tv Police Commission SFGTV March 12, 2025 5:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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listen to the digital news present i'd like to take role yes please. thank you commissioner lee young president commissioner clay present commissioner benedicto is excused. commissioner jonas for the commissioner ye is excused present linus you have a quorum also with us tonight we have chief scott from the san francisco police department and executive director paul
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henderson from the department of police accountability. >> thank you. welcome everyone to our march 12th meeting. happy women's history month. >> welcome. before we begin, i would like to take a moment to extend a huge warm welcome to our newest teammate family member commissioner lou wang. >> i want to turn it over to you for just a few minutes to introduce yourself. >> thank you. i'm wilson liang. i'm just happy to serve on the commission. i'm looking forward to working together with you and learning from you too for the betterment of the san francisco police department and for the city as a whole. >> welcome. >> welcome. you know you're supposed to cater the first meeting that's in the car. >> okay? i don't know if they're coming, but now welcome. >> i'm sure your favorite wednesday will be the fourth wednesday of every month. so we are glad to have you. >> and with that, let's kick this off, sergeant, before we begin one announcement line item eight which is 5.20 language access service has been removed from the agenda
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line item one weekly officer recognitions certificate president meyers commissioners chief scott executive director henderson first i want to thank the commission for allow me a few moments to deviate from our usual weekly opposite recognition and for this unorthodox stepping behind a different mic first minute. >> today the police commission chief scott commission staff chief's office police legal body worn camera unit the sb 1421 unit and countless other units and departments would like to say thank you to a person who has held our hand guided us through legal updates and given us legal advice for the past ten years. our very own deputy city attorney alicia cabrera has been observed, lee promoted and will be leaving us as our general counsel. for those of you who do not know alicia, she is one of the
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smartest, unwavering, diligent and consummate professionals you will ever meet. alicia's calm, confident expertise has helped us through countless policy revisions and adoptions guided us through hundreds of police commission meetings, issued memo after memo directing us through blurry legal updates and of course giving up her wednesday nights to be with us to check up on us and keep us in check no matter the time of day. alicia is always there to answer her phone when you have a legal question or meet you in person far past quitting time to patiently explain public record laws the good government guide and city policy since tonight is alicia's last meeting with us. we wanted to take this time to say thank you. you will be greatly missed as our counsel, our advocate, our conscience but mostly as our friend. congratulations, alicia. we all love you and we will miss you terribly. >> certificate of appreciation
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the san francisco police department recognizes and thanks assistant chief attorney alicia cabrera san francisco city attorney's office in recognition for the ten years of service and unwavering dedication to the san francisco police department and with deepest gratitude and acknowledgment to you for your public service to the department and the city and county of san francisco. >> you have advised and mentored as a pd and its members as one of the best city attorneys to have ever been a part of the department. such an example of dedication is worthy of the highest esteem by the san francisco police department. congratulate asians on your much deserved promotion the news of your promotion is no surprise. you embody all the qualities of a true leader compassion, resilience and vision. as you embark on this new role,
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remember that your journey is an inspiration to all of us and a testament to your relentless dedication and pursuit of excellence and justice and justice. >> congratulations awarded on the 12th day of march 2025. william scott, chief of police . >> yeah. well, i mean i don't want to like kill anybody's spirit but dealing with us is not as easy as it looks. >> and i know that's shocking to a lot of people because when you look at us and you think oh my god, these seven commissioners are so amazing and must be so much fun, we're really not. >> and i think the fact that alicia has had to deal with us and to keep us in line and as sergeant youngblood said it very best keep us in check i think is no easy job. and she does it gracefully. she always has a smile and she
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is always available and when i say always available you know we have 9 to 5 jobs and so sometimes when we get to police commission business that's late at night on weekends, things like that and there has never been a time when i've called and she's never not answered. so i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because you know, when i first started you really helped me understand what the role of a city attorney is. >> you help me understand that it's a very different it's a different role when you're the actual client because as a fellow attorney it's very different to be in the client seat rather than the advocate seat. and so you really help me make that transition and understand and you know, we're not great clients so and we don't often listen to you despite your best efforts to keep us in line. so you have huge shoes to fill. we welcome our new city attorney but i am glad that you obviously are promoted because i think that you well deserve
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it and we you're still a phone call away so i'm sure we'll still be bothering you. but thank you so much for all that you have done for me. you know, and helping me. i think you know, in this role and i see you and the help that you provide my other commissioners. >> so thank you, chief. >> thank you, president elias lisa thank you. it's everything that president elias said. i think i can echo. i've called alicia weekends off hours jane clothes years for, you know city attorney but she does she always on vacation she always answers the bell. so thank you. i mean it's it's been eight years i think the first four words that you said to me when i met you was hi, i'm your attorney. >> so and you have been a great great sort resource for all of us and just thank you for everything that you do and we're looking forward to your promotion and looking forward to working with jen as well. but just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart as well. >> and now you have new
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headaches and new you know, difficult clients to deal with. so you know but i'm sure that we will definitely bug you. so thank you again you guys keep a really good secret everything that you say does not constitute a waiver of the attorney client privilege and i will not disclose any of the information in which you guys have alluded to but i thank you from the bottom of my heart. it's been a pleasure to serve here for the past ten years. this has truly been a career and an opportunity of a lifetime. each of you have contribute in a way and past commissioners have contributed in a way that has made me a better attorney. you've challenged me in ways and it's always it's a good skill to have. i can't disclose any of that information nor will i but it's been really great adventure and i look forward to continuing to
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work with you in the new role through jan of course. thank you. i will miss you all but never fear if jan is ever in need of a night off i will be back so thank you. >> what a glutton for punishment if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item one please approach the podium. >> unfortunately i love it. it's sort of like everything is reversed you know such i nature so it's alice in wonderland. >> okay so now you are deeper in the rabbit hole. >> this is stage i thought of it so now to get out of the traps you are in is going to be even more difficult. there you go. i know you're going to manage this because your life is at stake. your happiness is at stake. so no matter what you know, everything's reversed. >> it's a parody issue so what
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i so you would be amazed. >> it's stupid because i look so ironical, you know? >> but no, no, this is reality . >> so we are under attack. >> so i mean we are not paradigm city but as much as you want but if you don't understand what's going on in you want to get out of the trap because the trouble is not here to save you. so if it's for the money power it's not good. have a good night's anyway. but you correct point that i wanted to make a comment about a matter so good evening san francisco. >> i just think this is going to be for line item one the obvious recognition if you have general public comment that will be next. >> okay i'll wait for that. thank you. thank you. no worries. >> happens all the time. all right. and that is the end of public comment. now your line item two at this
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time the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission under police commission rules of order during public comment neither police or personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions by the public but may provide a brief response. alternatively, you may submit public comment in either of the following ways email the secretary the commission at speed commission at as if borg or written comments may be sent via us postal service to the public safety building located at 1245 third street san francisco california 94158. additionally the police commission website has a page titled egos currently being worked on before the police commission where the public can access mpd s.f. pd's public comment form. to leave comment on the following egos dg or 5.08 non-uniformed officers and dg or 5.20 the language access services for limited english proficient individuals as well as the district boundaries report is also published under commission announcements where public comment will be taken until may 10th 2025.
