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tv   Former Astronaut Scott Kelly on Pro- Ukraine Activism and Fighting...  TVRAINENG  January 13, 2023 3:00am-3:23am MSK

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russia tomorrow [000:00:05;00] thank you very much mr kelly for being thank you very much mr kelly for being thank you very much mr kelly for being with us and first of all i would like to with us and first of all i would like to with us and first of all i would like to ask you about the news news on mr ask you about the news news on mr ask you about the news news on mr rugozen you have tweeted about the rugozen you have tweeted about the rugozen you have tweeted about the incident that that he's been involved in incident that that he's been involved in incident that that he's been involved in in donbass in donbass in donbass um do you know him personally um do you know him personally um do you know him personally i don't think i do it's possible that i don't think i do it's possible that i don't think i do it's possible that i've met him before because yeah i left i've met him before because yeah i left i've met him before because yeah i left nasa in 2016 before he was the head of nasa in 2016 before he was the head of nasa in 2016 before he was the head of rose cosmos but i still still think he rose cosmos but i still still think he rose cosmos but i still still think he may have like moved in those circles but may have like moved in those circles but may have like moved in those circles but i don't have any recollection of ever i don't have any recollection of ever i don't have any recollection of ever meeting him but i think it's possible meeting him but i think it's possible meeting him but i think it's possible that i have all right and uh why do you that i have all right and uh why do you that i have all right and uh why do you do you comment on the on the steps that do you comment on the on the steps that do you comment on the on the steps that he takes on him why do you think it's he takes on him why do you think it's he takes on him why do you think it's important important important well when he was the head of the russian well when he was the head of the russian well when he was the head of the russian space agency rose cosmos he threatened space agency rose cosmos he threatened
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space agency rose cosmos he threatened to leave an american crew member on to leave an american crew member on to leave an american crew member on board the space station because of the board the space station because of the board the space station because of the uh you know the sanctions and other uh you know the sanctions and other uh you know the sanctions and other actions that the us government has taken actions that the us government has taken actions that the us government has taken in many countries around the world and i in many countries around the world and i in many countries around the world and i just thought that was just thought that was just thought that was um unacceptable and i felt like somebody um unacceptable and i felt like somebody um unacceptable and i felt like somebody needed to speak out and since i have a needed to speak out and since i have a needed to speak out and since i have a big platform you know me speaking out big platform you know me speaking out big platform you know me speaking out would get a lot of attention uh not would get a lot of attention uh not would get a lot of attention uh not based on anything based on anything based on anything special about me it's just because i special about me it's just because i special about me it's just because i have a lot of followers so i uh yeah i have a lot of followers so i uh yeah i have a lot of followers so i uh yeah i called him out on it and um called him out on it and um called him out on it and um we had an exchange back and forth and we had an exchange back and forth and we had an exchange back and forth and and he later just left twitter never to and he later just left twitter never to and he later just left twitter never to come back come back come back how would you evaluate him as a head of how would you evaluate him as a head of how would you evaluate him as a head of ross cosmos i i'm sure yet i'm sure you ross cosmos i i'm sure yet i'm sure you ross cosmos i i'm sure yet i'm sure you have your opinion about that yeah you have your opinion about that yeah you have your opinion about that yeah you know like i said he was there uh as the know like i said he was there uh as the know like i said he was there uh as the leader after i have left leader after i have left leader after i have left um you know i do know some of the people um you know i do know some of the people um you know i do know some of the people that work below him and they're very that work below him and they're very
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that work below him and they're very capable capable capable um you know managers and stuff i don't um you know managers and stuff i don't um you know managers and stuff i don't know how know how know how his leadership really influenced the his leadership really influenced the his leadership really influenced the function of russ cosmos on a day-to-day function of russ cosmos on a day-to-day function of russ cosmos on a day-to-day basis but i do know that he doesn't have basis but i do know that he doesn't have basis but i do know that he doesn't have i think the i think the i think the um you know the the temperament um you know the the temperament um you know the the temperament um and the wisdom to lead an um and the wisdom to lead an um and the wisdom to lead an organization like that in any country is organization like that in any country is organization like that in any country is he specifically a professional he specifically a professional he specifically a professional in this field because i can imagine how in this field because i can imagine how in this field because i can imagine how important and how complicated this job important and how complicated this job important and how complicated this job is could you i mean you know that the is could you i mean you know that the is could you i mean you know that the people you know your russian colleagues people you know your russian colleagues people you know your russian colleagues and i'm sure you have exchanged opinions and i'm sure you have exchanged opinions and i'm sure you have exchanged opinions uh on his decisions uh on his decisions uh on his decisions yeah you know when i bring them up to yeah you know when i bring them up to yeah you know when i bring them up to some former cosmonauts they laugh and i some former cosmonauts they laugh and i some former cosmonauts they laugh and i don't think they take him seriously don't think they take him seriously don't think they take him seriously either uh regardless of which which side either uh regardless of which which side either uh regardless of which which side of the issue of the russian invasion of of the issue of the russian invasion of
