tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 20, 2015 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. california. according to new reports from nasa of all places we're sinking into the ground here in southern washington. for real. we're sinking because there is excessive groundwater pumping going on as a result of the drought. the farmers have to find the water for the crops and the dirt now which makes the ground unstable in parts of southern california are starting to get swallowed up. which is probably for the best, let's be honest. there's a lot of crazy stuff going on here. we could use a good swallowing-up. did you hear about caitlyn jenner? the "new york times" is reporting that next week the l.a. county sheriff's department will present evidence to prosecute there's could lead to a manslaughter charge against caitlyn jenner for her role in a fatal car accident that happened in malibu earlier this year. on february 7th, jenner's escalade hit another car which led to a chain reaction. detectives say jenner was driving at an unsafe speed, now she might get up to a year in jail.
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which i have to say is crazy. caitlyn jenner had nothing to do with that. bruise jen bruce jenner is the one that was in that accident. [ cheers and applause ] at that time in february, caitlyn didn't exist, how could she have done it? just goes to show you women really are safer driveser than men, i guess. have you seen the "new york post" today? jared fogle, enjoy a foot long in jail, they said. he's the quiz know's guy, right? if i was subway i'd pay him to change his name to jared from quiznos from now on. jared agreed to plead guilty to paying to have sex with underage girls and possession of child pornography, which if i've said it once i've said ate million time, you cannot trust anyone who tucks in a polo shirt, you really can't. i'll give you this. then josh duggar. he got caught up in the ashley madison hack.
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josh duggar was outed for signing up using the screen name "josh the man" to meet women for sex. he released a statement today apologizing for cheating on his wife while serving as executive director of the family research council. i guess that's not the sort of family research they had in mind for him. i don't understand, why does god do this to all my heroes? who knows where it will end. seems to me, i have to say, the safest thing to do right now, lock everyone who's famous up, then once we have them all contained then we figure out who to let out. tom hanks? you can now go. shailene woodley? no problem. sign right here, you can leave. "real housewives of orange county"? we're going to keep you for a while. have you seen the new "time" magazine with future president donald trump on the cover? this is the cover of "time." it says "deal with it." for most people that would be the face of an unsedated colon scope. but for donald trump it is the
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face of america's future. inside the magazine, he posed for pictures with a bald eagle. they brought a bald eagle up to his office. which had to make for a weird elevator ride for the other tenants. but you know what's a shame, they had a bald eagle with donald trump. and they didn't even put a wig on it. that's a missed opportunity, right? donald trump still holds a commanding lead in the opinion polls. he's well ahead of his republican rivals. but a new candidate has emerged that just might threaten his bid to make america great again. >> just completed poll in north carolina shows donald trump leading hillary clinton in a possible presidential matchup. but that's not the part that's grabbing people's attention today. it is the third-party candidate on that poll, a candidate named deez nuts, registered as an independent from iowa, has the legal name of deez nuts. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: 9% of the vote. which kind of puts donald
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trump's 40% in perspective. but this was apparently the brain child of a 15-year-old boy from wallingford, iowa. he went to the trouble of filing the name with the federal election commission. his parents are not happy that he did this. but it doesn't matter because i'm planning to adopt him anyway. i'll there be for him. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i wish deez nuts was a real person. if there's one person this country needs it's a president nuts. pumpkin spice latte season is right around the corner. this year starbucks says they will make it with real pumpkin on one condition, that we never before. so this is funny. it's from "hard knocks." they're following the houston texans. here's linebacker brian curbing with his thoughts on starbucks and their drinks. >> i don't go to starbucks. i mean, i used to. then i realized i wasn't a
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chick. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now i just eat the coffee grounds directly like a man. in a new nfl season starting on september 10th, right now the new players are trying to win spots on the teams. and one of those new players is a gentleman named -- put his name on the screen. have trouble. his nickname is babs, the streisand of defensive linemen. he was discovered on youtube like justin bieber. he played football in poland. you can see he's a giant. i don't know if you can tell. he looks like an adult playing against a group of pop warner players or something. so the minnesota vikings invited him to training camp. then we flew him to l.a. for a game called can baba move it. we loaded a series of heavy items on a specially modified football training sled, the kind the players practice with.
