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tv   Eyewitness News  ABC  September 25, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the local people. people give imput. he is not doing it as a stranger. >> he does it in a very approachable way. >> even in rome, it is not the same thing. >> he extols the virtues of those who feel like family. david with your final thoughts as the pope approaches the school. >> they are saying their good- byes right now. it is really a festival atmosphere. the young kids are screaming we love you, we love you. the pope waving back to them. this is what they were hoping. a chance to see the pope. he rolls down the window. he makes a connection with these people. this is a huge motorcade surrounding this trip through manhattan now.
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it has everyone you can imagine. and more, but more importantly, it has the pope. as he says good-bye to east harlem. they say good-bye, we love you back. the cardinal is sitting right next to him. back to you in the studio. >> we love the signature window down. the pope does not every want the window up so he can continuously reach out to people. so the window is down. the pope now making his way toward central park. for one of the highlights of his trip here as he leaves the school of east harlem. our lady queen of angels school, really just a remarkable talk with immigrants. and children there. they are talking to them about growing up and living with
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happiness. sade baderinwa joins me now as we continue our live coverage of pope francis here in new york city. the pope is leaving the school in east harlem. he is making his way down to central park. we are not quite sure how long that may take. as we lose some of our pool coverage and welcome back to you. i'm liz cho. >> i'm sade baderinwa. what a moment, liz, you were talking about the charm of the event. pope francis loves children. and some of the messages that he was echoing. father,ly get you in here in a moment, was about dreaming. you know. this is a message he talked about before while he was in cuba with the youth the dream. to keep on your path of hope. right now, we are actually looking at a live shot of thousands of people are. and liz, you have been talking about this in the last hour or so. there. they don't have enough security to get all of the people there is some talk that everyone is not going to get through. it is now 5:00 and the pontiff
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is on his way there. let's go to diana williams who is at central park with a look at the situation there. diana? frustrated people i'm sure. >> reporter: hey sade and liz, we are surrounded by people here. everybody can sense that the pope is going to be here shortly. we can feel the excitement is growing here. everybody knows standing up for the most part, you have cameras, cell phones out. people are hoping their batteries are still with them because most of these folks have been here hours and hours an hours. with me here on the front, right here at the barrier in a prime spot is victoria and vinny. >> i wanted to experience him for the first time to see the pope. >> what do you expect when he goes by? do you think he will stop? >> i think he will stop and wave to everybody. so i'm just hoping for that. >> reporter: if you could talk to the pope, what would you say
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>> just to bless my family. make sure that nothing bad happen to them. nice thing. dad, you have to be pretty >> absolutely. we are in the greatest city in the the greatest people in the world. new yorkers! we are excited to see the pope. >> reporter: absolutely. i made good friends with vinny fan now. fan now. but we have such a great crowd angela, take a look. hey everybody, say hi to everybody at channel 7. [ cheers and applause ] these friends. because, you know, we really have been in tight quarters here quite a while. these are our new best friends across the way here. that's the beauty of this. everybody in new york is coming together. so excited to see this pope. so excite today be out here on thisday with this beautiful weather. now anxiously awaiting because
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he will get here soon. >> ten minutes or so. >> and diana, you talked about some of i think we have all seen new york has kind of seen since the pope has arrived, new yorkers can be a tough bunch, we can be a cynical bunch, and you kind of see if it is a word, dejading of some new yorkers while the pope has been here the last few days. with all the happy people out there. >> yeah, i'm out here with people from all over the city. queens, brooklyn, long island, everywhere. all countries. folks from guatemala. columbia. mexico. really, from all over, you know, the city. but from different backgrounds and everybody here just having a good time. it is a lot like being at time square except it is not cold and it is not dark. [ laughter ] it is just great. people are bursting into song. people are cheering. people are out here having a great time. i always say when the pope is around, it is one of the safest places to be. also one of the happiest place
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feeling good and very happy about this pope. >> yeah, they are thank you diana. she is talking about the sea of people. people from different ethnicities around the world which really speaks to the popularity of this pope. he is just two-and-a-half years in and you see the crowds here. let's go to stacey sager. what do you see from your vantage point? >> reporter: hi sade. let me just tell you. we have a bird's eye view here. my partner in crime. kelly russell, our social media producer. we are looking at the procession route that the pope will make right through central park. as we slowly show you. i can tell you, it took us four hours. four hours online to get to this spot. it was hot, it was sweaty. but the people were nice. the people were super nice.