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if you'd like to make public comment please approach the podium at least. max matt honored. save the soul two. two weeks ago the board of supervisors did. now it's going to be you'll go to save your soul about speaking the truth. >> you know your intentions is going to be totally different and we need to change everything. we are under attack. >> that's it. all of us. so now we need to focus on the most important things probably that concerns every single one of us with their manipulation and food poisoning. so you know, i launched yesterday a sort of call for everyone in the city here unfortunately to disobey any order given by the current government. not addressing this issue i'm talking about here where there are manipulation of our heads messing with the guys on food.
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>> and not only of course it's much deeper than that. >> so until he's given a month i address this is for every resident of the city to disobey disregard anything that the government is telling into the including paying tax or following whatever situation. >> things don't turn right. >> no, no, no, no. you use responsibly on critical thinking contrary to the current government and you take action until the situation is addressed. >> the police sorry, but you are going to have to know where you stand here. you need to address this as well. all in another way. >> just disobey as well. see? until this is authorized it's a deal. otherwise it's going to be the development of what are called the revolution. >> it's going to be peaceful but you have to take a stand act somebody is responsible for this who is this investigate
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this. >> yeah. back again. okay. >> so i wrote a four minute statement that i'll try to make it really quick in two minutes. so good evening. san francisco police department police commission. i have a brief statement and two quick questions i realize you may not answer but okay. so in september 2021 while working as an architect in engineering at flex port inc in san francisco, i discovered encrypted data transmissions to russia and cargo ship manifests listing hundreds of female names boarding vessels on the eastern pacific but never appearing on arrival records in california. >> some of these went through san francisco. flex port has no offices in russia so i consulted a third party security firm. >> they confirmed human trafficking and russian military intelligence gru activities within the cargo ship company. >> after reporting this in early october 2021 to my
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manager at flex port his immediate response was to promise me several great harms . within ten minutes i became a target of interest by an investigator in the san francisco police department apparently and the special victims unit. >> months later i was abducted held against my will, forced into staged photo photos to falsely implicate me as managing human trafficking. let me be clear that is absolutely false and incorrect . >> i have never been involved in human trafficking or any sex crime. >> i'm a feminist and a bay area indie filmmaker with ten year history of exploring the challenges and rights of women and minorities. >> yet two years later most promises by flex port have become true. i've received no assistance and have been blocked from employment. i've had to conduct my own investigative work. in doing so i witnessed and documented to sworn s.f. pd officers accepting $2,000 cash payments from a friend of the
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hell's angels. >> this has been photographed and video. this is the same gang that held me when they created false evidence. >> i do have a doctor's note with me that states i do not have a health issue or drug dependency. >> thank you for your two minutes is up. >> i guess i'll be back next. >> good evening. police commission chief. about over two years ago i reached out to the department of defense and marine corps for assistance because something was not right in san francisco and they hired me. so we started investigating surveillance equipment and his story is not something that we haven't heard before that happens quite a bit with whistle blowers and the city attorney's office with watchdogs dogs. >> so the city attorney is the main watchdog and also dennis herrera and david chu. and if they don't report it to
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the police department, it never happened and it doesn't get investigated. so that's what's basically happening happening to that individual. >> so surveillance equipment as the chief earlier if he knew what the bullpen was i know the city attorney's office knows who the bullpen is. we know who the members are. it's time to stop giving people that were investigated by the police commission. mike maxwell credentials to police surveillance equipment so it needs to stop immediately. >> the information i am sharing with the department of justice i talk to the chief a little bit about gang surveillance. it's happening in san francisco . the city attorney's office is very aware of it. and again, if they don't report it to the police department, the police commission, it doesn't get investigated it it's very serious when you're using rgv spectrum, firstnet one system amongst others jiah java coding that's all it is. so every day i walk the streets and i recognize the police officers and say thanks for
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being out here. really appreciate it. but it's getting very old when things are being reported to the police department like mike maxwell who was investigated by the police commission years ago and it's not getting investigated because of the city attorney's office. david chu and dennis here are not appropriately being the watchdogs that they are supposed to be. so i would seriously recommend contacting them to escalate this and move it forward. >> thank you and hopefully a lighter note. good evening commissioner says and alice rogers, president of the south beach rincon mission bay neighborhood association and a 30 year resident in southern district. even though action is not on the agenda tonight for the 2425 police final police district boundaries map, i wanted to
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take this opportunity to hand-deliver slightly soggy letters to each of you from our full board and our entire membership. i'm emphatically asking you in your eventual vote to support your staff analysis and recommendation for the southern district boundaries as drawn on the final map. i have also emailed just in case you need it digitally at your february 19th hearing on this matter. i became very concerned at the conspicuous omission of the letter i and another neighbor sent on this issue when letters from other neighborhood organizations were highlighted. what did the omission occur because individuals lack the standing of groups or because the letters noted i oppose the southern district boundaries that we support. i'll never know. but i do understand now the
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northern border is under active discussion and i'm no longer in an open forum with our letter today. i hope to make it clear that the entire membership of our association who live across the three neighborhoods that comprise a substantial portion of the southern district unanimously support the rigorous, impartial review. the police staff have made and their arrival on their final map excuse me and specifically our district boundaries. thank you very much for this opportunity. >> thank you. and you're going to provide a copy of the letter to the commission staff. they can they will also posted online. and if you follow up probably next later part of next week to make sure that it's posted we can see you guys. >> okay. thank you. no worries. thank you. >> good evening. i'd like to use the overhead.
