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tv   News Now  TBN  October 19, 2012 9:00am-1:00pm PDT

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trayvon martin's killer george zimmerman back in court today. they want some of the teen's personal information released. trayvon martin's parents already have something to say about that. the 12-year-old girl probably didn't expect to fight off a guy who broke in while she was home alone. she grabbed the family gun and hid in the closet. he tried to go in after her. and a canine castaway plucked from sea from a pretty surprised and confused paddle boarder. and the whole thing caught on tape. welcome once again, this is
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hln, i'm mike galanos. our top story, george zimmerman goes back to court this afternoon. his first appearance before the newly appointed judge. now, his lawyers are trying to get trayvon martin's school transcript, cell phone records, social media accounts released. george zimmerman's the neighborhood watch volunteer who killed trayvon martin, 17-year-old back in february. he said the teen was acting suspiciously and shot him in self-defense. we know he was unarmed. let's get to the matter at hand. and for that, we go to sanford. and was there at trayvon martin's family held a press conference and basically their contention is to go after the school records, online records. he's been re-victimized again. what else do they have to say, david? >> reporter: well, they're saying these records are not relevant. they're being very strong here saying that trayvon martin, they believe was the victim here. he is the only person in this case who can't speak up for himself. and right now, they're trying to defend him and try to defend his
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character posthumously. listen. >> let us be clear, trayvon's family does not feel that his school records are relevant in any way. it is wrong to subpoena his records on so many levels from middle school and high school. it is very offensive to them. but if the court sees fit to release trayvon's school records, we demand that george zimmerman's medical records be released because they are far more relevant as to why he shot and killed trayvon martin on february 26th. >> no one really knows, mike, what could be in those school records. just speculating here because the defense has not elaborated on why they want them. we know that at the time that trayvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman he
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was serving a ten-day suspension from school because he was found at school with a bag, an empty plastic bag with marijuana residue inside of it. they could also be looking in there for any sort of clues that might back up george zimmerman's claim that he was defending himself, that he was not the aggressor in this case and did not throw the first punch. again, all of this speculative at this point. but all of those points are the only person who could speak to them directly right now is george zimmerman. he's the only one who survived that fight. he's the only one who can testify about those details, so you can bet the defense will be looking for any sort of information they can to support george zimmerman's testimony. and you can bet you're going to continue to hear from the family right now, probably the prosecution, as well, that these documents are not relevant and should not be a part of this trial. >> and to clarify, david, mark o'mara and the defense team have not laid out any legal reason why school records and online records could be relevant in a case? >> reporter: that's right.
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they have not said exactly why they want these records. only that they want to see them as part of their defense for george zimmerman. and right now, there's a huge fight going on in court. we're expecting to hear more about that today. the prosecution's saying that the defense is on a fishing expedition, the defense saying the prosecution is not being forthcoming with the evidence in this case. pretty typical for cases like this, this high profile. but we're going to be in there and something unusual today, we will be seeing george zimmerman in court for the first time in almost 3 months and he's going to be sitting for the first time in front of a new judge. that's why there's a great deal of attention on the hearing that we're seeing today. >> hey, david, one other thing real quick. we just heard the family. they want george zimmerman's medical records released. what could they show? >> well, we know in the discovery so far he was on a number of medications for stomach problems, for adhd, and another medication for possibly helping him sleep. so at this point, again, it's all speculative on what his
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medical records might be able to show. just as speculative right now on what the records for trayvon martin might show us for him. >> appreciate it. we'll be following the hearing coming up a little bit later this afternoon. thanks, david. all right, well the world's largest cowboy has burned down. the iconic 52-foot big tex talking statue was destroyed by a fire. this is in dallas, texas, and the statue's a fixture in the state. spokesman for the texas state fair says the fire started less than an hour ago and no word on how it started. the area around big tex has been cleared, no injuries reported. well, today, lawyers for britney spears and her parents will deliver opening remarks in a libel case, gotten really ugly. yesterday her former manager's attorney showed a bunch of paparazzi pics in court, the head shaving, fights, and ambulance ride. says that spears and her parents unfairly blame him for britney spears' meltdown four years ago. now, his attorney says his client worked hard to keep spears off drugs but says she
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liked to use amphetamines. the judge says spears can't take the stand since she's under conservatorship. a pakistani teen shot in the head by the taliban. we're showing the first photo of malala in her hospital room. doctors say she stood up for the first time today and communicating freely by writing notes. but they also say there is some damage to the brain. not out of the woods yet. the teen was flown to britain earlier this week for treatment. she was targeted by the taliban for defending the right of girls to go to school. made headlines around the world and triggered massive rallies in her support. the taliban vows they will come after her again if she survives. and also threatening reporters covering her story. the massive demonstrations condemning the attack have been on the news almost every day. and taliban militants have accused journalists of passing judgment on them. pakistan is already a dangerous place for a journalist and this could make things harder.
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one journalist says her story is still actively being taken up by the press and journalists are doing their job. all right. what a way to surprise your sister, a fourth grader gets an unexpected visit from her brother home from afghanistan. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine.
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other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. (blowing sound) ask your doctor about spiriva. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier. so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ the simple and easy way to reveal light layers of juicy pineapple and exotic mangosteen, artfully designed to open your home and fill the air with long-lasting fragrance. glade expressions oil diffuser.
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all right. welcome back. we've been talking about big tex. i want to show you some footage here. it's the world's largest cowboy, an iconic statue. that's what's left of big tex. kind of looks like a statue, there's a 50-foot tall statue, talking statue destroyed by a fire, this is dallas, texas. really a fixture in the state here. now we're understanding could have been a wiring issue. his head moved so there was wiring in the neck that may have went bad. and again, there's the end results. derek, did you see big tex go up in flames here? derek, you with us? trying to establish contact with derek, again. as an iconic statue. >> my family and i were walking up to the state fair of texas probably 10:35-ish or so, we seen the smoke in the air and walk in and sure enough, big tex is on fire. >> must have been quite a scene,
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huh. describe it for us. >> yeah, it's a massive scene, crowds, the ambulances drove up pretty quickly, the fire engines began to spray it down. but big tex is definitely gone. >> big tex is gone. tell us, give us a little more background on big tex. if you go to the state fair, is that one of the iconic things you want to see, big tex staring you down? >> yeah, i don't know a whole lot about the history of big tex, but my family and i have been coming to the state fair of texas for probably 20 years or so. and it's always been an attraction, always something you want to get your picture by. and to walk up today and to see big tex on fire was pretty surreal. >> yeah, must have been quite an inferno, huh? this 52-foot statue going up in flames? >> yeah, you know, most of big tex is a metal framework, but the fabric that you actually see is evidently pretty flammable. and, man, it burned pretty quick. >> all right. but everybody's okay?
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nobody got hurt, derrick, as far as you know? >> no, nobody got hurt. i think the crowds enjoyed the fire, but nobody was hurt. >> yeah, okay. well, i'm sure they'll resurrect big tex, but again, from what we're gathering it was a wiring issue, big tex has got some motors in his neck makes his head move and something could've shorted out there and, again, there's the end result. derrick, enjoy the fair sans big tex. thanks again. >> thanks, man. >> derrick wilson joining us there, a first-hand account, surreal he said there to walk up and there's big tex going up in flames. if we get any more info, we'll let you know about it. other news for you now. a deadly car bombing in the heart of beirut, a place that hasn't seen this kind of attack in a long time. at least eight people were killed, 78 others wounded. among the dead, a senior lebanese intelligence official. the government says he was the intended target here. now, the car bomb exploded in beirut's commercial district causing a lot of panic.
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it's the first major bombing since 2008 and the smoke could be seen from miles away. things in lebanon had been tense because the civil war in neighboring syria. we'll continue to monitor that story and bring you any new developments on that. well, people had to pack their bags and run when a wildfire got so close they could see the flames. one building, ten vehicles burned in lake county, california. one man said the fire got within 150 yards of his house. he had his stuff stacked up in the driveway in case he had to evacuate. up to 60 houses were threatened, but there's rain in the forecast for next week, and that can't come too soon. here's some of the stories to stick around and watch here on hln. in the u.s., it seems there's a starbucks on every corner, but in india, the first starbucks opened today. and the coffee giant is hoping that's just the beginning. could jerry sandusky get a new trial? his lawyers are hoping that's the case. what else they're asking from the judge. and the yankees soundly beaten, swept out of the playoffs by the tigers, crushing any hopes they're heading back
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to the world series. and now some are pointing the finger at the golden boy, alex rodriguez, he stunk it up in the post season. is he done with the yankees? [ laughing ] [ laughing ] [ laughing ] [ laughing ] ♪ you're ready for whatever life could bring. did he catch the early flight home? will he surprise the kids? [ gasps ] [ knock on door ] we'll see. but with glade's motion-activated sense & spray that offers a hint of hawaiian breeze... can i open the door? ...your home is always ready for any surprise. glade. open up and invite life in.
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and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. well, disturbing secrets from one of america's most trusted organizations is out in the open. more than 20,000 documents from the boy scouts of america, the so-called perversion files released yesterday. the organization allegedly protected more than 1,000 suspected child molesters, we're talking former scout leaders, volunteers. let's go back to paul, he's been going over these files. i know you've continued to pore over a lot of documents. what new have you found? what more stories and the stories that rip our heart out. but go ahead. >> they sure do, mike. we wanted to give you a sense for what we were talking in terms of possible cover-up or inaction by the boy scouts. let's talk about a case that started in the early 1970s in which they had suspicion of molestation against a scout
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leader. and basically this scout leader is dismissed, he's put on that confidential file, the ban file. and you look at the correspondence he's reinstated because, quote, he took treatment. and on the advice of treating him, his minister and his psychiatrist say he was allegedly cured. so the scouts go ahead and reinstate this person. he gets cleared, he goes off on a scouting trip in 1982 and guess what? he's accused of molesting two more boys. so basically when you look at all these files, it says mr. blank responded later that he was guilty and everything was exactly as the boys had indicated. and we talk a lot about this being a different time in america. the boys' parents agreed not to proceed with prosecution. and then the scouts, and i think nowadays there's no way they would ever or could get away with this. the scouts never tell police about the alleged allegations.
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that sort of speaks to how some of this went on for a while and someone could have been taken off the boy scouts roles put in the confidential files only to return again and perpetrate more stories. >> was he ever kicked out for good? >> yes, he was kicked out for good. but in terms of criminal prosecution and looking that up, we had not found at this point that he was, indeed, prosecuted. and, of course, just so the viewers know, we have decided that we're not going to release the names of the suspected pedophiles right now because if they haven't been criminally prosecuted, of course, we could be exposed and we cannot prove, you know, we're not a court. >> right. >> so we're going to have to wait. there's going to be tremendous shakeout. let's talk about the victims for one second, mike. you saw kelly clark yesterday, the lawyer front and center at this fight. i asked them, how many clients have you represented who were alleged victims of boy scout leader abuse? he said more than 100. and estimates more than half of them are drug or alcohol
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addicted and said he also had three cases of suicide. heartbreaking. >> wow. you know, and with the stories you're telling and the trauma inflicted here, not surprising. paul, again, great work. hopefully we'll talk again as we continue to pore over these documents and everyone's wondering, what's next, what about the documents from '85 until the present day. thanks again, paul, appreciate your time. great work. all right. let's get you updated on this now, the fungus found in tainted steroid shots matches the one behind the deadly meningitis outbreak. well, they found the rare fungus in more than 50 sealed vials of steroids. 20 people have died from the fungal meningitis. the cdc says it's been reported in 16 states. well, starbucks opened the first coffee shop in india, hoping to tap into a huge consumer market of 1 billion people. most begin their day drinking
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tea and hot milk, but the appetite for coffee is growing. it could double in the next five years to $500 million, it costs about $2.15 at the store. they plan to open two more stores in the next week. some of the creatures you might see if you're out for a boat ride in the ocean. dolphin, seal, whale if you're lucky. if you're really lucky, you might see a shih tzu like this guy did. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's. [ mom ] we already have a tv. would you like to know more about it? yeah, but let me put my wife on speaker. hi! hi. it's led and it has great picture quality. i don't know... it's ultra slim...
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maybe next year. you could always put it on layaway and pay a little at a time. alright. we'll take it! ah! i love you! hmm! ahem. football. [ male announcer ] shop now. get the hottest brands on your list today... like the lg 55 inch led tv. and put it on layaway now so you have more time to pay. walmart. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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prescribed by rheumatologists. fourth grade girl in san antonio could not contain herself when her big brother came home from afghanistan.
