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tv   Prisoners of Conscience The Price of Human Freedom  TVRAINENG  November 28, 2022 3:00am-3:15am MSK

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russian opposition politician ilya russian opposition politician ilya russian opposition politician ilya yashin is in a moscow court again this yashin is in a moscow court again this yashin is in a moscow court again this week defending himself against charges week defending himself against charges week defending himself against charges by the government of spreading so-called by the government of spreading so-called by the government of spreading so-called fake news the 39 year old appeared in fake news the 39 year old appeared in fake news the 39 year old appeared in front of a judge on wednesday to hear front of a judge on wednesday to hear front of a judge on wednesday to hear charges that his europe's live stream in charges that his europe's live stream in charges that his europe's live stream in june during which he spoke about june during which he spoke about june during which he spoke about civilians killed by the russian military civilians killed by the russian military civilians killed by the russian military in the ukrainian city of butcher was a in the ukrainian city of butcher was a in the ukrainian city of butcher was a violation of a new wartime censorship violation of a new wartime censorship violation of a new wartime censorship law that prohibits citizens from law that prohibits citizens from law that prohibits citizens from publicly discrediting the russian army publicly discrediting the russian army publicly discrediting the russian army yasin is one of many political prisoners yasin is one of many political prisoners yasin is one of many political prisoners in russia now behind bars for speaking in russia now behind bars for speaking in russia now behind bars for speaking out against the war in ukraine but until out against the war in ukraine but until out against the war in ukraine but until his arrest in june he was seen as the his arrest in june he was seen as the his arrest in june he was seen as the most popular opposition leader still most popular opposition leader still most popular opposition leader still living freely in the country on living freely in the country on living freely in the country on wednesday prosecutors asked the judge to wednesday prosecutors asked the judge to wednesday prosecutors asked the judge to keep yashon in pre-trial detention for keep yashon in pre-trial detention for keep yashon in pre-trial detention for another six months claiming the another six months claiming the another six months claiming the long-time activist is a flight risk and
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long-time activist is a flight risk and long-time activist is a flight risk and sitting his one-third ownership in a sitting his one-third ownership in a sitting his one-third ownership in a bulgarian apartment as proof of that bulgarian apartment as proof of that bulgarian apartment as proof of that risk in fact the kremlin has been risk in fact the kremlin has been risk in fact the kremlin has been detaining opposition leaders since detaining opposition leaders since detaining opposition leaders since before the war in ukraine but in before the war in ukraine but in before the war in ukraine but in february at this so-called special february at this so-called special february at this so-called special military operation began many political military operation began many political military operation began many political activists journalists and civil society activists journalists and civil society activists journalists and civil society figures have found themselves forced to figures have found themselves forced to figures have found themselves forced to flee the country in order to maintain flee the country in order to maintain flee the country in order to maintain their personal safety except not iria their personal safety except not iria their personal safety except not iria yashan on wednesday he told the judge in yashan on wednesday he told the judge in yashan on wednesday he told the judge in the michansky court he is a russian the michansky court he is a russian the michansky court he is a russian patriot and has no plans to leave his patriot and has no plans to leave his patriot and has no plans to leave his own homeland i'm not leaving because i own homeland i'm not leaving because i own homeland i'm not leaving because i don't think i'm doing anything that goes don't think i'm doing anything that goes don't think i'm doing anything that goes against the interests of my country i'm against the interests of my country i'm against the interests of my country i'm a russian patriot yasin has been a key a russian patriot yasin has been a key a russian patriot yasin has been a key organizer and political opposition organizer and political opposition organizer and political opposition leader since his student days he ran for leader since his student days he ran for leader since his student days he ran for moscow city duma in 2005 and most moscow city duma in 2005 and most moscow city duma in 2005 and most recently was serving as a municipal recently was serving as a municipal recently was serving as a municipal deputy in a moscow suburb he is a gifted
