The REAL Holocaust Hidden From The History Books
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Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told Documentary
(Adolf Hitler & The Army Of Humanity Episode 1)
The Truth About World War II & The Racial Policy Of The Third Reich
(History Channel 2017 Documentary Special)
Information taken from:
'Respect the man of noble races other than your own,
who carries out, in a different place, a combat parallel to yours -- to ours.
He is your ally. He is our ally, be he at the other end of the world.'
-Savitri Devi
Before you begin to mount feeble accusations of 'hater' and 'racist', let's get a few things straight. Many countries fought on the side of Hitler's Germany in WW2, including several non-white ones. One of Germany's primary allies of the 'Tripartite Pact' (signed on September 27, 1940) was not white, Japan. In fact, when the USA declared war on Japan the next year Germany honored the Tripartite Pact and declared war on the United States.
Indians, Asians, Arabs and blacks not only fought on the side of National Socialist Germany, but also wore the eagle and swastika proudly on their breast. Dozens of nationalities volunteered for the elite Waffen-SS and many non-whites of a wide range of ethnic backgrounds served the Axis in many capacities. In fact, it was the largest multi-racial fighting force in history! Not to mention also the most religiously diverse as well.
Commando Extraordinaire Otto Skorzeny describes the diverse nature of the Waffen-SS in his 1975 memoirs:
'...from 1942 European soldiers from many lands and peoples could be found: Albanians, Bosnians, Britons, Bulgarians, Cossacks, Croats, Danes, Dutch, Estonians, Finns, Flemings, French, Georgians, Greeks, Hungarians, Italians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Romanians, Russians, Serbs, Slovakians, Swedes, Swiss, Ukrainians, Walloons, Armenians, Byelorussians, Hindus, Kirghizes, Tartars, Turkmen and Uzbeks served under their own flags in the Waffen-SS. Almost all of these peoples were represented in my unit.'
By the end of the war foreign members of the Waffen-SS outnumbered Germans! An average of six out of every ten men in the Waffen-SS were foreign volunteers. The English historian Antony James Beevor has this to say about what developed between these enormously brave and courageous men:
'an extraordinary comradeship of the damned had grown up among the foreign volunteers defending the last bastion of German nationalism.'
(Berlin: The Downfall, 1945. ©2003)
During the terrible 1944/45 siege of Budapest a wide variety of nationalities and races fought under the swastika:
'The SS units comprised almost all nationalities -- in addition to ethnic Germans, [...] French Alsatians, Hungarians, Serbs, Slovaks, and Romanians, and Finnish, Flemish, Swedish and Spanish volunteers. The baggage trains of the SS divisions included Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, and other auxiliaries. One artillery detachment consisted mainly of Poles, and several of its members were buried in Polish uniforms with German insignia.'
-The Siege of Budapest, ©2005, Krisztián Ungváry, pg. 75
These were men ready to die for their beliefs, and many of them did. They believed strongly and passionately. Together, as one, come what may. Despite the so-called 'democracies' preventing them from defeating communism, their efforts and sacrifices most likely prevented communism from infecting all of Europe, and likely the world.
The Germans did not segregate their troops. Blacks, Asians, Arabs and Whites all fought and lived and died side-by-side. A sharp contrast to the American and British treatment of non-whites that fought for them. These unfortunate troops were often used as cannon fodder and not even allowed to fight with white troops.
The Japanese Americans who volunteered for the U.S. military were fighting for a country who had interned their families in concentration camps. Over 110,000 Japanese people who lived on the Pacific coast were interned with no crime other than being born Japanese.
George Takei, of Star Trek fame, was one of the many victims of American racist policy. Here's his account of his experience in American concentration camps during WWII:
'I was only a child when soldiers with bayonetted rifles marched up our driveway, banged on our door, and ordered us out. I remember my mother's tears as we gathered what little we could carry, and then were sent to live for many weeks in a single cramped horse stall. Our bank accounts were frozen, our businesses shuttered, and our homes with most of our belongings were left behind, all because of what we looked like.'
'A few months later, we were shipped off to the swamps, over a thousand miles away, by railcar. They placed in all one hundred twenty thousand of us inside barbed wire fences, machine guns pointed down at us from watch towers. We slept inside bug-infested barracks, ate in a noisy mess hall, and relieved ourselves in common latrines that had no walls between the stalls. We were denied adequate medicines, shelter and supplies. I remember as a child looking up toward a U.S. flag in the room, as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance, those ironic words echoing, "with liberty, and justice for all."'
'Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was issued on the premise that anyone of Japanese descent could not be trusted and was to be treated as an enemy, even those of us who were American citizens, born in this land. We were viewed not as individual people, but as a yellow menace to be dealt with, and harshly. The guns pointed at us at every point reminded us that if we so much as tried to stand up for our dignity, there would be violent consequences. The order and the ensuing confinement was an egregious violation of the constitution and of due process as we were held, without trial and without charge, awaiting our fate.'
The American government turned the war against Japan into a race war. A mountain of American WWII posters and other propaganda materials center on race. They pounded it into the public's head that the Japanese were less than human, even akin to rats. This caused numerous atrocities against Japanese soldiers and Japanese civilians during the war, as the American soldier was taught that these people weren't human.
The Japanese-Americans were treated as less than human by the Unites States government. During a search of the barracks of one camp:
'...soldiers aimed the machine gun at the unarmed prisoners and forced them to stand in the snow for hours in their underwear...'
-Inside America's Concentration Camps, James L. Dickerson, 2010, pg.143
President Roosevelt even referred to the camps as 'concentration camps' on a few occasions. And that's exactly what they were.
'...the camp itself was startling. Six tanks were lined up in a threatening way.
A double barbed-wire fence was built around the camp. And the guard was increased to more than one thousand armed soldiers....
-Inside America's Concentration Camps, James L. Dickerson, 2010, pg.140
Author James L. Dickerson rightfully referred to these Japanese people as 'a people who had been stripped of their freedoms and imprisoned in camps just a notch above dog kennels...'
It is a little known fact that thousands of Americans of Italian, Latin-American, and German ethnicity were also thrown into American concentration camps. Even Aleut people in Alaska were interned. A neatly hidden fact.
There are many books that document this scarcely known treacherous act. Some examples are:
Una Storia Segreta : The Secret History of Italian American Evacuation and Internment During World War II by Lawrence Distasi ©2001
American wartime law greatly restricted the freedoms and required identity cards of 600,000 Italian 'resident aliens'. 10,000 Italian-Americans along the West Coast were forcibly relocated and 250 were actually imprisoned in concentration camps for up to two years. Some Italian Americans were even forced to abandon their own homes and businesses.
Shattered Lives, Shattered Dreams: The Untold Story of America's Enemy Aliens in World War II by Russell Estlack ©2011
The tyrannical lunacy these Americans were forced to endure by the American government is staggering. Some camps, during freezing cold winters, did not even have heat!