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you can see her wipe her tears from under her glasses. her big brother was in afghanistan for ten months. >> she's very proud of everything i do. she doesn't want me to go back overseas. i know it pains her every time i tell her i'm not going again and a couple months later i'll go, i'll volunteer and go back out with my guys. >> we're proud of you, as well. no word when he'll deploy again. check out these halloween decorations in texas. andy turns scraps of wood and plastic into halloween art. a display takes about five months to make and every year it's a different theme. his neighbors, they can't wait to see the new decorations for the year. >> it was a mess. cardboard everywhere, sticks laying out, tubes laying out, i didn't know what he was going to do with it all. and little things started coming together, just unbelievable. >> dumpster treasure, construction site treasure, anything anybody throws away ends up here. >> there you go. impressive stuff there. he says he loves doing it, but this year's display might be his
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last. all right. at a fork in the road in california, a guy put a huge fork in the road. he's a retired teacher. he got laughs from his neighbors, but a frown from the city, so they removed it. >> right at the fork in the road, there's a literal fork in the road. it's awesome. >> it was artistic, whimsical and it told the story that there's a fork in the road, watch out. put it back, we love the fork. >> it was whimsical. carlsbad official say it was creative but wasn't legal or safe. he said he and his son wore construction vests trying to look official putting it up hoping the city wouldn't notice them. but again, it was whimsical. this is one of the see it to believe it stories. a scrappy dog ended up in the middle of the ocean. things weren't looking so good until a random guy paddled by. here's jeannie moos with more. >> reporter: it was a doggy rescue at sea. >> oh, it's okay.
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>> reporter: charlie was on his paddle board off the coast of england making a 600-mile trip. next year he's planning a 3,000-mile paddle across the atlantic. the water sports instructor had been followed by a playful seal, chased by stormy weather. but the real ahhh moment was when charlie spotted a little dog stranded on rocks as the tide came in. >> and he sat there like a little dude wondering what the hell to do. it's okay. >> reporter: the shih tzu later identified as bam-bam was marooned submerged by a high tide. >> how surprised were you to see a dog there? >> absolutely shocked. just a remarkable, ridiculous place. >> though the dog was panicking, charlie managed to lift her into his paddle boat. >> it's okay. it's okay.
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it's okay. his iphone camera in a waterproof case was strapped to his neck between the tide and high winds. >> literally had about ten minutes until he would have been a goner. >> just relax. it's okay. >> charlie paddled ashore and brought the dog to the nearest pub at the hampton inn and an embedded chip helped identify the dog. >> the rocks on which the dog was stuck were part of a manmade sea wall and the pooch ended up going from one to another. >> that's it. what are you doing out here? all right. let's get you in. >> nuzzled up between my legs in a nice way and off he went. >> jeannie moos, cnn -- >> oh, what are you doing out here? >> reporter: -- new york. >> looks like the jerry sandusky case is far from over. what his lawyers are asking for
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now. live report next.
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and welcome back to hln. all right jerry sandusky's attorneys are asking for a new trial. his lawyers filed a motion for their client. again, he's convicted of sexually abusing ten boys over a 15-year period. he's going to spend the rest of his life behind bars. let's get a clarification on this, i want to bring in my friend and colleague beth karas. okay. so they're arguing for a new trial, that's not surprising, they want a reduced sentence, as well. what's going on? >> well, they've laid out all
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sorts of reasons why they think they're entitled to a new trial. the effect of this motion, which by the way, had to be filed within ten days of his sentencing when he was sentenced for 30 to 60 years. it keeps jerry sandusky in the center county jail where he's been housed since he was convicted in june as opposed to being sent to state prison where life is going to be very different where he's expected to spend the rest of his life. so he continues to be in the center county jail until all of these motions are dealt with. so they've laid out all kinds of grounds on a 30-plus page motion saying, look, we're entitled to a new trial but it'll require the trial judge who will decide this to admit he made one or more errors at the trial and that, indeed, it was such a gross error that it affected his right to a fair trial where his constitutional rights and he's entitled to a new trial all over again. if the judge were to grant it, it means going through this whole thing all over again. all those victims back on the stand. >> okay. so you -- as you look at this, what is the argument that really
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pounding? is it we didn't have time to prepare? >> yes, that is the argument. they've laid out so many individual reasons why they didn't have enough time to prepare. they did ask a couple of times for a continence. and frankly i was surprised they didn't get it. this case moved to trial very quickly. they were still reading documents in discovery on the eve of trial and during the trial. that's a little unusual. however, they were effective in their defense because the jury considered 48 separate counts against sandusky and convicted him of 45. they acquitted him of three of the counts. so it may be hard for them to say we didn't have enough time to prepare, look what happened to us, they won on some of the accounts. they could come back and say we would've won more of the counts if we could've prepared better. >> got it. as you look at this, do they have a good argument for not enough time to prepare? >> the problem is i think they do. i do. whether or not it will rise to the level of a new trial, not in
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front of the judge, i don't think there's a prayer of that. but an appellate court will take a look at this and other issues. i don't know if an appellate court will say he really deserves a new trial because there's overwhelming evidence. >> right. >> and does an appellate court look at the trauma that a victim had to go through to go and testify in front of sandusky, the court, and the world and the pain that could have caused? >> i suppose that'll be one of the factors they may take into consideration, but the appellate court is not looking at the facts, looking at whether or not there was legal error in the case. it's a matter of law. >> and you mentioned it. new trial, you said it a couple of minutes ago, that could mean jerry sandusky's victims have to testify again. beth, we're hearing from victim one, aaron fisher, victim one, the one that had the courage to step forward and get the ball rolling here. he spoke with abc news chris cuomo, let's listen to that. >> you weren't able to say -- >> nope. >> -- this guy is a monster, he's sexually assaulting me.
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>> i couldn't do it. >> why? >> embarrassment. fear of not being believed. the victim means people feel sympathy for you. i don't want that. i would rather be somebody that did something good. >> and it goes on to say how he felt basically betrayed and chris cuomo was trying to track down the principal of this school one more time as the mom was told, you know, go home and think about it, beth. we know the details of that. i'm not saying oen the legal front, but what about school officials like that? and there's question of their reaction to all this and whether or not they did the right thing? >> you know, there are so many people in cases -- not only this one, but adults who just don't believe that the children who are coming to them with what they perceive to be these outrageous claims hear about a man who is such a big person in a community, this couldn't possibly be true, his perception is off, something's wrong, they have to be, of course,
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second-guessing themselves and wondering where they went wrong and why they didn't believe the child. should there be accountability? maybe so. >> and that's in the interview there with chris cuomo, why didn't you come forward? two things, he said he was embarrassed and the second thing was, he didn't think anybody would believe him. so sad, but at one point he did have the courage to step forward. >> and what the people are now seeing with aaron fisher is what we in the courtroom saw. we saw eight of the ten victims, two were unidentified, say some of the same things that now the general public is getting a chance to hear. >> and beth, correct me if i'm wrong when we talk about victim one here, didn't he have trouble? wasn't he bullied basically out of his own school when people figured out in the community it was him? >> yeah, i believe that was aaron, yes. yeah, i think you're right. >> you know -- >> yeah. awful. awful situation. >> and just not done yet on so many fronts here. thanks for the clarification on that as we continue to follow this. changing the mood here, as we follow something completely different. it's breaking news, the world's
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largest cowboy basically burned down. we're talking about the iconic 52-foot statue of big tex. talking statue destroyed by fire. this is in dallas, texas, and the statue really a fixture at the state fair in the state, take a look. now there's big tex in all of his glory before the fire. greeted fairgoers for some 60 years, talked to fairgoers. now you saw the new big tex. the spokesman for the texas state fair said the fire started less than an hour ago. there's some of the smoke billowing there. that was a picture we got from derrick wilson. he said it was surreal walking up and this is what's going on with tex. they believe the fire started because of wiring in his neck because he talks and his neck moves, maybe there was a short out there. that could be the issue. thankfully no injuries reported other than the big tex. all right. both candidates have a busy day in the campaign trail. mitt romney and paul ryan are in
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the swing state of florida. they will hold a rally daytona beach tonight where they'll be joined by country music star john rich from big and rich. 100,000 bikers also in daytona for bike toberfest. and it's his second time on that campus just a couple of weeks. all right. the most decorated man in olympic history has a new title. michael phelps beat out people like bruce lee and arnold schwarzenegger to get it? ah. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter too? what? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked.
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with odor free aspercreme. powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. so all you notice is relief. aspercreme. three male construction workers on a coffee break, harassing a woman as she passes by. what people around them don't know is they're actors. what would you do if you witnessed something like that for real? that's the question we asked on the hit show "what would you do?" coming to hln on sunday. >> the joggers are out and our "what would you do?" actress is dressed for the gym. what better way to start the day than hearing a compliment. >> what kind of workout are you doing today? >> you talking to me? >> love is in the air. i sense it. >> if you need us, we'll be over here. >> that smile can quickly turn when men don't know when to
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stop. as you might have guessed, these construction workers are actually professional actors dressed up from steel toe to hard hat. >> hey, listen, i could tell my wife cancel dinner and you and i can cancel dinner if you want. >> you're disgusting. >> they're not letting up and this woman gives our actors some sisterly advice. >> you should stop talking. you're just fueling their ignorance. >> i'm being nice -- look at her, she's beautiful. >> you don't treat people that way. it's wrong. >> can i apologize on their behalf? >> are you apologizing for men in general or just them? >> minutes later, we catch up with david. >> what bothered you? >> it seemed like they were attacking her on a certain level. and we all live in society, we have to behave a certain way and that was out of line. if someone was doing that to my wife, i would not be happy about it. >> so, what would you do? great question, right? the show starts again sunday
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night 9:00 eastern here on hln. you see hidden camera show, you get the conversations, the reactions hosted by abc news. makes you think and you've got to ask the question, "what would you do?" starts sunday night here on hln. the detroit tigers, the talk of the sports world today head to the world series sweep the yankees out of the playoffs and a-rod taking the heat. ♪ ♪ fly by night away from here ♪ ♪ change my life again ♪ ♪ fly by night, goodbye my dear ♪ ♪ my ship isn't coming ♪ and i just can't pretend oww! ♪ [ male announcer ] careful, you're no longer invisible in a midsize sedan. the volkswagen passat. winner of a motor trend midsize sedan comparison. that's the power of german engineering.
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all right. the mystery of what happened to baby gabriel is still not served even after a verdict against his mom was handed down. >> do find the defendant elizabeth johnson as to the offense conspiracy to commit custodial interference guilty. >> elizabeth johnson was also found guilty of unlawful imprisonment. november 1st is when the judge will set a date for sentencing. baby gabriel disappeared in 2009. she told the father she killed gabriel and tells police she gave the baby to an anonymous couple in texas. johnson also was originally charged with kidnapping, but the jury could not reach a verdict on that. so they go for the lesser count
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of unlawful imprisonment. well, 5-month-old sabrina mysteriously vanished from her crib just before thanksgiving without a trace. they think she's being raised by another family. nancy grace mysteries digs into this chilling case. >> i remember when i first heard about the disappearance of 5-month-old sabrina, and even to this day without looking at a -- an internet photo or the tv monitor or a newspaper, i recall exactly what 5-month-old sabrina looked like with those big eyes and the dark hair. sabrina's disappearance was highly, highly unusual. it wasn't like she went missing at a crowded mall or was outside playing unattended at a park. she was in the home.
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in the home with her parents marlene and steve aisenberg. the aisenbergs said they had gone to bed, that mommy checked on her 5-month-old baby girl around 11:00, 11:30 p.m. that everything was quiet through the night, and then around 6:30 a.m., she checked and sabrina was missing. the aisenbergs said they left the kitchen door unlocked. the kitchen door led to the garage. they said the garage door was up. they also said the alarm was turned off. the dog that lived inside -- it was an indoor/outdoor dog never barked.
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in the midst of the search for baby sabrina, a red flag. a baby girl was up for adoption with no birth certificate, no real positive i.d. on her, many states away in illinois. the aisenbergs seemed to be convinced that baby girl was, in fact, going to be sabrina and police went to the great extent of having the tiny baby dna tested. it was not sabrina. to this day, the case of sabrina aisenberg has never been solved. now, her parents steve and marlene aisenberg say they believe she is alive somewhere and being raised by a family who wanted a baby.
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police searched several bodies of water in the neighborhood, including deputies shoulder-to-shoulder searching the bottom of ponds with their hands for a tiny 5-month-old baby's lifeless body. they searched the entire neighborhood, they searched bodies of water. all within a 5-mile radius of the aisenberg home, turned up nothing. interesting even after all these years the family still releases age progression photos of what they believe little sabrina would look like. i say interesting because the aisenberg family is doing that, but not police. >> so will baby sabrina ever be found? be sure to catch "nancy grace mysteries" tonight. mars rover "curiosity"
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scooping out what looks like some dirt, and there are some shiny little specks in there, as well. experts aren't sure what they are. but they could be another clue as to whether or not life ever existed there. the mission expected to last two years. a sad update now on a sick kentucky boy whose fight to live took facebook to whether life e. a teen lost his battle with cancer wednesday night. his thumbs-up pose in his hospital room sparked a campaign. blaine's family set up the foundation in his honor so his memory and his mission will live on. alex rodriguez, or a-rod, highest paid player in baseball. could this be the end of the road for him as a yankee? [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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[ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier. so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ you're ready for whatever life could bring. did he catch the early flight home? will he surprise the kids? [ gasps ] [ knock on door ] we'll see. but with glade's motion-activated sense & spray that offers a hint of hawaiian breeze... can i open the door? ...your home is always ready for any surprise. glade. open up and invite life in. automatically fill your home with a welcoming fragrance, like hawaiian breeze. sc johnson. a family company.
