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tv   Kremlin Mid- Terms Putin Loses  TVRAINENG  November 19, 2022 3:00am-3:10am MSK

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russia lost in the u.s election they had russia lost in the u.s election they had russia lost in the u.s election they had high expectations for it and no wonder high expectations for it and no wonder high expectations for it and no wonder the republican party has been home to a the republican party has been home to a the republican party has been home to a growing and powerful isolationist growing and powerful isolationist growing and powerful isolationist movement that has come to the forefront movement that has come to the forefront movement that has come to the forefront in recent years proponents of this in recent years proponents of this in recent years proponents of this movement promised to stop supporting movement promised to stop supporting movement promised to stop supporting ukraine and said that americans should ukraine and said that americans should ukraine and said that americans should forget about putin and his war the war forget about putin and his war the war forget about putin and his war the war is distant foreign extremely expensive is distant foreign extremely expensive is distant foreign extremely expensive and definitely not american the and definitely not american the and definitely not american the politicians who questioned the coast of politicians who questioned the coast of politicians who questioned the coast of supporting ukraine aimed to capitalize supporting ukraine aimed to capitalize supporting ukraine aimed to capitalize on growing public fatigue the war is not on growing public fatigue the war is not on growing public fatigue the war is not ending and food prices are rising your ending and food prices are rising your ending and food prices are rising your family budget your ability to fill up family budget your ability to fill up family budget your ability to fill up your tank none of it should hinge on your tank none of it should hinge on your tank none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and whether a dictator declares war and whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away and commits genocide a half a world away and commits genocide a half a world away and no matter how sympathetic the cause my no matter how sympathetic the cause my no matter how sympathetic the cause my oath of office is to the national oath of office is to the national oath of office is to the national security of the united states of america security of the united states of america security of the united states of america we cannot save ukraine by dooming the we cannot save ukraine by dooming the we cannot save ukraine by dooming the u.s economy under republicans not
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u.s economy under republicans not u.s economy under republicans not another penny will go to ukraine [000:01:07;00] in russia the statements are listened to in russia the statements are listened to in russia the statements are listened to and considered to be the consensus and considered to be the consensus and considered to be the consensus opinion procrimin outlets love the opinion procrimin outlets love the opinion procrimin outlets love the ultra-conservative magazine the national ultra-conservative magazine the national ultra-conservative magazine the national interests which frequently publishes interests which frequently publishes interests which frequently publishes analysis with the basic message of you analysis with the basic message of you analysis with the basic message of you can't beat russia but even if you can it can't beat russia but even if you can it can't beat russia but even if you can it has nuclear weapons so watch out here has nuclear weapons so watch out here has nuclear weapons so watch out here are quotes from its latest issue are quotes from its latest issue are quotes from its latest issue imagine the situation the employees of imagine the situation the employees of imagine the situation the employees of the russian presidential administration the russian presidential administration the russian presidential administration are sitting there sorting through are sitting there sorting through are sitting there sorting through western press materials paying special western press materials paying special western press materials paying special attention to the american press of attention to the american press of attention to the american press of course and for the first time in a good course and for the first time in a good course and for the first time in a good while they see a genuine clear trend while they see a genuine clear trend while they see a genuine clear trend that looks positive for moscow they that looks positive for moscow they that looks positive for moscow they carefully pick out quotes and someone carefully pick out quotes and someone carefully pick out quotes and someone like dimitri peskov prints them out and like dimitri peskov prints them out and like dimitri peskov prints them out and takes them to the president he reads takes them to the president he reads takes them to the president he reads them and smiles those in power in russia them and smiles those in power in russia