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deputy in a moscow suburb he is a gifted deputy in a moscow suburb he is a gifted public speaker and known for passionate public speaker and known for passionate public speaker and known for passionate speeches at opposition rallies often in speeches at opposition rallies often in speeches at opposition rallies often in support of russia's most prominent support of russia's most prominent support of russia's most prominent political prisoner alexey navalny political prisoner alexey navalny political prisoner alexey navalny navalny since his 2021 return from navalny since his 2021 return from navalny since his 2021 return from medical treatment in germany has spent medical treatment in germany has spent medical treatment in germany has spent more than more than more than 670 days behind bars and since august 670 days behind bars and since august 670 days behind bars and since august the anti-corruption activist has been the anti-corruption activist has been the anti-corruption activist has been regularly removed from the general regularly removed from the general regularly removed from the general prison population for forming a prison prison population for forming a prison prison population for forming a prison labor union and placed in solitary labor union and placed in solitary labor union and placed in solitary confinement for more than 60 days the 46 confinement for more than 60 days the 46 confinement for more than 60 days the 46 year old father of two is serving a year old father of two is serving a year old father of two is serving a nine-year sentence for fraud and nine-year sentence for fraud and nine-year sentence for fraud and contempt of court on top of the three contempt of court on top of the three contempt of court on top of the three and a half year sentence he received in and a half year sentence he received in and a half year sentence he received in february for violating the terms of a february for violating the terms of a february for violating the terms of a 2014 suspended sentence navalness parole 2014 suspended sentence navalness parole 2014 suspended sentence navalness parole violation came while he was recovering violation came while he was recovering violation came while he was recovering in a german hospital after teams of in a german hospital after teams of in a german hospital after teams of russian government agents allegedly russian government agents allegedly russian government agents allegedly tried to assassinate him in siberia with
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tried to assassinate him in siberia with tried to assassinate him in siberia with a deadly nerve agent in his underpants a deadly nerve agent in his underpants a deadly nerve agent in his underpants navalny is also charged by russian navalny is also charged by russian navalny is also charged by russian authorities with a starting an extra authorities with a starting an extra authorities with a starting an extra misorganization which would add another misorganization which would add another misorganization which would add another 11 and a half years to his current 11 and a half years to his current 11 and a half years to his current sentence if convicted navalny who ran sentence if convicted navalny who ran sentence if convicted navalny who ran for mayor of moscow in 2013 says he's for mayor of moscow in 2013 says he's for mayor of moscow in 2013 says he's not guilty and that all charges are part not guilty and that all charges are part not guilty and that all charges are part of a long campaign by the kremlin to of a long campaign by the kremlin to of a long campaign by the kremlin to silence his political activity and stop silence his political activity and stop silence his political activity and stop the anti-corruption foundation he the anti-corruption foundation he the anti-corruption foundation he started in 2011. in may and without started in 2011. in may and without started in 2011. in may and without prior notice navalny was abruptly moved prior notice navalny was abruptly moved prior notice navalny was abruptly moved from the book of correctional colony from the book of correctional colony from the book of correctional colony near moscow to the special regime near moscow to the special regime near moscow to the special regime facility at melikova more than 200 facility at melikova more than 200 facility at melikova more than 200 kilometers east of the russian capital kilometers east of the russian capital kilometers east of the russian capital on november 1st navalny was sent into a on november 1st navalny was sent into a on november 1st navalny was sent into a punishment cell for the seventh time punishment cell for the seventh time punishment cell for the seventh time since mid-august where he served a
