out in general to the budget team, to christine and her team because this is really timely, rayna, that you're getting this honor because the budget team just finished the budget and well the work is actually never done but the budget was just submitted to the mayor's office and then we continue the work. but i know it was a real haul and big lift to get that in. it always is and so i just want to thank the budget team in general for the amazing work that you do. and rayna, thank you so much for the work that you do for hsa and congratulations on
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being our limelight awardee for the month of march and you get the actual award later but today you get this really nice certificate so that's right. >> yeah. yeah. okay. here you go. congratulations. you want to say anything? you should. okay. congratulations again to rayna for this recognition. >> now this place is us on item eight directors report and so i hand it over to our executive director mix better. thank you, chair. >> good morning, commissioners. it's good morning.
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i will get started as soon as it is. >> so as usual my presentation today will include our regular update information on our collaborations and we're going to focus in today on our collaboration with the human services agency in our series of kind of giving you a little bit more information about our collaborations and then we'll have some updates on mayoral initiatives and priorities. and while we are going to give you some deeper dive information about our work with different departments, i want to say that i'm very aware that you you know even though we did a deep dive last month on our partnership with d h i think we heard that you would like to have a deeper conversation and so we will work with them and hopefully get some folks from here to give you a deeper dive presentation on the work that we're doing with department of public health. >> so i'll move into my updates on the data related to each
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component of the homelessness response system and some corresponding programmatic updates. >> so in january the san francisco homeless outreach team or hot conducted 227 housing assessments connected nine households to long term housing made 203 placements. the shelter conducted 3545 engagements and distributed 8241 engagement tools and resources including food, water and hygiene materials. h s h is also working closely with other city departments to achieve mayor laurie's vision of streamlining streamlining the city street response team s.f. hart plays a critical role in the city's outreach strategy and provides key staffing for multiple multiple multidisciplinary street teams. we look forward to working with our partners to develop a more, more effective way to develop
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more effective ways to use our resources and i look forward to sharing more information at future commission meetings. probably the next one will have a pretty big update for you in january and february. osage activated our inclement weather protocol five times over nine days during these activations the homeless outreach team is responsible for conducting increased wellness checks, handing out emergency blankets and ponchos and checking for symptoms related to hyper hypothermia also offering available placements into shelters and drop in centers providing information to unsheltered individuals on where and when walk up shelter can be accessed ,assessed sorry access and then offering transportation and vouchers to clients in need of transport as needed. also referring people to additional respite centers if available and adding staff shifts as needed and then of course letting people know about the availability of journey home.
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why does my slide look different from that one? it's the same. it's the same content. >> okay. one of mayor laurie's priorities have been has been to address conditions particularly on sixth street. i'm sure you've heard about that in the news this is a multi departmental effort coordinated through the drug market agency coordination center or d mack h. s h and the homeless outreach team play an important role in the collaboration and in our work really is focused on dedicating resources to the area and making sure that people have access to shelter, dedicating shelter beds daily to that zone, co-locating journey home at the triage tent which is on sixth street and then working with our shelter and housing operators on sixth street we have quite a few there to live up to the good neighbor policies in their contracts and that means really making sure that the perimeters of their of their properties are clean.
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>> the city next slide the city is effectively connecting people on sixth street with services daily. on average the collaborative group is making 432 outreach encounters daily making 9.5 shelter placements daily and making 61 health connections daily. the number of coordinated entry assessments conducted in january was 1231, which is a record high for the last 14 months 75% of these assessments were for adults, 15% for families and 10% for young adults. >> there will be another project homeless connect event on march 26th at the bill graham auditorium where homeless service providers will be available to the public for problem solving, coordinated entry assessments and for general triage as coordinated entry develops its communication materials direct
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