tv Ilya Yashin Sentenced to 8 Years TVRAINENG December 9, 2022 3:00am-3:04am MSK
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russia tomorrow russia tomorrow russia tomorrow russian opposition figure ilya yashin russian opposition figure ilya yashin russian opposition figure ilya yashin was supposed to be sentenced in a moscow was supposed to be sentenced in a moscow was supposed to be sentenced in a moscow court this week but a bomb threat has court this week but a bomb threat has court this week but a bomb threat has led the presiding judge to postpone the led the presiding judge to postpone the led the presiding judge to postpone the hearing state prosecutors asked the hearing state prosecutors asked the hearing state prosecutors asked the mishansky court in moscow on wednesday mishansky court in moscow on wednesday mishansky court in moscow on wednesday for a nine-year sentence for the for a nine-year sentence for the for a nine-year sentence for the opposition leader stemming from charges opposition leader stemming from charges opposition leader stemming from charges of deliberately spreading fakes about of deliberately spreading fakes about of deliberately spreading fakes about the russian army the maximum sentence the russian army the maximum sentence the russian army the maximum sentence under russia's relatively new criminal under russia's relatively new criminal under russia's relatively new criminal code article on fakes about the army is code article on fakes about the army is code article on fakes about the army is 10 years yasin was charged after 10 years yasin was charged after 10 years yasin was charged after broadcasting a live stream on his social broadcasting a live stream on his social broadcasting a live stream on his social media channel about civilian killings in media channel about civilian killings in media channel about civilian killings in bucha by the russian army in his own bucha by the russian army in his own bucha by the russian army in his own defense yashin claimed that he had been defense yashin claimed that he had been defense yashin claimed that he had been objective during the video clip in objective during the video clip in objective during the video clip in question as he had included russia's question as he had included russia's question as he had included russia's official position on the events in official position on the events in official position on the events in butcher prosecutors said yashin was butcher prosecutors said yashin was butcher prosecutors said yashin was motivated by political hatred in spite
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motivated by political hatred in spite motivated by political hatred in spite of knowing about russia's peace and of knowing about russia's peace and of knowing about russia's peace and security measures prosecutor has also security measures prosecutor has also security measures prosecutor has also asked the politician be bad from using asked the politician be bad from using asked the politician be bad from using the internet for four years after his the internet for four years after his the internet for four years after his release from the panel colony but for release from the panel colony but for release from the panel colony but for the second time this month yasin's court the second time this month yasin's court the second time this month yasin's court trial was interrupted and postponed as trial was interrupted and postponed as trial was interrupted and postponed as an evacuation of the courtroom was an evacuation of the courtroom was an evacuation of the courtroom was conducted and a search for explosives conducted and a search for explosives conducted and a search for explosives was carried out was carried out was carried out yashin has been behind bars since summer yashin has been behind bars since summer yashin has been behind bars since summer and has continued to plead his innocence and has continued to plead his innocence and has continued to plead his innocence he is one of several opposition figures he is one of several opposition figures he is one of several opposition figures currently held in russian custody under currently held in russian custody under currently held in russian custody under this new law which came into effect this new law which came into effect this new law which came into effect shortly after the february 24th invasion shortly after the february 24th invasion shortly after the february 24th invasion of ukraine yasin's colleague from the of ukraine yasin's colleague from the of ukraine yasin's colleague from the krasnoselski municipal district city krasnoselski municipal district city krasnoselski municipal district city council alexia goodenov was sentenced council alexia goodenov was sentenced council alexia goodenov was sentenced this year to seven years in prison on this year to seven years in prison on this year to seven years in prison on the same charges that yashin now faces the same charges that yashin now faces the same charges that yashin now faces this week a moscow court rejected an this week a moscow court rejected an this week a moscow court rejected an appeal of the journalist ivan safronov appeal of the journalist ivan safronov appeal of the journalist ivan safronov who was sentenced to 22 years in prison who was sentenced to 22 years in prison who was sentenced to 22 years in prison for treason safronov was convicted in
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for treason safronov was convicted in for treason safronov was convicted in september of passing data and september of passing data and september of passing data and information to check intelligence information to check intelligence information to check intelligence services russia's fsb refused to share services russia's fsb refused to share services russia's fsb refused to share details on the specific charges claiming details on the specific charges claiming details on the specific charges claiming national security privilege and even national security privilege and even national security privilege and even withheld this information from withheld this information from withheld this information from safronov's own lawyers an independent safronov's own lawyers an independent safronov's own lawyers an independent investigation conducted by journalists investigation conducted by journalists investigation conducted by journalists from project found multiple instances from project found multiple instances from project found multiple instances whereas the frontos alleged secret whereas the frontos alleged secret whereas the frontos alleged secret information was widely available on information was widely available on information was widely available on public websites public websites public websites sentencing for yashin was rescheduled sentencing for yashin was rescheduled sentencing for yashin was rescheduled for later in the week but his final for later in the week but his final for later in the week