tv PMC Wagners Extrajudicial Executions How they kill their own people TVRAINENG January 6, 2023 3:00am-3:07am MSK
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russia tomorrow russia tomorrow russia tomorrow [music] [000:00:12;00] this video appeared on the telegram this video appeared on the telegram this video appeared on the telegram channel of the project on channel of the project on channel of the project on thursday this man andre midvejev calls thursday this man andre midvejev calls thursday this man andre midvejev calls himself the commander of one of the himself the commander of one of the himself the commander of one of the departments of pmc wagner medved have departments of pmc wagner medved have departments of pmc wagner medved have said on video that he decided to stop said on video that he decided to stop said on video that he decided to stop fighting and he asked people to fighting and he asked people to fighting and he asked people to investigate pmc wagner and yevgeny investigate pmc wagner and yevgeny investigate pmc wagner and yevgeny pregosian himself [000:00:40;00] the project writes that the project writes that the project writes that medvedev was allegedly detained in the medvedev was allegedly detained in the medvedev was allegedly detained in the moscow region on friday the man spoke to moscow region on friday the man spoke to moscow region on friday the man spoke to the media outlet insider he stated that the media outlet insider he stated that the media outlet insider he stated that he apparently knew of 10 cases of he apparently knew of 10 cases of he apparently knew of 10 cases of extraditional executions in pmc wagner extraditional executions in pmc wagner extraditional executions in pmc wagner according to medvedev he personally according to medvedev he personally according to medvedev he personally attended several executions he also
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attended several executions he also attended several executions he also claims that two of them were not former claims that two of them were not former claims that two of them were not former prisoners recruited for the war insider prisoners recruited for the war insider prisoners recruited for the war insider writes that medvedev was on the run and writes that medvedev was on the run and writes that medvedev was on the run and told reporters that he was being pursued told reporters that he was being pursued told reporters that he was being pursued by mercenaries he insists that he has by mercenaries he insists that he has by mercenaries he insists that he has video of mercenaries in el chevsk video of mercenaries in el chevsk video of mercenaries in el chevsk luhansk region and that if anything were luhansk region and that if anything were luhansk region and that if anything were to happen to him the video would be to happen to him the video would be to happen to him the video would be published according to medvedev two published according to medvedev two published according to medvedev two convicts are executed for refusing to convicts are executed for refusing to convicts are executed for refusing to fight he claims that when he escaped fight he claims that when he escaped fight he claims that when he escaped everyone who had fought with him was everyone who had fought with him was everyone who had fought with him was detained detained detained one time was forced to stay in a pit for one time was forced to stay in a pit for one time was forced to stay in a pit for two weeks for talking back to evgeni two weeks for talking back to evgeni two weeks for talking back to evgeni pragosan when he came to visit the pragosan when he came to visit the pragosan when he came to visit the second time when he was forced into a second time when he was forced into a second time when he was forced into a pit again for not acting the way that pit again for not acting the way that pit again for not acting the way that his superiors wanted him to trying to his superiors wanted him to trying to his superiors wanted him to trying to take pityon prisoners saying that the take pityon prisoners saying that the take pityon prisoners saying that the orders they were given were crazy that orders they were given were crazy that orders they were given were crazy that they were being sent to slaughter they were being sent to slaughter they were being sent to slaughter so while sitting in the pit for 15 days so while sitting in the pit for 15 days so while sitting in the pit for 15 days the second time he started to understand the second time he started to understand the second time he started to understand that he was in grave danger and escaped that he was in grave danger and escaped that he was in grave danger and escaped medvedev also claims that yevgeni nujin medvedev also claims that yevgeni nujin medvedev also claims that yevgeni nujin fought under his leadership this is a
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fought under his leadership this is a fought under his leadership this is a prisoner who went to war as part of pmc prisoner who went to war as part of pmc prisoner who went to war as part of pmc wagner nujin surrendered himself and wagner nujin surrendered himself and wagner nujin surrendered himself and gave an interview in which he said that gave an interview in which he said that gave an interview in which he said that he did not support the war and was ready he did not support the war and was ready he did not support the war and was ready to fight on the side of ukraine later he to fight on the side of ukraine later he to fight on the side of ukraine later he was part of a prisoner exchange and a was part of a prisoner exchange and a was part of a prisoner exchange and a video of nujin being killed with a video of nujin being killed with a video of nujin being killed with a sledgehammer appeared online on a sledgehammer appeared online on a sledgehammer appeared online on a telegram channel associated with pmc telegram channel associated with pmc telegram channel associated with pmc wagner commenting on the video of wagner commenting on the video of wagner commenting on the video of yevgeni nujin the founder of the wagner yevgeni nujin the founder of the wagner yevgeni nujin the founder of the wagner group first