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add to michael phelps' resume fittest man of all time. according to "men's health" magazine, that's what he is.
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three workouts in the pool, three weight workouts daily. number two, bruce lee. number three, arnold schwarzenegger. jack lalanne and herschel walker number 5. they sweep the yankees out of the playoffs. 8-1 in game four, so they win the championship series. the tigers' first game this week, the mighty yankees. huge accomplishment. detroit has appeared in 11 world series. up next for them, the cardinals and the giants. st. louis leading the national championship series 8-1 with game 9 coming up. tigers dominate the yankees. new york fans enraged and all that anger is aimed at mega star alex rodriguez.
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he bottom line stunk it up in the post season. here's this guy making all this money is he gets pinched? there's even reports that a-rod took time during the game to flirt with some fans, get some phone numbers. how about that? >> reporter: last at-bat for controversial alex rodriguez and maybe forever with his team, the new york yankees, one of the most storied franchises in the world. rodriguez, known as a-rod, was a failure during the playoffs. again. >> i don't understand what he's doing. he's not hitting. >> it's embarrassing. big fan, good-looking guy, but he needs to play it up on the field. >> they clob bered him on the field in the headlines, even though the other players could have hit when it counted. money plays a big part. he is the highest paid baseball player this year and for the future. >> alex rodriguez signed with the yankees in 2008 to a
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10-year, $275 million contract. this is the biggest contract in the history of baseball. here we are halfway through it. it doesn't even seem as if he's going to last the other half. >> reporter: a-rod's salary would not even place him in the top half of the corporate boardrooms. he's in the top 30. he would likely strike out with shareholders. the yankees, a private company, did take him off the starting lineup in the playoffs, unprecedented for such a successful player in the past. >> he's still a bg threig threa for whatever reason right now, we are adjusting to what we're seeing. >> reporter: a-rod's play off the field has soured fans. he admitted is to steroid use, but he says it's before his yankee days. he's been dating some models. fans are furious that in the
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middle of a playoff game this week, he sent a baseball to a spectator to get her phone number, one of them a bikini model. a-rod won only one game in the nine series. could the a-rod model, with more than $14 million left, be saved? >> i wouldn't say he's an a-brand. >> even the horse a-rod had a bad week. >> reporter: he ends his season. a trembling a-rod says he wants to stay. >> i love everything about the yankees. the highs are extremely high and the lows are extremely low. we know that former nfl cheerleader turned teacher who had sex with one of her students. sara jones is going on record for the first time talking about the affair she says turned into a true romance.
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welcome back. this is hln. i'm mike galanos. lawyers for sandusky want a new trial. they say there is not enough evidence. they say they needed more time to prepare for the case. >> that's going to be probably the foundation of our appeal, but there are other issues. for example, the issue involving number 8, the hearsay testimony of the one janitor about what the other janitor said. >> sandusky's attorneys are also ask the judge to reconsider his sentence. last week the former penn state
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assistant football coach was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. meanwhile, sandusky's victim number 1 talked with abc this morning. this is what he had to say. >> we're unable to say, help, this guy is a monster. he's sexually assaulting me. >> i couldn't do it. >> why? >> embarrassment, fear of not being believed. if a victim means people feel sympathy for you, i don't want that. i would rather be someone who does something good. >> sandusky sentenced to 30 years in prison. that victim just came outweigh book that's coming out next week. it's called "silent no more" and he's really the one that had the courage to get this going. again, sandusky convicted on 35 counts of sex abuse involving ten boys. first appearance before a newly appointed judge for george zimmerman. his lawyers are trying to get
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the full transcript released. his lawyers spoke denouncing the legal team's attempts to get those records. >> let us be clear. trayvon's family does not feel that his school records are relevant in any way. it is wrong to subpoena his records on so many levels for middle school and high school. it is very offensive to them. but if the court sees fit to release trayvon's school records, we demand that george zimmerman's medical records be released, because they are far more relevant as to why he shot and killed trayvon martin on february 26. >> we know zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer who killed the 17-year-old back in february. he said the teen was acting
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suspiciously and he shot him in self-defense. trayvon martin was unarmed. britney spears and her parents will deliver a live remark. yesterday the former manager's attorney shows a bunch of paparazzi shots in court, the head shaving. he feels they unfairly blamed him for britney spears' meltdown four years ago. his attorney said he worked hard to keep her off drugs, but she liked to use am fet -- amphetamines. tom hanks accidentally dropped the f-bomb on "good morning, america" today. they asked him to sound like his character. >> [ bleep ]. >> we are so sorry, "good
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morning, america." bleep that. >> i'm so sorry. i slipped into a brand of acting. i have never done that before. i want to apologize to the kids in america who are watching this right now, and let me say next time on the show there will be a seven-second delay. >> all right. tom hanks went on twitter to add to that apology. he tweeted to gma special kowtow for lizzie v and for what did i just say? oops. in character. whoops. the nfl cheerleader who pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct in order to avoid jail time. now she's talking to msnbc along with the 16-year-old, cody york. he said he never saw himself as a victim.
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>> i adore everything about him. >> i love everything about her, literally everything. she can be her worst in front of me and it makes me love her even more. >> he's seen me break down and be at my lowest. if you can love someone at their lowest, that says a lot. he says, sar a you look so beautiful in your mug shot. that's how i know he loves me. >> she said having a relationship with the underage york was wrong and she regrets what happened, but she says she never pursued york. during the trial, york did not cooperate with the prosecution and he and his parents supported jones. the 52-inch tall big tex statue destroyed by fire. that's big tex before the fire, right? in all his glory, he talks to the fairgoers. he's been doing that for about 60 years. the fire started just a couple hours ago.
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again, we had a chance to talk to somebody who was there when the fire was going on, derrick wilson, he took this picture for us. he said it was surreal to see big tex go up in flames like that, and there's what's left, basically a skeleton. he lost his clothes, his hat, his head. officials believe some faulty wiring in his neck started the fire. thankfully no injuries reported. for more on this story, follow our website, with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. [ mom ] we already have a tv. would you like to know more about it? yeah, but let me put my wife on speaker. hi! hi. it's led and it has great picture quality. i don't know... it's ultra slim... maybe next year. you could always put it on layaway and pay a little at a time. alright. we'll take it! ah! i love you! hmm! ahem. football. [ male announcer ] shop now.
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if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you... they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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both presidential candidates spent the day on the campaign trail. mitt romney and paul ryan, they'll be in the swing state of florida. they'll hold a rally on daytona beach. president obama is visiting another battleground state, virginia. he's holding a rally at the university, his second time at that college in two weeks. pundits, spin doctors, we want everybody to pick apart the candidates' performances, but when did the moderators come under such scrutiny? jim lehrer. he was steamrolled. that was the criticism of him.
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the next one might have been too forceful and we know candy crowley took some heat for her efforts the other night in debate number 2. so bob schaefer, he moderates the final debate. he knows he's under the microscope. let's go to joanna white. she's a boston globe columnist. joanna, have we ever seen anything like this, where the mod rarerators are really the players in this? >> i don't remember an election where the moderators are so scrutinized. i think that speaks to how close this election is and how important the debates have been. >> the man right now where the microphone is really centered is bob schaefer. i think he moderated in '04 and '08, and it's got to be different for him now in 2012. >> there is a lot of pressure, and because the scrutiny has been on the moderators the last couple debates, he really has to walk this very careful line between just making sure the
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candidates get equal time and this question of should he do any fact checking along the way, how are you both even handed and really advancing the debate and advancing the conversation? >> thankless job, it seems. >> well, i think that's partly what's up for question. i think the campaign commission is very -- you know, thinks about sort of very even-handed, almost non-present moderator. i think candy crowley was actually asked to do less than she was willing to do in terms of asking her own questions and asking follow-up questions. so it seems like the moderators themselves have a little bit of leeway to run the debates how they see fit, which is why you saw very, very quiet kind of sitting back jim lehrer, a much more active martha raddish. i suppose bob schaefer will be more on the active side. >> how much does it factor in when the candidates don't answer
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the questions? it's not like as moderator you can throw out the question and look up the next question. you have to be tuned in to hold them to the fire. >> exactly. that is standard debate procedure. i think these candidates are well trained on how to pivot from the question to their talking points fairly quickly. i think that's something that as a moderator you expect, and that's where the follow-up question becomes very important. if you can get in there and say, yes, but, then i think your job as a moderator is to take the candidates off their talking point. >> and joanna, have you ever seen anything like it where the sides are jumping on the moderator. you know, if more people say mitt romney won, then the obama people are jumping on the moderator or vice versa. if they say the president won the debate, then the moderator is on fire from the mitt romney side. >> right, i think it's more extreme when the debate is like a draw like it seemed to be this week. the moderator, really, in some ways i feel like the moderator
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has done the right thing if both sides think that he or she is completely unfair. that means she's doing something right. >> good point there. you want both of them coming at you that means things went well. let's watch the moment that cnn's candy crowley is under fire. she had to follow up and ask questions. it's the part about libya, whether the president used the word terror in the rose garden the day after the u.n. ambassador was killed. >> i want to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in benghazi an act of terror. >> get the transcript. >> he did, in fact, sir. let me call it an act of terror. he did call it an act of terror. >> he went on to say that governor romney had a point he made as well.
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so moving forward, what does a moderator learn from that moment? >> that was a tricky one. i suspected that's something candy crowley might have had in her head because it's really impossible to fact check on the fly the way people are sort of accusing her of wanting to do. these candidates say so many things so quickly that it takes an army of people to really kind of fact check every comment. but, again, i think fact checking in an even-handed way, which is what she attempted to do although her answer helping romney was a little bit buried in the cross talk. if you're going to do that checking, you have to be even-handed about it. >> and i think we'll hear more about that. >> definitely. they'll be prepared. >> they will be. you're absolutely right on that, i'm sure. bob schaefer will be as well. a good conversation. thank you for your time. authorities just busted a
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counterfeit operation in new jersey. counterfeit ketchup, that's what we're talking about. [ male announcer ] now you can swipe... scroll... tap... pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten, you still like things to push. [ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward.
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i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newcaster: breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding. and political parties that are actual parties! with cake! and presents! ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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when paul headings was 17, he dreamed of being a baseball player but a debilitating medical condition changed his life forever. five years later, he's pursuing a new dream. dr. sanjay gupta has his story in today's human factor. ♪ >> as a drum major for mazou,
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paul headings is living his dream. it's a new dream because his old dream of playing professional baseball was disappearing. >> september 7, 2007. just barely into my junior year of high school. >> the teen woke up and something was changing. >> it didn't seem like something was really wrong. >> but something was. his retinas had started tearing apart in both his eyes. >> i didn't know what i would be able to do. i could potentially go completely blind. >> paul said this was not caused by disease or trauma but by genetics. >> it happened to my mom, my grandma, a couple uncles. even my sisters had similar issues. >> they didn't lose as much vision. paul, on the other hand, is legally blind. sight in his best eye cannot be corrected beyond 2/200. >> my left eye has
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imperfections. my right eye is great. >> he can read but not well. he has to read a digital computer that has graphics. he joined his high school drum line, taking the music home, mag if i f magany -- magnifying it, memorizing it. >> after an extensive interview process, clinched the drum major spot. most in the band didn't even know he was legally blind. he suffered three detachmentes and cataracts in both eyes. one has been removed. so far he has had countless operations and countless laser procedures. >> i could wake up tomorrow and lose significant moral vision. i could walk away from here
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today and something could happen and i could lose it. >> he says time on the ladder will change the perception of visually impaired people. >> i want to be able to say when i leave here that i did something special and i didn't let this hold me back. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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you realize how many business deals are made on the golf course? pga pro susan mele talked with our robin meade about why women are taking up golf. >> let's talk a little about the
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benefits of golf, because i'm right there with you. i don't know how. what are the benefits we're losing out on as women not being on the golf course? >> there are so many opportunities where you can have business clients and entertain them on the golf course. you can spend two or three hours there, you can spend half the day there. >> can you imagine four or five hours with someone with no phone on? >> instead of going out to dinner, taking someone to dinner, going to a beautiful golf course in a beautiful setting would be so much better. men capitalize on it so often. >> so many people think of it as a guy's place. >> yeah, but we're changing that. your grip looks great, you want your hands nice and secure, together on the club. as far as your swing goes, we just want to make a little bit bigger motion, and i want to you finish with your belly at your target. >> for a beginner, should i do a full swing or a half swing? >> it depends on the ability
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level. if you're struggling with the full swing, you can take it to something smaller where you had some success and then take it bigger. there you go. great. >> robin has a pretty good swing. they're promoting a program. it's called get golf ready, designed to get you on the course in a mere five lessons so you can have your own golf lesson for free. just go to or robin just had her five lessons. she'll be playing with bubba watson in bermuda next week. they'll be playing right before the grand am of golf. a group of drunk teens, they make a big scene on the street. but what people nearby do not know is they're just actors. what would you do if you saw that? that's the question we ask in the new hit show, what would you do? coming to hln this sunday. >> underage drinking. as this video shows, it is a
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disturbing pastime that can have tragic effects. what would you do if you saw a group of what appeared to be teens getting wasted in public in the middle of the day? >> one, two, three. >> reporter: we're in montclair, new jersey. they're all actors and there's no real alcohol in those cans. but what happens when a good samaritan has their impressionable young child in tow? for abigail harris, it doesn't matter. >> it is too early to be out here drinking. it's like 11:00 in the morning. >> she even tries to take away their beer. >> we're taking care of this. we're taking care of this. >> then she asked this woman for help. >> can you help me? these kids are drinking. and they think it's fine. >> she jumps right in. >> reality test.