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of the issue of the russian invasion of ukraine they may be on he seems to ukraine they may be on he seems to ukraine they may be on he seems to universal universally be considered as universal universally be considered as universal universally be considered as not very serious and uh effective person not very serious and uh effective person not very serious and uh effective person do you have do you have do you have um any idea where russian space program um any idea where russian space program um any idea where russian space program and cosmonauts and astronomy russian and cosmonauts and astronomy russian and cosmonauts and astronomy russian astronomy is in right now i mean is is astronomy is in right now i mean is is astronomy is in right now i mean is is it developing where is the uh russian it developing where is the uh russian it developing where is the uh russian air mission space mission right now i air mission space mission right now i air mission space mission right now i think the future of the russian space think the future of the russian space think the future of the russian space program unfortunately is very bleak program unfortunately is very bleak program unfortunately is very bleak um you know they had relied on uh um you know they had relied on uh um you know they had relied on uh international investment uh launching international investment uh launching international investment uh launching you know satellites on you know satellites on you know satellites on some of their rockets some of their rockets some of their rockets um and they're not going to have that um and they're not going to have that um and they're not going to have that anymore i think for a long time anymore i think for a long time anymore i think for a long time um also i think the ability or the um also i think the ability or the um also i think the ability or the willingness of a country like the united willingness of a country like the united
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willingness of a country like the united states or the european space agency to states or the european space agency to states or the european space agency to you know cooperate like we have been you know cooperate like we have been you know cooperate like we have been doing on the space station is probably doing on the space station is probably doing on the space station is probably over uh as far as over uh as far as over uh as far as um you know any future cooperation i um you know any future cooperation i um you know any future cooperation i can't see uh the u.s government can't see uh the u.s government can't see uh the u.s government um um um uh coming to any agreement to uh coming to any agreement to uh coming to any agreement to participate in space with roscosmos uh participate in space with roscosmos uh participate in space with roscosmos uh while you know putin and the current while you know putin and the current while you know putin and the current former government is in power maybe former government is in power maybe former government is in power maybe someday but i think it'll take a long someday but i think it'll take a long someday but i think it'll take a long time to recover so without that time to recover so without that time to recover so without that international investment without international investment without international investment without international participation and international participation and international participation and cooperation unfortunately i think like a cooperation unfortunately i think like a cooperation unfortunately i think like a lot of russian industries the future is lot of russian industries the future is lot of russian industries the future is bleak which for me is unfortunate bleak which for me is unfortunate bleak which for me is unfortunate because i do have friends that work for because i do have friends that work for because i do have friends that work for the russian space program and some of the russian space program and some of the russian space program and some of those people feel very much the way i do those people feel very much the way i do those people feel very much the way i do about the war in ukraine about the war in ukraine about the war in ukraine um they might not feel like they can um they might not feel like they can um they might not feel like they can speak up like i do certainly if they're speak up like i do certainly if they're
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speak up like i do certainly if they're still living in russia but uh you know still living in russia but uh you know still living in russia but uh you know they're gonna that's gonna affect their they're gonna that's gonna affect their they're gonna that's gonna affect their lives as well unfortunately lives as well unfortunately lives as well unfortunately i would like to ask you just one last i would like to ask you just one last i would like to ask you just one last question about trogozin why do you think question about trogozin why do you think question about trogozin why do you think he went to this war [000:05:12;00] i don't know but there's there's a i don't know but there's there's a i don't know but there's there's a saying in english you mess with the saying in english you mess with the saying in english you mess with the bulls you get the horns and uh it seems bulls you get the horns and uh it seems bulls you get the horns and uh it seems like uh he was trying to play soldier or like uh he was trying to play soldier or like uh he was trying to play soldier or something and uh you know found out that something and uh you know found out that something and uh you know found out that this is no joke right this is a war this is no joke right this is a war this is no joke right this is a war people die his friends died and uh but people die his friends died and uh but people die his friends died and uh but he seems to think i guess that this is he seems to think i guess that this is he seems to think i guess that this is some kind of playground for him some kind of playground for him some kind of playground for him um and other people i think maybe feel um and other people i think maybe feel um and other people i think maybe feel the same way until they really see it in the same way until they really see it in the same way until they really see it in person what work could be like and i person what work could be like and i person what work could be like and i think he he found out think he he found out think he he found out mr kelly i know that you're an mr kelly i know that you're an mr kelly i know that you're an ambassador for one of the charity ambassador for one of the charity ambassador for one of the charity projects initiated by vladimir zielinski projects initiated by vladimir zielinski projects initiated by vladimir zielinski the president of ukraine how did this