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we made good friends. i want the introduce one of them over here. christine. you are here with your mom mary who is 90 years old. what are you thinking at this point? were you worried on this four- hour line in the heat? >> i was extremely worried about the walk that she took. but the inspiration to be here. the crowds, it has been wonderful. and just for her, the opportunity to see the pope. it is more than i can ever ask. >> reporter: we got a front row standing spot here. she is still standing. she is in the front row. the front row now. it is ... >> well, i think we lost stacy's signal. but as you can see on the other live shot, the pope's motorcade is now approaching 22 street and west drive at central park. shortly he will be getting into the pope mobile. it is ready.
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covered by security right now. the secret service and the nypd said this element, this procession through central park is really the most complicated part of their security. it is summed up into three words. tight crowd control. about 80,000 people are in the park right now. thousands of security as well. and this, for the secret service and the nypd was one of the most crucial moments they wanted to make sure went off without a hitch. >> i think one thing that is so beautiful about these events happening in the city, this is a 40-hour trip that the pontiff is making here to the big apple. his first time in the city. you are seeing him come to life. this is a 78-year-old man who
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having a partial lung remove. sciatica. he has a full day of events. but we are seeing so much energy in this pope. the warmth, the smiles, the touches. this is just another event where you see him connecting with the peep. let's go to kimberly richardson who is also by the park. >> reporter: i'm at columbus circle. we have been here all day. people have been filing into this part of central park. here's problem. that motorcade is on the wait a minute but look at all of people. these are some of the 80,000 people who do have tickets. if you look here to the left, glen, these people are still not through security. security is moving. they are screening everybody. they are screening people and bags. the secret service is overseeing all of this. but they are moving as quickly as they can. safety is the priority.
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the problem is the cutoff here was 3:30. people had to be in line. the cutoff was 3:30. we spoke to a lady who got here at 4:00. she couldn't get in line. but all of these folks. let's see if i can grab someone. how long have you been waiting? >> two-and-a-half hours. >> reporter: what time did you get in line? >> 20 till 3:00. >> reporter: are you hopeful you are going to get in? >> yes. >> reporter: do you think you will get in? >> i don't know. the way it is going now, it looks real slow. >> reporter: will you be happy to just be here and see him? >> yes. >> reporter: so that's a good glass is half full attitude. but they are here. it is going to be difficult. let me show you. these are the security check points, way in the back over the trees there. it is where if motorcade is going to go by.
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going through security, look at all these folks. they don't have tickets. they probably know they won see the pope. but these folks have been standing out here for hours. of course, members of the nypd here taking care of things holing things down. so that is the situation. we are going to watch. but we are still seeing people file in here. again, the pope from what i understand from you guy on the move on the way here. so we will keep you updated. >> we certainly hope those folks get in. you can see the big crowds of people there. >> i think they were a little ambitious. 80,00080,000 tickets. liz saw the people outside of central park. they just want to be around the pope.
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>> and we see what appear to be another pre-motorcade. this one may actually be the pope's motorcade. >> and there is always that signal. when the motorcade is coming, all of a sudden, you begin to see more security. i remember being outside of saint patrick's cathedral. you knew he was moments away because you saw more secret service two is the lead law enforcement agency for the visit. and you see more nypd officers. more than 6,000 police officers all dedicated to this event. looks like we have the suvs. >> don't see the fiat in there quite yet. >> let's check in with diana williams. >> we are definitely seeing an increase in security. we are seeing officers on their motorcycles driving by. everybody is getting a sense he will be here soon. everybody has their cell phones out as i mentioned before. everybody is so very excited. all of us here. we have a front row. everybody is kind of moving a little forward.