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give me the beer. >> time to let them know it really is okay. >> oh, my god, my heart is racing. >> weren't you scared? >> of them? not at all. >> why not? >> those are young kids. >> for people who say that was heroic, what would you say? >> that's just being a mom and a concerned adult. >> so what would you do? the show starts sunday, 9:00 eastern. hidden camera show hosted by john quinones of abc news. what would they do, what would you do? the show starts sunday, 9:00 eastern right here on hln. one of the states up for grabs is wisconsin. there's cnn's gil marcus. he's hanging out with a couple ka cads in washington. i think their names are mitt and
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barack. and women in wisconsin. we'll talk about that as well.
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welcome back to hln. both the presidential candidates having a busy day on the trail. mitt romney and paul ryan are in the swing state of florida. president obama is visiting a battleground state, virginia. joe biden is battling in florida. >> reporter: here we are milking cows in racine county, wisconsin.
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where else can we offer up such delicious delicacy? this is a place that hasn't voted for a republican since reagan in 1984. they have farmed here since grover cleveland was president. they have run the family dairy for 16 years. twice a day, 3:00 a.m. and p.m., they milk their 80 cows. they want to expand, but it's tight. their concern, government debt acting like an anchor on the economy. >> have you made up your mind who you're going to vote for? >> i have a pretty good idea. >> but still could change it. >> could change it. >> anything could change. >> what is it they want out of the white house? >> it's got to be someone who wants to strap on their big boy boots and really take charge and say, look, we are in a world of hurt. we need change. >> voters here take elections
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seriously, turn out these high end. most voters, independent. >> these counties voted for george bush in 2000 and 2004. they voted obama in '08. there are more bush to obama swing counties in wisconsin than any other state. even in the same family, votes on spl often split. >> i am voting for romney. >> you think he has the business credentials? >> yes. he is a businessman first. >> do you know who you're going to vote for? >> no, i have no idea who i'm going to vote for. it teeters depending. >> they started their own bakery four years ago. they struggled, but now the business grew and they're going to hire three more employees. >> are social or economic issues bigger for you. >> i have to go for economic just because it's our country and all that, but social is important. it's not right to tell a woman
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what they can and can't do with their body. >> she rents out most of her farmland and says she works harder than others just to keep her head above water. . >> five women, one battleground state. both campaigned, working for their votes in the final stretch. all right, miguel joins us from waterford, wisconsin. >> i just woke up after sleeping all day. these are two newborn. they were born after we shot that story. this one is mitt and this one is barack, and they are very hungry because they keep walking up and trying to eat our jeans off this penn. some are still undecided. what are the polls saying? wisconsin is up for grabs, isn't it? >> there are a couple tolls out
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this week. one was taken completely before the second debate. dead heat, literally four voters separated. several of the respondents showed up after that second debate, both candidates up 5 or 6 points. republicans hoping to start talking. >> i know she's trying to get a bulge for the candidates. >> she's not too far. matt romney, one of the sons, is in seizure seizure there. miguel, thanks again. light-haertd break from the campaign trail as they both put
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their differences aside, folk f us on having some fun. >> yesterday i went shopping in stores in midtown. i understand governor romney went shopping for some stores in midtown. >> we're down to the president's final term. as president obama surveys the waldorf banquet room with everyone in white tie and finery, you have to wonder what he's thinking. so little time. so much to redistribute. >> tonight, nothing about the agreement governor romney and i may have, bing with o-- beginnih our middle name. mitt uses his middle name. i wish i could use my middle
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name. >> blue jeans in the morning, perhaps, suits for a lunch fundraiser, sport coat for dinner but it's kind of nice to relax to whatever ann and i wear around the house. >> i was attacked because i was so popular with our allies overseas. i have to say i'm impressed with how well. we're each very lucky, and some of whom. he is bill clinton. >> tomorrow it's back to campaigning. the cities and towns cross our great country and i hear the same thing everywhere i go. honestly, we were hoping to see
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michelle. >> usually in a gathering like this, it's just to be the designated driver. >> they paid top dollar to attend that dinner. president anticipate anticipate. . during the white house statements of a u.s. consulate. libya, sure. >> i won't fond of the fact we needed to wrap up everything as soon as it happened. it was not the optimal. yeah zoo if mother americans, it's not palpable.
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today, the was leading ntsz salon's pot policy, you know that's coming back again. >> dropped the f-bomb on live tv. that's coming up. ♪ to look at [ sighs ] ♪ oh, he's shaggy ♪ and he eats like a hog [ male announcer ] the volkswagen jetta. available with advanced keyless technology. control everything from your pocket, purse, or wherever. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ that dirty, old egg-suckin' dog ♪ starts with ground beef, unions, and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. let's fix dinner.
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so they can take the steps to help grow, preserve, and pass along their wealth. so their footsteps can help the next generation find their own path. all of us serving you. us bank [ mom ] we already have a tv. would you like to know more about it? yeah, but let me put my wife on speaker. hi! hi. it's led and it has great picture quality. i don't know... it's ultra slim... maybe next year. you could always put it on layaway and pay a little at a time. alright. we'll take it! ah! i love you! hmm! ahem. football. [ male announcer ] shop now. get the hottest brands on your list today... like the lg 55 inch led tv. and put it on layaway now so you have more time to pay. walmart. at meineke i have options... like oil changes starting at $19.95. my money. my choice. my meineke.
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all right, you saw me at the supermarket. everywhere you've got a lot of questions about your money. we have the answers for you at our hln help desk. we have two financial experts for you here today to answer your questions. amanda steinberg who is the founder of, and louis is of volume of small business, big life and a hand e hand-me. >> well, that's a great question and the reason i say that is because everybody starts with the urnt remember. but you want to compare it to another loan, and if somebody is
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offering a a loan at, and if you recalculate the interest rate, you will come up with an apr. it really theps consumers to determine how much that loan is really going to cost them, that's why you know the apr is going to be a little higher i. is interest going to go up on that card because i'm virtually not paying any interest. >> you should not worry about that and you should continue paying that card every month. remember, credit card companies also make money on the transaction fees. so don't worry about the paying off that credit card. that makes me giggle that swoo.
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if you've got a money question, you can send it to hlf. we'll have moments like that or. ally bank. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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-oh, that's just my buds. -bacon. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] donuts. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? okay. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. but between check-ups tartar builds. keep it clean with new listerine® ultraclean™. it's the only mouthwash with a new tartar control formula for a dentist clean feeling. ahhhhhhhh. [ male announcer ] new listerine® ultraclean™. power to your mouth™.
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this happened right now. we have some information coming out of college station, texas. a bomb threat causing a campus-wide evacuation. the threat came in just before noon. students and faculty were told to leave on foot, no vehicles here. about 39,000 students enrolled there for the false semester. texas a&m university, we're on it. detroit tigers are headed to
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the world series after they swee sweeped the new york yankees 4 games to 1. now as they're going to see the card nals exchange the one game tonight the world sea. >> add another title to michael fem phelps' resume. it's called fittest man of all time. he's retired from swimming, but during his peak workout years, his routine consisted of ten workouts a week in the pool, three weight workouts, plus core workouts. we just mentioned michael phelps. bruce lee at number 2, arn sold. well, the federal
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investigation thound that was not an isolated incident and that could come wise. there were other incidents in romania, salvador, panama. his agent says his testimony was timely and truthful. good update here on that pack stin i team shot before the alogym alogymom. each week we're shining a spotlight on the twop ten heroes, and you vote for the one that inspired you the most. this is a single mother from haiti who became a target of sexual violence but turned her
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personal trauma into a fight for justice. >> translator: two years after the earthquake, the situation still the same. the people are still under the tents. they don't have electricity. there is no security where they sleep. they are getting raped. before the earthquakes. . >> translator: >> translator: mothers are not spared, children are not spared. even babies are not spared. i am a victim of sexual
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violence. i am on a mission to eradicate this issue so that other haitian women do not fall victim. we do awareness in the camp. we are working in 22 camps after the earthquake. now we are trying to work in others. we tell people to come out of silence. do not be afraid to say that you have been victimized. we offer psychological and legal support. we have a call center and we accompany the victim to the hospital. and we have a safe house program. for me, the first thing is justice that i want. i was a victim and i did not find justice. but i know i will get it for other women that are victims. we have to fight so we can say what was said in the past.
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this is a great nation. there will be a change. >> store friday of triumph. we are going to talk about a counterfeit operation busted. we are talking about counterfeit ketchup. oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪
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smell of exploding ketchup bottles. something wasn't right. clark douglas from news 12 new jersey reports on how a counterfeit ketchup operation was busted. >> reporter: it was a condiment catastrophe. nearly 2,000 bottles of ketchup left in a stuffy warehouse, some
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exploded and spilled attracting flies and sending a nasty stench next door. >> all of a sudden there was this smell. >> reporter: what did you smell? >> bad food. >> reporter: officials came to investigate after receiving a complain. they found nearly 50,000 pounds of ketchup. they also found empty bottles, labels with the heinzing low and so equipment. >> it is kind of -- you would use to fill food stuff jars. >> reporter: a spokesperson for heinz says it is investigates as an unauthorized repackaging operation complete with phony bottles and labels. the man that occupies the space next door used to be in the packaging business. when he saw the operation he noticed something inning about the labels. >> it was also no name of the print other the labels. normally somebody is manufacturing something, it will say, you know, joe's label company. >> reporter: the dover code enforcement office says the warehouse, now empty but under watch, was being rented by joesive craig under the name wholesome foods.
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he says minds did not sell the ketchup directly to him. those who rented spaces nearby say the employees kept odd hours. >> i don't know who worked there. only at the end i saw the truck come and take away all the equipment. >> reporter: while the fda investigates, heinz has taken responsibility for cleaning up the mess. >> it may seem like an out of date technique but barter sing actually helping a lot of people get ahead in tough financial times. today making it in america. you will get a course in bartering. vinnie politan will talk to kyle mcdonald. he has one of the biggest bartering success stories you will ever hear. >> kyle mcdonald started the website a year ago. with nothing more than a red paper clip. the 26-year-old hatched the crazy idea to bartder that paper clip over the internet for bigger and better things. until eventually he got a house. impossible, right? maybe not. >> all right. a&e reality show "barter king
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stars" will join vinnie today and show you how to make money on uneven trades. >> i'm trading today 2003 off-road vehicle. when i talked to you on the phone you said it was wreck. does it run? >> trade up. this thing is awesome, man. i can't luis know i'm excited about this. i think it is worth what the hands are worth. his vehicle is worth more than my vintage hand. you are going to make a lot of money with the amplifier. i'm going to offer him something i don't have. if i can get you a signed picture of willie nelson with that -- >> you know what, just go ahead and do it. you got a deal. >> awesome, man. i have to get that willie nelson picture for this guy. >> check out "making it in america" right here hln.
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watch this. plan particular attempt to get away from a maximumed man in portland, maine. working at a smoke shop. the man came at her with a gun. you saw her flip over that little partition there. clerk jumped over a seven-foot wall. he chased her out of the store. she hid in a bakery across the street. he got away. police aren't sure if the man was trying to rob the store or not. we have some breaking news for you here. trayvon martin's killer george zimmerman back in court. one of the issues in court whether or not the defense could get their hands on various astronaut martin's school records, online records. we will tell you about that ruling as well. because the prosecution in the martin family have argued against that. david matting lynn standing by live. christi paul is coming up next.
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george zimmerman is in court as we speak here. his lawyers filed a motion to get the teen's personal information released. a judge made that decision. we are going to tell you what is happening there. a 12-year-old girl probably didn't expect to fight off a guy that broke in while she was home alone. she grabbed the family's gun. he tried go after her. a k-9 castway plucked from the sea from a pretty surprised and confused power border.
