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tv   Falling Polls Focus Groups Show War Fatigue  TVRAINENG  November 27, 2022 3:00am-3:10am MSK

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nine months after the start of the war nine months after the start of the war nine months after the start of the war opinion polls held in russia suggest opinion polls held in russia suggest opinion polls held in russia suggest that people still support it all major that people still support it all major that people still support it all major pollsters both kremlin-affiliated and pollsters both kremlin-affiliated and pollsters both kremlin-affiliated and independent such as levada center show independent such as levada center show independent such as levada center show support for the war to be at around 70 support for the war to be at around 70 support for the war to be at around 70 80 approval the latest levada center 80 approval the latest levada center 80 approval the latest levada center poll from late october suggests that 44 poll from late october suggests that 44 poll from late october suggests that 44 definitely support the war and 29 likely definitely support the war and 29 likely definitely support the war and 29 likely supported these are high numbers and supported these are high numbers and supported these are high numbers and they have changed very little throughout they have changed very little throughout they have changed very little throughout the war as if nothing can affect the the war as if nothing can affect the the war as if nothing can affect the russian people's attitude neither defeat russian people's attitude neither defeat russian people's attitude neither defeat on the battlefield nor have a losses of on the battlefield nor have a losses of on the battlefield nor have a losses of the russian military neuromobilization the russian military neuromobilization the russian military neuromobilization that has brought the war to every home that has brought the war to every home that has brought the war to every home and family but this is really not the and family but this is really not the and family but this is really not the case support for the war is falling case support for the war is falling case support for the war is falling people are getting tired of it for people are getting tired of it for people are getting tired of it for example this is what the publication example this is what the publication example this is what the publication medusa writes about focus groups medusa writes about focus groups medusa writes about focus groups recently conducted by the kremlin across recently conducted by the kremlin across recently conducted by the kremlin across the country they show that russians are the country they show that russians are the country they show that russians are not optimistic about their own and their not optimistic about their own and their not optimistic about their own and their country's future they're so stressed
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country's future they're so stressed country's future they're so stressed that these sentiments according to the that these sentiments according to the that these sentiments according to the respondents of the polls are not related respondents of the polls are not related respondents of the polls are not related to the successful ukrainian to the successful ukrainian to the successful ukrainian counter-attack and the subsequent counter-attack and the subsequent counter-attack and the subsequent retreat of the russian army from here retreat of the russian army from here retreat of the russian army from here soon the kremlin believes that russians soon the kremlin believes that russians soon the kremlin believes that russians are basically tired of the war medusa's are basically tired of the war medusa's are basically tired of the war medusa's source close to the kremlin privy to the source close to the kremlin privy to the source close to the kremlin privy to the result of the focus groups noted that result of the focus groups noted that result of the focus groups noted that russians are increasingly questioning russians are increasingly questioning russians are increasingly questioning the motivations and reasoning behind the the motivations and reasoning behind the the motivations and reasoning behind the war despite the efforts of state war despite the efforts of state war despite the efforts of state propagandists what are the issues why propagandists what are the issues why propagandists what are the issues why are they happening other studies also are they happening other studies also are they happening other studies also suggest that support for the war is suggest that support for the war is suggest that support for the war is falling according to the independent falling according to the independent falling according to the independent sociological project extreme scan the sociological project extreme scan the sociological project extreme scan the maximum level of support was 66 percent maximum level of support was 66 percent maximum level of support was 66 percent in april but it began to decline from in april but it began to decline from in april but it began to decline from the start of july dropping to 51 at the the start of july dropping to 51 at the the start of july dropping to 51 at the end of september when the mobilization end of september when the mobilization end of september when the mobilization was announced was announced was announced the fact is that the direct question do the fact is that the direct question do the fact is that the direct question do you support the war on which the you support the war on which the you support the war on which the demonstration of almost unanimous demonstration of almost unanimous demonstration of almost unanimous support is based is deceptive firstly it support is based is deceptive firstly it support is based is deceptive firstly it is too politicized and puts people in a is too politicized and puts people in a is too politicized and puts people in a difficult position people are afraid to