'Italians were required to remove pictures of Mussolini from display in their homes. U.S. officials went to Italian homes and collected guns and shortwave radios.
Josephine Pandolfi Belenchia said that they even took an Italian version of Romeo and Juliet from their home.'
-The Delta Italians, Paul V. Canonici, 2003
More than 10,000 German-American civilians were thrown into concentration camps in America during WWII. None of them were ever compensated for the loss of property or the time they spent in concentration camps.
We Were Not the Enemy: Remembering the United States’ Latin-American Civilian Internment Program of World War II by Heidi Donald ©2007
Here is the description of the book:
'The United States clandestinely funds the operation of a huge prison in Cuba. Men, women, and children are spirited away from their homes and imprisoned indefinitely. No charges are made; no legal counsel is allowed. Newspapers fill with stories of espionage and enemies. Current events? No. During World War II, the United States used tactics remarkably similar to those in use today against presumed terrorists. By 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt had covertly authorized J. Edgar Hoover's Secret Intelligence Service to begin surveillance of Axis nationals in Latin America. Believing that "all German nationals without exception [are] dangerous," the United States surreptitiously pressured Latin-American countries to arrest and deport more than four thousand civilians of German ethnicity to the United States. There, many languished in internment camps, while others were shipped to war-torn Germany.'
The Prison Called Hohenasperg: An American Boy Betrayed by His Government During World War II by Arthur D. Jacobs ©1999
The book's own description best describes this unbelievable and truly insane book:
'Unknown to most Americans, more than 10,000 Germans and German Americans were interned in the United States during WWII. This story is about the internment of a young American and his family. He was born in the U.S.A. and the story tells of his perilous path from his home in Brooklyn to internment at Ellis Island, N.Y. and Crystal City, Texas, and imprisonment, after the war, at a place in Germany called Hohenasperg.
When he arrived in Germany in the dead of winter, he was transported to Hohenasperg in a frigid, stench-filled, locked, and heavily guarded, boxcar. Once in Hohenasperg, he was separated from his family and put in a prison cell. He was only twelve years old! He was treated like a Nazi by the U.S. Army guards and was told that if he didn't behave he would be killed.'
One of the famous American 'Tuskegee Airmen', Alexander Jefferson, wrote a book called 'Red Tail Captured, Red Tail Free' where he talks about being a second class citizen in his own country. He was shot down and put into a German P.O.W. camp where for the first time in his life he wasn't segregated from the white troops. He recalls the incredible irony of finally being freed and returning home and no sooner did he walk off the ship when he was told 'Whites to the right, niggers to the left'!
While America was supposedly fighting for 'freedom' and 'democracy' in Europe, blacks were rioting and violently fighting for their rights back in America. For example, in 1943 black Americans rioted in the city of Detroit--the heavy hand of 'freedom' killed twenty-four of them!
Another example of America's hypocrisy and outright brutality was the inhuman treatment of WW2 veteran Isaac Woodard, Jr. (March 18, 1919 – September 23, 1992). This black American was attacked by South Carolina police in 1946, while still in his army uniform, just hours after being honorably discharged from the United States Army! This attack was so brutal it blinded Woodard for life!
Ironic that when America occupied Germany after the war they brought with them their racist policies which were previously unknown in Germany.
The book The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944, by Rick Atkinson (Macmillon, 2007) gives us some very interesting statistics of Allied racism:
'When War II began in September 1939 fewer than 4000 blacks served in the U.S. Army; more than two years later the U.S. Navy had only six black sailors-excluding mess stewards. At the time of the Anzio landings (May 1944), the U.S. Army had 633,000 officers, of whom only 4,500 were black. The U.S. Navy was worse, with 82,000 black enlisted sailors and no black officers; the Marine Corps which had rejected all black enlistments until President Roosevelt intervened, would not commission its first black officer until several months after the war ended...
…blacks were shunted into quartermaster companies for duties such as truck drivers, bakers, launderers, laborers and the like.'
Now the Hell Will Start by Brendan I. Koerner © 2008
Blacks performed the jobs no one else wanted. They were subjected to 16 hour work days in the sweltering jungle heat, along with leeches, legions of mosquitoes, malaria and dysentery. It was called 'the toughest job ever given to U.S. Army Engineers in wartime.'
One particular story of this hell was brought to light by the case of a black soldier who killed another soldier and became the subject of 'the greatest manhunt of WWII'. These American blacks were little more than forced labor gangs. Beasts of burden. But every dog has his day. Perry had his. And died a Man.
'An African American GI assigned to a segregated labor battalion, Perry was shipped to South Asia in 1943, enduring unspeakable hardships while sailing around the globe. He was one of thousands of black soldiers dispatched to build the Ledo Road, a highway meant to appease China's conniving dictator Chiang Kai-shek. Stretching from the thickly forested mountains of North-East India across the tiger-infested vales of Burma, the road was a lethal nightmare, beset my monsoons, malaria, and insects that chewed men's flesh to pulp. Perry could not endure the jungles brutality, nor the racist treatment meted out by his white officers.'
'...Perry won the admiration of officers forced to witness the execution for his cool courage in the face of certain death. Never once did he break even as he walked up stairs to the gallows platform'
-Now the Hell Will Start by Brendan I. Koerner, pg. 299, ©2008
On the way up to the gallows, rather ominously, Perry said to the guard escorting him: 'Now, the hell will start.'
A 1944 German propaganda leaflet targeting black American soldiers stated truthfully:
'In World War I they promised your father's racial equality as a reward for fighting the war.
What did they get? What did you get?
The lousiest jobs.
The lousiest flats.
The lousiest pay.
The lousiest chances.
Poverty, Unemployment, Race Riots, Lynching, Hanging and Burning!
The general contempt of all Whites in the U.S.A.
The black historian and sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois visited National Socialist Germany in 1936. He related that he received more respect from the German academics then from his white colleagues back in America. He was treated like a human being in Germany, and stated: 'The National Socialists did not show any trace of racial hatred toward blacks.'
Furthermore, the American diplomat and author Lawrence Dennis, who was bi-racial, born to a black mother and white father, also visited National Socialist Germany. Like Du Bois and other blacks who visited, he was treated warmly and like a human being for one of the first times in his life. He met and had discussions with the highest level of National Socialist authorities, including Adolf Hitler himself. Dennis even attended the Nuremburg rallies. He was so impressed with Adolf Hitler's Germany that he thought National Socialism could also save the United States, as it did Germany.
So much for the lies of WWII Germany being a bunch of racists huh? That was all carefully implemented to get the world to hate Germany and trick them into helping the Judeo-tyrants destroy her.
