tv CNN Student News TBN October 23, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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they came to me and asked me to do it and i put it together and i worked with earl hightower. >> why make it public? >> it wasn't public, jane. it was not public. this was done for two months. the only reason it became public is when the police were called and the news showed up at the house. >> we're out of time, but i'll see you wednesday. called and the news showed up at the house. >> we're out of time, but i'm going to see you wednesday. michael lohan, we're going to debate it. >> vice president joe biden. >> i am governor mitt romney. >> and i'm paul ryan. >> and this is our election at middle school in charleston, west virginia. and this is -- >> cnn student news! >> oh, man, that was awesome.
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thanks to everyone for getting things going today for that ireport. we're going to jump right into the presidential debate. last night was the third and final face-off between barack obama and mitt romney. this debate was held in boek ka raton, florida, and it focused on foreign policies. we're talking about ways in which the united states focused on the rest of the world. election day is xktdly two weeks away. last night was the last chance they had to present some of their ideas to a large audience all at once. here is some of what happened. >> i absolutely believe that america has a responsibility and the prism of helping defend freedom and promote the
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principles that make the world more peaceful. those principles include human rights, freedom of expression, elections because when there are elections, people tend to vote for peace. they don't vote for war. so we want to promote those principles around the world. we recognize that there are places of conflict in the world. we want to end those confliction to the extent humanly possible. but in order to be able to fulfill our role in the world, america must be strong. >> america remain tess one indispensable nation. and the world needs a strong america and it is stronger now than when i came into office. because we ended the war in iraq, we were able to refocus our attention on not only the terrorist threat, but beginning a transition in afghanistan. it allowed us to refocus on alliances, relationships that had been neglected for a decade. and governor romney, our
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alliances have never been stronger in asia, in europe, in africa, with israel where we have unprecedented military and intelligence cooperation, including dealing with the iranian threat. >> one of the topics that came up during last night's debate was outsourcing, when a company has a different business do some kind of work. instead of doing something themselves, the businesses can outsource it. but if u.s. company outsources work through a different company, it means those jobs aren't being done by american workers. maggie lake has more on the impact of outsourcing and the presidential candidate's plans to do something about it. >> whether on the campaign trail -- >> if there's an outsorcerer in chief, it's the president of the united states. >> or amid the barrage of political ads on tv -- >> mitt romney's firms were pioneers at helping their
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companies outsourcing. >> outsourcing is a hot button issue again in presidential politics. in states like ohio, pennsylvania and michigan where scores of factory jobs have been lost, it is a deeply emotional issue. >> they do a lot of focus grouping and polling and testing and what they find is this is very -- >> in recent years, the manufacturing sector of the u.s. have been hit particularly hard. over 500 million jobs lost between 2000 and 2009. a million alone to china. but that tide may be turning as companies rethink their commitment to lower wage countries. >> wages rp probably around $6 or so in 2015. it starts to become competitive in the u.s. you have the intellectual property risk. >> general electric and caterpillar are a few of the companies that have recently brought some of their production back to the u.s. economists warn the
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manufacturing revival has a long way to go, but both candidates are pledging they can get the job done. mitt romney continues to call for lower taxes for businesses and investment and tough er trade relations with china. president obama is calling for tax incentives for companies that bring jobs back to the u.s. and the auto industry bailout which romney opposed. next up, lance armstrong, he won cycling's most famous race seven times in a row, but you can't call him a tour de france champion any more. yesterday, the international cycling union said it was wiping out armstrong's titles and banning him from the sport. this is in response to a report from the u.s. anti-doping agency. it says there is overwhelming evidence that armstrong used banned performance enhancing drugs during his career. armstrong has always denied that. in addition, armstrong is being asked to return nearly $4 million that he won for those