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i would just wanted to talk about. excuse my screen is kind of dirty but i was just at the rules committee when mattie scott was voted unanimously voted her in at the rules committee. and i just wanted to congratulate her too for when she gets here. i know she has a couple of other positions board of supervisors to deal with. also i just want to say that we've been on the battlefield for a long time. she and i. i've worked with her and i do i don't know the expertise of the police commission. i was surprised about it that that the way it happened. but i congratulate her because i think we both accomplished something. i think we both i accomplished my son's name being put up on that street on grove street, the 1500 block of grove street. and she's accomplished being on
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the board of police commission . so i just wanted to give her her cuddles and hopefully she can make it up here where you guys are sitting and still fight for justice and fight for our children that have been murdered on the streets of san francisco. and i also want to graduate you also to our new member who i need to get to know now. you know, i've been coming here for years and years and i'm glad to see you here. i'm always having to start over with new new people but that's okay. it's nice to meet you and i hope i can get to know more about you as i continue to come up here and and any other commissioner that's going to be in these empty seats. yeah. let's let's keep doing what
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we're doing and i'm going to keep doing what i'm doing. >> thank you. it's that is the end of public comment one on three consent calendar receive and file action the internal affairs division annual report 2024 dg digital 5.05 emergency response and pursuit driving annual report january 31st 2025 department use of non-entity camera policy quarter three and speed and gpas sb 1421 and sb 16 month report for february 2025 in a motion a motion to approve and file a second then a member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item three please approach the podium seeing none on the motion. commissioner liang how do you vote? yes commissioner liang is yes commissioner clay yes. >> commissioner clay is yes. mr. yan yes. yes. >> mr. young yes. is yes and present. yes. yes. present license. yes. you have four yeses line item
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for adoption of minutes action for the meetings of february 5th 12th and 19th 2025. >> are you in a motion a motion to approve the minutes second for any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item for the adoption of minutes please approach the podium seeing none on the motion. commissioner liang how do you vote commissioner the young as yes commissioner clay yes. commissioner clay is yes. commissioner yan yes yes commissioner jonas is yes and president elias yes as elias is yes. you have four yeses. line item five cheese report weekly crime trends and public safety concerns provide an overview offenses, incidents or events occurring in san francisco having an impact on public safety. chief scott thank you sergeant youngblood. good evening president elias commissioners executive director henderson in the public i'll start this week's report with crime rate crime trends. just overall there's a 33% reduction in overall part one crime that is a 2479 crime difference from this year last this time last year 7500
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compared to 5021 this year that the breakdown between property and violent crime property crime is down 36% 6599 last year 4249 this year difference of 30 2350. violent crime is down by 14% 901 last year 772 year to date however we are up and gun violence at 9% compared to 2024 in the breakdown is we are we have four more shooting incidents than this time last year 19 compared to 15. there are two more shooting victims in last year 19 compared to 2119 last year 21 now and homicide by firearm are the same as they are last year three last year three this year our total homicide victims however, there's a 33% reduction from this time last year for this time last year three year to date and that's where the 9% is how the 9% is broken down.
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we did have one homicide for this week. i'll speak more about that in a second. and our clearance rate so far four homicides is 160%. we've solved more cases than we've had year to date because we've solved the prior year's cases auto burglaries we are down 55% 4066 last year 2309 this year that's a difference of 1050 crimes fewer and overall larceny is down by 15% 2197 compared to 2057. you can see that on your screen . we've seized 100 and 202 firearms this year which is a slight increase from 172. we see this time last year a couple of significant events and significant work. a first of all i want to say to the women's leadership committee thank you for the 50th anniversary celebration of women on patrol and president last attended that event as well as former commissioner
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deborah walker. thank you for attending on march 5th and i had the honor of attending this event. it was the 50th anniversary celebration of women on patrol and their sfd which recognize the pioneering pioneering women of academy classes 126 and 127 in 1975 these trailblazers broke barriers as the first women to graduate from the academy and serve on patrol paving the way for generations to come. their perseverance and dedication transformed the department and the city of san francisco. hearing their stories was truly inspiring a testament to their resilience and overcoming challenges to earn their place in law enforcement we honor their legacy and the hardworking women of cpd who continue to serve with distinction. this is women's history month so it was very fitting to have this event on march 5th. so i just want to say thank you. there are some so many stories that were told by these women and people who they have influenced who are still on this department today.
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so definitely appreciate all the work and all the planning that went into that. another significant event we had a drug market agency coordination center indymac operation at the jefferson square park on wednesday, february 26th. there have been a ton of complaints from community members, board members, officers observed a lot of narcotics just activity in this in this part and the operation resulted in 86 arrests of those 8655 were for narcotic related charges mostly misdemeanors. there were i think three charges that included possession of narcotics for sale 31 of the 86 arrests were for a variety of warrants both felony and misdemeanors from counties and cities across the bay area and northern california. the warrants were from alameda county, the city of emeryville, lake county city of clear marin county, san francisco county,
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santa clara county cities of milpitas, milpitas and sunnyvale san mateo county cities of burlingame como san bruno solano county sonoma county city of petaluma tehama county and city of red bluff. a breakdown of the 86 people that were arrested 63 were male, 20 were female. three did not disclose at the time of the report the races of the people that were arrested 58 were white, 13 were black, 11 were latino, four did not disclose at the time of the report. the ages ranged from 27 years old to 60 years old cities of residence 41 were from san francisco, 31 were their unhoused refused to disclose their address three from oakland, two from gilroy, one from brentwood, one from clearlake, one from daly city one from fairfield, one from foster city one from fremont one from novato one from san diego and one from san rafael. so as you can see that park was drawing people from all over, many who were already wanted
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and since that operations we have had no problems in the park. park has been clear free and clear of this type of activity. the public and members of the public who live in that community and other communities have been very thankful. and it was not just the speedy it was a joint operation with our sheriffs department, the dea, the fire department rec and park the park rangers. there was it was an all hands on deck effort. so i just want to thank everybody that put that together. a lot of planning went into this. our narcotics unit really led the charge on this and it was a very successful event and i think it sent the message of what we can do when we work together. there was also a drug market intervention smaller scale operation, a 16th mission. this was on wednesday, march 5th bsf pd sheriff's office public works conducted operation that resulted in four arrests for drug possession use of drugs, drug paraphernalia
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and there is also an effort to curb the just rampant vending that happens in that plaza. this effort will continue. we have now the command ban at the plaza at 16th and mission. it will be staffed by mission officers. captain johansen is assigned a for officer detail to really work that block and that plaza and the demak operation will add to the effort there. so expect that to continue. we really want to make a difference on that on that street and in that plaza and return that plaza back to the community as a publication hub and really need some attention so that we will continue. just last thing on the chinese new year parade and after a weekend we had our so we saw a 30% drop in crime over that we can compare to this time last year so again i just want to thank all of the partners that were part of that i reported on that last week so i won't go into a whole lot of detail but
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there was a significant drop in crime over that weekend. welcome, commissioner leone. we're looking forward to working with you and the members of our department. welcome your leadership and your expertise in helping us achieve the department's mission. so welcome to the commission and we all are looking forward to working with you. >> just a few more things before wrap up on significant events. i mentioned the homicide that we had that occurred on the 900 block of ellsworth on march the 7th at 1:17 a.m. officers reported responded to a report of a shooting and found the victim suffering from gunshot wounds. the victim was pronounced deceased. no arrests have been made at this time. it is an active and ongoing investigation. i will update the commission when i have more which i hope will be soon. there were no zero nonfatal shootings reported for this week ending three 925 and just two other significant events
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over this past weekend we had a carjacking with force and the call went out at 400 block of bayshore boulevard. the victim exited their vehicle nothingness and on the victim sat directly in the car next to the victim's car with another individual. and as they had a discussion at that time the subject approached the victim vehicle jumped in the driver's seat and the victim and the other individual confronted the subject. the victim ended up getting dragged and run over by the subject while the subject drove away in his vehicle, officers were able to locate the vehicle but a brief pursuit occurred and the vehicle was eventually disabled by a tire deflation device and the suspect the subject excuse me was taken into custody. so that was a great job, great coordination, great use of technology and we were able to make an arrest. there was a significant arrest and at stone's town galleria over the weekend 3825 at 7:11
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p.m., officers responded to a call of two juveniles carrying an assault rifle inside of the mall. officers located the juveniles inside of a target store in the mall and when they saw when the two juveniles saw the officers they tried to flee after a foot pursuit. one subject was apprehended and a replica style assault rifle was found inside this person's backpack after canvasing the area. the second subject was located and arrested and a nine millimeter handgun ghost gun was recovered. so there were two arrests in that particular incident. the last thing is there was an officer involved shooting that same night in the terryville it happened on 41st avenue. we will have the town hall on march 18th at 3 p.m. we invite the public. it will be a virtual town hall . we invite the public like every town hall will report what we have at this time, what we can disclose at this time and open it up for input and questions and we'll answer those to the best of our ability at that
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town hall. that is my report for the week. thank you, commissioner clay yes, thank you madam president. chief as a result of the successful interdiction, have there been other areas in the city that has i guess community has asked for the police to come in and target because obviously people have been reading about this and it's a good thing because people as you said they didn't come back. the question is is have are there been other areas make these same requests? >> i know you did the mission and so as a follow up to that. yes, sir, there have been and we will continue to do these types of operations and the scale depends on the the problem or the problems in the area. >> but some of our hotspots that the mission of course 16th in mission and some of the alleys around that vicinity the public is really wanting some some results there we see problems in is usually from displacement vendors and market it pops up and then we will address it and it disappears.