Again, let's shatter our expectations and learn a fact many Germans soldiers learned after the war: black Americans did not hate German soldiers the way their white counterparts often did. The reasons behind this are varied, but as we discuss on later pages, one of the main reasons was the black Americans understood the Germans' plight, and indeed many of them saw Adolf Hitler as the liberator that he was. Additionally, many Black Americans were not as taken by the Allied propaganda and downright lies as were white Americans. Perhaps it wasn't so easy to believe the words of an authority they largely viewed as their historical oppressor.
Here is an interesting quote regarding the treatment of German P.O.W. soldiers after the war from Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Hans Schmidt:
'Black American soldiers were nicer to us than were the white ones. Most of the white Americans with whom I had to deal with were oafs.'
[Hans Schmidt (1927 - 2010), SS Panzergrenadier, page 334, ©2002]
When the capital of the German Reich, Berlin, crumbled there was over a dozen nationalities defending it. There were Americans, British, French, Italians, Russians, Waloonians, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Iranians, Spaniards, Africans... the list goes on and on. In fact the bulk of defenders were not even German. Artur Axmann, leader of the Hitler Youth, when fleeing through the fiery ruins of Berlin, was shocked when suddenly his group stumbled on:
'What we saw before our astonished eyes was a kind of SS international brigade-very few Germans but a lot of
Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch, Belgians, Latvians and that French group called Kampfgruppe Charlemagne.'
(O'Donnell, The Bunker, page 304)
Imagine that. The last stand of the Third Reich, defended by foreign born troops. They met a fiery death because they believed in what they were fighting for. Look it up.
Everywhere the German and Axis armies went they brought with them a high standard of living previously undreamt. To many remote parts of Russia they brought with them modern civilization itself. The liberating German and Axis armies encountered poverty and despair on a level that shocked them to the core. The deathly policies of communism had not only crushed people's livelihoods, but destroyed their spirits. Joseph Goebbels described it best in one of his last writings, on April 20, 1945, in a newspaper piece called 'Our Hitler', celebrating the Führer's 56th birthday:
'Our enemies claim that the Führer’s soldiers marched as conquerors through the lands of Europe — but wherever they came,
they brought prosperity and happiness, peace, order, reliable conditions, a plenitude of work, and therefore a decent life.
Our enemies claim their soldiers came to the same lands as liberators — but wherever they come there is poverty
and misery, chaos, devastation and destruction, unemployment, hunger and mass death.'
There were plans for the German armies and its allies in Russia, fighting Communism, to link up straight-away with the Japanese armies. Imagine, these great world powers, allies for many years, of such different races and cultures, meeting as friends on the battlefield, and then fighting together for a common goal. The Land of the Rising Sun and the Sons of the Swastika.
Japan wanted an Asia for Asians. The European occupiers had practically enslaved the Asian people in their 'colonies.' Germany and her European allies were also fighting those same world powers. They also believed that a people should be led by their own race. The world would then be in balance, the way nature intended. In fact, when Japan liberated the Asian islands and nations previously occupied by Europeans, they asked Germany if it wanted a share of these lands, and the answer was no! For too long empires, conquest, and ultimately greed, had set out to enslave foreign lands.
A Japanese leaflet from 1944 explains Japanese intentions in a few words [Note: Nippon = Japan]:
'Nippon today is engaged in the most titanic struggle against Anglo-American aggression for the purpose of freeing all Asians from their odious encroachment. Nippon is resolutely determined more than ever to crush Asia's foes decisively in order to establish lasting peace and prosperity in East Asia and emancipate the one billion Asians from centuries of Occidental domination.'
The Allies pushed lies about German racism throughout the Arab world, but the Arabs laughed at such claims. German actions spoke much louder than Allied lies. Here is an important quote from a letter written by the Prime Minister of Iraq, Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani, to Germany's Dr. Walter Gross' Office of Racial Policy in October 1942:
'The Axis enemies in their propaganda state that the Germans
consider the Arabs among the lower castes. In my capacity as
the Premier of Iraq, I can give an assurance that the Arabs
do not give this claim any importance after what they have
seen and felt Germany's treatment and help to them. But as
the enemy propaganda goes on repeating these lies, I should
like to receive an answer from an official source regarding
the German consideration of the Arab race. I should be very
grateful to get from you a reply on the opinion of Germany on the
subject.' - Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani
Dr. Gross, a German physician who was head of the Office of Racial Policy for the NSDAP from 1933 until his suicide at the end of WWII, officially replied to Al-Gaylani as follows:
'In answer to your Excellency's letter of 17th October, 1942,
I have the honor to give you the racial theory regarding the
Arab caste. The racial policy has been adopted by Germany to
safeguard the German people against the Jews who,
biologically, are different from the Middle East races.
Accordingly, Europe has been opposing Jews for decades. The
Germans do not fight the Jews because they are Semitic or because
they come from the East, but for their character, egoism and
their hostility to society... while Germany forbids the
entrance of the Jews into her territory, she welcomes all Arabs
of Semitic origin and cares for them. The attitude of the
Germans for the Arabs is that of respect. Not a single
official German source ever stated that the Arabs originated from
a lower caste. On the contrary, the racial theory of National
Socialism considers the Arabs of a very high caste. The
oppression of the Arabs of Palestine is being followed in Germany
with great interest and Germany confirms the demands of the Arabs.'
Also highly illuminating is an article written by Dr. Walter Gross, who, I remind you again because of its importance, was head of the Office of Racial Policy for the NSDAP:
National Socialist Racial Thought
-Dr. Walter Gross
'Most open to misinterpretation are National Socialist views on the relations between the various races of the world. It has been questioned whether the fundamental racial principles of the new world theory must not breed condescension, even contempt of people of different race. Quite the contrary; these very principles offer the very best guarantee for mutual tolerance and for the peaceful co-operation of all.
We appreciate the fact that those of another race are different from us. This scientific truth is the basis, the justification and, at the same time, the obligation of every racial policy without which a restoration of Europe in our day is no longer practicable. Whether that other race is "better" or "worse" is not possible for us to judge. For this would demand that we transcend our own racial limitations for the duration of the verdict and take on a superhuman, even divine, attitude from which alone an "impersonal" verdict could be formed on the value or lack of such of the many living forms of inexhaustible Nature. But we of all people are too conscious of the inseparable ties of the blood and our own race to attempt to aspire to such an ultra-racial standpoint, even in the abstract.
History, science and life itself tell us in a thousand ways that the human beings inhabiting the earth are anything but alike; that, moreover, the greater races are not only physically but especially spiritually and intellectually different from each other. Yesterday one passed this fact by, and in attempting to unify political, economic, cultural and religious standards for all nations of the earth, one was sinning against Nature, violating the natural attributes of various racial and national groups for the sake of a false principle. Today we bow to the racial differences existing in the world. We want every type of being to find that form of self-expression most fitted to its own particular requirements.
