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tv   Mothers of the Mobilized  TVRAINENG  November 25, 2022 3:00am-3:08am MSK

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tv rain is on the air for 12 years we tv rain is on the air for 12 years we tv rain is on the air for 12 years we remained the only independent news remained the only independent news remained the only independent news channel in russia [000:00:11;00] of the country by new repressive laws of the country by new repressive laws of the country by new repressive laws after the first week of the war our after the first week of the war our after the first week of the war our freedom crushed by the authorities [000:00:26;00] we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed putin christ havoc putin christ havoc putin christ havoc we want to tell you firsthand what is we want to tell you firsthand what is we want to tell you firsthand what is really happening in russia subscribe to really happening in russia subscribe to really happening in russia subscribe to tv rain newsroom on youtube and let's tv rain newsroom on youtube and let's tv rain newsroom on youtube and let's take a look at our future together
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[000:00:55;00] russia tomorrow [000:00:58;00] for millions of ordinary russians for millions of ordinary russians for millions of ordinary russians vladimir putin's partial mobilization in vladimir putin's partial mobilization in vladimir putin's partial mobilization in september brought the war out of their september brought the war out of their september brought the war out of their tv screens and into their homes as tv screens and into their homes as tv screens and into their homes as hundreds of thousands fled the country hundreds of thousands fled the country hundreds of thousands fled the country to escape being drafted many more stayed to escape being drafted many more stayed to escape being drafted many more stayed behind and voluntarily answered the behind and voluntarily answered the behind and voluntarily answered the draft notices but mobilization has draft notices but mobilization has draft notices but mobilization has presented a new set of challenges to presented a new set of challenges to presented a new set of challenges to society as hundreds of relatives mostly society as hundreds of relatives mostly society as hundreds of relatives mostly mothers and wives have begun protests mothers and wives have begun protests mothers and wives have begun protests across russia in recent weeks demanding across russia in recent weeks demanding across russia in recent weeks demanding that authorities withdraw their mobile that authorities withdraw their mobile that authorities withdraw their mobile license fathers husbands and brothers license fathers husbands and brothers license fathers husbands and brothers from the front in a new article by the from the front in a new article by the from the front in a new article by the moscow times titled the military moscow times titled the military moscow times titled the military betrayed us desperate relatives of betrayed us desperate relatives of betrayed us desperate relatives of russian draftees seek answers russian russian draftees seek answers russian russian draftees seek answers russian journalists anastasis or the moscow journalists anastasis or the moscow journalists anastasis or the moscow times dives into the troubles times dives into the troubles times dives into the troubles surrounding russia's mobilization surrounding russia's mobilization surrounding russia's mobilization anastasia joined us now to discuss these
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anastasia joined us now to discuss these anastasia joined us now to discuss these important developments anastasia thank important developments anastasia thank important developments anastasia thank you so much for joining me here so what you so much for joining me here so what you so much for joining me here so what new information did you find out from new information did you find out from new information did you find out from the relative of soldiers of soldiers who the relative of soldiers of soldiers who the relative of soldiers of soldiers who were recently mobilized were recently mobilized were recently mobilized well when it comes to those mobilized well when it comes to those mobilized well when it comes to those mobilized soldiers and their relatives for example soldiers and their relatives for example soldiers and their relatives for example i guess what strikes me the most is the i guess what strikes me the most is the i guess what strikes me the most is the way how they have been protesting way how they have been protesting way how they have been protesting against the the way how they have been against the the way how they have been against the the way how they have been treated at the front lines but not treated at the front lines but not treated at the front lines but not against the mobilization in general or against the mobilization in general or against the mobilization in general or not against russia's actions in ukraine not against russia's actions in ukraine not against russia's actions in ukraine but rather against the fact that they but rather against the fact that they but rather against the fact that they have been sent to the front lines with have been sent to the front lines with have been sent to the front lines with no military equipment or with no proper no military equipment or with no proper no military equipment or with no proper military equipment with no proper military equipment with no proper military equipment with no proper military training and military training and military training and um those soldiers and their relatives um those soldiers and their relatives um those soldiers and their relatives their mothers and wives usually they're their mothers and wives usually they're their mothers and wives usually they're just demanding to eat withdraw those just demanding to eat withdraw those just demanding to eat withdraw those mobilized man and tea with joe recently mobilized man and tea with joe recently mobilized man and tea with joe recently conscripted soldiers from the front just
