tv Subscribe to receive independent news about Russia in English TVRAINENG December 1, 2022 3:00am-3:00am MSK
3:00 am
tv rain is on the air for 12 years we tv rain is on the air for 12 years we tv rain is on the air for 12 years we remained the only independent news remained the only independent news remained the only independent news channel in russia channel in russia [applause] [applause] [applause] first out of the country by new first out of the country by new first out of the country by new repressive laws after the first week of repressive laws after the first week of repressive laws after the first week of the war our freedom crushed by the the war our freedom crushed by the the war our freedom crushed by the authorities authorities authorities we presentation [000:00:26;00] we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed putin christ havoc putin christ havoc putin christ havoc we want to tell you firsthand what is we want to tell you firsthand what is we want to tell you firsthand what is really happening in russia subscribe to really happening in russia subscribe to really happening in russia subscribe to tv ray newsroom on youtube and let's tv ray newsroom on youtube and let's
Subscribe to receive independent news about Russia in EnglishTVRAINENG December 1, 2022 3:00am-3:00am MSK
TVRAINENG December 1, 2022 3:00am-3:00am MSK
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If you want to support independent journalism in Russia and help combat state propaganda, follow this link to donate:
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#news #russia #putin
program is from alternate source
- Russia 7, Europe 3, Harrison 3, Putin Christ 3, Tv Ray Newsroom 3, Youtube 3, Independent News 2, Russia Channel 1, Independent News Channel 1
- Network
- Duration
- 00:00:53
- Language
- English
- Source
- TV Rain Newsroom
- Video Codec
- h264
- Audio Cocec
- aac
- Pixel width
- 1080
- Pixel height
- 1920
- Audio/Visual
- sound, color
- Item Size
- 32.6M
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