tv Nightline ABC August 8, 2015 12:37am-1:05am EDT
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[ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight -- police pursuit. we are behind the wheel for an up close look at what really happens when a regular ride turns into a high-speed car chase. and the too often fatal consequences for innocent bystanders. >> plus, the makers of these glasses say they're opening up a world of color for the color blind. could this be the silver bullet so many have been waiting for? >> for this guy, it might just be. >> i have never seen street lights have color before. >> and extreme adventurers on a quest for the ultimate slip-and-slide. a stone path, a 35-foot drop. forget your amusement parks, this is mother nature's idea of summer fun. but first, the "nightline" five.
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they're a very real problem that can claim the lives of innocent bystanders. what makes a car chase take a deadly turn? abc's phillip mena buckles up to night to find out. >> reporter: they're often so dramatic we can't look away. [ sirens blaring ] high-speed police chases where officers stop at nothing in pursuit of their suspects. watch as police chase this woman during morning rush hour in d.c. they gave chase after she took off from a retune traffic stop. you can see her driving off the road swiping commuters along the way. in northern california, a car slams into this sidewalk cafe while being pursued by police. the driver wanted for alleged domestic violence was caught but not before he pinned this customer against the wall. he has since taken a plea offer for reckless evasion. time and time again we see police chases end in injuries
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and death of innocent bystanders. now some police dementspartments are taking steps to prevent the accidents. >> it is unacceptable collateral damage. >> reporter: a "usa today" investigation found that more than 5,000 bystanders and passengers have been killed in police car chases since 1979. tens of thousand mr. have been injured. and over 90% of all chases are for nonviolent crimes. making the pursuit itself often more dangerous than the original violation. >> it's upsetting. very upsetting. >> reporter: jessica rodriguez knows what it is look to lose a loved ones to a police pursuit. her father ronaldo was killed after a long workday caught in the middle of a high-speed chase. >> there is no way he ever could have seen the suv coming his way until he was in the middle of the intersection. >> reporter: she shows us the dash cam video front tragic day. he is speeding up quick? >> he is speeding up quick. >> reporter: the police pursuing
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a 17-year-old for driving with tinted windows. chased him for 17 miles at speeds of 80 miles an hour. >> do you hear the engine on the police officer speeding up? >> revving up. >> he is revving up. look at this vehicle right here. >> almost hit him. >> reporter: with the police in hot pursuit the team blew through intersections, school buses and a two-way stop. finally hitting her father's car killing him instantly. >> i look at the pain my brothers have gone through, my sister, my mom. the grand kids. my 4-year-old that never met him tells me, mom i'm so sorry for what happened to grandpa tiny, that was my dad's nickname. >> reporter: jessica says she plans to file a lawsuit against the local police. in the meantime, she has taken her cause to capitol hill. >> the goal is to hopefully get legislation to fund pursuit reduction technology. >> reporter: technology that she
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says can help reduce the number of needless deaths. how does it work? can you walk me through it? police in austin one of 20 departments across the country testing star chase, a gps tracking technology. >> when the officer feels a pursuit is likely to occur. he simply pushes one button, a gps projectile, compressed air fires from the front of the vehicle, attaches itself to the suspect vehicle. >> reporter: the tag contains a gps tracker the police can monitor remotely. here in the command center they can track in real time the suspect's whereabout and alert officers when it is safe to make an arrest. officer carenas, patrols the streets of the east austin neighborhood he group in. >> ready to go. >> reporter: looks like the tagging system made it safer not only for you, but the people out driving around? >> motorists absolutely. we don't have to risk ourselves to try to catch the vehicle now. and it leaves our jurisdiction,
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we'll, let neighboring sector know, with vehicles entering. >> reporter: austin pd claims star chase has been a success. since 2013, the system has been deployed nearly 40 times with 100% arrest rate with no crashes or injuries in the cases. they ordered ten more units at $5,000 apiece. how difficult is it to be the one pursuing? >> it's extremely difficult. you have to account for what the suspect is doing. keep eyes on him. you have supervisors asking you what's going on? what are you doing? where are you going? how fast are you going? what are the road conditions? >> reporter: while pursuing a suspect. each police department has its own pursuit approximately see but all rely on the officer's judgment on twhooitswhether to chase. most do. through intersections and and a half gating narrow residential