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since mid-august where he served a since mid-august where he served a 15-day detention for phelan to button 15-day detention for phelan to button 15-day detention for phelan to button the top of his caller and a addressing a the top of his caller and a addressing a the top of his caller and a addressing a guard warrior rank and family name guard warrior rank and family name guard warrior rank and family name instead of the more respectful first instead of the more respectful first instead of the more respectful first name and petronomic in solitary and name and petronomic in solitary and name and petronomic in solitary and confinement navalny is deprived of his confinement navalny is deprived of his confinement navalny is deprived of his personal effects extra food and his personal effects extra food and his personal effects extra food and his small that is chained up to the wall small that is chained up to the wall small that is chained up to the wall during the day he is allowed one book during the day he is allowed one book during the day he is allowed one book for one hour per day and no outside for one hour per day and no outside for one hour per day and no outside contact messages phone calls or extra contact messages phone calls or extra contact messages phone calls or extra food from the prison commissary it is a food from the prison commissary it is a food from the prison commissary it is a form of torture meant to break his will form of torture meant to break his will form of torture meant to break his will and inspire fear nevertheless navalny and inspire fear nevertheless navalny and inspire fear nevertheless navalny has continued to fight for his rights has continued to fight for his rights has continued to fight for his rights and call on russians to stop the war and call on russians to stop the war and call on russians to stop the war they do it to keep me quiet so what is they do it to keep me quiet so what is they do it to keep me quiet so what is my first duty that's right don't be my first duty that's right don't be my first duty that's right don't be afraid and don't be silent to which i afraid and don't be silent to which i afraid and don't be silent to which i urge everyone at every opportunity stand urge everyone at every opportunity stand urge everyone at every opportunity stand up against the war putin and united up against the war putin and united up against the war putin and united russia i hug everyone in total navalny
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russia i hug everyone in total navalny russia i hug everyone in total navalny has set in the tiny cell-like room used has set in the tiny cell-like room used has set in the tiny cell-like room used for prisoner punishment more than 60 for prisoner punishment more than 60 for prisoner punishment more than 60 days since he formed a prisoners labor days since he formed a prisoners labor days since he formed a prisoners labor union called promzona which is described union called promzona which is described union called promzona which is described in detail on his instagram account well in detail on his instagram account well in detail on his instagram account well why not i'm an employee of a prison i'm why not i'm an employee of a prison i'm why not i'm an employee of a prison i'm a doorman another convicts our employees a doorman another convicts our employees a doorman another convicts our employees too as are the prison guards in terms of too as are the prison guards in terms of too as are the prison guards in terms of labor rights we aren't any different we labor rights we aren't any different we labor rights we aren't any different we can form a union to protect our rights can form a union to protect our rights can form a union to protect our rights through a verified social media account through a verified social media account through a verified social media account on the twitter platform navalness team on the twitter platform navalness team on the twitter platform navalness team regularly relates his updates and regularly relates his updates and regularly relates his updates and personal messages to the wider world on personal messages to the wider world on personal messages to the wider world on november 17 he laid out his quest for november 17 he laid out his quest for november 17 he laid out his quest for winter boots in a threaded series of winter boots in a threaded series of winter boots in a threaded series of tweets that described life in his tweets that described life in his tweets that described life in his correctional colony and fleshed moments correctional colony and fleshed moments correctional colony and fleshed moments of wit and candor about the state of of wit and candor about the state of of wit and candor about the state of russia under putin russia under putin russia under putin prison struggle is a never-ending search prison struggle is a never-ending search prison struggle is a never-ending search for mutual vulnerabilities and the
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for mutual vulnerabilities and the for mutual vulnerabilities and the stupid winter boots make me vulnerable stupid winter boots make me vulnerable stupid winter boots make me vulnerable why would prison officers need to do why would prison officers need to do why would prison officers need to do such petty nonsense well this is a such petty nonsense well this is a such petty nonsense well this is a perfect example of the cunning and perfect example of the cunning and perfect example of the cunning and thoughtfulness of the penitentiary thoughtfulness of the penitentiary thoughtfulness of the penitentiary pressure system you don't get winter pressure system you don't get winter pressure system you don't get winter boots that means you either don't go out boots that means you either don't go out boots that means you either don't go out for a walk and suffer or you do go out for a walk and suffer or you do go out for a walk and suffer or you do go out and get sick which has already happened and get sick which has already happened and get sick which has already