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decide who gets to hold the beautiful little baby there. there is mariana. she is 18 months old. see her little wave there? isn't she? she is a pope magnet. we are hoping the pope will be adistracted to little mariana there. she is looking for the pope. >> i was wondering if this parent plans to push his child up into the crowd. we saw that moment in washington where that happened. >> i asked dad are you going to be holding her up? he says yes. they will hold her up. but she is a cutie. >> diana, we should tell you this is the pope's motorcade. we are seeing a long line of nypd officers on motorcycles that lead the procession. >> reporter: and liz ...
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oh, there it is. there's the fiat and the pope is there inside. he is going to make his way inside the pope mobile. and, go along central park and see the throngs of people. the pope loves to have that connection with people. it is an open air pope mobile. the pope has said a mother doesn't visit her children in a glass box. so he doesn't want to visit his flock in a glass box. that is why it is open air. let's go to stacey sager who is on the roof. i'm sure the excitement is building. is word starting to spread that the pope is there? >> reporter: let's find out. is word starting to spread that the pope is on his way? what do you think guys? [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: it took us only four hour to get here. we are here, we have a great spot. if our cell phone works right, you will see everything right where where we are. we are with a cell phone just
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like everybody else in this crowd. but we are broadcasting live with a cell phone. and the people are so pumped for this. they are so excited. >> stacy. stacy ... if i could interrupt you for a moment. we do see the pope in the pope mobile right now. he is getting situated. we see cardinal dolan there beside him. the pope mobile will be ready to go. the pontiff just sat down and security just closed the door: looks like he is on his way. >> he will be on his way shortly. cigarette was interesting approaching saint patricks, how closely the secret service was surrounding the pope mobile. that was very a very short distance. lit be interesting to see whether or not they do this.
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it will go from 59th street where the pope will then get back into his fiat an then be whisked down to madison square garden for this evening's mass of about 20,000 people. you can see some of the suvs are slowly starting to move. and you can see just the presence of the security here. we have been leading up to this coverage. been talking about the level of security. this is the biggest security event ever for the city. but they have been doing a remarkable job thus far. secret service is the leading law enforcement agency. you see a part of them walking there along the street ensuring the pope's safety. we know there are snipers in some of the upper buildings. hopefully, there will be no concern for that. father, i would imagine that the pope has not been
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surrounded by security like this before. >> there were 6 million in manila, they had security, but nothing like this. >> you can see the four suvs surrounding the pope mobile. along with probably about 20 to 30 secret service officers. and, this is the moment where he gets to take a breath. he has just had one moment after the other here. but, this is where he gets to connect with the people. and it seems like he comes to life the most. right father? morning. as soon as you see him, everybody is excited. coming in. because everyone wants to get a glimpse of him. a closeup of him. >> people were remarking when they saw him, you can hear the crowds erupt. there they go. people were remarking how engaged he looks.
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keep up with the schedule he has. every moment is so genuine. you really see the connection. >> i think he feeds on being with people. in the guest house. with the employees of the vatican. think that gives him a lot of enthusiasm. >> and father, we see him now. we hear the crowds cheering. the cell phones are up. people are trying to capture the moment. and of course, the holy father there ... looking. >> one of the big concerns as we know. this pope doesn't necessarily like to play by the rules when it comes to processions. he likes to stop and get out. that is one of concerning the secret service has. let's see if we can get in touch with diana williams in central park. diana, as the motorcade approaches, are they getting a sense? are you feeling the excitement
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>> reporter: you can absolutely feel it. you can feel it in the air. we are so excited to see the pontiff come by in the pope mobile. people have their ipads out. he is just not far away from here right now. security is definitely in place. they are keeping a very tight eye on the crowd. a close watch on the crowd. this is a group of people. he is just very excited. very happy. and just, really excited to see the pontiff come by. waiting to see if he is going to stop and talk to anybody along the way. >> just to look at this. you see the crowd, you hear people waving. people are waving signs. >> it is a little more than walking around the outside. here on the upper west side. you can see so many people all
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afternoon carrying banners, carrying signs they have made. there were people along the sidewalk selling t-shirts. >> reporter: sade and liz? >> go ahead diana. >> reporter: we are seeing a lot of flags out there. we see the flag of argentina. a lot of different countries here. everybody here is showing their heritage. >> let's listen in now as the
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central park. [ cheers and applause ] [ screaming ] >> part of our pool camera, which is stationed in front of the pope mobile, kind of breaking up a little bit. and we apologize for that. we have lost a little audio as well. we see pope francis waving to the tens of thousands of people at central park. he is on his feet. and you can just hear them. now we have the you hear the joy of the people
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out along columbus circle. got chased away by some of the rats they encountered in the middle of the night. so many people waiting so many man. for this moment. >> it is just a few seconds they are able it was worth it. it is a story they will be able to share with their family. there are many people there who are nonbelievers and i think that has been part of this appeal. >> at the 9/11 memorial today, i think there were 600 invited guests of every denomination. every religious background. dressed up colorfully. in argentina, he definitely developed into faith religions. he considered that important.
