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tv   Nightline  ABC  August 14, 2015 12:37am-1:05am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight -- >> i feel like my whole life has been building up to this point. >> the very personal revelation from 17-year-old "modern family" star ariel winter about her drastic decision to undergo breast reduction surgery and the growing number of teenage girls making that same choice. plus, paying homage to the roots of rap. "straight outta compton" tells the story of how a group of kids out of inner-city l.a., young, gift gifted, documented the city they saw around them. forever changing the world of music. >> you can't listen to nwa and sleep, you've got to be wide away. >> igniting a associate movement. >> it's about a movie about standing up for your rights.
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and cuteness cued. what's going on in the crazy doghouse in taipei that's turning heads in the street, it's turned this dog grooming salon into a viral sensation. but first, the "nightline 5." >> i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. i switched to tide pods. super concentrated for a better clean. 60% cleaning ingredients or 90%? don't pay for water, pay for clean. that's my tide. macy's preview sale friday. get $20 off when you spend $50 with your savings pass. earn plenty points. lots of points, lots of places, one rewards program. >> number one in just 60 seconds.
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thirst for the extraordinary. ahhh perrier! [muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. so far i've counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and i'm super tired! tweens--fun age, huh? you have places to go. [girls squealing with delight] let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey. thank you for joining us.
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more and more in our country young girls are making grobe-up decisions about their bodies, their self-image. one area that's growing in demand is breast reduction. for reasons well beyond cosmetics. one prominent teen star has put a new face on this increasingly popular procedure. juju chang. >> i feel like my life has been building up to this point. >> reporter: the nerdy but loveable alex dun fee on "modern >> you really think i'm that pathetic to create an imaginary boyfriend? >> reporter: a teenager onscreen and off, 17-year-old ariel winter opens up about her adult decision to have breast reduction surgery. in an interview with gloom she reveals she underwent the procedure in june, going from 32f to 34d. she says she's dealt with issues related to breast size since she was 15, suffering severe back and neck pain as well as negative comments online about
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her appearance. in the interview she says, post-surgery i have felt more happy with myself than i ever have. the feeling of not having so much there was such a relief. i was buying clothes and crying as i put them on, i was so happy. you feel like, this is how i was supposed to be. winter is just one of thousands of teen girls who have gone under the knife for this increasingly popular procedure. breast reduction surgeries have increased 157% in the u.s. in the past 15 years. why this uptick? some studies suggest girls today reach puberty earlier, pointing to the obesity epidemic or hormones in the modern diet. other experts say it's because the surgery has gotten so safe and artful. >> i'm excited. i love to wear things like this all the time but it's so low. >> reporter: mckenzie langon is one of those girls who struggles with her breast size. her bra size? 32h.
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uh-huh, "h." mckenzie is making a drastic decision, to go under the knife to surgically shrink the size of her breasts on her 18th birthday. >> someone told me that i was going against god. he gave me a gift and i shouldn't be doing this. to them i want to say, i don't care about your opinion because at the end of the day it's my body. >> reporter: doctors tell us younger and younger women are seeking out the procedure, praising thorny questions. are teenagers like mckenzie old enough to understand the potential risks, like scarring, loss of nipple sensitivity, even losing the ability to breast-feed? >> the risks are kind of scary. like -- potential bleeding, scar tissue. i'm so ready to take that chance because it's going to be worth it in the end. >> reporter: the size of mckenzie's breasts -- >> this bra is the devil. >> reporter: -- of a taken a physical and emotional toll since her early teens. >> so uncomfortable. the worst part is just walking down the street or walking down
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the hall at school, being known as the girl with the giant boobs. having guys date me because i have boobs. it gives me a lot of self-confidence issues because i feel like i can't trust people. >> reporter: it's two weeks before the surgery. >> we have pre-op at 10:00. >> reporter: mckenzie and her mom are driving the two hours to boston children's hospital for her pre-op appointments. >> i asked him, if i want to have kids am i going to be able to breast-feed? what impact is this going to have on my body? >> reporter: she's meeting dr. brian lebeau. >> we see patients as young as 12 or 13, middle schoolers. but that's rare. >> reporter: he's one of the few surgeons who specialize in teen breast reductions. a field fraught with controversy. >> you can have a patient who is 15 or 16 be perhaps more emotionally mature than someone who's 18. physical, social, psychological, emotional, self-esteem issues are all decreased with this. >> how are you? great seeing you.