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your job is to guess can baba move it? it's easy. let's hear our first item which is? tikis. 364 pounds. what do we think? >> i can move the tikis. i moved the tikis. >> jimmy: he moved tikis. he's grade to have around for lieu waus and that sort of thing. our next item is a slot machine. can baba move -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i would hope so. let's find out. >> i can force the slot machine.
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there's the slot machine. >> jimmy: nicely done. if he doesn't make the nfl i'm bringing him to vegagas. our next object is a refrigerator filled with bowling balls. 808 pounds. do we see baba can move it? all right. and the answer is? >> i can move the refrigerator full of bowling balls. told you i could do it. >> jimmy: i like my bowling balls at room temperature. next we have two fat guys, combined weight 1,034 pounds. can baba move them? all right. audience says no.
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>> i can try to move them. all right, guys. be nice to me. [ cheers and applause ] moved them a little bit. >> jimmy: we'll give him half credit on that one. i think he moved them emotionally, which does count for something. what else do we have? we have a wrecking ball. that's 7,000 pounds. can baba move -- no? all right. let's find out. >> i can try to move the wrecking ball. i cannot move the wrecking ball. >> jimmy: you know what? he obviously didn't read the secret. if he had put that -- i believe we have one more.
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which is a 60,000-pound moving truck but it is on wheels. can baba move the moving truck? he's not going to drive it. all right, let's look. >> i can move the moving truck. [ cheers and applause ] all right? you need more? >> jimmy: it continued rolling all the way onto the freeway. he did do it. thank you, with any luck you will become the hardest fox. when we come back we have a very important message for you from the first lady of the united and me. not to miss it. stick around, we'll be right [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. music from the struts is on the way. what happened to the music? where's the band? >> i think they went to lily tomlin's dressing room. >> jimmy: what? >> they went to lily tomlin's dressing room. >> jimmy: why why did they go to lily tomlin's dressing room? can we get a camera? we can? okay, okay. this is not an entirely set up bit? oh, good, all right. what is going on in there? oh, hey, there they are. what is -- lily?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> sticky yy icky shuffle, day sinatra, this is don vapor. >> jimmy: lily? >> woodrow wilson -- >> lily? >> yeah, hey? >> jimmy: it's jimmy. >> jimmy who? >> jimmy: kimmel. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: hi, what are you doing? >> selling weed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: from your dressing room? >> are you a cop? because you have to tell me if you're a cop. >> jimmy: no, i'm not a cop, i just -- i don't think -- i don't think you can do that here. >> it's medicinal. it helps people deal with their issues. >> jimmy: i guess so. but i just don't want you getting my band stoned during the show. >> well, they're already stoned. >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] >> i mean, i got your cameraman stoned too. >> jimmy: you got the cameramen stoned? >> they're doing great. >> jimmy: guys. my eyes are up here. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hold on a second. do me a favor. save that for after the show, okay? he's? >> well -- i'm getting closed down. >> jimmy: yeah. >> by the man. >> jimmy: no, not the man. >> no more weed! >> jimmy: no, not the man. come on, now. >> no more weed. >> jimmy sucks! jimmy sucks! jimmy sucks! >> jimmy: you don't need to do any more of that. all right, all right. thank you very much. lily tom minute islin is here. krm [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: as you probably know our first lady michelle obama is very passionate about getting us to exercise. but we won't. so now we've moved to -- now she would like us to eat healthy food. she's leading a new campaign to encourage young people to do the unthinkable, eat things that grow. since i am beloved by children
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all over the world much like santa claus mrs. obama asked me to help her spread the word. please give this your undivided attention, if you would. >> hi, i'm first lady michelle obama. >> and i'm regular man jimmy kimmel. >> we'd like to talk about a subject near to my heart. encouraging kids to make healthier choices about food. and i couldn't be more excited about a new campaign called fmv. >> jimmy: as in, eat your f'ing vegetables. >> what was that? >> jimmy: what was that? >> the f'ing? >> jimmy: it's the name of the thing, f'ing v. >> i think you might be a little confused. >> jimmy: i think you might be confused. but ures the first lady, i guess. i'm not the first lady. so you go ahead. >> "v" stands for vegetables and the "f" stands for -- >> jimmy: i'm going to stop you right there, i know what it stands for, i have hbo. this is supposed to be for kids. there shouldn't be an "f" in it.