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unusual rescue to tell you about. you know the whole thing was caught on camera. welcome back to hln. i'm christi paul. happy friday to you. let's get to our top stories for you. major decision by the judge as george zimmerman appears in court right now. newly pointed judge just ruled to release trayvon martin's school records. but said the defense has to keep anything they obtain private. which means we won't see it. his lawyers are also trying to get access to his cell phone records and social media accounts. i think that's still being deliberated there. zimm martin was killed in february. he said the teen was acting suspiciously and shot him in self-defense. i want to bring in david mattingly. he is at the courthouse. i know -- that ruling to release the records might have been surprising to some. what does it mean for both sides here? >> reporter: well, right now what it means is that the
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defense can explore the background of trayvon martin as they prepare their defense for george zimmerman. remember, zimmerman is the only one who is alive who can testify exactly about how that confrontation began. who threw the first punch. how it played out? he is the only one that can do that. information about trayvon martin's background will be important it is a defense moves forward. family of trayvon martin has been very vocal. before the proceedings started today they are out here on the lawn of the courthouse just behind me. talking and very strong language about how they believe their son's records should not be made public because they kept repeating that their son here is the victim. liste listen.
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we did hear from the attorney for trayvon martin's family as well as his mother and father. they have a political agenda which they are raising money publicly to support an effort to support candidates and other organizations aimed at rolling back or amend stand your ground laws across the country. it is their opinion that if you are the one who initiates a confrontation, you should not be allowed to claim immunity under a stand your ground provision as they have here in florida. as far as today the judge significantly here has ruled in favor of the defense, that they can see trayvon martin's school records as they prepare their defense for george zimmerman. also, interesting today, this is the first time that we have seen george zimmer since he got out of jail three months ago. he dmam and very quiet. emotionless as some things were going on. appearing somewhat heavier, noticeably heavier than he was last time.
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we don't know exactly where he has been staying. under the terms of his release, he has to stay in seminole county and his attorney at the time said they had a number of places lined up, safe houses, for him to be staying at. again, his first public appearance since he got out of jail on bond. also, his first appearance before this new judge, judge deborah nelson, and so far she's been agreeable to what the defense wants in this case. >> in fact, we are getting word that she has also ruled regard sting trayvon martin's facebook and twitter accounts that -- the defense can have access to those. what's the purpose in that? >> reporter: that's easier said than done. the defense now is able to subpoena those records. but if the family no longer has those records, then the defense has on go directly to twitter and directly to facebook and fight a prolonged legal battle with those organizations to release those -- that material.
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the tweets of trayvon martin as well as the facebook page to trayvon martin and others in this case were taken down after the incident. the defense now wanting to see everything that was out there and if they can't get it from the family they have to go to the companies and that will be difficult. >> all right. david mattingly, thank you foech important the update. we appreciate your being here. just so you know apparently the defense argued that the information on those accounts such as videos of mm 8 could be relevant to the defendant's case. that's part of why they want to see what access to those social media accounts. we will keep you posted on that. i do have quite an update for you on the pakistani teen shot in the head by the taliban. her first photo. here she is. 14-year-old malala yousufzai in her hospital room in britain. doctors say she stood up for the first time today. she is communicating freely by writing notes. they also report that there is obviously some damage to her
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brain and malala is not in the clear at this point but the teen was flown to britain earlier this week for treatment. she was targeted by the taliban for defending the right of the girls to go to school. malala's story of courage and defiance made headlines around the world p.m. triggered massive rallies in her support the the taliban vowed if she survives, which it looks like she will, that they will come after her again. pakistani taliban are also threatening reporters covering her story. gigantic demonstrations you see here condemning the attack have been on the news almost daily. taliban militants have accused journalists of passing judgment on them, pakistan's already dangerous place to be a journalist, as you know. this could make things even tougher. despite the risk one journalist says malala's story is actively being taken up by the press and journalists are doing their job. there was some red faces all around when tom hanks -- it was
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an accident. he accidentally dropped the "f" bomb this morning on "good morning america" and host liz elizabeth vargas asked hanks to talk like his character in "cloud atlas." >> mostly it is swear words so that's -- that's -- a little bit did a. >> if you say it with an accent like that they won't realize. >> i want people to [ bleep ]. >> we are so sorry, "good morning america." >> man, oh, man. >> i'm sorry. i slipped into a brand of acting. i have never done that before. i would apologize to the kids in america watching this right now. and let it be say next time on the show there will be a 7-second delay. >> it was a good recovery, wasn't it? i just loved their expressions. when it -- when they absorbed oh, my gosh, he said it. you had that moment where -- no, you didn't. tom hanks did go to twitter to add to the apology.
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in character. sorry, we love him. you know we will forgive him. what a way to surprise your sister. fourth grader gets an unexpected visit at school from her brother. here is the thing. he's home early from afghanistan. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee... affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. buy four select tires, get a $60 rebate. use the ford service credit credit card, get $60 more. that's up to $120. where did you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer.
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the world's largest cowboy burned down. iconic 52-foot big tex talking statue. destroyed by a pyre. this is in dallas, by the way. the statue was a fixture in that state there. okay. this is before the fire. it greeted state fair goers for 60 years. a spokesman important the texas state fair says the fire started less than an hour and a half ago. here is a picture we got from derek wilson who spoke with us on the phone earlier. he was there when the fire started and caught this image. what's left is a skeleton. lost his clothes, head. saw fair officials believe faulty wiring started it. no injuries are reported. about one in eight women in
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the u.s. will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. as you know october is breast cancer awareness month. and that gets people thinking about the disease which is good. but sometimes there are misconceptions. robin meade talked with the doctor about breast cancer myths and sets us straight in this live better now. >> you know, you guess you can imagine with the disease as scary as breast cancer that falsehoods would come up. what is a myth when it comes to breast cancer? for one, if you find a lump surely you must have breast cancer? >> eight out of ten lumps women find are not breast cancer. maybe even more. so the biggest issue is when a won finds a lump, which -- if you are doing regular breast self-exams that can happen is to not fear it. i met so many women who are afraid and fearful so they will feel something and they ignore it. the thing to be fearful of is not getting something checked out because the longer you wait,
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if it is breast cancer, the longer you wait, the more difficult it is to treat. >> myth number two, men don't have to worry about breast cancer. >> well, men do have to worry about it. 1700 men a year are diagnosed with breast cancer and here is a big statistic. 450 of those will die from it. breast cancer in men is not nearly as common as in women. if you are man out there and you do notice an irregularity you need to get it checked out because it does happen. >> if your family, some one in your family has breast cancer, you are a sitting duck. myth, real? >> 85% of cases of breast cancer, maybe more, are in women who have no family history. the other thing is if you have a family history of breast cancer that gus not mean you are going to get it necessarily. [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac
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to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's. [ mom ] we already have a tv. would you like to know more about it? yeah, but let me put my wife on speaker. hi! hi. it's led and it has great picture quality. i don't know... it's ultra slim... maybe next year. you could always put it on layaway and pay a little at a time. alright. we'll take it! ah! i love you! hmm! ahem. football. [ male announcer ] shop now. get the hottest brands on your list today... like the lg 55 inch led tv. and put it on layaway now so you have more time to pay. walmart.
11:15 am
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build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display... [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash, give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home, his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards, send in brady. that's how you do it. easy.
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hearts may be breaking all over the place. justin timberlake and jessica biel are officially husband and wife. they just tied the knot in italy. the couple told the magazine it is great to be married. they dated for five years and got engaged in december. congratulations to them. handsome couple. disturbing secrets from one of america's most trusted organizations here. now the secrets are out in the open. more than 20,000 documents from the boy scouts of america so-called perversion files released yesterday. the organization allegedly protected more than a thousand suspected child molesters. former scout leaders and volunteers. none of this is your sur pricing news for patrick boyle. author of "scouts honor." details decades of sexual abuse in the boys scouts. thank you for being with us. these files when you read about them and there is a great
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article in "the chicago tribune" today, but they are just stomach turning and the fear for a lot of people is this just the tip of the iceberg? what do you think? >> i'm really having trouble hearing you. i know you said is this. >> is this the tip of the iceberg? these files. >> these files are the tip of the iceberg. you mean to the boys scouts of america, we know they have -- had about 5,000 cases from 1947 to, say, 2004. this is not most of the cases we have just seen. we also know that most of the molestation is not reported. and, in fact, over the years as i have done writing newspapers and my book about this, i got calls from victims who said hey, i was molested, can you find out if my molester is on the list have you? more often than not, the molester is not on the list. we know a lot of people were not caught. >> why would some people might wonder why would the boys scouts keep files that are incriminating if they weren't
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going to report. >> it concerned about protecting the kids in their organization. that was a good thing to be doing. back in the early 1900s when they formed the files, you know a lot of molesters were not reported to the police. the boys scouts never picked up the tradition, really obligation of saying, you know, we have go to the cops with this. one of the main reasons was when you read the files, is they were afraid of offending the molester, alleged molester. they didn't have hard proof in a lot of cases. they had the statement of a kid and did not want to get involved in the police investigation. sometimes people threatened to sue them if they put out word this person may abchild mole molester. they wanted to protect the organization and make the problem go way, keep it quiet and they were not interested in going beyond that because they just thought it was going to get them into trouble. >> i think that was so alarm sing that if there was an allegation, a lot of times they just moved that volunteer to another part of the organization. so they still had access, allegedly, to children.
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i know you have talked to victims, to attorneys, and even to convicted molesters. what has stuck out to you regarding those conversations? >> i'm sorry. what stuck out to me regarding -- >> those conversations you had with victims and with molesters. >> what stands out about the files in general. >> well about the molesters or the victims. your conversations with -- >> sorry. thank you very much. i will tell what you stood out about the molesters in the i can were a couple of things. one of which is -- these guys really, really like being around boys. i don't mean just for sexual purpose. these molesters were by and large awkward adults, awkward with other adults for the most part. but -- they love being with kids. lot of situations. and then -- like a lot of people who are with men and women they like, some of those relationships became sexual. what struck me was how much they themselves simply felt like they liked being around boys and a lot of the guys were boy-like themselves and did not have
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healthy adult relationships but had healthy kid relationships up to a certain point. and then a lot of those relationships became sexual. other thing i would say when i talk to the molesters, talk to some in prison, some out of prison. all of them felt like they had to talk to me as a penance. they wanted to get this off their chest and clear their conscience. they came to realize they had done something or sxibl were very open to talking about it because they felt that they wanted to -- let more people know about this problem and what happens. you have to keep your eyes open. >> all right. patrick boyle, thank you so much. we appreciate it. we are back in just a moment. lv! the most dependable, longest lasting, full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ] i'll take it. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $8,000. hurry in before they're all gone!
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fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter too? what? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked. [ male announcer ] finally, mom's oven-baked tastes straight from the microwave. like oven-roasted chicken in a creamy alfredo sauce. marie callender's new comfort bakes. it's time to savor.
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since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original.
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and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. birthday girl in san antonio could not contain herself when her big brother surprised her.
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wiping tears away from under her glasses. her big brother was will in afghanistan for ten months. >> she's very proud of everything i do. she doesn't want me to go back overseas. i know it pains her. i'm not going again. then couple of months later i go. i volunteer and go back out with may guys. >> welcome home to him. hope he gets some good time together. month word on when he will deploy again, though. check out these halloween decorations in texas. andy turns scraps of wood and plastic into halloween art. the display takes about five months to mauck. eve his neighbors can't wait to see this year's decorations. >> cardboard everywhere. sticks laying out, tubes laying out. i didn't know what he was bogey to do with it. as it progressed, little things started coming together. unbelievable. >> dumpster treasure. construction site treasure. anything that anybody throws away ends up here.
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>> he says he loves doing it but this year's display may be his last one. five months is a long time. at a pork in the road, a guy put a fork in the road. it is huge. retired teacher in carlsbad, california. it got a lot of laughs from his neighbors. not so much from the city. it took it down. >> a fork in the road. awesome. >> it was artistic and whimsical. and it told the story that it is a fork in the road. watch out. put it back. put it back. we love the fork. >> that's awesome. the fork was creative but was than legal and not safe. the guy who did it says he and his son actually wore construction vests trying to look official while they put it up hoping the city wouldn't notice them. it was creative. this is one of those you have to see it to believe it kind of stories about a scrappy little dog who ended up in the middle of the ocean.
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things weren't looking so good for little guy until a random guy happened to paddle by him. here is jeanne moos. >> reporter: it was a doggy rescue at sea. charlie was on his paddle board off the coast of england micking a 600-mile trip. next year he is planning a 3,000 mile paddle across the atlantic. water sports instructor had been followed by a playful seal, chased by stormy weather. >> then -- >> reporter: but the real ahh moment was when charlie spotted a little dog stranded on rocks as the tide came in. >> he just sit there like a little dude wondering what the hell to do. it is okay. it is okay. it is okay. >> reporter: the dog was marooned at the tip of a rock jetty submerged by high tide. how surprised were you to see a dog there?
