tv Putin vs. Zelensky Polar Opposites in Leadership TVRAINENG January 18, 2023 3:00am-3:07am MSK
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foreign [000:00:03;00] [music] [000:00:09;00] [applause] [000:00:14;00] [music] [000:00:33;00] they both won with a record both share they both won with a record both share they both won with a record both share of 70 percent although zelenskis was in of 70 percent although zelenskis was in of 70 percent although zelenskis was in a runner field solenski a successful a runner field solenski a successful a runner field solenski a successful actor and complete political newcomer at actor and complete political newcomer at actor and complete political newcomer at the time overtook more established the time overtook more established the time overtook more established competition to rise to power promising competition to rise to power promising competition to rise to power promising change for ukrainians putin was once change for ukrainians putin was once change for ukrainians putin was once again re-elected over the years he has again re-elected over the years he has again re-elected over the years he has managed to subjugate all branches of managed to subjugate all branches of managed to subjugate all branches of power curtailing freedom and
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power curtailing freedom and power curtailing freedom and diligitimizing the very idea of diligitimizing the very idea of diligitimizing the very idea of elections elections elections foreign [000:01:21;00] two presidents of two neighboring two presidents of two neighboring two presidents of two neighboring countries but even before the allah war countries but even before the allah war countries but even before the allah war the way they acted was so different that the way they acted was so different that the way they acted was so different that they might as well have come from they might as well have come from they might as well have come from different planets different planets different planets before the war coronavirus was a huge before the war coronavirus was a huge before the war coronavirus was a huge issue for the modern world to deal with issue for the modern world to deal with issue for the modern world to deal with when the pandemic began the russian when the pandemic began the russian when the pandemic began the russian president switched to a regime of severe president switched to a regime of severe president switched to a regime of severe self-isolation reduced travel all self-isolation reduced travel all self-isolation reduced travel all visitors that are great sometimes vast visitors that are great sometimes vast visitors that are great sometimes vast distance distance distance some were even required to undertake a some were even required to undertake a some were even required to undertake a lengthy quarantine before meeting with lengthy quarantine before meeting with lengthy quarantine before meeting with putin for a long time there was putin for a long time there was
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putin for a long time there was uncertainty regarding putin's uncertainty regarding putin's uncertainty regarding putin's vaccination status in the end the vaccination status in the end the vaccination status in the end the kremlin said that he was vaccinated why kremlin said that he was vaccinated why kremlin said that he was vaccinated why was there no photo shoot to increase was there no photo shoot to increase was there no photo shoot to increase trust in the vaccine as had been trust in the vaccine as had been trust in the vaccine as had been arranged by many other world leaders arranged by many other world leaders arranged by many other world leaders what difference does it make putin what difference does it make putin what difference does it make putin reason he could just be injecting saline reason he could just be injecting saline reason he could just be injecting saline solution anyway [000:02:26;00] the ukrainian president was vaccinated the ukrainian president was vaccinated the ukrainian president was vaccinated in public in november 2020 vladimir's in public in november 2020 vladimir's in public in november 2020 vladimir's landscape was hospitalized with landscape was hospitalized with landscape was hospitalized with coronavirus it is almost impossible to coronavirus it is almost impossible to coronavirus it is almost impossible to imagine any reporting on putin's health imagine any reporting on putin's health imagine any reporting on putin's health outside of the periodical kremlin press outside of the periodical kremlin press outside of the periodical kremlin press release regarding the president having a release regarding the president having a release regarding the president having a cold cold cold [music] [000:02:49;00] their only face-to-face talks took place their only face-to-face talks took place
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their only face-to-face talks took place on december 9 2019 in paris on that on december 9 2019 in paris on that on december 9 2019 in paris on that occasion the leaders of the normandy occasion the leaders of the normandy occasion the leaders of the normandy foreman gathered in france after a foreman gathered in france after a foreman gathered in france after a three-year break [000:03:03;00] no progress was made after that meeting no progress was made after that meeting no progress was made after that meeting they agreed only on the transit of they agreed only on the transit of they agreed only on the transit of russian gas through ukraine and the russian gas through ukraine and the russian gas through ukraine and the exchange of prisoners and prisoners of exchange of prisoners and prisoners of exchange of prisoners and prisoners of war between kiev and the separatists war between kiev and the separatists war between kiev and the separatists speaking of the exchange [000:03:22;00] shortly before the meeting in paris on shortly before the meeting in paris on shortly before the meeting in paris on september 19 2019 moscow and kiev september 19 2019 moscow and kiev september 19 2019 moscow and kiev exchanged prisoners in ukraine they were exchanged prisoners in ukraine they were exchanged prisoners in ukraine they were welcomed as heroes by relatives welcomed as heroes by relatives welcomed as heroes by relatives journalists and president zielinski journalists and president zielinski journalists and president zielinski personally ukrainian filmmaker oleg