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difficult position people are afraid to difficult position people are afraid to answer honestly the extreme scan project answer honestly the extreme scan project answer honestly the extreme scan project conducted an experiment at first when conducted an experiment at first when conducted an experiment at first when asked do you support the war people were asked do you support the war people were asked do you support the war people were given two options yes or no 70 answered given two options yes or no 70 answered given two options yes or no 70 answered yes but when a third option was added yes but when a third option was added yes but when a third option was added rather not say answers yes declined to rather not say answers yes declined to rather not say answers yes declined to 63 percent this is already different 63 percent this is already different 63 percent this is already different picture isn't it secondly those who picture isn't it secondly those who picture isn't it secondly those who confirm they support the war are in confirm they support the war are in confirm they support the war are in reality very different people and their reality very different people and their reality very different people and their confirmation is based on different confirmation is based on different confirmation is based on different grounds there are those who really grounds there are those who really grounds there are those who really believe in this war in its official believe in this war in its official believe in this war in its official course and then there are those who course and then there are those who course and then there are those who don't really care extremes can project don't really care extremes can project don't really care extremes can project co-founder alexei minaj calls this group co-founder alexei minaj calls this group co-founder alexei minaj calls this group cheerleaders the script is 25 to 30 cheerleaders the script is 25 to 30 cheerleaders the script is 25 to 30 percent of people they have no political percent of people they have no political percent of people they have no political position and just join the apparent position and just join the apparent position and just join the apparent majority for example someone who says majority for example someone who says majority for example someone who says that russia must fight until it's that russia must fight until it's that russia must fight until it's victorious but at the same time says victorious but at the same time says victorious but at the same time says that the government's priority shouldn't that the government's priority shouldn't that the government's priority shouldn't be military victory but saving the be military victory but saving the be military victory but saving the economy propaganda claims that the vast
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economy propaganda claims that the vast economy propaganda claims that the vast majority of russians support putin and majority of russians support putin and majority of russians support putin and his war and these 25 30 percent who are his war and these 25 30 percent who are his war and these 25 30 percent who are cheerleaders just want to be part of cheerleaders just want to be part of cheerleaders just want to be part of this majority if you subtract them from this majority if you subtract them from this majority if you subtract them from the total number of supporters you are the total number of supporters you are the total number of supporters you are left with those who truly support the left with those who truly support the left with those who truly support the war at the very least declare that they war at the very least declare that they war at the very least declare that they are willing to somehow contribute to it are willing to somehow contribute to it are willing to somehow contribute to it this is the base of support the extreme this is the base of support the extreme this is the base of support the extreme scan project put this group at 30 38 scan project put this group at 30 38 scan project put this group at 30 38 percent about the same amount as the percent about the same amount as the percent about the same amount as the opponents of the war so it's effectively opponents of the war so it's effectively opponents of the war so it's effectively a tie and the balance swings towards a tie and the balance swings towards a tie and the balance swings towards their position support for the war is their position support for the war is their position support for the war is falling in other polls as well in early falling in other polls as well in early falling in other polls as well in early november the research group russian november the research group russian november the research group russian field conducted a street pool in moscow field conducted a street pool in moscow field conducted a street pool in moscow in order not to put respondents in an in order not to put respondents in an in order not to put respondents in an uncomfortable position the pulses posed uncomfortable position the pulses posed uncomfortable position the pulses posed another question if you could go back in another question if you could go back in another question if you could go back in time and reverse the decision to launch time and reverse the decision to launch time and reverse the decision to launch the special military operation would you the special military operation would you the special military operation would you do it do it do it throughout the summer about 30 percent throughout the summer about 30 percent throughout the summer about 30 percent said that they would but that number has said that they would but that number has said that they would but that number has risen since then in october 40 said yes
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risen since then in october 40 said yes risen since then in october 40 said yes at the beginning of november it was 37 at the beginning of november it was 37 at the beginning of november it was 37 percent putin announced mobilization at percent putin announced mobilization at percent putin announced mobilization at the end of september and it clearly the end of september and it clearly the end of september and it clearly affected these numbers although the affected these numbers although the affected these numbers although the posters noted that the decline began posters noted that the decline began posters noted that the decline began even earlier mobilization has exerted a even earlier mobilization has exerted a even earlier mobilization has exerted a huge amount of pressure on russian huge amount of pressure on russian huge amount of pressure on russian nation in the course of just a few days nation in the course of just a few days nation in the course of just a few days feelings of anxiety fear and uncertainty feelings of anxiety fear and uncertainty feelings of anxiety fear and uncertainty about the future increased at least about the future increased at least about the future increased at least twofold here is what dennis volkov twofold here is what dennis volkov twofold here is what dennis volkov director of the levada center wrote director of the levada center wrote director of the levada center wrote about how russians felt at the end of about how russians felt at the end of about how russians felt at the end of september september september