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>> the "f" stands for fruit. it's fruit. just fruit. >> jimmy: eat your fruiting vegetables? makes no sense at all. >> "v" for conveniently tanls, "f" for fruit. f and v, get it? >> jimmy: can i be honest? i don't. >> that's okay, a little complicated. that's okay. >> jimmy: can i sleep over in the lincoln bedroom? >> no, no. you cannot sleep in the lincoln bedroom, jimmy. >> jimmy: can i wash my hair in the lincoln bathroom? >> no, you can't do that either. tomato? >> yes, you may have the tomato, >> thank you. i got the tomato. >> eat your veggies. you too. [ cheers and applause ] >> fruits and veggies. >> jimmy: tomato was delicious. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hey, guys. you're welcome. all right, it's thursday night. that means it's time that we bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> no, i don't -- no, i don't -- i don't at all. i have a [ bleep ] other people and frankly probably any of the candidates. >> i [ bleep ] in the walls, [ bleep ] in the elevator, [ bleep ] against the door. >> adam really gave me back what i had and wanting to [ bleep ] my husband. >> the guys never thought about [ bleep ], never talked to [ bleep ], never looked at [ bleep ], never been involved in the [ bleep ] game. >> we start with registered voters then we qualify them as likely [ bleep ]. >> senator marco rubio [ bleep ], [ bleep ] with a football. >> would it be so bad if i shoved all these [ bleep ] in my mouth? >> to all the fellows who served
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so far i want to [ bleep ] you. >> feels like on the record out there. i [ bleep ] a guy named orlando. >> i never tasted [ bleep ] until i was an adult and it wasn't that good. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, we have music from the struts, lily tomlin is here. be right back with topher grace so stick around! [ cheers and applause ] mother nature can turn in an instant; don't turn back. introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. this is my fight song... this is an iphone. and this is apple pay. which let's you shop
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. tonight from the new movie "grandma" one of the all-time tomlin is here. [ cheers and applause ] england making their network tv debut this ep is called "have you heard." the struts from the samsung stage. [ cheers and applause ] next week we'll be joined by seth macfarlane, pierce brosnan, bob odenkirk, miley cyrus and we will have music from tobias and lamb of god. they'll be here to take away the sins of the world. so join us for all that. our first guest tonight is a talented actor who spent more time in the tv '70s than the real '70s in real life. his new movie is called "american ultra." >> i need a drone in the sky in less than an hour. can you make that happen? the answer is yes, thank you kindly. call me. >> you're going to blow up a civilian town? >> if i have to. >> to catch one guy? >> this is it.
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the kid gloves are off. >> it's fine. go go, back, to, work! >> jimmy: "american ultra" opens in theaters tomorrow. please say hi to topher grace! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good to see you. i said, very good to see you, you look very handsome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: very fetching i would say. >> this isfy favorite show to come to. the the reason being the last time i was here i told you i went to see huey lewis and the news, the greatest band of all-time. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. >> halfway through -- these are tickets that i paid for.
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jimmy got up onstage and started playing with them. >> jimmy: that's right, yes. >> i certainly didn't pay for that. >> jimmy: yeah. well. you know what? yes. huey lewis is a very, very dear friend, we vacation together. >> seriously? is that real? >> jimmy: yeah. oh, you don't vacation with huey lewis? >> i feel left out. >> jimmy: sorry, i thought you were a celebrity. >> no, no, seriously not big enough. but then i told the story on your show. >> jimmy: yes. >> then you were nice enough to say, huey's playing here in two weeks, come back. >> jimmy: right. >> i live nearby so i came and chilled out and watched huey lewis, finally i get to see a great louis lewis show. i believe we have a clip, sandy? >> jimmy: what do you mean, we have a clip sandy? >> here we go. >> jimmy: oh. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you. >> i don't know what that was. >> jimmy: i'll tell you what that was, that was a humiliating moment. huey lewis and the news set me up that. >> and i'm setting you up now. >> jimmy: you have re-set me up. can i be honest? that was very embarrassing to me. i thought about it for weeks afterwards. i had my moment to have a solo with huey lewis and i choked is what i did. >> it was the greatest thing that you did. >> jimmy: it was great for you. >> i was chilling with him and you afterwards -- did. >> jimmy: thank you for repaying me for that nar by bringing that clip up again. >> sandy? no. >> jimmy: you ar prankster, yes? >> i mean, certainly -- i grew up with ashton. >> jimmy: oh, that's right. >> he's more of a prankster. >> jimmy: he's more of a prankster. did you do things to each other? >> a little bit. back then i remember -- this is something i did -- do you remember when blue tooth first came out? >> jimmy: i'll never forget it. >> all right. before that, when you called someone in your car, there was
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like a little tinny speaker and mercedes was like the first car that actually had your voice coming out of all the speakers and you're thinking -- we all got a raise or something, will bear valderrama who played fez on "that '70s show," great guy. he was the first one who had a mercedes. we all were sitting in there going this blue tooth is amazing, sounds like the per's in the car with you. >> jimmy: what is this marcedes you speak of? >> he was 22. knows everyone. date. >> jimmy: that sounds right. >> and he said -- i was like -- she's coming to the car. you know, like, i got to go. i said, no, leave me on. and so she got into the car. i don't think -- she wasn't that bright. got in the car and i go -- she said, like, hi, how are you?