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conscripted soldiers from the front just conscripted soldiers from the front just to keep them somewhere near near the to keep them somewhere near near the to keep them somewhere near near the second or third line of defense for second or third line of defense for second or third line of defense for example a spanish woman told me during example a spanish woman told me during example a spanish woman told me during the interview last week so the interview last week so the interview last week so um which is really interesting because um which is really interesting because um which is really interesting because in general like we also have to in general like we also have to in general like we also have to understand that they're not against like understand that they're not against like understand that they're not against like the the the um the war or for example not against um the war or for example not against um the war or for example not against russia's actions um in the ukraine in russia's actions um in the ukraine in russia's actions um in the ukraine in general but rather against how they have general but rather against how they have general but rather against how they have been treated and how local authorities been treated and how local authorities been treated and how local authorities are the government in general uh treat are the government in general uh treat are the government in general uh treat them during the like the whole process them during the like the whole process them during the like the whole process but do you think that but do you think that but do you think that the fact that they are protesting the fact that they are protesting the fact that they are protesting against how they've been treated could against how they've been treated could against how they've been treated could it be understood as a protest against it be understood as a protest against it be understood as a protest against the war but the protests against the war the war but the protests against the war the war but the protests against the war is banned now in russia so maybe that's is banned now in russia so maybe that's is banned now in russia so maybe that's why they are protesting against the why they are protesting against the why they are protesting against the conditions of this mobilization conditions of this mobilization conditions of this mobilization well i would say yes no to be honest well i would say yes no to be honest well i would say yes no to be honest because also like lots of because also like lots of because also like lots of um wives and mothers for example uh they
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um wives and mothers for example uh they um wives and mothers for example uh they told me that told me that told me that um they understand why the government um they understand why the government um they understand why the government just you know cannot handle the whole just you know cannot handle the whole just you know cannot handle the whole mobilization process and one woman for mobilization process and one woman for mobilization process and one woman for example even told me that putin just you example even told me that putin just you example even told me that putin just you know cannot keep uh tracks of everything know cannot keep uh tracks of everything know cannot keep uh tracks of everything so um i think it's really complicated so um i think it's really complicated so um i think it's really complicated and it's just you know and it's just you know and it's just you know um takes a lot of time to to understand um takes a lot of time to to understand um takes a lot of time to to understand the way how everything is like handled the way how everything is like handled the way how everything is like handled in russia in russia in russia um so um it's just the beginning i would um so um it's just the beginning i would um so um it's just the beginning i would say say say who are these soldiers who are their who are these soldiers who are their who are these soldiers who are their families why did the why did they choose families why did the why did they choose families why did the why did they choose to go to the war why did not they escape to go to the war why did not they escape to go to the war why did not they escape from the mobilization as a million of from the mobilization as a million of from the mobilization as a million of russians did russians did russians did well uh those soldiers who like who well uh those soldiers who like who well uh those soldiers who like who managed to uh to tell me why they managed to uh to tell me why they managed to uh to tell me why they decided to give to the role usually just decided to give to the role usually just decided to give to the role usually just you know tell me that they supported you know tell me that they supported you know tell me that they supported their
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their their um i wouldn't say like the invasion um i wouldn't say like the invasion um i wouldn't say like the invasion because they didn't call it the invasion because they didn't call it the invasion because they didn't call it the invasion but they supported what russia wants tea but they supported what russia wants tea but they supported what russia wants tea to do in ukraine because they usually to do in ukraine because they usually to do in ukraine because they usually just believe uh believe tv reports and just believe uh believe tv reports and just believe uh believe tv reports and the government so the government so the government so um it's just as i've said it's just um it's just as i've said it's just um it's just as i've said it's just beginning of the like i think really beginning of the like i think really beginning of the like i think really long and huge process for them to to long and huge process for them to to long and huge process for them to to understand the reality understand the reality understand the reality um and when it comes to um and when it comes to um and when it comes to um russian wives and mothers he have um russian wives and mothers he have um russian wives and mothers he have been protesting since like the start of been protesting since like the start of been protesting since like the start of the mobilization the mobilization the mobilization um as i know there are like at least 15 um as i know there are like at least 15 um as i know there are like at least 15 russian regions russian regions russian regions um and um and um and um like their biggest concern their um like their biggest concern their um like their biggest concern their biggest demand again is i've said just biggest demand again is i've said just biggest demand again is i've said just the flag of training and poor military the flag of training and poor military the flag of training and poor military equipment and also those those soldiers equipment and also those those soldiers equipment and also those those soldiers usually are from very poor regions uh