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>> reporter: luckily for mckenzie, her insurance covers this procedure. otherwise it would cost roughly $10,000. which is nearly triple what the average breast enlargement surgery costs. >> i would expect that if you want to breast-feed that at least in part you would be able to breast-feed, though we probably are making it a little bit more difficult to do so. >> reporter: for mckenzie the long-term benefits outweigh the risks. >> i want to look, a normal girl. i've never been so sure of one thing in my entire life that i want to do. >> reporter: two weeks later, the night before surgery, we pay mckenzie a quick visit to her hotel room. >> hey! >> hi. >> so glad to see you. how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling good. >> do you know what size you're going to be when it's over? >> they said maybe a "d" if i'm lucky. a c-plus, d. >> mom, when you think of tomorrow or the surgery, what comes to mind? >> i'm a little nervous. i'm really proud that she is definitely going through with something that is going to
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impact her for the rest of her life. it's a very hard decision. >> a birthday present for you. >> oh, nice! >> reporter: bryce and early the morning of her 18th birthday, mckenzie arrives in pre-op. >> that's adorable. >> tie that to the stretcher. >> reporter: officially an adult, she signs her first consent form. mckenzie is allowing us to be with her every moment of her surgery, four hours in total. mom's never wavered in her support, showing no signs of fear -- until now. >> it's hard. >> it is. >> nobody likes this. >> no, no. i'm actually really nervous. >> i'm sure, i'm sure. >> reporter: on the table, the complicated work begins. >> set for incision? >> use a scale to weigh how much you've removed. >> yes, we do that for a couple of reasons. one, you want to have that documented for purposes of insurance. i also get a sense of how much we've done on this side and then when we go to the other side we'll be able to say, we want a
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little more, less, that kind of thing. >> reporter: we check in on mom. >> she went to sleep okay? >> we went in after she went to sleep, but she's good. >> reporter: after nearly four hours, the team is done. having removed about a pound from each breast. >> the surgery went very smoothly. it was pretty much exactly what we thought it was going to be. we didn't take off a huge amount of tissue. just a nice, proportionate amount. she'll feel lighter right away. she looks great. she's going to look really good. >> wonderful. >> reporter: mckenzie is groggy and in pain, but awake. >> it's over. good. >> reporter: it will be two weeks before mckenzie can move around freely, a recovery period some patients describe as painful. on the day bandages come off, mckenzie's shopping for a senior prom dress for her new figure. gone is the 32h. she's a comfortable 32d. >> i'm in love with it. in love with this dress. i didn't really feel any different until i got to the doctor today and i looked down
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and i was just like, oh my god. like, they're gone. so great. and i noticed as soon as i woke up on thursday that my back pain is gone, which is the best thing ever. i can sit up straight without crying because my back always used to hurt. and i just feel like a completely -- like a new me. >> it's too big on the top, that's a miracle. >> reporter: her dress size has gone from 8 to 0. she finds the perfect dress. a princess moment without the zipper tug of war. >> it's like i have a new life and i'm stepping into adulthood as a new person. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm juju chang in boston. next "straight outta compton" a movie about the rap group that changed the industry and gave voice to a movement. later, the dog grooming
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the rap group nwa. 20-plus years ago their music had attitude. and an edge that cut both ways. some found it offensive. for many others that music put truth to power. a movie about the group and their impact on hip-hop hits theaters nationwide friday. tonight we take a look at "straight outta compton." what it says about us as a nation, then and now. >> reporter: compton, california. the late 1980s. rap was new. their lyrics raw. and this group -- young, gifted, and black. undeniably angry. the swagger that shocked the nation. ice cube, dr. dre, easy-e, key members of nwa. >> you can't listen to nwa sleeping. you got to be wide awake. >> reporter: they pushed back against police violence. >> you cannot come down here and harass these guys because they're black! >> reporter: with the one blunt object readily accessible to
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them. music. they have the authority to kill a minority >> reporter: in this age of freddie gray, sandra bland, cell phone images across the nation, their lyrics rez nate more than 20 years later. >> yo, dre, what up? i got something to say. >> reporter: sounds from the street headed for the silver screen in "straight outta compton." the timing a teachable moment about compton. talking to former gang members. >> all i was really doing is killing all black people, hurting black people and [ bleep ] the community. >> reporter: i wanted to talk to ice cube about his attitude. he wanted to dote on his oldest son o'shea jackson jr. who plays him in the movie. >> i don't mind making him bigger and better. >> you played your daddy well. what was it like for you playing a time in history which in many ways is repeating itself now? >> this movie is so relevant with the times because nothing's really changed. >> it's a movie about standing
