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tv   Nightline  ABC  December 19, 2015 12:37am-1:05am EST

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this is "nightline." >> tonight, shattered hearts and one family's fight for justice after their son jordan was murdered over loud music. his devastated parents now outspoken activists, pushing for gun violence reform to honor their son's life and shield more young lives from being cut short. plus, it's a mission for miles. we'll show you the lengths people are going to to snag more miles before the end of the year reset to fly in higher style. one expert revealing his surprising tricks of the trade. and hello. hello from the adele concert ticket line outraged fans shut out online and some tickets being resold for nearly $10,000. after this all-out ticket war
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fans see her on tour. i'm sorry for everything that i've
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but first, the "nightline" 5. good evening. thank you for joining us. it was known as the loud music
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an argument sparked by loud hip-hop music that cut 17-year-old jordan davis's life too short. and now three years later jordan's father is vowing to honor his son's memory. a family torn apart now on a mission for gun reform. >> this is jordan's bedroom. i still come in here from time to time. >> reporter: it's been three long years since ron davis lost his son jordan. >> presented that to me during jordan davis day. and this is when jordan was smaller and we had christmas pictures. >> reporter: a wound time will never heal. i would imagine as a father it's all hard. >> yeah, it is. >> reporter: what's hardest? >> even now three years later sometimes i'm sitting in my easy chair and i just feel myself listening out for the door, listening out for the keys to be in the door. even though your brain knows that he's gone, you still want to hear that key in the door. >> reporter: it started with a trip to the mall with his friends in jacksonville, florida on black friday, 2012. the 17-year-old was killed outside a convenience store,
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businessman michael dunn. >> basically, the boys are parked here. they pull in, tommy storens gets out to go inside the store, leaves the other three boys in the car. they leave the music playing loud. >> reporter: the music is rapper little reese's song "beef." >> at some point michael dunn pulls into the spot next to them on the passenger side. rhonda rower gets out of the vehicle. >> reporter: that's when an ordinary evening turns deadly. >> the music was too loud. michael dunn asked them to turn the music down. tevin thompson, who was sitting in the front passenger seat complied, turned it down. >> jordan didn't want to turn the music down. said let's turn that back up, i'm tired of people telling me what to do. they turn the music back up. and then there was an exchange of words. >> at that point is when michael dunn and jordan davis started exchanging words. and i believe what tevin thompson remembers is jordan
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>> according to witnesses there were statements of are you talking to me coming from mr. dunn and i believe a couple witnesses said they heard "you're not going to talk to me that way." >> reporter: suddenly the argument escalates. >> and before anybody knows it dunn is leaning over to his right reaching into his glove box pulling out a taurus 9-millimeter. right about this time tommy comes out of the store. gets into the car, straps himself in, looks over, and sees a gun pointed three feet away. [ gunshots ] moments. a life gone, lives ruined. jordan's mom tried to cope with her heartache by clinging to the last conversation she had with her beloved son, less than 24 hours before he died. >> mom, happy thanksgiving, mom.
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you thank you for loving me. >> tell me about your boy. >> he was not a perfect child by any means, but he was a good young man. always the life of the party. people would say when jordan walks in the room the room lights up. he was humorous. very sensitive. very intuitive. >> mama's boy? daddy's boy? >> he started out mama's boy but ended up daddy's boy. >> reporter: when michael dunn is questioned by police, he claims it was all an act of self-defense. >> you know, i'm still not reacting to them. this guy like goes down on the something. i thought it was a shotgun. >> do you remember how many times you shot? >> i shot four times. and the suv pulled out. and like i said, in my mind they've got a gun. i was still scared. and so i shot four more times. >> when they were fleeing? >> yeah. >> if he doesn't have any interaction with african-americans and so when
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by what you read or you go by what you see on television people of color in handcuffs, people doing the wrong thing, you have this fear built up, then immediately when you heard the loud music, they're going to become thugs and gangsters. >> reporter: after two years of waiting michael dunn's trial finally begins in february 2014. soft-spoken and polite, his friends in the car leland and tevin admit to the court that jordan did yell at michael dunn. >> do you recall anything that jordan davis said to the >> yes, sir. >> what was that? >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: dunn insists davis had a gun. but when none was found, dunn's self-defense claim falls flat. according to detective musser, investigators found no weapons in the suv the night of the shooting nor anywhere near the gas station parking lot. after six days of hearing testimony the jury goes out to deliberate their verdict while