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but those areas sixth street we're constantly having enforcement on sixth street to try to give that back to the community so that those areas are ongoing and of course they're some of the areas in the tenderloin where we've seen open air drug sales and uses leavenworth corridor. you know, right not far from here high street 100 block by 200 block of hyde we are still working those areas through our demak operation but it it comes and goes but it requires consistency so we have committed to that consistency commissioner so yes there has been a lot of demand and worries about displacement which we see oftentimes and we enforce in one area it kind of moves to the other area so we're going to address that i think more effectively. >> well it's encouraging to hear that news but you know, it never stops so it's there. all right. thank you. thank you, sergeant. >> if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item
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five the chiefs report, please approach the podium. you yes. before i address the chief reports quickly after black history month which is in fact racism in disguise. sorry. you know we are talking about a east what is it women's history month. >> right. why are is the system using women? it's very easy to understand is because from a very early age women are very more easy to accept all the answers you see from school. so that's why you are selected to follow orders. that's it. that's why you as well as of course we're about to dismantle the family court on this. we know i know everything. so now we expect e mails or we don't care do a better job because you are being used girls, ladies so are we clear
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chief if sfp can't investigate who is flying over the sky of san francisco they were seeing toxic mattel told as it's perfectly proven by studies on everything and food poisoning as a result. >> what can you do exactly? it's crime saliva do you get it right there anyway police are investigate always flying. you've got a system to do it normally summer job flights radar 24 it takes image immediately no number of the plane link to the if you know where they come from where they go that's it so you see if they are over the city at this s.f. pd that's it the rest i mean you can do it is to begin after that's the guy you know los angeles does it the i mean it's all country guys so now san francisco look all we did with it now it's tell us we're going to be dead sooner
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otherwise that's what you want. >> you are committing suicide in a way lucky it's so clear. >> so it's a ways, chief as well to get out of the trap here. >> i'm trying to help understand this. i understand i look at this guy . >> greetings. william scott. cindy. mr. clay. mr. long mr. henderson, i'm not sure your pronouns and greetings to the public i'm not sure if i can ask questions here but to your point about the jefferson square park your operation i'm curious like how much contraband was actually seized? >> i know you don't have to answer my question but if that information is available on any documents if you could point me towards if it's on the agenda
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or anything like that, i'm kind of curious because i know there are arrests made and you're saying like there were people from other counties outside of san francisco but like was there any actual contraband that was seized over 1.21 pounds of narcotics in addition to that there were a number of items of paraphernalia you pipes and the like foils and those types of things indicating drug usage. >> okay. thank you. like they're used over here for good evening every i am back again as usual i'm here concerning my son aubrey zappacosta who was murdered august 14th, 2006. to this day his case is unsolved. i come here every wednesday with the names of the perpetrators who were involved with murdering my son. these names are down at the office in the homicide in one
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of the folders that i looked at when i was trying to identify people that murdered my child, my children and these were two names and that was given to the police hannibal thomas, thomas ,hannibal parris moffitt. those are the two ringleaders perez moffitt is the ringleader and hannibal thomas was the one that was supposed to have been pulled the trigger. >> my son which he bragged about i don't know if he bragged about but he mentioned it these other guys were with them to this day my son's case isn't solved. >> i just don't fight for my child. but there's other homicides that have not been solved. so some of those mothers i stand with trying to get our cases solved i still worry about what i have to go through every day remembering my son laying in a casket lifeless and then remembering what the autopsy people had to pull his
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body apart to see where the bullets were. >> it was just too much done. >> so to this day i'm still seeking justice for my child and other victims. anyone that knows who murdered my child, i pray that someone comes forth and i do i do hope that the police commission keep mentioning my son and if not i'll do it myself. but i thank you what you have done for me already but i need this case solved. >> i don't know what else to do except for the keep coming. >> thank you. that is the end of public comment line item six dpa directors report discussion a report on recent activities and announcements.
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>> executive director henderson thank you. a charter mandated use of force audit is now in the survey phase. >> so right now we're in the process of reviewing a large number of amount of background information and what we're going to launch is a risk based audit plan. and so one of the things that we'll be doing is surveying the police commissioners to help guide what those objectives are going to be, what those objectives are going to be. so i'm just flagging it for you that i'll be in conversation with you any of you that would like to meet one on one with the audit director, we'll make that available. we can have one on one meetings but i'll be reaching out. i'm just forecasting it so that you'll know what i'm talking about when i contact you guys and the policy work. the policy division is in the final working group now for daigo six .16 >> that's the sexual assault trio and we're
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working closely i think commissioner benedicto has been involved in that dg for a while now as well and we're starting the stakeholder engagement for dg of 6.09 that's the domestic violence and joe as well we are connected to the domestic violence consortium but we're also happy to meet with additional stakeholders if the commissioners themselves have folks that they want to fall into that or members of the public that want to participate on that there are opportunities there as well. >> we met the last week of the week before last with our new commissioner, commissioner leone. >> thank you and updated him with the welcome packet that i know the rest of the commissioners received. we also passed out that same welcome and an overview for dpa and its operations with the new board of supervisors as well in city hall. one of the issues that was raised several times in those new meetings was the issue of language access.