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hi, good to see you. and then i said, "where would you like me to drive?" she goes like, oh! is that the car? i was like, "yes, ma'am. may i say you smell lovely this evening." she's like, that's fantastic! "you just do the talking, i'll do the driving." >> jimmy: how long did this go on? >> way too long. like a half an hour or something. >> jimmy: wow. that's unbelievable. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so did they ever get you -- did they do anything to you? do people try to do things to you? >> yeah, we had all sorts of pranks. you're a prankster. >> jimmy: i have something terrible waiting in your dressing room. >> i was going to say. sorry. >> jimmy: but no, but go ahead. >> no, i'm not much of a prankster. that would be the extent of it. i guess i told ashton once, if you punk me i will not sign the release form. >> jimmy: oh, i see. then that ruins it.
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>> like, i saw some special on tv. when they punk someone, they come up to you right afterwards when you're so relieved that it is isn't real, whatever just happened. oh my god, that was amazing! sign this, sign this. that's how you actually make it on tv. i was smart enough at the beginning to say, i know about that. don't do it. >> jimmy: you just did -- did you go to jury duty? were you selected for jury duty? >> yes, i was -- i was selected for jury duty and i did it once before and i thought, i have some time off, i'm going to do it. i went down there were 60 people. the first time i went i wasn't even called. second time i was called right away. and the judge brought us into this room and said, this is a murder one case. and i thought, wow. this is cool. >> jimmy: yeah. >> really, this is going to be like, a cool kind of like research thing. let's say i get this, like an audition, like i want to get on that jury! then i'll watch like how lawyers act and if i ever play a lawyer it will be great research. so they brought in the guy.
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and i know -- the judge said, innocent until proven guilty. this guy was totally guilty. [ laughter ] just seeing him you could tell. this guy had murdered someone for sure. if not this person, then someone else. so they said, everyone stand up, all the -- the guy had to stand up, the defendant, all the lawyers. they said if any one of you 60 people who we're going to whittle down to this jury know anyone who's standing up, please raise your hand because if you know one of the lawyers or if you know the defendant you can't be on the jury. and i didn't know the guy. so i didn't raise my hand. they said, cool. as this incredibly guilty -- you'd cast him as someone to play guilty in a movie but he'd look too much like a guilty guy. >> jimmy: right. >> as he sat down he went like this. he goes -- >> at you? >> yeah. i didn't know what to do. i mean, i -- i was glad he'd watched "that '70s show."