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usually are from very poor regions uh usually are from very poor regions uh they don't have like enough education in they don't have like enough education in they don't have like enough education in some cases just he some cases just he some cases just he um probably to understand like the the um probably to understand like the the um probably to understand like the the whole situation there and usually they whole situation there and usually they whole situation there and usually they do believe do believe do believe um what the government is saying about um what the government is saying about um what the government is saying about um the boy ukraine about like the the um the boy ukraine about like the the um the boy ukraine about like the the nuts regime there and um about like nuts regime there and um about like nuts regime there and um about like their their their um the whole purpose and the whole goal um the whole purpose and the whole goal um the whole purpose and the whole goal um of like of the invention as kremlin um of like of the invention as kremlin um of like of the invention as kremlin at least trying to trade at least trying to trade at least trying to trade my i think last question uh how does it my i think last question uh how does it my i think last question uh how does it seem to you this movement how big it is seem to you this movement how big it is seem to you this movement how big it is i mean we will remember how 25 years ago i mean we will remember how 25 years ago i mean we will remember how 25 years ago during the first chechen war the during the first chechen war the during the first chechen war the committee of soldiers mothers it was a committee of soldiers mothers it was a committee of soldiers mothers it was a huge movement and it was one of the huge movement and it was one of the huge movement and it was one of the reasons why president boris yeltsin uh reasons why president boris yeltsin uh reasons why president boris yeltsin uh stopped the war in chechnya do you think stopped the war in chechnya do you think stopped the war in chechnya do you think that this movement now is big enough or that this movement now is big enough or that this movement now is big enough or does it have either any evidence that
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does it have either any evidence that does it have either any evidence that this movement will become something this movement will become something this movement will become something something big and that the government something big and that the government something big and that the government will have to to listen to them will have to to listen to them will have to to listen to them well um just yesterday for example well um just yesterday for example well um just yesterday for example piskov announced that president putin is piskov announced that president putin is piskov announced that president putin is expected to meet a group of expected to meet a group of expected to meet a group of um of mothers um of mothers um of mothers um later this week reportedly on sunday um later this week reportedly on sunday um later this week reportedly on sunday but at the same time to be honest i but at the same time to be honest i but at the same time to be honest i don't think that uh the discontent is don't think that uh the discontent is don't think that uh the discontent is big enough right now he big enough right now he big enough right now he um to start mass protests in russia or um to start mass protests in russia or um to start mass protests in russia or to start like to start like to start like um any changes in the country um any changes in the country um any changes in the country um but at the same time with like more um but at the same time with like more um but at the same time with like more and more reports and with more evidence and more reports and with more evidence and more reports and with more evidence of like poor conditions at the front of like poor conditions at the front of like poor conditions at the front lines and lines and lines and um just in general the way how those um just in general the way how those um just in general the way how those mobilized soldiers are treated at mobilized soldiers are treated at mobilized soldiers are treated at military base for example or the front military base for example or the front military base for example or the front lines treated by the military commanders lines treated by the military commanders lines treated by the military commanders i think that the discontent will just i think that the discontent will just i think that the discontent will just grow and grow among russian soldiers and grow and grow among russian soldiers and grow and grow among russian soldiers and a small amount of their relatives so a small amount of their relatives so a small amount of their relatives so like it might be the case as well
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like it might be the case as well like it might be the case as well well thank you so much and it's the well thank you so much and it's the well thank you so much and it's the international of the moscow times thanks international of the moscow times thanks international of the moscow times thanks for joining us [000:08:07;00] we remain the only in the we remain the only in the we remain the only in the in russia [000:08:13;00] the first out of the country by new the first out of the country by new the first out of the country by new repressive laws after the first week of repressive laws after the first week of repressive laws after the first week of the war our freedom crushed by the the war our freedom crushed by the the war our freedom crushed by the authorities [000:08:29;00] we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed putin christ havoc putin christ havoc



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