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but i'll just reserve this because i think there'll be more to say when it comes back on the agenda and we can be on the same page. >> i will say that i think it's going to be a joint there's a joint conversation for things that deepa has that we're working with the department on that we want to talk about when we reintroduce it when it comes back on the agenda this week in the office we've opened 63 new cases and we closed 69 cases since the last commission meeting and the top allegation for the cases that have come into the office since our last meeting was four officers speaking appropriately with members of the public. we currently have again, these are allegations not charges that come into the office. we currently have 16 investigations that have been open for more than 270 days. >> that number has gone down
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since the last report on these issues and 15 of those cases are told there are currently 98 pending cases with the chief and two pending cases with the police commission. i'm just pointing out that from last month that's over a 12 percent reduction in cases that have been pending with the chief's office and a 50% reduction in cases pending from the commission. >> so i just want to thank and acknowledge the department's police department's legal team . >> this is the first time in a very long time that we've gotten that number to under 100 and i know that that team is doing a lot of that work. i'm just tracking it as well since i track the volume to track when those trends are drifting down and when a lot of the work is being done. we have one item in closed session today on the agenda and we also have an investigator
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one of the senior investigators is here, ali in the audience with us in case there are issues where dpa can be helpful for the public, for anyone interested in reaching out to dpa directly, the contact information is (415) 241-7711 and you can also reach us at the website at s.f. gov dot org forge slash dpa. this will conclude my remarks and i will reserve commentary on any relevant agenda items as they come up. >> that concludes my report. thank you director henderson you said 15 of the 16 are told the one case that is not told what is the time period on that and how close are we to the 3 or 4 deadline? >> i'd have to look at that one specifically i just told the numbers to see we go over them weekly to see if there is a problem that needs an intervention. as you know we have not violated any of the 3 or 4 violations since the day that i took over in this position.
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oftentimes those delays are due to lengthy investigations requiring investigations from second and third parties holding on to information, delaying our access to information or accessing information. oftentimes they're things like juvenile records where we have to file motions working through the city attorney's office or other agencies to try and get some of that information and the cases are delayed. >> i so i don't have the specifics on that one in particular but we go over the specifics of every single case that is on that list every week with management. >> then you can give me an update next week. absolutely the time frame of that one because absolutely one is one too many. well, from what we i understand that but we don't get to control all of the information that we get. but i'll give you specific information on the singular 270 day case that we have that the investigation is still going on. >> thank you. and then for the i was going to
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also ask about the status of the chief hearings and whether we've made a dent. i know that sort of fell off my radar but it's good to hear that we that number is coming down. did we implement some of the changes that we talked about? we basically yes we have the commanders are doing some of the hearings now and that's that's working well. we've entertained settling some of the cases and some of them we've been able to reach settlement agreements. so that's working well and at you know, our team ashley and nicole, they've been working very hard so we are bringing it down. we're putting a lot of attention and we still have some people that are out. so i think when those folks get back to work it will even get better. >> okay. well i'm glad that it's a downward trend. i will say that we have been that's why i reported on it. so we had some of the specifics in there because dpa has been working a lot with the s.f. pd legal to try and help with this
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and they have been doing quite a bit of work which is why i wanted to report on it and give details of where it was, how it was happening at least for these this sharp dip that we've had so far. >> it's good that these numbers are going down. >> when i first came on the commission i know that the dpa had several cases before the commission so i'm glad that the commissioners are conducting hearings and getting these cases moving along with over a dozen i think it was like 16, 15, 16 they were several years old so i am glad and i commend fellow commissioners for clearing their docket and getting these cases moving. >> all right, sergeant, if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item six please approach the podium there. there's no public comment line item seven commission reports discussion and possible action commission president's report commissioners reports and commission announcements and scheduling of items for consideration at a future commission meeting. thank you.
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so i was able to attend the 50 years of women on patrol event on march 5th and it was an amazing event. it was great to see so many people in the room and i'm always i always enjoy seeing sergeant kershaw in her element watching her and you know, seeing some of the photos and just hearing the stories and the history of how women have evolved in this profession is really inspiring and it really i think coincides with our efforts to really increase female membership within the department which always makes me happy. so it was a great event. congratulations to the women's committee. did i say that right chief or the women's leadership committee? the chairperson captain amy hurwitz and the members of the women's leadership committee who really i think put a great amount of work and effort into the event making it really,
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really enjoyable and it was a packed room. >> there were no it was standing room only and i was you know, shoved into the corner so like because there were a lot of seats that were taken so congratulations to those involved with that event. another announcement. mr. allen a statement of purpose will be before the board of supervisors on march 26th at 10 a.m. so i'm hoping that you will join me there as i answer questions and in front of the board of supervisors with regard to our statement of purpose. >> commissioner luong i know your new mr. allen took it upon himself graciously so to remind us that we as a commission did not have a statement of purpose and that is required under the rules. he then took it upon himself to draft with vice president carter over stone the statement of purpose and really took i think a great deal of time and care in crafting our statement
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of purpose which really represents what it is that this commission our mission statement is essentially and i think we voted it and it was almost unanimous in terms of passing the statement of purpose. so now it's going to be before the board of supervisors for presentation. so thank you mr. allen for your hard work and your diligence in getting this approved. we're almost there so again i hope you'll be able to join me so that's all i have to report. >> and madam president, what date is that going to be, mark march 26th at 10 a.m. i think it's at 10 a.m. is that a wednesday? >> wednesday? yes. okay. thank you. it's sergeant. >> any member of the public would like to make public comment. >> okay. to do this so no worries. sorry, i forgot to ask. >> go ahead. thank you, president elias. thank you, director henderson
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for that report, keith and welcome our commission early on to the police commission. quick update on mine and have good meeting with supervisor fielder who is very interested in, you know, improving the conditions around 16th street board and it's very promising to hear that there will be some increased support there because of the increased staffing at that art station which i pass through frequently and i can attest to the fact that when there is enforcement there conditions are very, very much improved for the community. i also wanted to inquire about those 7012 juvenile dijo is there a timeline for when we will be receiving the updated deal responses to what was
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submitted by the community? yeah. yes commissioner. we submitted our responses to the community recommendations to commissioner benedicto by way of the response grid. i have not discussed with him was actually where we are on that but he has everything in terms of our responses of what we agree with and what we don't agree with. >> great. thank you. and then i know that there was something pending as far as a meeting with judge chen, the presiding judge over there, june juvenile to discuss next steps with the pre booking program. is there a timeline for when that would be taking place? >> yeah, we i talked to judge chen about a week and a half ago and it just to be clear and i think we've already established this but i'll put it back on the table just publicly again you're just just again is not we consulted him for his advice to give value to