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seven tour victories. cheerleaders have got spirit, yes, they do, but they do a lot more tan just chant and clap and try to get the home crowd excited. we're talking about pyramids, flips, tosses. cheerleading involves some serious acrobatic stunts. the american academy of pediatrics put out a new policy on cheerleading injuries. the number of catastrophic injuries like brain and spinal cord injuries in cheering is going up. the new policy suggests that cheerleaders limit their stunts and avoid doing them on hard surfaces and that they should be checked for concussions if they have a head injury. >> today's shout out goes out to miss cryinger and the could you go ur culture club. which of these positions is the
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leader of a marching band. a field marshall, drill instructor, drum major or convert master? you've got three seconds. go. a marching band is led by its drum major. that's your answer and that's your shout out. at the university of missouri, the drum major leads a marching bantd of more than 300 members. it's one of the largest college marching bands in the country. now, it's current drum major says he wanted the job so people could look up to him in difficult times. but he wasn't just talking about the marching band. dr. sanjay gupta explains what we mean. ♪ >> reporter: as a drum major for marching mizzou, paul headings is living his dream. it's a new dream. because his original dream of playing professional baseball
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was disappearing. >> september 7th, 2007, just barely into my junior year of high school -- >> the 17-year-old woke up and his world was changing. >> everything was just a little blurry. it didn't seem like anything was wrong. >> but something was terribly wrong. his retinas had detached and started to tear apart in both eyes. >> i didn't know how my life would change, what i would do, what i would not be able to do. >> this was not caused by disease or trauma, but by genetics. >> this happened to my mom, my grandma, a couple of uncles. even my little sister is having similar issues. >> they didn't lose much vision. but paul is now visually blind. he says family, friends and music saved his life. he joined his high school drum line taking the music home. magnifying it, memorizing it. >> i just, you know, strapped up
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my boots and went to work. >> he made the mizzou drum line first playing symbols. and after an extensive interview process, clenched the coveted drum major spot. most in the band didn't even know he was legally blind. he hopes his time on the ladder will change the perception of visually impaired people. >> i want to be able to say, when i leave here, that i did something special and that i didn't lynn this hold me back. >> great story. finally today, we have a cavalcade of costume canines. it may look like a dog, but this guy is a real turkey holing up the parade for holiday for foochs. if he falls mind in the parade, he'll have to ketchup. it's just a sign of the season.
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after all, we're right around the corner for howl-oween. we're be bark tomorrow with more cnn student news. hope to see you all then. thank you, mr. speaker, uh, members of congress. in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company, or most of you know it. ...i propose savings for everyone! i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newcaster: breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding. and political parties that are actual parties! with cake! and presents! ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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hello and haung thank you for the watching. i'm a.j. hammer. we've got two big shows countdowns tonight, including bumbling brad. we're counting down the top three absolutely hysterical brand new spoofs that are out today of brad pitt's bizarre commercial, the one he did for chanel number 5. the ad he did for "saturday night life." we begin with our first showbiz countdown of the night. the big three stories breaking today about celebrities that had us asking are they heros or zeros? coming in at number three, it's the breathtaking video today from national geographic of the man who jumped from space.
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this will take your breath away. watch this. >> i still can't quite grasp if that's real. i get anxiety when i sit there here and watch that. felix baumgartner, falling 23 miles from space. as you see, he's wearing nothing but a jumpsuit. this morning in an exclusive interview on the "today" show he speak with savannah guthrie about how great or not so great this experience was for him. >> did you enjoy it at all? >> honestly, no. this is work, you know, just hard work and later on when my parachute opened, this was the first moment i enjoyed it a lot because i knew it's open and i'm alive. >> it's a good view from there, too. are you hanging up your parachute? are you retired now?