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the president of ukraine how did this the president of ukraine how did this happen happen happen how did you get this job how did you get this job how did you get this job yeah well his uh his team just reached yeah well his uh his team just reached yeah well his uh his team just reached out to me and um they uh you know had out to me and um they uh you know had out to me and um they uh you know had noticed my advocacy i think online they noticed my advocacy i think online they noticed my advocacy i think online they had noticed that i had already raised had noticed that i had already raised had noticed that i had already raised almost half a million dollars that i almost half a million dollars that i almost half a million dollars that i donated all of it to donated all of it to donated all of it to um humanitarian aid in ukraine through a um humanitarian aid in ukraine through a um humanitarian aid in ukraine through a nft fundraiser and uh also apparently nft fundraiser and uh also apparently nft fundraiser and uh also apparently president zielinski said that he liked president zielinski said that he liked president zielinski said that he liked how i how i how i i trolled a russian propagandist into i trolled a russian propagandist into i trolled a russian propagandist into oblivion oblivion oblivion and i think i think he was referring to and i think i think he was referring to and i think i think he was referring to where it goes in but uh i wouldn't call where it goes in but uh i wouldn't call where it goes in but uh i wouldn't call it trolling i would say it's more like it trolling i would say it's more like it trolling i would say it's more like being a uh like a social media warrior being a uh like a social media warrior being a uh like a social media warrior maybe than being a troll a troll's got maybe than being a troll a troll's got maybe than being a troll a troll's got kind of a negative connotation yeah so kind of a negative connotation yeah so kind of a negative connotation yeah so they asked me if i wanted to do it i
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they asked me if i wanted to do it i they asked me if i wanted to do it i quickly just did a little research quickly just did a little research quickly just did a little research um to just see what united 24 was what um to just see what united 24 was what um to just see what united 24 was what they were about and within you know they were about and within you know they were about and within you know several minutes of being asked i said i several minutes of being asked i said i several minutes of being asked i said i would absolutely do it and uh you know would absolutely do it and uh you know would absolutely do it and uh you know do whatever i can to support this cause do whatever i can to support this cause do whatever i can to support this cause because i i do believe it's not only a because i i do believe it's not only a because i i do believe it's not only a fight for for ukraine and for ukrainian fight for for ukraine and for ukrainian fight for for ukraine and for ukrainian freedom but it's a fight for freedom and freedom but it's a fight for freedom and freedom but it's a fight for freedom and democracy around the world democracy around the world democracy around the world and you have visited recently uh ukraine and you have visited recently uh ukraine and you have visited recently uh ukraine you you've been at the hospital where you you've been at the hospital where you you've been at the hospital where you saw children you saw children you saw children wounded by russian airstrikes and wounded by russian airstrikes and wounded by russian airstrikes and russian army russian army russian army well i mean after that what has changed well i mean after that what has changed well i mean after that what has changed for you and what did you do after you for you and what did you do after you for you and what did you do after you visit and after you saw this children visit and after you saw this children visit and after you saw this children just meeting the kids and you know some just meeting the kids and you know some just meeting the kids and you know some of these kids were were wounded by the of these kids were were wounded by the of these kids were were wounded by the war you know certainly there were war you know certainly there were war you know certainly there were medical patients there or kids with medical patients there or kids with medical patients there or kids with cancer and stuff which is always hard to cancer and stuff which is always hard to cancer and stuff which is always hard to see see see um but the kids that were injured in war
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um but the kids that were injured in war um but the kids that were injured in war many times their parents were also many times their parents were also many times their parents were also killed and you know just to see the look killed and you know just to see the look killed and you know just to see the look of of of uh yeah i think you say two things you uh yeah i think you say two things you uh yeah i think you say two things you see the look of the the ptsd the stress see the look of the the ptsd the stress see the look of the the ptsd the stress and trauma they've experienced on their and trauma they've experienced on their and trauma they've experienced on their faces but you know when you kind of dig faces but you know when you kind of dig faces but you know when you kind of dig down deeper you see their resilience too down deeper you see their resilience too down deeper you see their resilience too as uh as kids and um as uh as kids and um as uh as kids and um you know the staff too was just you know the staff too was just you know the staff too was just incredible you know i get the uh from my incredible you know i get the uh from my incredible you know i get the uh from my trip there i just get the sense that you trip there i just get the sense that you trip there i just get the sense that you know uh know uh know uh and i didn't come up with this quote but and i didn't come up with this quote but and i didn't come up with this quote but you know the idea that you know people you know the idea that you know people you know the idea that you know people fighting for their freedom are gonna fighting for their freedom are gonna fighting for their freedom are gonna fight so much harder and with so much fight so much harder and with so much fight so much harder and with so much more energy and enthusiasm and and drive more energy and enthusiasm and and drive more energy and enthusiasm and and drive than than than you know a bunch of con scripts being you know a bunch of con scripts being you know a bunch of con scripts being rounded up and sent to some country uh rounded up and sent to some country uh rounded up and sent to some country uh with really no uh no purpose or goal or with really no uh no purpose or goal or with really no uh no purpose or goal or understanding of what they're even doing