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today, he reaches out to islam, judaism. he believes we have to work together. >> at the 9/11 memorial museum. he says if you don't believe in me, wish me well. >> it was incredible. i think the most moving part for me was the young new york city chorus sang let there be peace on earth. there were a lot of people crying. >> it was a beautiful moment. we were talking about the interfaith dialogue which has been a huge part of him as well. this is certainly not anything new. the pontiffs before him. >> when you are a sitting archbishop in a diocese working with a local people, that is when it really, where sort of the rubber hits the road. you live with them everyday. you do thingsing to.
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not just credit to pope benedict. he was an academic. he was in the vatican 27 years. he didn't have that kind of experience. this pope was able to articulate because he knows people. he has a dialogue with him. everybody wants some sight of him. look out here, there is six degrees of separation. they feel like they are linked into him. and i think that is important. >> and that is so important what we do. talking about the interfaith dialogue. among a sea of people. there are people from all nationalities and different religions who are there. i know somebody attended the memorial from the sikh community. >> the pope greeted every guest before he entered and before he left. he greeted some of the children in the chorus.
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seeing the pope in front of the beautiful slabs with the names of the victims etched in them, leaning over them and leaving one white rose. >> he went to the section where the pentagon casualties were. so we think that was a broader theme as well. >> and again, we are watching to see here, pope francis making his way through central park. we are going to stacey sager two is there on the scene. i can only imagine what the energy the like there. >> reporter: he literally just came by. he came by. all these people were screaming and cheering. he was waving right at everybody. it was wonderful. just wonderful. warm. unified situation here in central park. humanity getting together.
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it is really just a special, special afternoon here. >> what do you think? >> this is awesome! >> reporter: i made all these friends in the last few hours. it is so special. >> we did it! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: it doesn't matter what religion you are. i'm telling you, it is just all about the relationship. we overheard people on the line saying it is not about religion. it is about relationship. they feel like they have a relationship with this man. and that is what made this so special for them. >> it is a really wonderful thing to hear. it is not just about religion, but about relationships. i would imagine that one of the biggest goals for the pope this week was to create a relationship with the catholics here in this country. >> and i think not only here, when he met with fidel castro and sat with him, people said
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but how do you get change unless you dialogue? i think he does that not just with one individual, but many. it is a chance for them to understand each other. i think that take has lot of courage to do that. reaching out to someone you know may disagree with you and still listen and take time. i think that is his strength. >> as we have seen with him talking to congress. and also talking at the u.n. it seems to be a real gift taking these hot topic political issues and making them nonpolitical. >> uh-huh. well, i think you have to give his jesuit background. he is a brilliant man. he has had so much experience in argentina. he is able to bring that to a wider stage now. he challenged the government in argentina as well. >> uh-huh. >> he really did look at how
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of the poor and the middle class. >> and it looks like the father here, that the pope mobile has stopped and pope francis is now about to get up. cardinal dolan behind him getting up. and it looks like this procession has ended at this point. >> is that the fiat there? >> it is. the pope is waving. and, what a moment. you can see the people in the far back of the screen right by the fence. they still see the pontiff and they are still turning around and waving. what a magical moment that this has been liz. witnessing history here. people came out just to get a glimpse of the pope in central park. >> and kudos to the city. the sanitation department, the nypd, the secret service. a tremendous effort to make this happen. for all of these people, for
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experience something like they have just experienced. you see the pope has just gotten out of the pope mobile. and he is on his way to madison square garden where he is going to have mass. there are about 20,000 people who will be attending. this is a 90 minute mass and it is going to be another place for catholics to commune with the father. >> and his because he rests tonight. and tomorrow, he is off to philadelphia. >> what can we expect in philadelphia? >> i think in philadelphia, there will be some of the same. he is going to meet with some prisoners in a jail. he will meet with religious and clergy. he will be part of this world meeting of families which i think will bring together people from recall over the world to talk about how we can strengthen family life. that is key for this pope. it is on the family.