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personally ukrainian filmmaker oleg personally ukrainian filmmaker oleg sanshof among others was returned home sanshof among others was returned home sanshof among others was returned home at the time at the time at the time [music] [000:03:51;00] president putin spoke at the celebration president putin spoke at the celebration president putin spoke at the celebration of the moscow city day holiday [000:04:00;00] [applause] [applause] [applause] shortly before the war zelenski shortly before the war zelenski shortly before the war zelenski repeatedly called for personal repeatedly called for personal repeatedly called for personal negotiations with putin on the 19th of negotiations with putin on the 19th of negotiations with putin on the 19th of february the president of ukraine spoke february the president of ukraine spoke february the president of ukraine spoke about this at a security conference in about this at a security conference in about this at a security conference in munich there he strongly demanded munich there he strongly demanded munich there he strongly demanded security guarantees from the west security guarantees from the west security guarantees from the west um [000:04:38;00] on the same day vladimir putin in the on the same day vladimir putin in the
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on the same day vladimir putin in the company of alexander lukashenko watched company of alexander lukashenko watched company of alexander lukashenko watched military exercises featuring the launch military exercises featuring the launch military exercises featuring the launch of ballistic and cruise missiles [000:04:51;00] repeated proposals of a meeting the repeated proposals of a meeting the repeated proposals of a meeting the kremlin responded that although they kremlin responded that although they kremlin responded that although they were aware of kiev's approaches they did were aware of kiev's approaches they did were aware of kiev's approaches they did not see the point [000:05:04;00] s [000:05:16;00] natsu [000:05:20;00] universe universe universe it is perhaps not surprising that the it is perhaps not surprising that the it is perhaps not surprising that the species of the presidents of the two species of the presidents of the two species of the presidents of the two countries one as the aggressor and the countries one as the aggressor and the countries one as the aggressor and the other one is the defender itself differ other one is the defender itself differ other one is the defender itself differ greatly as does their leadership greatly as does their leadership greatly as does their leadership approach the ukrainian leader repeatedly approach the ukrainian leader repeatedly approach the ukrainian leader repeatedly traveled to the front and visited the traveled to the front and visited the traveled to the front and visited the liberated territories liberated territories
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liberated territories foreign [000:05:43;00] has not been seen in the combat zone has not been seen in the combat zone has not been seen in the combat zone [applause] [applause] [applause] [music] [music] [music] december 20th the 300th day of the war december 20th the 300th day of the war december 20th the 300th day of the war in the kremlin vladimir putin presents in the kremlin vladimir putin presents in the kremlin vladimir putin presents awards to soldiers that are the awards to soldiers that are the awards to soldiers that are the so-called leaders of the next so-called leaders of the next so-called leaders of the next territories [000:06:02;00] [music] [music] [music] [applause] [applause] [applause] that day the leader of ukraine was in that day the leader of ukraine was in that day the leader of ukraine was in bach mode currently the most dangerous bach mode currently the most dangerous bach mode currently the most dangerous sector of the front with fierce battles sector of the front with fierce battles sector of the front with fierce battles being fought outside the city there are being fought outside the city there are being fought outside the city there are zelenski presents the soldiers with the zelenski presents the soldiers with the zelenski presents the soldiers with the words [000:06:20;00] throughout the war western leaders have throughout the war western leaders have throughout the war western leaders have regularly visited vladimir zielinski and regularly visited vladimir zielinski and regularly visited vladimir zielinski and kiev he said morning that thank you kiev he said morning that thank you kiev he said morning that thank you jakuya [000:06:33;00]
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according to the krumen website putin according to the krumen website putin according to the krumen website putin has made four trips abroad since the has made four trips abroad since the has made four trips abroad since the 24th of february russia's president has 24th of february russia's president has 24th of february russia's president has visited belarus kyrgyzstan armenia visited belarus kyrgyzstan armenia visited belarus kyrgyzstan armenia kazakhstan iran [000:06:48;00] european countries viewed putin as european countries viewed putin as
Putin vs. Zelensky: Polar Opposites in LeadershipTVRAINENG January 18, 2023 3:00am-3:07am MSK
TVRAINENG January 18, 2023 3:00am-3:07am MSK
One - a political outsider who played the role of the President on a comedy show, the other - a political immovable object on his fourth cycle as President. One - secretive, and paranoid, the other - passionate and candid. Eduard Burmistrov reports on the vast differences in the leadership styles of Putin and Zelensky's, both before all out war and in the aftermath.
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#Zelensky #Putin #presidents
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#Zelensky #Putin #presidents
program is from alternate source
- Putin 30, Ukraine 12, Kiev 9, Vladimir Putin 6, Paris 6, Moscow 4, Russia 3, West 3, Munich 3, France 3, Zielinski 3, Vladimir 3, Kremlin 3, Vladimir Zielinski 3, Alexander Lukashenko 3, Oleg 3, Foreman 2, Normandy 2, Belarus Kyrgyzstan Armenia 2, Zelenski 1
- Network
- Duration
- 00:07:43
- Language
- English
- Source
- TV Rain Newsroom
- Video Codec
- h264
- Audio Cocec
- aac
- Pixel width
- 1920
- Pixel height
- 1080
- Audio/Visual
- sound, color
- Item Size
- 153.9M
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