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tv   Elite Infighting All Against All  TVRAINENG  November 13, 2022 3:00am-3:06am MSK

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as russia's military becomes a full as russia's military becomes a full as russia's military becomes a full retreat from the previously occupied retreat from the previously occupied retreat from the previously occupied city of herson this week the kremlin's city of herson this week the kremlin's city of herson this week the kremlin's information war is turning inwards now a information war is turning inwards now a information war is turning inwards now a rare guard conflict in moscow among rare guard conflict in moscow among rare guard conflict in moscow among russia's political and military clans is russia's political and military clans is russia's political and military clans is quickly coming into view as putin and quickly coming into view as putin and quickly coming into view as putin and the elite have begun a loyalty purge to the elite have begun a loyalty purge to the elite have begun a loyalty purge to erase any criticism of the war in erase any criticism of the war in erase any criticism of the war in ukraine the kremlin's message is clear ukraine the kremlin's message is clear ukraine the kremlin's message is clear after all independent journalists all after all independent journalists all after all independent journalists all independent politicians and all independent politicians and all independent politicians and all alternative voices are destroyed the alternative voices are destroyed the alternative voices are destroyed the time has come to search for traitors in time has come to search for traitors in time has come to search for traitors in the circles of relatively loyal figures the circles of relatively loyal figures the circles of relatively loyal figures an unstoppable campaign of repression is an unstoppable campaign of repression is an unstoppable campaign of repression is coming into effect where even deputies coming into effect where even deputies coming into effect where even deputies and government bureaucrats who spoke and government bureaucrats who spoke and government bureaucrats who spoke outside the shifting lines of kremlin outside the shifting lines of kremlin outside the shifting lines of kremlin policy are being muted their presence on policy are being muted their presence on policy are being muted their presence on state media canceled as independent state media canceled as independent state media canceled as independent russian journalist in exile evgenia russian journalist in exile evgenia russian journalist in exile evgenia albert said what we are beginning to see albert said what we are beginning to see albert said what we are beginning to see are signs of smoke and the first sparks
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are signs of smoke and the first sparks are signs of smoke and the first sparks of a fire that is already raging behind of a fire that is already raging behind of a fire that is already raging behind the scenes [000:01:09;00] it is a war of all against all we've it is a war of all against all we've it is a war of all against all we've seen in the past few weeks how shigo and seen in the past few weeks how shigo and seen in the past few weeks how shigo and his generals have been attacked with his generals have been attacked with his generals have been attacked with khadira van pre-gaussian as the khadira van pre-gaussian as the khadira van pre-gaussian as the predators now we get news about subject predators now we get news about subject predators now we get news about subject karaulov and others with traces of karaulov and others with traces of karaulov and others with traces of evidence from the internal struggles in evidence from the internal struggles in evidence from the internal struggles in the kgb corporation that now controls the kgb corporation that now controls the kgb corporation that now controls power in recent weeks prison tycoon power in recent weeks prison tycoon power in recent weeks prison tycoon evgeny pregozian and chechen leader evgeny pregozian and chechen leader evgeny pregozian and chechen leader ramzan kadirov have teamed up publicly ramzan kadirov have teamed up publicly ramzan kadirov have teamed up publicly on social media to criticize the on social media to criticize the on social media to criticize the generals in charge of the war together generals in charge of the war together generals in charge of the war together this men have been seen to marginalize this men have been seen to marginalize this men have been seen to marginalize defense minister sergey shoigu remove defense minister sergey shoigu remove defense minister sergey shoigu remove central military district commander central military district commander central military district commander alexander lapin and turn against saint alexander lapin and turn against saint alexander lapin and turn against saint petersburg governor alexandre big love petersburg governor alexandre big love petersburg governor alexandre big love which lets zwalker which lets zwalker which lets zwalker um um
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um the purges have begun at the very top the purges have begun at the very top the purges have begun at the very top echelons of russian power we are echelons of russian power we are echelons of russian power we are witnesses to a feast by predators it is witnesses to a feast by predators it is witnesses to a feast by predators it is a very important indicator that right a very important indicator that right a very important indicator that right now we're a witness in the demise of the now we're a witness in the demise of the now we're a witness in the demise of the russian power cooperation and that putin russian power cooperation and that putin russian power cooperation and that putin is no longer able to act as the is no longer able to act as the is no longer able to act as the middleman and mediator between the middleman and mediator between the middleman and mediator between the various interest groups a war of all various interest groups a war of all various interest groups a war of all against all has begun a completely against all has begun a completely against all has begun a completely hobbesian reality but it is enough for hobbesian reality but it is enough for hobbesian reality but it is enough for me to want to hope that this will all me to want to hope that this will all me to want to hope that this will all lead to the implosion of this completely lead to the implosion of this completely lead to the implosion of this completely inhuman regime responsible for deaths in inhuman regime responsible for deaths in inhuman regime responsible for deaths in ukraine and these events with mobilized ukraine and these events with mobilized ukraine and these events with mobilized soldiers in russia last month police and soldiers in russia last month police and soldiers in russia last month police and federal agents raided the officers of federal agents raided the officers of federal agents raided the officers of the asterojna media company in moscow the asterojna media company in moscow the asterojna media company in moscow and arrested its business manager kiril and arrested its business manager kiril and arrested its business manager kiril sujanov and a former tabloid magazine sujanov and a former tabloid magazine sujanov and a former tabloid magazine editor on charges of attempting to editor on charges of attempting to editor on charges of attempting to extort rose tax ceo sergey chen is a for extort rose tax ceo sergey chen is a for extort rose tax ceo sergey chen is a for 11 million rubles or slightly less than 11 million rubles or slightly less than 11 million rubles or slightly less than two hundred thousand dollars if the two hundred thousand dollars if the