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understanding of what they're even doing understanding of what they're even doing there so you know just seeing the there so you know just seeing the there so you know just seeing the resilience of the ukrainian people was resilience of the ukrainian people was resilience of the ukrainian people was very encouraging and uh inspirational very encouraging and uh inspirational very encouraging and uh inspirational has it changed your attitude i know that has it changed your attitude i know that has it changed your attitude i know that before that of course you were before that of course you were before that of course you were advocating for ukraine and so on and so advocating for ukraine and so on and so advocating for ukraine and so on and so forth but i mean it did this trip change forth but i mean it did this trip change forth but i mean it did this trip change anything in terms of your activity did anything in terms of your activity did anything in terms of your activity did it make you even more you know active or it make you even more you know active or it make you even more you know active or something like that well i think you something like that well i think you something like that well i think you know when you see something in person uh know when you see something in person uh know when you see something in person uh versus hearing about it it uh you know versus hearing about it it uh you know versus hearing about it it uh you know gives you that more credibility it gives gives you that more credibility it gives gives you that more credibility it gives you you know knowledge that you didn't you you know knowledge that you didn't you you know knowledge that you didn't otherwise have i visited bucha and saw otherwise have i visited bucha and saw otherwise have i visited bucha and saw where those are trusts atrocities had where those are trusts atrocities had where those are trusts atrocities had occurred spoke to the people that lived occurred spoke to the people that lived occurred spoke to the people that lived there that were there when the russians there that were there when the russians there that were there when the russians were there your pin likewise you know were there your pin likewise you know were there your pin likewise you know just the destruction on on just the destruction on on just the destruction on on infrastructure and people's homes i mean infrastructure and people's homes i mean infrastructure and people's homes i mean you could tell the uh especially in your you could tell the uh especially in your you could tell the uh especially in your pin the that destruction was intentional pin the that destruction was intentional pin the that destruction was intentional i mean this is not collateral damage i
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i mean this is not collateral damage i i mean this is not collateral damage i mean you had russian tanks just rolling mean you had russian tanks just rolling mean you had russian tanks just rolling down the road blasting away at people's down the road blasting away at people's down the road blasting away at people's apartments and houses and stores and apartments and houses and stores and apartments and houses and stores and cultural centers i mean for a country cultural centers i mean for a country cultural centers i mean for a country street that espouses how much culture is street that espouses how much culture is street that espouses how much culture is important to them meaning russia for important to them meaning russia for important to them meaning russia for them to then go and intentionally them to then go and intentionally them to then go and intentionally destroy destroy destroy um another country's culture is just um another country's culture is just um another country's culture is just unconscionable uh among all the other unconscionable uh among all the other unconscionable uh among all the other things they've done war crimes killing things they've done war crimes killing things they've done war crimes killing non-combatants uh targeting non-combatants uh targeting non-combatants uh targeting non-military targets it's just i i non-military targets it's just i i non-military targets it's just i i didn't really expect to see this in in didn't really expect to see this in in didn't really expect to see this in in europe in this day and age of course europe in this day and age of course europe in this day and age of course um and apparently you heard that you um and apparently you heard that you um and apparently you heard that you know cause you because you fight russian know cause you because you fight russian know cause you because you fight russian propaganda you've heard that they are propaganda you've heard that they are propaganda you've heard that they are saying that butcher has never happened saying that butcher has never happened saying that butcher has never happened that this is the myth and that this is the myth and that this is the myth and um you know that ukrainians uh with the um you know that ukrainians uh with the um you know that ukrainians uh with the with the help of the west have
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with the help of the west have with the help of the west have constructed this this whole scene constructed this this whole scene constructed this this whole scene um and i would like to ask you about um and i would like to ask you about um and i would like to ask you about your your your um um um your motivation when you write things your motivation when you write things your motivation when you write things the truth about the war in ukraine why the truth about the war in ukraine why the truth about the war in ukraine why did it do that i mean why did you start did it do that i mean why did you start did it do that i mean why did you start to do that why is it that i do it to do that why is it that i do it to do that why is it that i do it um a few reasons you don't have um a few reasons you don't have um a few reasons you don't have ukrainian friends ukrainian friends ukrainian friends um um um uh my brother-in-law came from um uh my brother-in-law came from um uh my brother-in-law came from um archive when he was 10 and uh archive when he was 10 and uh archive when he was 10 and uh so his children my niece and nephew are so his children my niece and nephew are so his children my niece and nephew are ukrainian americans my uh my russian ukrainian americans my uh my russian ukrainian americans my uh my russian language teachers from arcade language teachers from arcade language teachers from arcade ukrainian ukrainian ukrainian um been friends for a really long time um been friends for a really long time um been friends for a really long time one of my dearest friends and um one of my dearest friends and um one of my dearest friends and um and i'm a big believer in democracy and and i'm a big believer in democracy and and i'm a big believer in democracy and freedom and i think this kind of action freedom and i think this kind of action freedom and i think this kind of action taken by one person in europe really taken by one person in europe really taken by one person in europe really threatens freedom and democracy around threatens freedom and democracy around threatens freedom and democracy around the world so i just felt obligated to