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but i had -- then later i had to go up to the judge -- >> jimmy: does that preclude you from being a part if he recognized you from the sitcom? >> it's weird. tom cruise would go, hey, i'm tom cruise and the judge would go, get out of here, tom. i went up to the judge. hey, i think i saw the murder, the potential murderer, kind of recognize me. he said, how do you know him? i said, i was on a -- i'm kind of a celebrity. he was like, i'm not familiar with your work. i was like, sure, i was on "that '70s show." he didn't know the show. ashton kutcher, mila kunis kind of got together? he had no idea. >> jimmy: didn't ring a bell? >> finally one of the guards or something was like, yeah, he was on the show. >> jimmy: why did you want to get out of the thing? >> because i could see myself like eight weeks from then, us all coming in and saying he was guilty, then kind of trying to
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wave to him, like hey, i wasn't one of them -- i didn't -- they all they said, it was hung, not me -- >> jimmy: you don't want to get hung. >> yeah, i could see him, cool, i'm going to take the time in jail to really plan how i'm going to rape and murder you. >> jimmy: i'm going to find that guy and send him to your home. >> no, no! >> jimmy: thank you for the huey lewis clip. >> he seemed innocent once i really got to -- >> jimmy: right, sure, yeah. >> whoever you are, whoever you are. you seemed like a good guy. >> jimmy: don't worry, you'll get to know him. topher grace, everybody. "american ultra" opens tomorrow. thank you, dover, be right back! [ cheers and applause ]
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12:16 am
[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. i am here with nba all-star damian lillard, we did an adidas and foot locker commercial together, do you remember that? >> i do. >> jimmy: i understand you're here to share your recipe for summer gauze gazpacho? >> no, i'm here to talk about the adidas xz flux. >> jimmy: snazzy. >> available in so many colors and patterns, the possibilities are infinite. >> jimmy: infinite? do they have camouflage ones? >> voila! >> jimmy: wow. what about ones that look like they were painted every color of the rainbow and scribbled on?
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>> do you know what infinite means? >> jimmy: yeah, i basically know. what about a pair with bulldogs on them? >> yep. you almost done? >> jimmy: this is unbelievable. all right, what about a pair in zurple? >> zurple? >> jimmy: it's a color i invented. >> no, they don't have that. >> jimmy: so you said infinite possibilities. so you're a liar. >> it's what we have learned. sorry. i should have said infinite possibilities excludeing zurple. >> jimmy: yes, you should have. where's my gazpacho? >> jimmy: be right back with
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and has a new movie called "grandma" which opens in theaters tomorrow, please say hello to lily tomlin. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's very exciting to have you here. you played a big role in our house growing un. >> did i. >> jimmy: you did with the big chair and the ringy dinghy, all that stuff. >> 12 years on the air. that's astonishing. >> jimmy: i know. it's hard to believe. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: by the way, if you read that in a transcript it would look like an insult. that you had 12 years on the air, that's astonishing. >> would it? >> jimmy: grat laces on your emmy nomination. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: at this point after winning -- you won seven of them. does it even -- does it make an impact on you at all? >> yeah, it does, it does.
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i mean, i loved the show. i think of it as an emmy for the show. >> see. you say that because jane fonda, your costar, was not nominated. >> don't bring that up. >> jimmy: well in a way though, it makes it so much sweeter for you, doesn't it. >> no, no, it doesn't. it makes me trepidatious. in a way i want to win but i don't want to win, but i want to win because jane is so gracious and she was totally cool about it. she'll probably get it next >> jimmy: maybe so, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm hoping that everyone else sees it as an emmy for the show. because there is no frankie without grace, there is no grace without frankie. >> jimmy: i've always said that the air. hollywood? >> i came out the day after the tate murders. >> jimmy: charles manson. >> yes. >> jimmy: wow. >> i came out in the morning. that reminds me. i got reviewed by one of the manson women when i played
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prisons. she said to me -- i didn't know who she was. i knew she was named -- whatever. whatever her name was. [ laughter ] >> but she said, "i'll be kind, lily." >> jimmy: what? >> yeah. she said, "i'll be kind." because it was a horrible experience. but i mean, i played many times to prisons. it was a horrible experience. let me tell you about the emmys. >> jimmy: okay, yeah. >> first time i got an emmy i wasn't going to go. >> jimmy: why? >> i was so crest fallen. because -- i didn't think i was really going to win or anything. and my lawyer, he must have had an inside track, because he persuaded me and persuaded me to go. and i did go. and i did win. and it was a total surprise. but my voice was so high-pitched. >> jimmy: what, because you were nervous? >> no, just because i was young. [ laughter ] i mean, when i see the old clip, it's sort of like i'm saying, hi, i'm so glad that i won, i'm that. mostly everybody had been saying