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he is challenging the church to look at how family life is changing. we have to look at the variety of families we have. and we can't keep people out. so he is looking at single parent families, blended families, children of same sex couples. and when they present themselves for sacrament, how do we handle that? this is tough terrain, but we have to do it. he is pushing the church to look at those tissues. this will be like a steppingstone to the senate. after steinle senate, he has to make decisions. one of the biggest issues is divorce and remarriage. >> we start with the annulments he recently did to streamline the process. >> he wants to look at a way. so many remarried catholics stay away from the sacraments and he doesn't want that. >> and he was telling other catholics that we need to be
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>> and you know, in a sense, he sees that if a remarried couple has been together 30 years, that is a sign of stability. how can you hold that against them and keep them away? he wants them back. >> well father, let me just break away for one moment. we go to stacey sager and we see the procession going along. is that central park south? we want to go back to central park with stacey sager who is with the crowds who just went by. stacey? >> reporter: we just watched the pope go by. this is mary from new jersey. a very special woman. we waited four hours together. >> it was worth the wait. we did a wonderful job. it was a wonderful experience. it was so nice to meet you people. >> reporter: so sweet of you to
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say that. we got her in. when you are 90. you are right. at that point. >> it was a wonderful experience. >> reporter: did you get a picture? >> i got a picture. [ laughter ] >> reporter: god bless you mary i. enjoyed spending four hours with you. it was a special part of my day. >> it was a joy. >> reporter: i think the pope would be happy. we made friends. nobody was yelling at anybody, it was a very special day. >> stacy, it is about building relationships today. and clearly, you have made a new friend in mary napolitano. >> we are looking at the faces of the people in the video. they are happy, smiling. it is a wonderful moment. they are now headed to madison square garden where mass will be held.
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20,000 people are ticketed for this event. there was a lottery. a very massive lottery. but, it has been a wonderful day there in central park. we are going to diana williams. and i know you have made your own sort of buddies there. can you tell us what are they saying about seeing the pope there in central park? >> reporter: sade, i have to tell you, it is incredibly motional. i was there when the pope went by in mexico city. here, tears were just rolling down faces. this woman here was at ground zero right after 9/11. tell us why was this so emotional for you? >> because i witnessed the atrocities of mankind and i had really lost hope. i had lost faith. and i didn't feel that we actually had a chance and this is the first time ever in the last 40 years that i actually believed we really do have a chance. it makes that much of a difference.
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i have worn this cross. the world trade center cross. i have worn it everyday for the last 14 years and i have never ... i actually think there is a chance. >> this is a beautiful sentiment to hear. beautiful. thank you. >> i'm >> reporter: tears rolling down people's faces. i have to tell you. i have seen that in other countries in mexico city. but to witness it here. it has been incredible. there is still a crowd of people here. now, they are sharing pictures and sharing stories. but very much an emotional moment for a lot of people here. >> diana, you are seeing the full spectrum there. as we look at the picture, some of these people have left the park. and they say, you know, we just saw the pope.
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it was an incredible moment. they are so excited. and that is just the wave of energy leaving central park. and now, spreading out into the streets. >> and columbus avenue now becoming flooded with people. where before, it was pretty much wide open empty. a little bit further south from us, columbus circle. that is where a lot of people were trying to get in not too long ago. we want to check in with kimberly richardson. she was with some of the folks who didn't have a ticket. how are folks feeling there? are they feeling as exuberant as the folks inside the park? >> reporter: oh, they are. we they were still filing in. lift rally five, ten minutes later i went down, the line was clear. everybody got in the park as they promised. hats off to the secret service. these folks are coming out of the park here at columbus circle.