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two hundred thousand dollars if the russian military uses a piece of russian military uses a piece of russian military uses a piece of technical equipment there is a big technical equipment there is a big technical equipment there is a big chance that it has been produced by one chance that it has been produced by one chance that it has been produced by one of the many companies owned and of the many companies owned and of the many companies owned and controlled by rostier in fact chemazov a controlled by rostier in fact chemazov a controlled by rostier in fact chemazov a core putin's ally and a powerful member core putin's ally and a powerful member core putin's ally and a powerful member of the siloviki oversees more than 1 000 of the siloviki oversees more than 1 000 of the siloviki oversees more than 1 000 businesses employing more than half a businesses employing more than half a businesses employing more than half a million people who engineer manufacture million people who engineer manufacture million people who engineer manufacture and produce equipment and weapons for and produce equipment and weapons for and produce equipment and weapons for russia's military and export sales russia's military and export sales russia's military and export sales russia's most widely known military russia's most widely known military russia's most widely known military brand kalashnikov is one of frostex brand kalashnikov is one of frostex brand kalashnikov is one of frostex companies along with truck maker kamas companies along with truck maker kamas companies along with truck maker kamas tank and rail car builder oralva tank and rail car builder oralva tank and rail car builder oralva gonzavot airplane manufacturer suhoi and gonzavot airplane manufacturer suhoi and gonzavot airplane manufacturer suhoi and mick and the weapons sales company rosa mick and the weapons sales company rosa mick and the weapons sales company rosa baron export baron export baron export during the cold war chamizov and during the cold war chamizov and during the cold war chamizov and vladimir putin worked together at the vladimir putin worked together at the vladimir putin worked together at the kgb in dresden and lived in the same kgb in dresden and lived in the same kgb in dresden and lived in the same east german apartment building years east german apartment building years east german apartment building years later after he became president putin later after he became president putin
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later after he became president putin named chamazov to run rostiach the named chamazov to run rostiach the named chamazov to run rostiach the parent company of russia's defense and parent company of russia's defense and parent company of russia's defense and aerospace industry aerospace industry aerospace industry but as mede is owned by senior safchak a but as mede is owned by senior safchak a but as mede is owned by senior safchak a russian media personality a one-time russian media personality a one-time russian media personality a one-time presidential candidate a self-styled presidential candidate a self-styled presidential candidate a self-styled independent journalist and the widely independent journalist and the widely independent journalist and the widely rumored goddaughter of none other than rumored goddaughter of none other than rumored goddaughter of none other than vladimir putin sofia got to where she is vladimir putin sofia got to where she is vladimir putin sofia got to where she is partly because her father anatolisovchak partly because her father anatolisovchak partly because her father anatolisovchak was once putin's boss in saint was once putin's boss in saint was once putin's boss in saint petersburg the liberal politician was petersburg the liberal politician was petersburg the liberal politician was first elected as mayor then as governor first elected as mayor then as governor first elected as mayor then as governor and then became a university law and then became a university law and then became a university law professor who served as the mentor and professor who served as the mentor and professor who served as the mentor and teacher for future presidents vladimir teacher for future presidents vladimir teacher for future presidents vladimir putin and dimitri midwest soap chuck putin and dimitri midwest soap chuck putin and dimitri midwest soap chuck until recently was seen as an until recently was seen as an until recently was seen as an untouchable person but now even she is untouchable person but now even she is untouchable person but now even she is under threat there are no more under threat there are no more under threat there are no more guarantees for anyone in a time of war guarantees for anyone in a time of war guarantees for anyone in a time of war there can be no liberties and the fact there can be no liberties and the fact there can be no liberties and the fact that subject knows putin personally and that subject knows putin personally and
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that subject knows putin personally and closely no longer provides her immunity closely no longer provides her immunity closely no longer provides her immunity authorities say the journalists at authorities say the journalists at authorities say the journalists at astoros de media offered to block astoros de media offered to block astoros de media offered to block negative coverage of chimizov for a fee negative coverage of chimizov for a fee negative coverage of chimizov for a fee last week a third journalist enrique last week a third journalist enrique last week a third journalist enrique raulov was also charged with slender by raulov was also charged with slender by raulov was also charged with slender by chemezov for material on his telegram chemezov for material on his telegram chemezov for material on his telegram channel that roster called rumors and channel that roster called rumors and channel that roster called rumors and speculation divorced from reality every speculation divorced from reality every speculation divorced from reality every day more evidence comes out showing how day more evidence comes out showing how day more evidence comes out showing how unprepared russia's security unprepared russia's security unprepared russia's security intelligence and military circles the intelligence and military circles the intelligence and military circles the silaviki where for ukraine's forceful silaviki where for ukraine's forceful silaviki where for ukraine's forceful resistance to an invasion cleaning up resistance to an invasion cleaning up resistance to an invasion cleaning up the last telegram channels that provide the last telegram channels that provide the last telegram channels that provide relatively critical coverage is part of relatively critical coverage is part of relatively critical coverage is part of the kremlin's loyalty purge which is why the kremlin's loyalty purge which is why the kremlin's loyalty purge which is why many analysts say stop chuck fled to many analysts say stop chuck fled to many analysts say stop chuck fled to lithuania she is the last person in any lithuania she is the last person in any lithuania she is the last person in any position of power and influence to have position of power and influence to have position of power and influence to have known putin when he still had a boss



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