happened to me to me to me getting a cold is nothing if you're at getting a cold is nothing if you're at getting a cold is nothing if you're at home with a blanket tea and honey but in home with a blanket tea and honey but in home with a blanket tea and honey but in a cell where hot water only comes in a cell where hot water only comes in a cell where hot water only comes in three cups for breakfast lunch and three cups for breakfast lunch and three cups for breakfast lunch and dinner getting sick is strongly dinner getting sick is strongly dinner getting sick is strongly discouraged even if it's just a cold if discouraged even if it's just a cold if discouraged even if it's just a cold if you get sick you'll have to ask the you get sick you'll have to ask the you get sick you'll have to ask the administration for things like pills administration for things like pills administration for things like pills medical care woolen socks and so on medical care woolen socks and so on medical care woolen socks and so on there are more high-profile political there are more high-profile political there are more high-profile political prisoners in russia at risk of being prisoners in russia at risk of being prisoners in russia at risk of being crushed by the system in april 2022 crushed by the system in april 2022 crushed by the system in april 2022 political activist journalists and political activist journalists and political activist journalists and filmmaker vladimir caramurza was filmmaker vladimir caramurza was filmmaker vladimir caramurza was arrested on charges of disobeying police arrested on charges of disobeying police arrested on charges of disobeying police orders and sent into pre-trial detention orders and sent into pre-trial detention orders and sent into pre-trial detention just like yasin and just like yasin
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just like yasin and just like yasin just like yasin and just like yasin karamorza was also charged with karamorza was also charged with karamorza was also charged with discrediting the russian army discrediting the russian army discrediting the russian army russian artists and musician alexandra russian artists and musician alexandra russian artists and musician alexandra skechilianka was detained by saint skechilianka was detained by saint skechilianka was detained by saint petersburg authorities in march for petersburg authorities in march for petersburg authorities in march for anti-war activity that included anti-war activity that included anti-war activity that included replacing price tags in a city replacing price tags in a city replacing price tags in a city supermarket with information about supermarket with information about supermarket with information about victims of the war in ukraine the 32 victims of the war in ukraine the 32 victims of the war in ukraine the 32 year old freely admits to her activism year old freely admits to her activism year old freely admits to her activism but her pre-trial detention has been but her pre-trial detention has been but her pre-trial detention has been extended indefinitely and authorities extended indefinitely and authorities extended indefinitely and authorities have continued to add charges and harass have continued to add charges and harass have continued to add charges and harass the activists while she awaits her day the activists while she awaits her day the activists while she awaits her day in court including yashan karamazain's in court including yashan karamazain's in court including yashan karamazain's kuchilanka at least 73 people in russia kuchilanka at least 73 people in russia kuchilanka at least 73 people in russia have been charged under the new have been charged under the new have been charged under the new censorship law many of the defendants censorship law many of the defendants censorship law many of the defendants are politicians journalists priests are politicians journalists priests are politicians journalists priests activists and even police officers on activists and even police officers on activists and even police officers on july 8 moscow municipal lawmaker alexia
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july 8 moscow municipal lawmaker alexia july 8 moscow municipal lawmaker alexia gorinov was sentenced to seven years in gorinov was sentenced to seven years in gorinov was sentenced to seven years in prison under the law go good enough a prison under the law go good enough a prison under the law go good enough a trained lawyer was arrested in april on trained lawyer was arrested in april on trained lawyer was arrested in april on charges of spreading knowingly false charges of spreading knowingly false charges of spreading knowingly false information about the russian army information about the russian army information about the russian army authorities say gordon offended fellow authorities say gordon offended fellow authorities say gordon offended fellow opposition deputy yelena cacion spoke opposition deputy yelena cacion spoke opposition deputy yelena cacion spoke out against the council's proposal to out against the council's proposal to out against the council's proposal to hold a children's drawing contest and a hold a children's drawing contest and a hold a children's drawing contest and a dance festival despite the war in dance festival despite the war in dance festival despite the war in ukraine where godinov said children were ukraine where