but his final statement in court before the evacuation statement in court before the evacuation statement in court before the evacuation was an eloquent summary of his court was an eloquent summary of his court was an eloquent summary of his court case and a direct message to russian case and a direct message to russian case and a direct message to russian president vladimir putin i must remain president vladimir putin i must remain president vladimir putin i must remain in russia i must speak the truth loudly in russia i must speak the truth loudly in russia i must speak the truth loudly and i must stop the bloodshed at any and i must stop the bloodshed at any and i must stop the bloodshed at any cost it physically pains me to think how cost it physically pains me to think how cost it physically pains me to think how many people have been killed in this war many people have been killed in this war many people have been killed in this war how many lives have been ruined and how how many lives have been ruined and how how many lives have been ruined and how many people have lost their homes you many people have lost their homes you many people have lost their homes you cannot be indifferent and i swear i cannot be indifferent and i swear i cannot be indifferent and i swear i don't regret anything it's better to don't regret anything it's better to don't regret anything it's better to spend 10 years behind bars as an honest
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spend 10 years behind bars as an honest spend 10 years behind bars as an honest man than quietly burned with shame over man than quietly burned with shame over man than quietly burned with shame over the blood spilled by your government mr the blood spilled by your government mr the blood spilled by your government mr putin you've brought about a horrible putin you've brought about a horrible putin you've brought about a horrible tragedy for the ukrainian people who tragedy for the ukrainian people who tragedy for the ukrainian people who will probably never forgive us for it will probably never forgive us for it will probably never forgive us for it but you're not just waging a war on but you're not just waging a war on but you're not just waging a war on ukrainians you're at war with your own ukrainians you're at war with your own ukrainians you're at war with your own citizens too you're sending off hundreds citizens too you're sending off hundreds citizens too you're sending off hundreds of thousands of russians to war many of thousands of russians to war many of thousands of russians to war many will return disabled or lose their minds will return disabled or lose their minds will return disabled or lose their minds from what they've seen and gone through from what they've seen and gone through from what they've seen and gone through to you this is just a death toll a to you this is just a death toll a to you this is just a death toll a number in a column but to many families number in a column but to many families number in a column but to many families this means that unbearable pain of this means that unbearable pain of this means that unbearable pain of losing a husband a father or a son losing a husband a father or a son losing a husband a father or a son remember that every new day of the war remember that every new day of the war remember that every new day of the war brings new victims enough brings new victims enough brings new victims enough we are we are we are operate for 12 years and the government operate for 12 years and the government operate for 12 years and the government tried to get rid of us three times tried to get rid of us three times tried to get rid of us three times we had to leave for start of the country we had to leave for start of the country we had to leave for start of the country by new repressive laws after the first by new repressive laws after the first by new repressive laws after the first week of the war our freedom crushed by week of the war our freedom crushed by week of the war our freedom crushed by the authorities [000:03:54;00] we survived started working from europe we survived started working from europe we survived started working from europe and now we are watched by millions of and now we are watched by millions of
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and now we are watched by millions of people every day there's no other people every day there's no other people every day there's no other independent news channel in russian we independent news channel in russian we independent news channel in russian we have now decided to tell the truth about have now decided to tell the truth about have now decided to tell the truth about russia in english as well russia in english as well russia in english as well so that you could get news about russia so that you could get news about russia so that you could get news about russia the war in ukraine and russian society the war in ukraine and russian society the war in ukraine and russian society directly from the source we want to tell directly from the source we want to tell directly from the source we want to tell you firsthand what is really happening you firsthand what is really happening you firsthand what is really happening in russia so subscribe to tv ray in russia so subscribe to tv ray in russia so subscribe to tv ray newsroom on youtube and let's take a newsroom on youtube and let's take a
Ilya Yashin Sentenced to 8 YearsTVRAINENG December 9, 2022 3:00am-3:04am MSK
TVRAINENG December 9, 2022 3:00am-3:04am MSK Ilya Yashin stayed in Russia. The young political opposition leader from Moscow remained in the country because, as he said many times, he is a patriot. A Moscow court took advantage of a summer arrest for failing to heed the instructions of a police officer and now, after fall has passed and winter begun, he is convicted of spreading false information about the Russian army in a youtube livestream video. Russia committed war crimes and horrible human atrocities in Bucha, and Yashin talked about this. And this is illegal in Russia, because the Putin administration and the Kremlin are so afraid that if anyone even discusses these crimes then the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. And now Yashin is sentenced to eight years of strict regime. The sentence was handed down on Friday after a bomb threat cleared the courtroom earlier in the week.
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program is from alternate source
- Russia 27, Yashin 15, Ukraine 6, Moscow 5, Ivan Safronov 3, Youtube 3, Fsb 3, Colony 3, Army 3, Vladimir Putin 3, Putin 3, Alexia Goodenov 3, Yasin 3, Ilya Yashin 3, Moscow Court 3, Europe 3, Ray 2, Court 2, State 2, National Security 2
- Network
- Duration
- 00:04:32
- Language
- English
- Source
- TV Rain Newsroom
- Video Codec
- h264
- Audio Cocec
- aac
- Pixel width
- 1920
- Pixel height
- 1080
- Audio/Visual
- sound, color
- Item Size
- 118.9M
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