there's not been such a dramatic there's not been such a dramatic there's not been such a dramatic unilateral decline in sentiment in three unilateral decline in sentiment in three unilateral decline in sentiment in three decades of continuous sociological decades of continuous sociological decades of continuous sociological observation not through the economic observation not through the economic observation not through the economic crisis of recent years nor the unpopular crisis of recent years nor the unpopular crisis of recent years nor the unpopular pension reform nor recent military pension reform nor recent military pension reform nor recent military losses none of them have had a losses none of them have had a losses none of them have had a comparable effect this made sense in comparable effect this made sense in comparable effect this made sense in russia people are used to winning wars russia people are used to winning wars russia people are used to winning wars on television the war with ukraine was on television the war with ukraine was on television the war with ukraine was no exception in the summer people no exception in the summer people no exception in the summer people started to forget about it then suddenly started to forget about it then suddenly started to forget about it then suddenly war came to everybody's doorstep for
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war came to everybody's doorstep for war came to everybody's doorstep for hundreds of thousands of men life hundreds of thousands of men life hundreds of thousands of men life suddenly became a dance with death he suddenly became a dance with death he suddenly became a dance with death he found they'd be sent to the battlefield found they'd be sent to the battlefield found they'd be sent to the battlefield in moscow young men disappeared from the in moscow young men disappeared from the in moscow young men disappeared from the streets some hidden acquaintances houses streets some hidden acquaintances houses streets some hidden acquaintances houses some are duchess some quickly left for some are duchess some quickly left for some are duchess some quickly left for kazakhstan or georgia kazakhstan or georgia kazakhstan or georgia the kremlin also noticed it at the end the kremlin also noticed it at the end the kremlin also noticed it at the end of october putin announced the end of of october putin announced the end of of october putin announced the end of mobilization speaking very clearly on mobilization speaking very clearly on mobilization speaking very clearly on the matter the matter the matter um [000:05:32;00] [music] [000:05:41;00]
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foreign [000:05:46;00] foreign [000:06:05;00] chart from the public opinion foundation chart from the public opinion foundation chart from the public opinion foundation poster at the end of september anxiety poster at the end of september anxiety poster at the end of september anxiety jumped up to 70 then began to decline jumped up to 70 then began to decline jumped up to 70 then began to decline and then fell to 49 after putin's speech and then fell to 49 after putin's speech and then fell to 49 after putin's speech this is still a higher level than it was this is still a higher level than it was this is still a higher level than it was before mobilization but not by much the before mobilization but not by much the before mobilization but not by much the war shook up the nation and then let it war shook up the nation and then let it war shook up the nation and then let it go people restarted their usual everyday go people restarted their usual everyday go people restarted their usual everyday lives the walking close people got very lives the walking close people got very lives the walking close people got very tense then it became distant and people tense then it became distant and people tense then it became distant and people relaxed again this is what dennis volkov relaxed again this is what dennis volkov relaxed again this is what dennis volkov writes on the matter you could say that writes on the matter you could say that writes on the matter you could say that by and large our society has accepted by and large our society has accepted by and large our society has accepted the mobilization the anxiety began to the mobilization the anxiety began to the mobilization the anxiety began to subside little by little not least of subside little by little not least of subside little by little not least of all because the authorities were quick all because the authorities were quick all because the authorities were quick to announce the end of the mobilization to announce the end of the mobilization to announce the end of the mobilization campaign many are probably relieved the campaign many are probably relieved the campaign many are probably relieved the storm clouds have cleared this is not storm clouds have cleared this is not storm clouds have cleared this is not support for the war this is how people
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support for the war this is how people support for the war this is how people adapt to the war people either want to adapt to the war people either want to adapt to the war people either want to believe or even truly believe in the believe or even truly believe in the believe or even truly believe in the official message that russia did not official message that russia did not official message that russia did not invade ukraine but the west wants to invade ukraine but the west wants to invade ukraine but the west wants to destroy russia or they simply don't destroy russia or they simply don't destroy russia or they simply don't think about it at all they do not care think about it at all they do not care think about it at all they do not care they do not care that it's on their they do not care that it's on their they do not care that it's on their behalf that the state is killing behalf that the state is killing behalf that the state is killing innocent people and destroying a innocent people and destroying a innocent people and destroying a neighboring country neighboring country neighboring country there is a common understanding that it there is a common understanding that it there is a common understanding that it is russia's imperial psychology and is russia's imperial psychology and is russia's imperial psychology and history that have made this war possible history that have made this war possible history that have made this war possible indeed for more than two decades now indeed for more than two decades now indeed for more than two decades now putin and his propaganda have been putin and his propaganda have been putin and his propaganda have been fueling russian nostalgia for imperial