The racial principles of National Socialism are, therefore, the surest guarantee for respecting the integrity of other nations. It is incompatible with our ideas to think of incorporating other nationalities in a Germany built up as a result of conquests, as they would always remain, because of their alien blood and spirit, a foreign body within the German State. Such foolhardy thoughts may be indulged in by a world which has as its goal economic power or purely territorial expansion of its frontiers, but never by a statesman thinking along organic, racial lines whose main care is the preservation of the greatness and along with it the essential unity of his people held together by the ties of blood relationship.
For this reason, we have nothing in common with chauvinism and imperialism because we would extend to other races peopling the earth the same privileges we claim for ourselves: the right to fashion our lives and our own particular world according to the requirements of our own nature.
And if National Socialism would wish to see the unrestricted mixing of blood avoided for the individual, there is nothing in this to suggest contempt. After all, we Germans ourselves, viewed ethnologically, are a mixture. The National Socialist demand is only that the claims of the blood and the laws of biology should be more closely observed in future.
Here again our standpoint is not so very far removed from that of other people with a sound mental outlook. The American Immigration Laws, for instance, are based on definite racial discrimination. The Europeans and the inhabitants of India, the Pacific Islands, and so on, have instinctively held aloof from a mingling of the blood, and both sides genuinely regard any transgression as very bad form. Nevertheless, this natural attitude in no way detracts from the possibility of close co-operation and friendly interaction. And, speaking on behalf of the new Germany, let me once more emphasize:
We do not wish our people to intermarry with those of alien race since through such mingling of the blood the best and characteristic qualities of both races are lost. But we will always have a ready welcome for any guests who wish to visit us whether of kindred or foreign civilization, and our racial views only lead us to a fuller appreciation of their essential peculiarities in the same way as we would want our own peculiarities respected.'
They've invested untold riches in hiding the facts presented on these pages from us. They've hidden the fact that Europe was fighting for its very existence. Far from what they've shoved into our heads, Germany was not alone in this fight. Europe and the world knew what was at stake. Adolf Hitler defined it best, in a speech on January 30, 1942:
'Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children's children,
not only for ourselves but also for the other peoples of Europe,
for this is a war which we all wage, this time, not for our German people alone,
it is a war for all of Europe and with it, in the long run, for all of mankind.'
Anyone who knows the truth, knows that countries didn't lose the Second World War, mankind itself lost. The same age-old powers-that-be had won again. Their victory came at a terrible cost. They butchered tens of millions with their indiscriminate bombs. Over four million Germans died in concentration camps of starvation and the elements after the war was over. Look it up. Communist soldiers, berserk with propaganda, raped millions of German women, MILLIONS, from ages 6 to 90! Many of them after the war was over. Research it for yourself. You'll be amazed at what's been hidden from us.
The infamous Der Untermensch. We were taught that this book was overflowing with hatred for the Poles, Russians and Slavs in general. But like most things we've been taught about WWII it is a lie! It's recently been reprinted so you can see for yourself, as I did. The truth is there is no racial hatred at all within its pages. The Untermensch is more a character of man. Read the back of the book here for a detailed description.
Recently declassified United States documents reveal that the president of the United States knew about the impending attack on Pearl Harbor and did nothing about it. In fact, he and his administration took measures to hide it. Not only did they know about it in advance, but they also instigated it. They would do anything to bring America into WW2, and since Japan was a friend and ally of Germany, they knew that by instigating a war with Japan, Germany would have to follow. They violated Japan's waters and even strafed her boats with machine gun fire. The information is out there, take the time to find it.
We implore you, question what you've been taught. We've all been taught lies. The good guys lost World War Two. Mankind lost World War Two. The tyrants won. But the war isn't over. Free men and women, white, black, red, yellow and brown are learning the truth.
The truth will make you angry. The lengths they have gone to lie to us. No matter your country of origin you are a victim of the same propaganda lies. It is international. They want to divide and conquer us. They want us to hate and fear one another. But in reality, it is They who hate all of us. And it is They who shall learn to fear us as well.
Given time, and our old Gods' will, all races shall unite and wipe this tyrant from the face of the earth. And this blue planet will sigh, bearing a lighter load, less millions of its killers and enslavers. And all of this terrible dark time will be a story to tell our children's children. It is a fated time to come. After the fire. A world anew.
But pictures speak louder than words! Don't take our word for it, look and see for yourself! And ask yourself, why did they hide this truth from us?
(Adolf Hitler & The Army Of Humanity Episode 1)
The Truth About World War II & The Racial Policy Of The Third Reich
(History Channel 2017 Documentary Special)
Information taken from:
'Respect the man of noble races other than your own,
who carries out, in a different place, a combat parallel to yours -- to ours.
He is your ally. He is our ally, be he at the other end of the world.'
-Savitri Devi
Before you begin to mount feeble accusations of 'hater' and 'racist', let's get a few things straight. Many countries fought on the side of Hitler's Germany in WW2, including several non-white ones. One of Germany's primary allies of the 'Tripartite Pact' (signed on September 27, 1940) was not white, Japan. In fact, when the USA declared war on Japan the next year Germany honored the Tripartite Pact and declared war on the United States.
Indians, Asians, Arabs and blacks not only fought on the side of National Socialist Germany, but also wore the eagle and swastika proudly on their breast. Dozens of nationalities volunteered for the elite Waffen-SS and many non-whites of a wide range of ethnic backgrounds served the Axis in many capacities. In fact, it was the largest multi-racial fighting force in history! Not to mention also the most religiously diverse as well.
Commando Extraordinaire Otto Skorzeny describes the diverse nature of the Waffen-SS in his 1975 memoirs:
'...from 1942 European soldiers from many lands and peoples could be found: Albanians, Bosnians, Britons, Bulgarians, Cossacks, Croats, Danes, Dutch, Estonians, Finns, Flemings, French, Georgians, Greeks, Hungarians, Italians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Romanians, Russians, Serbs, Slovakians, Swedes, Swiss, Ukrainians, Walloons, Armenians, Byelorussians, Hindus, Kirghizes, Tartars, Turkmen and Uzbeks served under their own flags in the Waffen-SS. Almost all of these peoples were represented in my unit.'
By the end of the war foreign members of the Waffen-SS outnumbered Germans! An average of six out of every ten men in the Waffen-SS were foreign volunteers. The English historian Antony James Beevor has this to say about what developed between these enormously brave and courageous men:
'an extraordinary comradeship of the damned had grown up among the foreign volunteers defending the last bastion of German nationalism.'
(Berlin: The Downfall, 1945. ©2003)
During the terrible 1944/45 siege of Budapest a wide variety of nationalities and races fought under the swastika:
'The SS units comprised almost all nationalities -- in addition to ethnic Germans, [...] French Alsatians, Hungarians, Serbs, Slovaks, and Romanians, and Finnish, Flemish, Swedish and Spanish volunteers. The baggage trains of the SS divisions included Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, and other auxiliaries. One artillery detachment consisted mainly of Poles, and several of its members were buried in Polish uniforms with German insignia.'