godinov said children were ukraine where godinov said children were dying dying dying for more on alexi navalny and the state for more on alexi navalny and the state for more on alexi navalny and the state of political prisoners in russia we are of political prisoners in russia we are of political prisoners in russia we are now joined by maria perchik who is the now joined by maria perchik who is the now joined by maria perchik who is the head of the investigative unit of head of the investigative unit of head of the investigative unit of navalness navalness navalness anti-corruption fund welcome maria thank anti-corruption fund welcome maria thank anti-corruption fund welcome maria thank you so much for joining me here tell us you so much for joining me here tell us you so much for joining me here tell us more about the conditions in which alexi more about the conditions in which alexi more about the conditions in which alexi navalny is being held now in in prison [000:08:57;00]
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well the conditions are pretty extreme i well the conditions are pretty extreme i well the conditions are pretty extreme i have to say so he got the worst out of have to say so he got the worst out of have to say so he got the worst out of the worst deals uh he is in the maximum the worst deals uh he is in the maximum the worst deals uh he is in the maximum security uh penal colony so um this is a security uh penal colony so um this is a security uh penal colony so um this is a specialized prison with maximum security specialized prison with maximum security specialized prison with maximum security for for for um those who have committed more than um those who have committed more than um those who have committed more than one um more than one crime mostly is one um more than one crime mostly is one um more than one crime mostly is surrounded by mothers surrounded by mothers surrounded by mothers um sometimes mass murderers and this um sometimes mass murderers and this um sometimes mass murderers and this sort of crowd but within this maximum sort of crowd but within this maximum sort of crowd but within this maximum security security security um colony he isn't living a normal um colony he isn't living a normal um colony he isn't living a normal inmate's life either for the past 70 or inmate's life either for the past 70 or inmate's life either for the past 70 or even more days he uh has been even more days he uh has been even more days he uh has been transferred to a solitary confinement so transferred to a solitary confinement so transferred to a solitary confinement so this is um in fact like um punishment this is um in fact like um punishment this is um in fact like um punishment cell cell cell um but the punishment is not really in um but the punishment is not really in um but the punishment is not really in in solitude the punishment is in the in solitude the punishment is in the in solitude the punishment is in the conditions that he's been placed in we conditions that he's been placed in we
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conditions that he's been placed in we are talking about a tiny little room are talking about a tiny little room are talking about a tiny little room um probably two by three meters large um probably two by three meters large um probably two by three meters large um the walls are concrete there is a um the walls are concrete there is a um the walls are concrete there is a tiny little window somewhere close to tiny little window somewhere close to tiny little window somewhere close to the ceiling and um in terms of the ceiling and um in terms of the ceiling and um in terms of um furniture all this room has is um furniture all this room has is um furniture all this room has is um bad which is being chained up to the um bad which is being chained up to the um bad which is being chained up to the rule every morning at 6 a.m so he cannot rule every morning at 6 a.m so he cannot rule every morning at 6 a.m so he cannot um rest on it he cannot lie down or sit um rest on it he cannot lie down or sit um rest on it he cannot lie down or sit down during the day there is a small down during the day there is a small down during the day there is a small table and um there is a stool without table and um there is a stool without table and um there is a stool without without a back so that's that's all he without a back so that's that's all he without a back so that's that's all he has and in terms of his possessions and has and in terms of his possessions and has and in terms of his possessions and navalny is only allowed two things in navalny is only allowed two things in navalny is only allowed two things in his life his life his life um and book and a mug so that's that's um and book and a mug so that's that's um and book and a mug so that's that's all he owns at this very moment for 35 all he owns at this very moment for 35 all he owns at this very moment for 35 minutes a day he's being given um a minutes a day he's being given um a minutes a day he's being given um a paper and pen so he can write letters he paper and pen so he can write letters he paper and pen so he can write letters he can respond to some correspondence that can respond to some correspondence that