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>> absolutely shocked. just remarkable, ridiculous place. >> reporter: though the dog was panicking, charlie managed to lift her into his paddleboat. >> it is okay, it is okay. it is okay. >> reporter: his iphone camera and n a waterproof case was strapped to his neck. between the tide and high winds -- >> had ten minutes million he would have been a goner. just relax. it is okay. it is okay. >> reporter: charlie paddled ashore and brought the dog to the nearest public at the hampton inm and i am bedded chip helped animal rescue folks identify the dog. the rocks on which the dog were stuck were part after man-made sea wall. the pooch ended up going from one to another. >> that's it, boy. what are you doing out here? all right. let's get new. it realized i was there to help him, nuzzled up between my legs in a mice way and we-- nice way.
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oh, matey. what are you doing out here? >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york.
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hope friday has been good to you. i'm christi paul. lawyers for britney spears and her parents will deliver opening remarks in a libel case. it has gotten ugly. her former manager's attorney shared a bunch of pictures. paparazzi pictures in court. the head shaving, fights, ambulance ride. spears and her parents unfairly blamed him for britney's meltdown four years ago. his attorney says his client worked hard to keep spears off drugs. he says she liked to use amphetamines. the judge said spears can not
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take the stand since she's under conservatorship. let's get to jane velez-mitchell for more on this. what do you make of this? >> it is ugly, ugly, ugly. i would even use the word vicious. and what sam, britney spears' former agent, were bombshell after bombshell. this was what was said in open court. part of the legal proceeding in which the former manager is suing britt my and britney areas parents. her parents who are divorce reasonable doubt sitting together in court taking notes. remember, britney's mom wrote a book in which she pointed the finger at this ex-manager and said he was the problem. he was hooking britney on drugs. he was the one controlling her life and even hiding her cell phones and cutting cords that basically kept her isolated. and so he is turning around and suing her for defamation, suing the entire clan.
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and as part of his lawsuit, he's making these bombshell claims that britney spears was hooked on speed, hooked on amphetamines and he -- he says he was the one through his attorney that was trying to get her off of drugs and he then brought in these -- drurg-sniffing dogs that found crystal meth. these are really shocking allegations. and it couldn't come at a worse time for britt my who is now on the upswing with the "x factor." really has separated herself from those dark days back in 2008 approximately five years ago when she was cutting her hair and speaking with a british accent and fighting with the paparazzi with an umbrella. those images we remember. so -- it is a bad timing for britney. and we will have to see how it plays out. at the end of the day many are wondering is this all about money, money, money? he saying he is entitled and agreed to give him a percentage of her earnings and is one of the richest women in hollywood.
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some estimate she's worth $200 million. tonight at 7:00 p.m., we have a team of experts who really know the story inside out, who are going to dissect it for us. and what it means for britney, what it -- what lit mean to britney's fans and what ind of secrets are likely to spill out. this is not what a superstar like brut my spears wants is to have these allegations spilling out in open court. >> you know, this is what is inning to me, though. she got away from him and now we are seeing her on the upswing. i wonder if that actually helps her case and -- that your case and that your allegations that he was the one holding her down. >> well, but then the other question is, if she is so okay now, why is she still under the conservatorship? why is the judge overseeing the conservat conservatorship saying she cannot testify? that would be a bright dane
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zwroer her. it -- danger to her. i think it is a fascinating case. i often wondered given she is on "x factor" and made $68 million on her last tour, why she still needs to be under this conservatorship. maybe will is a good reason. we will analyze all of that tonight at 7:00 p. mfshs eastern and -- definitely check it out. it is as if mating. >> she will be 31 in december. you think she would be old enough to take care of herself in that regard. we will be watching. thank you so much. >> thanks. lawyers for jerry sandusky, have you heard about this, then want a new trial because they say there was than enough evidence for his conviction on sex abuse charges. and they also say that they needed more time to prepare the case. >> that's going to be probably the foundation of our appeal. but there are other issues. for example, the issue of involving number eight, hearsay testimony of the one janitor about what the other janitor said. >> sandusky's attorneys are also asking the judge to reconsider his sentence. last week the former penn state
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assistant football coach was sentenced to 30 years in prison. sandusky's victim number one talked with abc this morning. listen to when he had to say. >> you weren't able to say -- no. >> -- this guy is a monster, he is sexually assaulting me? >> i couldn't do it. >> why? >> embarrassment, fear of not being believed. the victim being -- means people peel sympathy for you. i don't want that. i would rather be somebody that did something good. >> sandusky was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. convicted on 45 counts of child sex abuse. both candidates have a busy day back on the rail. mitt romney, paul ryan in the swing state of florida. they will hold a rally in daytona beach where they will be joined by country music star john rich. 100,000 bikers are in daytona for bike-toberfest.
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last night, lighthearted break. both candidates got to put their differences aside and have a little fun. mitt romney and president obama actually poked fun of themselves and gave each other a hard time. >> earlier today i went shopping at some stores in midtown. i understand governor romney went shopping for some stores in midtown. >> down to final months of the president's term. as president obama survey it is waldorf banquet room with everyone in white tie and finery, you have to wonder what he is thinking. so little time, so much to redistribute. >> tonight's not about the disagreements governor romney and i may have. it is what we have in common
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beginning with our unusual names. actually, mitt is his middle name. i wish i could use my middle name. >> campaign can rare lot of wardrobe changes. blue jeans in the morning perhaps. suits for a lunch fund-raiser. sport coat for dinner. but it is nice to finally relax and to wear what ann and i wear around the house. >> they were all great. had paid top dollar for this dinner. it raises money for the local charitable work of the catholic church. most decorated man in olympic history has a new title. michael phelps beat out people like bruce lee and arnold schwarzenegger to get it. nto lie bite-size chunks. i mean you feel me right? yeah. uh, sir... ah... [ male announcer ] shop now. and put it on layaway so you have more time to pay. walmart.
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vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. (blowing sound) ask your doctor about spiriva. construction work others a coffee break, harassing a woman as she passes. people around them don't know they are just actors. what would you do if you witnessed this for real? that's the question we ask in a hit show "what would you do"? it is coming to hln this sunday. >> it is the morning rush hour.
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the joggers are out and our "what would you do" actresses is dressed for the gym. what better ty start the day than hearing a compliment? >> what kind of workout are you doing today? >> are you talking to me? >> love is in the air. >> feel it. sense it. >> if you need us we will be right over here. >> had a smile can quickly turn when men don't know when to stop. as you might have guessed, these construction workers are actually professional actors. dressed up from steel toe to hard hat. >> listen, i can tell my wife to cancel dinner and you and i can have dinner. >> you are disgusting. >> our construction workers are not letting up. and this woman gives our actress some sisterly advice. >> just stop taulking to them. just ignore them and then they will shut up. >> i'm being nice. look at her. she is beautiful. >> can i apologize their behalf?
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>> are you apologizing for men in general? >> minutes later, we catch up with david. what bothered you? >> it seemed like they were attacking her on a certain level. we flif a society and have to behave a certain way. that was out of line. if someone was doing that to my wife i would not be happy. >> reporter: >> what would you do? the show starts sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. hidden camera show hosted eedh. what that's sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. eastern on hln. detroit tigers, talk of the sports world today, they head to the world series, how they swept the yankees to take the american league championship. to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go, it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. starts with ground beef, unions, and peppers
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[ male announcer ] extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child.
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5-month-old sabrina mysterious livan i shalled from her crib just before thanksgiving. literally without a trace. her parents believe she is live and being raised by another family. tonight nance write grace mysteries digs into this chilling case. >> i remember when i first heard about the disappearance of 5-month-old sabrina and even to
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this day, without looking at an internet photo or the tv monitor or a newspaper, i recall exactly what 5-month-old sabrina looked like with those big eyes and the dark hair. sabrina's disappearance was highly, highly unusual. it wasn't like she went missing at a crowded mall or was wrought side playing, unattended at a park. she was in the home, in the home, with her parents, marlene and steve. the parents said that they had gone to bed, that mom write checked on her 5-month-old baby girl around 11:00, 11:30 p.m. that everything was quiet through the night. and then around 6:30 a.m., she
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checked and sabrina was missing. the parents said that they left the kitchen door unlocked. the kitchen door led to the garage. they said the garage door was up. they also said the alarm was turned off. the dog that lived inside, indoor-out door dog, never barked. in the midst of the search for baby sabrina, a red flag. a baby girl was up for adoption with no birth certificate, no real positive i.d. on her. many states away in illinois. the parents seemed to be convinced that that baby girl was in fact, going to be
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sabrina. police went to the great extent of having the tiny baby dna tested. it was not sabrina. to this day, the case of sabrina has never been solved. now her parents, steve and marlene, say they believe that she is alive somewhere and being raised by a family who wanted a baby. police searched several bodies of water in the neighborhood. and including deputies shoulder to shoulder searching the bottom of ponds with their hands for a tiny 5-month-old baby's lifeless body. they searched the entire maybe flood. they searched bodies of water. all within a five-mile radius of
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the home. turned up nothing. interesting, even after all these years, the family still releases age progression photos of what they believe little sabrina would look like. i say interesting because they -- the family is doing that but not the police. >> will baby sabrina ever be found? be sure to catch nancy grace mysteries at 8:00 and 10:00 on hln. check thing out. that's the rover there. scooping out what looks like dirt. shiny little specks in there, too. experts not sure what they are. they could be another clue as to whether life ever existed there. curiosity's mission is expected to last two years. a man who some are calling the kissing bandit is on the loose at a college in massachusetts. students say a guy in his 30s is asking women for kisses. hay tells them it is for a
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scavenger hunt and asks for their signature. some think it is okay. others are freaked out. >> i think it is creepy. extremely creepy. i would be pretty freaked out. >> not going around explicitly kissing people. he is asking them. we have freedom of speech. kick. i can ask you -- can i get spee. we can ask. i can ask, can i get a kiss, please. if you say no, that's a no. >> police say the man hasn't broken any laws but he is getting dangerously close. a sad update for you on a sick kentucky boy whose fight to live took facebook by storm. lane goodman lost his battle with cancer wednesday night. there he is with his thumbs-up pose from his hospital room. it inspired a facebook campaign and now received more than 300,000 likes, got everybody from sports stars to celebrities involved raising awareness about childhood cancer. lane's family set up a foundation in his honor so his
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memory and mission will live on. certainly have thoughts and prayers for the family. alex rod ex, arod, the highest paid baseball player, after his lackluster performance with the tigers, could this be the end of the road for the yankees third baseman? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] its lightweight construction makes it nimble... ♪ its road gripping performance makes it a cadillac. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with advanced all-wheel drive. [ engine revving ] it's bringing the future forward. when you take a closer look... the best schools in the world... see they all have something very interesting in common. they have teachers...
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...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level. let's develop more stars in education. let's invest in our teachers... they can inspire our students. let's solve this. [ male announcer ] marie callender's puts everything you've grown to love about sunday dinner into each of her pot pies. tender white meat chicken and vegetables in a crust made from scratch. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. go ahead. add another title to michael phelps resume. fittest man of all time. most decorated olympian ever. he has retired. during peak workout years,
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consisted of 10 in the pool, three weight, three core. the top fittest man of all time according to men's health. two, bruce lee, three, arnold schwarzenegger, four, jack la lane, herschel walker. game four american league championship series, the tigers became the first team to sweep the yankees in postseason in 32 years. that's a big accomplishment. detroit and in the world series winning four. whoever wins national league, fame five of that championship is tonight. world series set to begin next wednesday. the title domination over the yankees, richest team in baseball, has new york fans enraged. a yankees star, alex rodriguez has come under the microscope after failing to make a hit against detroit last night. there are also reports a-rod has
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some people teed off, took time to get phone numbers of female spectators. richard roth reports. >> reporter: last at-bat for controversial alex rodriguez and maybe forever with his team, new york yankees, one of the most stored sports franchises in the world. rodriguez, known as a-rod was a failure again. >> i don't appreciate what he's doing of he's not hitting. >> embarrassing, upsetting. big fan, good looking guy but he's got to step it up on the field. >> new york newspapers clobbered rodriguez in their headlines even though many other yankees couldn't hit when it counted. a-rod is a lightning rod. many plays a big part. he's the highest paid baseball player this year and for the future. >> alex rodriguez signed by the yankees in 2008 to a ten-year, $275 million contract thchl is the biggest contract in the history of baseball.
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here we are halfway through it. it doesn't even seem as if he's going to last the other half. >> a-rod's yearly salary would not place him at the very top of american corporate board rooms. he's in the top 30. if they performed like a-rod execs would strike out like shareholders. they did take him out of the starting lineup in the playoffs. unprecedented for such a successful player in the past. >> he's still a big threat. for whatever reason right now, we are adjusting to what we are seeing. >> reporter: a-rod's plays off the field soured fans. he admitted to steroid use saying it was before his yankee days. he likes celebrity limelight and after ors divorce dated high profile actresses or models. "new york post" reported in the middle of a losing game he sent a baseball to women spectators to get their phone numbers, one of them a bikini model.