-The Siege of Budapest, ©2005, Krisztián Ungváry, pg. 75
These were men ready to die for their beliefs, and many of them did. They believed strongly and passionately. Together, as one, come what may. Despite the so-called 'democracies' preventing them from defeating communism, their efforts and sacrifices most likely prevented communism from infecting all of Europe, and likely the world.
The Germans did not segregate their troops. Blacks, Asians, Arabs and Whites all fought and lived and died side-by-side. A sharp contrast to the American and British treatment of non-whites that fought for them. These unfortunate troops were often used as cannon fodder and not even allowed to fight with white troops.
The Japanese Americans who volunteered for the U.S. military were fighting for a country who had interned their families in concentration camps. Over 110,000 Japanese people who lived on the Pacific coast were interned with no crime other than being born Japanese.
George Takei, of Star Trek fame, was one of the many victims of American racist policy. Here's his account of his experience in American concentration camps during WWII:
'I was only a child when soldiers with bayonetted rifles marched up our driveway, banged on our door, and ordered us out. I remember my mother's tears as we gathered what little we could carry, and then were sent to live for many weeks in a single cramped horse stall. Our bank accounts were frozen, our businesses shuttered, and our homes with most of our belongings were left behind, all because of what we looked like.'
'A few months later, we were shipped off to the swamps, over a thousand miles away, by railcar. They placed in all one hundred twenty thousand of us inside barbed wire fences, machine guns pointed down at us from watch towers. We slept inside bug-infested barracks, ate in a noisy mess hall, and relieved ourselves in common latrines that had no walls between the stalls. We were denied adequate medicines, shelter and supplies. I remember as a child looking up toward a U.S. flag in the room, as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance, those ironic words echoing, "with liberty, and justice for all."'
'Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was issued on the premise that anyone of Japanese descent could not be trusted and was to be treated as an enemy, even those of us who were American citizens, born in this land. We were viewed not as individual people, but as a yellow menace to be dealt with, and harshly. The guns pointed at us at every point reminded us that if we so much as tried to stand up for our dignity, there would be violent consequences. The order and the ensuing confinement was an egregious violation of the constitution and of due process as we were held, without trial and without charge, awaiting our fate.'
The American government turned the war against Japan into a race war. A mountain of American WWII posters and other propaganda materials center on race. They pounded it into the public's head that the Japanese were less than human, even akin to rats. This caused numerous atrocities against Japanese soldiers and Japanese civilians during the war, as the American soldier was taught that these people weren't human.
The Japanese-Americans were treated as less than human by the Unites States government. During a search of the barracks of one camp:
'...soldiers aimed the machine gun at the unarmed prisoners and forced them to stand in the snow for hours in their underwear...'
-Inside America's Concentration Camps, James L. Dickerson, 2010, pg.143
President Roosevelt even referred to the camps as 'concentration camps' on a few occasions. And that's exactly what they were.
'...the camp itself was startling. Six tanks were lined up in a threatening way.
A double barbed-wire fence was built around the camp. And the guard was increased to more than one thousand armed soldiers....
-Inside America's Concentration Camps, James L. Dickerson, 2010, pg.140
Author James L. Dickerson rightfully referred to these Japanese people as 'a people who had been stripped of their freedoms and imprisoned in camps just a notch above dog kennels...'
It is a little known fact that thousands of Americans of Italian, Latin-American, and German ethnicity were also thrown into American concentration camps. Even Aleut people in Alaska were interned. A neatly hidden fact.
There are many books that document this scarcely known treacherous act. Some examples are:
Una Storia Segreta : The Secret History of Italian American Evacuation and Internment During World War II by Lawrence Distasi ©2001
American wartime law greatly restricted the freedoms and required identity cards of 600,000 Italian 'resident aliens'. 10,000 Italian-Americans along the West Coast were forcibly relocated and 250 were actually imprisoned in concentration camps for up to two years. Some Italian Americans were even forced to abandon their own homes and businesses.
Shattered Lives, Shattered Dreams: The Untold Story of America's Enemy Aliens in World War II by Russell Estlack ©2011
The tyrannical lunacy these Americans were forced to endure by the American government is staggering. Some camps, during freezing cold winters, did not even have heat!
'Italians were required to remove pictures of Mussolini from display in their homes. U.S. officials went to Italian homes and collected guns and shortwave radios.
Josephine Pandolfi Belenchia said that they even took an Italian version of Romeo and Juliet from their home.'
-The Delta Italians, Paul V. Canonici, 2003
More than 10,000 German-American civilians were thrown into concentration camps in America during WWII. None of them were ever compensated for the loss of property or the time they spent in concentration camps.
We Were Not the Enemy: Remembering the United States’ Latin-American Civilian Internment Program of World War II by Heidi Donald ©2007
Here is the description of the book:
'The United States clandestinely funds the operation of a huge prison in Cuba. Men, women, and children are spirited away from their homes and imprisoned indefinitely. No charges are made; no legal counsel is allowed. Newspapers fill with stories of espionage and enemies. Current events? No. During World War II, the United States used tactics remarkably similar to those in use today against presumed terrorists. By 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt had covertly authorized J. Edgar Hoover's Secret Intelligence Service to begin surveillance of Axis nationals in Latin America. Believing that "all German nationals without exception [are] dangerous," the United States surreptitiously pressured Latin-American countries to arrest and deport more than four thousand civilians of German ethnicity to the United States. There, many languished in internment camps, while others were shipped to war-torn Germany.'
The Prison Called Hohenasperg: An American Boy Betrayed by His Government During World War II by Arthur D. Jacobs ©1999
The book's own description best describes this unbelievable and truly insane book:
'Unknown to most Americans, more than 10,000 Germans and German Americans were interned in the United States during WWII. This story is about the internment of a young American and his family. He was born in the U.S.A. and the story tells of his perilous path from his home in Brooklyn to internment at Ellis Island, N.Y. and Crystal City, Texas, and imprisonment, after the war, at a place in Germany called Hohenasperg.
When he arrived in Germany in the dead of winter, he was transported to Hohenasperg in a frigid, stench-filled, locked, and heavily guarded, boxcar. Once in Hohenasperg, he was separated from his family and put in a prison cell. He was only twelve years old! He was treated like a Nazi by the U.S. Army guards and was told that if he didn't behave he would be killed.'
One of the famous American 'Tuskegee Airmen', Alexander Jefferson, wrote a book called 'Red Tail Captured, Red Tail Free' where he talks about being a second class citizen in his own country. He was shot down and put into a German P.O.W. camp where for the first time in his life he wasn't segregated from the white troops. He recalls the incredible irony of finally being freed and returning home and no sooner did he walk off the ship when he was told 'Whites to the right, niggers to the left'!
While America was supposedly fighting for 'freedom' and 'democracy' in Europe, blacks were rioting and violently fighting for their rights back in America. For example, in 1943 black Americans rioted in the city of Detroit--the heavy hand of 'freedom' killed twenty-four of them!