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all night, this is the greatest night of my life! thank god, god gave me this award! all that. i was fed up with it. so i said, very high pitched, this is not the greatest night of my life. because i had a great big potato at nibbler's on thursday. >> jimmy: a great big potato. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the skin is crispy. >> so delightful. >> jimmy: the big potato is better than an emmy. >> kind of. >> jimmy: kind of. was "laugh-in" your first show here? >> no, "music scene." which was a show about -- that had a tie-in with "boil board." they'd play the top ten songs of the week. they were so often the same songs. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. the top ten doesn't change that much. >> it would be so hard to come up with a way to do "sugar sugar" over and over and over again. and david steinberg was sort of the lead of the kids that were
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the hosts. >> jimmy: really, wow. >> but we had jimmy hendricks and janis joplin, we had concerts. we were totally the coolest. >> jimmy: so you'd do all top ten songs? you have the artists there playing? >> we wouldn't have the artists. we'd be doing them. >> jimmy: you would sing them yourself. >> gisele mckenzie -- >> jimmy: you performed with jimi hendrix? >> no! no, we would do the -- like maybe the top five songs or the top four or something. then we would have a concert with jimi hendrix. >> jimmy: i see. >> with janis joplin. >> jimmy: i can't imagine the archies and janis and jimi on the same show but that was that era. >> no, they were on with us kid. >> they were on with you. "laugh-in" was after that? >> yes, that show got canceled and i had the offer to go on "laugh-in" but i had thought it would be hip tore go on this show with the tie-in to
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"billboard" with janis joplin, jimi hendrix, people like that. >> jimmy: sometimes it doesn't pay to be cool. >> no. it's true. >> jimmy: i don't know if you saw me playing my clarinet with huey lewis but that's proof. >> so true. >> jimmy: "grandma." does it reason it if i tell people you play the grand may? it's getting great reviews. i have to say, i watch it and i thought it was great, you're great in it. what really impressed me more than anything was your car in that movie. >> yes, okay. >> jimmy: what kind of car is that? >> that's a '55 dodge royal lancer. >> jimmy: i was asking somebody about it. they said that's your actual car. >> it is my car. >> jimmy: how long have you had that car? >> since '75. >> jimmy: it is a beautiful vehicle. you drive it around like jay leno and wave at people in the street? >> no, but jay's trying to get me to let him drive it. >> jimmy: i would think so, yeah, yeah. so okay, so you're going to be at the emmys, you're not going to skip out on this one? >> no. i probably won't. >> jimmy: will you be playing
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any prisons in the near future? >> well, i could play the prisons here in california. that's what i played before the california institute for women. >> jimmy: you did. >> yes. >> jimmy: i want to know about this prison thing. >> if you want to play you could play. >> jimmy: i'd love to go to prison with you. >> i don't know if they still do it. i mean, joan baez's miss mimi, she had a group called bread and roses, she used to take us to the prisons. >> sounds like a lot of fun. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we've got bread and roses for the prisoners. well, it's very, very good to have you on the show. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the movie "grandma" opens in theaters tomorrow. lily tomlin, everybody. we'll be right back with the struts! >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is
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grace, lily tom minute, thanks to first lady michelle obama, and apologies to matt damon, we did run out of time for him. we'll reschedule. "nightline" is next but first -- their ep is called "have you heard" - here with the song "could have been me" the struts. don't wanna live as an untold story rather go out in a blaze of glory i can't hear you i don't fear you i'll live now cause the bad die last dodging bullets with your broken past i can't hear you i don't fear you now wrapped in your regret what a waste of blood and sweatoh oh oh i wanna taste love and pain i wanna feel
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pride and shame i don't wanna take my time i don't wanna waste one line i wanna live better days never look back and say it could have been me it could have been me yeah don't wanna live as an unsung melody i'd rather listen to the silence telling me i can't hear you i won't fear you don't wanna wake up on a monday morning the thought of work is getting my skin crawling i can't fear you i don't hear you now wrapped in your regret what a waste of blood and sweat oh oh oh i wanna taste love and pain i wanna feel pride
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and shame i don't wanna take my time i don't wanna waste one line i wanna live better days never look back and say it could have been me it could have been me yeah i wanna taste love and pain i wanna feel pride and shame i don't wanna take my time i don't wanna waste one line i wanna live better days never look back and say it could have been me it could have been me yeah i wanna taste love and pain i wanna feel pride and shame i don't wanna take my time i don't wanna
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