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his expertise with juvenile matters. he is not a determinant as to yes or no or approval or disapproval as you know. but we did go back to him because he did have some ideas that he shared with you and others. we went back to him to discuss those ideas. there were at least one that will be implemented that we've already implemented actually and put it in the in the protocols. we sent that document to all the stakeholders. the some of the stakeholders are actually on a training trip out of the country so they told us that when they get back they will respond accordingly and then that that's pretty much the last step. commissioner, where we address things where we agenda using this in april for a status update as well periodically i don't know when the next one we're ready for that status update. >> okay we can agenda is this
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in april that would be great and it's promising to hear that development especially considering that input that will i believe from what i understood expand the opportunity for young people including those hopefully from the traffic division or referrals that ended up in traffic court. the other i mean i appreciate you reaching out and postponing and you know for me that the mvp presentation on the language access services was going to be postponed. i did want to get a little bit of clarity at some point in late february it was brought to my attention that the input portal for community to provide feedback was down and i received an email i believe on the 21st that there was a plan to extend the submission deadline because of the system
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being down. are we aware for how long that system was down and is the five day extension of for public input taking into account the actual length of time that that system was down? >> i'm not aware of it but i can follow up please. >> that would be really important to also include into the presentation of possible i know that it had it not been brought to my attention i don't think that it would have been brought to the department's attention when community members were trying to provide input and i know that's one of the vehicles for us to obtain that. so anything that you could find from the i t department to demonstrate how much time it was actually down and whether community will be able to have the same amount of time available to provide input would be really important. my measure this i do want to agenda is and i will fill out the paperwork to states to sergeant youngblood regarding
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the emergency response rates and pursuit driving annual report which was just submitted to us and you know there were some numbers there i know that i don't know that you had the time to review it but do you have any comment on the i believe it was 25 of the 80 pursuit took place last year. all happened in december after prop eight was passed and do you have any comments on how it is that we will be able to address or contain the increase in police pursuits and any time allowing for the response to the board of supervisors inquiry into the incident that happened in january would be really appreciated. >> commissioner i think we're going to agenda is that because i forgot to mention and my apologies but i wanted to agenda is the letter of inquiry that supervisor fielder i think
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made and then the department responded so i think this will fold in nicely to what commissioner yanez is asking for. so we'll genda is that for first either first meeting or second meeting of april that works for me. >> thank you. all right. that's my first and if i may president i do have an answer for the system being down we don't know exactly how long was down but the input timeline was extended for two weeks. >> right. thank you for that. i really appreciate that. i'll make sure to relay that to the language access network providers and to any other community members that are interested that appreciate it. >> thank you, sergeant. any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item seven commissioner ports please approach the podium. >> i was just wanted to mention about the the event that happened with all the police on
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city hall steps. it was a great thing. am i saying i think i'm saying all right and then the reception afterwards i was so elated to see that black history month with the police women police officers that they are mothers, aunties and they fill a lot of shoes and that empowered me to as a mother although i'm not a police officer but sometimes i feel like i'm one when i'm dealing with my family and in the community. so i just wanted to commend everyone on that and those that showed up and i have an auntie her name is courtesy calls and she's a police officer. i believe she's retired. she was there that day at 84. i recognized her but her and to see all the pictures of all the people that were on the videos some of them just made me laugh, you know, because they were making funny faces and and
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just just being happy and not being in them being there too without having to be on duty and to see how they really are and how they really you know, support each other again, i believe a lot of them are mothers but i was just glad to be there to see the mayor there supporting them and his wife. >> it was really a great opportunity for me too and hopefully i can have my children and my grandchildren join when they get older, you know? so i'm waiting on that. >> thank you. and that is the end of public comment line item nine discussion and possible action to approve revised department general order 6.07 dog complaints for the department to use and meeting and conferring with the affected bargaining units as required by law discussion and possible
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action. >> hello welcome. good evening commission. good evening chief. i am officer greg sutherland, san francisco police department's vicious and dangerous dog officer consider the subject matter expert on this one reason for dg of six .07 the last time the ego was updated was in 1994. the following are some of the highlights of the major changes and updates that ego .6.07 we included a definition section we organized the structure of the policy based on the levels of severity ranging from unleashed dogs to vicious dogs. we provided more details on the vicious and dangerous dog hearing and hearing order violations and we clarified the procedure for dog complaints that are outside the scope of sfpd enforcement overall the goal was to provide up to provide updated guidance to patrol officers and the video
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when responding to these types of incidents. >> i'm happy to answer any of your questions. >> thank you for your presentation. i see that there was a lot of work that was done on this dog and the revision and it makes me happy that we are able to knock off a 1990s ego from our list. >> so chief, is there anything else that you wanted to add or no ma'am. >> okay. >> with that i think we are sending yeah it's an action so i get a motion to approve the revised geo unless any other commissioners have any comments. commissioner yanez now i vote to move. >> i have i'll second it. all right. there you go. if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item nine please approach the podium and see no public comment on the motion. commissioner liang how do you vote? yes commissioner liang is yes. commissioner clay yes.
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commissioner clay is yes. commissioner yan yes. yes. commissioner yan yes. is yes and present. yes. yes. present passes yes. you have four yeses. >> great work thank you. for how many of these? 19 i mean 99 these these years do we have a we still have a few there's like a couple dozen . yeah well that's a job well done. 31 years ago. can you imagine? right the dogs and animals have moved a whole different lifetime. >> right? exactly. all right. >> great job. but then dog years dog. >> all right. all right, let's it line item ten public comment on all matters pertaining to item 12 below closed session including public comment on item 11 a vote whether to hold item 12 in closed session if you would like to make public comment regarding closed session please approach the podium. >> there is no public comment line item 11 a vote on whether to hold item 12 in closed session san francisco administrative code section 67.10 d action i'll make a motion to hold items in closed session second.
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>> all right on the motion commissioner young, how do you vote? yes. commissioner lee young yes. yes. commissioner clay yes. commissioner clay is yes. commissioner young yes. yes. commissioner young yes. yes. and present yes. >> present licenses. yes. you have four yeses. we willolosed session normally we take a break but if you all want to power through
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i says it's for work. i couldn't hear you commissioners we are back in open session on line item 13 a vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion on item 12 held in closed session san francisco administrative code section 67.1 to a action yes. okay. i'll make a motion to not disclose. second, if any member of the public like to make public comment regarding line item 13 please approach the podium seeing none on the motion. commissioner liang how do you vote to disclose commissioner liang is yes. commissioner clay yes. commissioner clay is yes. commissioner young yes. yes and yes is yes and prison lice yes. those licenses yes. you have four yeses line item 14 adjournment. nice. thank you. well
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>> my name is - my business name is himself mexican america. >> i started my business a year ago the process was a year ago by business by waving (background noise.) about $1,000 and also guided me there the whole process. (background noise.) that was helpful i was already paying the construction and other fees for the restaurant the city we put together to honor my city and comes with (unintelligible) on the (background noise.)