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>> no one person has all the rights. >> waiting on that verdict, there was a lot of tension in the city. >> my twitter page, my phone, everything was blowing up. >> reporter: it takes the jury four days to come to a unanimous decision on three attempted murder charges. >> the state of florida versus michael david dunn. verdict as to count 2, we the jury find the defendant guilty. verdict as to count 3, we the jury find the defendant guilty. verdict as to count 4, we the jury find the defendant guilty murder. >> reporter: but on the charge of first-degree murder for shooting jordan davis the jury fails to commit. jordan's parents refuse to surrender. >> where does the fight go now? >> we will go back to court. >> you want a retrial? >> yes. we're definitely going back to fight for jordan. >> reporter: in september 2014 dunn returns to the witness stand, this time for a leaner trial. >> you can't say what it is. >> i just saw the top. >> but today are you sure it was
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>> yes, i am. >> reporter: after four days of testimony and five hours of deliberation, this time the jury comes back unanimous. >> we the jury find the defendant guilty of first-degree murder as charged in the indictment. >> there was just this widespread relief. >> a small but loud group of demonstrators outside of the duval county courthouse became emotional when they saw jordan davis's parents walk down the courthouse steps. >> we were able to finally give him rest and closure. >> reporter: on october 17th, 2014 -- >> mr. dunn, your life is effectively over. >> reporter: the life sentence is in addition to a 90-year sentence for the three counts of attempted murder of jordan's friends and 15 years for firing at a vehicle. the tragic end to jordan davis's young life has marked the beginning of a new one for his parents, ron davis and lucia mcbath, as outspoken activists
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>> we know that god has a greater purpose for jordan's death and for what we're now doing. >> why aren't you tired? why haven't you decided, you know what, i lost my boy, we got justice in court, i'm just going to move on? >> jordan is driving me. when you say don't you get tired, all i have is my words to change people's minds to stop people from killing, especially killing these kids when murdering our youth, we're murdering society, and we're murdering our tomorrow. >> you're an optimistic man still, though, despite all that you've endured, all that you've seen. >> yeah. because god has shown me the journey. some of us we go through life. we never know why we're here. >> why are we here? >> i'm here to spread the word of my son, who was martyred, basically. and spread the word that this country cannot continue the way it's continuing. that we have to put lives in front of guns, lives in front of finances, lives in front of everything that we have to educate ourselves and enlighten
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we'll never be at peace as long as we keep killing each other and going around the world and killing people, we'll never be free. next, would you fly for days on end for elite travel perks? and later, hello. are there any more adele tickets out there for devastated fans? i must have called a thousand times with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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it's the busiest time of the year to travel. everyone's out in a mad holiday dash.
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they have to? actually, a lot of people. and even our own correspondent in a mad run for mileage to get those coveted perks. here's abc's kendis gibson. >> reporter: i'm on a mission. i need to fly 14,000 miles before the end of this month. >> please stay seated with your seat belt securely fastened. >> reporter: and it won't be easy easy. millions of other travelers will be taking to the skies this holiday season, one of the busiest travel times of the year. so why would i do something so crazy, you might ask. because i need the miles. 14,145 to be exact. to reach the next level stat wuss my airline. so i'm planning what's called a mileage run, flying nonstop for hours, even days on end. >> at the end of the year people mileage run to get that elite status level because january 1 the clock resets. >> reporter: here at jfk i meet with brian kelly in the swanky virgin atlantic lounge. now, brian is an expert on scoring big travel rewards for small amounts of spending. >> there's two main types of
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the first is to accrue miles cheaply, redeemable miles that you can use for future flights. the second type of mileage run is with the focus of elite status. so taking flights, even if they're not cheap, but to get to that elite status level so you have all those benefits for the entire next year. >> people will fly all over the world just for status? >> exactly. at the top tier airlines really pamper flyers. you know, upgrades, club access. it really makes travel a lot more enjoyable. >> brian is one of a growing number of experts who employ all sorts of tricks of the trade to meet their unquenchable desires from racking up miles on credit cards to infiltrating high-level lounges for the perks. do. but you don't have to be a professional to enjoy the perks of airline status. >> who are we talking about, these people that do mileage runs? >> it's all types of travelers. you know, whether you're a news anchor or a consultant who spends their life on the road and getting those elite statuses