Another example of America's hypocrisy and outright brutality was the inhuman treatment of WW2 veteran Isaac Woodard, Jr. (March 18, 1919 – September 23, 1992). This black American was attacked by South Carolina police in 1946, while still in his army uniform, just hours after being honorably discharged from the United States Army! This attack was so brutal it blinded Woodard for life!
Ironic that when America occupied Germany after the war they brought with them their racist policies which were previously unknown in Germany.
The book The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944, by Rick Atkinson (Macmillon, 2007) gives us some very interesting statistics of Allied racism:
'When War II began in September 1939 fewer than 4000 blacks served in the U.S. Army; more than two years later the U.S. Navy had only six black sailors-excluding mess stewards. At the time of the Anzio landings (May 1944), the U.S. Army had 633,000 officers, of whom only 4,500 were black. The U.S. Navy was worse, with 82,000 black enlisted sailors and no black officers; the Marine Corps which had rejected all black enlistments until President Roosevelt intervened, would not commission its first black officer until several months after the war ended...
…blacks were shunted into quartermaster companies for duties such as truck drivers, bakers, launderers, laborers and the like.'
Now the Hell Will Start by Brendan I. Koerner © 2008
Blacks performed the jobs no one else wanted. They were subjected to 16 hour work days in the sweltering jungle heat, along with leeches, legions of mosquitoes, malaria and dysentery. It was called 'the toughest job ever given to U.S. Army Engineers in wartime.'
One particular story of this hell was brought to light by the case of a black soldier who killed another soldier and became the subject of 'the greatest manhunt of WWII'. These American blacks were little more than forced labor gangs. Beasts of burden. But every dog has his day. Perry had his. And died a Man.
'An African American GI assigned to a segregated labor battalion, Perry was shipped to South Asia in 1943, enduring unspeakable hardships while sailing around the globe. He was one of thousands of black soldiers dispatched to build the Ledo Road, a highway meant to appease China's conniving dictator Chiang Kai-shek. Stretching from the thickly forested mountains of North-East India across the tiger-infested vales of Burma, the road was a lethal nightmare, beset my monsoons, malaria, and insects that chewed men's flesh to pulp. Perry could not endure the jungles brutality, nor the racist treatment meted out by his white officers.'
'...Perry won the admiration of officers forced to witness the execution for his cool courage in the face of certain death. Never once did he break even as he walked up stairs to the gallows platform'
-Now the Hell Will Start by Brendan I. Koerner, pg. 299, ©2008
On the way up to the gallows, rather ominously, Perry said to the guard escorting him: 'Now, the hell will start.'
A 1944 German propaganda leaflet targeting black American soldiers stated truthfully:
'In World War I they promised your father's racial equality as a reward for fighting the war.
What did they get? What did you get?
The lousiest jobs.
The lousiest flats.
The lousiest pay.
The lousiest chances.
Poverty, Unemployment, Race Riots, Lynching, Hanging and Burning!
The general contempt of all Whites in the U.S.A.
The black historian and sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois visited National Socialist Germany in 1936. He related that he received more respect from the German academics then from his white colleagues back in America. He was treated like a human being in Germany, and stated: 'The National Socialists did not show any trace of racial hatred toward blacks.'
Furthermore, the American diplomat and author Lawrence Dennis, who was bi-racial, born to a black mother and white father, also visited National Socialist Germany. Like Du Bois and other blacks who visited, he was treated warmly and like a human being for one of the first times in his life. He met and had discussions with the highest level of National Socialist authorities, including Adolf Hitler himself. Dennis even attended the Nuremburg rallies. He was so impressed with Adolf Hitler's Germany that he thought National Socialism could also save the United States, as it did Germany.
So much for the lies of WWII Germany being a bunch of racists huh? That was all carefully implemented to get the world to hate Germany and trick them into helping the Judeo-tyrants destroy her.
Again, let's shatter our expectations and learn a fact many Germans soldiers learned after the war: black Americans did not hate German soldiers the way their white counterparts often did. The reasons behind this are varied, but as we discuss on later pages, one of the main reasons was the black Americans understood the Germans' plight, and indeed many of them saw Adolf Hitler as the liberator that he was. Additionally, many Black Americans were not as taken by the Allied propaganda and downright lies as were white Americans. Perhaps it wasn't so easy to believe the words of an authority they largely viewed as their historical oppressor.
Here is an interesting quote regarding the treatment of German P.O.W. soldiers after the war from Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Hans Schmidt:
'Black American soldiers were nicer to us than were the white ones. Most of the white Americans with whom I had to deal with were oafs.'
[Hans Schmidt (1927 - 2010), SS Panzergrenadier, page 334, ©2002]
When the capital of the German Reich, Berlin, crumbled there was over a dozen nationalities defending it. There were Americans, British, French, Italians, Russians, Waloonians, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Iranians, Spaniards, Africans... the list goes on and on. In fact the bulk of defenders were not even German. Artur Axmann, leader of the Hitler Youth, when fleeing through the fiery ruins of Berlin, was shocked when suddenly his group stumbled on:
'What we saw before our astonished eyes was a kind of SS international brigade-very few Germans but a lot of
Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch, Belgians, Latvians and that French group called Kampfgruppe Charlemagne.'
(O'Donnell, The Bunker, page 304)
Imagine that. The last stand of the Third Reich, defended by foreign born troops. They met a fiery death because they believed in what they were fighting for. Look it up.
Everywhere the German and Axis armies went they brought with them a high standard of living previously undreamt. To many remote parts of Russia they brought with them modern civilization itself. The liberating German and Axis armies encountered poverty and despair on a level that shocked them to the core. The deathly policies of communism had not only crushed people's livelihoods, but destroyed their spirits. Joseph Goebbels described it best in one of his last writings, on April 20, 1945, in a newspaper piece called 'Our Hitler', celebrating the Führer's 56th birthday:
'Our enemies claim that the Führer’s soldiers marched as conquerors through the lands of Europe — but wherever they came,
they brought prosperity and happiness, peace, order, reliable conditions, a plenitude of work, and therefore a decent life.
Our enemies claim their soldiers came to the same lands as liberators — but wherever they come there is poverty
and misery, chaos, devastation and destruction, unemployment, hunger and mass death.'
There were plans for the German armies and its allies in Russia, fighting Communism, to link up straight-away with the Japanese armies. Imagine, these great world powers, allies for many years, of such different races and cultures, meeting as friends on the battlefield, and then fighting together for a common goal. The Land of the Rising Sun and the Sons of the Swastika.
Japan wanted an Asia for Asians. The European occupiers had practically enslaved the Asian people in their 'colonies.' Germany and her European allies were also fighting those same world powers. They also believed that a people should be led by their own race. The world would then be in balance, the way nature intended. In fact, when Japan liberated the Asian islands and nations previously occupied by Europeans, they asked Germany if it wanted a share of these lands, and the answer was no! For too long empires, conquest, and ultimately greed, had set out to enslave foreign lands.