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the world so i just felt obligated to the world so i just felt obligated to try to help in whatever way i can you try to help in whatever way i can you try to help in whatever way i can you know speaking though you mentioned bucha know speaking though you mentioned bucha know speaking though you mentioned bucha never happening that it's interesting never happening that it's interesting never happening that it's interesting one of my uh cosmonaut colleagues that's one of my uh cosmonaut colleagues that's one of my uh cosmonaut colleagues that's on the wrong side of this sent me on the wrong side of this sent me on the wrong side of this sent me pictures from bucha where the cars were pictures from bucha where the cars were pictures from bucha where the cars were overturned and the windows this was an overturned and the windows this was an overturned and the windows this was an early attempt at putin in this kind of early attempt at putin in this kind of early attempt at putin in this kind of you know fake news propaganda thing with you know fake news propaganda thing with you know fake news propaganda thing with when you see these like windows that when you see these like windows that when you see these like windows that aren't broken but the cars flipped over aren't broken but the cars flipped over aren't broken but the cars flipped over the reason those cars were flipped over the reason those cars were flipped over the reason those cars were flipped over is they were flipped over to to drain is they were flipped over to to drain is they were flipped over to to drain the gas saline out of them the gas saline out of them the gas saline out of them i mean they weren't flipped over by i mean they weren't flipped over by i mean they weren't flipped over by explosions that then didn't um explosions that then didn't um explosions that then didn't um you know break the windows but the uh you know break the windows but the uh you know break the windows but the uh you know just russia does a really you know just russia does a really you know just russia does a really really good job at really good job at really good job at um manipulating their population um manipulating their population um manipulating their population brainwashing them i could say because brainwashing them i could say because brainwashing them i could say because some of the thoughts and the ideas that some of the thoughts and the ideas that some of the thoughts and the ideas that some of my former colleagues have on some of my former colleagues have on some of my former colleagues have on this is just fantasy and but they
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this is just fantasy and but they this is just fantasy and but they believe it so you know it's it's worked believe it so you know it's it's worked believe it so you know it's it's worked on on the russian population probably on on the russian population probably on on the russian population probably not all of them but certainly enough of not all of them but certainly enough of not all of them but certainly enough of them at least right now to keep this them at least right now to keep this them at least right now to keep this going but do you think that your going but do you think that your going but do you think that your activity your posts your twits that that activity your posts your twits that that activity your posts your twits that that this all helps to change the attitude of this all helps to change the attitude of this all helps to change the attitude of some russians maybe not not everyone but some russians maybe not not everyone but some russians maybe not not everyone but some russians your former colleagues but some russians your former colleagues but some russians your former colleagues but not only them also maybe your not only them also maybe your not only them also maybe your subscribers your followers on twitter subscribers your followers on twitter subscribers your followers on twitter yeah yeah yeah well i'm hopeful i mean that's why i do well i'm hopeful i mean that's why i do well i'm hopeful i mean that's why i do it i don't do it because it takes a it i don't do it because it takes a it i don't do it because it takes a restaurant then hopefully i can change restaurant then hopefully i can change restaurant then hopefully i can change some minds and raise some money some minds and raise some money some minds and raise some money um but um but um but um yeah how much influence that will um yeah how much influence that will um yeah how much influence that will have my own probably personal have my own probably personal have my own probably personal um campaign probably not a lot but i um campaign probably not a lot but i um campaign probably not a lot but i think together with a uh you know a think together with a uh you know a think together with a uh you know a group of people around the world that group of people around the world that group of people around the world that are vocal about this that keep you know are vocal about this that keep you know are vocal about this that keep you know hammering home the message i think hammering home the message i think hammering home the message i think together as a as a group you could have
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together as a as a group you could have together as a as a group you could have a lot of influence so i'm just feel like a lot of influence so i'm just feel like a lot of influence so i'm just feel like i'm a small participant in that um i'm a small participant in that um i'm a small participant in that um you know that uh you know crowd uh you know that uh you know crowd uh you know that uh you know crowd uh sourced sourced sourced um counter or uh propaganda so there's um counter or uh propaganda so there's um counter or uh propaganda so there's just the nonsense and craziness that just the nonsense and craziness that just the nonsense and craziness that comes out of russia i remember that you comes out of russia i remember that you comes out of russia i remember that you have returned your medal that you've got have returned your medal that you've got have returned your medal that you've got from dimitri medvedev ex-president of from dimitri medvedev ex-president of from dimitri medvedev ex-president of russian federation x prime minister one russian federation x prime minister one russian federation x prime minister one of the faces of the war of the faces