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can respond to some correspondence that he receives and um for about an hour a he receives and um for about an hour a he receives and um for about an hour a day he gets to go for a walk day he gets to go for a walk day he gets to go for a walk i do those quotation marks because i do those quotation marks because i do those quotation marks because that's not really it will create it's that's not really it will create it's that's not really it will create it's just a cell next door a very similar one just a cell next door a very similar one just a cell next door a very similar one but without a ceiling so that's but without a ceiling so that's but without a ceiling so that's essentially just a concrete box without essentially just a concrete box without essentially just a concrete box without a lid a lid a lid and so before and so before and so before um recently before last week he was just um recently before last week he was just um recently before last week he was just um constantly sentenced to 14 days there um constantly sentenced to 14 days there um constantly sentenced to 14 days there like a rolling sort of uh punishment he like a rolling sort of uh punishment he like a rolling sort of uh punishment he would be released and then on the same would be released and then on the same would be released and then on the same day sentenced again for some minor day sentenced again for some minor day sentenced again for some minor violation uh but something has changed violation uh but something has changed violation uh but something has changed last week and they have the prison last week and they have the prison last week and they have the prison administration has decided to keep him administration has decided to keep him administration has decided to keep him in a solitary confinement in a solitary confinement in a solitary confinement permanently until the end of his permanently until the end of his permanently until the end of his sentence sentence sentence how would you explain why is all this how would you explain why is all this how would you explain why is all this happening i mean they put him into jail happening i mean they put him into jail happening i mean they put him into jail why why are they doing things which look why why are they doing things which look
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why why are they doing things which look more like a torture i mean is it an act more like a torture i mean is it an act more like a torture i mean is it an act of revenge from the kremlin or is it a of revenge from the kremlin or is it a of revenge from the kremlin or is it a message for those in russian society who message for those in russian society who message for those in russian society who are not agree with the actions of the are not agree with the actions of the are not agree with the actions of the kremlin these days kremlin these days kremlin these days i think it's actually neither i think it's actually neither i think it's actually neither um i think um i think um i think um i think it's a punishment it's a very um i think it's a punishment it's a very um i think it's a punishment it's a very clear punishment for a navalness clear punishment for a navalness clear punishment for a navalness anti-war position if you think about it anti-war position if you think about it anti-war position if you think about it he has been probably the most vocal he has been probably the most vocal he has been probably the most vocal anti-war critic anti-war critic anti-war critic um among the people who are in in russia um among the people who are in in russia um among the people who are in in russia at the moment that there is there is no at the moment that there is there is no at the moment that there is there is no one's voice that is louder and one's voice that is louder and one's voice that is louder and um quite obviously there isn't anyone um quite obviously there isn't anyone um quite obviously there isn't anyone anyone who carries this level of risk anyone who carries this level of risk anyone who carries this level of risk each time that he makes an anti-war each time that he makes an anti-war each time that he makes an anti-war statement and each time we get to read statement and each time we get to read statement and each time we get to read messages from navalny through his messages from navalny through his messages from navalny through his instagram or every each time we get to instagram or every each time we get to instagram or every each time we get to see him through the prison camera during see him through the prison camera during
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see him through the prison camera during the court hearings he uses this moment the court hearings he uses this moment the court hearings he uses this moment not to talk about himself but rather to not to talk about himself but rather to not to talk about himself but rather to talk about the war talk about the war talk about the war um to appeal to his massive audience on um to appeal to his massive audience on um to appeal to his massive audience on instagram and other social networks instagram and other social networks instagram and other social networks trying to convince them that it still trying to convince them that it still trying to convince them that it still makes sense to protest it still makes makes sense to protest it still makes makes sense to protest it still makes sense to be allowed and to criticize sense to be allowed and to criticize sense to be allowed and to criticize putin and put in