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a-rod won one world series. a-rod model with $114 million left be saved. >> he's very famous. as a brand, i don't think he's what we call an a brand. the reason is, he's been reckless. >> reporter: even a racehorse named a-rod had a bad week. >> a-rod slumberg at the back of the back. >> reporter: the human a-rod grounded out to end the season. with trade rumors simmering, a-rod says he wants to stay, even if unloved now. >> i love new york city and i love everything about being a yankee. the highs are very high and the lows are extremely low. >> reporter: richard roth, cnn, new york. >> we all go through slumps. i just know if i was going to one, i would not want to have to answer to new yorkers, that's all i've got to say. we know her as former nfl cheerleader turned teacher had sex with one of her students. long title. sarah jones is going on record for the first time about the affair she says that's now turned into true romance.
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richelle carey is coming at you next.
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welcome back to hln. i'm richelle carey. major rulings as george zimmerman appears in court. the newly appointed judge said they can see trayvon martin's school records but must maintain private. twitter and facebook accounts. zimmerman was the neighborhood watch volunteer when he killed 17-year-old martin back in february. he said the teen was acting suspiciously and he shot him in self-defense. trayvon martin was unarmed. let's go to my colleague sunny hostin, analyst for "in
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session." let's look at the rulings and get some perspective. first of all, are you surprised about the request to see trayvon martin's school records. >> i wasn't surprised at that. some of this information, this case, has been so very public, richelle. some of this information has been out there. my understanding is there is some information in his school records about his suspension, about some of the things that happened while he was at school that would -- that a defense attorney would want. i wasn't surprised at the request. i was surprised at the ruling. i was surprised that the judge allowed these records to be handed over to the defense. i think parents that are watching will be surprised because oftentimes in the law we say, wow, it's really about beating up the victim. why is the victim on trial here. but i looked up florida law, and it is true that when what is at issue in a self-defense case --
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what is at issue in a self-defense case is who started the fight, who was the initial provoc, ateur. florida laws provides it is important what the victim's reputation in the community was. was this a violent person, someone who had the reputation of being aggressive. if that's the case, that information would come in at trial. that is not the law, richelle, in every state. that certainly isn't the law federally but is the law in florida. i was surprised that information would come in. >> sunny, what do you say about the comparison earlier that trayvon martin's family attorney made that said this is similar to victim blaming and rape cases. >> i mean, i've got to tell you, many people are saying that. many people are saying you have a dead child here. how on earth are his school
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records important or relevant. well, again, they may be relevant if the issue is who started this fight. if trayvon's reputation is, wow, he's a bully. he gets into a lot of fights. he's very aggressive, then florida law says, well, that's important to that determination. who started the fight. >> key part of the ruling also, the judge says, you have to keep this private. how likely is that to happen? >> i hope it happens. it's much like when medical records are provided to defense counsel or provided to the state. those things should be kept private until it's determined whether or not they are admissible at trial. this has been a case in many respects that's been tried in the media. you've got a defense team that has a website that down loads documents to the public. you've got so many people giving interviews, a defendant, quite frankly, that has given various interviews. but in this case, this
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situation, let's hope that those records will remain private unless and until they become relevant at trial. >> okay. so we have another question for you. we're talking about the victim trayvon martin's background. the state also wants the medical records for george zimmerman, surely as much background on george zimmerman is surely relevant as well. >> well, the judge is going to allow the state to get some of george zimmerman's medical records. i think people also feel how is that relevant? why is that relevant? aren't our visits to the doctor private? typically they aren't. we know about hipaa, laws that protect our private information. again, in this case, what was george zimmerman's state of mind is going to be important. if he was -- i'm not saying he is. but, for example, if he was on drugs, if he was taking medication, if he suffered from a condition that somehow changed his perception that evening, that's going to be relevant.
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that is why the judge will allow george zimmerman's medical records to be handed over to the state. >> okay. surely there are many more hearings to come. we'll be calling on you more, many, many more. sunny hostin, thank you. >> thanks so much. lawyers for jerry sandusky want a new trial. they say there wasn't enough evidence for his conviction on sex abuse charges. they also said they needed more time to prepare for the case. >> that's going to be probably the foundation of our appeal. there are other issues. for example, the issue involving number eight, hearsay testimony from the janitor about what the other janitor said. >> they are asking the judge to reconsider his sentence. meanwhile victim number one who started all the legal proceedings talked this morning. let's listen to what he had to say. >> weren't able to say this guy is a monster who is sexually assaulting me. >> i couldn't do it.
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>> why? >> embarrassment, fear of not being believed. the victim means people feel sympathy for you. i would rather be somebody who did something good. >> sandusky was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. he was convicted on 45 counts of child sex abuse. today lawyers for britney spears and her parents will deliver opening remarks in a libel case that's gotten pretty ugly. yesterday her attorney, a bunch of paparazzi pictures in court, head shaving. spears says her parents unfairly blamed him for the meltdown. he said his client worked hard to get britney off drugs and she sometimes used amphetamines. the judge said spears can't take the stand since she's under a conservatorship. there were red faces around when tom hanks accidentally dropped the f bomb on "good
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morning america." the host asked hanks to talk like his character in his new movie. >> mostly it's swear words. >> if you say it with an accent. >> i want people to -- [ bleep ]. >> we are so sorry, "good morning america." bleep that out. >> i'm sorry, i slipped into a brand of acting. i have never done that before. i would apologize to kids in america watching it right now. let me say next time on the show, there will be a seven-second delay. >> he felt horrible. he kept apologizing. this is what he tweeted. for gma, special kowtow for lizzie v for what did i just say? oops! in character! sorry. hanx. he felt terrible. >> jessica beale and justin
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timberlake are officially married. they were married in italy. they said it's great to be married. it was a beautiful ceremony. they dated five years before getting engaged in december before getting married. congrats to them.
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back on the campaign trail, mitt romney and paul ryan in florida. they will hold a rally in daytona beach. president obama is visiting another battleground state, virginia. he's holding a rally in the campus. they will practice for monday's third and final debate. president obama made an appearance on "the daily show" last night and took a serious grilling from funny man jon stewart especially about why there seemed to be some initial white house confusion, that is, over the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. >> we weren't confused about the fact four americans had been killed. >> sure. >> i wasn't confused about the fact we needed to ramp up diplomatic security around the world right after it happened. >> i would say even you would admit it was not the optimal response as far as to the american people about all of us being on the same page. >> here is what i would say.
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if four americans get killed, it's not optimal. >> in romney's camp quickly pounced on that answer, today vp nominee paul ryan said mr. obama was stonewalling and offering misleading answers on the libya attack. last night both candidates got to put their differences aside and have some fun at the al smith dinner. they poked some fun at themselves and each other. let's listen. >> earlier today i went shopping at some stores in midtown. i understand governor romney went shopping for some stores in midtown. >> we're gown to the final months of the president's terms. as president obama surveys the waldorf banquet room, with everyone in white tie and finery, you have to wonder what he's thinking. so little time, so much to redistribute. >> tonight is not about the
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disagreements governor romney and i may have. it's what we have in common, beginning with our unusual names. actually mitt is his middle name. i wish i could use my middle name. >> a campaign can require a lot of wardrobe changes. blue jeans in the morning, perhaps. suits for a lunch fundraiser. sport coat for dinner. but it's nice to finally relax and to wear what ann and i wear around the house. >> the nation's political and economic elites paid a top dollar for this dinner. raises money for local charitable work of the catholic church. the world's largest cowboy burned down to its frame. there's still sleeves there. that's the iconic 52 foot big tex. that thing talks. it was destroyed by a fire. it's in dallas. it's a fixture for the state fair in texas for the last six
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decades. take a look at the big guy before the fire. a spokesperson for the state fair said the fire started 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. local time. there's a picture we got from an ireporter, haley freedlove caught this image of tex fully involved. what's left is basically a skeleton. he lost his clothes, hat, head. state officials believe faulty wire in the neck of the statue started it. for more check out our website on kind of sad. there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go, it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. starts with ground beef, unions, and peppers baked in a ketchup glaze with savory gravy and mashed russet potatoes. what makes stouffer's meatloaf best of all? that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. let's fix dinner.
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consider a part d prescription drug plan. it may help reduce the cost of your prescription drugs. with over 30 years of medicare experience, unitedhealthcare has been helping people live healthier lives. remember, open enrollment ends friday, december 7th. we can help. call unitedhealthcare to learn about medicare plans that may be right for you. call now. ♪ sad update. 13-year-old lane goodman lost his battle with cancer. his thumbs-up pose from his hospital room inspired a facebook campaign. it received 3,000 likes. lane's family set up a foundation in his honor so his
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memory and mission will live on. a couple selling a one-of-a-kind football card to pay for their in vitro fertilization. the player is showing support. barry sanders says he's going to send them another signed card after they sell this card autographed by sanders and walter peyton. >> we just want a little person. >> if football is the way to get us there, i have no problem naming a little son barry. >> it's expected to bring in about $20,000. since he was 17 he dreamed of being a baseball player. a debilitating medical condition stopped that but he has a new dream. dr. sanjay gupta in today's "human factor." >> reporter: as a drum major for marching mizzou, missouri's
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famed marching band, paul is living his dream. it's a new dream. his original dream of playing professional baseball was disappearing. >> september 7th, 2007, just barely into my junior year of high school. >> the 17-year-old woke up and everything was changing. >> everything was blurry, didn't seem like anything was wrong. >> reporter: something was terribly wrong. his retinas detached, tore apart. >> i didn't know how my life would change, what i would be able to do. i could potentially go completely blind. >> paul says this was not caused by disease or trauma but genetics. >> this happened to my mom, grandma, a couple uncles, even my sisters are having problems. >> reporter: he's now legally blind. sight in his left eye can't be corrected beyond 20/100. >> my left eye has blind spots.
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my peripheral vision is gray. that's why i'm so high functioning. the right eye is kind of there. >> reporter: he can read but not well by digitally scanning books into a computer that has screen magnification software. he said family, friends and music saved his life. he joined the drumline, taking the music home, magnifying it and memorizing it. >> i strapped up my boots and went to work. >> reporter: he made the mizzou drumline first playing symbols. then after an extensive interview process clenched the coveted drum major spot. most in the band didn't even know he was legally blind. he suffered three detachments and cataracts in both eyes. one has now been removed. so far he's had more than 10 operations and countless laser procedures. >> i could wake up tomorrow and have lost significantly more
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vision. i could walk away from here today and something could happen and i could lose vision. >> he hopes his time on the ladder will change the perception of visually impaired people. >> i want to be able to say when i leave here that i did something special. and that i didn't let this hold me back. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. [ male announcer ] your mouth is cleanest after the dentist.
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but between check-ups tartar builds. keep it clean with new listerine® ultraclean™. it's the only mouthwash with a new tartar control formula for a dentist clean feeling. ahhhhhhhh. [ male announcer ] new listerine® ultraclean™. power to your mouth™. there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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do you realize how many business deals are made on the golf course? pga pro talked to "morning express" robin meade about why more women are taking up golf. >> let's talk about the business benefits for playing golf. i'm right there with you, i
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don't know how. this is susie, teach me. >> i would love to teach you. >> what are ben physical we're losing out on as women. >> so many opportunities on the golf course if you're a working female where you can have business clients and entertain them on the golf course. you can spend two hours there, three hours there, half the day there. >> you're a real estate agent. can you imagine four or five hours with someone, no phone on. >> active attention. going out to dinner, taking someone to dinner but out on the golf course, beautiful settings, someone's attention. a great way to capitalize it. >> traditionally thought of in some circles as the guys' pastime. >> we're changing that. give me a quick lesson. >> witching wedge, middle of the stance. grip looks great, nice and secure, together on the club. as far as your swing goes, a bigger motion. i want you to finish with your
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belly where you're headed. i'll take you to something smaller where you have success and bring to you something bigger. there you go. great. >> i don't know anything about golf but i thought that looked good. they are promoting, get golf ready. it's designed to get you on the course in five lessons. get your own online golf lesson. robin had five lessons, that's it. she'll be playing with master's champ bubba watson in bermuda next week. they will be playing as a team at the pro-am right before the grand slam of golf. so watch that next week on our sister network tnt. a group of drunk teens makes a scene on the street. what people nearby don't know is they are just actors. what would you do if you saw them? that's the question we asked in the hit show, what would you do on hln starting sunday. >> reporter: underaged drinking. as this video shows it's a disturbing national pastime that have have tragic effects.
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what would you do if you saw a group of what and to be teens getting wasted in public in the middle of the day. >> one, two, three. >> we're in montclair, new jersey. they are all actors, and there's no real alcohol in those cans. what happens when a good samaritan has their impressionable young child in tow. for abigail harris it doesn't matter. >> you're too young to be out here drinking. >> she's fine. she's 18. >> she even tries to take away their beer. >> no. we're taking care of this. >> you can't drink. >> reporter: then she asks this woman for help. >> can you help me? >> no. >> these kids are drinking. >> she's fine. >> reporter: nicole jumps right in. >> she's not okay. reality check.