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>> i'm officially retired now from the dare devil business. >> officially retired from the daredevil business? and did he just say he didn't enjoy me? with my me tonight from hollywood is hyla. nicky, i'll start with you. how can you perform what is by far one of the coolest, most mind boggling stunts ever and not enjoy it? help me understand. >> i don't know. you're sitting literally on top of the world and you're like it's like when you take your kids to six flags and you let them bring all of their friends and at the end of the day you're like, baby, how was it? what did you think? your kids are like it was all right and you're like what is wrong with you? it's a very interesting comment. it's like maybe enjoyable was the wrong word to use. maybe enjoyable was -- >> hey, there's a lot of pressure literally and figuratively. we did see some of the jump just after it happened. we were blown away when we saw that.
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seeing this new video, nothing quite compared to this. "national geographic" put it out today and i feel like i need to watch it again because it was so cool. roll it. >> okay. so i'm watching that wondering how can this guy feel he has to top that? then we hear him say he's hanging up his parachute. do you believe him? i'm thinking back. i can't even count how many times evel knievel used to say the same thing. >> we say that in our air conditioned studios here. we're forgetting the guy trained for five years so he could go to the stratosphere and jump for a couple of minutes and almost die? i think i understand why he didn't necessarily find pleasure
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in doing that. guess what, he was on there saying i'm retiring from the dare devil business. why go back into that? just use that line every time you go out to a bar. you're going to have an amazing rest of your life. >> keep the video on your iphone and say, hey, i'm that guy. that's all he really needs, his calling card for life. >> i just don't know how you top it. i would say stop now. >> i think he will stop now. felix got help for that jump from his sponsor red bull. >> the next person on our heros or zeros is lance armstrong, who was stripped of his record breaking seven tour de france titles, poof, gone, disappeared as if they never existed. lance's punishment of course @pp
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♪ here comes honey boo boo. i can tell you she's even big er than ever now. there are reports that she's gotten an offer to train with wrestling start bobby e. dr. drew just interviewed honey boo boo. if dr. drew is doing an interview, you know you're going to find out something you've never heard about before. the full interview airs tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern on "dr. drew on call."
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always good to see you, my friend. >> the words i never thought i'd hear in sequence, honey boo boo headquarters. my goodness, here we are. >> i know that honey boo boo got particularly comfortable with you, so comfortable in fact, dr. drew that, she actually fell asleep. we have got to watch that together. >> let me ask you some questions. i know, everybody always wants to talk you. is it difficult to be on tv? she's sleeping. is there something exciting you'd like to talk about? >> alana, come on, get it done so we can go. get up. >> hi. >> it's all right, she's not hitting me. >> do you like to be on tv? >> no! >> you don't like it. how come?
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>> all the fans come up to me and i hate it. >> you hate it. >> drew, i know that honey boo boo was playing around, she's just being a kid, she's 7 years old, but it also seemed like she was saying celebrity might be taking a toll on her. are you concerned at all with all this acting out we're seeing? >> absolutely. i mean, i get into that in great detail with her mom. she's a very concerned mom, she a lovely woman. i've been dealing with them for over a year. i think people largely have that family wrong. they're a very community-minded family, the house is a volunteer fireman. the siblings are really lovely kids and this toddlers and tiara behavior is something about honey boo boo i wonder if she'll live to regret one day. and i asked her mom details about those things and mom is actually appropriately concerned about it. she is seeing this as the moment that it's her five minutes of fame and she wants to capitalize
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on it so all the kids have a college fund and what not. so the thinking is appropriate but that doesn't mean that honey boo boo won't be upset when she sees this when she's 15. >> well, yeah, that's the thing that i've often wondered about. but i do also get the impression that mama june has honey boo boo's best interests at heart. sounds like a fascinating time tomorrow night. >> she's a lot of fun and, boy, that kid has got energy. didn't she get a sleep apnea maneuver down well. that kind of concerned me, too. >> she did. i was pleased to see she didn't actually hit you, just waving her arms in the air. dr. drew, thank you so much. watch dr. drew's full interview with honey boo boo tomorrow night, 9 p.m. eastern. >> and we are moving on to bumbling brad. >> it's not a journey. every journey ends but we go on. it's not a journey. every journey ends but we go on.