spoke of the excellent work group first spoke of the excellent work group first spoke of the excellent work of the director calling the video a film of the director calling the video a film of the director calling the video a film a film titled a dog's death for a dog a film titled a dog's death for a dog a film titled a dog's death for a dog later after the video generated a big later after the video generated a big later after the video generated a big uproar pragosian suggested a version of uproar pragosian suggested a version of uproar pragosian suggested a version of events that included the involvement of events that included the involvement of events that included the involvement of western intelligence agencies a man who western intelligence agencies a man who western intelligence agencies a man who looks suspiciously like evgeny pregosian looks suspiciously like evgeny pregosian looks suspiciously like evgeny pregosian personally travels through russian penal personally travels through russian penal personally travels through russian penal colonies recruiting prisoners for the colonies recruiting prisoners for the colonies recruiting prisoners for the war war war water water
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water according to that movie [000:02:54;00] is [000:03:09;00] the project told the story of the project told the story of the project told the story of another prisoner who died in the war his another prisoner who died in the war his another prisoner who died in the war his name was victor sivanov recruited from name was victor sivanov recruited from name was victor sivanov recruited from kaluga colony number three he even rose kaluga colony number three he even rose kaluga colony number three he even rose to the rank of company commander civil to the rank of company commander civil to the rank of company commander civil nev ended up in hospital and his nev ended up in hospital and his nev ended up in hospital and his subordinates allegedly deserted insider subordinates allegedly deserted insider subordinates allegedly deserted insider writes on november 20th the man called writes on november 20th the man called writes on november 20th the man called his wife and told her that he was going his wife and told her that he was going his wife and told her that he was going to be taken to the firing squad a few to be taken to the firing squad a few to be taken to the firing squad a few days later on december 1st a russian days later on december 1st a russian days later on december 1st a russian defense ministry spokesman told his wife defense ministry spokesman told his wife defense ministry spokesman told his wife that her husband had died from shrapnel that her husband had died from shrapnel that her husband had died from shrapnel wounds and a severe blow to the head wounds and a severe blow to the head wounds and a severe blow to the head evgeny pregosian then said that sivanov evgeny pregosian then said that sivanov evgeny pregosian then said that sivanov was not part of the ranks of pmc wagner was not part of the ranks of pmc wagner was not part of the ranks of pmc wagner olga romanova head of russia behind bars olga romanova head of russia behind bars olga romanova head of russia behind bars says that about half of the stories of says that about half of the stories of says that about half of the stories of extrajudicial execution she hears about extrajudicial execution she hears about extrajudicial execution she hears about involve foreign prisoners in her opinion involve foreign prisoners in her opinion involve foreign prisoners in her opinion in this case representatives of pmc
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in this case representatives of pmc in this case representatives of pmc wagner deliberately informed relatives wagner deliberately informed relatives wagner deliberately informed relatives about the desertion so as not to have to about the desertion so as not to have to about the desertion so as not to have to deal with the transportation of the body deal with the transportation of the body deal with the transportation of the body for example for example for example [music] [000:04:10;00] there is also the opposite when someone there is also the opposite when someone there is also the opposite when someone is executed by firing squad or some is executed by firing squad or some is executed by firing squad or some other method but his relatives are told other method but his relatives are told other method but his relatives are told that he died in battle this is most that he died in battle this is most that he died in battle this is most likely in the case of finishing off the likely in the case of finishing off the likely in the case of finishing off the wounded they don't film every execution wounded they don't film every execution wounded they don't film every execution of course not because we know dozens of of course not because we know dozens of of course not because we know dozens of cases and they don't film every cases and they don't film every cases and they don't film every execution but executions are really a execution but executions are really a execution but executions are really a trivial thing for them we don't know trivial thing for them we don't know trivial thing for them we don't know cases of executions for uh precaution cases of executions for uh precaution cases of executions for uh precaution promised executions for the consumption promised executions for the consumption promised executions for the consumption of alcohol or drugs sexual relations of alcohol or drugs sexual relations of alcohol or drugs sexual relations surrendering and deserting we don't know surrendering and deserting we don't know surrendering and deserting we don't know of any executions of or we don't know of of any executions of or we don't know of of any executions of or we don't know of any executions for alcohol drugs sex or any executions for alcohol drugs sex or any executions for alcohol drugs sex or plundering but we do know of executions plundering but we do know of executions plundering but we do know of executions for deserting for deserting