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give me the beer. >> reporter: time to let them know it really is okay. >> my heart is racing. >> weren't you scared? >> of them? no. >> why not? >> because they are young kids. >> to people who say that was really heroic, what would you say? >> that's just being a mom, just being a concerned adult. that's all. >> good for them. what would you do? the show starts sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern. hidden camera hosted by john quinones. a series of ethical dilemmas that will entertain you but make you think, what would you do. that's sunday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern on hln. one of jerry sandusky's accusers has been speaking out publicly about what he went through. victim number one steps out of the shadows and reveals his worst fears. nfl embraced breast cancer awareness month. for one in texas it's personal. hear from brady james next. keep it here.
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welcome back. lawyers for jerry sandusky want a new trial. they say there wasn't enough evidence on child sex abuse charges. they also say they needed more time to prepare for the case. >> that's going to be probably the foundation of our appeal. there are other issues. for example, the issue involving number eight, the hearsay testimony from one janitor about whether or not the other janitor said. >> sandusky attorneys are asking the judge to reconsider the
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sentence. he was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. meanwhile sandusky's victim number one, as he's called, talked with nbc this morning. here is what he had to say. >> you weren't abc to say this guy is a monster, he sexually assaulted me. >> couldn't do it. >> why? >> embarrassment. fear of not being believed. victim means somebody had sympathy. i didn't want that. i wanted to be remembered as somebody who did something good. >> he was convicted on 45 counts of child sex abuse. major rules in george zimmerman. they ruled they can have access to trayvon martin's school records but must maintain anything they keep private. will issue subpoenas for twitter
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accounts. they said if the judge allowed that, they would ask for access to zimmerman's medical records. here is the state explaining why those medical records are important. >> there's allegations the defendant had a broken noers. i've seen no proof. we've deposed people, they say he didn't have. there's no evidence consistent with the defendant's allegation that his head was bashed into the concrete. there's no concussion. there's also evidence in the medical records i've received, which is limited, that somehow he's taking medication. that's relevant to our case to disprove his story. we feel we should be entitled to look at that and receive that and produce to show the lack of in cases. >> the judge says the medical records will be subpoenaed but she'll review them privately to
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decide if they are relevant to the case. zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer when he killed 17-year-old martin in february. he said the teen was acting suspiciously and he shot him in self-defense. martin was unarmed. zimmerman has been charged with second degree murder. these pictures coming in to us from los angeles. this is over the 60 freeway. this is a deadly crash involving three tractor-trailers shutting down the eastbound lanes of the highway. our affiliate is right there over the scene and says one of the big-rigs was carrying produce and somehow spilled bananas. two other big-rigs involved. one person died. two others in critical condition. we'll keep you posted on that situation. okay. to all football fans out there, men and especially women. it's time to huddle up. today's guest i think is exceptional. not only because he plays for my hometown, houston tech texas, but the foundation he's created as a tribute to his mother, etta
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james. it's called foundation 56. brady james, inside linebackers for the texans, although he played most of his career with the dallas cowboys, he's getting his shot ready, we'll forgive him for all those years at the dallas cowboys. he's joining me via skype. can you hear me? >> i can hear you. >> fantastic, brady. i'm so honored to be talking to you. we've been preparing for this all week because this is such an important topic. can't quite see you yet. trying to get the shot set. it's because you're so tall. i know this is a topic very important to you. can you tilt the camera up a little more. there we go. now we can see you perfect. perfect. this is a topic so important to you. we are talking about breast cancer awareness month, brady. this is something that the nfl has embraced. this is something that's been personal for you for a very, very long time. tell me about your mother,
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brady. >> well, i lost my mom to breast cancer while i was in college at lsu. at that particular time, i didn't know anything about breast cancer, but i was in the right place to learn as much as i could. i was on a college campus. i started informing and educating myself about breast cancer. by the time i kind of figured out what was going on with mom, she passed. and in that process, i just wanted to do something to help other people, or create something to just inform other people about what had happened to me. and so by the time i got to the league, i figured a foundation would be the best way to do it. i feel like by going through it, i wanted to make more of a positive impact and help the women, like my mom, who kind of
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found it too late. by the time she was diagnosed, it was already in stage four. what we already found out, there's so many women that would rather take care of all the rest of the family than really look after themselves. they would put themselves on the back burner. that was exactly what happened with my mom. and so we wanted to hit the ground running, and i wanted to be more grass root, more hands on with all the other women. i just started interviewing survivors, those people going through chemo, different nurse navigators, oncologists to see where we can help the women that was falling in between the cracks. you know, bradie let's talk more about your mother. you said a lot of stuff. your mother was helping people
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so much it literally did cost her her life. your mother did not have insurance because she was spending all her money helping your father who was already sick. >> yeah. my dad, he had kidney failure. so she was basically -- we didn't know this. as a kid, we didn't know she didn't have any insurance. she was making sure he was getting taken care of. she wasn't neglecting herself, she just pretty much put herself second. my father ended up, by the time he passed, she was full blown breast cancer. my family kept it away from me because i was in college. i didn't know what was going on at home. >> so you lost your parents within a few months of each other. >> i lost my parents within three months of each other going into my sophomore year of
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college. >> and you used that as fuel to educate yourself and to help other people and to start interview, as you said, doctors and patients. now you have this amazing foundation. you know, i was reading, bradie when you first were cut from the dallas cowboys, the first thing that came to mind for you was not how am i going to maintain this amazing lifestyle i have, the first thing was how am i going to maintain this foundation i have and all these people i'm responsible to? >> well, i had been there for nine years. it was the time that i was getting phased out. usually as a an athlete we go in the tank and start worrying about our future. i had been there, done well. i was worried about the community and all the people we were able to help as far as the
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mammograms and the resource center i have in dallas. how would i keep that going. not knowing that i wouldv you know, another chance to play, it wasn't about me playing ball, it was about just the continuation of all the great things we were doing off the field. it's one thing to be able to show up and do an appearance, but it's a total different thing to actually save somebody's life. that's what we were doing. that's what we were doing. you know, due to the tough economic times, i mean, we were giving three ma'free mammograms all these women. mammogram screenings are the first line of defense and breast cancer -- to defeat breast cancer. we created all these programs, social programs with cooking classes, yoga classes, zumba
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classes. i wanted to continue to keep that going, because all of the -- the majority of the programs and money we were donating was coming out of our pocket. we had a couple of people who had donated to the foundation. it wasn't about the money thing for me, because i knew i would do it, volunteer for a breast cancer program that was actually making an impact in the community. >> and yours is. yours is. i want people to know they can go to bradie -- not dot-com, and get information. a pleasure to talk to you. continued success on the field. i have to mention that. continued success off the field in everything you are doing. you would be doing this whether
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the nfl had embraced breast cancer awareness month or not. i know your parents would be so proud of you. bradie thank you for your time. >> thank you. hopefully you got my face. >> we did. we did. keep it here on hln. yes, we did. -[ taste buds ] donuts, donuts! -who are these guys? -oh, that's just my buds. -bacon. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] donuts. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? okay. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds.
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what is the apr, how come it's higher than my quoted interest rate. this is a question they ask me. >> it's a good question. everybody starts with a starting interest rate. for example, if you're getting a loan for a house. might be 3.75% they are lending you money. you want to compare it with another loan. if somebody is offering a loan at a lower rate, 3.65. if you calculate the fees they are charging on each loan and include those fees in the loan and recalculate the interest rate, you will come up with the apr. it's really to help consumers make wise and informed decisions as to how much it will cost them. the apr will be a little bit higher. >> jody also has a basic one. she says, i pay off my credit card in full every month. is the bank
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cancel because i'm not paying interest. a lot of people worry about that. >> you should not worry about paying off the card. that is absolutely the best thing you do for your credit. credit card companies make money off the transaction fees. don't bore about the credit card money. as long as you're using it, they are making money. >> that makes me giggle somebody would worry about the credit card companies. thank you very much. if you've got a money question, send it in to us, hln help or tweet me @jenniferwesthoven. we will save it up for moments like this. ally bank. why they're always there to talk.
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a congrats we sold the company party. wait til my wife's phone hears about this. [ cellphone vibrating ] [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center, working together has never worked so well. [ male announcer ] marie callender's puts everything you've grown to love about sunday dinner into each of her pot pies. tender white meat chicken and vegetables in a crust made from scratch. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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each week we're shining a spotlight on the top cnn heroes of 2012 as you vote for the ones who inspire you. this week's honoree is a single
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mother from haiti who became a target of sexual violence but turned her personal trauma into a fight for justice. >> two years affair the earthquake, the situation is still the same. the people are still under the tents. they don't have electricity. there is no security where they sleep. they are getting raped. in haiti, things are very difficult. before the earthquake, there were rapes happening. now i can say it is total disorder. [ speaking foreign language ] >> adults are not spared, mothers are not spared, even babies are not spared. my name is malya.
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i am a victim of sexual violence. i am on a mission to eradicate this issue so that other haitian women do not fall victim. we do awareness in the camps. we were working in 22 camps after the earthquake, now, we are trying to work in others. we tell people to come out of silence. do not be afraid to say that you have been victimized. we offer psychological and legal support. we have a call center. we accompany the victim to the hospital and we have a safe house program. for me, the first thipg is just justice that i won. i was a victim and i did not find justice, but i know i will get it for other women that are
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victims. ♪ we have to fight so we can say what was said in the past. this is a great nation. there will be a change. [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese
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or go to for details. [ male announcer ] start with an all new award winning car. good. now find the most hard core driver in america. that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out. you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] test it. highlight the european chassis, 6 speed manual, dual exhaust, wide stance, clean lines, have him floor it, spin it, punch it, drift it, put it through its paces, is he happy? oh ya, he's happy! [ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. easy.
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it'll cause cavities, bad breath. patients will try and deal with it by drinking water. water will work for a few seconds but if you're not drinking it, it's going to get dry again. i recommend biotene. all the biotene products like the oral rinse...the sprays have enzymes in them. the whole formulation just works very well. it leaves the mouth feeling fresh. if i'm happy with the results and my patients are happy with the results, i don't need to look any farther. add another title to michael phelps resume. fittest male of all time. he has retired from swimming, but during his peak, it consists
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of three weight workouts, three core workouts. here's the top five fittest men of all time. one, michael phelps. two, bruce lee. three, arnold schwarzenegger. the detroit tigers are in the world series. they beat the yankees last night, 8-1, game four. the tigers became the first team to sweep the yankees in postseason in 32 years. detroit has appeared in the world series 11 times. they will play either the cardinals or the giants. whoever wins game five in that championship is tonight. the world series is set to begin next wednesday. the tigers domination over the yankees, the richest team in baseball, mind you, has new york fans enraged and alex rodriguez has come under the microscope after failing to make a hit.
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also reports that a-rod took the time during the week to get the phone numbers of some female spectators. >> last at-bat for controversial alex rodriguez that maybe forever with his team, the new york yankees. rodriguez, known as a-rod, was a failure in the playoffs. >> i don't appreciate what he's been doing. i mean, he's not hitting. >> it's embarrassing, upsetting. big fan, good looking guy, but he's got to step it up on the field. >> the new york newspaperers clobbered rodriguez in their headlines, even though many other yankees couldn't hit when it counted. a-rod is the the lightening rod though. money plays a big part. he is the highest paid baseball player this year and for the future. >> alex rodriguez was signed by the yankees in 2008 to a ten-year, $275 million contract. this is the biggest contract in the history of baseball. here we are, halfway through it,
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it doesn't even seem as if he's going to last the other half. >> a-rod's yearly salary would not place him at the very top of american corporate boardrooms. he's in the top 30. if they perform like a-rod, these execs would likely strike out with shareholders. the yankees, a private company, did take him out of the starting lineup in the playoffs. unprecedented for such a successful player in the past. >> he's still a big threat, but for whatever reason right now, we are adjusting to what we are seeing. >> a-rod's plays off the field have soured fans. he admitted to steroids use, saying it was before his yankee days. he likes the celebrity limelight and after a divorce, has dated some high profile actresses or models, however, fans were furious after the "new york post" reported that after a losing game this week, he sent a baseball to some women to get their phone numbers. one of them a bikini model.
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a-rod only won one world series in nine seasons. can the model be saved? >> he's very famous, but as a brand, i don't think he's an a-brand. he's been wreckless where it. >> even a new york racehorse named after a-rod had a bad week. >> and a-rod slumm ebering at t back of the pack. >> with trade rumors simmering, he says he wants to stay. >> i love the city and everything about being a yankee. the highs are very high and the lows are extremely low. >> you know, we all go through slumps, but if i was going through one, i would not want to have to answer to new yorkers. we know her as the former nfl cheerleader turned teacher who had sex with one of her students. she's going on the record for the first time about the the affair she said that's now turned into true romance.
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richelle carey is coming at you, next.


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