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streets. to find out firsthand what a police chase feels like, we sought the help of travis yates, a veteran of the police deps. >> what am i at now to get a base line? >> you are 89. >> reporter: after a lesson i am rigged with a heart monitor to regulate my response. >> you have cars over here. make sure they see you. let's go get him. >> reporter: in the pursuit drill my heart rate sky rockets. [ sirens blaring ] >> reporter: up from 84 to over 170. adrenaline surges through me. all i was doing in that moment was focusing on chasing. i was not really noticing too much else. i was trying my best to. but, again when you got the lights and the sirens going and adrenaline pumping it makes it pretty difficult to, to really make a rational decisions. >> reporter: something that police officers we spoke with say they struggle to keep in
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mind when the surge to chase kicks in. >> it is real difficult. a lot of officers have a hard time dealing with it. >> reporter: most police officers are in it for the right reasons, they're in it to serve, they're in it to bring bad games to justice and justice to their victims. it is hard to let somebody go. >> with stricter regulations, jessica hopes other families will never have to experience a tragedy like she has. >> i know that there is a loss. that's felt greatly. and when i look at this picture, that's what i see is -- that we're one a big family and we were so happy. and now the pain that all of us live with since that day. it didn't have to happen. >> reporter: for "nightline," phillip mena, in tulsa, oklahoma. [ sirens blaring ] next, can a simple invention help the color blind people see the world in a whole new light?
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12:48 am
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imagine living your whole life in muted colors, or maybe you don't have to imagine because color blindness is surprising common. well you are about to meet a man who accidentally stumbled as the best inventers often do upon what he basically says is a miraculous fix. tonight we are trying it out for our series first. here is abc's aditi roy. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> reporter: what if you opened your eyes -- >> oohi have never seen this many colors all my life. >> reporter: and the world looked different. viral videos of people said to be color blind. >> the sky is supposed to be this color? >> reporter: experiencing for the first time what they say is a world popping with new colors. >> look at your kids' eyes. they're so pretty. >> reporter: but are the
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reactions to these new glasses developed by a company called inchroma real or clever? borrowing a pair from the company and embarking on our own nonscientific study of three color blind people. >> this is my room. >> reporter: meet maddux, a fifth grader about to paint his bedroom. >> this i know is blue. they tell me. it looks purple. >> i think it has oranges in it. >> reporter: danielle an artist working with colors she cannot fully see. >> these don't have any labels on them. having to figure out what color it is. >> reporter: and oscar. who dreamed of being a fighter pilot until he discovered his condition prevented it. >> what color flowers do you see here? >> i see reddish-pink ones over there. and these are yellow. >> these are bright yellow. >> yeah. >> this is orange-yellow. >> reporter: all that could change by the end of the day
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when each of them will try on a pair of these glasses. >> we are selling these very quickly. soon as we order 500 or 1,000 pairs are sold. >> reporter: don macpherson, the chief scientist, he said initially he developed glasses as protective eyewear for surgeons. >> made blocking wave lengths of light. >> reporter: then one day. >> i was playing in an ultimate frisbee game. my friend was color blind. he borrowed my glasses and said i can see the cones on the field. the lightbulb went off. >> reporter: this is how it works. lenses contain a vertical filter that blocks out certain wave lengths helping the brain make distinctions between colors. for a company using a tag line, color for the color blind. there is another distinction macpherson would look to make. do you cure color blindness? >> absolutely not. no. we help people perceive colors better with the eyewear.
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certainly they can't give color to a color blind individual. >> reporter: dr. mark frommer an eye surgeon from lennox hill hospital in new york doesn't believe the glasses can change the color blind eye's ability to see true colors. >> reporter: they're not getting the rainbow. they're getting an aid. an optical device. >> reporter: macpherson disagrees. >> what are the promises you are making for people with color blindness? >> improved quality of life. the world is wonderfully colored. to not fully experience that is a shame. >> reporter: will they receive any of the benefits? first we had all three tested for color blindness. >> so maddux this is a screening test we use in the office to test for partial or complete color deficiency. try to do your best to see the number made up by the color dots. >> i don't see anything. nothing.