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>> it is the bizarre brad pitt chanel ad that launched a thousand spoofs. it's turning out to be comedy gold. tonight, we are counting down the top three parities of brad. from snl to conan, so many more. which will be number one? this is "showbiz tonight" on hln. ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original.
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plans disappear, dreams take over. the dreams wake up and smile at reality. i'm sorry, is there really no script? because i've been talking to myself for like two hours straight and i'm starting to sound insane. >> right now on the showbiz countdown, bumbling brad, the butt of jokes, the brand new must see hysterical spoofs of brad pitt's awkward chanel ad. tonight we counting down the top three from snl to conan and housewives horror. is kyle richards really electrifying her face to look more beautiful? is this scary or spectacular in we'll ask katie featherston, the star of the nation's number one movie, "paranormal activity 4" is right here. "showbiz tonight" continues right now.
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welcome back to "showbiz tonight." thanks for watching. tonight the showbiz countdown. bumbling brad? ever since we first saw brad's commercial for chanel, his luck and fortune would have it there's been a ton of spoofs and parodies coming out of the woodwork. tonight we're counting down the top three bumbling brad contenders. but first the original. >> every journey ends but we go on. the world turns and we turn with it. plans disappear, dreams take over but wherever i go, there you are. my luck, my fate, my fortune chanel no 5. you would think brad could pull it off but few people think he did.
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tonight the countdown of bumbling brad. number three. i couldn't wait for "saturday night live" to get ahold of this. the show did not disappoint with not one, not two, but four spoofs. check this out. >> it's not a journey. every journey ends but we go on. the world turns and we turn with it. plans disappear and dreams take over. and the dreams wake up and smile at reality. i'm sorry, is there really no script? because i've been talking to myself for like two hours straight. i'm starting to sound insane. you want me to sound less coherent. really? you've been running all day. sometimes it feels like you've been running your entire like through a vast, hot, sandy
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desert, lots and lots of dry, hot sand. and finally you cross it. the border. you're in taco bell with the new doritos taco loco. that was just two of the four spoofs snl did. they also are selling dog condoms, facial services and dermatology services. i hear you laughing, nicky and there is kevin brown, he plays dot-com on "30 rock." snl nailed it, didn't they? >> they nailed it, they killed it. they didn't mention how sexy he was. i don't think. he is so sexy. i know that women all over the planet just satisfying themselves with this little commercial right here. >> hey, so sexy, it makes you want to talk like this. and we know that brad was paid this reported $7 million to do the chanel commercial.
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nicky, you think brad is in any way regretting this given all that has happened or is he laughing all the way to the bank? and did this just prove my theory that this was actually chanel's master plan all along? >> i think your theory is correct. i think this is the master plan. i think it's very, very smart. i think he went from being, you know, a hero, maybe to a zero for a second and maybe back to being the hero. if he made that much money and we're all talking about it, i think he's got a pretty good sense of humor about how he's received in the public eye and think of all the good he's going to do with this money. he's going to build houses and save babies. that's what he does. >> and as good as the snl spoofs were, they did not beat out our number two bumbling brad. got to give this to conan o'brien. he saw something in this ad that
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the rest of us somehow missed, a shirtless brad pitt. may we see this? >> it's a not a journey. every journey end bus we go on. the world turns and we turn with it. plans disappear, dreams take over, but wherever i go, there you are. my fate, my fortune, chanelno. 5. >> you wanted sexy. this is the ad brad should have released. >> that's funny. brad hates that one there. brad officially hates that one there. he loved the other one but he hates that one. >> brad is saying i'm in much better shape than that. >> you know he is. >> as good as conan was, i have to tell you that the number one on our show this countdown comes from someone i never would have
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guessed. number one bumbling brad spoof tonight comes from former teen idol lief garrett. >> the world turns and we turn with it. unless you're walking in the opposite direction at the exact same speed which is super hard. plans disappear, dreams take over. you ever had that dream where you're naked in school 4/ and there's a test you didn't study for? really? i haven't. it's really weird. you're a weirdo. wherever i go there i am. lucky me.