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for deserting bbc russia journalists write that bbc russia journalists write that bbc russia journalists write that prisoners recruited by pmc wagner are prisoners recruited by pmc wagner are prisoners recruited by pmc wagner are allegedly shown a video of the shooting allegedly shown a video of the shooting allegedly shown a video of the shooting of deserters a bbc source in one of the of deserters a bbc source in one of the of deserters a bbc source in one of the prisons said that recruits were taken to prisons said that recruits were taken to prisons said that recruits were taken to a special room where footage of the a special room where footage of the a special room where footage of the execution of deserters was shown on a execution of deserters was shown on a execution of deserters was shown on a tablet journalists were unable to find tablet journalists were unable to find tablet journalists were unable to find the video but a source in another prison the video but a source in another prison the video but a source in another prison said that he was also shown a video of said that he was also shown a video of said that he was also shown a video of an execution by hanging previously an execution by hanging previously an execution by hanging previously several bbc sources close to pmc wagner several bbc sources close to pmc wagner several bbc sources close to pmc wagner said that they knew of at least three said that they knew of at least three said that they knew of at least three executions of this kind this has not executions of this kind this has not executions of this kind this has not been released to the public and the bbc been released to the public and the bbc been released to the public and the bbc could not find confirmation of this one could not find confirmation of this one could not find confirmation of this one of them says that such instructional of them says that such instructional of them says that such instructional videos were in circulation even before videos were in circulation even before videos were in circulation even before the war in ukraine began [000:05:41;00] faced with a problem of mass desertion faced with a problem of mass desertion faced with a problem of mass desertion and mass surrendering into captivity he and mass surrendering into captivity he and mass surrendering into captivity he decided to scare the recruited prisoners decided to scare the recruited prisoners decided to scare the recruited prisoners from thinking about doing the same has from thinking about doing the same has from thinking about doing the same has started showing everyone this horrible started showing everyone this horrible started showing everyone this horrible executions but didn't achieve the effect
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executions but didn't achieve the effect executions but didn't achieve the effect he wanted in the end prisoners stopped he wanted in the end prisoners stopped he wanted in the end prisoners stopped enlisting there was this mass enlisting there was this mass enlisting there was this mass recruitment campaign in the ivanova recruitment campaign in the ivanova recruitment campaign in the ivanova obelisk and after the showing of this obelisk and after the showing of this obelisk and after the showing of this video's 29 people signed up we've never video's 29 people signed up we've never video's 29 people signed up we've never seen such a tiny amount before they were seen such a tiny amount before they were seen such a tiny amount before they were taken hundreds before and here it was taken hundreds before and here it was taken hundreds before and here it was just 29 people and we can see that the just 29 people and we can see that the just 29 people and we can see that the flow of prisoners has dried up flow of prisoners has dried up flow of prisoners has dried up in russia the first verdicts on in russia the first verdicts on in russia the first verdicts on desertion and unauthorized abandonment desertion and unauthorized abandonment desertion and unauthorized abandonment of unit during mobilization have been of unit during mobilization have been of unit during mobilization have been handed down as noted by media zona handed down as noted by media zona handed down as noted by media zona courts in different regions have now courts in different regions have now courts in different regions have now sentenced three men two of whom received sentenced three men two of whom received sentenced three men two of whom received suspended sentences the third is unknown suspended sentences the third is unknown suspended sentences the third is unknown the articles under which they were the articles under which they were the articles under which they were convicted were also made stricter just convicted were also made stricter just convicted were also made stricter just before the announcement of mobilization [000:06:42;00] tv rain has started broadcasting in tv rain has started broadcasting in tv rain has started broadcasting in english english english so that you could get news about russia so that you could get news about russia so that you could get news about russia the war in ukraine and russian society the war in ukraine and russian society
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the war in ukraine and russian society directly from the source russia's directly from the source russia's directly from the source russia's military is unable to stop ukrainian military is unable to stop ukrainian military is unable to stop ukrainian forces the kremlin's newest propaganda forces the kremlin's newest propaganda forces the kremlin's newest propaganda target is now the lgbt community target is now the lgbt community target is now the lgbt community tv rain channel has been shut down in tv rain channel has been shut down in tv rain channel has been shut down in russia many times the last one happened russia many times the last one happened russia many times the last one happened at the beginning of march when the war at the beginning of march when the war at the beginning of march when the war started [000:07:17;00] we survived started working from europe we survived started working from europe we survived started working from europe and now we are watched by millions of and now we are watched by millions of
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