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they had tickets. did you guys see the pope? [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: oh my. listen. how long did you wait in line to get in? >> two-and-a-half hours. >> was it worth it? >> very much so. very much so. >> reporter: why did you wait so long for the pope? >> the blessing, just to be in his presence is a blessing enough. >> reporter: how about you sweetie pie? did you see the pope? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: what did you think. >> i thought it was great. >> reporter: why did you want to bring your daughter out? >> we are a big fan of saint francis. we knew the fact he took on his name. we had to come. >> reporter: everybody is uplifting, positive. no problems. >> new york is at its finest truly. >> reporter: i love that. how about you guys? did you see them? >> yes i did. >> how long were you in line? >> oh my god, three hours. >> reporter: we keep asking. was it worth it?
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it was such an amazing experience. so great to see him. >> reporter: how far back from the barriers? >> i was right at the front. >> reporter: no way. >> way. >> reporter: so did you get a picture? >> yes i did. >> reporter: can we see your picture? did you find it difficult to get that close? >> no. not really. >> reporter: let me see your picture. look at that. glen, can you show it? you were practically in the pope mobile! good for you. so listen, people were here from last year at 10:00. they waited in line. got in to see what many people really believe is a once in a lifetime opportunity. >> folks so happy. now they are headed over to madison square garden. that is where the pope will hold a mass about 6:00. again, there are 20,000 worshipers. this will be a 90 minute mass. we have anthony johnson.
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>> reporter: yeah, we are just watching of course as the police come down 34th street. look at the crowds out here on i'm standing right in the middle of some of these crowds. these folks have been waiting a couple of hours. a couple of people right in front of me from new brunswick. they came in on the train. oh my god. you took a long trip to get down here. but you are hopeing to get a chance to see the pope of course. that should happen in just a few minutes from now. we have been listening to the progress. how well he has been doing. he is headed down sixth avenue. folks, you can wave. that's fine. it's a great occasion. a joyous occasion. and right across the street. you can see all the people lined up there. i would say on this side of the street, that would be the south side of 34th street. that would be three or four deep.
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seventh avenue, it is ten deep. that is when you pull into madison square garden. so, a lot of anticipation. a lot of excitement. people are really excited about this. you can see people waving flags there. really anticipating the arrival of the pope. and we anticipate he should be coming in this direction and a very short few minutes. the face of the pope. i can see that. that was the one thing i was talking about. i took off my glasses and i was telling the crowd. we see police passing by. waiting for the progress of the pope to make his way down here. and then, head onto madison square garden. we want to tell you, security is extremely tight. i walked past a little bit earlier and i saw the police, the swat gear. they are taking every precaution possible. but this group of people here, they just want to have an opportunity to get a glimpse of the pope.
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passes by and to show him that new york love. another motorcade is coming by. i heard kimberly richardson talking about pictures. we will continue to watch and watch this progress as he makes his way down here. but i assume he is going to hear a lot of cheering and people applauding. i heard about the crying. people crying. i'm sure some people will cry here if they get an opportunity to wave and see pope francis. so that is the latest from 34th street. we are waiting. goo ahead and wave folks. >> anthony, i'm sure that crowd will erupt when the motorcade gets close. typically, we will be able to follow it with our helicopters but because of the secret service, no helicopters are allowed. right now, we are not sure where the pope's motorcade is. it is widing its way south toward madison square garden where they have been setting up for the better part of a few
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days now for the pope's mass which is expected to start within the hour. let's check in with bill ritter. he is outside madison square garden. >> reporter: listen, i thought until just a few moments ago, this would be the closest i would get to pope francis here. but if you can see all these police cars lining up on 33rd street. he can only go 33 or 34th. we believe based on what he is seeing that he could end up here at 33rd and in that entrance right there. there are members of the nypd, emergency services unit in their full swat outfits. automatic weapons. as you can see. a lot of new york police department and homeland security and secret service lining up here at 33rd street right now. the service starts at 6:30. we thought for sure it would be late. but the way this pope has swifted through the day. very swiftly.