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my luck, my fate, my fortune chanel no 5. the most important thing mankind has done. you can tell because of the lighting. >> leif garrett is back, baby. >> my cheeks hurt from laughing. >> for me i couldn't go anywhere but lief garrett for our top pick tonight. >> i agree. he has such a great sense of humor. he's come from a long road of misses so i think this is an epic win for him. >> what about you? >> that shows how powerful brad pitt is. he made lief garrett relevant in 2012. when is the last time we heard from this guy? his last hit was in the '70s. that looked like an anti-drug commercial. >> other than a couple of reality shows we haven't seen a whole lot of leif.
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i want to you watch what we're about to give you, nicky. something very big is going to happen. >> okay. >> kevin, i just want to take advantage of the fact that we have this big star with us from "30 rock" tonight because the only possible way we may have gotten our number one wrong, in the light you're spectacular, i'm thinking only you could possibly do this better. you are a trained acting professional. >> absolutely. >> please give us your best brad. >> it's not a journey. every journey ends but we go on. the world turns and we turn with it. plans disappear, dreams take over but wherever i go, there you are, my luck, my fate, my fortune. chanel number 5. >> i don't know if i should laugh or cry. that was beautiful. and just actually seeing a little bit of "showbiz tonight" in black and white and you're
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getting the slow clap from nicky. that's our new number one. >> that was amazing. that was amazing. i just love that you matched the back drop perfectly. way to go "showbiz tonight." >> me and brad, we look like twins. >> thank you for not doing that shirtless, though, kevin brown. good to have you. that was a lot of fun. time to go. as we move on, is a real housewife really electrifying her face in the name of beauty? who does this? beverly hills housewife kyle richards just tweeted this picture of herself. i don't understand it at all. it has us asking is it scary or is it spectacular? katie featherston tells us. and from scary to sweet. i love this story. an extraordinary caught on tape puppy rescue you just have to see.
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what happens after she slips off her leash and ends up at sea? you will find out. this is sbt, "showbiz tonight" on hln. -[ taste buds ] donuts, donuts! -who are these guys? -oh, that's just my buds. -bacon. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] donuts. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? okay. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds.
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the newest installment of the super natural horror franchise and "showbiz tonight" has the star of the movie, kate featherston right here to help us count down the top three stories today that made us ask scary or spectacular. it's a pleasure to have you here on the show. congratulations on your movie topping the box office over the weekend. how great is that? >> thank you so much. i'm so happy to be here. we are very, very excited. a lot of people are excited about the movie. >> let's get right to it. number three on the showbiz count down, scary or spectacular? kardashian matriarch kris jenner. she posted a picture on her instagram account, she's dressed as the iconic wonder woman. one key difference, she's not completely covered up there. she had a nip slip. there she is smiling. who shot the picture? was it kramer?
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did they not notice the wardrobe malfunction? >> i think it's spectacular but they missed the nip slip. i'm going to have to stay spectacularly scary. >> there's a small piece of me that thinks knowing the kardashians, maybe it was intentional. from one scary and spectacular photo of a reality star to another reality star showing off her new look. this is number two on her scary or spectacular countdown. this is serious, this is for real. this is "the real housewives of beverly hills" kyle richards. she just tweeted this picture going through an electrical fact. i'm thinking this looks like something out of a horror movie. would you even ever wear that thing? >> listen, surprisingly enough that was one of our go-to
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halloween costumes for the movie. they were like should katie be normal katie in the movie or have a leather mask? that is super scary. >> and speaking of scary, get a load of this. >> coming in at number one at the box office and number one on our showbiz countdown of the top three stories that made us ask scary or spectacular, paranormal activity 4, katie congratulations. not only top at the box office this weekend but our countdown as well. reports already out there today that "paranormal 5" is already in the works. tell me something about that. >> i have not heard it from the
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powers that be but i have read it on the internet. as i've said before, if it's on the internet, that must mean it's true. i don't know. we'll have to find out. >> katie, congratulations again. great having you here. catch katie in "paranormal activity 4." >> coming up, you remember when jessica simpson got confused about the whole tuna/chicken in the sea thing, right? but check out this. >> he's just stuck there like a little dude, wondering what the hell to do. >> it's the amazing heart warming story you've just got to see next. this is sbt, "showbiz tonight" on hln. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control.