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in economy but you've got delta elite status. you can enjoy this lounge right next to the person who paid $5,000 for their ticket. >> so status has its privileges. >> status has its privileges. exactly. >> reporter: to get to that elite status i'm going to take six consecutive flights starting in new york city. i'll fly to seattle, then on to anchorage, alaska, down to phoenix, cross-country to charlotte, overseas to san juan, puerto rico, and back to new york city. all in 52 hours. >> and how do i go about doing like a really rad mileage run? >> well, the first thing would be to take the price of the ticket and divide it by the amount of miles, redeemable miles that you're going to get. now, real mileage runners back in the day getting three cents per mile for the flight was a good standard bearer. >> reporter: by booking strategic flights my trip will run me $852 total, six sentence per mile. not bad if you discount the lost sleep. >> what are some of the crazy things that people do? >> there are extremes. i know people who have flown from los angeles to sydney,
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sydney to los angeles back because they needed a ton of miles and they only had one day to do it. >> just arriving at jfk an hour before my flight. only about 50 hours to go. the journey was intense. 40 hours to go. 19 hours into this trip. it's been a long marathon. i'm exhausted. but about to get off the plane. this is the fourth stop. things at times got interesting. normally go. >> hi. good morning. i'm going to anchorage. >> reporter: it's now 4:00. i've made it to the frozen alaska. cold. from icy roads to white sandy beaches.
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city and 24 hours after leaving anchorage, i finally made it here to the fifth stop in this crazy mileage run. sunny puerto rico. not bad. >> reporter: but unfortunately for me, it wasn't enough. with all the flying i've done in the last 48 hours, by my calculation i'm supposed to be executive platinum by now on american, but i just took a look, and i'm still 400 points short. i could cry right now. was it worth it? i did all the calculation. i got to san juan at the end. my last stop when i was supposed to have elite status. and i look online, and i didn't make it. >> you didn't make it? >> after all that. >> how did you mess up the snath did you miscalculate the amount of -- >> i miscalculated because i needed points and i miscalculated the points. >> a lot of airlines these days are reducing the amount of miles you earn based on the fare class you wk so, the cheap economy tickets are not earning as much. so they've caught on to mileage runners. >> not good news for those who aren't jetsetting savants, who
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but still brian says there are ways to save on your holiday travel this year. tip number one, be flexible on your schedule. >> i would recommend use google flights and search for the cheapest flights around you. it may make sense to drive to another airport. be flexible. that's how you're going to get prices down. >> reporter: tip number two, consider using a low-cost carrier. >> there's a lot of low-cost carriers. and cheap ways to get across the atlantic. there's wow air which will go through iceland. i just recently flew norwegian arnlsz. same thing domestically, check southwest. and remember the fare's jut one component of a ticket. with fees these days and airlines charging for carry-ones do the math and see what the total price will be to fly. >> and if all else fails, tip number three, use some frequent flyer miles. >> last minute airlines release a ton of frequent flyer award availability even during the holidays. so don't assume you can't use your miles. >> you might find yourself enjoying the diamond medallion treatment at the cubic zirconia price. zbll i'm hankering to go to london.
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miles. >> just now. >> check out how much. for a business class seat this is how much cash out of pocket. >> that's a typo. >> no. >> $5.60. look at that. to go to london. business class. >> last minute. where it's probably a $4,000 or $5,000 ticket. $5.60. >> cheers to that. >> and to your almost mileage run. >> almost successful one. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm kendis gibson. >> finally, new york city. >> reporter: and i'm going to sleep. >> can't feel too bad for kendis. he made his elite status on his next flight out for abc news. so now he can finally enjoy those well-earned perks. coming up next, adele fans are saying hello to sold-out shows and high-priced tickets. what the singer is doing to help. i must have called a thousand times (dramatic music) centrum brings us the biggest news
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finally tonight, she's taken over the radio, topped the charts. her song "hello" already quickly becoming the song of the year. it's no surprise that adele's north american concert tour sold out in minutes yesterday. so is there still any hope for those disappointed fans? hello from the if you were hoping to say hello to adele in concert, you're likely out of luck. tickets for adele's 56-date north american tour, her first in five years, sold out online in minutes. >> it's sold out. >> did you get adele tickets? >> reporter: and in some cases
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who want to hear her sing new


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