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we think this thing will start on time. right now, the people inside. it is taking a long time for them to walk in. one entrance for 25,000 people. it took them a long time to get n. right now, they are being entertained by harry connick jr. , gloria estefan. he will drive around the floor of madison square garden in a golf cart and the crowd will i assume go wild just as the crowds we have been seeing all day as the pope made his way from the east harlem school. one of the most moving events. it was so incredibly moving. the pope clearly energized by his intimate and correct contact with people. earlier today, he looked a little tired giving speeches but he was pumped up by the school and what we saw in central park and what we have been hearing from the reporters in the field talking to the people who saw him.
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came close to him. they were moved as well. again, we are expecting the pope to come to madison square garden any minute now. and we assume based on what we are seeing, it is likely she going to enter right here on 33rd street. when it happens, you will have a bird's if that is the entrance he is using. it seems likely. >> we are begining to see the motorcade making its way to your location right now. this is 34th street right now. and soon, we are going to see that fiat come by with the pope inside. and what a magical moment this has been for many new yorkers liz. you can see this. look. the deepness of the crowd there. what is that, 15 or 20 people deep. everybody has their cell phones
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up ready to capture the moment. >> what is remarkable is you see the people lined up who have been here for hours. is that the fiat? no, it's an suv. but it is getting close. as we look outside of our studios as the sea of people leave central park. of just the smiles and the happiness and the joy that so many people are just happy. they are happy. >> that is exactly right. just the joy. i'm looking at the people outside of our window. people are smiling. young kids. there are adults there. when i was at saint patrick's cathedral. i'm sure it's the same scenario today. people talking off from work. pulling their kids out of school. just to be a part of this moment. >> this is history. it is a big deal to have the pontiff here in new york. certainly with all the messages.
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about the messages, we see the motorcade make its way. >> i think the main thing is talking about lifting people up. we can overcome that. if we bring the better part of us out. you know. it is interesting over the last days. even though you deal with delivers not only good news, but bad news. we are hear ago lot of good news which is not usual. >> which is rare. i hate to say it. >> you have to give lee goldberg some credit. he had god's ear. he said we have to make it work. >> we would not have wanted rain on a day like today when the nypd said no umbrellas are allowed. i was talking to the police commissioner yesterday. he was telling me when the
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boston, it was just a rainy awful sort of day. but what a wonderful day it has been. sunny. let's go to bill ritter at madison square garden where the pontiff is making his way in for a mass. >> reporter: we are told the spot we thought the pope was going to come in, he is actually going to go in an underground driveway it looks like. and the cars we saw, a stream of secret service. we did not see the fiat. but it could have disappeared it was they have stopped coming in. you guys would know better. i walked away from the monitor and didn't see where you were tracking him. >> we have not been able to find the fiat.
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we are not sure if it is making its way down toward you bill or if it is already in msg. can't blame secret service for wanting the pope to exit underground where it is safer as opposed to outside. >> reporter: the reason we thought when i thought that it would not have happened, the subway station. we are going to keep this camera shot on there. if you had not seen them, the way the police are acting, they are not standing by here. >> reporter: we are getting an inside look at madison square garden. it is a dark shot. but you can tell the aisles are filled with a white carpet. this place known for concerts and sports becoming a house of worship for one night. again, the service is going to begin at 6:30. and, bill ...
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can expect at the mass this evening? can you tell us about that? i know they have 20,000 people to pass out communion wafers to. how will they handle that? >> reporter: we just got word from a police source that the pope did scoot in. between all of those suvs. >> we are heard the same thing. the pope is inside madison square garden. there was also a major superstar bumped from tonight who was supposed to perform. >> he did. billy joel who already hold it is record for appearing in madison square garden. on this holiest of jewish weeks and the night of the sabbath. billy joel is jewish.
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he is going to perform tomorrow night. >> bill, where we are actually showing video right now of pope francis inside madison square garden. he is in the pope mobile. he is already waving to somebody for that connection. and, that is what he does famously. connecting with people there out in the crowd. looks like he has just signaled to a child. kissed a child on his head. look at the smiles on the faces. he has had such a full day. from actually, you know what? let's just listen in for a moment and just take it in.
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[ singing ] [ music ] [ singing ] [ music ] [ singing ] >> you are looking at live pictures of pope francis as he makes his way through madison square garden. he will hold mass a short time from now after finishing that remarkable and emotional procession through central park. our joe torres is in madison square garden. can you talk about what happened when the crowd realized the pope was in the building? >> reporter: the crowd just lit up.