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♪ face it all together when the sky falls ♪ >> check out wonderful willow, pretty great, right? willow smith singing the theme to the new james bond movie. i think willow's version is just about perfect. she's so amazing at just 11 years old. can't wait to see what the future holds for her. will and jada's smith talented little girl. >> and now a whale of a tale about a dog. there are all sort of sea creatures you could encounter on a day out on the the water in england, your fish, your turtles, maybe you'll even see the lockness monster? it could happen. but a tiny dog all alone in the open water? that's nuts. that's where a dog ended up after the owner said it slipped off its leash. it's a story you have got to see and believe. i will tell you it will tug at your heart. jeanne moos tonight. >> reporter: it was a doggy rescue at sea.
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charlie was on his paddle board off the coast of england making a 600-mile trip. next year he's planning a 3,000 mile paddle across the atlantic. a water sports instructor being followed by a playful seal, chased by stormy weather. >> rah! and then ah! >> reporter: but the real ah! moment was when charlie spotted a little dog stranded on rocks as the tide came in. >> he just sat there like a little dude wondering what the hell to do. >> it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. >> the shih tzu, later identified as bam-bam was marooned on a rock jetty submerged by high tide. how surprised were you to see a dog there? >> i was absolutely shocked. just a remarkable, ridiculous sight. >> the dog was panicking. charlie managed to lift her into his paddle boat.
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>> it's okay. >> his iphone camera in a water proof case of strapped to his neck. between the tide and high winds -- >> he literally had about five minutes before he would have been a goner. >> reporter: charlie paddled to shore and brought the pub to the nearest pub and an embedded chip helped identified the dog. the rocks were part of a man made see wall called a groin. the pooch ended up going from one groin to another. >> what are you doing throughout? he realized i was there to help him and he nuzzled up between my legs in a nice way and away we went. >> and charlie's head is in the right. >> when the shih tzu hit the fan, charlie's head was in the right spot. >> oh, matey, what are you doing out here? >> i am happy to tell you bam-bam, whose real name is molly, is now back home with her
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you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. he loves risk. but whether he's climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks, or jumping into the market, he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn't nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things, like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense, from td ameritrade.
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george clooney's famous friends come out to honor him for his kind heart. also valerie bertinelli reveals which addiction was harder to kick than cocaine. and adele becomes a mom. big news in "the buzz today." adele's baby joy. adele is now rolling in the diapers. 24-year-old singing sensation and her boyfriend simon konecki welcomed a baby boy over the weekend. she announced they were expecting their first child
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together saying we're over the moon and very excited but please respect our privacy at this precious time. >> honoring george. george clooney was honored at the carousel of hope ball saturday and "showbiz tonight" was right there. the celebrity event was chaired by ifphilanthropist barbara dav and raised millions point of view for dee bites treatment and research. she presented george with this brass ring award. he opened up to us about being named this year's honoree. >> it's less about an evening for anybody individually. it's really nice to come out and support barbara. she's doing amazing work with diabetes. so it's fun to do that. >> valerie's food addiction. valerie bertinelli just opened up about her life long struggle with weight. on "the dr. oz show," she talked about her past drug use and addiction to food. she told dr. oz that although she could kick her drug habit fairly easily, her food habit was another story. "i was never arely
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