tv CNN Student News TBN October 22, 2012 1:00am-1:10am PDT
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against bob angleton once he's released. hopefully he will finally pay in full for his crime in 2014. we're a week and a half away from halloween. the presidential election is two weeks off. and you're right on time for a new week of "cnn student news." my name's carl azuz. let's get started. protesters in lebanon, including one former prime minister, are speaking out against lebanon's current prime minister. they want him out of office.
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lebanon is home to about 4 million people. it's located in the middle east, on the mediterranean sea, next door to syria. sop observers are concerned that the violence that is going on in syria could spread to lebanon or it has already. last friday a carbomb went off in the lebanese capital of beirut. three people were killed including the country's intelligence chief. some lebanese officials blamed syria for it. yesterday, after the intelligence leader's funeral, protesters fought with security forces in beirut. police used tear gas to break up the protests. several people were reportedly injured. is this legit? someone is officially recognized as a saint when he or she is canonized. this is true. in the roman catholic church, canonization is the act of
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recognizing someone has a saint. >> the roman catholic church recognized seven people as new saints over the weekend. the canonization ceremony had history, as well. a native-american was determined a saints. pope benedict xvi and other worshipers celebrated the new saints. a member of the mohawk tribe, sometimes known as lily of the mohawks. she converted to catholicism and served as a nun. this week is hajj, one of the five main observances of islam. we have more on this annual tradition. >> reporter: its name means to set out for a place. and for muslims around the world, that place is the holy city of mecca. the hajj has begun for millions
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of muslims, with pilgrims making their way toward islam's most sacred sight. for daily prayers, muslims face this from any given point in the world. they're required, if able, to make the pilgrimage once in their lives. and then, walk several times around counterclockwise. >> translator: islam is beautiful. and we are beautiful. we love all people. >> reporter: the mosque's gleaming minarets soar skyward. calling the faithful, five times a day. to our viewers who are already on facebook, at we asked if the release of a
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poplar video game could distract people from voting. awnna says maybe. nicolo assumes that most people who are interested in games aren't as interested in the presidential election. janie writes, i play games. but i'm voting this year. someone lets a game take their right to vote away, they are ungrateful. tyler doesn't think games being distracting. jamie says games are better than politics when the country is in dire financial crisis. you need something to lift people's spirits and lighten the mood. from bridgette, as a gamer, i get excited in releases and caught up in the game. however, taking a few minutes away to vote is not that hard to do. and cambria says, as time goes on, game releases could impact things if politics doesn't move into a region that everyone cares deeply about.
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before we get to election day, president obama and republican presidential nominee romney, go head-to-head in person one more time. it's debate number three. it's in boca raton, florida. it's happening tonight, at 9:00 p.m. eastern. before you watch the debate on cnn or at, ana jones gives us a preview. >> reporter: the third face-off will focus entirely on foreign policy. from afghanistan and pakistan, to israel, iran and the changing middle east. the candidates will spar over america's role in the world. the new face of terrorism, and how to deal with a rising china. mr. obama tried to highlight one of his biggest foreign policy accomplishments at a light charity dinner in new york.
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>> monday's debate is a little different because the topic is foreign policy. spoiler alert, we got bin laden. >> reporter: for his part, romney could try, again, to bash the president for his administration's messy response to the attack in libya last month, and link it to what he says is a failed approach in the region. >> this calls into question the president's whole policy in the middle east. look at what's happening in syria, in egypt, now, in libya. >> the challenge for president obama is going to be defining the middle east strategy going forward. i mean, he's had some successes. he's had some things that are still pretty murky. >> reporter: romney's task could be bigger. >> i think for romney, there's a broad challenge. and that is, how do you drill down into specific policies? the republican party hasn't figured out what a republican foreign policy looks like after the bush administration. i think romney's been uneager to
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really delve into that. >> reporter: still, while important to many voters, foreign policy ranks far below the economy. >> if you're mitt romney, every second, you're talking about foreign policy is wasted. which might mean that romney tries to break out of that and bring home some of the foreign policy issues to domestic economic issues. >> reporter: with time oning out, this is their last chance to make their case to millions of voters in a single night. athena jones, cnn, washington. today's shoutout goes out to mrs. scarborough's citizens in virginia beach, virginia. the rangers, kings, bruins and jets all play in what professional sports league. here we go. is it the nba? mlb? nfl? or nhl? you've got three seconds. go.
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the only place you'll find all four of those teams is the national hockey league. that's your answer. and that's your "shoutout." the thing is, you won't see any of those teams on the ice anytime soon. the national hockey league season was supposed to start on october 11th. the league already canceled its schedule through october 24th. and on friday, it extended that through november 1st. the issue is that the nhl has locked out its players. two sides are trying to negotiate a new contract for how they split up the money that the league makes. so far, though, they haven't been able to make a deal. 135 games were scheduled between october 11th and november 1st. the last time the nhl had a lockout was in 2004. and that year, it was the entire season that ended up being canceled. we think you're going to get a kick out of next video.
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we have to set the scene for you. high school football game in spokane, walk washington. two seconds left. coach sends in the kicker to try a field goal. no pressure, right? try this. it's a 67-yard attempt. the kick is up. it has a long way to go. watch this. >> he made that kick. >> yes, he did. it's good. 67 yards by a high school senior. the nfl record is 63 yards. the kick sent the game into overtime. and the team would go on to win by a touchdown. before we go, we're heading to a mountain top in china. but that's just the jumping off point for this story. it's an international wingsuit flying competition. what's a wingsuit? that thing. it uses extra material between the arms and legs to help with flight. the competitors had to fly a certain path through a valley before popping open their
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