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they have been waiting here for hours. the pope three quarters of the way around in his little golf cart making his way on the ground floor of the world's most famous arena. we are high above on what is known as the chase ridge looking down. you will keep the camera on the pontiff there as he continues to kiss children and bless people as he goes. while we watch him. we will tell him what a special night it has been here in the garden. a journey of faith through the heart of new york city. that is what they have been calling this here. and after the pope is visiting ground zero. now madison square garden. let there be no doubt he has seen the heart of the big apple. bill mentioned it. worth reiterating. there was a concert. harry connick jr. absolutely
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rendition of a song many people know. how great thou art. jennifer hudson sang. this the the preservation of peace and justice. for the people at the garden privileged to have a ticket, you know this is going to be a once in a lifetime moment for them. everybody who got inside. we are estimate the crowd, we are told, about 20,000 strong. everyone got some mementos. you can bet before the night is over, all of those mementos will receive a very special blessing from the pope himself. we will keep you posted throughout. but that's the way things stand here inside madison square garden.
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you can just hear the roar of the crowd. the enthusiasm. the just a moment right now, we want to take a shot outside of our studios. you can see all the people leaving central park full of such energy. t-shirts of the pontiff out there. people are waving and smiling taking in this moment. >> such a happy crowd. these folks have been outside waiting for hours. haven't eaten. probably need the use the bathroom. they are all outside and they are happy and smiling. live pictures inside madison square garden.
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>> the pope just touched and blessed. it is just amazing to see. the man with the secret service. we saw it tuesday. we were told, he is part of the pope's vatican police. there is another man on the other side with the gray hair on the pope's left there. he is with the swiss dog. as the pope comes in. this is his last big event before he leaves. first thing in the morning 8:00. wheels in to head towards philadelphia. you see the alter and the chair. these all have local roots. made by immigrants and young people. two groups the pope is advocating for. the chair hand crafted by several day laborers.
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you will see it is like the pope himself. so simple. no ornaments. it is just a single chair and a comfortable chair is what people say. and the alter. they were hand crafted by three students from lincoln hall boys haven. a school for at-risk youth in westchester county. tonight's speech, we assume, we are told, that the pope is going to have a message here in new york city. city. not mention a tale of two cities but say in this very wealthy city, there are people who are extremely poor and people who need things that they just don't have and
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urgeing the crowd of 20,000 people to be mindful of them. to be mindful of them as they go out of here tonight at about 8:00 and leave the pope and leave his visit to new york. he is very strong in this message. we are told, expect him to give that message. the quality that exists in this city and in america. that he has been talking about in the past and talked about this time we all have responsibility to narrow that gap as the pope prepares to give his last homily. let's go back to joe torres. joe is inside. fortous night. and we hope that signal holds up because you have a great vantage point joe. >> reporter: well bill, the pope has taken his golf cart. he has gone behind the stage.
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he is going to change and prepare for the mass that is to come. the celebrants will do the same. here is a quick picture of what is handed out here. this is about the service tonight this is something that people will cherish. the children are just starting to move into the crowd here. we are high up above the ground floor. we are prohibited from showing you pictures on the ground floor. but let it be known we are at madison square garden. you can see the retired knicks an rangers numbers. we are here for sure. things are progressing. what a special night it has been. that concert was absolutely moving.
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a few well. great preparation for a great night. let's go back to you, bill. >> we will count on you to bring us some of the shots. it was supposed to start at 6:30, but the pope is ahead of schedule. i am assuming that is the good news. as sade and liz have been talking all afternoon, the pope looked energized by what he saw and energized by the crowd in central park. all the seats on the floor have been turned into seats. >> all the people who want to get union can make their way to
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the alter to get it. that sundays pretty logical. what is going to happen. there is going to be. because you can't get 20,000 people at the alter. 200 people will be passing out the union wafers to the crowd. what is leftover will be given to local parishes and churches. we are expecting that to happen as well. you are watching a papal visit to new york city. a special extended edition of eyewitness news at 6:00. that sign is a huge banner. if you take a look at what normally is madison square garden. it is call a journey of faith


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