of the war of the faces of the war um and i saw your position you said you um and i saw your position you said you um and i saw your position you said you could not just have it after after could not just have it after after could not just have it after after russia has started this this terrible russia has started this this terrible russia has started this this terrible war and you have met dimitri medved if war and you have met dimitri medved if war and you have met dimitri medved if definitely i have seen the pictures what definitely i have seen the pictures what definitely i have seen the pictures what can you say about this this person can you say about this this person can you say about this this person well when i i didn't talk to him long well when i i didn't talk to him long well when i i didn't talk to him long i'd met him it seems when he was uh keep i'd met him it seems when he was uh keep i'd met him it seems when he was uh keep him putin's seat warm uh he seemed like him putin's seat warm uh he seemed like him putin's seat warm uh he seemed like a uh he seemed like a moderate fairly a uh he seemed like a moderate fairly a uh he seemed like a moderate fairly reasonable guy that i think some people reasonable guy that i think some people reasonable guy that i think some people looked up to as maybe a future leader of
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looked up to as maybe a future leader of looked up to as maybe a future leader of russia post putin and somehow during russia post putin and somehow during russia post putin and somehow during this war he just transitioned into one this war he just transitioned into one this war he just transitioned into one of the craziest of the crazies and of the craziest of the crazies and of the craziest of the crazies and there's a lot of crazies over there but there's a lot of crazies over there but there's a lot of crazies over there but uh he's he's right up there with the uh he's he's right up there with the uh he's he's right up there with the with the best of them uh you know him uh with the best of them uh you know him uh with the best of them uh you know him uh solovy of [000:15:25;00] the three stooges of nut jobs uh that uh the three stooges of nut jobs uh that uh the three stooges of nut jobs uh that uh at least i see at least i see at least i see um you know espousing just such crazy um you know espousing just such crazy um you know espousing just such crazy nonsense nonsense nonsense um um um completely detached from reality in my completely detached from reality in my completely detached from reality in my opinion opinion opinion and it's interesting uh how they talk and it's interesting uh how they talk and it's interesting uh how they talk about the united states and the western about the united states and the western about the united states and the western world and all of them are insisting that world and all of them are insisting that world and all of them are insisting that this is the war between russia nato that this is the war between russia nato that this is the war between russia nato that nato the united states mainly nato the united states mainly
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nato the united states mainly manipulates uh ukraine and that this is manipulates uh ukraine and that this is manipulates uh ukraine and that this is the war between ideologies between the war between ideologies between the war between ideologies between russian conservatism and uh the liberal russian conservatism and uh the liberal russian conservatism and uh the liberal ideology ideology ideology headed by the united states of america headed by the united states of america headed by the united states of america do you think they're serious when they do you think they're serious when they do you think they're serious when they say things like that there's so much say things like that there's so much say things like that there's so much there right in your question so russian there right in your question so russian there right in your question so russian conservatism give me a break these guys conservatism give me a break these guys conservatism give me a break these guys that have like multiple families and that have like multiple families and that have like multiple families and wives and girlfriend they're supposed to wives and girlfriend they're supposed to wives and girlfriend they're supposed to be so so uh pure and conservative come be so so uh pure and conservative come be so so uh pure and conservative come on on on um um um but you know i think putin realized that but you know i think putin realized that but you know i think putin realized that uh uh uh you know ukraine wasn't going to lay you know ukraine wasn't going to lay you know ukraine wasn't going to lay down for him quickly so he he's very down for him quickly so he he's very down for him quickly so he he's very adept i think at at changing his goals adept i think at at changing his goals adept i think at at changing his goals and changing you know constantly and changing you know constantly and changing you know constantly re-explaining what he's doing you know re-explaining what he's doing you know re-explaining what he's doing you know it's interesting that uh you know in the it's interesting that uh you know in the it's interesting that uh you know in the regions of ukraine where there was a regions of ukraine where there was a regions of ukraine where there was a referendum and russia says i don't know referendum and russia says i don't know referendum and russia says i don't know 95 of these people voted to uh 95 of these people voted to uh 95 of these people voted to uh to to
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to um you know be part of russia and then um you know be part of russia and then um you know be part of russia and then he um he um he um he you know at least on paper uh he you know at least on paper uh he you know at least on paper uh says that they are now you know part of says that they are now you know part of says that they are now you know part of russia yet then attacks the civilian russia yet then attacks the civilian russia yet then attacks the civilian population there i mean in what world population there i mean in what world population there i mean in what world does that make sense i mean this is just does that make sense i mean this is just does that make sense i mean this is just one crazy thing after another and uh you one crazy thing after another and uh you one crazy thing after another and uh you know my hope is just at some point the know my hope is just at some point the know my hope is just at some point the russian people are going to rise up and russian people are going to rise up and russian people are going to rise up and and stop him because this isn't going to and stop him because this isn't going to and stop him because this isn't going to turn out well for them either you know turn out well for them either you know turn out well