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and. >> (multiple voices.) >> and some go with ebbs and eggs (unintelligible) and a side of roadways and beans. and be able - have my restaurant here in the district of the mission is such an amazing i grew up around the mission area and respect to school around here and so i was able to come in as establish any restaurant here (background noise.) really a feels like >> the height of my addiction i was homeless. i was isolatesed from my family. i had lost everything.
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pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and
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others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will
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siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket
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and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures.
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sheriff's department oversight board for today march 7th, 2025 united states of america in san francisco we are now in session and the meeting is called to order at 2:05 p.m.. before we take the role we would like to welcome estella ortiz to the sheriff's department oversight board to fulfill the term of seat number two. ms. ortiz, would you please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself? >> thank you. everyone in my name is a
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cellarity. i am currently working at a family shelter. so that's just something about cory you know my work that i'm currently doing but i have been dedicated to serving the most vulnerable communities for the last 15 years or so and i'm a mother of three and have been myself system impacted. and so i just have a heart to serve the community that i'm here to serve. >> thank you. you welcome. we'd also like to welcome deputy city attorney christina flattest to the sheriff's department oversight board misled as will be the deputy city attorney who'll be advising the board on any legal matters. >> welcome. did you want to say a few words, christina oh, thank you . >> might be growing up here in the city right? >> dan, would you please call the roll member half who are mango present present for mango
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is present member carry on is running a little late member or tease president ortiz present member palmer president palmer is present president sue present sue is present vice president director and member wins terms expired and march 1st 2025 and neither of them are seeking reappointment their seats are vacant pending reappointment by the mayor and the board is supervised hours. >> madam president, we have a quorum. thank you. and may i have the land acknowledged, please? >> the sheriff's department oversight board recognizes that we are situated on the unceded ancestral territory of the dramatist colony. the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous guardians of this land around the colony have maintained their connection to it never relinquishing their responsibilities as caretakers for both the land and all who inhabit their traditional territory. in our role as guests. we acknowledge the advantages we gain from residing
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and working on their ancestral homeland. we express our respect by honoring the ancestors, elders and relatives of the romita colony community and by affirming their sovereign rights as their first peoples. >> thank you. let's stand and recite the pledge of allegiance. to the flag of the united states of america for which it stands one nation under god indivisible, liberty and justice for all. >> dan do we have any announcements? >> yes. on behalf of the sheriff's department oversight board, we would like to thank the staff at s.f. group tv for providing technical assistance to broadcast and record this afternoon's meeting. you may view this afternoon's broadcast online at s.f. gov tv or on cable channel 26. this is the standard monthly
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public meeting held in person by the sheriff's department oversight board. members of the oversight board will be present at this meeting and members of the public are encouraged to attend and observe. however, only those members of the public who are present in person will have the opportunity to provide public comment. with the exception of individuals with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation, public comment can be submitted in person and via email or through postal mail. to send public comments by email please contact the at asf for postal submissions please address them to the office of sheriff's inspector general. one southbound as avenue eighth floor san francisco, california . 94103. individuals wishing to make public comments in person may do so when their respective line item is called. with a time limit of two minutes for each comment. additionally there will be a general comment period at the conclusion of the meeting on topics not listed on the agenda
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but relevant to the jurisdiction of the sheriff's department oversight board. members of the public present in person may approach the podium to speak during the public comment period when it is available. each speaker will have two minutes to express their comments. a first tone will indicate there are 30s remaining and a second tone will signal the end of the two minute period. madam president, this is the fiscal clothes communications. >> thank you. please call the first agenda item calling line item one. >> approval of minutes action review and possible approval of the february 7th, 2025 board meeting minutes. >> colleagues when we're ready if i have a motion and a second a motion a motion to accept the minutes. second. thank you and roll call vote
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please. >> public comment at this time members of the public wishing to provide comments regarding line item one. approval of minutes. >> are invited to approach the podium when it becomes available. >> good afternoon. i think what is it i need to call out what's going on outside. i like stand up for science know first you stand up for the truth then you can have science. the minutes does this include i remember you talking about the growing of food. >> remember in the minutes you should go back at some point you know we grow food. we need to grow food. so including of course in jail or it's very important and then after that you hire the today's sits you ambassador and i think it's more like community embarrass a little bit so that if they grow food they know how
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to do something. so with recreation and parks we have to work with them, force them to have a space in every park in the city. one eighth of it is devoted to grow food because no matter what we are under food poisoning. >> yeah. so okay, sheriff, in the name of the show if you want. >> now i'm going to call out again the gathering onsite paid by i don't know maybe pfizer. >> i'm not sure. stand for science. hello. you stand for the truth fest then you can have science. thank you on the call to zero on the approval of minutes member i hafu on a mango i have on mango is i remember where tease i or teases i member palmer i ama is i president's so i so is i there are four eyes and zero nays the minutes from the february 7th 2025 meeting are approved. >> thank you the next agenda item please calling line item to procedures for recruitment
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of an inspector general discussion and possible action. ben ritchie from the department of human resources will address the boards regarding the procedures and expenses associated with engaging a recruitment firm to attract applications for the position of a new inspector general. the board will evaluate and may approve a resolution regarding the engagement of recruitment agency mr. ritchie okay. >> welcome back then. thank you. my slides are on the laptop here they are perfect. >> all right. presidency board members thank you. my name is benjamin ritchie. i'm a senior human resources consultant with the department of human resources and i am here to provide information about the procedures for engaging a recruitment firm to conduct recruitments for the inspector general position. as you're aware, the sheriff department's oversight board is authorized under the charter to recruit and appoint an inspector general. the board has discretion on how they conduct the recruitment process, including whether to
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engage a recruiting firm to assist with the process for reference, the board engaged the department human resources directly to conduct the recruitment for the inaugural inspector general appointment d h r worked with the board to develop a job description post the announcement on job boards and interview applicants to identify the most qualified candidates for the board to interview the full process from draft announcement to final selection lasted nine months. most boards and commissions in the city engage an executive recruiting firm when conducting an executive recruitment and d h r highly recommends that the board do so for the upcoming inspector general recruitment executive recruitment firms have specialized experience in conducting executive recruitments and establish networks for public sector recruiting. they work directly with the board to carry out all phases of their recruitment from developing the job announcement and identifying potential candidate sources to interview scheduling and pre employment vetting their specialized experience and tools help ensure the board receives a