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them and smiles those in power in russia were eagerly anticipating a republican were eagerly anticipating a republican were eagerly anticipating a republican victory which would greatly reduce the victory which would greatly reduce the victory which would greatly reduce the power of the white house and pause or at power of the white house and pause or at power of the white house and pause or at least massively slow down arms delivery least massively slow down arms delivery least massively slow down arms delivery to zelenski ukraine would finally be to zelenski ukraine would finally be to zelenski ukraine would finally be theirs [000:02:18;00] is [000:02:27;00] a special broadcast for the the american a special broadcast for the the american a special broadcast for the the american election the day after the vote she election the day after the vote she election the day after the vote she seems unfazed by the title of the seems unfazed by the title of the seems unfazed by the title of the broadcast trumpist anticipating revenge broadcast trumpist anticipating revenge broadcast trumpist anticipating revenge despite voter fraud which has of course despite voter fraud which has of course despite voter fraud which has of course been approved in advance this complaints been approved in advance this complaints been approved in advance this complaints come from a host on russia's state tv an come from a host on russia's state tv an come from a host on russia's state tv an organization that once announced a organization that once announced a organization that once announced a legendary legendary legendary 146 percent voter turnout yet is furious 146 percent voter turnout yet is furious
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146 percent voter turnout yet is furious about the flaws in the american about the flaws in the american about the flaws in the american electoral system [000:03:14;00] she's not alone the program and telegram she's not alone the program and telegram she's not alone the program and telegram channels were flooded with skating posts channels were flooded with skating posts channels were flooded with skating posts about rampant voter fraud in the about rampant voter fraud in the about rampant voter fraud in the american elections american elections american elections the biden administration has ruled out the biden administration has ruled out the biden administration has ruled out pushing ukraine to negotiate an end to pushing ukraine to negotiate an end to pushing ukraine to negotiate an end to the conflict despite growing concerns on the conflict despite growing concerns on the conflict despite growing concerns on both sides of the aisle over the both sides of the aisle over the both sides of the aisle over the economic and potential security economic and potential security economic and potential security consequences should the united states consequences should the united states consequences should the united states get direct into direct hostilities with get direct into direct hostilities with get direct into direct hostilities with russia russia russia instead washington continues to funnel instead washington continues to funnel instead washington continues to funnel billions of dollars worth of weapons billions of dollars worth of weapons billions of dollars worth of weapons equipment and aid to ukraine despite not equipment and aid to ukraine despite not equipment and aid to ukraine despite not believing kiev can win the war not believing kiev can win the war not believing kiev can win the war not exactly a sound geopolitical strategy exactly a sound geopolitical strategy exactly a sound geopolitical strategy ukrainian president voladimir zielinski
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ukrainian president voladimir zielinski ukrainian president voladimir zielinski contends that ukraine will push russia contends that ukraine will push russia contends that ukraine will push russia entirely out of ukraine including crimea entirely out of ukraine including crimea entirely out of ukraine including crimea which russia enacts in 2014 if the which russia enacts in 2014 if the which russia enacts in 2014 if the scenario materializes moscow may utilize scenario materializes moscow may utilize scenario materializes moscow may utilize its final trump card tactical nuclear its final trump card tactical nuclear its final trump card tactical nuclear weapons the utilization of nuclear weapons the utilization of nuclear weapons the utilization of nuclear weapons in ukraine would be catastrophic weapons in ukraine would be catastrophic weapons in ukraine would be catastrophic and could lead to the united states or and could lead to the united states or and could lead to the united states or nato getting directly involved in the nato getting directly involved in the nato getting directly involved in the conflict by avoiding efforts to push for conflict by avoiding efforts to push for conflict by avoiding efforts to push for a ceasefire and the lasting settlement a ceasefire and the lasting settlement a ceasefire and the lasting settlement the united states is prolonging a the united states is prolonging a the united states is prolonging a conflict when i listened to them i often conflict when i listened to them i often conflict when i listened to them i often think how good it is that there are no think how good it is that there are no think how good it is that there are no such problems in russia that our such problems in russia that our such problems in russia that our elections are consistently stable with elections are consistently stable with elections are consistently stable with no surprises no international observers no surprises no international observers no surprises no international observers no opposition candidates and essentially no opposition candidates and essentially no opposition candidates and essentially any choices at all that way we can any choices at all that way we can any choices at all that way we can concentrate on the russophobes abroad concentrate on the russophobes abroad concentrate on the russophobes abroad the initial results of the u.s election the initial results of the u.s election the initial results of the u.s election and yesterday's hysterical also made and yesterday's hysterical also made and yesterday's hysterical also made some of ukraine's green leader in a