A Japanese leaflet from 1944 explains Japanese intentions in a few words [Note: Nippon = Japan]:
'Nippon today is engaged in the most titanic struggle against Anglo-American aggression for the purpose of freeing all Asians from their odious encroachment. Nippon is resolutely determined more than ever to crush Asia's foes decisively in order to establish lasting peace and prosperity in East Asia and emancipate the one billion Asians from centuries of Occidental domination.'
The Allies pushed lies about German racism throughout the Arab world, but the Arabs laughed at such claims. German actions spoke much louder than Allied lies. Here is an important quote from a letter written by the Prime Minister of Iraq, Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani, to Germany's Dr. Walter Gross' Office of Racial Policy in October 1942:
'The Axis enemies in their propaganda state that the Germans
consider the Arabs among the lower castes. In my capacity as
the Premier of Iraq, I can give an assurance that the Arabs
do not give this claim any importance after what they have
seen and felt Germany's treatment and help to them. But as
the enemy propaganda goes on repeating these lies, I should
like to receive an answer from an official source regarding
the German consideration of the Arab race. I should be very
grateful to get from you a reply on the opinion of Germany on the
subject.' - Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani
Dr. Gross, a German physician who was head of the Office of Racial Policy for the NSDAP from 1933 until his suicide at the end of WWII, officially replied to Al-Gaylani as follows:
'In answer to your Excellency's letter of 17th October, 1942,
I have the honor to give you the racial theory regarding the
Arab caste. The racial policy has been adopted by Germany to
safeguard the German people against the Jews who,
biologically, are different from the Middle East races.
Accordingly, Europe has been opposing Jews for decades. The
Germans do not fight the Jews because they are Semitic or because
they come from the East, but for their character, egoism and
their hostility to society... while Germany forbids the
entrance of the Jews into her territory, she welcomes all Arabs
of Semitic origin and cares for them. The attitude of the
Germans for the Arabs is that of respect. Not a single
official German source ever stated that the Arabs originated from
a lower caste. On the contrary, the racial theory of National
Socialism considers the Arabs of a very high caste. The
oppression of the Arabs of Palestine is being followed in Germany
with great interest and Germany confirms the demands of the Arabs.'
Also highly illuminating is an article written by Dr. Walter Gross, who, I remind you again because of its importance, was head of the Office of Racial Policy for the NSDAP:
National Socialist Racial Thought
-Dr. Walter Gross
'Most open to misinterpretation are National Socialist views on the relations between the various races of the world. It has been questioned whether the fundamental racial principles of the new world theory must not breed condescension, even contempt of people of different race. Quite the contrary; these very principles offer the very best guarantee for mutual tolerance and for the peaceful co-operation of all.
We appreciate the fact that those of another race are different from us. This scientific truth is the basis, the justification and, at the same time, the obligation of every racial policy without which a restoration of Europe in our day is no longer practicable. Whether that other race is "better" or "worse" is not possible for us to judge. For this would demand that we transcend our own racial limitations for the duration of the verdict and take on a superhuman, even divine, attitude from which alone an "impersonal" verdict could be formed on the value or lack of such of the many living forms of inexhaustible Nature. But we of all people are too conscious of the inseparable ties of the blood and our own race to attempt to aspire to such an ultra-racial standpoint, even in the abstract.
History, science and life itself tell us in a thousand ways that the human beings inhabiting the earth are anything but alike; that, moreover, the greater races are not only physically but especially spiritually and intellectually different from each other. Yesterday one passed this fact by, and in attempting to unify political, economic, cultural and religious standards for all nations of the earth, one was sinning against Nature, violating the natural attributes of various racial and national groups for the sake of a false principle. Today we bow to the racial differences existing in the world. We want every type of being to find that form of self-expression most fitted to its own particular requirements.
The racial principles of National Socialism are, therefore, the surest guarantee for respecting the integrity of other nations. It is incompatible with our ideas to think of incorporating other nationalities in a Germany built up as a result of conquests, as they would always remain, because of their alien blood and spirit, a foreign body within the German State. Such foolhardy thoughts may be indulged in by a world which has as its goal economic power or purely territorial expansion of its frontiers, but never by a statesman thinking along organic, racial lines whose main care is the preservation of the greatness and along with it the essential unity of his people held together by the ties of blood relationship.
For this reason, we have nothing in common with chauvinism and imperialism because we would extend to other races peopling the earth the same privileges we claim for ourselves: the right to fashion our lives and our own particular world according to the requirements of our own nature.
And if National Socialism would wish to see the unrestricted mixing of blood avoided for the individual, there is nothing in this to suggest contempt. After all, we Germans ourselves, viewed ethnologically, are a mixture. The National Socialist demand is only that the claims of the blood and the laws of biology should be more closely observed in future.
Here again our standpoint is not so very far removed from that of other people with a sound mental outlook. The American Immigration Laws, for instance, are based on definite racial discrimination. The Europeans and the inhabitants of India, the Pacific Islands, and so on, have instinctively held aloof from a mingling of the blood, and both sides genuinely regard any transgression as very bad form. Nevertheless, this natural attitude in no way detracts from the possibility of close co-operation and friendly interaction. And, speaking on behalf of the new Germany, let me once more emphasize:
We do not wish our people to intermarry with those of alien race since through such mingling of the blood the best and characteristic qualities of both races are lost. But we will always have a ready welcome for any guests who wish to visit us whether of kindred or foreign civilization, and our racial views only lead us to a fuller appreciation of their essential peculiarities in the same way as we would want our own peculiarities respected.'
They've invested untold riches in hiding the facts presented on these pages from us. They've hidden the fact that Europe was fighting for its very existence. Far from what they've shoved into our heads, Germany was not alone in this fight. Europe and the world knew what was at stake. Adolf Hitler defined it best, in a speech on January 30, 1942:
'Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children's children,
not only for ourselves but also for the other peoples of Europe,
for this is a war which we all wage, this time, not for our German people alone,
it is a war for all of Europe and with it, in the long run, for all of mankind.'
Anyone who knows the truth, knows that countries didn't lose the Second World War, mankind itself lost. The same age-old powers-that-be had won again. Their victory came at a terrible cost. They butchered tens of millions with their indiscriminate bombs. Over four million Germans died in concentration camps of starvation and the elements after the war was over. Look it up. Communist soldiers, berserk with propaganda, raped millions of German women, MILLIONS, from ages 6 to 90! Many of them after the war was over. Research it for yourself. You'll be amazed at what's been hidden from us.
The infamous Der Untermensch. We were taught that this book was overflowing with hatred for the Poles, Russians and Slavs in general. But like most things we've been taught about WWII it is a lie! It's recently been reprinted so you can see for yourself, as I did. The truth is there is no racial hatred at all within its pages. The Untermensch is more a character of man. Read the back of the book here for a detailed description.