for them either you know and the quicker this stops the easier and the quicker this stops the easier and the quicker this stops the easier time they're going to have to recover time they're going to have to recover time they're going to have to recover their their their country uh their their their their country uh their their their their country uh their economy their pride which is probably economy their pride which is probably economy their pride which is probably going to take decades going to take decades going to take decades um so you know my hope is that at some um so you know my hope is that at some um so you know my hope is that at some point the russian people people in power point the russian people people in power point the russian people people in power i don't know somebody is going to stand i don't know somebody is going to stand i don't know somebody is going to stand up to putin and um you know get this up to putin and um you know get this up to putin and um you know get this moving in the right direction because moving in the right direction because moving in the right direction because you know you know
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you know nato doesn't want russia i mean what's nato doesn't want russia i mean what's nato doesn't want russia i mean what's nato going to do with russia come on nato going to do with russia come on nato going to do with russia come on give me a break give me a break give me a break so so so um and this is not a a a defensive war um and this is not a a a defensive war um and this is not a a a defensive war ukraine didn't step one foot in russia ukraine didn't step one foot in russia ukraine didn't step one foot in russia uh prior to this invasion so this is all uh prior to this invasion so this is all uh prior to this invasion so this is all on on russian soldiers and you know on on russian soldiers and you know on on russian soldiers and you know their population because that's the their population because that's the their population because that's the government that they government that they government that they kind of choose to let happen i wouldn't kind of choose to let happen i wouldn't kind of choose to let happen i wouldn't say they voted for it but i think they say they voted for it but i think they say they voted for it but i think they just let it happen unfortunately just let it happen unfortunately just let it happen unfortunately i have just a couple of lost things you i have just a couple of lost things you i have just a couple of lost things you have mentioned your ex colleagues and have mentioned your ex colleagues and have mentioned your ex colleagues and your friends uh russian friends your friends uh russian friends your friends uh russian friends um i know that you have spent almost a um i know that you have spent almost a um i know that you have spent almost a year together with a russian colleague year together with a russian colleague year together with a russian colleague um on um how is it mks uh yeah and so is um on um how is it mks uh yeah and so is um on um how is it mks uh yeah and so is there i mean do you still have there i mean do you still have there i mean do you still have relationships with them uh friendly relationships with them uh friendly relationships with them uh friendly relationships have you lost anyone do relationships have you lost anyone do
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relationships have you lost anyone do you definitely definitely uh strained you definitely definitely uh strained you definitely definitely uh strained um i wouldn't say completely broken and um i wouldn't say completely broken and um i wouldn't say completely broken and unrepairable but probably close to that unrepairable but probably close to that unrepairable but probably close to that um but i do also talk to the more um but i do also talk to the more um but i do also talk to the more reasonable minded russian people that reasonable minded russian people that reasonable minded russian people that realize this is uh just flat out wrong realize this is uh just flat out wrong realize this is uh just flat out wrong and want nothing to do with it and want nothing to do with it and want nothing to do with it um and are ashamed actually so it's one um and are ashamed actually so it's one um and are ashamed actually so it's one extra emotion that like i don't have i extra emotion that like i don't have i extra emotion that like i don't have i don't have any shame over this but you don't have any shame over this but you don't have any shame over this but you know they have that burden as well last know they have that burden as well last know they have that burden as well last question if you don't mind mr kelly uh question if you don't mind mr kelly uh question if you don't mind mr kelly uh so you how much how much time have you so you how much how much time have you so you how much how much time have you spent in space spent in space spent in space all all all uh 520 days uh 520 days uh 520 days 520 days so this is a huge amount of 520 days so this is a huge amount of 520 days so this is a huge amount of time time time um do you have a different view maybe um do you have a different view maybe um do you have a different view maybe different from ours on the problems the different from ours on the problems the different from ours on the problems the conflicts on earth if you look at this conflicts on earth if you look at this
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conflicts on earth if you look at this from from the space from there uh if you from from the space from there uh if you from from the space from there uh if you look at our issues i would say is there look at our issues i would say is there look at our issues i would say is there a different view that you have and maybe a different view that you have and maybe a different view that you have and maybe you have solutions for for the for the you have solutions for for the for the you have solutions for for the for the self but terrible war self but terrible war self but terrible war well i think when people fly in space well i think when people fly in space well i think when people fly in space they generally have this experience they generally have this experience they generally have this experience where you see the earth you see that it where you see the earth you see that it where you see the earth you see that it it it doesn't seem all that big compared it it doesn't seem all that big compared it it doesn't seem all that big compared to what your your idea of it is once you to what your your idea of it is once you to what your your idea of it is once you get the space you're like you know it's get the space you're like you know it's get the space you're like you know it's this blue ball floating in the blackness this blue ball floating in the blackness this blue ball floating in the blackness of space not all that big you don't see of space not all that big you