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some of ukraine's green leader in a some of ukraine's green leader in a dirty green t-shirt a confirmation of dirty green t-shirt a confirmation of dirty green t-shirt a confirmation of the world familiar to grandpa biden is the world familiar to grandpa biden is the world familiar to grandpa biden is disappearing disappearing disappearing support for the united states leadership support for the united states leadership support for the united states leadership in the world is decreasing and their in the world is decreasing and their in the world is decreasing and their faith in the drugged up leader has been faith in the drugged up leader has been faith in the drugged up leader has been a mistake dimitri medvedev deputy a mistake dimitri medvedev deputy a mistake dimitri medvedev deputy chairman of the security council kindly chairman of the security council kindly chairman of the security council kindly provided some fresh thoughts on the loss provided some fresh thoughts on the loss provided some fresh thoughts on the loss of america's international prestige of america's international prestige of america's international prestige discussion of the moral decline of discussion of the moral decline of discussion of the moral decline of american politics and the nation itself american politics and the nation itself american politics and the nation itself has taken over russian patriotic outlets has taken over russian patriotic outlets has taken over russian patriotic outlets and social media spaces in minnesota and social media spaces in minnesota and social media spaces in minnesota biological mail lee funcker who biological mail lee funcker who biological mail lee funcker who considers themselves a woman defeated considers themselves a woman defeated considers themselves a woman defeated republican trace johnson and became the republican trace johnson and became the republican trace johnson and became the first non-binary person in the state first non-binary person in the state first non-binary person in the state house of representatives and in new house of representatives and in new house of representatives and in new hampshire the state beauty queen contest hampshire the state beauty queen contest hampshire the state beauty queen contest winner for miss america was also a winner for miss america was also a winner for miss america was also a biological male brian wen it seems like biological male brian wen it seems like biological male brian wen it seems like america is becoming increasingly america is becoming increasingly america is becoming increasingly polarized the republicans are moving polarized the republicans are moving polarized the republicans are moving further to the right and the democrats further to the right and the democrats further to the right and the democrats further to the left one party wants to further to the left one party wants to further to the left one party wants to protect christian values and the other protect christian values and the other protect christian values and the other wants to impose leftist liberal ones who wants to impose leftist liberal ones who wants to impose leftist liberal ones who knows maybe the thing that sparked civil
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knows maybe the thing that sparked civil knows maybe the thing that sparked civil war in america will not be racial war in america will not be racial war in america will not be racial differences but another transgender differences but another transgender differences but another transgender person winning a beauty contest lgbt person winning a beauty contest lgbt person winning a beauty contest lgbt propaganda the opposition of same-sex propaganda the opposition of same-sex propaganda the opposition of same-sex marriages and the destruction of marriages and the destruction of marriages and the destruction of traditional values have created a deep traditional values have created a deep traditional values have created a deep division within american society division within american society division within american society reports president biden's supporters are reports president biden's supporters are reports president biden's supporters are being defeated in the u.s elections this being defeated in the u.s elections this being defeated in the u.s elections this is the fourth man in the russian is the fourth man in the russian is the fourth man in the russian political hierarchy and simply saying he political hierarchy and simply saying he political hierarchy and simply saying he is spreading fake news massive is spreading fake news massive is spreading fake news massive propaganda attack has prepared a wide propaganda attack has prepared a wide propaganda attack has prepared a wide russian audience for the triumph of russian audience for the triumph of russian audience for the triumph of trump's party now it's too hard to trump's party now it's too hard to trump's party now it's too hard to explain the failure explain the failure explain the failure according to cnn there is at least some according to cnn there is at least some according to cnn there is at least some intelligence confirming that russia intelligence confirming that russia intelligence confirming that russia delayed the withdrawal of troops from delayed the withdrawal of troops from delayed the withdrawal of troops from her son until after the u.s midterm her son until after the u.s midterm her son until after the u.s midterm elections in order not to hand an elections in order not to hand an elections in order not to hand an additional advantage to joe biden and additional advantage to joe biden and additional advantage to joe biden and the democratic party at the very least the democratic party at the very least the democratic party at the very least the intelligence community believes that