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diverse pool of highly qualified candidates for a position at the level of the inspector general. our estimate is that the approximate cost of engaging a recruiting firm would be about $55,000. i want to note this is an estimate only based on the salary at the position and our experience with prior recruitments. the estimate does not include direct cost such as travel reimbursement for candidates. if the board does decide to engage an executive recruiting firm, the first step would be to submit a request for proposals to dhs as list of pre-approved executive search firms and other interested firms would submit their proposals and the board would review them and make a selection based on the proposed scope and cost the selected firm would then work with the board to identify the ideal candidate based on skills and experience the board believes is necessary for success in the role. >> the firm would then draft a job announcement and develop an outreach plan to ensure they
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receive a strong pool of qualified candidates. once that candidates are identified the firm would work with the board to schedule interviews and conduct pre-employment vetting for the most qualified finalists. after the board makes its final selection, the recruitment firm would work with d h r to extend an offer and process the selected candidates appointment if the board wishes to move forward with engaging an executive search firm d h r can issue a request for proposals which will and will share responses with the board our expected timeframe to receive responses is approximately two to three weeks. that concludes my presentation . >> thank you. looks like we have a question or comment from member karen. >> hi. good afternoon. always a pleasure to see you. >> do you anticipate any changes from the position we were in previously when we were
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looking for a new inspector general to this year? is there anything that you anticipate that could be seen as different or something that we should be aware of to call to our attention, our attention or do you anticipate this to be pretty streamlined as was the previous process? >> i'm not sure. could you clarify your. i'm not sure i understand your question. is there anything that has changed? i mean i think that we have a firing freeze. >> we have a hiring freeze excuse me. you know it's a different climate. our is there anything that we need to be aware of as from an h.r. perspective that may have changed that would differenti hate this process from what you previously outlined before. >> i anticipate the answer to be no but i want to be a little extra cautious just because i know that there's you know a new administration there's a lot of moving pieces. we have brand new board
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members, you know, so i want to make sure that we're crossing all our t's dotting the i's. >> sure. the hiring freeze would potentially have an impact. it's one of the reasons that h.r. strongly recommends the board engage an executive recruiting firm because they are due to our current staffing. we are not well positioned to take on the executive recruitment from our end and so we would likely need to bring on additional staff which could be our ability to do that could be affected by the hiring freeze. the mayor's office also requires four positions including the inspector general position. that department's request position approval for all positions to be filled. so that's a process that would be the only real step of the process that would be different from last time is getting position approval from the mayor's office. >> so if i may say a few comments before i recognize the member for mango. so just for the public's edification and our new member member ortiz when we first
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engaged in looking at hiring an inspector general, we did not use a recruiting firm and it was not that this board i really want to clarify it was not that this board was opposed to using or recruiting firm. what would what had happened is another member unilag really engaged an executive recruitment firm and a request for proposal was sent. we then as a board asked d h r to go solicit other recruiting firms. other recruiting firms did not reply so in order to not have the appearance of this a double may not have the appearance of any kind of bias with that one recruiting firm we went it alone and i will say that i worked very closely with then vice president carry on and it was fruitful but it was a lot of work. i spent a lot of hours but i think that as a board we had a better understanding of what we wanted to see in an inspector
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general and we also went out to the public to solicit comments so there could have been, you know, more robust meetings and i think as of february of last year we've had more participation from the public thanks to the latino task force and united players so different groups and reentry groups and the outreach of member palmer. so i want to leave it at that. i have also personally this week sent a letter to the mayor's office requesting approval from the mayor and i believe the decision will be made actually by the chief of public safety. so that letter is out there so that we don't have to wait and i've let them know that it could take anywhere from 6 to 9 months, which is a long time to be without an inspector general. i've also forwarded the reports of all the gains that we've made having an inspector general on board and all the work that we still want to do. >> so i just feel like it's
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imperative that we try to start the process as soon as possible. so hopefully next week we will have word that we can say go. so with that a member offer mango maybe it's a question for the board are we supposed to make a decision today whether we're going to go the do h.r. versus recruitment or is that still up in the air? >> i i think it's probably more comfortable if someone wanted to make a motion that we would use a recruiting firm. i guess that's the first issue and then the other thing is contingent upon the mayor's office giving us the go ahead. so yeah i'm sorry. just to clarify the mayor to approve us the budget to pay for the recruitment or even having the position so i emphasize that it was a charter mandated position. so i didn't think that, you know, there was so much discretion there at least
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that's that was my kind of way of urging them to make to approve. >> so and i don't know attorney general attorney joe, i just promoted you city attorney flight test do you have any opinion about that? if it's a charter position is that affected by a hiring freeze to approve of? okay. okay. but it's not necessarily subject to freeze just that he has to approve all the positions. >> okay. >> all right. maybe the only maybe just more of a comment for a mr. here if we were to employ executive recruitment it's nice that last year, you know, we kind of had that work kind of laid out. so are is your team able to like partner with executive firm to kind of hand over those like that information so we're not like reinventing the wheel. >> we typically wouldn't work directly with an executive recruiting firm but i believe
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the board has access and we could share with the board if they do want to request any of the information for example the position descriptions and stuff like that we'd be able to share that information with the board and not and not like candidate pools that you know had applied and maybe were in the second round like we are we able to get that information as well? >> i don't know about applicants. i'd have to ask and find out if we could if we're able to share that information. i know that the the board does have the list of places that we posted. okay. which would be which is information the board has already and i can ask and get back to you about whether we'd be able to share information about candidates. i don't know that we would but okay, that's fine. >> i just wanted to kind of see like what like what we can pass on to the recruitment for firm if we did go that route. >> thanks. yeah, i was going to say so the last round we did have that really sticky subject in the charter provision about excluding all persons who've worked for a law enforcement agency and it it didn't matter
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the position. so the board decided that rather than eliminate so many qualified candidates we narrowed it to what we thought a voter would think about and so it was narrowed to sworn officers. >> um, but i think what was instructive for us was to be able to look at all candidates . so that might be something that we want the firms to be able to forward because sometimes you overlook somebody but when you look at the overall resume and job experience sometimes it pops out more to us and not necessarily to the recruiting firm. and so i you know, i acknowledge that there is good expertise there. but i also wanted to say that now i think the time is ripe to actually look at candidates because there are federal inspectors general that are unemployed right now. so we have some potentially really qualified people and member karen, did you have some? >> yes, i guess my question is the letter that you sent to the
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mayor's office that is different. we haven't sufficient budget right now it's a question do we have sufficient budget right now to hire the firm based on what we have? is it contingent on anything financially? >> well, nicole paul has been armstrong has been handling our budget and we do have salary savings so it would become come from salary savings. okay. and so we would we would be really looking from february until when we see another inspector general. i think the challenge is though for the next inspector general come in and potentially again not have a budget, not have staff. absolutely. so that is something that we're looking at. so it's kind of like a vicious cycle. i think that we did really well with our inaugural inspector general. >> so it's not to say that someone else can't fill those shoes. >> it'll just be difficult and we want someone i think of as equal caliber
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