circles for what they putin and put in circles for what they putin and put in circles for what they have done to have done to have done to ukraine and to our country russia as ukraine and to our country russia as ukraine and to our country russia as well and so i think there is a clear well and so i think there is a clear well and so i think there is a clear correlation between nirvana and being a correlation between nirvana and being a correlation between nirvana and being a very very vocal anti-war voice and the very very vocal anti-war voice and the very very vocal anti-war voice and the conditions in prison that he's being conditions in prison that he's being conditions in prison that he's being kept at kept at kept at my last question these conditions in my last question these conditions in my last question these conditions in which nevada is being held now in prison which nevada is being held now in prison which nevada is being held now in prison and your your activities at and your your activities at and your your activities at anti-corruption foundations yours your anti-corruption foundations yours your anti-corruption foundations yours your activities and activities or for your activities and activities or for your
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activities and activities or for your colleagues this situation with naval in colleagues this situation with naval in colleagues this situation with naval in prison is it tiding your hands or or not prison is it tiding your hands or or not prison is it tiding your hands or or not well in fact it's doing the opposite i well in fact it's doing the opposite i well in fact it's doing the opposite i think we are very used to incredible think we are very used to incredible think we are very used to incredible amount of pressure being applied to our amount of pressure being applied to our amount of pressure being applied to our ngo and if you think about it a simple ngo and if you think about it a simple ngo and if you think about it a simple ngo that does a very ngo that does a very ngo that does a very um i mean the thing that is is pretty um i mean the thing that is is pretty um i mean the thing that is is pretty easy to explain we just fight corruption easy to explain we just fight corruption easy to explain we just fight corruption we don't do anything wrong you know we we don't do anything wrong you know we we don't do anything wrong you know we don't do anything evil but we've been don't do anything evil but we've been don't do anything evil but we've been under incredible immense pressure under incredible immense pressure under incredible immense pressure throughout the time of our existence and throughout the time of our existence and throughout the time of our existence and our strategy throughout all of these our strategy throughout all of these our strategy throughout all of these years years years um our strategy has been to fight back um our strategy has been to fight back um our strategy has been to fight back and to increase the stakes every time and to increase the stakes every time and to increase the stakes every time when there is a chance so by no means when there is a chance so by no means when there is a chance so by no means our tens are completely untied and to our tens are completely untied and to our tens are completely untied and to every evil and bad things that we do to every evil and bad things that we do to every evil and bad things that we do to navalny we respond with investigations navalny we respond with investigations navalny we respond with investigations with with with um work on our news channel popular um work on our news channel popular
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um work on our news channel popular politics with the politics with the politics with the um sanctions lobbying and with every art um sanctions lobbying and with every art um sanctions lobbying and with every art then activity that our ngo does so we then activity that our ngo does so we then activity that our ngo does so we are doing very opposite the more are doing very opposite the more are doing very opposite the more pressure they apply on us the more pressure they apply on us the more pressure they apply on us the more pressure they we apply on them we want pressure they we apply on them we want pressure they we apply on them we want them to learn and to really understand them to learn and to really understand them to learn and to really understand fully that fully that fully that um um um throwing navalny into jail and calling throwing navalny into jail and calling throwing navalny into jail and calling us a terrorist organization and it's us a terrorist organization and it's us a terrorist organization and it's kicking us out of the country isn't kicking us out of the country isn't kicking us out of the country isn't going to solve their problem we're going going to solve their problem we're going going to solve their problem we're going to work as well as we did when we were to work as well as we did when we were to work as well as we did when we were in moscow and probably even better in moscow and probably even better in moscow and probably even better well thank you so much maria pierce from well thank you so much maria pierce from well thank you so much maria pierce from anti-corruption foundation here on tv anti-corruption foundation here on tv



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