don't see of space not all that big you don't see political borders from space i mean when political borders from space i mean when political borders from space i mean when you look at europe and asia it looks you look at europe and asia it looks you look at europe and asia it looks like just one big thing it doesn't look like just one big thing it doesn't look like just one big thing it doesn't look like a specific country like a specific country like a specific country um you know you know there are people um you know you know there are people um you know you know there are people down there they have you know similar down there they have you know similar down there they have you know similar challenges in their lives regardless of challenges in their lives regardless of challenges in their lives regardless of what country they may be on they want what country they may be on they want what country they may be on they want you know to to raise their kids they you know to to raise their kids they you know to to raise their kids they want to be able to feed them send them want to be able to feed them send them want to be able to feed them send them to school you know just basic basic to school you know just basic basic to school you know just basic basic things and um you know i think the things and um you know i think the things and um you know i think the pandemic has shown us that we're all so pandemic has shown us that we're all so
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pandemic has shown us that we're all so much much much more interconnected you know as a more interconnected you know as a more interconnected you know as a species and you know prior to that species and you know prior to that species and you know prior to that happening because you know you see how happening because you know you see how happening because you know you see how one thing can happen on one part of the one thing can happen on one part of the one thing can happen on one part of the world that you know quickly spreads world that you know quickly spreads world that you know quickly spreads around the rest of the world you know a around the rest of the world you know a around the rest of the world you know a war in europe and ukraine can have a war in europe and ukraine can have a war in europe and ukraine can have a significant impact on people's lives in significant impact on people's lives in significant impact on people's lives in other parts of the world including you other parts of the world including you other parts of the world including you know food insecurity so we are very much know food insecurity so we are very much know food insecurity so we are very much interconnected on this planet and when interconnected on this planet and when interconnected on this planet and when you're flying on the space station that you're flying on the space station that you're flying on the space station that is probably the hardest thing we've ever is probably the hardest thing we've ever is probably the hardest thing we've ever done you know if we can do that and do done you know if we can do that and do done you know if we can do that and do it cooperatively and do it with like a it cooperatively and do it with like a it cooperatively and do it with like a country like russia that historically we country like russia that historically we country like russia that historically we are not have not always been that are not have not always been that are not have not always been that friendly with then you know we can solve friendly with then you know we can solve friendly with then you know we can solve these other problems on earth we just these other problems on earth we just these other problems on earth we just have to be willing to work together and have to be willing to work together and have to be willing to work together and do it peacefully and cooperatively i do it peacefully and cooperatively i do it peacefully and cooperatively i mean this war is not going to end well mean this war is not going to end well mean this war is not going to end well for anybody for anybody for anybody um when the worst people that have to um when the worst people that have to um when the worst people that have to deal with it are the ukrainians but you deal with it are the ukrainians but you deal with it are the ukrainians but you know everyone's going to lose in some know everyone's going to lose in some
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know everyone's going to lose in some some way so you know i'm just hopeful at some way so you know i'm just hopeful at some way so you know i'm just hopeful at some point we'll have some point we'll have some point we'll have you know something will change here but you know something will change here but you know something will change here but i think that change you know has to come i think that change you know has to come i think that change you know has to come in russia it's not going to come from in russia it's not going to come from in russia it's not going to come from the ukrainians i mean they're not going the ukrainians i mean they're not going the ukrainians i mean they're not going to lay down their arms they're going to to lay down their arms they're going to to lay down their arms they're going to fight to the end and uh you know fight to the end and uh you know fight to the end and uh you know hopefully russia realizes that hopefully russia realizes that hopefully russia realizes that and i and by the way it's going to be a and i and by the way it's going to be a and i and by the way it's going to be a positive end for them you know i don't positive end for them you know i don't positive end for them you know i don't see any way that russia could win this see any way that russia could win this see any way that russia could win this neither do i thank you very much [000:22:27;00] for 12 years we remained the only for 12 years we remained the only for 12 years we remained the only independent news channel in russia [000:22:35;00] for south of the country by new for south of the country by new for south of the country by new repressive laws after the first week of repressive laws after the first week of repressive laws after the first week of the war our freedom crushed by the the war our freedom crushed by the the war our freedom crushed by the authorities authorities authorities [music] [000:22:51;00] we have operated as a european company
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we have operated as a european company we have operated as a european company from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in from europe and now also broadcast in english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered english harrison has surrendered russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed russia's propaganda targets have changed putin christ havoc putin christ havoc putin christ havoc we want to tell you firsthand what is



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