Recently declassified United States documents reveal that the president of the United States knew about the impending attack on Pearl Harbor and did nothing about it. In fact, he and his administration took measures to hide it. Not only did they know about it in advance, but they also instigated it. They would do anything to bring America into WW2, and since Japan was a friend and ally of Germany, they knew that by instigating a war with Japan, Germany would have to follow. They violated Japan's waters and even strafed her boats with machine gun fire. The information is out there, take the time to find it.
We implore you, question what you've been taught. We've all been taught lies. The good guys lost World War Two. Mankind lost World War Two. The tyrants won. But the war isn't over. Free men and women, white, black, red, yellow and brown are learning the truth.
The truth will make you angry. The lengths they have gone to lie to us. No matter your country of origin you are a victim of the same propaganda lies. It is international. They want to divide and conquer us. They want us to hate and fear one another. But in reality, it is They who hate all of us. And it is They who shall learn to fear us as well.
Given time, and our old Gods' will, all races shall unite and wipe this tyrant from the face of the earth. And this blue planet will sigh, bearing a lighter load, less millions of its killers and enslavers. And all of this terrible dark time will be a story to tell our children's children. It is a fated time to come. After the fire. A world anew.
But pictures speak louder than words! Don't take our word for it, look and see for yourself! And ask yourself, why did they hide this truth from us?
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Victor Bruce
March 10, 2025 (edited)
Subject: Log in to watch
Subject: Log in to watch
Should not have to log in to see historical records.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
December 27, 2023
Subject: Theatre of war
Subject: Theatre of war
But how about we talk about the real holocaust before this one that no one will teach about unless you have a lot of money to go Yale university of the
real holocaust of the black Victorians in America aka American negro from 1862-1950 with over 200 camps for the devils punch bowl and then 838 Red Cross concentration full of so called black people. Or the millions of bones of our ancestors they now returning in 2023. Literally put my people in furnaces all over America made up some story of the Underground Railroad when you look it they all lead to furnaces 😑. Then your piles of my ancestors bones being taken by necropolis trains to get rid of the evidence but made sure the skull and bones took pics as souvenirs first. The Jews and Germans have used theatre of war to tell our story back to us on what they did to us all nations are against the royals of America and that’s why they invaded America by way of humanitarianism almost all these so called white Americans are exiled Germans told us they was from Europe 🤣 liars they were exiled from Germany then went to France and got kicked out went to Europe got kicked out then ended here in the United States. Overthrew our king cuz he wouldn’t naturalize them and they were making fake legislation even made up 27 grievances to remove him. But kept every law he made but that was the reason they gave to remove him so it wasn’t about that it was about getting rid of the king. And after that the reclassified us as Indians or savages because they werent allowed to touch royalty. And ever since we have kept getting reclassified and the funny part is Germany has all our stolen artwork in all there churches or cathedrals whatever you want to call them and not once have they tried returning it. When it literally shows who the land of America belongs too. And what doesn’t make since exiled Germans were going to war with there brethren and got us stuck in there war and had the French slaughter our bronze soldiers aka hell fighters stole there valor. Learned they were turning my people into diamonds since 1867 that’s why diamonds are unnatural because they are man made even set up by sending us to Liberia to make a sovereign state and they where attacked by black Frenchmen aka Nazis and aborigines of Africa 4500 went only 1500 survived and were made into slaves the rest made into blood diamonds look up the process of turning humans into diamonds now look up they been doing it since 1867. The first and real holocaust was in America surrounded by the enemy that naturalized themselves. The holou caustic people🔥💀
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 22, 2023
Subject: Brilliant
Subject: Brilliant
It is a great short clip for those who are not too stupid to grasp the truth (like those who have it one star). The narrator is a computer but really convincing
except for a few odd cadences at the end. The enemy was never Germany, Germany was targeted for ending usury in its country and building an economic system which would destroy international banking for all time (its not even because they ended civil rights for Jews in Germany, Zionist Jews welcomed that and encouraged it to induce Jewish immigration to Palestine). A perfect example of ingrained lies is the moron who reviewed this and claimed that Hitler did not care about his troops and killed 11 million people, assuming my in the absurd Holocaust lie. Not only were German troops well taken care of (Hitler was a common soldier and hated the aristocratic generals for their mistreatment of the common soldier), the quality of life for all Germans, soldiers and civilians, was extremely high. The standard of living for Germans was second to none in Hitler’s Germany. As for the ridiculous Holocaust lie there is so much which has already been retracted that there is no reason to give any credence to the rest (they’ve admitted that they lied about Jews being made into soap and lampshades and about the camps outside of Poland being extermination camps). Now they have to admit that they lied about the camps inside Poland. The alleged gas chambers are a farce, they have doors which open inward and doors without locks. Some alleged gas chambers have windows and the alleged means of introduction of Zyclon B into them is ridiculous. Zyclon B pellets didn’t spontaneously turn to gas yet we are to believe that they were dropped in from the ceiling or holes in the wall when the delousing chambers which used zyclon B to disinfect clothing and bedding had machinery to warm the pellets to produce gas. Yet the lies continue and people give one star to this short film.
favorite -
June 10, 2023
Subject: WWII Specialist
Subject: WWII Specialist
This piece glorifies the man responsible for the deaths of 11 million+ people.
He didn't even care that his soldiers were medically cleared to fight - ... of course, he didn't care about race either.
He didn't liberate villages. He burnt them to the ground. Research: Scorched Earth Policy.
He committed genocide against Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, gypsies, communists, etc. There's no possible justification for it.
American Exceptionalism is a real thing. However, it doesn't clear Nazi atrocities.
This piece is very dangerous. Do your own research with PRIMARY DOCUMENTS.
He didn't even care that his soldiers were medically cleared to fight - ... of course, he didn't care about race either.
He didn't liberate villages. He burnt them to the ground. Research: Scorched Earth Policy.
He committed genocide against Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, gypsies, communists, etc. There's no possible justification for it.
American Exceptionalism is a real thing. However, it doesn't clear Nazi atrocities.
This piece is very dangerous. Do your own research with PRIMARY DOCUMENTS.
88 Aryan IYI
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 20, 2023
Subject: Good video
Subject: Good video
People think this is ''white supremecy'' because thats what they have been told in school. Media and the education system are so jewish occupied that it
is hard to find the truth these days.
Terrestrial Terrain
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November 23, 2022
Subject: I Looked It Up.
Subject: I Looked It Up.
I looked it up, it's all white supremacy, the content screams: 'RACIST NAZI LIES!!!'
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April 28, 2019
Subject: Bullshit
Subject: Bullshit
As with other propaganda, there are a few germs of truth, upon which are built the most enormous lies and deceptions. Bullshit by any other name still
stinks just as bad.
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