fueling russian nostalgia for imperial fueling russian nostalgia for imperial grantur however it is this habit of just grantur however it is this habit of just grantur however it is this habit of just living for today and not thinking about living for today and not thinking about living for today and not thinking about what is going on around rather than any what is going on around rather than any what is going on around rather than any imperial syndrome that has had an impact imperial syndrome that has had an impact imperial syndrome that has had an impact one of russia's leading economists one of russia's leading economists one of russia's leading economists natalia zubarevic believes that poverty natalia zubarevic believes that poverty natalia zubarevic believes that poverty is the cause a person primarily is the cause a person primarily is the cause a person primarily concerned with survival is generally concerned with survival is generally concerned with survival is generally unempathetic because all their energy is unempathetic because all their energy is unempathetic because all their energy is focused on survival their world is focused on survival their world is focused on survival their world is limited to survival concerns and the
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limited to survival concerns and the limited to survival concerns and the preservation of fun and social capital preservation of fun and social capital preservation of fun and social capital that is inner circle relationships like that is inner circle relationships like that is inner circle relationships like family and a few friends who can help family and a few friends who can help family and a few friends who can help you get by this is the cost of the you get by this is the cost of the you get by this is the cost of the monstrous impoverishment of a large part monstrous impoverishment of a large part monstrous impoverishment of a large part of the russian population 40 percent of of the russian population 40 percent of of the russian population 40 percent of russians have a lower income than the russians have a lower income than the russians have a lower income than the average resident in soviet russia in average resident in soviet russia in average resident in soviet russia in 1991. to a large extent russia is a poor 1991. to a large extent russia is a poor 1991. to a large extent russia is a poor country it behaves like a poor country i country it behaves like a poor country i country it behaves like a poor country i take care of myself and my inner circle take care of myself and my inner circle take care of myself and my inner circle everything else is not my concern of everything else is not my concern of everything else is not my concern of course poverty is an important factor course poverty is an important factor course poverty is an important factor however both show that the higher a however both show that the higher a however both show that the higher a person's income the more likely he or person's income the more likely he or person's income the more likely he or she is to support the war for example in she is to support the war for example in she is to support the war for example in that russian field study when asked the that russian field study when asked the that russian field study when asked the same question about whether they would same question about whether they would same question about whether they would go back in time and reverse the decision go back in time and reverse the decision go back in time and reverse the decision to go to war if they could the poorest to go to war if they could the poorest to go to war if they could the poorest respondents answered with a yes twice as respondents answered with a yes twice as respondents answered with a yes twice as often as the richest 58 and 29 often as the richest 58 and 29 often as the richest 58 and 29 respectively respectively respectively it's clear why the poor are much more it's clear why the poor are much more it's clear why the poor are much more afraid that they won't be able to feed
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afraid that they won't be able to feed afraid that they won't be able to feed themselves they are primarily concerned themselves they are primarily concerned themselves they are primarily concerned with their own survival and everyday with their own survival and everyday with their own survival and everyday life and little else life and little else life and little else so it's not just about the poverty so it's not just about the poverty so it's not just about the poverty itself what matters is that people feel itself what matters is that people feel itself what matters is that people feel utterly helpless they don't believe that utterly helpless they don't believe that utterly helpless they don't believe that they can bring any kind of change or they can bring any kind of change or they can bring any kind of change or somehow influence the decisions of the somehow influence the decisions of the somehow influence the decisions of the state and if they don't then what is the state and if they don't then what is the state and if they don't then what is the point of worrying these are the same point of worrying these are the same point of worrying these are the same conclusions sources close to the kremlin conclusions sources close to the kremlin conclusions sources close to the kremlin are relaying to medusa nothing makes us are relaying to medusa nothing makes us are relaying to medusa nothing makes us feel alive nothing is driving us forward feel alive nothing is driving us forward feel alive nothing is driving us forward just leave us alone stay out of our way just leave us alone stay out of our way just leave us alone stay out of our way the last time russia lost the war was 25 the last time russia lost the war was 25 the last time russia lost the war was 25 years ago that was the first war in years ago that was the first war in years ago that was the first war in chechnya now there are greater losses chechnya now there are greater losses chechnya now there are greater losses more tension more despair people are more tension more despair people are more tension more despair people are tired of this terrible and senseless war tired of this terrible and senseless war tired of this terrible and senseless war but they're used to it the fatigue is but they're used to it the fatigue is but they're used to it the fatigue is only growing and people would like this only growing and people would like this only growing and people would like this war to end but they don't believe they war to end but they don't believe they war to end but they don't believe they can make it happen
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