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the intelligence community believes that the intelligence community believes that the topic of the election was discussed the topic of the election was discussed the topic of the election was discussed among russian leadership and was among among russian leadership and was among among russian leadership and was among the factors that influenced the decision the factors that influenced the decision the factors that influenced the decision if this is true russia has strongly if this is true russia has strongly if this is true russia has strongly overestimated the importance americans overestimated the importance americans overestimated the importance americans attached to individual battles rather attached to individual battles rather attached to individual battles rather than the outcome of the campaign u.s than the outcome of the campaign u.s than the outcome of the campaign u.s politicians noted in a conversation with politicians noted in a conversation with politicians noted in a conversation with reporters suggesting that it will also reporters suggesting that it will also reporters suggesting that it will also confirm the primitiveness of russia's confirm the primitiveness of russia's confirm the primitiveness of russia's information strategy information strategy information strategy of course elections did not go the way of course elections did not go the way of course elections did not go the way that russia anticipated and washington that russia anticipated and washington that russia anticipated and washington is now in a position of strength not is now in a position of strength not is now in a position of strength not just because of the relative success of just because of the relative success of just because of the relative success of the democratic party in the elections the democratic party in the elections the democratic party in the elections but also from ukraine's victories on the but also from ukraine's victories on the but also from ukraine's victories on the battlefield and president biden's first battlefield and president biden's first battlefield and president biden's first meeting with putin's supposed friend meeting with putin's supposed friend meeting with putin's supposed friend cezimpin cezimpin cezimpin we discussed russia's aggression against we discussed russia's aggression against we discussed russia's aggression against ukraine reaffirmed our shared belief in ukraine reaffirmed our shared belief in ukraine reaffirmed our shared belief in the threat or the use of nuclear weapons the threat or the use of nuclear weapons the threat or the use of nuclear weapons is totally unacceptable china is also is totally unacceptable china is also is totally unacceptable china is also worried by putin's frequent invocation
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worried by putin's frequent invocation worried by putin's frequent invocation of the nuclear option washington and of the nuclear option washington and of the nuclear option washington and beijing have found common ground from beijing have found common ground from beijing have found common ground from their aversion to weapons of mass their aversion to weapons of mass their aversion to weapons of mass destruction and shared desire to remain destruction and shared desire to remain destruction and shared desire to remain living this however does not mean that living this however does not mean that living this however does not mean that the americans are pressuring the lenski the americans are pressuring the lenski the americans are pressuring the lenski to go and talk to russia zelenski made to go and talk to russia zelenski made to go and talk to russia zelenski made his position very clear and concrete he his position very clear and concrete he his position very clear and concrete he presented the terms of the peace presented the terms of the peace presented the terms of the peace agreement to the g20 which he called the agreement to the g20 which he called the agreement to the g20 which he called the g19 on monday evening [000:08:48;00] sergey lavrov whom putin sent to bali in sergey lavrov whom putin sent to bali in sergey lavrov whom putin sent to bali in his place listens attentively to his place listens attentively to
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his place listens attentively to ukraine's president but would anyone ukraine's president but would anyone ukraine's president but would anyone actually believe that russia's head of actually believe that russia's head of actually believe that russia's head of diplomacy would consider much less diplomacy would consider much less diplomacy would consider much less accept the demands of his accept the demands of his accept the demands of his neighborhood [000:09:15;00] lavrov left bali before the summit was lavrov left bali before the summit was lavrov left bali before the summit was over and the final declaration was over and the final declaration was over and the final declaration was signed in no likelihood it became clear signed in no likelihood it became clear signed in no likelihood it became clear in indonesia to the russian minister in indonesia to the russian minister in indonesia to the russian minister that despite all the hints suggesting that despite all the hints suggesting that despite all the hints suggesting readiness for negotiations which readiness for negotiations which readiness for negotiations which certainly came from moscow that certainly came from moscow that certainly came from moscow that washington would not conduct any talks washington would not conduct any talks washington would not conduct any talks with regard to the status of the with regard to the status of the with regard to the status of the ukrainian territories ukrainian territories ukrainian territories the disappointment of putin who has been the disappointment of putin who has been the disappointment of putin who has been weakened and battered now in her son as weakened and battered now in her son as weakened and battered now in her son as well was expressed in a stream of well was expressed in a stream of well was expressed in a stream of missiles fired at ukrainian cities missiles fired at ukrainian cities missiles fired at ukrainian cities russian leadership is currently in a russian leadership is currently in a russian leadership is currently in a tremendously tough position and the
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tremendously tough position and the tremendously tough position and the kremlin is raising raids by striking at kremlin is raising raids by striking at kremlin is raising raids by striking at ukraine and it is waiting for a ukraine and it is waiting for a ukraine and it is waiting for a compromise that will not come compromise that will not come



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