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i dent seeon't see any number. >> tell me what you see? >> i denton't see anything there. >> this one? >> no. >> might see a 6 there. nothing there. >> nothing. >> reporter: all three definitely color blind. the glasses cost up to $450. come with a money back guarantee, and have competitors like o-2-m and color correction system. the one test that matters most to our participants will the glasses enhance their color vision? we took maddux and both of his moms to the botanical gardens in san francisco's golden gate park. >> okay, what happened? >> turn around. >> does it look any different? >> kind of. >> kind of. not really. >> oh, well. >> keep them on a little bit longer. >> little disappointment, huh? >> yeah. >> oh, well. >> across town, danielle takes her turn.
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>> wow. it's kind of intense to be able to see colors for the first time really. i don't know if it is the way they're meant to be seen. i'm pretty emotional about it. >> reporter: across the country oscar tries them on with his fiancee. >> this is amazing. oh, my gosh. >> reporter: but his biggest reaction this traffic light. >> i can see that. >> reporter: until now oscar only knew the light was red because it was the one on top. >> sorry. i'm getting a little emotional about a streetlight. two out of three of our candidates had strong visceral reactions. but inchroma predicted the outcome with their own online test. we wondered what would happen if danielle retook the color blindness test we gave her earlier wearing the glasses. we asked the guy what he thought would happen. will people be able to recognize the numbers? >>y. yeah. >> whereas they weren't before? >> yes.
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but it doesn't really prove anything. >> reporter: despite her amazed reaction to the glasses. >> it's kind of intense actually. >> reporter: danielle's results on what many ophthalmologists call the gold standard color blindness test. >> sorry. >> unchanged. we did an unscientific study, they took the test before the glasses and afterward. and they didn't show any change. how do you explain that? >> the test is not a valid test for measuring color deficiency. we have never used it. for the simple reason that the test is not designed to be used with a filter. >> reporter: macpherson claims there is a better test one he says they used in their clinical trials. we decided to have the test. the farnsworth exam, with and without the glasses. to oscar the would-be pilot. >> roll those 15 disks in the proper order in a gradual
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sequence increasing hue. roipt results >> reporter: the results without the glasses? >> 6 of 15. about half. >> reporter: with the glasses. we moved the expeerment to take full advantage of the sunglass style lenses. >> you had 8 you misidentified out of 15. rip he actually appears to have done worse wearing the sunglasses. >> it's not a great performance. >> let's think of it this way, if i have a black and white tv and i put on special glassize am not going to see color tv. >> i am almost scared to touch them. like the pink will run away. >> reporter: daniel and oscar say they couldn't care lisa but the test results. they say seeing is believing. >> wow. >> reporter: and since that first day he tried them with us. >> here and here. >> reporter: oscar's bought one pair. and says he is buying another. for "nightline," aditi roy, in san francisco.
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adventurers this summer. >> announcer: abc news "nightline" -- brought to you by red lobster. and eat like i skipped lunch. why? because red lobster's crabfest is back. and i'm diving into so much crab, so many ways. like crab lover's dream with luscious snow and king crab legs, and rich crab alfredo or this snow crab bake. who knew crab goes with everything? whoever put crab on this salmon, that's who. with flavors like these, i'm almost too excited to eat! hey i said almost. and now that it's back get crackin' while you still can. you can't put two in one. at intel, they make technology that lets a device be a laptop and a tablet, so you can put two in one. no, you can't. can. can't. can. upgrade to a 2in1 with intel. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days.
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who is going for a dip this weekend? the explorers you are about to meet are taking the quest for summer fun to new heights. literally. it might be the most fun mother nature has to offer. you remember those garden variety slip and slides. slip, slip and slide >> reporter: well, this is the much more extreme version. found in lynn canyon up in british columbia, canada. the stone slide ends with the
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