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up for your rights. >> reporter: fighting against a government they say tried to censor them. >> we had the fbi against us. we had major media against us. >> nwa talked in brutal and vulgar language about retaliating against cops. >> reporter: the group formed in an era when crime in compton was at an all-time high and police were making routine gang sweeps. if you were black you felt like a target. >> check these bangers -- >> sorry, these are not bangers, these are artists. >> artists? >> yeah. >> reporter: before there was #blacklivesmatter, nwa started their own movement with a song that even today has the power to shock called "f the police." >> it was our only weapon. >> reporter: they were prohibited from performing the song in some cities. >> i don't want the mother [ bleep ]ing police trying to tell us backstage, try to tell us what the [ bleep ] we can't play. >> reporter: that didn't stop them, seen here in a rare
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performance in new orleans. [ bleep ] the police coming straight from the underground >> reporter: frederick staves, former gang leader of the santana block crips, remembers when nwa came out with the song. >> they basically were saying what every black male in america felt. when they said it, we felt it. we had been through the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: along with the controversial lyrics against police, in harsh language aimed at others -- >> those accusations about being anti-semitic, homophobic, how does that hit you? >> a little unfair, know what i mean? because that's not who i'm about. being a black man -- you can't discriminate on anybody and you shouldn't. >> reporter: now 46, married to the same woman for 23 years, with five children, ice cube has mellowed some. even if compton hasn't. today the leading voice for changing compton is not an edgy
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rap group, but an elegant young mayor with a degree in urban planning from nearby usc. how can a 33-year-old politician fix a place that has problems dating back generations? >> i don't think it's my job single handedly to fix anything. i think it's my job to set a vision, have a plan that's reasonable and workable. >> reporter: in a city where street cred matters, mayor asia brown has plenty. her grandmother was raped and murdered in compton. she speaks of healing old wounds. no one questions her authenticity. >> i was raised by a single mother. we definitely were below the median income of our area. it's all about making certain our kids have access to educational opportunities. >> reporter: the landscape of compton has changed. now the city is predominantly hispanic. the murder rate is down. since 1989 to 2014, overall crime has dropped 65%. but gangs are still rampant. of the 25 homicides last year, 24 were gang related. only five have been solved.
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leaving the streets of compton still a dangerous place. deputy victor montes of the l.a. county sheriff's department took us for a ride during one of his shifts. >> how many occupants are in the vehicle? >> what's the call for? >> possibly a stolen vehicle. >> what does violence look like in compton, california? >> it's come down a lot. >> wa you live in compton? your silence says a lot to me. >> you know what, sir? because i know how compton is, i wouldn't want to live in compton. i want to feel safer than what compton is right now. >> reporter: pastor michael in compton. >> father, we know that your spirit will be true -- >> describe the differences between compton 1986, when nwa came on the scene, and compton 2015? >> you had the loud music. you also had a lot of violence.
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you had a lot of bloods and crips. unfortunately, 2015 doesn't look a whole lot different. >> reporter: fisher has brought together gang members and police hoping to work together. >> 50 years old. >> yes, sir. >> you started gang banging when you were 10? >> it comes from lack of value. >> what was your pain? >> i was raped when i was 8 years old. i didn't know how to read when i was little because of inside home issues. my mother, she was a great woman. my father, he was a womanizer. >> ever shoot anybody? >> i've been convicted of it. >> ever stab anybody? >> i've been convicted of it. >> you've hurt people? >> yes. >> reporter: it's a hurt and rage nwa documented in its lyrics. compton compton, california, then and now. it's like many corners of america still deeply plagued by problems generations old. "straight outta compton" is an
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>> reporter: the strength of friendship. the redemptive power of perseverance. a heavy dose of attitude. and next, taking dog grooming to a whole new level. forget dyeing your pup's hair a different color. how about giving his head a whole new shape? 130 yards now... bill's got a very tough lie here... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric... only nexium 24hr gives you nexium level protection for frequent heartburn all day and all night.
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finally tonight, who hasn't seen an occasional over the top doggie do? a place where dog grooming is


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